HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-28, Page 4efirre-T'' ete'ee'e-e- eee- • -reeve
. ,
;nor. 7.7effmrswi.
." -.1.1. re. • • •
Nov.2S 11101
tier Store
Bigger Sto
R�faredum Nolu, voto "No" oa poe,
re.10/10te le meet meows (aaa $her are (The followiegJe supplied by the Licetzwee
mem :-- Vietualleoe Meek -limo% endwe ere te ea wax
Ti the Neer tretfio le responsible for responetbie for th • *totem:mite herein exproso
Pk very lergs proporoon eee ebe aria" sad se. -10). Nil 'a IRA.4
• Misery Which Mita in our country, is on ' The vote whieh will b* tom 0,„ tele LIT
nedeubted :sotlee testified by unigletrittee, lioe AAA On Deo, 4 next s freught with vital
judges, jell iind %oleo.% °Mouth', ette ate, portano rnImuoz ae It iv it mealier.
• vest It eheod ea preethisee byjew lea that strikes at old inetitittiOnil and etttwoke
Moat reiwonible end woo rleoielone and de- estiabliebed, rle It lea measure further.
or moot serioue oonsineretion. • more *het bee beep tried feirly hos
N The sot which We ere lo vote me so loon • failed. Ak preeent there ore a number of
not anthill -many desire, yet le solinow- " plume where lecal option iv p eroe, and
ledoed tobe "the etroegeet enema leglele- bow close it work? Iv it Butner:vial ? Let
„ iou, on Mae (potion. ever Tiered Open ue take the Township of Melanothon for la-
the etionte book of fetspedie " audit gess stem% It bee been in exietence there for
'We could not well be proud of our aims if. we were content with making this
as far es the Jureadietiou et the province four year, and what hag been the reeult ?
will 161113%, It witl abolish the open bar, Rae, it proved effective in deoreosing the
merely a bigger store. The bigness has come natural,
ty - end consequently the treating system. It amount of the consumption of liquor ; lute
30 very explicit and cOmpreheteive Mitiong it fulfilled what bee been claimed it would?
.ut we.are conslantly`Making it a better store, it shall be better -and better every It illegal ',for Any pereon ha the proVince Decidedly it hae dorm no suinta thing. The
- of onterio, by _hiregelf, ;earls, riervent or .Defferin Poe& Short fir= ag0 drew aetep-
• •t 'Agent, to expose fur sale, directly or hidir- teen to the etele .of affalee exieting there •
TEMPE§TARD 25c Books for Sc
SUNSHINE *4 A: line of paper covered Books to be
" cleared out Friday and Saturday;
such authors as Dickens, Scott, Barr,
Barrie, llohnes, Elliott, and others..
day. Oh, yesttomany folks do say they like it best of all the stores now—say eotlY or upon ony pratetwe or upon any
IS homelike, comfortable and cheerful—and most liberal. We are anxious to (olnitale°'ptuarlAtie.erobratrrilftWeVA °I4Prelectu;
or thing, or to give to any other pomp,
makes this a model store. Its methods as well as its goods are such as most " any intoxicating liquor without heving
. fleet obtaeed itoruggiseelitienee, eholeeele
appeal to your sound:. Judgment and good taste. We shalialwttys maintain the or retaih! end ietry person offending against
any provvion of the act is liable for the
highest standard ot quality and have large assortments, newest styles and bright- IlitttZrp:rifion1131 Vilialtethfig)T2Z:i
est stocks. Our ,prices ale uniformly fair—lower, we believe, than the average Conoernini What is being geld Omit
prohibition proving a failure wherever
in other stOres selling goods of equal merli. These prices and values speaksried, ie simply untrue e. We have over-
whelming testimone to thcantrarY•
Maine, which •is go often referred to, has
• .4
for themselves. On sale Friday morning:— 0,
• been enriched by it,
. To bring the eat into optieatien will re
• quire 212,72$ yoke. There are on the net The,00ndition of things in Blelanothon ie.
of quelified eleciore, not lees than 050,000, at once diagraceful andeoandalous andrate-
• of" the prohibition of the liquor traffie. rio,will'enhesitatingly vote for the repeal of
Ladies' Ite`ee and fawn,*11 have oke in baok Doubtless there are awe than 275.009 locul o ion The trouble is that tile major-
un er local option in them worde
"WhiebeY end boor and their way to the
botele se theY found their wee into the
county of Dufferin in the infareoue Scott
Act daye, The whithey cornet in Ate gel -
Ion cane, whioh are labelled coal oil, while
the lagetand beer are wheeled in under
0,,eVer of night, or in brood day under. some
OeoePtiVe device, A. etrietly ter:venue:se
farmer of Melanckhon told The Post 4 few
doe's ago that thinge were eimply scandal-
oue,, and foment reettliog in the YieirtitY cif
the hotele were becoming despetate over
the demoralizetion or their sone. Re told
ne be !mulct pkove that during the preeenk
year the average eupply of lager to one
lifelanothou hotel alone was from fifty to
eletY gellone per Week.
Rain Coats at $3.7
13e Dress Goods at 40e
and it hi certain that a rasjority are in favor payere who heveen opportunity oi knowing
etel0 rods of Zebeline Drees Goode,40 inches wide,iia sham
, ' b:own, navy, gernet, green, eto,, all new. goods tbie
' • Sawn that we soured eta big discount by clearing the
line, regular price 75o, 00 ettle at per.yard
Rlaek Satana atc,I5c
•e250 Verde of. 2te inch wide Black flatena Cloth, 'extrellealiy
. quelity, very tech eatin finiehed wide that is in great
demand far waists, regular Veleta is 20.3, for
$1:2,5 Black IJnderskirts at $1 .
- • •
'Maur choice of two or three different styles of Underskirte, •
.meele of extre heavy galena cloth, ail having wide frill
' nth ttone.regelar price of which 81.,25,ehoice eachl..00
Sec Vreneh Flannels at 45c.
g y P
the traffic, benoa thrwe (.+nvl+.,• be no cliff. eware of the soandeleind will be either apa-
• friln Coats inl skirt, good velues at each a 0. voters who could not be induced to vete for .itv of fanners of the township are not
Children's Bain Ceate of dark grey oloth,.yoke beds, these oulty in riecepoorY 212.723- theft°, ot will think it is voting for temper-
-on the voters hate. ecandeloue ewe andtizzlem force. Abylew
40e coats are heavy entangle for.winter, prune mad „ 5• 0
itiot about Sayer oet of the whole number anceltrinolides to eoutinue the dismal tind
Frientle of Temperance I Priende of which its honored in the breaoh,will etti;•
-r• i?r
nen owels at 85e a pair Humanity I Let as bear in mind: mitte4 at the J1111211,Or &cation.
1 --That our Tote la a *gnat from God, 419111 the ressonae e people of the eluding
100 pure linen Hach Towels all having fringed enact and red
t 311$ ue°4 end erogeerons 'Village of Grand Valley. he
orders that ie vrarranted fttele Prim Per Pai!• • • • ***** 2 -That wei are one brotherie keeper. taught anything,bythe striking objeet lesson
ni y Grand
Elelp to pet the temptation Mit of hui wa9. far 'shed b Mammal n ? in Valley
95e Table Linen at 70e
8 -That in *hie case if we elay +Whom° local option hail already been ttied and hie
yoe shall be comma au against the measure. proved an awful faiture.:"Surely the rate.
50 yards ot inch -wide fnii bleaches Table Linen, rich 4 -That we are nob 'voting an the Ant mere win not be so ineane as to return to
satin finished linen. that war. give excellent weateregulor Melt but On the question of bringing into the worthleas and dieoredited eysternot eye -
price is 95e, for.. • . i......... • • e' a vc force the A.Ot which heti already been passed , tem which le the fruitful mother of Vile
o '
50c Factory Yarn at. 40c . daysehe opportunity will be gone by forever
• 5- There le no time lose -in a few 'whisky demi and low geoggeriee. We Bice
- That if the vote should fall short, etie:Senol!ralbfluOilibPett)nietsio"fcg e Tut tar loporae ifo3t
there are those who will go intte a. drunk-
• ' • •400 skein @ of the best ell wool Factory Tern in black ore '
Weer Choice of about a dozen waist lengths of Frenobinan.
per.yard, on sale at per yard • • *
'fur Caperines at $3 95
nabs in seeorted colors and designs, regular price re eCie
• •
' letoe of the best values in Fin; eeaperines that we have ever
lied is the oae we are no -v selling at 88,95. They are
. made of black Astrachan all having fine glossy •our),
Wen lined and finished, extra special at each • • • • .
• •
.1'11r Coats at $25: . • ,
lehe Far 'costa mane* selling at $25 are made of bleak At.
tracheal of fine quality., eloseeven eurl,and very ginaey
.have extra goodlitungs. most Atone charge $30 for
• a Colt cf like quality., our epecial this wagon at .
, red and white, regular 600 Yarn for • • * **** • e ard'e eternitY, who Wight hetet been reeved, lei the some state of affeirs wouldexiet,only
e eotch Fingering Yarn at 60c •7 -Remember the words of Jesus Chest. 40,1944•is Dimply the old Scott Ani
• • • and sortie loved one may 130. of the pumher. on a mulch larger smile hetAuee tbeelaiquor
75 S
The best Black Scotch Fingering Yarn,in 4 ply ouly,regehir "Every Omit whiefi my Heavenly gather •& whome/de goal°, It ia„bonod to prove ab.
75o value for
30e Ribbons at 20e ,
and expeot a -glorious victory, every erne mend terriperance, every
. This le one of the few eases where alley b not onIer voting agebust the
Gee bath not planted shall b:e rooted up,' And ortive from the very day it pee into effect.
we are sure that the trtifflo bee& e plant. It is undeeirable trom the mood as well,
'el:I've faith in God." Work with a will, as the . finanoial. of point of View; and
re ger 200 Yards of the best Teeffete Sfik Ribbons in seeortea ft • - thinems, Olinton true citizen who has the province's best
oecee . "ebedee, all goe values to go at per yard..** " oNye interests at Inert will le ' doing ' hie
More Wool Hose -at 25c . both Liberal and Conservative , m • t, but y inflaero. to get °there
may o '
1 We have just received.anOther shipment Of 860 palm of
' ---- •" 'Rebid prohibitory iiquor laws are failures,
• vote, on the se.nre side. „ Jade the ewe. History teaches us that
• those heavy wool Rose MOT. 'they are made of a • .0,1er be afraid to throw in yOur elIP' We onr,melyes know they are failures; as se
stores. This ie our specie' ot per plo nev r sce efore, 0 so ietriv. • option -We know that a manali desire- for
$25 line English yarn and ese eel at 400 a peer in elle pertewItict thljtemperdance cause. If yon evidenced by the Scott Ace and local.
. , , . .... „ ....• . •
• • • , - drink din not be removed by a legal en;
. • On Dec. 4 le, the people of Ontario
•: • will vote eiiher. in favor of the Present :rdinatiernetelstainitielvoeonkelluarocyptatiohfell°entiloyr way
Yonemeney back • •
if you want U. - People are geb"-e"---ralle7willitile io Vote' Ptheerer:fnoariee.ff44122htleeepeoWplileulvidh°oBa0retebeeekbeirilefe*
, •
• • • . !teens° system, or to abolish it. of other drunkennese is by education and
for an election. , They should be equal- pass the Liquor Act aroma teed theirefforts
• ly willing to take Otte to vote, in this
i case' e these methods, instead of seeking to pass
towards bettering bun:trinity by means of
hotel ---keni-er-8... is not •arattment,
an . neinet; impraoticeble measure that
eli done. The ACV abOuld be defended on its jurere.. and illicit walling, Ontario Pat
and we are glad that so little of it is being Weald create low &remodel,. vie% per.
moths. , .kga a good Act and. worthy ,a, now is ;on the eve ef great prosperity.
People are pourlog into the province; the
suPPort. ' • i resouroes are beang develciped, end cora.
, • Church Chimes. ' i ,' • ' . ` • ehurchPhintes. k •
• ---
.. .11-,y Dr Medd, of Henson. who has ' '
, The Bishop of Huron • held, a uniek
been lying ill At the home of hie broth. a. clay for the clergy of Middlesex on
. :
Wednesday lest, .0n the same day
OI- here, has improved •eonsitlerably
Alarink the past week, and expects' to ille illsbon cheerved the -anniversary
-- lb� able to ao ladme in a ye* dais, of, his deneeeration. . •
though it will probehly be cseveral SAiyATro1v ARKY, Staff -Captain
" -weeks 1,14ore he is able to reenrue hie..Coombe., of the Salvation Army, will
pitlpit work, --which wag supplied for be in Clinton in the interest ot the jun-
him on Sunday last by R. Holpies. . ior work, on Wednesday, Dec Srd.holde
• ONTARIO STREET Glin7Rorit.--On Sim, ing a meeting in the bat racks at 7 pone
-dayeeveoing next Rev Dr ,Gifford will to which.the children are invirect : . 4
•vlealewit h the ten reasons hy7the meeting for seniors will be held ate° petal.
fiquor dealers declaring Why people . T. B. k, of Huron Len.
-should rote against the liquor acte • ''ilon.,.officiated ataliddletone. Relines,
Oi Sunday 'Dec. 7.' anniversary see. 'villa arid Sutionernill thinclar week.
+ :vices will be held. to be .condiattede be.: Hey : Wth .10 -eve, oe -Whighinee,
BA"?' W. McDoriegh, of Stratford,- 'olficlate next Sunday at the same
e • Al the moat vigorous me well ite, one of places. 'Rev Wright will take Mr
, the :most able peen of the Conference, 1.fitee's work that Sunday.
• hoteelthetanding his advanced . ago ; • energetic pastor of
• lhere itii1.1 be no tea meetinglon the lot- 181:thhurch is kept ob the go Amongst
towing evening, the trustees. thinkina "hiellecie; besidee holding ,weeklreeraye
it. hotter -to raise the amount • desire, er Meeting& three nights Aweekee•Tueee
.. bee 9011114arY offering. day at .the base line. Wednesday,. in
' Wgerare CUtruOtEr: !.--The League - toren and ThntealaYe he conducts dot-
lioaday evening was treated to an ad- tage, meetings aincinget the people Of
dress on "Temperance by Rev H. 14. Stapleton-. We understand that Mies
;Manning. The evening given by ;the ROOM' liae been appointed organiet to
,Lague last Priiley night an order .Io' 'succeed ;Wise L. P'erguson resigned. ,
xaisethe last payment on the window 'Itiv MX Stout, of Kirkton. and Rev
riven by thene.,to the church; vette sew" Mr Atenstrong,•of Millbank, were ap-
' nee4nli cocr d V A pointed deleigates UV. the Bishop Of
.aocieible time Wits spent. ko0o Ind' Huron to via the Atviroed the
:10rAin. rentierecie uhutce-banch see fillet, couldbedone "tithe ."-way a
-nerved at the end, atid,, the League 'is
re-operaing ehe Cherele. there. The ra-
tite !letter off by 82 aftei' Parng oaten& gentlemen, informed the At-
• fin& fin• their window. Address"es 611 - wood Bee that after a, careful exaMins.
1', • run ceo _epee Work Were wen b
_ tion, they decided to leave the. 'matter
arming aPS'AeeTeeteceopere-tioloe
Were rendered hv Mies Washitigtort, • w Present.,--e.-
And.Mr. Tanner; duet e by Mies Reid Oirtaliou Robt •-.Stew-
and Greene, and the Magee Manning.; . art. of Mothersville, who is a brother
TenitatiOne h3r Agnea XrWin, Haut, - of the pastor': officiated at both services
Manning aucl Millie Stevenson; and the last SundaY, • It was first appear -
item of the program was the whistling 'Anon in the pulpit of -this church. Bane
Aeloe by Dena Parlee, a meeting Years age be gave' an address to gath•
AA the Teachers and Oftioere of the ening held in the basenient,and outside
Sableath•School, on Meader , evening, of these two occasiting the people of
retelgreatiOn. of Mr W. ',Afattnirig. ,Diiiiton have never had the privilege
se Superintendent was received and of listening to him. ' postateses
Affected. Meseta AP T. CiooPer, A. - Mater of the cnaracteristic-4 of ' the
Rtirke.; no,lifennittg Were nom- pastor of the 'church, and clings
• . loafed as his successor., and .0n the . tenaciouely to elle good -old gospel set-
, /earth Pallet Mr Cooper was declared . ,that are founded on the truths
elected; ehaelle will make a worthy. so plainly told in Holy lite.. .The sub-
- efficient. superintendent gees -. get discumed at last Monday evening's
'witout flaying. ..the folletihig ratio- Meeting of the- P, 8, O. E. was
" liethen Wes moved by A. T. ,Cooper, sec- "The Lordae Supper." The paper was
; Otided by W. It tough, and ordered read br • and mentioned
. to be suitably engrossed and given to many good points,
: the retiring • Superiotendent, N. Sr FeeeLle .0u:11MA -Next Sabbath
annrng; • 'being AdVerit.Satiday 'special services.
.«,woithe oleos and teachers of the will be conducted by the pastor, and
' Sunda,' schebt in oonnection wIth Wealey collections will -he taken up in add of
*book desire to extend et, you an egoreee. Huron College, London. It is also ex.
,... eon of one high appreoletien of the Valuable fleeted. that a pastoral from the Bishop
•teteleareithich you hieeir rendered to nit es la reference to such,wilt be read in the
gohad, situ% your connection with it, mOrtlinge A new litany service has
mikeietiv white you held the position' oe been Wetted her Hie tOrdelelp to be used
titiperinterident. We hey° taIWOote Mudd; on olloolal and weeit 4e1 servicesbe
; tered It Apleastite to follow you teed, and auto &eked that the Week be devoted
. „out peuckteitiv and executive with, • to special prayer and, intercession
t. aloe been highly appreciated by nt,. you'r meetings. Notice was also given that
noetnhorerie and weer:neat but eiptege our .4*neve Drocesan Paper it being started
your .departure, The entire and ask the co-operation; of the parielt
1- 34-64*w/wee 3.0u, and yet we know tiles in Uri support. It will contain Bpleeopal
otirlotie will be gain to them among whom acta anottppetatitente; eltenntilre 001no
• yet* tot; will be =SC Itto3r the riches of goatee ropprti and buoine00 Delver.
tam* tad the fruit of the he giVen to itO4 Huron 001100 news;AriealOR.
Ott' a n ant yy an May you have etteoem ary intellirtenee, items of interest sent
thehigliest sense. We 6110 extend our from different parishes and epiritual
use ',Mei to Ifni Meriting &ha' fondip, Magee for growth and development
,giod that they my be king eperee to Of the inner lite, Lest Sunday eyen•
• you, ane yea to them . And we stein the* ing Mise McNaughton delighted the
•- yeitt new sphere °Moor, goo win put t COngregatitert with a well rendered eti 0
teeth *bailee alert* in Wry Pod work and ea, obligate, with chorus acs
, aot 010 Master," 00Mpainmenel
" „ 1 L: fr
Rev E. W. • Edivardi, TivertOO,
rs up by an attach of
typhoidfevet• • ,
, We learn thab .the Rev Ret Robbs, o
the, Methodist church, Winghatn, has
received a call from the Methcielist Con-
gregation at Strathroy, and that. he
will remove there after the June coo-
t ranee of the corning year. During
the four' years of his etay in thakteern
a large, • corarnodie ue church ' hes
been builtewhich is one of the finest in
western Ontario, and large numbers
have been added to the Itienabership.
The contrierly beard of the Colborne
Street lehurch, London, have 'eat, real
ed an invitation to Rev A. K. Birk o
remain for a fourth fiver as pastor of
the church, and thatgentleman has ac-
cepted, subject to the decielon Of the
Stationing Committee. [Mt, Birks is
eiidently very popular with his people,
a fact (hat has been manifest en other
appointments oleo. Hein the. Ben -in-
lay, of Ildr lit. Mord, of Rolniesville.;
, and there is a struig probability that
' the popularity of this rising yonteg
preacher is helped not a little by the
awed qualitiee of his wifeel--Boxrent.
NEW ERA. • j
Goderich Star; in Ittelaet
e Eve ItA.S benefit, publishes a lot
tout„Iftekpr.Qcoedings in theSsenth Ox-
ford election trial, that Were discredit-
able to all concerned ; but the Star has
no word of censure for the pronoluent
. .
0oneciryative who got $875 and the
(Meth d' tr %I*
promee of Sala naore for supplying
- ~evidence of the
. his own political friends. The Star's
political virtue is a pretence, and noth-
ang more --and never was,
' it is said that it Mime of $26,000 will
be raised for Premier Rose by his pant -
kid frier:mite ' .
Seven seats are versa in the Doniln-
ion Rouge, six of then?1 were formerly
held' by Liberals, . -
' Sir Wilfrid Laurier was twenty -ono
and a half Owe in Parliament - before
he became Premier. Wonder 'if Mr
Whitney will be Compelled to serve the
utile apprenticeship ?,--London News.
It was expected- that the Dominion
proteet against A. VatripbtOtheltWat.
in West York, and -that against M.
&Very, Addington.Coaservatlyeewould
be saWn't•fkbut it appears such Will
net be the ca . ' . •
Cot Prior, to' merly a neekihet of the
Dominion Mute, hoe become Premier
of Britieh Columbia through the retire.
ment of Premier Dimsmuir. Efe is a
Oonservative, and a mart of conaidee.
able ability and force of character..
The Mail ttelCuses the Liberal(' of bit!!
Ing to "blackmail** MrlStitherlandh of
over th the Liberal de br'pronalees
"it good thing financially' There le no oni4Dannr,444940,:hri4r.orkiiinior0:oiay.frpoir„
evidence-that any cruch offer Woe Made. saw lissay o dteawsisvish ? Lee
Ebuth Oxford, by t ing to 4wiri
' • ineroiel %nativity reagne everywhere, Wined
As the people are supreme, it is for nof all this progress' be senously arrested
them to %ter what the verdict- -will be: by the vantage:of an:soteabot woold :upset
We are Otrongly of the ()Pinion that it. thetnanees.of the pp:Wit:ion and displace
would be wiedom to vote. in favor , of raillioias of 'ciapital invested io the liqoor
the Act. haven if it would not accord, • intermit? leopartitil men, free from -'bigotry
Clieh all that is wanted from it. it -will feed enteerancee maintain it would. It
accomplish a great deal. . . - . . behooves every yoter, therefore, to see to it
The ballots forThTi-yrite .0
been printed and distributed to the return. n Dec. 4, hole. othraapthhoetigoeitsnoclut4opnmDioetesk. a4bilendrliegoiostertoe taboo
Mg abets. -The ballots for eenh oonetitei cpiesteme that he will reed On the ballot
alloy beer the name of that.oenstitnerich fPoilleeer:tt-h;;IApriqeulottlAiont,f•61191)1.2°?f"brin64 1•nt°
and are numbered in rotation, so' that no .. •
two bellote ie the province will be exactly. b. found commueleatien. on this. eubleot will
pod on our supplement( .. • '
------ - .• - a 'enesitlink of Revenue"
. The Ontario Liquor Ach, if adopted, will -• e • --- e e _ ..e. ' • : ' •
make bar roorie illegal.. .Ie bow rooms wine : • . TEE VOTER'S eCemeOetrev.. .
made illegal, tear existence can 'only be • ' • • • ...... - ; •
Made the • remit of leek of publie °Online • ' - + BY Iv 11.01J8TOIT, S., A. „ .
681ind them, or Wilful 'conniv'anem of offi- ri he' 'illteat's'aPari.
(dale atiew-breaking., Right enblio opin- Both- aides are presenting • thg. "truths!! • We
ue, the otitis in• vote ;• -
. should note; • • • _ , . •
ion" Will , soon .-reinedyihe evil - of faithless 4erierieezincliFixrzor=red,•litaantair4%wtreriejr. ...
Officers. tinder the. Liqeor Atilt public
Opinion- will babbitt the bin, " ' . , • • Tair velloreeeuoPfleththeepoe°prel
eestahtegebt jteg, Ls i;irseffierrdired..
_ , . . - - • The question to../inswer 1f4, 'Wind shell" do? •
The treating hibit Neville in proportion f3hall I vote for men"iisoula or for revenue?"
to the opportunities 'for fie development, .
and the attractiveness that sarrounds ehoae r.iirohmaltfretisliat doofliathres Is shtturkeetyoirtohlteinboor, 514
' ti - ' r - the. - -- --the. IR; • . • ' ' • '
tunhv and the - invitation' for treating.
°"Pli(ihtifii "1 The par °°°t* °PP" 'Imueteeir miiiiiiieertfetefiettwheir- . e. .
Treabing it 'the opportunity, the inoitimient, 13Tuhtesito:encitc:::11htimreofnuseyedthtaovii61w1 inagetnea.
and the canoe of drinking. Drinking ia Would be spent by the- drinker in some other
to -day
the parenrot druckennese and debauchery.. .
The eupprewrion of the.bar room will be art ere- • , .. ' •
That *alrld k the loss So you see it is
wort um 0 up ,
itamense,step in the advance towarde the . it le largely a question of revenue. . .
suppreemori of theevile °Liz/temperance. .
Weilmorne things aroutiOne may h lp meto see
The einipaign is • going on with an 'ear- Which side of the questiolyst the rieght side for
„.„ inc. .
-nettneasr-a-L-dignity------and-.103,__intelligentie Yes, revenim; true; that / canna deny; ' •
Worthy the cense, throughout the -province. 13a -bath '4'169 (tre°4114"° '-
The newspapers . are 'aleonseing'. the ,ques-- I see necklaces brillia'nt -of .dismonds and pearls
lion, the pastors are preaching mapreesive ' T t• girls, . —
. That datillers can place on the necks of their
sermons upon ii, end while . meetings of ' but barefooted children indium not a few ..
shalom are being held ineevety constitce. tee in kennels on straw for the revenue: • ..
iii631.- 'Bleotoric-arelniluenueil moirbrierit- heliquorinaatirwifemayufeoutdresses-llee ,•.
or cant, but by thoughtful cotentination of Her rovenite's large for it comes from the wine;
the relationehip .of. the liquor *raffle eo the en tier tentage she roils elong the broad Streetl
financial, moral, and ecenel' welfare of the "r!ei.te:ts,11111111e she should soil her silk -covered'
conarriunity and the probability of effective But the poor drunkard stands- in the magis- •
law, and just . much a campaign is being spore;
Of taittetVitileste endnruel, the% butt and the
.., , ,
enforcement of the peoposecl prohibitory
carried On. 1'' . ' ' . And
Otl you- -
the man 9_1. the ben= Says, "lily flentetio0
. The following is a' copy of the ballot Sixty days spend in lail-for tha revenue," . ,
to be used, in the;eleption on the 4th of • , . , . . .
The debauched. are about ne with sirr-laden
beet:dither.: . • • - breath; ,
/ - . Crazed fathers thole e,hildrem crush dew* to
• • ••• ' ITS -No • the death; • •
Are you he Favor • r istinnOt deny it,Isee it too well, .
of bringing into Fair earth is imitated andtiirned te'a hell...
The bar-rooture a burden too heavy to boar ; •
It's victinis are oryieg for help everywhere;
The lima our men and our wonien, not SW,
forte of X Are taken to Make thie blood. revenite,
X See WoMetideaded; then the slid cry
The Lin Act, 1902 . Of children who're fandsheck waren/1y to die;
• Crime, sin and debauebete nourish aft round
re relief trete. thia hued.% nowhere to be found?
If you fever teMperanee you Vete as Theret'rsoarawaatathii; t leada far frointhe right and
here shown -making a cross below the !gee boye stetting out on that perilous road;
Word . " • God, stop them • 'Wouldn't (would yon?)
Sell my boy for abillion of revenue,
Ten -meeting Wive been leetlea (dating sniVieitme arige or the days that shell eon*
Why peopleare SO vote "No" on the refer., -wpm our country ie freed from the evingeo,
endure, aria there is not one.in the entire. breg 'LTA in in gal r
Het that le vvorthy Of lemeet 'madder -Aden. Willee.t'esee,r 13.°°P 4 ngs
That are all -a 611121016 Of the fleet, which And the wail Of the Stricken hes teen heard for
titiitee that "beeriest -it infringe on my ei' tlieeWatiteee eeeeee, e.e.e eeLe e •
Viand libetiY. Which' I Value.," If esaHow
aoe glad,
And the 411006 of heioren eanile dowo from the
_ bine. +a.
• saying, "'roe 'twits eueetion revenize" -
and had It been 'made -would ie . those who wieh Jetties do eo; those who
properly described as fabiatkinall P *fah to inmate, plunder and pilfer/ do SO;
At the annual baninet of the Laval nose- who have an inellution to wet their
1.11.1yereit Polytechnic on %turd^ hinds in human Wed WI °boleti ?Whitt
Salo •Realster•
On Monday, Dee, gth, at lot 82, VAL Oci
e esere Tarte an is an 1084016 reason. Man as always been Bullett, silo of farm etook,implemento,e.n
Prefontaine met publicly for the fireb governed by oertain JAW. DO away with fetid, Terme t-410 end endermaela • over
tittie shade the retent ehang i lew, g ytr ----- liberty, and Whitt that "mount il months credit; 4 per oent
Pithinet, The Miniater w n the ima, will it mean A netion of stiorohiste, and discount for caoh.
mediete elpthe and the ex. Water on &Mem of Viet unrestrained, Every lex Mrs D. hokeori. trope Thos, Brown, anat.
the immediate lefb of the Chairman, interferee with personal liberty in mins
There was no hostility tO each other feral, bat it doter eoln tholooroot of moiety D Straticied,egent fOr
dieplayed. Mr I WW1.. , t Retard tliz, died oudaimiy.
• e •
Regularly sold for ICI to 25e eaeh
• Your choice tor• 5e,
or 6 for 25o
oy -
•Ilas been re -arranged, ancla most
complete assortment of TOYS IS
ready' for your inspection
of all descriptions
perfect Wonderland. Be sure
and visit it early to get your
Christmas stock
The evcr-popular game. The
'1/00Xd we are selling at .$1 is tlI9
best value we ever had; w;ra-
plete with discs and,rules
Who kaid he couldn't'see
a good thing ,•
when it wasanywhere with-
in his reach'? Santa Claus
realizes the necessity of pro-
perly fitted glasses for
eyesight,and knows that
nowhere in Clinton can the
sight be better tested and
fitted with handsome glasses
as right here: • We have a
,superb stook of Gold and
Gold-filled frames suitable
for Xmas preset*:
. ............................................................................................................
, • .?"1 -
Fancy Chinaware as Yana,.
If you are in "doubt as **what
to get for your wife, mother or
best girl, let us show you our
assortment of Fancy China-
ware. .
Few people realize the amount of goods
we %%ye FliOred. up in this department for
. 'Xmas and Holiday preeeiats, and we 'again
invite you to eook through. Others have
told tut there it nothing west of the cities
to eqaal our display. You come and ewe
for yourself- '
We Meelye and -mew sebtoriptione for all Pkagazines and Papers, and
duplicate any clubbing offer,
Have you ordered your Ohristmse Globe? - If not do so at once, as the
supply is limited. Reedy taboo Dec, let. Prioe 60e •
Agents for O. P. Telegraph and Domi nimatxpress
Money Orden, elect for Butteriok Petterree
(nib +k • . •
Comittg. au*d pOing
lehtitotta Cook epent sSundity in Goa,
Miss Mill was a Goderich yisitor , over
Sunday; ' " • .
Di Agnew,' of Winghane, spent' Sunday
-witheektbtother in town.'
•W: .Newtionebe.wentle Tiiteiiitottioder
rooming on busineue. .• •
-Mies Strachan wag it guest et her home
Goeerich overieunartye ••• •
• spent Sunday at his London,
W. N Winning, of London, epent Sun-
day with hie wife end 'family, in town,
Archy Weit, of London,' Vent a few
days this week it hie home hi Hullett, •
Yin W. Porten ina 11fro PI. T, Renee
•returned -from their extended visit in Tor-
onto ott Monday, .. •
Prod 0. Mord drove through to Wine
ham Monday morning to oondriot, 4nitiente
ineetingil at that plata°. •
Israel Taylier, Brampton, wae in tayen'
over- Sunday, vieiting his brober, .and
lare Levy, of .Mitobelli end two' &Oren
Miss Graham, of Pilot Mound, Who is
awiliwoahyti.viebe,en at. 11,:+r sieterte,, . flirt
vent Sundity- with her aunt, Meg Me..
U. OlicitVen, returned home Monday,
attending' the Model Stheol at ieloderloh
W. Mennell left Monday morning to tido
Charge of hie now poet of duty in the Wale
piano and orgen oompany recently started
In London,
tiro' tc.•zottiliaon, chiatir who
lute been spending some One w her
nareute et BelgraVei 'Stepped Off hero Teets,
day to viiiit her noggin, MraW1 Coate bee
fore returning to her bows.
.eozning and Q0111g.
Geo. MoTaggart went to Toronto on Wed;"
. nesday, " •
Mee S. R. Smith was in Gnderich ert.
Thuredoye ' •
, Mies Merriam, Obieelberet, le ViSiting. ab
Andrew Taylor's this week, ' -
hi-SuffoTo Tuesday -
to dispoe of a oar of sheep.-- I sn's!
It S. ii;dgimu went to Toronto,..:. -Or a
,businees trip on Vecelnettyll
the Misses Oombe Witeedfty,
Dr. Gunn and tWo daughters lett for Tor
. onto Wednesday, where they will spend a
few dem
. • •
3. Les,'Torouto,ttaveller for that/shade
Paint Co., Mopped off bereft* couple of ,
dive to visit his friend,Dr, Gmham. I
1 Campbell, of the Elevator staff, who'
wont to Obtain= to ittend the funeral ot
hie sister-in-law, returned Thursday.
John Beaman, who has been pite 111 for
some Urn°, left on reesdriy terneon for
Merton, to attend the title of hiefarne stuff -
this week,
Refuge, Woodstook, paid biotic( friend, D.
04 3.,f Clarke, manager of the House of • •
vieit On Tuescliti, Ile eaya the
Alfred Batt; of Wiitdisors: accintipattled
•by his mother, win:, hris been waiting. on
hint einde his amident at the ahem(' plsoe,
has, 40.fer Met:meted as to be itble to get
home, striving here on WednaldaY.
A. Stonehete, Chicago, has been in town
Stride Icet Friday winding up his fittheee
estate, before removing him to his eieter'e,
litre Johnstone, Bente% Mille Johnstone,
iloneall,hee Alio been vialting it Ur Stone.
hou'edttring the past week.
„ • • . , „' e• • • •
job is knooking the life out it bah of them
and we mist gay they look it. .
She WAS tioketed through by "Fa« nodipme., 1
lilies Annie Fieinming ieft Thursday• .
morning for Chicago, to join her friend,. „
frjoertvtoldWitiitytegointy, !Ave:ate:es ,towohpeennatthheivelInetear. • . ' „A,
. .
' communicottott. , .
-- - .
To the Miter of the New tiro: ,
X observe by the last itiette of theNeW Phi . II
that my nem° Is mentioned along with, - ,...
others he being* °emendate of County Coin.
miesionetee whatever that rnav be, but I
ABStIre,y011, Mr BOHM+, ihski I have no ettoh
notion, end *either AM X a candidate for '
,County Counoillor, as thatda moat may. .
'the offioe your reporter meant, but X feel
oufflo eat intermit in the, inittkr to hope.
sent tdelelen No, 2, in the nett County
oil::: tovocitgncaca men Will be olioNeri to repre.-
why not the fitted one of them.
a sato roan, Yours &co 3", Daterfett.
tConnty Corunnationer fa the garnet, '
beriu-not Counoillor.-En. NM, RBA j
r. 'PE .73. '4" r