HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-04-10, Page 8Jaimunodalmismoo PAGE 8' -THE BLYTH. STANIJAPP-April 10, DE0 Omissions Unlikely in Newt rrarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�rarrrrrr�rr�>ir�r>.r>t�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr■ Voters' List. When the people of Canadia go the polls at the next Federal election, wheth• er it be June. August or in t931. they will go on a brand new voters' list -one espec- ially compiled for the occasion. immediately the word comes from Ott- awa the returning officer will appoint en- ume,a'ors for each subdivision, who will b, sworn to make a house•to-house canvas and to list all those residing in their di ▪ vision entitled to vote. Upon the completion of the cmvass the returning officer will sit for four days, when persons missed by the enumerators may register. Then an alphabetic list will be prepared, and any who have still failed to be recorded as entitled to vote may appeal to the senior county judge in an effort to be included among those who niay vote at the ensuing Federal election Thirty-five days before the poll is taken the list must be completed, and 18 day before the poll it must be printed and 20 copies furnished to the candidates in the e onstituency for which the list is compiled Mrs. J. Henry Hoover has retured iron an extended visit with her daughter. Mrs N. Wightman, at Timmins. Ont, The care when cultivating in spring not to spoil a good job of plowing. If you use a toothed implement in working the sol you are almost sure to brag the stubble up and make more work for yourself in picking. The best method usually is t roll the soil before working it, then use a disc, and if necessary, a packer to pulver ize it. then sow with a disc drill. Underdrainage of much of Ontario's farm land is recognized as necessary if profitable returns are to be secured. Un derdraieage lowers the water level of soils removes surplus water, lenghens the period fur crop growing, makes cultivation easier and increases the efficiency of the soil. Tile drainage increases yields in both we and dry seasons. Well drained soils re- sult in lower casts of production. Owing to public demand plans are un- der way for a more strict enforcement of the Weed Act this year. Farmers will be well advised to avoid inconvenience at or near harvest time by planning now to con trot weeds. Seed should he carefully clear tied. Weed polluted fields should nit be seeded without proper preparation even i this requires late ,owing of a special crop Weed inspectors have an opportunity to do their most helpful and pleasant wort' between now and planting time. Registration of real estate brokers and salesmen in a similar manner to that o stuck brakers and salesmen is provided for in a bill introduced in the Legislature by Premier Ferguson. IIe explained that the restrictions were similar in character to those imposed on brokerage salesmen. The bill states that no one shall deal in real estate unless he is registered. Thi also applies to salesmen or any person directly connected with the business, ex cept banks, assignees, custodians, etc. At this time of year there are usually some agents offering new varieties o grain and other crops at fancy prices. Es travagant claims are made for these which are alleged to offset the price and leave a very favorable balance. If farmers can procure more suitable sorts than they are now using they should do so, by all means but why not permit the government farm 1u do the experimenting. Trained exper imenters an these stations are testing hun dreds of varieties every year and no farm er is justified in paying a high price fo "something" until he learns how these kinds have produced in comparison with others on government farms. FIFE QUINN-The marriage tool place at Dunn Avenue Presbyterian chur- ch, Toronto. on Saturday afternoon last of Mrs. Helen Caldwell Quinn and Mr. Hawley B. Fife. of Toronto, the ceremony being performedby key. F G. Vesey. The bride. who is well known here and at Londesboro, her former home, was mar- ried in her travelling suit of navy blue, with beige fox fur and hat. shoes ang glov es to match. She carried a bridal bou- quet of Sunset roses and lily of the valley The couple were unattended and the cer- emony was witnessed by immediate friend. only. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the Royal York hotel. where they had dinner and later Mr, and Mrs. Fife left cn a trip to New York. They will reside in Toronto, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held in Memorial Hall, on Thursday, April 3, with the pres- ident, Mrs. R. Richmond, in ahe chair, The meeting was opened by singing the Ude and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. During the business part of the meeting it was decided to have a Scotch and Irish contest on Friday, May 9th. Captains chosen were, for the Scotch Miss M. Pate, for the Irish. Mrs, Richmond Those taking part are to choose their own costume, as points for costume would not he considered. The admission will be 2f and fbets. An interesting program was then given, -Topic, "Letting 'Yourself Go" was given by Mrs. Wm. Craig, this was followed by a reading on "Ontario Laws for Women's Institutes" by Mrs. Fawcett, then Isobel) Cuming sang very s veetly "I Want to Buy a Little Bit of Love." accompanied on the piano by Miss Louie Herrington, foilowed by readings by Miss Mary Pate "Day is Done" and "Tire Auction Sale" by Mrs. Colclough The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem. A NEW SHIPMENT OF SPRING COATS 8c DRESSES Showing the very newest styles. You will like them. They are exclusive. Different and only just arrived. If you are hard to fit let us take your measure and have one made special. Our prices are very reasonable. NEW SPRING CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS No matter what price you want to pay you will find a wide assortment from which to choose, We are showing excellent values at per yard. Bassa s 25c., 35c., 50c., 75c., $1.00 WHOOPEE SLICKERS. Quite new and exceedingly smart and chic are these la- dies flowered raincoats. Ideal for spring weather. They come in all sizes and a variety of colours at very reasonable prices. SPRING OVERCOATS Men and young men! now is the time to buy your Spring Coat for Easter. Come early while the assortment is good. ........ COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. YOU ARE WELCOME All sizes in Con- goleum and Lin- oleum rugs on hand at lowest possible prices. Also Linoleum by the yard. THE s'roRE TIIA'r SETS THE PACE. ZA EET!R "Service .vith a Smile." BLYTH, ONT. 20 per cent. off all Rubbers and Rubber Boots for one week only '■.easeisasragarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruIrrerrrrrrrsr.rrrrrrrrrsmrrerrsse PHONE 38 and have wagon call for a loaf of our Delicious Br e a d, B u n 8, Cakes, Pastries. A choice assort- ment of Confectionery, Ice Cream and Bricks Always On Hand FRUIT CAKE and WEDDING CAKES Made to Order F J HOLLYMAN 'PI IONE 38 BLYTH. - ONTARIO Londt,.4orr. Bear in mind the annual pie social on Friday night of this week. Messrs, C. Watson and N. Lear have !eased Mr. Bert Nott's farm. Mrs. B. Tyerman, of Seaforth, who has been at the home of Mr. Jas. Fairservice for the past week, has returned home. Mr. Jas. Fairservice, who has been ser iously ill with pneumonia, is improving nicely, which his many friends wilt be glad to hear. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brunsdon and fam- ily, of Yorkton, Sask.. are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute met in the Community Hall, on Wednesday with an attendance of eighty. After the regular business routine was con ducted the girls took charge of the pro- gram. it being young girls' day. There were instrumentals, songs, duets. readings etc. but special mention must be made of a short play, "A Trio 'of April Fools" which was very amusing and convulsed the audience with laughter. Much credit goes to the girls for their splendid enter- tainment. At the close a lovely supper was served by the young ladies, which was enjoyed by all. With the amalgamation of tit two Belleville newspapers there is not a small city 1n Ontario in which more than ono newspaper exists. Toronto, Hamilton,' London and Ottawa are now the only cit. ies in the province having more than one newspaper. .++++++++++++++++++++++++31 SPRING SHOES 4, • Some of our new spring shoes are • here. We show all the newest styles each season and the styles this year are very natty. Clothing 4. Leave your order for your new spring suit in good time for Easter. Hobberlin and Taylor's Suitings are here. We guarantee -� a perfect fit. JAS. DODDS 4. 4. BLYTH - ONTARIO + .ii. +,t..lt..,lt..lt,.1t, 4-.lit.,lt, 4. 4. ,n, .f, .m ,l..f .,lt. + 44+++.4 x a ++++++++++++++++++++++4,44+4+++++++++++++++++++++4++++ 4 *4044444444•••444+44,4444444•++++++++++++++++++++.1444,14 TO THE PUBLIC: f+$+++++++++++++4+++44++4+ ++++++++++* 4 The undersigned desire to advise the public that they have taken the agency for INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO and have on hand a complete line of farm implements, also a full line of repairs. Our garage is equipped with the prop- er facilities t:o turn out work of the best order with dispatch. Gasoline, Oils and Auto Repairs on Hand. Hamilton & Dougherty Blyth, Ont. Word received from Mr. Frank Bennett who has been in the emytoy of a baking establishment at Regina, Sask., for the past couple of years, will return to On- tario where he will take employment with Canadian Bakers. The Gradin. ALP --In the Civic Hospital, Ottawa, on Thursday, April 3rd, to Rev. W, R. and Mrs. Alp, a daughter, 1 04% **'* ****** ****** ***** SPRING IS HERE Ritchie No-runsMen's Fancy Sox Silk VestsSpecial purchase of * Satin stripe best qual 65c to $1.00. On sale ity $1.75 at 49c ' Men's Work Sox ' 5 pairs for 85c. 4 5 pairs for_ ..._._._ 1.00 4 3 pails for. 1.00 4 Meri- no Underwear in best luallitty, each 3 .00 OShirts uting Fast ln Colours. Gordon's Manhattan Shirts_ Special $2. William's Work Boots Best for Wear at $2.95 to $5.00 Try a pair Ritchie's No -run Silk Bloomers Satin stripe great val ues.....--.. _ $2.00 i 4 Moodies Vests in Silks * $1.00, 1.25 1. - * 50, 1.65, 1.75 �,� • Moodie's Bloom- ers in Silks * latest shades and ex- * cellent goods, • Circle -Bar Hos- c iery Always lead * Two large shipments * recently received, py • I'amid, square, frnch * and ordinary heels at * 75c., $1.00, 1.- • 25, 1.39, 1.50, $1.95 * puritan Maid * Silk Hosiery * Gordon, MacKay's Specials at * 75c., 85c, $1.00 air �F a • POPLESTON.E STORE • MCKINNON'S OLD STAND Jean Gordon Floral Chintz Smocks at 2.50 Fancy Biscuits Best value. Reg 30 & "Whoopee" : 35c. mixed ...... ._...25 c Pyjamas Striped Broadcloth at Wellington Lard $1.25 Men's Fancy Sweaters. Perfection Knit $3.75 Men's Spring Caps Beau tiful colors in lights $1.25. $1.50, $1.75. Print Frocks, Special 89c Tub Fast Prints 4 4 ` 18c. Long Sleeved Dresses Large and extra large sizes $.98 r, • 33/ sr , CYta.-tar la *****7,C *****.%*** *******44 • +++ ++++++++++++++++++++414 -t TRY cur NEW SUN WHEAT HEALTH + BISCUIT Ask Your Doctor + Malted Graham Wafers, pkg 1.Oc 4- • 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple 35c • 2 Cans Campbell's T'm'to Soup 25c Orange Marmalade, (a bargain) 20c • Figs 2 lbs 25c Nu -Jell All Flavors + Head Lettuce Seedless Grape -Fruit. Ice Cream Bricks GOODS DELIVERED W. JAS. SIMS BLYTH, ONT, 'PHONE 14 MAKES A BAREROOMHO1t1ELIK That's what one of handsome, cheer- ful colored rugs will do in your home. Many new designs to select from in .Wiltons, Axminsters, Brus- sels, and Tapestry Squares, in a pleas- ing array of new est patterns and prices are surprisingly low. C1'-1ELL &No curgemewsmommigieu.di n[HA[ 1 1