HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-28, Page 3•
' Judge Iketero the Mort of Gene*
reeeions in New York, deserves ere:amen
dation for having put the etamp of lege
condemnation upon the miserable delu
a on it4 woman can reform a mon b
*imply anarrying him- The ,ocortelo
*rose vrhere a suspension of senteuce wa
;eked for a youn:g man arraigned be
pf latterly, the plea being. ha3e4 o
the • ground that the pneoner we
'engaged to an "eetintable young
%ady" who would marry him at once if
le were set free. Judge Foeter refueed
-to suspend sentence, and sent the man
-to" the penitentiary for six months, lie
iuul inveistigated the fellow's rector", he -
904, and found it bad. He added the,t
he hoped that during this period the
:young woman would investigate the pri-
eonerts history herself and take ha,ek her
Tronnee to marry hien. It is too mueb
-"to hope that the wretched old fallacy will
outfer very inuelt from this legal pro-
nouncement, but if it sa-ves even one we -
loan from yoking herself for life to a
brute o criminal it will be a cause
.....s.n.4en.gratitude. A
1.-7-7 "7. .71reetsrelerw" -
Thouaands of Women e doctorl yiro, SW, Mr* are A Trying Time.
More deaths from microbee tlrat arit
nu -r.
November 284, UM
- Vt !tertian Brooklyn knunneerten con..
taint during the school tonna many I
. A.re Iiept in Sufferingandllany , ti,
490.4iromoilukdroourrelmodboriabkinuigg rivele:tnerlititliovd: Giriowareemmit:hr000lnif into _
Is The Period WI1011 Young queitiepe are eften very amusing. On
it Morning not loog ago the head teacher
bright little folke, and their *powers to ,
.1 I)ie Owing to False thine over.
ere him for seri thee co the the
The protessor---What it war cry that
Treatment0 would furnith for the Anarchism 1 013011
the nobe Marked by r#41e Paces, Heart Palpitation0
ni Paine's Celery Compoun
Never Palls To ilaniah Olsen
and IteeRstablish ¬ing
Filial Piety.
- A train full of pioneers was starting
:for a new settlement in the Woolly
'West, and an interested stranger was
looking on,
"Yes, sir," said the head of the party
to him, "we are taking with us every-
thing that is required for the founding
-inf a new city, and I guess we haven't got
:a, thing that won't come in useful."
What about that old man over
'there?" asked the stranger, pointing to
4 hoary patriarch with a white beard.
t"That, sir, is my father, was the re.
, "Oh, I beg your pardon," said the
letraoger, apologetically,
"Yes, sir; and let me tell you that we
4teelitopoinfig to hinugunite the new
•Zugginsville Cemetery with the old mar
A Little Tyrant,
-The Trouble Not Due to Original
• Sin. .
There is no tyrant like a teething bady.
Rig temiet isn't due to jeriginel sin, how-
-ever : the tyrant ,suffere more than the
reit of the family. He don't know what
fe the matter. They do. The trouble is
they do not always know what to do for
is lordship. An Ontario mother writes
- to tell What is best to do. "When my
• baby „woe teething," she says, ohs was
• . grow-
ing thin.. 1 got et.box of Baby's Own Tab-
. :appetite endate but little), and was grow -
•40 -.1:trityiddiestletif that 1 hardly knew
-what-to dg with him. had a poor
We and they made a great change. Ile
now rests well; has a splendid appetite,
• and gum; me no trouble at all." This is
the experience not only of Mie D. K.
• Sohroeder,sof Hanover, Onb., hut also of
-thousands of mothers all over the Donna -
ion. A baby teething is cross because his
blood ituheatedond lite little "bowels cow,
itipated or unhealthily reined, and his
• system heated by the effort of getting the
- teeth through tte game. Baby's Own
Tablets act lika magi° not only in this, but
in all ailmentikAr`little ones. Sold by
druggiste or sent poet paid at 25 cents a
• box bywriting direct to the Dr Williams
-Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.. or Schen-
ectady, N, Y. . .
One to T :opines.
• Stout Gent--ahat's the worst of you.
Tompkins, you will put on such's lot of
-side! • '
• Tompkins -Well, "Pd rather put on
-side, old chap, than such a dooce of a let
ept frontl-"Puncle
•r- .
Toronto passengers for Port Huron
' rand Detroit find the 11.20 p.m. express a
very convenient train for these points.
• It marine a Pullman sleeping, ear to De-
troit via Port Huron, and also has
through wide vestibuled wadi, Toronto
• to Chicago arriving Detroit 7.26 a.m.,
Chicage, 12:50 pin, Reservations and in-
formation at city office, north-weet oor-
Der King and Yonge-streets. '
•.Hejetted atnitaInt7 .01 -Bad
. Hundreds of packages of butter are re-
f, leoted mien week by expert. butter Waverer
in Canada, simply because the color is bad.
The shade demanded by hOme. consumers
and for export le the Juno golden tint which
on only be produced by 'Wells, Richard -
eon de ale Improved Batter Color. Other
oolore sold by some dealers are poor finite-
' Monet and Punt coetinue to give trouble
and eatlee "tree of money to "all Who Me
thern. The gotternment ormintiries and
sohoole and the moat expeeienoed °ream-
• erymen anddairymen in Canada use Wells,
Itiehardson & Co'S Improved Batter Odor
at ell mime for the predn:tionof prize
. 'butter. No mud, no impuritio ; *leery
deep pure and dear. All drUggiate and
Lime tuts teen used at some of the
United States experiment stations on
hind intended for clover, with most e,o.
tellent rosette,. The mope a clover on
• mime plots bare been increased over one.
third in errant/irk:1n with land thist ee-
eeivcd no lime, As lime is the cheapest
substante that on be applied to land,
. and gives good results on all denies of
•• thibs, its use should be more general,
Many fanners salt their eoWs on the
ground. That la not the beet way.
„ oXat or, if firr tows tome up under
the shed at night, Ittrip of board nail-
ed along the edge of a long till to make
wide teough will hold the trait far bet-
ter, and tbe cows can get It they need
'it. The eia way is wasteful, and waste
Menne harder work to get 'along on the
term, as if does theryWberin
gories prefer trarrote• ell other
Thetis, and **Moine* carrots can be Seem
Mired from an etre Of land to supply *
large number of horses during the m
to. If farmers will feed, carrot. to
home arid *owe lem grain and hity 12be required, and the Wilinals Will not V
Only prefer the variety of food, but will
be kept in excellent ethditien Is t
4t/tptilig than to depend solely upon dry
d "If you leav4
e ail your property' to Leee of e`"etite 44411Geeere1 149eitude "It's what makes the tooth hurt
wits giving a talk on phyeiology, and
"Who can tell me what a nerve ier
knew," field one little tot.
"Well, wile* hi it?"
HoW e Gn0hen Yee have the teetheehe
40 your eecond wife, your children -will gerto Overoome Thi3itiee w
Thousands of women are kept in sieloune
for months and roam ming to false treat-
ment and the nee Of worthless medicines,
and we are inclined to believe that Milton
thought of this clam of dying women whe
he mid :-"The +Angell() guards amended,
mute and mid."
The gasman sans, treatment of todayfor
week, randown and suffering women, is
Paine's Celery Compound. Thu+ marvelous
imalioineis spoken ot in every part of the oivi,
lized world,and men and women of al Lft555
- find a new life from it nee, n glorious ex.
ample of the ourino powering the great coin -
pound oomee from Winnipeg ; lIdre H. Her -
boar writea ars followe -
“A month ago I was very sick and
petted to me one or your publications!, in
which I read of others teeing cured. I con=
eluded to try Palne's Celery Compound
Inyeelf, and I now thank God for the won.
dere it accomplished for me. I was suffer-
ing from heart abeam, kidney trouble and
general weakness. and some days wee not
able to stand without experiencing gram
pain. 'Slime I used the compound I 6
able to get shout the bowie and work, 6 a
can now eat anything put before mos. 0
Settlers for Northern °made.
.1.; Pc EPA Hock Idendall.,-Is at the
head of a syndicate which Proposes to
fixate 12,513 families upon 2,000030
acres of land in northern ()aerie. Tbe
company will pay the Government 53
cents an arreote in the cape of ordinary
settlemei3t regulations now in forth,the
patent to issue direct to the settler,the
company having the right to sell their
tight to the tend at et price to be agreed
ePee with the Purchaser,but not to ex-
' meet $3 per acre in linvtase. "We Will
get our settlere from the United States
particularly,' Mr Egan said, "from the
farming communities Of the New Eng.!
land, the middle, Western and north -
Western States, and east of the Missiis-
ippi River, and some from beyond. We
will Wog fn settlers who are prepared
to carve out homes for themselyee, &Ed
we do net expect to bring in any who
are not prepared to meetthe conditione
as they exist. While it has been the in-
tentiOn of the, company tobeing the
great niass of settler's from the United
States,Yes it should be understood that
we would likewise welcome Canadian
settlers on the seine terms,"beconclud-
ed. "Yon have niiiny worthy peoplein
the settled:portions of the Dominion,
who are not financially able to go into
this new Ontario country and sustain-
themselyee. All such we will welcome
on equal teems with colonists from the
States, In this connection I may men-
tion that we alsa engage to, give a pre-
ference the Canadian roanufaatitters
and laborers in buying bur. suppliesnod:
conducting our worts." .
- A Guaranteed Cnre
For All Forms ot Kidney Dis-
'We, the undersigned droggiets, are billy
prepared so Rive the following guarantee
with every SO cent bottle of Di Pentingill's
Kidney Wort Tablets, the only remedy in
the world that positively cures all troubles
arising (rota week or dlieteed kidneys:-
. "Money cheerfully returned if the puffer -
sr is not relieved and improved abet use of
one bottle. Three or six bottles effect as-
tonishing end permanent mires. • If not re-
lieved and owed, yon waste no motion"
R. P.Reekie, Druggist, Clinton, Ont.
Coal has been dithoveredin Wooten-
Coal is. $13.60 a twist Winnipeg.
The chief of the United States secret
service says •there is no truth in a
Hobokeit. wontan's story of an Anarch-
Barriefield, Ont., has an epidemic of
Mrs Wm. (anthem, Sheppardtott, Ont,
writee : "I have given Dr. Low's Worm
Syrup to my bey time and again and 'find
it a good worm medioinehie nice to take
• and never makee the child sick like pow.
dere." Price 26o,
Fifteen hundred houses were dos-
-troyed and two huriateel_personokilled--
as the result of a three dayii' fire at
Reeht, Pereia.
N. 13., eays "I hint need Lexa-Liver
Pills fornerioue livei c;omplaint and they
bey° done we a viorld of good, making Me
siztart and. healthy." .
Luring October 6,511 lettere arriyeclin
Winnipeg of which 4;081 were from
Unfted States citizens.
Milburn'a Sterling Headache Powdere
contitin neither morphine or opium. . They
promptly etwe Sick Heidrich°, Neuralgia,
Headache of Grip, Headache of delieste
ladies and Headache from any these what.
over. Price 10o and 25ei '
Judge Meddetnin, the district court, at
'Camas City, decided that a an had
the right to bury his wife alive. The
city asked for and was tefueed an in,
junction to prohibit a "OrofeStnir" giv
ing an exhibition Of hypnotism by
burying his Wife for Six days.
That horrid stuff ; no wonder pogo nay
that about Cod Liver Oil, for n is; brit it is
real food when ptoneely prepared Be it is in
"The D & L" Etnulaion and nothing will
saa solid ileshrae fast aa11will.
P. ()exiled. a; C P. R. es:inductor, was
&emitted ThureciaY night'on a charge of
cOnepiraey to defraud the Company, •
vent direct to tite.Attatted
pans by the Improved Blower.
Beale the doers, clears the sir
Pelostes.stope eremite's In tee
throat and permanently wee
Catarrh and kW Fero. Blower
tote. MI &alert, or Dr. A. W. Cho.
Medicine Co., Toronto and
Montreal Liberals., propose to ban.
quet Ron Rymond Prefontaine
hortly. --
box of iiiiburn's liheumatio Pilis will
eat free to any one who engem from Rhin.
Miami Solstice, tuntbegO or Neuralgia If
hey, have never tried these pills. before.
end 2oefitrep for poitege Male T, Milburn.
Co., Torobto, Ont.
TM) •Britieh oaken' tvere killed hi
he fight rigathet the Witzititribeemen,
Vid of Whom were captured,- •
This eated t••.•.,• acra ndanumber of
tainly. . try to break your wilin After babyhood, the meat oerdone time Other answere followed when a Little
Of eelerse. That's wirat I want them 100 Yong eirl'a life 10 when she is i wit Wit v'41° le lulnallY depended upon to
to do. I want them to have their full iTteeur,b4regoiwntrrehirlda01201,4 irnieoneeek13raised her pointed Onger and said;
owe a reply to almost every question,
share of my money," • Palpitation, feeble elgetite, and blot:1416es "I know the answer, teacher; I can
wifer eaelly develop into consumption, and t,. 4‘ Oa may answer, Emily," eald the
"Then wily bequeath it all to your cheek+ andi lips. le cot:onion may trillion,"
"Well. you eee, it will *be easter for
rny, children to hrenit iny will two, it 14 POO health and strength, mothera should (when anyone is too fresh My inain4
„,,,,,, linnet upon their !eking a blood Making ram says, "Oh, what a nerve It,"
for me to, break hera."-New . .0 - 1r611
Weekly.. tom , Otlen as pr mut K1" "414. TIM 'moo ended after a derperate ef-
What dire results may sprieg front pur, PlInnrc;Weelltlelevonetre iYheeiseMekediloiltYle'e°13'hto'Po °so::ybeeDr:.:Ini,hioitioseiureat'
fort to•restore order. -Brooklyn Eagle.
pose pure I
Miss . Mainchantz-I suppose you've
heard of my engagement to Mr. Jenke t
Miro Ascott -Yes, and confess I was
surprised. You told me once that you
Wouldn't marry him for a million dol-
Miss Mainchantz-I know, dear, but I
discovered later that be kad two mil.
lions. -,Philadelphia Preps. •
Mrs. Ohugwater-So tbit's the photo-
graph you had taken the other day, hi it?
ra like to know why you can't look as
pleasant as that when you are around
the house.
Mr,' Chugwater-Well, it may be that
the photographer tries to bring out mtr
pleasant expression and you don't.-C'hz.
cage, Tribune. .
prevent thie- to keep the young girt in teacher. "What is a nerYer
three team ago the health of my daughter,
Wilfred, to please his little sister,
Nate, Berths, began to fail. She grew weak and
A 5 P-20. locked Michael in the sewer+ Sileglaeudffueureadblefrto4mi"dnidetthesesiinega8ht erdeartithidens.
Then thoughtfully turned on the
water gate. and faintinAte her appetite left her and
Now all the building trade le out on she ie" flesh. I 'Pent rat161 rn"" "
• mean:dues, but they did not help ber.
For wiltorrikkeina overtime to exhume mike. Then I took her to a dOstor, and althOugh
his treatment was pereleteilin for a long
-444 ' •time, the seemed to be growing worm, and
"Does your father agree that I am bean to Nor this was going into con -
your been ?" asked the young man iu sumption. Then I took her to a +medalist,
the pink stock. burthis treatment wag likewise unsuctume-
"Yes," lisped the fair Oa . ful, Finally upon the advice of a laity
"What kind of a beau did he say friend, a doctor practising in Chicago.
Was f" • Bertha began using Dr -Williams' Pink
"A ho -beau." --Chicago News. rine; and before long there was a deoided
improvement in her condition, and by the
"Mar, what are /nu sitting out ort time eh° had taken nit,: boxes she wits
it's 11 o'clock ?" . had veined fifteen _ pounds in weight. I
"George end are looking for the vrould etrongly whim all 'limner sufferers
aiew comet, ma?, to giro "tyninsnna it fair trial.'
"But the new cornet isn't due for awn as her case merited aeliop?leee me could he."
,eral nighte." , All weak and ailing girls and women,
aufferers front bsokaohe, headaches, ie.
. "Well. we are in no hurry. ma," --
Cleveland in Dealer. • dispositien to work or exercise, who *bow
by their pile and sallciw cheeks that Thar
First moueer-You 4 -don't mean to any bright eyes,roi3, cheeky and sable begin,
are in ill health, will lind prompt relief,
in a fair use of Dr Williams' Pick Pills.
You dap obtain these pills from any medn
eine dealer or by mail, politpaid, at 50o a
box or Six boxes for $2.50thy writing direct
to the Dr 'Williams' Medico:le Co., Brook-
ville, Ont. Never accept anything else
which a dealer may ese Is instate • good."
Hon'. Chas. Fitzpatrick, in the course
of an address at the banquet Of the
:Insurance Institute of Montreal, ssid
that cold porch for " Don't you know Once mnre enjoying the et of health' and
you are afraid of women I"
Second mouse -No, I'm not afraid of
them, but they have such a way or
screaming, you know. Really, it prat
upsets me comoletety.-Bostoo Prin.
You have had it a long time. Probably
it is getting worse, but mill you neglect it.
Neglect it deepiM the feet that thie ie the
beet moon of veer to oure Catarrh. We
easily end permitnently eared by the yen, he bad no intention of trespassing on•
pleasant, medieated air 4 refitment, "Oat- .
arrhozone." Yon mnet know the. name,. fornidd en but wished Mal ground, ,Q a
for everybody is talking of its wonderful a . few . i•eznarks relative tO the erY.
cures Oatarrhozope is the only reinetly"(Penedo for the Conadirtne," •of which
that promptly, effectually, alw,aye . °Mee. -
eitiniteh had been Said lately: He did
Catarrh. Dootors recommend it and drag-
gling sell it in two dem,. 25o and $1.01 .. not fatly ,underetand its Meaning; but
-- . ' • 1) hopedih t 't ' t. '
e6 i was not intended o.
' -A London dispatch says the ("tend in. ai_ant Canada a snit.. of .hanuae,d_a
Trunk Will apply to the Conedian. 4 • • V
Government for a charter to build O Utopia, tr to reise' a thrt of Chinese:
line to the Pacific coast. Another lite'
is badly needed, but ' there • will .be .t o
repetition 01 the C. P. R. 'bargain if the
Canadian taxpayers know it. : • .
Is fife only remedy that . poeitiysly " cures
corns and warts without pain in tienty.
four hours. Ask ;roue druggist about it, he
has sold it for e long time. . Club any drug-
gist who offers you a subetitete-- for -Put-
ow's. Painless Corn Extraotor.. He knows
It is the beet ; you will too tt you try it, :
. . •
• ..- ' .
Hon M. E. Bernier proposes to eaten -
fish teeching of the metric system of
iveigbte god measures in the public wasx LIFE IS NOT LIF,b; „
- . ,
schools ofshe •Dominion. ' l. . .
. "Without health life is not Welk is only
nominated by "the Conservatives . of
Mr Alfred Labelle war; , fin wally a mate of hineoni, and suffering_ 10 imageof death.' The nee of Dr. Ohase'e "Nerve
•Maieonnenye. as their candidate for the Food gives the weak, languidonid diecourair-
em:R14. ed a new hold on life. It makes e blood
0Pomoinponresiointitaopinpoe.opposition sto H., on the
Pare and rieb,orettes new. nerve force and
- Theguests were oesemblecl and al` in instilri new energy andvitality into the Whole
readiness • forthe wedding of Mrs ttiurn It mikes -weak and Biddy people
V:McGee, The of -Hamilton, to etropg and well by bailing the opinion
Charier+ .ospee. groom' bathed
nut because he. euepected the bride
mereenarn mofives." of .' Wm.. K. 'Vanderbilt and Groner
Cleveland. receiyed ' reenectlyely the
There is nothing better for 'thildreurs,
larvest and smalleet checks eVer itiened.
roniunAensolaroudp..00lidtostehvaanryDip. i.yireaorioal: tNotirrankt
to iodiyidUals by the United States
and always Mires the little ones' ocnighe
GOvernment. 'At One time Mr Vander -
A. 1
akin that burns with', enema; and is bilt. owned $5000,600 Wettb of Gov.
covered with eruptions that discharge a thin eminent bonds, and on this - amount
-11d;iirtiriaintideardoothant-sightlyivith-disw-achhia nitiffeit-a-$2;e30,63:3, At
Weaver'e °erste. But thie external
should be used inooduuction with Weaver's remed
the close of Mr Oleeeland's second ad.
Etjrup- . . , . : ministration it wae discovered, in sett -
At Hull Judge Talbot committed for . ling up his . accounts for salary, that
tile) hilichael Ryan, ehatged with! kill- the Goyernment Owed him one cent.
ic t li i t egt Igniteet FrGrip R.•. eP onwa Id ledr .0 Care. been
80 by oil A check, for that amount was forward.
presented for payment It Is probable
Humor of the Hour. that the recipient preseirnea it as a
--tries, i toia zne mailman • a p o cur osity. -
that he was putting water in the milk,
,and_warnen...nbn__tb_et.., , it heever' .did it
again 1 would have him arrested," •
"And al& he stop doing it ?"
• "He did. He put5. the milk in the
Water now." -Baltimore NeWS., •
wall about this etruntrY foe the excluz-
ion of other people. "We 'don't want
to play alone itt our, own Yard" he
said, "we want 'others.. to Como. too,"
Speaking ,of. preferential trade, Mr-,
Fitzpatrick characterized if as mean..
ing to Canada the full developnient of
its political poCiers. It meant that for
the . first time in the historyof the
BrIii,h Parliament .a treaty with a
-foreign punier bad been set aside itt
the deorand of a colony... ",
• ,
Mrs. Startuppe--Ah, professor I And
Vow is my daughter ,getting on with
lier music 1' Do you think she will ever
become a great singer
Professor-Illadatn, it is very hard to
Mrs. S.z---But.surely she poeseeses son*
of the qualifieations ?
Professor-Ach Yah, madam t she
hat a mouth.--Tit-Bita.
After Work or Exercise
• " moiclei, re.
md -
nem rstiff
.18000othngetNi. Ur. ed , • . .. . •. . .
Eels and gives the body a feeling ot comfort and
raceres sore- •
. .
. . . . ,
Don't take the weak, waterywitch hazel •
.preparallOni represented to be ..the sante
:its". Pond's Extract, which easily sour and
generally contain ?iv/Cod elegise,'" s deadly •
Private hinds to loan• on'Tmortgagee at
: beet current redo',
• .lnteiest ',sheered an dePora•
A General I:tanking buelueis tranaected
Sale notes . :
6. Di. riVicTaggart :
.0Aigit.EA ,.• • _.
A. General SaithIng. Busbies's
NOTES Disop.0104ri :
• Notes issued. Intereetnilewed on '
B "
. Incorporated by AM Parliament 1855.
• .
CAPITAL •$2,509,001
• RESTIFUND •. • $2,150,000
Wit" MorrentlificteleaseeyrItteeidni---
Inas, Bunn, Gall- Manager.
Notes discounted', collections' imadeo)drifti
listed, sterling and American exphange
betue,ht and mold. • Interest allowed on
depoeits Same Bang* -Interest allowed
en sums of $1 and sp.-Money advanced to
farrnees on their own notes, with one as
more endorsers, Nomortgage regitired.
0,04, thiewei.• Meanager,
Fiti. NTEATii'
Perfect health, sound, restful sleep,
clear complexion,, bright eyes; clean
white teeth, sweet. breath; these are
the blessings that follow a diet of
Malta -Vita.
malta-Vita. is justly,. entitled to
be 'styled 'The Perfect Food" for old
and young, sick or well.
Being perfectly cooked, pleasant to taste, easily
digested and assimilated, Malta -Vita is an ideal
food. Made in Canada from Canadian wheat by
Canadian workmen.
oyes. Stoves.
oal o 1.
HAPPY ,THOUGHT RANGES -The 'People's 'Favorite.
ATER'S-that will burn Soft Coal, Hard Coal or Wool.
AIR IGHT-HEATEHS-for wood only, $3 50 to $4.50 each
Suitable for Ranges and small Coal Burners
Suitable for Grates or any kind of Cooking Stoves
SEMI -ANTHRACITE -a small quantity only'L: suitable for
• Self -Feeders and Furnace!.
ORDERS left at onr store for large loads of wood from: the bush, we are filling ,
as promptly as possible. If for any reason when wood ie received it
re not eatiefantory, advise us at our store, and we will take it away. Satisfaction
or yo_nr money baok. . Orders for half•cords or cords oan be delivered from our
yard. . A few cords of WOOD, CHUNKS --just the thing for Furnaces or largo
•,weea Honore.
Our orders ere in for Hard COW and will have soon as we can
Makes. life intuitable for many: Gin it • be
wed 7 Yee, hi 6 riiiibt,: Nerviline gives a
complete knOokout te pein in the back, be -
thine it ie stronger, Mara penetrating,more
highly painsubduing than any other 'remedy
eqtant; One drop of Nervilinri lute more
power over pain than five drops of any
other remedy, and it is tnie strength you
went when you've got ei pain. Your Money
. -back 11 15 is not ini. DrUggiste 0141:Ineryitine.
•• AN AU -BOUND REMEDY, . The' following is a Copy of the ballot
Mrs Hanneison, Bitumarth, Men.,Writein to be used he the election on the 4t11 of
, ‘l'Ihbroeseternoe:dtoti, .setaayisarsdfisboYaerliorowsiOblitiofeorfoirrse reeeAntrebveroti t..fri ! pay. 3,,
house -hold remedy made' Price 250 all •
dealers. -
long time and consider it the best 611 -round
The date of the election in Mutable.
ber 9.
• 4
. NO
Veering Down Signale deed 110t delay Tho Liquor Act, 1902?
etOrme. Oplum.leden "medioinee May
theok toughing,but the cold Metre. Da net. 6 Ifyotz are tuitions that the protection'
OD!, the Iratsintilve ' .
Lirniftntig; SWithleeant,12 "frn etgfrinoMt°.otlittughm,tfanklleotnheentil'il- a, legalfr°rbtooboui x!vret i. h. titoi .iesi a '01 sintciesi tte:tai °4,11c, ttth:::: i°.:701. ID .__ yon sA,t'l:ctolikoiuttituteREvekton nwipatte! '. .0
ing power. . .
.1.1, .4
Voimmea.roloralomo '
When Utter hi gathered in the churn
In granular form it is nevelt . over.. . By 10061 applictititizt6 iti they eitioot
ruUtnri)fie6d; '1aP:guelndniianSg8 litlt aWfhtear °CteiTalchltirlin- .4 . CallubtfecILII:eiknaileilrirlInitt:emrrEtfied:ititintn:dehilettieflfonflfl'off thhtTe
... : ,
'tntientle lining cif the Euetethith tube,
The feeding of pumpkins, beets, Car- riLlittoblittootiinbend ogittionilreiltafeeltedhyou eisting A a
rote, turnips and potatoes to cattle rwebsuonit.iimed ear I:171y* h : lobo ftkil a mog‘i,fut teal oil i'et ;flint:
should be done with- a view mere to
lidding variety to the foodthan to giv- nbeortisarlocloonuataainodnAthetritzbeverielabiemdlxisetrtoovieate
big thick articles lie Putlienn 01 the tee- forever; nine °apes out of ten are trauma by
regular rations. Grain and her are
000 -
beat of all foods for tows in Winter, datt witiolliteiriolthrhglatenj:1;60nineuertih(rt:ontitigtsidhecterne8atefetienotflinotilmh:rdi oor:: -
but the animals appriciato a devil
'efrt6arleet.1"!PdurnaYpik6iltdii$Y tb°eetesnWiaangde c'earrLetg; atlitt can toil he anted, by Hell'Ir Oaterrh
Ater be sliced and 'fed rale, while pont. ()ere; soda for chortler free.= gg
toes .elieuld be tooked and thithened F. J, Ortionnit di Co., Toledo, 0,
with, bran and cornmeal by way Of add.' Ese4ilarabyoipwrieiggi pitstoveo.tho wit. •,. -....
Ing to the variety, ;
... ,.•... . 4,;,,,,,,,,,,,Z.1..,!: ., A ,
Of bringing into
tienve has been postponed to Decems forth of •
-••••,d0'10,;:Lik, AL. . N4' ya031,.•.).1
to deli PRINTER'S INK -.a journal for advertisers,
published weekly at fine
dollars a year. It teaches ,
the science and. practice of
.0.dirertieipg, :and is highly
esteemed by the moth suc-
cessful licleve;;:a4ertl in this_
. country and .Great
Liberal comadeston • al-
loweri.A.ddress PRINTERS,
INFrs 10 Spruce St.# New
11 Bros.
Cheap - Hardware - House
Is urcomfortabie "whether the rarer
iriaear Shoes
Are not uncomfortable
They Fit Well -Look Weil -Wear Well
We carry, in stock 25 different -styles of this make Of S.hoes •
,giving you a splendid varietyEto choose from.
be nriees range from $0,09 to •
No Shoddy -No Paper Soles.
Patronizo the New sha *or* and get New Sheellt
\ •
et a a
. - • •
eat Market MONUMENTS.
awing perthesed the butohering
busitiati of P. H. Powelfbin pre
pitted te fernieli the people of Olin.
ton with all kinds of Froth and
Oared Ideate,. Seuititge, bologna.
Ised, better and eggs alweri kept On
PitzslmonS SOU,
ZOOM* 70,
Orders delivered pra ply
arts et the Sown,
arsons having hogs for
Oat WiE 0013ter a hivor by
k word at the shop.
Haying Wright Out the Hernees
bedtime of A. fifoltRIRN, Is go-
Ing to sell Trunke,Valime,Tenitere
Itugitand everythingio oonturation
With the trade.- Good and ()beep,
Ulf/ t tiarnetio ,a specialty
Cal and dud and x will tie you
Well * # ti
Ot StL3 door* went of New.
itattentury St, Work*.
• euuvrem
• iitifXtrtere. Worktnittiehlit
ma Materiel gusiremisid.‘
jig. G. SEALS