HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-16, Page 5.40 .Tan. 1004 1902 ire • I , COWS FOR SALE. The widersigned has three Cowslor bale • 0.9Atajit balfJoreeY., newly calved, while the Wheat ... ... 0 70 o e 70 Outer sWe are eZPOCCOLI to calve this manta. . Doose Wheat, 6 13 to 6 70 JOSHUA 'W. HILL, 41t, 2nd, Steumerhill P. 0, Tnr•key Red Wheat 0 08 to 0 68 0 50 to 6 02 COW FOR SALE.. ....... ....,o 88 to 0 40 0 10 to 07D Tim undersigned has a IleW Irdik COW, Sow Rye 0 40 to e 45 101 number of pig s for Sale, Potatoes per bushel 0 80 to 0 80 gintotf;tjan, ith 3,0441 11'441E°' /141.Q4 tc'act Butter r 11 an.d crook 0 14 to 0 15 o s Butter in tub 0 14 to 15 * 01.111r1,0'N'N'VVO19.4%711001tto !ELECTRIC RAILWAY OAR. ANNUAL MENTINGS 011 AGRI. INARKIAQII$ buten Market Report, , TERIS. ------ CULTURAL SOCIETIES, Siaould the electric railwty charter* - Tamaqua= 1$00Ilin he granted which the Legislature has been asked to pass this year. and, fur. The annual meeting of the member of t her, should the companies interested carry put the construction of all the lines projected, no lesi than 4040 tulles will be added to the naval electric rail- way mileage of the province. Twelve corn genies figure in the applice.tione, the territory in which Ibex are inter- ested extending from Cornwall to 'Windsor, and if all the lines were built there would he a continuous line be, tweet, those two points, except, a ehort hiatus from Glencoe to Tecumseh, while to the north arfotlaer system will reach from London to Owen Sound, skirting the shore of Lake Huron. Of course, it may be years before some of the railways projected will be built, and it is not uncharitable to my that Nome of the companies aim only at the pose- eesion of the charter for future sale. Thefollowing table shows the routes and approximate mileage of the God. erIch radial line for which a company has asked for A charter: Goderich to Dungannon 10 earlovv to Auburn 5 Auburn to Blyth 6 Blyth to Walton Walton te Seawall li Seeforth to Clinton 8' Clinton to Goderesh 12 Blyth to Winglia,m 18 ' C• ONE NP Brussels to Wroxeter Walton to Brussels 10 7 . " Bayfield road to Bayfield 9 YeeVeNeftes/WW1ImeeleMV1A0we. Beyflelcl to Parkhill 28 Parkhill to London 24 For Gold'Filled Watch Emied Dunlop to Kincardine Kincardine to Tiverton 8 80 Tiver ton to Port Elgin Port. Elgin to Southampton Hagar Bones, For Men Bell Slims Q"qa-40-411-•••qe4Kw4D4W•A For, Women These shoes are made from original and exclusive designs.up- on which the highest \ skill and best thought have been concentrat- ed and impart to the foot an elegance of style which 'distin- guishes their wearers as being better dress- ed than those of. less particular choosing. No mattt/r for what ,4gu, rpose you may de- sire shbes you will find your require- ments perfectly sup- plied in the HAGAR or the BELL line, so complete is the variety. _ FRED. T. JACKSON. 'Sole Aigent in Clinton. To Rent or For Sale Ads CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. .. 39,000 will • buy a choice farm 'of about 120 acres situated a half mile from Clinton. Gobd. brick house, 20x287'and 20x2 ;.barns • 40x49 and 40x60, with stone st underneath,silo,wind- *mill, etc. Will be sold on easy terms. Fop further particulars apply at JAMES STEVENS, Clinton P.O. Clintou,Dec. 9th. FARM FOR SALE.. ' IN STANLEY • Lot 7, concession 7, Parr Line. Stanley, is offered for sale. This farm contains one hun- dred acres, ninety of which are under cultiva- tion, well fenced and well tile drained. The balance is good bush. There are comfortable buildings and all in good repair. The farm Is within five miles of Kippen station, three.miles from Varna and one. and a half miles from Hillsgreen, where are churches, setore, post °Mee. eto. There is a school.on, the corner of the farm. There is a good orchard and a never failing spring of water convenient to the build- ings. This is an exceptionaly good farm de- sirably situated and will be sold cheap and on easy terms. .Apply on the premiees or address JAMES WORKMAN. 2_ Oct. 24th.• Hillsgreen O. FARM FOR SAL.E.. The undersigned offers fo,P sale lot 42, con. 13, Township of Hullett, consisting .of 150 acres, 110 acres cleared and in a .good state of cultiva- tion, 10 acres stump land. and balance good. hardwood bush, never °tilled. The lot is well 'watered and fenced and 18 I mile from a church, 2 miles from Auburn and 9 miles from Clinton. .4. Public school is located on the corner of the lot. There is a good two story brick house. 2 bank barns and outbuildingb and a good bearing orchard. For further partice- lars apply to ,EPH, BALL, Auburn P. 0. Sept. 2nd. HOUSE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for Salo a seven...vim' ed cottage on Orange street together witkode- fifth acre of land. New cistern and Well. Will be sold on reasonable ternis. • ' • MRS. ()ARUM Clinton, April 12th. •• • .. STORE TO RENT. First-class brick store, suitable for' any busi- ness. Apply to Clinton, Nov. 20th. W. C. SEARLE, s ••• seseeeeeeeeseeliiiieeeibee •• —ATTEND THE BEST—. Li •: —IT PAYS-r- STRATFORD, ONT. • A sehool well known from one Mid of • • Canada to the other for its superior • • work This college giVes the right 1 • kind of educatiOn and placee many of e • its students in good positions. Note is • • the dm to enter. Prepare for retool • • and you will trot iL • • • WHte for our beautiful catalogue 4 • • • • W. j. ELLIOTT, Principal: • • • 0000 promisees seesseseeeVeloe ° MMIBLEmaGRANIIE MONUMENTS. - 1,0,040 Egge per doe Hay. ... . . 0 10 to 0 10 8 00 to 9 00 0 ke. to 0 10 I.4ve Hogs per cwt... •,.., , 0 85 to 6 35 PreeeedPork per cwt..... 8 00 to 7 75 Chickens per pair ' )0 20 to 0 40 Ducks per pair , . 0 40 to 060 teem per pound 0 05 to 0 00 Turkeys perpound.„0 07 to 0 08 Flour per cwt.,,.., 1 90 to 2 15 Bran per ton .. 19 00 to 19 00 Shorts per ton.... 20 00 to 20 00 Dried Apples per lb, „ 005 to 005 PUMPKIN The° pumpkin oontaiued Southarcipton;to Wiarton 466 Seeds. Wiarton to Owen Sound Kinciredine to Walkerton • WINNERS Miss M, Dowzer, Clinton 467 John Noble, Hullett 467 Henry Baker, (Hinton , JUDGES -• John Carbert, Hullett • Dr, Agnew, Clinton 0. L. Fisher, Clinton The guesses ranged from 405 . • 50t9 1000, A. j. GRIGG Scientific Yelvelee and CIA=171NT. Holinesvil• le • •cheese Factory ANNUAL MEETING. The annualmeeting of the stock -holders and patrons of the Helmesville cheese and butter Manufaeturing Co., will be held in Wilson's hall, Holmesville, on Saturday, Jan. 25 1902, at 1 o'clock p. tn. for the purpose of winding up the past year's business election of officers ' for the manta year, ark? t311 transaance ction ofd any Cadairgibantelden that.day.strongly ;ril- ed that all shareholders00present as matters of importance will come up No discussion, • . The drawing of the milk on the different routes same as before will be let at the same time. • - • W. B.•PORSTER. Pres. • W. S. LAWRENCE, See. HolmesVille, Dec. 261902. ANNUAL MEETING. • The Twenty Sixth Annual Meeting of the Mc- Killop Mutual Fire Inkuranee Company will be held in the Town Hall, seaforth, on the 17th day, ofJanuary, 1902, at 1 o'clock p. tn. The business will include receiving the Directors' and AuditOrs' reports, the annual statement, electing three Directors and the discussion of other business forth° welfare of the Company. The retiring Directors are James Connolly of Porter's Hill, John Watt of Harloak and (leo. Dale of Seaforth, who are eligible for re-elec. tion. , _ J. B. MeLEAN. President . • • THOS. E. HAYS, Secretary S'eaorth, Dec. 30th. • 0 • So •••••••••••••••• Logsand Heading of all kinds wanted. Highestpriees given, Soft elms to be cut .11 ft., 12±4t. or 1.3 ft. long. ganSfOrd, • • Stapleton: Salt Works. BOOTS AND SHOES We invite you to in - spot our stock and healour prices when , you need anything. . in. Boots and 'Shoes. Cash fer Hides and Sheepskins. 7 S. Os RATH‘IVELLI VA.JIMNA.. - • NEWS -RECORD 'CLUBBING LI 3"1" WEEKLY LIST Vews-Record mid Family Herald ttnd Star 31 76 NetweRocord and Mall and Empire I 75 NewirRecord and Toronto Globe 1 Os Newirltecord and Hamilton S °dolor 1 75 Newe-Record and Mootreal WItnCss 1 05 News -Record and London Free Pt0A8 175 News -Recent and Weekly Sun 1 76 News -Record and Northern Messenger 1 20 News -Record and World Wide 1 40 . DAILY LIST News-Tteeortl and Mail and Emp1re4 26 Nowb.Record and. Globo 4 26 NeWa.ltedord and Toronto World, 2 55 NeWs,Reaord and Toronto News . 2 26 Novve•ffecord and Toronto Star• 2 25 NoweRecord and London News 2 55 MONTHLY LIST News-Itteord and Lippincotri, Magazine 270 NewipItecord and Ladle Magazine 1 60 The promiams given by the Family, Herald and Weekly Star are Nucleonic pictures ef King Edward, the Qmien and the Duchess Of Devonshire. The Mail anddilin Dire gtIvei the chOice of the reproductions et Mr John Thnhe lad teito paint - Inge. They are lino 14 color picturee tbq Edge ef the Hord" and"The Miner's Farewell: 15105 Inched in Size and illustrating incidents in ranching and n drifter, Egbet. &fee' RATTRBORY ST. WORKS, Direct importere. Workman abler and Material gee:Meted. SEAL. & BICE MOP% urons, 1$10014aille; 171.0 Griot iteentdo sold and recommended by au dreggititit In Canada. Only roll. able znediciee di ea er d package* rarranter4 to etre all forms o Stettin Weakliest, ell fifteen of abuseor exeees• Mental WorrY, Exeessiee iste ot To. Woo, Opium or Stimulante. Mailed ins reeeipt of par, one Si , eft, $5, One MU Vet*. •tcTlito Wok ConsfaitypTifik-a0.4 0466 ForSale in anon by 11, Combo, Reek10,11. Hever and Wage Co,IG the Tuokersmith Branch Agrioulteral Society was held In Seaforth on Wednee- 'clay of lot •week, The financial state. men}, which was reed and adopted, woe a satisfactory one. Including, the new addition to the grounds and other icn- portant improvensente the entire outlay for the year truly exceeded the. ineetne by 0175. Tho followtng °fevers and dime. tors were appointed President, D. D. W ilsou, SeafOrth ; vioe-p resid en t, George Sills, eeaforth ; Direotoree-M. Roderick and George Cheeney,Seaforth ; James Evans, John M. Govenlook and James S. Smith, MoVilen ; Dale and C.McGregor, Hullett ; George Dale, William Chesney and William Archl- . bald, Tuckeramith,Auditors,-A Young and William Somerville, The fol- lowing were appointed honorary direo. tore, -john Weir and lames Dicer, Sea. forth ; J. G. Grieve and William McIntosh, Molellop ; John Britton and. R. Anderson, flullett ; G, E. Creswell and Robert Charters, Tookersinitb, The soolety had membership of 397 last year, At a meeting of the new board of direetors, Mr, T. E. •Hays was reappointed resoret,ary-trearsurer. Gina* soct25r2 The annul meeting of Grey Branch Aviculture! Society was held on Jan. 8th,, in Brussels,with President James Speir in the ohair. The seeretary-treas urer presented the Auditors' report for the past year's proceedings which show - 3,6 ed the receipts to be $1868.41, which in- . 5. 'eluded a surplus of 51105,66 from 1000. .20: Expenditure $7:18.18, which leaves a *10 balance of $1155.23 $250 was expend. -24 ed on improvement to the Fairhuildinge. officers were elected as foliose!: : prom - Total 270 dent, Jas. 'Speir ; vice president, J. D. Warwick, V. S. ; directors, W. H. Mo. A LEGATA QUESTION AND Craeken, R. Nichol, P. SoOtt, John • Mo- , Gravin, D. Milne, George Robb, Jas. Evans, B. McDonald and P. Robertson. Auditor' F. S. Stott and A Straohan. .The following appeared in the 'legal , e * columns of the Mail and 'Empire . of • TpltN13gIRRT Boomer of Saturday last: • The annual meeting of the directors or W. e F., Clinton'. -Qu.-A mare" the Turnberry Agricultural Society was mortgaged hits farm. Env wife ;joined held in. Wingham on ‘Vedneeday. The ire the. mortgage to bar dower. He fail- treasurer reported total receipts of ed t9 • pa.y off. the mortgage, • and the .$885.92. Paid.out• in prizes 5513.55; ,farm was gold under power of sale in other expenses $3,21.31,1eavinga balance mortgage; by auction, for 'more. than on hand of $51 c06. • •The ofeeereelected enotigh to pay the mortgage.- What were Hon, President, Chas. Henderson; claim has the wife upon the (surplus ? 3, Currie ;- 1st Vice-Preeideet, . Ans.-Sections 7,8end 9 of the "Dow- Jelin Moffat ; end, Amos Tipling, Direo. Act" provide in effect that in the, tors George Ceuickshanks, L. W,Orvis, event pf sale of the land coriapeised in a, Thomas James, S. Kerniglian, D. B, mortgage', 'or other inetru client, under Airsieeson, J. Currie, P. Fowler, J. any powee of sale 'contained therein, or F.Linklater. Auditors: Jno, A. McLean under any legal process, the wife of mortgagor, who shall havebarred her and R. Currie Jr, • Hon, Directeire ; dowerin such lands, shall enei, Messrs. 3. A. Morton, T. A, Mills F. l .tlect to dower- in any surplus of the pur, Sparlieg, Theo. Hall, H. B. Eliott, . win Cruickshauks, R. Vanstotre, Chao. chase • money received fro in suc Bele,. to the sante ex tent•as she would have been Knechtel. • The .directors Met after and entitled to dowee in thelenderom which . appointed leort Robertson; [secretary - such supplier- money shall be derived, treasurer.. It was decided to have two and the amount to which she shall be •lady directors toarrauge the ladieseeork .entitled be ealeuietee ere the-blisis at the exhibition also to take stens to of the amount realized from the sale of prevent the handling of exhibits by the land; and the reertgagee is auther- visitors.: • • • • • ized -to pay the surplus into court to . • the Credit of the • married woman and other persons interested therein. The. • . Ten The Truth. court, oej ridge iseurpoweredupou sum- mary Applicatiole by petition or motion • • e have already: spoken of. the., frUri to make Ouch order' ,for eeturtne the tration of our hopes of the best respite right' Of 01" a edewer ony Merried • womern in • • • any seeke • menu from the visit to, this countecOf the heir. as • may appear: • --to he itist .to the throneeby reason of the carica - or, expedient. • If she should die be- etures: of Canada in the eorrespondence fore her liusband oecotirse,•he will he onnected therewith of the great. eon. entitled,to the Money: : If she sh,ould.' don. journals. These we will attribute survive her husband, then shewill be not' to .deliberate design bye to -.initial 'entitled to the use of themoney forber..ignorrinoe. and unwillingness • as they life, .cer she may consent that the money went • along to take the trouble 'hall eaten part of tbe, estate and may to Motet the.. details of their • busie '"electe to. take her 'share under. .the neas. They now nothing to start With, Devolution of Estates Act. Of course, andthey'Iearntpothingon their travel. she and her husband. may consent ..to We have enothee misrepresentation 10 take the surplus from the mortgagee and diedadd..to tbe already' long list. Summing :large hem. from all further lia- mb !tri hi oracular, and :grandiose style his Whey, or if theg Money is paid impressions of. the -royal' tour,. the rep - court hey maymake a Mist 'applica- tion ter have it POd. out to theme or tO resentativ,e of tbeLonden Times does in, either. of them. •, • • . :justice • to , the Creaed Teunk Railway, •• • CothpaisotisareProVerbially odious,and his impertinent csomperieon Of the Can- . TIP.' SPIRIT CFWINTER. . . „ adian Peeifics, with' the -Giand. Trunk, • witIter' is with ug, thak. •to the disadvantegeellhe hitter, is err- ing its presence known in many, differ- sOlitiollY • so. , peffe the .Cenadian. etre ways - sometimes' by cheery'eune. Pacific in: the language o[ an 'advoeate, shine and glistereing snows,. and some: and as its partizan belittlers the Grand times by.. driving winds, and. blinding Trunk.. Rejoicing in the younger storrins. • lel emany' 'people it seems. es riealres prosperity, as we all do -but not take •delitrgt in makingbad things.worie; -chiefly becaeseees he puts it, it adds' to leseeeeepeatism • twist herder, twinges.; the profit ofeehe shareholders,.relso -ere. sharper, eaearrh heccinses more annoy.. largely Eng1W7-and Making tientiOn of ing, and the Many eempteros of ore:Wee thessornforts and cooveniences of the are developedernd aggravated; There I travel:thereon he Cannot refrain born .1:.casting this quitennealled bar sler, . by is not meals, poetry in this, but there is y Of erintrast, on tbe Grandtenth, and, it le a :wonder Ain't . more wa 1"Moreover, thirinuoh • I' know and people don't get:rid et these ailments: " The.miidioine that cures them flooder have I • ineee ',indicated 'by' telegram, Sarsaparilla is obtain.ed ad there is f when you go 'further than the Canadian abupdant procif that its cures are radical . • Pecifio.Railerayeiseeri in Cantidlan Pacific and permanent.' Railwajecarrieges, you fare -very &meld- erably, Yoteare on.a line • Huai ' does pay,- and • you. tee. .why ; it is The: Dreo,lthy Way to 11.10the: • because' it 15 :111 managed. Now the , line that 'does • not pay its owners' itt . Never use, hot water. Makethe bath .also of Very little valueto the public, ihort, cool and frequent. Determine and ; the line that :does pay is 'o - . by, expeeinrent. whether. you min stand really. useful tthe publicThis is cold water. • if you feel intrigorated it is. wine to. tide, 6. sporting teriepeI OM a benefici ; one may. use tepid wetet, backer of the . Conadian: Pacific Rail; but never hot. Bathe, twice a. day. at rak.". • • • least for • more Cleanliness, SeYe Fret • • -If the real truth were known, we Will Anthony Barkerin an article on* Home be bound to soy it would be found that. •Physieal Culture. for Women in the this sportsmatelike. gentlensan "hack - - February Delineator. The . morning ed" the one and Wrote disparagingly of bath may consist:of squeezing a large • the other .fora eery different reason, spunge filled with told water enoeon the ;But whatevea thp. neotive,10 shoeld try upper part of the „chest and once..on to- leern to write truthfully. What. the baok of the neok staeding in ever blame was attributable %to Grand ANSWER. . WILDER-TWISS-At the readmit:Of Mr. Samuel Cantelon of Bad Axe, Mich., on January 8tb, by Bet Ilfte ole, Reptist, Kate Twigs, formerly of Clinton, to Wellington Wilder of A MBBEal4yR4604:Nixd-e:B0 nRONWe Nw yAetilheDamyriber, R100 vii..4.1noinen#AfroolvisZibliothiboatrsliwOyanmordrfrit HUGGIN-WRIGHT-At Jamestown on Jan. let, by Boy, R. S. G. And. ersOti, Mr, Walter Heggin Of Mare istique, Mich., to Mies Rebecesa NOLWANri-ghltYAN-At the R. 0. °blink, , Brussels, on Jan, 8, by Rev, Father VOroorau, of Sealorth, Mr. T, W. oNfolzsanok oilioGpr.ey to Mins Kate Ryon WURSLEY-MaCOLL- At the reeldenoe of the bride/is father, on Jan. let, by Ree.Mr. Mann, Frank B. Horsley ot Brewer; to Miss Mary 0,, daughter of Dynean 0, McColl of Aldborough Ip., Elgin county. OURTIS-TREEMIER-At 'the role deuce of the bride's father, on tbe 81h jaw, by the Rev.Mr. Fergueon, Edward Curtis tla Anna Maria, • daughter of Mr. Alexander Tree- mier, all of Fullerton. COOPER-MoCURDY-In Hibbert, on the 91h Jan. at the reeidencer of the bride's father, by Revs Colin Fletoh- ere Mr, Peter Cooper, general agent ofiraurFi jarb,:dse:rutg, t Wood,er o S t°o bOsuir d "VI WILLIAMS-oobn- In Ruseeldale, on the 81h Jan: by Rev, Mr. Ferguson, Of Fullerton, Mies Minnie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Jno.Cole, to Mr, Jas. Frank Williams of Mit- ROT°141113-11OESCH=At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Kenna Oescshe Jan, 9th Mr. Samuel Roth, of Tavietook. to Miss Barbara Oes.oh, of Hay town. ship, MUNROE-e-MoLEOD-At the residence of the bride's parents in township of Bruce, by the Rev. R. McLennan on Jan, 1st, Maggie Munroe to Aegus McLeod of Southampton. LATTA •-'GREY-In Exeter, On Jan. 3rol, by the Rev. R, Millyard, Mr. •Auguatus Latta to Mimi Grey Adeir, both of the township of Stephen. BROWN-ROWCLIFF-At the real - deuce of the bride's parents, on January 8th, Mr. Seth Broivn, of Stephen, to Mies Lilly M., daughter of ler Wm, Rowoliff,•Usberne. CALLANDER-ChICH-In Keewatin, on January lot, at the home of Mr. , Harry Vornish, brother-in-law of the groom, by Rev. Mr. Little, Mr. James A. Callender, of Hertney, Manitoba, to Miss Bertha L. Creel, of Seakirth, Ont. ' • ' HARLAND-In Clinton, on Jinuary llth, the wife of Mr, W.J. Harland, of a daughter. • „ NESI3IT--Cn Morris, on January 8th; the wife of Mr. Robert Nesbit, of e daughter. CAMPBELL -In Brussels, on January 5tle, the Wife Of Angier Campbell, of a, son. SBA We -In Prey, on Jan. 7, to Mr. and Kra: jos. Shaw,, a son, DEACON -In Er* Wirwanoele, Jan. 8, Mrs. S, Deacon, a.claughter. ELLIOTT-1n Turnberry, Jan. 4, Mrs. Jobn Elliott, a daughter. cUeIRIE-.-In East W,awanosh, Jan. 1, Mrs. Wm, Currie, a 1011. • DEARING -En*Stephen,on January Ttle to Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Dearing, a , daughter.. . .• DEATHS. _ • ' • • • • MILLER e -In Hullett; on January 10th, Robert Miller, aged 79 years. ROY --In Belgrave, on Jan. 2nd, S. J.. • Roy,- aged 32. years and 5 inonehe, MoCALLUIVI-In Brussels, on Jen, 4th, • , Mrs. John *Wein, 'aged . 82 years. • . ' • .BROTOHIE-In Kinless, on January• . 4th, Robert Brotchieseaged 65 yeare . and 6 • months.• • ' • . • • . • PATMORE-In Luoknowe on Jaettery 7th,Verna Grace, infant daughter of • ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Pate:lore, aged. 11 • Mon the and l9day3. .RUTLEDGE-In Teron to,. Ott Jantrary • • 4th, Heine:George Rutledge; broth..., . er eo Mts.J. Ielterr, Bruesehein his 591;t6i183a°rrNde 4th, ,Tames Wilson, Ir. j eyelafir.St: • ioeePh,litie.; o- Jan• ; formerly of .. WingheM, .aged 41 \ • . • years.' • . DIITOHELL--In•Turnberry, on Jaeuarj. 6th, Jetties Mitoliell, aged 80 yeers, • .5 wont s and 3 days , • e BERRY -In "Logan, on. janelth, john' ' Berryeiged 76 years... .• . ROGERS-In Fullerton on- the Jan. *11 ! The Illuetrated Suffal0Eeprisee is We. rivaled in all that gen. to make afloat. clam. paper. costs nO Mere than the pooreet. To Coro 44 Cold in One Doi,. Take Larrative Bronur Quinine Tab- lets, All druggists refund. the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's eig. nature is on each. box. 25e. A young colored man named Cherlee Thomas, who had beaten his way from Springfield, Ohio,. fell off the bumpers of an M.O.R. • train at Niagara Fall aud was fatally injured. "TYPHOID'S" TRAIL Canoe Vklient Rhelln;atIlliol and more Violent Neuralgia—Doc, tors eouldn't stem the dllgestwo ticie—S bottles of South Amer! lean IRheurnatio Ours 0'gave billttle" and won gloriously. Me W. W. Brownell, of Aeonmore, Ont. says Shat few years ago he bad typhoid fever, 'After recovering was *hacked most violently by nee. imatism and Neuralgia, he euffered so he thought be would die. Many a night thought he could not live till morning. Doctors tried to relieve him but could net. After taking three bottles of raipEouthuwAmi hiermicanandlthh:uwmuatmic Cwucirte:sveeverv.estig4e of Mise Edith Sinner, a Hamilton girl, wandered away from her employer's house at Uxbrigde. and was found frozen to death in the woods, g'STIFFLED" HEART fluor fool that every breath Would be your last—that the .. thumping, stiffling sensor Cons about your Heart viers crushing your life out? Dr. Agnew's Cure for .the Heart is the only absolutely unfailing remedy known and pre- scribed by eminent physicians. Its claims of potency are not heresay or false hope to the , stainer. It Is .not a spirit lifter to gather you 1 up to the high pinnacle of expectancy only to drop you into& deeper Infra of disease. It gives relief in thirty minutes. A few bottles cure the wont forms of heart malady. •3 The foreign trade increased by $13,605,- 086 in the last six months --the imports over 53,000,090 and • the exports over $5,500,000. LOST HIS BUSINESS! III•health "puts the shutters' up" In many an honest man's business, and there are thousands of cases on record • where the only seeming pow. • er on earth to take them, down again Is South Amer'. can hiervine. "I was conspletely prostrated with Merlotti Debility. I had to give up business -doctors only helped me temporarily. I was the most dis.; couraged man alive when I started taking Soutis American Nervine, but the splendid cures I had read gaveme hope, and I had not taken half a bottle before I found relief.' I took twelve bob. des, but am cured.."-rE, Etre; Merrickville. a • nichttrd Croker has resigned the Presidency of the Tammany Society in New York, and Lewis Nixon has been elected to tbe office. - --- A KIDNEY •SPECIALIST '13outh American Kidney Cure Is compounded to cure Kid! ney diseases, and nothing eise—It relieves In six hours. Breath American Kidney Cute touches the Weak epot ,firmly, but gently ; gives the beat results in the shortest time ; cleanses the kidneys which in return cleanse and purify the blood, for blood can become impure only by passing through weak and ailing kidneys. Let us live ttp to the light of the soth century. Employ the SUMS, and enjoy robust and vigonsus health. if • ROCK. ELM WANTED. Tenders will be received at the °Mee of the Township Clerk' of Mullett up to 6 p. tn. on Wednesday, the 22nd January, for the supply - Ing of 7000feet .of rock elm, 2000 feet io be 14 feet long, the remainder must be 16 feet long and all of it 2i inphes thick, delivered as fel- lows 2000 feet 14 feet and 1000 foot 16 feet at Councillor Moon's, 1000feet of the' remainder at each of the other councillors. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk . Londesbore P. 0. . •Wm, Rogens aged 76 years.. . HURON .COUNTY COUNCIL The January session of the Council of the Corporation of the 'County of Huron will be held in the Council Chamber' in tlie Town of Ooderich, commencing at 3 o'clock P. m. oo Tuesday, the 28th inst. W. LA. NE, Caere Dat,ed at Goderieh this• . 1315 day of January, 1901 . HEYROOK-At 'Elkton, Mich., on the ,9th Jan.relr. Henry Heyrook aged e 70 years. • BEAVER -In Creditoneinefenuary 2nd, Amelia Jane, wife. Of Christian • Beaver, aged 47 years,5 Menthe and : 402 dare DURIE-In MoKilloei on January .5th, George Detie, aged 48. Yee* 10 months and'23 days, • a tub. Then rub' vigorOuely with a Trfink management in the past —.7: man, 5 coarse towel, After exercising another • agement bf Euglishmen, directed by - bath should be taken. However do not Englishmen -It exists nb longer. It is neglect the exercise if you cannot take now 'conducted in a most excellent the bath. 11) 18 better to exercise and manner, and it gives the public good go without bath than to bathe and not service. 12 14 does' not pay it is not be - exercise, •. cause of s lack of care and energy un. der the present auspice?, but because of the sine of past days. It was not fed by the 'molter hand that fed the Can - JEALOUS . RIVALS ; adian Paoifio, and it wee so extravagant- ' ly, not to say recklessly, conetrueted, to , . . the enrichment of men like the Gzowsk- Cannot turn back the tidal is, the Maophersons and the Gaits, that Trio demand for Dr. Agnew's. to earn dividend % for its shareholders is Retie pms is a ammo. as impossible to it as it is _ to pay its debt to ' the 'Canadian Government. It's the old story, "The Survl• Mr. Hays, MeReeve and their zealous, . well trained and bard worked etaff of val ofthe Fittest," and Nleal• officers and men are entitled 10 fair may Its own Destroyer." treattnent eVen at the hands of A super- ficial and supercilious correspondent of Cheap to buy, but diamondlin quallte--tiebb ; the London Tim es , -Stratford; Ont., trauma, coated tongue, water brash, pain after ' Beacon, Deo. 6th, 1901. eating, sick headache t neva gripe, operate pleasantly, so doses, 200.1 too doses, ase. g eii For Over Fifty Years LstrA FREE PATTERN 1 (youe owe selection) to (ivory sub- Iber. Only 50 cents 5 year. F. GALES MAGAZINE A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A sem; lissiniftd.colsred piste*; latest fathions; eiresettekterg econoirdes ;WAY work; haasehaid hints; fiction, 515, Sub. ta.day, Of, aind 10, ref lateNt taip3h , Lady Agents Wanted Seed for terms. Stylish, ?Reliable, Simple, Urke- date, Economical and Abeolutely Perfect -Fitting Raper Patntits, Mes.Wtgar.ose's Soemturalt 132rant has bees used by milliete of mothers for their Ohildrell while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at °tee and got a bottle of "Mie. WinsIow's sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re - novo the poor itte sufferer immediately, De' pend neon ltonothers, there is no mietako about it. 'taints Dlarrhos,s, regulates the Stomach and betvole, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gum A, reducesInfiamtriation,aeeeives tone and energy to the whole System. mre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea-, sant to the taste and in this prescription of one of tht. oldest and best female physieittris and nurses in the United States: Price twenty-ilve nonis an bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world." • Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Iststirtv SotTnIsto Svatir 20 YEARS OF VILE ., j5 CALL 104: Woitailetto testimony 't0 the ..\ ..\ CATARRH* 1.........ATtEiltiS i.A3)4' , , . , ' , . lit.faith, kiieW*1 Clatiterhat Powder, itoiAZA4P4 .. Oursetivo Powers Of Dr. Age ▪ Minn.. wheat In have been a -sufferer AN 868101) Alford ene Pert:miffed Shoe from Throat and Natal Catarrh for ever 20 ted Bask! tied Silted 1.111st, nnly to And r5 genta tath—hone bight,. years, during which time my head has been sod Iloten• orbs fit:dittos 'topped up and my condition truly Miter. Ass for theen. Sold In )100 tam? dry • able. Within 45 minutes after using Dr, 113411541i %Vest Mt St4A NO` V4811., tinted Catarrhal Powder I obtained relief. tiotios, , 111 ix _ Alger( , .004 ovhit 19 0,14,4, -...,...., ......_ 641 bottle* hive alineatt "i:cit antitelyl THE liloCALI. On. „ CLINTON MARBLE 'AND GRANITE VVORKS The best class of work produrable • ha,s been manufactured here for many yearripaetr • WE Inv call on youfl Week after WE WON'T your bereavement. make the work 10 stilt the price. E WILLmake tbe price to suit the work. WE WILL give you the choleaefethe. prodeetion of the world in design and material, We are the ONLY' prim- tiCal, Merl in Clinton in our lite, Do not, be talked into placing your order without first call- ing on ue. B. HOOVER, pRop Next to Commereial Hotel. ' The rots,. * - Ida Bennett saye in Aimirlcidt /Tomei that there le seartely plant ha the taro den about which so Men,' tkillaty tradls done exist as about the wow. telleisil them, oho say", is the tradition 1 a shade loving plant. }Fifteen years" tape. Hence has convinced her that pansies, ought to be grown in the aun, and also watered In the middle of the day, l'Ihe essentials of *nieces' are twice a day Watering and the faithful going toter the Inds every day during the blooming aego Oh and the removal of eirery faded Sow. er. She lays special stress OA the latter, eaying the ripening of even one pod of seed materially shortens the plant's sea. on of hinom. Of couree during the hot weather one may not expect pansies, for, like other plants, they have theft bloonxittaamon and take a, rot alloy Lh • REGULAR M.EETINGS.• W Heron Farmers' Institute CLINTON, THURSDAY> JAN. 23R0 TOWN HA.L/4 1.30 to 1.4$ . -Opening Iitrifiegg.- PROSIdent 145 to 2.15 -"The Fall Fair 2,1.5 to 2,30—DiscussionW: Kernighan, Benmiller 2.30 to 3.00 -"Cold Storage and the Trans- portation and Marketing of our Perishable Products" - 0. 0. Casten, Graighurst 3.00 to 3.15-Disouselon 3.15 to 3.45 -"Skim Milk as Stock Food" - F. J. Sleightholna, Strathroy 3.4515 4.00 -Discussion • THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE • will meet in the afternoon in tho Council chamber, collimencing at 2 o'clock. It will be led by Mrs. H. Elford, President, HoIrriesvillo. The speakers and their subjects will be: 1Virs, C. Campbell, Goderieh- Broad arid /head Making" '1211/17:1111t mien tliel'ainel'- Alliadies are cordially invited. Mae. Hi ELFORD, MU. 0431143gr.r.11 Preaident, secretary. BVBNING MEETING - In the evening there wuli be ajoint meeting of the Farmers' Institttto and womon's Inst. tide When the speakers and subjects will be aMsrfsC°.11°.UweE.4mtpbell-- "Homo Influence" Mies Green-. leehe Improvement of Thne" j 12.0. Casten- t "The Land We Live In" F.J,Sleightholm--"Trainirig Boys for Businees" DUNGANNON FRIDAY, JAN. 24TH OAVI% IIALL l.SOto 1.45 -Opening Business- President L45 to 2.15 -"The 1)raught Horse"-, Innis, Clinton 2.1510 2.30-4)isouesidn • 2.80 to 3.00—"Summer reeding of 'Web Cowe-F, J. Sleightholm,Strathroy 3,0010 3.15-Disduss1on 115 to 3.45 -"Problems of the Soil"--Gi.O. Caston 3 45 to 4.00-Diseuesion THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE • will Meet in the village hall at 2 o'clock and be addressed by Aln. camebeil on "Household Eeonornica" and Miss Green who will speak on eThe Care of Milk and Farni Butter Making, kVBNING MBRTING Ajointmeeting will be held In „the evening; eotri.mcetneing ebt 8 recleetl ock iritehoenn, meritrilr,esse11 ;:oralit be delivered by MetisraCtultort arid eke htholm, MIs2,4tteliaevCatisussv at gtiltneutlxLe game topics es the A muelevarl nodttoerutit, ;Anent win bo ,erovideti ,74$. SNRtL,' E 0, LF0111/1. tha g ge. 110004 . leer* eleeee e.„ BONKIIIIPT STOCK The bankrupt stock of a B. Reonig is yet well assorted. We have been adding new goods as we sold out the Bankrupt Stock and ;,at present the stook is well supplied with staple goods that people requirs every day and suitable for the fall trade. We do not intend to replenish the stock but shall positively close up as soon as the present stock is Ms" posed of. Those that come early will get the best bargains, as we mean business, The whole stock will be sold very cheap but we always have special bargains in the different lines. We will mention a few : Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Flannels, Flanelettes Cot- tons, Shirtings, Denims, Cottoades, Tweeds, W norst&I Suitings, Underwear, Small Wear andPancy Goods. We have just opened up a largestock of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S JACKETS, all new goods, which we shall offeeat HALF PRICE as'7,we, want to clear thein out quickly. There never has been anything like them for value ever offered n Clinton. Come and see them. CLO,THING. Men's, Boys and Childrens' Suits at great bargains * " Overcoats, large stock, less than 'cost Men's odd Coat, some 50 or 60 in stock that you can have at aboutlyour own price . Odd Wits; i-Taa 16ants, Overalls, Smocks, etc • We have a greanot of 'Men's Cardigan Jackets that We will sell you for a trifle BOOTS AND SHOES. Men's,.WoMen's -and Children's Boots an4 Shoes a bargains, Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt Goods, Socks and. Rubbers, Rubber Long Boots, at wholesale Many more lines that We have not space to mention Come and see msTg.gL;_ OLEIBINga • .C‘k"'Wekt'e ..RILKILNINON Great Stock -Taking Sale Next week we commence stotk-taking and we want our stock down to the lowest point before that time. • We will make the following very great reductions ite prices this week to clear mat Winter Glood8 : .Men,8 fine black andblue black' Beaver Overcoate, lined with good Italien cloth, velvetcollar,fly front, regular prices $8.50, $7.50 and $9, for $4.95, $5.95 end $6.85., . Boys' Prieze Ulsters, high stor m collar; worth 53.75,. for $2.75. Men's Frieze Ulaters, high storm collar. worth. $0, for $3.95. Men's Heavy Frieze Meters, tweed lining, interlined with rub- ber, high Winn collar, as warm as any fur coat, goodLerahre at $10, sale price $6.95. • Men's Tweed Suits, iined with the best farmer's satin4 well made and trimmed, worth $8, sale price $4.45. , Boys' Suits, in all sizes at wholesale during this great sale. Men's Wallaby Fur Coats, regular price $18, for $12.50. • Men's Cub Bear Coats, will give great wear, regular price 518, for 0n $103,050. Men's 0nats, hest quality,well furredoworth$45,for $37.50. Men's Heavy Duck Jackets, lined with tweed and interlined, with rubber, regular price p, for $3,95. MeneeDuck Jackets, lined with rubber, $1.95. Men's Heavy Lumberman's Rubberrecorrugeted edgeehigh cut, will wear.like iron, sale price $1.50. Men's Heavy Sox to wear with rubber, at 45c, 50c and 75e. GROCERIES .22 Ms, ' best Granulated Sugar for $1 4 lbs, Currants (new fruit) for 25c , 4 lbs. New Raisins for 25c Choice New Figs, very special 40 • Quaker brand Corn, Peas and Tematos, Scans for 25o The celebrated Kiji Japan Tea, worth 30c, for 25c [McKINNON & CO. BLYTH CLEARING SALE In order, to clear, out several lines of—dry goods, clothing, etc., we will for the next thirty days,before kook taking, sell them at starting prices, It will pay to buy here. E. HARNWELL, CHEAP CASH STORE, VARNA 411 IF YOU KEEP, You sHOULD• READ THE CANADIAN POULTRY REVIEW TORONTO. ONTi ini.rt PRIMO/ this yeer has been inetemed id er tete a site, and the number Of Ilhigeldiiilli tiled , , was newt id greet it will *bowie,* how to tip Meese yeti* inettree from oggs and chicon., hove to Men, cue for ited breea there, _Every . deparentin care of 11 itoteialltit. erimiel departnieriti for "Turkeya," "Ducke and_eistort." "Inetthatent and Brooder," "Ailments " "Bantam% etc, speeim departmot; "radical be.1 %Mule" In charge of Prof, A. G. Gil Mantiger of the Point* Department of the Govern. Mont Fara, Ottawa.. The regular pried i 60 dents a year', bet We Mee made arrangements so that We Oen offer it with this paper, both or one leer only ; at the speefat Wet Wee nettled bele% Take ridettotege Of thle special rate to.day. Send. for free Maniple _rii to Tee CAnAblittf .1,01nintt• Reyna? troirentd, but in ell came OW MOO 10 Use Mat% VIA =Oat fOr til. tin/ Migiefig2:14.44Kt. irt.lea 1 1 eta i ,,-,, ..-- - -