HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-12-19, Page 3Unpleasant,• Bolls, Humors, Eczema, Salt Rheum We a ver 's; Syrup cures ti4M, renniment17 by purifying Ow Wood, Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., lifortvieraz. Proprietor', Naw Yourr, Ik? 'tear FOTIE MINERS KILLED, • • • • ; IRESTILt OP A. . DrICANZTE Mt• PLOSION AT W/LEP,SBA.RRE. • • Vwenty Men Were Huried in •ill Directions—Tho Dead Were Ter- ribly Injnr.ed. • • Wilkesbarre, Dee, 10. -.-.Four men were lulled and ten injured, three probably fatally, by .the explosion of a 'box of'dynamite in No. 5 mine of the high ' & Wilkesbarre Coal Company •t Smith Wilkea erre. The men had qwered into the • shaft, which, h 10 feet deep, a box of dynamite weigh.' Ing. fiftypounds. Phillips took the box if the carriage. It fell and the con- ents exploded. Twenty men near by ere hur od in all directions. The dead Men were terribly mangled. 14TTLED T,I!E A.11,.(1:1T.TEN.111. PEPOTY SHERIFF IN ' CHICAGO' • USED HIS REVOLVER. • • • 2he Wounded Man May Die—Shoat- ing the, Result of. an Argument ;. Over Politics. . a, • . • Chicago, .Dec. 10..—,Deputy Sheriff Sarn u 1 O'Noill, who1 yad "killecl his man," emphasised e • "political" argu- ment yesterday lafterneen by 'sheeting nzid probably fatally wounding Charles 'Charles 4 -later, a Oilminal Court bailiff. The "debate" took place in the vestibule of Quirk's saloon, 120 Clark street, ,...fairalf a block from the county court- house. Before O'Neill became a deputy . elseriff he had been a detective sergeant at the central station. His earlier AS. cs,pade, for which he escaped punish- ment, wasthe killing • of lvfichael Mc - amara at Jefferson and Forquer streets In 1892. At that time he was exonerat- ed by a Coroner s jury, on the plea that he thought McNamara was robbing a Irian at the time he shot him. Slater and O'Neill, with Joseph Coffey: a clerk in ;the eounty building arid Charleta Ahearn another bailiff, had been -the Tilt' 44414, TQN MON VASA Chibtron In Cotton Min Tom New 'fork Herald met coves. • posident through the southern States to inveetigate. and report upon the ern. pigment el children in the cotton mille, In Ma Bret article, recently published, he i anis thet there are about 50,000 dren at work in these mills, soma under fourteen years of age, 12,000 under trsadve 4110„ 5,000 under ten. They work front 09 to 72 houra week ; earn from 10 to 50 cents a dey ; many of them have never been to school and a number queetioned when coming out of the fac- tories did net know their Christian name. The correspondent Ands that the manu- facturers defend the eyetern, bitterly de- nounee all who oppose it, and session after reunion have succeeded in killing various bilis introduced in the State Legislature with a view to restricting the evil. . , The parents of the children made from 90 cents to $1.25 a day and the manufasturere my that they are com- pelled in many cases to hire the children because otherwise the parents would not work for them, and in other eases it is ; necessary in order to keep the families out of the workhouse. The mills pay enormous dividends, in many cases over ' 100 per cent., and The Hetald'a corres- pondent thinks that the way to settle the °Mid labor problem is to slightly in- crease the wages of the parents, who could then afford to send their ehildren to wheel. He says that the people ef the south are now profoundly stirred on the question, but need all the help they can get to win the fight powerful. forces of the In the concluding merle of gpiece called "The Bandits," at .the London Hippodrome, a mill is blown up with dynamite, letting loose a Mighty rush of water, which fills down in a cataract the height of the stage and aweeps away a ,bridge Just as a coach and four Urges attempt to- cross, carrying horses, coach and occupants into tho,reeing torrent. -It is the most marvelous piece of realiexn „ r Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give' all the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength I . and flesh and color of good 1 health . to those who suffer 1 from sick blood. I The fact that it is the best preparation' of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, till of healthy stimulation is a suggeltion as to why it does what it does. . Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste• ,YOung Women . in • their 'teens.'" are perrnanently cured of the 'peculiar disease of the blood which SilOWS itself in paleness,weakncssandnervous. • ' . • .., , in luiloo,n for some time. The conversation . ne&q, by regular treatment turned to the recent installment . of Sheriff Barret, and the prObable dis- charge of a number of the deputies now in that °like who had served: un- • der rex-Sheriff Magerstadt, "You .peo- pie won't. last as long as the snow, laughed Slater. O'Neill insisted that - • he would be in his position long after all the bailiffs were gone. Um; word fol, lowed another, until both the meg be- came angry. They were separated, how. - and O'Neill was forced out into %-ihe alley at the .side entrance. Slater • a.4.ivas led to the front -vestibule and seat - •;led 'behind the cigar case. In a minute appeared at the front entrance. Uelniret through the doer' and, leaning byer the showcaSe, pressedthe revelver with Scott's Emulsion. • 1.• It is a true' blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure Of the blood sickness from . which SO many young Women suffer IIA That word backlog hi expreseive to those whohave exphrienced the ag voting conotant cough, which is cell backing cough, Soluetitues it is the result of a cold, or of grip, end some. *nen it is a Consequence of catarrh, which unchecised, has gradually' in - 'volved the lunge In disease. Such a • cough finds its cure in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery wh i c h cures broricliitis, obstinate coughs, lung disease, hem- dmrithioagnes' awnaconh If neglected or un- skilfully treated, lead to consumption, user twelve years r was a sufferer from catarrh and was, treat- ed by one of the best physicians in. the state of North Carolina, who Fad the. trouble had reached my hines,” writes Mr. ,t, M. Patton, of Clotho, Tranayivania co., grew Worse every day until I tried Dr, aierce'a edichies. win sly Dr, Pierce's Golden . Medical iscovery with Gilt bottle of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cured me, and to -day I ani well rd hearty, and X win say further that my QernItti",firriPlesarlleel'apint' eWdiel* neMs* lioYdruaYe arneerlinto- other , Ogre your meadoes rani cure any case or catarrh that exists. X reset:tweed them to alt.'', If you ask your dealer for aGolden Medical Discovery" because you have confidence in its cures, do not allow youreelf to be switched off to a medicine claimed to be "just as good," but which you did not ask for and of which you know nothing, . Dr. Pierce'i Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to par expense of ctieteniS and niaf g only. Send one -cent stamps t- e paper coveredok, or $g) eta* e 010th-bound:ye utile. Address f. R., V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. had Mat& lif an editorial by writing the word, "Oattaraugus" when it ishOuld ave been "Chautauqua." When the editorial appeared Greeley went up into the,coan- . posing room in a great rage 'and tailed out, "Who put that Ca ttarau.gus 4" The prietera all gathered around bum, amused at his anger, until one of, them, pulling down from the leek the original editor- ial, showed hint the word "00,ttaraugue Just as he had writtenit. • When Greeley paw the situation he assume& an air of* the greatest meekness and drawled' out: "Will someone please kick me down- those stairs?" - When you are with the •seientiets de • an the scientists. namely, repress or , dinary emotions, if you are making a ' discovery or confirming a known fact. The experience anay not always be agree- , able. Witness the plight, of guest at ' dinner given by a .cihild-study. whose note -book hi always ready for use,. ' Dissatialled with a hot, bettered 'biscuit, a Young child threw' the despised artscle =roes the table, and hit the visitor. The father and mother took no notice of the incident, imd., naturally,. the guest hal-, fated their example, -A. secondbiseui followed, and .the guest was struck. on th He witaxtiont to make a re- mark, but the mother Warned hint to be quiet. "Sh-b-hl": she exclaimed, "'The professor is observing ,hins." • A lady's coachman—a crusty old fel! low Who had been In the service of the familY. in her. father's thne—gaVe her great trotible and annoyance several occasions by not carrying out her in- structions. At length his conduct be- came unbearable, and she determined to 'dismiss him. Calling him into *her pees- enve, She said 'with at rouCh tieperity as she could. command: "I cannot stand this I ,J 1 n You must look out for , another Situation: Yon will leave my service at 'the end of the month." The old servant looked at: her in ainusesriont for a minute, end .then the characteristic "loyalty" came to the surface. "Na, na, my lady,".' he said. ,"I drove you to the kirk to be baptized,' I drove you to your marriage, end Pll stay to drivo. you to your funeral 1" . innule4 14) W.. can TA agined when he Noted that the wily, Count had had the dorikey'e heed re- "These Aniericens," cries the Affright,. Moved. 4.44 a portrait of •Iiineself ettberti- ed Tagal. "are cannibals." tuted, in Order that he might teach the "Whatever gave you midi an ideal* King a leesom mks the Moro. "I just heard one of those ooldiers Poetic Jaime. Ask that pretty echool teacher to come • and Oat a Filipino with hint."—What-to.. A gentleman of an economical turn of gat. mind wished to make a prerent to a lady. He went into a chinaertop, says "She's not a.IS pensive as obi was be. an English exchange, where he happened tore you married, hera, to notice a valuable vase, which had._nist exe. owe expensive new..,,..4naien. been smashed into dozen pieces, "time apous'News. much for that?" he enquired of the shop- 1, ."What make you think he would be man. "Those pieces, sir?" said the WW1 - a great success in politics?" Ma.11) in 'surprise. "You e,an. have them olio can say more things that sound for a Welling. Ws quite past mendieg," well and mean nothing than any other Ile paid another eixperice for a box to Peek it in, and told the man to semi it niall I ever knew."—Cliieag° Post* to the .lady's address,. hoping that ohe would take for granted that it hid been Te the patience of Job a Whole book le broken in transit. Unfortunately, how, devoted; . ever,. when the lady came to unpack the TO that of his wife net an instance is box it transpired that the shopman had noted. wrapped each fragment in a separate Though Heaven forbid that her griefs Piece, of pter pie. 404 Job 1 we should probe, To the rest of her troubles she also Mainly About POO —Life. Blatop Wilbeeforce used to tell. a story of a greedy elergynian*who', when asked to say grace, aooked anxiously to see if there were champagne &awes on the It says umi--‘ table If there were, he began: "Bounti- • .ful jehovahl But if he saw only claret S glasses he 'Aid: "We are not worthy of ornet ing the leak of thy mercies." A visitor asked the late James Tissot for a new artiste when Itbecomes °lie day whether the picture he was at inunediately popular, 'Mae must work on was intended' to illustrate the " time. of Christ. The artist replied in the affirmative. "Then," said the visitor, "permit me to call your attention. to an error. Aloes, au& as. you have in your picture, did not exist in the Mediterran- ean region till after the conquest of ItteXiC0 by Spain." Tisoot promptly took his brush and altered the picture. Some years, ago a man in Alabama loot a dearly loved ' wife, and expressed his grief in these words, ineeribed en her tombstone: "The light of mine eyee bath gone out," Within .a year he married c again. A friend'of Bishop Wilmer, walk - mg . with him in the graveyard, asked what he thought of the propriety of the words since the new nuptials. said the Bishop, "the words 'But I have struck another match' should be added:: The •Buffalo "Conimereial" relates that an American woman, belonging to. the nouverix riches, recently 'met an ae, quaintanee on the • deck of an outgoing . 'steamer, and. announced, with 'great ec- lat, that She wae. going 'abroad. to. have 1 ,the dear .girls, (her two daughters) Por- i traits painted.. "Why, not in America?" i ' all the American artiste. in vain. Now ' queried the atquisintance...'"Oh,:rve tried 1' , • • . • . . • , ..-. we re going over to. see :what the • old 1 Grade *one' Aritiree moneetie, , Inastere can do."', , ., • . . : . Let those who are barreling apples . • • . .Mutual oonap'..nt' and •rd'utipa;"eortient:, this fall bear in mind. that it does not .. are 1We very different things. A YanICie , 'psi to mix inferior grades *lib: better ,1171,! .• ..1,'11.24...11,1*:17.0..-Wr 1.440.111'..,99-w . • stock, and try' ,to ass. theiti.'4 in Ins. , •. , ,, • .. , ,• , .:'• .. ' Middle of the 'barrels. ' Ptireheeeri era • • ' ., 'a • : . . . . : anueh more' Watchful than febnerly, tied • •Intestinai • ....,• .i . •• • your whole Steck is liable to be:graded. . • ' down to the lowest.' There, iti so ninuh Iiildigettiell • ' • ' ' 1 .. the' . scabby fruit this fa I that . tetopta.- .. ../terovia,a,..„,',,s indigestion and dvii. tion will he:Very•greet to. work .off. rime ,pepsia be, reached ID), . whichN''Tan4 " never.4. bed .of it under • the false brand: ".The hest . Ordinary stomach medicines and siee.alled .waY Will be ito grade your: frilit ',Wm.:. 'digestants... •The kidneys. and liver ere • „otiglily; sell' the.. second grade as bon - involved, and though the stoixiach may be • estly as you do the first, :end then . into 'all right; it is the part of digestion which ' • the eider . the third •grade, unless ' you taw .place in -the. intesilnes that is , can use a ' part el it in your '.farnily. i 'Imperfect, • . . ' .,' . ' , • . ' , If more eider is made than is needed . ' • • . . All over country °who are :., ' there 'Ionia be a raw of Casks; Rambla . atojaeop--I . suffering ficanjuSt thishin ofristligestion:.. • vinegar, in your cellar all the tune. If They don't get well; because , they . you, get an honest reputation for pure ,dan't use the • right medicine. Dr, cider vinegar you will get: a good mar- . Chase's Kidney -Liver Pine are admirably. • ket or it. It. is worth . twenty, cots . a Baited. for:this .very trouble. ' Thny act . directly °tithe kidneys, liVer and bowels. galion if it be kept strictly pure; und, you *in: find that city. customer's take ref:mystic cause, and make a permanent . . cure of intestinal indigestion, backache, and diseases .of -the filtering and ,excretory tIlYdfl7;i/othglIcZtiyhTs1.-fall to: o . pay organs. , • . • • • • Mere 'ri, very large. stoic of apples • with Dr.' Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. are veg- etable in. composition, and remarkably ; the 'expectation that prims. will be. as • prompt and effective in action. :Ihey are Mei as last spring; yet.we may be slim kept in thousands•efborneS as a standard ;that Prices are never coming down,again. medicine, and . have proven by ycare al to the aid level of from ;I to $2 a bar - Wel to be without a rival. Ono pill. a : rel,. This is a good fall introdiree MO' :dose, as -cents a. box. , -At all dealers., or . , your own barn 'buildings a. eider press:. ' Eiltnansort, Bates es Co., Toronto.:,' i .. . It will- COO. Yon- very little. end you .. ii,,,, : ,‘,„. •• ', will be surprised to; find how easily it . . . • • Ix 0 . _ ' Cpas.PA- us . -...- .. lean be run --43f. course, all the more • ,,,,,,,: .. ' - • „.. - • „.....;, - easily if you have a gasoline engine. - 1 would have one, however; engine or not, . ' ,, . • Then I Would have -every apple picked . . , • • pp and kept. picked' up—allowing noth-, sent,' ant: the °oaten intf. ffnuten ing to rot—and ,grand into eider once • the -junior partner. A &Mal of debts or twice a week. ' My neighhers,„:. and. had been rising and settliric for aveeks the paling .fellovis from. a ' neighboring before the partnership was dursoIved, and. use senior poinerts senairdenti may per. college, like a tug of. new older, and 11 haps be gathered fr„oni a notice which hel'.weit't hurt them. -19, P. F., in 'New caueed• to be inserted in. the local news:". YOrk Tribune.. , • ' • '. .. - paper: • "From this day forth there's no • • - ' • - . ' . • . . such a firm on Gregg & Palmer. Those . • that ciire the firm may call' on Ind as. • . tom as they are ready, arid those - that :.,"Yees-uh, I den bin ter de Viaiter," said the firm owes had better call:on him as Parson Snovrilake, "an' I seen clese hyult 'quick ass they eklis'.1 • . , t• . . membalis o' mah rade a-setia* on de ..., orunev: opea: ktn:Le. of cancidi. 91.1 ,tou.e stair, too. _ An' I jes' got: die terLkay--.-de, Great Misundexatood,:' tells an ovec,dote too ud *deli am a moughty .po'r Amer*. ,of I. London nano driver at 'Pori:math:el ion ob de white Min's imertation o'b de , time: The Ova:- glared' at ;ii newspaper tullud "sini. .• . ' 1 . . • eontentabill'which told Of a tram run. , ,, • ' tring oft a bridge into a river ,and drown • ... ' ing fifty people. He turned ..to la pea - senor: (That'd niaik a fair hit uy a spieshl" he . said, i"w'dn't it? I Omni • loike t' 'v seen 't." The passenger von I tared that he hod seen • it whole trail: run into a river, as a result of -hew/3- rains having weakened. a bridge pier. "Where?" :wised the 'human. "In Can ,iicla," Was the colordars • reisly. The driver gated pensively ' at 'his horses' • heads for a few seeonds.. Then he: evi- dently decided Viet • it •behoved hill to seritiniething.' "In kenedel - OW,. yes. ,. Wen 't tines owt there in th'ireppreall ,., • to rine, down't lil" ' : ' 7 ' . . a . .:. • . '‘q!lir6r/ ' i • Make Weak Hearts Strong. — ‘ 1 Make Shaky Shaky Nerfes .FIrra. .. . ..,....7.—.... A TOOTH CLAUSES A 51M They ara it Sari iiiirse iler'' . 1)*. litlitiottettild etgliiIrtYt tfu,,,24°ork,' Al" . •!. ' Nervousness Sleeplessness, I.,oss Torento, ' Deo. . 10.—In ' the : of Energy, Brain Fag, After El: Oonnty °wart yeaterday Judge fects of La .Grippe, Palpitation of . , moron .comutence4 a. litar.. bt the tyitane actrt,a An tnroumbilae,sGaerinseinraig frDome. ing 'Of the ease of ' join and,Ileti. a run down system. W. Sparrow,a. dentist. , The • notion is' ' They regulate the heart's action tries. 'Hendren. agailet Dr. 'Malcolm 1141.iwhattheytiiiitelini nerves. for 8200 dameges for alleged negligent? 'clime for sand earelese Work done by the dotter'. lt,1,1 They vi the elne upon. lira. Ilendron's teeth. On June 4. of this year Mrs. 'Hendren went to Dr. lor You. . . Bowel!. and 'Mid tivelve teeth and two i , OlitiCAT Rileit#T. ' dumps extracted, having been told this . I lam taloa Milhern's Heart and :night kid her digestion. ' She took Iferve Me fer *pita:Hon d the boot throtoforio, and. while 'under., 'ito late eadthetterednerree andforbothtroubles mice elle seYs• a tooth 'Which the den. have fogad greerireleef....-Mrs. W. Athos* tiot had extracted Wee allowed to fall lagainioll, Oak • down her throat.' When the ehloroforin aragige,g gpitaglegmb ?OW, • effect heel Wan ofi lira Hendren was. taketi with a. had. cough, Which MI* tinned. At intervals for it *Month, at the etillehlaien of whieh time it tooth :-Yrail • eoughed up. The tooth was ' in tend, and was proinnuieed by experts td he & wi „tom tOoth. Dr. .SparroW ' replica thet lit did not **street ii itiadOni tooth on the Oteitainit Theatiotiiiii, Mr. :/oint thootlfray appears for the plaintiff and RAMO & &lea are for the defendant. • " December 12tbo 1902 Chellew's Xmas Stock is Ready r A notable d4;play o Choice Furniture MUSICAL instramall Few things ere more likely ta.please a relative or riend then a choke piece of Furniture from ()BELLEW'S, The main thing is to aeleat something appropriate, and we think this often difficult teak will be found early when you come to inepeot the aggregation of beautiful things wish* we have to show you. this season. Here's a liet.that may prove neefuliy suggestive, and it's none too soon to make use of it, for the best things are apt to go first, Each item stande for many different designs and prices, FANCY PARLOR. CABINETS cuitos FANCY SECRETARIES (.11ENTLEMENS • BAMS EtEgn AND RATTAN ROCKERS ItIORRIS CHAIRS AND COUCHES DMUS AND SOFAS OHILDRENS CHAIRS CRIBS AND CRADLES be a MIMI for it. Only twelve _ ETC., ET,.. weeks after the first box of Frederick of Freesia was an inVeterafe snuff -taker. There seams to have. been some bad feeling between. him and Count Sehaverin. His Majesty presented the count with a snuff-box, on the inside of which' was painted a donkey's head. Next day the Count produced the. box at din- ner and showed it to the Duchess Of Brunswick. • "What an excellent por- • trait of his Majestyl" remarked the Duchees. The King looked , soinewhat annoyed. "Is .it not a fnie portraitl" said the lady, handing it to her neigh. bor. "Most excellent,'" was the reply; and the box began to travel round tha against Slater's body And pilled the • • w n e r • A• We will be glad to send a sampleto any sufferer. y • Be sure that this.picturotn .r.1; the form of a label ;s cethe , wrapper Of every bottle of EmulMot on b trigger. Slater fell unconscious, The report .of the .shot 'attraeted the attention of the crowd in' the 'saloon while many men rushed infrom the street. As they thronged through the • . .door O'Neill took advantage of the ex- citement and escaped When the mass- • ing patrolmen at Washington and Clark objects reaehad the saloon the ftigitive find disappeared: • ' Both O'Neill ancr:Slater are members of the Nin,eteenth „Ward Republican or- ganisation. • It was through this club that O'Neill secured the backing that landed him in the Sheriff's office. He is e powerful man, six feet trill. Slater Is much smaller and about tire same age, . 41 O'Neill drinks heavily at time*, , BSOLUTE ECI1R1 SCOTT & • SOMME. '• . . •Toeonto, Ontario: ET oF LIFE1 Chemists, • cHANo Mainly About. poeopie. , Here's a late story anent Christian Science. A Boston mother raid to her little daoghter: "If you hod- my faith, darling, you would. have no toothache." The child. replied: "Well, mother, if you had my toothache, you wouldn't have any faith." • When Maior-Generiat Samuel B. M. Young, a United States army officer, was presented to the Keiser during a recent visit to Germany Emperor William asked him if he had ever visited that country before. "Nat this part," General Young is said to have replied. 'The Em- peror then enquired what parts he had visited, whereupon General Young field: "X have visited St. Louis, Cineinmiti and IdilWaukee." The Emperor roared with laughter, and took General Young to the Ieism. Degrees, to whom he repeated the witti. 1 11 Not long ago United States Smatter `,.L% - • William. P. Frye of IVfaine wan summoned to pmpare a will for a man who wna very Ill. It was necessary, of coinse, to 1 Cenulne :maim two witnesses, and they had to be sent for. While awaiting their *Tri- ll carter's Senator Frye thought it his ditty% no val, the invelid seemed to get Worse and minister -.being present, to talk seriously • to hint. lie told hire that he was very Little Liver Pills . . „depart this life. "And are you ready to 111, and that,it Wee likely he would • , • " Meet this great °Imager Frye eaked • him. "twill was the reply, "as west Boar 1318tittturo Of •as those cle--a witneeries get here." , — Peodtleille Wrapper Below. Ti,, emettitiouovisir 1,a_tskeas.assagii rok:NtAnAmit), CARTERS FOR)172INEttFOR BILIOUSNE$*.. /pump LIVE.. poNtriiskno0. ." FOS SALLOW SKIN., VOS irlitCOMP114101 1- ouaEK 14111112411111"rorotasiovitoittiOS • , 1111ADACHE4 The old story of the man who etrer•on the rail of the organ gallery in it little Western &mat a pleeard bearing the words, "Don't shoot the organist. He is doing the host lie can," has lately been matched by another somewhat like it, A man recently returned from s mining region where, one Sunday, he atteilded it servico. in the only Church for miles around. As he entered, the strains of an organ,. apparently in great distress, melted, his ears, and whea waS stated he looked' up to discover who the player Via& On the back of the parlor organ , which Mood on the platform Wite a ueitta 'af. lettered square of pasteboard which reed, "Come up and try it yourself 1" • Nahapsi the hest attempts of notate Greeley Is that relating i eireeley's tot arttAt blin04r • left die factory in New England they were idling in every State and Territorf except Alisirat•Delaware and Indim Territory. ' Was It? It you 'try •the Tab/ets, or oh any 'person who has tried t,hem, you will have the answer. ' It is a great medicine: for . :the. StOinach, for the Blood,, 'for the 'Nerves. Some sensible advice to women passing through this trying period. The painful and inneying symp- toms experienced by most women. at this period of life are easily over- come by Lydia E. il.nkham's• Vegetable Compound. It is espe- cially designed to meet the needs " of woman's system at the Vying time of change of life. It is no exaggeration t� state that Mrs. Pinkb.am has over 5000 letters like the followintprovirq the oreab value of her Medicate at such tunes. wish to thank Mrs. Pinkhaan for tvliat her medicine has done for Inc. My trouble was change of life, I Four years ago my.health began to my head began to grow dizzy, my eyes pained me, and. at times it seemed as if my back would fail reef had terrible pains aerOSS the kidneys. get flashes were ye*. frequent and trying. A friend advised me to try Lydia E. Pitikhamos Vegetable corn.. pound. have taken six bottles of it and an. to -day free from those troubles. X cannot speak in high enough terms of ths medieine. I reeonanend it to all and wish, every *Offering Woman Watild give it a trial.v.—/innta /toss, 08 Mont. °lair Ave., Reel 'inlaid, MOSS.. tom ma plait Moist' Of OA* lair "rola' totatlats... ' Oittltert k Prokok4 It up gladis, and greedily. eis soon as Detere tabieg Milburn's Hmert and *erre Mlle Ilya* all runalowia, eetild not &el lit eight and Ivo fantail, ironblod wint nay hear& Since biking thous I feel Lmaid. I slop -wail *I aghii and lay dee. not tstible isie at all. nay rit done Ina a *OM _Ott 1141040.44A D. Eattsville, WILL FIVE O'CLOCK. TEA TABLES FANCY CENTRE TABLES OHINA. OLOSETi3 AND BUFFETS. PICTURES AND EASKLS FANCY PARLOR, SUITES CHILDRENS SLEIGHS PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS ACOORDIANS AND AUTOHARP& PING•PONG SETS ETO, • Articles purchased now will be stored for delivery on Christmas Eye. J..H. ehellew, Blyth , 1.. • XMAS FRUITS and FANCY CHINA. At J W IRWIN'S J. W. • NEW CURRANTS - Fillatras, Pritraa, Vosizza NEW RAISINS—Extra Cluaters Dehesa, Valencia and Sultana NEW FIGS, Dates, Prunes, Apricots, Peaches and Ciranberries NEW NUTS—Almonds, Walnut?, Filberts, Shelled Wahtute and Almond* NEW PEELS—Letnon, Orange and Citron . ()INDIES and ORA1GES—M1 kinds at right' prices A LARGE FULL STOCK OF CANNED GOODS --Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, Roast Beef and Chkiken 'Tees, Sugars and eoffees—We lead in quality and quantiry DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS and FANCY CHINA—A fine aseortinent ' Library, Table and Fancy Hand Lamps, selling from 10 to 20 per cent leas thais - . regular prices. Call and exansirie quelity and prices. • . " WANTED—GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS • .• J. W. 1111;VIN , 0111140E eure 1 • . : Book your order at our store. ,•Orders are filled • •• in rotation taken in small quantities . until coal is More plentiful. We are doing all in .our pow- er to supply the dirnands . made by our Many • • customers, having already. delivered (gnce the • . strike) 3 'car loails, in. small lots, and hope they • will have patience for a little while until 'we can get larger supplies, WE CAN SUPPLY WOOD AND THE BEST (MADE4 OF SOF'T 'COAL PROMOTL'It arland Br . • . Cheap Hardware - House bp nother Drop in Prices The undersigned is offering his $80 Buggies for $65. They are his own make and are made from, choice material and hz first class mechanics. All the latest improvements used aut are up -to date in every respect. They cannot be surpass°, • 'and we guarantee them. • tpHINT LESIO. Huron: Srest,.. 011,titiatt p 1 , , ..... . . ., had suffered for ;*ei4 yeate with a sore Mouth and tongue. The doctor sad it canie from the stomaoh 1 was advised `to' tr Ripans rabilles and have found them 'Cie verything I have yet taken. 1 would ad- bes-vise everbod that has an sto.mach trouble to tr Ripans rabulesi - AT DRUGGISTS The five -c' ent packet is enough for au military oceasion. The family bottle, Eizty cents* contains a supply for a year. ,o