HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-28, Page 8ilovembe! 28t1t, 1902
Quality and Style
Mr E. Muni% barber, lute reined the
• dellee on Junes 'street, and will move
woo *WPM Met tutu bcught Mennell'e reei-
riaDAymovamammoggz. in 04 !non au the house is vacated. house recently occupied by Mr M.
D w
It is aneat piece, end bas been *old at
a realsonable fleure $700 being paid. S. Seynoour gets the appointment
by Col. Howie. gan factory, formerly held by W
u foreoaan of the ease room in the or -
Men nell.
LOCAL NO VItaBS. The adjoinintt lot hae been purehaeed
• .1r he Ntain poitits .All Noticee muter tlits lietaing cost tea,
eente a Paola every onsertIon.
ounde of the Cantor'. chin bulb ; 20
COW or Potatoes waebrd As soon AN Losable,
tr'rde per Wan.
Highest market paid, P. liTAITLAN , Os barn, who is now ettending the Mode
--le School in town. has been engaged, to
CLINTON MODELL/IES IN DE- The Sovereign Bank TroPhY wilt be
Dried Annie. welded OaliTELON BROS . MND -ties :Ethel Musgrove, daugh- shot for Wedoesday, Deo. ard on tbe,
ter of Principal Musgrove, of WIngo or
Ootesies o.d stoma, Milton.
A gentleman's dub is in comae of
• Quality and style are our main- con,sideration
when buying furs. Both must be all they should be
all they should be op no fur garment finds an en-
trance to.this store. That's the ireason this is a safe
plate to buy furs. You run no risk if you do your
fur buying here, for each article is made from choice,
selected skins, by -the best furriers in Canada., Furs
of a poor puality or low grades are poor buying at
any price, and never give satisfaction. Our furs are
all good, skins,. style and workmanship are right in
every detail and prices are low enough to reommend •
them to careful buyers. •
teach in la S No 11 Howlett for 190a.
Wanted -Rend ana Emend boy at -once. The salary will be $300 rer anntun fornoation in town and if a mutable •
Nov. 21, tf. Jaolison,Bros, Clinton. Mies Musgrove is fortunate in occur tesidence can be proeuretl, will. ilie co-
oct aweless or o, ing a whoa cio near her horn% tablished before long,
uter oncer- under -,...0
Ladies' Ala a tabor, Wesley Oeurob, at home ,_ ODDif ELLOWS priOSPSSING.- Monday, and the same of sheep on
A double deck of bogs to Torouto on
Q tira Thdens Albert Street. is riiley even -
toe, Nov 28. ,A.Ainlanon by sliver (m114304)4. The local lodge of Oddfellowe in town T d ' B i
but not less than leo. oes ay to uffo 0, win e the stock
- have been passing through an era of shipments this week. -
prosperity during the past three weeks, •
ZOIVII igo$ICO. several new candidates haviug been a B. Rale received his t facial not'.
GRAND u0NOERT.-Keep your• initiated as well aa other nteinbers Ocatio a of his appointment ttii a Notsry
adeed and the old time degree team Public in andfor the Province Of Oti•
seif disengitcrecl for Friday eveninfr record is getting back Where it was tario, on Tuesday last,
i Matt 11 y at.b. Oa that date there wi 1 a, few years ego, under the present D tatntelon, of Heinen, son of our
be a glan4 concert in the Town Hall management. - townsman. Win Oantelon, wloo was ip
given under the direction -of Mr John town last Thursday says he lias ship-
Ransford, on behalf of the Lawn Bowl- NO IMPORTANT VVORK, -.. The ,
ing Club We need not add that the next and lest session of the present ped 1600 barrels of ripples this season.
very blithest talent hits been seeoredt County Commissioneri, witl he held at
Rev FL A. Wright °dictated at the
and that the programme xvill have It eolicb, on the 2nd of Deeember.
strong ScAch cast, Particular latq There ie riot thileh wore than 'routine
easiness to transact, because a dying
Twit) El ERB ENGAGE D 117=
lop, daughter of Rev Mr Dunlop, has
coencil hardly ever etters on any On%
portant new business. If the coencill•
been engaged for S. S. N 5, Gaderlch °newish te vote On the referendura, it
I eweehiP. (Porter's UAW at' a astarY °I 'it be neceesary to make an adjeurti-
' s Valor next year. Miss johns has eat. . . .
been engaged, for Hepworth, At a sal-
ary of 075. This makes 12 of the ADDS 'A SALES .%i'AN. -A., T.•
inodelites engaged so fer, reit of the Cogperwho has been waking exten.
class of 26, a few of wiaom however, alve_chaages in his store recently,• for
' are uot lockinief )c schools we believe the betterment of display of hie goods',
a • has had an elegant sixteeed.foot silent
I t the papers , o • ou store off LI / Verfection. It was made
,hituling wagees, or hitched to plows. liy a .wellsknown former Olintonian,
and doing o• her intional labor, but a jack Carter, in the Blenhel in furnituie
Clinton girl a:mid. Wive bean seen one.
day last week a °eking one and' of a
.1,010 crosscut saw, and she took her
• share of the work just as "menially"
as her wide associate and Apparently
• did her there of the work just as well.
RAS GOOD ORM-We have re ct aal sultan lecedtherein, whiolipets the
f D khobor women - e P
Black Martin Ruffs, shaped, thiok and
wide et back, good length; 8 hue
busby tails, chain fastener, an ex: •
crptionally goud ruff for the money, gar
earth . .0 ea
Bleak Opoesum Ruffs, thi:k even fur,
,esah°ahead, ohain hotelier, 6 utile tails,
• ...$5
Ohio Sable Re, thiok glossy fur,
very wide at beak and good length, •
trimmed with 13 large busby tails, 6. ea
extra epeoial value, each ,
• Araerican Oppossura Ruffs, naturals. atA.
far, thick and glossy, 8 tails,esob.. I •4111
• . „
Columbia Sable Ruffs, large size,
thick glossy fur, 8 large bushy „
tails, eaoh • Vag
Real Alaska Sable Ruffs, 1 guff-
ity, th ok and busby, 8 taile, each VII
Extra quality large Alaska Sable
tails, very good value, each
Ruffs, trimmed with 10 large bueby so
. ' •
Breen Fox AWN, full length, cora.
plate with mutual bead and clove,
. thiok bushy tail, very stylish, •
each• 16.50.
'Grey Tomb Ruff, 00 shape, even
curl, 4 tails, each 114111
Extra large Alaska Sable Ruffs, . •
• tarsi fur, wide odlar. trimmed
with 4 extra long. and 6 medulla $25
tails, each, ,
Alaska Sable Buffs,' very litre, long
front, best quality, fur thick and maw
close, 6 tails, chain fastener, each 4M 1
Alaska Sable Ruffi, extra good qual-so
ity,ahaped,long front, 10 tailtheach10.0v
Alaska Sable Ruffs, wide'oollar, long
front, trimmed With 2 heads and
tails,eadh... ... . . . .... , . SAO
Stone Martin Buffo, No. 1 totality, '
natural far, marked,4 large Al;hp...
tails, 2 heads each . ar.G11
, • ..
Colembia sable ruffs,thiek,olose tur,k, en
large bushy tail, very, epecial,eaoh110.111-
t:. • • r.
, h th f
••- • ' • *
. • '
COMING EVENT. -0a .the after-
noon of Dec, 3,,c1,„at 3 o'clock, Sc,Peurs
• chnrch will be the scene of one of those
events that are Only supposed to occur
, once in the lifetime tit the parries con.
terned-the =tillage o. MISS A. E
Render, daughter of Mr Geo. 'Render,
, of the 16 h con. of Gude. ich township,
to Mr &tines. Ferguson, of flullett.
Both are papillae among people who
are well gnowa, and the beet wishes • of
many friends will be extended them in
advance. .
Militia notiees. issued from Ottawa,
appears the, following., which has a
• local interest:. "Thirty2Tbird Ruron
Regiment -To be medical officer, with
rank of surgeorocaptain, W. Shaw,
M. D. of Olinton.-vice Honorary Sur -
aeon -Lieutenant auelond W. R, J.
Holmes, retired ; to be medical officer
supernumerary, etankp
•• Surgeon•L'entenant, A. C. Hunter, M.
D„ of Goderich." We congratulate
both nf these gentlemen on their de-
served edvanceinent. ' •
SOME co MPARISONS: - The -re-
-insootritannthitoPgestetuestoarGener .w12).h
f all -postal tra 6-
• aetions. rives.figures that are into est -
tog. For instance take the priced raid
for mall conveyance between stations
(all let by Lender.) •
. Blyth and RM. station-% ntile, 24 times 6-
. • .
An Astrachan Jacket for $35
The Astrachan Jacket we are selling for $35 is -
one that we consider the best we have ever sold for this
money Search. the country o#er and you will not find
a better coat for the pries. boaght a big quantity,.
had them made to our order, from specially selected
sleir,lined throughout With goodequality quilted satin,and
roads by experienced furriers,and. for $35 are able to sell
a jacket that you could give $40 for and not be giving
too much. • . ,
witt12211Zitnation-34 mil; is times
a week. 360.09s year,
• Clinton and.R. station -M Mile, 42 times s
•w )ek. 3147.87 a year.
Exeter Ansi it, R. station -1 mile, 24 times a
week, Mem° a year. •
Gadarirh smart. R. station -4i telle, 86 times
. . a week, $144 60 a year.
Hensel' and R. R. stationr% mile, 12 times a
, .
wreigirra6naaltal station-, mile, 24 times a
• •week, 3760 a 'Ur.
Wingbain and it. rt. stationz4 mile, SO times
..• ••
a week, $250.40 a year., '
•.doetor. Box9i, Clinton, Ont. •
Caperines are still selling Well and next to -a fur coat
they are the most sensible garment that a person who has
much driving .to do can wear You will find each of thebe No.
1 quality and the styles are cornet in every particular.
.• .
• lone front, 6 tails, satin haed.10 80 ospenne o • fBleot•rio an•d Greenlend
• •• each
Persian Lamb Caperine, wide edge
and good ocolar of .good quality
, • ALA.% Sable, circular clasp, ft,gt
trimmed with tails • • wean,
• opertne,goodquality Aotrtchan and
' Electric Seal, long front, comes •
down well over ehulder, 4 good
gable tails, each -
French Coney Caperine, high collar, .
good ccinfortable garnieut at a
Jow pnice....................-.• $5.
• 7 0 Caperine of Electric Seal -and Blue
°melanin, long front and high '
each (6.51)
' asperine of Eleotrie Seal and imit•
at on Stone Martin collar back and $.4
front snob • 11.
Seal, circular ha* and long front -
lined with fence eilkarimmed with tetra
4 large brolly tails .
aspirins of good quality Aetraohan
a Black Opossnm, cam ar bach
and hong front, trimmed with 8
large tails, lined with black satin, rem
aaoh. ; q)174
- -1
Caperine of Astrachan and Bleak
Opossum, oiroular shape• ails titetenctka
.• oollar,eaoh...•..
.. .. WPF
Caperine of Astraohan and Eleotrio
Seal, large wear, lined with bro•
ended oak eitoh ' •VIX
Large storm collar made of gooa'
• quality bleak °posture long front di
and high collar, eaoh , • • 4/0"
• knowing that through" the persistent
. ,
The foregoing appeared in the Globe for
e•veral daya, and -would naturally lead to
the. impression that our Roman Catholic
friends were anxious to mere a medical
man of• their own religious faith here.
Stich, however, is not the °sae. Rev. Fr.
MoMenamie, before commencing his ser-
mon last Sunday, called attention to the
advertisement,. and add that, he keew
nothing whatever about it, and was very
aorrfit had appeared,as he did not belieye
it was adonis ed to do any good. He ex.
pressed himseltats perfectly mantled with
she -medical men.in town anclavaiL sure hia
people were; although hs did not know
whether it was intended for a joke Or other.
wise, he did not belieye it was inserted by.
any flonsom Catholic. We have Maher
Moilfeniminat authority to gay twit ha re-
pudiates it entirely.
• .
town experienced a coal famine as the
result of the strike,Harland Bros, came
to the rescue, by arranging • for the
• prompt delivery of wood to those of
bur citizens who needed it, and though
e.tbe wood busincsee has more or less
unpleasant features about it, there is
- much cteditanathis firm for so.htrgely,
obviating tide an4 giving the best of
• satisfaction to the public. •And when
the strike was even -nay, before -this
• firm was constantly on the alert to tee
that hard coal was procnred AS (paddy
as it was possible to get it, and the
tovrnepeople have the satisfaction of
funeral of the late Dr Paltner,...of De.
twit. who WAS buried at lioderich
last Friday. There was a 'ergo turnout
of sympathizing friends.
Mr Spence, Secretary . of the Mani- I,
toba Branch of the latianniop Alliance,
is announced to deltver an address in
favor of the:liquor Act of 1902, in the
Town Hall. on the evening of Thlars-
day Nov. 27. t
Oa Tu.esday mot phut T. Gundry, ot,
Goderich, passed down with a young
fellow named Williaine, •of Goderich,
who he WAS taking to London Asylum,
the young man's mind having Demme
J. Cunninghttme, who returned Sat -
d urday eyening (Mtn Alailitana• brought
Sat -
factory. Several ptecee of 3 °ohne':
f Northwest grains,
work haye come into town, d rheaYnall- back a big case 0 h .11 h
• grasses, seed etc, which e wi ave
• pee of art in their line.,
On exhibttion in the -Express '01110e
WILL BE WELL IJIGH rED:•-•-D ir- window, •
ing the past week Electrician Steven- .
Vole ladies of the foam as well as tbe
son of the Electric Light Co., has beep junior bachelors are trying to arrange
busy installing wires in tbe station,
and expecte by,the first of the week dances ki come off during December.
The ladle., purpose putting up WOW
to have that building as well as the thing pretty nice En' theirs if all goes
platform well strung with lights, so we.
tha,t it. will be well lighted in the "The . Dominion Organizer for the
future. . There will be 67 lights in all, Sobs of England, Mr Porch, has been
of 16 candle power ,each, and a row of in town for sorite.days working up new
lighte will be str ung alone- the outside, subjects. A special meeting was held
which should' render good service. to
all concerned, and lessen the risk . of last evening and a number were Wig.
ateci, .,., . •
danger to passengers getting on or off .
tiers train at eights • • . A golf ground' is what is being look-
ed for nowadays in town. Several ..ot .
SINGULAR OIRCUMSTANCE.-A our. young men with their golf titicks
number of years ago Mr Robert Coats were seen wandering , field -way • in
for hie ewe, search of . smile recenty. This as its,
brought a violin at $12
Robert H., who thought he would like first appearance in Clintoe.
to have it. His.interest in this kind of D. Urquhart, of Hausa% mho has
'Mink waned and the article was • control of our elevator at present is
stored away 'with other hrio-a-beic. shipping' large quantities of oatmeal to
Since "Bob"' Weill' ' to Ottawa he -various puts of E egland, Leland and
thought he . would like to have the Scotland. He is.disposing of the pro,
violin with him, and it was accordingly duct of over 5000 bvishels of oats a week.
sent him. As it was out .of tune and
repeie, be had it overhauled, and finds Tbe enterta'inment which was to'
now that it has improved so much an hive been beld at the• home ot Mrs
Bodgens, Albert Street, under the
tone that he.eaireacily sell it for $100, auspices of the Ladies, Aid society of
MEETS. WITH AN ACOIDENI.,•-••• the Wesleyahueoh.has WW1 postponed
on a crovernment dredge at Coning -
who hes been employed un a to-nignt, Fi iday) when a sr lerelid
program will be rend d •
' Winter Coats,
en: .
virood•all moaner. returned. home last . The anntial meeting of the dlintOri
ISaturClity. 'He had a narrow escape Curling (Nub, for the purpose of elect -
from death two weeks ago by beim bit ing officers for the enemata season, con.
with the end of a tow line that had sidering the annual report, and the
brokee while out in rough -weather. transaction of other.business, 'w.11, take
loaded scow which he was on, Was he-, place in the Como chamber, this Fri % ' • •. . • . • ' - •
ing towed out of harbor by a tug, , day evening, Nov 28ch, at 8 o'clock. 7
when the line broke and the end re- The pew post (Lace uow assuraing
boundedadi iking Walter on the side of the proportions that show it to be a
the bee and body, knocking- him down very nice building for its purpose, and
insensible, besidea bruising sod cutting. a decided ornanient to that part of the
his flesh, laytng him up for a few days. town• It will soon be in order to have
"We Told You- So:"
Lest week we told yoe about our omorx, FreaCQUES-e
how new andpretty they were %pa what good value they
were, We put them in the window, inquiries about the price
at once commenced, then resultant melee. It was so plaaeantly
• aerie three-q,nartera of our 'stook gone THE VALULS
ivzus sd coop.
Now we have Pictures
VIE VALVES OF WH/OH ARE GOOD -even better than
the Placques. Nearly one hundred subjects bora whieh to oelect
--auth as "Solitude" "The Horse Fair," "End of Journey"
'Coentess Potocklit ' Sheep Dog and Huse Pleturee, reproduo•
thine of celebrated exacta Photo engraving,' sod color pro.
duotions in bawl, hand out, edged mats, in grey and green
colorings. Some oblong 16 x 19, and Weer, end some in 14 inch
The price lo Fifteen cents. In our North Window,
• The value is good,
• Another special (not In window) 17 x 27 in,
• kinds only, matted in grey, 25c.
Often the Cheapest—Alwaye the Best ,
•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••
Kant Krack Granb3i Rubbers
Taylor &Sons
• We aresole agents M Clinton for the above, and are eelling a lot of
them. Se far.this is the beet Rubber season in Otir blistery, having
already had to get' in our Second supply.
Our stook ie again well assorted in all the newest styles, and we
. them at the same price as you are aaked for interior •Rubber
Try a pair and you will say with se that they are the best in the
market. Every pair gu..ranteed •
, .
Felt :GoodssurIvieBobtaZ a nblgitoittoorfn,a1" koinngd
°ROO Felt ag,
Special Values in Ladies and Gent's Fine Boots
• for, Friday .and Saturday .
-The Old Reliable,
• .0a812 and eine Price We writ not be tinaersold. • Eggs taken fri 011611. •
'Taylor & Son — Clinton'
0000•••••••••••••••••••. ‘•••••••••••••••••046440
^ 'the unsightly poles (telegraph, ete)that
• FORMER C. I. STU DENTS --Messrs surroun .1 lc, moved aio as to improve
R Weir, Winghato, Geo. Buchanan the view. • ..
Brussel ,•4 and Johne,Tucker smith; • • •
Will Fisher, Ofthe Huron road east,
graduates of the Clinton Collegiate and
at. "I' as b having all kinds of misfortune
Model School. who are at present.
this year; the other day he fractured
tending the Normal School at 'Lendon.and on Wednesday While at-
hava all played with the Normal foot. la rib,
t inding to his horses one W. thi m inside i
balileam which has made the -
winognir oarrdowi-o 14.4.aitocohneens
2P.Italtoedtalt number a sudden
teeth a finger on the left hand, and
grab at him, catching in
severing it clear. Cif at the first Jint.
of games scored 28. cored op them 10.
In the League just dosed for the Mee ' -Rey Fr. McCormack, of Kingebritlge, •
Oetchlon Oup they stood a tie with the Was in town on Monday,and submitted '
winning team, buthaving lost a game plans foe a new church' he intends to
in each round are given the second .louild, to local builders. lie was ac- i •
. compapied by Mr Morgan Daton;
. the popular of A.snfield, who,
• CONOERT.-The Collegiate Instit- went to London to consult a specialist
are fortunate. in in reference to his eyes, which have
ute Literary Society
_oseacnuardwin-lainelMngaerinettetrataLianeDres,lal,ndonmeionof becienontdruouctbolirnBg uhrinmeyzesnitittlye.di• his post
Teresa Flannigan, the, celebrated of ditty last. Monday morning, • after
soprano, for their concert on Tuesday having been laid up wi.th eerious
111 -
evening next. These ai Nets are well nese for thepast six weeks. Bela tact
spoken of in tile daily press, and have (be rugged, hardy, well-built man that
entertained- their audience", so well we used to see,. haying lost consider -
that second engagements have been able flesh during the oedeal, and Is
made in severer towns. The plan ie looking a little eff color yet. We are
now open at W D Fair's book store,and pleased nevertheless to ilee him out
there is every indication of a successful " a.gain. . • •
concert, The vroceeds will be used in at a
making &Pas merit oti the piano recent- This Hensel' Observer says:
meeting of the school board held .No14
-17-Pereleased. I"' the 101001/ lastweek:ilfiss Murray WAS re-engaged
A BUSY 'DAL -Eclat Wednesday . to teach for the cowing year and Mies
was one of the busiest days in the his- Florence ReynAcis' epplicaticar reir the
tory- of -the railroad businessan-Olintone• ream ACM eeeePied-hY-MiesStevone, of
Clintbn, was also accepted.
From early. morning to late at night a
Mies Slev-
train was in the yard. and several ens is retiring from teaching owing to
to throat. trouble." The MOW Ene is ,
times during the day the yard wee so
sorry to keen that Miss Stevens is in- •
full of cars that the trains were haticlis
capped, and bad to wait until they eanacifated from her chosen Pram -
Were through their work, to get a sion, owing to throat trotible.
chance to. pull but. For and fire en-
• . . w e are exceednigly.dorr to learn
gates were In the yard at 0. time, and
the ingenuity of our etation Master, as
wall as his assititante, was taxed to the •
utmost to handle • them. The Grand
Trunk ehould be well pleased With the
business of this section tif their systerta
c innort
13 1r -fiat
ristmas Goods
• •
• During the last few'montha we have been making:
great preparationa for the Christmas trade. .Several
months ago we gave?, large import order for Japanese
Silks .8i Fancy.Silk Chrirmati Goods:...By importing.
direct we get better goods,. AS well as. a great. reduct-
ion' in prices.. 'We effect a raving of from 10 to ,15 per
cent in this way, and •we always, give" our. Cuitoraers
the. benefit.. , .
Fancy Silk Cushion Topi, in colors of nileoreen, pink, maids, oarainal,
canary, eta., eto„embroidered with dirand gold, extra yahoo at 50o,
65; $1 and $1.50: •
Japanese Silk Drapes, embroidered endtiOn colors of light blue, pink,
atinitiole; rebidic hile,-Ciiktinati-Canametis.,;7V0ry special -Kt 'pocr,--135o ' -
Silk Table Covers, in einem of thy, nile, reside, Pink and ter -
'gaols; with heavy knotted fringe, embroidered vrith silk and gold.
They make e nice Christmas present, at $1.50, 81.95 and: V.
Silk Btousinge, in.blue and white end pink and white lace stripes,
Broawiide-914"64st:Sr i4lks3°. in oew ollesiees,h4117;ilus net; colors, 'very epee- ,
Vauoy Brocaded Silk Wet Goods, in white. Pink Mee and' reelviet.•
worth S1,25, for $1 per yard; . • . •
• A special line of Heavy .Brootided Silk, for waists, in a variety ot odor; .
mikes I auperb wale; tagaler :price $1 50, for $1,25. . .
• Plain Japanese Silks, zu oolore, wortb 80e. f3r 25o. '
Frenth Flaunels and Silk Mixtures, fancy stripes and floral design; .
at 604, arm and al. • •
10 •
Mc3Eirkinanon ik Co., Myth
1144100001400401111104100410 4104.000.11
• of the death of the wife Mr aiincies •
efforts of this firm, coal We.9 as qiiick-
pmdeired here es anrwhere else in'
McMichael, at Seaforthmbiehoccurred •
t e Dowiniob. To th s firm is also on Moncle,y, at the age •of -,76 years. Mr ; 44/41%.40•4filklimellkOktlie*A00AtiNtraleleVeicitt eatiSlitatrailowatatAineWitaiwegatielatelieleraiit
' • f due. the credit of keeping the Eetate• and Mrs McMichael %were formerly 1
he Men's Store
BusineSS 111 itho clothing section is getting brisker
is the days go by. Having the right kind of goods at
the right kind 'of prices is winning this tlepartment new
customers daily.
it great range ol Bens' Caps at Ball a Dollar '2"7—rt".
Dozens a styleain Ilen'o Oloth Caps, new bobby shaped ha plain Clothe,
MOWS Moo Blues, Meeks AreyieRrowne, well mid° and lined1 all fazes, al.72 '
. ...... ...... . Owe.
Those 75c gloves •"•• .
• They are good gloves for a &liar and by long
odds the.best 15c glove in town. -This is what customers
say. ' .- •
Uotea Alia kid glum, oft, pliable dins, good qutaity wool lhilUg, perfect e,
. .
Offing; laetrile and tans, opeofal pot peir...... .. 75e.
. •
Hodgens tiro
residents nf Hullett, but for years have '
orator* beceuse thet were able -
.to supply it with a subst tete for its resided in Seciforthe where both were
usual fuel. fp the• shape of soft 0001, laid in the very highest . esteera, Mr
REPOR,TEri DEAD. -. Thursday
Morning a report became current that
John Everett,only son of Win Everett,
town, had died in a horpital at Detroit.
Mae Evereat, on being interyieivedavas
much affected on hearing et the report
and stated she had tiotheard of it, lea
Mondasehaa received a letter from
*him saying that all the folks • t
boarding house where he was etepping
were down sick a parentlyavith fever, •
It, is rally fair and proper that credit Meinichaerwas a preminent meneber
should be given when credit is • due, of the BoWling Club, tbe members of
' and this wellknown San deserve the which in this town, toither tvith oth- .
• • t e his be ement Mrs McMich-
eel via,s an aunt of kre W. Snell, of the
, • . .• north gi avel road, Mr Loagh attend -
combeendation of the comMutity for ere. desire to exprecat their aincere le, -
their action in prevendng an absolute gre a a reav . •
fuel famine. .
00 AN ENJOYABLE ENTERTAIN' ed the funeral yesterday afternoeu
MENT.-The ladies of St Paul's 'church
heal their second concert on afonclay. ANNUAL EXHIBITION. --The God -
Y atid that he ha eeided to go to a erieh local. Oirectors of the. Huron
evening last, and there was a koodl
attendance, A collection of $10,70 be- hospital,but had heard nothing further • d
Poultry ard pet Stock Aesomation,
smam months, firet working as \tee decided to hold a show tuider the ane.
first part of the program Wes deVoted
to tousleiti and literary selection; all grocery tem:1E04d then tin board e boat jail:880°f etett rjcaleettc r T6ideeeriewbate 0:
hiplayed towards the holding cf this •1 '
iiiio, M se Mcdoryie and Mr E, C. HYMENEAL.--Oet Wednesday after- annual event. Committees were ap ' a
Dowding 40100, and G. atteern t a Wells noon het there was eoletnnized by Rey Pointed to Work dp a greater interest CLOSING OUT • SALE • °
taking Scotch reading, and Mica May Dr Stewart, at the residence of the in the shcw. The county and town • •
Renee cleverly depleted attli unexpect. • bride's father, Sae Ferguson the Mar- Mond's will be • asked for grants be-
ed visitor," to the horror of the hone°. riage of hie eldest deughter.tLillian, to fides aid will be a incited from private
hole Mies Rance posseesee many elo. Wm Outer, firemen of the stave Citizens of the CountY•
etitiodary tAlente. The second part block, Stapleton. The Ceremony WAS TOO MANY IIIINTERS.-Therele
was taken up by Mr -Brewer in exhibit- Witneseed by a few intimate friends ,11, prOpOSitiOn to make the huoting sea.
frig views kIttly loaned for the only. After confratuletione they ads- 80h WO weeks tete nett year AS OW-
- ing put•on the plate at the door. The from him. Be has been in that cit. held a at ietilin town last Week, an
ennd limo:them Those tAking part
went -The Ladies of the choir in a sigsed has heth roci attendance and great meth usiaem eaftesawattetaW~teekeleuliel1/414.4#4" '11.S1/4/1141.1111~~101'~iietseseall#0
Awni 1 nu:taut anving4Ottohni n go.
ewingin li Wee 1011eit piano ,
For sluppug; undrawr; dry picked; not scalded or
singed; well fattened; highest price, ,Will take some
each, week, not later than Wednesdays
• .
. isiut10(1011130r to Ogle Cooper & aci
ocoaeion by emirs Dowding and lourtied to the d ning room, ,where Nato the Warm Weather much of the
, Phillips, the hatter's being of toted- ight luncheon was partaken of before venison this year, that was killed the
ia,n scenes; while Mr Dowdingee were leaving for the station to take the 415 ark' week, Was unfit for utie. and was
royal navy viewer, Olen hide by bie traltrforLondon.Where they will attend ' left In the Wood& There halo it pro.
uncle, Col. Wiekhene, and were very a few days with a Sister or the bride. position to LWOW one deer to each bun.
intereatint Else Edna 001311 bang en The beide wore a, beautiful twit of blue fee instead of OM This latter proposal
Otter brightAnd tilt,tand Mr Brewer 'picture hat, On, their return they hand* is quite gt source otrevenue to
homeswill pun
illbstrate ;leered so) entitled"Angets « white waist and black will likely be given effect to. The
reeited "The death of Lord oboe take up honeekeeping at Stap eton. the goteetnnient and a large one for the
While the ale** rotating to such were In the nittrrirtge Of lithe) Fergulon the Inhabitants of the country. The hunt.
being shown« At the close "God Save Baptist church loses its faithful organ., ing grounds are incretuling in vomit*.
the king" was sung, during which 1st. The NalY EltA bteipeaktrfor them tion and to preserve them the number
pictures of royalty Were 8110,10: * lit* Of hel)Ploete together. will likely he rut down, •
sale? eyou if gneotttiriviganoOrit shreeho ooLotkhelobaverrgyliionorinitphi oil tear ryeo abet! rigs likelydi siI bt ou itt3tesdnyadlutottrelanitowtahhit
You hue an opport nity how ci buying at Wholesale paces. it Will
von Want, and the odds MUST BE SOLD, stook meat be reduced, •
aioipate your wants. 'Yoh usually butt prints, denims, abietings, cottons and netton.
ache during January ar February, 1)rin't you think it would be Whle kr buy now,
when you et.11 make slew:Mg or 8 to 6o it yard. You inky not *ant Le00 Curtains
until prod spring, but yen OW sue from 25e to al ti pair by baying now.
Beevy Drams Goodo, 00Atingi Snits, Oterdeittst Tamar+, Flannels, Underolothing
Blenketo, Robes, Bodo, OhOett, Rubbers, etoo, you need 1201*. Why InCit 00111. end •
buy them 'here. No doubt yon Oitn cna tise for the money aeved by making the most .
. oi:pi! buying opp )I: ity;3fnt t arshrewdpsoniearem:kintheeyy pu.
3bas"rybuyeoItb‘14rox:vattromwhohionlskeabotoa• .
DO YOU WANT A NUR COAT? We wilt sell you a Com and * aria 01111181 rht
Cep for the urns pride Is you Weidl. kitty for the COM elsewhere, •
Terme Of eels -Cash or PreadCe. 1
W. L. OTILIKEDIM Londesboro.