HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-02, Page 9ete.*****************************************1
Intereeting Gossip .A.leont porno
momoTENT REoPzE• le........*****************0 Awkwardly ke teesk hie wires trai)
hand in both his own. 11).4n kissing
lier abruptly
father ha en a. x aimed I PREVENTS ACCIDENTS. a
, lie left the room.
Noted Rollie. HER NEW DRESS. "Why, childrexi* see What your TZEIll
s. o 1" e el
AMOeg the pets of the Sultan of
sulucort olietimarr.
41 I I • 1:1 41 0 4. *: el/ 04 14:4 970 11 I 41/4:4
WONDERPUL SAC•AQITY •Seet4311 1/ranieterie 121e4ter the '
1"097x• of uia Parish.
Morocco are seVett lions. 'These he
" •
Urs, Eereond, holding a cbeck be- PAM..
"F t r tO Re inning of a New Breed --A "The coogregation will noo be le
d I t .**
Books Boiled Down
Pernate to range the courtyarele of i#,O#44#-#44-4•444-444****Itili11 fore them: Ile Put U
the palace at night, to act as guards h ,* g Carrier'S 1"Iciree as seated and gee their un Lei ec at en- .
. ••
Pomp' In the Island ot Ceylon. JO II, saki Mrs. Eszleontl, ore ehe u*"Pheatiard, jutUletaitUU‘vie..'llher," murmured Blondin. tion to the followiref Intimatioxes • • • • * . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Seellee and inCidente at the
to the Royal harem. Seine o' them are outlet as import-
paeseel her husband his second cup of Mary, tenderly. flei most people it would scene to ant as t10.3 Sernxon," said the Ilev. White iloWere etre the most odori-
gr4444,11-#4!VreiV4int#1614i141#4.4-414q4419-###.4474-#444#10 King Oscar of Sweden, the most, ewe°,
_ . e gifted, perhaps, of Royal musicians, “,j, need the dress Willer* and ! "Dear old dad," cried TOM* as he be impossible that the horse, bef nee Taxamas MacPherson, as lie Milelled fereele.
There are 4,785 Beer Prisonere cone igleally • au organ, Wilder in Johan has a magnificent musical literary at • h, t it " -
I dofet see how 1 Can go; afOng Used to do when a boy.
wit OU . I "Cornet Tom, Mother needs some a temperate country, could thrift° in "addressin' the throne of grace."
,fined on the Island -of Ceylon by the oesbu•rg• lie now 1 In " P " hm Stockholm Palace, in whiell be tare a deuizeu of a warm or at least
arias • re ein tv • Ile wet -4 in his eightieth yeter, and er7400,000 people M Loudon liVe by
Britieh authorities, told Of these 4,- but, o'bith hos been assigned to the takes especial pride, as it Is ulainlY "But, Martha, money's so awfielly one to brush away her Joy tears. II 1 t te amid the rigors of a h d r t 1'v Bibles in beating -.„--- .
500 are in the camp OA DiYata.lawa, Prisoners who are Industriously in- of hie own collecting. . tight now I don't like tie spare any. We'll send father to her," and the 4calVlad(lasnaciiiniate. That this is pos
- a via a ou I e AL is Illegal ta practice hypnotism
till I pa•y •oll the Men. If there's any children quietly left the Mina I sible ie shown. by a recent incident. the dust out of the pulpit ease at
so I coosidered zelYeelf fortunate clinect, and .witle him there I se\
v tt Auchterbirnie kirk during lifty-leve in. BQlgiulue
la.M- Mr. Ruclyard Kipling, during his left I.-I-gu • • v u can have ten del -
04:7 . 0 I A brace Of nageSe hunters, Who years. Ilis parishioners wOrehipped There are 4,e00 muselee in the body
wben I received peneission from 'Sir ellen. who (constructed a lathe for residerece in India., was for long re- 1 I
d era or so. if that'll do you 1" were camping out in the woods a, few the ground on which he wallteci, anti of a moth.
Merited ae one of the best • amateur ; knew that's just bow t'would ALWAYS LOTS OP FISH.
though he wits practically pellniless- One -fifteenth of the lahabitauts of
West Ridgeway, the governor, tn, sell, and who n9w turns out
After 7 ea, Pontiac county, thou
nighte ago in the extrente nath of
for he gave most of his income to Spaiu are nobles,
visit that camp, writelget-S. Meera of souvenir napeise rings, w
Melt are actors in that country. . He ofteu be," said Airs. Esmond bitterly to ght they. saw a
The rules regarding visitor& are ue. had seen these two oleo aoireg so in Lahore," being particularly effee-
cessaiely stringent, and fl anew that =Itch With BO little material 1 de- tive in comedy parts, end, the unbidden tears rolled clown
her cheelts and Sell on the toilaworn near bet. Sone° scienWIC and Intinful Minister lacked for nothing. Their a tax on seeecoal,
St. raul's cathedral Was built, from
In Great Britain Prof. William O. stalltizeg woe done and just as rillee old Minister read the announcer/emits.
cally IneYleaustible.
eon, formerly a Chicago ',reporter. sent to Coloodeo to De sold, tQok Part in theatrical performanees herself. "It's been So fOr years," The Supply an e Sea is .
• wiate moose . feedisg in the scrub the poor -they saW to it that the •
it would not be possible for nee toe iCided thet the 13oers ao not leek en- -.
hose Knudsen, of Copenhagen, is hands. "1 ,must have the dress, There aro about ninety' deaths in
f -Q1* McIntosh the leading British. marine were being levelled at the game it •aad then said ;
talk with the mai withbut a permit !OrgY (Ma illOemlitY• the lady who taught Iler MaleStY, Tom's coming home Christine% and biologist, hoe strongly supported the saved Its life, and startled the hunt -1 "I hear that Widely Tamson is in ShakesPeore's Pine's. .
from scene perscn M authority. But I Share. are verious arrangement? ae then
the demure little Prixicess Alex- . he inust see las mother dressed up a
, view that the . resources of the sea- ere by giving' utterance to a decided. destitute circumstances. This maim% feeterly all the ro,yal personages ef
with his excellency's permission the DiYatalawa. for the entertaueMent of, ,andra, how to talk the languag,e of bit. Ie's been five years since +10 are practically inexhmestible ; and ly equine neighing• be. Nene o" God's beritage mom Europe are cousins.
way was clear. I traveled out "
ee • the pristmers. One of the larges the people over wimacce she wae des-. went to Australia." iu Norwaer Dr. Riot and Dr. Dahl' It was then joined by a second suffer en the midst o' the gelid folk; A full-grown elephant can carry.
Diya.talawa and found it to be situ- structures . .
is lenewn as the recrea- tined to rule. Miss Knudsen is to be ' "Wei= are queer cream's," se- aro otout apostles of. the more hope- dark -colored horse from the shadow oh Auehterhirniei Think o' this on three tone on its back.
ated in an isolated neighborhood, ition tint, and it is teems e o 0
'men at 0.11 tones cif the clay mid eve-
Ibl t th seen In England next year at the illoquized John Eeneolid, as he lifted fel prospect as regarde our sea -food of the woods and this one also pro- the way to yer 'moles. We have it a .
%thoroughbred do e are less intelli-
far away from any towu, and con- . , epronation of her foriner pupa, in ate. leis hoe to his ehoulder, fend etarted supply. .Ur. Iijort s discovery•showe coded to browse "upoo the twigs, end M the Holy. Writ, that nivvet Mlle, g
' i• x ' I t bl that •
nected with the railway station and
civilization only by ten aerial rope -
way, which is used to transport fue/
and provisions to the persons within
the barriers.
The camp is inclosed by a wire en-
tanglement which is ingeniously con-
structed to prevept the escape of
any prisoner. There are two fenees
of wire petting about ten feet high,
and constructed ten feet apart,. and
between them is a. xnass of barbed
wire, stretched in a way to make it
impossible for any perpori to clirnb
across. Running along this barrier,
within the camp, is an insulated
wire, which, when stepped upon,
rings an alarm in the guard hut.
Hence it would not be possible for a
prisoner to approach the entang•le-
are well stocked. with books and mag- - . . that there . are many •million times braudlees. A.s soon as the Men show- that 'be that givetle to the pule te 4 an luenetele. .
coed. ance with a quite informal iron- for the noteto field. ' ihey re so un-
azines, which eimble the prisoners to tation given to leer in person by reesonoble, and if they want a thing more young fish in the She. than mien ed themselves, the pair dashed bac& lendeth to the Lord,' There is a Isendtin tequilas 600,000 cows eu
pass elle three agreeably. • At one end tiblres n°- had any idea of and the theory that into the woods and disappeared. lileseecl privilege, • Think o' ene far- supply it WI Lb, dairy produce.
beeen Alexandiee when 'she was last they want it awful -an'
Denreark and paid en. visit to her thing but they must breve it. Maybe the young brood curried Out to sea . Thp next dasr they narrated their niers o' Auchterbirnie being lenders, The sea . feieee 000,000 timesnee
of the large room is a eubstanticel in
old governess. !I had ought toepore enough for the perished is proved to be a fable, lie experience to a band of shantY men and haein' the Lord for a customer 1 much light as the full meon.
stage, which is used for c:oncerts and
Genealogy presents. some cUrious dress, seeing her heart's so set on it; made the Jurther remarkable die- and found that three or four of them Aad Mee need to foreclose to get er -, ,
ore People en.ve dice from colds
theatrical entertainments. There is
problems in the cage of Mme. Patti. ,but ..1 Menne,' I'll see." " co.very that away out in the open had &BO seen the pair of horses run-. liack payment, for it'll be returned - - • - -
than were ever killed. in battle. .
a drop scene, painted by one of the
captives, • depicting ' the battle of She was born in Madrid, lier father I Meantime the, tired housewife went sone where it wee several theusand ning wild in the woods. At times twenty, thirty, fifty and a hundred
There is one Utica person to Maly
area her mother abeift her tvbi•k with a" bureau ,not of meters in depth, he found fish us the pair were
Io' wbeat and corn, and tattles, as I
accompanied •by n. big, 'fold. Nilo ye can a raise lino craps
Megersfonteia from the Boer Point of Was a native of Catania In SiellY, , hundred.conouonere in Russia.
view. Boxing practice ia geing on her shoulders; but a heavier
one on her heart. it. were in layers or ocean strata. red Mare end a young foal.
can weel teletify; for the Lord has Out of every' three. persons struck
for church services. - ried two..French husbands before she . ' •• • -
a native of Rome. pricy on
married • ' she thought, but I 11 others were in still lower depths ago. The two horses are supposed. ye hae been unco generous to me.
within the het at all times of the She was 'brought up by an American - ee , i . ' _ Some require a line as long a$ the I The mare was recognized as one
day, and on Sundays it is often. used stepfather in the United States, mare • . -;
i et wa.sn t .so W len we wep nrst
e Monument to reach down to them, abandened in the woods two years moved yer bowels ce conmassion, and by lightning two recover. " .
!Seventeen per Cent; of all the doe -
LIKE TO PLAY QUOITS. Is 1 d e nave the dress somehow ; I roust
ott e dowo ire. Vales, and is uow have it for Toin's sake.'" . which would submerge St. Path's und to be the teeth of a lumberman Who Them see if ye canna rale° guld craps tors in Britain live in London.
the wife, of a Swedish nobleman. To Alpe Monument on top, and • with was drowned. " I o' britherlY compassion, and bring
Quito Arty per cent..of the property
prevent any diflicultY in consequence I That afternoon she visited the enray
One of the favorite out-of-door pas- thousand feet of water below 1 These animate lime managed to the frist fruits o' the harvest to
of this complex stet of affairs in cif England is insured.
London spends over one million .,
times at the camp is quoits, and the hotel on the bill and for weeks after, them. There, in these still end dark subsist upon the beaver meadows in'eneir Widdy 'remain,
clang of the rings is heard almost • • - o . : her work eeemed never eope. and hitherto supposed barren region's. easterner, and by browsing on tWigs I "Sanders Grant '11 send her a load
connection with her property she has! .. * ,
continually, as many as thirty gam- • Peals to me you 'er always• to of the sea, he caught, great coa and in winter for several years. Who of firewood. Fine dee I ken that • I Pounds annually on funerals. • •
just taken met. lette s f nateraliz '-, I.,a ''
ee of cuoits have' been known to bo •
ion es a re esti subjec .
meet without being discovered, It in pregross at the same time. Bowe- I No Nilillist. will ever. get a chance I
;one night. -quantities. Net of least sigiaficance here tor the raising of a drove of Arie kenlin he•IceePs. too, as I weel
is not surprising, considerina this' irig iv also popular. "Have 1 ever been idle ?" replied is." the • finding of cod in the deep hardy though perhaps stuneed wild ken ; tor I'm burping some o't, mye
, at the Czar•of Russia with a razor, -Martha, quietly. self, thanks to Sanders' kindness. '
have escaped from Diyatalewa, b certain of the un er element irk . povery we have the key to solve the Welsh mountains or in the cold and Sanders, sitting in his pew, the chb-
a •e ouid on the
at least in the guise of a barber, The I "No ; but you never used•to work . places of the sea, as in this dis- horses such as x f I
elaborate arrangement, that no Flom% MI. sorts of athletics are carried on
The huts of the pris.oners are elide- matches -when they occur.. One of It was formerly supposed tha,t the 1 The wonderful se.gacity of horses hacl given Widdy Tamson the earth,
this is treated as a, responst le an "the way, Itlattha, 1 paid. the men to-
cled by six buildings, where are -eta- imperte.nt function, and of the -four day, and it tie:natal the spare caph I killhme of a cod in roe.meant tne de- often avails to prevent accidents in and the . fullness- thereof, had he
the prisciners, named Jim Holloway, Graied Masters of the Gant, as they had. Sorry, but I guess you'll have
was °neap, well-known boxer; and se-. are called, one always. attends the tp wait foe the dress till I sell .the ' striliction el more than
tioned the British Guards. 'There are 2,000,000 po- those northern wilds . in .the early oWned. it, at that Moment. •
also elle° huts for native watchere, tential . codfish: -Now, *ad De. Dahl winter. For instance, the • writer I. "And -Peter 11001M-11 send her a
yeral young fellows, k‘uown as "Jim. Czar when his Majesty ii• Under the wood."' • * . ' .
-who are constantly on the lookout ly looks like improvinn once started to drive. dam 13ark pickle -o' tea. 011, but it '11 be sair
Holloway's pets," have become under barber's care. Not that any doubt • is . "You might give me a, Check," said s
saYe it Mere
for Boers straying near the gates. .his direction vehy prcificient in the felt as to the fidelity of the tonsorial Mrs, Esmond, evasively. • the:life-chances of the progeny of Lake on new. ice et nightfall, After missed oot o' Peter's ' abundant
The prisoners thehiselves are =era- manly art. • • lanother cod, Formerly it wee con- ten hours' travel the horse, a. very store. Petezeie behouden to the Lord
modated in large wooden buildings, ee • 1 t bl • ne
.. artist. • The' family of the Guelabov- Hee husbahd looked horrified;
, sidered that .the fish pro•duction of speedy Note -tan thoroughbred, came for miry thinge, and is a living ex -
ark lately,' said John_ curiously, haddock and eottl-iish, sometimes in knotve •but that there is a nucleus see't in Senders' generous Wm ind The largest saviegs bank in the
Unitea "Kingdom is in Glasgow.
--Over a thousand parcele are lost
every day on 3.3ritisli railways, .
There are 600,000 people ernOloyed
in Italy in rearing allkworms.
To crush a half-inch cube of granite
require° a weight of eleven tons.
In Pelo.nd it. is a, penal offence to
?peak Polish in any public resort,.
There -arc forty-eight different
kinds of hotise-Ily known and. classi-
fied. •
Nearly a thoosend different sewing
an acrat bas hes bear care. u y so etecIdy before, as I know or, and 'Mystery as to where the cod abides barren Shetland 'end Orkney Islands served of all observers, was :corn -
the canto, arid there is always great trinerreed, but with scissile's'. • }Wert you're getting real peaked. *And ,by
Int rest ' the 'boxin e and runein • • Wben he draws from the coast. to the north of Seotland. • • pletely won over, and would gladly
where they both eat an .p.
d slee \111,n • ski have been barbers to the lmper- That would never do, Martha;
the prisoners at Diyatalawie. I was the sea was a' fixed qu-antity, which to a dead stop, and . refused to go ample .o the nectar -Minn' truth o'
the camp was first estalelished about privileged to shake ha.nds with a son ial house of Ramona from the time •We must save something for a rainY WPM' being continually 'decreased by forteard. " . the Hely Writ, 'The ban' o' tho dil- cottons are mioaufectured in Great
of Presidene Kruger, a brother of • • delYi". • rnan's 'inroads. on it. Now it would The beast had by her past actions igent inaketh rich.' Peter's 4 hard- Britain... ,
y e e of Cear .
President Steyn and with three Boer The story of ,haw Harry Coatee, "Your bank account ie not.' small,. appear to be an. orgauism on which inspiree:such confidence, in her Intel- workin' chiel, as we 'can a" testify." Waistling . for half cm hour after •
but for sanitary reasons this num-
ber has been slightly reduced. • 1 he the singing navvy who has been de- John, axed. we'll never live to spend the attacks of mane can make to real ligeoce that her dri•ver, ot daring. 'Peter, too, Immediately fell into
geuerals; Young Mr. Kruger resem- •t ". meals is the best •bl '1 • d'
Sit w r ussi lied to each house
bles his "father in facial expression lighting London "audiences at • the. i ,b . impression. It seems probable, • in-. to attempt a turn in- the pitchy line. gestion. • posse e tot to 1••
music -halls, eama to leave -his pick Q•PP deed, :that in every second, every darkness for fear of losing his bear- "Jimmy Great was tellin' me the
d tell what '11. h en.
and is "a• man -Of the' 'characteristic -•
for the stage, gives an interestiog 11-111artha, so 't .aipt best •to be too minute, and everY. day, more fish •is 'Ines, 'covered . her with the sleigh ither elay," continued -the Reverend In the United States only One rear -
"topper type He held the rank of a•
. .. •
. • histration of the keen eye managers extrava.gant. Seems to me your .peoduced in the sea than all human- robes. anti .stamped about '011 the ice Tamales. "that he was millinaseime derer in fifty te condenmed to depth,
beds are fairly comfortable, and dur-
ing my visit I heard no complaints
of the food with which the priponers
are served. It es indeed better than
intent Steen'.s brother was a eom_ have for something new, • Coates was dre,sees. are good nough-and rainy ity combined (meld devour in the near her all through the longest fine meal the noo: l' quite believe
e .
that enjoyed by the British Guard; I
for the prisoners' retions include -but- I singing. .gaily et his work oneldity days aro ' sure to coine :to .us alit same tima-Nineteenth Century. night in his experience, •• " • . it. • He •is the only Miller in Auch-
•mandant, -and is..a man- abetit 60 When morniing came" it revealed an terbienie, and there's no. miller from
ter and jam, two unknown -luxuries I s . • - - where the manager of the Brighton sooner . oe later.".. .. • . • • . •• • I
to Tommy Atkins. e he Boers are, Empire passed by, and so sweet was . ':It seems to me all mn" days . are ! • ,.. •,,•• -1. • itilincia frozen Ma.» arid -horse epee lifaidenkirk to John o' Groat'S nen
-., .
ears elm
I y The- Offle. ' 11 ci t cl
in sPecial huts and are treated with "tee I ERIN'S" GREEN ISLE
found the climate of Ceylon trying at • - . .d el • f an •tingagemente : "Hera" she Said, 4nie more, Vigerously 'times ever. • FRO__ .
ers are a accommo o e •
generally in good health though they !, h man!s voeee. that he ofeered-bim .,.reillY," and Mrs. Es.mond began to . the ice e•ncl open' Water just thirty compare wi' lain. -Better send . .a
great respea by the rank an • e o - •• - . • ' feet in front of them,. At the mare's pickle 'to the. widdy, Jimmy, . ' and
. . , - .
first, and the camp is large enough "do yeti want to 'earn £13 a tveelt?".1 "Whef, tehat do .you meap, Martha; .. • • ---- . , Ifeet .was a man'e tuque, Or cap and a keep up. yer account, WI' 'the xnas-
the prisoners. • Geoeral. Roui, .other-
wise Icnoten, In Soeta 'Africa, as "the , wHAT ' es „GeetING • ON iN THE man's body was 'froeen int& .the -Ice, ter." . Jimmy registered a - full hock
to allow. them plenty of MOM lar ex- The navvy . promptly "elosed, and fel- you . ain't cOmPlaining, are, you: .?"
ercisc and athletic sports. .
• hap ned onl ,six • "No • John wh should ?"
• Sour or•five yards away, ^ jof best oatmeal in his own mind:
fighting parson," concerns himself' thOughli ' this Pe y I .,31 ,1 I LAND OF Tag SHAMROCK,
Having never visited South Africa
A certain sect in ftessia considers
hair sMful and Intidnesa a. sign of
sanctity. .
Over a million articles..are pledged.
with the paienbrokers of Leaden ev-
ery. week. . •
it. Marc:pie of Salisbury never:
wears gloves if he can possibly /weld
1 Experiment showed that slx feet i "Beaton cott ell send the wieldy u°Ing- s°• . .
mont s . ego, his weekly salary has art ia, ain t feelin' • •well, i I . • . .
eatly with the.religieus life of the
as • • • di as Mrs. Esmond left the room "She the night's frost. only three inches barn lea • uesday. 'I •needne, ase. of the globe who' don't 'know what '
ces in the recreation hut and scime- g a Scone PersoxiaI and Rosiness Notes '
appointed to find them so rough and The following Xrmb." Oleic, Had another step been taken Eeaton, for ken fu' well he wouldna. soaP iS. •
ten s 1 tl Q. e air • • Re Mr. tale is .recallecl of 'ain't been Metal' just right for a That Will Interest ,
ost ua DuletchUcluer ern' an frcl*Pre- Captain Lindsay of the Scottish long spell. But I guess 't will pass , " .Canaceians. . , there; would probably have' been elle be .be backward in daeng a kind act A, ehipyard at Onnuato, J demo
uncouth in appearance, but pf course ..,•;* en'a -
they have little inducement to keep e , ' • I g• ch• , nd tl
la Horse, who, was killed at traken- off .,110W that the heft of ;the fall's eyaterrord, with three* times Dub.: More added to the 'unwritten fatahtboirrinie. deservin'.. .wicldy, 'in Aucleter- uhetoiollyaelaiosppargaoti.on, was este,. Wished 1,-•
talk with, and had surprisingly- few teadance math° remilar eervices. . t•that the yohng officer, who was tes and picking up the weeklk paper,
gcne, lin'a licenses, has three timee its ies 0 1 pine ' . ',
drunkenness. • i
' • read in the ante -railway days, once man, by the looks o' him, can hard- cigars sold in Londou are neit made
themselves tidy at Diyatalawa. Tbe,y '. • . • • laagte It was at Magersfontein work. s over, and the men
were for the most part pleasant, to I The mall carrier on" the' Gatineau! "And oor. guid freend, Wull Crap- .
about thirtY-three per ce:tit. of the
majorrty of the captives are to at- •••
'brave as a lion, was walking up and wife and trouble Were :soon forgot- . . .
I L h 4 b s d it Ireland
aiready .beero increased to a much guese," said'her husband to hhnself, • • before the sleigh the .• Nees after .sorien oh the fine tatties. saw in his There are 180,000;000. on• the tape* •
camp, .and. there are "frequent Beryl -
I hardly li.new what to expect of the gr • •
complaints to make of their treat-
ment at the hanid-s of the British.
One old gentleman was frank enough.
to 'admit tbat they had.been handled
with greater consideration time any his own, and I was aimless.° hi t anyone,. when --.he was •hienself • • . • • p •
ALL HAVE 13113LES. 1 • ; . aws av eeo pas e .
much ihterested In Christian Work. saideeauehingly; “You "mustn't Mind end the dainty. neW di•ess, earnad bY 'ported erom, that country any
. . night in the late autunm to the AYle IN:kits t; e Loid le. s put th .e 'seitt.Yel i marry only live times. e. • .
111 Russia yoo mast •Iniarey befo.re
. I The Couoty, Meath m perhaps e . little store with, his eliage, where . he
was greeted with •the. atrriaSt araneea" the eterth in the .parisli kirk o' Auch-I The atnioSpheee, .. ii' coinpreesed, ..
13ritish prisonor receives in the Trans- the evidence of the earnestness of lat bY e bullet and seriously. tvotoid- I . "I'll not. tell him," thought krs. ' Wealthiest 'in 'related. There •is lit -
veal. , these fighting men. 'There is no ed. " As ffia, bearers 'came up to take Eelnerld. "He' V9on't like it. beatuse tle or no real poverty there.. , . 1
intent .by • the crOwd" aeseend " tlie• terbirbie. The Lord has promised :0 iwoult1 make, ii sea, thirtyeave.. :feet . '
.. General (Meier le another Officer
down encouraging the men -he "WAS ten. ' had a, notable 'experience with a. ly keep his seat, sae anxious is he to
to ea the wiad ,e Of tobaeco leal.
theri in the Seafor I II 411 di ti It, wit. th f t 1- f Ot b
t is. • e cis s e irs wee, o c o or so that no meyhounds can be exe horse. He roee up enc. very dark dad something
Nae fear . of the widdy's starvin'
/hese fellows; you know they never Arch:king for tbe hotel peoele, lay on 321°"." wita post office and stalked into. the eighty or net lit (1.13, and you nay •
Nearly every prisener has a Bible of 1
ien h ' • b
, • be.. a hnebered te the widdy, and Ho '• arotme the Melba •
"This Governor of 'Ceylon," he ad- doubt tut they Arrnly- believe' thot. him ofe.he was just. able to turn I've done this extra. work but I I Extensive renovaticens and .repairs stove. •
, . . . . • •
ded, "is a proper fine man, and he God is• on their side, and with this round to his mee and say, with a had. to have the drops, and Ws so. are being made on the ;Duke. Of ;De -a "Flow did yen 'get here?" they wants, oll ye to be brithere-inelaw, I
, The Bank ot.France qui compel its
ht n • .. .-•
• t " d l• hd h ' Irish seat, Lisraore *Case asked. "Ho*: did you "cross the big and 1 xn glad ye respond so reoblY. •custeniers , to receive of
• he had been down at the Cape in Mil- as long as life ,lasts. that proves the rule."
smile.-- Well, that s the exception Prot ee
smpothed the shining folda “Had tle. ' • • ' ',tans, and yer hearts are fts big as
• knows how to deal with people. knowledge they. aro likely to fig wi eying
s e yen. s
in given it to me, how mueh
' I I 1 ' • 1 Hamilton creek ?"' 1 ye're a gallant looltin' lot o' Chris-
er's place the trouble might have, My short visit to Diyetalawa I
; "Dick" •Seddon, as the Prime Alin- • ? ,.How do
tyer bodiea The Lord' '11 reward yer ilnione drawn. in fgOld..
Forty-six . per ceot. of the poet-
"I sui pose you are in no hurry to *3. . (Mee manager of .a canteen . at a ca • • • age. To-dey .there are 218 itenten- , , • • I • 1 tne netorra variety,
tohlde OINS"NaVNI:SEherdosos Yit6t?I''Inettu
ister of New Zealand is ithown, was popu a on
Neteirltesi twoefoirropuenrd cedniet. 9tof
;cards eold in Gerniany lase yew, were
een settled long ago." • taught me rnox•e concerning the Boees more s iould enjoy it," -she.
fl an bad learned from the reading thought. , . , . t "Why men " cried the crowd:. "the wee o ova oo e s praise tele .
' 1 X 1 t'
M 'bridge weet out jest at sundown. name for raisin up in Auchterbirnie I Q I •
b k d tor PEI to
, g a. arets coming home ariariseieieg.,
obtain your liberty?" I asked. of . xnany oo 4, an re 1 — miners' citing. 01,:the turningepoint iinet , ea,. I'm so ;tired.' Seems as
who must have been nearly 70. emir the faith.' i The Derki.ng 1071.1,s the only living.
can nQ'Ver get rested. She'll Thine -la no croesing there." 1 h • f
' sae nony who
"No, indeed," replied the burgher, Colombo feeling that the end of the
ire his, life..an enecdote ie . told - Which . di ' •r-si•••;
•..e wr ie, still far off if there are Many •
poor old, .aiothee. ell geed ou and
fhtd : Akk Irish 'egg 1 mere . i i et au!, te incredulously ere was a mil all "throe/eh the I bird' which. in its adult cutidition pe a
" * Th .
y„,, , . lia$ ended his ift. by tit. 1 g z ,r .
teorlmiit , ‘liarged
I.1-iihis,s'trIv-eihft' tuild'ileg.A.;:%iie'lliad ''.111cIdcleei ..up -the read kirk, and then tile :Minister' S.': I:COCO , seee •e ' I • I. ' "
— , (... :t, fa set net t not ; : , • . ' . •
I A inidehipiesin. ie the United Stietes
hope De Wet will keep on fighting. m re at honie like these Men. ' the eort of hold which he lute .gote • .
',they- May be.fegarded its an illustreabin of with the niensileepgh
- epon tne people of Now Zealand. A Allow mornin s nine. ' • ..• rin i ha. usual 1/teener, .T. a settle ' the was .. eased in p reyer. . "
I'd rather remain a prisoner for the• are patieue, earnest, •hardeworkinge ' . •• e e aot much connote
rest of my life than, to see him stir- and their peculiarities. are more than
dispute Occurred betiveen the miners : g. later when Me. . • natter the men took their lanterne '
found his wife lying. on "the atria for suPPIYing Belfast . with water bridge • •
g- 4.--";:-. ' .1.IN n14' .1S Pis I ti ns highly- em .a lei/eta:a
o . wo is tic s. , e m ers o one Esmond came in to breakMst, he The first portion of g
. the bi eche= and walked down to the site of the I DESCRIBING THEIR • CHAR- rant in lite British, Neve; '
render, and"so would. most all of, Us. bffset by their many exeellent goalie
f t d• te* t • Th in f
Our only regret is that we're oot ties.' caniri, wished to eettle the Matter by r i •
down there to help
work." him in his. It is indeed fortunate thi4 they are •
so. . well endeestched by • Sie . West • , "Are yeu Seelig Martel ?" said he. *succeisful. . ,. • ,
-. sent their ' chesen :repeesentateveeto • • . ,
the ordeal of battle 'abet accoi•dirigiv•rom eunge.. • , • from. he Moulne oUntains lute Memel .,
• eway, leneririe ooly sonie
Sm•e enough the'bridge had aeen I,
An .1rosheat.'06113d1:•.e.nLi:non::iih:thoeyre..ig.nlotrei:s
alderable sunk of money in their pos:- create:lent of the Boer prisonere at
Chosen new iiithe • belief." !Vat. his' , , Lord Dueleath, eXtSaghle proe wide, ngteedire,,riebt• across tha I 50,» I - t te . ohe p .und
ant ,ti,"/ lao.to_dern ethoods ef: a. b.. !I Nt.ittictvil:za,es egirood tiO.belinpft;h:,1„coito c• cam i-
ateiereo. Limes. lower heve blue ae•es,
The prisoners vary in age from 15 Ridgetvay, for otherwise their captiv
the *other with a challenge te fightme 1.1Nadott2ttite, eam. ..I 'felt so dizzy . •Shipbuiedirig is being revived . on a the, crib work owl the Middle foga'
lie dowel."' think :feel ...large seia0 whech. many. or•steiriedrs tnion whieh ehe centre .of
education and wealth. Some of them This Eiriglieh governor will be given
Aiello ars d .teh:annized,..Ovee •the
better seen, but you'll: have to , dish years ago.'wns a; great centreeef..thiseetoi bridge , overawe • eisett, elm, grocer's, ....Ill!). occasionally foured tern* , to the .Griveeinieem lie Itticiele„.
to 75 years, and are of all degrees of, ity in. Ceylon Might be less bearahle.
the best man The charnpion of .the
cbargea like the, followileg
ap the breakfast:. ' 'You'll • find •the (mete. • • • • . • . „ were. ,..eliolit :eifebteee :inches .
&rived at Diyatalawa with a con- great credit, , in the• retina for hip , . ng:
miners in bothscemps, and was. only • t t • eh e. • ,
pe a, °es en bac, of ahe,:etoe-e.
t • NI
,said ae, "this "ere's: a •
session. This wate titian front them, Diyatalmea, iendswlio, Imowe bet his , • ,
11 t'''sikit -0 • Pertyrewner.i. Eatt Down ••is ebotit foot,milly and Were Swaying with the •
!.. sn et.iere„ anythite .• ea do,
. .
for no prisoner is nllowed io have buinano .• .policy May some to . . ,
Can't 1 get you rttle"
hasten . ea ees ou c epee, e ie enemy., ara,tha
Their eyes are alt.. nys dark brown,
• . • • putty business 1 1 1 1 l'k
s ionic e .".te . •
Thisaaeee it seemea elkelye,te have, totukt? ane tea• of• eoine thet ' ?" to estatelsb Oa hotel In liallywater 'current on their encee tam founder „ , . .
• . , !know wliat you , :have dene.: with • so 3 ?‘.1`111b 5*C. "*"''' '131"1-1c.
who were penniless upon arrivel are • the: ,Gothenbtieg system. • . tient. ..•
these loge laid mole • erid h f "t1 . Wit • ?" • • Ale0110 1' OS Vaal. Iota leafier eat ueen:
Junta Dick Seddon offered to eight the , eze •, e " , ' .114;
reakfrist.le •
“1,311:o•-• ditto 1", replica
: • , I. Mks • Cerriegie .efrered to . give unfit] toriegly • traversed that narrow
ebizene eherged • with tbingd he bad ' _
'had a pound.,:t(ilifteajottiod !found 48.9, 'nnturni: proeuct..
And on
of course supplied with clothes by.. • • !bully in his coneraclesae, austee, 1'' I t ' "'• °
lbm, grew :stead 1 The real strength:of the Duke of*
to•ancl, Were the ' marks of the mktillj.
y.. , "ncver ;It was always Xeroxed, by art, ,
, olin,: don t ailed about
the British, and tney are permitted: .y.ii-COLVATED ON NOSE, lie, did; and' 1,
111i ott heoat Yeclt%I. Counauglitas. poptilarity best •be
nian'e eoree's ShOeS. 'Over thirte'
a larger sum than $5 a week. Those. t en •
, up ier usband In. Ine ' eke !ugliest lima to which a man
feet ef ravine,. eeeter Et nfght or lin the houee izi all ray life 1
to earn money in any way they can 1 —
. tirade hint the'hero henceforth: of the ,iie wore° VI 1 h • Proved by the fact that the servants
• whole camp. :• ; a sine sea. or a neighbor anti the ; •
i• • t. • • ' la his household simply adore lama
•Egvntiert-darkneas, the' lkorse Ind •* health: being,
So back Went the helmet old Squire, ;tea ascend withoO;
within the camp. Some asaist in Q,ueer Accident Whieli Retired a'. c • s
Toere e.rontanetc, and pretty lit- doCtor. '
ma.king repah.s and doing chores for , Physician.
in high dudgeon that he eliould. ONO pry serleesly a.,liedted'is 16,500 feet.
the British oflicet•s, and others have; . , tie st.ory alieet I.*ord •Kelyin's. setzmul 1,
rearrittee In. the early seyentleas.Sea chiCStoll:'61e1i3;eesileit vss•T'tnai;,:i,• said." ..the• Z.7,000 . to Limerick tor a free- libr- .patletvaV, • - •
lowed 11 . "!neeens received. • . ne most extensive cometerY.
Loneon (England), Medico' hes a. • • • e Y, 4 . o .• t. e., on. condition .that the ,eltY t So tiehesitetieg had. hie Inovereents. , ,• , se,i(•1, be,' sta-nd worldis that at Rome, in:which oCee
s tic t ou a anxioug ..hushand to.. 'the kitchen: dontribute $350. ce year for .its stiP- boon filet, the num ori. hie. beck NVLiS I
they sell small merchandise of ever • • ti r Uteri Sit Seilharre, ehnornenn, tette in 6,000,000 ' lituncen "beings have been
established unique stores, in Willett
• • hiniself on the, nose. 1.1e does not IVesteInditin awn.ters, en board. Ina t,see this 1 Wife e 1 ' '
NVill need the best of care," t
, (I. she le t h
claim sow' creditefer the innovation, schooner-yacet, the Leila..., " • ' • - 'all unconscious of het .claneve, end a . • interied. : . . . ,
. per .
heweVere Neither,: to, say the teuelo ITle. first , a ace. the. daufat or of alr, ,I. ft1"1:'Y le "e61:rling-tfi-11111:irr" 1" ' fal•
tared. Mr. Element!, ets he s f. l'il* e — 4:
,e-. -°1-11, tent:fall. been tiencentratecl on educe, Ited.beea eereled .atietv and eh/it-I:is 'ler ""e•
...Never in Ireland has so iinich "rit- enewere ibf the fact that the bridia ,IS3 •,11 e la 1 0 n to ouee ge
1 4 t , i 1 -
1 lialf-a-ton, of eawdust coneaine 160 ..
, '11 • ..
" . .an .0 i ' , .
escieption. ne en elm s ng
constructed an oven of mud and
started a bakery. He makes a kind
of Dutch cake which is liked .by the
prisoners, and, ,his trade hes grown
so lierge that. he now employs two
• '
180 pounds et ,
is the example likely to be Mrgely \Vetter Crumb, .of hornlie Bank, had heavily
. teen as _low, and whatever the. reeolt WeS. doing .teee elionenna aet, The merchant thereePon explained ;Pounds of charcoal,
in a eitritightebaek chaia, • • •
able society. • atid he had been absoebed in eleetrie mother tote aaeeec e• •
the' meaning Of the d -th items, e pounds of water, ,a31A.I•162 •
• owe
-There well net in the'erowd efonme went itorne satiehed. Pounde of tar.
followed in fashionable or unfashion- beef,. dead about two or threeetreaes, , nand she e be tha •Deste =geeing mote be the educational life of the liven fueinaln g art n (ter. • .
has beise c ulelcened" the
. • celantry • frieulte.d if he had. . lotted . I • * Three-fo males . of the ear tles eiveface
vialm cal engineering in onnectiori with the j. "We'll. itilve ,'46i.frage,".. said. the 'doe- peoeese, • . .. ea:, • .. • qf *observers wbe would Ain -elute ..,Xtol' P-if•):71.•fe
assistants. The walls and roof 'of mit the .meaning 01 the•ditto- • ;cannot . be culeloated,•• . -(eveiog ttr,
The data, was .really the
of a, curious teccide t During a vae- Atlantic cable, and, lastly, with tine tor, kindly. Seelag the dazed look on. ' • • . ••• .'. - ".• , ' ° Melte tIn. gi-bror piteenee aext day* ih
the bake .y are covered with odd• bite • , • • .... h ' • . I W • '1 d' . ba •A' .11,111 ;' t " ". •• ' " e r a . • ' -
en ahetatien IS oft foot en Ilelfest . ,:an '. .. , ; _, ,,, , • , ..., .. ' "Yes " sant. he ;• "it rneane that I. eneountain ranges, deserts, swairipe,
emetic:en sitting .11e• absent-minded y., .ese . n.lan ca es..a. s . a. e ies he larriter.s facee, Get a rs; : deo- n el . dnevlignt, ongt, .•• nail •ca.rrier • '
of canvas, and the exterior is very scratched his . nose . to allay a., slight"creatIon he • tOok iip the •question of bart to. remain . :.•iteith. you tilleyour itbretv up Ms iob the next, trip. • 1 um an old* ieoh, and yotere ditto." kind barren gratued: . . . -
to °beetle. the. Fele:Ise:of Private .Cro-,,
attractive io appenre,nce. The cakes, tiekling seniattion. • Perlieepe there eimplifying thmielethoel of sit:ends:at dadghter - •conies-ehe's •en exeellent glut', Royal Irish
. ,..lii nes, undergo nig. . , . • . .., . • ,
. ... •
• like almost everything else withili e -mottles' •imprieonment • att.
was already an abeceseen el 'tlie skim:elem. Lord ICelyab it might. hriVe. nurse," arid' 'the busy doctor hur., eight f" ".••
A cherch in Loudon etill possesses
. EL SURGI AL F'EAT. Ian income Originally given,to it for
the camp, sell at the priee of an Eng- • ,
PelhePs he used mere energy than he 'been light work, 'but It was ,pretty /godly left,t110 roome . sleepilleheett peret near
“ taint • • • aiee
' C
•"fsi, Corgicel operatioe of a peculiarly 1 tho Purlmke °i• anibg :11'1":4•
lish fanny, end the bakerhs said to Mee*, • At any rate, . the' lymph . won puzzling to •-tho Ininde ordiparY • "leathee. ' said Mary See day, • •
• T e• • '
make quite profits. ,
• The erisoners of war are fond of its wore The doctor became 4Se re seemed ableetteiegrafili eteel that •ef
indelging their fancy for street noin- of the distressing, rather .1.1 an his host's daughter,' a lade', aegreat-
$ get • , .
• hip ownee::heard of the e•espel's toes :band w, e comp. eteis ea ere 1 et the
1 • • v c '
introduced into- the nose 'of the oPhia landsietene,..Ire had peen talltifig .of it "why does mother . ide deliriuM •°. .GSerge .ough, merly of 1 he
. .
. letei isiene and neiclamoue choracter tuning 1 re it , . •
perforened .at. the Maritime lion- There are nineteen 1 arboretum* * -
aro. The vaccine "took," and at the dinner tnble of a 'friend in Ma- contihually talle of her pretty . new "Great -North of Scotland Ilea- N'ot long age; a shitamener wee ttee ;was
"emu- Pital, • •Cberbourg, " An • artIlleryinum the ' Piet isle laripire-ten in Reitisli
came time later it began to get • be' delta, and the only apprehension that dresi,"?",eee• "'"' . a wily, ' inie , been • apilingted geeieral gotiating' will' an inserance
s "t1 • a d to effectin ate •nioned Robert Med the misforteme to North America, seven to Australasia., :
' . ClithafillY, but honestly, . aera, <Es-. manngel eel t 1e 41• *1 1 " 1" . '
niond told of hip wifehi desi a for meet with an aecIdeut in the areenal, and two in Smith Airiest.
enclature end have named the 1 i t d the 'linnet- 1 ut ileal admired T und r- neW dress en.1 la refu. a t • the: Pliny drinslarolgnracant ftheetigh the ilisurerite on a vessel of:terdue.• . •,
ft" death et efr.. ICirkland; , .:"'S . • • : I Before the:policy wile deliveiedehe bY 'which the four lingere of ais right , . . • , . •
streets between their huts •after var- era appearen.4 ,
seepach joint. The heepital surgeon
soon isp let the in sterSo of" "Are you mire? he miestioned, half "Oh, father; hovel/Old
1 * • you. t poor, atee imports .ano Ily 4E1,000,000
As. it.' le. ce tieneteatith at*
o"" d w • te t o ce t tl
io a it le • 1st:rime°
of the efaccinateeNetand .it. Sfr " she. said. , for tier .
• a atm rig, .syrnp oms, an v s
lees towns end tattle grounds in the nos ei • fe,
company thus • • :Sj• • .• • ireImilell • t' "' ti" I
he. severed meme r
For a few dans, uhtil the'Prdow fi tri ht 'd le• ' I '" d 't X
ye(' o you, rift you • atY, On can, s en it ! k
..T.otsrtohan.olt.tter.ortifIreinfr!nrexlairiudietki6nt esti%
Transvaal. One of the busiest floe- the strange dieease. . if you. have " not yet made although. the •patient suliered eacra-
oughfares is called "Steynadorp," dotibtfully. "If, sent you,. a. signal dear enotherelle'"'
e• elating agony, ike relused to be chic -
lame , out the. policy...yeti need riot, for•
els aesoined a noire 1 eel/eat ft 'rind could answei. leo?" • I clidn't know howls elm- really felt ecotintries, it Is ovidear that a
and It is here that umst of the 'dein-
leave heard of the ship." reformed. operation is probably
t•V'tt. -,"1 "Oh I" said the nianagere
cipal shops are setuated. There are the doctor turned over: h t
ei•-•414-ienta "Well, wallet teeth; sbe responded. about Iaerizel I thought heridresses who w t iou twee° , an t o oi
the camp grocer, stationer, tobeceota to the care 01 a brother medico' aril believ,e •ilhon1(1 fineteed id' !Malting weise good xv.ktg„.brkly forl Itceently the dielfast .police feteoct.
Del. • st
diseokeered 'that the policy had. •:not have • the greatest hope of the
fat and fruiterer, and, OS the POers retieed into private life; Jee out.), ••The sloe' was •sent; and Tom. And N,7Qan't .because a, wennan named Kearns dead been signed, but Immediately pro_ tilleryman regainiug the complete LISO
i ki it but enderreallY meah, ; don't .,:,itlank in the kitchen of lier .residetice with, of his. hand. . '
inveternte smokers the Wine- Wb bl t a er o n'iti- ceeded. to ha-Va. it; execteteclqind sent
STICK TO nit,' t.M.UTI-T. •
ownetship of rierr Deitznan, contsine -I beg siour pardon, sir," said one
cellist does the largest bus•inesiii of Vieccination platter Q . she did stiecee ng
"the Midi
at e o pp a
• • •nt aensmietchmeeelio reply • i',1111-al'gpasef. that.. I 'didn't( UnfIeratitad:ti'01',gtios marke , 'of loula-Playe (no •,tho face, ore
, • v wants to do ete outl
all. The grocery store, under the tion waa's fyou marry Ine?," (laid Men never understamiatlidee things,' •theoat: and arms.. Her Jos- of' the premium.. • lers. • :
, •
.The late •Cotint de Laseps, feunoue
the promoter of the Seez Canal,
teas Lei/coinage ori•one occasion in a
French railway' train. in a compart-
ment with teen: eommercial tiavele
•111011.EASE OF RAILWAYS, 1 tIle answ" wral•• "YeS'"
various delice.cles for the tablee•and
But -but -daughter If neether.1.1 eph Keterns, stanautter, was ma So he %elate to the ship -owner ;- The following bit of rural philoso- of them, fancying he belonged to
onlY get. 'well, she'll ani, gite Tested or.k a charge of wife' murder.
over new leaf. E,Iteli" Over aanin The • exPerhrients in tobacco -cul-
have to ask twiee tor whet tuha ton acted by the Ilepartinent of
5"'srso tiro too late by half an h011t, phy wag o.trerheard In et • farmyard in their fraternity, , "are yeti. not a
tbe prisoners arc feint; of btilfilig The average increase in the length
LONDONT'.S 14.1.A1heIC, • Y.our policy bag been:posted to you.'" the east. of itngiand the otlier'day :1 traveller ?"
good things to eat wbou they bave ,of railWays throughout, t,he world is
Wien the claim. was made tile coin- "James, -any, son," said. a• man,. "Certainly I am," said the . count.
little money to spend. Outside the ahout 11,000 ' inileS per annitin,A.. An. idea ,ot, the enormous PossOng.9F' end something, te.„4.41/10Y" 11.grieult for Ireland haVe 'Prete panyaliadeto pay, as to. have refused eyho, .stood. mixing the milk ene "We. thought So 1 " What is Sane
shop' is a sign bearing the signiticatt 'equal to pettily Ile per cent, of the traffic of 'Leaden; with a portroiv.,6i 'before ,ano ea es is dod, t. Lind the greseed So far that It, is otew ollbring would have brought out the real weteil, "ye see what'I'mt tv7doing line ?"
, "Isthmuses."
words "No Credit." • Herr Ileitsilah total lines eldsting, which at the he- which the new etubeee• premise to "strong Irian bowed 1:0 head • stis for sale 10u •ppouncls of Irish grown facts,
of ?" •
Iginning of tide Century embraeed cep°, WilVie Obtained froln the fol- hands and hiagraineeshookc roll tobacera beeiclee smaller Muth-
' " 1 • f ti • e is 1 t t cut Cavendish
"Yes, father,,',' replied, i Jt:axnetsi ;
co'nliVniilt-nZlinTLII'a'tv'jh'ata 9111( 10%14 thtehere
evidently knows his glister/Mrs. .?ett,tzzled
The camp shoemaker is located hi nearlY 48,000 miles. Of t•he inerense lowing,,ati ze-Taii•ty-eightettitinie Theze.si .11ere1 a lel* on titieti of p ug, s •
hither the I3oers repo' oPottri;:;;AbOttt.7.00, ,.011ktilintses pase there experience," and, ;tenderly kissirig hie .baceos, .;
weeneeee annum are added to the gm'
a rickety, tentlike steucture, •aud denim, iecent steals 4,100 mike per:bus routes eenvorge Chai Mg loss perfect, and wd °Mlle 'earn bY bird's eye, cigar, and eigaretto to -
their "understandinge" require at-1sYstera, 1.1,800 miles Per annum •every houeh.,eetiereingale,000 paesee- gray, hair .„-Mary returned to her%
terition. The business is, a profit- i the American system, while the ittlq- gers per hour, At Hyde Park cor- mother'S' room. x • , There were .)rly scenes re -
who re_ ition, in Asia, is at the rate of 24150 nor there arc twenty othnibus routes. lona &ate. eopped away, cently hi the Belfast Empire theatre.
able ono, for the ehoemaker, • 1 'Clete after seven songs I
jokes in the aristocratic name of Du '1111-109. in Arlie& 1,100 miles, and in 1l90 oniniknOCtiir hour with an though slowly, and (awes if. hamar
, ; , .•ec • deelin a". 'to rummer The house was
!Austrian 100 milee • X n 1 • e gels Ma. cref Meer - morning , for Mety 'and her father • -
Plooy, is enabled to employ throe as- pi tti lowly page n ag
sistants. I suggested that he would
soon have to enlarge his premises,
t • 1
f • fused to bear the next turri. ' 'Flee rejoice; on that occount."
000 ae.t High Street, Keteeington, When Mra lannond teWolie and: Bahl
melte( rid the gallery occupants re -1
ON4. orX111611. •
"What a sour individual What's
he growling ahout, anywesS ?"
"II ',I be confplains that he .hasuat
got. what ho• deserved In, Oar world."
"I should think he'd have cause to
h weakly,. 'flow long have...It slePt "? 6,ntain .ining, down., and tiie ,,,., • • • . , .• • ..
JEWS llst THE WAR. .teereeare eant, onizabus routes, wit
but he replied that lie didn't expect It, is 4i:imputed that as many as ,1,"! ',op, •
° '112 omnihuge4 and"1,00; paliecengers - , rawdles started to wreck the gallery. •
Isn't it long past,breakihSt titre '?"
WO Jews have fought on the Dritisn'aerc, •A..:rnuten, dso °maniacs., "Never mlocie enethee. cleat, it The poliea„eleared the place. ,
to be in Ceylon, much lehoers mean- 110efel•li'At Circue
nig, of course, that the"tear is nearly side (hiring the Boer Ware and there to that. •go t.o 'Sleep egalm"
reed. 8,500 passengers .• while along said MarY, gentlY. .A.nd •wi th (1, "sigh With tlit large numOr of Colton -
ver. The stationer's, whidi 'Is ! are an record ten oet,t,r,t instaneee arltins that lima been 'discovered in
lite•f•ftrend there are '..26 1•011tegr 445 of contentniqui. • "111.6' mother
coanitt icraves, is leased by a.igervice .wit:h Ilritish regiments in "She is out of danger 'rseaidh, the fet$ moittlie over the centlitY s not
. ful M.•
°beg°d Ireland thiff year, o..man duly a
henty. ,•eterietructed of bamboo and ; of three Jewish, brothers being On • d 6 600 iike a little . • " •
you re a-powing wat, n
"1 ant introducing /chili Miele,"
"I'm not, James ; a -pour- said De lee:septa gravely,
Inn Milk. into the ehatee, orty- The .cominercial travtzllera feared
body axes Yoe if pet Water into, that they Ited .fallen in with a lune -
.the milk you* tell '001 00. Alias tic, and were making preparations to
stick to the truth, James. Choral& escape when the Connt handed them
is bad enough, but lyin' is wuss.".-- las card and put them at their ease.
''°11d6ri "•'•"•••••"'",
P 2,
omnibuses, per bour, an. ,,
gengerS. . , , pafr ,
doctor, an °, hour. Iraqi', ' 'but. . you consitictc, any i »g um r • 1,
: " : ' ''' " z.i.01,1 -4.EA. .`" ' " ' . Mat heap her quiet end nee, from; iniodwwlaiii•dwhIollndeieltd,., ereteletltrictlyrV:tf;a' tC.jotiusititytt
lio ' 4 ..... .,,;,,,,... , :
rainfiffilyi, ,. .siel<NP,SS. . ' worry. She'll be aboitt l'iY Christmas'
' ti . b • 4 ameet eo NIA . feom few. montbs oyer,the liendred years.
oussow & o. 'es tg asount ng South Africa..
'name suggests the inVealnent of
capital, but as far fie cotild ob-
eerVe Ms stock consisted Mainly of A FLYING prtrozorcox,
pencils and postal carda•arid Small * Friar Recoil predicted in 1273.,that Ttemedle,S, •againtt oat -Sickness are ti 1 ,•IT.0 was an eltici in I. le lesbterian
flying would "sliertiY" heeQme a gen- often, badly. Wanted,: 4TIte •latestiftP4..:,actgralle.,r. "' 14: 1 '1' . . i church. for aVar EeVeiltSt :Vela.% .11 .
*bony elephants that are purchased u:c any ar wor o InOn ig 0
bst the Docrit as souvenirs of their cx- end practice; and 'Bishop Wilkins, Pears 'to be tee) .Si111Plei 1,0 be of Vale rhrii; pins morn,..stog, which wee, i .: The 'venerable •IXiarl Fitzwilliafe,
tberPf4 birthday, dawned on n, Whe Wan eight,y-seven yesirs of in.
tripe - lei great stat.e and styki, IT°
oilers. One has aecomplished some him call for his boots. ' rapidity and profundity. Tli 'profes- in septomber, Mrs. Psmond was fee •elose on four hundred. Pounds ter
excellent Work in painting ;Ind water-
.......„ ---4. .,-,,,..a. 1 nor declareathat the retie° o• the evil 'goatee in her aeemtnfrIed pinre in tile her; and hali speciai trains from his
* color drawing, .anOthee eitrVal pipes, WEDDINtl ENOAGPMEINTS ' Ilion in a lobe of the brain hose sort- cor,V -fdttilm-room with her husband. seat in' County Wicklow to Xing:l-
and a third Whont I Sti.W bad con.. ' • eibility affecte the sto ach. Ity arts dm is abeet, hee • tenet, and from ITolehead to Wort-
strected an' orgatt' With, hie Own • ,In Turkeetan every *Oddity; engage- breathing deeply' and of en the blood 1 ler havetpn tnneh f,0 NI thanutui tor worth, his Y,orkshire .estate. The
• hantwand without getting any. IMO meat begins 'with the payment of 4 beconies charged with oxygen, and to-tlav." she said, "end. ----P
toils' from Without thd, Oanni /MVO tt substantial consideration to the girl•'s consequently the troublesome Iobe ; NA pn meat „A e hey inie rote t 0
, heir to the "„mhi`itZwillIccid petgreir,twy, tilos
little rubber end fienteel ,bronbon for. 0, parents. • If the etri Jilts her lover, 1086:3 Ito ellOrecity for enakieg • itself an'tl' .(taar'n --nia-ad- in -114'InT'shn-niit", ish knuolrill°0.191.iii'stehoeufitrelEililttoVn,
pot, a t1te ohm. Tlitt-Cirflotti. line a the engagenient' gift has to be re- ,ObnoxiouS, The remedy is neither twee. ';I rimer rottligOd how. mean 7 i
' fairly gond tone, and IS now mod in:tun:NI, unless the Parente have an- eXPenelVd flOr trOublegenle, therefore was erettin," hut I've turned over 0 l ' Voreats coVer one-terkth of the sue.
the religieue services. on `fitiittinyit,' 'other .daughter tO giVO ad ii. ,Iittbati. there Will be little difilcultY in Put. new leaf. What pleasure would my fece of the world, and one quarter of"
The man' WhO COnatrUcted It Vali oYa ttuto• iting it to tho tost.
),, "
,monev 've given Me had you--..,-." Ltu'oPe. .
Ile, which is far fi•om being Without Cromwell's brother-in-law, said: "It tle, yet 'Professor Heinz, of • the Dni- tose, ,
its entertaining side. will yet be as usual to hear a num versity of Erlangen,. declares it. to be baiir,
I was surprised to Observe the tier,. eau for his wings When Ike is going efficacious, lt consiete Merely in steit
ions occupation of some of the pris- on a jouitity as it is now to hear cultivating the art of breathing p• t ,tinin,,ninenAhat, any eliarter9 the mail steamer, laying
family fa the EstriOttil reteatly, malteg , Ids cross - &nate
in Spite Of at toast Ralf a Oozon imitators. Or. Shoot's Syron of thisi:od and TuroOntlito hat Moro than 'Woo limed
. tho Sala of ahy ItoMOtlY RoOonnnonded foi' Throat and Lung TrOublog,
. .
• • ParealloPiliaataltegia6XXSaiiielleaniketedliegir,k0ble.=r48.5 .
. ., , . - . , . .
lit&e you hem imposed upon When reeking for Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpeathm by being offer-
ed au imitation? Many have been, and We know of arkkno Who. have changed their druggist. %kg a result, It in .
not safe to dedi with a druggist who offerS imiteetions and subetitettes. An honeet druggist vill not, offend his
customers by such questioimbIe metliods:'•
springing up Preparations of turpentine And lintAxiti, put up in packages Plinilitr tO 11e. MOWS, Willi the ob.
The use of Dr. Chase's Syrup' of Linseed and Turpentine litts become to (tilinstivmet2t1, 'tIlsiatit Itii;:t asitletsliitilleitlaor:
, jert of making eaten on the reputation ,e't this Minolta remedy. Is not this
, even worse? li'or, besides the injury done to the. proprietors of Dr. Chase s Syrup oi Linseed and Turpentine,
the people' are„being Clef:civet!. In ethfie cases, no doubt, even life fo lost as a restate .
an intitation. or eubstitute? There in no doubt about the virtue of this great throat and lung remedy, It ie
Are yon being deceived? nave you asked for Dr. Chase's SYrup of thiseaesctl.:,nnuid,le'itzstionem:10:01,11itieacitiog:veeend
' too welt known as a thorough cure for bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, i
further words of commendation. What Nve want to do is to warn you ,agailitt those imitatious, To bly ecr., ,)
tain that you are getting the genuine, be sure that Dr. Chase's ,portrait and signature are on tho wrapper,
Dr, Chase's %Prat) Of Lineeed and Turpentine has reached phenomenal salee, because it (lures when other re-
medies fail. It is far-reaching In -effect, eurinit the cold as Well as the cough, end uprootitir, the most tort
jolts forms of bronchitis. asthma', and similar throat and lung. diseases. Twenty-fi'i?e cents rt bottle., Ftuni17
SiZe, three times rts much, '00 cente. At all dealers, or Eclinanson, Bates & Company, 'Toronto,
A luencleonle and mead Chrlettime present for mother or granditiother is Dr. 'Chase's Last and Oomph)
Iteceipt Book, Illustrated folds)" free. ,
t -