HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-21, Page 8N,overnber 210, 1905 THE °UPTON NEW ERA. Outing Ilats at $125 Sold at $2 and $24. Here is some news of interest to Millinery buyers, On Saturday next we are going to sell 25 Outing - Hats at $1.25 each; that are sold all over for $2 and $2.50. No better Millinery bargain is likely to came your way this season. See them in the window on Friday, and be on hand early Satur- day morning for best choice. 25 only ',tidies °rating Hats, all new shapes ana this seesson'e styles. in colors of navy, white, grey, avow and black. all trun med; resular 62 and $2.25, choice on Saturday. Iwo • Itstsn FRIDAY, ANOVE11113ER 2L 1002. LOCAL NO c WEB. . brae applies wanted PANTELON BROS Oar er Potatoes went a as tem as possible, . Highest market paid. P. MAITLAND, Ogle . cooper's o d wet d, (Anion. Sugar: Sogart-ii irst granulated sugar made in oanada from how. erown beets, experts say the Wet they have ever seen, 3 W. iawM, Wanted P.`larctl Ana Errand boy at Nov. 21, tf. Jackson Bros, Clinton 1 MARRIAGE -A. rather young took-ILQualivoTEs.... :ng etople droye into town ori Wtd. as p k b Imo; asinco. FRUIT INSPECTION- A. McNeil, Goveroment Fruit Inspector, was in town on TtlesdaY1 having come here in connection with the improper hand ling of fi ult under the new Marks Adt. R :bed Elliott appeared before Mayor Jackson, and acknowledged Unit some fruit, not first cl as had been so brand- ed, Ple was fined $10 and costs. ALREADY COOKElt- Last Set- urdav lody when marketing pur- „vat, evenin about 7 80 with a rs e as so far recovered from tea n and double seated can eage car 7 go oer reacent illness that ehe le able to Pe rving but two passengers. donut 8 , " "nand; DOC. Freeman, V. S., is comfortably c'„',e.,11Ptebke'vatatnecrorTetatirweaulkinngewanncicZag I, located in his new Paine adjoining the I OoMmercial Hotel. to knew where they rnivht find tir Min • 'et 411. he hesitated, but, finally directed ; Mrs Kerr has had a new roof put on ' h tto to a pareenage. We have since ; her reeidence, and is MOO hAVIng a neat teamed that the parties were W. ' wroished erected. ' Lynn, of Blytb, and Miss Pearl Fergu- son, Manchester, . put.ylidivcaKiceinazivei.silit to olyoroliontoDu iwetroicrkt Workmen. on Tuesday evening last. A FINE INSTRUMENT -George E. Emerson, of tne Nortlheimer .Plano 0o., j, E. Oantelon brought to town in was in town this week, and succeeded One load from the•Dunnannon (nor :n placing in the home of ore of our a ton of good butter lfa:Itisfiloontidsa prominent citizene very line colonial os, Andrevelo pay Yun' day, grand- Nordheirser iiians• It is aiwaY8 Nov. 30 h, this yearO-• The first Sunday a pleasure for us to say a good word in Advent, comes on the same day. for meritorious goods of Canedian Ripe raspberries were picked in the manufacture, but this Partieular piano gat den of Mr John Snyder on Noy. 19, 1 calif for more than ordinary mention. Let the people of England know this. 1 The case, which is of a very pleasing (01 mial design, is A handsome -piece of Miss Porter,at present attending the mahogany indeed, while the full,round Model, has been envaged for U,S.S.No. sweet tone is in keeping with the rep- 10, Hallett and Onderich township, for illation a thii will ki own firm. . We nekt year. chased a dozen eggs. This. morning a aleretand ilis,t this Instrument was A small apple tree loaded with nice rstuesdey ' when preparing break fast manufactured expressly for exhibit at fruit, without at leaf on the tree, pre - she clacked one of them, with inten- • the Totonto and London fairs. sents quite an oddity in the yard a .. 1 lion to pooch it, and found that It WaS Vests at 25e; Vests at 50c. Peter Straitio Plreacly cooked. hard and riady for a OFF THE TRAWL -0i.° of the . - salad; if SO011 a eit cumstance should strangest freaks of car wheels jumping The past minith of wenn weather has . r conr again, she would like it to be a track happened in the yards Tuesday made horse- •lipping business profitable The quantity of vests we have sold has. surprised us accompanied by lett.uce,etc. morning. After the mooning mixed Harvey Davis having clipped in that had come in from Stratford, they - time 45horses. We thought we had emiugh to do us all winter, but now with ' pin3Lio LIBRARY -Tile Secretary tarted to do some placing ot cars and jack Gardiner had the misfortune to the season hardly more than open we have had to order amain. cf the Public Library Board has r eceiy- had been up to the Doherty Organ ha h' lf h d df k , • ed from the Minister of education the f t nnove is e an poisone rom wor Values like these brought the business, Drawers •to match report of Dr. S. P. May, Supermten. croe!. y,tathde canrarentuerinfe tewno;bileel: ing in mortar. and was laid up for sev- both lines, . . dent of Public Libraries for Ontario. n n n , the track about a rod from the Doherty eral days in consequence, 6 : The report is a very creditable one as . . . . - . switch and at was oot noticed c.nr the Ocitettelon and Wallis shipped a dout le end ee deek r Of hogs to Toronto on Mond y will be seen by the following extract: - and track till it got to the station sleeves,soft finish aird good weight, lined, nicely finished and trimmed "Thts is deCidly the th st equipped. e re g s e 1 Ladies' ribbed vests, high neck, long Ladle& ribbed vests, shaped, plush best managed Library in any I own inthfihtbd.Hfond R Fitzsintoncl & Son a double de k. How two wheels o • i in white, cream or natural shaded, ,..„..„,* a very oomfortiabba garment for p, A a set could remain on t e track h going es IV Collingwoo on Tuesday. ' each I he province. The Library and Read - TOM; underwear, extra spenial Va11303...., OUC - ' • • • that distance, and its other two bump- •• Over 5000 lbs of homeonatle dried ap- ing ROOM have electric lights. and . . ing aloure the ties over frogs in the cu- les were shipped to foreign markets by although it wee pouring rano the night . eint outs course that it (Ha without do- Cantelon Bros this week, aleo 8000 lbs I visited the Library, it was well pat- ing more dernage is hard to explain. of butter and 500 dozen of eggs. ronized by young men and ladies. REVISION couhr.-rhe c :tart for TAKEN ILL -It was with great: sor- v _ A, on Monday morning of the serious ill- - Ladies' Gloves 25c Th fl t f hat is su osed to be By long odds our best Ftock of fabric gloves is now on the reVision of the yoterss list was held row that our citizens recei ed the news anthracite or hard coal for stove 'lie ternoOn horn 1 to 8, before Judge nese of Rev Win bitaa, of Herman. v; Dn'le. It took His Honor bUt an hour Re came up ou Saturday to take Dr W. Mason, of Harland Bros employ, ' to sanction the potting qn of 32 Con. Gifford's Work in Ontario St choral, has rigged himpelf out with a fine drav-1 veryine quality, plaio . . servativee and 37 Liberate, ' and the the doctor haying , been asked to ins colt,' which he purchased from lt, l in white, blacks, •reds sso Staking t If Of 5 Liberals that were oh" preach anniversary services for ,Mr Jenkins, and a epiff new rubber -tired XOC 'the list, and &Conservatives. A large Medd on the Hensel). appointments, buggy. the shelves You can judge the value of the entire stock by . • these lines at 25c. . . . , Ladbarceshmere gloves, Closed wristor dollar...fasteners, or with white stitching, also knitted rinewood gloves and navye,per pair ' Plaids at 25c in the council chamberun 1uesday af- rived in town for Har 1 ind Bros, last eek and a being offered at $7 a ton. • properth n of the names brought before He had not been enjoying the best of attr W. C. Myers, of Saginaw, Mich, the judge. were . added by consent of health for a few days preview to his fornaerly of town was married a few . both parties, thereby 'facilitating the cnning up, and at the close of Sunday's days since to Miss' Hagertnamtlaughter t business ot the Gout t, and lessening the work was compelled to take ,to bed, at of the late Dr Hagerman, of Norfolk , • Double fold plaids dress goods, dark and bright colors, good weight, suitable for children'adresses, extra good value at 25c per yard. Camel's Hair Dress Goods 75c This line will make very stylish suits orskirts, one of the most fashionable fabrics shown this whiter. and is New Fall Dress Goods, basket weave, 'camel's haireffect; in shades of grey,- blue ,.. aad brown, 42 inches wide, per yard . ...........,.. ... Kid,Gloves at $1 Kid glove •business lieffps getting -better. Selling a glove like this for a one dollar b 11, is bringing more and more ol the kid glove butinebs our way all the titne. Fite french kid gloves, Made from soft pliable skins'perfect, fitting every pair • °A guaranteed, two dome admen, blaeks, greys and browns,all sizes per pair.. 111111111115111181141;:• 44++++.1-firlil:s4-4 The GREAT MANTLE SALE Our great November Sale ot Mantles still continues. There' s been no such Mantle selling in Clinton before.— ): Jackets are selling for leas than the cost of production. The loss isn't ours. It is the makers. He was willing ••• to sell his surplus stock at a loss to clear it all out -We 7. got it Yours ts the gain if you come here for a Jacket Mantles at $2.75, $5, $6.50, $7.75 1- That are worth more f‘an these prices wholesale +++44+++++++++++++++++ .Wra,pperettes Another line at 12ic tki.tt is extra good value.. . Heavy and strong American wrepperettes, net and new designs, colors that arev,k., fast, qualities that -gill wear well, dozens of patterns to select from, per gar/11741C " costs. Sas Scott, appeared for the Lrb- erals,'and Mr W. Oampbell, GoCerich, for the Conservatives. • • HONORED BY A VISIT.- Wednes- day and -Thursday a special train of four roaches bearing the general man- ager. 40, M. Hays ; manager, B. Mc- Guigan; superintendent. G. C. Jones -; train -master, P. J. Lynch; and dis- trict -freight agent, J. P. Gasopassed up the line on a tour of inspection of the G. at. R. properties. We trust they.re- tnat their c unpany is deriving from tide Section, and hope that they ' will -be tempted to make several changes in I the.train serviceas well as other irio preeernents to the lines of their syetem iv this neighborhood. ' I. 0 0, F. colsicEar.-A •• good house greeted. the, Colonial Moving •Picture Oct., brought here under the eOSpices of the .1. 0. 0, F., of town. • and exhibited in: the town hall. on Tbnrsday evening hist The program was lengthy and many beautiful an stirring. scenes were put on the canvae. in reel life. The music on the pierro. _ filled in the spare time, and two in- termissions were made enjoyable by .Prof joy Paige giving some exhibi- tions in modelling ia clay, and Mr Patton doing some splendid work in smoke pictures. It is a fair entertain- ment,. but we think there is much room for improvement in the clearness with • which the pictures are thrown mien the canvas. RAILWAY NOTES. - Conductor 1r eland is taking the Place of the Is.te .,'Ociriductor- Fitzgerald,on the L. las rt. B. This is a deserved promotion, he hav- ing for some time been in charge of the freight, ;his place is taken by Con- ductor Hill. The General Manager and Superintendent passed over this mid' of the line on Thursdayandalso :Vida - ed Kincardine; their special train o1. four coaches was in charge of Division &MP.. John Irwin, (eon of Mr Richard • Irwin, • More grain has been handled over this branch of the Grand Trunk this year, than ever before, in his- tory; about • 2.500,03 bushels have been hauled, special trains being re- quiredvery• fregomatiy; - The -general prosper ay of*the country can be gath- ered from the fact that the busioess of Clinton station shosvsa betterment ot nearly one thousand Mailers for the past week, over the ettale period of the home of his brother, J. G. Medd. couory,, A doctor was summoned; and on eic: We understand that C. B. Hale leaves amination it Was found that pneumonia was threatening. He •will in an pf,0„, next week on a trip to the Soo. He be.bility be laid, up here for, oome days. has not been very well tor- dome time; Et..:idmay possibly spend the winter in Rev J. Greene took his work at Hensall. rhiladelphia, A medcal onsultation w- -a, held • and c it is thoright, that wahine strong con- stitution he hag many chances for re. rovery. Mrs Medd Is here waiting on her husband. Blaukets at $t50 We have Blankets all the way up tu $8 60 a- pair and every pair is right good value. This line is a record breaker, though. Heavy weight wool blankets, double bed size, clean and free from grease, eon finish, colored borders, speoial bargain at per pair Comforter Covering 10c Hesvy print in patterns made specially for Corofortere, dark and bright colors fall 86 inches wide, fast colors,per yard , . •, „ IOC •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• I Shirts and Drawers filic . . . . There has been brisk undervvear selling. at this store the past couple of weeks. - The, fleece lined shirts and drawers we are 'zelling at 75c the suit, are going out fast. Soon it will be.too late for you to get them, for ' when thia-lot is gone we will have no more as good for the mAney, . . Men's fi ?eats lined shirts and drowera, heavy weight, a strong serviceable garmprit, regular price 501. speoial tat each7ic 1 Its cheap too, price._ We -have---only.-nliniited . ': Men's'Calf Skin Mitts 65e Here is 4 mitt that lit worth every penny of 90c. quantity and when they are gone, we can get no more to sell at 65c a pail. The best mitt made in .Canada. Heavy calf -skin mitts, ettongly frown, lined throughout, knitted wristeoft no and pliable, Will not harden, minder 90o, our special price per pair.. . DOC Lined Kid' Cloves at 75c Here is ftgOodglOve that is worth a dollar for 75c,perpai Men'e lined kid gloves, give sewn, dome fasteners, stitched, baoire, Wool fleece Heed, good ehape,soft (tad pliable,assorted ehades of ,browns and too ow, regular $1, epeeist per pair.. f.: ..... 4 ............. ..... . . ...... 4 DC Mad Coats at.4240 This is a good coat for driving in rciuddy weather, . It will ave its cost two or .three times over if you have much driVing to do . Alferl'e rain Anitsniado of good guilty :overt'? oath, plaid lining, Stern -1 Setalne, leeks well end Will give tratafaotory wear, eaoh.. ...".„.... t.50 +H+*4++++++++++++++++++++++++4+4- Pall bearere Mrs Stoneham woe for an rum). 0 9 .COLLEGIATE NOTES,-sThe-Colle. xiate Institute Literary Society bave purchased a handsome Bell piano from C. Hoare ; Mr Hoare is a public spirited Merchant and besides selling, the rostru- fl h d d donation towards the payment on it, The Literary Society is to be congratu- _litterLon_beita -gina..treeltiell_teoategra such an instrument, which will oreatly aid in maintaining the high standaid of the meetings. A number of the Citizens have taken advantage of the open meetings and speak highly of the char- acter 0 the entertainraent. The sub- ject readers. for debate at yesterday's meeting • was "Woman- Suffrage," ....The Col- legiate paper is almost an mewed fact; direction. is made known, we are sure our cid- IlaotdectuPItein twothe yrighteara arrangements have been nearly corn - since they commenced, the wholesale pleted for the publishing of the first Manufacturing of Boys Clothing, and number early next week. This will be which they have found a ready sale the first venture of this kind in this part of the province and should Wove for, from the first day they placed their goods on the Market. Its rapid a success as the management lain good growth since then has compelled them hands., . At the last regular meeting of to relinquish their retail busineile in he Public Library Board it was decid- order to devote 'their entire time to ed not to take any action at present in, this iodustry ; besides they require the the organization of a night school. capital which they have invested in DEATH Oh' MRS, STONEHAM- the retail business to further their ob- There parried away to art final resting sect in view. The name of Jackson - place. on Sunday last, the Spirit of Mrs Bros, is known as among the very best Richard Stoneham. She was in her merchant tailors in the province and • 52nd year, DOSet had been a resident of the large business they have province, • Clinton for nearly 20 years, daring from the east to the svest, is evidence Which time she ,had become widely of thie. The quality of goods they are acquainted, and she was looked Upon noted for buying is seldom seen in • as a good, kind neighbor. Scathe two towns of this size We have not heard years ego she suffered a paralytic Who their seccessrms are, but we stroke, when she was Confined to bed trust they.will be Men after the tamp for several Weeks but she wad so far of this fain. We understand that the recovered at; to be able around: Two 'Jackson Bros. Mfg. Co., have had tWo weeks ago, however, the suffeted an- good offers to move from here, red other attack, and in her failing strength we hope that no citizen of Clinton it was seen that not much chance re. When they know the importance that Mained for her recovery, death coining' this Industry is Inclreashag to, will for to her relief on Sunday aftern000. She moinetat allow the idea to be enter. leaves to mourn her loose heart broken tatted, by theirs of leaving Clinton. husband, who, of all times, needed at Although the town has done nothing present the Ministering hand of his for theno, isoortre they asking for any. loved one, While passing throtigh the thing, yet We believe that encourage - last; stage of his life, With the lingering Merit of some kind should be- shown sicknr ss he hair had for the past eight to twO ot our life long and enterpriz- . yearn. The funeral was held on Tues- t zens, e n eeri anthat. day afternoon to the Clinton einletery, with More inOney they hitend to lissr Dr. Gifford conducting the tier- taro% their burlinese, and can now em. •' vioes, Mesere rowler, Wisecoan,TrIck, ploy double the staff, if they can be d 10t Of merit to rner• v. 'a Mtge *Nicholson, of Ray, being people who wont!! otherwise ' •leave aunt at a low figurebas ma e a goo AN turned welt pleased with the business ANNUAL BLL): EVEING . - Rally night in connection with the Royal Tempters Of the •province, was duly obeerved by the local branch, in the A. 0. F. hall. last' Thursday even- ing, Prizes had been offered by the provincial council; for the branch that brought the largest number of new members on rally night, and the locri uncil brought in i ordinary and 1 sick benefit member: Prizes had, also bean °flexed for.the council having the largeStpercentege of its cwa manabers present that evening, and • Loyalty. mend! respondedvvilh 100 per cent. F. W. Watts is the worthy chairman, and to him rests the honer of the successof the evening's turnout. Following is the program that was rendered that: evening:- Solo . . .......'k;ushing Rill" ... . , Miss /rving Reading . "The Ten Horne,d Beast;_.' Mrs watts Solo.... . .. "Mardy Lee" • Miss Wiltzie Solo .. , ,•Dreaming" .. Mrs Bailey Reading,. . "13e on the wateh".......M1SB Allen Violin solo "Swinging" . Mrs Watts eading.."Lineolif s promise to his mother" Miss Burnett Solo.. . . . Mrs Seale, Readiuk. Bright" ...Hattie), Watts Solo ...... 4Efoly )3ailey • W. Wheatley. hauled ' three large loads of evaporated apples from the Bayfield evaporater last week. Messrs Town SD Cabe are handling 'the output of that factory. . Proclamations announcing the vote to be taken on bac. 4th.have been post- ed up this Week. It alio states where the pc !ling shall take place in each rid- ing of the•county of Huron.. ' Miss Tessa Machichlan, the Scottish prima -donna, was seen at our station Wednesday morning, • She was on her way north to Winghem• where ehe gave a concert that evening. OUR DEER HUNTERS -Last Mon- day' ea* the return of our titre lovers of the grin -J. Sahnston, O. l000per; W. Ole, J. B. Hoover and Dr.,Holmes=, Holmes - from the hunter's paradise of the north. They. report deer plentiful, but the past Wet season has filled every valley and 'swamp to an impassable state. Many were the deer shot that simply paged, over the eliffir to •the streams beneath, never to be got. Our boys Were not dimppointed however, with the result of their outing, a deer falling to the credit of each one of them. Three -were --broughtehome-whole; two belonging to Dr. Holmes, and one ter J. E. Cantelon.. The others brought their venison already cut bp. A capture worthy of note was the big bull moose; weighing 1300 lbs, that was shot by a party of -seven, that Messrs Hoover, Holniesio BaldWin Of Seafortho_ and Doherty, of ThesiaToii, were in, all lir traria having the glory of pumping lend into the beast before he fell. Partridge Were so thick in that ccuntry that it • was not necessary to shoot them, but simply to break theirnecks With a stick; a few dozen of them were brouisht home by the boys. ° • JACICSONBROS.RETIRING FROM BUSINESS.,... -The announcement on another page that •Jackson Bros are retiring from retail business, will oo doubt cause much surprise to our T. Cottle, McEwen and Irwin acted es got, which is lieW oyer 50 employeee •. LIZTVON Mr ,,,Orteharn'e eeeend wife, She towel. A.look into their factOry On ' R Fitzsimons 8v Son have droned for sirloin and rrterhouse steak, 10c Pork, lamb apd sausage 100. the price of meats to the old price of 3c Why rmil decorato Your Home WITH OUR OIRCLU „..PLACQUES, The 'vices are _reasonable (as low as we _can profitably makeake them, the values are goocl, the effect much superior to most things at an ,equal' price. They are to be had in several sizes to be adapted. to almost any space on the wall; the subjects are, mostly notable ones, and they are in cfcolors, . brass rini, and, euspended by brass chain We also have them with spaces to receive photo- • tographs, gilt mat and floral decoration, The prices range from 10c to $1„.00 :THE. W. � FAIR -C� Often the Cheapest--.-AlwayErthe Best .• • • • 1 11016661061101160•141•1168001,1110111411••••••••••11108.110•••8611111 When it is well put together. ,We have just the kind of Footwear yon need. Our inimenee stook was 'never in better drape then new. We ,have all kinds of eireeonable g000s ies.sonable prices, bought direst from the maniffaotuAr. .Big stook of ,allkindit ciCRUBBERS,--we do not handle second quality goods -every hair we sell is guaranteed by the maker. Y013 MAKE 1,NO MISTAKE, mow IOU BUY YOUR RUBBERS FROM US. Special for FRIDAY and §11111RDAY. Nov. 7-8 only 40 pairs Ladies Dongola Kid Boots, !ages 24. to only worth $1 50 and $1.75, to clear, at 99c—they are cheap . • 28 pairs Misses Buttoned and Laced Boots, sizes 11, 12,13 1 and 2. All we ask tor your choice, 990 for above dates See our Girl's Kid Laced and Buttoned Boots, sizes 8, 9 and 10. 30 pairs of each, going at 750. • It will pay you well to see oar stook and get Our prices. The Old Reliable, Cash and one Price We will not be undersold Esge taken ea oath. W Taylor ifiq Son Clinton for. round and- for boilieg ..pieees„ eimpeogampe eimpqmpopeoposimmo J.ohn fiteracomwho has been."serions. ly at his sister's in tosyn,for the past, two weeks. With not many chances for • recoverY, was feeling; some 'better yes- clCinnon. terday as we were going to press, 13 IL‘Nrr171-1 The following •.have arrived hoin-o from the Northwest during . •the past • week H.. Wiltse, J. Thompson; •H, Port, r; J. Ounningharne is on the way his -baggage having arrived Wednesday Mr Thos Cottle was called to COI borne on Wednesday to attend tbe funeral of a nephew. and •only: two • weeks before he attended the funereal of the same nephewse mother,Mrs John -fd waning's. ' • ' De. G, E. Holmes .had a beautiful specimen of si deer which weighed 230 pounctreon exhibition in the window:of Ford McNeil'e butcher shop this week, but since had eutup and given to his friercts. . The High School Board Met on Moro day evening, but little business of im- portance Was broupht up. • 'Financial aid was premised to the Literary So- ciety in the publication of their pro7, libeed terigazine. A young lady; who has an art plias in Mr tchell,did not get up early enough hist Tueeday Morning, and rwriyed at the station in time to see her train pull- ing out down the line. The pupils waited anxiooely., By Diclaifferdrecerved- word- from— his 'eldest son, in Detroit, on Tuesday stating that he was suffering from con- gelation of the longs. Should he get worse, he will -be brought home for care and treatment Mr Taylorodeputy architect of the Public Works Department, was here • rTuesde y au tio LA ulaCtiOnWi th the con- struction of the new past office. Be expressed perfect satisfaction with the character of the work done so far, Ai 1 Sage has rented the house on PAO- c.ss St . belonging to Miss J. Holmes. Miss Holmes has broken up housekeep- ing, and has had her goods stored in OE Department. We are now prepared to show a full stock of .Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for the fall and winter trade. We are doing the shoe trade under modern. principles. We have no extra expense ,in this de- partment and can shave prices a Attie closer than th other fellows. Besides, you get reliable' goods— goods that will wear and give good satisfaction. Wd aresnott confined to any wholesale or manufact- urer, We examine all samples and select the best values from each one, and pay spot - cash, which gives us-the_inside -track„. evevrAnne. —Our. shoes_ . .. .... . , need no breaking in. They are made to fit the na- tural foot. - , "low we give a tetrprices taken at random our immensestock. _brelieekDongola Showrolacied or buttoned, Phjellt leather or aff toe cap, , heavy or light extension segessallorizesoregilliosprioe-$1.513rbeLa ;tithe =MI& CIIVItYa Val :poft,tafOWS sewn, to 3131Iaat 81.25. welt, in all LadieP sizes at $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2 50. , • Boys' and Girls' Standard SohoolShoes, in all sizes, at 75o, 61. $1,25 and 81450. Workingmen's Heavy Shoes, extension soles, sine 6 to 11, very special at i 60o, $1, 1 25 and $1.50. ' • - , • --A-speciallinenfsIgfantst..Sheeeoblack and °cow. 25e. ' McKinnon az Co. Blyth 410011011110•1114110 110001111141000041611 one of the rooms. She will wake her tsur4eneeeeeraraiettothAsiarfaPsostArraeirset# VIAAAAAAA0.11"010014111011A014A.W.014 heixte.with her sister, Mrs P. Strata], vshen • in town. - Broaden, Londesbsro, and the Colleg- iate Institute, °Linton; it square grand Grey, a fine cabinet 'grand, ale° Mr `•'`' anted 500 TURKEY the folloWing parties K Baker, of O. Hoare has recently sold pianos to vir to.the Misses Dayment, Olibton, and several Doherty piano -cased organs. , To many it toey seem impossible that •an 11 in eh spruce tree couldhe cut dowe with as many shots fired from a rite that, is usurilly used in deer-hutiting,but such is the case, as was demonstrated by a, party of deer hunters in the nor th- erm region a- few days ago, arnongst the number being J. xl, Hoover and Dr. Holmes. Miss Berbera Cook, for nearly five Years assistant Matron of the Rouse of Refuge, has given up her nitnation, be cause her seryiees are required at the biome of her parente, near Ltaknor. She has given the best of eatisfactroo, and it is with regret that Mr and Mr e French part' with her. Ger sureeissa ie not yet provided. ' Mrs Matheson, of Itatteithurit ett e t, was galled to Bowmarivilie a few days since, owing to the serious illness of an old friend. that is Mrs Matheson's former horriesand although she has not been there Inc over 80 years, she found many of the associates of her girlhood still living there. She has not yet re- turned to town. WO tinderetand that Mr W, Metniell has taken it satiation With the new or- gan company in Loi,clon, and leaves for there next week. Ile heti been With the Doherty Orgen Company for A number of years, latterly as foreman of the ease-rorine, and is a firet,clase leaves .to family, tut has relatives Rattenbury Streetwould sour Re Man in evefty reaped. We ure eorty near 'Ehnen% ,,and We belieye le the many Of our citizens and nothing to see hint leave town, hot won intention of Mr Stoneham to take Up Weld glee there greater pleasure than chtingea are the Inevitable experlerce ' his reeMence with some of them to 'have you do sof of Industrial concerns, grt • For shipping; undravvri; dry picked; not scalded or singed; well fattened; highest price. Will take some each week, not later than Wednesdays P15-1r11133:1PJ -11E ILSniooeTersorjr;j0 046-gle C�oper & cia rassiOwwwwassedertrowaAoirirWie ararearaswarisArair0440waissOrursoWaoarst0 CLOSING OUT SALE the bargains that are being distribtited daring this nAttre?"1/ignenttlorleY:tieris 1112Tares°strook is very complete, von are likely to vilitnycl3itoutot ttowiT • avon nt and, the goode MUST BE SOLD, stook twat reatioed. You have an opportunity now of buypinogwett wvohoolotatt pritic.weso.oldttbv:itylltoo to buy now, tioipate your wants. You nertelly buy prints, dealing, shrttings, &MOUS and cotton. when -6 sominegat'Inmierla° Bra ierabgr February, rtt o 60 8 yerd. You may not want /moo °flyable until next spring, but you can &WO from 25o to $1 A pair by buying now, B erkey Demi Goode, Coating, Suite, Overcoats, Teteeds„ Flannela, thidereietbingi B lankets, Bobo, Boote, Shoot Itubbete, don, yeti need now, Why net °owe and buy them here. No doubt you can find use tor the Money etoredby making the most of this buying opportunity. Don't delay--ebrewa people ere making heavy put. nolioaseitabetarlvvy IttlyeTrekharveutubeetriorAsvawrieetywiraometryioenhttioomo6aikaena404hoot, outo vut Cap for the AAMO price AS you would pay for the Coit likatnekere, Tempt of stale --Ch Or Pram*, 'W. L. 0111:111ETTS, tiondesboro