HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-12-19, Page 10TEX OLINTON NEW ERA 1111$0411MIOVIO Ogaggiii&VVIT:t VIM 6 L,L4.1011.100101.0100011110010.1111.111.611011.11111.101.011000111.101.01.11011001.1111101. eva••,pA.6.6 6.6*, nnen.e. Ive Days Mor ginttelbountrerrottiobser elto 044440.4440111144+ week, Hunter and Held. a eat of 'etock j'ust five days before Christmas. just .five days in which to do your A Christmas shopping. I I 1.0Qe.r4 Noritms. • an retreat Once taut levee 4°P ° reksigleirififtetihiPm"tv °It poultry to . o they will e five days of 11.4reiretnejor this heading cost to y feW day. velour Zn.teeeattiZiveve tnoortion, 4 THERA ARZY;atAN.y. oEu far .,._.e ont;.--13a/rele of 741:edliWins)Te:yUQt8etneee '* .2:pitifilujigilantf5g6 0 IL!":nls, . lytheinv241iii; tusbt hurry and bustle. Any time; you like to come you will find this a best time to shop will be in the ' . will want to make every at': IN'AP"ostif:;!'llig6V1711177:1 .8brin,eieelecdoilhcfprtitthitatwenyttleril:01:73ifieeipeRheird: convenient and easy store to shop in but if you can manage it, by f th . minute count, and we have mornings.arrangedeverytY0nug as conveniently as we . ; 0 fraroedijtja;Vva In ePY taT. a tf. 110183 8 , with use , ' can for you to see or buy in comfort, no matter how big the crowd, veg 18 if ci.140-1.ftervatlionti:,4reo, :agety that Wig copeta,ntly re:inating toucung od tonoefeettie, tor young bo at• Dr Goois giveables rare in evidence all over the store. They are the use -- " — Lackaawyet. who'IttAgruezvas. with the friends 1 ppmg. matter •what you d 'II b f .-•:-. a ould do credit -to a store many times the size of this. The best time to 'buy them, ti-ough, is early, for the prettiest patterns always go first. Theser a hints will •• i . . • •- ,, give you an idea of how we are selling them* , Fine quality Swiss embroidered Pure silk initialed handkerohiefe, handkerohlefe, dozens of new and hernstitohed, good quality, nearly on,. hendsome patterns, %leo very ,fine all initials , • , &WU quality pure linen hementolted. Fancy embroidered handkerchiefs, handkerchiefs, narroW hone im- many differentdesigns, good oust- I ..!. a • ported bn ourselves dhect from the eio ities at emit— ..• • • • • • •100 and 1 n? makers, eaoh............20o and XOC Gents' linen handlierchiefs,imported • by ourselves direct from the mak- • . ere, plain or.henistitohed,10o, 16o, A*, 20o an& . . . . . ... ......,... Wite " uzi," • OROIVU *OVUM . FOR DisTmow NO. 2 —As announ ful, sensibie kind, and a visit to this store will give you many a helpful hint, if you do not know just what to give STORE OPEN EIrrNINGS For the convenience of holiday shoppers the store will be open Monday, • Tuesday and 'Wednesday evenings of next week. OUR HOLIDAY DISPLAY Our display for the holiday season is away ahead of anything ever at- tempted in Clinton. This, or no other store here, ever made such a display for any occasion. Hundreds of electric lights, high-class merchandise, artis- tic decorations all tastefully arranged, make a showing that is the talk of the town and well wOrlh coming to see. The lights will be turnecl on every evening from now until Xmas, and we heartily invite You to cone and see this big store ihi its holiday dress. Iianderd,laiefsf.by the Thousand . Handkerchiefs ffor the holidays are here by the thousand. It is hard to find little gitt that is more picceptable than, a pretty handkerchief. No where here -abouts will you find the assortnient to choose troro that you can get here, and we are sure that better vtdues are not to be had anywhere. In plaiu linen or fancy embroidered handkerchiefs we are showing 1,a stock that • Extra fine quality embroidered mus- lin and linen handkerchiefiedainti . delicate designs, bender machine embroidered on the finest of linens or timeline, many raw patterns ' Fancy pis:Aare handicap:64de, tinny • hut not many of ane one design • - odd and comical designs to please _ 850 e00 160 and. ...... . .. IMO the little folks 2 for 5o and 8 for Intl - . . ' • Spenal .,at Five Cents. We are showing•hundreds. and lundreds of handkerchiefs to sell at this popular _ price. We impor• ed Most of them direct fromthe makers in Ireland, and if we .• asked ten centswould not be 'asking a bit too much for lots of these. , What about Linens , . • . . . Every housekeeper loves pretty linens, .and many: peoplebuy them forholiday gifts. DLit Week we Openednp some very choice pieces, bought suecially for the holt ay t a ft. If your thoughts are running Linen -wards for. holiday gifts,ii . you certanly will make no nits? *• • • . .- take if you make your selection at this sore. . • 6 . O1c.)ths.andj\Tit.t,p1pns.'Wniatec4-....,. We are showing sorruivery handsome double damask full bleached table Cloths with dinner Napkins to match. They are beautiful, new designs, come in good quality and would anake a very handsome arid acceptable holiday gift. , The Royal Linens Ask to see the .set of Royal Linens now on exhibition at this store. It is the 3 Immo exactly as tht t provided by the Canadinn Pacific Railway for the use of the Prince and Princess of Wales on their tour through Canada. Has the handsome Louis 15th design, in an extra heavy quality of pure Irish Linen. • e memsso•mmomie•iimpe nnionman Kid Gloves A,sk any lady if she ever ha ii too many Kid Gloves, and she will telt you No. That is One reason why they, always make an acceptable holiday gift. You can hardly make a mis- take seleoting them for a lady. No chance is run if you buy them, here. We handle the test Kid 'Gloves at each price, that moneyed= buy. Every pair we sell we guarantee. All the newest styles and colorings now in stock. Fancy Cushions What about a Cushion for a Xmas gift. Those we are showing are certainly handsome. are new and you will not find any such assortment to select from anywhere else in town. Japtineen silk cushion Tops, Or- Aineriesti Li hographed Cusbion , iental designs, in tinsel and Tope, dinning in new subjects, eilk embroidery on plain white told quality, make handsome or colored. eilk grounds, each Cuithione3710 60o and.-.ue • • 50e75o and , . .. . „ , . .L.VU , . Are you .Going to give.Furs 13. • . If you are thinking' of giving Furs for Xmas, you can't find a stock as good as this any- 'wherei rear here. . Any way. you like to take it, it is good. Qualities are all absolutely reli— able. and furs selected here can be depended on to give -perfect satisfaction. :Handsome Cnahioli Tops com. plete with backs In . damasks . and velvei,all ciolore, hancluome ptatlerns, eachnOo and., . . . . . 1.00 A.• Five Dollar Day in the Mantles We are going to make Saturday, Dee. 20, a $5.00 clay in the 1VIant1e tlepartm We have had. a Mantle business that ,paz•surpirsed anything we .have any record Such a business could not help but le' aye no with broken lines and odd sizes. 'Th. We have gathered tqgether and Orli' g'0116g to ant next Saturday at $5.00 ea There is not one in thelot but Worth a good deal more than this price. Som them,,wonia sell. as high as $10.00 nr the'ordmary way. • 15 only ladle'u winter mantles. made of beavers, friezes 'end ohmic)* f length, semi fitting, odd met and size' that are left from 1 nee that meld at $7 00 M $10,00. . 15 people tem est a bargain torahs good on sale Seturdley morning emir eheicefor A Piv4 Dollar Rd ce4 in an anvertisernent tonna on DATES OHANGED.—The dates of another page *be nominations for ihe 1" iron Poultz y and Pet Stock As- Clountn Councillors for Dietz let No. 2, etiolation have beano:memo, to jan. Kt which includes the townships of Hul- 21, 22 and 23. Sharp Butterfield. of lett and Ooderich and the town of Sarin,sa vvell-known expert, has been Clinton, will take place Miner the nip. I appoleted Juane, Charles Reid 18 the ervision of Yes Camneell, nominating Fee t try of the Association for this efficer for the district, en Monday, year Dec. 2211d. ae 1 p.m ,in the town hall, A eistp-My Clinton. Electors will theeefere govern Mn ?BoAarVheYrt. Par Grainger `'aer shipped a themselves accordingly, mixed ear of lambs and bogs. Ameng A MISTAKE.—The following item last week but is not altogether correct i appearedin the Wingheno Journal of tile tatter were three pip raised by Mr, --eliewis Irelanti and Ed Sadler; in, maiden a total of 1720 foe the thre'a weelligihmeld°47'30°P1 oSuinadrisi.eYth;e o°tIlieer°1woth990." digents from town who have been in, This is the second heaviest hog ever mates of the House of Refuge. have ution. The place was, no doubt.' too shippedfromfrom tale the ntteheohhersiepsetebne:. taken French leave from that instito ing cue raised bir The first named inmate did take his 'TRAINS DELAYED.—An enplane - weigh.? over 1200 pounds. erscn is s within e ' tillth srnall to hold the recloutable Lew." dismissal over a month tion for the rec nt, irregularity of borders of Castle Fiench, ago, but the is of- la t named p trains on the Grand Trunk lines . _g fered by the fact that the company 18 , unable to get the usual quality of coal, TE MPARA NOE —At a rneetinof the .ECxecutive of tile West Huron 'rem- and is obliged to run its engines with an inferior grade. There are six hun- perarce organization,held in Goderich, on Monday, the receipts showed a our- pany, which should.. dred cars of cast ordered by the come plus over experditures, which is ,a hone been deliver- I , ed but none have arrived. The com- pany has, therefore,. been compelled to take whatever coal it has been able to , What we want you to do. We want you to look over our display when selecting your Christmas Gift. We think our stock will suggest something you will need for a gift It is a very complete aft• sortmont of novelties useful and ornamental, • some things only amusing. We may be of. • service to you no matter what you have in view for a gift, from nice, *xi:elusive cut glase to a five cent toy. Lots of things for the ladies, and many things for the BIM; and for the children the variety is so large we atml know what word to use. • Regarding our prices we think we are as reasonable as any, often we are cheaper; this we know to be a fact, Will you investigate the matter for yourselves THE W FAIR CO la••••••••••• 114•41••••••••••••••••••• find. GRATUITY 02 £5 —Before leaving South Africa, some of tbe Olintonians who had e; one there, made applications to the English government for a grat- uity of £6 over and above all their oth- er expenses, though they hardly ex- pected to get it. A few days tinee the following persons were agreeably sur- prieed on receiving cheques for the amounti—O Boyer. j ticEwatloi Moon, G Twitchell, W Whitely, W Cantelon, W Miller, 'even, W .Miller, Hullett,and J Blaney, Hensel!. • • • TOOK THE PRIZE.•—The large ram lamb that was brought out to this country for Mr Patrick, of Ilderton. B Combe aete as toastman for the with some lambs foe Jast McFarlane, of evening, end after all had done justice Stanley as mentioned in the NEW ERA pretty evert °nimble._ The expenditures * ' . --- were about, $350, possib'y it little More, 1111041110•001101114410008111100 •••••••••••••••••••000 and when it is remembered that thus -• inciuded literatere for the riding; , eat . , well as other expenses, it will be' seen , that the campaign was not an extravee CHRISTMAS GOODS gant one. a levy!.of $8 on each of the polling subchvisions was made, but _ AT— some of them contributed more than this. It wal decided to maintain the . . • 'present organinetion, min mucla satis of the vote in the riding, ' a TaarlOr. 8/ Sons faction was expressed at the . largeness . CHOPPERS bELEBRATE.—In re- , sponse to innitetions sent out, about • forty members of the Order of the If you are undecided as to what you will remember your friends . Woodmen of the World, With their with in the way of an Xmas We SETTLE IT NOW and come spread, daintily arrangednt the Mason and see our Immenee Stook. e have 4 good msny lines that would be suitable. What could be rnore anceppateotthasnlipapneirsce, friends, sat down to an elaborate house on TuesdI evening last. Capt.. Overgaiters or Leggings. Pair of Boots, a Pair of Cove slices, a Warm • • This week we have received Four Hundred Pedlars worth of the to Mine Host Graham'a part of the lble NIeEST.GOODS YOU EVER Leeman AT generally to be the most enjoya evening's entertainment, which.proves part, he asked them all to drink te the '' You will have no diffioulty in =eking a selection laere, Our • heeaelt"Our otbortforion4waasodprtlotpleneened. blilie assortment is AS good as any city store, and we don't ask any te Mr °strum, of Toronto, introduced the the reason our prices at e so low. No trouble to show goods. . more than a lining profit: We buy and sell for cash. This is B Kerr and responded to J 11 Hoover. Have.you tried the•Krint Brack Rubbers. They are the best. subject. "Our Country," and was re- , sponded to by Iii,P Snyder. The toast to the ladies was ablyhandled by Capt Try The Old - Reliable, McTaggart and Andrew Taylor. Songs were in terspereed throughout the even- . . . . ing by Dr Holmes, R A Downs, .11 B Quilt and Pries We will, not be undersold 'Siege taken se cash. some time ago, took the' 8400 prize at the International Live Stock Show hell in Chicavo recently, • for the heaviest sheep in tbe world. A. number of our townsmen 'Aso happened to be at the " elation when it wen going through,had the pleasure of seeing it, and Were amazed at the size of it, We learn that a number cif other Middlesex breeders • book big prien,. . • .. HE IS IN CLINTON..;•-••The Exposit- or sayen--Loctis Kruse,of Egtnondville, has purchased the fruit and confection- ary business of M1' Chas liartliff, in Connie and Thos Jackson. tr. The as- Brussel% We understand it is Mr sembli broke up about 12,30 all feelieg Bartliff a intention to go to Clinton, that the Woodmen knew how to. have althoitgb se hope he niay Vet. change a good time.. ' • • , his mind and come to-Seafori h, Which Dee Baena . BOWLING CLUB . CON/DERV ....; is a much better'placce Don't forget the Lawn evidently *does not think the same of concert on Sae uary 9:11,. The president.. .Bowling Club Seaferth as the Expositor' does, ' and realizes abet better chances await .him : talent for this occasion. The program , has succeeded on engaging first class in Clinton, and accordingly has purl will contain enough of the Scotch e'er chased an old established hake -y. and ment to satisfy them of that national- ity Who, will attend, in such patriotic. A FRATERNAL V,ISIT.—Last ti - day evening, in resnened to ar ;invita- tion from the Bruceflelcl I. 0. F. se, ciety, severai of Clinton lodgeFef the same order drove over to 'that Village. songs as nThelitighlandmato's Toast,". "Standard on . the Benet o' Mar" and "Cam ye by Athol," while the English portion (tithe audience will be stirred Co their depths by "The death of Nelson," and assieted their brethren puttieg, and enchanted by egress of lighter' vein, on the 2tul degree, for the benefit cf "The of the wooden ?noon". and three candidates who were seeking. "He was a:prince." In elocution "A further instruction in Qadfellowshipi, ligbt with death" by Ian lanclianen; After the work had been gone through and"Mt 13rowe's vieltto Washington" With"and the visitors had been given will be given by that accomplished an opportunity to express. themselves; tidbit; Miss Edna Sutherland. The plan they et ere Luellen to Brother Wilson's Of sente will be opened shortly at W D hotel, at the Dixon House, where a 'Fair &Co's; an this is going to. he choice lunch was awaiting, and did am- tbeconcert of t eason, members of ple justice to the hospitality.ektended the club and their -numerous Mende them, They arrived benne about 12 30, lire reminded it will be to their interest haying crijnyee the eveningte'. outing! to secure Beats as early as possible. . immensely. Those ;going from bete were T. Jackson, jr., L. P. Snider, • W. LEICESTER BREEDERS. -.-At the Tier, 1: Wiseman, E. Ilotvard, Atkin- annual • Meeting ' of the American son and J..0. Stevenson. • .t .Leiceiters' Breeding Association, held — , in Gilded], on Friday, Mr Jana& Snell, MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS.—Aliro. of Mullett, one of the best known clemation has been issued Calling for sheep breeder's in Oanada,.who has Just noniinations of Mayor, councillors and returned from. a tem to the Western public school truetees for the ,town of States, with two cars of fine sheep. Clinton; in the town -hall, on Monday, Canadian:animals all, gave his experi- Dec. 29:11, between the hours Of 7.30 , nice. He wept as far west as the and 8,30 in the evening. And in the State of Wyoining, min declares that event of a sufficient number not boing he Mind a great many: American 'elected Hy acclamation to fill the Offices breeders who wanted to cross :their that a poll be taken on Monday, Jan. animals with the good stoat from 5 h. The following polling places and Canada. He says this feeling has ' de. deriu,y-returning officers have been ap- yeloped within the pest few years, pointed in case an election is needed :-- and now the farmers from the States Town Hall, N. R ibson, returning one. are paying fancy prices for Canadian eer. Jae, Ferguson'e pump factory, T, stock. He found much interest mann gre D. Johnson, to act as deputy :1?. Rum. fettled among the 'Yankee, farmers in of 0. ball's shop, Thee. Cattle, deputy ; John the methode of the Canadians, ahd he ich ownehip, advertised el%ewbere, on Leslie's shop,. Walter Coate, deputy. himself Was invited to talk to a num- page 5, which be is offering at a big occurred last week. from the after ;jen. fnh. at, the town hall.—Wm. there. awed at 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday., in the west on the guinea while m s, t h. ,- couple of ago a resident of town, and The result.; of the elections will be de. ber of different gatherings of farmers, sacrifice. Mr aw en enner, for nearly effect of grip. Mr Hanby was until a Mies Haxhy was a popular young lad,' whose demise will be deeply regretted. Vir Taylor & Son — Clinton •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••wooesosompe LOOALNOTES. . *r.DCIAL NOTES . A. few tons of anthracite would be it• : Cantelon 8c. Wallis shipped a dottble ' good Chrietrnas box. . . deck of hogs to Toronto this week. VV". are sorry to learn that Miss Hine Miss M.L, Johnston, ofSeaforth Col- has lieen laid up for the ost week with legiate.'hes bought from C. Hoare's • a severe cold. Music Emporium a fine. piano, which ' • has been placed in her homehere. . R. Ranstorcl, who has been in Goder; kb for the last- four weeks, returned Mr Soydrr, of the "Sovereign' Bank, home on Monday,. : leaves for his DhournrienginhisTeohroorntteoe sojourn Milts Mary Stewart, daughter of Rev Wedee'daY* Dr. SteWzirt, who has been teaching here he has made many friends wbo . regret his departure. : • . • ' • for's/imp tithe at Oarterton, in Algoma hen been re-engaged for another year. • Last Tirursday evening a titunber of at an increased ealary. • , thgeia young v people eo overpleattot e Ln do attending sobuorr n Oa no Id- 1. - Five Public school trustees will need slepent the evening very ;pleasantly ' at to be elected at the coining Municipal niectiprizi—two for St. Santee ward, and h le home of W. L. oohnette. .. • one in each of the others. The remain- Chas Bertliff,of Brussels,who recent.- ..ianngd t Thos.eutell eaareee tr.. A, g a e w. , C. , B. Rale they too, purchasedunteeetcierneerrr ,03'.. fh. , atm4rR ciriCe4Inaitrrnye de bhjed. it Smith's atahrni, sod , . Rev Principal Piacviciii, the well- streets. The family moved in On Mon - known Presbyterian divine, who died suddenly - on Monday, was ; raised in daY lest' • • • . De - bell (now buyer here for D. 1Jrquharta., trolb Friday, he havingreeeived a tele - and he attended. school together. Chatham township, where Mr Camp. I Dr Freeman, V. S., was called to De- - willthe isbeer iroeures emillnessberedo f, Kirk Houston entertained his Many ' il hgirsasmietaenrn, °wunbcoinitg kept house for the doctor some months friends one. evening recently to the ago,but of late has heen nun 1 ,g. time of "First they had the Ping-pong, then they had a swingswong, next Messrs-Rarlatd Bros...succeeded in they round the cakes throng, last they getting another car of hard coal on iise and jog along, with each event an Friday.. It came very acceptably in hour lopg•-•-so, says "The Tyro".. Thos. Hilthae bought the 90 acre farm on the granelread,Flullett,known as the Rance feriae securing it at a t sacrifice. 0. C. Rance has a farm acres on the Maitland con.,Goder- tiding their many customers over the cold snap. If there is any coal to be got Harlandltroa. will be sure to get part of what's moving. • We -egret to learn of the death of Miss Mina Flaxby, only daugbter of Me Geo Haxby, of Winnipe , which GOATS. Clerk; • NOMINATING °Frit:MRS.—The following are the nominating officers NV'ENT SUDDENLY.—It was with regret that the citizens o town re- appointed in the several divisions in been an inmate eince e _Septepartiliseere;e the eeived the sad -intelligence 4 be death this county tor the purpose of receiv- femme Were inter d at .13 I .. nf that well known personage.Mr John ing the nominations for county coun- Monday, a brother of deceased coming °Mors : Division No 1,—W. &others; here for sarne. Beacon% late et Goderieh owoehin. Biefeking i No 2 --Jamea Cameball, Mr lioncom, through declining health LOndesborn. No. 3, --Fred Hess Zurich: had oven up farmitursome three years .Next Su ado is the shortest day as agoand moved to Ildertore where his A. G, Rmove, Benne . Nr, 6.__F„ s. far as daylight is concerned and that period of Ne 4.--0. tir. .B:e.ett, 'Exeter; 'No 5, — Wife's parents reeide. Feeling some Scott. BrUssels ; No 7—P. Porterfield, d of the longest night or better of late, however, be decided to nt,,,rkiletses2noffsit.heiwyear. Ie is also the to get a residenee to suit,he hen rented place at Seaforth, Exeter, Zurich, Maril"h 4 N° 8,—James Cowan, tc:1"o4ed-tri-c-oM'-m-e-ticine,tearltilleoautlgt aiRgBruegt. 'none beck to town . and during the Wroxeter. The nominations take past sUrnmer did ,e1, but not being able Clinton, Gederich, Winghean, Wroxe- many of us will say it started'a menth ton and Bettesels. for the respective ocaagtoeyletriseeuweeha.ther is anyways bun - a cottage out nn the Hayfield road, years a resident of Brussels, died tri th ? house of Refuge. on Sunday, from rat:attend, aged 07 years. He had only and had iritended moving out to it Fri for the e t ill d ring tau but. ill he ith divisions of Which these lacee are Monday eiening wan opening night The Model School enemas. were 'held on Tueedan,Wednesdati and Thureday of this *eek. Twenty-six pupils wrote, of these. eight are hoye. Ins ear* Robb and J. W. Oanieron, Princ pal of Brussel school, conductedlthe i3xattain- ations. The results will be made known On Monday, the 22nd. .01intonlans Will remember Mr and Mrs Grace, who are missionaries at Allithahed, India, the latter being Miss Bessie Ross (eldeet daughter of Mrs Anna Rose formerly of town); on the tOth of Rose, a juvenile miellionary arrived at their home, who fr life wee despaired of. He maneeed to • h niece on Mond . inbe .22nd, and advantage of the opptirtunitytoinitiate the centre. The nomitiat ne take for the rink, and a goodly number took , ay en drafter 0 no more than him to bed at his sister% where ble Loos s own wants, t ....i. th .ah themselves for the coming season. The Th • . get Well ennughagain to go to Ilderton h there that tie rand ettack came lest. fide t theln h 't ' of ourfee tc° rt. ' 1 R e I re snow on 21st these :to t; rutlitl ntce culber ptatent 1;cing to eat it uph /ere en e ;Attie ay as e _1.111 of hi t stock t d itwhile some three week, ago to ettend a sale ice Wasnot the bestowing to the change —; e forerettheerhollarte sigpeocinhiTs tIth: trr_a, ii3 the weather, and it did not take the rK. ot er muniema elect Otte. ri• r C na e et zens ovr an y. e &ter°, nevert e era, in winter tbuntler, and h t Fr day. The sunionsed camel of death will reel:lend to the arpeal. when we eeetned to enjoytheraselves immense en • rh,e.iin ftb•cess situated in the art of ask, that ii, ti his 1 "rill be packed • Of. r gh lu g,Which had involve some Yi the 25th With c angeabe to snow, sleet • and rain. on the evoning of NeYe Year a day', Our throe shooters who took in the The last etorm period sfer December shoot at Brantford lint week, Shot in central nn Xtriaa day. Prom the 26th of the orincinel aeteeleto. Mr Beacom on the 0e0.$_rlon cif a betielit concert to ese 61-. i ..ci i'i; i Ch. 53 veaes ago arid Waft a erin of the late nuitiber of our clizens bane the Matte moi3t all the events, In the big event to the 89th rainand snow win advance our "nhorty" fell short, but otherwise t d I w ts n n n oder °tenable 00113e be elven Miss Ohre Monlitcastle. .A. Roht Beacom. ten years age te a Mire Pa.trick. who course ot pre ',nation Mies Hill Of l'eeket. as did n115° Messrs' Ireland end R f 1 Hodgens Bre ane removal r . eas war leaving yery cold weigher in e of He Wali Married cone . in hand and a good pulled out of the game rvith money in its track. program s o r remain,* to mourn his loks with two Toronte,has k ndinoffeired her services event1i, 3.76 ecore was graham. In the handicap live bird $0,10, There 'T; Renee back to Clinton, the Itinth • small chililren. Be had occupied every free of charge and Will glee her illute Standard' eayet—Me „Rance was a re- ' Romo... were four other 80 ecoree.one 32 and 33 showing that there was keen cempeti‘. dining that time made many werin officeof honor in his native foWnship tattled lecture nn "travels to sident of Myth for eigbt yeare and and de TnIt;linliel ?ettilletP3WitaVwldities: knilerrne SilaIrWelleasuta;rrnito le heln ett,1 gM° tion, friends who regret his departure. He masa him it good after dinner epeaket excellent evening's entertainment. We • Mons. Town &Case; who are wind* was an enterprising and. popular eta. • and he could alwer entertain in right; need poise no °eminent on the *wild.. • ingup their iiiiteOn's business this Week. ten. and took a great interest hi ede... I n a op ace ea nese et thus siding thbs. ci ri of ours. rept*. that they hate bought up trona eittional Matters, being is, member Of Monday lest from the borne of hie Miso Obit*, with her 11. ability, here theemali evaporatore over the province the echoed hoer(' for the) pest six yearti, 001.111.11110111111110.111011.101111.111.0111110. ffitkOrii110131W°11 at Ilderton to the • Mtalways been as tree to give and 'a: b.esideit domestic dried apples from Mr Bence Is 110 etratiger to the peo p le. . . •. cameterY:Where he has one es ante othet perigee in tciten, -farmers. Shadefifteen their etartedcarloadetheir ' fell end the Sovereign Benit ip Thisimade Child hurried. A lumber front GOde and it le to haed' that oUr towns. Week, 0Yer . directors' could not Wive hatter *rich townshiti Attended the funeral. • peopht h i now ow their apprecia, emount dote not include the white selection fot .theit• .benk ineittger et fl 011 eyespethy, ofthe coisimunity tion of her iertice. by; iittendliig goodi bulled Mit of their own .:,eylipor., that point. To Mt and Mrs Bence we with Ars Beato as and her two worthy consent On the evening of Atoey Atom. They h* evidently had busy extend our hest Isiah.* &onside faith* ehlidron lit Sheir hoist if 31* istA ' • • prosperity •Ottld good hetilth."