HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-16, Page 1r‘f
22nd Year
Suggested -as.a New Year's Resolution
- Winter Evening Games
.. — alc lid a A 'is' 11
During the long winter evenings it is neceseary
that the young people should have some games
for recreation and amusement and our stock
furnishes a variety of the best on the mark**
Crokinole . . . .
The ever populer and, the
best of parlor genres is again
Shaving a very large sale.
We have two lines at 75e and $1 each.
The boards are splendidly finished and
very satitfactory for' expert playing.
I' W. Cooper & -Co., CLINTON.
Agents for d. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express
Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns. • .'
,eiseses,..weeweeetveeeseseele-glee4.49:eae-see 9 eireeerte•-eleusenessiSeweevaesissereetasnaese.
Other Gaines
Parcheesi 25c
Hahne 25c and 50c
Nations 25c
Authors treacle ansi 25c '
' Pretoria 25c
Hockey Sticks
• Best Quality Ash
ricd11,13FaCert %lick
Practice Stick
Boys' Stick
Fort 85c
Lost Heir 10c and 25c
.Spap "fxs, 10a and 25e
Boy to Banker 25c
Etc., Etc.
60c .
25c and 15c
Hockey Pucks 2.5c Hockey Pada
Sleighs and Sleds
Baby Sleds
25c to $1 pair
$1.50 to $5
Boy Sleds . 50c. 00c, 75c and 90c
Carriage.Runnets $1 per pair
TIME PLIES -e'... t.
• 11
The holiday season has come and gone
and we are once again settled down to
our usual line of trade. 13efore leng we .
expect to get things inour-/store so.
•arranged that we will be able to ' -• . '•
make some special announcemente. •
In our extra busy spell we did not forget to keep up our Standard . '
of excellence in Staple Groceries and we are now prepared, as
we always are, to give you the purest and best groceries that it .
is possible to obtain in Clinton or elsewhere. • , ' •
' Fresh Lettuce and Young Onions every week.
• Ogle • Cooper Co.
•••• •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••9••••••99••••••••
We wish you a happy and proriperou$ New Year *
and solicit your patronage for 1902.
B. CREWz, . Jeweller andOptioian
biddlecombe's Old Stand. ••
Expert watch Repairer.
•-•-imere_esegics_lemee weee •
r••••••••••••••••999•9•94•••••••*•••••••.„ ••••' 49'4•44. 44..
We wish you a happy and prose
" percrue 1902. , You will be richer
• • • et the end pf it ifyou buy your
hats, caps, -underwear, . etc.,
from us. • .
moRmst, illy HATTER. •
The Compliments of the Sea-
son to our customers, May
the commg year be bright
and prosperoue. Start the year
well by buying your clothing
from us.
• 4
will pay
my subscription to. The News.Retcord
Aridly Bruised. Accident at Organ, Factory.
Mr. jelan Marshall Jr. of Goderich
township was severely jammed on
Vriday last by getting caught between
the gate post and his load of wood
while driving into Mr. John Jackson'e
yard. His clothing. was torn from his
arm whichwas badly bruieed. The shock
caused Mr. Nfarshell to topple over but
fortunately theft were to serious
results and he is about all right again,
The Probabilities.
According to the probabilities Mr,
William Coate will be offered the
registrarship of Huron and will ea-
cept. This will leave that other snug
berth,thenostmastership• of Clinton,for
some other actiye Liberal, Mr. James
Scott in all likeljhood.. If M. Coats
goes to Goderich, the probabilities go
on to say that Captain, Combs will
succeed him as toven clerk, but refuse
to act as treasurer as' well on the
groued that one man should not fill
both positions.
Monthly Horse Fairs. • *
Monthly horse fairs will he held in
Clinton in Jenuary, February and
March, the first to take place on Wed-
nesday of next week, A number of
the leading buyers have promised to
attend so that the fair ought to be
well patronized by those desiring to
sell and as well by others who, having
already parted with one or more of
their horses,are now looking about to
replace them, There never has been
such an active demand for horses is at
the present tine.
Mr. William Weir titmice Again:
• Mr. William Weir returned home
on Saturday last from a fives weeks'
trip through -Manitoba and Assinaboia.
He was aectunpanied . by his brother,
• Mr. Alexahcier Weir of Searborotown-
phip, who is also a capital farmer:,
They made a close exaraination of those
parts of the West which they Visited,
driving about a good deal, so are in a
Position to give an opinion well worth
'They.made their firse stop at Portage
la Prairie where they met, Captain
Sheppard, a former resident of Clinton,
who is just es genial aridl kindly as- of
yore and is fond of meeting 'people
from his native tonere Mr. Weir, has
four:cousins .who are citizens of the
,Portagie .one cif •whom is clerk 'and
treasurer of the Municipal district,
Another of them ha e a half section of
land, worth about one thousand. dol-
lars; which he•lets on shares and from
•Whieh he last year reaiized.: twelve
hundred drillers. While it the Port-
age *Mr. Weir. also met Mr. John Ferris,
formerly of Mullett, who was In peYe
ing•his taxes, amounting to one .hun-
dred and seventy two dollars, •Mr.
Ferris is prospering apace and has One
of the best farms 'on •the Plains,. His
residence alone cpst over six thousand
dollars. Not far from Mr. Ferris' is
the eightbumired acre farm .of Mr.
John Armstrong, whose crop although
a large one, was not as enormous as
might be imagined frpen the fact that
the threshing Machinennd gang Were
on his place for forty two :days. .The:
time meet have seemed Tie long to hon
as It did to the select few in the ark but
as a holden ,in . the .rainfall was deny
expected 'he contintiedto- feed the
threshers till the clouds, rolled by.•
John and Feank Brydmie, eeho. live
four miles west of Portage ea. Prairie
and are cousinsof eles. (Dr.) Bleekill
of Clinton, are making headway rapid -
1Y. The Portage people well remember
Me. John Houston, the present esteem-
ed principal of the Clinton Collegiate
Inatituee, Who once dwelt in that
town, rind maoy enquirieewere made
regarding •hirre. So many of the people
are engaged 'in the gentle pastime, of
sawing wood, that it seemed to Mr.
Weir for the firse day or two he was in
the place that about eyery other man
carried a bucksaw. The Portagers are
gettin g their soft, water •in Congealed
form,from the ice men. Land on the
Portage plains is alnrese as high peiced
as in Ontario end the bulk of tire places
changing hands are being bought up
by resident farmers for their sons, .
At Minnedosa, Mr, Weir met the
Taylor brothers and Mr. John Tedford
endfamily, all former residents of ,
,Clinton and all doing well. • The Tay-
lors combine ranching with business in
town . and have the family ebility for
capturing the elusive' dollar. ' The •
TedfOrds appear to be well satisfied
• with the I prospects. Mixed' farming is
. - the rule in that district Where the fartri
ers don't put all their eggs into One
, basket. .
Mr. Weir reached Yoekten on Chriet-
mas Day and spent the best,part of the
, week in that thriving villege end in-
drining about the counteyo Mr. and
. Alm Shaman, I formerly of Clinton,
keep a eastern:ant there and two of
• . thew on are ranching'. Dr.McIntyre,
r , late of this town, is also located at
Yorkton. Mr. John Snell, whose
Wen i but a short (nitwit() out, ship ped twenty two carloads of oats,
eighteen hundred bushels to the cer,
for which he received thirty cents per
bushel. Mr. Snell is nee? on a *bet to
friends in Hellett. Large numbers of
horerseated cattle are being raiaedin
the Yorkton dietrict and the bulk of
the stock remains out of doors all in.
The Photographer ter. Much of the land has not yet "
.01 Today
• The Latest Cifindlar out hi the Photographic Calendar.
Ed. Bowers met with a painful acci-
dent at the organ factory on Monday
night causing the loss of the index
finger of the right hand and almost
severing the second. finger, besides
lacerating hie hand considerably, In
the act of picking up a block from the
double -cut-off saw table his band
came in contact with 'the saw with
the above result, • Much sympathy is
felt .for Ed, among his fellow workmen.
tfockey 'Match.
The Clinton hockey team, consisting
of A. Sheppard, goal ; E. Da,yment,
Point ; W. McRae, cover point; P.
Matheson, IL Steep, J. Clarridge and
P. Mackay, forwards, played a twitch
with the Goderich team on the latter'e
Nutnber 1197
in advance and will dolt, at an early date."
The Meetings lathe Baptist Church. Little Locals, . HILLSOREEN. BAYFIELD.
The meetings .held in tlae Baptist
•church these evenings are being fairly
well attended. The preacher is the
Rev. W. N. Scott of Toronto who on
Sunday next will take for his
text," The Fruit of the Spirit" in the
morning and in the evening," Blas-
phemy against the Holy Gthot,"
Married in Michigan.
A quiet wedding took place on Wed-
nesday of last week at the residence of
Mr. Samuel Cantelon of Bad Axe,
Michigan, when Miss Kate twigs,
formerly of Clinton, became the bride
of Mr. Wellington Wilder, a proiner-
ous farmer who lives near Bad Axe.
The bride was attired in her travelling
suit of btown cloth with hat to !notch
rink last night, which Goderich won. and WAS the recipient of many pres-
Tonight the same team will play Sea- ents. Clinton friends extend cordial
forth on the rink here. The game is good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilder.
expected to be a lively one and as an
encouragement to the boys should be
wen attended. . .,•Rev. 8. 148. etiet.inEgs.
•dmunds of Melburne,
.will be in town • next Sunday and
Officers of Black Knights of Ireland. • preach in Willis church in the. a. • m.
On Friday afternoon last the annual and in the Retten,bury street church
meeting of Jubilee Preceptory, Black at night. At four o'clock a meeting
Knights of Ireland, was helcl in the will be held in the Ontario street
Orange hall . When the following • church for organization purposes, an
officers were elected for the current arrangetnett rendered necessary on
. account of the meeting -of the Tract
Preceptor, John Scarlett, Leadbury Society. to be held in Willis church on
Deputy, WilliameKinney, Winthrop Monday evening which will 'be
Register, Peter Oantelon, Clinton addressed by the general agent, Rev.
Treasurer, Thos Kearns, Clinton Dr, Moffat.
Lecturers, David Barr, Surarnerhill, . ,
A Prosperous League. '
John Bullard, Winthrop •
Oensews Albert Anderson and Will, At Monday night's meeting of the
Ham Ford, 'Clinton • Ontario street League Mr. J. R. Shaw
gave an interesting talk on mission.'
Standard Bearers, 3. H. Campbell
aryi Work and in addition there was a
and Samuel Robinson, Winthrop
pleasing program. The orchestra
Chaplain, janies Connolly, Porter's
gave a couple �f selections, Miss Edna
Pursuivent, Anthony Nevin, Oen.. Shaw see*, Miss Clegg of Wingham
recited and a quartette • &insisting of
tralia. • . .
Misses Meech and Newcombe' and
Officers of the C. C!,',, C. F. . e Mesers. N. Murch end L.Weir ridded to
On' Wednesday uight of •last week
the following were elected: as offleere
of Clinton Connell of the Canadian
Order. eff :Chosen Friends :
Chief Counsellor; Thos Biggins
Vice Mrs ,
Recorder, W. S. 'Lawrence
• Treasurer J. E Blackall
Prelete, Mrs. Erb •
'Marshal, Mrs. Biggins
Warden, D.• Macdonald
Guard J McDearmid
Sentry, S. W. Hill .-
Trustee, Ge Dale • G ,
Representative to rand Council, J.
E. Blacken
Alternate, 6.3. Stewart
The anneal supper' Of the Chosen
Friends will. he held at the home of
Mr Roland JenkinsofGloderich town
ship onli'ridity night.
Oddfellows' Installation,
On Tuesday night Mr. j. Taylor D.
Act, installs the officers of Clin-
ton lodge I. 0, 0, F., apisted by the
following :* H. 11. Chant acting rte
grand marshal, W.E. Rand as warden,
Pr. Thompson as secretary and W.
Manning as treasurer; The newly
inetalied officers are as follows :
• Past Grand, F. 0. Alcock
Noble Grand, S. Seymour •
:Vice Grand, ,T. W. ; Moore
Treasurer, H. B: Ghent• :
Secretary, F. T. Jackson
FineSecretary, J. Wiseman
• •Chaplain, J. Taylor
IL S. N. -.G., W. E. Rand
L. S. N. G., R. Moore:
B. S. V. G. J •J Maguire
• L. S. V. G., A. Castle -
Warden, W. McKeown
the evening's egjoyinent. At its" next
meeting the League will take Toney.
son as its topic and 'there will be a
program as well. •
The Cowcatcher Smashed,
A covveitcher was smashed to
smithereens at the.T. R. station on
kridey, forenoon ,last. They ' were
shunting some cars up the factory
switch and in descending the engine,
owing tothe snow upon the Tail's, did
• not respond to the brakes and bunted
into a freight car standing upon the.
siding.The car was laden with pcitatoes
Rev, Dr. Gifford preached mission-
ary sermons in ng a.ar Methodist
church last Sunday.
Mr. S., H. Smith mede a shipment of
cattle to aoronto yesterday and on
Tueeday Mr, R. Fitzsimons shipped a
carload of hogs to Collingwood.
The ladies of the Ontario street
church intend giving a musicale some
evening next week in the lecture room
of the church. Light refreshments
will also be served.
Mr. Frank Hovey preached in St.
Paul's church on Sunday evening
and those who had previously heard
him noted an improvement in. voice,
matter and delivery.
Adjutant Coombe of London will
conduct the meeting in the S. A.
barracks this evening. Next Sunday
Captain Dowell, who has been in.
charge for several months, will fare-
Next summer will be a busy one for
Mr. Hiram Hill who already has se-,
cured contracts tor building the stone
work of barns foe John Ford and John
Smith, Goderich township and John
Reynolds of the gravel road, Hellen.
Rev. Alex. Stewart filled the On-
tario street pulpit 'met Sunday when,
considering the 'state of the weather,
there was a large congregation. Mr.
Stewart preaches; acceptably, no
matter waht pulpit he may occupy.
• Rev. Josias Greene occupied the pul•
pit of the Ontario street church' last
Sunday wording and this week iseissist
ingRev.M.JeWilson in eipecial services
at the Nile appointment: Next Sun-
day he will conduct the services at
Kippen owing to, tele illness of Rev.
Mr. tong. •
, Mr. John Armstrong of the Londes-
hero settlement, Manitoba, wise with
his better half is spending the winter
among old friends in Stanley township
and Clinton, shipped a, carload of hors.
es, etc. to his one thousand acre farm
today. In the shipment were, three.
sets of hermits made loy •Mr: 't. Mc -
Brien of town. Me. Armstrong had
five hundred Acres of crop Ittst year
and will -place two hundred acres more
uuder cultivation in the' spring.
Pleased With The .News -Record,
In renewing his eubscription Mr.
William Lockhart of pine. River,. Al.
grooirolo'ts W: rites Tun NE.wg-lisconn tre-
" I am much pleasedwith Tnx
Nisevreltemonn Which. seems like an
old friend coming to talk aboue the
• ,••••••••• •••••••••••••
Conductor, 4- J. Grigg
R. S. Se J. H. Kerr '
S. S., IL. Gould .
Inside. Guard, T. Kemp
Outside Guard, L Stevenson
Meeting' Of the Town Council.
The inaugural meeting of the new
town council was held on :Monday
when, after certain legal formalities
had been gone through with; the mem-
bers took their seats, There. has been
a -big change in the% personnel of the
council, whether for • better or for
worse time alone can tell. Captain
McTaggart was appointed a member
of the Collegiate Institute Beard, E.
M. McLean to the Public Library, W.
S. garland to; the Board of Health
and Peter Cantelon and John .Wise.
man as auditors. Ten dollars was
yoted to the hospital for sick children
at T t The t ndin committees
for the year -were selected as follows,
the first Mentioned in each being
chairmen :
• Finance-Stevehson, Combe, 0Yer-
• bilSry. treete.-,A. Mackenzie, Ford, Combo.
Fire and Water -Ford, Overbury, A.
Mackenzie,,Chariey-. Mackenzie, Stevenson.
Property and Blectnit Light-Oombe,
T. Mackenzie, Steyenson,
•Cemetery -Ford, 8E4e-ensue, jacks
must be a, genuine artist
and ptodute artiatic re.
sults in order to seeure
and retain euetom. The
better the artist the binder
he is kept.
That explains why we
Ater so busy, Every pat-
ron inakes more patrons.
Hest Cabinets are now
$3 a (then. •
" eraelleeteeitelee
Henry's Photo Studio •
been settled Upon.
The Western farmers economise in
manual labor and do not think in
ream+ Parts of sending two Men for a
load eff hay as we do in Ontario, one to
pitch andithe Other to Instead
they make their hay reeks like unto
box ears and if the trip Is any distance
one man takes two teanat and aer many
Mr. Weir was tench Impressed by
what he saw on his trip and may' yet
&Ade to go Weat, We hope not.
however. He is One a our most In.
telligent and progressive farmetfl arid
takes a keen intereetA all that per.
tains to the improvement a stock ateel 1
preterit mithUde of farming.
•Bylaws -Overbury, T. Mackenzie,
Officers' Duties--jackson, Ford, A.
Mackenzie, Overbury, pombe.
()eruct of RevisiOn-34ackson, Ford,
A.. Mackenzie, Stevenson, Combe.
Parke -Sachets, Overbury, Steven-
son Combo, A. Mackenzie. .
The following accounts were meted
and ordered to be paid
It b 11 k MeMath, repairs
urn A
8 75 ed. Thp Cochrane ranch 'was well et, John Murdoch, 3' E. Barnwell.
R. Oree, Anew ploughing
On Sunday, Feb. 2nd., anniversary
services will be held in connection with
the Presbyterianchurch. The Rev, R.
G. Mullen of near Guelph will preach
both n3orning and evening and on the
fellowing Monday evening, this same
reverend gentleman will deliver his cel.
ebrated patriotic lecture on "A night
with the old • flag," Special singing
' by the choir and others. Everybody
come and enjoy themselves.
Mrs. Wen, McAllister of Marlette;
Mich., returned to her home Monday.
Mr. James Love is busily engaged
hauling material for putting a founda-
tion under his barn.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Stelk of Dare
OM; Man., are visiting friends here.
Mr. Geo. Coleman disposed of his
valuable driver last week. Mr, Cole-
man has long been noted for good hor-
• Mr. William Carter again easily led
as a prize winnerat the Huron Poultry
Show,his birds whining 4 thirds, 3 sec-
onds and 48 first prizes, a half hundred
in all. Mr; Carter's list for the season
of • Shows must run considerably
over the hundred mark. Merit wins
its reward is exemplified here.
John Snell of Dakota visited his sis-
ter, Mrs. W. B, Cook, this week and
also called on old friends.
Mr. Cole Sr, of Constance bad a
wood bee on Thursday getting a quant-
ity of wood hauled home,
Mr. George Riley now wears a broad
smile, wonder why ? Because it is a
girl. .
• Miss Edna Staples is visiting friends
at Londeiboro.
Mr, W. McIntosh was indisposed on
• Saturday andSunday but we are glad
to see him around again, • . •
efr. jarnes Snell and son of Londes-
boro were in •Constane on Saturday.
Rev. G. H. ThompsOn of Memkton
vv ill preaclinext Sunday afternoon at
the usual thnein Constance.
• 1V.I r. Duncan Tudor, will take the
topie next Sunday night at the Hp.
•worth League. . • . • '
• Entertainment. -The Constance E.
L. entertainment will he held on the
2erd of • Ian. when the following will
• give addresses • Mr. A. T. Cooper �f
•Ohnton and Revs. COupland and Sted-
man; the latter of Terner's appoint,
ment The Alma.quartette will furnish
suitable music. Recitatioeswill be
given by several noted talent'.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Josling of the
8tlibon. were treated to a big. surprise
party onFriday night last when several
very pleasant hours were spent. , ,
Mrs. Rossleft on Friday last to eisit
her son John in London. •
Mr. Wrie Knex spent pert of last
and in the centre stood .% stove to keep old friends in my far-off hotne and it
the temperature ever?, Tee cbllision cannot come too quickly. We haye.
tuned:lied the stove over iand the potae only been getting one mailer week, bet
toes poured on top of it, The cow- "new that a railroad has penetrated in
catcher Was turned inside out. . toper section we expect better postal
...our Through Switzerland. ' facilitiesthose Only Who have for a
time been out of the hearing of the
The fleet of the series of entertain* • h k
•, . iron
orse now how pleasant the
ments in the university course,given
in toot of its whistle tail beWe have
the town hall qtr. Thtirsdity niche last. eade. beautiful weather for weeks and
. , •
was fairly well ateended. The lecturer
. wwahsoRreayPidPiyanosgkeiVitechNedabbhisof tTouorrup
cob;serves IL" ' • ' •
bueiness is brisk. I wish Tare NEws-
Itttoonb' continued success. It de -
Switzerland and Northern .Italy. His ' • '
• • :
graphic description as made s ill STANLEY TO NS P.
W t - ' W ill '
more real by . e aeries of stereopticon
*views. The views Were geed but the Nr. Dickson of the, Sauble Lune ts
machine WA "nut of kilter" and re- building &large kitchenandWoodshed .
fused to shed light enough Which dis.: to the back of his house:
appointed both the reverend lecturer ' A. meeting -of the Wemen'sAtixilieey
and .the audience. Mr, IL E. Brewer will ,,he'held at the home of hire, J .,
also gave a number pf views of local Sharp of the Babylon .on Thursday of
celebrities to which the stero refused this week. . •
et do any more justice than it did :to
. ' Miss Ceiling, sister of Rev, p.Collins
the Alps
• of Wardsirille, is the guest of 'Miss
An Oyeter Supper. • • '
e Mese Shaw,who is visiting her sister,
Orr Fridaf night last a party consist.. Mrs. Geerge Bates, has been ill again.
• mg of Messrs D B. Kennedy; H. Mete Snowden of the Sauble enter-
Beavens, W. Frazer and T. -Wigging. tained a number of friends' tbe other
ton drove but to the residenee of evening when by all accounts a happy
Mr. W. Glenn of Stanley where they time was:spent. •
spent a few very pleasant hours. Mrs On Friday evening the members of
Glenn treated them to an oyster .sup- the Goshen Methodist church present.
per. She is proficient housewife and ed their Pastor, Rev. J. W. Andrews of
her guests declare they never partook Varna, with a load of oats. A goodly
of oysters that pleased the palate mot,e. number of the metubeys were present
Afterwards ' there was violin rnueic, and . spene the evening pleasantly in
singing and euchre. Upon the "king music, games, atidsocial chat
of instrument. Mr. Adam Stewart Mrs. E. H. Mule of High Bluff, Man.,
gave several selections in a. very pleas- accompanied by her two children are
ing manner.while Me. Glenn entertain- at present the guests Of Babylon
ed his visitors in song. It was after one friends. •
iteclock when the visitors returned to On Wednesday evening of last Week
town meat delighted with the hoard- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys **hilted the
tality of Mr. and Mrs, Glenn. , latter's uncle Mr Chas. Logan of the
Parr Line. e
A Pleasant Surprise.
A few friends assembled at the home
Mr. D. R Kennedy of towel and Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doweon of
John Cochrane �f the Town Line Babylon Line to witness the christen -
Stanley, met reeently as comparative ing of their little -daughter, Lole Ros-
strangers, hut what was their surprise etta Matilda, performed by Awl, S. W.
when it catne about quite casually in Andrews.
conversation that their first acquaints A number of young people meet an
ance dated back to 1862 in British enjoyable evening as the guests of Mr.
Columbia When the gold fever raged Ben. Keys and his sister on Thursday
on the Coast. Mr. Cochrane lived for of last week..
a time on Vancouver Ishind and was The eouncil-elect, consisting of John
employed at the building of a Preaby- McNaughton, reeve, and councillors.E,
terian church for which Mr, Kennedy Johnston, W.L. Keys, Jas. MeDin,rmid
had the contract of furnisehing part of and W. 3. Stineon met on Monday at
the maternal. Afterwards he went 11 el) clock as per stattite. After talc-
aeross to the mainland and eetablieh- ing declaratione of qualifieation and
ed ranch on the old, Cariboo trail office they resumed the beeriness of the
which led from Yale to William; day. The following officers were al:).
Creek, the most productive of the pointed-:
diggings at. that time. In going up Clerk, 3, E, Harnwell
the trail Mrs. Cochrane carried her. Treasurer, John Held '
child in , her arms, while in Assessor, John Tough
addition to his big pack Mr. Caretaker, T. Keys!
'Cochrane carried a rooster and two Auditors, Geo, Baird Sr. and Peter
*chickens intended as the naucleue of a Campbell.
profitable hennery, Ile gave them to Tendollars waS granted to the hes-
a farmer on sharet and that was the pltal for sick children, Toronto, The
6 16 as etn, so at' e ware cbneetn. deputy returning officers, Thos. VritZ.
W Steel), " 8 00 known to the adeenturotts miners who Rathwell and A. Armstrong
8 72, poured into the diggings and it was were each paid 415,for theie services at.
AL IL Carter work ,
he mere Mention of the Milne that the municipal election and each of the
0. Cooper As 'Co., rent for grader 4 00 t
• 80 44 brought back those :stirring days to 86001 seetione, No 1, 4.5. and I4 retells**,
Harland Divs., supplies
Mr. Kennedy's memory Ile atopped ed. gg ter use of h le •
18 00 se oo owe, for elec.
0. Orich, 1 mo. salary
week visiting his Sister, Mrs, Foreman;'
and. other relations the peighbine
hood of testowel. •
Mr. Rebere Beattie delivered some
stock steers to Mr. S. H. Stiaith of
Clinton on Monday.
The congregation of Burns' church
contemplates. building' an .tipto•clate
shied. The old one'being•
be torn &Men. • ' •
Mrs. Whitehead of oliriton. has been
Visiting at Mi.,. Wm. Knox's. •
A large number attended the rece
tion given Mr. and Mrs. Js. Dale on
Friday evening last.
The council eleee-ot the township of
flullett, viz. Aler, Leitch, reeve 1 Rote-
ert Pettis, Henry Warren, William
Moon and Willie= Patterson, council -
lots, met •Londeshoro oh Monday.
January 13th, when having made the
usual deelaretions of office, etc., they
cemmenced the business of the year
with the determination to practise the
strictest economy. - The following
'communications were received and
read• From the chairman of the trust
fund �f the sick ehildren's Hospital,
Toronto; and on the motion of:Gouncil-
• lora Moon and, Patterson the ellen ef ten ,
dollars was granted as a donation to
•the said institution, , From Angus
Smith, C. ,E., Stratford, asking for the
position township Of angineer,laid over.
From Jobe E.Staples,Wm.J.Mills,John
Wilson and William Carter personally,
applying fen, , the office of township,
assessor. This seemed a diffiCult mab.
ter to settle hut the apppintmene was
was finally given to Mr. William Car-
ter of Constance P. 0, George Stepen-
son and Jan Wilson were, neappointed
as township auditors and will meet to
examine and audit the treasurer's books
on Thursciey, the 23rd Sate, in the hall
commonly used by the cOuncil as pro.
vided by resolution of the said council.
The local Board of Heselth will be the,
reeve and clerk, John Sprung,
Watt, Thos. Carhert And Dr. E. Mac-
e/ahem, M.. II. officer. Tenders for
the supplyingof reek elni plank 14 And
16117. long 2410, thiek tyill be received
at, the clerk's offite up to p, m.. Weds
nesda.y, the 22nd Jan. See advertise.
mete in 'the local papers, this Issue,
The clerk was instructed to order six
copies of the' Municipal World for
the use of rnerribera of counell and a
copy of the asseesmere t act for the use
b e the to wnship iissessor. Counci 1 adjour.
ned until Saturday, Feb,15 that 10 a.m.
Births to the number of 55, marriages
15 and deaths 40 were registered in the
iluilett Division during the year 1001. -
James Campbell, Clerk. •
Mr, John Govier of London
the guest of Mts. A. O. Jackson
Mrs. W. B. Patterson of Auburn0
also visited his uncle, Mr. Henry
Arlen of the iffaitlatur block.
ah CI
lo there on his way up and down thafour tion purpose*. Seveeal gravel aceettnts Mr. Atchie Webster of Walkerburne
T. .11eacom do Son, erepplies
73 Is hundred and. forty mile trail which 1.1e1 were paid. The Logan drain was the Weie the guest of his Sister, Mts, Nelion
Illecttic Light Co.
4 ig from Vale to the Creek. That was subject of much consideration by 64ch 11°18°0 of Port Albefk
.04N.:Owtio:preatret Cr4; supplies
W. D. rale Co., supplies
NaWs.ltittonn. pri.riting • eo atel Mr. and Mrs. Cochranenre ern:cling journed 0 meet
ge 40 up Nine fine afternoon to partake of
5 ee of the old Cariboo crate ate abiding :01.betnese_ells. En,igEth:nrtttehwba.nrIatdetti.: 040tioeuir nkoscrielt1:00:1:
Municipal World, supplies
25 forty years ago, but the recollection* membee and no doubt anotheedrai Mr, and it1rs. Henry 1V1c13rien Of the
0 us Mrs.Kennerly'i hospitality and have a
Election expithees I 4' 38 00 long chat with her good twin about Mts. Ed. Watson and'het toe Master
h I ith the gold tseekere John Were ghette at Mts. D. n
8 00 t e r exper ence tv , Kenn°.
James Seett, legal expentes
el 1 4 4
t hi 1 -re' Oti the Pacific COMSt. (10 eli hiridete.
it, Welsh, as 40r rt eon a
IVIaitiand block and Masters liarvey
and Norman were visiting the foriner's
week and returned home Monday.
hurtle was visiting his sIster,Mrts. Wm.
Ilrown of Logan township. '
brotbkr, Mr. T. Mellrien of RiPley, last
Mr. William Patterson of Walker.
St. Joseph' last week.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings visited
., Mr. S.- Brown is further improving
his house by lining it on the inside.
The village council wet on Mbnday
in the town hall pursuant to statnte.
IL Stanbury, reeve, and councillore, ,
Bailey, , Elliot, Erwin and Thomson,
took the oaths of property qualifica-
year 1902 :
ion and of office, after which the fol-
lowing officers were appointed for the •
Clerk, W. Etivin
Assessor, William Whiddon
Treasnrer, John Whiddon
Constable and Truant Officer, John
Auditors, F. A, Edwards and John
Falconer .
Medical Health Officer, Dr, Woods
Thomas Cameron, John Tippet, and
the reeve, clerk, and constable as
board of health. The council instruct-
ed the conetable to strictly enforce the
bylaw regarding allyoung cattle, hors-
es, sheep, pigs and geese running at
large, within the corimeation, also to
keep peace on the street at nights and
stop the toys &OM congregating on
the store platforms and. corners of
streete. The council adjourned to
meet: again on' the first Monday in
February at 7.30 o'clock p. m.1.1. W. •
Enwier, Clerk.
At the Manse on New Years Day Mr.
Albert Cameron and Miss A.nnie Brown,
were united in the holy bands of mat-
rimeny by the Rev. JohnUeNeil, Mr.
Cameron is an industrious.yeting Map
and is. well worthy of the sensible
young lady he has won as his bride
Weddime-At the reeidence of Mr.
and Mrs. WM. Ivison on ''wednesday •
their youngest daughter, riliss..Elertha,
was married tee Mr. Robert Brownlee,a,
prosperous and much respected reale ,
dent of Tackersmith.. They were
made man and wife by the Rev. Mr.
Long in the presence of alarge /usual.: •
binge of relatives and friends here and
teem a distance. The presents were
numermis and grand, testieying to the
esteem in which the young couple are
held. 4. most sith3ptuous dinner was
served of the ,substantial and delicete
which all enjoyed fully.. All wish ehe
d lite
young couple a happy and presperotis
Eluker of Auburnand- child'ren •
are visiting her mother, Mrs. Thomp- •
seen, with whom her darightc,r, SI e
Robert Fisher, and hitsbaini . from
•Dakota are spending the holiday :ICA -
tion. ad Mrs. Fisher look --well
and speak highly of pakota. .
Miss VineythEyle' was visiting in
Ohntmelast week with her eisteein
law, Mrs. ThOrnas-Kyle, .Who is down
Visiting her parenta. Mr. 'Kyle Le ex. .
tensivelse engaged in raveling • end
ranching in Alherta district. •
Sporang circle disappointed. --The
•.mile race, best two in three, that was
to have taken place , between, Arthur
Anderson's ellippedthickskin and 3.us.
Maedenald's John A. was celled off,
owing 16 some misunderstanding .
about the conditions of the race. It :
seems outside interest was keen and
heteing indulged in freely...However., .
it was brought to the notice of We
Harvey, the referee and statter, thee
there was to. be some crooked work
•practised. by pulling Buckskin, so he •
deelared the race off if they would not
submit to a 'change - of drivers. The
stakeholders say there has to he a
race • to Settle to whom the money , •
shell be Paid and no refund is legal
without the consent of all concerned.
Buckskin went 'his mile:* alone and •
claims the stakes, time 2,47. It is said
Buckskin is to go into training for a.
• bout with King Stanton.
kippeir lodge of the Independent
Order of Foresters met in their lodge
room in the town hall ,on Tuesday
evening and elected the followieg
' officers for the current year:
Chief RanOer, Ivison
Past Chief, John McNevin
Vice Chief, H. Dayman
Fit -I. -Secretary, Thes. McClymont
Itec -Secretary, Jas. McGregor
Chaplain, Thos.
Sr. Woodward, Jos. Gibson
Jr. Woodward, .4. Harvey '
Sr, Beadle,. Wm. Sinclair
Jr. Bead -le, JOhn. McGregor
Court Deputy, R. E, Clegg •
Court physcien, Dr. Ferguson
This order has now been in success-
ful existenee Klepen over fifteen e
years and has cemented a membership
of over fifty who truly stand by one
another in brotherly love in *time of
need or trouble. .
Miss M. MeOlymont has acted as
organist in Kippen Methedist church
in Miss L. Whiteman's abeence.
The boys and ladies had a hop in
the town hell, Kiepets, on Friday night,
There was quite a turn out and much
amusement for those so inclined.
Mr. Archie McGregor and daughter
have beim. in Clinton with Mrs. *-
Gregor, who is under Dr. Gunn'e care,
and improving beyond expectation
will be able to return honre shortly, it
le hoped.
Mrs. Weighbert of Port Huron, sis.
ter of Mr, Alex. Mckfurtrie, is Visiting
at his home and With friends.
Mr. Albert Anderson has returned
from Marlette, Mich., where he hes
been employed the past' season, His
father, Mr. John Anderson of the
Towe Line, is very ill, very little
hope being entertained' for his molt.;
Miss Vlotsie Dowson is vieitieg her
uncle Rev. George McKinley of Hartle.
Miss S. Itathwell of Ethel hat been
ths guest, of MIas Ethel Keys.
Mrs. Rufus 1Ceys has returned from
ViSit, to friends in the Toronto district.
Mr. Artie Keys and Mitts 'Annie re-
turned home *avers,' days ego from A,
pleasant visit among Michigeri friends.