The Clinton New Era, 1902-11-28, Page 1t
• c•
If you are in favor of Prohibition (that is putting the Ontario Liquor Aot of 1902 into fore()) mark your Dallot thus X below the word
1 0444444444o#444.44.44woom
, What Does Your Label Say
;Yes" ou ballot
t -
lite Label Tells the Date!
•••••,--a-r• r -a --ret
figittarN14851kaa Ven I
per year In advance
0.59 witen, net too paid
OrroalTil Toe* atm.
Bz*co8s& OzD STOW.
Expert Watch Repairer Jeweler . preaellect a eplendid Miesionary sermon
Retract -ignite had Dlopeneine OptIciale to a large congregation on Sunday,Rey
Afr Ooupland takingnis work int:404er-
lob. Avery enthusiastic temperauce
meeting WAS held in the church here
last Friday evening; R. D. Cameron,
Lucknow gyve a stirring address, in
which he proved himself thoroughly
alive to the work; Rev. Mr Couplend
occupied the chair ; the choir also ren-
dered several selections suitable to the
eceeeiee. The Ladies Aid Society
the church intend leaving a owing nee
for the purpooe of preparing material
for the box to be sent to the Deaconess'
Home, Toronto; In the near future.
°ens.- os Hearnwho for the
past 5 years has been in the Yukon die•
trice arrived home on Wednesday even-
ing last, looking. hale and hearty; he
has had quite an experience svace leav-
ing, Mies Annie Densmore spent a
week with her friend, Mrs IL Govier,
gravel road. • Harvey McDovvele who
has spent the last two weeks with
friends in Hespeler, returned home on
Friday. W. A. Killough spent Thurs-
day at the home of his father., A meet.
ing for Temperance organization was
held at A.B.Cartes on hfondayevening.
Mies Annie Diable, Clinton, is spending
a few days with her brother's here.
Jas. Hoover and family also W. Steak-
house and family event Thursday at
the home of Robt. Hoover, Grey. Illes
E. McDowell ie at present in Goderich.
Messrs. A. Auld, T. Tunny and A.
Fothergill hays returned from Manito
ba. Miss Maggie Taylor hag purchased
a driver from ktev.J. Kennedy, Landes -
bora. Ino. Black is very ill with pneu-
monia. Geo. Sowler received the :XV
intelligenceef the death of hiegrandson,
of Alpena, Mich., who was accidently
shot .by a compateion.
Swot NOT118.-The has been qutte a
move in stock lately in thief vicinity, J.
Hooper bought 20 head of steers from
Wm Johnston, for winterleeding e• he
also bought a therobred coiefrom Jas.
Snell, Mullett. J. Killough recently
bought 10 head of steers from Mr Mc-
Lauchlin, Grey.. Ae33, Cart sold to A.
Jacobs, Blyth, two thorobred heifers,
one a two-yeateold the other a sucking
calf, for which he iecetved the sum of
$220; they were both enpeeior cattle for
their age; Mr Jacobs has now a choice
herd of 9 thorobrede, alt picked cattle,
• .
• - Stanley
Noves.-J. Dunbar, Ashfield, is ate
present visiting here Wm. Graham,
Toronto, is visiting around here. Peter
Cameron accidently rot his fingers,
caught in the carriers of the straw -cut-
ter feed board and had pert of thefort-
. which
er of
e left hand taken
wig keep hint off work for a few days.
Miss MaryletcOully had a faillase week
by whim' she injured her arm; we are
pleased to state she is mending. Mrs
Jas. Cameron, Greenech, is thts week
violate her mother, who is still in a
weak state of health. Walter Moffatt
is now recovering from an attack of
pneumonia -and Alex. Gilmour from an
attackof quinsy. Geo. Cook, by the
falling cf a barn door, which be was
hanging. had two ot the fingers of her
leftnand badly crushed. 'ehe Sunday
School in J. S. No. 1, Stanley, opened
on April 6;h, closed last S• bbath Nov.
23rd, for the winter noutlle.
Wu; Advtviigtouitts
Abink with a record -L P Snyder Page
20th Centarr clothing -110dgens Bro.- 1
Christmas greetinge--Houry 1
lbetter store-NewcOmbe .... . 4
Cutters and sleighs-Bamball MoMath 44
BOOkE1.04—Cooper &Co
The Molson's Bank -13 CI Brewer
Mullett taanotice-R ... . .
We tohlyou D Fair Oo
leant Kraolgrubbere-Taylor drion .09
as goods -McKinnon 00... 8
guality and atyle-Bodgens Bros. 8
tieBring trent bualuese-eleceson nen
OBVEOM.-Next Sunday the con-
gregation of St Peters will have the
pleasure of listening to tetneWin Lowe,
of Wingbam, bekindlY coneenting to
exchange with their leader, Rev Ilt
NOTES. -There le in preparation a
school concert, which will -take place at
the end of the sehOol terna. Rey Mr
Wright preached O. Very: impressive
sermon last Sunday evening from the
text "Thy gentleness hath made me
greatetteken from the 18th Peattn,v.85.
• - Constance
NoTnee-Mr Edward Button has re.
• turned from his trip to Idaho; his
neatly friends are pleased to 'see him
back. Quite a number! of the young
Teeple from here drove over- to
esboro church on Sunday evening last.
P Although they heard a good semen
they got slightly 'dampened coming
home. Mr J. Cook and sister. Mrs
• Sanderson, returned home last week
from seeking with relatives in the
West; they report- having had a
splendid time. Mr • W. Jamiescn Jr,'
has alto returned from the West.
Witighnin. • ' ' .
Waated.-Good Turkeys, dry _picked and
undrawn 10e. -Dried apples ber. Butter 'Mo.
We buy.for cash, or trade.
• GAO. IL XING., Winghan.
Nonts.-Peter*Fisher, Jr., who was
operated on a few days ago for appen-
dicitis,- is recovering. Lest Friday
morning Councillor Wm Holixtes had
the misfortune to lose portions of all
four fingers of the left hand; while
retuning a piece of timber over. a buzz
Vance. The Farmers' Institute meet -
Inge -held their week hi town were inter-
esting tint not very largely attended.
R. 4. McKelvie has sold leis up-to-date
restaurant to Mr J. Buckley, of Owen
Soend, who takes poseesston at once. •
• •
Goderith %nay'
G. N. VileFeneR.-ent an entliesiaetic
meeting of the directors held last
week in Goderich, and backed by the
opinion of a number of the largest ex.
hibitortewho are willing to forego their
Prize money of this year, in order to
see the Great Northwestern Fair live
on, bay° decided to apply the fenced
new in hand in clearing up the inclebt,
' edness and to make such a, canvas for
the safe of membership tickets as will
bring in sufficient revenue to wipe Out
the at reaeages and allow of's large-
ly increased and imProved prize list for
the future. Each eubscriber of one
dollar is entitled to as many tickets as
is needful forieis family's nee, besides
enjoying all the privileges of an ex-
St Relenn
TEMBERANCE.-A very successful or-
ganization meeting was held in the
• school house on Thursday evening of
-- -last S Ae, in
' the chair. .Things were arranged for
polling rub -division No 5, etc.
NOTIM:-Miss J.Camerotethe efficient
and obei inn pestmiseress, enjoyrd a
o er c
The pupils of thepublicechool enjoyed
'their semi-annual taffy. pull, given by
their teacher, O. A. Tebbutt, one even-
-.—___ing.lieekweek, and alt seemed to enjoy
it very mt--ieheeleteserseLelitillenandWe,
Todd delivered horror to Mr McOluse
key in Goderich on 'Thursday of lest
evetereeboth havingrealized rtood
ures. Sire Cliff,of uckteew, has again
moved to our section, in order that her
speaks well for the public school here,
, 'D. Roberts, ofDungannon, met it num-
- ber of parties in regard to insurance
matters on Thuisday of last Week.
• Mrs Smith, sr., who has been visiting'
h son, .1 Smith, of the 12th, .has re-
nted to epend the winter in Bay
Oltielefich. Messrs McGuire and Mc-
Donald Broil., the champion threshers,
~are Stile engaged, and have yet a num-
ber of barns to clean but, . A Teb-
butt vittited friends in Whitechurch
and Witigham Satiirday last,
solentlfte jeweler
and thstiolen
WeSt Wawauosb
RIc'ekttorVa Biesinnes.-Afr John
joynt, of this township, is one of the
most extensive as well as one a the
most eaterprising businees been in t be
county. Broughe up as it ferater-be
owns two excellent tams - his anabi,
tion soon led him to branch out into.
broader net& than were possible on a
ferni. N "pent up Utica" was enough
for him, and he started, in a huoable
way, to work up the wood ash bust -
nese, Re thought he sew a future in
it and gave it his personal attentiob,
retiring from active farm life and „Mk-
ing up hie residence on the outekirte
of La know. One would hardly think
rauch of a lewdness could be made out
of atherin h but Mr Joynt has
. demonstrated that a very set/me:ye as
well as a very profitable trustees!! can
be deveio ed, and he now practically
devotes all •
s me to it, having more
allot* work in connection with it than
can be properly attended to by a clerk
and stenographer. He keeps ebout 60
teems on the toed, and will ship an
avenger of 800 care reeashes a year from
different points 111. oaten°. Vinton it
is remembered that about 1000 ears of
ashes are shipped out of the entire
Thineinion annually, the extent of his
business can be more reedilyereaVzsd,
The.aelies are carefully screened before
_ shipment, in order to take out the old
naile, glees and other foreign sub-
stances, which find their way. into
stoves, end then the ashes are graded
either coarse or fine, as the case naey
b Hie market for them is chiefly in
the United States, where they are toted
for fertilizing purposes- mainly ' on
lawns and pastures, Hadealt; either
-direct with the consumet or with the
wholesaler, and numbere among his
customers someof the wealthy men of
ths Sta,teiehaving an order -at the pees -
Out ante from the weinknown finan-
cier, P Morgan. Mr Joynt is a loyal
and staunch Canadian, and has tned
to develop the Oenadian market for
hie product, but apparently the Emil
bare does not require the use of fertil-
izers to the sable extent a'S on the other
side -being newer endless exhausted -
for he has not been able to do any busi-
ness at all in Canada. The chief con-
stituente ofeehes are lime and phote-
phone?, and in some sone these ingeed
tents seem to. be lackipg, hence the
benefits. of using ashes as .fertilizere..
Mr Joynt has also °given considerable
attention to the evaporation of apples,
running a plant in Litclinow and in
several other places. The ugh he bas
ntiough nuttiness to engage the atten-
tion ef a nuniber of peo le,he personal -
:Ty eliparintepds all hiseiPin Werk,being
a man of tireless energy and industry,
and is obtainhaa the legitimate reward
of prudence and hard work, b accum-
ulating something of this ..worlde.
*Foods as well.
• ,
Tnekersnifth .• '•
Noxies,-Miss Nott is visiting
friends in Colborne. Mr and Mrs A.
Turner, Clinton, spent Sunday with
friends here. Miss Martha Crich, Sea -
forth, visited friends here this week.
lbe , member& .of Turner's Epworth
League are pinking every reparation
to have the tettemeeting,to e held on
Dec. 15th, .a decided emcees& •
. •Consorte-The council met at Dix-
on's hall, on Saturday. the 8te beet., as
per adjournment. • All the Menibers
were present. • The annual aerating of
the electors . will be held at Dixon s
Beticefield, on Monday, December
29th, atl o'clock p. m , and if a poll is
. . •
necessary, such po e on e
5th day ofjanuarn, 1903, at the weed
Places, and 'will be conducted by the
same deputy return ng o core as . at
the lestelection. Messrs E H, Sewers
and Andrew eScott .waited. On . the
council as a deputation from the,
Brucefield Public library, asking for a
sraalegeant in aid of that worthy. in'
Ais the conety councel and
' the eltarikei alitiefeelied
ready granted $15 each to aid the
librat•y, Tuckeremith's council could
hartely do. btherwise than fellow suit,
Frank Gutteridge was pi ,e
balance due him for excavating and
erecting the Sproat bridge abutments;
the total cost of the abutments , was
$819 80. The steel' superstructure has
also been erected by Alex Hill St Com,
panyene Mitchell, at a cost of $759.
Other accounts were -• passed
amounting to $267,41. The next
meeting will be held at Delve; hall,
EgmondVille, tat Monday') Deeenaber
-15thr. Int uirea
atatute; Peet* who have accounts
against the corporation should present
them before the 'above date, so that the
financial etatement 'May be made as
complete as positible. Patletaasters
who have rabt yet returned their lists
should at once. A. G. Bantam;
CLERK, , . •
Eshiti el
DEATEL-61-Ci mley, sr, con; 8th,
died on Sundaylast. He was one ot the
pioneers of the. township,a man held in
the very bighest teepee% a prominent
Methodist and Conservative and e he
leaves a wife and. grown up family.
The retuaths were Interred in Dungan-
non cemetery on Tuesday:afternoon, a
very large number showing their re-
el:met to deceased. .• •
OMMOM Oneented.-Hackeit'aelifethe
odist church, 'on con, Ashfield, was
formally dedicated and opened on Sun-
day last. The building is handsome
back structure, with basement, and
was opene ica y free, o e
The Sunday services, worn, after-
noon and evening, were conducted by
Rev. eas. Hannon, Exeter, (who per-
formed the dedication services) Rev. S.
M. Whaley,St HelenstReet, Mr Harris,
Oaten, and Werd txtost successful and
inspiring from first tolast, very large
audiences being preteith. The tea -
meeting announced for Monday e*en-
ing was-morcesuccessfulren-voint of-ate-
tendance,than the most sanguine could
expect. It seemed as if everybody for
mi es around were preaent ; the chute*
was not only jammed to its utmoet cap-,
adty, but the basement watrjamtned as
well, and even then many could not ob-
tain admission. The meeting was run
as a "dotable-header"--for as soon as
one speaker had made his Odessa to
the audience up stairs, he made his
way down stairs (atthough with great.
difficulty) and made another address
there The epeakers were Revs. Messrs
Hannon, Exeter; Harris, Lucknow;
R. Holmes, M. P., Clinton, and Jo°.
Joint, Luoknow, who had laid the cor-
ner stone. Rev. ' Mr Oaten tinted as
chairman, upstairs, while Rev. Mr
Whaley, St. Helens, performed the
Smile downetairs, The choir of
Nile Methodist church furnished music
for the occasion, whileeer Dustow and
daughter gave a duet. Mies Potter and -
O. A. Tenbutt solos. Mt Oaten Mated
1 in the coutse of his remarke, that they -
desired to raise in the opening eervices
dbout 3200, for the purchase of an or..
gan and to fix up the driving shed, and
at the closer of the' Sertrlde he had the
Pleasing task of stating that the united
proceede of Sunday and Mondity
amounted to over $189, and the pastor
mil congregation have (leery reason to
feel highly gratified et the sucetesful 4
accomplielement of their Work. The:
day the corner atone was laid wag one
of the most beautiful in the -Whale sum-
mer ; Sunday last wait also a inegnifi•
cent sitty, while better weather could
not have been deeired for the Monday
exercises -from first to laid Providence
Christina ereetings
MO OM Vett better' greet a friend at log and afternoon services. in illtoreets
CArlatmat thin, with a photograph? IS is I, ofSundaySchool, everiln iiervice iti
as neer personal40 as you esiiiiOnle, interests of the Rpworth League. Rev
We will help pin emile in it friendly Man. CL Pe Wells_, ,_Ethel, Will take the place
tier to your friendeOhristrois rdornibg. !of Rev.e. W. Edwards, announced on
ntriry% noto situdio tti,golithi.f:rito to the latter% ilineie of
*eat WillW41110$313.
001NO on 7, who
has recently rented his farm to D.
Cook,hicl a sale of his stock and effects
08 Wednesdatevvhich was well. attend-
ed and good prices were realized. Mr
Michol eufeering trOM rheumatism,
and thinks the change of climate will
do him good. Hei le a popular young
farmer, and will be missed,
PERSOIVAL.-Mies Noble, Signet% Is
visiting her brothees James and Thos.
and others in this
(1111/110/1. -Next Sunday will be cele-
brated AS Missionary day at which Roe.
Robineon, Gioderich, expected
tri preach morning and evening. Offer.
nge and eubscriptions will be taken up
ri aid of admiring: On Monday' even. •
ng a missionary rally will be heirloom.
mending at 780 p. m, Rev, Dr. Gifford
and W. R. Lough, of Clinton, W311 de.
iver addresses. Offerings in aid of
'Forward Movement,"
Goderich Township Nll
OHOROR.--- At the service next Sun- Sitinnen,-A grand fowl slimier wi
day the Rev Win Lewe, of Wingbaur, begiven on Dec, llth, at Nile. Th
Is expected to officiate; Rev Wright supper will be served teem 0 to 8 in th
exchanging pulpits for the day with Donne° HalLand a program,coneistin
?dr Lowe, of addresses, Yegitat one, mpel -eele
Rona, etc will e renderedy talent o
To TenePoLete-The day is foot draw-
ing near when every elector, if he feels the ablest character'•Program °°M
rciences et 8 p, m. All invited.
so dispoled, may cast his vote in favor
or not of the Liquor Act; we firmly be- NOTES -The Nile choir supplied tb
• Hove there will be a lot of stay-at-bunee music at the new church at Hackett'
fellows on -Dec. 4th
eaterery Sncietet Of el,
The O. 1. L S bald its regality meet -
g preeect. The introductory music, was e '
in lest Thursdey. A. large number were COnaitiOn TOIrlder
netanwtRIBrese tittir Er0OliaeCelYktnals
attended to, The prineipal business was We Carry an the 10at3illg
' the placing of the constitution, which had condition powders
. been drawn up by the eiteeetive before the
e society. It was left for consideration and StOck Foodfi
8 until another meeting. The following was
g* 141 iitne'rProeT1 isoitglinVnal attreti:o u:rnest9oallri ineivaSe :a; WwaAarekvatehr°Yet I
1 • Shakespeare," Leo Telt; solo, norman
debate on • Women's Suffrage." Aliases Darieys Con. llovvder
Chidleyelarling and Gunn bed tlie affirm-
reselvea 'That women should have NMI S. 66
t right to vote," while Manning, Tisdall and Wodes
Dunlop upheld the negetive. Many splen-
. • did poliSts were br h beck's 46
of them were well answered, bnut wban
suramed up the affinnetive had the advan-
r tag% The school paper was then read by
the editor, Hint Renato% leir Soon, who
was appointed critic for the evening, could
not stay to give hie criticieme, so Ur Mo.
Lean kindly meted tie critic. He congrat-
ulated the young ladies who had taken
, part in the debateeend said that when the
day came for -woman to vote he knew three
who would be prepared. The meeting then
alma by "Geri wive the Bing."
. A special meeting of the 0 tr; I. le S.
was held on Tuesday, at 4 teolook,at which
the *oonetitution drawn up by exeoutive,was
Presented with. a Sit -Oohing Set.
When the time tieme last Saturday after-
noon for the employees of She Doherty Or-
gan,0o, to quit for the week, those in the
oaseroom, together with the foremen of the
t other department and other Wends of Wm
mennelLaesembled to say good-bye to him,
he having severed hie conneetion 'with the
above firro that evening. Mr Mennell,who
has °coupled several important preitione in
the organ factory Since it 'heti been °stab
halted here, was admired by eel those who
• Were under him for the interne he mann
teased in theni, and therefore could not see
. him take his leave of them without present-
ing him with some iingible appreciation
of hie goodwill, and something that would
Omuta him to relied and ever keep in mind
the assoolations of the•time he event while
.employed with the Doherty Organ 0o.
W. Downs was the spokesmen hir the oe-'
easion, and ill coming forward aimed Mr
Mennell for his attention: The following
address was then read by Mr Downe, and
presented to Mr Menpell, accompanied by
a gold mounted pipe,' with other smoker's
utensileg- •
Ma Wit MPFTNELt• DEAR Sia, -et is with
feelings of regret that we learn you are abottt
to leave us. we, your fellow employees ot the
case rooni, desire to eeprere to you in some de-
gree our appreciation of the treatment received -
fr m on during the number of years which
_ you have been foreman, and your straightfor-
Tordodealinge have gone ter toward- wincing
y u sue.gretitude of all. We are also sorry
to lose one in whom we placed every confidence
and assure you it is the heartiest wish of all
ast giztiemeet iTiith the success you deserve
ment)tvorkiV;Vicliffigin tbo fir lirviealtfecien1341:
.Again expressing the regret we feel at parting
rer 1:syaosa6vhet itger zit obo u riv•ecce
tard eysorking
Signed, REPLOPPES OP TRH Case Room.
Me'lleenell was so taken by surprise
that he could not respond, and asked that
he be ennead from renlvin�
we lore a good oitizeb. He was a good eo- Clint,012 0111116h,
obit; worker, end. took a• deep interest in • ; •
evelything he was connected with. the es- • •
thilable family swill also be missed in $cetiavnelauiriPi.rodwianiurtd:doeretreset. L. sNyDER
'eleuroh and Sunday School circles Mrs'
church. The New EPA adde their beet • 4,4idlypeot
Mennen being one of the dependent Ines in Manager
00t1O801i011 With St Paul's . Anglican' •
wishes for a skill further stureessfal life in
tusk new '
Watts, Guelpb,in the interest of Leper
Missions, appeared before a leer
' feitrfil neglend airdnirnet*gfi:-72,4
delivered a very interesting talk on
them. Dr. Stewart occupied the chair
town on MondayI b ., T
OCPSTEMPT1111411 Twavnair.---One of the Nile congregation will serve it low
' the meanest acts of thievery that hes supper here on Dec leth ; further par
ticulars will be given later. A meetin
taken Place in the neighborhood for
some i . m on hues. was bold i theh ,
day evening, of last' week, hir scene night in the interests of tile referent -
hotted Of John Thompson, of the MY- inspector Tom, Of eitoderich; we eXiiec
ene, addressed by Rev Dr Deniele and
Par es who broke into the stone milk
Reid line, and took therefrora, some every vote to come out cleananddecid
fort pounds of butter. Mrs' Thoin • ea on the the 4th a December next
son had Just finished „up a churning, Wra Watson returned last week
and bad a crock with some 33 pounds front an extended trill through Man
in, besides a piste.of pound prints, and intioatt3,0, Dakota, Illinois and othe
was ContemPlatink bringing it to thoinee e316 hey% Kwitrthig. mheaseetgerteer,wiSee
market the following day; on going to
the eunk house neatmoral-1m she of J. Rueter, evangelist.
found that the butter had all been .
taken during the night. Mrs nowt). •Blyth '
soil informs us that she • hes good' EXPORTING TURICETS.-1. Mr Powell
suspleione who the guilty parties are, OUP eeterprieine produce dealer,is busy
and unless the better it; returned, or at the presenteeteine in gathering up
taimonesnwdsillir ac. and exporting to the old, country, no
lees than eight car loads of turleeys
NOT103.-We are pleased to note that Theee he has bought at different
A, cooper 18 08 the mend. 4-, Danhyls trines,. anclihen are now being fine
somewhat unfortunate in the horse waraeo. •• ar roweire contract with
business, haying lost another of hie, Englieh dealers crab 'dor delivery on
working horses; Mr Cole idea lost one. Weed of care, beyond which point he
Rev. Mr Yelland purpesee preaching a has nothing further to de with them
temperance sermon on Noy. 80 in Ooleet , But the face that ourdealer can dispose
temperance cause and his deliverances of eight car loads shows the deraand
there is for this dare of produce - in
°hutch ; he is a strong advocate of the
are always uttered withouton fact,. the demand is far greater than
tradiction. Mies BelePortfeernerlintlf.has* the supply, and it more were rased 1
field line, MisrAnnie Cumming's leaves f anneto
wiamuAldRizaanum. ore ready mon y to the
been the guest of the Misses Bell, Bay -
for her home in ielyth soon, Fred Ern --:From the Evening
neerson is indispesed ; we are starry to Journal of the American Soo we clip
sax his confinement is due to eppendi- the following:-"Malcolna j, L. Gunn -
cites. Jno Middleton, jr., returned from bell And Miss Mabel Victoria (Hogg
the west; looking as well as ever. At. were„, married Wednesday evening ' of
time of writing A. Thompson is pro- lest week at the residence of the bride's
greasing favorably after his recent 111. parents, Mr and Mrs W. R. Clegg.
nese and soon may be able to go about. Tbe bride WAS supported by Miss Ethel
P. Cole had sheep worried by doge the Ruddy, of Thessalon, Ont., and James
other night. Jute Middleton had a Mathews of the Soo was grooixisman.
herse drop dead tbe other day wnile Mr and Mrs Campbell are among' the
plowing; the atiimal appeared ta be most popular young people Of the Soo
going alright when it fell and died with- and this fact was attested by -the many
out a struggle.. Miss May Harrison re. . beantiful and costly weddingrifte they
turned home on Sunday, after a short received. Those present from ,out of
visit with her sister, Mrs Geo Peactor. the city were WS W W Campbell, of
We are pleaaed to hear that Mrs and Myth, Ont.. camber of the groom,
Mass Pickard, of the Out line. are both and Mrs E B Wiles, of Chicago, cousin
improving, having apparently passed of the bride. .
. the danger point. T. Harrison, of the .
5tb con., sold horse .Mr MpEwale,
of Stanley, at e good figure. The men -
oil will meee on the first fdoncley in ACCIDENT -J. W: Gray, G. • T. R.
December and on December. 15th. -Miss agent in our village, met With an
Minnie •Proctor, of licilmesville, is vie, accident Isse*Thursday. -while Working
iing this week at 11. LoWery's, con. at the statton, 'Which Will lay .hine -up
16. John . Smith is petting cement for some tine. He pertly disjointed
flints in the stables beneath' his new his knee, injuring the caetilage, mak-
bar, (3. Beacom has bought from Ele' ing it necessary for an °iteration, which
Biker, of Clinton, the latter's farm on was performed . by. Dr Elliott, *ot
the 15th cane and has been beset. this Clinton, and Dr Rodgers, offirneeileld.
week, with a riumbee ot teems, turning Mr Gray is doing as well: es can be
over the etide Fe. McCartney his near- expected. .• •
y fin 'eel the season threshing; And ..
is. /110W buy With the creakier. • Ronne -Rev Muegrove preached
in the Presbyterian church on Sunday
lest. Dr. J ernes hes bought tt
(Montville, . L medical practice near Montreal. Era
cniracji_,Rei„ re -eerie of W. Gordon and setters, Misses McKay,
ham; Will °Mews' in the Anglican have moved to KiPpen, where they
church next Sunday, the rector being purchased reeidence for $1,100. On
absent Wingham. Rev I:B Friday ot. last week, as P. Cam,
B. A., of Seaforth, offitiated at both eron was • cutting straw . oh the
morning and evening services in be- farm of Me McGregor, he hes the mo-
hair of the missionary fend. On Mon- fortune to have. the end of one of his
day evening a. joint mistrionary and fingers injured', Mets Manning, Clin.
temperance :meeting was held, • which ton, was on Sunday -the guest of Miss
was addressed by -Re v Dr De.niels. arta Katie.Haet. Sohn. etettepbery .spent
R W McKenzie, Goderich. Rei J Hue. Sunday at his horne; • .
ser, B. D., Pb. Occupied the pulpit • • • .
in the Methodist church; Sean:nth, on . • ' • .•
Sunday, - . • ;Ittlintrial
_114xemmum,=..1;b„ro., Wtitinnereeepho Nexits.,-Cotirt Duffeein etro.,46, a 0;
has been spending a feenteigitiedie thee Tele adding largely to rut mentlierebilie
West,returned:Satuiday eveningloek. owing to the active efforts of Organizer
ing hale and hearty.. lie is most en- Couplend. Maitland, Ledge 1. O. Se T.
thusiaetic as to the future of that coun- is having initiations every lodge night
try, and brings hotne glowing reporte night now and active in the ctunpeign.
of the bouatiful harvest and wonderful The stereoptican views on Prohibitton
development. Re, himself,- along with by. Rev. Mr Coupland were much appre•
it coupleof others who went out with ceded by a full halehere last week while
hira, have taken up a quarter .of it sec- another prohibition Meeting will be
tion each. 'upon which they Will per- held on Friday in the Temperance 'Hall
form their:homestead dutiee. He pur- for which two able lecturers haye been
Teem returning•West in the spring,. ' secured. MiteRstarlFere•uson was unit -
Ax W 0. Elford,ed in Marriage to WineXyrifeernit-Weite
retary of .the West Huron Farmere needay ite a Clinton parsonage. D. E.
Institute, has been absent this Week at- Muer° leave an. excellent paper on
tendininnieetingteheld-beethat organize-Thanksguting. emeSundayieveningelaste
ation Wingnain, At Helene, Port at Knox churchlendeavor and the song
Aibart * r e topics is- seryice e was we It en e
cussed are of a live nature and no doubt : • „ •,„„:
teach benefit will accrue krone Meetings '•
of tine nature. The work done in the . Porter's Hill .
nest has been aroductive of good re- Vine Hillock is visiting
sults, and this series will be no excep; her brother in Stratford. Mr and Mrs
/nnerkip, sprang *a pleasant surprise
t'i°11InleetemLit ellnetdti* • tif visiting With friends at Araberly.
, &lex Cox spa:lb a few deys lest week
on his many friends in this Vicinity, telheererhe oWineas and SF' rPidieskraridastr.etumrnresd Dte
when he neleXPeetedir arrived in the Gliddon returned borne on Wednes-
vi age for a few days last week. Ed,. deer, after spending a few dart visiting
although On pleasure bent, was boon friends near Exeter. Special eervices
dentally looking after a little business, are being conducted in Bethel chtiech,
narnelyerecuripg some potatoere for the Death has again enteredour midst and
many men he keeps eittployed at his taken another resident, in the person
large cheese factory at Innerkip. This Of Mrs Rebt Marshall, cut line, who
factory is one of the largest in West- died suddenly on Mondayleet; the fun.
ern Ontario, and its present enviable eral was on Wedneeden afternoon to
reputation is largely due tothe tibtiring Maitland cemeteree We utiderstand
efforte of Mr Johnston, who for some that Miss Dunlop ef Clinton has been
mos had chargeof the fectory here at *engaged by the trustree to teach for.
Holtnesville. In fact, he was with the the coming year.
Holmesyllle factory from the very be-
ginning, tied he it•wart Who created the Mayfield,
good tier leolnoteiville Cheese that ee
It *till htilde.. Ho returned ina Saturday.
Darrow ; Rev J. MoNoil ofiloiating. The
Mimi -The Marna e took place on it'ed.
meaty lain of etre Elizabeth Pollock to 31;
Itt Law CAnniket.-4. bylaw to loan Pitsbyterians and Oho& of England are
Sohn Dick, of Toronto. ten thourtand Preparing for theft annual Sebbeth Sohool
Chrietmee entertainments, Mere Nellie
deflate to operate the Seeforth oira has recovered from herinnese,
lett Mille Was voted upon and, cerried e, •
here Ott Monday, by a good majority, "30""--4in and mlig
888 in favor and °nixie agaltert, liteCormick,Chicagoeire visiting ai Slur.
MAN lettearte-jno, Tarise, for sore' tr. frir ;pea. ntelire(aDttrmeratlegire, Divertareeiat,42:
years in the employ of F. Colemienti
fielt manufacturer, wee kimid week, Mitre Jessie Siegal het( been
Saterday moreineen Coleinati 4 stable, home for it short vide front, iklerir York Stabs
Mid lettittet week for Coloride Springe.
When found his baba was hOlditig the mkt wteei Make has returned from the,
electrie light wire to which woe etteete tetra /AO& Collev/e ; the institution Was
ed an incandescent lamp. He leaves e ebbed down, owing to the faterelende of
widow and a family of eleVela.., The emelipot, Mies flatter hag left forherhoree
following raenthere of the 2t, , in Dottie, • ,
from tOWil Attended the fen al of .
their brother Sinn,
Cook and Maybe. There were about Milk&
80 Poreeters in line, 'We understand OrtAtioat.-The eat° ailvertieed, for the.
that an itiqUeet was held and that the Osh of Dee., at the farm of We D.
light cdttipemy blamed With negli. jackson, con. 9, \has been changed to
g enes, and alio that the Widow intim& the 8th, owing to it conflicting with
entering an action for darneger. • another sale tbe awe day.
Out Own " •
Ilerbagemii • etc,
R: P. Reekie's
Preeoripnon Drug Store
%"*. 1 sT. Be-Alsc all the %Melee
niatiiiily fa: p:itiy...1.1 ylar
own private receipt, etc.
• Fanners' Institutes
A series Of meetliegte under the aus-
pices -of the West Huron Ferment' In-
stitute are being held this week, the
first on Monday afternoon and even..
ing, being at Winghava, Me Wilson,
V. S., gave an address on Common
Diseases of Farm Stock. Mr Elliott, of
Galt, Was not able to be present as
announced; In the evening Miss Mad-
dock, of Gue'pb, spoke as did also Mlle
O. Campbell, of Ooderich, and Mr
Morton. •
At Stflelens,on Tuesday, Mr Elliott,'
took up "The Bacon hog" -Mr W.
Bailie also gave it good adelrers. BM*
the ladies mentioned above took part
in the evening neoprene as did Alen
Rev. Whaley. and Mr 0, T be
butt, the tatters addrese being "From
Sugar. beet to Sugar." ,
Meetings were also annoenced for
Wednesday at Pert Albert, and Thurs-
day at Auburn.
Pi Bank
with a Record
IS not necessarily an•old hapk. ' •
Our _heed up. Oepital now exe
.ose,ds $1,200,00e. •
Oer Reeerve Fund (Surplus)
• exceeda $260,000.
• Oar A.seete eXceed
• Pour Dollars.
Ask one customer*, why they .
• do bueletteswith tis; or better
• ..yet, give us an tnterview.
In the removal of Mr Menke)! from tenni • The Sovereign Bahk Of Canada
P11101Mat, Robb. firaWford, Mee
Crawford, Wesley Orawford,Thoti Hein
:whetted, Mrs lieseelwOod end two
children returned. on reiday from
Manitoba. Robb Cornell returned
from Michigari thie week, to work for
smiled on the undertaking.
Mr Webb. Wm Wallace visited for a
few daye amongst old friends ; he waif
formerly a merchant here,
Wane,- The beautiful snow came
down on Wednesday, and Sohn Woe&
Mail bad the tent cutter ride to the eta.
thin and back. The farmers on the
beat just east a the village done their
statute labor on Tueeday. Do not for.
get to poll your vote on the 4th of
December. The iivasorator le likely
to be dolma Eisturdqfar thi8 Loam% '
Sender next is ehinday ticilool and
Epworth League fi,ally day in conned -
tion with the above church, The morn -
County Conunissionsh10 Matters
It is usually the case before an elec-
tion that many names. are mentioned
as aspirants to office, who never really
intend to go to the polio, and we pre-
ineneethitiveill be the -case -in -comma-
and openedtbeproceedin missioner. • . •
tion with elections for _0.euuty Come
quartette, composed of Mesdames uietrict, it is said that the candidates
.., en the Godench, Colborne, Ashfield
He theb called on Weelei'Crilfuleeh
and Murch; after this the epeaker - of DurniJ; N. McKenzie, anos
will be Messrs Chamberie A. Young,
the evening wasintroduced. Miss Watt - 'Dalton; 'd Til
Uhowen and March and Messrs Sibley Mr
every action, and held her audience for Hullett district, both Messrs Oantelon
Itt the Goderich township, .Clinton,
has asweet intelligent manner in her
,an hour while she described the and Connolly intend run, and pos-
sibly Messrs Leith, Brighten' and Seed, 7
ililaeacdttrivel4eintatet:::::::_u-b:orreen itinirt4h:s..._ [Kr 7.,_irigih 1;_dteellielsintih:108 4°Aath:elaw:alstrielte-ti
missions, ' She told how we - were in the Best aela Wiest Wewanosh
from some cares, while in
hemmed in on every side by t nip how distriCle Masers Lopitheed and Patter;
object of their labor in the far Best at all about, et '
anadci; 4'4:1 Meteartan3. G. 0 aerie, arse. .... --;; ie "' -
have two inissionee-ease andoest, The The other divisions we know noteing ,
Indies was explained as being the hot We understand that Mr John Mc. .
bed of the disease, and by staying the Lean, of Tuckersineth• is an esPieenb •
diseatie there, they were doing the first for the Wardenship next year, as are
thing necessary to stamp it out in other abila Messrs Miller and Kerr. The pee-.
counteles, because it was spread through Rion goes to a Liberal, in accordance*
coming in contact with some article or with the arrangement made among
person which had been up aattitiet it. the members of the Council themselves
By preventing these people from
waneeriog around, and by stopping • A ptivate letter frorn ir il ilfrid
the sale of articles by these lepeee, Laurier stateS that his health ha
would, in the near -future, have the much irapyoned from his stay at Hot
disease checked from further spread, Springs. lie will return to Ottawa ah
and this was accomplished by building the end of three weeks.
numerous bins and asylums in secluded e......,.......,,........,,,,......,e.e,
places, where three lepers were housed t . ,,
and made to fed comfortable, and is
bibete with the religion of Jesue Cham d, 1 3 . l ?
--by noissiobaries ia thet edunteye The, j ) . ,i, A . -•
town with i he follewingOffIcera ;-Miss__ The tOth Century Brand stands
i :: 0.44:11\sekiseti...tee-
d) not send out ini i " ' I 10
close or' the address Mrs Hoover 3 t
rendered eh appropriate solo, 'after
which a. collection was -Wien up, and -
on suoteestionet branch was formed in . 1
Bea Stevenhon, Pees; Mrs.T. W. Irwin, for whet ,is beet in Clothinp for
Sec'y t Ildra .1.k Hoover, Trees; Ana
Mrs Courtice and Mrs treweeon the mos. Yon never find it on an In -
Mw or poorly made Snit or Oyer-.',
executive in coneunction with the wed. Each gement in ons eePare•
other officers, This is a commendable tely by praotioal mitten, skilled
field in Which to show' our missionary Woes make them h130 and thee
Interest and IS deserving of iilliart...,. are as alleehine Peened and linieh-
020 eneperteee a enee A year, $ pp ea Off as is any Ordered Suit you
adult leper, $50 supporta a 'Christian , could hu70
& childrenei borne and $740 to $1600 '''°4 ws"*.liravi° ur`°*°4441°44er' /
teacher in an etryluta,0260 to $500 bullet; tee. ,., e _ ,, Y 1 1. I
builds an asylum, . ele and firstulato trilurnitakii Pre C
Own but work in conjunction with
mission.; from all chinches, After the
The Michigan Central Ititilway hoe given
bone° Of blamed freigei video, to take
fleet on Jein,
reportne that She Newfoittelland-
Milted Skase reelproeity treaty will be
defeated Owing to the oppoaltion of the New
England Senittore.
A fall of several inches of Snow this
week makes it look like winter;
would not require much more to make
gOth Centitry Brand
Equal to hest Custom
• made -