HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-02, Page 4mo4 TEttllllI I61111 Elfin 04 4 44 t`ei4 is 0:4 4,4';14144 t 4e; •• sat • let c+od linows Them Already, But It Will fil kitgo Relieve You and Help You Y An Wil0 plirtarel aosertilos to Ace ot the parliament et Isuirered SOrnetliing like this before. lentsda. le see year one Thousend Nine Hun sink One, bx Wenm 13.14,0f Toronto you would neve known What to 40, use D•putineet et Asrenetsuo, mom.) but here is a flank moVeraent for A. despatch from Washington.says: sthich yeii are pot ready. -Rev. Dr. 'Talmage preached from the We talk about the great discover - following text: Joshua III, n. -"Ye les of the age, •the electric power, the have not passed this way heretofore" Steam power, the telescopic and -tut- In December, 1889, 1 waded the croseopie power, but de not say river Jordan, and, althoUgh the cur- anytning abut the discoVeries We all make year by year, and day by day. rent was strong, e was able to beer up against it, but he the time of 'There are surprises all the CUM. It eloring freshet, when the snows gn is a. new road we are travelling. "re Mount Lebanon melt, teething but a have not passed this Way befere." sniracle would enable any one to • But closely allied*is the other fact which we hinted at in the opening -- cross the river, It was at the dan- that we will not pass this way gerous springtime that Joshua and the officers of his array uttered the agoin. This is (JUL only opportunity .for doing certain things that words of my text to the people Who OUGHT TO BE DONE. ;were in a few ileum to cross the vuuut • y „. Thorne was undressing when a knock called to the door. The man who atone in did not apologize for calling at such an hour, but walked past Thorne eo the cen- tro of the reran, drew an overcoat efr his sturdy shoulders, and, cast biraself into a chair, the ceuxfat of which he evidently appreciated. He was in evening clothes, without blezaish. I Ther•ne was irritated, then amused, He suspended judgment until the cal- ler said: I "Mr. Thorne, goociernorning!.. "You are hyper -accurate, sir," Thorne reterted. "It is only fifteen minutes past midnight, and you are in full event d are Within the senere of the batik. Slatent...fettisftettete-iallt‘tteeite "again perdon lny intrusion of self 40 into this Welleordered brealsfaet, But About 1 must hasten to (leered, what 1 per- ceive to be au insuillesiont and inad, equate Compreheusloe of the very in- ' teresting eirctunetance n ich you finci youreelf et present. As you "lily dear Mr. Thorne," he eaid, 41). . • s 1 "wli the 4st. ....House 3 01. loaow, 1 aux not a Men of violence. I O'freellenele1.044,00,4111"10**10110 do not Iiise force, litit fmaletimee 1 , CURING MEAT AT HOMILY.. resort to hired senile, arra have the To work done by some. nieuite. provide fresh Meat for the table is often dialeint tine expensive, 'This now occur e to tee as 1 see eePeelally in suminer and witheat standing In front of the eouth wine ice. Corned, beef has its disadvan- dow yoader a 'muscular person who tages as a steady diet. To satisfy uneoubtectly passed the night under this svaet has been my Study for your windows, awning a possible several years, and 1 have solved the 'signal from me; wee has followed us that may interest , problem in a way here. and will by no means Irale sight others, writes a correspondent. It 1 of us, whether we 'Veit the bank or consists , in drying and in Welting • not. lie is committed to certain in, the meat, both as Hamburg steak I Istructions given 1,py nie, a part of or plain enince4 meat, and as potted I., Width is a caution. thee at a certain or spiced meat, also canning eon - 1 the machinery of iuy Offiec," sign from me he is to set in eacition centrated neat extract or soup. It, is advisable to handle quite a quan- tity Of meat at one time, such as a The way to tee blink was painfully quarter, half or possibly an entire short, Thorne thought, giving him animal, depending upon the amount scant time to revel some eonclusion, needed for a six months' supply. What could he not do With A,10,000? Tbin beef is much the best. the way of comfort lay open, mar- t. It casts i Future . assured, established where less than li• h grade e t and the fat of th latter i i •the way and father, and ozten the police are un- 1 haNe to tise it. On Such eceasions I HAS NO LOVE F0111,11XDAY.' TII:E S. S. LESSON. OZ.A.D, OF RUSSIA. I$ N'OT ;VON)) VESSOlgt OF SOCXETY. JAN. r. ' Etiquette. a,d, egee •Teect of the Leeson, nate 1., f44. Ire. 1s. Rend by Banquete teolits II. bas the greatest. crabs - I. 2.Golden Texts Ade i., ' a Strong Conterapt for • more particle NI' "All that Jesus began both . . pat -by to every form of luxury. anti Of the things which. he. • disees and .araeri:tt:Letidteltile btyabel-:r.y lie: eo do and teach." Thus Lao. Spealce by the possible to conceal the noredone in- Xneale are restricted to 0, eery fees . Thie book gives an account of the Spirit, had write= inghie gospel. disciples, and lie is still doing end Whigs Valieh JebUS Continued to de with feverish . haste. He iratis le inn A and laughs freely when at his case dieted upoehlin by lone °melee bele His willing ones. We could scarcely teaching by the same 8pirit'threugh taimueottsg. h On the other head, he jests have 4 more appropriate or lielpful . centempt for etiquette is reenifest ill Alextuider ILI... was • usicesteme4 to or to-daY' is intitnate associates. His I i.lesson with which to begin the lesson for in it we have the '.41.17014 brilliant and ;chewy eeillnage, drive through St. Petereburg in a ;Secret of power in His service, , even. the same power whin. wrought in Him in all His words and worIceetnd concerning which 'Peel wrote, • "lia • all his habits. While his father. . oloVie oPen carriage, Ile nee sup- 8)" . the same wet inighty in me" (Gal, ii, wrought effectually in Peter, Present Czar usually drives inthaa that i••••••,• guests. Like all busy men ho .eats and teeth by liis through Ilis GIRL'S COSTUME, . ' , •On all Sides there are griefs that "As you will, sir -as you will; but lie.,3. "Being seen of them 40 days and .• pressed the cordou of cavalry which 4 and hi a home Of era own- e 8' a Cashmere in, all the: leriehter, light- aware of the route he intends to for his ',speaking, of the things pertaining to 4 to 12 Years. used to keep the street clear ed H vin secured "'•'' the kino.dom of God." ' At' least 10 ' 12 times between Ills eesurrection " d Hi i ibl s en - Jordan. About that crossing We say but little, bemuse on a pre- vious occasion we discoveied Con- cerning that piling up of the 'waters 1 into crystal barricatle. We only epeak of the march, to the brink of the river. , No stranger thing bes ever ecourred in all history. Wkiat wes trutbfully said of the we ought to solace, hunger we ought as X said, good-inoraing, May er colors is much worn by little girls take. to feed, cold. that we °eget to warm, speak with you quietly and in coral! "I/1°114W 01 ' sefie.tY IPhnulgfte• .bboeef retinh "method4of grocedure tind words that we ought to speak, deuce for ten minutes?" The strange ,Thorrie,s r: • al xpegi •- •• ' e P and makes tharming frocks. g pre ession Q is as foliciws • TS froze. the dead an s v s Peer perform. AU that you and I do to. Thorne could not eecape a ensile es ward making this World better ' and he said:, , met' showed hilei at a 1 e what friends-, his well -1.i4, well -guarded • 410 000 , would 4o tor him, with his g an e s e for corning. The bone s remove , rib roasts steak etc are reserved ' ' d with black velvet and sicirn' pal*°e1a.ebrienaamd • 41Q0. and is in the he g teens, sion He appeared to individuals uit cvomeapkainn_ies of His disciples'. and The . generous (Idols that we ought to er greet. affably tusinese-like. The choicest cuts, such as loins,,, material in cardinal re pretty .design illustrated shows the PEASAN , SURE Ole JUSTIC happier we must .do very mon or "You came in, of peer own accord, never do •et all. Joshua. and his my dear air. Suppose you proeeee friends. Primula! There we tile cierefully-manipultsted seller° ef and Used for • soup stock the solid • . ' n. hundreds of verses with their peti- Reselan Peasants frequently travel confident that the sovereign would seem that: He was . Y troubl e rneat alone being piekled. tat . The yeke is simply banded, fbausthiothe will personally consider their cesee • kingdom. of •God. Since this well:A:hes great topic of his Preaching and con- versettoe, can there • be anything .a about the things of the ancient Israelites may be tretIffully said of us. 'We are vatteina our first. and last journey through this".world. it is possible, as some of ray good friends believe, that this world will be corrented and unproved:end Pante fled and lioralizqd unct :einparatosed. as to climate and soil Lead character' until it shall- become a, heaven for the ransomed, but I do not thiule it. 1 hese an idea that neaven 'al- ready leuilt soniewhere. Our -de- parted friends. could not wait mien . this world is fixed up for saintly.and angelic residence, Having once, gone out of the world, I do not. think we will come back, except as ministering spirits to help. those.who; • xemain in . the earthly streggle or perhaps to look at tlie woncireus spectacle of e. trooPS never came back over the way likewise with your business. My on- i .. . .• which is to be dried is laid one side.bertha is overlaid with velvet, lectecei • and have justTceT He reeds all they were marching toward the ly condition is that I be allowed to • 'The Mid -Counties, Bank chairman The best method is to cut: the liga- m mgli enev an edge of the red,and the letters addressed to,hlin and notes ore iraportent for us than to be sure of an entrance into the Icingdoln. crousing of the Jordan: The impress enter -my bed in ten minutee," had been his genereue patron for ten. ments at the lower joint '-q the hind NV3. t it and, the sash are ilnishe the answers eo be given on the It o 'wale worthy of it whele here' and of the sandal or the bare 'feet of each "Good!" the well-dressed intruder years. He called lie. his house, and 'quarter, and eake out the muscles with applied medallioes of the lace: lnargin in red pencil: lie never fore Ito:live to hasten it ? (Tan 111. 13, soldier showed in whet direction •he said, =lathing his hands together. played golf with a ,nlee girl that live 'one by one, preserving their matural *Albatross serge, henriette, plaid Inn gives those who attempt -to deceive le- ; e These. li, le; Math. vi, 3l/e. terials and' sim • rimmed, as was going, 'bet never did- the impress "You are the right sort, e wise e ed there. See was the chairman'S shape instead of cutting strips across ill ' Ple s't thim or 'give 'false information. Both 1 ee e, "Ye shall be baptized with ef the sandal of any one ot them had known you years ago." daughter,' and. Thorne feleIcertain, the grain. These are laid in a pickle e us , 5'aro, !he and his Clearing, are extreinely the Hole. trated or with ve vet only Holy Ghost not many days show t,hat he had returned. Wo are "Thank you, Thorne spoke so 'that if he asked her to share life for a few days, then taken otit, wip- nowever, equally .appropeiate .and 1 popelar throughout Ennl'h io. `,---eY 'hence." Altitougli they had been all facing eternity to come. There is gravely that the visttor loolced with, hint she would say yes.' Yet ee dry, rubbed well with salt, pepper equally in style. . _, , are like two comrades, neither try. Iwith Him elmost constantly for two - no retreat. Alertness and tatelity sharply at him, as if eearching eor how. could he ask her to share life and a little sugar, and hung • over The • waist. is made over a niece 1 in to exercise control over the• oth- 1 a . i • I b t or t n e yecti e! t le greatest all( es I . • . 'the kitelien. stove. ' Re eat :the salt- lining that closes at -the been, nut .. *would ,not be so important if- we signs of veiled sarcasm. , with. him on £300 a year? ' could truthfully- say-.: "I will be back "My name I die not give," Ile pro- The cashier was t, personal friend, 1 g waist proper is gathered at the yoke ' . 'teacher that ever lived for' "who here again,. The i.hings 1 neglect coded. 'Yours I- know, and all He knew even the clerics. They re- . t will absorb it. In 1.5 or is see iu $t. P,etersburg d h and again at the waist. line, and that teacheth line Him ?" (Job. xxxvi, now I will do the next time I come.. about you -or enough. 1 knoW you cognized him as is busted friead of 2aSsu the mea days It will be dry enough for such u, happy married pair were' neve 22) they were not qualified to go I will be. reinceenated, end I will le- ter one of the cleverest. firianciel edie "the old man." Teen, again, it wee 'use. It can be smoked if the er before seen on the Russian throne. bl II I el b It Tl ' ouses. s g illy over le e . le forth as His witnesses till speeially ing then more knowlcdge than I have who lives by the goodness of human- ;gang would murl. hint if he refused The halal* of the carcase -is to be ingly becoming, and is cirrenged over 1 ars When they drive out -• together. they ! 40, "Beheld, I send She pro-, leather upon you, but stem my earthly obligations. ' eictve tors' in London. I Am a gentleman not ell a- questicne ,;:if money, The SMOKED FLAVOR IS DESIRED. - bertha. is oddly shaped and ceceed- ;endued, es it is, evritien in Luke now, I will deschaerge Mg earthly fly. X subsist by my wits as applied to asSist•them, h.* as they would re- .boiled. Thi can be done in large the joining of waist and yoke, The . sleeves re in bishop style,with nee- elways observed to be in animate eeeie, .duties better than I ean now se to- .what others have acquired. 1-" move - every. ether obscaele to coin- kettles over open fires out of doors _ . a . - . : aa 1V1 d0 i d SIi' innuttingg. . on'rh-eaY P. ed conversation, fregramtly laughing 'erase .of My rionpteernt•eioxeparlelse_ terry 'ye in the city of Jerusalem tin - row straiglit cuffs, and the neck ise. !tit ye be endued with power from on which is quite plain and smooth. The " 'n every two or three days as long It ' " 'd A BURNING PLANET'. The fact is, I Warne no one fee making lifetime unetakes. I pity them lestedd of blaming them. There are so many wrong reeds, but only ono right one. . You 'cannot in Mid- life draw *apon your; yeuthful ex- periments for wisdom, for midlife 'Is so entireler different from youth. • You cannot in ola age draw upon midlife experienees. for the • two stet es of -existence are so diverse. -What is wisdom for one man to do would be folly for another to under-, take. • A man �f nerve and piece is not 'qualified to advise , a man -timid and shrinking . An 'achieve- ment that would be easy' ror, you might be impossible for me. •Human advice is ordiearile. of little '.Value. People review their own successes Or failures and then tell us What is best. for us to do,. not realizing thee our circumstances are dieerent, ourtem- peraments •differerit our. physical, and. 'mental and moral capaeities different; Meet of teegreat mis- takes that• have been Made eave been made und,er teem= advisement. .• • • Yea, our entire •,Wcield .is on' a new pathway. • It May be swinging In' the same didorbit as when by , the hand of the Almighty inunetesity•• was sprinkled with worlds, but it •' has, been rocked With earthquakes d s orc d cherge them. I do not. give solemn "You are, then," Thorne put in, "a, plete eseape Irene. detectilin. , , farewell to these obligations and op- lawyer?" ;or in the kitchen. lf the latter, pro- rei - sion" The Ozer remarked- one daY: :high. Since our Lord Jesus Him- : . • i The bank's. doone stared at thene :vide a large tank for the bones and enish d ith t d' 11 • e w • a s an mglea; pontunities, but a.smiling end cheer"Yes"-with . a profound bow -"a and they . Walked in. Still in a a d • :d 1 ttl 1 th t R gored slcirt ie smooth- at the front, 1-'1 am a' • ,, „Russian just- like my sub- . self did not begin His public milder ant oven and strain the I d seat into ielii he 'no new and correctedeeditien of 'misunderstand; I saidga, Iltwyer f " • stood b c, a An° lel US 2c, 38) and these privileged men. , a,.burglar,-.' I end.. The taller of the rdee ,girl meat is now cut in narrow -strips and to the bed lid th ' at y, a . 0 sash,. serves o ,,,- - '.1. Llli young sovereign frequently re - CZARINA AT. HIS SIDE. c ore the cheirman-his glass 'jars or •other• vessels. The lean preferred, The upper e go is joi ed could not g� forth without a special the volume of earthly lite. After we "And I.replied "Yes .• f 4 . e eves ra.w few class distince. looked the burglar over With business ell • s ft e 1 t t conceed the seam, till a late =dement, ere' we • ' not wrong if we make exit from the stage at the close W tin d ' geod-bye until X see them gain."tburglar." . . . • . . • • tranee, • Th goo -size cc e . or e mea , e- jects, a saying which made an ex- try till the Holy Spirit etrute special - erne pushed through •the move the fat heat it in a nail in the and the box plaits at tbe back may cellent impression upon .the people. ly upon Hina (Math. ill, lp, 17; Acts' No; we cannot say that. • There will "A what?" Theme gasped. "-You glass doe and i ' tl • • i t ' - -- • ' be. omitted in laver of gathers if so d tail ae he pet •thein both in easily hi ce meat cutter. When . one • To cut• this dress' far a girl.. of 8 mains at his desk hour,. think we can serve Min Without boiledun o eno g 1 0 CU of .the fifth act we cannot •re-enter. bons, you know. .I ant -a burglar. like e • . potful is cooked, another lot is bell- • years of age 5 yards, of material 21 1 an.d sometimes receive§ his ministers . be - At this point :X ask you to notice Five. of my assistailes .and myself are chairs. . . ing filled with the Spirit ?' (Eph, v; I I P g to enter the vautt of the "Well, my boy" -the • old man's ed in the same wetter ; 'centime •us- or advisers after midnight, his cone 18.) . 6-8. Lord, wilt Thou at this time t th 0 , g a . e water hs poss le; until frith:es ayide, 4 yards 27 inches wide.. i.t, i ':17t: sitting b_y hen at. her embroide e the fact that my text does not ca. 1 ire 'slain • dan,. ut to 'the, way leading thereto. throe& an opening in the. founda-: there was no ileneiii . g his eonficlence- all the meat is •boiled, The water-. . . or 2* yards 44 inches wide will required, with 1 yard of velvet • o • y or neetileWerle. Ween a 'stranger restore again .• the kingdom •to Is- rael '7'. The kingdom which the God attention o e crossing of the Jot-. Mid -Counties bank le Chapel serecte eyes were shiren,g and Thorne . aw -ing s little ib ' ' . . . , appears at the door she bundles her We all think much of our crossing boa which we eave :been drilling her "well, my boy, what is it to-daye finally becomes a concettrated meat • r m• as fJd • work together and prepares to leave, of heaven will set Up (Dan. 11, 44). till the Czar says, "but no, Lasha, God being; the author of it, end o the or a,n when the march of our SiX Weeks from the adjoining 'house,. 3)e you know I Wouldn'tekasee let- extract, so strong thee .it is - ' • . • life Is, ended, but put too little em- which we .lease. Sixty eeconcis of see that pile of letters -X. .wouldn t agreeable to the taste. „ • ,. . . heaven the character of it .and there- . LEADS TO THE CROSSING.' elate'. of steel 'lilting. about the vitulte for all there is in that pile. But I , way, berag sewed into convenient the cake is 'yet vsarm. -: rinemtabion ieliiiesric,,,.,yotrir enzmortindmisttiuileibi :is - fore called in the kingdom of Goa and the 'kingdom of • Phasis on .the way that. • . e • careful work will pierce the .lest. sec- have let enybode but nee in here l• The bones are leandled in a similar flavoring if dealred, and =read While. gospels both the , endue is the: directien of the, road :“.1311e, Mans" .111., ;ilweinttklyille•ie,suwinoreks . her . seat . and goes What You and 1 need moot to care and See es Inside." . , •can't.yeffeeSrYeu anything, lad," One lengths ad :boiled in the tanx or a : Chocolate • Cake-Ilee the same 011 heeven, will be a kingdom ender the Tborre0 cried,. "whet leend. went over Tnerne'e• knees, I wash boiler tintel the meet conies gredients, with the •exception ., ef ; it Is not licensees known to all the whole .eattle (Dan. vii, 27), With • We • are tra.velling. We need have 110 are you 'here 'telling .• me this for? %\ hat up?.' • . ' . • amity frein thera, ween they are re- venille for flavoring, , For the froet- i world .itliet the correspiendence . be- Israel as a righteous nation In their ' • fear of the crossing if e we: Mime • to DOW!. yen knew that if svInst you eaY i rrhoroe's eyes were glassing and-his'!moved and anotran lot cooked in rag take 2 tablespoons grated ehoco- I tweet:. Nicholas 11. ,and the German own • land en ethe.• center and • the 1 is true I'm the last -man you Could tongue seemed tlifek. Beside him the. the same water. The large bones 1 laeo. 2 tablespoons - milk. and 3 .Einpetore welch on bui5ortant occa- whole earth : filled with the 'glory ce .et in the right way. In other words, • we, leed not. care .about: death if • Our. be ' telling it :to le safety? • If you :burglar .set, Ap finperturbe:ble ne 'eye shoeIre•be sent or .sawed to let the tableepeons snar, Let. it Meet slew- i sions is carried I on• between the tWo the Lord encl. liee21; eil, 9; enevit, knee? ae inuth as yeu profess tibone er,', studying .tee . ceiling -criticallY, !matTONV distolve. The. •ment from ly7 and the boil One minute. Spread ; sovereigns, is in the .Ennlish. lain 6; . Rein. • xi, 1.5.); . e The • Saviour e . did, :life has been what' it ought to be. We will dieerighe if we live right. 1110 you. would••uriderstand', thee .sonto :and 'Mem knew liie life wee •in I he inrge shank bones is not eemoved, when. nearly cool e .: • •' fguage; ' For instence, %the telegrams not call their eXpectation •careal. be 0 ilearee; , .ete, bothering. .cibblit of my. best :friends:, are, in _the:: .atd- ..those inost Merciless hands•. le was but is boiled witle the belies. 'Use as Meek. Raieed Cakee-This• may be -- resPecting the appointment' of • Caveat earthlerens many de to -day,. aed tell '. !them that. "eheir. thoughte : ef .' the • e eour.exit from- aulluneee scenes -1 Ily Counties Bank, end ,that you will ne like 'sulcide.s• Thorne caught the Oise eittle water:A.1e ..possibleebue 'elWees made ,. front ' the same recipe, only • right,: • and then go ahead. ' et •the morhingetegifse shell seed aewarning :suddenly getting' up,. eat hie, bachlinerning the, fat can' be reenoned front, nutmeg and e dust of eitinaneon, elec.. . Von. •Waldeesee " as Conerea.ndereira Chief ;of the international:. 1.01:ces:in kingdom 'were ell wrong and • that enenee• be tett ef , my. • roome this ten ief tbo••almiqoa,n's eyes 'again, and:enough . to cover the benes. ••• Each :trade the • flavoring ane a use histeed. the , • grace of 'God :get yrair heart which • win make your jive worthy. against the door -arid said: ' 1 tee:cold 'soup 'and added to. that in. a small, cep .of seeeed raieine; Bake China,: were ,weitten*by • both.' *Era-lit:Was to be a spiritual kingdem in safe-breakers and neureelf• decidedly • , ne peters in Englieh. ' The relationsran fthe heart's cif men; 'but ire. simply .. Loyd takes ogre of yon clear on to. I think you . can ertet Hies to ' take . the Mid-Cciunties Dank Would.eeceive 1 As fast ae the Meat: is eue by.. the . cake is bettor without frosting. • • , : ., 'in a round pan.half an hoer... rrt0 the bank •on title gide et the , .river, came here to-dey tee ask • when the oven. ' . . - • ' iniocenfortatile-if what You; Say .18 of the two monarchi with the Eng?. -1 told them that it' swas .not for tbeins you. from bank to Stank, from , the : thee big GoVerenfent dePosit. • Don't meat Cutter . it' is salted to taste, Coffee .000 -Thee' ceri be Made . in lish court le net the stile explenation to know the time 'and their' present swillotts. on this side the stream' ' to . front 4sr you had:better leaveesne to my •bed tee. met of the .night? - Suppose. settee .please. That whet.. I' eagle egoism]: quite :finely rate cane, A n cl much• the mime :ivey, :sisIng only e of tele curious • departure from the ,raisiness. • svae: to be .filled with the true. • Donn. you thinkethough, elute *the palme. era the ntlier side, • ..• here for. What ;•I now . say Ise that I meat extract 'poured in :to 'ell ehe in- cup pugar, *: cup nroltteses • arid 2-3 ' - cueteran in .diploneatic and prilicely ;Spirit and in His .power to be His . . !he last kiss • of seer owing ones on eirelee tii :employ' the lsreitch len- twitncsses: tinto the'endif of the earth. . :Yee -Meet rile at the 'Dawn, °ince at .dorge want you to that cues- imetices, then ,Sectirely soldered with cup Strong cot/ea in Place. oissthe ,railk , thie.• Mee' •to the welcome, saintle :• gest e: for 'sten' rateenationel . 'come ;His message to es •is in this - res . . raw &Clock this. afternoon.' e . • . teen, but press your police' call bee the excepeion •of .. the vent hole, and 1. Season with •cinnamon and •eloyes, galeettees.. • ' . e !.spect the. same. as to leraelt '."frear cherubic serapitic -deifle o'n the othev ' The stranger Ignored' the suggestien. stantly. This man' is •-a dangerous• belted hi the 'even ler several 'hotirS. I.• and add *e cup chOpped raisins ' and e''.'s a 'e. i epece the same as to Israel ; ."Pear TAUGHT '. .. HISNIARCH A LESSON., an t, the Are, :ern.tling agam as le resumed. . burglar. Ile plans to-ro.b the bank,. Where taken from the oven. the v.ent," cup currants. For frosting mix wrought' upon ey clinietionhenges- sidea.Keep yoer. eyee • • Mr Th rne you have discovered , 1. k . • ar .to the i el e d lin f Th • with -k• cu cold- water. cities sunk, and islands lifted, • and mountains .avaitieched im,0 valleys; So it is • another world than that which was first *meted in the solar system. Yet it is all the time changing and:will. keeei changing un- til the hour of -its demolition. Of this beautiful world, this lustrous world, tlaism glorious, World, it May be Said: "ye have not passed. this way- before." • " • ,What is the- practical use of this subject? leeteaci of putting se When .the Germans defeated. the .ave ca Y xis-inc. 'ifloti French the eictors fat it almose the Lord, that I• am a oe elute. Therefore ye are My Wit - and be to slth , Whatever. betidee, You will o • ° • ' • a ..t.r ec , to ma e me a p ty s • o e tv a drop o so er. e 1 cup sugarp , victorious PrIts:11a1.0' .lself wgi's It"- inarshal• of Prance, appeared .with, 4 the perpose,18 to eneee the Steele: of the nig versgreason for coming .nere. My efideCeunties Bank theenight after: him . signalling his confederetes, as 1. . iciriwraeo. w,oleir ti• lee' icirryga t him .here, And Meet that has been boiled ie, the stir: we can preveut , soup water! is " • . five. 'minutes, stir till eool enough to THE ilEST pOil, POTTING. spread. till it 'boils, then after •boiling • - They Shall shotv .forth: My Oite Etister morning Mastieria, above the town of Feidkirele There ing ' £000,000,, as I understand, .1•.re at mem, eir, and I'll keep this &Coen- bone sou meet be reduced in .bula by Plaint .Cookies-Witti • 1 pt 'sifted Consequently Prince .Bismarek ate * . language of their conquered ,eneeny. feeppyasiez., crotc,, xiiii,i, 19, 12, 21). . . . 1 18;060 -armed' men on the heights haeurely will do, Press your button 1:Alter all the .raines cue cooked, : the certain large sumo of cash, aggrega.te I were no arms to defend the tewn. • enne the 'rahabitatts were. wild with pieced there. The deal Will. be sec et; , and I :can leer the eececaet date. only Orel busy iititil help collies; Ring, ''. ridded and the •whcile 1013 :11110 tin further 'boiling, the. meat . extrat flour mix thoreughlg 1 Ciip granulate teMpted to use Clerraan in Inc' cone tel sugar, Into this mixture rub. 1-3 xuunicaeloes 'with Russia, which' was The leuesian,5or- out of their eights" In Luke =eve. t4,:eri-etnp,.. end a. el oed ieceevecle Ilien ; 9.."And wherrHe had spoken these while they :beheld, He ,was ;terror. • Then the old dean of • tile 1 t unwell assis ance.Th. .• You cane. But the cheirinan only smiled, and • eing. sir -ting! Now. you Villain -- cans, settled and boiled in the eaes. cep. shortening (hall butter and half at 'that time extremely friendly eti • 4" " !.church cried out : "My brothers, this gwill, es .the burglar laughed aloud. ' Thorne' aud doubtless e tve . I am The bone eoup will have di a • e a s glee, lard), and , add a little salt. Into eign Office, hoWeYee. brinttt 147•11.1•0 •50, 61, it is written, And He led ••'. pending •an our own streegth ' .and gnu S a ere ho . purniey in the bahke . iv well' ou kn v klacArdie , staled at thein; like an owl at ,the sun. He could tot understand. The ...able flavor Unless the' meat exerage is eddecte when it becoraes very pal- 273 cup ' tour milk stir eateaspeon soda; tract mix, with, the flour, adding Lis •sensee by an answer it the Russ. mole 'flour ', if, needed. The dough, sian language. Ile Weed up. His eiands and .bleesed „,,, there out as Mr es to. Be.thanynand lie elester Day f We have been de- w el: aek you to see them, end asiere . , amount necessary . for ane 'meal. :I • - • . te read Russian, *hut .was. noe pre- ,th . • . Arneng His partirig words svere the' , la, a e.,uturn ., , tl t f il Let e to God Ring ' h b II d haVe service as usual ,, tam for me the date .of the. arrival • "1.To burglar laughed sortie more. : •tatanie, , . , 11 r• ht " 1 id should. be as - soft as can be relied, ' e we ought to do, follow the divine . eldkirch . and the thron ed vault, whith, can by no Possibility , , "Thong° li was a te t 3.• wanted • • ' .—" • - . •• • ' init' es sinele 'suberclintan in his •clee 1 te s an a sa . ) in in late he comment-- em, and it came to. pass while He much stress upen human Advice and • r 1 1 f d d 111ake the. cookies .about . pared to trans . .an blessed them He eras parted from • I` le s ze o t e tin cans epen of this vast temporary deposit. 1,1 i t d af asking of the past ewhat ns ea Mightily. from f•be church towers of t en comp eta my a cies ,on du:denten spoke: 11 h 1 tt el • 1 cations from. St. Petersburg, and had ! Thorne reeled to a cheer. The upon the size of 'the nal.pey and the thickness and bake mederately. ;them. and carried up Into Heaven:" 'Then the bells rang out ssveetly and , .. . like to use the .No: 3 or tomato 'can • • REMEMBER. •• . • • ''• . • assurance • that all power' was given . THE DIVINE l!HESENOE- ss ed except as lesuggeste 1: Must w t a CoYfid • t' 1 .1 •I•s: h •mori size ' her Poeted Meet. It may the .cake ehould be lightly sprinnled and English, the', uldanneder.t.ake til.le i: whieh was, ilia eymeof oe . • , ,. .• Tle sound s ,ena e ne en- - emy think that the Austrian army • • • which you wilt in uo .wisu be connect - cash ler your. part 'of the Week, with .lor inenil ' i 1 th •YP1 t.. i D It 0- tive A ei3icer °0 !Screed toYmplsoi .e e rile e me. 1 for soup, the No, 2 er.pece ane corn, .-• : • .. • . • • ... . work for.hirn. - Albion . sizo. for meat and the No, 1. or sal- • . That When ieleg is inclined to run as familiar tee . pavement who! co . days. Mite thesend • of, the' age.' -that • Thie is one 'Safe wee' oe • old, end the girls, went -me at home The self-elialing. cane, thee is, 'those That atrae s .ma• be. tested, by : :the • coreesp.ondenee of the eese. mon.. el• . g . the • Czar as 1 meth , , •.• h German . is lewed the• golden liddechest ofs aca- to the •housoefs theoPbell • ' ci t • f . rayer•sfor •worship. • • fail You . will.reeeive 4:10,000. in . . . to try •oti and in friend the 'un- • 1 ii, .....: 'tuiniatot 2.el teheavenwi tll' and iii allena e (% rtthhe, • Not human, • but divine •leadership;' itiesiena and 'his .18,000. soldiers • had come hi s to save the place, 'and - ,' i.4L lettere accurate. informatien, of. the ctee. . look after My, busieess. 'len getting, be difficillt be •buy themen small lots. with flotte • • • ' • • - • - * ; fertile n happy. neutral.. inedmin nor r language I I the were to o into. all the World , ivembulda., .. . , ,au , a it en la a ca w o can posit . tind preeth ehe gospel to.every ceea-..: °Ade .and lietitentints, isuteeonsulting ,stopped, ringing. there- svas not one ' mere. ' I'm .satistled'that you're safe peatedly, and are satisfactory in •lesiude gem fresh ones. ; . ,Itiecci. to use the language.of hig-liere- I seaied with • svax, eine •be. used • re-.• efekin nwith8a, pine Ywhen Oil '' will 'I archs.• • Thus WilliairaIl„ doei not (lefathe. Joshua not consulting With his col- treated: • By the time•the bens lad - securing it. What do eau say?" . .. ueo„. peodamerag rePentalice: and Ke-.. with God -the God et individuals, soldier la sight.' So : put your treat • winter; .especialler •it melted laid' 'Is • 'rhat salt fish are • : more (pricing ..dactre• foes, nor: Nicholas' II. to stoop :misS3..911 °1'..5sIgMt-gt Imene• Tliorne was already measurieg elte ,and 'I hereby • :elk yeti :to come ' tl 1 f t *Y ' d b 'and cannot ne used beyond .two er , aside io cool eriless a,. light, covering . ' • • - brother's tongue,. 'which •has. no riglit i • . have his boots. The *burglar shelled- • • , t • . • • to the emP =iv 47). . '.:He was .theefirst risen • peed of Le, 0(), annualle for the pre- fres iened an are improve in aver. mad to be. received up into . worles. • •• .. • . - .aud temptations rcterch for your e e,„ . . , . ness rept esen abee anclaceep( a oil- lint they caimot be 'depended -40.n in by 'soaking .* seer vailk instead of ' tame. between -ate reek* er sacred box and faith cind.Christianarieunph end "'Lc • s' - -- ' ' • ' seat. You re the 'kind I weet. I've.'gelatine' nine neva e.,t1 09 • .. - • . ....._....-÷e--e-e- a -. , • , • leaven, an y vir ve o es ea I 1 : . d b ' ' t ..e II' d th from' the de . ' ' — over gleaming linen and am- s, .. .o (3 - Id te black • het 'Weather. Glass, jars sealed with water. . • : ' • • '' • '. I or Precedence. oVer • Hessian. ' • - That three-quarters of e mile . (Ilse , overthrow. ring - all the .bells of -hope .„„,."4"'” eIt's of no • use Mr Thorne Don't. . rubber rings are of no use in euraineral That ' t e b t cl- feed, resurrection 'all Ins kedeemed rind the fient column. of Joshua's' the- , threatening perils of your life . ... • . .. . • proved !you honest, Buecome, whe.t. was a foreeful way. of Welting re- •will be celebectted ' ell up eind down, The c eirman• was • sin ing c.ori - safety Inc ein +cell sealed xvith solder .abserption. of .germs. . • • I • • Inte . armed - like a battleship • aed " ip ce e .ot er, article o let. a :.e, stir o ore more •qu ckly tram any . the British; and he replied, s ,Iirst fruits of the first resurrection. 'ef s ln ele-Bogr • . te . . • burghers don't- bon wherr the can; Col Shiel, Who ouelat that those ho rose from the dead aerence for the Almighty. !rho' need- , the skies. The: God- who led . ,7.700 ' • • • ' doetin, . Ttiee'ex-berglar turned the. is, the- only dependence. The art of I That milk •and butter slaould . al- • : - ' 'vas ed to learn that lesson Of reverence throe& the way you 'never passed - • .• Y leaves of a noteebooe. • , • • ' • ' I : Id in • 't'1 • d but ' b kept 1 ' d ' . . so. er g is quito easily , cattle ,, ways e.close y covere , es they • b eo • after His resurrection "(Math.. xxvii, • ellrhat do I sav?" • he whispered. as. fresh • Inc:at keepa swell „and s the , eturn," orpis beginning:to sour, may • - . ' Highlander who was on .sentrY ovef. ' come in like enetinere. • It is just ' ranks and was made prisoner, t . • • . . s "But / can • and do refuse' and • • ;where one does not care to ao it, ' : b b d I • asked Wow he had been treated : y oe, 53), are , with WM in glory, a ' -reach a knife " AR tve AU need to, leern it.: lrrever- : before Will be vilth you e.t the eross-', . - • ' •• • • '. Thorne reeled again, then, •caught I it net on the streets „ and In social ' , — .. . ,.. group's. and is net et profane, \void elow the Braise. Soldiers "jolly". good grip' on a chair ' "Leave' at- •• ifs voice'Wes trope. • * - I men. are' free. to de most ef tun work, ' be sweetened and kept from curdling ime The elm:el/Ian loolcee alarneed for a It is a big undertaking to .lave• a : by stirring in. a little soda.. • ' • - eitalis • tiMe :he passe me,. apparel were the same two who ape "Palely - poseible that the tw.o men in white: ence has cursed all nations and none ' ings, ... . . . . . 1„hineseg, He ,had. his gloves in his 'tinsmith Min be en I y d Meat h1 d• ' • • - . . . eh, • I That elwhich ' • • t t • well, with the I 10, 11. "This 'same jesus shall eel ntoinent, so white. had Thorne turn- , whole beef in the house ea attend to, I. That in • frying doughnuts a ' large •, - - e exception of a young. .. ..__,.......+_s_....._ . icyptis will leave- this place immedititely right hand.: • - - wea u ,int c Is about o • . • see” said Thoree, boiling up, and . canning is best done in tole more than our s.own. Irreverence in, . . . the use of pod's Ammo. Hear yeti NICIt-NAMES . pE REGIIVLENTS..., ,, • • yearning .again lor his boots and a 1 ,. ' . - . point jocosity? Irrevereece for • the • . , , . The Life Guard is not oblivious tci • "To, be . Stare, me." deer fellow, Of , what woended. The Highlandei, leansflgutation and speke of, 'Its . Scriptures, the phraseology of the the. fact that •he is the :"Gentleman course!" ' • ' butt Th ' t ' d . 1 ' n • h 8 e ' •• on. e c oor opene , and t le 'get t rottgh. ut a en t s in s e tee fate and it . will ' prevent t e • i . d spat , upon ... deceits° which He Was aboet to ace.. ' once sir and be sure I.shall ',lose no . • • ' pretty girl whom Thorneleacr played most of' the cooking is done for the' black spew from appearing ' on the --- • d saying. that • .. . complisig. ' The eteacitast, heaven - sometimes . theught . necessary to •• .. One .A.notner. • 1 . • • • • !time in notifying. the police," - ed. Then, he touched: an eleetric !a- d ite enarally . talces a week to slic of raw potato sluiedd be ut in• .I Was his superl . ' 1 .t, . the peered • with Him, on the M5unt Of .. Bible often inteoelticed into the •inose of the Guard," Init.:to his : fellowle The burglar stretched 'himself, d . • . P. 'h was wounded in the foot, t l£L Me ' and -I, rentoestrate ,. nitrites was b tteily cold,. and that 1 . had no b an e . e . 1 elc t • Th Highlander at . , , , k or officer and that I r , • . , . . - Ie'ading as .the men r? Joshua fel, I F peopleg xeviii, 1 - , Tar xvi, 15; Luke men's well -set figure, and -longing to aroused and live. with us, be lily bust- poured over the xneat before sealing, 1 • the God of nations, the GOd of le God, and when hoste of troubles d d • fl I 1 - t of his Imperial you 'can't afford to try me. 13esides, h fi three weeks in Winter. 'Fen absolute is thrown over it to prevent the sTeety or A SCOTCH SENTRY. le, Ilion (Rev. xx, 6). It ie probable , P t in the first resurrec- troops mightily impresses nie, It will fall back awl vour deliverance at do you say?" hall take ar un t o . ou re a goo num, 1 ation and made • -Iie simply "tt. featheneeed k no notice but continued to iwerd look .of. the disciples, ma. es tie . -think f Ste I d deelarerthat s golf with.' entered, • She looked tve next six 'months, which is ttri Muir- . surface frivolous convers soldiers - le s :looked abbut for a bigger .chair... As. Thorne for a in:Sweet, mirth provoking. - . Irreverence for.i.soldier in• •tin s waistcoat." •The ' he •did -eta, Thorne leaPed: forward. .. "fel answer 'Yes. for Mr.:Thorne," the oath in Courtroom ore custoni IlIottsehold Cavalry. de not reeognize The burglar • wheeled, and hie Olt bouse or legisrative nen by the eon- 1 the existence of the cavalry of.,, the :shot forth;.. -Thorne Saw it. dropped . , alio said. --London Answers. ' • . ventionel anh mechanica um 0. o lihe, whilst the lattet hi le i ,. urn his shouklers, and let it ,pass *over; • . .1 its adrairestiatirag , 0 c s a n o 1 e . then swung back h s own -right With . THE , ART OF BRE.A.TIIING, the holy Sabbath' by the way , it is s f oot soldiers, termifig 'infantrymen all his strength arid ;weight In a • - rameen in, pleasure excursten And "gravel-erusbers." The dragoons. mighty upper -cut • aimed at ' mous tonvenience m summer.• A lit- tle . thought. hi 'preparing ineals will make a. satisfactory variety of this supply of soup, and of minced, .pot- ted, dried and. corned beef. . IrreVer Ace for li di t otic the artillery and 1 'That salt will eurdle new name first too march UP o p len an .o • gravies, ete., the salt should not be stopped in front .oftook and down. At last he e, 11 his;up steadfitetly into heaven and see therefore in preparing •millc porridge,like him, we might be little to "look ' great coat and. wrapped In up, added until after tbe milk has boiled, the glory of God and Jestee" (Acts foot v" soeuethitig vi 5 51115 unu up rid • head ancontinued his gr 1 ye, ttoted and. we must not for. moment con - and the dish is ready to serve. " That icing may. be whitened by the u sl , passage ie the one we q • 'sentry -go.' About • ten. minutes !by using satrawbergry oea aPranherry later. ssatiodprd,Lottogiat,inheirne, rcoonio.ei, r n Aggravated Forms of Disease Have • eider the coming of the Seiirit at ' tl steucti of J WHEN EGGS ARE SCARCE.. carousel.. Irreverence on the part look down upon the hussar to the other s jugular. ut of children for their parente, inso- Winton he is known as "ornamental the l'urglar, in place of dodging, . • • Been Cured; • knee being- substitueed for obedience.' rather than useful." • threw himself on Ins tiptoes, ..and • Irreverence •for rulers, which induces "Second co none" is •• prond bent forward, catchin the •blow is, .Perhapi, one of the signs of . • • That eggs are not an absolute 110. Cessity .cake making ate be prove ed, if one le disposed -to • try the fol- lowing recipes • White Cake--One-foUrths cup butter • juice, or yellow by using the grated 1.9e. entecost hoz c e on °- cloth. -e ma, oveyedotiante aitna' te'vset rus em, 0 y rind of an orange. strained theough, a b A . tarneeesly With a. 'shoulder, .and, the times to these alert lor indica- vile cartoons and . assassination, title of the 2n4 Dragoons' •(cats • eitiech nerieg preyer Greyer; . whilst the 17th Lancers e b Welt] die la ed an tions that the art of breathing has• Measuring off sang and sermon by nave long ,beett universally known as exceedingly ugly. ---------knifebecome more and more a• subject of cold, artistic ------------ criticism, ' Death or Glory toys. 'The regi- "Don't do it, Air Thorna", he said• attention, Oculists as svell es h se - I a p y end in prayer Aline neither brewing tient who Maim. the distinction' •of ;find still that loin nad . not left his ologists go deeply into its study . in the head nor bending the knee nor being the smartest. aral. hest -drilled -e lies, presence ithe 21.sit .Lancers -were, until their ' -It's sure deatlit You can't a way. earthy to ' .be touched' upon standing as one does in the refuse. 'You can't warn „the police. here. Physicians have cured aggra- more reepect lor te man then to the not kill." NOW it is a case with Itioailia.itaLYeTtit AnlfeayireuttrildaiPdlafiot Pal.. °1Petroli : cvlra.iiiievcin: rceagliePar cibirealtaesea,lalleivitr-bsytrilcolacegn of an earthly • ruler, thus showing 'first battle, Omdurman, the extent recipients of the motto, -"Thao-tf:-shallgt, King of Kings. , We ask. not ler them of "They that laugh last latigh £10,000. If you do -all's well. If patients have been quieted, stubborn gentiflexions or eircumflexions or . you 'don't -Why, then, my dear Arr. • forms of indigestion made 'to dime - but ween prayer is of- longest." • , Artillerymen. speak of• the "Royal Thorne, X must tell yeti that you Will , pear. A tendency to consumption prostrations, . fered let us either bow the head or Regiment" as clietitieti a art from be found so , soundly usleep toanor- ! may he overcome, as some authority , all others, The ArIstocratie "Ttoyal rew at daYbrealt that your friends ens withiteethe past few year's clear. - 'bend the knee or let its in some Way e Y P prove that 1 creamed with 1 cup granulitted su will not lesitate to stuninon OA un- ly demonstrated by exercise in Horse" hold aloof froin the horse tl t S si I t in be g . 4--...-: . for ye, but, mind e thier We re no IHe wreppecl ye up- weal an, coraeS. Ile will be "the efamee Cats, large and small, make the • ..' T° '13n' L.-.6°.ICsED Ar•C'' . 'iwill come to the same Mount of Ole. engin:tar," and -Zech. xiv,- 4,- erten: Ile I vintionsIst.'etitrethfunla taolill:ttiogferitanlyvasiellatshsoi'rio..f .".!ef eourse, rria,dain,1 wand eiot be itves on Alen ease of ..leruseleng On 53.,• 52; I. Spices. iv, 16-18) and thee' the cat, wetting the dark, indiarub- exPected to light the fire ?" , . • Hie Way, His saillicle Will Meet epin. jo in due. time return with Him in glory Y. asriellvn:lisn;' eeliceneePtitylrigt1:e7eGenoef:ialienti0:r7s. the air in georille b.oines (I. cote etv . berelike ball of the forefoot and the "Certainly not," earthed' the lady. : inner toe, and passing. it over the „",leceorruitiolilyswneeopt:ithe floors ?" 11-14). (I. Thus, 111, 12; • cot. iii, 4; Rev, face and behind the cars. The foot "Nor to attend to the door ?" . 12l4. . They returned to jertisatelin. is . thus at the same iime .a. face "Of course not." "Nor to wait at table ?" ' ' s . tongue combs the rest of the body, • smile, -"Pie only thing I require a, fled (Luke e:iciv, 52, 53). They oleo :. "No, I Want none of those things," froin 011Yetswith great Joy and we're ' fn, too lain " 1 and supplication. . What, n -contrast, • death as the tonthig of. Christ,. When 1 freette oesus" and , will eonie "iii like PUSSY'S SPONCIE. little salt. • With 1 pt flour sift 3. teaspoon create tartar and * • tette spoon soda. MX this with the other ingreclients arid beat well, adding 1 teaspoon lemon extract. Bake in a shellow pan in a moderate oven for e0 minutes. Make e frosting with 1 cup granulated sugar and .5 tea- spoons milk. Place over the fire and stir until it boils, lloildtive min - till it is thick and creamy, e.dd tithe, ?move from the fir and stir continutilly pralsine and blessing sponge and brush, and the rough said the la.dy, With her , sweetest rvant for is to look her,•tnict for contineed with one accord he preyer derta.kee beers I lig. ea cness, oo, ay • se Will ARE NOT I D . s . and field artillery, who in. turn have . "You will' inueder me like a dog'?" surmounted, and the victim of 'hype In how many Places have -preetimptiell no respect for the gareison Variety. Thorne was all While. ' scale nifluence taught to Withatand e and foelbardiness taken the place The "Royal Engineers" who eon- "On the contrary .you will die as it the •force of an energy directed of reverence! 'Mat three-quarters of shier themselves superior to' ell other , gentleman should, inconspitniously, against him, a mile between the .chest of amtela corps and tall themselves "gentle- , and with no violence. ' Come, WV, 'ehere Is a faMout physician of covered witiagold end mounted With men," are 'dubbed by Interne ne '2.-------- -- until to -night you may think it over. Munich who has written an extensive -wings-a symbol of Cie divine Mee- ,"redecoated bricklity.ers";. and though Then I Attest have my ansWete Think work upon the subject of breathing, once-tgal the marching regiments of their motto Means 444 Olt, vl r "---.--YeNgle-e•" it over -Sete' friends againet your Ile has, besides formulated a system Joshue; suggest a reverence that is they aro . inforined that flies. aro nra and a fortunate • by which itsthietstie patients are tvointely lacking in .eocial . life, in. esteryIvhere also. • "Againet my lento'', matt!" made to walk without losing breath legislative hall, and eeligibus asseln- The Foot Guards •loolc in .contempt I "As you please; bat you can't deny and cured. At. eleven, hi the Austen blage. at their brethren or the line ; whilst the fortune -..e10,000 and no eondie an Tyrol, his patiente (elinost. every But thOugh Joehtutes host observ- • the lefties elaiin to he of far greater tions .Whateeer. You will pardon royal of the house of Europe is repro - ed the three-quartere of a • mile importance than their comrades in. 11,10, but 1 really Must not let you witted) are put through' a certain •cominand, they followed the .arIc and red. 'The kilted "'Ma'''. 001191dar move out of rny siglit until yott have system, of walking ante breathing. you Will do well to folloW the di- themeenee ' . "Preeeminent," Tho 1.given lee an answer, That will linen The mountain pante aro all marked , Vine 'mating, as the path,yoU tread Royal Marittee, otVing to their double t . will certainly Serve Me better. 'You (Beating the slumber of minutes in all with -stakes of different colors, Ito en your decision, / am sure, and now has, not yet been trodden "Ye duties ashore mid afloat, are subject- ' have not passed this way before." ad to chaff. both, froin soldiers and „„ay sleep and eat, but I must be which a patient must walk the given Many of.,you are suffering from jest salloes alike, and have gained the pour guest meanwhile," title of "neither fish, ' flesh, nor . • distance, ',the breathing and. walking such annoyances as lia.ve not, occur. • red in your history. There lento been inettnnesses practised upon you reeve" . I behig, in time together, As the cure IL Thorne felt like a lion 111 a thetas progresses the ascents are made, Non-eombatants. are riled the vion 1 • fast. Xle got into his clothing snipe steelier and steeper.. Or YOU Intve received alights or yon tintsAtkine` legenious eines. parctde until it was time for break- strethe subject, of misinterpretations ten ng. ie e ca .'tte • ps al Or yoU dee in the retest of Sore els- Wiesen Cie "Poultiee Wallahs" mid ----- mid led the way down to where wrinv Gob) appeintinente oe there are demenas "Steenranea," and tile Red Cross they made upon your Strength and trate Worn by thene is, according to the Might eat In, due secluelon. more than you can meet, or tome Torinties, it brand eignifying that While they were firtiehing an ,oinelet,' Gold eau be beatea out so thin he looked over to where life guardian that it. allows light to pasS through physical ailment le' laying siege .to they' should not be killed. This idea. your castle of health. er yOU Are une they ateribUted tO Cain. leisurely perused a. morning neiVODStm it, in which cane, though it still ap- iliworttrsa.nd spoke for the first thne in mare brilliant yellow by reflected der einbarraesmenta that you cannot But of all connetted With the nrity nmetion even to nearest. friends. You none got A greeter slating than ti _to "1 101-1 . , light, it is'green as viewed by Mule - tun going to the bank as -noon miesiow-that is, by the light that "Well, / never saw enything Army Serteee Come, for, if the „.„ e„„ it,,,,,,, in.,,,,,,,,kr.„si. I eap like flag. I never expected such -cavalry, Artillery, infantry and mai. y"-0117;iirze"coerm-p-iinye 1-11.01„ -- e Pose passes through it. This curious ef- treatment iie this, 1 never thought cal staff agree otx nothieg else, they i „Thank 3,0n,„„„yos, , feet can meetly be obserVed bY IftYhift it poeelble to be placed • VI ouch all unite in guying' that, *the A.S.G. 1 „.0„,,, itetrel„ a piece; of gold -leaf 111)011 sit plate of , fleet - All that, yott ein only triinfie They are knoWe to -..rotxtrity by &us and holding it betWeen the eye cipetanettuiceet". • Anil When you are their liousekeepere and serVante. —" nee PUeek vjerai.a,,i,,,,,rearion a wie-k-iy, 1 ":/. may apouo OU the inStant We awn emet, paetindt tsheemlii,gilii,taz, WapIllielioilittlictiuguiel (01 fts7 111 well; the m7,0 be Sure. Dare you challenge latieg the word e of the text fete fiorriewhat iniarebitions, title of . yOUr inell Plireftee010ey, If you • tisk ,LIGCSX 44z1.1 won • ,UA The "Marie Rieltmers" is tbe large to their feelings aftne His death . 'est salliiig ship built hi a British when 'they, not looking for Ilia re- port. Over four miles of Steel . 'Witt stirrectieo, worts filled with eorrcetv, aro used in her rigging, and six and ne had to rebuke them for their * It, is IBS resurrectiou end miles or running cordage. The coin- unbelief. pined height.of her masts is 960 feet, lilitisilecoinix,iiglit8tgiasiiii•itielitiptisgtivemseujibiyoitirl ...e.......... POVERTY-S'IltICKEN ALI...C4. think, ofelle mother, Mary, and we find her With those who are engaged A large number ot the newly elect- Ai prayer, llow good to flnil 31Is ed members of the TTungaritin Parlitt- b *ethren, also -at,' tide gathering for, inent, aro so impecunious that Shortly prayer, for there was a 11111e, W11011 before their eleetien, warrants were they did not, believe in Hint/ (John obtained by their creditors tor inn viiiecasteniptaar.1?y,goanfc.,in ciongigleiecys,,,,Inr pounding the alloWatiee due to them as members of parlittnient in order to isteIliertiyeletriisalfabitoottirivvilitisease,u11,6,1tediye Pigs telika 11r.ardialbanttntiaareillastaltgistteZI. 0..11\ab111131", , for 111317 manner of service and S5 o. fl• day fee the Period of lite rm.' ' ing for His return, praying without liamentary seliSiOn. ceasing, ' The Ererieh Aiiiitaire pithlinlims slit- -- 9. A German botanist is said to leave SOLDIERS ATI) SUICIDle. ODORLESS PL. OWE RS . . inlisyt,10211:01117:17. it.,:t11.110,70:httolfl iiin111(114:11; are very frequent in the French itr- sPeCies of flowers cultivated in, Eur - discovered that out of over 6,000 other European foree, Among eery 01)0 only 420 p029e58 an agreeable 3-00(* deaths in ilie army from all Perfultle. Vlowere with white or causes, no Teen than an aVerage sif Mem COlored petale are more ire- refty (in 1896 exattly fifty and in fluently odoriferous thentot hers. Next 119'' fifty-one) ctre mimed by self -tie-. in order come the yellow , dolvers, , struction; while of every 1002000 then the red after, them the blue and 15)011 Oil the rolls of the 'army 110 10,99 . finally the violet. of Which only tithe . than an Meseta& Of twentiy-oeven teen varieties out of 1108 give Mr a .., ' commit 11111014e every year. Antotig pleaSitet perfume. In the whole list the colonial troops the tiumbtr is er- 3,880 varietieo ore offensive in odor len higher In thepr nnvy the actice and 2,500 have no perceptible smell, ifigaMe lee* prevalent. A oftlw stoo4 or ba, Calleraticent forgot to •tell Mite Mae I Milled 7, lienVeenee'll gel U11 lad her right WAY. Sin /\ •