HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-04-17, Page 6The Stcp on the Stairs By ISABEL OSTRANDER CHAPTER VIL--(Cont'd.) Professor Semyonov replied bland- ly: The policeman on guard outside Miss Shaw's floor happened to be an old acquaintance. Ile helped me to open the small skylight in the main hall which led to the roof, Front there I descended the fire escape to the win- dow of Miss Shaw's studio and found her huddled up in a bare, hard chair in a shtinber that, I fear was not a normal one, for a smell carton of tab- lets was beside her. I went through the entire attic, examined the pitifully few garments and other things and :found no paint or other stains, nor any eradicator save soap. "Climbing farther down the fire escape past the windows of my own apartment, I came to {hose of my neighbor, henry Griswold. His dreams must have been deep. Ire smiled as L looked at hint and made sounds in his throat lite those of an exultant dog over a bone. And mentioning dogs, that stuffed monstrosity which holds the place of honor in his sitting room Willi the only object in the whole apai.tment that gave any evidence of having been cleaned in the lost decade, and I found it redolent of various chemicals, among them also s strong odor of turpentine." "The dog!" muttered Barry, "The old stuffed dog!" "When I Lad completed my search there I left as I had come. That portion of the•fire escape ends on the floor below, es you know, on the sky. light of Mrs. Vane's studio, but a walk -way ruts around the edge to the outside row of windows of the exten- sion, where the second section of the fire escape begins and continues to the street." "Was Gordon Ladd out or asleep?" demanded Barry, half incredulously. Professor Semyonov smiled mean - "Neither, at first. When I appear - at the window of Iris studio I could see through the door that led into his livin,t room. Ile was tramping up and down, and though I do not pretend to la a psychologist, I would be willing t4. swear that sorrow alone, grief that tore at his heart -strings, was reflected upon his face. He was in solitude, aware of no eavesdropper, and yet I saw no signs of either grief or fear." "You returned then, Professor, the way you had come?" "Yes; for a soporific made frons a formula of my own which is less harmful and more effective than that in which Miss Shaw had indulged. With it I returned by way of the fire escape to Mr. Ladd's window end rap- per on the casement. Iie was aston- ished and resentful, naturally, but when I made myself, known tc hint not •only as his neighbor but as the person you know at headquarters, he admit- ted me. I think the poor young man was glad of someone to talk to, for WRIGLEYS Alertness scores everywhere. Wrigley's creates pep and en. ergy and keeps you alert. A 5¢ package may save you from going to sleep at the wheel of your car. No wonder SmarfB Mowers are eo popular! They cut so easily and will such lfiile"push►. Makriedand"WeMmens4,0 atotonle4 AT EVERY, HARDWARE STORE _ e SMA MO E JAMES SMART PLANT. BROCKVILLEOW1 ISSUE No. 15—'30 after your departure the full !opo of what had occ'..rred must. have de carded upon him. We had a symp thetic little bout, in which 1 learne much that had no bearing upon th erimo but which 1 will tell you of later, and at its end he was quite will- ing to take the opiate and get a little rest and surcease from his grief. He fell into a deep sleep almost at once, but it was then morning and I could make only a superficial search, There was turpentine nowhere but in his studio." 'So we drew a blank, eh, Professor Semyonov?" Barry shrugged. "Sorry te have kept you ep all night and made that request of you for nothing, but I had a hunch that someone who had no business to do so had touched that portrait of Mrs. Vansittart last night while the paint was wet and brought away traces that they would try to get rid of at all costs." It was the professor's turn to shrug, "I know nothing of that, for I have not yet heard what you may have to tell me, my friend, but the turpentine I did find, and in a most unlikely Place," lie observed, "You forget that horrible stuffed dog in the apartment of henry Griswold." "No," responded Sergeant Barry, thoughtfully, "I have, not forgotten the dog." "Just a moment, Mr. Griswold;" What New York Barry remarked smoothly. "Your apartment was enteron and your desk opened by official authority and I think your interview at headquarters with the chief during the last hour must have told ,you that even you can- not combat it. 1Vhe owns this house Illush:0(rd Ihessnutlrinq 1.080(o) Fur - next door?" 1; rot 0 Nitro, itrro, He shot the question so nnexpected- Is Wearing By .ANNABELLF WORTHINGTON e CHAPTER VIII. "You may have forgotten the dog, but I have not forgotten my break- fast!" Professor Semyonov laughed, "You have had yours, Sergeant? Then, while I make my tea I hold you to your promise to tell me what is per- missible of your investigations." "It seems fairly evident, then, that Miriam Vane, the portrait painter, was born only a few yea's ago." He remarked when the detective finished, "I wonder who inhabited that splendid body before that, and what havoe she wrought in the lives of men and wo- men?" "Oh, undoubtedly she buried a past of some kind, but as I told the chief, it need not have been a discreditable RC." Barry's natter -of -fact tone was in sharp contrast to the dreamy, al- most mystic note which had come into the Russian's voice. "And the empty cartridge shell?" the professor reminded him. "No, my friend. That was her ghost of Ban - quo!" "I think so myself." The sergeant rose, "I won't keep you from your laboratory any longer now, professor. "Will ycu let me )snow the real re- port of the niedicnl examiner after the nutopsy? The full report, whether it is all given out to the press or not?" asked Professor Semyonov, "I make particular reference to the distance front which the shot that killed Mrs, Vane may have been fired," In spite of .,inself the detective started slightly. "But you have calculated that al- ready, sir. You said last night after we returned hes to your rooms that it must have been fired by someone she knew who was in the studio with (her and that she may have turned front her canvas to speak to this per - on and so presented the opportunity for an unimpeded aim—!" Again the professor smiled and this time it was with a significance which told Barry that it would be useless to dissemble. "You forget that I spoke then be- fore I had trade my search of all the apartments for traces of turpentine," said the professor. "I respect ,your professional reservations, niv friend, but I, too, have eyes! In the studio of Mrs. Vane I observed the raised window shade, the little bull's -eye -- the cross in red paint on the back of the portrait and the small puncture which had penetrated it, and turning, I looked over at that dark and silent house across the strip of garden, Some of its blank, staring windows were directly in line and I wondered—" Not another word on the subject could Barry persuade that eccentric scientist to utter and the latter de- parted, still smiling, to leave the de- tective in a decidedly reflective frame of mind, Time pressed, however, and descending the stairs Sergeant Barry easily persuaded Kedge to unlock the door of Henry Griswcld's temporarily empty apartment for him. After dismissing the janitor he pro- ceeded to force the drawers of the desk neatly and with dispatch, but the documents and ledgers with which it was filled told him nothing, and in spite of himself the rigid ;cam and fixed, glassy stare of the melancholy, moth- eaten old hound in the corer seemed boring, into his consciousness reproach- fully as though even in death the beast would guard and defend bis inaeter'a possessions. Leaving the desk at Last he erossedl and examined the stuffed animal close- ly. It was, as the professor had said, redolent of turpentine and the musty, - ---- t ,. spicy odor of taxidermy of other clays, lie was fingering one of the long, still silky ears when the door sudden- ly at the num man that for n min- ute Griswold bricked. Then he replied with a gulp "The Gotham Realty Company." "Who is the president of it?" "I am, and I refuse to reply to an fh.rther question!" "But Mrs, Vane has stated to wit- nesses whom we can po'oduce that'you and site knew endt'other before she ever zone here," Barry declared. "Then site lied!" Griswold cried, his temper rising again. "I neer laid eyes an the woman!" "Mr, Griswold!" Barry asked quick - "What was that dog's name?" "Marcus, but we called hint Mark for short," Griswold Crew himself up, "Now that you have asked your last idiotiealle irrelevant question, Ser- geant Barry, will you go?" But Barry seemed not to have heard the furiously uttered request. IIe stil stood stroking the stiffened, droopin ear of the beast and remarked: "He looks grate lifelike, Mr. Gris- wold, with that defected expression. I should not have called hint Marcus but 114opua!" As the name fell from the detec- tive's lips the charge in the man be- fore aim was instantaneous and hide- ous beyond all d>scription. His sallow skin turned a sultry gray and he shrunk back and seemed to wither like a mummy that is unrolled. "Mopus!" It was a mere breath that issued from between the thin, dry lips "Mopus! She called him that!" "She?—Who?" Barry's voice rang through the room and then indeed the mummy cane to life. A harsh, choking cry replied to him and Henry Griswold staggered over to the chair by the table and flinging his arms wide buried his face in them, "My wife!" (To be continued,) 3, g Comparisons Are Odious Manitoba Free Press (Lib,): Every- thing that adds to lie wealth, pros- perity and population of Western Can- ada goes to the building up of Winni- peg, Lt the long run it will be seen, for instance, that the opening of the route by the Pacific and the Panama, which has created serious temporary problems for Winnipeg, Inas not been a permanent injury to this city. It would bo very unfortunate indeed if Winnipeg should ever got in the mood, which has giv n another Canadian city an unenviable reputation, of ob- jecting to every development designed to help other sections of Canada un- less it can be shown that it will im- mediately get the lion's share of the advantage. Any manifestation of this spirit by Winnipeg would deservedly cost this city the position of leader- ship which it now holds in Western Canada, Minard's-50 Year Record. of Success, Beatty Evolved Hat Tilt To Escape His Headache London.— It is not a striving after notoriety or a love of the bizarre that prompts Admiral of the Fleet Beatty to wear his hats and Caps at a jaunty angle. The famous tilt which the tilled sailor favors is due*to a cranial con- formation which snakes the wearing of a liat "on the leve(" most painful. 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