The Clinton New Era, 1902-12-19, Page 8• December 1944 1902. eiterehrereteerellelle .Ho it Now. Qatte letiMber of our reade bave overlooked the fact thttt they bane not yet paid their euascription fertile curreutyear. If tber eie one month better then another o pay an account the Mont b is October. Which ineane that NOW is the time. Ou cluatry frie nds ar throegh with their harvest, and it has been a most bountiful. nne, We °honk' not, therefore have to treetit 1 inger on you. A. look at the label of your paper will ebow the date to which yl us subscription is Petcl. tlooit's (Mon 3oot Gomm* u enoceestnity used reonte. int Ogle um tames. Sate. effectual. eadlesasti eaur enigma for coals eaten Row ama 'take no ranee ad all Mixtures, mus aset, g, swerves stronger.VI pebo e x. teens are teen:prom Price. No. a NO. % se .mated on reeept ot price and two a. anal, sada/el rectanmendedIX Inc Engem In tetrad* The Cowl Corneas*, windeme No. 1, and, No. 2, are sold n Olinton t all responeibie Drug Stores, J. P. TisDA141. BANKEls, *CLINTON, ONT. rine° funds to loan on mortgages at best current ratce• A General Banking basinets transected eniereat allowed on deposit. Sale notee bought G. D. MelrAggarl ALBERT ST., CLINTON A General Banking Busines*. transacted ...41.••••••M A Kinn STOKE D'ALCO SO,ii.A. tolh) , .4 a .er Mae entity oeudate• e Iowa 9 .w.i. Minaret Grip Pow, ere eu • ' emit u "IXIS WIIIM Dx:ED AS TEE =ouzo •d'ugo". • OP EVXOTION.The iandou Omni 0 .inalllY nee re inceporated, welt $20,001) epttal. . Mellerer Worm Poesau. 0 owe fever Dorf Forced to Work Without 6h/14°4' 131)tc""gitt""i'itie Ma or Macleod of Li eineuville,w , ,-- y , etecetving ,Payment--Evideleee retire, Juba Petal' le we"' Against the Markle Company. succes,or, . Oh, MY i how vii. osenelexion hail tie Scranton, Pa., Dee. 10,—Tales of evia. times from houses owned by G. B. Mar- kle & 0o., the narration of the death of a wife as a result of an enforced re- moval from her home, and the story of a neither, whose husband was killed in the Markle mince, of how elm and her two boys struggled for years to pay the Marklee the back rent and coal bill elle owed timid, were the prineipal features. of the eessions of the Coal Strike Arbitration Connoissien, The mineri concluded the calling of witeeseee against the Markle Compeny.• Henry Coll, a Markle miner, told how Isis family was evicted. Ile had been ins jure d many times in the mines. One of his legs Was alihost useless; he had only one eee, his , hands were crushed, ribs broken and skull fractured. The company gave him nothing until after the employees took up a &election. Then he was given $50, and the 00111- pany took out the rent he owed. Then followed a pathetic story of the ewe - tion. Coll said his wife was sick, and her one -hundred -year-old mother was blind and unable to walk. The day on, which they were "thrown out" was rainy. lee took them, as best he could, to Hazelton, wen miles away, and placed khem in a cold, empty house. His wife became worse. Medical aid was furnished by a Hezelton doctor, but it did not help her much, and she died, • "She died?" exclainted Judge Gray. • "Yes, sir, she died, and I buried tier yesterday." • The Comniissioners were much af- fected. The witness said he did not kuow whether the centenariair was still alive. "She was in bad conditon, ow- ing to her daughter'a death, when I left NOTES DISCOUNTED home last night," he continued. No issued.' Interest allowed on "That is all, Mr. Cole that's enough," deposits. said Judie Gray. . red. Yes, Melee's Oompound die did it, Sold by atar ues;totowu The late Rev. Q 11, elax well, M. P , • t Vancouver, left, an estate valued at Ive than $2,000, Millera Drink Cote is sate, ff•otual mut rein be readily taken. Sole he all drug Oats, town. Geo IL Ooebete, a for naer readmit, ot St Thomas, died in California. A tresohereus wind bits you in the beck and the next morning you home lumbego. Rub well end often with Perry DavisTione killer,and yon will be ristoniehed to find out how q,nickly all eoreness is banished. Premier Haultain was booquetted at Regina upon hie return fi otn gland, MISS Aland Beattie WAS raarded at klamilton to Chew. R. Wiesen, of Win. nipeg. Nervous, irritable people are very trying to ltve with, we speak feelingly; to all such 1 we recommend D &WEmulsion; It is presoribed by the leading pleysioittne an* used in the pripoimil hospital. Archie Cockburth of London town- ship,was killed by a tree he was cutting down. • Bawroanville Methodists made a thank -offering of over $1000 to the ahuicb debt. No reesonable man expects to cure a neg. leoted cold in a day. But time tied Allen's Ling Balsam will overoorao the cold and •stave off consumption. Cough will cease and lungs be sound roe a reew dollar, Welford Brosebroom factory at Linn - don was destroyed by fire. Thos. Begley, of Brockville, was kill- ed at Grand forks, Dakota. An ugly faraily of skin diseases is the one I generally described by the word eczema. 'hill its forms it resists ordinary treat. ment, but is completely curse by. Weaver's Coate usee in conneotion with Weaver's • Ari eig teen -year-old Hungarian slate le rn ' • , • picker ' ern o ed b th M la • P'• tf rd THE RH OLSONS BANK n rporated by Act Parliament 1855. CAPITAL $2,500,00.0 RESTFUND ' $2,250,000 HEAR- OFFICE, MONTREAL • War. Memoir MAOPSEBEION. Presiclera. alums Ewan, Gan. Manager. Notes discounted, colleotions made, draft& iserted, sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on dogmas Sanger Baez —Intereet allowee, an sums of $1 and ap, computed half year, ly. Money advanced to farmers.on their own notes, with one or more endorsers, No mortgage respired. • illeeie Brewer, Manager,, Clitateze •ty y e ar e Co. d e at Stra o raid that efore the strike he received TIV 55 cents. The company .never notified 'Clark. 4c Otie. tx mill at, St Merle average atten anc . cents a day; now he received only 1311 ° sell8 18 1'194,• him of the reduction, and he still does MRAMPS LIEEBORGIA/0i erys was destroyed be fire the same work. He said the breaker boss, who stands over tee placers, often C ' , clubbed him; kicked him, and swore 514 • Come just when theyare not expeotee Mie. Kate Burns of Jeddo wah.exama .for cramps is what yon want. Rerviline One minute retro him for not picking slate faster.' and are least welcome, " M .iried by lawyer Darrow, and said .her simply sots instaattaueously. Its enodyne heehand, whowas MI enneer Power le we Tee — gi ' i for it coropositien ex in -a f he dren, the oldest a boy of eight vers . praises the highest medical progrees o t sale the Markle -mines, was un ground, leaving her with four chit-. age. Nerviline is a true comfort in tha der but the employees gave her about $1$0 The company' never offered her a ieriny, 'soh rod bowels it is an absolute specific. family,for in all derangeraents of theetern- to defray the funeral ex epees. After any other preearett Five times greater medicinal video teen on- sold ire Neveihne. her hueband had been killed she moved•Your druggist ads it or•cian get A* Old Alehouse. The George Inn, in the Village of Nor* ton St. Somerset, Ss ileppoiltel to be the ceded licensed village ale. house in Evglavid, the license dating from 1377. The building Of great Age, and provea groat ettraetion to visitors, whilet innumerable cyclists make it their rendezvous, Its appear' cove emineetly picturesque, tad atory everhenging that beneath, whilst tbe front is broken by bay windows, A • porch end /Ogee, of stone steps lea4. ing to a doorway in the wall. At the back of the peernises are mare quaint demi and window, a turret built against the wall, and outside stair ; in the yard edit remade. a portion of the old gallery. which, in the middle Ages, was foiled. in so many bosteiries. Each gable is surmounted by a curious chimney, and a peculiar feature of the interior SS the upper floor, this being of • plaster. Men. tbe inn was built, 500 years ago, - the lands of Norton St. Philip belonged to Hinton Abbey, miles distant. In those days) Norton was noted 'for its cloth hair, and the inn, it is supposed, was built by the monks of Hinton as a hostel for the traders. In June, 1865, it was occupied by the Duke of Monmouth, Who, at Norton St. Philip, ;ranee the one sua ass of his otherwiee dleastrous earn- paign. His outposts managed to re- pulse the advence guard of Faversharn's army with the loss of more than a hen. dred men. Against this, however, meet be reeorded the attempt on Monmouth's life. There was a reward for his body. living or dead e and as he stood at the . wiudow of the George Inn he was shot at. But the would•be nesassin missed him, and the unfortunate Duke was re- seivecl, for a worse tate on Tower Mkt- All in the Point of View. He was wandering in Ireland rind came upon a couple of men "in•holtse rolling on the road. The man on top, was porn.. Meling the other within an Inch of lals life. The traveler intervened. "It is an infernal shame to strike a man when hees down," said he. "If you knew all the trouble I had to get him down," eves the reply, "you wouldn't be talkiug like that."—Ex. •---- • OH MY HEADE'. HOW IT ACHES! from her four -roomed home info one A joint Masonic lodge of instruction MICR.VOtnit containing oe/y tWe, the one all•eve the was held• at Stretford. • BILIOUS other, ited for the next six years she Do VV. B. Lindsay, L. R. pEK-0 opicAL HEADACHES. 50 yEaas, strugtgled as `best she could to rt along: lend died in St tathroy. SIPASMODIC EXPERIENCE She ook in washing, ,scrulfbe for the neighbors, and once in a while she was TO CURE & C1ORN 1N TWENTY, • given work cleaning the /deem; of . the POOR RO.t3R13' ' ' If mislabels not of area a disease, but is Markle Company. During these six . , . .. adaele bow o1. berit.some disorder of the atom - years she said she kept her children. ' There is no Isar of so called owes for at school. When the eldeet child was , Ivens. The vegefable, animal and mineral 1,117,=,,ir°4 "41, ! be. "tell "1"3"t "1":" fourteneyeaes old. she sent him. to work 'kingdoms balm been ranaaokedfor cures. It. • in the mines. A.t the end of the first Burdock Blood Bitters i 10 0 eimple matter to remove corns viehout 4 TP.ADE MARKS DESIGNS . V. COriVEHOWNS AG. Ar.yene sending a sketch and description inn ' Quickly ascertain our einnion free wbetber n, '....ention is proba...;y patentable. -Column ril, :. tleris strictly cenildeuttal. Uandbook on Pat (-:i .. sent free. Oldest agency f or se. euring_Patentl. ' Patenui taken through Munn & Co. reeel0. special Vice, without charge, Li the . Sciatilit meifiat, , Abaudsomeir illustrated weekly., I...10feet Sir culation of sr y animates inurnal. Terms, *3 - ear: four.ni.,<• rhs,t1. Sold byall newsdealer.' fri . UNN g.....0.1.3siBmadwaY. New 'ler: Bfaneto nv. `42 'Q -..• wsse.,„„, a e . liiiiinliiiildMINIIIIMEMMES 1 CANVASSER: WANTED to eel PRINTER'S INIC— a journal for advertisers, published weekly at Eve dollars a year. If teaches the science and practice of Advertisinix, and is. highly esteemed by the most sue- cessful advertisers • in this eonetry and Great Eritain. Liberal commission al- lowed. Address PRINTERS ' 10 Spruce..St., Nett, York. 41111111011111111•111MINIIIIIIIMIIIIMIlla .44L AtCriCOVirl\T • Having bought out the Harries; Wiliness of A. MoBRIEN, go- ing to sell Trunks,Valisee,Dustere Remand everythingin connection with the trade—Good and Cheap. ' Ligl t 110.rnese a Specialty •Oat and deal and I will use you wet • lo • • 1 r *Buret Stiodoorit west of,. New le* le4,040•041041.00144606D00000). . • Central • . Meat Market flevingputaketred the briteheritth eariltierie 61•1`a rt. Venn an r Vre., pitred4O-itttnibli the people .of Clin- lan 04 all Merle' of Pena end " Chireee, Verde. •elatelagee bologna 'fiercablittee and savoy's itilptt, 4111d... irle is*" VitZslia0asi• s Teliiteme 70. Ordefit' dediVered peeeeptly One ot el we N.11. —Meet' havita logs to hiPmeet will confer fiver by r suonth the be? brought home his wage pain, for if you will go to ADY araggls& or etatement, s owing that the mother medicirte dealer and buy a • bottle of Put- will dolt tor Tote eo ' otor ' • • owed $396 for back rent. The, bore nlim's Painless Corn and art tiara , wages for the month had been taken off and atiellY It 45 airesi4 the thing is do--' ° regulate' the stomachliver-Mid bowels, . Wei the bleat end tone' up the wkoll fell" the inla and he came home open-handed. Get Putnem She Submitted to this, and in the course The home ot Mr Fink. station agent an no o . of time her next boy was old enough .to at 'sequels. was burned. help earn a living, and he, too, was sent • e - em d and Lady Mina) haye returned to the colliery. Like the older brother, to full healUa eisd vigor. • !IeW.to be Pokitalar. Apenr liappe , even. if you are not. earnings. being deem* far rent.. The t aawBai:4rotimn:qattri;vecail5. Es --------------------- iver out lot vitae flaSe •the second boy received he pay, els• money sire earned for eleanin Inc Mar- $$F shinier are more hut)°, teat to exatot at (nemies. Even then it ew kle office was never given to her, but community than the bealth of its women.is better to cheek it witk your mat at kept by the company for rent. She said . If woe; is the frame of the mother, says the eome than to leave it at home. , • it took the three of them thirteen yeare 1 proverb, the sons will give Irma to the' If you 'have a stroke of luck see that to make up the debt, the mother's earn- 1 people." Dr Chagas Nerve Food is tepee. an account of it is thorceighly (amulet - Inge. from the neighbors being the prin. Jelly woman's medicine. By its atone on• ed. The reputation of being lucky 13 a cipal contribution toward the mainten- the Wood and nerves it gives strength and powerful ruaguet, if you went a larri Arica of the family. The 'debt was clean visor to the delicate feminine orgami and following of friends. f Wear an air of prosperity at *11 times, even while aver nig yourself of the bankruptcy lave aro one (except your , ed last August: During the six yeas ensures their regular an from the time her husbahd was killed un- I done. It gives color to the pale, strength tit •the time .when the first boy went to to the weak and v. rot:laded form to the thin work the company never, Deiced creditors) will think less of you for look her' for and atigular. ' Mg prosperous at such a time. presentatives of the miners celled Wit- the night Goorge Tomlinson, engineer of the Cheatham Waterworks, died suddeuly to attain populerity as to dress well. renAtiter closing the M.arkle ease the re- One of the most imporatet' requisites tresses who had. formerly been einployed e 311- Your est els nuar 'be imitation, but, you In the mines of severre companice to e Q some of the companies had broken the thee • Will be held at 0 Wen Sound on Friday, December 19, • • ehow that a bleek list exists, end' bitratioa Cominissioe. • ' - i r ri e ouripg le lionsneee, oonstrea- • When you converse let it be lightly i SONS OP TEMPERANCE, Liberal convention must Ye a good tailor; .Feve earl ten the real...from the false In the matter of gems, brut even a "Buttons" will sneer at ' agreement which. ended the strike ruid Take Last -Liver Pill before ae Ina your back if your coat has not, the• pro - resulted in the appointment of the Ala • and it will work while you sleep without a per out, . . time and dyspepsia and maks you feel better • about nothing m particular. Remarks , 2. 1 iet mg. Price 250. • that indicate deep thought, sincere seri- ' timent or strolls feeling are bad ' form Grand Division fleeting IA Tereate— killed by the aecid"tal discharge of Mr George Barry, of Sparsia and Won,t Wes k' ' be tolerated, by fashionable people. If you don't know how to talk Premier R088 epeelse, • bis gun. without baying sonaithing, learn how to Toronto, Dec. 10....4o an optik RHEUHA.TCSIti IN .S13.0VLDERS. lieten effectivelt. ' There .are always meeting held • IRA Temple Building with the 4th annual mond jubilee of elie erigat le • the oeuneeiten seesioe dia. Grand • Ditielon, Sons of Temperance of Ontario, Hoe. ,Geo. W. ROOS, who is a •Past 'Grand Worthy Patriarch of the order., deliver - ad an address on temperance reform. He expressed the hope that rine ofthe greet eaturee of the reeent can...naive teat f education, would be (mildewed, and that the young men and women of ;he . rovince *h.:Mid be imbued with the merits of tomperano. That would being them a great way towards prohibition. The other apeakers were as follow :— Mesas, W. W. Buohanan and J. A. Austin, re resenting the Temperance League;. 1.. Ei, Speteee, Secretary, Do- minion Alliance ; Mrs. ltutherford, Pre- sident of the W. C. T. tle and .George Spence, Grand Chief Templer, I. O. O. T. The chair was occupied by J. O. McCarthy, the Greed Worthy' Patriarch, and surrounding the platform were the enflicers of tbe order. , Tho. =teethes, be. grin with prayer by Rev. C. 0. John- ston, after which there VAS * musierd programme, followed by the speechers. The following officers were elected e•-• Greed. Worthy Patriarch, el, .H.olland, .Aurara.,.. Grand' Worthy Associate, F. C. Wei% Toronto; Grand Scribe, J. M. VValton, leatfleby; Grand Treasurer, A. 1.). 'Weeks, Toronto; Grand Chaploin, J. George Miller, Greenbahk; Grand Sen- tinel, S. P. (lox, Hull; Grand Conductor, C. Currie, Toronto; Superintendent of Yottng Peeples Work, Mrs. A. Peters, Ramptoti. THE DAY 0.0" M1RAOLES Is past, but many who are oared of itt.h. Jug, /needing a protruding piles by film me of Dr 01161164 Ointment leek upon their reeovery As next thing to mireoulous, t ItOt uneoramon for Darlene Who have undo., gotta lteinfttle tisk)" tits fittaillsisfe opera. titifiN in Vein to be finally cared by dee Weziderfai sentinel.% it is 'the standard the world over the Only gastanieed aerator t n m shoulders. plenty of peep e ready to be enrolled "I had the Rheum. ism Y • seised that cored net rest at night. X Weis among the Mende of a good listener. Milburn's Rheumatic, Pine rind have not In etilOrt, the happier and luckier and more prosperous you earn) the better had a trace of it abuse John Knees, Glenboro, Man. • • dressed you are, and the less you say, the more friends you will have.—Fran- The Dominion byeselections n 0 east* d; writ la • ending vvill nob te, e p a antrary. " C ILOLAINS, . MN'S B Rusk, Itnekview, Ontessys; "I hare need Hagyarder Yeliew • 011 for Chile He Ware in love with the girl, and teeing, andfonad it most effectual. it re. wanted to marry bet, but he Was hayed the irettation almost immediately cantious, and didn't believe iri the poliey of putting all his fortunes to the and a few apphoatione made a complete cure." touch, and ehen getting knocked out. The Canadian Oret Belting Worke at ' In other words, he didn't want to ask Bcecitedlle Were datnaged by fire, • f;i er r wof ti haittt, warihi t talunlees he save rionie Raging Efeetclaolleeehet notee, else will s en eing a ehop. Ins a wise Not st Half -Way Girl. b re ening to do, too, as some men have found Ogre, Are quickly era ete Sterling Headache Powdere. Price 10,3 and 25o at ail antlers. Refuse enbetitutee. , Le nehtlen County Council wants the Council divided' ar registry purposes, with one io;e1 avt..,,Svarnwiitoattnuelzother at Paroles., Mrs 4. Lowe, New Generale'. 14, R., writee :—"1 have given Dr.. Looser Worm Sem to my children with exoel ent melte, They ate fond of taking it arid it sots per. feetly,eequieing no °allude afterwarde." W003 July 14t to Dec, let the traffic tecelpte of the I, R. exceeded those of the sameteeticalitsbyear by $320,000, rein in the idlest and wheezing ere Promptly and completely ented be On Wood's Homey Pine Synge It's the best corigh remedy in the Wide. Easy to take, out after they have esikee. Thinking thus, he Was talidng to her. "I'd like to know just what you think of nue he said tentatively. "Why?" the entluired, with a rippling • little laugh. "Became it would help me in my hied - nese." "010 she exclaimed. "That's ail right," be hastened to as. sure her. "I mean business?' "Really?" she twittereee "Indeed, 1 del' "What is your "To marry you if I an." She was eitting in the window and he • good about four feet from her, She got up and looked hint square in the face 'with tv flesh in her eye. . she said, half indignantiv,, "whet .do you expect me to do to help you?" "I don't weAt you to encourage me capiteliete have Offered ,,to ..ortir to tor a wityY • • 4, re Mee 0 Mallory was instantly killed, "would. that be of any assistancel" • at Cob :tug and Mr Mallory very ser- she *eked wearily, ;•It t logy injuied by their cutter "being tiolt you on the spot," he respond. Wu. I. itartetleata. capitalists have altered to "Walt' sttiat meaettritig the dirt. "t potehasefive thousand ehares of 11)yst hit qua lathe el'ill'htt h6dgmg haank of Canade, stock at $250 a share, met roe wo S, want you to • t , trefervestbeir Perhaps the mit imoortant Were tido month ei the apple harvest. Nearly wtko• the Vertettee wilt be lit to plek Infer* the end of the montn, as, if they are in-, tended for narket, or for late winter uric, they sliould be picked and packet before they begin to get mellow. tench apples eheuld be very carefully wort. • stehpd ttirresjose: tatiunle allstkItlitt.tha wet thaerhteha;:o cliflfaobyni • scab or bitter rot. Make the sizes uni- form ie the barrels or boxes, and those • whieli are not ot a good size had best be kept at home, or sold in the local mar* ket for what they will Wing. To send them far to market .or to export them will be a loss, as they often do not sell for a price that will repay the freight charges. Have them ;snugly packet that they may uot bruise in transportatiene and nee only new and clean packages for them. Those Weeded for helve use nazy tboar.left a little longer on the trees, and them in the cellar.—American Cultiyee weather makes it necessary to place should be kept in a cool and dark plan! after they are picked until the cold • The British Museum. The popularity of the Bride!' Museum - is steadily increasing. In 1884, after the removal of the -natural bistory col- lections to South Kensington, only 468,- 873 persons visited the British Museum, • In 1896 the number had risen to 01,- 006, in 1900 to 689,249, arid Iast year tbe total had reached 718,614. Many more students are visiting the splendid col- leetions of prints and coins •and needale than was formerly the case. NO fewer than 1,382,530 volumes were consulted by readers, who averaged 664 daily. More than 40,000 Woes and pamphlets Neve been added during the year. A Witty' DielOinat. • A writer in Harper's. Weekly tells some stories of Ideury Labotichere when he was In the diplomatic service: It is said that s he we! once sent by the Brit - tab Minister at Washington to "look after some Irish patriots at Boston." He was not in the city a. couple of houre before les found his way to a gambling den, and was stripped "of all his money but fifty cents. On this be lived for a couple of days, sleeping on the. Cepa mon, and weabiag In thit bay. Then Went hungry. • Thee he crield stied it no longer, end,. dropping into the beet restauriutt he could. come acroes, ordered a• therougaly satisfying ainner. The waiters were all Irish, and he noticed • they tanned to he examining him pret. ty -closely. Rememeering: what his of- ficial business was,. and that he hadn't a cent in his pocket, eleebby" was as near feeling uncoriefortahle as it is pore sible for hen to be. But the dinner: was excellent, the Wine beyond reproach; and the pervice a nitrate of epeed • and, pelitenese. By the time he had reached. • hie cigarette the waiters •.were stand- ing round him in crowds. At" lest one of them leaned. over and saie: "Aeting riur sorr, but are ye the pate.. tea Meagher?", "Hush!" said, "Labby," looking rouid mysteriously. •Theri. he• ' called for hie and, went boldly up • to the • deskto pay. it, •Mut the preen- etor was an blehman and would' not hear of it. "lie tbanked nie, with tears in his eyes," said "Labby", afterward, "for the honor I had done Wu in pat- ronizing his poor hostlery, and asked to •be allowed to sbake my hand. I allow- ed hini, and went out with the air a haughty Owen peculiar to exited, pas s, eriots. _ A •Ottarailieed: Cure F Forms.oi 1,(11riejr Di01. We, the undireigned:druggiste, are fully prepared to 'idea :the renewing guarantee with every 50 cenebottle of Dr Pettingillei Kidney Wort Tablets; the only rernedy in ehe.woeld thseemitieely cures !JI, trout:dee arising from weak or diseeeed kideevaa. "Money cheerfully retareed if the shiesr. ed is not relieved sled improved after nee of one bode. Three or Six bonlee tiled' as finishing kiaa pa -tie e eeree. It nee r e °Vasty and ou• witete rig hfoney n.P Rookie; D eats , MAKILZ ORANITE '''14114ENTS. Vorkl: I I -ht. , Wet ktnisnallin .1,11500 %. I lesee e' Misatilt _111111111111111116r- s"1"4a.. 1 g efe—se-e• ee' Struck by le train. sise ed with 0, relit coeifidenee. lee el Waite between dient with herr eye "I arn 11'11 to.'" triria b if shit h " , Ana pees ere. 0 it •way two you now, ihe eta *4 hie heatt hope went down with 4 (lull Ault At littered tki bitereatirie ittleael Ali Mt ilttsap on hie *oily bootees • lot* of plat,os •.0 peNsible rice& ry II. Sheet °music, a variety of mask tionRE'S or winter outing nothing is 00 refreshing es • Served With wenn cream or warm mini , folipm." —The Perfect Winter Food. —WE SAVE YOUR Fun,. —WE SAVE YOU TIME. —WE SAVE YOU MONEY. We scientifically prepare thoroughly cook, mechanically malt and toast whole wheat prepare, most delicious, appetizing cereal food known to man. alta -Vita Food. hstow.• e In winter serve with warm milk or creel% \ Wholesome for old and young, sick and wen. e °MOM •MADE IN CANADA =COL CANADIAN GROWN WHEAT cms.anvin woitzsmi. . MALTA -VITA PURE. FOOD CO., TORONTO, 'CANADA liAA00wholsokOteee4weAtleeNo!rwwwie ]Elave T' New Raisins Oureants Peels Shelled Almotat Gincrer Chips Dates , 'Spices Figs These for your Christtna Cakes . All fresh, fine goods, and best qualities Try our Christxnas Plum Pudding all ready made. very fine. PETEJR NE-at".iti_A-414.1STM A fell etook of %fele delicacies kept constantly on hand • WWWWWWWWWIAAW0thilefte AMOWWW11.1044110~01#4010".SOIt . • ' . Buggies! Waggons! We have the finest stock 0 F It et ti one. All the latest styles in the new- est colors. Our prices are as low as can. lee found for 'first-class material and workmanship. Before you buy call and see us. . • We aleo handle else Canadian Steel Field Pence, already woyen, any farmer • Greet from 60 to 80 rods per day, it is a cheap strong fence. . . . GOO. LaVIS Isaac 'Street Clintoz NEXT DOOR TO NEW ERA OFFICE 'Cutters and Sl.pighs. .. Out show room is again well filled with a - choice colleotions of cutters and sleighs. Our experience of the past proves to nri that our work is appreoiated our sales during the • past season being the largest in years' •e . Call and inspect our work t afore perches- ing elsewhere, Repairing proniptly attended to. RIMIBALL 01 MCMATH's, A. 011111); -.anew .... 11_111‘.. ;110. A eA'1^se- 1141A0 10-1 Atio." 7 piton Street, Clio ,••• 0.04 Who has moved his stock oi TWEEDS to the Searle Block, - " still giving 25% discount off all . his Tweeds. Now is the time to get a good cheap tailor-made•• suit. • 25 per cent. Discount The American Newspaper Directory Issued Serai-Annually. This work is the source of interrelation on newspaper etatietim in the United Stable and Cenada. Advertisers, advertising agents, Atone 'elite:eats and the departments of the gov• ernments rely upon ite statemente. ao the recognized authority. /t gives e Wet description of moll plaoe in which newspapers Arti published, popule- ion, redraw:he loud induetries, name and )(Meilen of county, etc, etc, It gives the names of all newepapera and 'other petiodloals. It gives the polities, re- ligion, class, nationality, oto. It gives the frequenoy of %sue. It gives the Miter's 31 gives the panther's name. it gives the dee of the paper. it ;deur the enbsoriptiorl prier). It wee the date of ea tebliehritent. It glace the oiterestion—present, as well at /of a series of years past, thee orieblina are adyertieet to determine the probable I inure, It OM *separate I let of all papers mead in the body of tee book with a circulation of over one thonitand. It give" 4 'Apatite list of all ntwapapere having t Sunday issue, Established 1869, It gives it bat of all clue publioatione 'agricultural, medical', *redo, in ° fereign languages, ette and a cataplete in. dot to each °Mee. It contains reaps of each state, Allowing towns iit whioli there are neWepspere with more than 1600 circulation., It &leo contains other veluable tabrdations and classilleatioes. The peke of the Annulate Newereent Dm - 0115 10 Piye Dollaree-net ceeh,all trans. potation °bargee prepped. , As the mot important portion of the In. eupplied by mercantile agency consists of 4 repot of the financial streogth of the person about whom ibitnitiatiOn is asked, so is the eirealation of a newspaper „generally considered the point upon which . information will be at Meat Valile to the advertiser. The gteateet possible care ws taken to make the Direetory motto oohed. Every publisher is applied as systernatioaliy. &fl information ie taken in A form Wirth excludes any but definite statements ;while every tfort is reedit tei prottot boterit publishers rieeinet Math as wonId resort to disingenueos reports ...fie • gen an Weir advantage. Cleo te% Stowell & 414).0 1* Slptlfet Sti Sew York.