HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-09, Page 8()11,17- • • Jan. Sale he January Sale is an annual event in this store, Stocks in every department must be got clown to the lowest possible notch before we wind up our year on the 8lst of this month. All through. the rtiontb. attrao tive and money -saving bargains will be found in every nook and corner of our store. The Mantles n We have set out to sell every Mantle in •the store before the season ends. If you have delayed •your Mantle buying until now this is your opportunity to get a stylish Mantle and at the same time save money. These garments are all new this season : Mantles at $3.45 That sold at 35 and $6 12 only ladies' mantles, beavers and rough clothe, in dark fawn and black, all new this season, perfect fitting,.sty- 3 45 lirh garments, sold at $5 and $0, on sale your choice at s Mantles at $5,45 That sold at $7 to 312 21 only ladies' mantles, every garment new this season, rough cloths and beavers, lined and unlined, 27 and 36 C A C inches long, sepai-fitting. sold at from $7 to $10, choice ViTU • Mantles at $7,75 That sold from 311.50 to 315 .A few only extra good mantles, some (If our best lines, odd ones and twos, extra fine quality beavers and ker- 135 Bey cloths, sold at 311.50 to $15, choice Mantles at $1 When we started selling these there were 25 of them. There are not nearly so many left. now but still some good ones on the racks : • Ladies' mantles, lines that were carried ever,all garments that will give good wear, sold originally at $5 to 38, with a little alteration could be made into .good coats for children. Every one must be sold by the end of the month and yeti can take your choice at ... Millinery 00 pt.111110.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11.041.0111.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41011111 Jan. Otht 1902 . . ........... 700 Beautiful Pictures to be Given Away . 1 TEM CLINTOS eingooar) ..:,....=.......r,. -L, Weighed in the balanee and Miss Stearch, head, Milliner at NeW, corobele went to her hothe in Detroit on New'Yeers Day for the holidays, Mr, Will.Oanteloureturnerl to the Col- lege of Pharmacy, Toronto', on Mon, day. Hie numerous Wench; Will wiett him the same success/ Tb his final THE CAlsTA.DAN ALM,ANACI for eeixorhasii as be won at the exam, "the ,• 1902 ise now on sale, The price le 25o. Mies, Jean Torrance, daughter of This publican is now in its 55th year County Councillor Torrance of Eg• and has well stood the test of time, It mondville, called upon her aunt,Mrs. bleemi4e. in demand and Me than oyer ' - where she is a member of the teach, John Entunerton Sr., on Saturday wlaile on her way to Orangeville EVERY OFFICE and NIANY • ing staff of the Public school, ' Mr. Glenn Fair has returned to his HQMES 0110-1.11421 HAVE ONE. epsotsatbilnis?m°recin°t°, 14TfiloaroetnatoY,'s wholesale WRY ? Because it answers quote Macpherson to 13rantford, Robin dons that are daily asked and ofteri re• Macpherson to Ottawa, Eldred Archibald to Toronto Vareity, Frauk main unanswered. It gives the list of Hovey to Trinity College, Toronto, Postoinces! Tariff of Kustoms, History of and Fred. Whitely to Woodetock, the Dominion, items about Agriculture, Mr. R.j! Bell returned on Monday to Societies, churches, armies, holidays, Toronto Vaesity to Cont his insurance, the stars, law, members of studies. This is his final terra so parliament, labor, imports and exports, that from now up to ,the 'exams eclipses,. education, game laws, banks there. will be much Imtumg of the and institutions gonerally. It contains midnight oil, Reg e a genial and round full measure. With,the Millinery department under new management next season we must have an empty show -room when this season is over. • That is why. we are selling the balance:of winter stocks at such prices as these : Our. Trimmed Hats for $1 Our Ready -to wear Hats for 45c Trimmed Hats at $1 There is not a bat in the lot that is not good value at $2.50, many sold from $3 to $4,every one was trimmed for this sea- son'e trade, we will not carry one over., do your choice commencing Saturday. Outing Hats 45c ••• from. 25e to 50c, clearing out •• with.. hats on Saturday at• 1 (1 your choice •• s 1 U . , Children's Fancy Hats .1.00 and Bonnets 100 25 wool hats and bonnet.,some • • esalultiettivzcasigIN, and tmhueeltStel0eaf rrthfetilekos;dt z,:i • season,sold at from 251C to 50c, • Every outing hat in the store to be sold at one price, -abso- . lately no reserve as everyone must be sold, ail are this season's shapes and sold originally from 31.50 to $2.50, eh oice of lot commencing Saturday Birds and Wings. 10c • 50 birds and fancy wings for trimmings, last of lines, sold choiceSaturday • ' s . . 46 Untrimmed Hats 25 • We have barely a baker's dozen of untrimmed hate left, not one of them but is this sea- son's shape, we will not carry any over so on Saturday you 25 • can take your choice for:.,. • nahmilm* Skirts Made for Half a Dollar Do not forget that we are making Skirts this :month for 50c, providing thematerial is bought here and •is 50c per yard or over. Made -in the following styles find fit and workman— ship guaranteed : Here ie the style of Skirts we will make, 5 or 7 gore, cloth fieinge or lined, 6 rows of stitching if wanted, made with or without flounces, as desired, first class workmanship, fit guaranteed. Skirts, toadie in any of the above styles, commencing Jan. 4th, • for 50c, if the material is bought here. $1 Worth of Fur for 80e 20 cents off every dollars worth of- Fur, except Coats and Jackets, for the balance of' the month. We have had a very satisfactory ]?fir business and do not want to run the risk of carrying any fur garments into next season., -All must be sold before the winter is over and we will • give 20 per cent, off the regular price of all Caperines, Rtds, Caps, etc., from DOW until the end of the month. • All guaranteed and reliable qualities and the styles the very newest and most fashionable shown this season. We have still a good assortment for you. to select from and it loran easy matter to figure up the saving. You buy a 15 article for $4, a .$1.0 article for18 and a $15 article for 112. People who buy first get the best choice. 20 per cent. off all Small Furs for Jan. 1 . : Commencing Friday morning, Jan. 10th, we will give a beautiful picture to every customer who 'purchases one 1.4_ : dollar's worth of goods, a better picture with. a tWQ dollar purclutsq aud, a much better pictiire with a three dollar • purchase. The pictures are on view at our store. • te,..........~4Asw.",,.......44............,..........i...,4~..46,46,.......,,s,~16,,,....................4,„.........~.~."...s, I The Most Satsfactional Selling of • • .. 1• Coats Furs Ete Ever-Eeld in. Clinton I - - : eeeeeststemsesseeser•weesepereisteseeese00060001000000009000•04410016000 Friday Morning J*an. lOth Commettees i what the maws need to know and is of of friends who will be pleased, to papular young man and has a host .A. DIARY FOR 1002 Mr. William Chewings of Cypress and will last one month . tenbury street. Mr. Chewing@ ie velue to any. hear of his success, • will cost you from 10 to 75 cents and River. Man., is the guest o his uncle Mr. John Johnstone of Rat - makes a very handy pocket companion. It is an essential in the office, useful in member of a family which .over two the home and a geed thing on the farm, decades ago farmed in Grey township We have a fairly complete assortment It is about twenty years since they at prices as low as we know how to buy moved to the North Carolina from. them, fromwhence after a•few seasons ex- perience they went to Manitoba Agents Parker's Dy, Works. where they now own eight hundred acres of land and have prospered. The W. D. Fair Co. . Lwretamtohgehanicil, anabrI121:131$ of Often the Ohespest, Aiwa 8 the Bese. Mimes Higleyand Cruikshanke of atbfKit o .9 Blenheim spent their New Years holi- • days amongst friends here. • Miss Louisa Proctor left here to WHERE THEY ARE People attend the London Business College • on Monday. OR WHERE " Mrs. J, G: Emigh is visiting friends THEY ARE GOJNG • We know It expected that our newflour mill be running in less then -two weeks. Balton Bros. have purchased the Mr. Arthur Tyndall was in Toronto Moser property on Queen street dose this week. • to the river and intend running their Miss Nettie MacRae spent New Years tannery business in future. They Jennings of Bayfield was in sparling's large cooper shop building have also purchased Gray, Young & Reinv.Bouss.ele. Clinton on Tuesday.. , •and are having it lovedand placed at Miss Etta Cook spent a couple of days the rear of the property .they recently in Goderich last week. - purchased. Mr. Will, Scott of Wingham was in town on New Yeers Day. MMoreris Daniel eleml oKyeedilyintaontdownf.amBY of Mr. George Itoberton spent New Years Monday was quite an exciting day at his home in Brussels. • with the ratepayers in electing three in Wingham for a few days. • • • iThe edict has gone forth., Out goes ever one of our Cloth jackets and all the remaining Furs, No matter what 1 I"I- the loss we are determined to cleat' out everything left. That in a nutshell gives you the reason for this tremen- 'dons sacrifice. Prices are cut to a point where buying is irresistible.Thrifty women will buy for next season'e inod, if they have no need for a coat or a Fur garment now. No event of a like nature ever offered up such rich ; Bargains. The prices bear no relation to cost' whatever, and in many instances are even less than half what the i ; material alone would cost. In addition to our Mantle and Fur Bargains we place on sale the 'balance of our winter stock at lower prices than ever before. It will pay you to be on. hand bright and early Friday morning. Yc;u'know .. , ,. , . the advantages of first thoice. .. , 1 . . ; . . •Your choice of the balance of our clotli.coats, in brown colors only'. 1 0(1 Your choice of about a dozen wets. made of frieze, beaver cloth, 2 00 U etc., that were $4.50 to $5.50,to clear at . $9 to $12 Coats for $5 12 Coats, some with semi fitting back, others with tight black, in black, navy and fawn, lined and unlined, but every one made • to give good wear and comfort, former prices Were from $0 to C (1(1 • 312 each. all at one price to clear • UsUU • . 3rour choice of any long Coatin the store at i off • • $4 Coats for $1 $4.50 to $5,50 Coats for $2 that sold at 34. to clear at • • $6, $6.50 to $7 Coats for $3• Your choice of our Ladies', Misses' and Ohildren's Cloth Coats, all • • naade of good cloths, some lined with satana lining. others un I - • lined, regular prices were 36, $6.50 to $7, all at one price to Q nn - clear • Ug0 • 36.75 Golf Cape for $4.75 • 38,50 Golf Cape for *6.00 • Those who appreciate extraordinary vanes in the best Furs will find this a chance to save considerable money • on the price of a Fur Coat, Cape, Caperine, etc. Those who are wise will come as quickly as possible to take . advan- •.1• tage of the best Bargains ever made in Clinton : $1.745 • Mrs. arahano of Toronto is a guest at new school trustees, there being ve • the home of Mrs. Rodgens. candidates running. At the close $3.75 to $4 Caperines •at $2.25 Miss Mina, Turnbull -spent a few' daYs the poll the following' Wag the resu • $2.76 Grey Limb Caps ,of last week with Brussels friends. Wetlaufer 99, Potter 88, MeComins 74w"h fl 25 $2.50 to 33 Black Coney Storm Collars for. *LSO Miss Mamie Kerr of the Nile is the Slater 74 Bradwin 71. As two of tb ( $ Your choice of any of our Caperines, made of electric seal, high collar and well lined, that sold at $3.'75 to $4, for ... • Sable Ruffs worth $7.50 for . • $4.711 $7 to $8 Caper Ines for.....$5,5! $9 to $10 Caperines for....$6.'75 Sable Ruffs worth...$12.50 for • guest of her. sister, Mrs.. D. Clookrar, candidates were even the returning 4, • Mr. J. R. Jowett and Mrs. W. R. Jove- offices had the casting vote. ett cif Bayfield were in town on Tues. Mr. W. Walker and wife of Minne- mdieasyci. Georgie Murray intentie taking a sdoatva withU8,phaarveentb:ehnersep.enptiinsgntobwe bali- term of training'at the Normal school in London.. teen Sam'syedenrine ince Theyheleft ahese eftourr ilUncle Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Giinn of Toronto • Mrs. Gunn. • tiler Western home. On Sunday evening whilst the mai, . • were New Years guests- of Dr. and ority of our citizens , were attending de the yery best 33.75 quality,sale price vine service the. fire • alarrn was once rnore sounded. This titne the fire com- ISERS Eileen Patterson of Toronto, fOr-• 11Patingeirwit:rttlworesqtuabirleede attorePartl•tof °Autrethhiee , Taylor's ntore opposite W. Sims' black- smith shop. Although it was a consid- • erable time before•water was thrown, owing to the engine notlworking right, they managed to keep the flames fron3 spreading to other building', Fortun- ately there was riot Mu& wind at the time. It is not known how. the fire originated. • Mrs. L rrocter and family went the festive 25th ultimo with Belgrave friends. A pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr. Adam Gloucher on ChriStrnas Day when •his daughter Annie became the wife of Mr. George Routledge of Clinton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.-Penhall in the presence of a large number of in.. vited ?Neste, Mins Maggie Gloucher, in Kincardine and while there attend- sister of the bride, was .bridesinaid and ed the wedding of.a cousin of Mr. Mr John grJ000hinne,.Moore,..of Clinton, mended. -• • • i off the higher priced'ones Ladies' Black Astrechan and Seal Gauntlets worth $4.50 for.. . .53.00. ' • .zi• .$25 Fur Coals for *17,50 $27 Fur Coats for ..., ..$19.1215 Grey Lamb Ruffs, 33.50 values for • $2:25 . 332 Fur Coats for.— 22.00 $30 Fur Coats for. .. ... 29.00 Black Common Ruffs, regular value $4.50. for , '. ' . $2.75 1 • . $15 Fur Capes.... • ,$110„150 ' Grey Persian Muffs, reguliir $5.50 value', for ..... ....... . ... .413+.1110 5. . .. $4 Goat Muffefor , , , .. . .„, „. ... , . .$2.50 • . phildren'e Grey Persian Lamb Caps, fine large curl. quilted lining, 35.50 Sable Muffs for • • , $3.50 - $2 50 311 Sable Muffe for . . ........ . .... . .. ...... .. s ..... . . ..............$7.1110 • • • • and Eva Cooper kiave all returned to• their schools. Misses Maude Moffat, Olive Helyar after having spent the holiday week . • I merly of towns was the gnat of Miss I Some Low 'Prices for Goods you need at once . . Isabelle Gunn last week. Mrs. E.J. Cantelon has returned home . with friends in Toronto. " On Sale Friday Miming, January 10th. The Last of the Millinery Miss Clara Watson of • Teeewater is . • • . , • . . . . • . . , , . . ' .. . , • . • ' guest. of Miss Mabel diet.. . Miss Jessie Powell of Niagara Falls . $1 and $1.50 IV' alking Hats at* 390 . . 126c to.50c Baby 13onnets and Caps at 15c I., , spending a few days in town the was the guest of her brother Frank04 Friday morning we place on sale the balance of our Walking On Your choice of 20 Baby Bonnets and Caps, all new this seeson,•that 1 C for a few. days last week. . . , sold at 25c to 60c etch, ell atone price .... . . . ...... ,............ a 1 U • . 'ata that sold at $1 to Sit 50 each, at....... ... ......., ...... . . .. .U0 Misses Jessie Wiseman and C. Chiciley . have gone to Londesboro to take . 0 charge of the school there. - • $1.50 to $2,25 Outing Hats at 50c , Mrs., Charles Bartcliffe and Miss Lila I , TiopuRT03suoyvNiszernarrca, • , 12 only Outing Hats,. in shades of fawn, brown, navy, grey, Bartcliffe of Brussels were guests at • etc., all nicely trimmed with silk, buckles, wings, etc., all Mr: R J. Cluff's last week. the newest styles, regular prices were from 3L50 to $2.25 ; K n .. Mies Mamie Houston returned on Mon -tack, COMO early and take your choice at.. .. . . ....'...... Wu' • 'i Mrs. J. 'T.Einceertoo spent New Years day to Toronto where she is attend- • ing a conseryatory of music. / . • 10c- and .12%e Flannelette at 7% • • • 400 yards of Flannelette, 32 inches wide, in assorted stripee, • also plain blue. flannelette, very• heavy quality and all • • ri:,x..„:vpfea:tyrrldors, our very but 100 and 124c values, '071... CLINTON' Binmerton's._ • ••• • . . . : . . . - • i , . Mrs. Hall and daughter, Miss 'Lula.. .• . . . ,. . ... . who were spending the holidays .at - WEST. •TOCKERSMITH... • Mrs. Shannon's, hate: teturued to . . — . . .. .their • home in Orangeville, - Mr, Frank.grich had.a'rither -severe Mise Annie 'Wright-. svho .carne home. attack'ef la; . grippe, and had to •• haye. from near Kinburn. to attend the a doctor called in. ' • . • . - wedding of her .sisterlast week, is at Mr. Ge'orge Tumor is laid isip*Withlio. , present visitinglriende near Benm11.1; . • . err •', '' . • ' ' ' The.many friends' of Mr.Leoriisrd Mo.' • kiss 'Emily . Turner,. who has.' been nd..to 11...iiin . their congratu... teaching near Bayfield; has ., given -fia°tinounes1.°' te. . cup teaching ,for a while and intends. ;Mrs.-Newts...in Crich: of Holly, Mich.,: takinga well earned.rest itt.ii.er home spent Christmas at her old home bete. • here: i _. ''.: . . • • ' 1VI . .r.. J. -.G.. Crich and • -family spent Mr,. and Mrs. John Johnstone of Rat- •New Years with friends n lloborne, tenbury street and their. guest, Mr, Rev. • Mr; Steadman ' visited at. the William Chewings of Cypress River,,.. oldhorneatead near Wyoming for his Man„ • are visiting Wawanollo 'Christmas yacation, . . issiiBliplaev,inhea s eMcaKf northn , • friens. . - ewethat I basishmbeinet°, . that • '. The matrimenial fever .hat struck this locality and Dame Rumor asserts we are likely 'to. hear the 'bells returned home for her holidaYa last ring 'often before spring. • ., . • Friday, after spending a. - couple' of • We titiderstand that Istr. Ames Town - 'days in (salt. •• ' send, Who•has rented his farm to his Mr, and Mrs, W;-.T.Farquhar 'of Hills- cousin,. Mr...Thorn/is Townsend, will ,•green visited Mr.and Mrs. Harry Mc- . take .up his 'residence in Clinton- ere 'Brien and other. friends on the. long.., Amos -is. a jolly,griod • fellow Base Line -and id Clinton for a few. and will be missed in our neighborhood days last week. . • ' ' and it3 Turner's church. In the choir Mr. Jos, E. Collinson of Durham hail he is elutes singer. Whatisour loss taken a . position as assistant in. will.he Clintonsgain, ' ' '._.- ' •• . • Captein. .ombe's drug' store. 'Mr.. . Rev. Mr. Mr. Hussar preached • Baia - Collinson is a trienthetsof a highly re- sionary terrnoris in Turner's church on • epected•South Grey family. . , Sunday when quite a sum was raised Mr. Lester Whitely B. A.,. . ' aisistant •. for a deserving cause. , . C classical master in . the. ollegiate Mr. JBell has engaged for ayear Inistitute. at St. Thomas, who had with Mr. A. Elena and has taken up ' been home for the holidays, returned hie residence on the Turner farm. Mr. Misses Blanche and Grace Shepherd A. war and has been shot three times, to that town on Saturday, - B6/1'9 brother has 'been. tin °Ugh the . S. and Mies Flossie King have given up lost a finger, been shot in both legs teaching for a time and will leaye in , andhadhaone of his thighs broken. a few days for Ottawa where they . • - . . • will spend a terra at the Norinal, Mr. George Rathwell, who carried on - Cv- LBORNB TOWNSHIP. - • -' a grocery business in town for some months last year, has • gone to Tor- A very pleasant eveninwas spent where he has accepted a situa• at the home of Mrs.• Robert' Allin g. onto' tion in a wholesale grocery setablish- . on Thursday evening lase when :she • Mr. Bert. Mcliseen,. after enjoying friend,,, . , • merit.• , •gave a party to quite anurnher of her . the holidays at the homestead on . Mr, Wm, Cousins of Marlette, Mich., the Baseline, in town, Wingham and his littledaughter were the guests • and Goderich, retorned. on Monday , of Mr. and Mrs. John Feagan on Sab- to Toronto to resume his studies in . .bath. Also Mr, Bert Orr of Goderich Trinity biedicel College. • Mr. An rew Forrester returned to the township. Mr. Ezra Fisher. was the gdest of Mr. • horological Inetitute in Toronto on and Mrs. Samuel Allin on Sabbath. Monday. Andrew's winning smile Mr, Thomas and Misses Mary and will he missed by his many friends in Francie Cornish of Pine River return - (Minton. .After finishing his course ed home' on Saturday after a few days .. he will be a master workman acid visit to friends in this locality. speaks Of going West to see I what , .• , Eli Fisher of Dakota s prospects there are .out there for his parental roof at:resent. under Mttheivieiting usiness. . • Mr. Chas, Braigo of anitoha is Mr.. John Halliday of Goderich w'as in also home and, we understand, is go, .1 town on Monday on his way to and ing to take a life partner back , with i from Brucefleld where he made the hit,' Mr. W. 3, Fonder and Mr, Melville Jewell 'changed horses one day this week, • - We are glad to know' that Mr. Richard Ryan is improving rapidly. Ile has been ill for a few weeks. The oyster supper held at Bennailler nn New rears Eve' was a grand sec. COMM. • Mr. Samuel Treble of the Northwest is. visiting friends in this locality at present, Mr, and Mrs. Helyar of Clinton were the guests of Mr, and Mrs.. Andrew Millian on Sabbath. Mr. Dan. Pennybaker of the Soo has returned home after a few weeks visit with friends in this neighborhood. Mr, Wesley Newcombe, who has Mr. Ed, Million and his son John held a position as leading salesman in his hrotheee etore here since it's opening, left taw days ago to take 61111001111 4 position with Marshal Field ik Co,. .. one of the big departmental. stores Reduction in Cool 011, of Chitago. Ile has written his friends here, hoWeVer, that he will • —.-•not retain that position' but will take Harland tiros. are snaking a redue. another as window dresser with IL Lion of 5 ontoa gallon in coal oil for 11. White of ttostotr. Wesley is an cash. Best Canadian oil only 15 cents expert at that particular •bratich of a gedlOn• hest Atnerican only 20 Cents, the MISIOOSA; and we bespeak for him if paid for. AIM* in his now situation. , HARLAND BROS., Clinton* .*C14INTON• • delivery of a span of a well Metaled black seam which he had sold to Dr, Blackwell of London. They were a . tine pair and were bought for•mport. Mr, Helliday was etcompa,nied by Mr, Charles Oke of Benmillor. Mr. and Mrs. John Emmerton Sr, re- turned on Friday last from a ten dart very pleasant visit among friends 10 Itincardlne • and vicinity. While there they Were gnests at the wed, ding of a' nephew, Mr. Diehard HmMetton, who Wes united in mar. riage to MtS. Bradley,both of Huron township. A.t another nephew's there was a birth on the same day, . The Hirimertons are a much respect- ed family in those parts. Vent Saturday and Sabbath with friends in Lueknow, - • ••••••••••....••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••. ••• •••••••••••••4••••••••••••••• • • hite Pine Com - E GREAT OASH STORE. I • pound With Tar JANUARY Is the best for recent and chronic Coughs and Colds, Loss of VoiCe, •• CLEARING SALE 11 te d • other inflamed Conditions of the lungs and air passages. ESOR/PTION DRUG STORE. no successor to Sydney jao son Reelile " k # • FUR • SHOE TALK. 0 • .• • • of the good things while they are going. • . • • For the Fall and Winter Trade our stook is complete. Never before . of seasonable Footwear. And our continuously increasing sales is the• D. . M. .MoBEATH . - -. . BLY11-1 were we in a better position togive you just what yousvent in 411 !chicle " • • best evidence we can give that our• Pretoria Eiloolg. • . • SYSTEM OF SMALL PROFITS AND VIM RETURNS ....woo 44•• •••• •••••••••••••••••• •••• •••• •••• . nion, is just what is needed by the buying public. We eat save you dollars • . - 0, Will begin January 2nd and continue for the next BO days only.. This is the beet offer that has been given tq the buying puhlie for sone time as the stock is new and upsto- ' date, consisting of • S FOR -LADIES AND .GENTLEMEN1. . Ladies' Jackets and Tailor Made Stilts •• • 1 1 .•Boots Shoes Rubbers and Trunk!) . • I • Dress Goods .• Prints Tweeds Hosiery ' Blankets • and all kinds of Dry Goode '. IO 1 MILLINERY AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE 1 . Remember these tremendous bargains will be given in all • • departments during January. Come early and get a share •• • • Men's and Boys' Ready -Made t3uits, Overcoats and' Pants in your shoe bill. Try us and tee; FULL STOCK OE THE CELEBRATED GRANBY RUBBERS . for which we are sole agents in Clinton. You run no risk buying your rubbers from us as we do not handle Sewed Quality or Auction goods, It will pay you to see our bargain counters, which are being constantly replenished with the best hargaine ever offered in Clinton. See our Misses School Boots, sizes 11, 12, 18, 1 and 2 at • 85c and $1.00, either laced or buttoned. , • They are great value. Tas OLD RELIABLE VT= TAYLOR & son Push and Ono Isrioo Rater and Eggs taken as Cash McKillop Township. • Meeiers. Thoinae and Herbert Irvine, who were employed in Stratford, have returned home, S. Berwick has bought a place in Algoma and intends going there to re. aids. Mr. tames Campbell 1.1119 dloposed of ear's ur Future Selecting Holiday Presents • is a difficult task. Nothing will, prove more satisfactory or serviceable and at the same 1 time bring more comfort to the home than a nice piece of furniture. • Our selection for the Holiday Trade this season surpasses anything we have f • yet offered. •- Miss Lena St More( who has been re. Siding in Stratford for some thrie,opent bet Christinai holidays with her sitter, Mre. Jamee Boll. The tea.tneeting at Walton Motho. dexis:beihlit3::11 was fairly successful. The musk was good and refreshments Mr, Henry Syerman has been haui. Ing stone from the , township of Grey for the purpose of building etabling underneath his battle, /Ire and krt. Menarey of Ethel ate Christrrias goose at the home of Mr. his farm on. the north boundary to his neighbor, Archie Clarke. A good part of the place le thinly timbered with black aeh, Mr. Henry Hamilton was a grand juror at .the late quarter Session' bald at Ctoderleh. PAIMOit 0A131inere Cmorotrons 3A.iti3I10:ttit 'STANtia Mtrato CABINETa nlluLtsLainktAucTit.satmus EAeLUStiitvuit Myst() RAOire SnoittTAltits LrintAnsr UMW) PAPP* Backe 1300X OAMIS Fatter! TatirMs C013oHtte It will do you good to see the beautiful line of 11 ancyY, Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering. We will consider it a pleasure to show you through our wareroonis even if you do not want to purchase, • Chic111.03r0 manager, Night and Sunday male *bewared at residence of our ' Puttee Director. *T. W. Malloy, Kingstree., opposite foundry, 4