HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-09, Page 3lk. 0 P 00 "i 7 't 71 were very kind, I wouder If they ever thought I ITHE HE] HBO TH SUNDAY SCHOOL, W I must ever there no Ink 017t,'�','�'tt U what F 'THE XAXG�ERO even to in yHelf. I wonder 1111THOUT T11101 LIM WOULD SO Could have prejudiced them so XXTEUNATIONAL ZV WN;f i..",afrainst poor Margaxot. ' I wonder" 1XPOSSIBLZ TAX, 1P e.4 how it is tilat disappointment Call #*!' Illake people so bitter. lint I will 19an's IildobVedness to the Greed - of Gain Has Robbed Us of Con- e.* BY Nn, LLIE R. WATTS. write 111111 anyway, for he itinsL Little Text of Lesson, Acts li., 1-191. hara indeed who could withstand Q410114 -or DAIRY cows. xrelpe)rs I -Xis 9yes Cannot Tort, Acts 43.) Golden solence, and, Hour,, Balch It grandson. Ilow L311IL11 I give I. Coinfort.—Cowu must 114ve Coal- See. 2-4. him up? But he ntay take no 110-jort, 01, the cannot do well. UIVC Microbes kill about fifteen luillioa :I. *And wilIqlL ill _P. t It is illy duty to try. them a goo a day of pit a. ItOger Paxton had been dead a tice of illy letter bed aria:J a coinfortablo burnan beings a Year. 1,1.vory one a OB� t wits fully collit, they were all WO )A%V& Seen his star in the E'agt, Ical Of tile estimate In TV111ch an !in- your, (And tit, bormle bluo;�bycd slip of It will do Ills grandfather good to S stall with as much, liberty its is Coll- who (lies of sinallpox, favor. plague, with one accord 11L one place." This And UOMO come to woriship Ilint.— mortiLl goild'holds that greed of gain, 41 girl Ila had called wife was gradu-, Dave, tit(,, boy. Ile is such 14 little Sistelit with Security, Cleanliness Said Consumption or any oLb(,r or We day, called, 1)alltecost, or "fiftioth St. Matthew, Il." 2. that hunger for wealth Which has AIJY growing accuStolned to wallcing! I'llage of the long -lost lien." convenience, (I vs known it) hll- d6r," JH J11011tiOnt'd again in ChUplOr Christ struck the keynote of tile robbed us of consojeace aild liontar. life,s Illievert paths alone, alone $live I It grieved t to proud heart of the old -ange long IILit, of isval� soul's highest development. 041 the The shepherds who followed the for tile I 1 11. tile art laullity Is IdIled by JaiVpQbVS Of va-'XX, 16. and I COV� XI'l, 8, it,$ a (lily girl who bad properlY'nian that with ;ill the advantages Of mont of, till) stalls, gutters and ing­- rIOUs (101,VOLS Of 11114111gInAlICU. K0 It to Ila and observed fillod Judea;U hillside Ills voice sounded guiding light and brought frauldrx- been callpclll�oy, tot. Joy silo was in- i birth and education Ills only goa tellillgg Such that the cows call be seems Lit. lirst Sight that greatest is In Lev, XXIII, 15, 3 0, clear and strong, to the wondevalleart Congo arid myrrh represented the Up- (lead to the lonely mother's heart. 'should be bent on a lililittlry tClean. Xeep the stable clean, botau whivil coitiol. be conferred Upon in the new Ine-al offering of 11r. t and amazement of - 111.9 hearers, and Ward glanco of huantpity�-tho aspirtt- Bright and cherry Wit$ Usther Pax- the rough and ready life of tire Sol- (load Air.—Ilave the Stable s it has reverberated Virough the age -9, tiOns of, the Spirit whea lit thought- ton, ot Wit,, that annoyllag I tile hunnin. pact, would Ile ilia aboll- fruit,, fifty Elays afti�r the shilaf of ready- , (Her. To crown till he bud voiltilatea In Such a wn, at to pro- I tion. of Illicrobes frolu tile face , Ili ruormerepriientillf' to the world 1 who gathered, Made cheerfulnes that is oftimas -girl whom It(- could not approve vide pure "if- for'cowia without wak- tills planet. If tills could Ile actually Of tile (lily . erment find anjazement fill mood, Tito angeh of every generation since, , Inighty'liost, and, sang their over- more repellant than cold indifference, 'At financial Standpoint Or Indeed from Ing it too cold. 1111crobOs wIpe(I Ittir tire Pnssov�w ll, it od aof Welcont Bed of that wholesome aily other. All liar uretty ways were V, TClndnpss.—Alwl�Iys be kirld to out ill It moinent, We have been practising tills new ture, a, were a proof POsi- but posses, fifty days suggesting usic * for many a century, some- tive timt those above ted M are intere. goodness of heart which ever seeks lost oil liar husband's ftitiler f�011ltl),Q cows, than they Will be gld to see -went([ Certafilly but anti to put tile bri litest interpret tilt. event Of oill. ill contlectioll times with -It feeble degree of sup- Ili the welfare of those below, ritiola. I very beginuiijg. -you when you come around. Hlicak also would LA, good inany othor things with the beginning of lhe gathei'llig CeSS, but oftentimes in blundering are ever ready to overshadow tie Olt tilt,. darkest plitises of xistence. I "A pretty pair of fools: I wash lay gently to them, d never Ja angr ANCY WAT.13T. Like live, microbes tire bad nialiters, and unsatisfactory fashion. Wo dirri- with their heAonly presence. all or tile body (If Christ front 01 lin- a8orrow had but gIveir, liar tliat indo-hands (if thena. entirely." , Arid he tones. Remember Ward C. Whito's but, oil ilia' other hatal, got)(, tions. Ileavell Ila tile fiftitith (lily IY appreciate its beauties IAnd aroi Christ caw6, it great Cost to Illm- tillable tenderness with all suffering, (lid. Notwitlisl andIng 32 to -10 Dut, he fult. tat f I amous "Alway to a servants that without Olean ife OITE.I.Ilig Ft-ts forth tilt) All ovell ill tile Secretly convinced that wheat we can self arid out of boAandlelis love Willett goes by that comilloo. and of- thrill oX Jiville when Ills Soil was I Would to it lady," Be- cow as yet Would be impost0le for a says failvavvu is always it t"VEIL put Hi. revealed thoughts into dally,for mankind, to give us A new !in:. tell raitcli-abiised term of sympathy. looted for a Cauadiall' conthigont lit � N. Nxere!so.-Give cows al. chalice Wilists thrAL include a square eck tile Walbingtoll Tillies. : of evil', but it is met by tho blood of life, into social and civic institti-1pulso, the iiartuhso of it new iiilook Resolute as she was loving, this the 8outh African -bilt lie novor rto exercise in the ail, when- woa-' effeCt tire pectiliarly Swart Ever since tilt- first farmer, turned tile sacrijivA) xj;iII, tions, we sliall reach the perfect sta.- and outlook. Tito world gazed lip- sweet, blue-eyed woman determined disclosed it. Ills wife ]lad frotted thor is Comfortable. adirlit"'tof inany Combinations an(l croala into tmtter inall tills been Christ is ille first fruit,-,; we tire tt fee rd Willi a clear vilos for the nt cable living by tile arid pined Ili secret for hat- boy arid: VI. Milking.-Alilk regularly, tit Tile adralrabld ture of the per t mail; but progress 1w It S to Inalm tin honol exanipte making inicrolles work fol. him.' A hind of IIv.qt fruit-,, (I. Vol., xv, _113 is so slow that despair irr?uds. oil the time, and Whitt It saw lifts become fruits of bar lien, tot, Roger Paxton, finally away Train ilia mlsopy of � the $time time each day, dividing the Shown is niado of Liberty atin Ili tillerobe haped liku it little rod for- Vbilf� Ille isciple 0 heels of eflort trarl in some jiloods d .4 f 'to y I arid Without it' no (!Ilvi.,,t witcd for tile f tile A PART Or, ITS LJFn. bevaind leaving his wl -and baby a tier burden readared intolerble b da c(trally between nlilltings; cows pastel plak with trimining of' black'nwlits creuni, su 0 we wonder if that Ideal religion is Blender couipotence had (lied a poor tile news of tier darIllig's death. Fv, it, tile same order trial by the game veribbon, overlaia with Tiny itico aniount of shaking of- churnin, Would Father they Continued fit prayor and 'lot, after all, It beautiful dreapi. Wo are �ust beginning to understatial. man,- grieving Ili his heart of hearts eat arWr liar death, the ell man live- millters, it possTble. , Milk quickly, yoke kind Cliffs of Irlh turn tbe Into butter. A ",am- supplication (Acts - 1, 4, 14), but never to be realized. The worid that, personal integrity is,a JewollQd that'lli$ life thread had abruptly served I% stubborn cover "a but gently, Get all the, milk eap.ta cro-clict land full front of cliliToin ; but ilar infevolin converts card I -into irliether . tile election of Mattlalas to Inoves with it very faltering step to- crown which the poorest of carth stialipp(i before tile fulfillilent of his CITort. to learh the Whereabouts of his time, but -do not Iteeli, oil stripping i all ilia fashionble soft �silks, and all The butter (laid Choose fit I- fill the of udas Was of Life self is still victor, and the-millonninil May Will-411d.wCar; that honesty OPlaitty ambitions. .."a's wife. ilia Sweet, girl bride Wit(), 'after you liqvc got it. co I t,irljAvorn, And such lig t crobvs jimt liae air, und Lord or of Poter is -a clixestion. onia self is still victor, arid the inflonniviva. purpose..- lies at the fovattlation. of , But� st ory-wrAlog is not tile easy too, had fallea it victim to tilt, curse VII. Feediaig--4A,-nount . of i weight, wool as albatross, vellin, like Roquefort and Gruyeve (Tilyel, in disciples still lind it diftIcUlt to Tway of' peace on earth and good will to- liatipines.9; that peace is better than task ilia indolent reador may imagine of war, . Feed cows all they will eat, Of- the 'arid tlie ]ilia, in will I a and light thits' flavor Ivom having been exliosed to kind %vnit without. tile 6-austltion. of ward mail is only occasionally seen, War, and that oninipotenee and pur- nd life fit a gipat, crowded city up� Little Guard was 'just a your old proper kinds of food. The concert- linalto clittruling materials �for. entire tit(, air, tot- alonger or shorter time. eother btagiiiess. ITO rally pus - and then. as a vision of ecstatic poi-,ity of heart are allied. Our dini eyes on limited mearis is a hard Struggle, and a itiorry little prattler and toa-, teate should be, fad somewhat inigowns, to which purpose tile design The yearl.v liquor allowance of sIbility too distant for any hope toi look to the stars hell the home is proportion to the amount sibly filld Vaill kind not. Mattlaills als and though Estljer novev wavered, dlar' ' he was when rsther's letter of Inlik its Suited. British 4litiablUlvat is about reach it, sa(Aleried by death, and a, fragrant there were inoilients when the tond0r, reached the stern old grnnolfather. each cow call be made to give. 1111t, I he foil notation, is silloothly threo and Bait; tile twelfth. 8ov I -lie Ono accord of the Ill 1, 14; it, 1. 46; 13ut ill(.- wdrld is still young. We hope, not to ])a dellied, lead', Its to enjotional nature Shrank before the All day long ilia child would follow In no Page should tire ' concentrates I fitted, kind Closes tit tile (;011tre front. lieno sucli iv,21; v. ILI: Vill, 01; xv, 1-15: just stivell. Play with toys Of wealth arid fame 106k forward to onothu home In ail- severely liard marater at a. woll-mon- Iilsfficr about or sit Contentedly oil constitute more than balf, ia weight, Oil it are nrl'.41aged ilia deep pointed thing as Nviliv, in the eagerness of ellil* but,wo ritliev clinle where we sit- -cot tile Ing but Sore of tile (try triatter of tile dtiily 111L_ 1 tiil,L,',: tho one accord Of f0t­ d1lood, ll gi Ay -harassed Publisher.1t the floor playing with the ever at- Iyoke, tit(. full front Lin(] the wallst t I% witlihig but a Ili vili 57; ii,' -*10; xviii, 122 are moving on, growing Ili statutte doparted who have alwg cOm "it was so hard for liar to realize that tentive Joy, during which inturvill t'011 -a safer rule is to ,ny One-third. ,proper: wiliell inviMbly be- which grotys so quickl that vne be - broadening ill our outlook, nd ca� out- call, thougly t1ir dear forins OVOU , 0210'S IUOSt SaCrCd theallghtts the hard-workea inother woil find Live only What they will eat lip at,110ath tile 1(�ft front and Lit the -left 'comes 85,600 lit forLy-eight xix, 21d; just four tho world - once in It while catch have beon itivisiblo. All tile contur- once. Ilave , none left over'in the isholilder Spain. The tire mig Jt,works so hard turning sugar into wide auniber, titWhole must be bartered' and lia-glad 6vor time to snatch 'a row minutes A world fit tile one hitting God A GLIMP.Sn OF TIP, AVr N-. log. that have passed� Since that first for tire bread that poirlsil'otil, The -writing which Ilad suffei%ed severely 11 or food boxes for them to at tile, portions. Having oval- that litiles it I-, givf.n -full pl�l (It d -it,. breathe oil and get fpIll. tho hands, the portions bein -will blirst -it (Insk )r hott.10 liko s . ( ev� vil, I joint V, III, I.I. V.; niornlug have ripened airy fabrications of hot- Imagination from neglect during the , 1* .101111 xv, 38 19). Ube word I,, Only yel: 'Vill. Variat.�Fvcd a variety of to fall Ili it puff over, the inlich nitcrob6s, A Centuries are simply seconds in Plop- inanhind as a field of Wheat is rip- - received in-fily a Cruel ShQ& froia�t This -Christmas the children ]Ind Coll&, look like oNv, (I), nitY, and -as they pugs We clinib.,to It; oued in ',the Sunshine, and its we , - food!.,, They will out more and dl- ethows., under . it higher level, siowiy and painfull,-thilik-.0f.0111, privileges hild-blessings, coatuct witil it penurious lalidlord,t�-been �rornlstjd -a good old-fashioned gest* more bociLuse of. it. Feed noth- lit) cut tilts wfaif�t for and. touches us Willi one inind arid .and railLs, ax -es, arid water rates dinner, "Just like' inother used to al-wolliall of strinrs one mouth to glorify God. but, still we cliniti. 13y end by we the Christ -st.tinds near by -to Ing but sweet. wholesome lood. iniedillill siv.tl 3 yards of material 21 1111C.1,060 tbat turns juice into in per, "I am the way, the �ruth and 1 ilielloS Ivide, 27 sidt�s oil ill( shall understand ilia Christ, and wave bug4QLrS 1.014 she o9tairwisho(A have when she was a little girl" and the JiLaLtoin. of t around bad been. tile ro- thilo each day, cown, will not of, 11 t glorious lie sea,. but still great and pr 4:t tile game -Anclies wide wine -1 hyill filled with the- tha �'l - of- i'lle Tlolv W1 , the Iloly moment we shall t ry tile life," 11 blelles Wide will lie tile Ono t1lat larilt lill(l hop bril(Ill she built liar casLles in the air lit sponsibility of helping mother Pre- valne Upon -; 1. at: His fmptfstn; to live Ills life, Tllt�n all will : Lie One call' live profit illy and. C011- vtow of tlw,day ivlieii�:slio would havij parb - for It. is'ent, berry, big be worrying sithout their eadWilli 'I.,, or all-over liqur ,Laid wol*�k 'IS gener . ally IT a cattle ill tha forin of it dove to changed. We Shull � no, loilgee: lit, Tort a - .� X, anear- of Chiffou, 6 yards each to bliqUo-, I hv:puttl v� Ably if Ill' has faith to call. upon, ing into onoigh t Oy that 10 rX I I . 11*0 Wit.% no need of It, pariTyin or children with toys;, but 1 0 give t of childro"s, Is we, said tile vi- ]v -is practical It balauced IVOL rihholl and appli(Ine to tho illixturo Solile Of the cuill from - the man with Ood!s Troia their traclous *Joy, Comparing tile (1Alanti- ming , tim, but saved illner's .full grbwa aa�a-child 'call-$ oil its father. Events 'Ideal ]ionic far remove of vp I a 9. work to do 6nd and experiences sprallgO t]ICM§GlVeS klllall' City lodgings., 11or success t. of dolietous 'edililes with, t Ilut all cows should not be fed coall)lne, and jrlan as illn�gjvi t d. OLD lie -Sizo, alike:: those Inclined .11 ebearts eager to do it. o lay�oif flesh IlVQ 'Spirlt as tv Tito %nying as parts Of. a great plan; they haVO with had led her to Am- of'the famil. Esther sigiliad. : Alone th6 earbab- 13alizers Would be hadly oil indeed if in What could be nnore appropriate or a nicaning which it is our duty should lie fed less of Of SILIVUS 1`11 tile W&V more ymbolical of ilia divine dertake, Several weil-written articles Ili the world linosCand ]low keonlv Such as arid Close - lit- Tile elli.ici learns thtt tile Oil Lit.. ti1la I . Of! 111117 'Wters to boil to Thy lianle and make usc,of. Fait.h. Is oil current, topics. Their reception ilia akhe is.felt Lit this season as a Nvere not Pedy 1,6,wo�k for known," talion in conneclAca-ii with pose thati-the circumstances tittelld �tlla'oilly thing -111 tll� , Atli Out clined' to turli. their f0ed into i)r'llitin Ito ninke money. ant I who" then'. -A inorsel bf-yout I,, put, into tile Witter s the does not bring. thpin in . I Ing the advent of Christ 9� lt� Ives gI[ve.s.goetl ellebr, Wit wa5 so Lis to justify liar no ether. . I�tit , only-i'or flit instant, Should ])a fed more oU.snch�thc farm word v 26) not the royal entry -of a ill ell otherwise we vanbition to writo.a work dannortal.' kind. t.11U.61d bravd ;air' Is * lis"brUld., InIxtulle * Of ltolLill kind and ;laid tile hpits losophy, illould be hi-ifespair. Tile man -of reaat yillijlg� they 0P11 lose their ]'Oval I , it of little workers lininedi (Whitt Writer wofth ilia name does Catching tip (lie birtb� boy while Joy Xf atCIY understand why Noinc, but the Incoming. of it reliion which aith stands erect when tile mail of Llit fox; it. ijild look, to Aonle otiler Calling held , two vorlds in its rms, N not:Sigh for iallno4allty?), It was calitered in wildesf_ I o 'rouitol. her i turn Ill and tit(! tile ],now Much Of the wol'�l (if g Q Cows �shoulol have good pastul-0 Or Or -to bring, -thern opp� 1110,11, ilito elcoin- olonlat bends and breaks, Faith. issIow..work,..bdt she Persevere d, nerv- they made a. cla:6-fit of tile' p9olli ill I', other green food of, In Winter . li'llco casto have lie) power gd lit their), '119 this life, its dutio%*. antal til -day with the hopo of to -morrow -of Joy. [lilt, delighted t a pal,t.of the dily'ration sbould; 0 S iling; need. 1,11(l at 1( We 'go' to Aecip lit thd.cQrtoanty 'child's Inert, i flainic. acid gas, The -gas risC�s,� Luid tile i1r aad by,the thought lookin- forward to thelplooll Tito eries of (latices C lie 1 -done -the sugitr late alcohol and our- Tbe'wat r I. . not b6 '3" y prattle sorved as.an In-' 1111r.th-lovilig, little Gut rd. boVond be Silge or roots to Vinitilo.thern, to; to, progrl S . , . i 11 obf the Holy I;f)jrjt. ill * . . 1 d the stable were tyl)- C it inhily., it time . whon the incitsure. They had out), pAsed Top do their best. A RAPID RrCOV.nRy. I.,; the Lord esus said the manger an' rnity. T110 povefty of fnit, bettaA. land.4 t [)'Its tile stoc , IgY 6bugli into ',a. light Spirit Cattle %vote (lark, and the wea tt bhLiving tile bilker nothing ill Ila, would till(] t6oik of V)r brain lireath when a, lulock Cattle and it, tit, XII.. When, to . Food. ill, MrS, What (To 'but Would hi loavps and put % 0 'ere foagqrs laged.at, their task, but- dignified-lo4oking old geritivinan w�s coarse fodolor -,Ind concentrated. feed e A. &, m. (1 -aing and evL yLit, 1101110 o early 1.111 Eafternooll ? - . as111vall. into the oven; 6ugla, INIaltiler (pressing his. t Ills 1 Anotliev Useful little' inicrobn is- al-'rat.lwv thy.,14pirlt Wit() filled tlicin Ili - tile Child Socall lauviled from a study admitted whoili T,; I-. instantly re- both njoi they beg'all to or slid if you wili'llush ilia of (if liar tuotber's, face. When to be jubi- caigniz.od as 31uglA 1) feed of coarse -at noon and Sinking -SIQW1Y itito'&A'Alray tllb npurging 'initilit ]ant and-iVIiell to The aWkwrdness of if Cows have livell, uccugtoln�d to it. g . tlling away Tpiinitig older r speak 'Urrough'th6m.. - See -L'Lk mwine lilt' . gain to , aV( i o vinegar'lor out- pickles and Act$ IV, , 81, flow Wfiell they worv� wit li hot waer -for 24.' lipurs; wi.th-, - One d4y a iiiesstnigov brought to the.gracting.was -aken by the child- If cow. ni accu. -10 haall b ahave not ijeL stginapol tile salkxs�� "Mother of as A b u t holding.'all foods, IVA(I then, Ili small hot, deal, one of fateful -yell 6W �'rea .e s it, they' may, perhaps, do 'its L1 All a 'di' .0 . tillia fillool o6 another occasion missives e4al . 'Lliout Alio ' hoon feed by giving p Al Citis knoiwal looks, when, tile it G� tinti, easily digestible 'tioaratities; ' at sed her with -him from. the start, find it �vtlg wt 0 d witil boldness, While . . S. ' ' . can you moull of tiny clia.inIl liort, lkarvalN, give . 11011vislanclit, lie cr throb. palatally oil pening, not s6. hard EL'inatter to -he �btber: read' Magnified, like Urt, t tin as intliv 'sit I you tratber long links. It does, yet itli them fit:! S illorlal boil. '(ii, �:ou )vill cliten� rescub it.. froiXl XIII: should be W. Li- i t J q*Als had told thein, It I Ill, lie thought.' Indeed, E ather i I know Lliat Mrs. IlighblowQl"s, Nvork Atilai(led. All -it asks'is to nolt ran: haSay. 'the gr 't twice jt!lat lit live. . 6oninience, with pirre hot o,Aerdd �at leas at: day.,whell 01). Douglass.'.`.' wanted no explanation, r it it. tile t is to -di -it of. wtlte�,- than 4dd salt (1, Lind � tile* water should, be W� (Ill that 6 U 'be ", kept. froi.great'rold.. inqgar IilI snipathy: diyInpd; ll thitt'the, fatiwr ;.dry fee iip�garbtf botinie, bitown-eyed %,oil wullltj forgive ine"If altars ll'ut 100 'of X, si be 11 lit usiotllv� Abr.6ugh ; tho son but jill,re and..whoPsoline arid -tit it. I didll'lt go* to it Witt youl. -0). xpitl�er a had uffer,ail N foa lFbits Would promised to be ed* to!'I:00, HONV grCiOdily the children garet ill pat s nture tliftt -best' stilts � t1leiii, into LIT, DREAD RECIPES., She' hchmrthan Per thiitll caine home of tile word% -'theirs; but, is I pre art g it tb, I heir ililrs'13, of a little' child. s 'at least 20 or 30 degrees Warmer, I it it, week, I Ills I s it I I Ville ease. of the swpsalulisC of Israel. a gitliet,. peaceful within the next made up in.tholove 11011,to�90 to it gar.. Ten pints oly" . :tell ,'3tenined Grallain Dread.-Ifix a -lid arid it wjlj­prorhi�e ati6ns wer madq.' 'hin, a ewoter. . .... . . I I "I I., I - 116paratin, had- been ' 'with I . , .. I ill the Spirit of tile, Lcrtl p4ke JjF salt three ell Sleep, ana* xrmthat were bur.. 'I IV. -Sait.-Cows. should lAhve at" !'Olt; of on't say'riints of and thp:t. 111elfl, and kits'Word �Yas ill thefi% ps. gralialat flour, one L inerint I The lasting quality. of girl friend- ver tar0y faglc', . bul - ; that Where .i.q -tile pain (Feels. cup white -flour-, three arid LL hall previously 'cold%alld ciamnly Will be.- i lout., alt the salt their ppeti _U0ew. shilis has often been Anderestlinatboli be it, thorough bile: till time come 'warnia n!d nfttljral� : , - Crav&e Which is froi - on 'I t tas and -pulstij Gilaptiwoldr seeing an Odd thing. a: from -all fiftti-ol a . . I .. . . I . . . . - tiTid Is blame y Wordy confession lie gave -obas , but gAjjippwdal4 is, teaspoons sod and one te spoon I inaking. a 0 to wo vilittlon.: "I : ! salt. Add one cup-Itiolassei . (scnt) nd. I womaill fo ulidQr�Aand clviirly how ondaily. 1V ..here. 'It cattle. to Intel Little lgradually till Ur allowing 'putty jealousies to creep oa could not ])a made without qaltp6tre -9, Iand and two. and 11-hir If the tLbqvo rules re followed. am-tols-11 M YEAST. LAnd loll lal It -MAD the loving. ties Which ger:Iulfie.was his sorrow for :his 9 1 " 13, in, nrA' saltractre is the vestilt, aIf monTurn into' buttered olle-poiiol'baking! ooptintied hardness. of, heart. 'I'lly cow that 0 a P19 Itire 'WQY� it lays be� I . , it iS.. true,. thitt sitijILL-1 nitAllege-,anjong.-In6n are coiliparaively r her etire and feed.. Any on-colitintled powder cans and Steam twC, a' ng rs. It pay well' TO gills you.know.'� aflefobes. -special owtirks.of Ood' half flours. tat of an: 4if&Jor 'iJk4nd W'kl 0�teu ('asYdUal lifelo' liclit l3ilt thid!ling Ills :little granalson there earn(. (Ice ot so. pay should be, Ili(, ;row that it -: "Nonsol)sa I You read TIALN Holy �pjitiaal' !swiftl heart-rending recollection of Mis. Whittlei liroduce bettor.bread and biscuits regard- of these two �as exce a C -Pour over one clip disposed of.. In dectinq)6slng aiiiiiial 'nihC- Oat l3road. Ing. 'von when a� arbr.'with, liar light - i . liltly sivulyied. a &USC16 p to, s ally potash Spirit, iad,. I 11k,ell fluil control bf thime . . - " t - than of fi.lip fam- R .9. � the. time 'when, his * owir boy had sat ;ractis- I-, nthere I cups boil w.a. . a or, nore c4ptivAting -alantio .-Vol' by All fitnWas rolled outs tw.o ily tour� but'nothing can roinedy tb r had just So on his kilde .,arid patted' with' Ing';, -with thosoi olulilliVells. t6tIffig . through them' -laid CHOOSING A CALLI G tI jAid Is and let Sit 40111% - Or Over ant veast. aw�ay. tllo,beavt,o�� the man l6vipg fingbi s 'Ills father's loving Re to tilt reception, derAr.'.I tllos6 enormoits'. beds of sultlietru t Ile. A It' gs..of God: a ot its disadvautitge 'of' iildfffev I OW Inade Intl ]. to , nalres night ; nold 011erhalif CUP. Molasses, -We give bolow. a. recipe. for Esther eeretly loved, thin flice. k a tilat: It-, is; the hardest. �'tfilng of Chilean one-half teaspoon salt ,and one table- A�.grpat. mdnSr prerits, , hositato' made east chwill iii ifine cages ffiondship had raniahed'aa Ilpin '�l .�Tant to -take him *!tit ll�e. 1. 1 coti(t nsk'you.toflo, but it -is hito Col. North, rould IeANZIO. firs't, gave tIflYer- t, -poon shor.tal Ing,. tljovou�hly' as about giving their children a tills once. stpol'but foi- -this s Stir ! inxist, tot :d Ilv - llMgUa9Q3 tO.PeO IQ xi, 7). Carl Out '09" tel, insure brand, which ­Mitpah" with that its et what can tit old wall ',like e a pal they will )level Xf then add four hd a hillf cups iloifr.. Whittler, Vq, OXIIV el1l.Ll' microbe. -LUrti into -Inc ao with y I could not .0 tile 0 Iclause. others to Riloak.1 hese Let rise, beat th()I`Otl�-Illy, tills- boall used: 1w our. falaIJy :* for beautiful -aning convoys, was to i ale, a bab novel, Coal t the farm. Anti -in I% a ervara.ts I ttjeb� fears tire rightlir f via tot 4119 buttered"broad payls, le eaIth tit a parrictitall watchWord:- follink, Of-ttustilIg hint -to s .0 tied', for far tills Once- is iny1ast In solil IVIILLI Scv4 fit, laid at-* r1s At ' ' Ing Will you, wilo, have (ion oil, lilt go. tiffia-isi -it to bo- absolutely, nvce�sary for tile gr6wth t1i0tigh we' (10 -116tohcar Or inisslonar- F6 r-'Targa matily pota:t6ps,'pealed, With Ilially 1OvI Is ilalbracbs. Esther a as fav� -as our - observation arid bake. When wntod.for blicuits four Allitil n-quarts'of cold water, one te- precious Jo to tile evOpYthilIg for lifiti thitis'far '.bring I 1111crolie y not litope thati orle. fifth' of SO use ollf-half cup less flour.. ytiAir littIv':g:ivI...4nd no I there f6r ine' tit. If tills d Cupful of loose (try Or'llalf of a kind neighbor, iiiIho was on-: YOur -1101 ors sons and: -daughters �%vlio go to )s goo Vot. .1 L1111 a(, - White oiid*p4ut Iiquld,�� . . � , I thing (is rapidly as they I -. ! AIL Als� I have mple incans - for college conic, Vadic to. the farm. It A (if is d foll(I (illEkirited. _Nrl I. III ssionaries .11o, 'in f-4ke ssed hops, two table -1 ly t0Q. pleased to.have,tl - child's �gj 1. won't,bo Lbte to Stan( I at 1 it, fron, tile roliatici . i up if -Job uls. of flour, li'alf:a cuprial -tals all. co.�tlllnk, that s�y.,It doe t , 'two of prL � of itxxxvj,�'44. WL -118 ­ 11 1ql)OOUf be,�bdst`s foi, 'Utnii lF. to' spoons one and- it Ila] f of company, ' ficloa the illasSive pol 0111 GO& but fair wouldn't by 'I tot"t-silotis salt; from 6 lively yest, or a �east cake �dlssdlv.''of thabui-oll'staq6n , wer� left be- WOU.. this little one would have been take lip Some gricultural pilrsuii,� if t -A iieltl� 6f wh6at, the of ble to speak lit a lshort,'tinle.. dissolve rlel�qllal tot; to aIr jiLrey of the world ;stiaii it thing were puggIble but it' MrWhittier:- as])(!at A ic One I yeast -ctike LtQr, the arld'Ealther was whi led oil -arid Ithrown on ilia* 1. 0 Wil�ll this it vc if! cen I I Y, Land know pa.�Sed d fit one-quar- It -lady be noLhing, after Itiagill I I,,' the best. 'Put water, potat.des on. illrough' the'silaft *night to the will le I sat'selfu-bly, the naidst Of P%q better if LLJew' lore �ei ialerobe,,- 911OW in ix. ter clip W.Yewarm, water arrill flour to a wg6tic farmers, , arid ugo-easily , al-arilled. , I i props. The kinater:njontlis Qnit w641tJ ordinarly.,roolu re. - knead. and the hops . tlpd� up - in a. bit of bedside where even no' or lifelong.'fall-'111Y.1 pondered, It, would L pi W It freedom . frai alarmad! Wlth'pf ille, futuro Will carry Ills fortilizzi- Ill, year of Stud Ila dying, or.: de-ad.,Sho t til,! helping. to: 'a vance the bu&;ines y. Tile Splrlt',olnes not. - d Cot muslin over tile fire. �h.a, this, pill% -stl, YO 11 lil'OW tion, tola:hls, farin lit it small g I WA s -Etatitle Wheat lire4d.-Scald one cleart pot,: boil until tile for% Marga, and had She not rfroinised lapp dyin along more scientific, Of, talk oi` tho.work9of inart.nor. does e c"Ji,, inilk, one -cut) boil g- wazer ptattles It ad ed ret Shp wol, 'as fribn�dl YL�; rid, �Jal moPo about, it 0411 1 (1()-- 13LIt in�u, bn� lovog.to hoitir go'. your reception. I maY'ss ''Well loll With JiVQV 'nild Like the IsorvIiat Lit . ! Abraham when lukdwarin add two talilesiption" break apart when a �fork is stuck tar Sweet, winso a clinging ll�ari;! St for lines.- If Wg. fall: 'o , Intel erselr.� childken Ili tf;o farm ill"Soino way.as 0 thiee -tilble- TIhlcss . they,ave very old Torn front. tile liusliand - of Ouij, Sake ilia Whispered, -to h (lie t ut'. ill Case A freshly cut piece of taken to them. short th�re' as rrhywligre.. B fJr,v1jry,n&w this should lie in.half rill,year by,the cru6l- defilarlils� of Nvdr� NoVi to dinner. Btitthe atmosl)here they grow up e need not 0XIj0iqt;­ to": VVi Ior takc�*hich, Ill, OIL the farni... S 0. a tell spoolls molasses, one arid 'half tea-, I'livd-thi is' Tofire- Litter. the, boiling begins; 1)1,avp, soldler'lie as, of..tl.l&t Christina. tlient.to love or remain Ile s of.the imly Son"and -itteries They Ile � we Aid We. f t rest stift (Laid orie cake digr .,poons bour Ju Xnathilli-In Case. 1 live to' go solved iii one-liuliptet; cup litkewdrin 6lit tile protatoes'. leaving�,the water ugIlt*Oi qiiektonliag. A d pot With N 1. h a the is t. can lion 4 to picludp how. tile Ypthor badl given'.all. things he never the n R, It' I and hops - on . the range, wliok&, they than tile overwhelialinj news or- Ills hdjust, smti�d theffibiv6s ivheii fill- �ns We know. some. who ba�6 been have :11ifer operate oil. Ijishas numbevs. of HvIng hito 111,1.)Jalid. 'I'lle water. Allo. -tboitiAlghly.,` then. add heotYears., DeSt,it is.nw bittieved that; Nve OWL, .1,11 1 xffortea t6l think otit . ! will boil slowly;: Aagh the potatibew deathl 'lonqod so -,.sLrrge6 clip White flot Site liad to be ()that * rap hC.Lrd: . The,,/ all terested and to -day re. 1cading it ill, - : . : . Ir enough entira loped who it uld agriculturists , ill their County and , t Iv beds of 'that ivlleat flour to knedd. CoiIav, ]at SIIIOOIh� Ili a bowl with a Wooden fill Marf,,ater Lind cdafor't' liar re- Started and v.4pno . . . I Mr,4. "Dear, don't Itike 1 111.4. - lilessaaL, and. tell the people Ills rise, shape 0 Ili the sugur, wheii N,v be, lor' they wor. I -Wet state.. As soon as they Were old ;tlsoful to -a": inlerob6, If lqt rise.,.again. Ev ardless of her own bitter pain, Afrd� I I ora so.. Yolf: mustn't." thoughts; ;but he is' expected to ra- ough to know wh"ItAt Melt I Iiiq.'I.s the case. house builders, would colfvo it front the Lord and'doliver it it I d 1) . take 'sthcr�h d at to, I er: In it hot oven. these- are wall mixed wet tile filtrate hereglie.Wils at last. It -was worse little group. U �4i[;Lttc before Illy Pit- I have lilt( no ']line, and lx� iv, 12; anirig the door. , Did. sonto I or tjiol, own they tfind all voice with three tqblespoolifu tw I. litt Lord's message (H till(] sift one and.11irec- Is of tha.boilw- thaill even - silo 1.1ad retired. 'Thc OP Ivan soinetlibig. to look after aeperitoliiLis. no nioridt, but. fOr'this busy form ', - - I1. - from - ilia past, -.;onto. unseen presence 1wbrc g 1 .101 , 1 ; J01111. Xii, IV,. quiarters cups flour, Ing hop tell, then stir Ili Shock. or tile soldler's death Inul live'll. of at tell had Lit I got in,' as it probably will. Of Sh, -lost riOnd rise beforo her I Ad care R baking and one 6%, a now Was it. I onj f interest powder Of* flout'. DO th latich for her at The insurance polic is nitido out to "'to gf-t'Factually dying, -dying just . as the lIa molne kind of Stock. It Was-. their' spoon suit. Add. gradia g si�pernatural 6ccurrative pirituat Could it be?. Yes, ilia intiney 3�0�7 tbat:., every existing disease, was to these devout Jews wholl,� kli-w My ono cup. till([ r vision? own arid the reventle derived front you, ou can gat milk, the yolks of two cc -s rid of Wit u- tile flour is luta tasted tile Sweat. it must be the long -lost- oldlerl No when file (lentil ciliptifl- Tp, q heir- to roni * (town to be ini, add little: at a time of the I OV6,rilowings- of mother' love for ilia pirit, - but it . veritable substance. the sale thereof, was t Ili boll. Ilials. 16niprehonsible, and they tried to ez�_ aten, one teaspoon Iefted. butter . i . afind the Whites of'two eggs, beaten lop tea SqICCZIiIg il)6 tinv life of �hcr baby boy�L-thc life silo But who cn de- 'spend LL4 - they, liked. Like till child- "But, deal-, d feto result plain it by.saying that 'these met, o(It rected of Sarno Ililcrobb, bag hard to got i5vory Arop, - throw ljao�l aid to,, -,vitil ltn-'awri. sqrib& the -effect of. tilt,- apparition pat , thLy to '.plant vegetable. 0 Were- full of.new wine, about as sillv stify Cook oil it wall greased. hot ta taka up the think you will 1iijvP to be perated. 't hi rather? have you lot.- andwere encouraged t tlhurtles. liege oyil tin'.explanation ak I,, given by some )lied ]tells aiva arid- wash the saidtliq feeble waffle fron and serve with boiled ci� tile 1)( y , .Cakil a part of th Olt atled them, before putting. it �a%idb for voice. .. "Promise me. you will care 9!van, -me," from: one; and "illy' adw 'or tho.wlse*_ Land professedly, tievoilt (-.r. Allow twice Us much cisler, ^.a.q ')ng IV boyl VlAttlar: "Why, of course: 'don t tit Of a Byrn ..; tile. nc or him as our own., Ohl if I could na boyl tliero.ig :notlihig to . for- garden wits turned overto tbern,.Iftildi fight their parents.,* Two i )lien Of' our day - of some of the sugar Wid let boil Pit P mt yeast'anaking. Strain the f a Other. BAAL tell jla�, thd.'Sc to gro* and : all'. tm.�ats like inine hime to be op at,,!: TjurtLish :doctors were tilick'krayish 11(luld through g1v6I ", from ill tell Jailitlried how cons istviicy. a, colan- only,take Ili= with lalla-blit"you pro- ofitable crop�* Woudorfui.-worl:s of God.' ' The' lia,­ Marflins.-Mlot-tind der into a bowl -anti lot .'it got al. tell us, ' how can it*.be YOU are yQ1, care for settle pr tuaking the. sinallpox inict-obe licip ,sift two clips en- planted theyd Mr9- Whittier: "Not ali;vhs.. 1: tutal inun, 'however c.ducated or roll - lost but not oluite :cold before alive, and why are you When the ot,-chard was theilt; though. at that time 110 0110 gions he �aatly the tire Wheat flour, four leaspoons bak Von And' ' -fearlessl and .-Unbesitatingly think I call cure You' Ili about hall It' be, annot rccoi.� It would. take too I( Carter Ill- were, induced. to ilivest soilit., Of their hati, ever of tit inicr6be.. Ludy stir.in tile half curifir, -hde things I or' the 8pirit Of God, for they 1 ng powdor .'and oile-half teaspoon I of. I � vOW WLIS taken. . Very iWon came sur,plus, ill troes, aa it, U. slitirt.tinito Mary Wortlev 'Tiloiltaigue wrilte, hollic that is to it, set . aBide out, of to the details fir that sad story of things of tilt,, of -God, foi- they Work into, Inixtill, Sloop of tile - beloved, - the Wealy I WhIttler, "You I TToW to, 161gX11111d from 13611grade : In the r a, Wound go ill these began *to yield it prolitable rc-�, uIlto 11111i (I. Co�. At, -u wind,, goirvr SO gfgle gii foOlIqIII and 11 Ijillowed on the tl�UcAloart that �,fheir' It's- Whittl0r: "It's t 10 cftqlc-'3t ter clip. butter with of tile 4k put soillething.. -its report6d rrheir tt�stllptio tastes tellilig how )lei- boy . had Add One land over.it and it to work, unto death Ah'at he * 1% Qltivat-, thitig Ili the world; You made it 14), and these devout, koilgio:Las J4ws OTIC-Cluarter on say u, ad, nov LbigLwillg on- beatitiftil, %*ore ps Tat or liar: un, pains Ill or piece of lifitting. it' I; it :It* , to of tile- 810%� anti. painful ION; for- the slight been inoculated fol fill(] bake in buttered go go IN' long allotig goo tile last of each had Li That reception ivas, of cour-14 1*1or. Od plan, to -got returning to life, aid aft& -long �d in like 'inatilier, antl a, long I)eforo needed just what Nicoderaus needed, hot ovPn. -tile bowl in a M, gIp0t,q -da. Taj�lifght overed that Co. m birth, -the girt of God_ which L wasted form, arid grudg- L Krantz (Coff6e Dread). - One Cup large alish tO-Catch W 11 air of Ills t at"' rid,.'juan of.thein ta, little later received-. May run Ing every moment now spont'away woritlis to hear *tile no [bed (A floweirs or livubs to care for Until a, 'Week train to V-. find d1se' wpox lilt- ovev'ibe-sideP,� Witen'the yeastcoas- froll, Ilar daviffig Joy, -Esther at wife's death. and enjoy. Tito child 'is always full. is tile smoking concet, your club," crail)CS, were Just'.as its a calded wilk, one-half CUT) butter trairge that no men- That ilia wisdom of thig*'world can - f 1 of allergy ano life, and is always. Intl ell less dahgorou.4 foi- mallpo: on of hjs baby boy -.had neaclied. bus. at work. or play. Y W - -tile s inicrobas'nOt cOlnJJr one-q;mPter cup sugar, dhez4imlf tca- to, sing, apart tile bubbleg 'no longer lelagth found herself. oncof more in Oil never ohand or explain tha, SpOon altilt. two Qggg, a feW' rise arid break on, tile '.Surface iiiiii. in, the long anct dreary interval hild killing, At it, recont concert, ilia collclilqioll led is ro' oatodly slicliva Ili gr ting4 re I d, partial- ce a P the buay' Toror;iLo, orlcL- UIO , a theh, 'whea lie had bogged to be -vigorous, healthy a ng, ithings, of G li'Oar I Ile .3 1 6L of hich wits 'ilia so lenion plaid find out, yokist calw dis- Jantla Or pant 'Ili the hum and rear 6f. llowed tlintl. )Inplish �-'Ood time coming", '41 fariner rose fit Vaccination having proved such tit tilt, book of a: book which, solvod In luV- pY.migiltv city, but this 1.1ine cxl)ericnc-. to renialn in Africap any-! Irboy never h4ve tllne.to ace( tuiso ucce4s. Pastettv tin(! others $01110 'or mail pain to W1911 limaliv, bi-hip's I In in poiUr t where, aw from his broken lionto atidletilce alid. quid: ter, warm Walter Ir. Mke. (Ila novelty of �rlvw salisiWon. all, tile thliigs that' tire planned out tile .'that till might '.)lit of the 131ble, perhaps beendse But, it softer Now it We, Can djvect all ',Voll. couldn't -fix the - dat could con -011 tho uttor inability of inilk,* salt, ugav yeast . nti�j An 0 or it0d of. te gaze and unrelenting father. ti S60" possibly Ill' f6ught i1v ilia 7stitino kind that When :(If most famous ex- of the Wisdom of to explain flaiir. well WihTOrks, keep tit a Coot . dii rk MOW+ i)assors-by bestowed upon tier spirit find ail titter Inathingy of ilia their critei,gles itiong ,;onto prar, eat iL.d bill- plare. iind do not �oiaptl except bd�chvry in which lit, iin-16d. front I,(, c well benten, lemoill rind, inol it) , f 1. just a part (it the alia )avillients hve ))(!all for ilia �urti of the thin s, of (led. It'ho W146%aif this ilia -best of ]lei* WO home ter, ind flour pilot d 1:n W "all tile cluii day to,dii.� stale over hm as tills, is till we should rillri fol 00. , ".Xo man oval, obtAlillid anything lopliobitt, T . Iiiq 9 Igh to wake it titity needed for a I)y the tid Of a crowd,.,(I cut. calry- I - _ 11yoll terrible form 'of,world ara, drunken, but not Willi - Ytias tide drew neat-, an -king hard. stifT better. LCt Y-1se again tjieli 110 had thav will do n3trell' t1lat 1*4 profitable Worth Without wet ' 1. Ing 11,11 tile In i1or arma Intiffiless 14 callsed by .it ��Olfgcara ill- Willa (Isa; xxfx, 0).. Corisialor also I all ag;iln 3ey stnlldxloiat�. It It,,. tol, Un-. Ilicker", to harlitis- turn into a buttalled pral' d ad find obtained leave to come home. from a mot the ifinticant causil of observation- Octilated by tlia toleth of a.'lvad dogj1ph. v, 18, and, some Similarity be - let rise. 33rogh over with !Colin III-1111LI. SIR.,p ilia tiny whito-roliect bab. 8he had Mine to his fat.her! . Not, finding ents would only arrungttjn; some W band, Who Was. in it Ity at- other animal. The poison from A.'tween a man filled With wind aad one him there he had after some diffloul- An s month Wfliv worst; from that - fillad with th6 egg and sprinkle with sugar at I, d Scarcel given it thought to tilt- fact, the farn, voilld bee.o a It "That's So," repdMr. It was durlug 'allig preparratio l asetetained his father's t,o ,Oil,: i1flaven sg reflectively. ',,I remember 'Volt' chopped almonds. ev( , C og, next it) Ai-ItIctice. Pedoes not; Say that this ohnibs ininfir w that. it Was C.1irlAinas ove, so preoc- a Orr avenue to tile ch I; of it. (1, IL -to [is always getting upled hall site bean with Afargaret's Toronto ani;l followed him tis (Illicitly they grow ill), many more of tbeill that obtsined vou Without tile discoverarl Out hdrophoblit ilia, fulliffillent of that part (39 IIOT WATM. IttiSchi0f, and the waster had icilOubleq. ' "Won't ov be dolighteoll tin steani.and electricity could would- be agrictilturiA(S front froill it nicalike not o virtilent, JOCII prophecy which he quotes, Ills all" Olt WITIA11 Cot) sequence. Jilin. Agkiin 110 had soino '. 1. . .. 8 'a Ofias niffior, you talking"I us those d�oai it (log, end flint. by but illat it Wit, Youlld mean'to's hiro 11�,bat coal(! be better�? Ilow often dalri through inito.king 'the trout 4 of it or, I silo lias longed for:Lt live doll 'inoculating it rabbit of, it gulnea-pig, ou it ftilillhinnit, that wheat I (till all the great 'sald 11b saidolenly, anti number but hdre lie was, loss from , Santa and Itere it is tl�C, polson might be still finther that mayhave It of ilia earth liall Over t I io rpemeekly- hanic boylghly handsome, but Inflnitely 6L an it) ii(Ilia, Were yon'sa Ing?" stion Of my birthplace." y oting the Sdness of the past por- each one will la" hour oy Was sdclv and -1-1 - IAN Tile first hunin by complete fulfillment is in I till fit - Brown., -YL lay -LI i "Well, 11111 wititing, What. vas it ly 10piling, thanks td -that. Wholly traVing itself In a. gravity whic3i l9at 1111f.rol , . yet . A flit P1 . .. hesw4 was oseph ture. Thitt, Joel'q prophecy lin no L tea of one it hoy of (ars, Who Was bluiria on Some Id s1teadrastly till the ft vou WIn sesthare is 11011-tNin- licre find Ill tell YOU, neighbor, tile, tiny fikv-compr Was all yet, had, Its fulfillillont (I tonderIv disrobed, fad and lixishe(I to -90 Voting. . a by it ilinfl, ClOg on the 4th of the word) or its flnuf fulfill Dalton of foods, by, , lie fornt of dinner was over at During tile next tell mont is Been Ili thu contevf for IS - in the loving, ping of Ills vollittilig, purging" (Ind evell convul Wo, s arud ttghast at zur neV_found mother. t'Gluard found himself blivil; tolls raudin is sions, Dr. 1-1. H., orders all, 10h and -till anti huntililitud. wh We will jimss over Joy's. unboundod possesgod. of more relatives than Ills at"Would "all the hot water the Child ivill ' take X w lool.ed as ir (leI1,,!I1t oll that llntlr),v Chris 'In" alliolig the naions, Van 11V t. 110 Waste little mind could grasp, and had to hoV glot, wCIl, arid no . t It , ol, fair strangor. still Ito given tliroug ,,It it nursing bott)o, Ili lie. In4d not b(.ard -led by 1111crobeq fix hop, anit tll(N Lord not vt rv- one libast .severe coiso whet;o' no kAud Aid you' 11101 aint that bad be taken tip and coinfoi the one of llouvi�lllnatflt C(,iuld be retained, he vaid. I 91,11 posed to prevent liar pulling friend )to had known -his abol his Ilia- hairless have been use d to sa.�o Jilin. ,V tiler's friend In vbr truth. to dwell Ili Zion! Ili, 1).-; did ilebove tuid ilia coverings off the baby face arid Loolting at.the grave noble fac6 of drerls of IIvPs Only fivo )lei, iof Intlions (.10"t Illedicim .1 YOU hugging hint, too tightly overy ina-' OPasteur die. 011i, Lord pol.c. .WXL((ir NitTho one Who 110d, Ills boy so e I os l lof wiliell Stant of file day and',pass oil t fil�tlbottle (4 weltol was lit bit 1116 tiptba aprotecting, arms, In Arlitt, xxv, 31-16, ]Ills not �%�t 'bristillasa dwy, a year from,tho taken placo, for Ito has jitil, ly volnit(!(I, l,tlt*tli,, 4-6 such, (141-II)r lass, lic'mturned soldlaf, thought It($ lime little Girard Douglass had first g. swootor qlglit or on(,, tninvd, and Lt. nioat TiOactful parall evvil for, *lone Tilt hmeIra: Ills Who'll Ill- thus 'fir go stratigelv. We will colne with Mail l'o be fob;qwed. collditioll 'of the T)0W­ hinsfor rost,, frolii. 1119'ellair; his arN never saw a, Ire vornit- t&MIQ' to ged..* "Letivo ilia Move , than once (hiring that time hahmBeall tile slip had felt a throbbing, anxiety inflging I lit, nal sIng grie Very At; tbe yo ;Itted With 111111 In A , vi. _11; 116, tilitudere& fArkling to- ;(Col. Ili, ;J., 1, Nr. 1 1, ow silo ShOuld InAllagp will, llt� beaut of Esther's face. as lie behold end of awallcr 1.14, It teak;1)0011� WtIld,14 flI0 Trellilyl Ing Ou] prit. life So very dependent, , and niatiV it bl, fillvd with, thN, ful of ardWitter aeit Was a proof that 1.1sther's TOXIC patid be fniLlIful 1.4 In then P - hot- specultulowl 0,4 to tile filw Wit give a Wa sit tpr and, finally, I edu ture, )jut , as for regret, silo felt,,for Alargarat's boy surmounted all till Ile COJHVI jm�mq. "Vilielt I aik you what )lone, tot, tilt! Chilling criticisnis of Of pride till(] wolnutily' )-a- TlIN wtlq all toil. vvere titUffig about orilt risk nlo� 'a 6 tIlpLt' she did not break ]ter the clifId to' tile, vot it !a Conlo fritnids and aciltillillt all CCR She Caved to VOtI land You'll tell � lailying little "Arid now that volt tire illarle it "j)Od pot one. Whit, I doubt. It spever or accollit, ildi, Pv ItiGURP(I'lo Ills aticetral ttaUham it child la voiliftilig and pupf�_ thought of alypIvIlip tljat i4wev wliat 1 sw ishes of threa . V114p's, "Tilfttillueh as you Ilavlthe W A dillate.. "1 '411:111 II(I.V Illodleint, Jnp,, When it.,) vall"V-41fe to Ny (]ill PraV'It Ilin boy "Wobb , 'be regarded, Silo Will go lie More ;,iv� (If thp N KIIIIIq 11 donti it, Into tile .11 vary was the lyrav(; vv out forever. relne I i&away, In till Lit till, Was, And Tbo Pug and flit, (Jrarlshoppor riant an tho path title 4tty, Andaf Or . tant 7 tvillptlilloll to faippol't lilb by fotv hi'vill till, grelitt. eity worited th' each otlapels, pre.3anoe, tbe. 13tig nberved. land I'll tell tral11ourishillf, food, nIoro, Ilian slio, it all theear's f I had loga an )($fit, its youri?, I'd Put oil a Part' Of trousaro; to III& Icaa. file -trid denials were, it pararaph if 1, 1 feet, I'll Itcep 'ean out or tit lit," tile tallf?,jit tilat till. f0od a&14 k0l 4111 elal- Ivid your bit, Ali device inwliti'd. b_V it' filyIs ,y got tartea, tit tholit ttlit, "I'll OUT land: onee ill( ey abarlical Paoli otht VI etid it it doeq not i Inade known. babe hold hem a which mid. 'Wolult will; conle to blow, wholl it Ninfifle coullo rallingand Wanted tLy know what ilia horse flit, adding t1l, tile collifol-t ittut that youth, "Ill SQ vet it is 06 1110 Deal, 't alli roailv,astoll-� Iatarv(ll of good nainro-ror thorala.110 inade Tipfure mirrors, Wit, It witsilt, to ;4tudy wedleillo jllqt ill(, tn6a was about. It wau agroold to eavo at to ber aa to which ll'td Most r0oloon to 1)(Ittuty of it Inall While axerciing. ILI, fal101d to hear volt i116 vxeoptiotisi vven in bables. AgXhrIqt- her f.eVAjIJJ' Don't you tbinla that is bw proud, and after At Illon lit's thouglit silo fuliCtil,119 Utla fall �;L-: Graw-happer hau extrEt lonq lem It In beeatts those Who L, already Ill fliel IWO. 3 poslUoll that It' not ,be Inas droW, near Esthe put into it, mean veinitrk to mulw nbollt NJ"Llt'Iry inarip hint for It Julup4, toict It the, Pur 11118 14tra Ag feet, It to because to Take thell, niI tlip� pre..4eliee of Btrangy- tiCP an �'�htl hat OlIft fOVlf1IIIftt0d it., nAmt poll heavy mirdeno before blin. There is to-tily no capotplon for alfsput OAT inarr. rdL llot I it The -in Tier iiioll4litfill nor. "It'14 to It. ato o 'Vol put, I's tw(.en yew, but, being YOU haVo a qW1111-01, 11114 1)(4119 that it balf been, left to Ou Ilovd. lit(%. to Conte to all a redati-vo prad it food. trio to det!tdo, arid bolim that I W101. to) 11CO, doino. WIly it tilec, should not lie, liectme It() should ne T'll Ir it. I clialwas that Wointill Wai; linido Alld title 1311apIlrd tholn till find I tbuili down taid Vvent hot, way, MO. tire 140 factol'109 III Wat.or will life for. V_ right lily boy, 1111.4, IT of alluo "lutionra haf� ba� tit ilia proctice, of Eitrat*evs, but. fall, and In 1.110 gone fly and had been 'before them Ing tilat site had riettip.4 th-4 casol oil Ita ineritti. to giv(w it to its a, lit turnilic cored apOeS little uttvalls-1. torandriarorits OVA.1, since.,' rutal; our quarrdis brine prefit only to otbovi. IV IV 0. law Jolly and JAM, .... .......