HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-16, Page 6r—'J
I"'no Well unto death. Swearl" "None knew then but to Joy
11 ... . .... od the lul to pr9situbo.
XQt0s of 'luterost AboUt Soz4o 4� We swearil, responded all. HOUSEH "Now Watch for the sulinnelis U44iujr People. ozied The S ont 0 next meeting, and Until tiwa the Lady U4110 is said to possess tho 4 M -UDr,, Pa., our Cause." 4. mQst YvluublQ Vi011u In the world. It ., "Tcoadi Om y� T.
is A Stradivarlus whicli formerly to- pl�esIz rapoko lie turned towards the o &C an n" Daughter of a 'rove And passed through, One after allothe I 010,000, the othars fol I ..dPowder Ong% ltii Lrast, and Is alued at to him, and as V apProachea the EEThe King Of Italy is makinguse. of Kison Ludlin. I a novel mean's of defence against as, City they separated, each going Ills PassJniktion own way And alone. With the same Opod for Oc6d Toath Potatoes A, la Parkerhouso.-Add - When he drives he Is Ono beaten egg to " ptnt of hot surrounded by pix r.,alght bicyclists. Stealthy steps that had Marked their Not 1344 fOr 00041, Tooth marbed potatoes, season with one At reviews the King's Carriage is so departure did they Creep along the teaspoonful of salt and six dashe of surrounded by mounted guards that. OF P114CEDING said the young likUll, "And YOU NVill streets towards their homes, gliding r' ozo4ont Liquida5c Targe Liquid end P*owdo be its quite. Invisible. Chaptors.-J;?rluco Phall of Tyre meet in through the (Teel) shades of the. vres or by mail for lbeprice. ltoll nteaspoonful of pursues Alai -in . #,- t here?" buildings like spoctres, 346 floull, then form into balls; lixess The Qermaw4pipress has the finest I a to Make her his wife. 'Ve., I HALL it RUCK94 gOKTItEA�. these out rather tilia, place a, t(!iL- i QiQ AWS.hol- escape and is summoned Thus matters were arranged for Those men looked harmless enough spoonful of finely minced and season- enoriUl thin deho 'Pearl necklace in existence, It COU-, by the lung. they silently threaded their way TEA. when he wrote thesp lines, but they d Wyeratio Accuretell.
tains three world-fanious necklaces. young Strata's -visit, and shortly-naf, As I ad meat oil the potato cake cover- One of them formerly belonged to t ter 010 left his former employer's, but their hearts were burning with a, ea. The Answer is : 'The streets Are lug only one-half. fold over And ICASH will buy a box of SWEET SONORA ORANGES, or 11 he CHAPTE R VIII.-Coutinued.' dwelling and sought his own Place Of which, though it slum- Paved with gold and there is no i prm the edges together, place in it
Naples and '0;,tts Or(' long to burst battered baking pan In the oven un- or ex -Queen of another vo'eanio 'll $20 as Y04 take S boxes we will make the price $2.10 per box, adorned the in "SO there are other things In, Tyro Abode, bare, now, night tl)ero,' one of the umusetrients .Aage. of the virgin of of the winter Is 0eigli riding behind
Atolch%. The entire nediclace is Said wlilcli are strange,,, said Glo, in pc- madly forth! Itil u, nice brown. Herve with brown
(:Uttar cadence. "Stratci, to-lirght as CHAPT411 JX. To be .11 dogs. To be fashionable in Dawson 'sauce, Garnish with parsley. (A, THE OAWSON COMMISSION Cop, L11711tedp TopONT0.
CO tinued. to be worth $500,000. one must have Ono's dog team. It is bit of green about the food. Jill tile r, Eggs, Potatoes, Beans, I-Ioncy, Apples solicited. Came hither, I met some of the Consignments of Poultry, Blitte Before entering the army Oca. Sir Icing's soldiers, and they were rough- The heavy gong that hung- upon. BABT IN TXXE 110NE. :no uncommon. sight to see 4 DAWson dishes and a low flowds on the ta- 1,11velyn Wood gained distinction ba ly dragging to prison two Tyria, the turret of one of tile northern ibelle or it wealthy Matron enveloped
; ble are not pieces of foolislkness; the navy. As A, "middy" he served youths. . Now what Aelnous CrImo, donjbns of the fortifications sounded In her costly furs, skimming along:t1ley tire merely P, touch of reflne- 07. In the Crimean War being present at think you, they had coXamittedV heavily Upon the air, announcing the A Joy and Treasure When - Good: behind 0. team of dashing dogs. These went, which increases the pleasure of ent of Odessa and the III Cannot uess. hour of midnight. The mooi i had Natureti, And Eleatliy )(togs tire Urged to greater speed by the diner.) 5 TELEIURAPH blockade of Sebastopol, Afterwards 4 the call of 'idush on.' which means, Twentieth Century Wattles - Mix tinguished himself with the Royal of "I will tell you. They act been risen, high in the heavens, and now All children In every home 14 the in English 'get up' or 'go Ahead.) I b I ogether just"beforo time for baking Mr. Wood, who was only sliteec, dis- later than usual a One shed its light Ili 4 silvery flood over COtInLrY Med At some time or other I 'IT e men in Dawson City are by the ,t their work. t U TEL ri t11011a I knew. 110 supports by his;l the city of Tre. The nolse of. rovel- a r following ingredients I Ab pint itediclue, such "a, Baby's Own Tilb-'no means deprived of club life. The of Melted An aged Mother And sister, They I y as slied, 6r, if it broke upon lets, and this famous 1.0 ayal Brigade at Balacl%va and was tot W hu med lia fashloutiblo organization of this kind . of sweet milk, half a oup made an aide -de --camp to his com- wexe passIng home late at night, and I the Air at alL it was front Within cured many It serious illness all .9 butter, the well -beaten yolks of two -Y were thrown into prig- f doors. For half An! hour the tramp saved iliallV -a little life. Mothers Club, In sumillor the men play eggs and the whites well betAcn., Every Wick— nianding officer. Severely wounded for this the tL in Dawson Is known tia the Zero- in the storming of the Redan, the on. The Icing fears -tliat, a crushed I Of soldiers touiided ' 'upon the walks insist Upon having it becase it con- tolLais. Use just enough flour to Illake a soft I its they went to And returned from talus no olilate or harmful drugs. It ball, The , women play A Mate 4 -
young hero was hivalided home, and. POOPIO may Plot Against him, and lacrosse, Cricket and base- butter (about a pint) sifted with narrowly missed%the V-0. lie succeed- as anqther Mark tennis And of Ilis cruelty' 110 their po%ts, And then all was quiot. is purely vegotabli.-, sweet and pleas- serve tea. In winter they have the Jwo teaspoonfuls of baking Powd"i, ed in gaining a few years later as I% had ordered that none of them shall &Long beneath . Ilie Walls Of the alit to tal'o Lind prompt In Curling a and a teaspoonful heaping �f salt. Cavalry offreer Ili the 1ndlan Mutiny. me . ot in the streets After dark upon buildings that fved the Colic lub and the skating Anks. A story told to illustraie -the cliall- I pain of death. grand ba 1, or still Beat the batter liard and'fast LL few A It costs money to live in the Klon Evory Match lyl G � -6 Lightee, Opp
These two you6s , zaar moved a dusky figare, with 1 tion, disordered sLowach, diarrhotia, dike, batono , n buy acter of Sir Redvers Buller tl le by the ex hnd i8low and steady steps, towards i Titatioll ACCOMPLAnYing the Cutting all ca anything from is W r 11 in ocutionor,s the il VA.3r.eZ2 313 2L
-in the ontobile down if one h,
torrowill of teeth und incligL�&Lit;ll, BaUy's Own Price. A gown that a woman in In-! repeating. uring the last Nile or:yt eastern part of the city. 'noon there paign, while oil board a river steani- .,011, that'is horrible, Cio-horrl- i came Another, and then -anOther, Tublets tire a ceitttiii cure.. III fact, I?r descending some dangerous water Ole I" cried Strato, shuddering it the moving with the garrie cat -like tread, li would pay $25 for, she t In itlwot.t ally disorder - comillou to 4.0ald not expect to get in I)Awson should elapo before going to bed, IA VILLAGE. W b 1 to in one of the higher cataracts Sir JActuro thus cira '11, �arid studiously keelling.withili tile children those ta lots ObOuld . be 9 V- r less than 1�10o However, If one The more copious� the last-awal the A huppy �Illago is l.a llaye, in
Redvers entered . into a discussion "'Ay, it is horrible; but' do yet doopiest. shade. * In . other parts of tho oil at once and relief may be pj,ompt� has the Money one can get tlio most longer time one should wait before;
with Lord Charles Beresford as to think the scene ends here? No! All city too this, sain ' a itittig .-appearcd.'ly looketi for, Norillundy, scarcely Ijo() the VILder lite 'Will of AT. with such foul Along the walls of the j)alace, the' No.-er give the babies So-called accompanied by music, 1.4 Never i0mvel or fr-rce anoue to a. lialve of tile place, 20, -
proper channel that should be I Tyre is cankored I fashioutible gown there. A very good retiring. taken. efended I blotches. The -very -atmosphere 1, and through most of tho so0thl"14 which sil"PlY Out now served in, the 1Lst hotels III eat I There is.)lo fo.o(l ill the Will,liv vailable annual -
his own course, but in the end thal,'dlsop.4od, and breads moral pcsti.-� c1hu pectres, antl;th-!ni into &in unuatura sleep. Those Dawson for $1. Wood is -worth $20 Ceylon Tea Is the finest world which L,4 just Lw-, uisterut, which Sir Recivers recommended as 1 lance I Call such A state of thigs all towards one point. It they.mot oIli tlit% propqrfiUll of it third for
tftblets are small, sweet, Pleasant tck a. cord. Good apples were 50 cents 4J q td broad, boots, aud
everybody or tiltit,will tigreo' equally Too the world producesv ,veii'with adopted, with the result . that tholexist? The people have 'rlgllt� its they si)oke not, nor did they seem to :take -and prniRt, III actilig. Dissolv- apiece last Winter, and beefsteak tit reduced prices, andlitied-
1Y will be taken read- brings from 75 cents * to $1.50 a and Is sold only in IL',Sid With.: children heueleftl 'It for -tho old people
steamer got through without acci-; %Tell as the nobles and tile k1jig, anytlitugr abau.t them, , only; ed fix wat,01, the Avoiding, observation. dent., "You see I was right," said*lcll' aliku should %drva sonic par_f, il by the smallest infant, pound during the winter. Christmas,- should be observed : Never force. U. t3ir Recivers, triumphantly; "mine'.Poso. Front the monar' I Wear the southeastern Angie Of the � Mrs. olill McE wall, BaLhur9l; VI and 0111(tTen of tbo villago; aiiother oil on his i . I- turkeys were $1 a 4)ound last will- 1 Pjackets. child to fill Its stoinaelt or �satisf llilrd hir ilie provision of savings was the proper cannel," b "Tilat.' throne to tile verlest beggar Ill. tlle�j_f'Ltv Waits was a r(jCky, bar�cli spot, I ]ago,, *N.B., wfite. : "My,baby was ter, its hanger with Luly food which it - nen
was mine too," coolly replied Lord ; street, all, all must -serve something, I upon the inner edge of which, whers,!aluia.-t cousturiLly oub ed with: 'The winters, tire so in . tlia;.Black, Mixed and Greons di.411kes. but only all attempt, should bank, nuelol for flN,o yollflg i and
Charles. "I only recommended the Ind AII, too, are weil, ra lie invide to get the child gradtiall iewoll-11, alid the remainder shioned LU-, the' 8011 was r1pher, grow. a thick Celle 4efore I gave' him Baby's Own � Klondike that gravds for the buril 'Apan ti;t drinker� try "Salada" Green tes; other because I know you would go ter t1lb image of the God of all gods, I grove -of cypress trees. It :was a. Tablets, but shica giving them used to the food in cluestloil. to be alinotig lbe Oo diers
to of the dead are du against whatever I said." And muitilibod must be 1ace, a '44 Of liladd,m4)ul-, quiet, olown p inoved pilly to him lie lias nov since, st fftrad. Every. and 'covered. Otherwise the ground For this purpose it Is ii(it lle6ess ce wh n
hL'v�v La. (Tye. King Edward was eight years old lost- If the subjects of tile king, life by the. song of the dashinj wi6 niothor huilld keep. the"se tablets at-, would bao to be thawed out, Which that child hould out large When he saw his first play, and the Were made �o be trodden in the dust as and the low inurnitivings of theJ %A7A1, 8 at 111111A." a slow and a I . t and boLlce immediately. (Ittil-utitids of this food, but a liale 11 � minu es xpen.sive Process. event is recorded In a Royal aiar.V like brutes, tlion wi�iy we,-G� trio, breeze that pla:.ved artiong the cypres The,, cost 25) cents A box. You! erve. ho h shaved Ma- will (to. y art,,- I i I . . I I For Over Plity years
of the time. " 'Used TJp,.' and 'Box ated With hopes and fears, -with f-,bblighs, ��drds this spot movedicall find them at your th6uggist's 61, ple sugar. The old saying, "Tile child hoiddl U120. WtSILOW''S 800TJ11XQ 87n1UP hug been U104 bi n Cox' were. Chosen' for that fectionsand loves? and Why, too', did ho seeiiiing GE T AN Y DAMAGE S. I d Tomato -Boll cat that -which et)llltI% q)(ill the t illions of mothem tot lheir children While be.thilic, a d . phantoms of the, hour, 'Jf you do not, forwax d the- money Baked Maearow an ti-, soothes the ahild, aftena the C,,nis. al,syn Vain cur*,
n e late Duchess of a wise Gocl- give thdia lainin feel- One by one they passed thrlu gh the'direct to us and we Will son.1 the lialf a pound of Macaroni until 'tell- blo," should be altered thus I,ol. Rd 011e, regulates the qfoi,inoh and bowels, an,2 14 thg at roumly I.r Titat)-live cents a bptU6: Tock. "The theatre was well ar- Ings? Evary man. owes allegiance to grove and stood within the shado ci� "AL little strategy and resource der; drain -and rhis6 cluickly in cold tile child taiiie of ever-vt1dug Ir druguinti throughout *the world. Bs4Urq&U4
; tabluts prepuid. Williams' . 'ranged, and. the decorations and the government, bu f when govern i the trees. 1,1ro long a hundred of, -Aledicino Co.; D61A. T., BrockvMv, I Will often win An. apparently. 'hope- water,;: upon a'boacd and with come upon the tablotoLut lot. it at_ k gor 11 Mks. Wil,18LOW'S 800TISING bratyw- lamps quite wonderfully managed. Ment runs into bloody riot, and feeds thel-A had- thus met, and as tile Out, less case,' " says a.:well-Rilown bar- "a sharp knife cut into 1.11ch lengths. iNfy its hunger With tile food Which The four elder clilldrea appeared! at Itself. oil death- and destruction, thou moonbeam now fall tip oil -their faces rister. "Take, for Instance, a com- Butter a, bake dish and cover the bot- it likes. (to. Aourneyman Johler)-
the play, And the two. boys wore such all allegiance 1s; no longer ue. we Can see'that tbcy'aro all Tyrian pensatign action which I was d c- tbin -with macaroni; clot with bits of you Call yourself a workman. their kilts. The two.- I little boys had 'Dissipation , and debauchery . �t.ilk rtisans and laborers. lending on. behalf of a.certain rail-: butter, a. dash o(paprica, two - - 'T. unit turn ot it it job like that? Have on white satin, With pink bows at .. id through, the streets - like . gaunt spec- i For sm oral. minutes after thoy we -.0 DAWSON-18, A MODERN UITYi Way company. At -first sight tlie of suit, a few drops of oylioll SCRAP BASK'L ti
vver sc�rvn�d ally 'me at the
sashes. Priticess Royal wears 'her i tres, W11110 inuocdllco and virtue must; thus ebilected ribt a wor ;ovidence seemed 6ad.. against my - Juice and. scatter over it a spoonful Peach -baskets painted hiside nd �,Vou
d Was spok -Iradv?" Man -"Aye, I served a pro,
hair in a very becoming milliner, all I tremble and hicto their heads I tra, I an, but. nxiousl they regarded vach A WOBTAXIS VIEW;. '02 T31E clients.. The plaintiff Came -into. the of Parmesan clice�e, Upon this lay out with whitu. '%veak and feeble, and a si.ratutli of stowed, seasoned Alul intiko natty'scral) baskets. twisted up into a. large curl., * which to I do I speak truly?,, otheiv, and Occasionally furtive glanc_ ININQ METROPOLIS. t looking I 1, I 1. - i Per enticeship long afore you I.Alaal Ui �08,were ,turned burk 't6wards, the 110,1101ng his right Arm in a, stid, 2 stral -s. and thus --ciii1re bands of ribboil rua hi und wit, in lho Mas- is tucked into a dark blue or -black a, .7011 ..do," returned ed tomatoL proceed what ou bech at, ne' cramprId fuslitoil. 'lie dieclared', . th'at � unti I tile di:411'is fuil. , C Igb silk t, whiel . i kee a ie aff )rery.�tidy the voting- man while 116 reg Sle*ug city; -,but tbe'rock s and the �over with to- �of the upri I. kl.-'; P arded the and neat." Of the four children who QxClied arnicire'r With of th, tree5'bid sense of safety One Xight as Well be WitlioRt , he had not been -Liblo 6 -lift It - - . for 111LA' fastefted with it bow'. : bilt: !A 1)UJl I've.-beiin on Q stince alid sift fine crumbs ovei laughed that night at . "Box and �'deel)est awe. .. "That- Ilich you put all thrilr fea-s'to rest-.' i Pick and Shovel as a, :311ure than a year ; . I - Dress that It WaJ.4 ut- all with bl�,i'of butter. oil top, is expensive, itud liot alwa,vs - Cox," only one is living now,. alid'he speak is' too t W te'rAr impossible fol: to r. ISO ii . CUPILI I tif the 9allcQ Is requil. A Iliand with the avurvge wife rue� but.howi how can � At�. length one ofthoW number, A, Suit. (-it.. I . ... .. I .. . . I - im-high as. his ti, hour, than broWl.l. reigns over the British. B mplre. itibe helped?" middle-aged vian, towards Whom all Chin, and all oil �somo, bright of -ned . the a i-mor.o . r, eyes Lurl . let], Count of the piece bilk -wifl tio quite its weil.. -.If A characteristic . story' of the 'Straio� atilt aved his, halid-illb Mrs. regis-. injury ititlicted. upon -. Saito for'' the Above.�Stdw 'ft. eYus-sparkI -the air. -City' YukoAl, 15_-r� hint. it nicely heniiijed oti the, �;o ito ters ful of catined tomatoes wit zar's love of simplicitv hos �baen itig more brilliantly',..1 -77 going the rounds of Petersburg ith� Increased kitory, Is a`gUesi -at the Hoel 11,119-f JUIT was auirist ine, so far Apoonful"bf grated onion' .wicl o -show. These. brigbt bnds and his chest heaving' Li WWAPee6d the'-peoplo; 0 lately. A certain - 11 t but in a 1:bn illy 11ow-'. Would .speak' to dianapolis, . with her littl could ',�Le. L Made lip illy Mind half a-4ad uning akiiiiid. tho baskeU, spoonful .61 inix cloves leu enant' Who a real -11 : Elig An Joul - exciesce w "Brother id: _Tz isa ' ' T in "I had a I 6 :L i6 acti� inace (ground)-, :lAfake a Orowll'roux,il; two bows ides make e was in a perpetual state of impeculi- n a� low to rLock�-' th t the 41leged 'victiji I I nq V �eltig 61til L. I;i' I cl
iosity was- one da�y seen riding in. VL VP0 n&' ., , but :wood spent early folli, years in, the dent as �l attractive baskiat'. �,olltrust,llig w i,11 against - ;lm. n My 116 It* troubled' Which - -yet - iea�hed' . ;t1l oixrg, iumming,. and that he of a, taOlespooilful each -of buttr And J� 6t niQ. - I lhild., ot the 'vellow 'metal Lilid ., is could lift his arm if he, wished.: to (to flour; w4en slnOoth- add the" , stewe(l. the White onam in �incers. of the regi- ;ldst, thou knovv� how I ricI-'my,;elf "have you- doiie. y6ar duty?" cited, Paint, look' r. arl i)ay; ty. Y6 it pro pacts She so.., 1. therefore conliben oes,'cook one uiifLut6 and- rub, Pa ticitf y - Well lo. Mont were furious at -what �hey call- of it? . I cut it ofTI replied bi6y -all. ov g s - cod by saying.: to�nat in %, iedro I t ; :s to.,him, 'Ough a colander. Invert the mai- yrntno Qu�ninq. Tablets. All ed an Insult to the tiniform" and in- Strato,� half btar.ked from his seat' I.Tave you found -4 iec�&nt among of tlici, few, women who have very sympathet! ' cally,:- till drily all - - - h'Your drii * is extremely. qallord -upon a deep dish, pour elets've,fund i ii rnofidi� If it ftilis to ourea *imated to, the catprit ldgazed yPoor. ol)prussbd� p6opl jstdked. oil Clims' in tile H. Groye's slinfaurelsnexe 0 or It box. Ado. that he 'had Into, Mrs. Lockwo'od..Ioft her. Av i:. oiler iti set it � In the,o, N -L Eng is_ t..iiot ? the option 'of either sending ill his 6 s face. oAqt one,". responded the '' . . V .. Von "What Lh, crew ARtict lio�no,Jh 188S) and welit. to,tho sir, it is., moment And serve. Send' around This is the time the eing' � cashiered, And thcli mean ou?"' 126 Ait Ien 41 Ttaly, wlth.,32 1111111011s, las . now asked, at-tho me9 a ,,'fj�hen our,,cruel- 'Northwest, takliig up -it residence. in j: 'Vou. - llavei, talked ab uioikt� troublesome. For ti, ha�sh, dry - ' unlucky subaltern chose the former rill'ars hall out" It ' o grated cheese with I �tlle smallest* population of Lilly :.Of !Tacoma, When the gold, level, bi-oke YOUl.PhysicIaTi,. laml y, And-: cough Uake two them alternative. Bef6re'he had thn'e to I 10119'br-ealth. ok at oa,. .-honies, if: homes YOU.. Y011r itTrnips and Carrots- a la. Parlst- hl� wliltd Rkin oi, do so, however, tho Czar heard of . "Did' call call them, iind -tell out ln.'Ala�ka she determin -d,to- seek frWilds, haven't, you ?i alltt ta�ko 41,'t ;.the Great 'Powers. you ever yo I 'ut'Ooth-vegetables Into..4nIl tJiQar of a Illan's mt,'what 'Yes sir.1 Qillle-(, lt.,s treading Upon an. aspI.) Asked G to in see there, libless wiih the affair, and without a momol -d lor fortune the're. Sbo starLed to '1110 �, lballs like in,. 'h: with half a cup., f Are iiot tba.hai earnings 'They all-know'that cia cann I ot;gouge, 13oll the.ball' '-tender, the
return. X.Iondike witit'lier boy, -a y A' 13"L"Lto delay donned his colonelIs unifici of our'bands wrelle'lled from us, and yeat.a. � In January! -18i)Si -they' lift- it s . F41 of sugar . . - -e avrots in oue,'saucopan, the. trnips' enough to make EL thick, syrtip, ,I'll,- ing - for',the Want the regiment 'in question and, are riot our wivei and childi star, st �d by or, - better yet, 'a'jelly. Give -it t 'What did. of, the proceeds of I . art,, steamer her Dyea, �n another; - drain and mix.thein !it It etv! �1, tering out of his palace, hailed -a the i�epiile do?" Alaskan coast City,. ttilking the LymO ',"Were you abi I 9poonfut'evary houi Zir two foi". the The,lnit,ed ,States produ s, tram, and, it,. sat calinly "It stung thq§o earniugs'�_ not; forced e to llf� t. before;, dqejj� di%h. To -a . pilit ' 'of the balls. -poundq entering ts the aeciden first%.day, then 'kive,castor oil or .,tif grafn to evtgy ill
)ped in* fi,ont* of the I "And yet to support -it 6ni Canal route, wv, ly V ladd -it lialf-teappoonful of'salt', We castor'la . for Physic; habitant, E niland Only, 360 down till it stol Strato, how Insignifl- ed- oil - the Voyage , ttlid driven by a as., Certainly.' '($&Me Of butter and six.sliakeg .'of asp when cou gl ow . I iigh could you I For burns an one . tiling' is an 'ves. us inis6ry and 8egxedittion? But r t pe'ppe W r V4110 barracks. go desired the ofricers to ,cant galo -tile rockK1. F -wen't d tak6 man I Jy4s*not the jjsp�, Oven. this we might boar'wo r, or cover -them Ibe called, and when they were usse . Txi-. I phred with s ie it'not, four h ou�s.. tile . War 1 e III V-ias' nly. next - qiJes cion�' w ith cL -wh tc 'ounce .,of camphor guin and' 'two.' sting fatal?" that",bldcker is the situce. bled addressed them thus. S great peril.. During' that tirile :Arr 'Vithout thinking of the ouces ,.of I-ard and inalt together. men, -I have. just r grows VPOA -cis.. Even the public in h cOnsc- I` Tallied. rrunes.-7-Wash one pound of. Set ayifroni- Ldekwodd,'with, rAOST POPZJUAR DENTIFRICE. idde her little son er qudncest, p went* .110 injurea' �,bcittle, to dool. This HE Then t,road:ii streats.`ixud the--frcs4t -Ir tfial, -tioct 'arm, 1 --unes, in two'-,Watera' - ,and is -also, godd for -0fiappold litZlid4, lips am in a. train, and. V�wlsh to know as . given armsi ciing to the dock, ONpeiethig With 66 ans*er, 'Ad J�i'gh ti t', pi soak "ll'bereAs some. doop-nioariffig be- us� Are- interdicted: to us as 'a 1twenty-four hours* water - to If you desire me- to send in my pap-� h in - every moment to be washed:Awciy'by right above ttle.mart's head. after tho-labors of th d4y are clos- cover, Place. them (in this. Water) ets. 1. presume I ave ilisgiitced m I neAtll all iis.Glo; - What is It?- -the Waves thitt wer6 behig driven.' "Of course..: the, roars of J'aughter le- 'her- - tha t followed -this performance utter- Tli�ui�p'l>-I-ItLi-dii�--"Did,,voiI Ask '�O(aQDWX-M uniform." "Sire," replied thV ;m Oan,st� thou not'sce'-ft?" od. Ye godst lity. brothers, thilil-, of. Il h I In - all agato, saucepan and slice in. a a- . lig by A -.terrif wind. The t - Mrs. Jor, nervously, "'Look through. -the city ice smah laincin-fre.ed -froin seti1g.' -e% If' *' Y Plano -playing "your Majesty could alid Mrs, tdoor I . . d - .1 %xiloweter. wai 'm degrees below zero, l (11111110taldeld the shainmer, 4110 he, .(Boilill � in .that." I 'Then, I" ' , fio�i matters sf&ncl.'�.' A low murmur xan'through 'but 'the liel,dib little. wonian clung, (lidil"t get lowly until tender. - 9,disturbdd� her 'blaby 'Servant-- never do replJod tile peiabl� C Czar, with an Amused slulle . "as I .1 have'donO lt� often." �,'aiid tliey'�Nvayod. to - and r6n * And finally sa herself and sPOII8 any evapo�ated fruit ool: " Yes, mum. ; altd-she.stikid t'lie btiby. ; Prtiserviis the toolh. $Woolens the breatit, �tnifornl, ille Workings and!remove its; soak one7half box have not degraded' the Open tile Picture further �boncalth heinienPL . child'. � They managed to reach. ilieli, :nked it,.,ancl she' wvts� inuch"obliged , to I Strio i9then.8 the 9tinis Lieutenant D. annot- have: done. said the arinoreit', ivith oi - - Passion had:.1ticcil Uius aroused. of 'siiarkling* to of hiEf pe,7 gelatin In Ono cup. of i you for. - pla.yin' so much." -Mrs:. 0013 in 11 cold water twority-iiiiiiiitesi-the a4d' and will thus retain his co I Culiar looks. "Years ago. the Illyrian. 'd6stinatioli aild Oio years ago.foiind A tThumpp,ffa�rdie� i c q i a, r v Uj 10 Ld�dawn fro thti- sihill rock tmmission , themkolvc.s in IJawson, the IrOUNG" WOMAN -AGED 2x- even if ho, like '71obl� . . . . one scant pint-61-boiting W as,. liluill. -sl I * Ii I I I. .. . . in this regiment, s began to amass �Wealfh And' U130A which he had' beun standillf.,, faMo(l8.l1l1ning city in -f-he wolld. of, siliak; stir . having. f atoll I.' OXIL � Servant-�-' Y dares to ride I and atisely, earnestly his brothpri* n i'train.11 More aavtcl -trciuble'& poun( in on 1: just, came -into �po5session o they bekArt to grow indoloia. , t brou, -Up-io� -STORY- luxu "Dawson I h . gilir I. the vesse at in a.pAn. O i 4,606 'wiAes� io cdrr.esp6nd witb: ries. were neces'. gathered aocipt J�, n1 is -cracked - qciry fo sustain a. tin pan BESIEGED'B3t* PIGS.' ther-4 in. i date,place,". said Mrs.' Lockwood. dowli u, -he I . lo, begins to., thlckei� cover. poll ouMall hair dissipations. Walth rled .. scontinued to fie* into th ij a illight.as well go� to that btt it'. deep agate pail with llonest'intelli&ent mail, wha. would In front of the town bf.AkTohastr, a 0 of-. STURDY FA31=?, ST I got �Jhb 'p n fors, and the became or lal' In 041solid mass thoso. 1wrong- country without -his - Pick "tuid shtr RICICEN one-half ah. Inch thicknLiss.0f. * the 1dasint oxpres, little'port near Tuni , " y in a and' ore - _ VITYa.RHEUMATISX: 18 jol)y;'set t'Ill A: cool ' ' . f Rion' vou want �" as�ked Ark, Glib- ; appreciate ,L good'wife; ,538o s is the I dlid. avaricious, With. Wealth and C�aso scared'man knolt 'abotit ij)�,lr leader ii�s.wlthout �ui.. place, and Box i of Kuriato, upon the rocky founda- CtTRnD,BY DODD'S KID- "Yes, Or," replied the photo-' tion of crime urrOgalica-drid. dominaion, and and clasped that r holids. tow Ards hen- AT ST. AN.WtEWIS TIALL,. Nry PILLS. whan ill -in. layAn the�pruiies And than. 'It thin.tWit will.dO.-very Toron.to', Ofit adO ' the , 'remainder' of the jelly. P; the which a liglithouse has- been van. - ThOr countehanegs were light, tije scial .:"Then hurry up, please. .4t erected. The keeper, at Jength downright Cruelty Marked vent; -year had to barricade his door Against . 1. 4 however, , III's their ckurge. Now the . people of -ad uP.by the beatits of the moon and- on , 6 Whou 71rin. clip an Instant in hot wa� hurts I had the li louding, �110 , , my face-�,': every lincainent. could.ba trileed lill,gr Willialix ogilvi 'This Xan Vis so 33ad That')isi* tar',' or, bettor still,.wrap *tlie out- number of. s Live the power the attacks of 'ryr. 1, o stop tile aild ularch with e,:l W -Its workings Fearful Were the..I)ur-*Who was :tllcll (, a d -A which have been a a "'a' flood, for, theV cdn 9wLp their t avornor of� - yukon! Was Almost. Par Iyzd on- side witli..a, cloth Wrung -out of hot Iad to multiply� Y- ra, �9
I low El Ban
rants.+ from , tile cartli.. Dost thou, poses that. lay. imaged there,, And, Territory. Some of th dierful, Cse. and a Very Water ;!,place�-&. tho- unheeded , on e. costumes ili SOZODONT ipr the' TEE i H 250
the island, vilhere they s and in' fearfull strong(.-' was ille st6ry of were - Cure'.by This Excellent' ?t + the niold and. ithe W InstrCAMOnt8i Orume, Uniforms, 111to, under t cry claborate, nd' it is said'i Itemedy., favel have accounted for every 'scrap ot vegetation and "Great (1, od! ejactlitited wroilg thaL had formed purposes hi-Jilat tile gown. worn by Cone Of the I�orth. 11'emicanilligue,. " uc., Jan.. 811P outi This-di'sh is-Prottier .gar- milli oi . i of soldier . a In EVERY -TOWN CAN HAYE A BAND
every head of'gaille. 1. 41 Illshed with wip'ad creani,:but-it, is Out 15, Lowest prices over obed. Firie Cataloffas They were partl StraLo, with at hudder, .,.,tile -people their bosollis, W0111011 WAf+ mde In Paris and cost. 6. hDouglas Farm. P. V,. IV _13. J ohnstoll .d III tills metal,
.of rob- omittL ving to tile. tile armies of,the -;even largest pow�.
cularly,fon(i , I
!". - . � -' "lly the great Qod Above all gods, 60011luaDracionautall free. WrIteustor"r
bits, which will not riso :c -son This,:near'liere. Once abounded oil 1 500 laid dowil,'in !)it%., ling high J)rIcas of Island. The food "Would you, Strato, and 6y tho:6inciftal And all-pOWLI'411 gown 'wLLL; . jV01-11 b Mrs. L AlexandLi- i wito the Were you I . h ggs.- Prui as L '111,pperly butter ers, Great Britain's. sh I gre is only thing ia iml * I
suPPly fidlingi they jAUSbkJIJ is kno. happy mat . i indeed served. 750,000. theit 1101-otiles, a nio8t: . solcly)nJy mwea wnl and c WHALEY BOYCE go,,. MWA
developed a ferocity which h' cl)cinald, whose 10
.s Illado, The youtig man. spoice ndt, that vengeance sh-all be. ours..: That *a 'and cooked are all addition to tha" Toitimito, Oil&. and Winn LIZ, Xau them dangerous to th6 liht s the McDonald was I Air. Jdhilson?s�114pt- ip house fo for. the . The cause f keeper, and thoit a arTul'Aruth of Glo's meading Wo wJII,Aot rest -from our ea�na.,kt Ia: One Of tllV, (Ittily'. iii that � lios.s is, his omewhat sudden clad table. They' itre highly. appreclated;. ....... has W)keii thel;-',valup is kho�vn. . The'Y' been resolved upon. 'd bovs till oui- -tyrant, oppressorsare country atid, -truck it Ach. Andivery*rom6rkable itcovel-V, from tlia, WALXIN4. UP011 his niind, 1b sa;;� 116* s come now in specialty propared,.car� OLF-ANING OR li6ver seen before, nd lixid beneath out" fQaLf spoultjng PeoPh! Wild iiiost �overa cas9of llheii�la(,Isn n]achy in ever are large. and plean moderate TAXE NOTICE., "Ive S*dar!" seen in this county. a B N. lie Saw too, ]low Plaill, Was ilia solu- on, in(led in rice and- are a. hbalthful And eC,, Oj u,l Uff&od, I We iiubil5h Winple, testi- CaU1606no parteotly by our Vranch Process. Trwilt This occurred in the case him , *Ilo, dar P . . t . that'took'l For it, long tiluo he' su wl Lh, onomicail dee L. stralglit . Uoinan of, 'the SeO.Yotl understand lnei�l contill- In.fill; Pill-. place, oil a lake Bennett stearncr� In the Rhoulliatism gradut0l r. munials, not press agent?s inter- OVEINO 00, Empire. Oil the death of iied Gio, - after a'pause, "but ' pose.": '1809. .1 - was oil the steamer and nict grew worse till it, threatened his IM views, from well knw�n people. NOINTItRAT,. TORONToi OTT WA Ott 13NO Pertillax In 3,98, the Ilave. : - "Amen! rosl3olide(I the people, 'a; woman and her busband Who w6liellis pr' -IiXTS To rrousEkEtprs. Prom all.over America Lhoy testi Guards, put up. nothing, to fear,, for Were , ull ain � his Wit fy -
oil by public auctio' the empire for "aieL our We,ftlthy. noble% like+ you, tht. Iwo- tknd than, '16ilpiving their Icader's ' going I, of i tic collillrY With $I,- side , -aiid it wits so bad that Jits trouble 1, o to the merits of AlINARTYS LINI- Dominion Une Ste finnips r f*et.' �.)()O.'o Tt is a .96od eal ' Lof
n, and, after all ani- aUv0lllciIt1,,'they roso o thel 00 l2i g6ld dust,' During the litontroui to uterpool. Boston to Liver.
.ple would spill the'llist dpop. of thell. neck stiffened so that he Could stew dOwn" a pullipkin for Pies, as hfENT, the best, of, Household Rem- pool. Portland to Liverpool, Via Queens.
ranted competition betweeli ulPiciali blood in thelP. servien and defenv "Whei-c IN itsked.,Uk. 'Conversation .sbe said to me : move it, And was �bcgijllli ecil'.'s. - . . . . town. and Julian, it was w.powerful and it must be stirred alirfost constantly CO3. knocked'. down. tO this thing will not foul. aralysis.. Ther pain. Would 9 C C.,RXCHARD.9
the latter for 6,25 M as, happoli, will it?" toward 'the �ast 0 - keep It from for *1 Amon ol woonuera. 8,doons and sweroomq, 0 dracl estepPing froill 1111013gst 06 kcst,. alit comillp: out 0, ntIllonalm, away for it 11ime," - but return with �%tickillg to amidshipm Zeial attruon has bv.n &[ran t4 th Romans held auctions continued Uz, ','havo, you 'What's the first thin to the kettld and burning. ocoad saloon gad 111111rd-clads ,acconmodation, rev N you are g)-ellipr force, And. it strange f-ituru One n' rates otf4saag" slid, all to Anir &sent Of val-1011.4 "J. knoW not," the eedings beflig �Illilch Mail, "but. yet T fear lrad up,portunity u -el f 21 -Ill.- ca -that aiter tile JALI-111 b 'puttink,'the pumpkili ilito a but- kinds, lay Simp'lify Xnattvi", it little the game ia all cage�: illat Trn to y 'gbing 11,0 do -to enjo,yours I of s the ubmphrky. 07 dUctio )ireparing a 4ourge Ilia.16-slittli -Of wwrld leave it.left, A Itiobarfe, IIIIIIA'A CO, D. Torranoo &C%. sub hasta, '-sviiiell. wLt8 'Lt )le whilid lt�r6d pull,or puddiowdish, or even 1 7 Alontreal gqd Pdrijamd,
ovell Unto cleath. Tilll�,, how- I, li Live gu Irleci w6l-6 thall I i I'M going to Parls, nd have a;1t, lhat. Prickly .-phis',aud needles" .41) rind -finIshing it In . lie r Pear ever, will 111 illy quartor.thera Are 8(1190 lon., the Livell, whore it must cook slowly, Plunder, 'Was held under 118, ilito tile still's heat alsog froln the
stuck in the grou reveal it itil." triald lied seriously. Alletionis, or auctioneer, lvas man to, lihnself, bending his Ilea(l 11.1 van be imavd. Ri. i ent's notIc. nunuto.' To (to the same work artl from kniong tile argentarij, 017 t rutl 0 aes i1poll ilia II)ovf.(l .-Carefully and I k1low (Irol VE111v . 'eialJorato. , With it And 110 grave' tiag tip, but ro- 1 oc sionnily, or it will crut oil top. it Cuba of -coal 200 wilet, flit ball, continued Mrs.' IIIJ4 tobacco luid -something io do eft � IChangers, dild'his re LOckwo d, 'ywi To And out whothor poultry i ton-, deep,w I ida, and high wo thO.'now., Ar, iliv inovoillielillts, (,to 'to IV griwild." 114% tiloll uld have to lull," gilt that Tic t
sinuk- of coul-se, it ilust be sUrred her . II on - rth 87 inillion, tons of Water li)a9Nter T P ruitrinured. the oug ovor.22,00n n4idy'llien, , a Ild.6ach onci that Ii.t. A ii -w iThe had faOilonod inectiulv%cent ('01ved 110 bellellt, at all* till he used der or otillerwise, pinch ilia skin, If _Warft An inurrection?" "Well, good. daba, And I-hou, A ights hrio-AnjoHetin aliti P"aiglish 1)o(ld's Kidney Vills. it to the ilesh . rd is be Tilirlit, every second.. Onl sueh its tue king,- mid tile jlO_:'%ac, how liasu flioll succuedod?" Ilags, Lind I Was, fold the decorations This rosuccly ho found to be a, conir �, Igh ;--if. it 16.aves* tho'llp.' Nursery 'A RANDY POST -0 plor, Pj sh, it 1,; P are f -well." returned art-'etist in the. iwighborhood of $3,006, Weto and abolute e'ure for his mal- tender. -Nover.parboll a turkey be- Deaftess Cannot be Curl0d. dare three in ad, and % cry soon after cominenc-'. foro roasting. It tn as fi-oin the 'the postoffice in India ,)at oill flic people (Io IlSu, it, will, k bf q,hepa be. solat, ailionA lodai appiloationo, ttg they mikhot reach the tio mother crin afford to bo withelit An
Collects and delivers bo almost. 1,Ulll)illg night. One -of thesu': lllfr Its I,se, tho pain began to kave -Ilavbr of the nicat. dsoa4rdpartionofthocar. here I$ only Ono gileaditle, Dables'earos d acoldents
And other arlAcles; buL.ucts to it "At" q10 gods tivert, such it, fate! iltistInt; hl My luarter Who will not theatres has what Is 'family 'Win Liyi(I now lie Is strong and well. I In preparing a'salad, wash . hat_ way tj ouro deaftibm, and that Is bY constitil.. By, all oall for alloadino.
tain extent as a banker to tile get,. from otir �11 V, fill, tho reaults vist', against, their own noble nolgh-.n gllt, one, night in tile an ektpolne -cuse should ever grivii is.used very carefu III(, tiorial mineffles. DooftwAit N enus-d bytLn Ioral public, Inflainod waftiliall ofthd mucous linin fthe Large 00X63 250. Druff$19ts or sells. qultifno and -ay US." family )light woluell alid children (till, yield so vasily and quickly proveR see to' it that K.Is dried porfe�tlyl A Mu8titelitan Ttibe. Wboh this. tubegil., bt. ,;all be ibors, bill, they will not tell 0110adille, Co., Toronto. Pays military pensions, And collect.4 "Not laore w'-illall tho-present. as-, arid'. flow many such are 4�p with perfect safat and propriety. that Dodd's Kidney 111119 will curo few Wet lettuce leaves, oi- not, ftnied you have a rurn b)ing solind or Imper the revenue Accruing to tile gOVerll. Peet of our horivorl. ITtirkl 11par. t1wre?" I have novel, attended any of the any caso of fect lioaritig, and when, It i-4 erit raly closed . I ."Only " few. Soina. dozen or so." other entirely drv, will lot enough bilyls- anti unlesqlho Inflam. THE MOST NUTnITIOUS. ment from land. And other sourceil. VOIL that foul as alut can't tty What I ture in *the bottom of tho ?n (Lt ton c;%71 he takril rl tan d thla tube restored But to the' fertile brain of one of returned Strato, as thei "Than, aganst that, we'll they tire like. There ar�) four! J*aIad bawl to ruin the best dr to ifttnormal coudition haarlitir willbe do. sounds -also 110 It there be if, no-'dilurchaq ill Dall,ot,l and ille .; LIVu_*1 t,,,y,,, f. rdror - idli o (int Of tell 96ro
the oldest officom in tbo darlartineut of load voices In dig- i ever mada. damilhYnIt-Arrh, which- is nothifigbutall in. t: P P is due the latest III t'116 Cord Were boi'no along upon the night ble w1lo valt collifillilld the love Of tibit Army has (lum-tors there. fLtiiiiy story is rel ated of i it I A flained condition of 06 hiptiouq vikP ace Work of the The JIUII� ft I r. then that 1106101 llot2. "There are dso two )�twjttcd it judge, Lind f SUOGIIii,18TIONS AS TO LATIN(;. , We Aqll give One Hunch ed ally GRATEFUL— 00m FORTINO. jurylikoll, who c (vausiadhr ent. -rilh) that can jaub post-6fl1cp lia,4 c()Itla forward a,,; "Would it bo t(wrible, to have t4tel0such "s Illose a-uillst, wll()Ill we wgtr. tif -t be t i red by 11all'a Calrrit. Cure. .Soutl ics. Thai-(- 1.4 hat one 1wi(I.-ImIlding that without telling avi untruth. Ile, You should avold oatlbg Ininia(* an elementary teacher. it ot offly 111011 as these' removed from theiLet them livo, for More will be but in the town. tho-majorhy of htrue- Clinic breathlessly Intothe court la 0
collects letters and dollvem tilem,' Cftiv?" asked 'the armorer, few such ill tures (if logs. Tlin' aLel after a strong corporal or mail- P. 3. 011PNEY & (10., Toledo, 0. A ,"O are 801110: ."Oil. our lord, If you ca -artion. You way thereby In- old li;Drairglstv, 75c. bos in elementary they deserve it," return- ,UZ,11 Alrac, "Will Gio, tile Inore pretentious buildings in course 1110, pI*Uy E 0. T floll,t kilo U a but teache. W which. considerably with our dige- t1obest. ORVAKFIAST-SUPPE , ft. schools how to Write tliolu.�uad Ltd. ad Strato In Lt sort of forced tone. join its, you?" !of creation llow. Thii f0l1v Churches will dio first i -Illy wife .o.l. illy Claugh- tive dress the covers. "Thon Wt them beware lest th.ov "Whether,ho ohis un ot' not.', re- crowded to - t1ld doors tit I each 14trolig mnreceive their clesort.s. But enough �f turned 17z, "he will be faithful to wid , they tire Idl elilarglog. fear, excitement, sorrow And frfglit, itiliabitaitL of , ondon euts that, I polon to 'you - as I us; J)ut 1c,,t u% not. draw hill% Into. our. their buildings. %no, that's sticy," said tile 111"'pr,vent the sucrLtioll of gastric; of Potatoes ill 1 DEEP AXtTE SIAN WPILLS, 10(l uXf(I noccilt. judge "Coftuful ; you - are juice, agid It I.,; Advisable to I n
. An artesian well i would bavO spoken to'no other noble i Plans &Lt present, fail it I am not mis- 400 Children attend vvhool in abstain from Cating binnodial.oly af-� comquitiL%.q QII iiii n arenelle, in Tyro, Xo%v to Alapin t ken lift will operate &�st alone." 'son, the, eritire Including Th 1111portant France, took ton years of coutinuout.) g,, 't'tor An such. occurrence, . llext day Clio Jurywall Was Ina 140 pounds par 11111111111. to hor to-xyiortQw night it you sright," rejoined Gaba. and the luffillig camps, beffig ut by It frl,,,,d, who, in it. �ympathetic After our jacal you should uvoicl work before water Was Arbek, at a Wig to this All signined tilch, a -'about 10,0(io, depth of 1,780 feet. At 1,,-)59 feet .'.()f Course Voice amhed . -nf. -,our wife tiny strMig corporid "Ci-tioll. and
ver 200 feet of the boring rod .4trl%tu, er also absLain from any mental straill, atio MInard's Wheat ouros, etc. C s er On id,
broko and fell Into the well, And it Where is with sudden animation. 1*33uti "Now, .14111d IN, Cis 110. 011M, 1110"Allough %evere lit Winter, J.q not mi- right, thank ou,"' It Is Vary advisable to have a, I . I . I - .1 s(eppod Upon i lip ninall rock where IILItltllful all(, is 116t. youl. daughter sbort If olisible., 6OWS W" fifteen Months before it was re- "Wr retroat Is among tildrulas of'bij had 4tood before, "lot us well ull- Lust wint 'r ;,I Julittur I till 'A . ft,vertlge 80 flonilds (if' to thablitil or worhan with a deposit covered, A flow of 90(Y,O(.)O gallong tile ()I(l ght, too, W113? do you A healthy al%vtt all - and iso hom n ys, hus Iti-tbuttal III It, IS tl1A 1300UI`It$'0f I- 0 OY il :* dapalted. If We deposit is with What WO, are libout and the thermometer at Illy cgbin regis- &INIC Oblation to close his eyos, uld 21,1,0 j)olllld�-; of' per day to obtained from It,the bore "In so dreary a place?'- thell we will Remeiftber,;tort-cl 17:1 below zero iAnd theyd oster.day ou said iliat you .4 being eight inches. At 11a. a little titter ]its dillner, AVIA'tcs Dr. iluld Purnia 306 pounds. I Well 1,063 feet In ctept)l and *'Xcir do J. In sisk, "Site has coinfortable (luarters, a; iny brothers, our emim is n. jut one, notw, Puring that dl�%Vnjol'y' know which would die flrqt"' Well, and If you Zib.4crvo the dumb 8 Prom Ulu
France, there Is another V 01, Ahall see When you go tepo.,, i and he wrong.4 of years Are burtlilIg Jillid of wenther my little Boll walked That J4 it Problem 11111111al.4 they (10 the liame. #'Well, kind at What tilnO shall We'llpOn our heads. now, 11,11d to 0VQry 'day, going 0, 11111U that filnQ 100110'CtUl Solve-" inehea diameter which di4tharg?.'s All go?" firm, frighten utit tho lion. from lliR tilld It But this will sillould fAIWIvIl Ilromo-Quinino yablofa onte, cold w, waay In boyana not be extended too long, ilutiftion. A' 6, a
uninterrupted supply of 5,5001000 never long- 140116day, in the rate of .4
gallons per day. It coat $200,000 IT 9LIV all hour earlier than Inir till Nve are ready to. strike; and "Two of the beuties. of tile will- 11tier stiw anyone so dallier than an hour, otherwise, instead : . ittOre.4t,thodopoatt,UtLro.colvd.;I Thlaill hon I will be ready. But," coll- wbon wo are rvady 'he ill -la onough to! ter In thu, Klondike tire tile ou h1e, Tjulra�,4q.11 J9 dull, I of being rofreshed thereby, ()no will : The avertigo ngo rif kilm Very attrita ive. All Infornil%tion
An artosiAn Well 9Lt Butte -aux -call- tinued, tile Young mail, with a slight shrInk not Troin his roar. Watch Iva �.Mooilllght llights �.Ivl ors hoohe6rfully and I)tOlftItly Alippliod, and tile brilliant isn't he req.""Awfull. Wo Were be and lazy. Marry Sidnaters 1.4 2f) , but of w1dow- les.., Franco, is 2,000 feet fit depth ShOW of "way thpro one nubtliev, wind lei, 4evLch feet that northerit light.%. ican be tho lutr1or I t I IIL and 41 Inches diameter. Thee Are not be di(beulty, After What has the on of the oilter are 0AJI1111. 110 reafilly taken at itildnight by 1110011'� as n g and TO Ti0i'solis W6 Buffet' f1`0111 St011l- 01`0 Who Illarr widow.4 just. under ey qudden1v vald, 'If VOU could Imly Atli complaints and It THE CANADA PERMANENT all mirpassed by an artesian wall III Jit pasaing th g t ?" Who darea think of betraying our light, 'I'lia summer.,, lit tile X ondike 11,1w ititt it I I ved , ou I ur not advisable to take all Afternoon a Am I C 0 y Im a 0 AuAtralla, Which is 8,000 feet in kjo, I can eaily Assume It d1n. eallso will Ilv6 not tb,.Ilsp it.' It aro dt�lightful, although it gets very V()Ul 11110r, nap, -0 Will be no: YOU Illid ollo of brothers thAt hot In Julio und uly. During unn It couldn't it fit that light,' yid indulged in all ftftar-di ' glilise, And With You thet d U1 1110 iciss You.' . T. him taily. They generally, It they bav dild WEST911IN CANADA diMculty, T pgus out iq on(., of, shrinks froul,tito work through cow J ThO tUbd Of it 12-1110ft gun IIA9 1j0 Volir aittla(lillitt, 111)(I thlI still shilICS 011110Et twC11tY`fOtIr ho Just at there likei a out of sorts, And tire bad-tompbre(I Apeelal grooves, causing It.') projeettle �ou itre gains, V Will thInk ftr(1101, Polilt out to hilit, the ivolt'houra. The iylidnight null I.,) f *14 �!. It lq of UtIllost finportalwo )lot to, 800,000 Berlin $I- T011611to, 8000t, T0110 T0 aoil board 'sointl of tho 'lleel 01(tt fralnPlo-14 Ithn in tho dust, :tho beauties of the Xioilcitke ui nil, to revolve 15 thuca per 80001&d A It vesSels in tho harbor," and bid 111111 ntepl lliftiself to Ulu b, uo bedtfine thor( rotiro to bad huniedlatol,,y last,year. Over LIJ00,000 646 leaves the JUU22k "Zieu boit to-morivow Well.t."Ictle, Once wore, wearo firin ond. wAn asked Why I)ilwooll OUR iroath 0 %---A *"-I � Ul-..V-. I A -A ft*"All V% A11%%t fit =are.