HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-12-19, Page 7Oitiv Atlytttlitiattuli Elia Tops for Sale, A. quantity of Ara Tops that can be cut up for iirovrood, Is offered tor aale by the under slatted on his term at lot 04, Maitland Con- Go4erich ToWnshin. 1 ins, I THOS. MAX% Waco, Good Farm for Sale. Part of Iota 33 tied 33, on the *fat side of Maitland con. tioderieb Township, MIS mile north of tionneaville, containing 97 *ores. There are two frame houses end barns on the place, bearing Orchard and -plenty of water. Will be gold on terms to salt the purolmeer. W. W. l'ARRAN Or ..i)eo, 16 tf RANCE Woe .•Notice to Creditors ii the tbira day ot January', MS, o del ver .. a .11..roby giVen that all pereons having claims woman. deceased, are required on or betere ' • against ..the Ostate of Susanna Franses Sly, Pursuant to thestatute in that behalf notice lam) of ;,the. township of Mullett, married 10 - ' the administrator or his solicitor a statement or their claims duly proven. and that atter the ertid date tire administrator will diatribe' e the said estate, having regarcl only to the claims , of whiolt he shall then have notice. olotont Deo 38,1002, W. B YDONE, solicitor for the Adnabaietrator, RICHARD•BANSFORD, Administrator. • 1 'Christmas and New . Year's ...HOL1DAYS..* 1.002e 1903. ' Excursion Fares To all etatious in Canada, alto to Detraitiror Heron, liuffitio, Niagara Fails and Sespenaton Dralge. 0-0130iDaTaSAN1) raierria-At lowed ono waY first-class fare : Dee 24 and.215, good te re- turn not later titan Dee 26, 190.3, sod also Deo el. 1002, andJan 1,190s, ood returning not later TEE CLIFTON NEW MA, The Vote In West Huron. el 4659i and thowit a huger rota lled diataln$ and 1.1$01001. 110/1 in West Huron than in either of the . w. c oantelon hat on mond" for Tor. Througn the courtesy of Mr J. N. other ritlinge. Onto. Chttniihell, Returning Officer, we tine The vote coat in this county at the week vire the official vote recorded in general election of 1808 was I Al Ewalt, Seefortb, viaited hers the/ West Huron OU, the 4th of December. Emit Huron 4, me othertley, 1,. Mr Campbell declathe the total vote for Vet Huron, ...... 4,028 Harry Brewer visitsd bia friend,R.Bristit the affirmative to be 2830 and for the Son' h Iiiiren «. . . ... , 5,091 Stretford, thie week, negative 1098, a niajority of 1748 in this riding The toted vote le only 701 less than the total Tote in the locekelection This county's share of Me vote woes- fd'ukc'n 3"46Y, . in 1039$, so that when it le velar -Mothered sary to bring tbe Liquor Ant into ppm* Mae Mende Pinning vlsited. Brillett there WaS 00 party spirit to stimulate ation would have been 7,203. friends on timidity lest, getting the vote out, it k ti. pretty good 1 total In every polling Sub -division J. Campbell, Goderioh, visited Clintoe. then Jens, nos. Aciowect anaway. oratroma Mont two -No 2 Bly th •and No Ash - fere miaow third -Dee 22, 26,24,ana 26 malaise fleld-a majority was recorded An the on Leo Mae, 31•13021enaJan L PM and 0.90d afilrmatiye; in these two it Wae the returning zromdestinetion Ater teen ..en other way. The figures for each rch. 6,190a. ingdiViei011 are f 11 aS 1+11•10. Choice ehrlatmas . Mental Mies l‘foNeaubton, Goderich is the guest of Mis1164 McLennan. W, 'Venire, Mittillell,waattersuest of Xi Hey Wood, on Saturdey hod. Rev El A Wright reached in West Pay Buy your tiokete up Town and, Avoid Our town b•utchere t*Iwaye alert to CitY• Sich., on the' ay leek, the rusit and delay at station. , F. R. llodgens, Tows Ageat, The recent outbreak of foot and mnuth diSease in the United States will ere long prove a eeriteis blow to cattle dealers in Canada. At the pm- ' ent season prices remain food with a• L demand. Export buyers, lloW. 'arm, have suffered already. • Some cat- tle (hat were shipped from here two weeks. ago stlil remain in Toronto from quarantine regulations. This, however, will prove a richrhar vest for Canadian ocean liners, but accommodation is to limited that buyers run big risk. in sending forward live stock. A big slump in prices is expected the first of the year, Pore is weak at $5 50 ; lambs are variable. Wheat is low er,68c being paid fori the most of it. Oats 29A to 30c, barley 87 to 38e, peas 70e, no corn offer- ed, butter and eggs plentiful at Rinsed 17c, hay $6 50 to $7, . Poultry getting higher as Ohrietratis decoands increase. AsiimELD T.T.eNT.Ipst. slaughter lid Pacts. the taste:Italie tastee of the nnblio, will NitAtia3ge MrTP11"' 1 inorin Toronto, 125 1Vien.'s 11411..4111grbol Fancy - For Against make their Vbristmas diSplay neXt harkre;urned home for the holidays. No 1 01,1 74 21 week, which should suit the, taste of Mrs. U. Ryan, Nile, was thie week the Tweed S its 94 20 every epicure, and will ba ac follows t , guest of her eater, Mrs D. Cook, jr. 3 100 8 4...... 59 25 L. b'erzsiatotes 84 SON Par end 21r0 Edgar Coate and sou liroesit, 5, . .... , 20 .70 1 extra heifer, fed, by John Manning. Brampton, ate visiting in tOWn. weight isoo pounds; 2 heifers, fed by W takos, Annie goven109k,Scafeith,has been 69104,/,0.01,11 co 17 Barrett, 2250 lbs; 1 heifer fed by F Mc. the gusill of her aunt, Mrs F, Sell, lately. 76,1 10 468 xee ' ery. 1150 lbs; 1 extra yea „ at Arcele,ena goee to eleepewe, on the Same 0.-. •Ilyeen, 1100 lbs; 1 better fed by S Low. I fed by Robe 51i" Id X-1 Helmet' hoe given up her &tool ° Ford, 250 lbs,. 2 hogs fed by F LOCH, Ora/Toil, vroid, 3 by' R GraixaM 2 byr W Murchl - iniRlicm. No 1 68 88 Iambs fed by R Fiezsimons 56 Son; a hIrs D.Pook and children left lest Bator. 'Latest itud Most Desirable BiLtterns, got up in . First Class Style, French Facings, lined with, the, best of Fat meets Satin, Fit Perfect, wed prices teduced froro. $10 and $8 to - • $6 00 59 47 large, qUantity of geese from J (ley to Join hethnoband in Toronto to spend Ken's High_ -grade Winter Overcoats Ado ;Maud. MONau loton went no to . Made of Fine "Imported Kearseya, Meltons, ., fool Weave Cornien, Aitcheson, Pear. ..... 79 $9 • 4.' ... . . 47 35 Eiftetlogs Neoltt, II Young; turkeys tile winter, • 254 170 son, Scott and othere, All kinds of , myth Friday to sing at a concert beingileld No 5 36 7 - . j. ScaKITON "' Friezes and Beavers, pla,in. and rough effects, a meat. IcePt in sealion. at that piece, livia,rerr. , 2 extra fine heifers fed by K Disney, to her home Friday, after spending a week County l'ouncil Elections. 7....... II • A 58 10 - CoLB011,N10, I tf, uve wpight we lbs; 1 heifer fed by visiting tier sister, Mr° R. P. Stoddert, for „ .. . 59 38 Sirs Emmerton, of Ripley, returned 111140$1 all lengths equal to custom-made gar- Ghtlerich tp, live weight 253n1„. lbs; 1 at J. Eminertoresoir. • , 153 61 heifer fed lay Ifile0 Middleton. Goacrich Mies McDonald,Listowel who has been the Biotite*, Of Divielon No. 2 Ladies and Gintlemen,:--Haying repre. last two yeare, and having endeavored to 42 18. Dented you in the County Council for the 11,111 10,9 . • • ments at $14 $12 50 and - . $8 50 oiIi Hereford e'en, 4 months old feu b P 100 Boys •apiece Su tho pest two weekerelarnedboute Seturday. U Smith's farm, dteesed 752 lbs; '.2 pigs ,last week, attending an executive meeting Carefully made in the Latest Styles of AltWoot mete thit I am again a candidate and re- 4., ......,, 43 sa lbs; 3 fine pigs fed by R Walker. on 5 were in London Thursday end Friday of m my behalf. weight -100 lbs; 2 lambs fed by 0 Rey. Mies Blanche Shepherd, who has been Wiggington, Goderich tn; 40 turkeYet fell term, has taken a school in Middlesex g rale and duck, fed . by Mrs T Fear, for 1903 a seam of 53 . , . ° 3. • • • • • • • ' • 63 37 • And -Other goultry fed by M Orich, ' at °C4 NOtiCe to . Creditors ' 4. „... . 61 88 ' of Broadfoot &Box'e bretnolrf rn tura store No 1.... .....119 J Wattle Goderith tpt 1 extra fine Geo Knox, Harlock, live lareight Rev a Gonne and Mr John Bamford •ts serve yen faithfully. would beg to inti- 99 13. npectfttlly sOlioit your vote and influence Your respeothilly, . CLINTON MA ItKET Corrected eyery Thursday afternoon , , Thursday December 1.8th, 1902. Fall Wheat old...... 0 68 nevi 0 68 • Spring ...........0-68 a 0 68 ecl by Frank Oockerline, ' tandem of the Diocese of Enron. , Blue Serge- and Fancy rweeds. sizes from 4 te 1.... • 68 41 ' not a, Ilullett; 3 lambs fed by nos teaching in the Model School, .during the 16, worth $8 and. $6.50, for ' $4 CO No 803 •02 Gopicitiort Tonal. SOW D. CANTELON• Oflit11.•• • • l• il•.• • • • .* . 0 %). .11, 0 811.. 2.. ... • , . 61 • Rye... .. , . • .4 0 40 a 0 45 Barley ' •••••••••••••• 45- 0.35 038 0 070 Peaa • '• f$045 of haw Ragenbary, deceased.' . P19" °wt.' ... ' . " 2 16 2 16 85 4T • Also about Tuckeramit , Diehl, of Stanley, and J Danfordleft Monday morning to take charge of big new appointment as Maumee'. 60 Owing to Ur Couch's continued ill. Saturday eye, and all regret his leaving. , ., .. 47 33 . 1 i 1,.. v: . to g !si: oently of Detroit, who bas been hdole, for' 1 86 75 season, .. . • Joseph's thumb -choir end will be Missed ten , °marl°, and Hatry T. Hance, manager Potatoes, per bush..., 0 40 ti, 0 50 7... .... ... 33. 24 ••• A. Corea *tListowel He was around g oyrs -piece Suits 66 ' 61 °there. Pero:alit co the statute in that behalf notice ia hereby givea that all persons having clainie against the estate of Isaac Batteubnry, late of the town of Caixton;- in the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the eth cloy of November, A. D.,_1s02, are required on 9r before the Slat day of January next 11903) Hay 600a700 Chiokene, per lb.. .... 0 08 a 0 12 , . Pork, live 5 50 a 5 50 Pork, dreseed. . . .. 5 75 a 6 25 Butter, loose ... 0 16 a 0 18 H ' tub 015 a 16 2 39' 42 , - - 390 283 . BLYTH. 1 mil not be able to make as le,r e a d" „ Mo.1 n on hand everyth eg suitable to the *sea,. she was one of the singers in St. nese and confinement to the house, he Miss Maggie Brown, of • Belled; ".buiria In Norfolk style and double-breasted cut of heavy weight Tweed material, worth $5, for .$3 00 s as emus but cus niers about four menthe, returned to Delinit last • to send to Wm, W. Ferran, sq Eggs per doi • ... ..0 16 a 0 18 *tow Severer Bank at Cliinton atgrested, Dried ,Areeles per lb.. '0 04 a 0 04 exeoutore of e last wilt of the said deceased, • 1, 60 Pair lkien's Pa,nts .. Rey, Dr. Medd, klecsall, Who bee .been or to the undersignea, their so e tor, par- ticulars of their claims and complete state- ment of their aceounte and of the naturect their eeourities (it any) held by thorn duly trailledloy statutory declaration. And Amtice is further hereby given that • after the said. 81st day of January next (1903) • id eeutore vrill proceed to distribute TORONTO HORSE MARKET About 85 horses were sold at Grand's on Wednesday. These were an as- sorted lot,. and included two heavy Otydes. weighing aborit 1,400 pounds each.' These scild at $160 and $190 - the hese% ot the said- *gate amtmg the Peru's respectively. Reasonably soud. entitled thereto.laving regard- only to- such k a . a , chime as they. shall ahen SVO tiotios °fiend' wor Ora an rivers fetched 6125 to or any nal thereof to any versos or persOns of reasonably sound,euitable for ordinary' 'whose clahm3 they shall not then have notibe. Dated at 'Clinton this 17th day of December, farm work, sold at, 360 to $90 each , that they will not be liable for the said aseets $150, • some general purpose horses, A. D '19". ' MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET w . DRYDONE, • • beeves, steere fat cows, and heifers, . sold at from $3.50 to $4 50 ; and the The,firm heretofore existing between Band common stock at from $2 25 to 53.25; As Bradford, blacksmiths, had been dissolved lruttualconsent. The business will be con. calves sold at from.- $3 to $7 each or solicitor for the eb'ore named enteentord In Montreal rinetiday at lot 10 prime Notice. that weighed '1,9,440 peunds, Were sold • to a dealer at 3525; pretty good cattle EAST WAWANOSEL Forth de McNair, Plo 1 « . • , 85 18 • 1 heifer. fed T Macdonalc1.51oderich confined. to his room for,a M0/101 past, at - t nixed by the undersigned, who:will eraleot 04 from 3 to 5C per pound. Sheep sold at accounts &mule late Arne * eronl 3 th 3ie and lambs at from 31 to JABEZ BAND. 4ie per pound. 0.;••=01•C • EVANS.-M. Mr.. on 'Dec. 8th, tcl HOG MARKET ' --licoNwoiya-atistrias pointstiouisana, on this week. Park. Blackwell and Co lights at 25c les6, -Harris reports the Dee. nth, Mary Gardiner, wife of John nob'. hog market unchanged at $6 for sel-• DQBERTSON--In eoderich, on ' Tuesday ertson , aged 75 years and 5 months. eets and 35 75 for fats and lights. For the second time McKinney ...kola Minstrels fail to show in our town after being billed ; what -the difficulty is we 'cannot liar. This time we have, seen nothing of them andMili EvrMS, claushter. Hogs are a little firmer. in Toronto 1 te t $6 12,41. d f Miss Hertie Young,) of Clinton. ota daughter. quote se en a . , an ate and . 90 18 it% 1100 Inv, 2 heifers fed by F Ford, of the home'of his brother John in town, left 3 .; , 74 5 (*oder ich tp, 2250 lbs; 1 hog ' by 0 for his own home on Monday* He was 'ray All wool all sizes tailor-made • in fancy stripes 4...........50 13 Tyner, Hallett, 225 lbs; 3 -hogs fed by ereek,,but on the road to reootery, and it and Cheeks, worth $5 and. $8.50,.•nota Si and :$2- 50 Ford Jr McNeil, average 230 1b6; 1 calf good rest will soon put him on his feet 305 5,41 weng 300 poundsi 3 larnbe fed b again. 'No 1 84 14 turkeys prepared •by 'Hart Hicks, of , The Catendar Goderich tp; 15 turkeys by T Biggins, ---- NV/MT WAWAN0511 I Bert Murphy, average 110 pounds; • • Dec.12rthe wifeof Air W cintosh; (nee 3... ... . . 60 7 Colborne: a number of turkeys and FridaR liee. 19-Entertainmentat ------------ 5.... , ..... 60 9 cLeod• Goderich ton Entertainment, Burnt:Perin sc oo , Monday., Dec, 22 -Christmas tree anct ' A LIVELY SEASON. -The hockey t 44... .•. 74 -it • 's Fine Stiff Hats krese by W II Hullett, and Miss : n o 6, Tuckersmith ci In all sizes, wortli1.50,.i'for ' Schools close until Jain 5th • 365 entertainment, St; Faure S S, WneeinAar, season has opened. and - ere the week No 1, ......... 60 ° .27 closes at toilet three if not four 'rinks Clinton ' . • .3..... ... ... 71.. 28 hive been Organized and a ' league . - of (his favorite winter Pastime will $ cahenrtet:tainmeieinct at t IlInsidhdipletori% • u ch Gtod. h ow 4 ' ,4'., .... —.113 '40 formed of theta 10 town, ' This was Nomioation for County, Councillors . a s en's Twee worth 50c. for 29ct 286 11$ offering a trophy to be played . for bYien's Ail;Wpcil Underwear brought about by the, curling a; town hall Olinton Speetal fare and a third R 'rates 5 65 1.6 clubs have ob.eeca. $Letritc,eoet.herr Wednesday, Dec 24 -Christmas. Eye Thursday, Dec 25, -Christmas clay and BAolevirost a nice line of Men's Ties --Knots, Four-malands. In all sizes 'Worth 1..50 11, Mit, for , No 03 3 with these inducements the. following • town rinks in a series of matches and Tuesday, andpDec e23nt-eSttaayntitastenSt,Sdnintoane Single fare rates commence • GODERICTI TP. .worth 506, now 25e. W Tier President 0. C. BrdWer • S S entertainment, Londeeboro he Novelt3r Bakery. and 'Restaurant 011r large and well Seiorted stook of Xmas goods . to hand. Mixed °seal, from 7o to Lie per IL Ben -bons 130 to $1 per lh Fancy Chocolates end ("reams ,at 20o to 25o per th. ; • Figs end Dates. Maximo' Navel and 'Valencia or- anges 15o to 500 per doz. Lemons 25o per doz. Don't forget -this is the place for Xr41113 Ofikei• Piney Oakes, pestry. Pitney pipes 6,1a -cigars ten in • it .. beer, jcst the thing for it Xthas -promo. • " • Baltimore.oyeters Oman in steak. ICE CREAM well be made and delivered for your Xmas dinner; leeve.yout order early. We are leaden lacier line. 11A.ItT14111F, • Sudeeesor of.1. •McCiay, • 11031,15... • • • • GRIGG.-4.n Gederieh township on Sunday • •' Dec. 14th, to kir andbira Reuben: . son. ' 33`0I(AER:--In Winghanii, Dee 801 Fr. - Troller, a daughter.' , . .. • • HAMILTON. -in Witigaain, 75h, Mrs. Jos Ilamilitm, a dairghter. MASON -In Grey, on the, 41h inst., • to Mr - : and. Mrs Vt.-14. Mason., son. . , • VRInctatTOE110.-In Molesworth, on Dec.. to Mr and,Mrs John M ejo , a son. _• _-BEACOM.-At• Ilderton,' on Dec. 12, John: Beacom, formerly of GoderichAcwneldp, 55 years._ . . , „ • .1110NDERSON.-In 'Whitechurch, Dec etit ' Chesil Hend,erson, aged 80 Years. NICHOLSON..-4n 'Morris, Dec.. 8th, Alice ' Durant, wire of Arch rrtehenion, aged 61 yrs. • ADA.ms Seaforth,',on Dee. • 4,, 'WM • SHAiMAN.-ln Goilerich, onr•liaiterday, Dec b eth 1902 Willis" Sharman St, th- 96th year. •• . IONES.--At Carlow, on Thursday, Dec. 1 th, NA WWII= 0; Jones, merchant:. . Inairition... • wirkarr--wns fillE.4At,, the ft.Rev tOry "gingham. e ra Wm Lowe, William H. Wright, of Jamestown, Miss Lorena Wheeler, of ' Trirnberry„, . ROLMIC43-MIX017,,-In 1Vatehell, ot? Dee. Ord, wits', Mr Howard, _William Holmes of 'eurntietry, to Miss Bile •Nixots, of Mitchell MATMESON.-Cli000,-4A the residence Of t b id +a parents erten street .Bruasels, oil Dee.1o, by Rep Mao oss, B. A., r bLiday youngerst daughter of Mr and )drs ,Geo. Adams aied117 yeare and 4'imonths, 226 25 Meesrs Button, McCool, Murch at el Xmas tree in A barracks. Clinton • OVER' THE TtaQuilinD voTli. Captain ; Chas Tisdalloecretaryr ai Bachelor Maid.' Dance, Clinton West. Huron more than did its share Whiddon, forming att executive. Monday, c 29 -Wesley S 5, Clinton, in the support of the Act, .The number • - n ' cant to. Santa Claus I)efenders 17 M of votes polled in this riding in the ' • Nomin ion for Mayor. councillors Provincial general elections a I was The fallowing comprize the team. , and sch 1 trustees, town hall, in 4,928, a majority of which Would be °Meet Band Hon. r Mum; of the I. R. M. , the evenin 2,465. The vote polled on the 4th Met • Rocky club, whose headquarters can Wednesday,. Dec 1 -New Year's eve 96 e s fo a i the old al le part of the. witch night servicea ' in favor of the Act was , Lto ex e be un C Clinton and Blyth gave Hon. Pres, Dr Aenew ; W. P. •Spauld- • Y e de . . • .mare than the required heltot the vote ing, president ; team -0. Sheppard, -Benefit concert for Miss Mount - of 1898,as will be seen from the append- Cap' alll ; 0. Porter, tecretary : A. castle, Clinton • • . • 2111 able : •, ' Brewer, G.. Chidley 11 I 4 • of. Ontario street League 'social. in of 371 rotes. All the tounicinalittee ex- residence next to the 5/1 1 ions Bank, Thursday, Jan 1 -Write 1003 -New . , • Total vote Share of Vote johneon, j. McKenzie, ni,u H. U. c... er Sunday Satool roona., 1893 re lured obtain, executiye. . q vote. . ed. Goderich 860 430 . 390 Clinton . 545 273 ' 254 Blytb ........ . 190 95 86 Wingham ..... 460 230 286 . Ash 831 416 468 Cal orne 512 303 W Waw . 526 263 365 Wawanosh.. 440 224 305 Goderich tp.... 381 166 226 Hallett 224 153 4,928 2,465 2,836 THE PALACE HQCKEE OLVH, • The.Goderich Stir does not like to be The elerkirof Hodgena Bros OtabliSh' reminded of its sins: ment have formed the below combina- • , , Reference to It - gusto", :Strachan -and. Hedgene, Hon. it decided that its: editor either usnecruptiloo!e. only tion, and ftisdaYP.Prtern011tleYgoaeS VMerisYs'ettirr°e6rg-. tshal'vtialtaCoinu°CutShiYad virtually done when Pres,' , Manager Cant go to jail or apologize for his villainy. Mellish; Captain, Crooks; ,iiecretary. !tee,sur!qt °.,P°17tY. Sheppard,Pouch;Executive, .4 reciprocity convention Wes' held in "near' Detroit lest week, tied was 'largely at- JeLe.ers Lieiya y Irwin. Moffatt Ind (0oi tended by representative* Americans DOHORTY ti0011BY 0.Luri The' Deberty Organ . fader?, learn few A resolution in carried, The Cariedia' ns preseint •taild diockeyists. tit . Armstrong. 0s -W. Step-. • Jamison, 0. • Tibbutt, Kane, R. Heiyar, W. ',Retail,- W. Whitely, R. :the ,convention Very 'Plainly that the •treattnent Of Canada in lirade ()bowel', F. Eagleson. • . Anerican tires of the several teams met at' • the - matters had.beehdecidedly unfair, and On Wednesday eventing , reptaigata- tforrimereliti and elected B. J. oihhi..ege unless they were disposed to deal with Canada on more geneettexti terms it ty. as, as President and Kirk Houston as useless openintrnp negetiationd. • Secretary. Meseret Crooks . and Haul, : • den Were, appointeda committee to Bettreeti thia and the Meeting of wait on the•Curlere Thursday evening to conmiete arrangement's for practices, parliaments, there are some import - matches etc.". ' ant appointments for the Federal gov- . ertmient to make. The choice, will be • ,A, °Ouch hal been forced. to . ,IPIA1304f********:**, , 0464S.I.PerfUrne .The South Huron Vote. ....- will. be choeen from the fo lowing favor of reciprocity was unanimously The following tbe vote in the dif- ferent municipalities of South Huron: . ' For A ainet Stephen ... 895302 Bay .. • ... 240 196 Bayfield 62 14 Part Goderi.ch Cp.. 177 17 Exeter • .• 202. 106 • Seaforth .... 203 ' 132 Usbarnia 352 44 Tuckerstnith...; 315 102 Stanley .. 812 46 Heneall• • •...,. 102 87 Majority, .1364 . from hiii tecent attac .0 r , made of four new Senatore. The for Mr ancl Mrs Plummer that we learn bacomea v;inantin the first week of Clinton. 4444 t A I A; I, 4,4144,14,44,4k,H, W, Matheaon, of Leckie:ay. to Miss 'Harriett Total '0 • pato 996• Molar. you are looking for suitable Xmas Presents Remember that .we have a toll:line of Furs, for Ladies and Men, Ilandkereinels, Ties, Gloves,- ete. Rugs, ComforterI4, Blankets, ete. The Quantity, Qualitsr and Prices are all right. Vote in I Provincial election 5391, so that the vote polled for is 335 less than half the vote at the general elec- • There are 5964 names on the poll books, leaving 2675 votes not cast. A very noticeable feature in the returne was, that there were two polls in the riding that east no ballots against the Act -- No 3, Goderich .tp., and No 2, Stanley. Irlie lama Barba Vote. • • it is with a great deal of eympatliy Lieuteirittnt-03yernortihip of Quebec The vote in East Was as fol- - lowe : For Agairiet Turnberry .,1)80 90 _ Howick..........583• 104 GrZ•• MC 'flop . • ......209 211 .- 0444/..9•4,114111510 103 Morris •0 ••••••• 868 115 - litillett (part) ,...230 _ Bruseeiti ....... 110 70 . WrOxeiter , 66 2/ • •"Total .2375 828 • Majortli*. ..... Eaeli poll shows good majoritiele for the proposed:new Act with the excep- tion Of McMillan tote:Ault* which gave' 2 againek . At the South Easterlydivi, alou only 10 Tea votes Were polled,. while UV voted No. As the total vote favorable polled Was 2876 for the riming the limit naked hy the Act laceording to veto Of 1;!:, 2169, was more than reached. SUMMetrY. Yes No Mal. South Huron ..*,....,2,1180 OM 1,804 West Huron,. 1,092 1,748 Haat Huron ...2,375 323 1.562 l'hie ;dyes 8, Maio' rity the county ot. the resent IoW- condition of their t's daughrer, Miseada; , February. Sir. Louis Iette's term Both schools,Colleglakernstitute- and exptros 0 rob 2 Sir Oliver Mo ad public school, will close for the Xmas ftve.year terra in the Government holidays this Friday evening. The House, Toronto, ran out last month, opening date hi set for January 5t11,1908, but the post Will remain in Sir Oliver's Scholars kindly take notice. hande for as icing as that gentleman is CATTLE! GUARD, coutatssi N. - The 00112011821011, appeinted by th Governn2ent, to take evidence as to the best kind of Cattle guard to be used by the railroatle, for the protection of live stock along their lines, met in Stratford on the. 25th of last month. Considerable eyadenee was taken, and the ultimate result of the investigation will be herd to conjecture at the tires. ent time. The pointe raised • at the meeting Were ae follows: The present guards Were condemned by all, as Icieing quite useless for the purpose for which they are intended; that the old pit Pale was considered the safest guard, but thie Rivard the rativray coin- refilse to 'Ole, 99 they say, If a car leaves the traek Itis likely to drop 'into one of theee guards. causing great loss and damage to the nOtilpany'e perty, Of course the question here rieea as to who isle:let able to Stand the loss -the farmer Who haallis dock killed by it cattle rtuard, which is useless in turning his cattle from. danger', or the railroad, company'. We underattaid it nunabetof guarde bare been itubaittted to the engineer for trial,. and he novo, poses to teat them by patting a number of cattle in an enclosure with it guard ata tiuttinnied opening. What then experirente,Will bring **Mains to be aeon, 111 to discharge its unctions. sSEIrosr!nrs Aiirserac MENTOE ttallop IT coseefer *0.600 moctricicini New Vnars: Night buy .your Sokoto early. *owe OM Viris at ratio.' • 1'2: • • • ilotne.M ade: Bread • Genuine home made bread, lomethieg new, 'pada' from amide. first oboe family dour, prepared in moody the same way se •Ordiriery Nome made breed., baked twiceit Week, Monday and Thuesday, fell weightt. - We have the finest selection -Of --Ebolir '0018 " 'ever displayed here, Comprising Ilair, Cloth, Bat, - Bonnet, .,N•ail and Military Brushes, Mirrors, &c. Choice perfrim'es are alWays acnisptable and appreciated. We have studied your wante in this line with the results that we can give you bet- ter profutnee, prettier packages and bottle e than ever before. - Would, be Pleaied 1 'how them, ' • J. E. HOVEY, Dispensing Chemist, Clinton .**...logassmor.rmumiamompliwoismos******10:4*****414442Aquoimp. • jig ZOWN BMA two,Rouna. Sold at same price as the regular bakers 1004 1- Try It lima yen will prOter it, to Other. 3. As ging City Rickety., 6011111114,4111101110011100111 :cIinnon ouse Furnishings Perhaps you want to. tone up your home before Christmas with a Nevi. Carpet, fixmitister Zig it, Art- Squarts.. Lace Curtains, Silk Table Cover, .0kelden Draperies, Ete. If so We are fullyPrepared to sup- ply the demand., atud to. quote special prices till . after the holidays. . . Union Carpets„ yard vide, good oolora, worth We for Zoe ' Heavy two-ply Union Carpet, pad wide, in it yariety of patterns at 35a," 45e and-BOo - , . ,r . : 41410141 tine oiTepretry Carpet, in good *terns and oceore, regular , Virtiol Carpets, yard wide, in it varietv ot patterns. at 66o, 760 and 95e, • 650 for $00, -Art Stows, woven in one piece, in different aizeti tip to 4 yob wide by 4i yards long all er0110d, will At an ordinary doe YOOM without any mailing or viewing, and will -omit to Mote than any 'other cionst. • We hive them in three qualitim. Ask to See there. . Ude Curtains', in all qualities, from 250 to $2,50. Art Mtuiline and Certain 'Wins, 50, 80, um and 150. , .' 0 • . . Overcoats: . .•VO ShOW 0. large atook of Byre , , or' young men In the Rig- ' n 6 ' commitsi MKT bonito style whieb la VOW so popular, frien $6 to $10. ' . ulatndie Btrietelesrnraier ErYlelitegelat i°gli earlier letiy oiltiliiiti hblet4fvtin$515°Inint°g,S% "i'V,Se0S'7att6;$64:116:ftatigrs 0.1 Stalilleig'S tinehrinkable illadenteer. Beware %. Of 1111110MOMI which inie old to to Jost as good as fitinfidild'istitale 'genuine except atiteped 3tanfiela'0.- 066.116*041.4404414 eltinuou & Co., lyth 41: ;Likitt .alt•sunteri. 1. a