HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-12-05, Page 2Deeemter ,5th, 1902.
tyiIsh Furs. and Tailored Coats.
Lost Season was the greatest our Fur Department ever had. This year we
have. prepared to do even larger business, and from present indications these
expectations von be more than realized. A pleasing prospect, to be sure, but
it is even more than satisfactory to us to know that we are able to give our
customers better values than ever, in qualities that we can freely recommend.
You run no risk in choosing furs from our stock; we buy ,only from reliable
manufacturers, who guarantee every fur garment they 'turn out ; then again
you have our guarantee that we will make every purchase satisfactory to you.
1 't that fai 7 This is a.safe store to do all your buying in,
Cloth Coats Mens 60c and 75c Underwear at 9Tie
1ay o wo e f las and childrena •
eettel intermit ie our (Mop
Coats, an aesortraent which we believe to be unmetch-
able in styles anavaluee. Of peony of these deeigus we•
heve not more than one or tevo and they won't be Been '
in any other store in town. In one amortment of mate •
will be found the Monte•Carlo, 45 nQ1i semi-fating,
and long Ulster,
Caperines at $9.50, $13, $15 and $16.50
Cape rines mode of fine quality of electric seal, also combin-
ation of eleotrio seal and Ihersian Iamb, also eleotrio
seal end Ftouo marten, all are nicely trimmed Wahl/. ea
tails and heade. prices $9450, $13,. 415 MO, uu
Cape Ines at $:175„ • ,
A. de of good quality Mace Aetraelian, ace glom onre ee ryg
well lined and finished, at each • . et• •
Fur Ruffs
Fur Ruff.of electro, ooney and opposeuna, trimmed while,. w
tails, eto; these ruffs will give good wear, for the price..0.
Oeio Sable Ruffs, tetra large gime goodlength, looks very
much like the Canadian sable and will wear tie well, 0 e •
trimmed Oh tails, price ewe'. • ......... .. . . . . eeele
Commencing Friday morning we will plape on sale several
hundred of menet wool Underwear, regular vane 60o
to 75e a garment, foe.... „ •
Bee iI1s tor Brain
12ic and 15c Wrapperette iLt 8e
200 -yards of Wra•pperefte, 28 to 30 inches wide, alt herd,
floiebed goods that will wash and wear well, very suit-
able ior quilt linings, regular 12eo and Do Wrapper
(Mee, on sale Saturday at per yard
Wool Blankets at $2.50
Qn saleat 2.50 e
8bettnit2(13(t)rnelevi3nwigrOirtittre for tt:e ntei'on!y. he
"Matchleie” le the name et thisrblanket. an it core
aunty is well named. e ae •
Boys' Wool Hose at 25c °
The heat 'wool Rose in Canada for the money is the one we
are eelline a 25o,',they are merle tl English var
and are sold in ninnV stores at 40o a pair; we hay 11
sizes in etook, at per pair
Far Ruffs made of tine quality 'of mink, trimmed with six
L (11" '
tails, price each
Giey Persian Lamb Ruffs, large even curl, trimmed with
4Provt Winter Fair, Guelph
Wanted towards Miesions by. tbe
The following at the alreQUiete con-
Iteveren tsitchtettos DfocreG1t2ieltrolwool211‘ gbneodsola eit h
various Methodist aturchee in this
ot 0 Y. 111 rig t e eat church year:ea
fie return up to Deo. I5te, 190a.
for a2 20
Intent% Live Stock Expos'''.
43°4•Piell' kTraireareet 1 ....*.$0.31
•• ZioneCioderiele ep) t .... zee
-' 0110400, NOV* aa9th to Pec. 0, cM . 8°e111:1107th:07;:etsaireiroo street ... , ,.. :::: 222151705.ter°
ligimS3 eato nezer 1 ."•"........ %I
via " sharon .... . . ... .. 8 27 •
Return Cameo tor Chicago will ho sold
Nov. 29, Dec. let, eod, and 3d,1902, .
good to return ap to Deo,
7th, 1902, $12.75,
•• Orme )
Bey ever ticaete up Town and avail
tbe rueh and delay se stetiou.
F, 110411,rens, Town Agent,
ttitt*I410'4100 ,A$4
Ftnxn.kr, DECEMBER, 5, 194
11 Charm, to Diettlay ite Virtue.
The tioderich Star, which pretends
C to be ever on tlae alert to denounce
electoral wrong -doing and "imaohinea
patties], bas evidently overlooked the
damaging admiseion wade by two Core
servatives who were elected laet Vfay,
C Mr Carpenter, of North Norfolk (since
unseated)anil Mr Oat scallereof Lennox,
(on trial) both afianitted under Oath
that !lea had received considerable
money from Coneervative .headquar-
ters in Toronto, to use In their election
-and winch the, (lie tbough,Oare-
callen had o. beteram• wee' he kept for
his private use. Now the Star raight
give us its opinion of this promiscuous
• dietribution Of funds for electime`pur-
we poses, and at the same time m ght let
• us know, how. much Mr Mitchell receiv-
, a les Vests at Pc. . ed from die same aource. Had similar
L b
head and tails, very opeoial at each• 90
Oar atook of Sable ituffe is very large; we have theta in all •
;he new shapes and designs; All are first quality skins,
$f 410 $1 *15
and races are very moderate
Fur Coats at $21 '$27, PO and -SO.
At the above prices we can give you the be values in Fur •
Coats that we have ever had in the note; every coat is .
• made of black, Aetraehan,all selected ekbaalarge glossy .
earls, and 'lined with good quality butane. and satin, .
every zest is tally guaranteed to give good, satisfactory a, „ee
weat. pricee ..... , , , ielev
Cauntlets and Muffs , •
We have a large assortment of Ganntlete andatieffe and no
matter bow low the prioe, the quality will be good.
Astrachan (gotta Gauntlets for women and ehildren-at
••• . 50e, 'Moe $5o 1.15
Far Gauntlets at 4.50 and $5
Blaoll:Aetreehan matelot° Muffs at...43.50, 4.50, to • *to
Ladies' Coats it $5
Made of heavy all wool frieze, in Oxford grey, with semi- • atm
fitting back, seams all bound with tape, special vainest OD
Ladies' Coats at $6.75 and $8 .
Are made of allewool frieze, in dark Oxford grey only, 1301X4'
are lined, others unlined,. velvet collar. These coats '
are 45 inohes long, and have trend -fitting baok.6 7586 8 co
facts c me • out in connection w th -
Q ,
100 Wiese been, union Vests, all naade Of i good quality'
open front, nicely made and finiehed, sold t eral candidates the Stelae denunciation
of yarn,
met stores at 50o, our irate et , * en 45e, ewroauir whoauvlde known nukneonleocatiltiedde; theal01:1 of . .. • 4
75c Towels at -50c a air . , . names that could sefely be ternaed
_ .e. . usage e
,r_ ---. Hint t . and the (righteous iodige
192 Towels, size 25x41, made of extra heavy quality linen, . lead -some innocent people into belies,-
• • nation of the Star (hammed) 'would
• aa hemetitolieca the regular valuate these towels le 750 ing •that it had same virtue, while ie fa
a polirmommenoingeleterday morning they goon sale at 500 actually Villainously unscrupulous]. Id
Ladies' Coats at $PO $11 $12 and $15
At this price we min give you an elegant range of OWN all
are from 42 to 45 inches Ion
and Oxford grey; ooze are t
• with eat cording; all are lined
moth or satin. Everyooat firma&
Wore, and iseoerfeot in fie fued Bubb,
' ' d
le t.tie It bweltzredrum , ........ . ..... 150,26
".". *. 1830 0675
. 1::3151?;:tet!ellrtfr t:'.1,, ( ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' A ' ' ' • " ' ' 1:7078.• .9/5
" liana 1 • . ' ... 32 00
aWoiaeldtl:s ti:eruorn1,1 ; : .......... .. .. .. .. *. ... ". : : 1912;22; '
•• 4.4(0 4761.69
61 Betbd
a o .... 4 75 .
Tuelc7rs'Aiith Turners'.'“'' ''''-".;:” bill .
Dapield . ..... ... ... .. ......21.22
Alma •••• ilt • • *.• • • 86.40
Tti"rn.aBaeotahlieelit ...:,. 5186:0479
• colas . . ...... . ....„...... 17 14
" Brucedeld 70 86.
VT4E:ter, Main street ... ...... . 91199 6043 •
" 4amea street . MOO
(ptralia 1,
' Eden ) • ... 7 4404
Eipsall • 1 .. • • / f lit. / • • .... 11 81,58
,.....: , foihetihseeisdhura ts.b}.•.. ...... • • lt•••• • • • sa20:3605
• • • • t e • 4" • I. 0011,.. 4 20,48
'1"131aliellits 'green ....... . ,, . 9.19
Winsliam - • . . . ......... ....- ., set 41
Itruseete .. . .... •••••.•.•..•.- . . . 101,61
• ..,,.•,. . . .. . . . ..... .... 72.80
" Roe's
11 Union 8946
" Oranbrook 10.40
Itordwich ...... .. . . . . . 81.04
•• Newbridge • 24 46
_,.... Mayne , 81.80
Gerrie 1 .,..... .., ., .. 124,81
Al Orangehill i , , . 67.14
" Wroxeter 1 ....., . . .. .... ...., 40.26
el Salem ...............* 8622
" Betmere ........... . . 25.es
•• Johnotmes ..... 4580
Bluevale } • 67,80
" Ebenezer . • 22.84
Ashaeld, Slake's 56.00
• Zion •••...... .... : 40.82
" • • Hacketts ' . ' 55.23
" Mope ... . ...... .,. 24 64
• " Sunshine p.... 114,91
lIelgrave } .. . .. ...:.., 89.63
" Brick Church .. ..... 40.89
This makes a total of $535039 raised
an the county,ber one denomination, for
Missionary purpones, In addition to this
the Epworth Leagues on the several
circnite zaieed the following sums for
the support of Missionaries in British
Cauca but; -Win gleam $83:11 used.] $25;
order o . 'Ethel $4 ; Fardwich $27; Gerrie, $18;
for we fear it will not publish all the Wroxeter $13 ; Aehilela 8110 ; Bel'grave
facts -we maytell it that a beige cor• $27 ; Goderich, North; street $62; ood,
, sod coot° m monk, fawnruption fend wateraleed by its own erich. Victoria street $32; Milton,
mea with velvet, °there • ; pierty, some of them being neembers of Weeley $60; Clittton,Ontario greet $73;
•ughout with mama the Dominion House, and the tacit on- Seaforth $11 ; Hawesville 414 ; Blyth
experienced mena, e derstanding is said to have been that $33.; Dungannon leat ; Nile 31; 13enwile
•aee see le let epeo they were to be recouped by conees- ler $18; Auburn 057.aWalton $14 ;Lane
• - • mons in New Ontario. desbnro $10 ; Tuckersmith 019; •Bey -
Rain Coafs at $8.75 14 50 and $7.50 field -$10 ; Exeter Maikettabt $20; Exe-
While the Star is giving us its °pin.
• ion on this matter, koala t as well tell ter, 7atnee street' $30 ; Ceatralia 114•
We can give yon a tine range of Rain Coate at the above . -us What ite thinks about the person Hensel' 012. Total $792, Or a gran.d.
prices in Pafford grey, fawn and black; they are all
. from London who, distribitted the total of 3608239. •
made With she new bog back; and are very special val- 50 funds for its own friende in the last
0 ' - of Huron The Star knews the gentle- . and
. ues at our prices...4 e $3.15• S4•450 te Dominion election in the West •Ricang .
Misses Sh Wel) oo s Mall welia- arid the Mew Zee. can give oomino going.
We have just received refine line of Bain Mate for giteri, his name if necessary -though tea a lit- • •
• ,--
, they are made of ,beityy 'dab, and Many think them tjejate in the tlay .to ask the. Star to Mr John Show wee in Bly,lla yeeterdese
warm enough for winter; ell come In dark Oxford, and., condemn him. . miss McLennan ',jetted in Brucefield
. ere made withyoke baok pieoes • $5 and 1.0V , , • th, k
. 18 Wee . .
Co•perines made Otbletok %street:1Sn, fine &easy aura nicety
• lined, triminsed with mite; also Caperines of electric , ___ -- Mrs 8 iT Gothard eeet woodsy ior Van-
: .1110USe Of Halftime: f°rd fle°_daY.' • _ . ' If-,.•
seal Ana coney, long front effect, lege steam collar, yery 0 a., • The following is the report' of Milia. eletwerelia C.
er i - .
' • • , .
Caperines at $6./5 • - Report trf the Inspector . to the lir St urnt. x 4.,
...r AIL.' ....megeas wen. ...Arita
. spemal values at • ....... ,,• • • a • ..• 0- . • -
• fa• , Cotits, Inspector of the House of Ref- Ise Ella Mailwan and her friend were
s •
uge, for .1902, as submitted to the an London thiweek.
Dean Fritzley;of•Goderielespent Sunday
with ftende in t .
, Your oney back -.. . . County Connell this week :--
mTeta m
nuber Of ineriatesCemitted _ - e_ -wa‘• ' • ''I ''' . '4 t. v- , ,
. . , _ io
'''are . ; if yen want lt. . since opening oe House, ....a. 1902 ..." 241 21rB Ae meBrien, 0.11wisall, i8 Yit'itin; '
ti' in town thie-week. 4 .
' • No, orintnates on ean. 1st. .. • 78' - • a ea. e
No, admitted during the year (3 re- (iapteMeTaggereand a. Illakurehie want _
' admitted) ... : . , .. :... • ; . .... , ..a. " a3 to Toronto Tuesdaa morning.
,, „
No, 'discharged dewing the year ....ft ,
No. of deaths during the year- .. 9 .wood °pent Sunday in Seaforth.
Born in muse , .. , . , .......... : • . . . rultleiteses.e:Manilmlie,aSeptehveernsoson,nwainedtheVigir:e:It eoyf-
No absconded during the year... 2
' 1 •
M j Ieokie Brussels last week, .
No. inmates in House lst Dec, 1902
• Noof males . 53 Mrs Sayille er„.attended • t a unseal of
. wo. aadrroa,147eare.diviensi. i..... . ....... 29 Mrs•Shaw in Exeter on Tuesday. .
. OLTINTTON• f'''am Ilu'al 1 Mr Sohn eacCool and 011ie AfoIlyeen re-
• •• munimpalities • -
• . 4
turned Mime final Watfoed Tuesday.
Has been re -arranged, and a meat
einuplete assortment of TOYS is
leady for your inspection
of all destriptions
A. perfect Wonderland. Be sure
and visit it early- to get your
Christmas stock
• ' Towiaslups-Mciillop 1, Grey 1, East
Wawanosh 1, Colborne 2(1 re admit- Mies Johnson, York, Eng., is a guest at
e home of David Tipladyebase line,
ehurch 0 hi Wes.
, ..• • . - . .
• Church ehimes.
JOurnaiistic ehange
• .
-- • .
-7-- 31:tn Hendon, who is admittedly an ex. -
rodent pulpit supply, Preece:red in Holmes,
vile] /Methodist Church; on Solidity
moroing last. . "
R. Holmes is one of the speakere at;
• Welland Avenue Methodist church,
e'ae: Missionary eerviges,St.,-OathaTinge.thAt.,
Sunday evening. .
Rev E. N. Baker, of Stratford. ties
'been extended a call to succeed Rev S.
.0 Chown as pastor Of Broadway Meth-
•• °diet Tabernacle, Totonto, and accepts
the same, subject to the action a the
Stationing Committee.
SALVATION ARMY -Oa pt Hoyan and
Lieut Allaa, telio have had charge of
the Army here for some tinie, fare-.
welled on Sunday laet, and were trans-
a_ferred to Goderich. Cape Coy, and
O i , , charge here
yeaterdey. • •
Ref FL A. Wright went up to Wing-
•., ' ham Saturday and. (Masted in the
••. • Afiglican church there. • He spoke at
the morning and evening service, at
Sunday School in •„the afternoone and
tberi addressed a good gathering of
the Brotherhood of St Andrew. Mr
W. ight who attended the annuli .con-
" vention of that Society in Brantford
ur rig e pa en er was u ive
O to his subject and bleated a great deal
of interest moat:m.0e the .young Wen for
autther personal Wan tie man labor for
the uplifting of their characters. •
Rev Wria Lowe, of Wingham, who
• is ircting agent for this 'district of tbe
new Mission schernee of the Abalieau
China) visited fhe Parishes of Middle*
UM, mohnesville and Stunitterhill,
O Sunda 1 tet and tre d the congrega-
Gone to a etirt Ina address on the needs
• Of the elautch. There were wood con-
gregations. at ell three stations' 'and
good collections .Weee taken up. 'Mr
Levee's remerke ate generally appro.
elated bv all who listen to him, and. he
• is one of the tee:merest preachers of the
Diocese of Huron.
Sr• Pattrae Clettate11-LaSt Sunday
Ses inOtla apprOhr late to the seasdn,
'Advent, brans denting Of Christ- just
O ' Catered • upon by the church-vvere
*Ached by the rector at both ser-
:- Viet% The new litany Was read and is
Wore ittipressive then the horde laid
down in the prayer beak. Special col-
* hie+ ion on behalf of Floral tiolle•ge was
taken Up, and eneounted to nearly WI'
....Nett Wednesday* eveeing speciel
, prayer (service with short addrees will
be conducted, and on erich eucceetlieg
'Wednesday evening till Easter,..._
Next nudity the Sacrattieot of he
LO1 d'e tipper will he observed... At a
• meeting of the teachere and afieere
' - • • held recently it tette (Nodded to hold a
• CariEttararr tree on the evening of Dee.
ehoite pr,vram will also be rend -
erect. The Sunday' previous part of
• the,Ohristmas Immo will be: rendered
by the choir, and ft opoeial collection
for Algoma Missions will be taken up,
WESLEY 'Cgufecif.-,-Missionary ser -
victor* veill beheld in this churchea undttY
Dec. 15, sermons tq be preeched, morn.
ing and evening by Rev. T. Manning,
S e Marys, brother of the pester of this
church ; the amount; raised •by this
church' for lass' ons,last year, was $255;
the• M bairn) •-•Bolard. having elle:Pa :or
5330,000 beim the eleureb genertellf for
tnissmes, which is $50,000 more than
ehe revenue last year, it would require.
an additional amount from•each church
in the connection to rnake up... ; •
Regular monthly fellowship meeting,
next Sunda ,at 10 a, m ....The Sunday
School chit. ren are preparing for a
Christmas Cantata, under direction of
Mr Tenney. • .
McDonagh, Stratfordae ill conduct ear*
Vices On Sunday, next, morning and
evening. ...Tbe regular monthly fel-
lowebip.meeteng will be held next Sun-
day, °at 9.45- mana.,73) veing .to the ke-
moyal of seyeral. of the officers of
Ontario St League during the past six
Menthe; a new aeotion was thought
necessary, eo the following officers
were elected on Monde evening -
Pres., Me L P Snyder; 1 t vice, Mise •
Lucy Sevens; 2nd vice, Mies Ida Tete
butt; 3 d I yGrant;ah
vice, Miss Caere Steep; Rec, Sec!y, Mr
Perry Plumstear Cor, Secar, Miss A.
Briekenclet; Treade Mr S. March; pian.!
hit. Mies Sybil Catirticee The Leagoe
expects to give a good program and
andel evening on New ireer's night. - -
There will ba an open session of the ;
Sunday School in the body of the
church on Sundav next; suitable ad-
dresses will be delivered. . • •
The NV. 0. T. U. meeteat' the home of
Mrs V. S. flatland, on the afternoon
• of the]lb, to hear an address by Mrs
Deehwood, county Presindent.
The Miseior ary meeting, uettalla 'beld
that day, will ese postponed until Fri-
, day. ,
Bey Dr Gandy, Strathroy, has
beet invited to beconae .pastor of the
Winghatn Methodist church at the
cemmencement of the next Confer.
e ce year.
The Truth titin out. •
tecll, Stephen 1. 'Etoderich township th
eaorne 1; Astifleild L Mies .Mnstard, Of Brucefield; wee the
MrJ. S. Wiliteola who has been Towns and Villages GOderi.oh 2,-. Sea' pest of leties Kelly fee a day this week.
editor in chief of the 1'a -onto Globe forth 5 (1 re Admitted), Brussels 1,
forma years, brie resigned his position. ' Wingham 3 (1 ee-admittea), Say Miss] ed, E. Levan has been appointed to .
tjekteaohine staff of Berlin Central Sohool.
neWSPO•Per vebture on ,strictly inde- Natlonality of innaates admitted der. Mr and Mrs JeWehater, Sullen
in or , spent
der that he may go into another field .1 Blyth L
pendent lines. Tee Toronto World log . 1902 : --Scotland 6, Ireland 3. Sunday with thEir deeghteradrs B•Savilfe.
•1 11 Hoover was in London Mtnday o,t-
sees in his retirement all sores of Canada 11, Germany L
.calarnity for the Liberal party, and.
Mr VVillison states that he leaves the No Of dSys board of inmates . :26217 tending an exeoutive meetinkof the W. O.
andheiR ..... • . ' ' 1241 Andrew Forrester, of Hamilton; spent , •
In the course of an address the other
day. Mr George Rorke, of toVeu, stated,
that "There never was a More profper•
cus time ih the Dominion of Canada
than exists to -day."
This le a seif•evident truth; 'but we
are gled to have this acknoWiedgment
ftom Me Rorke, because he is one of
those who believed there could • be no
atiosperi.it „twirler the present' govern.
Mena NVe do not apprehend that he
gives the oatern Went credit for it -but,
We knowsome people whoa times had
beett had, inetead geed, would have
blamed the gover rurrent therefor, -
Sir Wilfrid improving health.
The ever -popular game. The
board we axe selling at $1. is the
best value we ever had; com-
plete with discs and rules
Who said he couldn't see
a good thing
when it was anywhere with-
in his reach', Santa Claus
realizes the necessity of -aro-
perly fitted glasses for 'tail -
O ing eyesightt_and knowsthat
nowhere in Clinton can the
sight be better tested and
fitted with handsome glasses
as right here, We have h
superb stock of Gold and
Gold-filitcl frames, suitable
tor Xmas presents .‘•
Fancy Chinttware as Xmas •
presents •"
If you are in dOtibt.as to what
*- get for your wife, mother or
best .girl, let us show you our
assortment of Faney China-
Few people realize 'the amount of geode
we haye etored Up in this department for
Moms and Holiday presentre and we again
• invite you to look throng/a. Othent -ham
told us there is nothing west of the cities
to equal our display. You oorne and see'
for yourself •
1360 -Ks & BII3LES
Are very suitable gifts for
Xmas. Our stock of:Biblesi s
very complete, Special ,values
at 50c, $1 tind 1,50. Hymen-
als and Priyer-books in vari-
ous bindings. Fancy bindings
ofitle popular books and.riets
Order your Magazines and'
.Weeklies from us and you.
• will save money. ,
, 7
11114 eee...li el'
n ell es eel ese e .
itil.i 3
listieillo, , !E5 0.0
•111115141 .\
1 i hid 'Jig OA
7!, elf oitiA Ilk Iiimmir ,.
..... ''' . i I '
1111 111,11 k, I 1 j i-' -1144;1'
.-----, ill 4-/
• .
Agents for 0, P. 'R. Telegraph and -Dominion' Bxpeeie
Money Orders, also for Buttemek Patterns -a • •
aieeketrealtkindeofailly-forecastse• •Noa.o.r.delefeeboard.Koepeas...a• natibe....., . . . . . . sale __Register._ •
all his associates', and -the pro.babileties g • Stinday at. his home. He returned Pdondity
Globe on the Very best of term8 with • Averre e o • inmates during;1992. 78.5
are that h much more lucrative peel- Withlieertee6 &helpedded 82,18 aftern000.
tion has been offered hina,• with wider Teta expendieure on House and I Col. Hoare Was in Tororoto the pest weak
scope than is possible on %pal paper Farm . . ; .. . 48951•36 buying np some choice planer; for hie many
He has very greatly.eleyated t e tette Add vane of provisions an uel
with the Glebe, ettid given it a staled- • E,neest leayee today for Tare
Add ten aer cent for elopeeoia-
of Journalism eince his association on hand lst Jan„ 1902...,.....$1181,85. °aataaer°.
kiwi that it had not posseesed foriearstion of implements $75 0Bo0 onto, where he
takes his old position isa
r Willison has high ideas o , f ourn- garts Photo 8tud
d e er that hA Total expenditure' 55299.21 Mrs 'Latvia Fell, of Seaforth; wan in
,wahave any quarrel with the price town Wednesday paying her taxes and
Deduct expenditure on capital'
mples or party that be has so ably sup- account ' eeet. 76 celled t5n the New Bea ,
PoliieddiaBut with unlimited capital
Otrtehie ideals better than he other vrise Permanent 'rap:mem/Mts. . 65 92 Ito W Howson and Wilber Man -
Vg and fuel on' Wand, lst Having come up to vote. .
be ni,Jietnay abIeatee wear -FiataiiirefieseltalliateneWeeltate a ------- -aingIof-London--were-inetown-eyeste
dead. . • .
to purchese one of the papers in Tor -as peranventory 1210.06
other receipts aseeee of beet week te look after a house, and the
Patin' *ill be started if one cannot be Unexpired g 86 17 Mrs Joeepb. Claidley and ohildree, Who
It is said that efforts hale° been Wade Produce sold. during 1902 and •
Mrs Wm Mennal went to London Friday
Onto, eo far unsuccessfully, loot a awe! family moved on •Wednesday.
+Received from paying patients 76 50
putchased. '
Arne vote lis 1898.
Amourit eapended for suppore
of innaretes..., • $3087.e0
The follneving are the offl In
f c'a &urea AVerTTTT age expellee per itonate per
o e total vote in the Wese uron 11176 cent
electIon of 1 , published:for the eon., etereea'fie Weekly expense per in. .
Venience of those whO vyish to corn 1
. .
aye been open ing some e n
peg, reterned 40 town lait.Priday.
Mr and Mrs Geo Swarts left on' Wed
nesday for Cleveland, where they will
spend the winter with their daughter.
afire Lily Johnson, of the Collegiate
Staff Seaforth, 'attended the wedding of
her amoeba Mia* Render, on NVeclueeday.
Mies May Bell returnee home from
Wingliam Monday, where she has been vie.'
iting het eieter, Mrs EEO Bell, for the past
Mt• and Mae. Jere Washington. Ana
famity,, of Auburn, visited the lattera
father, Mr Thee Stinking, Sundey and
Mre W, R. 7ohneton, of Ohicege, who
has been Visiting her cousin, 'Mrs W Coate,
for the pasteten daye returned to Iteterave
Tae. Ottine down from the West on
'Monday on Iambus% Mao to see hie mother
vebo hes beim in poor . health for some
tithe, tie listener] returning in few
013 Stab left Monday afternoon by train
fot the Boo. Ile had intended to go by
bold. having gone to Goderlob. laot
but; (mingle ineteMent weather the venial
was laid. up, so returned Monday morning.
.. •
day • . .... ; • 11 .
the Ltquor Act vote : •
aa • •• ishfield • .4 to • • • • I Sal
uaro mate,* .. .. .4,821 cents ar y
The expenditure on the Ho ere Mid
, -
I:Writes and thorrabrea cattle atf 0: W:
T. GIINDItY gi015;:6, 1
To welsh*, direenteatty, Deo -46'.i
On- Monday. Dee, 8th, &Clot 32, cOn, .9,
Hallett, sale of farmetock,
Ind feed., Terms: -OA and wider.. eash;
over that ineatint 9 menthe' oeedie :4 per
cent disecnint foe' snob.,
Mee; D, attoteaceo, prop., Thos,13rown, state
On Tuesday, Deo. 9th, at 1 p. Lct:
le, eon,' 8, Morris, farm.skook and imiple•
jacksorie prate? Temples,.
Browne suet.•
. .
' On weanesasy,ne;i. 1711*, at 12.80 p. m„
at the Aretertoen Hotel, Brneefield, ex-
tensiy,e sale of hotaeloold furniture. Moe
fiturrayeprop., 'Thee Breen, taloa '
On Wednesday, Dee. 10111, it 12 oarlock
shim at W. Abeeharte term, Tueker-•
amide 1: mile west of Iligmoridville, deer-
ing este of farm Stook and implements,
without- reeerve.- •• A.brehart, peep.,
Them Brow* anot.•
Winter term open Jan. 5
sTRATrpRD,, Or*
' thi It% grt°f1Messsegttiggti? mkt et; of
strong statement, but it is a true one nor-
tiligi=nZalinec reasoneis Itge tbirli 1:istit '.
Ing school Recent gracittateS have accept- , • •
ed position* at Salaries ranging from$46 ;
a month to $800 per annum," Write, for e
W. 7. ETATIOTT, Pr elpal ( ,
: . OritAute taw •
. .
- 1 .
oar new catalogue,
1 .
Four Feeds
Aktuttrionutuft for One eclat,
Colborne 510 Patert accounts as.follows '"$tray Steer:'
Goderich 591
Goderich toevnehip 331flullett •
Blyth.... 11 • .... 190
Hired help forHouse and. Farm 524620
Stook, team and implentetit.... 0800
• Matron •••••1144 .. .. .. Fs•e41. 56200
Winkhain • • .. 460 Phyiecian's salary,appliances&c 22544
' East WaWanots'i .... 449 • ' Repairs to buildatf & furniture 11855
late' and nt .... ea.. 818 22
West Wapotnosh. .eae Provisione arid clo .... 106862
• 011715011• • `• • a 545 Books, arta we
ool and rootage 12,00
Total for the riding .,4590 Supplies fox• stoc and arta n5o
. • . on. ottpital account.. .. . . 351.76
Incidental expenses 201.40
The protests against Archie' Camp Permanent improvernents.... 65.92*
bell, M. la, Liberal, Meet York, . and
that against M. AVert, M. P.
vative, Addingten.
d topped,
ave both been *In addition, to above teceipts front
VW the Dominion House, Wedtiesday, No rtedatint of the Sallie liaS beet* taken
(P.1tiuluntgy Ilesantienare0812.0t. wofa. °111--PiatriedittAieoWthne,
Thee Christie, Liberal; Wag eleeied
•to succeed Ws late father, by 200 in above figures.
majority, midi') Vermouth Mr Bow
• mato, Liberal, wag elected to succeed
Mr Pilot; promoted, by 848, Me Mints filet the farmers of Ontario are pro�.
majority in 1000 was 221
' pering under a Liberal government,the if/melee Stephens, da Chatharrif (?old•••
legiate institute btu ent, was Ot
A four yeer old eon of a. Patterson, same t)2 eateer eleesee ele the 611111"m' • dead on ehe Stack pear Dreeden.
update. passenget train. • The schooner Jessie tirummond,
the amotrit of the chattel moqlgageel ' with, a cargo of six hundred' tons of
- Dr, I, A, McCabe, Principe! of the ergioior oe egminae herniae lb °marl°, • coal, Ten agrotind at clot.lourg, and is a
Ottawa Normal Schroer died enddenly r
. while at Mans in St, 2.atrickst church, wart $3 820,582, while last year it was .total *reek.
wee killed at &Wien While pasainiT ity. ehown by the feet that in 1800
Ite had been married eel t '
wo weeke $2,13.14,750; dr a betterment 'Of over one , Ittf 0 rt Ilenter. tilefitairer Of TrenCcd
million dollars at al If i
• e Oa orn
Cante'into subscriber's preinises,, about two
Deo 4-51 ,
chargesmitts. oom.
I hereby* notified to prove
deft: ekr,;:o4uvittaartwo years
Stray. OW Ftirmersand Stook Feeders' are every day I.
Strayed front subeerilmee premises, lot 44. their anintals ralndly.
botheringtheir brains to know how to fatten.
letettio.na con., Godericti township, a Yorkshire
sow, weighing about 180 lbs, Any one giving
information leading to 124 recovery will be stilt-
ably•rewarded, O. W. WILLIAMS.
Dee Holnusenne.
. •
County Council Election
County of Huron.
Public notate ts herebygiven that a meeting
of the erector's of Comity Division - No, 2. coin*
petted Of the tnunielpeilities of the town of OliM
ton and the townships of Ooderich and. Mullett,
will be 0011 11* the town hale Clinton, 013 Mon.
day, December the 22/10, 1202, at the hourof one
o'clock p. tn,, for the purpose of nomlnetine
candidata( to represent them in the Council of
the Cottnty of Burin. f6T Mortars 1903and 1901.
And, that iigease a noll!is demanded, hells will
be evened on the5th day Of .1anuary. 104 In
ea& pollingattb•clivision at the time and placn
fixed by By-law of the Munieipalities in the said
County Dittision, •
NomintithigOineer for Coruity0OtincilDiv,v0S.
Dated tliii teddity of Deeembet, 1902. _
Worthington's 'Canadian H •
Stoek. Tonitc and Feeder
Wiet de -it and sate the weever, and. what's bete 1' ,
ter saye one-third the fetsa,
It aids Digestion, keep e the Bloodalever mat i 4,
Kldnersbrahenithy condition, Atrial wilIcon.
Vint* the most -sceptical that It is the greateot
animal regulator of then%
Mae* 'Box, 200 feed*, iete ; Sack. ,
MANDFACiattit8D BY . • •
The Worthington Drug Co
Por Sate ante Onerstriteeeba
P. Staltland, Minton.
nhant.tox 410011,8141t1t2l2, Seamen; • .
o001.53 SON, ilesseree .