The Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-23, Page 1s‘r
22nd Year
• CLINTON, ONTARIO* THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1902 • Whole Number 1198
Examine your label. If it says you are in arrears, pay up. To home it marked a year in advance will be still better.
411101110'41,01,411041,ebegbAllboibelbellbefiftefteAbe.A.1.40#011"..41,4166,40.0.4100Aboqb, Little Lecals. Mines Are Beeorning Scarce, The Horse Fair, KIPPEN, STANLEY TQWNSHIP.
esessewsesseaneastertowe • Rev. Father Notthgraves of Seaforth Mr. Allan McLeod, who has been in The lame fair held yesterday was
will say mass In $t. Joseph's church on the Ilyery business in Lucknow for Wily well attended, Had the coma-
Satu.rday.. nuary
Ja . 5f Sunday but there will be no evening man): years, was in town on Tuesday try roads not been in •such a heavy
riervice. FatheeNorthgraves is editor on hrs way borne from the -Aylmer etete there would likely have been 0
and followIng week we will bold our very able and noted man in the liter- for his livery. Mr. McLeod. says , the present were : Jaines Horton, Lam. nainao, B. 0., onThursday, accent) pen-
ary world. Father McMenamin will country around Lecknow has been ley .j Trotter. •Elrindon, Mare ; Thos. ied by her little daughter. Mr. Forest,
of the Catholic Record, London, and a district where purchased a few horses good turn put. Among the buyers
Mrs. George Forest, who has been
home spending' the whiter with her
Parents. Mr, and Mrs. John Cameron
of Stanley, left for her home in NA..
make two Suricleye in succession, eral purpose horses and heayy drafts field, Dr. O'Neil, Londe* John.
Berry, Remelt ; Willia,m Berry, Bruce. Who Is an old Stanley boy, is in the
After Holiday Sale . be in Binh next Sunday which will 'wept clear of drivers and that gen-
building trade and has succeeded well
in his adopted home.
arrangement made necessary so that are also becoming very ecarce. Down Denholne /Myth ; George Turnbull,
These are but few of the limes we will put on vale ; Mr. Graham of Goderich was in this
he ma be able to attend at St - at Ailmer the have been '.'nn
Meld Willi
Scribblers and Exercise BOAS
750 Scribblers and Exercise Books,
mostly ruled, they contain from
• 40 to 72 pages of good paper
Isuitable for pen the regular
price of these was, from 8c to 5c
each. on sale Bargain Days, each
Lead Pencils
Cedar wood, good lead,per dozenerS
100 gross Dickson commercial Pen,
a first class steel pen, suitable for
ordinary business writing, 144
pens in the box, worth $1, an sale
Bargain Days at per box 10c
• Note Paper
Packages containing 5 quires Note
Paper fairly good quality, regu.
lar 2,5c package, on bargain Days..
per package .10c
Splendid quality of Note. Paper,
plain or ruled, package contains
5 quires, arid worth 10c ft quire,on
Bargain Days, per package210c
• Envelopes to match, good quality,
per package • Li,c
Berlin Wools Sc an oz.
100 shades of Berlin Woole 2, 4 and
8 fold. staple cidors, the best wool
we can buy, our regular price is
8e but on bargain days the prices
will be (ounces not broken) per
oz ' Mc
Vest Yarn Scan oz.
Beautiful Vest Yarn, peacock ghat-
ity, pure dye, in pink, grey, pink
and grey and white, sedates for
Knitting Cotton 3c a ball
The best brand of Knitting Cotton
is navy blue, red, brown and,
white and blue end white, per
ball ,,,,, ,,,, . • A 3c
Writing Tablets
Writiffit Tablets, note paper Bin.
containing 75 eheets,ruled on two
sides, blotting paper cover, bar-
gain days each , eic
Britain's Heroes
One of the best we brindle, contain-
ing 100 sheets paper, ruled one
side; blotter cover, regular 10e
line, bargain days each le or 4
for 21150 •
Roll Tissue Paper So
Fancy colored TIMM, Paper. red
blue,pink,green and Other shades.
7 to 1.0 feet to the roll, regular 10c
to 15c per roll.bargain days only
.. • %sec
80 fancy Cups and Saucers, !Deport-
ed French and Japanese China,
beautifully decorated, various
shapes, regular price $1, on sale
bargain days for.... . . .. . . , 210c •
Stamped Linens
Tee Corley, stamped for working,
regular 25c, now 10c
Stamped Lunch Cloths. regular $1,
60c and 50c, now 20c
Sideboard Covers, regular. $1.10
for ....150c
Centre Pieces, 35c line for 18c, 25c
line for • 4 • *IOC
vests. underwear, etc., Worth •
regularly 15c an oz. skein, on sale WC are selling goods to make •
bargain days at per oz. skeim.lic room, not money. •
W. Cooper & CO:0 CLINTON.
Agents for C. P.41. Telegraph and Dominion Express ' .
$ . .
Money Orders also for Butterick Patterns • .
The holiday season haseome and gone '
and we are once again settled down to
our usual line of trade. Before long we
expect to get things in our store so
arranged that we will be able to
. make some special ,announcements.
In our extra busy spell we did not forget to keep up our Standee
of excellence in Staple Groceries and we are now prepared, as
we always are, to give you the purest and best groperies, that it
is possible to obtain in Clint:can or elsewhere. , •
Fresh Lettuce and Young °Alone every week.
2 Ogle Cooper Co.
7 • farmers • ann am udnaore
Josephon Candlernae Day, Sundey, breeding a lighter class of horses than •Eriank Kling, Sisaforth. Anson those district looking up horse e and left some
February 2nd. ----Mr. and Mrs. Noble they do in Huron. • who made eater, were: John Little tempting hide. Theis. Forsyth refused
Lovett Whose,:residence on the Base and George Dale of Hunett, two each ; $185 for his mare and John Moffat
Line was desteeyed,by, fire on °host., Those Probabilities.
Angle: llecLeod,pf Goderich townahip, was asked if $150 would be an induce-
mas Day, . havesrooved into town end The probabilities in regard to the one meet to sell, but he refined, It seems
taken up their abode in the Marshall registry office, to which we made referhorses are still in deuaand at good
ence last week, still hold good though A P o
rgressive Firm. • prices. The above are the driving
he sky has grown cloudy and the The Messrs. Hodgens are again class and farmers are getting their
indications say stormIn other word& branching out and will about the first eyes opened to what is wanted.
Mr. O'Connell, who has for years of March add a stock of reaciy.made • The death of an old and respected
performed the duties of registrar . in a clothing to their already big establish pioneer in the person of Mr. John
very satisfactory manner, says he is ment. The entrance to their ready- Auderson of the Town. Line, Kippen,
better entitled to the job then any of made and gent's furnishings depart- took place on Friday last at his
the other applicants, and N he doesn't Ment will be from Itattenhury street. residence after a prolonged -sickness of
get it there will be "the dell to pay ,e The department will he in charge of stomach trouble recently, prior to
He is strongly backed and the Govern- Mr. A. J. Morrish, a geuial and ehrewd which he was a very great sufferer
ment dill finds. itself between that Young man ,and a capital salesnaan. -from. rheumatics ' for years. Mr.
The -business which he has been Bo Anderson settled in these parts some •
same dell and the •deep, blue sea and
successfully carrying' . on Huron. fifty five years ego when it was a cow-
'doesti't know what to do. Their peN
street will be absorbed by the Messrs.
Hodgens, who are to be congratulated perseverance,peivratedwilerness. By industry and
notwithstanding the
upon securing his services,
admires the progres- ' is
TEE. long siege of sickness, he leaves a valu.
siveness of the flodgens Brothers eed able estate to his family. He was an
wishes them • the success to which upright, candid mite sled his reminis-
their efforts entitle them, • cences qf early life and old settlers
. were indeed interesting. Mrs. Ander-
Willis hurch W. F. M.S. • son, four daughters and three sons
held its annual meeting on Thursare a
. ,survive bins, Arthur and one sister
t home, the remainder of the fain -
The W. F. M. S. of Willis church
usual op,ening service conducted by the ily Married or settled in other parts.
day evening of last week. After. the
phuresshildeesus, thene 6rnmetesti nwge were
community in their loss. The burial
The family have the' sympathy of the
readope n• ateodr.
adopted, ' took place on Monday and was attend -
showing the society to be a
growing one, in interest and finances. ed by all the neighbors and friends for
miles around, who expressed regret at
Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. O'Neil were the loss of our pioneer friend. . •
appointed delegates to the Presbyter. William audmore and Sons, hay ser-
ial to be held at Blyth. The treaturer,a porters, shipped. an improved iron
report was very interesting and erepress up to :Eases ,county this week.
'enraging. The election of °Mews They ate novrrepreseeted in four die -
resulted as follows : ferent counties in Ontario and ate
acknowledged to be tbe Hay :Kluge of
the Dormitsion, • - •
• Mr; James Horton is around buying
horses suitable for farm work fn mane
toba. Hepurchased several in ..this
• ,Treaeurer, Mrs, W. Grribani .• • district, one from VVilliana Cooper for
Leaflet Secretary, Mrs. J. W. •Irwin $150. • The, Kippen hotel is heedquart-
'Organist, Mrs Ws J. &ateers for buyers and'sellers:
Executive, Miss McTaggart, Mrs kr: George ripen, national 'despatch.
• Manning, Miss Thompson, Mrs agent teem Boston, paid Cudrnore and
Stewart •• • • , • • Sons* business visit this week. '
The Clinton. hockey team treated • •
Auditors Miss McTaggart and Miss , baPtain Frank Graeyille of Kincar-
- Wilsoe 's • •
• • • dine passed this way on a •visit to his
Clinton Plays Fast Hockey. . ; friends Mr. Joe Denterny of the Bonnie
last Thursday night by defeating.' Sea- cordwood. -The enterprise of Mrs' school for her sister, Miss Cora, •whe
cottage on, William streeL—Mr.
Thomas Kearns receieed from a friend
in Palnaerston the other day a pair of
chickene of the breed called "Buntiee."
They are not much to look 4 but said
to be good layers and still better for
table use. —A meeting of the West
Hurort Fermiers' Institute • will be held
in the town hall this afternoon and
another in the evening. .A. g6hd pro-
gram has been prepared. Tonanrrow
'meetings of the 'institute will be held
at Dungannon.—Mr,. L itattenbury
is now driving a team, Lucy Minto by . plexity is amusing to the onlookers.
Silver Chimes and Creamery Maid by
The Last Love Feast.
Wilkee Climax. Mr. Joe Rattenbnry
is driving Tessie R after her three • The pastor of Rattenhury street
months sojourn at the Wilkes Ledge church has called for a grand rattly of
Steck Farm. Joe says Taste is her. its members for next Sunday morning,
. self again. ---The following from When the quarterly love feast \and
town attended • the meeting held at sacramental services Will be held.
Benmiller on Wednesday oflast week these will probably be the last services
to advocate the building of a bridge , of this kind to , he held in the Old
across the Maitland river,: James Fair, chuich;the Occasion ought to be one of.
H. B. Cornbe, J. A. Ford, D. Oaritelon, great interest. The love feast will
3.• O. Stevenson and 0. Overbury.— probably he reminiscent in character,
The Holy City Company gave an en -• when the days gone by will come
tertaintnent in the town hall on baok•with memories sweet and fret& as
Thursday night last which was .worthy ever. , The services will begin at eleven
of a much larger house than greeted o'clock, as usual. The pastor's evening
windiriesup meetings of subject wili be a continuation of last
the Collegiate Institute ' board was Sunday morning's topic. "The .divine
held on 'Monday evening.• -s -•Have you environment of Mitnan life."
paid your back subscription t� Tau Mr. and Mrs. McTaggart Entertain.
News R13061113 1} Have you renewed
for UM t—segupplemeneaeoesapasies The social' event of the season was
tine issue of Tau Naws-Riestian, it be the ball given' in the Own halt- en
ing necessary because qf the. big act of Tuesday evening by Mr. and . Mrs. G.
Hodgena Bros. which 'appears page' McTaggart, With hunting, electric
five. Bargain hunters will- find a lights, Chineie 'enterers. etc.,. the. hall
perusal oftheir six celumns stere. lost its. everyday ' appearance and
news On be :interesting. becaree transformed. The floor had
ThonittiOarters Who has been very ill been put in • splendid condition : . for
for a number .of weeks, is now hie denchag; for which excellent music was
,proving He is fourscore • years furnished by the Brown orcheettre. A
of age,—The regular meeting of the recherche leathern] Was served during
.T. TJ. will be held at the home the ravening. ' arid. Mts. MeTags
of Mrs. Washington on Friday of :Ott are a popular host and hodeee
neact week.--s-A large white owl was and did everything in their 'power to
shot : by it son M& Ben. Churchill's enhance the • enjoyment . of • their
thaother day and sent to Airs. Seale,. •guesta, who. numbered over one huedtaiddermist, ' for treatinent. Louis red, among those- present heipg a
Thompson of Bayfleid sent over a number from outside towns. .
very large brown owl the other day Banquet tothe CM•BA •
for moenting.---s-Rey. Dts Gifford • • •
. ,
. . • , • • .
We wish you *happy and prosperous New 'Year
and solicit your patronage,for 1902. .
CIEWS, 'Jammer teal optician.
Biddlecombear Old Stand. •
Expert Watch Repairer.
has chosen a novel teat for his dis, On Thursday evening last Bev.
course .- on Sunday, evening next Fathersatetlenamin in his •capacity air
when he wilt epee*. inioathe sunject, grand 'Deputy, inatelled the new
‘.1 A.Time fiat Dancing."-Walliek tame of Clinton Branch of the 6: k,
who are buying homes for, edanitoh,,, B. A. who for the cutrent term are as
market, have sold heavy teams to Mr. o ows .
• President. Mrs R. Irwin
1st Vice, Mrs. W. R. Lough
2nd -Vide, Mrs. Duncanson
3rd Vico; Mifig Wilson ,
' -Secretary, Mrn: Boss
Mrs. a., E, Sparrow es spending
fortnight with her uncle and cousins,
the Mc:Naughton family of Carsonville,
Mies Edith Stepheruma of the Goshen
Line is spending a few days with
friends in Wiugha.m,
Mr. Ralph Steplienoon is placing
brick and sand on his premises prepara-
tory to building when the 'reason
Miss Shaw has returned to Seafortb.
TireW. A. of S. Luke's church held
their regular meeting at the residence,
of Mrs. J. Sharp on Thursday last.
Mr. Thos. Stinson of Bayfield &cam -
panted by his mother of the Saubleand
Miss M. Stinson of Clinton retorned on
Wednesday from a short visit to
friends in Greenway.
Miss Dottie Johnston of Clinton visit-
ed friends on the Sauble last week.
Messrs. ft, Penhala And W. Scots -
mere are engaged svith Andrew Arm-
strong clearing up his woods.
Mr, W. G. Johnston has given up
the farm which he bad leased from
Mrs. Westlake and intends going West
in the spring. The farm has since
been rented to Mr. John Johnston of
Johnston Bros. were to Brumfield on
Tuesday with two loads of hard ample,
haying on about four thousand feet,
Mr. Dave Dewar was the guest of his
uncle, Mr.. Thos. Stinscia, on Sunday
last. . • • .
lila Little, proprietor of , the Varna
hotel, ptirchased a fine cow from Mr.
James Johnston on Monday for which. ,
he paid a fair figure. s
Miss Mabel Rathwell of Godericii4
township is visiting friends in Stanley
at present.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert McIllyeen -of
Watford were visiting friends in this
neighborhood last week. ,
A number of ,young folk frorn Gode-
rich township spent an enjoyable
evening on Monday night 'last at the
home of Mr. IL Peck.
Mr. Wm. Taylor visited friends in
Seaforth last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Reid spentThins-
day evening at the home of the form-
er's sister, Mrs W. Bothwell. '
Mr. anci Mrs E. Johnstone mid
family spent Friday evening at the
home of Mr. It. Stephenson of the
Parr line. . -
We are glad to report' that Miss
0. Johnstone.. who has been ill, is
•re. Coverings
The Methodist church is holding rs' .
social at Mr. John Watson's on the
Bauble Line, Wednesday evening,
, Mrs. Join' Tough and Mies Collider
are improving in health but we regret
to date that Mrs. tRev.) islcIsTell is suf.
gia. .
tering from a oeyere attack of neural -
Mies M. Martin went to Toronto last
week to undergo an operation which,
we understand, was performed hist
Mr. rine Mrs. W. J. Brandon were
at Belgrave the past week dtending
the funeral of the latter's father. •
The Presbyterians are rushing the
preparations for the new church.. The
cellar has been dug and large quanti-
ties of brick and stone are ' already on
the ground.
We understand teres (Dr.) Stanbury
has invited the young people to form
a literary society and has given her
home up. to thena on certainevenipter
for:that purpose.
. . •
Master W. G. Holman who acciden-
tally fell on a sharp lead pencil, creas-
ing a bad wound in his leg, before
Christmas, is now able to he -out again.
Rev, Mr. McNeil attended the Huron
Preebytery meeting in Blyth last Tues. ,
day, and Miss Armstrong represented -
the Bayfield Women's Auxiliary at
the nieeting in the same town:
-Miss Olive Thomson, who has been
absent in Toledo, Ohio, the •past six
months, has returned for the winter.
Miss Allis Green, vrho has been at
home fee some time has returned to
Detroit acconme.nied by her sister.
Mrs. Joseph Brown, we regret to say,
is seriously ill at present.
Thal. 0. F. held an "At Herne" to.
their friends in the town hall on Wed-
nesday evening of tilie week. .
The financial report of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian church for the year 1901,
has been issued from .which we glean
1 that the tot al receipts were -4701 With
an expenditure of 160, leaving a hal-
ance of $80 on hand, " • ..
Mr. Williain Fee ..of near Zurek paid ,
a short our villagelast week.' • '
;Mr. T. A. Ileslarufforrnerly of Bet-
arave) :now. of Devire Lake, North.
Dekota, is visiting his parent at Bel -
grave eed- his slitter, Mrs.lea. Haugh '
of town. He brings with hiaihi.s bride
.formerly Miss 'Emil*, 0, , Morgan, • of ;
Bayffield, The marrige took
the residence of the bride's eister; alis: ":. •
ifircet,' on Ian. 1th, Mr. Eastern ie one..
the leading sbusiness Men . of Desire '
Lake, and has aegeired 'extensive reit
estate in -t ereststhere. .: After speeding . ,
a short time with friends here, ihey
their admirers to treat at the rink. . Kitipens boom In loga •timlier and *es . Ha- - •
ttie Ferguson is teaching. willseturn to their DakotiLlierne.
forth's fast 0. H.- A. team by 14 gelds . Alex. McBerith in blearing upS his 100. laid Op with citiosy.--M.r... D; Keiji VARNA:
alc317 stibsitsetswEetlieke._WermeestsG,O4d.erLieshv•vioonrie;
to 3.: The game nlis fast and . clean, acres . of Ceneda, Compeer lend and - , - -
but the • home. team was ,- too ,' also Mr. John Oaldwell'ar speculation Miss'. Mary Morrison .of Woodsteck
nit:able to make the game ris in terestirig in purchasing from Mew& Jobe Berry John Clark, Robert laobertere and 's
their. wivess. -also ' ,Ed qieifjodiler sister Lily over Sunday and •
as it would have :been • had she seaom and john Chalet -let's, dee acme JeoM gar Anil :Clara. returned to her home, in Welton on
. y ma c e . ea or each,of hardwood bush, winch is being .LawsOn, wor,e out to ,:Goderich'" the Tueedays : . • •
: , . •
bean more event t h d 8 f th
li - f t 1 d I' h h converted into what it is best suited for,• other, day.—Mr. and • Mra. Teem's . •Mr. S. A. Moffat ef London. paid a .
etonewalldefenceworkofMCK8y and lumber, tirnber or cordwood, -and laid
Dayment with "Sherr" in gold was too doWn in the G.. T. IL 'Co.'s yard here
John McGregor of Stanley and .Allan. Chancellor, Revt Father McMeina
Bromand a remount to Mr. Robert Mc- Min '
,.,..-,i& Proeositiere. for their forward for shipment. This, push and enter -
•Lean for ihipmentto Seuth Africri.--,-
Misses Carrie and Fannie Shipley en;
tertained a number of their friends pn ' .
Thursday evening. --Miss Tessie
Jenkins of Goderich township enter-
tained a large party from Goderich
.and Clinton the other evening. --The
special services 'being held in • the
Baptist church.are growing,in interest
from night to night and the , attend-
' ance is also increasing. Next Sun-
day morning Evangelist Seed will
speak en "Oliristiad Infitienee " and in
W - the evening on" Sleeping in Church."
- -.' m --,
la"." afiagbiludli ..i/A
.4•••••••••••••••••.4••••:••••••••••••••••4••••,••••••• ,—The directors of the Hunan Pack-
iing Company entered into a centred
on Monday with Mr. W. R.' Belden,
who has been a direct;. of the
•Se , rmers Pork Factory at almerston,
:to- push the eale of their stock. 'Mr.
Your Attention
is directed to our two column add
en page 8 which contains a list of
the bargains we are tittering. s
ill'ORR/Sh /11I7 HATTER.
The Compliments, of the sea.
son to our customers. ' May
the coming yak be bright
and prosperous. Start the year .
well by buying yet* clothing
froin tut,
Belden, who is a practical farther, has
• iet abouthis endertaltieg in an ener-
getic roauner.—D. B, Kennedy and
IIsaac Skinner paid a visit this week to
Tommy Sherman, a sojourner at
ICastle French. Tommy has seen
better days and it was than that these
gentlemen firsb made his acquaintance.
I—The program et the rousical enter.
taininent 'to be given in the Ontario
Istreet church on Fridity will be AS
follows i piano solo, Miss A. Gibbitigs;
quartette, Ontario street quartette ;
Irole, Miss Warwick; recitation, Mimi
Cunninghaine ; piano solorMiss Comb.;
Isplo,Mrs.Reekie; reading, Miss Grant ;
solo, Mr. Latornel : quartette, Ontario
street quartette. There will be light
, refreshments, Admission, ten cents.
----.A.,fileighload of young people from
1 town droye out to the home of
Mr. G. Sturdy of Goderich town-
ship the other evening and -*pent
a few very pleasant hour*, Mr, and
Mrs. Sturdy being noted for their open-
hearted hospitality. The party, which
• wae accompanied by Mrs.Whiteihead as
' chaperone, consisted of Misses Erma
1 'kaiser, Lulu Eagleson, Virti Heywood,
May Davis, Jessie Biggart, Pearl
Wheatley, Millie Stephenson,and Kett;
Ohowen, Fred. Eagleson, Frank Chet, -
en, George Biggatt, IteX, Chewers and
/Olga, Wood,sa-At the niesting of
the local brattish of 'the Tract Society
hekl the forepart of the week the
following were appointed (Mears t
preildent, Rev. Mr. Dunlop; eacretary.
treasitter, 311Inini Scott; collector',
Mesdames Chambers and Trouie. On
Monday evening the annual meeting
of the Bible Society was held in Willie
church when thefollowieg were thei.
en as officers for the year : president.
Bev, 3. Greene; vice.president, the
resident reinie4rs i eecretary. A.,
Hooper; treasurer. 3*, Cr, Stevenson;
directotit, Santee Walkingshaw, Nit
Q. Phillips, II. Wiltste, IL Manning,
W. Robb.—Mrs. Mark ()tittle, a
former resident of Clinton, died itt her
home near Winghare last night...-
Mieit Agraert Ross of Toronto, former-
ly of Clinton. la vieiting friends in
The West Calendar Out is the Photographic Calendar.
.Ofroday -
nitiab be it Outline artiet
and produce artistic re-
sults in order to Bemire
and retain custom. The
better the artist the butler
be Is kept.
That explain' why We
are to busy. Every _pat-
ron make" more patrrnm.
Best Cabinete are now
$8 a dozen.
tili4treetiveleesilartsar treseaspaseren.
Hen ty's.
o . Studio
. President, 3.4. MeOeugliey - line to get thrnugh with eny degree of prise will give employment tti ail the
,lst• V ice, Owen' Flynn . .. - ducceei •MacKa.y, made seine fine Spare men and ' Mama in tiairi 'imam
' 2nd •Vice, John Shannehrin : rashes down the ice breaking.. through .,and leave an opening, foroutsiders as
•Treasurer, Thomas Carbert the opponents defence time and again.. well.. Men willing to work themselves
Rec.•Sticretary RevFather
, , •.MP -en` The forward line
m ' - ' worked like ,sra:, or with teams have a choice to either
midi; , • • , . , • ---• contract to out and team 'or are paid
*eery end got in some fine combin•
, AssiStant, 4.. ()Oyer asion, she "4 effective shooting done: fair pricer; per corder thousand ' to Cut
Pin.- Secretary, lames Flynn by Herold Steep • being probably the and team. These undertakings will
. Marshal, Patrick Quigley . . niost. noticeable feature.• Litcknovi give empleyment te 50 75 mee at
Guard, Doniinick Reynolds.
• At the conclusion ot the ceremony: or record crowd le eipected at LatiCknOW no one need be hard up if he is . il Inv
w I .—A week from . next Supday the Jr. Woodward, Mal.. McNaughtenS'
supper at his residence and needless to will in eh probability be the same as cates had expired, left for the Normal Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be•
in the morning —A load of on! Delegate to ' Iligh Court, A.:
Sr. Beadle, Levi Mitkins. :
entertained the ineinbera to an .pyster is adored.: The line.hp of the team The following teacheiv, whose Certifi-
say, a very enjoyable. tiane was snent. gave Seaforth anch a hard game last schoel in London: Miss N. McGregor - young people took •of irip up to St. • st h n
administered its the Methodiat. church 1 ' jr. Beedle, Arthur Welsh , ,
Oliti•lc of:Dungannon spent' * few claYe abort visit to Mr. John Johnston on
in •the village last wee!. ---Mr. , J. Tliesdity of this week. 's '
Nicholson has been laid up for the last The Methodist church choir intend
two weeks but le' able to be abo, ut living`a social in the near future,
again.— Mrk Cester of Brussels is the At the last regular meeting cif. Ceurt:
guest of his daughter, Mr& J, Tainae, Varna 0, 0.•F, the following 'officers
at present, —Mr, arid Mrs, a Beadle
beeisribtlegttfieeiiy.odtayps atehhewreo. os-ssd wadir; tAhl;. . Were installed : ' -
Viet; Chief, A.b. Robertson .
returned home from the Hill after% • Chief Ranger, Rufus Keyes
ReCsSecretary,J. Armstrong
guest of "di' Idesee H°Itehaner for et Chaplain, A. Oa Stephenson •
few days la,st .week----/tev. • Mr. Ken- ' FinaSeeretary, S. C. Rathevell
plays here on Friday night when a lee" and MEM teanas for the vrinter, so nedY exeh'inged pulpits with Rev. Mr.
Treasurer, J. Sparrow
McNair cd Dunganncin last Sunday. Sr. Woodwarcl,Dave Anderson
fo work.
installation Rev. Father McMenamin has a very fast team so a. good game
About twenty ware present and par- Thum:del night : goal, A. Shepherd ; of Tuckersnalth,. Miss Capling of Blake. Heiess 10 see Hr. 0 'Decker one night
ep enso
took of the many good things provid. point, E.Dayment ; cover, IL MacKay, Miss Murray left for the Normaldhool, week__ Phyeician, Dr. Aannetrong, ,
On Friday, the 31st inst., The Court intends holding a grand
ed. Afterwarde short speeches were forwards. H. Steep, J. Clarridge P Toronto
' ' under the auspices of the Public IA. •
• . concert in the near future for which
made by Father idcMenamirePresiclent Mathesoia, J. Doherty. Ur. Joseph Ilutt, who • crime down rary. a talented elocutionist wilt the nOrnalittne 0711.1 spare no pains to
McCaughey and Dr. Shaw, • The re -
mainder of the eveninwas spent
of Huron Presbytery. Glenboro, Manitoba., an, W'ednesday
the .enjoyment of music and game&
The eVening was an enjoyable one and
viii1 not easily- be forgotten. During
the enurse of it, on motion of`Dr. Shaw.
and Mr. John Carbert, a vote of thanks
WW1 tendered Father McMenamin for
his kitidness arid hoepitality and also
as a token of their appreciation of. his
efforts for the interests and welfare of
the O. B. A,
Meeting of Public School Board.
for ,a tie° months' visit, returned •e.
The 'January meeting of the Presby-
tery of Huron was held in $1.
Andrew's church, Blyth, on the 21st.
last. Rev. Mr.Shaw of Egroondville was
elected moderator for the 'ensuing 'six
months. The minute' of all ..the
'melons within the bounds during the
pad year were examined and reported
as carefully and correctly kept.Rev.Ittr.
Fletcher having reported that the
grants from the Augmentation 13 und
to Grand Bend and Corbett, and to
Leeburri and T.Tnion church, Gederich
townsbip, had been discontinued, the
Presbytery resolved to press for their
continuance, The auditors appointed
to examine the treasurer'e book report.
ad that the amount received to meet
the Presbytery's expenses had been
$281.22, that the expenditure had been
$228.30, leaving a balance.' of $82.92,
The rernit proposing a commission of
Assenably to act in case of certein
emergencies arising during meetings of
A.ssenably WM approved, with the ex.
ception of the clause relating to the
number of members in this commiesion.
On the ground of expense Ana, the
probable greater efficiency of is mall -
sr commission, it wai resolved to
reConamend a reduction of the number
front 11 to 0.viz,,the moderator and the
two clerks of the Assembly ex.oftlele,
two minieters and four elderi appoint-
ed annually by the A.ssembly. The
tripod of the Wornen*e Foreign Mit.
sionery Society showed the combined
contributions of Auxiliaries and
Misiion Banda within the bounds of
the Presbytery to be $20.85 in *zees*
of these of the previoua year. The
amount, teleed for the past year was
0150.50. The Presbytery expreesed
Ite apprediation of the moiety's succeee
and wished them Godemeed in their
future efforts: It was decided to delay
the discussion of the remits respecting
Sebbeth "chola and other Subjecte to
an adjourned meeting te be held at
Heneall on the second Tuesday of
The regular meeting of the Public
school bolted was held on 'Wednesday
of last week with the members ell
present. viz., R. Agnew, T. Beacom, C.
Hale, F. E. Hodgens, 1. W. Irwin,
Jackson, Walter Manning, W. O'Neil.
Mr. I. Jackson, who has been a mem-
ber tif the board for several years, was
appointed chairman, Mr. John Cuts-
ningherne secretary and Mr. W. J.
Cooper caretaker, The standing com-
mittees were arranged as follows:
Property -Irwin, Beacom, Agnew.
Finance, liodgens, Manning, Hale,
Mr. Walter Manniog was appointed
representative upon the Collegiate
Institute board, Mr, W. R,. Lough to
the Examining . hoard and Mr. W. E.
Rand to the Public Library board, Ths.
night of Meeting was changed from
the Second Monday to the second
Thureday of each month. The follow-
ing accounts were paid Cantelen
tiros, $8.80, Seeley & Turner 60 cents.
Principal Lough in his report said; "1
have re -arranged the work so that the
pupils are dlistributed in the different
rooms as follow* ; Principal's el. Mist:
40, Milis Wilton's 65, Mies
Ittihh's 55, Mise 00Mbe'll 48, Mist Turn-
er's 55, Miss Taylor's 56, In each room
there are some pupils not fit for the
work, bet they' have been giVen
chance Ana we hope they Will be sent
to school regularly and work well to
'retain place in the claret During 1001
22 wrote for Hntranee and ail took
Manorti. 25 studente Wrote in Deem,.
;ber•and all were tuccessful. One pupil
obtained a certificate ab the Art seheol
examination in April; making $1 cer.
allege" for the year."
The anneal S. 0, E. supper Was held
. •
pear in the person of Miss /tartan k it Cc as
allace and the boar expect s d ti M th di b
IUl On ues e,y evening le e o s
to permanently reside there,. • attempt to keep up their reputation
o g hoir unanimously accepted, 'the kind
detective force was up attending the invitation of Mr. and Mr,. James
funeral of his father-in-law, the la.te
John Anderson.
Mr, Tian& Mecdoriald of the. London r hi h class entertainment.—Rev.
A, L. Budge of Matindurnin conduc• Keyes, Parr Line to spehd the evening
Mrs. Harold Walker, who has been
/spending a week or two with her par.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivisorehas returned
to her home in Waterloo. •
Mr. W. H. Johnston has been tak-
ing the service in the Methodist church
here on account of the Rev. Mr. Long'it
illness. WS discourses are forcible and
acceptable. .
Premier Rosa and his looked for
salvetien, referendum, are now the
publac topic here and it seems to be
throughout the county. Hedging with
this questioe, particulerly with him,
should be played out by this time. He
should be given to understand that that
fraud, -the Laurier plebiscite of recent
date, cost the country too much mon-
ey for nitil tO aSk to submit his blind
to fool the people and retain himself
In power. The temperance people are
reksonable and just in demanding
prohibitor), enactment from Mr. Rofta
and hit party for they have said, "We
believe the people are in layer of it
and if its within provineial power
we will grant the majority's
request. Now, it has been decided
that itis within their power to do Bo.
Then why not do what was pledged
and promised and not take Laurier as
precedent that promisee amount to
nothing P OnMrio is not pattizart or
nationally hound at Quebec its Mr.
Ress Jo:going to trust upon fooling the
people rith his vague referenda:IL
Tparty their promise of a prohibitory
I:perance people hold hitn and his to
aut.Larr TOWNSHIP,
Mrs, Geo. Connell left) Ob Mondayfor
an extended visit with friendb et Luck.
Mi. Wm. Addison mid wife are Visit.
ing at present at tile home of Me.'sGeo.
ted sacraniental and baptismal services
very acceptably last week. The Aver- in scicial Intercourse, music, games and
end gentleman is well known in the
manner as in days of yore. --Mins
vicinity and still parries his genial
y8dtradgeaY—ed save the King -
at their henna' The hours were spent
a taffy pull, after which all sat down
hostess, After supper the choir sang
several selections, ending with God
to a bountiful supper provided by the .
beie°r1 I Yb relfiteerrs o fi in lilt."
A. vote of thanks was
Tena Cowan also Sundayed in the then tendered by the corepany to Mr.
village. --Miss Edna Symington. is arid Mrs. Keyes for their hospitality
recovering, but.Messrs. Virm, Maedon- after vvhieh all retired to their homes
ald and R, T. Erna are both in ti‘ criti• feeling that thee"had. +Vent pleasant
cat state of healtb;--ellise Yates rif evening together.
town ie visiting old acquaintandes and Mrs G. IL Reyes visited at Mr. W.
I • d
t roue here L. Keyes onThursday of last week.
The annual business meeting of the
Presbyterian church evrari held last • '
Week, the report presented showing
the church to be in a prosperous anne
slalom After the payment of all the
accounts a balance remains in the
kande of the treasurer. The &Timor
are ; Elders, John llicAtih, William
Purdy and William Clark ; Board of
Managers, .7. E. Sparrow, William Mo.
Ash, J. IL Johnston, lolin Hark Satrtv
uel Reid, Viyilliarn• Hart. and G. W
Eigie ; Secretary, D. MeNaughton;
Treasurer. J. n. Sparrow; Organist,
Miss Annie Foster,
Meseta. Tartars nucleon and Wilien
Carlyle are cutting we'od for Mr.
in the Deters,
Mr, James Redmond. is visiting with Mr. Robert Peron took a eleighloadi
hie brother Charles and other friends of young peOpie to Ohisatted On Fri.
here. day evening, All had a pleasant time.
Mr and Mra. joseph Hudson enter- Mr. William Love hes purchased a
On Thursday evening last a meeting
was held in the Presbyterian church
for the purpose of electing the teachers
and officers of the Sunday school.
The following were elected ; Superits.
tepclent, Ttobert Love; secretary and
treasurer, Wilson , Carlyle; Bible
Class; John Coneitt ; Oletee A, Miss
Maggie McAdieter ; Class 1:1, Miss
Blanche McAllister ; Olass C. Mise
Ellen McAllister ; Oinna D, Mrs, WM.
Love, Ciao 11, Mise Aggie Cochrane.
Miss Aggie Anderson intends leaving
In the near future for London, where
she will take a course in the BusInees
College. May success attend her,
Mr. John Horner Is visiting friends
tattled Alan:abet of friends on Friday new Doherty Ogee. ' •
evening last. Mr. Willient Consitt *Ai Mooted
Mr, jantee LOVA has now finished director of the Hay 161re Insurance
hanting brick. Jernee wilt require Company last Week.
about thirty four thousand for his Horseless carriages, Vriteleat tele4
hero. graphy, smokeless powder, horniest!
list are MinA 0. A. Troye and Mrs, dude e have long been the "tope, but
Among those who are 1 the tick cattle. eeedlees raisins and brainiesi
Thos. Smith. this year the fad seems to have taken
Mr. John Logan is visiting friends in hold of the fartners and they are rale.
Ai the WaVlitiY 1$40 night. Addistan. this vicinity. 'ing priceleie horses..