HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-02, Page 8colompavErr moNfir.
eieeeleere Oate Tell a Bed tete leY.
It seems wonderful to the eaellal
elaserver that cashiers, benit tame
stud ethere wine handle large amottute
peeer neeney are able ia,t glanee
te doted a bad note. Exactly what
at is that does expeee the counter-
eeit the best experts tad it difficult
to tell. They may they 'move it in-
stinctively, Tbey judge not Olaly by
LAO looks of a note but by tee
"feel" of it.
It is obVioles that a counterfeit
note must be widely circuleted to
make it profitable. No soouer doea
a counterfeit appear than its descripe
tion is widely publisned. nine who
are likely to suffer by taking ceun-
terfelt notes naafi it their business
to be On the lookout for eiew ones,
whioa are soon distinginshable by
seine easily discovered meek.
A teller knows of just what denom-
ination tire the counterfeits, and
Jest where to look for the tell-tale
marks. deteets the spurious nete
us easily as the reader does a raise
epellect word. It is no particular .efe
fort. It is a habit.
The principal reason tyke counter -
felts are so easily detected is beeause
in some feature they are almost uni-
fornaly of inferior quelity. This is,
indeed, the main protection of the
Public. -Genuine notee are engrfived
and printed almost regardless of cost
and the very best inateriale .are used
in the engraving and priating. It is
done in large establishments, with
costly materials and by the best
workmen. It is practically impossi-
ble for counterfeiters to do as well.
Theer must work in secret and at a
disadvantage, and a necessity can-
noe have the experience to produce
such perfeet work. If they get the
engravings done nicely they fail in
the printing, " or 11 they get the en-
graving and printing- done well they
fail in securing the proper paper.
There is little protection for the
poor and ignorant, teem counterfeit
inoney. They do not rely so much
upon their own skill -as Oen Iteepiug
track of the sources from which they
receive money. They know from
whom they receive ci bank ,n,ote, and
if it turns out bad they take it back
and get it redeemed. some de-
taile this roteetion exists among 11
:!!11. Matina.:
Daughter 0
OhaPters.-Prince Phalle of Tyro
pureues eJarine. ta matte her leis wife.
Gio aide her escape And IS sunamened
ley the king.
Upon hie counteeence, bUt. On tbe
eoritrary, he appeared ;as happy and
Unconcerned, 41,S thetigh he bile been
by the sede of hie (awn forge, se
"Ah, XAPett," he murmured to him,
self as he twieted Piece after piece at
the wire, Quo within the othere"hotv
little dream you ot the powers that
dwell on earth. Kings May glory in Ceylon Test tho.fineet
a crown and they may wield the
power it' bestows, but they must bee
vvare of other powers; mere mighty ne cs; sh eswo lodr lodn pi wr dnu iceeast
than theirs. Ale, upon what flimsy, ••••••,
„ — . • tenure hangs the power ot Man! and packet&
re le
Safer Black, Mixed and Green.
u art reeve tea dtielters try "Salads" Green lea.
wells LoNDows BIRTH RATE..
for thy life, Wilt thou deliver up to esPeciallY of kings! Mapen wee
me her whom I eeek?" ihy master, Xerxes? lee is
''Ne,ver:" than thou, He bas tallen--tho
"Eine, strike." to fall. Death is thy monareli,
Again the soldier's *word woe this. he will talte thy tribute when b
es. Even now there is one in
ecl, but it fell not upon the bead et
t that instant mightier tban thou, for there 4
CHAPTER VL -Continued. th
Britaines Navy. IT ALWAYS PAYS YOU
to Vie Strength, ot great
The King Alfred. which Wee
latuichee the ether clay, le, seys the to hendlea good article, especielly when it is Tea. LUDELLA CEYLON hes
New York Post, the very latest type proved its. worth time and time agein. Yete recommend it; back yeti up.
of cruiNer added to tee Britiela nevy. Lead PneloaRe81, 20, *OA 40. 50 anti figo
See hi 600 feet long, 71 feet wide,
azel when fighting trim the will
displace 14,100 tens, her draught bee
Mg 20 feet. Bee speed win be 26
knots.. attained by means Of two sets
• -4 '.leee -"
of triple expausiou enginee, develop- ••• foit$4.56, Special prices in late
A hine of sweet Sonora Orange
the most powertne machbaery ever --Jet
Jho Dawson Commission 044 Lirnited Toronto.
le ear 105euele-leefett Prim tale,,e-,.......
of 5 or more boxes. We have
t5o, tee, ea°, 216 and 2so sizeie
ing 80,00Q horse power -Raid to be 11 ' ' "
ries 2,500 tons ot coal. in ber bunk.- ROYALTIES AND SICALLI'OX.
nv Potatoes to seil
put into a Yearsilip. The vessel car- ---• ---- ---- ° ' • - e------- -*-- — ' ''''----"
ere, and will therefore be able to Smallpox played sad hatoe anaoeg A French. general has inaugurated
steam et A cruising speed of 14 European Reyaltiee throughout the i f '
lin ts o
r le,S00 sea Milo, equal to seventeenth and eighteenth venturiee.
an -the ternple oue whoee Mind iS bis
ere sounded a voice, as if froln the
rv founda.tioes of the palace, so sceptre. Ae, King elapee, beware Decline in the Number ot Mere a veYsite frieile Portsmouth eo•eilel- Two of Charles I,'s children were ITureging eoldiers to sing when cin
• prisoner, for he was net a little te
I "Sire, I await your pleasure."
' Mapen started further bnck upon pe
Ilis throne as he met the gaze eV the In
wards. the throne, • folded his arine w
across hie huge breaet, then bent nee
etreca With the baldness of leis menet "Ye gods! whose voice was tha
on the king a stern, proud, look. 1 0
The armorer slowly advanced te- dvee
To be Continued.
noewrn; bruotyaliel pao‘mve°rIleceamat ea ttelesheisof allidle, ,ehjaculated the affrighted anouarch,
4.uct j.1.1 a toile made eaisa by bis very ardly conscious of what he said. •
ellort to suppress his rising pa,ssion, i "Mapen, tempt us not!" sounded
he said:
"Vile slave --u o
"I riza ft citizen, sire," calmly ,in- p
terrupted the e.rneorer. th
From this moment you are the fu
lowest of slayeel" erica the king. a
"Last night you. wrested a fugitive 1,
from my °Mew's."
nanceal institutions, which keep trace
of the sources of their receipts, "
The Reznarkable pxperience` e
Tr o oper Dougal.
se • mare , rivile which hes
riages Reported. bourne, without reneWing her fuel carried oa by the scourge, and three been strictly' dialed tut% recently,
ep and pepuIchwil the oracle!" supply. She will carry thirty-five ot James oiTspring, including
ith awe at its very tome
that ail started )
Something like a smile passed over The London (
has idea been arranged that any sol-
Gio's face as he spoke, but it was eo Engltuad) comity gams, varying in energy from. the 28- Mary, Queen of England and spouse
T pt not thine Council, Ines Just issUed a huge vole teel Wealion, ering el$0-poUnd shot, of Williara • dier who can. play on any, of tee
III 1.4ouis XXV 's sou
"Mapen, beware! ein
smaller musical II:lateen:touts Shall be
wn fate thus." deep tlat it might have pekoe for a,
ume, of the "London Statietice, witlz A Pewee caPable of sendin (the Dauphin), his grendson (also
g One
rovided with h i
One ot these grandson, Louis XV., ell died. of th
expense of the State.
ent, and the king sPreue, Pale and iron door to observe the dim, star- I) milli 37 afP"
in:1Nya. bt e Wor e on, er 18994900," It deals witie every ton welelit nearly tnree and a half Dieuph n), and his evils and gloat -
The point of the raised Word drop-
anon casting his eyes up towards the ublic aspect of the lite of neari nail s in t
d harmless uPOtt the Mosaic pave-
sia ons of people and thoroughly guns is mounted tan the forecastle, are smeliPox. Likewise JosePh X., Ernel
eMbling from his seat. to digest it %Vole require days. ling ahead Or on either side, and the Peror of GerMaeY, he 1711 ; rotor SOZODONT tor the TEETH 25q
like spathe that the daylight formed
th According to the meet recent fen- other is on tee poop for astern or If , EnaPeror of Russia, in 1780 ;
eue, welch was taken on Marcia 29, broadside atteck. They are 80.88 Bearer' Prince of Prussia.' in 17" ;
pcoopuuniatytionr,foLf ondtohne fueseitnolocnogr,olatne,ddooilrelo.2, aeaoaliobzrzel,e ocionedr,, and Maximilian Joseph, Elector
Baveria, in 1777. Ttvo of our So-
ef British county, Middlesex tieeendt
Laneashire ea the most populous
1A8d9nai6 n itshter a tt lovtae Yorkslaire third.
was 4,433,018, of whom 2,099,548 gy of 17,830 foot tons. Xt is ex- g ry ar e enema _ _-_„„„
ke distant thunder from, the re not me cry Of an inrant is Nattn.0,0 were males
and 2,888,470 females pected that they will be able to from death from the disease -namely, • '` • --e.--eee'ee—re
1 space,
Signal of Distrese.
1 WaS
!This does not include the outer ring, maintain A Cootinuous fire of four Williara III. and Queen Anne.
" 'Tis tile oracle!" uttered Prince
Babies never cry unless there
eene the county and we are probab,y not are of A new type and are arre.hged by MINARD'S LINIMENT.
ja that part et the neeteepens skirting shots per minute. Their mountings OtIR MILLIONS OF ANIMALS. cured of Acute Bronclaitis e
halls, laying his hand upon Ms fa-
rew peeple have any idea or the,
er's arm. "Push not this inatter Seine very good reason for it.
far wrong in estimating the populae to be worked by 'hand as well as by
rtlaer, but 1et Gio be conducted to cry of a baby is ilattlre'S mulling
hydraulic power. The whole revolve y s an s.
dungeon. We may imprison hine signee that there is something wrong. tion of Greater London at, five and
ing weight of the 'mounting, with its Britain. According to the last re- , J Ift CAMPBELL,
immense animal population of' Great Ba f
hough we may not spill his blood." Every mother ought to get to Week three-quarter raillions.
"You mistake, sire." , ,
1 "Did you not secrete the daughter Si
of ICison Ludim?" • t
"She sought refuge • in my house, d
and, I gave it to her." • t
"Ay, and you openly resisted a e
prince of the realm and his offieers." X
"I resieted a rabble who chased the s
• poor, frightened girl tO my shell,
sire; but under suck circtunstances I s
know no distinction of 'men. • It was
threa.tened innocence seeking an Asy-
lent-arid the gods emiled when I gave t
it." ••• ..• • . g
T was cured of PaciaL Neuralgin
There is aPparent le...stew:1Y decline gun, is 120 tons, and this can eo.sily turns of thq Board of Trade, there
tape= as soon as he had recovered
eyrie hie pertureatien;
"You are right, my son," returned
and fretfulness and irritation are not
eomething wrong may be. If the in the number of marriages and in
the birth rate. New citizeps wive in -
of London's impute- .ranged in a series of tIvo-storey case -
six -inch guise on each broadside, ar-
cattle, more than 82,000,000 zshecip, I
immediately to find out what that
be worked by hand. Tiler° are eight sprinow, N. s.wM. DANIELS.
were in the Unitell Rimed= nearly py MINAR's -1ANnlIENT•
2,000,000 horses, about 10,000,000 1 '
o t he safest dungeon beneath the , a
iers, he added: "Take the prisoner elusive evidence that the crying baby
ie al. The only safe and judicieue tent.
crease the eize
tioia come here, to a, considerable ex- 'mates.
full grown, journeying from ing 2:00 -In projectiles, and are cap- the number used by agriculturists
hen, turning to hie sole paused ley exterior seurcee, it is On- and something liae a,00(1,000 pigs. L 1 was cured of Chronic Rheumatism
They are seven -ton guns, fir,
As regards the first item, this wee by MINARD'S LINIMENT,
astern Palace, and, mind you, Ebo, thing to do is to a.dminister Baby's every part of the 'United Kingdom able 9f firing eight rounds per mine
alone, The number of horses used Albert Co., N. 13f
and the Continent.. The mean mar-
eide fire Ahmed as well as four leee:
ute. Two of the guns on each broad -
for earriage purposes in toWees re -
shall hold you responeible for his Own. To.blets witheut the slightest
afe keeping.' I. liege rate from 1861 to 1898 was
garding 'which we have no elution -
The officer bowed assent, end -unreel For indigestion, sleeplessness), the 18.9 per 1,000 living persons, child -
and thus the King Alfred, when chas- property is estimated ' at
peunders and the 9.2-ineh weapon,
lars, muse be enoeraous. The value
istingly the armorer was led away, imitation acceenprinying the cutting ren, of course, included. The dia-
During the past year 'there were 1,•••
ing an enemy, will be able to fire °L this
loieekeedter) inwoarse att,'Idirtnfirremliedanhderh00 eefie and simple faeces,
of teeth, diarrhoea, constipation, -
gram under this head shows the
average ,as a. line, above which the f About $1,250,-000,000. ,
f h 1 I 18 an' cad per minute finer projectilo o
hau a • • b i 1 cl t la' - 'Giese mar -
:116 wreeks on British coasts, a' de -
num er o appy coup es n 880 pomade 89 r miles of 100
a ma e you of that man?" ions baby lives. Do not dropping fitfully so Human tears are not reco
TEARS AS MEDICINE, 'ereo.se of 160 on the year before.
in 1858 and eeee, X00 .pounds, and 80 projectiles of
eon. • • • • lief in thousands of cases And saved rose high, still ascending 1853, , poe
prisoner e ng e ein venous little tablets have given ree
"By• Jupiter,' fellow, thou hadst
better beware of thy tongue."
"And thou of • tby- put never ,
mine; go Me"
The king,gazed a moment upon the
powerful man in silence. A variety •
many prec and resuming again its former poem- •
. 12e 'pounds. She will be able til .
ii specific against eiseage in any "lake Laxative Brom Quinine Tablets. Ail
• gnieed as • Te crag A cettn 1N ONE Dalt.
. give a weild• so-called "soothiuge to discharge an equal weight of meta,
sked the king, as he and his son .
yore left. alone with the slaves. s and bounds till in
' al astern. ' She is subdividea into other country hut Persia, and there, -
only those tears which 'have been druggists refund the money if it'faila to cure.
"I. can only say that he is a, eold medicines; such only stupify and pro- artier bY leaP -
duce -uanatteral sleep. ' Baby's Own .1805, it reached- the maximune ; 1869 248 cenipartments, d r i '
an ea t es a -
oarless idiot." - . . . Tablets are guaranteed to centain no and 1870 saw it at the , le,
lotvest eb crew of 900 officers and men. . shed cit a funeral aro supposed :to * - *
Z.. w, Grove's signature le'on e?.ol" box. MO.
----- - • '
The. highest inhabited .spot in Bur-
"I3ut I mean this straege preeee. . • have curative quMities. lie the coun- •
opiate -or other harmfid drugs; they frora ' which it faintly straggled for • .
of aontlicting emotions stirred within - t
.iiim, and more than once the viler s
eorsook Ms cheek, but iit length he -
said: 'e
f • I knew nothing,• save that I swore et
pro ec er. • •
I"You knew that your king desired 4
the presence of the Lady Marina?" le,
Mg to the skies ; there sinking t° Powder 25 wool or spoeige, with which to wipe almost entirely upon ostrich eggs.
le against yen, ler it is well known as much. good as Baby's Own. Tab -
tears aro preserved as a powerful And against .n. stone.
• Baby s Own Tablets aie or,sa e a
I • t tr a ed th ape is the observatory on Mount Et-
ion he receives from the oracle, , promote sound, healthy sleep be- seine s Y • ,
tears is an important feature of the nee 9•°75 feet 611)Cr" Sea lel*.
aid •the king, viva]. WAS only timid. All subsea
cause they go directly to the root oi
"I think see theough it," retur
baby troubles. Dissolvtyd
'Yon are warned that by witting off youegest •infant. Mrs. 'Walter BroWn. coremonieS proents a piece of cotten
water (Went years &gun; tit vaxieres depths
below tlie. average line,. so that the
d ehe prince, in a' thoughtful named. these tablets ' can lee giVen to the'
mourners present the master of the Nes Liniment Reilevet Nenraigia,
funeral ceremony. To each of the •
t h
our best men you are weakening Maley, Que., sayme-eI have neve; 'with its reflection in a clear lake T
0 Oth eool or sponge, with which th • wipe
stretching along its base---here•tower-
our own power, and raising the peo- d ediene f r baby that did
to t t h "
I "Hal and to whom 'clidst -thou t
, away the tears.' The- contents of the • The South African desert fox lives
use any m o
I s which it ereaks by exilling them
squeezed into, a eottle • a:nd these
e tee
depths. •In neeres, the marriage
bat the•armorer is -a favorite 'in the el ts aroiild not be without theme; • tile
d itil
Strange, as have been the experitm- 'swear . •
ces of many British soldibrs during "TO the lady hereelf."
the South African war, these- whien• "And to'no one.' elsere
• have befallen a New Zealand trooper, "Nce" • •
Quartermaster -Sergeant Dougal, are "You elew Theedoric?"
tiecidedly out of the wanton. e En- • "Aer''". .
listing in the New Zealand contin- "And threatened, the prince?"
" • d ' d th " ''
•"Blit that the oracle should 'speak all drug' stoics or :will be sent- di -
follows : • • certain restorative. when all otb r
, e mines aye prove useless.
'iect on receipt of price (25 •cents a leer e
May speak where it chooses." • 'Medicine Co., Brothville, Out, • • !guard's 'Liniment Cures Burns etc Lconthes the culdltd,,taftensfithe puns. obeys pain, enrol
t i rd collo. reg la • the sto mob and bosons, and lathe
s or ea. Matta, o SoogIll NG lb I U111.." .
eVery . 1,000 of the popula- •
...... -.22.3 per 1,000 persons Good for Bad Teeth m4 • ela
in my palace."
028 "
" ,
. . -Not Bad top Ocscid Teeth KW, WiNetow'a SooTUISO Synur has
"It is the Yoice. of •Hereules, and •• • • ! • . 1211111one of mothers for their children allbleleen
Par Over Fifty years
box) by addressing tbe Dr, Williams' 1866. , 22.1, " "
1887 . .16.9 " . " Suseetnit Liquid asc Lorge LIqurd and Powder 7sc AU
"Perhaps you ate.right, my son: •
• b
gent, he gained his present rank! af- • from his; dungeon till Marina be in
ter 'having been" four times woinided. Pind you not eonvey'llarina, out el the palace," t
While one of Lord Roherte' bodye ' . . ,
"Alx" that brings young Sfratee to
the city, last 'night?" . - : - '
guard, he was seet ento tea hospital I ."Yee• ' - • my mind," uttered Phalis, with a
"And assault the etheinel on Ads sudden energy. "Let him be taken
at Pretoria. On recovering suffi—
ciently to be discharged ee iound at once for we , should surely .have
post?" • • •
"I threw him overboard." hini within .0qt p,oettereli' .
ehat while in the hospitai lie had I
"Did you meet tbe officers whoni I • "Not noW, my. soneef
been robbed of the, Commander -in-:
Sent after you?" • , • ' • eJlehy net.? We haVe cause entitle:0: .
Ciders silver bodyguard baelge, and
did, sum.
all the money he possessed -a215 ,in, 1
"And. did they. not tell • you that wheee he• is.'' • .
• : 1. "He mey better seree atir'•purposes -
gold. Front Pretoria he was invalid -
they eame with pewee from me?". "I do not comprehend." .
ed to England and having been
"Yes." • • • • "Look ye, Phalis. If enyone is to- :
granted fiu•lough pie:mewled to his fa -el
ther's home in Stirlingshire, Scot- 'eelien. hew met you their de- be informed • of the • whereaboitts of '
est remedy for Ditsyrhceo. •••r• • bow*,
• • 1888...• 16,9 • " •• stores or by mall I or the price.. Sample tor Fostage
• old his. druggists throughout the world. lie guns sail
ut at all events, Clio goes not forth 1,894.... " . HALL fri RUCKEL, mosTRBAL Out of akt ' W
1895,.. ... 17.2. ".
.14, • •
• Marina, that one Will be Stride,. for
. . .•
land. Here, while he was recuperate Pia:lids' .:• • ••• '. :
"A.s the 'true man ever meets a ee-. Geo is under obliga,eion eel •hhn;. and
Mg,. leis father received Not Zealand •
PaPers containing notifieetion, cabled' 'rapid to sureeeder 'his rights and 11- in all probability the young merchant •
feom -the official lists in London. ef .berties of those whorti he has. 'sworn ••even. now knoWs esteect shoes, iter' the'
eo pretext. 1 ft:night tbeta, and all.; arneoree snid there was one other be -e e
his son's death. Q. -111.-S. Dougal at
hilt one e snag, and to .hine 1 gaVe sides himself -who possessed the•secret,
once informed the authorities that' be • . of her toncealment, ,: Do 'you not ime
was by no means defunct, and in quarter." :
derStand?" • . • ' .
. . . • s . • - "And the latly-vthere is *she?"
• eYes---Ieseee• . "
.• '"Welle then, Strato • Will ..be likely
an appearance in Landoll. 'before sail- t'Whiere• you can never find, her..
"Now!, Mark me, dio," sold the
ing to rejoin his emnrades in- the col-
onies. He was greeted Surlough• bas king in a -deep, Meaning tone' -.at he
' 1 h• d tOok ete
te \lett the lady." •
Mon of the 'filleted Kingdom 02 are
1S96... " " • domestic servatits, 4a belong to •the
1898... '
The 'stories of girl -arid -boy mar-
• - , . , commercial elate* wiiiie the profes-
, Mistakes Thai Are Made Noir end siotial people, enchiding civil ser-
• riages,..are not borne out by statis-
tics. From 1801 to 1870 only about Then by Writers. 4 vantee number 33. ' '
:three taales of every huxidred enter-'
ing weelock 'did :so under 21 years, I/theme:10,n,
The Berlin- cerrespondeni of. the : ' ' -e----'
thriolmoeaspe_intfotorpmatirhoitunneetysopfapthl.i umati•voeicausztpd•I'Pli.e117,11acegidellre .0w
' of age.' Thee proportion is growing;
kowever, and in 1897 it showed that Aefrican Transeontieental Telegraph in One day. No ',tiro, No Pay. Pricoletente,
rather oiler four persons under the Company has 'been constructed' as far e---- .
be fouled in every 100 mairied men; 'may read all right to any one who. lel
Ulna S. 0 ee - or s; e e cc,. et
IA' 1.1 Iro t f I • vith 1
nominal years et ' discretion weie to as . leis,marckburg, Togretind," This •
The Peoportion of London girls who knows nothing about the geography
enter the marriage state under 21. is of Africa, bneaf he should try tail- Of Britein's taal Polnilatien Of 40
about four times as great, • which is luminate ehe 'statement by using a million's, just one-quarter are 'men
tiearly about the proportion prevail. :e;ood amp he woule•begin to stispeet ebettveen the ages .01'20 a.ird 01.
' ins: through Exigituid..: • ' • 1 that something was wrong. e • The . --e-e " '
The latest return. Of -marriage in route of ehe Capeeto-Cairo telegritP4- SOZODONT ToOth Powder_ 250:
London . is for .1898, and is at foie line passes through Centeal• Africa, ' •
lows : '. • • •' • • e , . while Togoland is • a 0.erinan posses- • —
Bathelors married , 88,181 eion on the west coast, Bismarck- Mrs. Wiggspe-"That famny 'who
Spinsters married... ... _89,098 burg being a settlement in the bathe- ehave moved in next door must bo
Widoniers re-niarriede. 3,88e ler Of the colony: '
either very rich or. voter poor. Wig -
NORFOLK SHIRT WAIST. ' Wieon's, reenaerled... ...' 2,9;15 I Such blunders are• quite excusible' •gey-aely 4y • sol,, Mrs. . • Wiggsy
cause lie was alive; he has not re- 3"). 'We will have him narrowly 8.2 to 40 Bust. ' ,as long as Africa is comparatively Their funrdnitebriermwkaosts,alladnodnei udpontnt
"Alia; now I see," exclaimed the
cause lie was "dead." - on your =saw. If you wiii give up. watched." Nortolk style I b h •it d
s, n ot aft s an little known, but some people con- sheets a
eeived his tsar medal, presumably be- step forward,. '`yeur life depends up- pr1/14, •
Total nd. A
• 4- ' • • . „ "Exectly. wiil depute a doien iaceetee, make e. notable feature .13.1
• - • Of these merrifiges••;73.9 per •cent. •
took piece at, the Establish d Ch h should lineal .better.
e UTC • tinue tti perpetrate' them' when they' know
'whether it Wits done' to • hide
..its shabbiness or -to. protect its beaue.
• ' to me the Lady Marina swear
10 overlook your cranes, y latest modes, ane have the merit ir
per, emit. at Registrar
thue far" aim or ' • so of oue most trust men te the
. . restore.you to liberty. . _ .wateli °his movements, :and 7 when he f .b • "
0 en& . genera y. eco
11 b int' * The
and 4.4-• per'e-ene. Noncoertfolmeeiset.1 -Treaties between • vat ious natious tY!" • • •
. • •
An insurance agent, albeit a .userule "Report,'" • returned the. armOter, least expects it, his every -step placeaof Wei•ehlii. As. • ' •t relataig to -beim p
• daries *ill roliabi
and at times attractive perion, • ls raising himself to his full heighe, be noted. The Lady Marina ehall
shall sinett Waist illustrated combines all
the esseneials, and ean be Made with u t
compared h never again contain so many, blun-
wo previous years • thex.e ie A Toronto .
or without the pointed Yoke, me pre- a ders as has been the case !within the
et be ours. decrease •in the proportion of •Esta
not always n weiconae visitor. * ' To while hie eyes flashed and 'sparkled.) , • '
sou= people, indeed, he is a deeided With. the proud spirit that MoVett I "l3ut," Venturod the prince, "would
original is. made ip .reSeda green . nen- •lished, Church ratter= es d• ibe past twenty years, white the World ' - '
ferred. The material of which tee Druggist Trie .
bore. One ef ' thle ciao OwnS a WIthin, "X will not deliver hei up." •it not be Well to make some search -erease• in tlie.proportion of Noncon-
• • g ' an an -ne : has been elearing ng nearly ale the
geographical mysteriee. ! At leek, a
handsome residence, and "even the "Then, by the immortal. Hercules. among the rules of the old cit ? SI
y ie •
nel with embroideeed• dote. of black. '
• . . ' formise union et• • ' .•
a nd of those at Ree
bare thought of an agent. 'proviikes you. die!" exclaimed the . monarch, Must certainly be concealed som but flannel of ale aorta, corduroy, dozen ludicrous blunders were perpe- ' ' • • -
gistrars' ofilee.e. All h
his ire. One evening recently he was sinking back upon his thread. ' • where there, or Gio e:ould not have; velvetee•n and. all. titillating materials ' '
erected by .leurcipean leoverinneues. in •
t e Catarrh
enjoying his otium-cum-dig•, when a . -What would that benelit Your". had time to have "one farther:"
' '
' ire approPriate.a - • • e ----"e • their African treaties. The British • . . . .
inoniously. The visitor was a. total voice, - such a searoh might only serve to •
-37 and snioothly, and exiends to ' , -
aRoSs . QIIESTIONED. Unone•the . west side ot the Maraca . -
and Portuguese, for example, fixed RemedieS • • .
tho,... ii,N. suee, plateau, ana that BAYS JAPANESE CATARRH CURE
. Known.
man walked in On him VerY uneere, asked 'Gio, in a strangely sonlitling "Noethat *clued not be so well, for! The foemdation ' Riling s fitted ,
stra.nger to him, and 'before he bael 1 "Revengel'hissed the king. .: frigheen the bird away. We will
time to throw an inkstand at him, "Few persons are so bold tiaeo. wciit till we are•siire of her nest, and: per is laid in wide box libelee "thea, . .e_.. , . , e, ellishonaeteLtenca findieg• later that
the-. waise line oniy. The Weise 'Pro- . - ,. piciteite" es their COMIM011 iron er in " . . , , , , .. , .
Again Phelis ackpowledgee that his. again
. • are stitchee et -then: endereolds end 'sr
or to ask him to sit down, he began risk -life, and even a crown, for meee then all Is safe,e "
tion iindee the dentra froet .. e
HIS' EXPEEIENcE .WITH eetthe other dicArltion for the betunde
DODD'S. KIDNEY • me John Wylie, the Well-known Senior Clerk
quite calmly o.nd in. a beeiness-iiice revenge,e fell in quiet tones , froM , at each •edge, • •
One to talk.. : •, • • Gio'g lipe. . • • lather wes right d h tl ft
, an s or y a, er- .
The yoke is stitched Manly to posi- , BRIGHT'S DISEASE AND ary line ietlet• lee eallelide, or they • • ' CURE.
house?" he' tesked. , • . fell upen his oars, anti -twice as he such men as lie thought best suited piait end oYer the other ' box ; • 'ILLS, .* Alagican boimdary muddieleaThen the term.. Geo. Mamba, the leaeitef Queen. Sc.
would be as badly reeXecl ;peas the - '
"Have you any laser/wee on this eleven turned pale as these words wards he left the ciliate to select
, the words weim to the -obiect he had in vieve, A plaite, btit, . both. front' 'aied back " . • ..0, „ Beitisietaini Gerillans ibied 7 upon tho Ptst Druggist. 1 oronto, writes:- ' When IsaY
in a minute. . ' . . forced back. At length, howeVer, "saiiie was upon his eounteuance fee plaits extend to the shoulders when •••• ,
1 •;.!"( • . , „
. Thee del. Rey from its source to the .e. helleve Jai:lanai° Catarrh Cure the only curo
for catarrh on the market, I think X know Jest
Well, Mr. 0 titan -cum -dig wae afire ' tetteniptea tti speak
"Vat do you mean, ' sir," he with less huger but more of anxiety, he thought he could see the shadow yoke is onaitted. The sleeves are in Sufeered 'With That Dread Igals.4,:ed," -as the boundary 'between their !ask sulk tieloyg about. 1 have triad. every
stormed, "by breaking into iner he said:ee • •of his suceess even' note east before modified hishop style, with cuffs that for Fifteen Yeiiies.--Treated bee' pessessiotts fronting on the Bighe Of eeteeipseeeeneernaletvgait melee mlieore
Iloilo. siv, in this inannee-breaking eX have given you nay word,' and him, include pointed -portions .which match nye Different electors.- :Biafra. • • They were' slightfe7 uP a nee temporary rend/. "Attar hetTeZieeeetel
into my house with your- infernel lin you may depend upoti it. It you do•
surenee business? It is no concern CHAPTER VII, . Literal' Rescued fret= tree 'when they discovered ,that the of our customers, whit" had usrd Japanese
,now, after %Mug ni alllour boxes of6.lapanese
of yours, sit', whether this house is i not .delivee up the girl you eie."
"Let rue\ tell you one thing, sire, • Death • by, • Doddes - ' Rio del Rey is not a river at all, but
Kidney Pills: ' is mer
Vale moat diragree :Me disetwe atter suffering'
9 , end
_ r m the very first it g v e m u
ely an inlet of the sea. and *WA n0OU the dropping in 14 111h/oat tneechedrelief.
Catarrh Cure,and niyielf completely cured 6f
The visitor was as &lee ea a Moat wilco Uterine. is, Lind when 1 am rait- the rentrel'plazza, and across to the itquired when yoke is Wed, ille yards .MiododnuiletocreetZ.Ivi.eoltcen.0' tlIn„--erlyeiaeckes: much, Of.. a one ett :hat -
WASTED EPPOP.e. for years. 'i Junto since recto.mmended it to
insUred or not. Get oat, or I'll ere you fully make up your mind. I When Clio was led from.. the king's Mello wide, fie yards 27 inches wide ,
throw you (mt.'? • am , iii:it the only enie who knows presence, lie was conducted out into •or 2e yards 44 itches' Wide 'wili be B
. e
. • ca err an paitterhalimanets. Ali dril gists. •
P e Cat rt t ure permanentlY cures
k i itted Kidney Pills saved „from death 'as off ?" said the ,girl in grey.,
ileetion. iutirenhae fit% t. mama. Inclo a tte. fo- r test*
the stock collar. •
To make this weist for a woman of
medium size 3f yards of materiel 21
• ••
some Of oUr customers, find anow.of several ot
morning. • •
• , easterft wing of the palace, beneath 21. Melees Wide, 8e:yards 27 inches smith' of this place, kuciwn MI Over . • • '
no concern of nline. egiete une"e-here -GI° bent. forWard cold. which were se •O d f t wide or 2 yards 44 inches wide when the Island as the num 'Whom I/Odd's "So peer !engagement is beoken thaeamewlibe-voie itbaatebeureet •
-It's singshe will have another,proteetor
ng ungeons or s ate .
ever " he r
Prance, though supposed to be the
most highly cultivated country, bas
millien..acres of forest and 17a
Million of wasee land. • • •
• Belaitee of Ointments for Catarrh .
that contain Mercury '
as mercury. will rarely destroy the setae '
amen a ndeompletelyderange the wholeartein
when entoring it through the murouS surfaces, •
Such articles should never lie ured.except on
prescriptions from reputable physiciansots the
floatage they will do fetes fold to the good you
cnn possibly derive from them. lia re Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by XL Cheney &Co.. To.
ledo, O., contains no mercerT. nraliti. taken /12-
tertiallY. acting directly upon the blood and
mucous. surfaces ef the systetn. In buying
Hall's Catarrh CUre bp sure you get the gone .
hie. It is taken internally,ahd made in Toledo
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. ' Testintediall
free. _ •
Sold by•Drnegiottcprica tdo Tier bottle.
Haire Family MS are the beet.
, eplied, bu t th ought-. ' spoe:e so low as only to be hcard•by prisoners. Prom the extreme angle
Ilay mirctele, has piten been inter-! "Yes," replied the gn ..r , cents. A frogs sample sent to aro' 1.-P Fan
what doesn't concern you, .str, cliocties." • . • • ' • . • stone steps to a eireery apartmene
Over ready to 'supPly• the facts.
regarding . bieecase and is Srowning at the reco
"What was the en • Toronto. .
"You have no right to 'third,: ilbollt the king --"She 'inay marry whom she. of •the buileing there led a flight of '
terrupted the house -owner. . Want "Hai • hew- &tossed yea' that wYe- 'beneath, and to this place was •• the .
HORSE RACE IN 562 A. 73•. :view°
• I "I had been 6...victim to kidncy I "lie eyasely .
de wind me. You see,
atter •?''• ' age. Address the O. & 2a. Co idol Led.
na insurance' agents ferceig theme tear cried Mapco starting up again. armorer•'conducted. The pavement
• OII±NA'S .0Q.e.L..
. - I . ,,e,
. , ant. - iek the face .01 •the pretence, , .- • mast:ewe', end Imre and theft, were I asked him one
selves upon me, sir." • ' trotible for . fifteen years. before . .X it was this . way.
nrn no insurance ageht. •I.wes mere- ex have not . guessed it, sire; I nurnerooe iron trapedoors Which op- - • . • .. ,, tcook iDkodid'e Ki. dneyt• inflate'. stafid .Mr. day to promise me that he would
, onn c n a reeen converse, on. 1 r e
Then X asked hint to re- sources of China. are its eoseebeds; In
. • • from his seat 'arid, looking earnestly this region was. composed of heavy An Ancient Sporting Event That
"I understand that perfectly ' 1 T • • Caused a Long War. 1 eve le-ain smoke .cigarettes. He Amorig the great undeveloped ' re-
know it. .13etvare how you tempt the ened• to tee .vaults 'that Itty deeper . • "Did you eel:neat-At Verte Bright's promised.
. that it was on fire ill the rear, and. god.5,., • : • • ' down iu. the earth, caebeof whicli wet, bia has reYlved a little of the ancient .. frain from the use of tobaceo ie any the province of Shansi the coal fields
I had a horror of and contaie, 'it is estimated, Mere
ly passingyoar.house and 1 observed A eecent traveller in Easeern 'Ara, 'Disease, are. ceneileie.e.* ' - • '
it occurred to ille that if you had no . history of that part. of the world,, e "Not' at first I didn't, hut when 1 ' form, He promised •to do that. cover an area of 14,000 square miles
gezed fixedly upon the WM ea.e0 of of these was opened and ehen the eol- Mund it '.eitit• reyee startled, I can Leter, I told •him
. 0, you +mow, raeite--e'enough," says the Engineee,
insurance ou it perhaps you did not For bons flee minutes the monarch secured' by stout bees and lochs. One
tracing baelt. for many' eenturies the
wish it to Miro down." witted of bitter fetelizig between two- 13right's Disease wes•ineurable. ' X _
tell you.. In thogeday 1. • iinyone who. totiched liquor, teed lie .nolo 600,00omoo,,Oob tons -al cutth-,
lib had .gone tie the Ilre, and the visi- the soldiers to leave the divan,. and ' had. been lowered for that' purpose. '' . •coul ,e. 0, no good. • na y my wi e le a. - 1
*telt to ilevedlieerent doetere, ••They i Suggested teat I thought clobs had
agreed never to. touch_ it. After that •
gumption for over
That's what the visitor said, but' the setelwart armorer. At the end of Mere prepared to force Gio io de -
tribes that vs•ere ft‘ Werefor• forty• - "to • settle° for • the Wants of the
31r. Otium-cum-dig didn't heae it ell; that time he made a anotime for, all ,scend by' means or a ladder welch .
years,etheir pelations being somewhat woild at the present rate a &in-
ter Wa9 left to wander on MS.. War. • b a. ' 1" • 1 nd further hack from I said the nieflorer as he "observed their te, , . „„ ,
The eXploier found that in .562. eie.
,., out • there Weeerio use tableg"'eme• y- lin .- -
11 d "" ri n . - 1 b a influence On young men • and X
soCiatad .a rich' &Posit cif :iron. ore,
e • .4 . . . I a e toein. s a
motteeesel could not be' cured. I felt
arider•went t o ' Who told us ri ht should 'expect him to give t min 111),
then tinning to ids •attenclaiete; .he l ' "Fear not that e shall eesist you" Strained, .- . . '2,000 yetiez."
...eft within hearing, an e en te . ing s .tungeoes lave no ear or o- Ile ' g • ti. he said he would, I also took
up the pubject of gambling and net( With this ereat coal formation; is as-
'. the throne. The.priece alone, remain- prod:rata/et demenstrations, ' "Tee te. • the amen of one • of the irons
I,arge coal-iields exist also •In Humeri
"Gio," said the king, in an 'ear- feeling somewhat akin to awe, • and a,. famous horse names Dallis. e:of vifti.deilts Miner, an IT e
him proinisa that he would- -• s op
a scientific manner. In -short, coal
PATNIPERED PETS. • ., • d •v i won- k• r 1 ' • ) f 1 lnade. a foray oti another tribe, and ie • e/e . •
lat it was ail over.'
i lines pf tartan, ueatly stitched. and fleet-, persuasiVe tone, e'you know, with an Unfaltering' steie Gio elaced extraordinary ileetness of Dallis was
1 and Inair. eu7tstneinePtPetig It htr I "Well, you. eidn't ask him. •much 1 . .. , se in
ed, the Moe pleetiful mineral in
times af smooth, .pinin elotn, soMee 'Me "We' on da ' t • d
For night wear a emend shirt is give they of .Lady Marina?" , seceded. Then the ladder tees drawn Was tot long before. a match was
Kidney Pine" he WoUld have -been .1 stlefaisChe eeeelved yoU in thCriaat-
vannte bee irebees also cibtindent.
, were talki is said to•be, as far as yet ascertain -
ti ' "1 do' sire " . • up, and the doer Shut, bolted 'tied made to race him againet a leezara
e . A ter ?"
Whiting myself that I et least had a
that. Bet just' when' X was congra- .
"Oh, no 1 I cotild, have forgiven a...
provided with a hantliterchief pocket. then, the secret that lies in the des- his loot upsen the ladder and de- the boase of his new owner and it bra..
quiee. pee. et he hau eaken Deed':
Scene French 'dogs ,,beive travelling tiered at the sudden change that line wee) beetitig
. 'es 0, ennsern fee the heote old eaP" "How did yetieetem" eeto,take Doddre lehle'llIg cards and 4)13 and other provinces, none of whieh
ri have been 'worked by the Chine
• •
• times of sanooth, plain cloth, some- come over his father's COUlltetittuCe. The soldiers stepped back with a elves taken he demanded and received Itidne Pill horses. '
e the creature, should the weathei I , . • mare belonging to another tribtetend cured. That set iini thinking. For •
• be cold; but if it. is 'warm, ns after I "A,nd will you not give her up tO loclied. • . .
with Milo and embroiderer takes its "I Nvill ano.ke you ride" damp, and all the light and air it re- reformed •ono yeller; man I f
He positively wee no a i
h t he didn't need any reforming.
a • • •••, teem dungeoe into which the armor- also noted for her fleetness. • The the 'effst six. years I had been terced ,
length of the couree was ciboUt ten I beg fe to take Dodd's Kidney itills "
"You shell hew honoro." . the iron door above; Mit even thee° As the day fixed for the
October, with an averag's of 2.67 ,
inches; is the wettest month in the
year in tugland; November comes se -
wend,. anti .Auguse third. , •
r .etos
I ^
C Me.63ei
3ECr CY) XJ13tla
• 'UUCP Co ginstC
Cio -416e33010 Xt..
lerosorvos the teeth. Sweetens thehreath.
Strengthens the gums
rAss Battd
Instrumento, Drums, Uniforms, Eta.
Lowesti prices ovef quoted, trine catalogue
6001.11tistrat town died free, Write as for any
thing in Elude es Musical Instrument+.
WHALE! ROYCE t6 80., Limited,
Toreeto, Oat.. and Winnipeg, Mart •
. .
CHENILLE et, .TAshits
LACE CURTAINS "geNaltatrtigil°-
and all kinds of house gs, alas, I
Write tO us about yenta.
Is a Balm ot °Head preparation. _It
OMB Cold Sores, Chapped Handel
Waunds or Skin Disease% It le not
an:esthetic, but a healer -THE SOVER.
EMI HEALER. Largallexes 250. Drug.
Siete. or The ffiteadine Co., Toronto.
' •
i a
. 4 I
we want the set%
vices of men women
and chtle-en'toworic
• for us, whole et spare
time-4nItting manta
seeks and either tu,
tides at them own
homes.. We tkUpolY
yarn and miter's!,
and pay far ailwork as sentln. forfurtIter
particulars eiddress.
The Pewees Knfttlna Syndloatee
' • (Limited/ Toronto, Ont.
Paris it •is at Cannes or Nice, one of Me? • tO . a Wain ti5" ticr.my work. •eteell, t a • t dtected to
foulard or white cainbrie, provided . I cannote' • • • or • was thee cast was small and wager was ior 100 cainels and the
How little the Population of Prance .
moves about IA shoWn by the last .
census. Out of thirty-eighe
inhabitance, twenty-one niillion0 live
in the toWn or Village. in Whith they
were born, and thirty and a half .
Millions have not moVed out of their
native departmehte: Only a. million'
end a half have eitegratee to Prance',
from colonies or foreign comitries.
il ci bet • ad Ili tailed the third any one of the bad habits e made .
"I cannot.'" coived was from the perforations in all .
PI° 4",h t abatulon. It was a
race ap- box X wee tvork again. I can Pre 0
pt. with- shoe a horse as Weil to-dey as ever
"You shall stand next, to the prince Ito the cell; though on looking up one out Water'. the. plait othig th
himself in the kingdom, I toted tie° the tlim specks in the door horse which first plunged
"Not for your Crown itself would whene night. had begun to creep into the water through te
era Were years' standing ?" .\
"You lave any answer." admitted scarcely a. beam of light prottched the.,horses were ke
terrible. • shock, and X broke oil the ' C
n =lice boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills eured • interestirig I EISEAKFAST.-SUPPER.,
its •ftose • "De you mettle to. ea.y ti et three
at the could in My life." . !engagement •right away. here was
no longer anything In it to make .
.1 eesign her to you." • I around. There wao no, food, no water froze . the startlhg point, sit
you are unalterably fixed?" been broughte anon. The. couch upon ;to run riderless, Laud to ma
"As Persia, is by her. laws." which a prisoner Might rest his gallop their besternaddening
I "Then take your doom, and let Me ;limbs Was a mere wooden bench, Was tet take the team of Vi•
thee that if Marina be. on earth without oven strew to eelietre, its spur.
111. find her, though X have to • dig 'hardness. I The superior strength of Da
Oven& the base of Mount Ceucasus. As soon as the sound.of the sol- over the yielding, sandy pI
1To, without there!" • diers' footsteps had died aevey in the he Wes well ahead of Ms ri
Li a. mothent incire the soldiers distance, Gio took from 11, bag he mare, which, though voy
Wane Melling into the apartMent. wore about hie neck a Mall iron less staying poWer. The hor
the seldiers croneled about him, and which worked 'an air -tight piston. At ha.d not been for a, trick per
the eud of this pistoe tette an inden- by, ehe tribe to whotti the
Dula be you of Bright's ,Diseitte of fifteen --
"And to libido by these ansWers lin the place, but that might lave :declared the winher. nio rac
• N.
, • • ':'• RECOVERY' OP REASON. e .
lie them Yee, eir, that's exactly wine hard% Med Cures adrift' King Otto of leavarie„ who lost his
thirst Mean. I was to WIT and sore 1 reason twenty-five years ego, has
hip and could hot stoop to pick tIP ,neything • just recovered the use of his tongue:
Japan has only one Orphanage, yet
In no other land are fatherlese
reit better eared for, levery family
cave for the sick, deetitute, or ore.
phone nearest to it. •There is a su-
perstition that ie childless house is
accursed, and people who are not
bleseed with children of their Own
neaer rest till ;they have adoeted
some waif.
Before the coming of the whitee to
• America the elleeieeippi River Was
known by a different name every few
miles of its course. Bach tribe that
&Veit tilting Re bathe gave it a
name, and utore than thirty of these
local deeignatione tire preeerVeti in
the • neeratiVea Of the early travel -
--ceuldn't put en iny rt kistreee -(inidnight3-"/ &mei 411- and has . been *fleeing foe his mother
hie tad Wife Was heru she would telt. more tend to tome doWn etairs to let yeti and others who have been dead eor
ale; abot! Dodd's ICitIneY Pins le4411 inetlais time of night again."' New seine years. Hie mind is now clear,
eet, had .e. Girrereassueingly).-"You won't have as tO events that happened before
Mr. Colmiek le new fiffefreitelle to, muni. One of my friends took his affliction, but ft is a blank eo far
eleeize the doe' tried the king, as tube open at One end, and within undoubtedly have Won the r - 1 an impression of your lock, and lio's as the test quarter of a century is
years old aud the Picture of I eta!),
se veould
num be- PLEASANT tort Tier. LA.NDVADY.
er which
tt' 14" A. cook at a cheap boarding holisie
played a little game ort a grunabillig
sear the can.
ace if it and strength,
making nice key for me." ' coneented. •
strike off hie head, Ole With it X
1, A score of them gathered about the
r r r and bore hint to his knees.
The ea -mescaline iron look rested upon inderitere, and then inserting the pis- his and throW 03 hi
toUtteriance, and hie eyes were ton into the tube he drteVe it home The trick suceeeded, and t
still fixed urneaveritigly upon the with such three that the combustible was first at, the Watering tr
Was irardediately igaited, AS Soon, ati I The dishonest, stratagene
Stele you foriard and this was nceomplithed, the prisoner Dales wee defeated came
precluded a MASA Waxen tepee, tad knowledge of his owner. A
etr Ike."' efforts to adjust the difficult
this sumrnone and &VW his sWord. It was them time past 'Meridian 'tribes resorted tO war and
A stout soldier Stepped forWard a.t ereelofig lid had le light,
when Gio Wag ceneighed to his dun- has continued 0. mild for
Stilt Gio flinched not„
1 "Strike!"
The soldier's keen Weapon Was td- sat there upon, the rough bench, with forty Yeare, and the utiplea
gain and as tirne crept Slowly on he preemie day. The War la
ready raised, when the king made a eie light beside hint, fashioning small has been handed tiown from
motion to pitt$SOr and then, turning bits of Wire int0 5, tort of Mail for tion to generation, though 1
the neck and bretht. There was not its& sometimes elapse in Wie
to 010, he acid:
"Once More I give thee elateee the dighteet lane Meniiested are lao active
ture, and ho.ving broken teem a piece longed. They had concealed
of light punk quantity suffleient for in a htelloW on the track ov
hie purpose, he placed it in the said the" aniinals Were raeitig to c
s course. theving him a piece of eole loather
heck Dite boarder a hewspaper hdmorist, by
he mere lestead et beefetettle.
by tellicle reaecher," said the boarder,, lotiking
o the uP at, the lettitiledy, aftefeeeeteng tWo
"'You've chatiged yew'. butclier, Mee.
fte , Vain or three •ininutes at the leather. .
the toud the boarding
Y tile two. "Seine betcher as More," replied
ni. to the eonieing smile. "'Why?"
mietreee, with o pat-
sted for "Oh, nothing much," said the int.
se -1111108g inorist, trying to Make an home-
genera- Mem on 'the steak with his knife and
ong per- fork, "order this piece of meat iti the
ith there tendereat brerdcfatt 1 haVe had in
. +el* hewer( ear atinet waeke.0 ,
4V-iii,/ei /a
Alto ://#10/0
"" MAO 'tory tame ive, Au intermittent
• eheerfully and prOMptly supplied. •
• intermit tIM depositor reeeives. This Id
Dominion line SteatnablpS
%Menthol to Liverpool. Borten to Lim -
Ned. Pordeed to Liverpool. Via Queens.
targe and Mut Steemelape. Superior aepontutottatlest
tor all elartsoe ol paueneere. Saloons and Ststoroomi
we stoldrhiPa Special attention has beeu &Oa to tho
elates of_pluisag sod sit partioishirs, apply to any moo
Saviipoinour.itonird Thltd•Olass tweommodatioo, Foi
I it de mt h"e Id o e7
snotaras, ynn.e, 0o,
Sole St., SOLOS. liontresi and Portland,
:Ai The Important
. . .....,
: Consideration El.
110, Torroiess k Chk.
ee to- the Man or woman with a &quoit ea
necount is the security of tho money
• • deepened. • If the deposit Is with 7.4
▪ 6
Canada's rreilliti Company
. is
MOOS? IS beyond question. A
▪ flecondtbry consideration is the rete Of
1' Torontotg,:.;,,t,77: ROUT°.
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