HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-09, Page 122nd Year THE OLIN TON . - WORD. CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1902 Whole Number 1190 Suggested as a New Year's Resolution will pay my subsoription to The News.Record in advance and will do it at an early date." •slailagn•Wesseassleane.,ww,sesswNsdhasgasise've Pastor Howson Getting Better. The congregation of the Rattenbury /Agents for C. P. IL 'Telegraph and. Doininion Express money Orders., also for Butterick Patterns. To READ “.The. Man From Glengarry " I3y Ralph Connor Itis having a greater rale than any other Canadian book. To have written "Black Rock" was to demonstrate genius. To have written "The Sky Pilot" was an achievement worthy ef a great literary master. But ',The Man From Glengarry" is Ralph Connor's most magnificent effort—thrilling, inspiring and ennobling: It is easily &et among the author's wcirks—he hap come to full maturity. Everywhere is evident his subtle wit and pathos. 12 Mo. Cloth $1,25 Post Paid Peloubett's Notes on the International tem& for 1902 Substantially booed in cloth $1.10 The Gist of the Leeson by Torrey Leather 25e Pocket Edition containing thetiommon and American Version Cloth 25e . The Sunday School Times for 1902 75c The Sunday School Banner for 1902 60e Diaries for 1902 Canadian Almanac. for 1902 School ooks and School Supplies for School Opening ' • Special values in Scribblers and Pencils. All the authorized Text 13ooks. W. Cooper. CO., CLINTON.. • Little Locals. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. da from tb in rtsh. eirCharleshoneylue Reid, n who rte(-) The fight was persistent and hot. on the Parr Lioe and moved to, it oil guson and William. Whiddon. The elections are over, now we will Mr.1William Palmer of the Goshen The school trustees elected on Mon. KIPPEN. the result, Line has rented Mrs. Hamilton's farce day were W. 3. Brandon, John Ver. Mr. 0. 13, Hale was elected trustee their pastor, Rev. W. G. Howson, in the vote &ending : 0, 13. Hale 47, 11 at the home of Mrs. ;T. Armstrong of settle down and ste9ePt .--sr"-- etreet church were delighted at having for St, Andrew's ward on Monday Mr. Bert Passmore of Exeter visited $had not,horeyer,Sufficiently recovered Jackson Bros. was defeated, the vote the Brownson Line last week, tu3nrnr; his pulpit on Sunday morning. He Saville 41, The bylaw to exempt from hie recent severe illness to take in wards being as follotvs ; St john's— Many scalps were lost and much glory Monday. John Bailey are attending the Clinton J. W. Whiddon and Robert and - $Collegiate. Mr. W. Bailey was in Clinton on Monday, his firet visit to the Hub' since his recovery from a lite melte. siege with typhoid fever. He is look. Ing well and putting on flesh rapidly. Messrs. Harvey Sperling and Charlie . Faulkner, James, Johnston and Wm. King were in Clinton on Monday. • Mr. John Day is nowlseriously ill,, we are sorry to bear. home last week. Detrdit for several months, returned Misf S, Packe, who had been hi Mr, A: Mustard, who has rented Mr. Jowett'e sawmill for four years, took possession last week. Mr, W. J. Jowett has a gang of twelve men at work in his bush getting out crib timber for the harbor con- . - tract. He•will have the sawing done at Thompson's mill. ' Clinton on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, David' Leitch were in Mr. T. J. Marks was in Clinton the other day. • We were pleased to see our old . friend, Mr, D. Macdonald of Berlin, spending his holidays with us. . Mrs. Jas, Johnston entertained her S. S. class the other evening to supper and a very enjoyable party. Mr, Neil Cameron and Mr.. E. Peck are at home spending their holidays. ' friends in Belgrave. • ' s Mrs. W. H. Brandon was visiting Mr. A. Vanstorie was home for the holidays from A lynier. . . Miss Lenon Erwin is visiting friends in Tuckerstnith. Mrs. (Da) Stanbury kept open house on Monday week evening celes brating the doctor's election as reeve. Mr. Et. Talbotand wife mid Mrs. J. Routly of near Exeter visited Mr& liolmito recently. Rev. Mr. Richardson occupied St. Andrew's ' church pulpit last 5uriday evening week very acceptably. VARNA. .•••••••••••••••• I BAYFIELD, • beth services of the day and in the 1 evening Rev, Mr. Steadman of the Tockerensitis appointment occupied tile pulpit, Home from Dakota. Messrs. Samuel and Robert Eagleson arrived on Friday last from the Milton district in North Dakota and will spend several weeks with relatives here and in Baylleid. • They went over Sto the latter place on Saturday, accompanied by their brother, Mr, James Eagleson of town, Mr. S. $ Eagleson'e eldest daughter and eon are with him on this trip. for 18, against 13 ; St. George's—for 24, Toronto on Saturday, are at present against 42, ; St James'—for 17, against visiting at the home of the latter's 20; St Andrew's—for 21,against 19.— parents on the Babylon Line. Mrs David Cook Jr. was in Seaforth Quite a number of the young people of the neighborhood epent a very en - on Monday delivering his horse which he sold to a local boyer for shipment ioYable evening at the borne of Mr. H. to South Africa.—Miss Zadie McRae Peck last week. twit Part in a S. 6, E. entertainment Mrs. A. D. Anderson of Wyoming in Londesboro on Monday evening,— Vont the Christmas Vacation at the (i Rev. T 3. Murdock, formerly of Olinhome f her. father.. Mr. C. Lowery and sister of (Soder- ton but now of Stayner, was at Clarist- ich township spe,nt New Years at the Mee, presented with a. handsome fur tion. From a note received from We are very sorry to hear of the Strtyner we learn that the church. has illness of Mies C. johnsten of Ban- be sustained. cap ty tile members of his songrega. home of Mrs, J. Reid, Sr. what meets the requirements and will can bear, is lately purchased from Mrs. Secord. ing with what taxpaVera trees ols the front of the property he recently been lighted by electricity nockburn but hope soon to hear of her Mr, IL Walker, traveller, and wife Those trees were planted by Mr.Secord recovery. over thirty six years ago. Mr. McAsh Mr. J. D. Peck, who 'for the past year has been teaching school at Orillia, has returned to his home, - Rev. W. G. Richardson returned te W3'0:fling on Friday last after spend- ing the Christmas holidays at home. His sister, Miss Maggie, accompanied Mr. Richard Peck, Jr., visited rela- tives in Tuckersinith. and Seaforth gained. On issues it was fought and S. realization of promises will be exacted or a turn down is in store. Municipal elections are not of the political kind when you can atand behind party and throw'promises to the wind. It would be well for the province and dominion if its affairs were as well understood as are those of the township or county. Then political tricksters would meet their fate summarily. On the whole the old council stood the test pretty well. Economy, but, efficiency in keep. George Foster of Mitchell 'meat the Brat of the New Year under theparent. al roof, , Miss Marotta Wheatley and Miss Alice Oudmore ot 101inton spent Sun- day at Varna,the guests of the former's sister, Airs. 3. Ward. Our new pedagogue, Mr. Shore, began his duties on Friday, January 3rd. We wish him success in his new field of labor. Mr. Thomas McAsh is removing some of the old landmarks of Varna by cutting down the ,row of -poplar Hockey Match., and that twenty one new meisabers • The Clinton and Seaforth hockey have been given the right hand of I teams played a well contested match in the latter's rink ou Thursday night last, The game was clean and inter - eating throughout, At the en,d of the first half the score stood Seaforth 3, Clinton 2, which was repeated in the second half, Brown Jacktion of Sea - forth was an impartial referee, The _Clinton players were Sheppard, Day. Merit; McRae, McKay, -Doherty, Matheson and Olarridge. fellowship —The toisic at Moodily night's meeting of the Ontario street League Was "Doing God's Will." At the 'next meeting Rev. Mr. Steadman of Turner's °hutch is expected to de- livera missionary addresa. A suitable program is also being prepared.--s-- The 'third entertainment in the Citizens' Star Coorse was given in the town hall on Ttiesday evening by the Mozart Symphony Club Of New York. The program was an excellent one and very much pleased. the audience which * 'every number insisted mien an encore. The Course is increasing in popularity.—Mr.-J-. B. McIntyre, who on Monday was re-elected mayor of St: Catharines, is a cousin of P. and H. .B. Kerr of town. „Mr. A. Pay; who was at one Anne a resident of Olinten, is also a mein ber of the S. Catharines counciI.--.-Bquire Biggins of the London ,Road is slowly reeover- hag from an. illness which has &n- ailed. hire to: the ,house• for the mist 'month. .Mrs: John Biggins bap also been." Under the- Weather",hut is now nearly all right again W. O., T. fl•-. Will meet at the . home of Mrs. Witalsi ng tore • . morrow: It Warrington of Goderich, the newly elected. ,deputy grand :president of the Sons of England for the district comprising Huron and Bruce, Write -lied the Officers of ' Sheffield lodge on Thursday :night last and performed the same ceremony in Londesboto the next evenieg. There is only one •Sso. E. . ledge" in , Bruce but five in Buren. as follows Clinton:Exeter, tondes boro, Goderich ;and " A very stiecessful meeting of the Itattenbuty street League. was held on hltanday evening last, Being the first in the new year; it teok the fOrrn ef .a. testimony and pledge renewal meeting and the Meniliers of 'that society are, determined to make the 'League a greater telecom during... the . coraieg year than ey.r before Next week Mrs. Ball will address the League on the sribject, Entering the Kingdom •;•-•-•-•Don't forget the lecture to be given in the town hall . this evening•by Rev. Canon McNabb, of Toronto on the subject "Touts in• Biritzerland and North illustrated by fifty lime- light VieWs.....'--Mr...fiecirge Marshafl who was married -less than to monthe ago to Mies Alice Twitchell, has been ,very ill with typhoidfever and is now in '& Very. dangerous ConditiOM sHis Parents lase beensummoned from Seaforth.Rea, W. G. Howson will occupy hie pulpit next Sunday mean- ing and evening.--Slieffleld lodge S. 0. E. will holdits annual • supper at the Waverly ori the evening of the 22ndinst.—'-The first meeting of the new crnincirwill -be held on Monday next.--s-Mr. R. Ransford has Mochas - ed from Mr. C. Hoare oneof the best &Meet 'grind pianos Made by the Newcombe firm. --There wee it happy gathering of. immediate rela- tives at Airship& Fair's on New .Yeare Day When Rev, Alex. Stewatt christ- 'tined the& grand•childien of Mrs. Fair, Sr., children Of James Fair, R, J, Mac. donalcl and W. P. Spaulding ---Mr. Beaven completed the boring of a well at the House Of Refuge. last week get- ting . an apparently inexhaustible supply of pure water at 225 feet. -- Have /on paid your subScription to Tuu NEws.lbroorto for 1902 2. --.--Mr; 13. d: Greenman of Nova* Scotia. will •preaeh in the Bretheros hill at eight o'clock next Sunday- evening. --Mr. S, n, Smith made aehipmentof eight carloads Of cattle froin Clinton on Monday, two carloads were purchased from R. k J. Ransford, one from J. 0, Reid, Stanley, and eight head from Tyndall Bross • Hallett. It wim a big pay day. ---Mr. Charles Bevan left for his beret in Petrolia On Tuesday. of Waterloo are visiting Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ivison of Kippen. They are welcomed by their many friends. ' Ails. Balfour and aunt, Miss Smith, have returned after a week's visit in Parkdale with relatives and friends. Bert Taylor, son of Mr. George Tay - ler, who is easployed in London as °Utter and salesman, has been visiting at his home. Fred., his brothers who was recently hurt by a pile of wood tumbling on him* is able to be around again, but had a narrow escape. Ed- ward,the older brother from Manitoba, is still here, so there has been a family re -union of brothers. Mr. John Johmston of Manitoba is paying a visit to relatives and friends on the Goshen and vicinity. He looks well and speaks highly of the country the same as all other business and Pushing people do. Mr. William Douglas and wife of Marlette, Mich,.' have returned home after visiting the last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph 'Hudson of the • Parr Line, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Douglas of Blake. • Rea, Mr. kilty of Delhi, who has been visitingshis sister, Mrs. Farquhar, left on Monday for North Bay, where he hopes, to be invigorated and restored to health. He has been troubled with a; threat affection and his medical ad- viser and.congregation persuaded • the change.. His congregation are being minigered to by a substitute until his return. - Mr. T. Coughlin, cattle ' dealer, pur- chased from - Mr. George- Taylor 6£ Kippentwenty head of extra fine ex- port cattle at $0,25 per cwt, • This Is rather above market price but . selects such as these were are value: , Mr. Robert kleMordie left �n• Wed- nesday for OweniSoend where he .wari joined by It. J. Doyle, with 'whom he is. interested in an orange grove or plantation in , Florida. Both these gentlemen.left for that southern clime to speed the winter. On their way they visit Ne* York, Philadelphia and Washington, arrivingat their final destination about the 20th of January. Galculations are to return'. about the first of May. .D.'s well to have the wealth if you know how to enjoy it. . Kippen had a visit fromktr. Hess, the nominee Of the Reform party.' He is a genial, nice person apparently. He -accepted 11. Shaeffer's hospitality ,and had dinner. His stay had no political significance whatever, merely -a friend-, Mr. Joseph Hagan, formeily Of the Pair Line, who hair beeo out with his brother in Dakota since last Aprii, re- turned on Monday with his little neice to 'vend the Winter with • his father, Mr. John Hagan. Miss Lilly Whitemanleften Monday for Detroit to attend the academy of music iu that city. It is the young lady's intention to retorn after master ing American methods, which we 11 hope will not be long. • • Rev. Mr. McLennan of St Andrew'S, Kippen, left Tuesday to attend a fun- eral•in hii old congregation at Alma. Mr. W. Cudmore and sone, tint Hay kings, pressed and shipped the last Month opo tons of hay; to Liverpool and Glasgow. Mr. Cudmore has just returned from the West Where his presses are working, Mt. Jas. Logan, who has been here visiting friends, left on Wednesday for h a home in the Northwest. Pearly Moore, daughter of Mr. Wm. Moore of Kippen, was badly bitten' on the. arm and leg by a dog. The -dog was shot. Groat regret is feltfor' the unfortunate occurrence, Pettily it confined to bed through, the nervous ehock received. intends building a brick dwelling and postale° in the spring which will improve the appearance of the village. Mr. S. A, Moffat of the McCormick Manufacturing Company carne up from London on Monday to poll his Vote at the municipal election. • His many friends were glad to have the opportunity of again shaking hands with the venial Sam. . E. A. Wanless left on .Monday to resume his Agates at the Chatham Business College. SucCesaEd., is our wish. Mr. James Armstrong had tbe Ws - fortune one day last week, as he was hewing ,neckyokes, to let the hand axecut into his right knee, leaving quite a gash which will lay him up for a few days. Although painful the wound is not thought to be serious. , Arthur Hagan of Scranton, Pa., son of John Hagan of the Parr Line, is spending a couple of weeks' holidays under the parental roof. Arthur is one of the many Stanley boys who are doing well in Uncle Sana's donaaini. • • Mrs. Barnwell, mother of Mr. 3. E. Barnwell; visited him this latter part of last week. Mr, • Harewell *coin - ponied her tri Goderich :on Sunday, to visit her brothers. " ' Mr. Charlie Began returned home from Dakota on Monday. evening after •spending the summer' there, He is favorably impressed with the country .andleports big crops. • - • Mr. • Thos.. Dennison has his. new house almost ready to Move into. Torn has a first 'class 'house arid it reflects credit on the • contractors, Messrs. T. Walker and T. Mackenzie of Clinton. THE Naws•Raocion is becorningstill More populist' hi Varna and vicinity every year. Why 2. Because it' is the best local paper that comes this way. , Mr. G. W. Elarnwell„ who has been the efficient .principal of the Public schoelut Kirkton for the past year, spent a few days with his brother J. E. and other relatives •and friends here- abouts last Week, Mr. Barnwell is bigger, heavier and even better iook.' log than he was a year since add just as genial as eler. Though he has been a suecess• at teaching, he hal decided to take up another line and on Saturday left for Stratfcird to take .a course in the Busioess, College Lin that city ty..Qontinued• syccess .to him, Say w Mr. J. T, (Jaime and Ms son Harold were guests of Varna Mende last week: We were all pleased- to hete this opportunity of again greeting our fornier citizen; 'who was held in high repute while amongst us, and are pleased to learn that • he has a good • businees in Kirkton. Miss Ida Elliott' of London isvisiting at the homestead on tlae Clioton Road. Mrs.. Tom Stephensun of Marlette, Mich., has iseers visiting her sister, Mrs, Thirds,. She returned home ori Friday, accompaniedby Mrs. John Robinson and her de ug.hter; Mrs. A. Keys; who have also been visiting friends ui thievieinity. ' • Mr. GebrgeAndrews returned last week to Clandeboye • after spending his holidays under the Parental roof. Mr. T.. Maguire and his brother-in- law, Mr, James Fraser of Glengarry, visited at the forMer's sister's, Mrs. 3, Dennison's. • • •••• •••• • • •••• • •••41••• *4, •••• •4•4 •••4 •••• •••• •••• ••44 1 TIME FLIES . . . 1 1 • 11 The holiday season has come and gone and we are once again settled down to our usual line of trade. Before'long we i Iexpect to. get things In out store so arranged that we will be able to • make some special announcements. i In our extra busy spell We tIM not forget to keep tin our Standard . of excellence in Staple Groceries and we are now prepared, as we always are, te give you the purest and bfist groceries that it i is possible to obtain in Clinton or elsewhere. Fresh Lettuce and Young Onions every week. , .. Ogle Cooper Co. • CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. - THE CASA 'GROCERY •••••••••••••44•••••••••••••••.4••••••••••41••••• We Wiela yen a happy and prosperous Nair Year and solicit your patronage for 1902. P. B. CREWS, Jeweller and Optician, ,I3iddlecombe's Old Stand. Expert, Watch Repairer. KWIC_ •••••••#•••4444,•404.,.*********4NotN.,....**** • it ...1*-114C1C^Iikeleeklira"' We wish you a hapoy andpros- ,perous 1902. You will be richer at the end of it If you buy Your hats,. caps* anaderweag, etc., from us, RISL, MY HATTER. iaNsassaassea. • The Compliments of the sea- son to our easterners. May the coming year be bright and proaperous. Start the year well by buying your clothing from us, A. J. IfOLL,OWAV. 1 *••• •••• •••• • **4 ••44•••• • 4.• ••••••••••4* ON • ••• • The Latest Calendar out ha the Photographic Calendar. Old Friends rought to Life MP) It is Wise to preserve the features of today for the family history of tailor - row. Every individual shoulksee that a plentiful supply of photographs illustrate the changing Years. Our best photos prove the best inveetment for such IMO. . 4 q4 llenty' Pilo, . Studio s . 0.4,4,.0460 ilisoliele,111000004011e4OsielleAleileisol~ An Up-to-date Baker. Mr. J. A. king is progressive and in order ta be the better able to supply his Marty patrons he has ordered . a machine known as the mixer which will mix the dough both quicker and better than can be done by the Urn - strong process, And as it will require considerable power to operate this maehinit he on .Tuesday gave an order fora three h. p. gasoline engine which heexpects to have installed in aweek or ten (lays. Mr. King will then have the most complete outfit of any baker in the comity. Mrs. S. Davis Is a Churning Hostess. Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis entertained a number of their Mende to dinner and tea on New Years DAY.' It was known by :mine of the Party that that date Was also theanniversary of Mr. Davis' birthday and . they took ad- vantage- of the occasion to Present their boat with a neatly bound volume of Winston Churchill's new hook, STEie Crisis'', accompanied by a short address appropriate to the occasion and signed by all the: guests., Mrs; Davis is a Churning hostess as all will agree who have been. so fortrioate ' as to have been her gueets. The Bowlers Eat and /VIalco`Merry. The annual' supper of • the• howling club. was held at the Rattenbury'House on Mooday night when, after the meni- tiers had partaken of the good things provided by mine host Joe, the presen- tation took 'plate to Messrs Agnew, Shaw, Wiseman arid Hilton of the ells vet walking sticks prat 'up by' the club for competition. 'The' silvet trophies won at the Seaforth tournament by Messrs.' W. Jackson, . W. Bryclone, E. M Alcieao and J. Taylor *realso formallyhanded over. Mr John Rana - ford presided With MrsD.A.Forrester in the vice chair and the e/ening was very pleasantly spent. Friday Night's Hop. One of the. most pleasant social events• ef the season was the hop given in the town hall on Friday evening last. It: was well :attended. Among thode present were Miss Overbury .02 Morrisburg, who is the guest of Mrs. G. D. McTaggart, Misses Smiles and Stev- ens and Mr: ,Fied. Willis of Seaforth, Miss Adams, Londesboro, Oaptaiti mud Mrs. Rance, Blyth, Dr. Agnew and Mr, Harry Bell, Witigham. The music was furnished by the Ilrownorchestra. Theassembly was gotten up under the management of Mr. Latornell to whom praise is due for the excellence of the arrangements. A Narrow Escape. Mrs, Serarus of Maysville and • her sister, Mrs. Andrew Halliday of Col- borne, had a narrow escape on Sat- urday last from meeting with a ser - bus accident. They were • on their way to 'visit . friends at Bay. field'and when approaching the track at the station the horse took fright at a moving train and bolted for the dressing in front of the train which was as 'quickly asspossible brought to a stop. Not so with the horse, which turned up the track at a gallop and continued to keep between the rails to the Y and thence up the L. H. & B. to the Ituroo Road where it was finally secured at Mr. Cottle's, neither horse or cutter being any the, worse for the run. Mrs. Seraths jumped out of the cutter when the animal started its pranks and Mrs. Halliday was thtown out .ehortly afterwards, but neither were hurt, Death of Mr. George Nirnens. On Tuesday Mr, George, NiMeiss departed this life in London hospital where he bad been for a couple of years suffering from the effects of an accident he inet with in that city. The remains were brought home and the funeral took place from his late real- dence on Maple Street yesterday after- noon. The services were.ccinducted ab house and grave by Rev. 3, Greene, while the pallbearers were ; Jas. Mc. Clae,herty, Sr, and jr., S. Ritst, 13, T.Stephenson and F.W.WeltS. Mrs Nimens, Who was a shoemaker by trade, bad been it resident -of Clinton eince the sixties. Mrs, imens star. viyee biro and ie herself ' suffering from a fall sustained ten days ago. BRUCBPIRLD. Messrs, Albert Cameron and Len. McConnell With their respective brides have Moved into our town to live, Mr, John Laytontook a sleigh load of young people from here out to his home in Tuekersmith last Friday' even- ing when a very -enjoyable time was spent. Rey. Finlay Matheson, late of Mani. toba, preached in the Presbyterian ehurch last Sabbath • morning and addresesed the Y. P. S. 0. E. on Home Missions at the close of the evening service, Rey. Fi. M. Sowers gove an excellent address to the Y. P. 8, 0. P. last Sab- bath evening. Mr.' John Aikenhead returned to London last week. • last week. Mr. William Rathivell was in Sea - forth on Saturday last on business.' We understand Mr. Richard Peck has got a situation with Scott Bros, of Seaforth to learn piano tuning. We wish Richard suecets. Mr. Robert Penhale and sisters and Messrs. F. and W. and Miss Daisy Scotcla ni ere sPen t New Yeara Evening at the home of Mr. W. Rathwell, Mrs. M. Bates and Master Samuels who were visiting the former's sister, Mrs. 3, T. Dickson of Seaforth, for a short time, returaed home on Friday evening. • Mr: John C. Reid shipped a carload Of prime cattle on Monday to the city marrrets, but the gap which their ship. rnent. made in the stables has been iilled,by recent purchases. Mr. Reid handles a lot Of stock each twelve months and thoronghly understands how' to hest fit it for out- city butchers or :export, fie just recently. had a windmill and primp installed which saves them a lot , of hard 'work each and every day. Monday's election resulted in the re- turn of the old councils The number of votes cast Was as follows z' 1 2 3 4 5 23 39 74 41 78-255 32 53 85 25 41-230 22 47 66 46 52—L233 MeDiaresid 39 68 57 15. 21)--208 BeattY 33 18 67 176 Alkenhead 42 25 14 7 ,7--="95 Stirisoe Keys Johnston A pretty but. quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Wro• Olark of the Babyron Line on Thurs. day. of Test week when his third daugh- ter, Miss Lucinda, became the bride Of Mr. O. H. Reid, It was •high . noon when the bride. who was attired in her travellieg•dress, teaming upon the arm of her father* entered the parlor where the groom awaited her, the wedding march. the while being played by her .Edefer, /CBS Maggie Clark. The cere• mony waa performed by the Rev. Mr. Davidson of Yuba, after which the bridal party partook of a sumptuous repeal. The happy' couple left about 1,30 fon Seaforth where they took the 3 o'clock train for Toronto and other points. where they will spend a few days of their honeyriloon. There we& many handsome presents which. testi- fled to the esteem in which the bride is held by her numerous friends. Mr.and Mrs. Eckhart of Altano have been visiting friends in this vicinity.• . . Mrs, H. Ker and Mre. Cfarter arid Mise E. Carter; of Clinton were the guests of Mr. and Mrd, 13avidson on Friday Week, •• Sorry to hear of the serious illness of Miss Charlotte Johnstone, but we hope she will won be arOund again, Mrs. J. Woods of St Helens, who has been' aisiting friends in this vicinity for a short time, returned home on Tuesday of last week, Mrs. James Reid, who Was visiting friends at Luckncw,' returned home a few days ago, Mr, Sohn Davidson wasin Clinton on Monday last on business. Miss Minnie Webster. is 'visiting Mende at Lucknow at present; Mr. Wee. McKitiny of Yale, Mich., is visiting friends in this neighborhood. • HILLSOREBN. . — Our Public school reopened on Men. day. Communion services were dispensed with on Sunday in the Presbyterian church. Mr, John Logan, whO left here a couple of years ago, returned last week to visit friends. Miss Isabelle Foreat returned to Toronto Monday. Miss Forest is teach- er in one of the Public echoer's there, Mr. S. Parsons has invented a horse' less carriage. James says he can Make twelve miles an hour in deep snovr, mud ,or rain, He gaya an exhibition one morning last week with it and his neighbors say it is -up to the mark. Mr, Ortwein of Ileneall conducted services in the •Altithodist church lost Sunday evening. Mr. Barns of Detroit, Mieh. is Visits ing With his tines, Mr. Thoi,Vareuhar. . HOLMESVILLE. Mr, Will. Courtice has been hired as principal of de Nile school.. We wish him MIMS& Mr. j. L. Courtice and wife of Gila. ton are visiting Mende in the village, Mr, and Mrs, John Pickard of Bay Mills hayti been visiting ftiende in the village. We understand Mr. john Mulholland has obtained a situation in the Clinton foundry and gee' to work thia week. . Blittkifell entertained a nun ber of her Mende on Tuesday, Mies Allie Gnarl of Bayfleld visited at Mr. litcOsitney's last week. ' Mies Tessie Crooks left on Monday to attend the Goderich Collegiate Insti. tute. She will make her home at Mr, George Acheson's, School Commenced on Monday with Mr. Fred Fain returned home from the new teacher, Mr, Latins Yeo,. in Langton North Dakota, after an ah. °halt"' sence of 'Ave yenrs. - Mitt, and Mr*. Iluseor i etarned on right on Saturday last, I.` - - ------ — (.lourt vititing friende end attending the Eridex from Windeor where they had. The following are the members of their Mr. John Thompson of Teitity Medi- M The. jarroti returned to Mout- brainy : Aire. rt. fevine of Alma; Mre. cal 11°Ilege" T°1"t°' Sperit NeW Y6'11 golden wedding of the perente of the 1.1., SWiriban an ose o 'Toledo& k d f m with Mr. 13, R. Itiggins. Mr. no. Mogan has resuirted studies latter at which happy event there WAS man, ; mro., Thos, stephenon will, Baird of Hamilton Norrnm atTrinity Medieal Oollege,Totonto. faintly re -union. Sourie, Man. ; Mrs, Ed. Emit, Mullett, College ie !Mending the holidairs ab Ide Mr- and Mre'• Wm, tocuiliataMelare, Mre.-3artes MeOliteherty,Clihton ; Mrs. home In StnnieY. Melvin and Henry: Hudson and Mrs. . George Clark. of Detroit ; 0heriee of The annual eotigregotionol meeting Wrn- Grandy' returned ttl their reePec! Mre.'J. M. likilardy Wag a guest at Pine city, Minn. ; Robert of Ohlocg0.1 ot the Petsbyterifin eluireh WAS held in tiV6 liOnli38 111 Middgen on Seturde,' the horae of her brother Mr. George William Toronto and iileorge Algoma, the church on Wedneiday last, 11* LONDESBORO. The officers of the S. 0..E. lodge are as follows for the current; term : • Pas President,George Thompson President, James Snell Vice, James Shobbrook Chaplain, W. Snell ' Fin. -Secretary, S. T. Lee Rec..Secretary, 3. Woodman Treasurer, T. Sampson Guides, 3. Cumnsings, It, T. Smith, T. Lee, C. Merry, B.Segus, S,Gib. binit reside Guard, T. Sampson Outside.Guard, N. Jackson Trustees, J. Snell, E. Crawford, G. Thomption Auditors,.3. Shobbrook, G. ThoMp- son. The installation of the new set of officers took place on Friday night bait. The ceremony was performed early so that the inerabers might ad - Jour& to Temperance hall where a tasty. supper had been prepared by their wives and daughters. After the many good things had been done jun. tice to a pleasing program Wag given in their own hall, Mr. &IMO Os the chair, The following took pert 1 songs, Miss Zadie McRae of Clinton. Mr. Proctor of Oonstanee; Mr, lames Wallace, and by the Lorideboro Glee Club consisting of n. Segue, .0. Merry, Brown, A. Braithwaite, W, Cratv. ford, W. Etling and it. Gibbia, reeitta tion by Miss Bell, short epeeehes by Itev..0oupiand,Mettrs, Snell, Warring. too, Shobbrook and 0, Crawford, Mist Staples played the ReeOrarlalilitieritt during the evening:, Mr. 1. Lawrence fraVe several teleetions on hit 0140 las , Mackenzie of Winghaturlast week. p one, We.congratulate our fellow townes man, Mr hones Sturgeon, On receiv-. ing the eontract for furnishing the stone for •the new breakwater. The contract amounts to $1,500 and we feel satisfiedthe'labor employed by Mr. Sturgeon'will be supplied by Bayfield.. On a recent evening two young sports, one froth town and the • other trona Goderich township, indulged in a llsticnif duel to settle an old score, County Constable Dan.McLeod appear- • ed on the scene -.followed by Town Constable Perguidoo and with the as- sistance of W. Elliott the unfortunate. Goderich township boy was 'lodged in the cells while the other aembatant made good his edcape. In the morning both were brought before Reeve Bien - bury vsho 'fined them one dollar each and the costs, We overheard the supporters �f the two pugilists betting as to which was the better man, but if it required three man to arrest the Goderich township boy it would be a blue lookout for the • unfortutiate who happened to fall into his hands. One of the . biggest trusts in the .° world has just been discoVered. It is forined by the united action Of ceutiss try editors. • They trust everyboilysget . cussed. for trusting and sometimes trust until they " bust."—Ward Courts. . ty (North Dakota) Reporter. Miss Whittaker was the guest of Mrs. Hewson New Years. Mr Hewson was in London IDA week. • Mr. Brandon is repairing his houie. Mr. D. Harrison is doing the work. Miss Clolwell was a guest of Miss X." Galbraith last week. The view of an Ansulean coneetning the coming coronation of . Ring Ed- ward is expressed in this way " all the diamonds and, gems talked of are to be .used on that occasion the gazing public will have to. use smoked glass." ' .A. pleasant party met at the home of Miss 131. Cameron one evening last week. The party Consisted of her S. S. class of Trinity church who made a presentation to Miss Cameron, recog- nizing her faithfainese in. her vierk sr teacher. A happy evening was spent, Miss Oaraeron has always taken an active part in S. S. work and the pros- • entation speaks well as to the good will between teacher and pupils. . LONDHSBGRO . • I.•••••••••• The following are the officers ot the 0, 0. F. for the ensuing term " Chief Ranger, W. Lee Vice, G. Bradford Fin=Secretary, J. Bramsdon Rec.-Secretary, 3, O. Adanss Treasurer, M. Mains.. Chaplain, 3, Collibon Sr. Woodwpd, E. 13011 Jr. Woodward, A. Watson Sr. Beadle, A. Cornell Jr. Beadle, It. Webb Conductor, H. Segtha Court Deputy, S. Brunsdon The following comptise the officers of the Loridesisoro Orange lodge for the ensuing terra: Masters I. Barr Deputy, .1*. Morris Ein..Secretary, S. Lee Rec.-Secretary, F. Richards Treasurer, M. Maine Chaplain,' C. Crawford • D. of O., M. Bruce Lecturere, J. Riley, W. Wallace. Mreadotturney, of Manitoba, accora. ponied - by her two Children, Who hal beets visiting her siefers,Metadamee Els* ley and Talublyti, left for Leatningto* on Wednesday. Mr. Iohn Grainger le hi Guelph tak, Ing i couree of lectures at the Agrical. total College; Mre. Piddlecornbe and Mime Potter of , Clinton ware guesta last week of Mr. aud Mti. Jettiel 211016Y.