HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-16, Page 2•An
is published every Teursday at
The NeWS•RecOrd
Power Printing- HOUS
*tamer mum,
nazgao0 StresesureteXa41.0Q per year in
01.50 may ise charged a not eis pied
se0 nener discontinue& untie a1arreerages
are paie, unless at the option a the publisher.
The date to wen every vu'esertpUou le prkia
is denoted on the label.
Arereirriseeta Iteees.-Transient ailvertise•
tabeta, 10 cents per nonparielsline tor nee
insertion end 0 cents per line for each etibse-
quentinsertioie Small advertisements not
to exceeti oue es1ete:1h es "Lost," "Strayed,'
etolen, etc. inserted once for 00 cone) aud
each eubeequent insertion la acute.
Advertisements without, specie° directions will
be inser•te-d tualrforbid an4 charged accord
Copy for ehange la advertisements ou /sagest
and 6 must be intim office on !Saturday and
for pairee 1 and, 8 on Monday to ensure change
for following issue,
Correace Reezs.-The following table showe
our rates for specified periods and spade:
esevenerstree Warm.
1 Yr. 61�o. 8 lVfo. 1M0
1 Coltlien. 070 00 4000 ess 40 03 DO
1 Inch
40 00 25 00 1100 000
, 25 00 1500 800 250
18 00 1000.550 ¶00
100 300 200 126
gd•Special position from 25 to 60 per cent extra.
. Reiter and.Proprietor
• er can ports.
W. G. 13roadfoot. Seaforth; John Grieve Flour -The nuerlset is' steady. Nine- It is held tl at tl r: As represent etivee of •the ,
. ties to see that the. securities le
k 'e" • of the evorld.".
, g• o n •
DIRECTORS; sales at 55e to 56c east.
SO. e is- no reasen ' hig Yeu
eloxlock ; John Bennewies, Braining= ; James ince in Parliament assembled. . 'The Calgary City Council. wante
Winthrop ; Geersge Dale, Seaforth ; John Wate. 1
el -he He SO" thet in many instences the ' •The eheiloige shield p resell ted for the Dominion, Government to co-oe-
ty per cent. patents, in buyers' . bade Why Canticle ehould not share in this iFie-°,1' for municipal treasurers; are valid. ; •
John llicLean, Kimmel y and for L,ow- in. the field so a$ to be on band at mince the es g
tl ' 1 ts meet's; of
securitie beld by int •
te in c pa t ee ate .
er province trade choice straight rol- the elose of the war will ,doubtless Legislature we have been honors bes
1 Worthless or outlawed by the unless -1 84vjull' jetitif: .. jetrattruilii) ..teitli•eeti..eting ,ittil es. o bilosttaiti,anittsvesoisvieenr: .
Evans, Beethwood ; Antes Couniesee mown $2.90 bid middle freights, with, trade, and that those who are early
Y A n > Manitoba flour steauy, with Hunger- business -in that country. The .de-
t• th heart reception given to
isit from. their Royal Highnesses, i i ii i . eumpetition by the Nattered
' tented Eastnomne.
Society \WAS - well by
AGENTS t $2.95 asked. Lecall
forth • Antes Genii:Wags, Egmondville ; J: W , stead
No other dimenee mattes orte feel sesold.
etiffens the lointo, Prodirees laltienese.
awl makes every motion painfui.
ft Is sometimes oohed es wholly to dimes
ble, end It should !over be neglected.
McDonald, Trenton,. 00,,
atter a were Onion at the grip; ISM
Rattle. Turner, Bolivar, go„ had. it. so
severely else could not lift ftnYthine end
mild scarcely get up or down etairc W.
It Shepard, Sandy Rook, Coup., wee laid
up with It, was gold even ha July, and
eckild not dress blinself.
A rdi to testimonials 'Minuted!,
elven, these sufferers were epersesesenter
relieved, ss others nave, beep. by
'ffood°S. Sarsaparilla
which corrects the acidlty ot the blood
on whien rheumatism depends and builds
up the wbole sYstena.
sleeve sees care cosetspeuen, ease° se sense
Butcher, inferior... ... 2.75 13.25 Then followed the introdectien of e
Stockers, Per OWte, 2'50 3'14 SPEECH OP THE ZIgIITXMANT- new nrembere-lion. J. T. tlarrow NNws iciaro loicarr
GOVERNOR. for West Huron, Col. LeYe for Lon- Atria, AND II'S rEOrl'E' Telegraphic refs Prom All
Choice ewes, per cwt 2.25 3.75 don, oral John Lee for East Kent.
PriCcs of Grain, Cattier etc Butcher sheep. each... 2 00 3.25' -1*M
in Tracie Centres. Lambs, per cwt.,. 8.00 4.0 A Toronto despetels say$ erovesse seseaNDeses, Occurrences in the Laud The. ,
Milkers- and, Calves. 1 in, Torento Weaken by the ladies. le. Grose, M.P.P. for Welland,
Toronto, January 14.--.Wheat--The caws, caeh,„ Hos,: 80.00 45.00 but evidently the attraction of the moved the addreee roly ty the
with. some atoi•e enquiry. No. 2 refit
wheat martset has a better tone, !calves, eeee
•.• .16 2.40.) 10.00 :opening en Wedoesday of the fifth epetieb. from the throne, mid Lieut.- A eeetenstrian (lied et CheltelMaM
znercial World.
and -white sold at 76 to 76Se mid- Onoice hogs, per cavt 0.00 6.70 , Ontario la great, for the fair sex !member, seconded the resolution,
Isession of the ninth Legislature ot " *utile, the soetit Weeiegton in tile person of Mrs. lIainess who The gOva. SeoLi LegiSlatare MaY
(1' w;.is aged 3.04. ltot Meet until Merch.
shneP and Lambs.
11•••••••••.••• Reigns Supreme in the Com -
Pucks, per cwt... ... 2.00 2.50 er such as a January thaw proves
Over the Globe.
'die On IOW freight to New York, an :Light hogs, per cwt... ,.. 6.00 6.50 turnett ollt in large numbers. to wile 1 COMPANY PEES. ' es Treasury estintete of the cost of Tire birth rate at Ottasiste last year
Manitoba, wheat steady. No. 1 hard :sisiate:wvosYs,,, p'l1.per8ce'w:tte.:1 cwt,..,,. ' 8.50 4,00 I Shortly after three o'clock the baiul alai (..,4ecretury hoe heen, completed.,
0.00 2.00 outside played. "Ged Sieve toe It shows that 517 charters suet ex -
1 The aninial report' of the Provie- the !Alcune royal trip puts the amount was 2.73 per cent. while the death
al, from X(300,000 to X700,000.
No. 1. spring at 75 to 7,0c • east. 0.12i 0.50 • ness the ceremony.
sold et 28.i. to 89c e•II roll, via Sar- The British crown weighs only ISO Loridou'e jell" reports show 81.
rate was. 2.441.
Moe No. 1 Northern at, $5, and NO. ., tra proviuciel Menzies Were .Ztteet11004); Oz. $ devt., though it comprises pre- prisoners Coturnitted during the last
2 Northern at ti2c all rail, via Ser. -
TRADE WITH .ti.FRICA.. lic‹ ii 3 : s' austparefseewntsit,ittueU,tesSirerOlitvlewr 1901, two-thirds of which does stones to the value of 4360,- three mouths.
In•ices are lc slower via Nertit
Mowat, Lieutenent-Governor of On- 'the inctu•poration. of going coneerne, 000, Mayor Greene ot BelleVille,
to Garry Canadian Gods, - G. W. Bose, the Premier, met, Sir stoee eosispessiese It shows ed seill hangs the royal Penner of 'eh army lei South Africa.
moderate trade. No. 2 white quoted
tario, appeared at the entrance, ne-i which were simply fencwing
Commander Lays. Hon. 'growing practice of becomilii, limited To $t. George's s Citatiel, Windsor, Ship 1,000. eons of hay Per the Brit -
Oats -The market is, quiet with a Sehense to Get Supply Steamers '00/ix•ipanied by
at 423e mat. Hon. Sidney ,loisher is in communica- 11900. The depertment earned in Queen. Vietoria, as it bas hung for
62 veers. Alt Queue, the Chinaman sentencen
et 41.e to 42e middle insights, and A despatch from' Ottawa says. :ss. Oliver at the door, and they nlescl„e erease of 80 'over the returns. for
steamers whielt now convey hay and
the the •peopie crowdine either side. Sir !lees $37,531, upwerde of $10,000 Among the Luoet recent fads of so -
1 to -death •at Victoria, B.C., has betas
declared insene and iiis sentence its
Pees -The market Is cluiet, With on with the idea of getting their way tiP the narroW aisle, wese
price$ unchanged. No. 2 quote a
• ..ended th e and roceed- • * 1 • .1. $ r ciety women 19 Out of being' photo- counoutett.
middle freight. ; ernment to South Africa, to loed up, petered, fully es strong teudere'd for grepheil as a movieg piettire, and ,e, s • e
edditionai was
r the Britise Gov- ea with his speech. Ilie Honer all- .81,100 ise 0.1 .It. eight dew talent an
88 to 840 west, and at 84 to. 85c other qupplies for
C -The tarket is steedy.Newt Gasutaiaa rooda for sale in the laet two epenings of the Legisita set the
us h--4 ho 04 !charters, Which were not granted. !Home of the greatest ladies ;Ai Lon -
$75,78e caree front ' don have set the. faehion. aountse by circular tho neve Canada -
maestri yellew quoted at 58 to 59e 'South Africa, In this eray bust- ture. .letters patent and licenses, and ea.- Capt. Lindsay, one of the o'..1cLiti •Ia0111111a4icsa.Bs.teareship service Ivens 'St,
Ilarley-Me.rket, is steady. No. 1 0040,ae, and south Africa, whicit in the Queee a Own Relies, WW1 a an , infarriage certefieutes yielded unin, Was a. ilepnow o M y
ness might be rontoted betw'en 1 -5• guard ot h°u°r ut 1°12! men frcun 571 irons esteblished cow-pea:les. hilted it t the ettauk on Dotson's col-
, Itingston Council is teats made up in
I •raed outside the entyance, d ethe se tem, various email Screw of Burlelgh and graudeon of the religioneeelethodiets, 7; Anglicans,
Farm and IsOlated Town Property quoted at 57c, and No. 2 at 53 to 1 the course ot a short time might call el tan r • •
04 • only Insured. . 54e; No. 3 extra at 52c and No. 3 or the establishment of :direct cetve Sir Oliver.
late Dowager Couutess of A,berdeen. • .
-01108 2. se ists 1,
7: 1 rt. he tertans, o Ionian .
Frazer, Vice -President, nruce,floiedaPo.40, ;7, eeS 06i to 57e west.
mass, Seov-Trease $eaftseth 0,; W. G, United Slitta,rtt ltdhreivulizieguntistraegoteilde 1.; t 4:31
trade between Cape Town and Ara -1
-Mr, Speaker and en ernes' e
f the The Provincial Auditor, Mr. .1. 11.1 ti
ILaing, late elect 'his report, and lie , wastes no worx,Is
W t 1 te aim -note s est on, and Att •Anierican writer, vstir deelet 1st
14 tee Ottawa vtLy • Count:11 . the
OFFICERS at, 50 to rile middle freight.. e Isteastisbip communication between 1 speeEese -FROM reteV THRONE,
J. B. McLean. President, Kippen P. 0. Thos. Rye -The deniand is fair, svith pri- both cou
, trims, grew., pentsure sa age n mee
eig eta iv+eAssembly:
t 'records no losses of importance in •
1901 but again werxis municipali- s d s d let there is one Baptist. and one Hebrew.
LI or the supw tem pie s
• 'th t t in 'Presbyterians:), elethodiets '5, and
in flattery, refers to • 1 cs. 9
Brouttoot, Inspector ot Losses S th P 0 Buckwheat -Market is firmer, With . s venues as a • lea s simP g Aeglicaos number .4, Va.the ,
8.4 Al KS '
Ineorpo,ated by
Act ef Parte meet, 1855.
CAPITAL ` A2,560,000
REST 42,100,000
WM. Idoesee eleiserixesoe, President
JAMES ELLIOT General Manager
Notes discounted. Collections made. Drefts
issued. Sterling and • Americao Exchange
boneht anti sold. Interest allowed on deposits.
Interest allowed on slims 01 01 and up,
Ssioney advanced to farmers on their owe
notes with one or more endorsers. • No mort-
gage required as security.
H.C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Notes Diseounted. Drafts issued.
Interest Allowed on Depoilts. •
BARRISTER, Solana:mt. Ete. •
Mom to Lean.
Onnesse-Effiott Block CLINTON
-vv Blia*DONE.
Notary Public', ree,
Omen -Beaver 331stek, Censetax
b S tl If iktb Mill Se • 8 t $8 40 havean opportunit of doin big the uli'e ('‘11 Glasgow South -Aide Clubs Who de- buedened with consteepeives .froin the
desdesiroes o•s:freet iuserance or tram,: hsns $A.10 to $1.80, and strong bake- tole of what se now going on be- P° 'ee e y chesaui 1 uleciwattli ion of Ulna.
.1. .tion took place lel LonTiSiown. eumPeti- Stelts,d00 eteel bridge across!
ttion in. the World is the one which forming the. eonneeting link hetweest
Ro t mi ser oe ;1 o er 0 an lers in wood, are $ . o . g a' and York.. 1 was greatly eas ,
part of Ontario, which the limited * . • Sir John Gorst says : "the vichest ehe COltunbut river at Robson, B.
their Royal Righnesses, iit every NEW WAR METHODS
sect other business will be womptly attended ere, .9:3,80; Tbronto freight. tween the Department of Agriculture
d the
time at their disposal permittea -
Larger Mounted Columns and reW- has refused to wiark mere than six the Col= , se
Columbia & Neestern sections of the
to on epplication teeny o t e ove o era
addressed to their respective post offices. Oattneal•-hlarket unehanged. Cer and the leas Office ate eot yet ready . te, ,
Conyeyancers, Commissioners,
Real Estate and Insurance
Agency. Money to Lotto. ,
lots' on track, $5,35 in bags, and for publication,
er Guns.
• • - •• • " $5.50 in wood. Broken lots, 25c Mr. 0, P. Whitley, of Depart- them to visit. The gracious • manner
in which they received the express I days in the ,weele ; and. those that _
' have' worked seven ere not only uot Canatlian Pacific, has beea completed
I re' -srs' Mill:teed-Brae unchanged at $1,3) to aelvnoksed and the interest they mani- leitehener eas set his hand to a new tricher, but poorer. axid taken over by the Canadian Pa-
naent of Agriculture,' leasves for
I ' • ese; per bbl extra.
Cape Town next week in connection • n of loyalty' whith 'their presence A Pretoria despateh says: -Lord .
......••••••••,-• 4
Trains will arrive at and depart front Clinton
Station. as follows :-
noreete ams ciamment summer.
C1011,1.g Eqpt Expsess 7:38 e, m.
t,•65 p.
• " Mixed 4;15 P.
Goieg West Mixed 10:16 a
$20 Shorts, $23. to $22 outside. with further snipments of hay to. tested in every matter pertaining to form of campaign. The reeent disas-Ralph Hall Caine, the son of _emu railsellY;
Is ..1
. .
Ore tet small colutans 'have shown . the famous' slove ISt" i° • att' Y
Manitoba. bran 420, and shorts $22, • Sciuth Africa -
represented, and. in whiebewe, as a try. The multiplicity of smolt col-
thotrPartutvalictemer7tittic't . 'how
gnificant numbers in a hostile coun- ) e we old ' ectiline .
• - • the Empire which' they so worthily si
per founded and or some lute i.. n London.
"H sthold Worcle the weekly pa- • es
tatty apartment houses find favor
undesirable itis to move in -1
Imperial artily unifonne are beIng
Toronto treighte, including mac s. .
• PRODUCE, Expert 'Urges .Br ohibition. otProvince, are se deeply interested. Charles Dickens. ,
eines plays too much in the hands ed
ti uerl prosperity of the lumbering portueley for vseeks and fail in emit- celebrate the 'centenary of 1.11e I3ible King Edward is preparing for a
1 t • .d't
in. sangtuneous letarrsa,ges. t I t you n the. con- ,ovlio watch h ' • - Arrangements Etre being made to reneodelled.
P t toes -The ket is steady.
R. C. P. and L. R. C. S,, Edinburgh.
Night calls at frontdoor oireeffienee on Batten
bury street, opposite Presbyterian church.
. -
Express 12:65p.
i• 10'27
0 El.
m. Cars are quoted at .68 to 70e per A despatch front 'London says ee- industrst, which giveg employment to •
(4) ,ns,tifingthoi upon some iselated sec- Society in 1904. . An attempt is to Mediterranean. cruise,.
due so many ok ur people, and from. be made to raise a fund ot 50,000
m'• bag, on track here, and the jobbing• Increasing insanity, supposedly '
't 2 •
havine guns, posse . There era 40 new cases •of sinellpox
D • 1 A 1 -Market is steady Suiting in a reduction of populatson venue is derived. Columns in future are tO IDOVe in throug ou
t the world
guineas to extend the society's work
7;06 a.
' ° 7:47 a, m.
isseiee euth. 1E,greedss , 4,1•5 p. in.
Geese Nerth fzreedas ' : 10as a. m.
6:66 p. ne
Town Ticket Agene
Special attention given to diseases of the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat.
CREWE AND Itemegeoz--
Albert Street lsast north of RATTENEURr
• Instrtct Passenger Agent, Toronto. "
wens- n le mai ee s ea y, One rete,G .cirbelase.totheqssteq.brelisIva.es plenr.peltdueall iS01P1rOCSe °ere
ger/S, Rild. large nurnbereare to come of. Coxley; twee Wells, Sothereet, was •
$1,45; and hatidpicked at $1,50 . to . ery a score of field batterfes will he teeth to 'pay re fine of 0100 and eSie)
ecen Mee paid over 4189,000,000
for Sealing':
ase year B.,ri.tleh• fire insi.:Trince •
rap le • the roblem • is no • necessity for so ,untrlY s Mr. Josiesis Brooks, a aitttle dealer,
ernraent. • • pros:hotly to attempt .
, to .eonsanguineous marriages, ere- which such a %ate part of Our .big
pricee 80 to 85e.
reec pp es
_ fin London 'Very day, •
to lett .1b, . the estedus from the country to the mobility which will Bible is a household • WOK.. passed,
'iv. serious illnese. ' •
greater strength, and in order to see Ci.uden, whose Concordance Of tIke
mire 'the geeater
to • 5.ee per /b. Evaporated sell at 9 latest and most disturbing p.hase - of,
'the The permanent :Crown forest • re -
with demand limited. Prices are et ie. numerous renal parishes,
elops-BuSiness • quiet, with prices cities of England. . serveS amounting eo over a million_
Phsicins and cleryen in several ad
half acres', have been carefully be nocessayy -the use of guns will be checkered and troublous life in Lone ' King Jedseard rape te Slumber
steady at 1.3e; yearlings, 8c.- • protected during the paat season and largeler discontinued. The artillery doe and ite neighboehooti, but he of his horses at the. sprieg meets
• 1 no loss of any- winsequene6 front .21..,, been found to hamper the free now has • the honor ei a staeued- • The Chaneeligr of ' the . Exchequer
• II A J Baltour is recovering
eel° to -laic for serairsed. Combs, to the'London press urging the Gov- Steps
being taken to further hie movement of mounted dolmens, and glase window •in St. elavioures hinted et increased taxation in Page
kidney-1Mo .market is unchanged, wiy ep---------------
etee ere writing tires dr other causes has eccurred.
as no artillery is in use against us church, Southwark, land, 4
$1.50 to $2.50 per dozen.
ULL 'picked . are •jobbing at $1.40 to tor says -------. -------- tbe. home,. 'Seeing ,Jartuary and Febra- ordered by tho ' Clerkeuwell elegise Ptl• •
burials in his parish last Year Were provtrige.
persons tainted with insanity.
Dr. A. P. Tredgoice Guildford, Sur- ;MINING INDUSTRY'S PROGRESS. • • • At Manchester buildings cost ng
withdrawn. The needs of India. will Des. costs for sendieg beef for sale
• . The mining industry of Onterio is , be first satisfied, and thee the b 1- ' I Id 1 t •• rt f -
a at mit e t WEIS 11/1 0/ $7,000,000 1DIV beth erected in less
AGENT C. P. R. Cranberries -Market is firm, with
sstioockizers.mbablil... Cape Cod, at $9.-50 to •doeTtx,
late County CoYnneP.to tioe ilejoine, in the,
CLINTON • outery against marriage 'of relatives, making. steady and satisfactory pro- ance brought, to Southampton. man consumpteon. .
Several cavalry regiments are also e
now . being employed in mining opera-
Victeerinif iSut:t ade 'the form of regi- bet' of deathe elutie in any et this iast
--------------- ondon had a. less num-
I-lay, baled -The market is steady, geess. iViore capital and Itthor are
badly in need of relief, one in panic- eh re. ri to Prince Christian
tram a year •
esserts that. the. eXistence of 'the tions than at; anY *Previous time, and tiler having ottlY eighty Men left reit merited aottago ironies foe disabled tete y•estes, s.f
TraVellers to any part of the with itiod demand. Timothy quoted -stud
fares, etg. • " Straw --,The inareet is quiet mild • • steadily increasing let both quantity ,
nested, Prohibiting the inflon: of •per- One of the angniented coiunins ; been raise
„ ecildiers, Already, o•ver :5;7,000 eas. England.feers being made. uhduem. •
d hie the scheme, :Which ing ground for the SU rp,lu geode ezd
country population. is at stake. He • • '•
eral "
evcirld should • consult the at $9.50 to $10 on track for No. 1, the output of tne Orme P of 500 who. originally' einberked.
above in reference to tiekets, and At $8 US $8,.50 for No. 2. sugges, s egis ation cameo be
t tl t 1 1 • t duets, of the province le raPidly and .
• he coMmarided BrigadiereGeeeital 'clieplaYs that kindly thought : Gentian eranefacterere,
Daetneil,, whose ;tactics meet.. the TWO fatal' aceidents have occurred.-
0P- others which -is so characteristic of
•Poeition- so well that. the 13e 2. now princess Chiestiage • • ' -.from the .bureting of shells brought ,
clear before him wherever lie goes., 1 'llonerieff Griekson.„ hoine fram South Africa, and the ,
and value. • ' •
firm. s Cox lots en track: wilt bring meime ought to be found for infusing The work of settiing the •agricul-
$5•75 t° Se• • ' fresh blood into the rural districts.
W :JACKSON Poultits-Market is steady. Tur-
'11"' DENTIST.'
Will be at Bayfield every Wedneaday •
°evict -Adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery.
Simmer, . Osta
seccessor 1.0 1)1', fleece, Clinton.
Specialist in Crown and Bridge s,Vork. •
D.D. :I -Graduate of Itoyai ooliege of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario. •
L. D. 2. -First- class honor gel:taunt° of Dental
Department ot Toronto University. Special
attettioo paid to preservation of chi1dren'e
Will be at the River Bayfield, every
Monday from,10 nr to v. in.
TROLLEY ' AND PYRAMIDS. Itural lands :.o!.the Orwell has been
AGENT Co P. ed staid halafetted steels sold from. 7 successfully proseceted during the
year. Extensive tareas have been dis-
.. keys, fie to 9ec per lb; frozen, seed-
. eess to 8e. Geese, ,dry picked, 7 to 8°. l'sed of to actual settlers,- most of
se Ducks; 00 eo 85e. • Chickens; young, 'Eeeetrie Care Will Now be Hurt to whole. are from southern Ontario.
_ 50 to 75es old, 35 to 400. rtabbite, Mount Sinai. TO is satisfactory to know that theee
.• • e------sises-se-e • • •
. • • stho leave the old& settlements of
Lipp.' IN con, e0c. pei. pate.: lAvedle4enpcaistetnidroiAiCelaegvoeleta, sayscadpaalit:-s, 1
*l• telii:prgeriTte iti3O.noebNtv,,Letii.n.' fields sniottd s roe!:
• • • rue Aon ompany, • have been mu: -
easeful in negotiating with Signor J.
, , . A FAMILY LIIIIR.ARY • : .. Dressed hogs michanged aL SS to.
,panieis, of Rome, Italy, for con -
The Best In Current- Literature -
. . $8:e5 in car -lots, With offerings..fair. r.
CI:Molls for. electric lines, from.
• Hog product steady. We quote -
Cairo, , Egypt, to Mount Sinai, ands
.13acon, long clears, sells at 10 -Se to
- 12 CoMPLeTE NoviLs YEARLY ••':
11c in to and case -lots; mese pork, thence along the cosset of the Red
Sea through Syria and Arabia to
Smoked Meats -Hams, 13 to 13ed; Alee°4. :A branch is to conned. Dee
with the- system by the comeietion Of the new asylum Lion has progressed by leape end
bi.ealsfast bacon, 14 to 14ec; rolls, uedee.us at Mdluit' beildings at Cobourg. This vela re- bounde. 7 and a larger umnber • La
. $2.50 Peri TEAR: 26 STE. A cotar
Colon° james.
Willi aslarger .eerre he. shoidd •do ex- .who has, just been appointed quarter- Britieh • GovernMent has • issue'd a
Arley will itennbel. 100,000 men.
. . nutstetegeneral to the army cerpsa to - wArning ageinst keeping 'tilled shelle
. . . .
cell en i work: The new m ou it t ed
beeorganizest at Saltsbury Plebe, is a or quick-hring carteidges. e .
• I • • • Scottish °dicey of great expe'rienee , . •, , :.. e --e -
- . • • • • . • ' .
'1 d•sinction. I -Ie 's Glaseovs
. . .• • . man, the son of the late efts eorge .
They .Are Wanted • by the Orange catiel at Glasgow Ac de • Ora cif ales • ' •
• af. 111,6nerieffs Grier:on, and Was: ecu- • •Smallpox es stereos:Sing itt -the Wese•
. . • .
opportunities within our own ,bouncl- River Authorities.
It bean suggested that the leing •601deago's. ,:tc0c04 '. last -year were • .
taxies, • A e• despatch * from Bioemforiteirt 'should. allow those peers who have $21.,647, *. . '.. s • • • •
The • adequate 'care and maintenance says:edrhe Illothifontein Post ..pub- State ccrecties. to follow hire in the " ,iih 6 1 ' eh este ee of rural school '
of the -insane ef our population stile iishes . . er se a .• 0 s 6 •
a long. and. important aetiele procession through the •city after .the leathers: in Illinois.
engage' i theattention of the Govern- surveying .the progress of the !eivil thronation, and this wouldcertainly . : '• - : ' '
Meet. • Addieional ' stecommestaeion administration of the Orange River make. One .o•f the attest, remai.kitble • The tamest. . ..
; ,‘; about • Wichite; lean- '
with. orders. .. . . •• - . ! Gee- of the. United States to be,. ia
these State. coaehes are- eireettly titled . CelYille • • reillrlIS S./10W /. . .
are tholitiling bath.
he impulse-
. . Colemy di:wine:tire past year. - Ethicist, proceiisions ever seen in 'London, The • e4e' '
fop 150 patients hae• been furnished busheis 0 w ea(
Ituaez. ie. London • who make
- . NO. CONTI NU ED STO RI ES. 11c; backs. 1.4:to '14Se, and should- Snot" • .
, EVERY NuMosie COMPLETE its rrectea t .., 3 C. _ . - . ,. lieve, for the time. betng, the exist-
. . el., lei . Letters received front, Signor Span- ing pongestion of 'the asylums of. the • children eve now being educated that aod d •• th I te '0 vern env pen tin ei e a 0 -
time the Sidtan . se Turkey previece, but 1 leer • You will be metre: the last figures' showing it to-
. . Lard -The Market is unchanged, ler sees
. • " ' with, fair demand We quote:se:lure. has granted a.n iinPoetant part of the agent called' upon, at no distaut led or
concession for the sYstem. ' 15.466 scholar's, e0III ared
. 11 to llec; tubs, 111e; pails,
: Veriest,' to eensIder. , the . advisability with 8,000, the- highest •record lister
of making furthern provisiofar 0.0- the ()ranee Pree .State Republic. The
SMALLPDX DECREASING conunodation of the increasing num- s
-ceachers in the camp aud town
' ' ' 00' '6 000 060 • " -
Loisi.Kinnear;: Who line just seeks ..... . , . ' ' • ' ' • ; . ' • • se• ,...
bellied- ble .blethday, is es Scot:eaten , !Mere iS a bill iii ••the New •eore-....
and a lawyer:- lie •.was i ducisted .:itt, Legislator° agn last Meting on .a
G 1 asgow . • ands Ed i ; 1 bu reit IS zi i vie.si Ly, : Panel e purrs; dee aerie • . • .
and was called 1.0 the . her in 1450, ' • Governor Niusli , • o reOli la, invites -
He became. it Q.C. 111.1881; end- . in •the goYeraors of all the states. to set
• "
Prof. Krause Says. Human Race is •. .
• ,Not Degenerating. , • • Ottawa's edical • E.
.0•ce. ber thisoiiNalf11,iActLedn• eplausgsa,
.- . • . • schools nember 100,• and -.ate teeth- the. stune. year lie -wee appointed a aside dneinity. . as
.tional 'hundred. frOnt Eng-. judge •of the Oben. 01 ',0',2.101211 'With pay ''•
With receiptalair. •We quOte.ae . Thinks Tide Has Turned-, . RD/ glad to learn• thet verY sete. lend in the (entree of the' .n.exe iew ,tlie tale •ef •Lord leinnear. • 1st 3.897 a. meerding • to a bill . the. New • •
• istactery progr.ese etas been. made id Months, wbile teachers are • alsis ine peei•age of the Ifeneee Kingdoni seas
TION: • '
. Professor Krause, an eniinent Ger- ButtereeThe market -reles !steed
cortelusion thee, despite the general Chow,. 1.4,g roils; loy iheeet, there are sevetity-eme cases of email- rei that in sevei•al our teeses mut AuStraliC ' • I .• • • • *:
" - in the "P•ti•ish ,eXaganne" -for \Site -esea0dIs,egisinture. deise
lOwsze-Selected dairy tubs; 16 to 17c the. peortiotion of technfeal education; ...v,ited froni•Cenada; New ,e,altinel Lunt eoriferred on lilm; , ' -.classed as we'ed, and is• to be •de -
Man Authority, nee coke to. . the A. despatch ft= Ottatta says:-
-n11., J. FREEMAN
saes vereausuatv seriarcer
A member of the Veterinary Iliedical Associa-
tions of London ard Edinburgh andttraduato
of the Onterlo Veterinary College, .
office opposite et. PauTil chureh,Ontarlo street
?10�100 111
112 fears, •the humeri raw is hot degen- 1.4h has. is to iso; pox down at Porter's Island DOW,. it• • • , •
int nor quail- melee special buildings,. and suitable The following is a rough outline of , . • .• 11 • • f: k " ' 1 P • lent wOuld
• •
crating PhYsteanY. The Pl.°•fessPr ties,' 10 t 12 • and 'while this number may be COD-
• ton 1....hurch; oisvich, •• the st o It too s, o, resie
se solids. tie le.
sleered lerge, is much below the eqiiipment for tile. Purpose have beets
generously provided, , and else ;that British settlers en Government land
the •terme of future colonization. by beptimus sttikingly..clemonstrahee the• alMeint Ftank Sargent, chief oi4
Says that the 'Egyptian Muminies, o ec. •creemery • meets
after &Dewing. for ale possible slirtek•-• el Es- •, figure of n, fekv weeke 'ago; When Over rage °for giVeng. patriotic naines to. the 'Brotherhood of Locomotive Pir.e-
21 •tie 2n•20 2 •
T t the systein 'of trevelling librartes for in this 'coloeyaserlie land will be of-. ch'idi•en • elajoi.-C:eatertil. liaden-Poe men head of *the iteinigration 'sties
;Ages were rio larger in body ...when
- ely fresh 27 tie 36c; held 'ir'esh, 22 te, hundred patient§ Were registered, the 'newer parts. of. the province, . ler hired. ut A fair valuation qn a. b,ases woe :Seems , 'be the 'Mist Pope ..
• itu. 'on oil leeks Island. -
• •
alive thee' Are the, preemie 'dWellers
and cases were springing up .every
to_ IS5e; 'ecitcl. storage, 20:to 2.2e; which provision wae inatie a, year sa 25 Years." pueeneee, with the op -
on the bilni<s of .tha Nile. d 19 t 20 • - day Lie A Setae more or less alerining. a o less met with gellertal diVrovul. ti f hu in the freehold at ens, gilei, being elnitsitlekieri R•1.12311balt-ii. • .
• uheese-Market 14 eteadDY. . that the worst hoe now been experie et the • Imperial tithe after three to five vears Gov- Powel Mafeking, se, out
Ancient ilonion • writerit give the e 18, The Medican Health 'Officer, thinke on ) y g
height of the soldiers of the pretor- • gThe *corn natio'
Pf • is the Provi ce of ' have received as pare ..of thee. 'fat-
e e.
q tate finest Septembers,, 10e to lie:. Will lend, the money. to the „ronymic Badee. ono hist aece i.!/
ian guard as elety-seven inchees . . enee anthat e eas s pie v
d d th dis e i • tt ste•ttites °Ice I 1%, se ' • :eIlline°t'
- Ontario under the Previsioes of Yaa./3" settlere •it a favorable tate of inter- " • • 1 b deld
second's,. 91 to 3.0e.
teurepeen nation with a guard wattle ' • . • • , • I B 11 • b
• ; ese foe the purpose ea stocking till!. It'al Li. . eel/ creel
• • • , . ,• , tee III •*11 ei 0 luts been completed ,
el undei. control. • The doctor states . •
Lte-------------.viltg :been • asitled 'to- le'
thine of so low a, stete.derd. Skele- , that but • tor vaccine:Won there
sum embodied in what
w•Ilk e°"stle faints and making improvements; The Christian naine• 13ertritue Sie. Eve -
tons of •the. Lineleet. Germenie. tribee. .UNITED ;STATES MARKETS. would have bee11 a. eCeurge of the di- tute Volume nr...of the Revised Ste -
found in the 'Valley' of the. Rhine • . , • setise in the hity While t settler is exempt from rent eecept •
b • ituese to the conelusion that Toledo, J 14. -Wheat -Cash and
treatment had been more vigorously
h‘• lust tutees This Ssompilation with neeese • e . • 4 lyn •Wood, General efacelonald,
. 1 i 1 teen ni e s n o quit rent, tor the first yeaes ocetipitestiamilton, and the'litte. General. Gore
the old Germans were much beneatb. JanuarY, and May 91c, Corn -Jane enforeed, the pest eat y g a
'der and ul h e no
tion. don tire also represented. .
would uow be
11 e s
your canal a to 1, a •
Dr. Kridise bases his. View • chiefly Ivy, dele io 48 ee, Rye -69c; No. :3, . ., .• ' s, . .. es._____ . . • • 1 'Near Wakefield., , in Yorkshire,. • a
the *public..
. enade, so far les tile •walle are cons
. . The yetir jeSt, closesi has been one . ' . :
cae• capacity of the recruits... • 701e; • No. 3 de,- .70e; •Ner. 2 corn, . .•
te Montreal' despatele . Sad:ea-Se It. the deniernineete:te tolfh, the . Piciovietitice i. • s. -Hasi an-7.ene'oneS.3 .0.E..0," er !culled. 'of •a, nureber of g i'e at Wain -
countries. Tbese. show that eeren les Buffalo,. :Jan, • 14,- oin--, 'ern. . • ..--. . ': . . . ,
Prance, §ince. 1815, there has been Li 'Wheat -Spring dull; No. e Northern. A.meeican Locomotive • Weeks or of Very. gratifying' prespeeity to, the SI.Crupp
The growth or , • $.5,090,goo a Year.• 'pipes left by a Contraetor• for .yeare,
gresvizig improvement in the Sphysi- 86e c. • , ' Coin -Dells No. 2. yellow,. Canada. , • . agriculterel classes.. whilst. the roof consists Ot the. retests.
. (et ' est Atari •in Germany is. Herr, Krupp, of ail oilcloth factoi•y; There are, in
e A Berlin • despatch says:-Tbe riela • •
No. 2 white, .52ie; No.. 3, .52o; No. 2 Letoielloit:oatyl;vomerkenot ..Wora..;thienietttneerieciatyn. etf:i elstle7 aucYceeusclortles. eis'llitlitere
A.ccordieg et) the income tax England elope. helf La dozen cottages,
"School. going, coddling, and Other. (Mee; NO. 8 Jo, 091e. oath -Easier; .
refinements of eivilization," 'says 'Dv. • ar • . a i e.: • t:th ls : eAntetee n returns not to speak. • of. teeny summer
lerause, •".may heve an injurious ef- mixed, 491c; 'No. 3 do; 4,9ec. Barley on Thursday 'and hattenterviews'evith 1:11xehibition 'evinces the, intelligence h 0 ewe, made ithollsv out of old . pievn. e .. tt e tus. i a
helms an ;ethnic of beteveen twenty
[018 -
foot en the modern human fibre. but --05 to 70c. Rye -No. 1, 72e" • Sir William Vermont°, Sir Thomas with. width agricultunti aperetions of and tevehty-ohe znillion smirks a year sereed Wavle' Se •
etbout $5,000,000). . • • On ca s tila hOtiSe..Cf.
Ea5... Sil n hnessy eer Q. M. Hays tinid, every. kind ,are carried On within the ' winder • Of it hug.e 'col -
the insproved end bettee ceeking." ler; close. No. 1 Northern, 80et; No.
' othujoromix;ent f ilwav men. ' 3S1 phrictiatel:lecisssItiminiote.., wall Utile lellIe:eskat.o.:vuleP-sr.';11,410eorrY:::1,111el,srtatroat Barrislees contains liye.
thie is more than counterbelanced by Milwitulme, • Jan; letaeWheat--
2 Noisteerre'791 to te0e; May, 84 to , • - ' • tu•-•' ' ' Prevince* the whole of tite outer
e and probaby would. establlett i•
'' )1 55 Tile improveinents nettle ' at the. and the next richest •mitzt .in.• Ger- 001er tuts!' . • . .. . ••.
thee present. generatien in stature. nary, • • 65e; May, 68e. tentse-Jenue .veiped out. doubt will be regardecl • with great
on the ireefutiible evidence of the ree 67ec. Cloverseed-sfanuexy, $8.10: •
asu legal in:°fesawn and RICHEST MAN. IN' GERMANY ;most comfortable' cottage has been
cruiting sietistics qf oil EuroPean March, $6.15; timethy, $2.05.
051/10E, ISAA0 Benue; Iteemesese,
Oates condueted in all parts of the Counties ef
Huron and Perth. Orstersleft, at Tee News
Itteeen offiee, Cantata or adaressed to Sea
forth P.O. W111 reeelve prompt ettentiote Sat,
election guaranteed or no charges. Your pat -
/snap solicited,
4- -
E T 011111-1:1:
eallaway said • es ecistiparty- Would .ExTENDeera THE ..0. A, 0..
d ; 1 -13 t Ile •••,' 'IC a . walls and reef are suede of ineet Lind
„ Itye-Steady; No, 1, 67se, ens to 11
Barley -Dull; No 2, 64c, semi e. locomotive ---workn Canada but I C b ti
lo, ' Agriculture ol ege Y ele en• manse The identity of the second -
BUILT CP BUTTONS, to 64e, (lores-MAY,67ic• nothing had yet been decided, f At steal and biological taboret-. - •
A hone° built cif butions is the u s • oti. knowee' M. Callaway coatin- '
JJ luth Jan 14.-Closc.-Wheat- els
unsh. No. 1 hard 81.e; No, 2 North- torY,. an
libroxy has a yearly incotne of between five
* • • e." • ;
Attest thing in architecture and ued, it takes a lot of money th es- massey si the e .ly completion of the
anst museum, . A. wise blainess man watches ids
WIll ern '75. e; No. 1 erthern, 78c; elay, and six million Mares, is 'not (mite
b 'Idin it The walls. the ceilings 81.,,,,..1e. °(1--'9„-- • ' L', ,, already spent $2,000,000 since the greatly to the efficiency of the adVerting• es carefully as .he does
testate Prench musical eelebrity is e s , e tablish locomotive works. We have , tedd
t 47ec feorn-0o . clear altholigh he is supposed to be .
the doors, the exterior, and the in- seen, inhesselsoes,_ arth hh...1- ihee-e. amalgamation. The machinery and I e 11 d 't th II .-t. • '
tons of eVery description, from the Ells c; on teeth, No, 3, hard, plant -was a great deal, run down,' agrietattiral 0011Ogee of Asaerica.
and had to be renewed, so that at . I sun pleased to learn that the lege
writhe -teens, I 1,1, e; may, ause; 0 toy,
terior are all' ornamented with berth
S1 to Si*
No. 1 Northern, '79 et lete /elation of last se:felon for the the
those of the present day. Those date ,,Nortliern, 7'71. to 780e. Flour-Eirst
*-• -• 2 present we are devoting all our ener-
gies in that direction. Afterwards, 1 &Mtn?'
I couragement of the beet stlgar ine
very origin of their invention up , tce
in g from the lower Greek empire axe patents, $4.10 to 84,20; second pa- when we get time, we Will look over • is likely to produce the re.
of the most curious manufacture, but tents, $4 to $1.10; first clears, eft , sults desired, The experiments 0011-
cotintry has; been ransacked, to 813.10i second clears, 82.80. Weil ,
-- the ground here."
'4 ' ducted by the Department of Agri-
iind some very curious sneelinees are -In bulk, $17.50, " e• • •
cititure conclusively shqw that trio
reported to have been brought to Detroit. J an. 'U. -Closed -Wheat- ICELAND AND CAL1ADA . plovince is most favorably adapted
light. - 4 tO the growing of sugar beets,' and
o ege, an place among e t 8 Vkleall..kna.ster, Herr yon Thlels
A Jewish editor has been in1prison-
e ed Berlin for calling Gez.mari anti-
, 'Semites priminals.
No. 1 White, cash. 94c; No, 2 red,
**........o*.••••*1 • July, 88es• ei To Be Connected With Wireless is°1retal
to undertake the work of sugar pro.
aides are now preparing
.cash and January, 93c; May, 92
A merchant With an eye on the fa- eec„sh, ewe may( wee: July, sac. A despatch from Copenhagen says The a.metylments to the leactories
, St, LOUIS, •Jan, 14.--Closed-Wheat
of every business opportunity ot the
land, the Paroe Islands, tied Canada buildings to provide ettitable fire es-
•••! -It is- stated that Iceland, Green-iAct, requiring the owners of factory
titre will not fail to take 'adVatitage
'l.ti1VE STOCK MARKETS, es• s y itl ' capee entVe greatly increased the
Marconi sys-------- reless tele- safety of the operatives and those
Telegraphy. Iduction.
REMARKABLE LSOOKS. Official statistics *show that the
What are probably the lai.geit and Wealth of. Prussia, during 1903. in-
snaallest books in the World have creased 58-5,000,000 marke,
rested side by side for many years in
the British Museutia. The largest vol-
ume measures 5 feet 10 inches in
height by 8 feet, 2 inches -in width.
It is heed together by great iron
clasp% and nu:oared eight different
skins for the binding. It was pre-
sented to the nation by Kieg George !
IV. in 1828. 'The =attest book is
only three-fotirths of an inch by one-
half inch. It is called "Schloss'
illiararresoovadotmosirai ...1 Toronto, jan. 14.-Iteteipts at TT the graphy. Iceland, it is spiel, will ' connected evith the meeliardeal indus- English. 13alou Almanac ot 1888,
- Western cattle merket to -day were spend $45,000 for this purpose, ancl tries of the province.
and Was publiehed honoe of the
alt told, fifty 'bade of live stock, is already negotiating With life. Mar- . It is gratifying to be ab aceession of Queen Victotia to the
1 cc state •
3 chiding 800 cattle, 600 Sheen and coni for the installation of the sys- ,that the fishing industry. has, during throne.
lambs, 000 hogs, 20 Mileh cows, and :tem betWeen Iceland and the Shot- 'the year, been unusually prosperous.
GENERAL 131sACKSMITIL „ rho nun et 2181 roun re -stocking the inland lakes and nom, ARMY.
.1 • The work inaugurated last year, of
- few calves. ' land Telande.
A DARING THIEF. rivers, will be continutd during the An interesting gift has been added
" PA d
Wowing:irk irontetend iirstselaes material and
work guseeriteed. Venn enplements aed ma
aisles rebtelt and malted,
same; A stisouvrx
boLtatirr STREET, NORM, Cermet g
ith a.nd unthanged, and these few Words
y mother w.... er was
last she was given up to He. Then i i Throws Stone Threagh Witurew PROPOSED LIMISLATION.
. eontuttlpt on or ma y y . 'Moro Is a good steri.dy trade tn ex- live great cases are pineal 19,000
port cattle ; Crites Are unchanged at and Steals biamonds. Meatures will be sUbmitted cone figures of soldiers> about 51th inches
t e front de to 5ets for good to choice tenting the sale of intoxicating high, all branchee of the tirmy being
' she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
D I, Jolty, -y, 1.4. .y. ., cattlo ; and for light stuff front 4 to A. NOW Yells &spat& says .
•• • $ liquors,. the constrection of rt. rail -e represented With the •utmost exacti-
- and was Speedily Cured." A
' Pc . .weil dressed young man on Thursday way from. North Bay to Lake Tends- I tude regardieg uniform and arms.
increased refireaChtutioti The toy twiny, nuirching' past - Na-
• I No ' change oceurred to -day in the afternoon threw e, stone through the camimme,
COPYRIdlitit otO.
Myotte sending A skeet efeleettellakei MAY
rinsexty tocortox oor opititort free _inutolor
inventtort 84 protAbir Datblittible, 1:01BARIAR•At
DetEISIIICII3VcoundentlAl. II*144b0OIC Ott Pittents
sent ire& oldest 4000 tor soeuring_patonta.
Pitthht$ tikkett through mnrot & GO. ready*
*pieta Iona, without cuktge. Lb*
$dttotifit iivatricatt,
A. Modl*fltfltt thimitmod tittost_611.
tailltion Of talyirciontino lourno, TOMS.** I
Tlf fir months, tot sold ay all newsdealer&
N CO.,$61itotailwi*Newyerk
or?. Mt litArkilibuttss. O.
approaching 80118021.. . to the Musee de Armee, Paris. In
No. matter how ha.rd condition of butcher tattle. • . thew Window of Edward Burger e., nas for setting tti
suue provittee, the asseeement laWS, the With the populltee in the streets
tot. the northern districte 'of • 'the *Aeon,
WO 11110/0 11, otiquiry for steekers loan office on Sixth 'Avenue, I
iir _ your cough or how long Ism' feeders at, the prices preVailing. Made (May With a diamond neck- fisheries, and eetra-provineiel eon, allowing. tile soldiers, spies pictures.
The report of tile 110Yal COlnistiee old Alsetian who fought under the
Cherry Pectoral is the -land Iambs,
There is no change at all in sheep to the total value of 85,000. Though
the street was troWiled with shots- "Little Corporah"
best thing you can take. = A few good Milch cows are sure pera at the trine, the thief escaped Mont Lane of the preViriee end Lite
Alen anPointed to revise the aesesee
?MED AT UNAttMEto MAN ',i)f the imblic neevice Will be laid be. "Ilo you beliepe in heredity, Mrs.
It's too risky to %tat (400d
ett e at from $40 •L ei50 each, with his Islunder.
veill calves are also Wanted. \
N reports of the several departraents
until you taste consump. lloge are steady lend unchanged. 6 fore yeti 111 titre tottree. SimPsors ?" "Indeed X do, Every
Choice hogs to -day sold itt $0.75 mean trait Bobby has can teare
yott have had it, Ayer's !lust Tuesday, • lace. Werth $2,200 and diamond rittge qui) Work oecupied i lifetime of iin
tion, It *you are coufhini.:
ser ewt. ; fat hogs at $0.50 and light cmuitta
0 d*t Sh ikwyk prepared With gronf- regolq to his father believe in heredity,. too "f"
e a The waipatties for the ettrrent year, right back to his father." "Does
Cherry ectoral at
be of mine (platy, tin se e no A deepateli frOM• seam Town tmya oe001int0113%Yr vule8e
' Shot at Xrugersdorp,
of the proVinee, Will be submitted, , •
nitstacor.gtevon.ttviangititiva.e.tillit; tinou to ine
"Yea ; tracen Bobby's Remits right
Hogs to feteh the top price inust
11)01°w 160 nor hbovo nO0dPOutiltids, -.Commandant Daniei
4titee twat *touts tor'ee omens, Pollee:Mg is the range ot quota.- wyk Ilan been tried by COUrfiltletttial
V44 Schalk" :for tonaideration nt an early date. 014d gedtleintoi," to tittle girl who
_ old; 500.4011*tight for lnonobsui, 1100141. Itragersderp, and shot, for firing
today) 1-p a.tkott e o at $6,50 per cwt.
2111 • NEW is 'weeping bitterly... --"Why, what are
Vit 01400 &Ms *2 a to imp set meta
Vitl**, bird 5410, our.; AI, •{404t. iheoluitoukt
Cattle. - tit a, Wounded trooper of the South After the LieuteuanteeleVernor had Mott tryidg 'about, little girl '?" •
(1..kXJiII c04 4.'"11' xi" • filsipper11,. per civt„. $5.26 Afriead Constabulary, who ghati. taw. read his 400e11 anti retired, :4pe:414er tie elleisseeole, 1 awn lump, teetese
J. Dutcher, ehOiee„o 8.75 4.25 rendered and laid dowd his arnSe. Evaisturel aimatusthe the receipt of • rin tV0021D,31 1repose."
• • il ENERAL. •
'rhe Kaiset. is -taking' steps to pre-
vent, sideline . . • , .
• Steed Isla i zisancests,viusns .a re s.lie.me-
fully. overcroWded. , ,
The Metal workers' steike at 33a.r-
celinsie lifts' been settled, ,
The standard gastge is to be adopt-
ed on the emit:tit tailsthere. •-• • ;
Gerraany Will hove a, flee exhibit at
the:St. :Louie lexhiletion, . •
• •
An.• . American • company •offers tie,
t I, the tsity. of Parisi with gas.
. Statisties• just iiened show: 50 per .
cettt. of illiteracythroagnout Ruesia.
1.1s1110eiii.es. Barteleaus,. an .Atisti.iaff elee-
Innen, 01 Vlerene, has • invented a
syetent for preventing railway ccil-
Prof. K.raass, a German scientist,
saYs that the human race is, in
spite of 'modern dreweiteks, growing
taller and strouger. • • •
It is .reported fr in Berlin that the
tlertnan tavern . is about. to send
Prelherr . Von 'Leen, a gentleman
fat•nier, to the United States to
study t•Ile. methods of agriculture
A bill is about to be introduced
into the. Belgium Chamber. under the
Department of Labor, making Sun -
dirt, labor Optional, no interference
being given to those finding. Sunday
work congenial,
-lour uuttit odurt mass 81 lows Vim t,"
silo asked hs to treat her IIK 0 one of the tathily, but Wloen , at,