HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-09, Page 7. curled in Patient escaped w.olvos tore•them down 'were almost. aride.00k mita sose. annul through egenazafione ' • ' . • to. do, end none of the few plucky 'Y Sh yellow. 1 or the jelly, the ,appleS defence. On the eve of War there w 4, ask hun to nanie the shape fee ete ou Iaseeet tb.e . Dairy of a certain article ha would leach; d imat mid 00.1.10 growe in ire- a al brake throuine the king of brutes ni only be ev'p et clean and s ced, Wero 200,000 Jewelers, militia and that smite. • An eetraordlnaky• ineirlene -bas oce Ihe shrie e of the poor eat ae " h me lietely fen upon my horses flea- -- • Place• Cover the fruit with cider, volunteers Wel'ES In process of ore the seen. wed . seed? eoine left. in ereonieh available, . while corps of things he did were hell so br v teatime :teem. , for it e o • . Intin '19011 a the how4sAY °I eleelea but, of cotirse, the physician. 'woUld float the leiChinond lunatic, asyliagie Ixeolno i", I a alotha To every pint Oi•juires thus i 'BOER T'ACTICS' TADGHT, * * • *. • • 4 O. 4,4,-4-4-4)-4 rip I OOM 4 e A A NEW ZENLAND VI1OKY. •* Force of eircuiestauces soaletimes Meekee it neeeseary ter a emu to. eerve two masters. 13y *day, Troop- er Jenkins seta tea end sugar in 21b Packete ecreei the counter of Brown,. 13attersby, Son, Wholesale and General Dea.lers, At night, he was a "gentleman in khani." serving Ids country through all the intricaciee of company drill, In workieg 'hours, Trooper Jenkins boWed and exelain- ad reepecefully to Sille-clu.d ladles who came about the mistake OE 8ed in the discount. On holidays, at volunteer parades and military encampments, he swaggered pase his customei.s with a pitying .pmile, conscious of the social gulf that existed. between a soldier of the Queen aeut "Brown, 13attershy's man." Yet it was not pride of pexade nor field -day honors that sent the blood of TrooPer Jenkins rioting. through kis veins at the first note of the bugle. This ;young man, to teem' "spicy garlic smells," meaet the pro- saic odors of onions and prime bacon and cheese, in a grocer's shop, was an idealist anel a dreamer. His dreams were of battle, and he cloth- ed eis ambition in fantaitie deeds, of suilitary valdr. _The four Walls 9f Brown, Bettersby, and !Son were as hateful to lihn as ever Wes London to the disconsolate Tantmy who efts '•'ettrd the East Encellin'." Only at times clid. iumgination sweeten. existence for him. The tin- ned fruit shelf near -the roof, was an unassailable position athich he (with a handful of num) 'would gallantly scale, he face of a heavy- fire. 140 01.0.• 01 /UV orutuary route to call MARKABIA OAS& elder Mae Mid grimly. "I woulsitiet fenny. Lupe here, neenentce," MOST RE cam =num =Gums. r01.00.01. __,,,„ 11141,11.33R4gD SIM WOLVES DE- • 0 slop 110 „ .• - lwr work the areater .ii 068 MO ifil Nr POIATX. . a Ati likely to have. nerst We need train - eve .cieve, lieu thineing ;nen it. It 1 — The tanieue "Ne. I" (beat North- VOTJR, ITIS RONIES. 40 . - , 17 ing in design and It is a pity m- eter I,, de to get ou Iv "ome sweet !Alec; Saar ai$ Wife for the First ern engine receatly completed its olnd You,' or walla you've got of tip t o Ms Aland. the Wilds of Lake Win; tlygiene and otho,r Notes io. 1:tigrkakti:td.oy,eullIteptahtetlIelrntlsjtoldogota 1V:1:nth:tr. • for the' Housekeeper. isei.yee 'II ge up tee tailinney. Wits eneeteee , t 1 on express passenger work, says the us well as 4ehu its wanled to-inorrow. lee, „de 8 18 ..n.9 sue 1 a abatd Loadon Delay Mall. nianag, e 0 i * A, most. artistic combinatioa of ,gets use o Turning these facts Over in hie The story of 4 thrilling adventure 0,416............0.0.• I tlinrceenofortlreellnoowveT:tuides levnleietnemloinidexieryis. 1.1 e meet -think, tame at etie 'ohs ere',ie wil-ea a •leetow . said a NM Orleans oculist; mind a Daily Mail representative With wolves, was related to a Weeni- er pet s quieten tore in enter best ," , , eee_ 'eerie Wee all, in cases where a men was led to reflect that after a, peg paper by a French, half-breed ' DOMESTIC RECIPES. of white linee, the at:nutty es." tee &ewe a .w.v,41,. „,,,,-. le Dorn blind, there 'aro Certain Conte . perhaps there might be, something earned Pierre Langlois, who for yawn A centre of green linen, for. instanee, , Tise other eyed Inia enviously, • /lento and hunter in the vicieity of Russell 1 see el deep Wein. Pare and A‘pple Charlotte.-Ilutter a good -a has a border snap ap.., made for 11843 - good to be maid -for the much -abused past ha0 been famous as a, trapper on the dinner table, baw, end, rolling over, was woe percsating eliects, which seem to oli knesse , a. voyage of investigation, which eine Lelia a large but fseallow body of iles as fee pion Put theni in the ' Place W11431'43 1.1114 circle Of white is bastee overlappinte the groou, being enorinn lustily. . • set, to .senie extent, et least, the af- ;British locomotive and he set out on ----'-' Scene Jones is the author of a nether ' braced, flr t f 11, the Coin anY's t flft '1 cheerna philosopily. and ettiu rest in holuelY story to the effect that a locometive, works at King s Ceps's. s o a . , P , rakeer_ •Ier nu es west of liusavick on 1 el nepeg. ' each layer 4 little brown sugar, a ' NeviitviT,low!?eYrs le.TI'vYthcierheghtfe°elndagyveosf, . basin in layers, sprinkling between n of living in utter der st 1 le len in vain to eiladtt to his se° the tru— ---en — accident consoled himself with the re- de t i • t o "we have is; sensate! honuesickness was tagelug at the , 11 ti n n answei o 11 qu ry, ng o a c now: 1 an s •• . an old bachelor, I ljdititlee ,teli:dustotiziliconci, des;s:ei:rdzesitssf. _tureen i . ,, thia tuts former slanted W ' Th t • st between the two shades e, en,,,,,,,,,e,„ }amities man who lest his right foot in an "Oh, yes," repliee the superintene Langloite who is ith pale greens.). sleep. lits'etnupainon lied not guese - 'Jamie; of his soul. TrooPer Jenkins 1 ' r I running over our system. Hauling duck shooting f 1 • • eq. d i Layer oi flue breadcrumbs. When the, o con la , to. that, vicinity butter, turn, a P11110 or Annexe O I 1 1 1 1 t itl bits 01 u c ot t to op w 1 , ver a • the h emonizing shades. ( ee on that it was the foot that a number of engines et this elass well 13nowe by sportemen who go haslet le of linen, is thus delightlully toned by I A TRILLING ADVENTURE 1140••••••••••••••••••• ,,, and accordi to rilici le, yet. tho hew to lxiltko her fetlecnee rarreeteei Rem ou the Rail* Many Yeare F R THE 1VIE 3 4 1 more clever eta is ind'vldtializing he aimed, giving hiaa legman, slap, . NAN .W210 FIRST SAW =GUT and, Still Effective. eve got the etaney shiaere all riaht, • • r UCC four millionth mile. It Wee bent in owe' and"eue girl yoti've left be- Time and She Fully Came 1 a broiderers do not enow onoteeleof de - Recipes for the Kitchen, * Rierre Langlois Faced Death in flo 1$70. It is still regularly employed digging his heels waltenaiy ineo tee e ou . e te compensaLion is a great and console mei ca a sleeping cititli .A.frican ectitip was possessed by a cleyii-a ing factor in liie, end Einersou's SPIendid telbute to tee principle did devil of tear anti fielachstrust, famil- iar to imaginetive 040.wos ee tee eye ; net reach too high. o1 a, crisis. lt led. lune .through 41. I "1113t, • speilking of blindness, I re - melee of torturing down. 6all 11 rather vemarka,ble case welch .1 under the observation of m lie did not know -because there came' was no one to tell him -that his sen- Tehheasee. oculist, Dr. 4. L. Miner, now living ia elemphis. It was the sations elves been shared by many a buttoned campaigner on the eve of rase °f .4 Missisall•Via"• Ile was born blind, Mid was forty years old his first engagement. lie did not re- when the attention of the oculist was elide that they were 131.1101y 4 matter first called to his case, lie had eat: - of tomPerainent and would end with erects on his eyes and- had never the Iirst call to avtivity and darn seen the light of day, and, ein fact, gore lie iairly writhed at the idert had lived in utter darknees during that he etueht peeve a disgrace to his colors and lus colony. neeron_; the forty years of las life. The see - cicalae found the ease of such absorb- ing scenes elid before his eyes of interest. 'that he -made a close' steel horrors cinthe battleitele as eel ing ; study of it and reported it to the he- ly Soluiers know, and newspapers tional aeeeciation of which he was a cannot desci•ibe, Contemplaeing ' member-, es one of the most remarle these, through the lens of an unus- t tale cases in the history of the pro - •ii ally vivid imagine tiou, . ',t rooper iession. Tile remarkable features oi Jenkins lay very still in the dark- the case were foetid in the. ease With ness, sane the war teat'broxe ow, in-* which the bliud MOM elan moved to beads ot cola sweat upon his knee about in the world, m his ability to• . head' was tne fear lest. be should run away. . reason accurately abont distance and. direction, and in the Tact that holiad • * * *. * , been able to make e living for him - never ran up that step -tackler .witle ; • " A *line .of eineeneeed kopjes-eit. eeli and family and had 'acquired - out a Witte of musketry in hist ear. Dying .inen cheered eine aa his* Waved stietcll A SMALL COMPETENCY,. of see& eireaely marked with dead wee cie ihieethe rear 01 areillerer their comrades on, When he as- cended the position and deseended volley a.0-"1.`"(1 letr . velley-with I "He was aefarmer. He hart bought death sarieLing round every corner : end paid for the Mem. •lie vete etble with dessert pears, it was 'generally and waiSilloa upo'n every, breeze. ; to 'db. any kind of .agriculturel work, to fincl that peaches were wanted. • 'centime War in. the Transvaal and the a.c- ' thi- the eight flaek the Colonist's. =cent Pee the hoe . aint plow neeeised „wee. in the -earlier etages of its grewth, did, violence wore. . ceptance by Britain of a New Zen - and again, ihey came on teeter with- 'Hewas tee° to leave his home oath - hind contingent tingled ''''to. right; out a guide and go to the home of ering lire. .Ln ono linal desperete about the career of Trooper Jenkins. hie neighbor on a social or business charge they carried the trencees. ride anything that e•ent on four eewepapere - oterWards "neared to • ei. ae .He was a Drat -rate shot. and could missionetzed heeotten -called his dogs this rep tee grainiest echievement and -around him at night with his hun- legs. This latter feet he owed to a turning pone. re tee Oily. *Tim iaoers ter's hem and would plunge into the' business circumstance -hie chew') su- ,.voter, heert of the forest on ii ,coon wore. completely roeted. burban Inane boasted no 'live stock • !hunt .er fox cease, and he•nevei eee: As a rule, men have less economical than a tebby, Which, little oppor- tunity tee nSomnient en each other in •periericed •any troubles in geeting like history, repeeted itself. _But et a .close epgagement, yet- Mane friend ,back eothe either.' While. he could one thne, in the days wherx.,Te leant- time that day to marvel 'at. '11•0opei, not •tell where the eaos.s was •san the ga knew, him, ,he eats coentry order - Jenkins, A -hundred, denions seemed tree, he 'knew intuitively notth from. man for his. store. Ho menaged his : to be let loose within lam. ine Lap- south and always gote, home, oven. mounts , so- well:and his orders so; tithe 'oe sre blanched 1114 cheese. e in When he would. make the trip by badly that' he shortly lost the billet. himself. The face is that he exper-• his eye aed his liana iventined etea- He would- engage tenbreale in raw He iealieed, i. an almost a sob leaaatl • absolutely lie trotted° in ore colts for the farniers along his route, ',v.' (Henry Wades et. fife, and was loolced of relief, that cuter:ell he was ii..,t. Li the exuberance -ef. feeline 6 rear- ing,. plenging charger beimath Iiiin,' airilld• • -etas aesurailee that .110 .was epee* by his neighbors 'and friends.as lit to be' a seetier eeitiltnetee; Ian; to e lecture:and vieesul Member .ca society the imaginative soul Of Teootee :Jen-. lespect. .1Ie had :Wooed, kins sped swiftly ferwand ". !en the, •tlie Verge el madnees. At.: cloee, io.'onerY :quietens tie Worked sage' bevoc w.tn. 'won,• and had manioc' re young Ili's- wings of his desire. 'The Ileowns • event • hungry eo eed, • because ' had reared eal:ire Lis bayseeet that the, enenie tied -bee a,lasaifTlegied• •i,i,nd iere Wine. Alen. lone each other thee ...`efas `he 'ah -Ler °A children' * : . '.. tho enciteraerit •of heading .a cseetilry ' ho was-. eafo toe stripes.; others spoee '',Dt t ehe most interesting .pail of charge , down: a dangeites -• Incline : caused :him to 'forget the Yeemouth 01 '5,- \l'• ,.tliaught hint t he et° re' " the. nerrator continued, druni-euld .* so he, *use -drunk with elle way ,1 'look at the ease, blonters for their ' eepper.. "A deaffig n wen_ Was. he the avemeinenits made ay Dr. uestesy, outrue sortie of, mounted infantry, resulting end reel:bed his Minor Wiese. the blind. man came un - in the capture of 'whole erogireents' hig ..aPeatl'e • . -der.-his observatibil. These expert-, and all the enemy's gene was sec- t u, top, an , aea passenger treelike? Certainly, and ex- every autumn. For twenty ;mere HOW TO CEMENT CHINA. cellent time they keep. American lo- east be has levee in a lonely Bewley or three hours -in a slew oven. senger trains eo them. We Iceepnhera quired great skill rued faxue as a Creamed lel:de-Pick - cold cooked stir in enough Nester of pans to comotives? We don't trust our pee- -on the shore -of the lake, and has tec- Take 0. solution of gum arabic and for* 'minerals' and similar work. hunter and trapper, Ash to pieces and lamina the bones. make a soft paste, This le quite Good %wines? Well, they nuty be; Anautilly he makes trips to Winne. Make a cream sauce with two tablet. spoonftes each oE butter este flour, colorlees and holds china excellently. we really haven't been running them peg with his 'pack of furs to secure two calls of milk, a "SU 02 eaereane For eery delieete chine some. Teeple loun enough. to form. a decided. opin- his winter ;empty of ciothina mei ; and half a tablespoonful of salt. 11,14„...t- tie the lams carefully in place with. ion." fo.al. Ilis trip title season bee tor a Pudding dreh and InIt in la° tapes; stand ill 4 saucepan„ of cold azine Was more explicit. , "The Brit- related in his own words : fish and the seuce ill enema -neve lay- mile arid a „- ere. Spread a layer of crumbs on point and then remove the saucepan cry slowly heat to boiling The editor et tbe Locontotive Meg- leen a most• disastrous one, and ia isn-built engine ,, he said °glee the . "I kit home " said Pierre "on top, dot witli eits of butter aud beck from the •lire aua let the china, British -built bridge and the British- Meaday' morning with a team,' of- bake twenty Minutes. . signed to stay, There are plenty of ; catch of fure on a sled. I had -Wash and clean the ekins of the. po- The Right Way to 13aee Potatoes, constracted permanent way, is de- I Sliaggie-nappies • and my season's engines running to -day on ilritish .pianned to driv'e to Teuton. as usual, tenses without breaking. Put them railways -aye, and on continental leave my team there, ',lad eenne into. On 1:1113 .grate in a inoclerittelY heated ones, too, -that were censtructed .30, ! etieropeg. by train. 1 tvould. male wen I tie oeen s o . .. , • . across the chest. . .30, 40 and evernmore years. ago, and a two-dayentrip to Toulon and laid ' skins will at once harden, forming a . - which are still perfectly reliable in • out to mend the night at the shanty nen-conducting' sueface, preventing eAmerlean builders can. show no- 1 . SHELTER DESERTED, in thia way are heavy sena waxy, in - this escape of. water. Potatoes baked n'RENCII SOLDIERS STUDYING -THE FACEaDESPO,,ILING "RAZ. every way. of another trapper whom. I knew. The 'life' of a )(pekoe 'loco' may be l• 0 NOY PEOPLE GO ABM, TUE QUEER WEAFONS USED VARIOUS CLASSES'. Knives, Razors, Stiletto* and , Sword...Canes-Zohn China- man Drops a Brick, In proportion, to their number., the Italians carry more weapOns than any other race. The ann is the blade -dagger, stiletto, or knife, • and it is carried, not for an °rue. Mena or the pride of Poseession.1 In nineteen cases out of a hundred the weapon in used upon another wen of the same race. Regular duels between Italians are lay no meane unenown, In New Yorlee little Italy not long ago two Ital.- lane who bad quarreled selectetl'oe- con s (not to see a r p ay, le fair in, a stabbing duel, lint ere prevent int,ervention by the police) and went in to fight by the flickering light of a lamp,poat. When it was over one of the mert had crawled le - to 4 basement to die, and the Police had no difficulty IA tracking the other by tee trail of blood he had left. The enives most favored the Italians are curiously formed. with a terminal tense to the handle, sh stay In Joe about five minutes, after g g outslde musole of the hand and in - which it is carefully lifted out and placed on shelf till dry. evre a firm gria, for the true Italia& knife lighter lunges as with a foil, holding the palm of the hand up and T P1VAD ALBION guarding with his other item held PROBI,EX. WM. digestible and unpalatable. A.s soon thing even remotely . akin to tills' "Toward dark I arrived at the Muck in vogue among the Italian only to -find that my friend's as the potato Is soft upon slight The General Staff /penes a Pre. rag picking Women is a very thin as short as ten years, •It would gen- I' 111(tee' athlete°, sharpened to a' razor keen- , shanty had been burned to the g • !es of the finger, remoVe it from pared History .of all Past tinnier be considered aged. at 15, And tee °ten. rake it in your hand, . Attempts. . nese on both edges. So small is 1 . should emagine that there are' not and des -need, I was undecideu what I 1 ound 1 Prsa a I \ Wet should be protected with a the mark left by this terrible wear to do ae there was not another v it i ' e an interesting fact which may above a score of 20 -year-old locomo- '. napkin or towel, end carefully work e , . . r . pen that there is a record of one tives in the whele. United States 11°118'cl - whiten twenty miles of - the I a may not , have a political and cese where a doetor iseued a. certl- • place -thee • 1 knew of, but finally e I the potato as though yen. were 'mesh- - military significance; than withal . .ing it in the seize being ;very careen the pa.st two years the 1 rench Gen-, issued it in ficate of death by heart, disease, and good faith, for a., man not. Co break the skin, When the pa- eral Stall has been devoting great 1 whose heart had been split by the hi the decided to feed my pollees and puse teat are regularly • •engaged passenger service of any of the firste by moonlight toe eel Teeen. class lines.. The Amel man engineer . ,,After un hour's reel 1 steeled, tato seems scat, an mea y 1 o e, thruet from one of • these s•lentler - does pot • even pretend eo build his awe my team plodded weenie nen. out put it bacle •ou ehe glans la the etteetion to the seedy el the • pro- blem f invading Greet *halm . I blades... Further inveetigation fel- Furthee enquiry revealed the fact rested only to the depth of 1,1. few Potatoes have been subjectee to t is ' s_ . (seen; and SO continue . until all thee ' ' ° - 1 Tbe first- fruits of that stady were boning eea in the famous „article published 'man who had struck the blow silo -w- an itemisation against the locomotive to 'stay.' .". • the rough reed, aPon ahich the seow ' glee the, "No.. 1" alluded eo above inches. I was well wrapeed in' furs Prece••'4. . 1 • . ' ' in ehe Revue cle'Deux ie not the oldest lecomotive running and f Olt - irery drowsy, When suddenly liot-Pot AS itten.-Cut 2-e, bf mut- .March, 1890, showing hew delight - Mendes in ; ed that the flesh hate 'closed grounti ,the wound, leavieg' a barely percep- e•his honor is eleileled for 00 eng!ne passenger trains . in .Great Britain. l'f elle my ponies give a start and then. ton from. ehe lore -quarter. tete pieces 101' serving. Dredge them fully easy.' • ,it would' be to lend a ;tibia mare, • built by Messra. puree, Curtis a leen- ror. I listened and heard faintly with flour and brown in two table- ,Bet a ino.... lightlyi French armer on' the British . cease.] If the tough negro of the cities . stand stock still, suorting with tee. slioonfuls Of hot fat. Pee' and cut re Permanent and • .neefill 1 carries any Weapon at all it is a re.- . nedy, of Liverpool, in 184r), welch tite bong, .dreary hotel of 'Wolves. ' consequence •bas been ehe iesue by I is still ie use en .the Waterford an4 . "Of course; I , knew that Wolves aye potatoes into elices a fourth Of the Freech,Geeerel Staff, of a mime- ; blatle doubled' back itcress the zee, In tee it is held with the Tremore Railway; in the southeast' were plentiful in the country, but an inch thiek and parboil: them • six 'bee of veltimes, giving .in great de-, of Ireland., ' ' . • lied never dreamed of •there being minutes.- . Cut an einem hi •slices el , e tail the .ffistory of .Past attempts at a !knuckles; .ancl the approved method is long, drawing sweep with the hand any danger. „I whipped up .. my„ tee peeling and parte:sit fifteen .mane . •I held palin downward. • Fatalities are ' . The, railway eri 'Which itertinais ale invesion." .• mose as' remarkable in itp way as -the ponies, . and pitted •out 6 revolver I. -otos,. Place a layer of the Meet in • In the third . volume. af : his . "Pro -s few, engiee. e It is only eeven- and. a guar- ale De 0 i • carry, hut did aot feel itay jects et: Tentatives de Debarqueinent 'tul, the pOint of ettack being almost but the mutilations are /right - tor iralea long, and is eneirely leolata mai alaem. .. • ' . , add e•layer of the potato and onion the bottom of ,a granite baking dish, I aux Hes 13ritannigees, 1' which has, ed. froin :every . othee ' inilway, its el had onle ' 'gone a,kes milese. •Slices ' drained froin ' the wetee in. juet been published uedee these always, the neck and face. A razor. is one of the deredly weapons . that Waterford terminus being .ovee il .which they were cooked, and coetiin ails- eicee in Perie, Ceptaiti Desbeiere distant 'from any other stations 'of , forms, ape. axed. over a bluff to my. givee the: story, front the best , end mtnity, as the man who :is eri•eeted . carr be eaeriett practically with inn a mei) ' hewever, when a couple . ef dare ue the leyees until meat,•potato and reght, end a lone howl was setae up, onion are 'all used. Season. each' la.ea reos.t trustworehe . scierces, of the iate stations, sidiegs er ,passing pia- It was at once ans,,,,,red from trio • or., with salt and pepper, i oselg, a •mose famous et alt these -attempts- with one in his pocket cao elways plead that he -Ives taking it te the... that town. There .are .no intermed-. ' Cult whieli • .engeoseed tne- atteritien : ces, end as -the platferms at the•two 1 eae, en., te neve,. 1, een Riley .e. .sr.iolittinscepeotolh. rtuciashr xovethlittthl p.oefp.p%arie apichesies, ot Napoleon in 34308 od, 18"; ,,,, terracing steel oes are ' bete op. th e 'II enlY Other. clese. besides tee,' negreee... barber •shon to be sharpened 1 The • west .siele•cie the railway., the carriag- , dwell a el ces of 'the grey tierilier. *tie.: vete ebouf . , mile eehine ane ep_ the . Islet, ever pi- potato sliced. like .the eVe of.Trafalger. : •. e • which melees the razor as a' -weapon i preaching at *a rapid pace • ., selectee,. one • slice • elightly . over-; . NAPOLEON OUTWITTED'. • is the hobo, or '.prefeesional tramp: es are wily- provided .with. doors on 'one' side. . ., ' l' - ' . a e ..... ° • lamellae anothea Dot the top with a ! • . . .AnOther Bri t 1 sh,built engine, .which I-VOLVES FOL.LOW THEIR .PREY.. ., 7 • t • t • t lets !... To the . English: readee the interest - FOXY J OHN CHINAMAN. : dines Penn 184n, es • Still effieninge on 1 ' "My ponies. knew :the. danger, sold.. an . . . eabseepoonted ot but er cu . In 0 1 d ceole coVered for nearly tee ee , o. e this latest . volunie lies largely . in ' " . It tv.ae• built by Messes; •Itobert Sten ' ings , 'all torgotten. The -road w.as -, nue cover foie tee edsts .helteleitie tha.te....e. gee • ,, g 'and •foietheu ht in stile British .0e,_ • eehe Chinathan rarely* gees armede 'the: Clietnin de leer Nord.. Of leral a., instineneely bolted,: their tired. pike. home irt'a ver.Y.sloweeven, removing tr ts.aevelation 'of eittra.orEllintry Hee wants. to "de up" en enemy' ee . - the potato may brown: .• • - .. .1 .• - i Government,. In those , dayse • . when' . - 'but wit c aracteristie.ratiel palienee doe§ eet sally teeth to leek for hinl,. h • h • . , .. , beet. sr end •Mre could Make • " -• .nottson t 'o., ain WaS i ter al i "ugh 'II- :- 1. ' ` • coupled driving wheels. •but pregress. The horses free •• . Bnii wets were "inevitable, the men in quenaly stumeied, and I could": cie • gge• ante ac o a ag feet ea minutes; . power .were not afrinel to peeper° ca halt .11, dozen eggs for ton • their strength' wee tailing, While al- for •theia. The Capiain shows, that • i ' ld • t •• ' 1 , the ow t tern into . co , a , pee • England facile a march tieson even ,sits ace his .own.evie ow • an wai foe the • victine to -pas,a When . he passes:John drana.e...brick . on Met, cessfully accomplished with 'the gro- • weiteig chanao to malse• a • peal • , Napoleon, who was of 'all meet ,the and cut them into halyes, or perchance a flower got, and legal 4.here... came to hn:i Haat sueneina ments had partici:dee fefeeence to the . eady t le o es a el e 0. , them ment Trooper Jelleirie aveisged the 'la or:. Jet purpose.. : Just be- NOTES BY, MAIL ritom TH,E into the pack, • and. for. a ILew, raci- white meet ol dressed eowl, or vea. •decialation of eiraa • This makes cer- fi•P him a groter. He foiiare ,his• • wegkened. 'I believe I'd slither not tize .e their puuffiere had increasec o • 1 t 'y 'this , et. butter, tablespoonful Of mush-. • .1803 • / • H -the' brick or. ftoseer pot yestieg, on , an eschalot, querter of an ounce. las een spu e --W ne set a- , po eon en evis ie or war. e 1 b I di t d I tl • N *window. ,at that particular. Moment and he ill -lack ahericed to eisledge d ' the , egone of tee. lcain meet. cojua he fore going to the operating room he • LAND OF THE SHAliIRGCR. ats isay etueg book, , little cheeped parsley, an anchovy:, tain the ariewer to a t' h' I ques ion w gave his parents foe trying to_ make caries Mrs. -Smith wanted at, on*cee 'PROM - Ell' 9 1'1 - BEEN IS I the yolks .iii a .marble .niost _difficult to surprise,- b b • " Pl. • • .osecution .is unavailing, because ineueset, 1.1 erein ..g•os • n s method et con:, •pe.und • y egin- ma ' sticking out of his tronadr 'pockets; '• 111E111 riee to a aneley n herons/I • 1 "I *turned 'aeciefieed revolyer. • . • . chided Amt. he woulciehaee eyee 1 I revel. ." •with about en. equal quantity • t ' 11 b f John is always ready- to swear teat Now his, chence had come. Ile for- :higher' then Ithele`1"• in inat mo- . • g ets arrnamen s we e ore the c let 1' tl • ' 1' h h paned to be leaning otit of his operated on, and be sought the spa- • — • • ai eat tiventy and .-their • savage • . erathing aed everybody. 4 atteeeed . less to revive:in him a .t hell]; like un- . the specialist, and when p •e sod • fon .. e, 'would make ho sacrifice to avoid it, the sal.. Persons expeilence ere thee faine *cited Mee been penter- soe anytaing, he said• appealingly te , . - Perseeal mid: Political OCceneesacee --.. •! • . a . • - - • room cetsup,"a little cayenne eeppere est have lived•to wear me, V. C., velars- . „.• • ., . • . • . — •. . ', would have• kept him a Shopman and , • woman in the cheap' sebeeban home' • ,..ertland's gelleale metier gale); ed to married; that he• leered hie wife and '•:eliat Will Interest Irish,' • • . ,arotted my sled- about thirty perils-, eway,.. • told me elute the danger a s ; ..;beaterinnace, or. allspice,..hiceepoesee . was: not responsible for ehe..aetujal :Ways oi the Chinese assert that . the pmruecsliervamliaashhiea. as. :.el. reset,siw°,e1, ,.a: (lax.... *emit .eneanytee ciestoiner wile asked ,fa, hie. dying- • Weenie. \ellen New, the leasers te eeplained thltits heewas • . • Cancedians. • • • . . set ,r.e. ;tile •e•ev, °Yee as they 'circled , to teeta the cheeee. Ile forgene•.eve- some -bread crumbs, and nvorY llt+re but 'it does Appear olearly that, . ' herself an oetcrist froth his' leve for '0 ever Igniter thaa eose hien., • . She• . 12 _ te essistenee, and. es 1 ta et elv min rang in his epee . this familiar , -1 2:1111 . lie - 1 .-". ' siveetest. tiling in the world, and ehat agriceltur 1 •year '.. on' l'.en:o.i°11, e" t • . lie had drewn a Mental ' picture . of. are sigesa th t -thes. Ei ' 'Use it it believed:she Wits the- prettieet aaid Irelafid has- .had '' * • f:th .b ' t wolf,- an.d 'fired, aitting hun int t ! grieve. 1..10 wiev:171aenda ce. it ft big mahe . l• - eliem weletogether, 'and 1111 the halve ' do ihern ever Ninth elle yelle of aii way, end ite inferieeity es' of. tile .whites with this mixtere; , rupture: fits fleet...is elioned from -the Fi•elih,,records,ao.. be in a miserable can ,t6 , ti.i.e....upoill tee top of the. hear% s...,10.t self 116 yew, ger, piseel ane eee e • ii - habit Of 'Wearing stir..pi_gtio.1.:9iished Thee 't 1:001:1ei' Jenkins lay ,- ra d .t. ihe stiiiiiecia eu tare. . • . . . • • ,,,, . , .. .. elite/ liereee weer: ceMpletely eee ; ee :.<1')It.st;holii.se, Lietetu,1 t.%i L 7,141.'4 iirt C. ;sense 'Deadly canes., put e a in wept at his enehusiaem, fereseeing tele tom,. aka: ak.- of hell a score ig ,.. . erieen eeere, , 1 'e e shaulder. .. et he welled was non se., I _ . . ; oven, wed :.serve them on metiers of Franca Could reet muster' in I:111'041 Leib neo.''f art that wherene - lent an enceurrtgieg ear. tO"-- hiS • ",..:.e.J.64.des.: ef trash; barley. drown in : -hanistc ft. and ge eseently . one . pteunrecal 11, v iiigi:Iii)tlie' Uollir'neZstetPepcilletas 1 ailli°uentlIa.. len.' , seevice before the wleter of that yeer. • 'bane.; ere across hie leture only: the slietle*' of °I •brave ileretatiega boye, lie knew seeing flee. reight in seine, Ne- . tee, snte ..oft 1 be; ande brews). ehen).- in a Dutch . eh . ., , . . , e .. _ . . _ ._ _ her, and he was fearful that, 'really tor h.' hi a rricaultur 1 down beeldie. hie, weencied , craiarades . chop the apples' line, '•epenect ...' ' aracteristic of the 1 ren,ch, Spanis. women hid her breakteg heart and °4°•°1e it 'enal.' ' e4 - t'e , ';'",1 111:°q°14te1 go7 the grave. For hie eak0' a younger ' thee .he. lesael. 'weed, ehene their . post- " y.,...1._ lag.. o. , iiitaeria. gieut y.....in t le neui meeing the Inutes more savage. . ' '•"` blood. evidently . had. tee ellect o i „seen.. 1.. • • C b Who .hes.,•feset his ileat.ne clothe.-- . G v a. . sh w 1- ' t th‘ lireWers;'. f:.11:-. and fell; . Instanitly .there; wa e ' ' . .., • . 1 • • i • . :. . .. . ••• . • I Pere core and. and.eattke h clear syrup.w. 1 le sugar. , Notwit g . • . • Tese•IrisInnan fights e 1st Pereeaded.hini te ' e, igland lied (seer 160 In ...the iet..ure:- At ally to '1 ' ch•eams of valor and quick- promo- , with ilie trenquil 'expieseioe of. oiie ,• • `, ' e L° ,eheae°- W I •, u. , y, . u 1 .0. c • er.AP10ii • . ehe siala-,141 •'-'1g ,. nei9P-'-' ich . Greceene, qra3,/ iii. Pearsoies Weekly. . "Sea re lil .1 •• In '. ' ' i a es, is, et lines in cercu 1 1 '' •i. ' th, 'e • ••• I • l II 1 ' .1 ' f • • r I. of - the wolves that mere , . ... . . . . tollow.ed was marvelloen .1' .. tion. For his sake, when his come . . • .., lee len .at . t 1 gi emu tin a al , 1. °reel. us 1 pi A a c , . heti-sidle • *-this•• immense. pany marched . proudly bee With ton • • form, glass tumblers-, aud. things Latiffe, le linenon, has' impressed the jedges . from -every side and 1 saw naval preionderance, tallith °does not •e) muce that a special silver Illethil, 1 h c v te 'leave se teens • on y c an e \ as . , . ; To this , eyrue add the apples, Lhe ' ittice ann e . . — . Y, .. . • • •r•tted, rindseof. three leen exist in our da .the British Gov- with the.hencle God. gane. Mtn, Meets it happens to. be hie wife that lee ie. fightinga weible ease he nitkin the e hauseeeld furniture. ' The Swede. .seldoM fights, bet when deunn. he use ae a, weapon allything thee - era flying, 1 ands playeeg, end people cheering,: .she smiled good-bye, and • - none of the glorious deeds he hoped: , that soet were held .up beiore hen Wel ons arid a tew pieces of white ginger. eminent strained every .nerve tee col- . Wue • arded„ letetriedeto• of- to .tbeir fate, I aprang from the , . tea at neat ye 1.'e exhibition a Su 1 •1' • f" t If • I I'd • P et., iring a WO aS • (1 so, Boil until the apPle looles clear alai. lect and drill a treet force for borne PURE MILK. ter the• operation., Whee the special -1. In nethingethat is notteet ior ton leItOM FORCE OF HABIT • Is within his reach, from his packet - 'knife to an ax, if he can lay his ' hamlet on one, aria he fights ,to the death. The Germans and the JeWs are neaoefue ,The Greeks are cow- ardly, feud some • of" them carry kitives.. The Armenians end Turks prefer arpitration by their priests Witch tlie present elle paet -are nese and purity Melo mailifest .than !not let ,hini touch. IL, lie ems Wile, • tied whee wailderilg about flee ciey pc,,FilES EATEN. obtained add °steepened set eugar send , e 1:',olopted; by the oe Iry the law tc. open force. ap - divided ber annocean teed huletlrecia.of iu male seleaes end -.edger:eines a.n. after . eennee hesitation, to. toll -the nee .summoned On a. eoroneies• eery • • .19..1,i - 'nee ettempt theseape,Ohfoonwas , boil aalitiv, ininuaes, - 1 e 1 a 0 V lk • •t • . Ira'. Ilritiell for '-use • in,. ces.o• cif ineasion. anese wili .go feliate a -void. trouble! miles of dreary Afrieen veldt,. fariey; fer ehe inost pal j; thoranway .6001,01 ; ehapes „teed, ileums or thingo emote he by the'police, aed eseietce in finding was en. exect '.forerenner.: o t f * hat but :. once ' haering goers ineo.ehe. etn. . once eent on. going on,' leae a. trick binore they ai e eatene trues are peel- ,leact. only knowe thectugh theeense of a Nerdh.t.." The elunatic eas since. I lat W.,, imposeiblee, teed 3. therefor,e vor our usina about •three. leeves. to: 'The result is a whieh.the Russians eadoisted, in 1812. coun'ter 'they fight like •whirlweede, . of stopping in the eniddle and dreg'. ett' and nuts • are sheilea; .aat, malt isatouch. 11111011. the. More Pretiounced &entered ihto a free mid. waited . 'I ' the eisert of. juice-. Les.n citieture.d anti ticeeneback to the' *lead see]. four : hets in:my revielver; delielbus; • %anted apple- jellye with If .the troops ,•aare hot• able .to face and often with .disaster to their, op - ging both ways. Trooper dentlins .inore or less inairect in flavor and in . colors, .• which , he nad, been. arefe to aeyeera, .....• ; * , ••' • I zed I 'knew 0 a. at daylight the rose ,gerienteini leavei fiancee' suggest- the invader they.: ‘v.ere : to fala beck,. tieeeetn•as they one expert .Witla Easy fidgeting. tin'easilY . his nutritive properties. bi . boiling,. and dietinguish thietigh , the sdase of little aunisenient was created in e olv. s w•euld dec reap. , • isig ah 'idealized.. combinetion o. f see reemeing the inlmbitants, •to deal kind 'of seick or :blade, and also canvas, under lee Of a gloomy •eopie, keep it -glean. • It is th.erdeoris eseen- ey-ee fell On them' foe the first time, Dublin recently by the discovery 'of al "Teat wee .- tee'. longest night I .veral fruits.: misters 'of strange. wrestling tacks clothes and belt, beneath rain -epee -eel it ems no: protactiv.e eoveriug to toach, 'be was able to name When Ills vies haunted by..the picture of, a -tint: for the (tense/nee to 'know the The vet ie 'the eespital, upon weicle. • • •. • - . ,. , ' with whome in the event of their..be- .1.3o.er Lag '0111one of thee stabs above , 01 er I tit. en. Theecold Was intense, .Chocolate •Pudding. -One ' Pine' °` itig reluctene to witlideave-a. net ;that wrench end dislocate joints. ..- ' sweet-faced girl behin:ce a tea-ura and history of the Milk. he gets, days tee • lie nad lain, arid which lie . found the 'Oraege 'Hall.: Some one had. butemy ,tinxietn kept iite• from feel- emeet mile er means, Ouch of .salt • !. itnpossible contingency,. espechilly• if • , tees proclaimed -hie to he a• solitary ehoield, in poseible inspect the dairy specialist had removed the Ca1Ill'acts ee e... t e he °feel WS So ork hauled.:11. snots•eo likliten ;them, but, • know- spobeetfin of cernetarch iti tevo table- devastated. Remonstraeces, . hetet of.' thie ' dagger, and is oil the. eclit the enemy landed in 'Ireland -a .spe- . , . THE D.E.A.DLY. ..1-IATPIN. hoisted. it dieing ti ' " 1 t . A " ' - t • 1 ' dly The wolves finished • le .nig 1 . pan . lug • i • et . • ,. one -halt cupful'. of grantateted •suie•ar; . his mother's smite .as she .leelped out i Youth's Companion. • • withoue difficulty in iv -keen' contain-. ould tie crioi-• the pork saueages. . • • ' • . r In: view ,o; the importance .01 thia • mg a hundred oe moye before the op- •Ies,a. iain left- it s dd ' d a • ' • I o n e• tore ne sehrefis eeerY eldh put theSe ingrediente in n Cieuble ewe. rtee was . passed, giving the Ieing e No. list of weapcnis w , - . ,• o en an c inging , my 1 1 0: , to . the staff N.Vhen tee .citizene began.; on ths riled end finally circled eound. bailee aue e let, cones to the boiling .and his servants; eel necesSitty au- plete without meneiori of the e 1,atpin. Measui•ed breathing from's:Ile guar- question• the' provider for the. nanny. ercetioe, he was able eo thereafter the . , he dana'ers to 'Move itbout and few .people notic- th tree Inn. ath.7 I firecl a couple eif point; ellen diseelve. twis scant tribes- tholitye Then the eountry was, to be •Every policeman kn'tnes t 10 ... vigil. Yet the slumbee was not all his milk .comes hone anti shauld sate front hie eYes, 1 he telly. thing he easy. . A men at Trooper Jenkins' iefy. hitiself that .perieet • cleenlieess faded -to. recognize was a .poodle dog elbow moved reistleesly, :and 'finally is the nele.•itaevery stage. 'enhe cow wallah was cc:awed with *long white . . • rn should be Well 'ventilated and hair, and with etri ent cunesity he . . teas s. ou c1 bc hcalLhy. , ''' • . Ill' °. a 1 1 ' 1 ' • I d' te' ' • e - ' al returns of I the wieners scattered. aad, I followed . them. with a <Shot. front the' reef:dyers and beat in, the mixture mini vet yr volved the destruction. of propel y bl t mus era. e, i. . . . . awoke with a stretch .atona yawn ba rade and he snorted disgestedlye .. lest /ma is •Icts. . r .s. anenstance . . . • - - lighte 'then take exit one-third ofehe , :It' was. nro.ii ' 1 tu ' .y decidedethat al ea e, elle pin is six inchee . ong, an .. a • 1 - d th t .FIis drowsy eyes lit on, his alert win- sotto , the . • h 1 • . aelted 'his benefacton wilatee• d f ' I are recorded in the often 1 .; ' and Yclean, the milker shoeld have •animal it wae. He had been usee to horses Lind carts • -should. be driven' the wielder . of it aims. for the eye. • "Man alive: If tt ain't yeti well -washed hands, the udder shuttle i.hounds, • and a dog which dirt not ' of elm lengoviey of the liessh peasant I tramped all that clay; and ninally Pudding; now dissolve -Live sectioes • t down. • ;11 o be safe at tlaylight ever, Preceeffing hem the Duke o oue for it w en , curious to..notice the greet 1 ("0 on spoonfuls of milk ana stir' intogthe above iiiixture until it thickens; peat While b • -1 ge de the .• nd erthed in patience. At dewn the to keep iny ammunitien, whites of four cense very light 'Richmond, led to the decisioe to reigns a WOM1111. of the streets. abandon the scheme se far es• it eile ehe prick with a pin sounds inconside:' , , , . . . d •that . . • • • •t tl t tl d arrived, utterly exhausted, at I d .01L Meet chocblate lute the remind-. off, • and . that • everythipg eatable .11 it goes true it may pierce the brain again! You'll make a hole in, that • be., Washed before each 'milking Wed !have long ears, short heir,and long • P blocenin' blackness. if you . look much the pail for recede' " —slim.. legs, Wan SOIElething he had tto,-. mg the milk of pereoris upwards . of • sixty yew s of loin — ing pueding artd lot it boil; put clue- , should be removed. eively into the night. "Why don't ' better, actualle boiled. The recap.- with his hand: amounted to over 50 per cent. of the. • • coleteeniert, In ti, tiret, thee I white,' thou, elsOcelate.• ' just before To HARA.SS A.ND .WEARY. What the police call freak weePone• and the pawn , . longer." Ile waved eis hand exprese. should always be. recently scalded. . ver knowe while he *as seeing thinas..ugo registered in CoMatught•last eear . serving put. a tabtespoonful of whipe • oc,ce,sicenally ellen ' in . A eircular by the Duke •of York, "Can't," Trooper • Jenktn's eaid immeehttely cooled and el '11 le .1111 in Mississippi. Ite wrote to Lieut.. 11, Brinsley Sheridan of the Amongst the malty iateresting dee pad eneon on .tetch• dish.• e. ;methods toe be adopted by the Yel- 1 thee Commanderein-Chief, as, to the ',holm. comadriation of brass Oaf,' of tinter. is an ingenioes • knuckle...a deg- • you gp to Sleep?" • . . I thetas containing the milk should be !nie was eared end 'returned to hie. oaths, deaths of the province. . • • - 13Alele..NOTel PRINTING. partesents in the isank 01 Ittiglend is. the one devoted to printing. . Theee every day some 00,e00 Bank of lenge land notes of varying value from the In many dairieo and farms all these. hie wife just before he event ea the To tele• proper mire of the. feet is "The moment a landiag has • been can be easily coacealecluihrtntitaleitt. • Another strange formidable • weapon', -morrow, ithee there?" 110.esked af- house!. • he had With thee doctor respecting 17, wee a direct dacendant of the lunteers and irregulars anticipates get u. P I, • . 'strikingly the tactics of the Doers briefly. "Got -the ihigets. There's ' hever ellowed *to get .ivarm again tiii- the -epccialist $1/011 as •hareitched ,•±70. Lancere, who eves clueing . • t pause, THE, CARE Ole THE eseelET. ing to be a pretty big .buneworry til it is delivered at the nustomer's home. He recalled' the coinersetion ;I the fight: at Modderfaxitein, Sept.. "Rather," the -other. eleelared with essentials ere now strictly •obeerved, •oPerating' talele. Ile said Ito knew . the physician W45 anxious to know gusto. '"inie majer's got erdeeth end if' the milk is. then battled at, ' weee to have our show all right to- mese Ltnd the bottle Is kept sealed un- . . what he thought 'of hie wife since he' . • Id ',. . • ' 1 • 1 1 at d geeat Richard 13riusley Sheridan, the aecomplished Irish. dramatist and •orcitor. • Lieut. Sheridan, was_ the old- esenson of Me. A. T. II. Sheridan, of morrow. Colonial:etc; ettnek on the. te denvered, ono may. scot reasonably , . 1 aline t °a ,C Our a Dorchester, • and, on left. Toughest thing .of the day, 1 ortain., that the milk, fit to he added that • she was really prettier his inothee's side a nephew of Sir n 6 ri h * I they say it'll be a reeler snag of a drink, It this certainty is denied 11, there are e „egg the days of his blieeffiess, and the Job-on'y your boots te get into for one, ,esPeci shelter, an' a red-hot 'rabble, two eleldrett. in the family the only• re- vision had amply reisaid him for cal i •I William Vern en ilarcoer A bett• indestry is being opened up for eTorthern. Ireiand by the enter, thousand steong, sittine -tight behind • cameo is stenitzweon. boiling tor • . prise of an parish priest. -The petta the rocks. It's a shilling to a cline). a row minutes will' kill all germs, had been put while under the speetal- orange we're all potted,'" but ca um .bame time it kills the istes treatment," ' resits of' Donegal, *it teems, are nearly The. tight per grew , stidclenly eold milk, whieh becalms a different fluid • to Trooper Jenkine• lie buried his and, as suany.physieians believe, less chin in his hitherto discarded blue- , nutritious, thari raw inlet. ket and surveyed the lelackness 1 Allegan and lees objectionable thoughtfullte . ' 1 prouess is. what is • called "Pasteuri- ''Sounds ticklish,"' he admitted aatiom" by a hich is meant keeping slowly. "S'pose it Would be foolish the milk at a tompei•ature of: auout now to lay on any. single' rnae of the °a° hunch ed. end see enty &glees 1 01' lot of us -say you or 1--4, , I twantY lnionics, but never letting it. "Coining through?" the 'other in-• eofea to n bad, ' terruptecl pleasantly, ."Darned fool-. klitla,r boiling or , Pasteurtia.tion will clastray the g•ernte Which La •se ish. . Some aro beund to go otit„ It mey be yoti or it may be nieenate. add fem'eotall°n °t." Putrultitti",*es ()ray I'd a si ht toolier: it. was you al well as the germs of Wee, cellos ie, he added with a, chackle. . I but if these chang•es heve occuteed, : et ray from a carap light smote the boiling will not rtenthilate the pois- muscles of Trooper Jenkins' foto, , onous products al. early formed; ' it, which worked spasmodically, like the will not make bad milk, good. features in a puppet show. Eis ' The additive of any of the verious -presereatives" to milk is mile an. ' companion caught the expression and asked iii jocular contempt: "What's emsbange of ono poiSort for weather; the odds? you carat afraid are and should be condemned. • -.--0---.,-... . you'?" "Afraid'!" lie ejaeulated,' forcing a ' 0•11.ATNS GP GOLD. bi breethlesn laugh, "like a whalei Ea, ha, that's good, that is. Mel N'ever quit certainter for hope. afraid -he chuckled hysterically', Losers are always'in tlie wrong. • "No, no,. my boy, there's ho white! , , A good companion makes good about this bird, • I ain't afraid ',. biota you, Bettor go about than fall into the "That's n;11 right," said .the other, ' ditch, settling himself down to another • snooze, "you looked•a, bit sick alieut For a flying °twiny make a silver the gills, you kizow. No offence bridge. meant," . I The diseae0 a ana.n. dreads that he Trooper Jenkins nursed his chin in dies of. his blanket. and 'continued cont•eln' no who,. sows brambles must not platively: 1 ge barefoot, "On'y there's this. about it, you Flout, or not plow, you must pa; know, when you COMO to reckon if, your rent. out -me an' you Iyin' snug to -night When a friend askoth there is no havin` a friendly chat; this thee to- morrow night me fue you lyin' snug tG-Ixt°11°w' . again, with a neat, red rat some- The subinitting, to one wrong wherea in our Vitals, en' the Vulteres brings on another. (loin' the talkitf. Funny, ain't it?" Fools make fashions and wise men "That's a matter of opinion," the follow theta. ' uplariets, tied the honey prodee- 4e— ed is said to be of the most delicious A. burglar matted Meleilloe eicaped description, bite hitherto the Irish - from the Comity Antrim prison, Bee; men of thie district, hese. not known si int.e1V hulting to Seale hew to get it sold. Father Micnael, nearly 80 feet high in order to do so. During the eight he is eupposed have broken into. the house of a feel -nor mimed Moor, on the out- elette • of the city, and to have ex- etia. god hie prison garb for a sett bilorigitig to tlic farmer. Proceed,. ;2111 hiseeeit 'ley lie is said to have leole1n into two other fame house's Dear ertaxilin, „cc g , He (tritimphantly)- ' „ pructecessor met hie death linden, ex- ' actly similur ch'ettinstarices, Seven n them over S.33 ie. mites and silver, iciPlir! in it." "Oh •clarling Mine is all ciphers • t o ac Matter that is not absorbed 1 0.01n. the October 18 it is reported that tee t lid various article , of clothing, itolos of the feet returns through the 'people of Dover and the neighbor. secttring inetraction in one Med of of et mite onna , . . taught • them to employ the parcel poet as a means of conveyance, , but the . sweet ntes of advertisement ae well, end this fie1120k1 Irish honey hoe gone to England in large quentition . . .• . . She-e"i tvill never Marry a man • • wheal. fortune has not at least five " " b t f for use ite close .quarters, consists of 000,"' Etre printed Ole on the'lminen Learning, sayp Mete. La I laud. Fear- ; the irregulars el) ou Id be to a arass taro short, scimitar -like blades, popular "fiver" to the rare .4.1.e. !einem Ilan otio pups 'epees ee. oginb el tete , k i ., many 'thee:sands oi postal orders inechinee, to say . nothing ot thel the; as weentien to . it...I will give her.o a. I better contribete to this result than that few persone pay tuillcient ' and NI1t3ary the. este/tier, No course can Connected by a. Wooden .handle. The grip le between the blades, so that Well. 1•'our machines print the late 'few Words of advice.. A symmetric:al. the . operatiens of email bodies of, the wielder has play, for his weapon Id b Well shaped 1111.1/ta it 1 inen perfectly fattener: with -the fon both sides .01.• . his hand, the curer- . . , . ed and eharpened edges of the .blade • being, of calm, :turned oatward. Few Metal knuckles, black jacks, • sand clubs or Nile preservers" are that ten postal orders are on each high instep without (Belligerent; corns country. They .. are to approac t e or bunions. •:11 the feet are painful, ' outposts of the invader's army and ter. cane turning .aut 1:,200 elteets hone, and the -paper is of such size . • - 11 , the whole body feels fire upon them Without perinitting sheet. ilalf a dozen machines pant • the beent einem, and aro entirely, fully sick, .noevous and' fretful. I say •ner- thereselveS to be ,drawn into a se- , •itt Work. lera•li ' machine wares the veus because thee are se closely I; Hoes, engagement or running the I hew carried, • lioweVet, even by pro- . • notes • off at the rate of 3,000 per ' Cl a a, Sessional criminals, as they are , of hem', and it, good day's week is 25:- 000. , centres. The feet we imprisoned all ;they take these prentutlope they will. little actual Use ; and it ea probalble oonnected with the sleeve end bram • las 'C 0 1 g dav in an almost, air -tight covering !run no risk, luteing the 'whole coun- that the carrying of thorn forMerly teitaugh whicheno fresh air can get; re u , d f t wee inspired inore ber brae/ado than to them, thus* cauSing InanY enema- enemy who does hot know the roads Pole any practieal eansideration. fortable a.nd painfifi sensations, It, and who eannot bring With him any Dr, William Smyth,' diepensary I is' 2 000 000 ARE ILLITERATE. —...-k--...... . • re arts a ease I tho body escapes througe tee a well-known tact that muclt '6;', , hut . a eeerY weale force of cavalry, If pores ieorpe must attack bin flanks and ) ) de t •r . of Dungloo, county Donegal, the worst effete meteor thrown off l'iy 1 the :came' advances inland, these Arran:mare, with difficulty. pew:tired elite case that when Pet lack carafes.. tachmeirts which eeparate him' from - VaCts Gleaned Varnia the. jfniterl having learned that the • 0. of the soles of the feet. It is often rear - and - cut oft all smell de- • . States Census. of virulent typhus on the island r tn eld boat, and, necompa i a Although there are over fifteen mil- lee- ber eruption will uppear on face or beck; this nude body." i r , FNellik.11) lioie JP; enrolled •in the CoMmese t • auothir doctor, wont, over and which will disappear' as soon as t erought thepatient tie the mainland, feet are properly treated. Extracts from the daily • . press Schools. of the Mated States -nearly • one be eVer,y five of the total popula- .deelete . all Precautions' tion of the country-aud nearly • Dr. Smyth, however, contracted the The reason the eruptive appears on elhoWAhat d i 0 disease and died in a few dayn Rie h I 6 or neck IS that the effete there was unt g e pan c. n tee nankin pupils of ell ages; tl t fd ** illiterate adult populittion .is school oe another, le eX en o el 0 tosen From a t d e • • circulation In an impure state, thus; .hood • were leaving their foresee end The Proftworkee Shown Fay Thinhing People for Or. Chnte's Syrup di' Linet,Od and turpOri- tince—eitoord Settee Season. Contitlerinr the large number of reii cdies or coug is 1 0. view of the fact that ilearlY every druggist has a preparation of lus own which he makes an ellen to eubsti- tute for the medicine asked for, it aectus truly reinarkable that the demand for Dr. Clate,c's Syrup of Linseed aneTtirpentine Should increase by sucli leaps and In)11n .3. • Hering October the nide, of Dr. Chance, Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine exceeded by several hundred bot- tles the record of any previous month in its history. When it ia remembered that this piepatution received very little newspaper advertising the 'evidence seems to be conclusive, that it makea its way by slicer force of Meat Thinking people recognise' the hartnellnesa and danger of using strong drugs which aro said to ettre a cold in a few houre, They Prefer to cling to Dr. Chase's Ssrup of Linseed and Turpentine, which they /MOW be- yond a doubt to be a thorough and effective treatment for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, whoopiag cough, throat irritation, asthma, and evea consumption itself. The combination of Linseed and 'Turpentine, with half dozen otikor invedierkin of equal ‘.aluo for treating colds, in such proportiOns as they are found in Dr. Cluise'S Syrup 04 Linseed and Turpentine has proven to he it perfect protection -against such developments as pneumonia, consumption and serfous lung troublea. , You dari with certainty rely on thiepreParatfon to afford paompt relief rani perfect eure. Do you suppose -that the sale Of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine would be more than three flints!! that of any similar preparation if it was net the most effective reinede that money can buy? It has stood the test and proven itSolf worthy of the confidence that is reared in it. People, recommend it ono to an. portrait and nip:nature other, and to the good news spreads. lie sure -;you 'get the genuine,' with Dr, oinoe.t1 on the wrapper; 25 cents a bottle, Family size, three times as much, .0(tents. At all dealers, or Ildmansen, . einseting the complexion. To guard nettring. to London aed Canterbury. agreeably large, says, the Neve ,York against this wash your feet every Mare than once the beaeons eignalled World, The census report on the nib - night and inorning in tepid water ill which pour a few drops of ammouitt. Ilse a hard brush, usffig no souls if troubled with excessive perspiration. Place in eour Muses a good, well -re- commended foot powder, Which luta curative powers, won Is an abserbe ent, • High beels ere a product cif painful buitiobe end cotes.. 'eight, -shoos are nettely alleaya responsible for callennecen To prevent. all this it 114 aleveye advisable to Ilse a good foot powder. The cuticle on the- toe nails shoutd• be treated with the mune enre the cuticle on the linger mile, and a npeciat mange stick ehould be kept for their WO. The mina Should be cut straight acmes. leaving the corner even With the cen- tre of the nail.• Nover wear the'snine shoe on the street. aS in the !lease. The stockings ehould, if possible, be changed every day, tn. a good plan in to have three peers for the Week, wearing them a_lt_ernately,. izoT.r4s, While every worker ought, to khow that the invaders had actUally come, het just issued states; the total 110111. nest the alevines wore edwayse false. bee of Melee Of 'voting age at 21, - not sleep peacefulty -in their beas,•• emene considerably over ,ten per (1,11.)do , t812ie9in819ioalligle r°11)11,tletr8at2es.31261:112915otIle01.1'.• tai".chtthficiiirnyl wsohildontghaytettiThg-litisillilinacyh 'and small Wielder, wil°11 fmm: 11""'` cent. of the Men entitled t•oteee on eleav nights could be vent In the meeSs tie in. lefasssachusetts end sky the dull glow of the French .watchellres, end tvhen eVen the great admirals .spOke doubtful: tones of. the power. of the envy to keep ' the' freemen, front our eliores: Not 11 11 Trafalgar Tina been fought and won did the sense of inimibent et11118-, 11 Opile pass away. Iliobert-"lIavo 'you over loved before ?" tionrie, have often .relmired mint tot' their strength, • (willies*, beauty, intelligence. or something like that ; but with you, Bobble, it io all loveeenothing else 1" i 'The teaehee asked the -acbolaro tO write a, sentence in whielp, the word • "ebaste" was used. Johnny Wise, who 'wens posted on current events, wrote : "I/e Wet is,,the most chaste Man there is."• alissiasippi, they ere . barred by educational, qualifieationa--are unable to read and Write. Ia. is ce reasisur- here ieflection that large 118 111113 melee of illiterate intuits of voting age 18 1 133 not as large as it, Was twenty or even ten years Ago, mai is get- ting sniallee an the time. And tut compered with teeny • European reentries it Jo an extremely smo,li percentage of our Whole population. 8,000 marriages take place every „ day in the world. • PrOfeasor (to Medical student)... * • "Mr. Doaelets, will you please nellie the bonne of the skull ? Stu eh (perpleted)--"I've got thou all in my head, profeasor, but. / can't think of the names at the raotatiat," 0