HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-28, Page 2•
.1,1'Qvfni1:er 28tb, 1902,
.•••••.,•••• ,
Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind,
04-14, s Work. mimon10.0000100000011", Properties for Sale or to tet
00.0 PA,.
The question le often aelted, "110W
Wes the Bible Society belp all toreign
end the 11318610116 Pa To tbie -question
we would eay
The British and Forgo Bible Socie-
of 8 7 dietinct forms apeech. In 88
veniion Of the wbole JAW. and in 74
completew moon ,
Four new langua gee -Vie ayau , ugotti,
(70104 layanje, Yalunkae-haVe
been added, during last year.
In type far the blind, the Society
has helped to provide Scripturee rn
Many lengettges.
47)-00 of versione now ncludee names
. of these it Is providing at lead one System..
Hereford Stock
Yourhemile head of young
hem -brad Axel gotta. at reasonable talent.
r several Sleeved.
00.17. SI; hAtiNHAlia, Coestance,
To Let.
Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion,
_ .
Disordered Liver& Female Ailments.
prepared ouly by the Proprietor, THOMAS • BEECHAM, St Belem, Bug,
Sold Everywhere in Canada and IL S. America- , boxes, 25 cents.
iltst Crisp County Clippings
FRIDAY, NOVBM.SElt 281 1002. Wes Walker, of Winghans, had the
•misfortune to step on two upturned
Miran Leads ate Motel. nails, on Saturday week, '
' Better resulte 'follow the nee of Miller's
?Oxford county seems to be peculiarly Oornpound Iron rine than from any other.
favored in the matter of high distinc- Bold by all dreiggiste,
non for pal hamentary rept then tatives.
We have had Premier Mowatt, now .1:pore are about 60 ePPlicants for the
,Lieutenant•Gnvernor, Sir Rich. Cart. hino of assistant teacher in Oran-
-weight. tateister of Teede and Com rook entail° wheel for next year.
=Me, a Privy Councillor, and Hon,- Miss McKinley,Egmonclville, hats had
solas. Sinner -lend, inieister of Publia the degree of B. A., conferred upon her
Werke, with A. Pantile, M. L. A,, by the senate of Toronto University.
standing well th the front of a port. I used to be continually tired ; now lain
tone. in the Ontario Government in the strong and well -Melees Compountaaron
taear future. Where le the other county in aid iv. Bold by rai aruggiots. •
that can bbnw buch an honorabir and
Huron can easily surpass this record. the farm of E. A augh of the Bruce
la (-Premier Robson, British tumble, peninsula.
wes rale.ed in Huron. 'Ex-Preinier We are sorry to learn that Mrs Jas.
fr1oMifireenway, Manitobahipent most of his Seaforth, ie in very poor
a th and thet the. prospects fcr >her
lite here. Premier Roes, Ontario, is a recovery are notproneleing.
eine- e resident of Huron. Sir R 3. My daughter bas tinproyed so much that
iDartwrieht represented,Centre aurae You walla bardlY knowber-Miller's Gera-
peund Iran gills did it. flold by all drug*
In the Dominion Rouse. McDon
ald, Deputy speaker of the Reuse, is a gists.
Jno. G. Wilson,Seaforth,shipped
egrelleknOwn Huronian. The late A.M. her hoillehold effects to Sintalutie, •N.
Roe, Treasurer of Oatarie, was a Hue. her husband there.
onion. The late M. 0. Camerom,Lieute Mr Wallace, father of Mrs Jas MC-
• 'Governor of the Northwest, spent the Gavin. formerly et Wingharn,_ died at
his home in Ilowkk on Tuesday.
hest pert of his life here. Hone L T. was one of the early htoneers of Howick.
1Garrowat former member of t he Ontar-
lei Ce.binet, was raised in Huron. " This Mr Robt Weir, of -Turnberry, who
is a pretty good record for one county, is now attending tbe Normal School at
to fay nothing of the Cabinet material London, has been' engaged ete teacher
still in it. in S. S. No. 4, Greylownehip, for 1903.
The ierniains of Miss Clara Sipple
Sir Richard Cartwright- daualiter of :Philip Sipple of Zurich,
- arrived here on Tuesday, teem Detroit.
The Mail and Empire can defeat:and She died in a hospital there after .a.•
bevere .
annihilate the Liberal ' Goyerturient at
teem that the druggist gives you the right
Ottawa vvith the same ease and eah artiole-etha soothing, helpful' Ptiekiller•
pedition which Captain Bobaail exem. tint w ansed in your family. before you
tifted in hie famous method of de: ore: 'there but one P.molullehrerry
Dens'. Re upright dealer offers enhanntee,
- sting an Army. It describes Hon. The editeh Of , the %/lifetime( • Ad -
.Me* Sifton as a man who "is diseruated vance seye .tlittt-4roin a 'brittich of e,
a id dieliked in the West," the meinory palm tree ars garden there is a Shoot
.gr ing, that siuce. the first- of Tune
of his,encountere with Hon Hugh John wee has made a growth of ebefeet !oven'
tcdonald and the Tuppers having inches, and is still green to this day.
ahridently faded from the Tory Organ's , Mr John. Cole, cif Kincardine, for.
ineriv a resident of Winghatii, died on-
-memory. Then it sale: . • - • Tutesday of last week. The retinains
'Olt ot the Cabinet . Mr Tat te tiari were brotuelat te 'the latter's -place for
been kicked by his somnolent colleagu interinent. The cause of his death
es, and it is no secret that Sir Wilfrid was Cancer. He was sixtrfour • years,
'Inflict* yfia soon reeigr, Sir Richard. •qf age. - • .
elaartwright and Mr Scott ate rahked - • •
g h „.6 p y mTanheoffepnieertaolnotfo- the late 'Mrs :Hine -
they are extinct. In (he Me' of esti ole piece on Saturday
at 10 a. in. 'Deceased was the derma -
Richard the fading away has been
Wiarton Echo says that a sugar
distinguished record Pe -Ingersoll Sim. beet 89 inehes long was taken bona
W. Teand left on Saturdity last to join
r e r o n a.r, • Mg -
gradual, but certain. His advanced ham, Inter•me• nt took place •in W.
age and failing enwersawakened e
nem cemetery, and. the tuneral was
the evrnpatlay of bis opponent% and • . • .
- have secured for hien exe,mption from 13Pirtte" • _-
• criticipm. whiph is all the more char- A very pleasanb social event took
itable when contrasted with the vib- place at the home oa ltire nue Orders.
• lento and bitterness with which the Ribbed*, op Wednesday Week, Nov. 12,
knight pursued Sir Jnbri Macdonald when tales Helen Cairns was vvedded to
• to the hour of his death." • • Jas. ‘Vallace, Comber. • , •
The idea of Sir Richard Cartwright Mr Spieling le t on hursd y week
' f EL
• foe Edmonton, N. VV .1, arlin
p g
, ;Twitting sympathy or receiving gen- and family /eft on Monday to spend a
erous treatment from any Tory in the. few days in Toronto,wheireMr Sperling
win Ione thern for their looh journey.
hutch is "Just too funny for anyttang." _ al r Sperling -is a native of Seaforth. '
No man who has been in Parliament Win. 0, h‘yhc vow, snid his farm, in.
since Confederation has been better te las removing. •to Alberta in the
th . able to take care of bineself, and hoses :spring. He has tazen up land near
Wetaskawireivithin five miles of where
always been a fair as well as a hard
; his brother -hi -law, , Wm. McAllisteris
• tighter. A t tile age Of eireteeeight,.biki , located. - . : .. - ,.., ., :,
mina is as -clear and his tongto as Geoe liahkok, near Seafortied g and
evICeahle eff ester, tnahthd completed 40 rode of tile drains ou his
`•41'',''''",- !g litatiee _geefarm ehiefallentiteeithstanding. thafach .
!hh.„•elierd help the Tory, young or cad, who that he is 79 years Of age, He did not
''''..•"..r. '..takes the Mail and Empire's . tip and (la t..1.1:e work air a Metter of neCeestta'
• '.• -' epdertakeg •se operate on the•itwinrip7 hut of choice, as he likee tp have tea
hands as Well as his mind employed,
• tian thee Sir Richard s •powers are
On Weelpesday of last week. Peteie ' If you are anxious that the protection
he" . Jailing. Tbe Montreal Star, which has.
the youngest on of Postmaster Fisher, oe leen' sanction should betaken away
• . : no more love for Liberals than the • of Winghatee•Was taken seriously illfrom rhe Itgpor traffic; you will mark.
.. ,
. ,
• Mail a 50 Empire, aces not, lend itself He raeadly grew Worse, and, the family rine ballot in the "YES" eolunin as
The Church of Eastland, with corn-
glIttrieleYlneCiPestIgenlitiltr SoWpetuPrttlitiT'lel:
quireel for its foreign missions from
the British and Foreign Bible Society.
The Society for the Propagation of
the Gospel in Foreign Parte procuree
Seripturee from the Bible hociety in
sixty foreign languages; and the greet
majority of thole are no h obtainable _
Ilia Chinch Missionary Soelety uses
more than a hundred cliffereiet newels -
thine, of which over ninety come from
e le DC e Y4
The same is even more emphatically
tree of the Universities' ° Mieeion ter
Central Africa, and the South, Ameri-
can Missionary Society. •
Noriconforunet Foreign Missions,
with some slender exceptions, obtain
the bulk of all the Scriptures they uee,
directly or indirectly, from the ,Biale
It turnishes the London Miesionary
Society .yith the Scriptures in fifty
different languageh and the Wesleyan
Missionary Societies of Great Britain
and her colonise wtth over forty yen,
eions. Presbyterian Miseions .1 hrough-
out the world. use about sixty of its
versions. It has published the Kongo
version for the 'Baptist Missionary
Society, and atso supplies matey of
th • C Chi d J .
The American Baptist Missionery, Uns
ion has been hardy assisted in print-
ing and circulating Scripturee in elur-
mese and Sgau Karen.
The China Inland Mission and other
unnenomiaational societies prattically
obtain all the Scriptures they ask for.
True, the klible Society becomee
more copepicuous every year as the in-
dispensable storehoutte and arsenal
from which all Bahl] Foreign Missions
Must draw their necessare, munitions
°twat. And it supplies them with no
fgrudging band. As e, rule, Scriptures
tw the • fereign. held are granted cia
"missionary terms," 1. e., the hooka
needed are sent out free, and citieriaget
paid, to the missioneriee, who eensit
soy proceeds from copies seta after de-
fraying expenses. of circulation: • At
best only small fraction of what the
Society expends on 4he preparation
and delivery of these paissienary yer-
genii; can ever come back:to it as the
Plainly, each fresh advance in the
hassion field becomes an imperious de-
mand on the BibleSociety. No genuine
application for a grant of Scripturee
has ever been denied. No Missionary
Society's request to rent and publish a
properly -authenticated version Of the
Sareptuees ln a new tongue bus • ever,
been refire d.
The Society employe in the Emit,
through neatly fifty different Mission-
ary organizationeeover 620 native Chris-
tie.n Biblewomen. The last annual
grants exceeded £4,000.
• In .the Society's. letest returns these.
•Biblewomen • are grouped under their
erpective Paismonary Secieties as fol.
lowei-Soelety her the Propagation Of
'the 'Gospel and its Women s • Mission
Associatien, 48; Cheaclialissionary So-
ciety, 68; Church of England Zenana
Missionary Society, .26; London Mis-
winery Societe', 41; Wesleyan Mown-
ary Society and its Ladles' A.uxiliary,
l3; Baptist Societies, including the
Baptist Zenana Kinti011, 37; Zenana
.Bible and Medical Mission, 27; Peesby-
terian Missione, 48; Welsh Colvin/We
-Methodists, 83; American Miseiloos. 72;
German and Danish Missions, 81, Ih 0.
portionate provision is made for num-
erous other smaller missions.'
And this is what the Society received.
in I,C31 1902, from all sources to tarry
on this work -£236,292; while it spent
£241,143. • This leaves, on • the years'
worleirig. a deficit of 44,851. ' The prey-,
ious year's deficit was A15,003, But.we
cannot retrench without withdrawing
from vitality important work. •
The billowing is• a copy of the ballot
to be used in the election on the, 4th of
December :•• •
• Yon can protect
• yciuraelf against
chronic constipation.,
biliousness, typhoid
fever, grippe, and all
kindred, complaints
by using
It will keep the
•various organs of the
ly d '11 drve out
• the poison that causes
• It is the most won:
derful regulator of
• health, the greatest. •
preven o isea.
se anti the best tonic
and laxative known,
• $old by altdruggists
- 1 1 4
• The Seurgeon Fells Pulp as Pap r.
Co. have spent 5950,000 on 'buildinas
•an a plant,' and will soon be tnalltlfRO-,
turinv 120 tone of pulp per day into.
paper, market for that quantity hay-
ing been found. They have 52.000,002
to hayed in enlargements, when theY
see eonditions to jestify the outlay.
:Canada is &tang yery nicely. without
tariff tinkering. • .
The Torobto Teleirratn,Ooneervative,
says : "Conservatism cani net be
strenethened in Quebec by Mr Monk's
.catehpenny appeals to provincial:tree
judice. Is is .almost time for R. L.
Borden, U. Pe to Prime his strength
by putting the brakes on Mr Monk.
Mratonit =wined' that he was Play-
ing a deep game aiy •p.ereueding the
Opposition to keepquiet, and 'tints
lend rioter toasts protest against the
iMperialiene of *Mid Laurier. ,The
imagininge of Mr Monk are vain: Ile;
sincerity andhiet4" .deaerts 110t the
best politice.- .The Opposition has only
to corninit itself to. Mr lfforilth tactic%
and it will lose Oki beats. • in fantail°
for every seat that Mr Monk an carry
for its Candidates in'Quebec." '
• Malt lireakfast 'Food
. . , .
• The Mast -Delicioutt -and,
• lautritiona of 11111
. Cereal Foods •
- • •
The science of.' our progressive age has
•evolved an. idettlIocidirombining the health.
.giving prOpertieserf pnre Malt with the
virtues of the choicest Canadian Wheat.
• it is the food thistle relisbed and need' to.,
day by all classes if our Canadian people.
Malt RreakfainFood hati become. an al-
e:Oat universal favorite. This price Wait
within resell a *Wert' family. It is se
cheap AB ordinary ostniatil and gives hap-
pier resulte in health and strengthbuilding.
Being partially ptedigested, Malt Break-
fast Food does net fax digesticn like oat.
meal and o hat cenntrion grain foods. It
contains all the treehiernents of nutrition,
and is sdapted for the gimped of life from
day to cloy. It bUilils up flesh, bone and
3cEs No • =mole ; it gives activity and clearness to.
the brain. Ask your (*rotor for it
Are You in FaVor
of be inging into . Meeting of County Council.
force of -
. The Liquor A ct, 1032 P
to such "a delusion, but says:
• Sir Richard is the sort of public man
• out of whom they make 'PI ivy CoiritIC
10_11; in Britain, and thus et becomes es -
pedal?' fitting that he -aimed be chosen
S from arnong his colleagues to. join the
• ' ' hat worthy contin gent in this clis-
e-h tinguished company. Although he lpe
been twice inember of i be Canadian
; Goyernme t w breath of seandal has
ever att ached to b is name. Ile may have
le been inistakee at times -in 'truth there
. .
arefew who do riot think ae Was vvofell.
ly mhtaken eye historic °atomise
-When he is said to have ree013113aended
`: • the mat ufseturers to ge to a .certain
todividuel who Is not, officially,
' -Ides. But there is even a wider beaef
• that he hest served his country in a tie.
terely pattiotio f oirit ; seed thee he is
one of the &meek in our public life which
• •• meke for Often methods arid honorable
• mime Haw 11 yet teiont at place in
the 13ritish.gielay Connell. He will fi d
,' • there vety 'Many men after" his oven
' hear t -men Who are metre likely to re-
, vard non, iee at.; he does •than they ere
. fled tbereselYee , harmer, y with
More suocessini pe ley leaders. Arid tide
etsw healer wilt be to Sir Richard a new
lecent Ve to liVe tIP to the h sten-
herds which he hag alWayet seemed ,to
" for himself,
physician proneunteel the cause to ber 'above,'•
appendicitis. On Friday evening An• — • •I
• operation. wits perferroed • which twee-
• now on the fair way to recoyery again.
etteuletwedding took niece at Eicetee
on Wednesday wee -Eh -tali -ea Wrri; Ishahe
was married to Miss Idahecond daugh-
ter of Thos Sweet, Tae ceremony was trraleacent br thane° of the ehee areal( itfth
'perfermed by Rey, R, Millyard, While &sea bythe blood. Sine as the permeate
the bride was assisted by her sister once of a beautiful painting will depend
upon the purity of the °dire with which it
Bettie and the groom suppeee-ed. by his •
brother Thos. Afbet the ceremony the to hatott30, BO the Pormal?Onoe beeath der
wedditig party 'were driven to their new • pends upon the purity of thebleod, Peint,
borne where a reception was held. and Powder and cosmetics won't avail to pre-
• the evening yery aleasantly spent, eerae bettota- Betta4;' bodes in ale blood.
, e . Dr. kieree's Golden Medical Discoyery is a
Mr and Mrs A. lie C ter, Winehaea. true beentifi r,tecause it provides for nature
attended the funeral of lefe Gee/A thet pure blood, with which alone she cite
•Murray, of Aehaeld, last week; De. paint.. Thihruse of this medicine will cleanse
, • . •
TA61,16M tare toingtatio and ktudrad
ittractions is the toy successful mousse,
awl Is now testa by thottat physic:sac and
hospitals In Enron° and ..mnorloa. It It
commentlauy reconutteasea tho allll*
c , If you nu or ont
• ar Woe erelaren ot relatives theteo ao, rtimv
Mond that la aintstat, then amid tor a fret trial hntno '
elattem _item eettosteratel
traifr ifillsiettreawhere steer.
ivifecrw;itigN6dritention Ode
• paper, ano: eve tun Maas to
'CO., eve hing street west, Toronto.
' . •
I LADIEsnnliml
• toter:reties mid lady Abaft! melt. Moe succosdtillybythoti.
j.ntas of IndlOa, oS, Mtn Mt alto le, an premise:, or direct.
• XIS OLOL.UM cliEMICAL CO.• rottori TO, CAN,
• . Nature has just one pigment On her 'tali
lette withswaheeshehrocluees-allaiuseanar-
velats hate( f beenty,and that o pigment
it the blood. The shell-like pink beneath
etheelogermaileetter-ael hoer- rose-- of- the •
cheek, the cherry ripeneee of the lips, the
. . •
CPELEfed WAS a relative of Mrs elarn
• Heaves le his atith year, and wag an
exernolary young marl. Ite, had. been
the skin,heightert the complexion, brightett
the eyes, and give to face and form, thet
radiance of health which ig the greatest
In failing health for some years past,• obarm of beauty. • Dr, Pierceh Element
and last fell he went to Calgary where Pellete are very effective in ridding the gyre
be epent the with -et months. Be len tem a ologgiog residam,whieh acounudatee
there in April ard spent Orme time in with constipated habit,
Britigh Columbia., but finding that hie ee • •
health was not improving he vita - Nee. goal me ale waffle .heeheee,
the hnt strange of eholoado ; .e`vetts We • e. s
felled to be of permeeent benefits and met birthday, Wae born on NOV.
he paesed away on Tuesday Weelt. 20, is.trl, educate a L'Assemption
Mrs. Moran, Whose death occurred In College ;Called to the bat' hi 1881; elect.'
Seaforth last week, Waft one of gin ed to the Quebee Legislature In 1801
a , fixing and to the Hourie of Commons. in 1874. •
aome here when the toWn WES Ite
ti.e has tleerefot'e been int patliament-
art respected. resident ever eh) deo aey life for 21 yews! Withoet a break..
May laahaye tnetny, happy. retptins of
infancy, and elle has been a continuous•
Her maiden Marie was Maria Thornp-
• land, and cente to `tiatuide. vvith •hee the day and tong nee to ;Warn the
• .S011. Shr was a native of Dublio. Ire.
grand parents in the yew 1311) sr 0 premiership,
wag married the same year; being'ortiv
fifteen yenrs of rare, and came directly •
Seaforth, She had a fetrelly of eigbt • A 'FAMILIAR NA.MB
sons and three dam lit re Th f
g e tee 0 In the horneis of oatitodei 0,na ntd minea •
Statee there ore tow tomes tnere familiar
died on1Y abOtst a Year ego, The 011r" of A. W Chase, the grest phygitian mid re
c zens of i he United Statee, suffering he hatteolieeed and the digesters
the sons have pre-deceseed her, her
The Council of the Corhoration ar-the-
Coltuty of Huron will meet in the Council
• Chamber'in the TOLVII ol Goderich, on
• Tuesday, the 2nd, dee' of December next,.
at 3 p.• W. LANE, Clerk.
Godd House for Sale,
• For sale a frame house on 'Victoria, S'reet,
lot 1224, atory one halt -suitable fin) ordinary
family. 1 haee-craarter acre lot, with Stable,
hard and soft "water , bearing frnit 4-.rees. Pro-
perty will be sold on reasonable terms. A_piely
Nov. 21-1m.• unnViii;•
ilhatetzteautiful store in the Jackson Week
Hume Street, latele accepted by O.Witte. Ap-
14 to
Sept. C-0 Tlios. z.e.oxsox,trat.
Farm For Sale,
The yrest halt of lot 24, Bayfteld Con Gok
erieb, township, emateining 100 acres c 1100_1
land, itoffered for eat° on eats, tenet wove
barn,illor house. PlentY et water ftud small
orchard. 'Particular() MI application, to
tee . • te TIODADL, %bitch
For Sale or to Rent,
Lot 29, eon, 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres
'in seed. atate of oulttyahon for sale or to rent
for terni of years, EIPPly to JNO. McGREGOR,
on Premiges or MRS 11,14,3011EGOE, 2 eon.
R. 8..Tucheremith, Sewforth P.
For Sale
Comfortable house and lot. on Albert St,,
Olinton, for sale cheap, lot .acre Howie
anitable small WARY. Apply at NEw Eno
For Sale.
Bowie, two lots and etaite, canoe of North
and Mary Streets. The cottage -contains six
rooms in good renalr, woodshed, with hard
and Bait water, fruietreeii sand a stable in
firrt-oless condittent 421)17 to
1* MRS MOFIrArr cm the premises.
For Sale: •
The North Halt of Lot 17, Concession 7, C01 -
borne, and two village tots in Manchester,
livery barns, outfit and ;goodwill of the busi-
ness. vor terms, ainity to the undersigned.
Ine, Sept 11 MRS WE( SYMINGTON-Auburn
• Stable for Sale.
• ---
sittlgo.e?IlAtibliNeolcasever stale stall', a box
loft, eto.,wtui_lteoidAgorl:'? eiy rfaignri=3);
April BILYDoNE, Clinton.
. •
. Good ifouse for. Sale.
anbealber Wein for Bale hes house and lot
on Albert St, nortlt. The lot_ is one treater
tiredweittul gfruinwal:44 it.erdthstalfzi.'t House
hant:erioomsoltar, • pine w.ash *voice and
• g9PP1M. !FREI) rim, Clinton.
House and Lot for Sale.
.0•LiTht.1,04,1:71.401,:roseti.roldert160eref 541:licteet.o 9r Jasiboe;sa ta ri iiral :0 s ea:
tyr,o story frame dwelling house, containing 12
•roolnit coMprising a double ;Melon: two dining
• rooragand bedrotironi,there is also asinall barn,
thereat° 001:110 ;bearing . fruit trees on the lot.
For particulars, apply te JAS SCOTT.
0a. , • ' '• Barrister, Clinten.
" ' •
• • • Farm for Sale.
• •
Lam, concession 8, a ht• Se 103 setae;
school house on premises: within nve mintitee
• walk of church; 5 miles from Clinton and 6
miles from Seaferth; large frame house, good
orohard, mostly winter !rat, 2 good veils and,
eist,ern, 2 been:), one ti8x56, with stone steleing
underneath, the other 28x60rdriving shed and
hen hopse. Apply to WHITFIELD ORM,
.01intion P. 0.• August 1-tf.
• Farm For Sale.
• The subseriber offers fa sale that choice farm
on the heroin road, Tuckerszaith. fast eat of
Clinton. at present occupied by Mr Fisher. It
consists of 150,acres, more or Jess, with 'good.
tram e house,bank barit,sito,windmill and small'
orchard. Pienty of water. An excellent farm
In a splendid localit3r. For termaapply to
••• ARTRUR COUCH Clinton.
Farm for Sale,
• Lot 7,con. 3, 0o1b1M-noTOonteining 50 acres of
• lanclin good cultivation , 20 acres fall plowing,15
acres in grass, 5 acres fall wheat. On 'premises
Is I.% story frame house and two frame barns in
• goo* repair. also a good well and young bearing
orchard. ;Farm well fenced and well Watered..
Possession, may be had Mar, 1st, lt08, For fur-
ther partientern Amite to
• 11-10Wi/EN Or R. JEWELI,,
Sept, 18-11 • • • Box • 60, Goderich
. •
Marigolds for Sale
• fogey for Pale Arita clesallenHolils thalverea
In town, at ei3eter ton. Order by mal or toe-,
plume- JeaelthilinESThitilelinton, ()eta',"
Farm For Sale or To Rent,
The "%Veit belt Of La e, tP•
fifty ocres in all, of which afteen acres are
113,1 eitrestatir :111 Inlet, about tee -
;ever, hill tlibleir a Alton' eh ediralteN: 114
NAtZgla 44g14%"11%riclInt1113°ligti)tct
gravel read. Possession given__ at once -tor
Junior partioelara apply to Nem $ne. (Aloe or
tt. Nov 7 A. GOON, minton 1'O.
For Sale or To Rent.
East bait lot 27, eon, le efollett, nentaining
lettere:), 43 cleared, not in a. Eic/Qd state of
cultivation. Good frame bowie, 7 romns,
stone cellar, bard Lind soft Water, bank barn,
driving house , ho pen, ll acres bearing or..
chard, 3 aerea IOU Wheat, tall plowing -done,
School i of a mile, Churches, tauls, h. it
Station and P. 0, 1K milee, Apply
Nov 144f ISAAC BARB, loondesbore.
. -
Real Estate for Sale.
1 Part Ottani:I, lote s: and 83, onwest side0*maitiendoonewiemilextorthof Hohneseltio.
containing 07 acres.
2 Tfte north half OW 25. eon. 2,andwest part
0101 24, con, 8, one halt mile trent Clinton,
north, on gravel reed. containing 90 acres.
$ oTunhetb9rnie.k dwelling Moludinate la, 10 and
20 on corner a .Tosepitand ‘,1p) streets, in
4 Tharame dwelling ea west side pi Vidor*
street and next north of railway.
• Wong tering to met purchasers, • Apply te
•• Ma. eh ehien.
The First Step to ea
Success •e, of
bright young men and women to e 1.4
the thorough Business mid She ii) ] +.
• cation itnerted at
Business and Shorthand College
Cor. Youge and Coliege Elsa, Toronto.
• For qualification's of teachers complete
equiprti At and record of etict'oessful. in.
dividual inetruction reaulta it is unsurpass-
• .7AMES Its is aon rt
rati. D. writ
--MO, Principal.
• Young mei and wenien to prepare for
• good situatioinn, Apply to
.• A
• Dominion •
The beat equipped Business ad Shorthand
- College in Canada. • Reduced tuition rates,
• Writeus regarding our chums of study,
and prospects of eeouring eittletione for
graduetee. Catalogue sent Oen; Address
• a st NAY
Dept 0.0". POisfederation Dife Bldg.
• Toronto. Ont.
100 Young Men Wanted.
to qualit'y for poiitions as stenographers
at,the '• •
-The Canada Business College,
'• •. email:tam.• .
pqationd at 850 and 560 - per month
are to -day going begging for • young men to
fiIl ahem. '•'
We have now eleven unfilled calls
for male stenographers elonaand the num-
ber keeps increasing. • It offers the best
held we know of to•day for bright, erapabie
young men .
r rti 1•
r a . t 1
• . Write for pa en a s an ca a oghe
, .• . .
Mei4cillait 84. oCu°satUau; . Out• ' .
tionie Study . t
• For ale. . applied to any of. our ten spec-
• •• •ial courses given by mail, will.
• • 4 • produce good results hie the
'Cottage, almost neW 'situated On Issas Street
near eatre a tewn, containing Hall,. Double
• Parlor, Dining room, three bed rooms; three
alethes closets, kitchen, • and pantry, •also
summer kitchen. Good stone hard and
. soft water, good 'garaen, large and small fruits
in abundance, ince lewd, All in first-class
condition. Owner leaving teem. Also some
geed furnitnre to be sold privately at the
•house. Apply to .
1 ni* Aug T. E MMERTON Clinton:
Over Taylor et Son's More suitable for
any purpose. Apply to •
N. 21 th Pare. A. kr, MANNING:tainton,,
. Wanted. •
• I good, comfortable, well heated., Inc.
night d.roorta near centre of totvn; With . or
without breakfast. Apply to
Nov, 21, U. NEW Ella OrrICE.
Wanted .
A good tweet young man gene get •a
good position learning cutting sad tripling.
Nov 21, ti. The, jaokson M'f'gco Clintell.
litiarett . •
10 Investors—For Sale.
• A %miners; ihoperte $2000—that will yield
st least ten per cent por annnIn on 1003e7
Veeted. apply.
Nov. tf . BOX 13 NEW ERA berMB.
^Tax Notice.
Tbe uhdersigned. win be in hig °Moe en the
TOWti Hall, every evehiug from 7 to 0 o clock,
fa the tionyordentieof tax news.
. JOSEPH Willibt.TLEY.
- for Sale.
he -
A quantity ef leardwood. plank for sale cheap
Suitalbe for batti or stable Seers, °Meat ete.
ttNop R. . RANSFORD Clinton.
eldest Setl, ihr Paseithjhaoram. having and rent Moro reverently gpoken, than the* Teacher Wanted.
viving sotte are proeperotte arid prome oeipt book etahor. Ile is bleseed .for • the
hor tr. S; Section. No. la Refit 1Vawattosit.
' tw° °P; them; Meet'ae Prank Rtie hes.ottred; his eemedieg are woe arid en -
The three danghterel are satin residents are popular because they cure When others
Ward, of SegitiaW, hehmr fiOW Ile000 ter dor-ed by the best people in the iand ; they
In 8eaforth,
Dray hecommenee Jan iii, 1900. Applieente
t tet r and send applicetions ober be.
igt:. ritY"
hey, le4it eetiretery)Auban,
- -7—e-farm-for
lE4Alf?Iti°111d4 00 .. Se 716918 WI:NV(34C%!
,b "toile house_W ashen; barn 36x6,5,
and shed 8040 in which there are good stabling
hard water of neva failing well; 8 sores bush,
1 acre of orchard, eitueted 11 miles from Au
burn and 60 rods from school. Fox frErther
particulars apply to H. QOAVoIbEuRrn, 0.
Purchase] can have possession this fall,
Farm For Sale.
•• Lot. 12: Bayileld con., Goderieh Ip., 113 sera
(85 clearedibalancehardwood,with a largequint-
tity otoedar on 1t in good state of odltivatior
about live acres fallwheiltatid'eCriaidertible faU
• Wrgi;FtltifIlinejiiiinftWiatIliji_th?MiloguAleciaolngg
other outbuildings about 4 acre orchard,
rnoetlY winter friaied• well watered-neverfail-
ing spring creek an two wens iseven milea
front Clinton and tbreefrom Botylield. • Posses-
sion at any time, reasonable term. Apply for
further particulars to CHAS, SIMONS, 72 St.
David st., Goderieh. •
To Rent or- for Sale .
• Frame residence emit acre of laud on Mary
Street, Clinton, Pgrooins, pellet, wet:elected ,hard
• soft water, new stable aud driyieg shed,
excellent garden, with plilra, Pear and apple
At aliV time tip tout Sent. Ores part of the
Rost or 13took,ete, at the North End ef Wilhlam
Street, Clinton; within Josn valuable propeete
for fruit growir g, being well planted Out. le
berry bushee, ernall fruits, apples, ste. ',here
is else to very excellent ' grade of sand and
gravel On the promisee which Je Veryprolltable.
'Ao'nly toP. STBALTE,Or te•W.BRYDONE, '
April . Clinker..
IViautun.GLE laciEMSES
• issetto ny
J. U, Rumba% Clinton.
241b1". 4°64 Vhdat 7110n13110dhi.1
hee Great Daglish iittnedth •
Sold and reeommenae& by all
&eaten] in Canada. Only reitt
able mediate disetwered,
packages gtatretateed to ante an
to So Sexual Weakiless, ail effeeiS Cif WWI
Or outgo, toned Ware, ExeesSive 'toe &To -
beech Opium. or Seine/ants. Maned On leeelPi
Of peke, Ono Voltage 81.81x, $5. Ong mapiew.
gattailcuPa hareeblets ifee biabriiddrelf.
Thio wooa Compsay. Winesole
W•oodie Pluareardinti si 11 in Cilium) he
It P. Mettle, J 14' Nom, 4$111aleniese sea h W
• ambitious Young naen or wow,
• an who wiehes to prepare fora
'better positionin hfe. •
The oest is but rionainal. Our
• New Catalogue "Marching to
• Success" contains all /native -
tars. •Write for it, Address, -
'Central Business College
regular teachers,splendid equip
• ment, and well patronized hY
Students feom every prevince
• of the Derainiou.
• W. R. Shaw, Principal -
Yowls) &GeirrardSta, Toronto
• —o'?",evel
/ 111:i -•
- JAMES sooTT -
. OfeNTON.
armor -41400 Meek, Zoo° Senate
• alleath re LOAN,
oe–Oeaver Moo*.
• Trp *tabs, APPolitli rentil not, 0'
- Real Estate anti Insurance
Moue/ to Men.
Boaster aolleitor Notary rine Conveyancer
elnee-teppomite haherne Hotel
forteerte of CIssieron: Solt canseron
Qifiee-nopanten oppoeite cabana Noe • ••
somatron. oiqm
BA.RRISTERS, SoLzarons, ETC: '
OXice-coleaerItausilton $t. eteidthe &pair
eitotheach, Ont,
Dickinson Caen. riARROW, L.L.D •
SAAnn3TERS, Somorrons, Noeemete :Ptrel'a
PiteerrOits in THIrliszurewit COURT etc. 4
• °Mee: North 4,, IllteX.a door.** iilgual OM
Private) "nude to lend at lowest Otos
• of interesb.
• Me r' io al.
. • wax. emir:, M.D.,
R. v. F. et N. • Edinburgh, *
Ofttoe---Ontarie Street, Clinton. Night tall '
at front door of *Sloe es residence. *Rotten....
Licentiate of the nova College Of "%spiel/in
London, England.
Moe inad Remidentie- -
JOHN Meuse, Murex St.
•, .DR, W.- SHAW,
• ASeoucheur• *to,. °Sloe and • restderice Om-
torio Ste Mutate. Mullah thumb, formerly oo.
euniedbV Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont.
- Physician, Norg000, Et°' •
• • fo. pecialoa:entiano: Rogirse:tdetmoede....iseases ot the.•• .
Eye, Ear, Throat end Nese.
Albert Street,2 Sleeks berth of Mattenbury •
. . Smithy /LA, elle
OFF/OE-Main Street Rayfield, formerly
°coupled by Dr. Palliator;
D 01.4 'Oa •, ER/41'6Sr NoLinmEs;.
.DENTIST ' •• • •,
• • . 0Saceeseor to Dr. T. C. Bruce
Specialist in Crow* and Bridge Work •
L S.-Gradnate Royal College Dental Sur.• '.
• D, D. 15.5..eitlateaDnota_rio, Tozonto,9 •
s Honor graduate 'of Hem . • •
trel Department ot Toronto rniverotr ••••: '•
specie1 attention_paid to preservation% of • • •
children's teeth. Will visit Bayileld
Monday. • • •
• •• Moe over W. Tinder & Son's shoe store.
Offiee adjoining Photajetuutie
°force Efours-9•tolteeVery day andes
Saturday until 10 n. tn. Branch offices
in Manchester Dungannon, Blyth and;
• Vetezttiam
• . DR. J.. FR EEMAt4,.;
Member 'of the •
Veterinary Medical Ammo's.' •
• • tions of London pad Edinburgh, and Grad.
ate of the Ontario Veterinary Collette
,• =VAT MUSES OP AtI, aroratarli•
• Office open night and day, opposite (St.
Paul's church,. Ontario Street. Clinton Oat •
, Veterinary a Surgeon
Suceeseor tO J. E. . ELACRALlis •
Diseases of all domesticated animala
•treated cin scientific principles, sesh •
Calls promptly attended to •
Office•• -Isaac St., Clinton ; residence
•' Albert St. Phone 82. •• • .
-Th zsnc.I%gy,
) ' Calle& Lifti AssUrance ec!.4
1 Fire, • Marine, Aerident. !late -Gla
ifinee t "T. Tisinit's elinten.
Shorthand •:
• Correspondence) • Type.
writing, etc,
• Thoroughly taught be •uteri -
awed teachers at the •
FOrest City Busi-
ness College,Y,M.O.A. 'BUM.
• ng) London; Ont,
We have no diffietilty in platting competent •
pupils in geed positions, College ee-opens.
hept. 2, Send for Catalogue.
••J. W.. Westervelt, .
Ma rble & Granite
' The prirchaser • -of -* menumertit
. Mould have complete confideeee
in the reliability of the firm, from
which he bur, for the material
and workmanship is g °malting
• very few buyers ere'familiet with,
If,you do not know ine trident In.
- chore about our reliability trent
• theme wiro know to best. We are
• the only practical men. 'here Wear
line. • .
• 3. 11. Hoover, PropLetor
Next teConlinerciai
AttroAteh ZIOENSIth issnedby the 1191-
Oli1*.,,,leutel. et, ilia tunionence, Mary stree •
titon_..._L____iumlascom•s• it_____: _
' No witnesses required
Flre, . Lite, •Leadeitt. • Plate Gla • •
Callen • Maracar Bzook, LeisTo 11
_ .
%it° •IPA W, YE 0 .
Agent for the liewenESTErt Punt AestinAEurt
Co. of Manchester, England, 'whose futide are •
eeenrity are rated at 614,500,000. Alan the Alo-
RoaMtjrtr INOTInAtiOZ Co. M1 oia., o .
farto risks and tovrit property taken by
IoWest ' rates. First-olaas Loan CoMParlies
• also represented. Matey to be had front 41 t er
•cent top, many:dug to nature of security.-- '
Daily natal to litenteeville - vestal card evil
fetch him
FARM and ISOttrairle
• 0-giikst
• orrreeng
MoLee.ti, President, Ebben P.: O. Thoa,.
Prance vietepresident, einicence le O. • Their.
-Er nit" -4300e-Treate Seaferth P. De W. xi, '
Broaufoote Inspector Of Lose, Sefskirth P. 0.
'W. G. zirofulfebt, Seatortni Jahn G. Or e
Wilithtep P. '0., Georgia Dale. Setifettho Joh
O.; John Wett, Hariook Po 0,1 lititnas Praise;
iIetuieWohlrThiblin, Jae. Una Ilteeehtoted
tergeoilit John Ki14)1)11 4)1- Inel
hobos Smith, thwack; Robt, Motaillabe Seat-
forthheneeogi CluniMing, EgtedlidVille J, W.
Ymetior,rieriloottha, nottadviltoilorkhelerge mutate end 40110.
Perties deeirolie to erect Internale° or trA
net other litteineee Will be proMptly mitten dgd.
00 ameleation to 507 01 tat) eboee ogi
or to tuoresetettvo °meta
. i;