HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-09, Page 6. . -
tzpososlegat,44clitoo ..................................4....
„ „ . _
ON THE FARM % I mar* • I The i
1 tiet ,..- I D ughfor of
ina: ' a
et • >
. Kison Ludirn,
Many farmers 110,Ve rail i
A great 4.
fences Which will not turn stock and 4.0•4•040.0.000••••00*.›...0***4••••04.4•400.
which give; the owners a great deal of
trouble in keeping rails on the Some
and the stakes in the ground. In
our sectien we have solved, this pro-
blera by the use of a little wire and
Sena() ingenuity. We have made out
oe our old rail fence a new fence
which will turn any kind 9f stock
and which costs very little cash. out-
lay conepared with other feneee. I
believe it is the only fence I know of
that you begin to build from the
top, says a writer, in preface to the
following directions:
'tools. -A pair or were pfneere or
pliers, a grubbing hoe, a rack made
of 1 by 3 strips ee. feet tall, to hold
your top rail, awl lastly, but most
important, a bale of No. 12 black
wire as pliable as you can get.
Materiale-1. The stakes mould be
six and a half feet loug, made of lo-
cust, oak, walnut or any timber
that will last. These stakes do not
have to be periectly straight, as
this is the great advantage of this
fence, to use material that 'cannot be
Chapters.-PrInee Phalle of Tyre
• pursues Marina, to make her leis wife.
Gio aids lier escape Lend is summoned
by the king.
CHAPTER VIL-Contimaed.
Minutes lengthened. into houre and
hours began to multiply thetashlves,
Eintil at length the tight spots la the
door began to disappear and soon
they were all gone. Then Gio know
that night haci fallen over the city
Halt an hour more passed and at the
end of that time he placed his work
in his blesom, mid began to pace to
and fro across his narrow quarters,
Another hale hour flew by and the
ermoree stopped more often in his
walls, and listened more anxiouslye
still no signs of uneasiness were ap-
parent. Hie taper had burned near-
ly down to Its socket, and he weSs
upon the poiee of lig,hting anether
one when a slight sound from the
large Eiparement overhead caught his
used anywhere Glee exeelet in a, wood ear. lie listened, and distinctly made
pile. 2. The braces, which aro wired.' out footsteps, which •seemed to be
to the ceutre of top rail,. and ex-
tend to the ground between Um
stakes, should be six and a half- feet
long. Mahe there front anything
from two to three inches in diameter.
They need not be put in the ground,
as Your rails win. hold them in
place. 3. Rails can be used from the
cer, turning to Gio, "the leing shall
'know of your hints, and your head
13MY keep comPany With these."
"Villain, and minion of a greater
villaint" pronounced the armorer, in
a Calm, deep tone; beware the rod
that the Icing'is preparing for the
people of Tyre falls not upon bis
own back. lie who speaks knows
what he say4."
Gio waited to hear no reply, but
quickly turning away he strode from
the pla.ce, and when he once more
gained the Other side of the street,
his steps were quicker and more ner-
'wells, and lie seemed much moved,
Short, broken, sentences fell from his
lips, his hands were clutched with a
powerful grip, and onee or twice lie
turned his gaze back upon the house
be had left,
The moon had just risen, and
though her silvery beares fell not yet
into the. streeta, yet phe gave consid-
erable light by her bright reflection,
and Gio kept nearer in under the
shade of the buildings, Numerous
squads of dissipaed young lords and
traversing. as if upon an errand 02 merchants were 'abroad in the city
search. Ere loag the Steps approach- teiaking the atr •infectious with their
ed the door of 'the arniorers dun- vulgarity and profaneness. and Marty
goon, and the gliiinnerings of a light were the bitter shades that paSeed
,bectmed faintly through the small over the =norm's face as their hoot -
perforations. , ing fell uPon his ears.. Several, times
"Gio," said -a voice from above, in he turned out of his' way to avoid
anxious tones. , .them., for lee desired not to be mixed
old fence, straight or crooked. When ee, a• • • • up in any broil and well lie knew
• iere, returned the armorer.
you take a rall to wire it to the I Good!" exclaimed the person thet an humble artisan would not es-
, t ee ) ea pe their impudeat • notice if they
braces, if it leaves a hole let it be. .
were to meet him
ozo ont
WOMderftfl. InStruments in Use by
Prof. S'ohn Milne.
The earthquake headquarters of the '
c ipwohrefe.4:1,11114esa:orttlilicrir .e
world are at Shide, Isle of Wight,
":filYtull;tgatatia. r147
Tooth Powder 25
1 In the professor's stable are instrue
Meats 01 a somewhat simple nature, '
ready to write the record of every
, earthquake important enough to de-
Eterve one. .
'the pen points arranged to de the ,
Not Bad for, Good, Teeth
, writing are fine hairs ot glass on the 1
ends of horizontal pendulums/. In the ;
stable is a seismograph, which writes
on a long strip , of paper covered
. with lamp -black; and in the carriage -
At all stores or by mall. Sample of tne Douai tor tne postage,re itartillivcapylatilee.re"Y to
Seetodone Lfictulid 2$42., Ltordo .X•int:oi.d. _awed. Pow, cler Ma. ,113Titoltseogay4ialulaelr34e'
HALil. A MICKEL, montreal. . pendulum. A ray of light is reflect -
A. truthful negative depends on the
the king's?" asked Strath.. "Upon . , ed from the end of it, and recerds
what does' he f ound. his claim? He PAPER STOCKINGS. • 'automatically ono, roll of sensitized
— , .
his daughter for the prince, and the [be
The new uses to which paper may. Paper'
ed by clockwork. When there is an
which runs over a roller turn -
asked of ICIson Ludim the hand .of
old aoble refused him. Thezt Ltallan !announcements are of Paper gloVee
put @earn numberless. The latest earthquake the pendulum swings, the
and he was destroyed -the king and stocleings, the luster having been
was sent off on an embassy to Sidon, '
accidentally. OZ that he knows best.
says in eout•se of manufacture several
months. They are not thin things
the suit further? Gio, what is this you could wear through in a day,
Bat why should the monarch press
mystery?" but quite tough. Paper twine, which
"I freely . confess, Strato, thatea has long been known, is . roughed by
knoW the secret of tee ki ' t . machinery so as to seem fuzzy, like
wool, and it is then knitted to shape I
Good for Bad Teeth
ihe, ;Aft/ ,e4
el/kW i/ifilii/#14°.;
44101) dae
. OASIS will buy a box of SWEEP SONORA ORANGES,. or IS
0itnall4-0 yett pike 5 Saxe* we will make the price $2.19 per brig,
(sum 200 or WA.)
Consignments of Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Beane, Honey, Apples solicited,
An Italian fruitedealer with 0. well-
stockea shop near one of -the reilway
stations, has adopted a. unique* de-
vice, and OM; which shows deep
hnowledge of helium nature, to hold
his awn in competition wit h anotlwr
dealer, *hese shop 14 some efiy.yards
nearer the station than his own.
eyl .n Tea the finest A man was leistu•ely peellug an or -
desire on this point but when l• -tell, just as if it were yore.. The stock- rt.
tion me further. But one thing I
veal it, I know you will not ems., halfpence' a pair.
ones will not. be more .expensive them
So to buy new Tea the world et rodueop. the Italian remarked:
e "You gotta ily. minute before year
awe in his shop the other day when
ings will beretailed at about tbree- te•
thee that I rem under oath not to re -
cart,assure you, he shan be thwart, the cost of Washing,
and is -sold enliy in lead train."
"leo; - twenty, replied the man
after g•aztng for a moment into the spinning his web. . Is it' not Wonder- Black Mixed -and Green.
"Tkatta clock. fifteen minute slow,"
face of the armorer in sileoce, during ful ? Do you reflect Una, try as he . said the Italian. . "I keepa it, slow.
which. 0, variety .of shades passed may, no man' can. spire that wen ?" apan tea Etrizikers try "Salado." Green tea, People' used come in. a -here, looka at
"Well," returned the young man, I. papa -"See that spider, ray boy, . glancing at a big clock on the wall.
ybeetyo,ritids ystoluazn. gee_ntb;eis txuenllaiiciegonueislstL, this top ! Do you reflect that, try
as he niay, no spider can spin this ray of light moves .back and forth, Thne to buy tit Pedro's shop, notate
clock, gotta excite, go way, not buy,
here. Now keepa clock slow, - get
1 • '
over his features, "I will not urge johnny-"What of it .? Swine tapin
To be Continued,
will lose too neuch time to select Sad indeed were the affairs o yre ,a
More unique, even, than the proles.: --- +----,--
every rail. lock that ethafined one of the bolts e, -
at this time, alio great mass of the CANADA'S CORONATION ARCH. "I
. ser's etable will be lila new observa-
cast loos cl 1 b
Lavishly Decorated. stoutly on the trace to report when • Sznyt he --."It won't work." le. own
, to its place. • Then another lock wee ' e 1 1 • -
Building, -Set up two stakes anu population w re hard-wor Mtg. peep e • , — • .. .• ' . • "Ai d what did you say'?"
, dig holes for them te toe lute about' slowiee lifted. •Inendsome cloor, but snot what I litul
tole ?" le a photograph sonabwhat resembling n
and. the camera recerfas the motion inlliscslictstrtarliede. Nteoi,h1I tnhoetin eat)ttaerpotchpely
° You can put a piece in the hole, You
anent a. key. was heard to turn in the • f T the distaff of spinnidg-wheel drays. .buy de orange."
t did papa 'say ?"
shawed Me the door;"••
back and then, the. iron door- waralisey, the demands of a • tyrannizing .• tory, where instruments wilt be cone. --Le-What eirou't work ?'' Smythe -
"Hypnotism. Trier' it on the nate
e„ an anot ler olt, thrown
whose labor was called npon to sate The .. Line of the Acetate . Will be "I et certainly eves a. very
wire together where the,y cross, then
ginning. Temporarily ' brace :thee() t
Ybar be" I The armorer blew out 'his flickering
ciper„ 'and as he -turned- frein the boring people, and even to be poor,
once thaYt tlite°111V:salLsintiaLteerte• come th' talk about. That matie)lim
mine "
laugh and a. minute a So delicate are' these Milne -cher. Looked at him flivedlee until I
iv d
four feet apart. This is and overbearing nobilitY. To be la- I
, erhe Lonclon Dail
is; jiist, a eh • the earth's. crust "huinps itself" ev- 1. .
1,1 ' could well have borne, for tbey heter you were en an inch, five hundred miles away, had his urn ed attention, then .1
pendia said very Slowly and with emphasis;
stalzes .with a brace -of rail; which .bench the: lacider was lowered into
• * • .eaPes ';
• . . a • •
portion of the coronation route, will
ground outside the Obsereittory,' And n
lures that: they are affected even by
pu e o le ew on ie.
tiy ' light and shade. They: bend to-
ward -a shadow, swinging au the di-
. • rotation 9f the clamper • and therefore
o q•
should be as steMght - and as sound . as •befits El, royal borintgle; presene .v.
a one as you can pick up. 'Now use face with is deliverer. .
the cell, leal soon he stood lace to ,.
'retv--ta have .the •frults of their 'tee
,tim mere footballs of a selfish oristoes•perfeet picture of artistic aud .synee VT
wire tho other stakes. - Put the rack some excellent suggestions ler the
back the decti. one eeplExced the bolts. them t tl e uiek, and the mere be-
• a ain t -the to rail • Dig heles tor.
top 'rail and then set up ermir stakes turned Gio, as. he 'waited for the fore s
They knew that they were citizens of
cause they could not help, themse v s. • .
for erectio in tl it of NV
sunny side, being dryer, does not
le • ti
series of embleanic arches
ground while you •clig• the holes' and "I thong 4 should never find . •
o • wrenched them there -to supPort Mr. Itrecleriek mere, : who made lill.b.,KAN TALKS/ •
• •
your rack •for holding the end onthe helical. beauty in June next.
- - their • superiors 'in idleness, galled'
You,"- said.. the • latter, as he s ut
about two feet from the end of the ,Tis soon •enough, k re- e. Jubilee, has peePored designs fo.r a THE CLAY POTTER WHO ES- heavier side of the betiding, while
t he Ares r f tl tl "And what did. the' 'butcher do ?"
them opposite the rack's feet, pat
g $ P mer to relock the bolts. • !Tyre,. and yet• they. sate that they ape for tikeoroniaotieony estntin- exei so mac ptessure nor p
The new -comer was indeed Balbee, • A MIRACLE. • . • things so ear..
the stakes in, wire together where were gradieally, but Surely-, lesing .
tl 'est .of the temple.- but instead • . vne tet the begianing. of the Mall •
' they moss under the •top rail, t o g
I ht dress • in which we saw •
Sarty.the-e"Ire seed, 'YOu're a liar!
• Of 1,000 Parts of the moon. 5'76
!are visible to us on the earth ; 424
"pelts remain hidden abapluteler to
tnan's eyeS. •
A Toronto
Mute. Kaissuvow, who. dice lately
in St.• Petersburg, has left behind an
inumere Illirary of a curiously
unique elairaeter.' It consists . of
nearly 18,000. volumes, and every •
work ip. the collection was the pro,
duct of a female author. She would -
never .permit 'any book front' Anas-
Cullne, pen to "unsex" her shelves. "`"
icillions of rocalwrs for their children while Gambles'
nes. wee; 1,,,t*PeP rs. ocineevle:r.1::Po1iflitreY),:ilfi:11:411:318:.ybgeeplaw.11:11odu Iriaii
•-flid eolle. regnialne Ein et nenuni anti bowels, arm is dm
r‘rit remedy for Dicrrlama. Twenty•Are esinle * betEn'
.C44 brAtigAVEltaleirE;PuiFIVOO171M131:2144n1" W j
1 Mk fog
, Next, to, Yoi.kshire, which hts al-
ms:et- four millant. acre% Liacoln. le
the lareeze. eenglith county, Devon-
eliire stauds thitet.
MiSaltSLIS.1111. -w klised by PhIsicians
The averega Yield of grein to. the
acre is fe) bueliels in England, 13'irt
Cleeenine-, 19 in -France, 10 in Rua,
sloe 11 in Cape Ottiony. .• •
I 11 0 *tit fee oar Si.fi c.,,la.,
. - --,-
• mop: the voileii - •
i Lexa.ivo lirouni-Quinino Tablets cure a oold.
in one day. .1sie .,,,ure, No 1:ay. Price 25 cents,
Druggist Tried
I 'Little beudings etre geeing on all the
Ali the. Catarrh
t ie piled ogee tare o ge ,
bontang the Horse, Guards' paracheaanealeasae- • Ilvirleman of ptIntY0 on, time in .the earth.. •The hills are
Wealth had .potered in upon tbe IS -
Y, . treland, the centre -piece being- the .
Mare put this way about .ten or Item but all this was in the' hands. The 'Most Hopeless' Case of .eonstantly, and every.evening, as the .
ancl• coif of dark stuff which rendered • '
ness. ' oo 022 a banner; while on Living VIonument to the Po,w- ..theni, they •nod ,to' One another. .
self -Willed: .and arrogant. • In vain ° le
• put on your brace to keep the fence ear -
..,- ave you seen Strut() yet?" con- a
wonld represent Great Britain and. • Ont,, Interviewed in. Torento- bowing and scrapi •'
ng to each other. Remedies Known.
41:ighteen inches, 'and's° on until you- an and power beeonie
at on another rail, lapping about hint before,. he now Wore a mantle eit
• tibl tb. cl eke - • • . royal orris .and those of the rinces • ' [1. A deiv 'settles in tli • Nana between.
• his form less pea eep e i.e a Itheumat sin on . eeor
• . of a few, and that few had become f. tl bl d
twelve panels. .Then go back. one
from pushing backward and. leeward • tie , tie whole being ,en gole • cities the', earth „bends tie iler, endethe ••'
lengthwise. tinued Gio, as Bailee° Aron,. from his "then), of the sine• putasbment al their T td• -Dee- "0. --The••• wonclerfu' 1
II 1 I either side 'are the arms of the coun- er of • Dodd's Kidney Pills. I Y te
ttd. the ercu ean orac e warne • . s I • . . • -
• . ground. studded . with the Klag's Mee ' moo , . 0 . buildings., like' the mountains, nod to.'
• "No --I have left 'that for you." le pleaded for a redress of• their -. •• . - , ' f d • 'ts 'way into the newsPapers a
Gravit is constau 1 • tu 'big., • In
• work. iniquities, rind in vain had the peo- •
When . ybu have pot on all your
braces, begin at tiab bottom .to .1)1A
011 the other mile,' tie with ,Wire tb
SiSting oP a gold banopy,• supported. few weeli•e' 430, • ls .i, 1
133.tiSt_ .use discretion, for -the icing end thottlie-they.. Soznetianee leafed ' on white tiers of. arches to represent. J • • o
at steel spring, so •easily does it
the bottom or the •braces,, lap the . • .
have his ta es i 1 i ' 1
y t pon 1 m, .aiec we , Nee.;
the " ind'eealteett 'of tneit .sub,
ieory. These are . eurameunted .by as the' man who was • so 'frightfully
bend. Heine remarked:that •even the
rails eight to twellio inches,. laying -may
bottom rail until. yen are at the .end,•had.le crippled - With a Rheumatism . b I
-trees Made obeisance. to Nunn:leen I. ':
of your stakes, then.coine bstele„,•ta•keeepoa our 'hanee... • eauaign. we have • . , • ... twisted and Cent orted • Out Of' sialpueg..
when lie' entered•Berlin. "el.`hat•unes'
otter net 'haVe; too Much werk ''''''' ' '
a , - . jecte' and hed eeen• taken' the most --
he perforce
ted. with
striagent meaeures -to 'prevent. them, e'ec'llaa" je.ena.,:elii):10,ta•t?
•behind wince] 'would . ne was
the• next rail, aed se. ciO until yeiere : fairly' .spettehed from.. a
net merely -pcieti eat it' Was trite i . f oit
the p.owere'yet•we must Uf3e -it.411.0der
: Irene. holding any sort of meetings,
he powereul eleetric light$ foe even -
Panel is conlPiete. A:hundred Pounds ittely„ nor' :Magi you subject yourself yet. they .knew not .the dark cleod
ing illuminations.. • ' 'rnieerable 'death by Dodd's Kidney
the weight:of the croW(1 along 'Tenter ,
of wire will build from seventV to toectily more shell iatrow 'eh -al -Mee '
as Pills, and he hes beete one •of the
th , t w s te•weein tenewe t130.1111 •
eighty-five panels; aecortling . to, ,the that wi 1 i . 4
teals - eecape of A. N. Widenlan• -which eheir neighbors opposite- when the
• ' 0 • 1
min a
TIM Indian Empire woold be •illui, morneg eraffic begins, ne nog .
" eTis well -I'll see 'him to -night. . weneas, • The. king. and the ambles • • • e • • e• • • interest here. lie will be remembee:ed
"tie best Von 'should' but Von s • , . .1„ • . trated by an arca tn elutehall,. con- . say th the crust of the earth is like.
'he centre of the" Canadian design glee' o . • d e: • al den Lintic[ri must have inackaa
...ney Pills. in Canada, ever since. sufficient for the :pettehlums. . to
•1 e yen ran last night." -
is Et 'snow peak. canopy tieing': out •ol. •
• Might be .oblioed to," returned co .or • • •
a• record. • . •
Professor Millie• •has Phown• the. •
size of the ruil. ' "gilder the • same eircumetarices -1 •' • CHAPTER • •• blae sky grouhdwork, with I • ed Mie Wideman etill las to pee •
s• ck where lie Nvislks,• as the disease.
• ' MANURE, • ' merit of Se house situated' • neat ' the of golden torn. On tem ;faces of the • • •
. •
"Certainly-ebut ovoid them if you luecariousi furntsbed apart,- fruit 'trees, arid 'below these a field h- -earth to be a stremgeler reetless body
the othet. • • .• •• staveritig all- over everY thii•Oe: • sea
aae . -As. Balbee .speke he. lee. the.-waY uPegyand bazaar, sat, a, young man 9f arch • are • the arms • of the •Dominimi
A good 'acre.. ef ,clover •
piazza he unlocked a small .door that, es' which 'were •cast in .the *purest rierer spoils., On the top pe the pile teeth from takieg • Mercury medie square miles, He has lecated many
hosphoric acid and 110 point s 'o
. ,
• .CURE..' •
•. •.
Mr. eohn Wylie, the ertel-kuowrielentor Clerk
for Mr. Geo. Maraliall, the 10: ding queen Sr.
14'st Druggist, loronie; writes:-." Whon I say'
16011ov:I aananefu Catarrh Cure tI'
lor catarrh on he market, hiok l'know juat
wha t I ain't abinit. 1 bave eried every
renledy Which 1 theught *mita do •me .good,
and also several •doctors, but only waived
it , le tempolit, y .rotiowth'i,A..ttaear hue:. jgatrezueorm.,,Q1
of our ciaternors,
Catarrh Cure xpez•kilo highly of d
tri the.vory !IMO it'RaVe immix relief,.
Eceon• eiMeroep,ng in. my thiont ceased, edit
non. tekusing in all four bakes of Japanese
0, tarrh Cure,iind Myself completely cured of
the most disagreeable disease, atier suffering
.for years. I • have sloth recommended it' to
rug cliith00% etittaom• clipl knew of severel
• •JapateFe Catena ouia permanently Entree
graaticeterrhal deafness.. All druogl.,.rs.:
treenfiaarftple,sent tb any- • gen
T,suoirr9o:ti no.g. f o m. c lc: .41;41; tet,sut;..
age. • Andress the . ,anlid,o'ul
• ..With this exception,* and.with the, mends,. -and once ie. seven day$ bray- •
lea. the stairs at the corner en the -le -elide' ttgerity-flve years ot 'age. .. -eeSes Proviaces, . frophiee of meek . heads,
stalks, leaves and.roots a.bout
salmon; and other Canadians field and • defeet- due to• the breaking of his ing nit its Oust over thonsands of
ing, but instead of passing acrossthe 'stinkingly hancleoniee and .his feature
• pounds 9f nitrogen, 46 pounds' of • . .
ft . , . . . • • ever he w s in hisali
.. .
. citea.kes mutilate,. and hes shewn that
' h all available when it: decays opened' to a reor garden:stet/lied Out; moulde. combined a vast amount of. ars are lesteres•in khaki. •
.1 ei es Mr Widereen is as well. 05 -Of the ceneres fa.= which earthe
in the soil. 'When. cloveres too mach eseed eo where. a small' lax beauty. His hair Wes a little 'are 'equally line in ..coneeptione'. and h•never heard of amything like: j10 per cent. of theeshoeks• in 1$90,
Lend then, relocking the door. a er quick -twitted intelligence weth The Airman and Auetrahan arehes ‘. .:.
betas , .
needed for. feeding to be p owet un- e•ilt'l‘ 11-!.
the. way Docld's ICidney Pills worked 'for exartiploS, originated, nt great
the desigo for the entrance to West-
withoilt difficulty, they both •gained large. and almost drearily in their ex- eciee," said he.. "They dreve depths• tinder . the sea. II all ins
Kan .under•the wall, and here, darker than, flaxen, his eyek blue,
der it is a satisfaction to itrioW that„strea* minster Abbey congiste of it catioper 141 litY
V) Itheuinetima clean out of my ,knoxyledge had -been at the commend
and the recite of the two-year-old doe. steeet they Separated -the priest tak- lin-.
. ‘s, and ,g19wing. under- excitement,. .
ranee, erabro dered with, the. roee,
le d • . . in. earthenWare. WOrks, had 1 topic a laid oat their ratites, thee could hae-e •
.' when fed each. ton returns about $9 „ • .
or cloth. of ld over the central en -
worth of fertilizer in the manure, .- system,. • You • lEnow avork .was slack eof the cable compauies• when. they
ene open epaee beyond. ' Once. in the preesion, • but yet. capable•of epark- t gel
shamroc - • th tl • 0 eith el
ver sod have abbot one-half as' nitich Chance to week in the harvest field. saved at least eight hundred thous-
ihg the :'N'ea.' to the grea cum e o n atature be was 9/ fair sizeethoogh •an es 0. re or si e
Herculeee while,She armorer" sel:Ight he possesseEl few of these physical the hatigings ara of eed silk, and the
manurial value when plowed, . antler pieints that mark the powerful man. whole is lined with a vivid letue.sillz, I
and tlitit Ineought en the worse at- ous places he luxe now,' marleee. Oot
got soaked eeveral times with rain and pounds by •avoicling 'the danger -
as the whole crop would have. Tneree,the dyeetllegeof. eStraeo, ...
die Walaed slowly Along, and •oeca- Kindness linked ia eVery fee,ture of .emblazoned with geldan stars: ..- A, taco 01 4hduinatiSin I ever heard de. 'on his charts. : . . • • .
are certain crepe, garden crops -Mere '' its took to them- his fa e d r
sionally his thouge . e , an ight :good well beamed : &Wen •figure Of St. 'peter eurmounts I was in bed fiye months. -My iegi; • aL-,---..4.
frequently, that need to make rapid
n u o the f om were Cwieted out of shape, the toes . •
grow ,
th that will do hotter on wen- selves words, and were.bor P le r his Ves aild kW ri-vett6d in 'cm.. the central canopy: , ' The. columns
- e a . ' doctors could do .(11C1 me the lee.st .
t t 1 f 1
tha freeh manure breeze, Halt the contemplated dis- tive life about finely chiselled are velvet draped.' • • • ' Ipoiiiting• inwEn•ds. Well, nothing the Tooth Powder 25o
tance of Ins travel had he aine s
though many fatiners. who ithe man- g P •
party of the king's soldiers Juet cone- chant of Tyre, whose father 'had'been , • 1wPTIqg IN; 10 mercury he gave me, (not was • MI,"
1 fertilizere• • to ••• WRITINGSUP ,ETIS DIARY; •
• Kidtley Ithe Witlentan was lie wae only a little boet,..arid -this
ure fresh or nearly so
them evith commercia supplement -when hts steps .were arrested hy Siich was yotihg Stria°, mer-
Y ARS. • good. My. teeth btoke off from • the ' . •
stmulate the ear y. eiew i •
• .
NO ' S
"How did you come to take Dcald's •
ing up from a narrow street to the elead little over a year, and who had
Statement of Dr. John Ferguson,- ,asieea, -• - was hie first diary. It had been
ithotred him that they bore with them •that became the noble heart ho pos-
the. right, and a moment's observation inherited vast wealth in •a manner
manure decaYs in ' the :eon and
'two prisemers, Hospital an •Imenediate'. Helper . of nealee airs, e;es•er, given him as a birtheay preient, and
plant roots reoch it. , both of whom were :seseede 'At .the present time he .was •• The New leree Consumptive "A neighbor
uegging most piteously to b'e release sad and gloomy and though ho had -I • to was bound in EL red cover. with a
got me to try them. I dtd so
Those who let their naanare rot bee' e
fore using it need to -be careful to do ed.,• Geo trupeed that inme of 'the' iri hip hand 'a .volurne,..of Venetia -1S. to' Thie .Ena. • • • •• • , • , highly-eolored picture aclorieing the
[ pleciee• her, • bue eontineted their. lase.
their work •in. such a, way V.S. not"to' party keeeseefr his arrest, so heeniade written in:Version eharacter, Yet 'he ,• The' statenient DiSeJohn Isdegn,' bectioSO th.eY Were aul'iliE• •Ikent' • ' •
let it waste by leaching or 'evapprea bold to stepecoier .and asceetainwhat •i•enel it ilot. ,The golden temp that sone one ee T.oronteee "And' Von • dserilee Your il)reeeret • Ile mennt to begin Well. and•eaely;
tien. The first is 'yery, nearly conk- had -transpiree. • • . . stood unmet ie table by his Ode shed phesicians, • that, .If consumption
,• seven." Then, according ea instrue-
ed by keeping it heaped. under the ee "What is the ntai•terS" . asked the its light fOr him to no. purpose,. fee :Paticnts Were proPerly Isolated and 11°Y• ?" • • •
• health ana strength to Bend's Kid- .eo he carefully wrete, -"Got up at,
.1,, •
. . , .
for Dedd's .1Cidney 'Pills X would be •ahEroval.
ment floor 'under it end the last by . The.: eoldiers stopped, and the °Me , While thus he sate the door of his tuberculosis -would be one of the .The way her eyes dilated.
base tecds-ainsultingisr replied:-- and .as he started up• from his deep Prove .an encouraging stimulua to Mr. Wicleman. emphetically. ' uncomfortable, and ha Wend le
and with a covering of dry earth ot. e
The people of • the United Kiegelpin
coasuaneh last year 43.e million
;of. coca. Th.e.. West 1.1.-alian
Islands .aent 15' Million Potiaidse, Of
• • • • • ' • - '
• • TO CURT; A .COLD °NE Der. a
rehe Locative, Brom Quinine 'replete
1111:T11111rherit iiivi$•esu• f.8;71t1,Eittl'Oe°01.10:1;cnii:eilttrflael:1:4xet.di::leittee:
• . -
rolls of British schools, but of thtse
only 4,700,000, ' or about '80 per
dente attend -regularly. •
or- Irian lake no...'other
U.vs.‘ sTaillOtill'dof.. late years the
spread of intelligence' arnong.
classee: bee been simply: Wonderful,"
Old BaCholore-aeYese • noeteeeetheee
has been. -0. greet . fallingeofe inathe
numher rearelages."
covered shed ,or •bern cellar, with ma:armorer, di he came uP to :the spot. he -regarded. not. its beams, . •treated, .aithin ten .years from now • •tions, lie teek it t Ms governees for .
"I tertninly do. If it. liadn't been
k i itt well trembled. down ' d th - 'e f the king's dw llin NV s uncer nioniousl o ened .rarest of '1.2101.1/13: disea:ses " 'ought to
. Wand her mouth opened Made. him. feee
in my grave at 'this -minute " •
, .aa
• • II osettal to hurry • along eubseriP- 4:- whether anyone. bad beea talaperieg
that might escape during fertitelliae. These are tWo dogs that have been the armorer. • with his eiterary production.
t hen.
e• d
eeping t • cers who le ma on o e g P
other absorbent to get the amnionia "Get- about. your business, sirrah. reverie, he encountered the gaze of frienes of the aiew''Pree ConSumptive
"0 ot up I" she. scree/nal ; "got
!caught beeaking the royad laws." "Ah Gio," he uttered, as he tossed times towards the furnisning of this , up l• You naughty boy I Does the
Many dairy farmers do not' plahe : "And :what' lawe Itatre they broke the volume upon the table and sprang hosPital, capable of admitting at
• sun get up ? No ! it tiers."
a sufficient value on .their manure' ear) „ ferWard, "you are the man above eat • charge,
barbarous words and inade him
write, •"Reme at seven," This settled Remedies..
they can grow good crops, bet they exclaimed one of the young' prisoners. soh," returned Gio, as he shook the clearlY in evidence ia the records of
when they are feeding &rover hay, "It matters not." lathers I tvould see." once fifty potiente-and without any
bran or gluten,meat '• They know "We lulYe broken no laws," quickly "Then,. dear master, .1 am in, sea- The curability of tuberculosis; •is
Very neatly, she 'scratched . out the.-
During the year Um space cleiroted
to . aelveitising SIINARD'S
elENT will contain expressions of•
uncertain: sound from peoplo who
ppeak from personal experience as to
the merite el this best of household
the Muskolea Cottage.: Sanitarium
seareely realize. that it. is because "We wrfre only po.ssing horae Irene preferred hand With a, joYfal look.
. '
hetister Toot ; no more mistakes of • •
this kind for him again -
rich •food has Made a Manure heal) our day'e .laher." ' • ' • I "Not master, Gio." under the manageinent of the No- So on retiring for the alight lie
rich in fertility The great needs of ' eAnd is net that trampling !upon "You • aim more ney true maeter Corea]. Sanitarium Associetien; and 'wrote NVIth the WY of a num who
the farraers then are to Make a I the level . authority to be Ira tho riow than when 7 was your servant, under whose auspices the new Free ,
goodly quantity of rich manure, to 'street at this time of night? The Striae, .for I 'Will risk even life for Consumptive Hospital has been kneW .hie business ,well, "Set at
swim it without wa.ste and to Use it king has esheciallY • ordered that 'you now that I am free tie obey built. To four years 422 patients
• . have been treated and more than
judiciously, and if all. their savines Nvbevi: we find two. .more people to- you," • . •
ior the year a e temes nto by , gether in the streets after a seasoh- I t ant ou, an
eight I"
r • . e d th
" h l'y dI mit be able 352 have been cured, or se helped 1
* 1
it will be as gpod inoney itt the able 'hour, . we shall • arrest them .as to reward. you; hilt, a fearfel ealanat- • that they could go back to worlE s Lialifiektu.rbberman S FLO
bank. • . • conspirators.: There- is some trouble .ty hos befallen me."
upon them,
•••••...r..." • brewing; and 34tapen la determined to "Is it eo fearful thezir
e neW lee lonsump ee osp .
CAVE OF FEEDING, COWS. $191) it' • "Yes, ,yes -they have stolen -away .
Greater London coyers 701 square
miles ; but the area 'supplied by .the
London water companies is not eo
great, heing 620. square ranee.'
, caring for. wife or children dependeni,
• •
AsS the °Cheer. said this; he Would any beloved IVIcfrinct."
. MISSFe ' le •
. 9 HOBS JACitvv. It is comp t d tl
tal is eitinttecl Muslitolce,, not far
from • the Muskoka Cottage Smelter,.
The cow regale& "not only' Mater- bave passed, an, but Clio detainee. "Who, think you, has. Won her?"
tt e ta as many as 1,-
111 to 10 Years.
((cap NINA S la the Huse
in Great Britain take place in Jew-
ish synagogaes. •
Six out 0.1 t___•e_vetit•y_1,01:i*enctr.ria.,gee
• Deafness Cannot lee Cured •
• . .. •
be Mani aeriferctions, as they .ennnot reach the ,
diseased portion.of the oar. • There teonly ono
*ay 0.• curo deafness, aud that is by constitu, '
donal et mediAS. -Deftness. caused by an
191lanuifk- condi' iott of them:loons fining of, tho
Eustanloan Tut*. When MIN tube is in- • •
flamed. you have a rumbling I -cued imper
feco beariug, a -sad whoa it Is feet rely closed
d• amass In lhe reStit; auct anles 1116 inflam. •
ion cm be titi4( Mill ube restered
to normal punditen, bearing will be de.
stf,,ye t forever : • nine • easiis out of ten are '
c• -u -ed by c ,tarrh; which is nothing but au in-
flamed co:Witten of the inurou. stir are,
We WM give Ono Hundred Doilare for any '
• case; of Deafness (mule by • eat ant) canteen •
n. y
lonoiroulars, free. ' • '
' ' '3 CHENEY' ec, Tededie 0.
. . •
Sold by-Druggiefe, 'Mae
. entire Ieetney Pills aro the beet.
'. The best Peat in tile 'Everitt for
burning comes from the Bog of Allen
• •
in Ireland. The next; beat -es :from
the Harz, in Germany. Of' French.
10011). are only equal tO 5711:).
tput ra;Isir zeoeueas DENTIFRICE.
' . efelh...Z1XM Cele Me C.;
I • "e ale :fOle CIPX:IEE
3e5'Cg."W3321•MIL... '
IV IL 1169.
• • • •••••••., 0.1 • • I. •Fk igraMTM.,.•••••••;•.0 ....V•1011•••••••••••••,•}01•••••,/,..,
'preserves ihe teeth. Sweeten:. the breath.
Strengthens the sums
initruntento, Drums, uniforms. Eta.
Lpwest prices ever quotee, File catalogue
terintigernteona t,iisegnoe 0. nriautliE4•41efit.,);01.11setvrentitlei :nett:: an y
WIRLEY 11,BYOE • 00„
Tomo., Ont.. and WInnipoie, Man
ahd (howling.. This is a specialty with the
Sond particulais by poet and we are slue to satisfy.
Address cox 158, Montreal.
removed -Or healed fey ono or 'two appIP.
co'iciraSof Gileadino. It keeps the skin
soi ,.
• Largo Boxes 200. , DruggIste or
011eattine :Co., Toronto. .
' ....-....-.
adiiiiirliffilil Line Staainsliips
' identical to Liverpool, flosion to I.Mer.
• pool.. Portland to Liserpool, Via Qiiseiss-
Largo and yort Steamships. Anterior WeeonErnoilatiei
E.. P , S tr:.:Aidarn.rnbtr'd-Oleinekociolinziodation. Poi
th67-L1b1:tPoat la:t.:1,11resticia Montreed win Pohtiand, '
diehards Mills ti seTerreestexiiha •
-for all chtssos longer* S.i eons and Staterooms
S I 1 telition iltSe Lem given te the
Intel of poise& arid all particulars, apply. to ally Mosel
• , 500 Jewp have fcnight on .the British
Men, t.he. tevo gentlemen who have ' To be made wielaronador stnaid-• side during .the 13ber War
ials for maintenance, but• also must him. . "The king, . perhaps, fox, he has
• .. . •
• . ••-• . are on record ten seyera'l instemees
. , eel*
• 0' 4
have protein, -fat • and earbobydrates . "You said the itingadid not allot?' ethical her father, and upon thy life X .gellereaslY borne the' cost of coo- ing caller,
structing the building desiring that : Comfortable beetle or breakfast .ofs three Jewish brothees being on
to 100110 milk froin. The milk. Con- the petiole • to googregate -in the believe' the poor old man is murder -
the same benefits that have tome eo jackets that are easteful end- attar, service • with British regiments :In
taine water, fat protein. (caffeine or streets at night, X think?" ' ed. 01, Geo„ can you•ferret out this •
• patients • of .the Muskoka, Cottage dye tit the same thne aro eSseritial South Africa.
curd),. sugar, the ash, and these are Arid what, are them: .witOrri you Ling? • .
all inade le•ont the conslituents ef can even• now hear - braWling at the eThe prince, good Strato„ Went to, Sallitarillms by virtue of its ' excel -
the food. If sufficient protein, 'eat itext turn?" ' - • • • • .Xison Ludim's house, and by force lent situation, Should come 'to the
and carbohydratee ate contained• in '"I'ltetr are some of our youtig no- he would haVe dragged Marina to the poorer Patients whose only -hope is
the food given her, the cow supplies bility." • - • palace." . .. . • in admittance to the Free Consulltp-
this deficiency for -a time by .drawing "Nobility!" iterated Gio, With. the , 'gni, • the villain!" ' • " tive tIoppital. .
on her own body; and 'gradually be- Mutest sai.easim "And ano our holiest . • "Hold: ' Ire did not drag her there, 1 All that is wanting now is the fur -
gins to shrink in duitutity or quality laboreett-thofie who produce by lite however, for she fled, Mid teok refuge Melling of this hospital.. with bode
of milk, or both. The stingy feeder sweat of their beows the food and wi.th MO." . and other inieeesary appointments.
ly is full of Swale 'line', but she alse raiment that , nouriehee and covers 1 "And You sexed. hart Oh, say thae. til(1)en,Seational Stiniteritun A,ssocia-
becomes poor and ooes not yield the royalty -muse be. treated like dogs..:you did, Ciro" .._ ' . because of their heavy debt,
milk mid butter- elle should: ITee Ten ine-What Will the king do With.' "X did. I" bearded the prince, anae . are Unable to 'undertake this part of
milk glands are a 'wonderful machine theteeseevo youme, men?" the work. Only let the many Whose
ee I drove back hie hirelingS . ' from any
hearts aro to'uched by the dietreseing
but they cannot make milk (Itself] -"l'erliape hang them," • . I shop; then I conducted the fair girl
(curd) out of the cerbohydrateti .1 n • i'No, , no-ge dares not, do that, • to a place Ai safety; and 'twas to tell cases chronieled in newspaper. col-
coarse, iniappetezing, indigestible tittered the armorer, unable to re- you this; that I eanie Iterd 1102V'." . , tonne from day to day send their
Wale lut:g el' sawdust:any more 1)111)1 press it siliudder at the thought that estey she greet aos above en goes contrileitione of $1, or, if potesible,
t he fanner 1111 toiel .1 can make Mittel* !melt might he i he 11 nth. —no bless thef.‘, tlio.'' ejaculated Strato
. $5, Slo, or $50, and no time will be
from skint inilk. She must 1101 0131Y king Will not puniS11 hie subjects for 118; 110 again. grasped his friend.'
. lost in opening ' wide the doors or
have a gen0yoUS supply oh good food, What they could not, aveld." :hand. eYou will Conduct' her to and the new. hospital. . ,
1 Is not the suggestion a timely ono
but i t. must contain sufficient e Ceti se you,. bubbling, or • you may ' will ;volt not?". .
amounts or the nutriment's; needed for come in fot• the same chance," said I "I will rontIttet yoU eo her, for she on the openiug of a new year? The
making milk. , lentil Ole fact is 1111- pleastires of the season Will be
clerstood and appreekted, nueceesful,
profitable dairying as tett of the gees -
Lion. The eow must be regarded as
a sort of living. machine, She bikes;
the raw materials; given bee in the
form of food, mol Worts; . them over
into 101111, If the soggily of proper
inaterials is small, the output will be
small. ,rho vow thee .evill not repay
to a young girl's wardrebe,,. es they ssmsts°"-"°''''''"
aro to that of her nnither and eldee 1114)1011:111.141dOWIAIV4106‘41.111arsatiki*SWIWAi4"3144464414241"14444°M111"iji."16"
eiSter• This protter deSign ia siinple
and girlish, and ean leo made 'snug
or left joose as occasion demands.
As shown the material le pink French
flannel avith trinuning of narroW.
black Wileh ribbon, but Scotch flan-
nel, flannelette, cashmere and Ilenri-
etta cloth aro equally suitable,
The back is plain across the •shoul-
eters and drawn down in rows.of kae
there at the waist line;• but the
fronts are gathered at the !leek, and
fall in becoming folds which ean be
held ineplace by ' Means of a ribbon e
passed around the 'melee, or alloWed h
to haug free as preferred. -The sleev-
es are in bishop style, with narrow
pointed cuffs, and the neck is finished
with a wide round collar that is
youthful 111 effect, tend allows freedom
the officer, "Tr there be rebellion in anust not return ,to.the eitY at Pre" heightenea in aa immeasurable de- to the throat, but can 'be made with
'Pyre, as the king euspeets, I doubt , sent." . „ • gree by the thotight that one's gifts a stock to mittali the enlist as shown
not. that you have a hand In it, fo•r I I "Why not?" uttered the young in the small sketch., The edge ar the
think I lien).(1 it whispered this after- mail in surprise, asurely beneath have heeie of the kind to help those
who are mOst heeding help-tbe poor collar and loWer edge of the jaitket
anion. that Mapen had ordered you, to 1.ny roof none 'would dare to touch. , consumptive); whose sickness; is are scalloped. and give it 'pretty mite ,
be wittelled,. at aity rate." • . - •Iher.
with ormemental buttons and button- i ,
I doubtless the reason for depriving line, but the fronts are straight; I
I"Ea, ha, you didn't. hear half the ' ,,you know not what a king darest wife and children and other loved
truth," 1‘14"e". ones; of the bleesings that would holes,
to do when he ie driven to it.
"What ,further?" asked the officer, deeiree Marina as a wife for his sort,
not A iittiO httYprined at the arrnota!nne yOU may resit assur ed that he othertvise come to them. Contriliti- To eue this jacket' foe Miss of 14
• thins will be reevie-ed by Sir Wit" years; Pt age It yarcie of materiel P.7 •'
generous feednig ehould be disposed er's mariner, even Though he aneeted wilt risk his lilo to gain that etid. Ham ee, lere,,,elt r tar Tien, 0.
• inches wide, as, yards se inches wide
of at DECO. Cud one bought that will.
.* ( ,
There are Usually 1,000 childepe.
Britielt refortnittoriee,, and 318,000 in
industrial echools.
Four Scottie -It towns-CilatigoW,
Edinburgh, Thindee Eitel Aberdeen -
have oath populations; exceeding 100,-
TWenty British lendoWnere T
-'es'a'as deed We- stye," Uttered 0110 01 • 1 1101 " 'I 11; simply that the prince tweet '
over 150'0" a0108 aPieees 2)2 tile° prisoner:4, in 1111 imploring tone: "Wo have, 1.0 wee, tee hat, ereeese,,,,
3.5 tti0 peerg illyi 5 commoners. could not leave our Work quiehter." 1 "And by the eternal mods! he Shall
Good mortar ghoul(' contain one- "Then why didn't, you stuY tin 'IMP have Imr," cried elltritto. start- °
thirdi'llMe 11foritte with otlee'sixih [morning?" rotlfeltly asked the officer. • ing quickly acrons the apartment, t
Only of tinere ie not Nitie for use in ,,"We had no rood in our work- i and then turning and nettling* into
building% ' , .1 ) " lhis seat.. . , ;
The tlasplatt Sea luxe bid 11 lb Of , "Then Yon had better have gamed, 1 "So, too, •have T. Menai,' uttered : t ,
neat to a ton of Water; While there But come, for I've no time to .Waete]. eGio,. . • I flue le low temegh iri erica for Penmen form purpogen We aim saakelitum rittlOrnemental
ehee sa lee ea eatan Ai 04,,twatut Avivor. pad 44,01 tor you,),- 4witinuod OA pi% 1 • qua why, .1,k thbfk Au pdAn froAA ,0‘ I, VOV.O. Ptlittr NOWA P, Naito Milly,fitlyttelgatit rAte,41.1..buttediyialkervIntithtt,S
to hold him In contempt. Nit! cannot return to I yre but teenpoet emote, oronto; •T• or 2 yards 4.1 inch*); Wide Will be re -
"No matter. 11 you, must take promised her that, you stiotdel visit relge 4") VrOilt StrePt WeSt TOPOIk.
044 .
theme 'Law helpless ,youthe simply be- no1.11-1 ht,1 pht,„ of retreiLi...,,,
to; Or the Nation:Li TrIpao Company, MOW•Ikaliais
C thrT chanced to be. together in "filo," mild the young :man, With Hunted, treasurer, 22 street. sozonor
1 110 stre01,0 at Pr dark, Theft (10 NO3 ' Midden energy, "what 'means all em,la 'ram -auto. I or 0 cif
f th TE*11
but.' when you make your ropopt it, Ithis? To what a puss are wo coming
the king' tell hint that for (Teeny deed lin Tyre, when the rightte of the eite- I ' 'the 'Gear of Italssia makes; 1+, it rule Tasinftnitt is 4,000 1111100 lose bx
of tyranny like this, he shall, SortillY ',yens nre thus trampled upon? What to spend at least three heave evt•ry area, then Ireland, The name); of its
le) (exiled 1 0 an account." ifilmutitsy.iti this that 11119 seized upe day with his ettildree, to Whota he 18 counties; are almost all taken
"We are intiocent, of 01 Wrong, 111- • WI 1.d. inute of 01(... Lint,:
, 1 ' 1 ' ie. tleeply attached. from Engi,•lieh eountieff•
) • OW IP
'-'11)AGE, 1A.E.TAL GATLS sire co low in ;trio.
no am cart Afford
; totted et000011 Mtg. Light, tad yet, 'drone enough tom!).
; porta heceey men on the ena while b.o eiviege Around the
. circle without causing them to cog, They are teat it
eepeterenee, will Mete lifetime. Will tot nag hor get rielieta
I They ere euppliea with litteheewhiehellow theta vibe open-
ncleteeelf • et TI c I ed motel etc.
itall electric belts bliater and burn holes, in the ilosh and eau do ue good, take the ot or belts in 11.1410..
Fiat E3OOK
-----Illustreted book. ft toes hew Pfl'ellaEll *10*1 !End 110W 1 resew it wini 711v:trio Belt.
time wan whit mintlree 0e) perfeetion of phytierd aerate:tit pheuld read MT beautifully
will quid the; book.„elatoly flailed, free upon routtot if 3 ou hend Mt; ad. If you MI not
dm man you should be, Write to•dete
Rik D 61 4 " Oaten Ilenoso to 8.00 p.m.
VOIlkattl t'lltCET TOIIONTO tiottlY6
cILAUCIALti. 13°
1, .1.
I -low malty men nee suffering miseries for the want elf a simple
rertiedy? They do not live; they simply exist, In the faces of
thoteeands can be read the etnry cif a waited life and blightetx
hopes, toys,:and pleaeuree ale unknown to them because there
Vitality is be.ng eapped. Voricocele, wasting citable have ex-
shialoursetseclaft10.11tfiltu,re's eleetrical•forees and left them wresks upon the
ic aughHn's Electric eft
• Is the grandest remedy of the age far building m wrecked humanity. It fills
the exhaueLed nerves and organs with the fire of life If ,vou will use it while
you sleep for two months it will renter° eoutbf 31 vigor to every brjean of the
hody. It is the only eleetriete tmtly applience in the world tealsty that Will in-
fuse the life force into the weakened parte.
outing); thousende. earl. furnish yen with testimonials from those
whom I have cured. Perhaps Immo of theni your neighle
Read these Ergeotirolo
.tain still wearing it, and will ttll Iteforre unfelt your Itelt 1 was
ou about the result. 1 have gain. glvon ue; by eight ;hectors, and wee
abeut fifteen pounde, and lite p , I ettinflned
Seek' done n,ot better mit nevv.--D, tel my bed as weak es 411 Infant. It
GitInTITS, Guelph, Oet. 1 le niew two menthe mice I started t19,1fle". 814121.
'Year boll has liciped my nerves, • the tile ot the Deft. and nth rens*" mythk;aelicl!tla3adaritctil t7.110tatte.•74..8u11111aX10111Exevil
and. I have ;seined In fleoh, mei MY Pletele" -cured. and lieve 'gained (12 re, petal or aches et al' einee uettig
;lei; ttsi ate Mime:a-CT ail COOP* rioueale.-T. N. DItOWN, yo 13 ol t. -T. .1. DAll It _MC, Iteckton.
TAR, Doi 182, Chatham, Oat, weoe, fent. • 0 .t.
CAtilri0 1,4 sto?1, twalthi do, not, accept c -rt Jltere late twenytioni tee reartiet.
g Curot;
have been wearing your Deft
neelttly for newer a month. / ant
tietets it for tioi.stips. Mon, and am
aloe] apietterier ene Mintr‘toNeT With
g;ooti 50 Mitg.--W. 15. Git,AITAII, Pet.
offered stioitiPotaffpletgittlieilet n?iii.4111 Vil/tirefthteev;,tei 471sPreb:ig
13 'IMMO° &OM When you wait your health your v tear ; AO avoid treetetione kite outiou 00(11040 f* ,ete'y 'epeolal 111.4'11T:1m' Without