HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-21, Page 54 • ViNKM . " WOE ,CLINTON NEW ERA ar, No vember 21st, 002 nounce entleillitilltialMSEEE ‘, 11 •••.`,•t4ca iii=31r-ialE1111; ""ArED1116T thiers and Furnisher II II4: 46LLi,11.gi,L;15Lav,aig,',1.1tS,44 ArPN h1,1114, razailaria04,1600141, i..11.•1 111 ui6.14(44116AN 6. A ..r.;4135ERSIMINENSilmaim, .,0 1_4..4 " oririrL 44.1.0 Jr II0No dm 1. 1 ar ar,a, a 1 • , • • fro 0 1 Rd 11: imuk.hLooll 11141. 16411.161416116141114iiiiiidiS. TOCK to the :amount of nearly. 516,000 of the finest and most up-to;date Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps,. an. everything in Men's Furnishing G-oods to be sold at the most ridiculous prices and at less than the goods were made for. eVAT=1 EEYI1 1 REL., Nearly two years ago we commenced in Clinton the wholesale manu- facturing of Boy's Ready-made Clothing. This new business has grown so rapidly during this time that that we and it requires all our time, attention and capital, and we have decided to give up the retail busi- ness with this end in view. We have made arrangements to dispose N9 one, when they fully reslize what this sale means in saving a lot of money, in Clothing, will miss - of our big business at the end' of the yea; or sooner, if we can red,uce our stock to nearly half of the above amount. • (Our successor will be announced later) In. the mea,ntime we are going, to hold one Of the biggest sales of the kind ever attempted in this part of the country, in order to reduce our stock to the amount we have promised, quently you have ONE OF THE LARGEST AND FINEST CL ' SS OF GrOODS in this part this wonderful sale. Our stock is heavy just now owing to the unusual nnld weather, and conse- of the county to select from. WE COMMENCE SALE AT ONCE, and will continue until half the amount of our stock is sold, when it will be disposed of to our successors' at a rate on the $. Do not miss this chance. It will pay you if you live at a distance to drive to Clinton. .. . • . The price list below will give you &masa idea of the reduction on our regular sta ple lines which are marked at our lowest cash price, but we will have • • a lot of broken sizes, and odds and ends, in Coats, Pants, Underwear, Gloves, . that will go at half price. I I I I 1 11 111 I 1 . I Ready-11/14de Clothing. SillOCICS ats amid Cal3s All Men's, Yolith's, Boy's & Children's Suits, • ' Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges: BAll soft and stiff fiats Blanket lined, rubber lined, -water. proof; ' for- working..m.en, farmers or teamstersAll light and heavy Caps...:, All regular $14 and $12 Men's:and Youth's Suits, retiring sale price $8.80 All regular $10 Mens & Youth's Suits,retiring sale price $6.70 .A.11 regular 3.00 -Retiring Sale Price 2.50 ..• • All regular $3,50 and $4 --Retiring Sale Price $2.80 All $2.50 and $3.00 Fi .e Stiff and Soft Hats-7Retiring Sale Price $1.60• • All regular 2.00 and 2.15 --Retiring Sale Price 1.59 All $2.00 Fine Stiff and Soft Hatd-Retiring Sale Price $1.20 All regular 1.50 • ---Retiring Sale Prite 99c All $1.50 Fine Stiff and Soft Hats--RRtiring Sale Price 99c All regular 1.00' • -Retiring. Sale. Price 750 All $1.00 Fall a d Winter Caps -Retiring• Sale Price 68e .. . All 75c Fall and, Winter Caps -Retiring Sale Price 49c . . All 50c Fall and Winter Caps -Retiring' Sale 'Price 36c All regular 7 50 Men's & Youth's Suits, retiring sale price'4.80 All regular 5.00 Men's & Youth's Suits, retiring' sale price 3,70 All regular 4,50 Men's & Youth's Suits, retiring sale price 3.20 All regular$6 and $5 50 Bo) s' & Children's Suits, retiring sale price $4 60 All regular $5 and $5.50 Boy's & Children's 3 piece and Vestee Suits, retiring.sale price $3 60 All regular $4•50 Boys' & Children's 3 piece and Vestee Suits, retiring sale price $3.30 All regular $4 Boys' & Children's 3 piece and Vestee Suits, retiring sale price $2 80 All regular $3,50 Boys' & Children's 3 piece and Vestee Suits, retiring sale price $2.45' ' , • All regular $3 Boys' & Children's 3 piece -and • Vestee retiring sale price $1.95 • • All'regular $2 and $2.50.Boys' & Children's 3 piece and. Vestee Suits, retiring-sale-price$.i;45- • ', Overcoats and Reefers Men's, Boy's and Children's Raglatiettes and Ulsters;" fly front awl double-breasted. All regular $14 and $12 Men's & Youths', retiring sale price $8.40 All regular 0.0 Men's & Youths', retiring sale price $6.90 All regular $8.50 Men's & Youths',retiring sale price 5.90 All regular $7.50 and. $7 Men's 86Boys', retiring sale- price $4.90 • All regular S6, $5.50 and $5 Mett's & Boys', retiring sale price $3.90 All regular $4.50 and $4.Youths', Boys' & Ohildrerti, retiring sale price $2 All regular $3.50 and $8 Youths', Boys' & Children's, retiring sale price $2.45 Men and Boy's -Long Paints • in tweeds, worsteds °Aid •serges Regular $4 and $4,50--TRetiring Sale Price $2.90 Regular 8 and 50 -Retiring Sale Price 2.10 Regular' 2 and 2.50 -Retiring Sale Price 1.65 Regular 1.50....... -Retiring Sale Price .95o Conditions of sale isio goods on 'approval No goods exehanged. Everything spot cash • • • • • TitOUSERING, OVErCOaTING, Scotch, English, Canadian, Tweed% Sergres Worsteds, in Suit ends, Overcoat ends, Pant ends, or by the yard MADE TO YOUR ORDER, if you wish it now, but a special price for making ant_d trimming -your Suit, if -you wait -until -.1tintiarifo have it made. Our price's in this department will be very low. We cannot 'give you a list of them here, but when you consider the quality -of-goods-we-an -noted-for selling,--and-ourgreatanxiety-to sell out our stock by January, yon will be tempted to buy more than one Suit or an extra Pair of Trousers A11135• and 40 Fall and Winfex Caps7-1etiring Sale Pilo& 28o • • AU 25c Fall and Winter Caps-7Retiring Sale .Price 18c • " • • :• 1 1 • • . •. Men's Boys.Odd Coats 'and Vests Sack Style, Tweeds and Worsteds, all our own make • All our $7,00 & $8,00 Men's Odd Coats-Rasale price All our 5.00 & 6.00 Men's Odd Coats -Ret. sale price. 3.90 • All our 3.00 & 4,00 Boy's Odd Coats -R t. sale price 2.10 All 2.1v 2.00 & 2.50 Boy's Odd Coats -Ret. sale price 1.35 All our 1.50 & 2.00 Mens&.BoysVests,--Ret sale price 90o Underclothing* Men's, Youtles and Roy's -light, nedium and heavy, Cotton, Union, Wool and Fleece Lined • Regular 84.50. andS5 Suits -Ret. sale price per garment $1.60 Regular. 3,50 and 3 Suits -Ret. sale price per garment 1.00 Regular 2.50 Suits --Ref. sale prioe per garment 90c Regular 2.00and1.75 Suiti-Ret. sale price per gar. ent 69c Special 1.50 Fleece Suits-Retsale price per garment 490 R,egular 1,00Aen's Sutts-Ret sale price per garment 38o Regular ' .75 Mei's Suits -Ret. sale price per garment •25c Lredrii;:go...11101011101000011111111MINI11100126 mai kr.A.cmectmz\mnRocz) k Men's Sox. ine all wool, Cashmere, Union, Coarse all wool, Arctic . , All 50 and .65o IVIons Sox -Retiring Sale Price 39c All 35 } nd 40c Mens Sox -Retiring Sale Price 27c --A.11-25c Meiii-B-61--Ketiring Sale Trice 18c All 15c Meng Sox -Retiring Sale Price 10c G. loves and • Mitts Lined and Unlined. kid, Moro. Swede, Calf, Buckskin, Wool and Leather Our regular $1,75 and $2.00 Men and Youth's. Retirinc, Sale prue $1.50 ' Our regular $1,50 Men and Youths. Retiring sale price $1.15 • Our regular $1.25 Men and Youths, Retiring sale price 98c Our regular $1.00 Men and Youths. Retiring sale price 78c Our regular '75c Men and Youths. Retiring sale price 48c Our regular 50e Men and Youths. Retiring sale. pi ice 38c Our regular 25c Men and Youths. Retiring Sale price 18c • Top Shirts and Cardigan Jackets Laundried`and Unlandried, Flannel and Heavy Unit, Cotton. Cambric and Print • Regular$2,00 ancl$1.75 Mens -Ret. sale price $1,35 Regular 1.50 and 1 25 Mons & Youths -Ret, sale price 98c Regular 1.00 and 90o Mens,Youths.,13oyi-Ret 'stile price 70c Regular 75e Mens, Youths & Boys-Ret.sale price 52c Regular 50c Mem, Youths & Boys -Ret. sale RA II\Tri103S47 • Established 1854 Retired - 1902 1t 1011111111111111111111110111111111MMIMNIMMINMONNIIIIII sr a