HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-09, Page 4The Cliilton Nows.11eoord. aut.Larr TowN SHIP.
New Advertisements.
.A. Book toReod-W.Cooar Co 1
Mai Flios-Q. Cooper & Co 1
Our Gigantic Clothing Sale ---Jackson BrosI
Winter Qoods Must Go---Magionoo, iSt CO..- 5
It Pay13,4 . U. IlaraWell 8
Boots and Shoss-B. 0. Bothwell 0
Formers' Institute Meetings -F. C, =ord0
Cows for Solo --J, VIr. Bill 5
Stock for Salo -join) Bolineci 5
The Most eatisfaetieuel Solling-Nowcombe's 8
Our old friend, Mr. Medd, who as
reeve of West VVavvanosh did excel-
lent work, has retired from municipal
life and Mr. William McQuillen was
elected by ecciametion to 011 the vac-
ancy. The councillors; are; V11 Mime
Cameron, P. C'Llonnor, Joseph A.
Mallough and Charles Taylor.
Auburn is, as doubtless many know.
epode° village. The trustess for the
present year ale; Alfred * Askwith,
George Younghlut and A, 0. Jackson.
The officers of the Orange Lodge for
the current term are as follows ;
Master, Henry Sturdy
Deputy, John McLarty
Secretary, Matt. Armstrong
Treasurer, Joseph Feagan
Chaplain Henry Lawler
Lecturer' Thonaas Lawlor
D. of 0. 'Nat. Johnston
Conamittee, John Mole, John Fer-
guson, Arch. Robinson, James
Carter, Conrad Shultz.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson spent
New Year's with Sarepta friends.
Dr, Turnbull „visited his home !a •
Milverton last week.. -
Miss McMullen of Lucknoie bas been
theguest of Miss 0. Lawson.
Messrs. H: Govier and Jos: Deer
visited Zurich friends recently.
Miss Redford of Hullett wan- the
gueet last week of Mrs. W. T. Riddell.
Mr. B. Cummings left recently for
his home be Walton; Be.intends tak-
ing a course at college. •
Mr. W. Moore and Miss C. Laweon
have berm visiting in Lucknow.
A pair of lady's gauntlets were left in
Temperance hall on the 'night of • the
tea•nseeting. Theowner can have:
them by exiling at the postoffine.
THE NEWS-REOORD Rives more news
from Auburn and- the district , sur-
rounding it than cities all ' the. other
papers put together. To keep .posted
you must read The People's Paper..
Mr, John Clark of North Dakota is
visiting in thie neighborhood at pres-
Messrs. Thos. and John Howell of
Matiitolia are visiting under the parent-
al roofiat pi espiit. • •
Mr. Geo. Maishall is on the sick list.
Mrs. Miller Lawson o Goderich is
visiting at Mr. Anderson's at present.
The officers of Horne Circle No. 240
for the present term axe as follows
Past Leader, W. D. Wilson
Leader; Jos. Lawson
Vice, Mrs. It McBrien
Secretary, Mrs. R. Roberton
Fin -Secretary, Mrs. Thos. Straughan
Treasurer, Mrs. Jos. Lawson
Warder, S. Nicholson
Marshal, John Mole
Chaplain, Mrs. A. Jackson
Guard, John Ferguson
Sentinel, Mrs. N. Johnston
Dr. Blackall and Mr, Reuben Gra-
ham of Clinton spent Sunday with
Mr. Alex Robinson.
Miss E. Millian of Goderieh is spend-
ing a few days with Miss Annie Ander
son at present.
Mr, Macdonald ' of Whitechurch
accompanied by Mies Vida- Stalker
spent Sunday at her father's, ItIr. 14
While Mr. Schwant' of ciodericfri
township was driving near the villa,ge
on Sunday his horse got away and ran
to Blyth. He got a livery and located
the runaway in that village, Little
daniage was done.
Rev. G. M. Kitty, a former teacher
of our Public school, paid hislriends
• here a short visit last week. He then
went to North Bay where he will
spend some time for the benefit of his
health which we are sorry to say is hot
the best.
School reopened on Monday when
our teacher returned to his duty.
Miss Winnie Thompson took up
her duties in the Auburn echool Fri-
Messrs.John and Stuart Hill have
returned to the respective collegirs at
Stratford and Chatham where they
will complete the course in the busi-
ness colleges there.
Mr. J. Manning and daughter of
Colborne spent New Years Day with '
friends in Summerbill.
Mrs. Noble Lovett and faMily have
gone to Goderich where they, will
spend some time with friends in that
Miss Chidley returned to her duty of
teaching the school on the Base Line
on Monday,
Master S. Barr Visited his uncle, Mr,
David Barr of this place, on Sunday.
The Women's Auxilliary of St.
Petee's church will° hold its regular
meeting at M. J. W.Hill's Thursday.
Mr, Robert Johnston had the
fortune to sprAin his ankle so that he
has been unable to do anything for a
few days.
MSS L. Oittiningham has been en;
gaged as teacher for S. S, No. 17 on the
2nd concession of Ashfleld.
Mr*, DeLong and child of Goderich
are the guests of Mrs. John Shoenhals
this week.
Horace and Pert Cunningham ef
Goderich spent their holidays at
home. •
The oyster supper and hall held in
the 0, 0, F. on Friday night was a fine
success'$65 being the amount taken
in, whieh goes toWards thedebt on
' Miesee Ethel and Gracie DeLong of
Goderich Are visiting in the village.
Mies Hattie ThurIow of Goderich is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs., James MC.
Whinney the past week.
Miss Lizzio'Fostet of Toronto spent
Monday with her sister, Mrs. Harry
Will. Hayden of Toronto spent his
holiday', with his parent, here.
Miee Mable Queld,Who hats been In
Wiarton Inc some time past, is now
home agAiri.
Me, Robert //Heflin rind child of
Dungaimen vent a few days with her
enttrente. Mr. and Mrs, *Tames Ors.W.
ford, this past week.
The party' given by Mr. and Mil,
Jemee Hayden on Monday night WAS
enjoyed wet Math by the young
Mile Vickie HAWkitte of London it
home at, preset% .
Mr. and Mrs. S. Nixon of Myth
were visiting at Mr. William Burkitt'e
on Sunday week.
Mr. and Mrs, Naylor were visiting
at Mr. James Robinson's on Sunday.
e Miss Turner's corteert -it the Donny-
brook school was a grand imccest.
The proceeds amounted to $18.76.
Mr. and Mrs. Ringler were staying A
Mr. George Wallace's while he and
his sister were attending a wedding at
Donwie. •
Mr. John Craig is busy teaming
lumber to Wingham.
Mr. S. Gliddon, who has beep a ten*
anton the C. Dale farm on the Huron
Road, has moved to the twin on the
2nd. con. which he b*s rented front Me.
D, Shannalsan for a term ot five years.
Mr. Gliddon is an industrious and odd
farmer and as a tenant keeps the place
in excellent shape. On the second be
will be surrounded by kindly neighbors
which he knows full well.
Mr. Humphrey Snell, son of Mr.
Jamee Snell, left on Tueeday for Bur-
lington where he will take charge of a
herd of Shorthorns imported by Mr,
, Pettit. Humphrey's tho.rough trains
ing on the homestead will stand him in
gond stead in the good position Which
be now occupies.
For Hallett news read THE News.
1 Mr. R..1, Miller bought a driver from
Mr. Ike Rattenbury of Clinton. R. J.
Is fend of good stock,be they horses or
Mr. Mack Montgomery visited his
brother John of McKillop this week.
Mise Annie Cooper is the guest of
Mrs. Ed, Hunt of Seaforth this week,
A number of invited guests of the
tncil concession assembled at the home
of Mrs, Thotnas Glazier of Stapleton
on New Years night and report having
had aright good time.
Mr. and Miss McMichael spentXmas
holidays at Petrolea.
Mrs, Papineau and daughter are vis-
iting her father,Mr. George Clark. "
Mr. Fisher of British Columbia is vis-
iting at his sister's, Mrs, Watt's,
• The Onnstance Epworth League has
decided to hold a li terary en team() ment
en the Eve of.Tan,23rd. Full particulars
later on.
The Constance school re -opened on
• Friday with an attendance of about
forty pupils which is very good for a
Miss Maggie Macdonald is visiting
her parents at Staffa. • 6 . •
Mr, Robt, Wier of Harlook spent
Friday and Saturday v'eith hip brother
David, ' •
MTS. McCully is visiting her son in
Stratford.. Dame Rumor states that
she will not return with the same name,
• Mr. W. Stanley of Holmesville ca.
ed on his brother James on New Years
Day. ••
" Mr. and Mrs. Elan Herrington at-
tended the marriage of the latter's bro-
ther on New Teary-.
A very pleasant thine was spent at
• Mr. Wesley .Rearn's one evening last
week when about seventy-five young
people tripped it off until the sma
hours. .
Mr. John Watts has gold a fine boric,
to Mr. Denhohn of Blyth for a hand-
some figure. It will be shipped' to
Manitoba. :
Mr. George kisex had a very success-
ful wood bee on* Monday last.
• Mr. and Mrs.D.H.Beacom of the Soo
returned on . Wednesday last.
Mr. john Watt delivered over twenty
prime exporters. to Mr. Ted WatS0/1 of
Blyth on Wednesday last. .
. Mr. Thos. Knox of Pickering town-
ship near Toronto has been visiting in
this neighborhood for time time and on
Tuesday left for Listowel on his way
home,: On the -evening before about
one hundred people gathered at Mr.
William Knox's at a party given in his
honor and a right jolly good time was
.spent! The chief amusements were
dancing and pedro.
Miss Mihnie,Knox has 'returned from
Manitoba after an absence of about
four months We welcotne her back
again among her many friends.
The Misses Little or Clinton attended
the party' at Mr William. Knox's on
Monday evening, •
A large number of the young people
attended the Workmen's ball at.Wal-
ton on Thursday evening of last week.
Miss Susie .Neilans has returned to
Seaforth after spending a. few dityri at
Mr. B. b. Greenman of Nova Scotia
will preach iii Mr. M. Glew's house at
tisree o'clock next Sunday afterrioon. '
Quit- 4 large party of young 'people
gathered at Mr. .TamereSnell's on Tues-
day night to say goodbye Co Mr. EOM-
phrey: Snell before his departure fee
Burlington. urrip re'?" is popular
among the old folks as well as the
young and all wish him good luck.
• . •
Mrs. 1%fcKnight of Westover, 'who
O had been visiting her sister, Mrs, Fing-
• land of Walkerburne„ returned to her
iborne last week. •
kr. Willie Yo ungblut of Hespeler is
visiting under the parentairoof.
Mrs. R. H. Roberton of Galt is visit-
ing at her fatheiein.la w's, Ad:Where;
Misses Rachel and 011ye Patterson
are yisiting friends in Galt. •
Mr. Rundle Hunkins has been elected
trustee of S, S.No, 9,Hallett,succeeding
Mr. J. • Fingland who retired. Mr,
W. J. McBrieriof the raitland block
was awarded the contract of putting
the school into shipshape before teach.
ing began. He did it for$1.50 •and did
it well. Mr. R. Govier has the contract
•of supplying tbe year's sup -ply of wood
•at 411.so per cord. •
Mr. G. Hill and Mrs. J. Hill of
Summerhill :spent New Years Day
with Mr. and Mre; John Scarlett.
• Mr. William McGavin has got
settled in his new house. •
Several front around here took in
the ball in Walton And expressed
themselves as having hada good time.
O Miss Annie Reid of Carnduff, Assa.,
is tbe guest of her aunt, Mrs. John
Scarlett. . •
A song service was held in the
Methodist church on Sunday last,
' The cOngregation of St. George's
church, Walton,presented their organ-
ist with a beautiful clock and the
choir leader with a., silver cake basket
and the rector, Rev. Mr. Abey, with a
load of oats. The Walton congre-
gation does nothing by halves.
Mr, and Mrs. Coulter of Illyth spent
New Yeats at their daughter's, Mrs.
• ntraoN OLD BOYS! ASSO.
OIATION, ' . •
• ence to duty which has ren so con-
s, source of inepiration to US n doing
battle for Christ, As an aeknowledge.
went of oer appreciation of the valn.
able serrees you have rendered the
church in eur midst. vve on isehelf Of the
congregetioe present to each of yeti an
easy chair with the hope that you may
long live to find restand comfort there.
in. And now dear friends, as we are
out to enter on * neW epee° of tittles
e wish you. and yours a nappy and
osperous New Year with the hope
y God's grace we may eo ve that when
our work is done, we may all meet at
home in our Frithee's house Where *to-
eratione will never take plaee. Signed
Bete'. ilesreistr,
Thornaa. Johniton of Bilke was
of the lunge but, le recovering, We ate
much pleased to kale,
Mr. John raider has gone back to
Toronto to resume his medical studiee.
Miee Moly Nicholson, Wlee has befall
in petroit fOr the pest tWd' Enteithar
hats TeAtutrinetil plromn es
s Th n ant rtained o MAIO-
bee Of triends the other evening.
Mies 1014 Of London, come home
to the holidays,
A large party of young people of
of Gocierich drOve out to Laporte, the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1Vaftel of
the ist. con. The principal enjoyment
of the evening wee dancing and the
playing of games, It was near morning
when the gathering broke up.
One day of last week 1Vir. William
Perdue had a euccessful bee drawing
tanbark to Clinton foe shiprneut
There were a half dozen teauus.
Mr, Alf. Pickett haepercbased a new
horse from Mr. George Vanderburg foe
whicu he paid a good price.
Me George Evans and family from
near IBayfield spent New Years Vay
(Soder ich,
Mr. Will. Elliott of lst. con. sports a
fine new cutter. It'e too bad that the
Weighing is so poor over tbis way.
The trustees of S. S, No. 6 have en.
gaged Mr. Wilfred Ball for the Isresent
year, Miss Campbell haying taken a
. school in Wingharn,
Mr. Lionel Naftel of Trinity College,
TOronto, has returned to the city after
a .pleasant week spent visiting old
Mr. George,* Young of the 2nd COD.
had a hot air furnace put in laii house
last week. He is going to keep warrn
this cold weather.
The aiurual meeting. of the Goderich
District Orange lodge will be held in
L. O. L. NO. on Tuesday of next
week commencing. at 2,80 p.m, •
s, S. No. 9 re•elected Mr. George
Can telon Jr. as.trustee.
Mr. and Mrs, .Tames Mose spent New
Years as the gueets of Stephen town-
, ehip friends,
Mr. Guy Hieks has scild his driver to
Mr. Charles Wallis of Clinton, and is
now on the lookout for another,
Mr. F. C. Eltord left for Clifford on
Mondey and for the next couple of
weeks will be a speaker at a series of
Farmers' Institute meetings being held
in the county* of Bruce, the most nor-
therly one being at Lions Head, His
topics wilt be "Lucerne Clover," "Sum-
mer Feeding of Hogs" and "Fattening
-Chickens for the British Merket," On
his return he takes a two weeks' couree
on poultry at the Agricultural College
and has been engaged for the month or
so following as a speaker et Institute
meetings In the counties of Brant,
Waterloo,. 'Wellingten and Halton.
"- Afr, Arthur Townsend returned home
last week after a, week's visit to his
Mother, Mrs. Wm. Townsend of Hare
vine. He was accotnpanied by his
sister, Urs, Andrew Sammie, who 'will
visit ameeg friends here for a couple
of weeks. *
Miss Grace Dyke of Goderich was
epending her holidays at the home• of
her uncle, Mr. John Torrence,
' Mr. Stark. of Woodsteok Was visiting
at me. 0, W. Potter'S.
• A sleigh -load Of yeung people of this
vicinity visited the home of Mr. Willis
Bell, • Bayfield . Line, and had a most
enjoyable. time. . •
In.the list of ..marriages .will he seen
a notice Of the wedding of Miss lea.
Kyle, ditughter of Mr. john Kyle, well
known in:that township; and a neice el
Mrs. W. Cook and the Cantelon 'bro-
thers of this. municipality end Clinton.
Best wishes. ' • .1
Mise Florence Connolly returned on
Wednesday to Toronth to resame her
etudiet at St. Margaret's College.
.0Ounty Councillor Connolly gees tis
Woodstock -on Monday to attend the,
annual meeting of the Western Dairy-
men's Association of•whielt he is one of
the directors., • .
Mr. Will Sterling of Port Albert vis-
ited his cousin, Mrs, J. Detnosey, On
New Years Dey. "
Mrs. Thoi. Cooke of the 9th. con..le
speficlibg a foie weeks as. the guest ef
• her mothere. Mrs.. Jones of Dungannou,
" Miss Allie green -of Detreit is yisiting
. friends in this tewnsmp. .
Mr. • and Mrs, , William Clark of
Ooderiehseeregneste tit Mr. Oshaldere
ton's the ferepart of the week.
lifr. James Steep, WhO is employed at
Afr-John.O. Elliott's, met with a naety
accident one day last week while 'help-
ing to load logs: A log fell on one end
of the hAndepike whieh flew up • and
, struck him on :the' lciwer cutting a
deeP gash an inch long arid .knOckieg
out a tooth. A- surgeozeeservices were
requirild to sew up the woend.
Me.- Alexander *Sterling, who. was
born and raised on the 4th con. of this
township and is a brother of Mrs, John
Dempsey, recently became a benedict.
A Michigan. peper thus describes the
. event
. e. A encial event:which, attracted core:.
siderable attention oh the Hill, wait the
marriage. yesterday of Miss Hattie MC-.
DOnald to Alexander 'Steeling. The
nuptials were celebrated at the 'B.
parspnage at Temaeack, Handcock
.eonnty, Rey. George • Walkers officio.
ingt Miss Rehecea Cempbell Wes bridees
maid end the groom was sepported.by
tiy Alexander .Macdonald, beotbei, of
the bride. The bride looked handsome
in a gown ,of graY and carried whitd
roses. The bridesmaid was also tittle.
ed.in a gray gown' and carried white.
roses. Both Of the newly united twain
are poPuler young people and have a
large cithle of friends." The bride is are
accomplished young women and the
googol le an employee of. the Quincy
mining 'coinpany, Numeroup gi fte
were bestowed." • ,
On Thesday evehing of last week
a number of the friends and .adherents:
of Cole s church gathered at the home
of Mr.Cole where afew enjoyabe hours
were spent. The ladies took along
baskets filled with the most toothsome
things upon Which the company feast-
ed. During the course of the evening
Mr. and Mrs, Cole were made the reco
O pients of an easy chair and the follow -
ng address:
• To mli.. AlqD MRS. PETert oOLIC
' Dear Friends, -We, the members arid
adherents of the Methodist church at
Oole's appointment, ahe here to spend
the closing hours of the old year with
you, with the hope that the spirit
Which prom.pted us to visit your hos.
pitable, Christian home may be red.
procrated by you. In this coming to.
gether we have utterly ignored the
rules of modern etiquette,haying come
without invitation from you, or not'.
fication from us..
While to all outward appearance we
have entered your home as by storm
yet we bring peace and goo.dwill to
you and emirs.
Scone of ue have known you for agen-
eratipn or mere, and having been close
observers of your attitude towards the
church of your ehoice and conetruit in-
terest in all things_ pertaining Us Christ-
ian work, we have learned to esteem
you highly for your work's sake, aod
wish to assure you that your attach -
merit to the house of God, fidelity tO
his word, moral courage and firm miller -
One of the moit progressive of the
Old Boys' Aesociations of Toeonto is
that composed of ex.residents of Hueon
eounty. The annual meeting of the
litisnebition was held Friday night and
was largely attended. Mr.J.S.Willison
presided, in the absence of the Pres!.
dent,111r. Hiigh MacMath, who is con-
fined -to his residenee through illness,
The yearly report was resented by the
Secretary, Mr. E PlOO 3e, and was very
gratifying, showing thatthere are ROW
225 members. The Treasurer, Mr. G.
A. Smith, B. A,, reported that there
satisfactory balance in the treasur
The following officers were elected for
1902:• -*Hon. Presidents, Col.W.D,Otter,
J. S. Willison, Hugh MacMath ;Prete.
del% E. Floody ; Vice -President, Dr.
W. Sioan ; Secretary, 4, walker
Treaeuret," G. A, stroit'b g Exeentiegi
Committee, J. A, *lateen, F.:3`..1). pm.
eitn, George Deatort, Z. R. Lyons, W.
Peridergast, W.Scott, j.S.Mreltinnots,
S. T, Church, ar O. noes. Thohlas Mc.
Gillieuddy, 11. C. Luca% C. McDonald,
O. rt. cooper, Thomas some anti T. IV,
Gibion, wet detided to bold en ati
hotoo or banquet in Febenitty, and the
matter Watt left in thichsetisof the
eonitnittee to melte erraogernents.
resolution wag oilseed expeessing the
hope that the retTring President, who
met With an atcldent Mandy, Would
LAYS 61000 teCOVEItY4
spicons in yc.nit c.hrietian II e lots pted
under he doctotle euro with ceding
T1121 °LINTON NVW8.113coorm•
• It was officially ennounced on Sans i
day thot the new Method* chum I
will be opened on the leth of Feb.
Oa Sunday next the Rev. Dr. Gif-
ford of Olinton will preach missionary
sermons in 17Vinglaans.
During the past two weeks A.
Mitchell of town has been baking for
Mr. Little, Teeewater, while the
latteed baker took a two wielcs
Progresse-Mr. A. Nichols of the
Central bakery is contemplating big
IMProgenients during the contiOg
springe His shop is central' In name,
central in location and he intends that
it shall also be central as an up -to -dote
model bakery, He has &Heady the
bricks upon the premises.
Leaving town. --Mr. F. Hessian,
wife and daughter have this week re-
nsoved to Toronto. For many years
Mr. Hessian has been a respected
citizen of Wingharn,consequently many
good wishes go with him whither he
is gone to sojourn.
Do you kuow that when walking
past our beautiful town ball the other
day with ite pretty spiral tower, I
could not help . thinking Hutt had I
some of Carnegie's my philans
thropy ohould. not feed we to
endow libaries alone. Oh no, tor in-
stance, while having a beautiful hall
and tower, no clook tells the time
therefrom, Were I rich, as the hours
rolled by oar town clock should tell
the time thereof, Were I rich then
would I also help our Episcopal
friends to still 'further beautify their
pretty little church. How you ask P
By, presenting them with a beenti-
ful chime of bells aud instenci of the
ding ding of one solitary bell we would
hAve a beantiful chime of bells. Yes
sir, end' the Poor would not be forgot-
ten either. If we are disposed to be
philanthropic there are more wars
than one of disposing of our wealth.
Wingbam's rnayor for 1902 Is
Lawyer Vanstone, by Acclamation.
Miss Sarah Patterson, second daugh-
ter of Mr. W. Patterson town, cele-
brated New Years Day in.rather an
exciting manner' and she declares
that never again does she hooe to re-
peat the same. On the day inention-
ed Miss Patterson was married to
gentleman froin Hastings. '
A fierce chimney blaze at LaWyere
Vanstone's house on Monday called
quit our fire brigade. The boy.8 re-
plied quickly to the call, but their ser-
vices were not in great demand.
Miss Aggie Day, formerly the oblig-
ing clerk at Mr. Meson's store, wee
married last week to a gentleman ln
Toroo to. The lady in question has a
host of friends in VVingham who
with us will extend to her the warm-
est congratulations. Talking about
matrimony, sir, there • is another
young Winghans lady who ere this
vveek runs hy will we expect have
tnrned over another "Page," .
On Monday our school reopeped.
The Vacancy caused by the resignation
of Miss Vanstone is filled by Miss
Campbell of Goderich.
While the clang of war, the shout
of victory and the mail of tbe defeated
wits to be heard throughout our fair
Ontario on Monday hot, in Wingharn
all was serenely quiet and peaceful,
Mayor., aldermen and school trusteee
all going in by acclamation. • .
• Mr. Jae. Wilson, aged 41 • years,
brother of kfte John Wilson, town,
was buried in Wingliam ' IVedpee.
day last.
• Misv Emily A: Turner, who has
taught so successfully .in S. S. No, 3
for the past three years, .13as severed
her connection with the school. Miss
Turner was a good teacher and did all
in her power for the advancement of
her pupils. She was highly respected
in the section , and both parents and
Children were sorry to part with 'her
and.to show their appreciation of her,
efforts the puells presented her. with
two beautiful jerdinieres and vase of
hand painted English tinted ' ware,
also a• celluloid perfume case together
with the • followin address read by
Dear teacher, -It is with heartfelt
regret that we, your pupils, 'have t
part with you. You have not only
been diligent and earneet in ' imparting
knowledge to us, but yeur kind and,
loving manner has endeared you tp
each and all of us. We wou sk you
to accept this present, not on ccount
of its.intriosic value, but as se ken of
love and respect front your pu ils. We
hope that you may belong spared and
that every effort you put forth for the
advancement of education may be
crowned with success and if we are not
permitted to meet again on earth that
we may meet in Heaven.
Signed on behelf of the pupils
The scholars of S. *S. No. 4. north,
presented their retiriog teacher. Miss
Emma Thompson, with a ladies' tray-
elling toilet set enclosed in a handsome
present was an address signed on bes
half of the school by Edith Cleave and
Sadie Watson, Assuring, Miss •Thomp.
'son of their appreciation of her labors
among them as well as their regret at
the severance of the tie.. •
• ' KUM% REPPitms
morocco case. Accompanying the
The following is the report of the
sta_nding of the pupils of TT. S. S No.
Jor the year, based on. the
nonthly ritten examination. Fifty
per eent, of the aggregate number of
marke for each class was taken as the
required etandard and is as followe •
Sr. 5th 750, Jr. 5th 850, 4th 625, Se. 8rd
460, Jr. 8rd 400, 2nd SOO. .
Sr, 5th -P. Keys 987, M. Edighofter
977. ,
Jr: 5t11 -A, Edighoffer 837, IS D.
Sherritt 830, N. Royes 7 , L. Swayze
Sr, 4th -B, Canting 693, G Thompson
640. E. Edighoffer 646, W. Swayze 625,
S. Agnew 517.
Sr, 3rd -G. Thompson 660, N. Rider
-628, S. Sherritt 624, T. Dinemore 480,
14. aco e 481.
Jr 3rd -E. Kennel 623,N.Kennel 565,
J. Bechler, 549, IL Capling 418, S.
Shoemaket, 595, (absent) M. Erb, W.
Otterbein, Otterbein, N, Brenner -
Sr. 2110-.T.. Meyers 800, M. jacohe
870, Douglas 867, „ Eider 884. R.
Key0 858,. 0, Kennel TAO, 13rennst.
Jr. 2nd -0, Edighoffer, Sherritt,
Oesch, A. Erb, Oeseh.
Pt. 2nds-M. Meyers, F. ()opting,
Manson, P. Zapfe, L. SchwArteentrub.
tr. L. Baker, L.. Baker,
Pt, let-sH. Oeseh. El. Oesch,
Haker.-G. lloveAatti, teacher.
The following is the report for ne
cenilser tor . S. No. 14, Stenler
Names Are In o'rder of merit
5th elase-D. Oitaitsiek, If
Johnstone, Latta Grassick.
4th clase-A. W. Johnston, Mary
Johnston, Ida Dinsdale.
fird clash --F. Kyle, VV. Gemmel,
Mary MacKay.
Sr. 2nd -Eleanor Hood, Ethinat
3r, 2nds-jean Grassick, Herbert
2nd-Aggie, Gemmel), Etta Jar-
rott, M Visitor, -
Pe. lst,--Hanneh Dinsdele, OA*
Melleath, Sarah ItathWell,
The best smelters in the monthly
muffling metches were ; 5th Herbert
whiteman, 4th Albert /Anatole 13td
Willie Gemmel., Sr. 2fid Emma Alale.,
jr. 2nd 3Oon Geritisick, pb... 2nd Agee
Getrimel,-Th •J'eluseseems, teacher,
The boutlsomost Illustroted neWle
pApet in Americe-The Illustreted
Buffalo Expose, live out a copy, 22.00
a relit,
ur Gigantic
Clothing Sale...igo
Jan..otht 1902
It has been our custoro. for ten years past to have a Closing -out
Sale of Odds and Ends of this season's stock and this' year th,e sale
will commence
Saturday, Jan. lith, and end Jan. 18th
It will be the biggest sale of high class clothing ever offered to a
shrewd -buying public and:we expect that hundreds of our customers
throughout the county will be on hand. We have usually held this
sale for two days only but have always found it a difficult job to
O properly serve the crowds, so we are extending.it for a week. It is a
well known fact that when. we make a cut in przces it is a big one, and
hence the popularity of our Semi -Annual Sales. There is not a man
within 20 miles can afford to mise this sale if he wants to save money.
Our cut prices will extend to all departments. We will sell no goods
on approval, no 'goods exchanged, and all sales spot cash,
Study the following list a.nd you will find some wonderful bargains.
Ready-made Clothing
Lot 1-80 Men's Suits, all wool, single • and double
• breasted, sizes 35 to 42, regular price $5, sale •
• price '• . $ 3 46
Lot 2-66 Men's Suits, all wool, single and double
„ breasted, sizes 35 to 42, regular price $7.50, sale -
price • 4 68
Lot 3--1041V1en's Suits, all wool, single awl double
breasted, sizes 35 to 42, regular price $10, sale •
price • , 48
Lot 4-20 Youth's Suits, long pants, all wool, also 31
- to 34, iegular price $5, sale price
: 5 Youths' .Suits, long pants, all wool, sizes 31
Rain Coats
• Lot 22-11 Men's Mud Coats for driving, regular
- price $2.50, sale price 1' 98 .
LOt 23-25 Men's Ram Coats, regular price $3,50,
sale .price 2 78
Lot 24-18 Men's Rain Coats,regular price $5,sale price 3 78
Lot 25-2 Men's Waterproof Jackets, regular price
$2.56, sale price 1 78
• 1V1itts and Socks
3 48
to 34, regular.price $7.50, sale price 4 38
Lot 5-27 17-3,03731 3 piece Suits, • single and double Lot
breasted, regular price $4.50, sale price • . 2 98. .
15 Boys' •3 piece Suits, single and doulkle . Lot
breasted, regular prices $5 and $6, sale price • 3 48
Lot 6-25 Boys' 2 piece Snits, sizes 22 to 26, • regular- LOt
• prices $3 to $5, sale prices , • , .1 68
Lot 7-15 Boys' Vestee Suits, sizes 22 to 27; regular Lot
price $2.50, sale price 1 .68..
20 Boys' Vested 'Suits, sizes 22 to 27. regular Lot
price $8,25; sale price 2. 28 Lot
•. 19 Boys' Vestee Suits, sizes 22 to 27 regular
price $4, sale price • 2 98
15 Boys' Vestee Suits, sizes 22 to 27,. regular
price $5, sale price 3 78
LOt 8,17 Men's Frieze Overcoats, deep storria collars, •
• sizes 35 to 46,• regular prices $5, 5.50 and 6.00,
, sale price • • • , -$ 3 78 _
Lot 9--L35. Men's Frieze Overcoats, deep storm collars, Lot
black or brown., sizes_35 to 46, regular prices $7,
7,50 to 8.00, sale`price -• . 4 98 T .
Lot10-16 Men's Prieze Overcoats, deep storm col.- -
lars, black and' brown, sizes 35 to 46, regular •
:.•prices $8.50 to $10.00, sale price • . 6 08 ,
Lot 1.1-14 Men's Frieze Overeoats, deep storm col- :Lot
• lars °choice goods, $11 to 14.00, for 8 98
Lot 12—'6 Men's Beaver Overcoats,blue black, velvet • Lot"
. • collars, regular price $7,50 for 5 48
Lot 13-15 Men's Grey Cheviot and Herringbone . Lot
Overcoats, fly fronts, velvet collars regular price
$10, sale priee • • 6 48 Lot
Lot 14--Raglanette and Ceesterfield Overcoats, the
up-to-date coat,regular price $12, sale price 9 48 Lot
Lot 15 -50 Boys', Frieze Overcoats, deep storm -collars -
single and double breasted, sizes 22 to 30,regular.•
prices $4.50 .and $5, sale price• • 2 98
Coats, Pants, Etc.
Lot 16-20 Soya' odd school Coate,all wool, Halifax,
- • all sizes, regular price $2 and 2.25, sale pride $ 1 39
7-18 Boys' Coats and Vests, all wool,Halifax •
Lot 1
pods regular $2,75 and 3.00, sale price -
18-90 pairs of Boys School Pants, regular price
500, sale pride
19-25 pairs Men's Odd Pants,, all wool, all our
own make, regular price $2, sale price
20-20 pairs IVIen's Odd Pants, all wool, al/ our
own make, regular price $2.50, sale price ,
21-10 Men's blue smocks, regular price 50c, sale
15 Men's blue smocks,regular price 75c,sa1e price
1 28
26-25 pairs men's ha vy leather faced Mitts,
regular price 45c, sale price 35c
27-25 pairs men's wool Mitts,regular price 25c,
sale price - 19c
28-75 pairs men's Kumfort Mitts, mule and
pigskin faced, regular price 50c, sale price 38c
29-10 pairs mountain sheep Gauntlets, regular
. price $1, sale _price 68e
30-60 pairs men's Sox regular price 10c sale
price 4 pair for 25c
31-30 pairs men's Sox,regula,r price 15c,sale price 90'
32 25 pairs men's heavy, wool Sox, 'regular
price 30c to 40c, sale price ' 259
8a -v -Men's union Shirts and Drawers, regular
prim 30c, sale price . ' ' • . -
"34—Men's woel and fleece lined Shirts. and
Drawers, regular pricee 50c and 650 sale price -380
3-68 Men's elastie ribbed Shirts and Drawers,
regular price 75c. sale price , 580
36-59 Men's wool fleece lined Shirts and
• Drawers, reeular price 75c sale price . 58c
37-85 Men's Shirts and 'Drawers the celebrated
Stanfield's maks, regular price $1.25, sale price .
38 —28 Boy's fleece lined Shirts . and . Drawers,
regular prices- 45c.and 50c, sale price •
39-38 Men's top knit Shirts, regular 'prices 50c
and 75; sale
40-26 Men's tap knit Shirts regular prices 90c
and. $1 sale price • .
4.1-20 ,Men's top knit Shirts, fleece lined,regular
price' $1.25, sale price
42-5 Cardigan Jackets,extra heavy,regiilar price
43-7•1Cardigan Jackets, regular price $1.65 sale
• .
• Lot
39 •
1 58
380 Lot
17 Men's' black smocks,regular price 750,sale price 58c Lot
15 Men's grey smocks,regular price 75c,sale pricy{ 580
Shirts, Ties, Caps, Etc.
• 85t
38e •
1 48
44-37 Men's colored atiff . front Shirts, all this
season's ..!oods; regulir price $1 and $1.25, sale
price ' 78e
45-13 Men's cold Shirts, regular price 60e, sale
price •. • 38c
46-3 doz. Men's Ties, regular prices 25c and 35e
• sale price • . • • •.15e
47-8 doz. Boys' long Stockings, the Puritan
brand, regular price 25; sale price . 18e.
48—Mon's and Boys' hook down tweed Caps,elid-,
ing bands and wedge shapes, regular prices 40e
and 50c, sale price
49-45 Men's square crown paps the latest
shape, regular price $1; sale price • 78e
50-20 Men's square crown Caps, • the latest
ehapes, regularprice- $125, sale price 98c
28c .
• :Department
In this department we are offering 5 Brown Dog Coats, sizes 40-
42-46, regular price $18, --sale price $14.78. 4 Assyrian Coon Coats,
sizes 88-42-44-46, regular price $25, sale price $19.98. Any one in
need of a Fur Coat cannot afford to miss this opportunity at these
prices. In Men's and Boys' Par Caps and Gauntlets a discount of 25
per cent will be given.
4000400 I MIR
Don't forget the date ----Saturday, Jan. lith to the 18th
..:22The Famous Clothing People.