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Iinton New
• ******************4•44,
1 he IAbel Tells Ake i••40
4-444440ripip4ipirytm a a 1111 1 ee
17,43z4l1.174.#511aS Pah t
Expert Width Repairer Jeweler
Refratiostiet end Dlepenelug Optician.
Onotina Torn Hem •
fintetetoolaree Oen femme ,
New Ad)/ertioanttnto
St fileleull
ANNavelasettee. - The Miniverear
serViees in conneetion with lahriet Rpm
copal churchl were eoriducted by Rett
Mr Edmunds, 1313die on Southey lase
Hie semitone werefull of emetics;
points and delivered in a very earners
-manner. an the evening the roma
etale's.Bible clam eervice '.'Wee with
drawn in Calvin church, Mews A.
and L. Clark and Jean Todd and Eu
Murray, of Oalvin ehoirgtesistecl Morn
in and evening.
Nollee-adveut apecial serviceswer
conducted in (theist church last week
and will be continuea this week in
Lucknow. Macey, wbo wee engag
ed. with A. Duran for the summer, ha
engaged with W. Todd for the winter
Mr Portion has purchased brick Frage
T. Phillips for a house in Whitechurch
and had a bee hauling brick, etc., ie
couple of days last week. Ae nunebe
from this vicinity attended the funera
of the late Chas. Henderson, of White
church,on Monday of last week. hir
lillullett •
y Staaelletenha SALE -One a the
• largest and moat successful sato that
. has taken place in this neighborhood,
. for many a day ems held on Tuesday
1 of last week; an the farm of W. Jack -
t eon's* The attendance was above the
average, and all appeared anxious to
• buy and in ectneegnence prices ran
a.inted t 2180 or $400 better than
. high. Theinciiropeetis of the stale
jecason s anticipations. Thoe
Brown, Pt Seaforth wielded the
o hammer, .
' and Mrs Thos Archer,
of Hallett were celled to Lucknow on
Pritleylat to attend the .funeral of
e their neice. • A. telegram came on
' Thursday, but or Archer had been
away in Brussels visiting his dauelleer.
and mearriving home felled the and
intellieence awaiting einem. The fol.
lowing particulates me taken from the
Lucknow paper of last week:-alies
Helen Patterson•.Areber, of this yill.
age, who has been suffering from, cen-
eumption for some months pat; died
• atethe home of her foster _parents, Jar
and Mrs John Archereon Wednesday.
a The decease was in her attli year and
was greatly beloved by ell who knew
her." The officiating members were
tteve A Harris anci F Oaten of the
•Ilaethodiet denomination, Rev Cf. IL P.
Owen, of the Amelielati ehurcia and F
A McLennan, of the Presbyterian. The
remains werainterred in the lainloors
ceneetery,and the follewing gentlemen
were the pall -bearers Robt Moore,
Milton McMullen Andrew Stewart
John 0 Murdock, John McQuillan and
Wm Webb.
• '
or Men-lieigene BroPage 1
Clark visitieg her brothers, • the il
Family greoPe-Henry 1 Mews McKenzie at Kintail, John -.a
Christmasin a week -Newoorabe...,4 McDonald is engaged te work for T
Western Adervtiser• ,, 8 ti°ariptutrfact zid time Mr
old homestead tram
ime• Mr Robinson Wood
Elm Loge for nale-4'. Male"
Suitable presents -Coats 'es's=
Attention -T. Jackson Sr . , 6 his brother, Henry Woocia haying dis
Notice to Oreditorts-W. ' 6 posed of his farm on the Oth con. to J
- Nene° to Creditors -NV, Bry one
r Hems made Bread -J. A. Meg 2 Durnio. Miss Mary C. Rutherford re
County Council -D. caution.. 6 centltr visited friends at Goderich. The
card a thanks -ti stoneham.... 6 'Presbyterians had bee on Tuesday of
se Suotistoeuelestrto,..i3;116„.44 ... a this week drawing wood from Mr Okees
What We'Intna-Vilte & . 3 bush .to the church"
Christmas goods -Taylor . eons .
Candy -w T. O'Neil . .. B2tane-od Prides" afternoon of last
Board wented-G. A. .. . .. a weelc the annual public axe ruination of
.leve Days mors-Hodgens Sros......,..., a our school was held, The weather was
• all that could be desired for such an
• iniptatieltione of Manitoba. . event, and the attendance ot those in-
, ••••• teresteci, was in k ing-with the dale
• •
re'ler BieViotor Godwin, Clinton 'eeer there being ab mt yenty-fiveoreighty
vieitors present. The leachers present
Amineleitt is a lovely country2;v1ii."7ffe to
far ee you oan Bee. I was working with aSigt 14y Tebbutt in the work of ex -
arming the dame were Mies A. IC
toy unole at eneAppelle, and went down to Clark and Metiers joynt and A. F..
• . • Weyburn &aria to hunt land. r have a
term eight miles from Weyharn.MacDoneld. The pupils did both them.
prairie is all burnt in this district; you min selves and their teacher great credit both by their department and in the
tee over the prairie for twenty miles, and
nil class examinetione. At the doge Of
count the houses. There is all kinds
game ma here; maw hen aeaeneamae • the examination of the clasees refresh
oPee. and Jack rabbits that would weigh manta were served by the ladles of the
twenty pounds. Partridges white owls, section, after which a good program of
1„0400, bauera, fazes. „„ prairie awakens songs, recitations and dialogues were,
given by the children, under the guid-
' Are AUMer088. I dropped three prairie
• thickens in one shot on the wing, and five twee of their teacher. The program
• &take in one shot. One Min shot ite many •giVen by the children was interspersed
se 16 ducks with one shot. Ty: short speeches from the • visitingnere are "
teachers and the trusteersoill expresswg
eicales of wed tnrktens and wild geese that
their pleasure at being present, end the
• dation the stun, shot my prairie wolf at feeling thatRood mastaetial work was
•50 yards with theshotgun and B B shot -1
wail sitting on a load of wbest, driving bs!'ng done in our sen°°1'
along the -frail; he* ran 200 yards After 1 •
.11110, and tlicm dropped dead. I have gem Holm eserille•
•• ' .1hundreds of these wolves. • ' • -
The big threshing mathitiere self -feeder AteeS Tate -Don't forget the date,
land blower, will, threith 1600 bushels of Wednesday, Dec 2ttla that even -
Wheat per clay, The formate Plow rip the ing a Christmas tree and entertainment
;sod and crop it, then the next year they will be given in the Methodist church
saw wheat on the stubble, and harrow here under the auspices of the Sunday
after it; they do this two years hand.runn. School. The committee have °omelet -
Mg, and then plough it up. ;They hani ed all arrangements and a good time
their wheat from the machine to the elem. and 're large attendance are expected.
• tor. Immix -seventy !nubble of wheat in - 'Clotneone-The usual final meeting of
one 'owl to town, an eight mile drive. In the council for the winding up of the
•• unloading wheat they have it loose in a business of the year .and the •payntent
double box; they drive into the elevator, of taxes, was held in Wilson's ball on
lower the back whole, take out the end monthey, •
,pb'nitre-and your load of wheat is cif in a ee w B Forster attended the
Iniute. I sew as many ass" horses on one -we'
inter, fair at Guelph last week; he
plough, The farmers Wart alsn
tet of harrows, and elways Atohoourstestheir
!kited in Heitailton and other
• wheat when it ii; as green as grass, and the le•aeste
dry amoephere drys it in the stook, They Dominos 'Poi:menet STATION - At
. • eow their ,oate 10 the end of June. There the winter tar brad, in Guelph lea
was not a shower of ram that would stop week, where F 0 Elford had exhibits
us working in the harvest field all tbe time from the poultry station here the de -
wedeln there. mand for "Government chicks" was se
It was 26 below zero when I left Qn. great that it could not be supplied.
_Appellee with only about one inch °renew. The live fowl that Mr Elford had on
• The sun ehinee all winter. Everything ,exhibition were afterwaras killed and
will grow out here that will grow in °Oar. sold to eager buyers: This week Mr
• *Aare are apples and hardwood tram At Eiford is attending the winter fair at
• Weyburn. • Walketton.
Jas -Connolly, who is salesman for
the Holneesyille Cheese and Better
Co,, le kept busy slieposing of the pro-
duct Of that factory'. They are turn-
ing out from 600 to WO lbs. of 'meter ;O•.
There are many Indians out west; I 88W
Indian graves all over the prairie. Thome
people will eat gophere raw. There are
skeletone of buffet° ell over; I got a wagon
' load of buffalo horns. I rode to (Mach on
boreebeex# It "oleo ttod haok 'Almost week. The Ingersoll Packing 00.
. . eyery little boy ha a MY of hie own to bought the lest week's make.
• lido to school; I • once saw three ohildren •
n galloping to school on one pony. • The title
here think nothing of riding bombe° 10 BASIC Line.
miles over the prairie after their cows. a ,
. epratted my ankle about three weeks be. • Caunon.-The entertainment and
•'• fore I left, jumping off a horse. I would Xmas tree under the auspices of the
not Ince in Ontario for anything now. Baptist church Sunday settee/II:mid last
•Friday evenituadrew a goodly number
Huron's Judges, and an enjoyable time was spent by all
present. Ile tree was looked after by
It was not generally known that four hustling young men, viz a -Messrs;
judge Doyle some years ago was offer. G. Raithby, A. Samisen= J. Ratthby
. ed the Senior Judgeship of the county, and WM. Robertson, who were kept
but declined to accept it because the busy unloading the mai* ;efts ,that
• ' late judge Toms was the more entitled were tied to the tree, and created a
• ' to it. However, he mimes into hie 'est gre tt deal of merriment. The program
• reward of faithful labor, even if it is Part was looked atter by the cheer and
somewhat late in life. The 3rd of next Messes. Robertson, COX and icatBrian,
month he would have been 20 years Rev. T. la Coepland provided tib0 most
junior judge, so that he had ample interesting part of the evening's
training for his promotion, „ amusement by giving a number of
Philip flat, K. O., is a prOdOct of Serittigh_ and scriptural views, ale°
Huron county, only ea far as his legal some moying pictures, • The proceeds
experience is concerned, A way back of the evening amonnted to $21.
in the year 1871 he enteree the laW of-
, Eke of Cameron de Garrey, as a etudent,
Goderleh Tow ship
and hi 1876 began to practiee as a full.
effidgea leteverein partnership vvith the Ouratou.'-The Sunday School of
late M 0 Cameron, remaining in the Sb Jennie church, faidcileton's is hold -
mute office ever sine. Of his merits or ing its annual entertainment and
ditnese for I he maiden it is enneceee r y Ohrietrniet tree on the evening of
,• . to ePeak,as h 4 would not have beets ap- Monday the 22nd. The Obeistroas eine
pointea bite he not possessed in a high' vices in connection With the Anglicaa
• degree all the qualifleatione of a goed - churches at Middleton's Hohneoville
• judge, and Sumniterhill, will be 'bald on Sun.
• arty the 28th instead of on Christmas .
Day, .
NOTE' -8. Switza it the proud
poeseeeor of a beautiful new cutter; it*
a, dandy. A. Weigle left Tuesday j
morning for a two Weeks' 'lett to
Michigan; we hope he may have a
pleasant time and a bare return. Mime
ee Edith ItethWele of Stanley; is spend-
ing her holidaye at Ed. Rethwellat,
A ntim-bee of Mende ot tht; late John D
Between attended, the funeral of his 0e h,
Maine, at Ibierton, an Monday. Wm A,
• POWen# of Reininct Is holidaying at h
Willie Sells, B. Line. Mr end MretY
A STRANGE CASE. -The authenticity
of the usual -read newspaper stories( of
snake and lieard swallowing episodes,-,
where they have been reported es living
in a inan's stomach for days or even
years, is read usually with little belief
in them, But litre is one that has
orating up under the care of Mae of our
own Physicians. Jan, Raption, of the
10th line,who had not been feeling well
for some two years, and has more or
less been doctoring all that time, had
been given up to die the agonizing
death of ulcem,tion of e the stomach.
'But one raornitie he surpritsed his many
interested friends by vomiting up a
live lizard which had evidenzltr, been
causing him all hie suffering for the
past two years. Instant relief followed
and he is now almost a well roan again.
It is presumed that he swallowed the
lizard, while taking re drink of water at
might, • ,
• •
. Constance
ANIgIvERSARL-The anniversary
services; of the Metluidiet church here
on Sunday and Monday were very
successful, notwithstanding unfaior-
able weather. Oa Sunday Rev Dr
Daniels chairman of the dietrict
preached these times, giving excellent
sermons. On Monday evening a pub:
li9 meeting was held, music was
furnished by •the Seaforth choir, 'Wee
Beathe," of Seaforth, gave recitations
and Rev Walwin, Seafortb, •and Gif-
ford, Clinton. Tke people of this ere
prima:ant kave recently nompleted, a
$050 shed, anda free will offering was
finked in order to help pay. therefor.
lbe coljections Sunday and Monday
awninged to the handsome gum of
4600, which leevea may a small amount
eo be provided for.. • : .
Norge -Bert Lindsay has returned
from the West, where he has been for
some time. Mr McLitughlin• anti Miss
Johnston werethe guests of Mrs Rob%
Armstrong on Sunday last. The choir
here have added a few new nteinbers
to their number. The Christina tree
entertainment for the. Sunday sehieol
will be held in the caurch Tuesday
evening, Dec, 23rd. • • - .
Die.aa.-We are sorry to record the
death of Mr L. Taker, of Haeloek,Wlao
died Saturday evening after a short 111
nese with typhoid fever. Re was just
a young men in the prime of life, He
leaves a widow and a baby one year
old. Re was hurled in Kinantakceinet-
ery Monday afternoon tie the Oana.
dian Order of Forestal e. A.Iterge num.-
ber attended the fureral. '
laromt.-E L Farnham, breeder of
Hereford cattle. has recently purchased
from D Smith, of Compton, Quebec,
a tine bull calf. • The sire of the calf is
Mark Hanna, the hull that Mr Smith
sold At the International Stock shove at
Chicago last December for $1. The
calf is eecended from T F Sothaos
champion bull, Corrector, on the dam's
side. •
WEDDING -*Another of thine henna'
events.; which always; cause a buzz oe
excitement in a community, took niece
at the home of Mee Chtietopher Delo,
when her second .youngest daughter,'
Rosie, was united in the holy battle of
Pearlman, to Mr W H Knox. • At a
few minutes past five o'clock the bride,
leaning on the arm of her brother,
James, entered the parlor, where Me
joined the enreoul under an arch Of
OVergreene and &Were. The linede
Was becomingly attired in a blue deem
of woOl•goode, trimmed with white eilk
and wore a Yell with fiowere. ' The
oakenaony wee performed by the Rev,
Dean Hodgene, Seaforth, in the pres-
ence of *bout one hundred and litty in-
vited guesbe. After the ceremony the
guests sat down to an excellent supper,
letter which the evening was; vent In
aiming till the anal hours, -6f the
Morning, when all left,. :wishing the
newly married collph3 many 'game of
oy and prosperity.
Minte.1-11eistrs. Sohn and AlexaMc,
ougall, Kent county, visited friends
ere during the first of tbit week. Miss
ggie Outchert, who bee been YleitIng
er slater, Mrs lifiteougell, for a few
mate, ha* returned home. Jae. end
Nathan Pace, of Stanley, Sundayed at X
#tee Peter Casa. The election gotta, Is to
, ,.-,,rae .1....r.e.
<ea/ are With* no time eariviteingy rumor
e ,/ swaying and the wOuld be cenidates ill
te asserts that Sohn Stewart' is doming a
......, ,1
out as ainnoilnee for thecoutiellimehip, b
tatailitilY (arena*. Penally ONUS**. elm Our (mitt' friend, Geo Hanley .
Now il your opportunity to lea. e tun, 14.e.th o . thre gentlereen ore well
Grouplly # during I 0 i eate Per. LO i i it a ey
tape you! bonny evia noeer be eolteeher seen u bear the Nutt of tbebettle the
electors Will be Well satielled# Weir
5 gx per year 14 .11041,04
8140 Wheu nOt .tto ewe
ELErynoN None --Itumore are in the ila•T
Additional Local News.
ale of a,. keen contest for inurticip la e 'etorrespondents Tithe Notice ItanygleS5 01:44rentellibp.4erbrae itbhusoihroae
bonen the coming year, 4 T Currie, p
the present reeve, retiree for to conteet i• Owing to Xmas; and New Year'e will be maim ed tty Mr Raga.
for county- councillor. Thie, of come, 1 falling on our publicetion, day, nee.< w n Er eeeet a eneetn:ar
leaver; a vacancy for which rumor eaye t eesitatutie us; publishing a der ear.'( the mead committee of the Christi
there are several aspirants. A ait Carr , der, we would kindly esk our cOtea Endeavor it WAS deckled to withho
being the oldest councillor in the hoard r respondents- for the nextewo weeke,,, their entertainment till after the ho
and who has served the municipality • t ro he a little more diligent with' day season, there bSing too ma
for 0 year?, will likely be an aspiraiat their budgets of newe and send,4j eveninge of like nature on at the pe
for the reeveehip, Mr Al cOelluneas and them in a day earlier -4n fact not ea time.
Mr Wee • names are also mentioned; e later than Tueedareer they will not
either of them would serve 1 he mum p that,wee , A BIG INORRA.SE.-An evidence
Mennen/10 doubt, with credit. to them-
ke e eh in the feet tb
selves. Mr Dottie, report says, is retire aarearaVaaa•ta7+Tra",r.--,-,c7•-vp chotleawpieorhtserter jos ie hi) nw:aat
Ni Hen ford one of their ert
aiidicapped by the 1
tot the vacancy in the council, so we
rimy expect interesting theme for a
ing, which will necessitate a new man
. Man" StMelnealt Subillit•ted. alma one thousand dollain more I
wells, have been conapelled to la
# • ing nt to recouncilceivevitheetrialeTs "steastdeatnYerbefrio; teltaal' dwaerriengptabyel niag4hsehtforareontt strhi
MOVING.- Mr Wesley Farrow and the year,. and anee, the ftecoun•W acorn• teak pieee,
family moved teat week to the fain he
recently rented from Wea Harrison ; in from the date of Met meeting till
we welcome Mr Farrow into Our neigh. the ifith. The menaberis were all pees. SLANDER CASE. -We undereta
ent, with the mayor in the chair, that two of our respected citizens w
his household effects to Ooderich last
herbed. Ed McDowell Was moving The chairman of the areetoeuentittee have been living near to each oth
submitted the follOwing reeolution, for the last leyenteen yeaxe are
week,where he and hie family will take which was pressed unanimously t That trouble eone has started an action f
up their residence in the near future.
F. Campbell and his bride are also the eervices of Jos Wheatley as fore- slander. We are told that if a pub
moving this week to the farm purchase man and engineer of the laying of the apology it net made in the Press
greafelithic aidewalits, should be mole. atilt will go on. Our advice to ti
ed by Mr Carnetiell seine time ago, weed in some tangible wiey, as his ex- parties is to take the Press and sande
formerly owned by Mr Henry Hoover, perience and industry has eaved the way of settling disputes as t
now of Michigan. •
town -considerable eance be lute had cheapest. .
Paste this list ulAwas
Goods in. your hat.
:cff irdbtzerlitary Urushe
erg 1
11'1 labony Doming Cam
" Beir &obeli
rd _7
ho _'.
er• ...
or \'
liche '
4 R. P. Iteekie's
a Sieving
44 Mirrors
Manicure Sete
Pocket Hooke and Wellete
Chatelaine bake
lemehea and Combs
Write bags
Perfumee in boxes front 103 up
Perfume spreyere
Mersa -Mrs K. Cameron, of Luck. charge, we would therefore recommend
parents, nowapent Met weee at the h nue of Mac that a grant a $20 be given hint. The
parents. Mr and biro • S McDoevell. council also expressed their etttire eat- eaters should nob bola back eopy u7ntii
tended the Fat 'Stock show held in as torernart a etreetevork, aud Onslow Messrs Taylor', and W Hewitt at- iefaction welt the work of Chse Carter, . ,
as good service from the printer male
the last moment They cannot recei
Guelph last week- , R Taylor and Mies Chicle as superintendent of thetceinetead they bend in their copy early. W
Citrate Humphrey, of St Helene, spent e want to give the best possible *Moeda
Sunday with friends here: Invitations for haying secured e .! able,.
ery, The Own ie.tebbe. c:oga? "tie.
bah as regads display and poeitin
n'ti e and, for their own sake, ea well as our
Blair and Miss Dora,
are out for the' weadDinsgmaosfantl, rtoVabe:' otrfalocuess.men ,,,,ehee ,fill its Jean:Meier, V
we wish to avoid Any such preclicathe
held on °beldame eve. The stereoptic, The 1'011ov/fog aeeorin s ,.,w . , n .
t ere sub- as being unable to handle advertiein
land on Tueeday 8,0111DA iftfA wasit de- Beet snothataxes Melo' 24, coP2..$ •#21A
on exhibition given by Rev T B Coup -
We cannot _guarentee. to make t
°idea success, although the weather milted by t.be.11oaliaa,roltalitteet-- ,• matter the day they Wish it ptiblishe
rem Dunfoed, *trairoh l:idea ,.t. 4 * • • I 2 3b. this, so please aver it in mind,
-- changes desired if advertisers negle
and wae euveafra; oo rnaebsiee a rotheede limuchur chwas i i ilint Iteeda,
W Steen, half cley on .enoir Plow., 140: .. Mr Geo. P. Harrison, late of the 11
tmlicepeaywanetint,c3re.in,, sopuenntbet to tetuce inaaonlidn Mayor,paliret;,0974tteinallaino.wtsotoiodn.e.i.i: .....,;.2-..
With the production ; ' the Proceeds of It One " 7 . " aerawitig dirt ' •
2.26 Organ and Piano Co„- has been 4
42. travelling agent for the Doherty Or
Mr 13 nettled and.poulted to . the position of neer
famemoujin;:bLareknInoovwe.d ic the farm moot iy Laiinioelerneiecoo,lbp,rifeartinlegg, „ a_cly.103.e..... .. •., ; . '00: All. .Mr go,rrison is in. the pekoe.
. a 200' life, ve splendid personal appearanc
purchased be nim from et phe,ten, near Beene, et Turner, revere, et, -.6.0 end bets the repetation Of; being one
the river, • • Reveal:00°rd, eavernsing and bills:_3,50 the beat • salesmen in the trade ' • H
g.• • TIORSE BRE bt DEatal ASSOeree,-
r, The following notes are taken from
S the report of the meeting of , the
At Draught Horse Bresders' Amcietation
g 'heel in Olintoo last week: ,The week".
a. ent, DeMaIntosh, of 13rueetlela, taporte
he ed. that a considerable inerease in the •
et numbered registrations had been Wide
during the year, and in addition twelve
„ new members were Belied to the roll.
at The report from the treasurer, stating ,.
Pe that the society had $650 on hand and
al no liabilities, was receiyed with hearty. .
ge applause. The meeting decided to ofe
fer to the Industrial, Manitoba, and •
Westein Fairs of 1903, half theanwant
r'r 'of prizes for a class for draugha horses*:
Preeoription Drug Otore, Olioton.
N. B.-Oigars la 103,25o apd gfie
Hosea., pipes in case% cigar asset,
tobacco ism totem= pou.h)sicigar
boldere smokers stets.
. -.
Brugeneld. . of the receipts a,nd expeneeitueedear tire: J'" '4 or mores and tall. op doubt asst.
Ai:Milne( -e0n Monday evening the . past year, as taken from .the flo Arida' „binanaaterialty .131 making a, great au
people a our villege had the pleiteure ' ,- ., a
steternent submitted by .theolerke e ce eesteof his work. %Messrs W. Dohert
• , i e a'' Co. are to be °magi -Masted on secu
of listening to one of the most buena . . Recereee - , .mg the cervices a ;mph a splendid ma
Mg addresses it has e'er . been their
Prielltsge to hear. Hey Murdock Mo- From Jan
From Deo 16,1901, tojan 1.1002.. $700iIe • e ._ .
, Kenzie, of II.onan. China, fl poke, under .. • e,
e,190e, to Deo -15,1,9Q2-05946.67 A BEAU rf INITI# SgENE,t-Hodgen
• Bros% electrical display has . draw
the &esteem of the W .la M Se he told • • ' • e•Xsuumuluts . many eighteeers :to that .store durin
.of the teeming millions of Ohineee who From Deo 15001, to Jan 1,11142;.$0e13:76 the past week. 'It is :the that of th
• are without the gospel. In Henan, his From Jan 1,1902, teepee 15,1902: .219.e.e.a9 kind that Clinton has bad. and °need
field of latter, there is but one mete:ion. • A ee - . - .. . • of the cities id seldom seep. Iltindc'ed
:ary to every' five hneared, thousand; of yards of wire was used in inetelsen
in like proportion there wotild be but Collegiate Institute., .. . ,$9000.e0 at, and theeffect of so nmeh ligb
one ' half of a Minister : in Toronto, Public, Sehool... .. .. . .......... 000.00' thrown upon the beautiful drape
When will Canada arise to its privilege Town Hall and market repave ....12000.00 a- chesof many shapes and sizes,: tam
of giving the gospel to all,,Rev. Mr . Tabeary. BiliMing o00000 .,,i nied vvith white and blue bentieg,wit
Below wasubmit a condensed report expet mem .covers speriod of twene
_• registered on its b :eke, or for
dian draught horses, the breedieg ane.
et heale in which ate to be registered 'irk
some etud bobk.. Alex tones. willebe
the delegate to the Western Fair and', •
Thos McMillan to the. Canadian Erase ,
11. Breeders' Association. A resolution of
8 condolence was passed to tl ee treasurers,.
P. McGregor, of Brucetielte whose wife'
died recently. The officers remain as, •
tif, they vvere last year, e ith Geo Data of
flullett added to the council, and Thee
de:Green, of Mitchell, to the executive.
e •
h • „.
Moffat, of London, will give an address Fire sad Water appliances...... 3600.40 ici,sroilaxlanduetworkilf tapeadded
n the Presbyterian church On .T.Auebsdica; ,Pdtebillesir Pylaroka' ....... • • s inyested 12108061..0170
design' Is the work of Messrs Crook
• lends brilliancy to it all. Tbe.whol
veiling next, on the subject,
te trip through Scotland." unPetd taxes . • .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • 85%68 and Couch, and we must say they hay
- . . Doherty tie Co. Leen 25000,00 exhibited a great deal of taste and, in
Watisoneis in Clinton hospital, where
.NoTES.-John. eldest son or,Joeepn yeah en hana a -13038.28 genuity in the work, which has take
e had an operation performed • last •• eT3-9076,-; "Fa to figure °lib and Pt4 °Pi
'creek by Dr. Gunn, it is a critical case, . •
out he le thought'inaproving. Luenderes
taizzerds. Mrs Delgatty •visited her
Aikenhead,. London, 'spent Sunday at - "ndesb6"
parents in Stage, hist week. John Intanucceh. ennethsiudeeisashmavatfutgeteaearcater'tiacpuplaery; canton' Isom oh..
will taking manner when on the platform, e
• • e
„ ,
e • •
, • •
- .
. .
t ' •Safest Methods..
a • ,
The $oyereign Bank of Confide •••
e , .
Consolidated Dein Dthenture....$27500.00 known in Clinton, recerved.the follow
collegiate Institute lady mentioned below., who us wel
chl 111'1. it wHiltonerafecnoguangteya, beginning teach
". • - 2000.00 ing flattering mention from the Bien
ith the new year. - John bestehen'
, Doherty Organ tio " • • • • 26000.00 beim News. . She had been in .tha
1,11t week; his son, A. Ketchen; kat' L I D• Town's shoe prin 1784,28 the evening of St Andrea/es day • thu
ttentled the Fat Stock Show in Guelph Those" Stivelyrana sanexpendsa 445.00
town playing at a Scottish concert o
ending the agricultural eollege, there, • .
eines Boyce has returned from Mani- e • - e66679,23 of Louden captivated the audiette
the comment: "Miss Elva, IlticBroorn
oba,; be is not in Toys with the land of • '•
• wi• th her violin, and was encored wit
7 •
• Best Rotes. ,
his borne. J. Kaiser and Sae. Grey ,
are able to he about age in. Mrs Mur-
. . . .
ray held a sale of household furniture $1.....e 211,cleahnta M. ethadiet church bn which has been so developed ley train
lest. Wedneedey. , . ", • - . Xmas mega:. clamp tacitatione, duets, ing that she is able to delight her aud
' ' • quartettes and, choruses . will be given lencetvitli truly beatitifta, music... Sh
.•. • .
. • • - • • • . • • by members of ehe schriba Mies Patter- Wail at her beet in rendering Eitisin'
. . son, of Auberif mt. mural Bata miss •MtliZtill de • Concert.; While an encore
.. . • ... Tucirersinith . ..
••••, : . ' • .. • ._ Washington e'sf. -Clinton will be here riumbere "Annie Laurie" was fell 0
Tuanniasea- "'Tamer's'. .. Methodist to take parte- Rev ',Ilr'llolmese Blythe , ,neeeniteg and appealed to eyeryeioda. •
church wan historic one be the 'north- is expected to Ore an address. Every . • • .: '
• • : e '•-• • •
erievart Of this toOrnebile and bas ex • one come, as there will be an: excellent . GIVEN A PARkWttr,,-..Themem
erased ,a, great deal of influence in • program. Doers Mien at.7•80, program bers of the A, GeF. leerning - that al
moulding the life sena actions of , per to commence at 8 • le m, 'Free will. Jae Dunford, •one of their prenshien
ecine in its immediate vicinity. , In .ite offering at thadecee ' . . :. sinememb,beedr0. #4rith4ebioruthtaollieoleFtoriwanall as
earlv,daye its developed. a number •tif. ' , - St1PPER-Court Pride of the West .
Ding with him prey
good men,of sterling uttegerityeateong • N' 3L 0.0.F.,• held its . annual supper
It'oPuestIfiteahst7dittepirrtPure. Carpet bale and
piety and distinctive character, : but On •Pr riday-eveinng, Dec. 12th, when an
.checkera Wertt'progroisingi when Mr a
peatimely all them have passed away,
Derry took the ehair, and on calling
excellent .repaist wanate.ererwvegain thet he
adoit possessing many of . the Virtues
and are succeeded by a younger gen.eie
order announced et little busbies% Mr
temperance hell, • f
ream wee Rivet); the chair Was occapa
I el at6ndHatinrs'eXhcadililienwe'hproh.. Danferd was then balled' to the frori
crowd repaired
of the older one. 'If true to teadition- .7,,g well iii e ,
as they ought ta be, and endoube will "' and . presented with it nice pipe and
-there simple grow tip here ca peculiar
neeplei zealous a good works. This ewdliboYARO. bil'iredatthhealhaomitiathdkroef.e. Celoisiwtoernee. case and it eupiily of tobacco. tee W
Watts made the presentation after dee
Oetneh ite in a prosperous cotiditiote given by Organizers Strong, of Gorrie, , leuenefloOrgctatohel,:rittoatrEePntubadedurrepereiseo„rMaes
and the stirentt and entertainment betel andaamphmilt the Doherty male colar_
On 4fotiday night laeb, ,gave, evidendi - able to respond most feelingly, : Music
tette gave aonte eheice selections . in'.
of the interest herein notwithetanduig ,
a itood crowd were presoaked! of excellent style; the Best Beare a afar,. was furnished •by.taltoberton•and Bert
lack, aleogeve some numbers which •
After.. a epesich item S. bletneeherty,
thatinfavorable nature of the weather, Hovey, and .7.. Deere rendered a solo..
wh°132 were' numb apprecieted; abei 0, Merry
partook of a hearty repast, abundantly . enaanotlier selection from 'Messrs; Hov-
proilded by theladiee., Us., Y. Greene intectereverel (selections on the granici.
ey and Roberton, the rest of the, even-
hanA. harty good timetweneta
occupied the Chat and the following ing was resumed in genies, .etc, ' •
joyed hY all. . . .
. . ,
Pregtanl was rendered :—Music by the
NOarle-Wm. Hughes retinneel front HURON' TAKES SECOND PLACE,
. ,
chow. &minted by Iiiiht teibbingee as
erattnist, ; recitetione by Mies . Grab% Manitoba on Saturday, :Offer an ale -According. to the OntericeBureau of
Clintone and Mies Stanbury, Bayeeia r settee of over a year; he purposes going Industries, Heron will rank as the
duet Dr Thompson and wife, Clinton' ; bac& in March. . The evatterator last. isecond county of the previa% The
.6(10,8 Amos' Towoeeoft, and Norman . week wound up operations for this farm land la Middlesex is valued et
Meech ; adderisees W, A. Gifford and 'season, and Mr Bieck ha gone home over 030,000.000, Huron miming 'nod at
&games M, . P„; 011otori; The pro- • to Goderieh. There are ..a• ea -iv cases of so, valuation a twenty-eight and one
ede amountei V.;* over $40, 'in addi- is kriPPO- in ' the 'Village. A elude- half naillione. In building% Middlesex
ce d eddition is being wed° to the 'le also ,fthead,with a total of $10.902,00n
Ttilowiledtoo, which it soda; ?fag . held on , ilOade
nareollege (stable. Mrs' D. W. Boyd, Of . Huron again Coming second "'lentil -O.-
' , , natio Creek, Michigan, arrived here 900a100 In • imPletteatite • Grey takes.
NOTES -Miter Margaret' Sullieltil . ni. Thurede* avening on it visit to her first pieitiort, tvith a total mhiatiott of
visaing at the home of het unela• &ha aeeeete le aa, ' Mrs R. Adame, Lore $2.709,006. ' fluerat coming next With
McDonald. R. Pappil to ill with appen- reeeraceiehrenea•le .1, '.e from the med- $2,690,000. In live stock, Middlesex is
Melba we regret to lean,. . • e"- ' e "" 1 le°••-• el Nellie Van- *at ati:Volt 0000taco.HtwIriOttlh oncevetarti000e,
.. foal school on a vodt. Nue. •,,,, taking' ' ' ' .1.-
, , . , bridger la it yisitor in the villertai Lumping alt fair olitesee of ham pro.
. -
.ey together glees Middlesex a Yalu-
. ' Cedillas • .
. . ,
, • Pei, ' '140,867,000 end Huron a total
a•Mateetteetifeci.A. Vetoer, late with Mr • ' Stibriseld . - - atioa ert.r,A
twit, has commenced legal practise NttorrAL0,•-tetett Thursday the Mai; g48.0400°.' . • :
On his own behalf. Allis fdcLielan has del knot Was bled by the Rev O. Ruth, - LODGKOPIYATittstbiia.:-...kite-
reeignea her position as A teacher in ,steford between Stephen Stothere and fora wag honored jeep weak by a visit .
the collegiate. K. S, McAuley, son of Mice Margaret Mallatigh, YOnngent from the worthies of the elationic or,
its the remelt of Oa accident. Thosailt Althfield tetettehip,
N. McAuley, died at the Soo last week &tighter of %elite laidiungte all of dere of the eiotrieeo oe gumbo' who plot
near Dungannon' lft that city *a a lodglit of. mittuctioni
has mircbeeed, the Itririe farm tan the The year* wept% shortly After tht; This was held under the direetlen of
Uuron toad, peeing therefor *2,700., Marriage' left to vt ------lti
be a?unday school entertainment in she is evidently pceseased of genius •
a _ OUR WINDOWS -The dispiay win-
dows of our merchants are fast amule-
t ing an air of the Christmas season.- -
Our dry goods merchants especially '
have vied with each other to exceeand
- results are p'cturesque. The big front •
✓ of Newcombe's, affords him excellent '•
t 'accommodation for a spread of the nice
- things, and decorator Wesley has on
display Mite week one window of linen
- and the other of ladies' handkerchiefs
in dczene of difterenb styles. A vei
. _ suggestive looking window is ' that of
Hodgene Bros facing on Reeteehay
street. leis an imitation Of a large
t - clock built of handkerchiefs, With ap
tine° piece where the bee should •ba A ••
. beautiful back mound of white, tinsel.
, smilax and holly adds to the excellence
of the window. Rumball's bell, which
speaks of tines, is another good idea.
raj one iv. inagovew3re, druggist,perf u teae thd aesb etnwyog ()veryo
taking prominence, and Reekie's -win-
dow is original. Toys galore fill the .
windows of eur etationerabut they are.
t altowed to remain • order long,
owing to the demand. e grocers are
all showing 0048 tha • mostly in
demand at the season of the yem, but
the windows of P. Maieland are deserve
ing Of special mention. We might
MettiOti others, but space limiter us
this week,' •
"."'""*".•••"‘"•#":."•••%.'•••1%.":"• -•%*%A"'""`"%^.11,0
' For the Men Folks.
no. Alkenhead hare gone to Michigan t
attend the funeral of their uncle, t
he property belonged to theSioane to- here on titer Wedding tour. If' tur u t
°It;/1141318CIVAC111. tlfe
ext.. A. MeD Allan arrived home list° tend ceteiret2ititirt hoging t 4 sea 5 reapeeelyeise There were peas.
on s hand le heeling ite vrell dould
re R. Pestrerin ie Visiting initetelch# w
We, are pleated to note two A. In* h
ad been during the itinerate end fell
eek from the OW akethtry, Where he union wil e g and eppY et from this county -Jos Beck, Goderich;
Sale litzenenettereee-On Thureday G T McKay, Itensall; If 3D Oook,Rett*
a fruit commissioner for theDominibri nleht hot Sohn Hultandacon, 6, E. De, sell; W D Tye, Goclerichr; „e,:Lowe,
oVerninerit at. the Mirk and Waver. Aelifiehl, hal the nslefortube to lose e d J A Stewart,
aniP 0 . W. . Pasemone, hit dwelling house, along with softie Winghton; Sas Relily, of Clinton; Wm
tonographer in the office of P. Molt. *ono,' and furniture, by fire, owing to Tout; sof Sneithe Rill; R.E 0
As been offered a osition itt the fa A defectiveetoveopipre Ai It la repOrted. W 8 *Oaten, Seeforth ; 13 en, of
ieraice# Ottawa. lo7ltattloott are ant being ettly tril01,11041# The neiglibore Geattrich. The Oad degree Wee illus.
for the Wedding ot Miss HattleTheMp. no -he oa to thea 1 ire y rater lodge, Ord by Stria.
*on, daughter of ,O, 60# TO follPaOno to el/ th• 8#1818tAttO, they could to quench t ford, and Wrarton lode* took the it
Walter Searni*bleh will tame Plate it and to Here Setae Of tate 'leasehold ti degree, A. bouquet Wet held in the.,
O Christmas pay .
. tlfsota, . 'evening.
a • Lily Buttattat Misit Whitting.
,etteit all day lattial• ham, of Clinton, omit few day* as
litierves riot& igtiguilat pests of the iihstee Varna
--e • „ xfiee4j ;
e expected, lattrr Cameron is at 0
rollout very ill, lite lac twe'n can -
128C1 to the house With it illabled knee 0#
_VVraits4t*Oholse Roll Butter gee, Oriels
Eggs 10e, Sky -bleb weer for Ail kieds or
owl UP i01100A Jird, Haw Earit 'Watt -
,0#111. Vilaelogn..
• a
of the Sisperintendent of Railway Wehare not been informed as to there WinghailliA. Saunders and T W Name,
• Around the corner in the men's . .
Idepartment you will find Many en i '
ertioletbal will melte A pleasing I
and eticeptabie holiday gator 113$81 .
or boy. Not a store in toWe With
' the stook to select from thee is here.
I Mine, new lines, Many novelities be
3 holiday neekweerjuirt irtived thie
week. .
1 ' odin lied of Wienf's gloves Roh-
obie ter holidey gibe was Layer bet-
ter. Those we Oft, are Maga in
in shape perfect fitting and good
wearing quality. You are perfect
ly safe in seleatieg a pair of the
lines we Nell at 75o, $1 or $1:60.
For the lloy
You cannot give the Menage'
y too may neck ilea An atm
i One cie two never clomp amiss, Yon
will be gam to please hint if you
*clot hire One OM thfe dock,
Natty ninV ottani, pepnlarehaper,
insi reaehea here for the Medusa
- tialltlfilaigallikialkilitlialitkiMiatiliat, "