HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-21, Page 4Wiyv.oluter 2i8to 1902. PFORPOI00.0400,WWWINWPROW,IPPI ress. .G.oOds iSE CLINTON iiEW ER11, Of Gu4raotced QuOities conefii4t0 001111400100 13401'01000 4,1••••••••••• ant Each eucceeding event In comae°. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER, 21, 1a02, tion with our Collegiate Inetitute brings fresh hurrahs upon the attain. Referendlints Matte that our school is fast heaping upon itself. The load executive in conneetion with latet Friday evening Caw their ath • the Referendum bold a meeting on Tnes- annual cora nencement exercises, and dey evening. Te severel connalitteee re- it capped all previous records notoniy in point of the entertain. ported gratifying progress. It wag ;landed quality of No business could grow like our Dress Goods business is growing without to beiti al public meeting here, au' Arrange.. Arent, but the number that were pre. moral are being made therefor; it w(30 oleo sent and the financial aspect of it all tieoided to bold a flutes meeting or) the gtc:inng etodmake it the beet that bee ever -betng founded upon exc9Sence of merchandise and satisfaction. in service.— eQetsQnfts8ouLdabYe%nNegethe auspices of v: 8°2 °unable 04.414itilte, and modethe teachere and Schals r our . Day by day and month by month the increase continues.; The growth th-is season Lurgi ars who labored so zealously to make Tale root important measure ever Bubo it what it Wad, ehould feel highly is : by far the largest •in the history of Ahe store, mitte to the people of Ontario, le the pleased, and amply tepaid for their 'Liquor Act of 1902 -thornmoely epoken of lanere; - We aim to deserve this success by the care we take in serecting our stock. Even 704ehltittnthm.teptZTatt- notittozTielfeTet)Ararpb:oseart. ... . . well being of tbe comragnity, Ionsorteat bedsit been takentas well as the cat: our Dress Goods at 25c a yard must be the best that can be made for the money. sobriety. i,forom the °Ted chanoleera and, an. . eve nt me, on:domes oVeenteltuttrepz.soretilinglts;r ittitiee4g.titrIbeeetEseeehii:7111° abolition of . Trion again we have an advantage over' most stores for. we buy our goods with a K. an!: druilling Mega,. Irol3""f.A"i "'flea lt strumeotal solo entitled "Arabeeque," s)ndicate of five large stores and by taking large tots we are able to sell many winprstest soolety against severer tangos joy Meyer.fleinound, The quartette abuses. Inoportant because it deals with rendered theigselection with merited tbe welfare of our home and tbe youth of applause, and Miss Irene Jackson foie lines at the prices some stores have to pay for them. onr land. And the people of tbie grovinee lowed with tier beautiful violin solo, should show that they rootine ite =Mb- "II Trovatore". The Dairy Maid's if you buy your dress here you will have the satisfaction of knowing that. it will atm by enclonsing it on Deo. 41h. ' Drill hy 16 young ladies was captivat- s . --.- n . .They were dressed in whiter, The ballet that will be need for the Bela ell iffht had their gowns trimnoed witil be the best and newest rh.at you can get and the price paid will be:the lowest. . er*ns3 wits ou Dm 403, is ao follows,; . pink and the others with blue earrr .avy tadiesveloth at $1.25 a,nd $1.50 - fp$ inch wide ladieir' cloth 10 black onnathis is a very neevy wool cloth, that le in great demand for suite, sairts, etc., bs nob finish, and will give good aseer, price pee 50 yard, $1 25 and 4. .... . Mae Black Broadcloth at $1.15 and• $1,50 • 2 inch wide Bieck Broadcloth, very fine quality extra innooth Boland goes that is in greatdemand for nne aresses and suits. Tbis is excellent yawl tit per yard IS1.15 arid .1 60 ;Covert Suitings. at Me -n VI inch wide Overt Ratings in the new hades f gnien,e.lso s black reediest very fine wool. This will be blond very serviceeble for dresses, geed value at, omespuns at 75et.00c and $1 A•re you in favor of Tee 't -Snouftalc Itress Goods at 76e the bringing into thatch, and the movements -.were w,ell fore° of The Liguor mg thretalegged stools trinolned to carried out. H. Brewer and W. Stew- art dressed in different clap costomest --- presented Campbell s Lochtel perfectly. The words oyee" and ono occur in the N. Murch rendered a well selected solo spaces where voters nem ly mark, and in good "Foie° entitled "There's ;music perties should make a crornabelow either in the eound of home again." Mies E. word. se. . Chidley and Mies A. McEwen depicted an elegant ranee of Act 1 scene 2 of the "Merchant of , alt goods that willsa„ An itwarriant sesseation in the riot Venice." The nicest thing an a piano Oe nncl Ogle governiog the taking of the referendum duet item that we have heard for some vote, is the fact that every soritineer maw time was that played by Misses Hoover • t make a decantation before the returning and Pealee. and is a class of Piano Flannels .at 75c to 85c officer, or deptuy returning offiOetare to 'music that was worth listening to. which issue, he favors. Ile must dradare Miss Marion floats also rendered a that he wishes the question stated in the piano solo and. Mies I, Gionn recited ballot to be answered to the affirmative or Bliss Carman's Coronation Ode' the negative, as the case may be. Until .2E stheticPhysical Culture drill by such declaration is made, the returning Misses acioper, Koehler, Carling, Mc - officer must not, under penalty, issue the Donald, Blake and Witte, was most neoessary certificate to the tiortnineer. gracefully done and bewitching be. Heretofore such deolarattons have been yond measure. They were costumed neoessary only when a [mutineer wished in flowing white got ns with red yokes ga to ant in a different subdivision to that in and looked pretty. Miss McBroom. of tals- asthiehhe voted. London, who is workin up.a class in violin music in Wean kin • y consented If the referendum is carried -as it to render a selection) and proved should be -it may not. at once 'literally herself to be a- master of that put a stop to alldrinking, but it will stringed instrument. The school's . . 45 inch Drage G de in the Snowfieke effect which is the ' latest novelt or Airtime wear, is a 260 weight for suits or dome and is Al wittiest per yard • French Flannels at • 27 to 80 inch wide French rhumb i • , the very latest desi s and color give gocd wear, p es per yard Persian Colids 75e and 60c Aot, 19u2? The finest range of waktings we have ever had are the ones we are showing at 75o and 85o. They come in very c neat dangne and all are goods that will pre good wear. 111 Wool. Henrietta at 25e 86,inch wide All Wool Henrietta, made of tatty One gnat - in colorer of navy, old rote, cardural.,,...7.11.,A pia, °ream, epeczalvaine-atopervard „ c, B inch wide Homespun Dress Goes in light and dirk Ora ---fordgreyenassyealsokeetcaralleare-wade ' best_ •arnality yarn and warranted to give good wear, prices w AA per yard, 75o, 90o and 10117 nus -Veiling at 50c 4 ""' h • N VT fineI g light blue and oreara. 'These goede we consider Al value at per yard .... , 50c „ladies' filjohte CArlo Coats . • Black itleatEdo-Soie at 85e • 20 loch wide fine Blithe Silk that we guarantee not to cut; . give excellent wear for dreams or waists, thig is it enk unally Bold at $1. Our special price will be .. make promisclous tteating illegal, and rising orator, •O. Mustard handled 8pti. very raaterially diminish the evils of Milton's Belial's Speech in fine Style, the traffic. ' , and the glee club composed of Misses Copp, Witte. Worthinfton, Carling, Vo have just reoeiyed a few yes). pretty Monte Carlo Coate , - -Venetians at 60c • - --London.; on Sunday night, said !lie Cooper andllsEysen closed the.- liter. . Rev. -Dr, Chown, hi an address .in McDonald, Kochler,_0_1 ie .and , .Edic_a direst frono New York, They are mead of an all. wool 4) inch wide Venetians in navy and black. This is a Tory cbel not believe the conditions of the ary part of the program with -1-i 'college, Englieh Kersey Cloth and are lined with Bain and sa-,, „„ * • fine all -wool cloth, made with satin ankh, mill give ex- ao -refereedere were itePeesible'" • tana, shades are fawn rood black,prime ate $7.50 curd...UAW cellent wear for dresses and skirts, speceriTet ...,.. 0 c is not what the 'esteemed Doctor This 8oP1Mrincipal J. iloustrin was next called . . . - in'Olinton last May, but we'll let that Upon to present the Cart' cates and , , . . go. • Be is like 6011136 other men we diplomas to the following' ponds :-. Beautiful rilillinersr ditions,of the reterendum were never G. M. Stuart. L Agnew, H Cameron, know of -he's got more light. The con- O. M. Bell, J..0. . Brown, E. Button. , . - impossible, and it was mainly partizan E Chidley, S Deveald Dowzer,K Hart, • ••• , • I and personal prejudice that led some W Antra.. E. Johns, E Worming, N • from the one most nearly like it, and by doing this it is ' • the.cll' t " t great giving epar men grea favor. 13 to the. rmeenonemN8:7 so 16 . _owe people auppote that their vote for A hat may be ever so correct in shape, in trimming, and in color:effect, accordingred is this -Jet let o McNabb,l3tvIr. the e peorintnyiivibae. trfahli ?vitAusetnicalo Flora wearer, is.unbecoming, and ,• h. t • ' • ual voter retinae his respoLliirlity and Qurtstertrs, it1 Quit:etre, H Porter, C Pocr- dictates of fashion; but if it. lack individuality -to suit its•w 't • d that the far-reac ing benefite, hat will arise 'means unsatisfactory , . . from the law, and meet the conditions We never make duplicate hats when it can be avoided Each. one iS in some way different f" hiniseit with those women who do not like to meet a hat just like theirs .at every tura: 'Exclushreneisi : the Referendum, on Deo. 4th IV 414)rily be "an:expression of opinion."' It • will be a .:and correct style cost nothing here • . •• : ''' 1. .• .' ' good deal more. It will be a law -making 0,4r Millinery fmisiness 'during. 'Oetobe-, and ,so far durIng November.. was 'iust double - vote, and bY'' 42* " . Hon they will decide . - whether the .Act will come into operation ...,ftt of-tt year ago, which goes to prove that more people am finding out that this is the. best Pr quie.rwiee; • ' . . .. I- NOTEW,Ircat *MOMS ' , I—Let organization be your watchword. _ .„ 2 -Let no corner of your district be negleeton. 8 -Lay your plans for the polling of everr ...- merit of Nth:4 Hats iyhiah are the 'very latest novelties from New York prohibition vote. . 4 -You owe it to Yourself to . .. , . • . , dutyin do your whole this contest. They C01110:ill shades of Navy, Fav if, Green and White, &c. .Regular about 550,e00 naines on the voters lists. ,6 -We need 212,723 vote to win. There' are . prices are $2.25 and $2.50 each: We bought t ens to sell comingSat. • 7 -Every temperance voier who stays at 8 -We have the votes. Let us pat than. urday at $1 00. . : horns counts as against prohibition. 8-4n 2 weeks the battle will be over -no time , to lose " • 9.,.,,1?or God and saama and Country," pray, sing, talk, write, work, now. Gorning and Going. place to buy thir Data • CUTING HATS—We havejust passed into Stock' another very nice assort - •The Kid Gloves we sell e.re made by one* •sot the best- manufaoturers in France.. Byarontreeting for large lots of these. gloves we hare secured oontrol .of their •etilefot Clinton. • Marcella ds rapine are • ine tames of the gloves we Bell at $1 aid • V, 25, They come in shades of grey,mode, • tans, black and white and are „fully guar- anteed in every way. Should they break Hoe first time *hey are used we will give . 7otra_. new pair. . • - Your money back if you. want it. • Mrs J. P. Tisdall returned from Torbrito oz Tuesday. • Dr. Guth -no was called to Blyth, Wed- nesday, on professionel duties. , paper two feet bighe On arriving. at 4 Miee Elia .itelmedY 131370; iEt Viiiiikng the centre it, was rfound to contain .a .71 her sister, May, et the'Mason Bride% . - 'Miss Perkins spent a .rece days last ereao .boo of shoe tit lisb. Which had been won with her friends Mica Murderer, of Hetes% by Master Walter 'felines. • , • - a,, The receipts • at the door amounted Mise 'Minnie Et°Inieea of (31111/en' " to 248,being clotoble that of last year. ' „aisitingstalr Joseph Ilohnes' Whiteohnroh; ------7---- • Mrs J. E. Blacken and daughter Rath" . Coming and Going CitThTTON. leen, of Repeal, opent a few days in town this week. • • - . to . , lidre an°, Emmerton and son have gene atter spending a couple of weeks with his Mr and Mrs McLaughlin lett for a tripte ter, E'Robson, 0 Sewers, E Wilford, Browing, Jenkins, Hanoilton, Ander- son, McKenzie, U. M. Laird, (Rocas Brigham ancaR. W. King. McLean took charge of the distribution of . the sports prizes and as he read out scholar's name, this gift was handed to Mrs IL C. Brewer who presented it to the winner. Those getting prizes went :-Messrs Sawyer, Baird, McEwen, Badour, and (3 adustatd, Aikenhead, Tend; Murch, Chant, Porter, Whidcion, King, "ranney,Atness,Holmes, DunloptAkain, Manning, Stewart, Brewer. Swain Johnson,Helyar; Knox, Ellyans, Colborne and Edwards. and • Misses, 'Jackson, Trick, Carling, gruff, Biargart, Murdock, Rodaway, McDonald. jack - soar, Forrester; Koehler, Hilt and Coate. Mr e Brewer also presented the school cup to N. Murclo, to be retained by him for the current Year, and the Hough vino, woo by the football ,club at Seaforth. was likewise tendered the Cattalo by this. lady, after the club had bean lined up on the !stage. ; An ansithing incident of the evening was the unwrapping, of a prize parcel egatheadme, which had within it:a dozen boxes 'and a Pile of WraPPlog Pictures for IOC. For Saturday ard Monday If you vvill look our South witulow you win see an as- bortment of matted pictures that you will say are easy worth 25c each, and the fact is Most of them are 25c pic- tures, but for Saturday and Mondarthe price will be 1.00 They are tiopies of famoue Walesa, Rome in colons, emu° in black and white- oeveral different Mapes and sizee, but there are now:well ones amongthe number Alloare tnonoted vsitio heavy mating, Tbie le rare Chari00 to secure such flue plenum at a very low price, Fancy Baskets t Fancy Goods A lady never bee too many baguet, - that is why our stook is often cleared cut. The new cocoa le now in, and we °all Racial attention to our 25ot ones, They are ;Humid with satin and rib- bon of swotted milers, and ore special value. Waste paper, linen, and laundry bankete always in stook: In making up neealewora for CloristrAs you will want considerable materiel, and we wish to inform yen that all that is new moo be found in our assorts went. Art IAMB, Btanoped Limas, 1 Shetland Floss, (best Eugligh brand) - Berlin Wool, Saxony and Fingering Tarn, and all materials for fanoy work WALL PAPER BARGAINS A table of odd Wall Paper, from 6 to 12 .rolls of a kind, worth in the regular way from 10 to 20o tt roll, will be cleared out (to mane room for Xmas toys) at 8t) a roll. •These will do nicely for email bedroom's, attics, or kitebens,- Trimmed free, - Window Shades eartairt Poles Frir Your new house you will need Win- • We sell hundreds of poles complete,- dow Shades. Bring your aims to us, with brackets, end prime and rings, for and we tell you what is sudable, end 25o. give you the lowest prices for gintran. Dainty white poles, with braise ende, teed cloth and rollers. ' can be had from 60o to $1,40 - ew Books You do or you. doret . .• gOalZ NEED EYEGLASSES OR SPEOTA.CLES, ,brit yon know whether you do or you 'don't? ` It's not likely you do unless •'yeti have hadvirur eyes exarained by an Dentist or Optician, because they may have Unenspercted defects, Why not know for certain, when the knowledge will met you nothing and may cave you • unnecessary suffering. • -2,SPEOIDACLES AS LOW 'AS $1 • Magazines Tbe time fa mooing when you will Kindly remember us when :you want will need to renew for your favorite .th latest,book. We will have In it few Daily,' Weekly and Montilla periodical days Ralph Connor's new book, Gleo- and wowidi to telt you. that we can save Want to reed it at once: ' crdee. • gary School Dar, and of °mile youll you Money on any paper you wish to See our window for some of the latest Call and get or prices and olubbina worke by popular authors offers; No one can dobetter for you- Eipeolai berme to libraries ' " we duplicate any offer made, Ping Poug 3 • . Jag Ctews returned Toledo Prides', to spend a couple a weeke. ehurchChimes: I 1 WiLtas Ouutca.--Last everting the Will Start in London. - s , I W. F. M S. of Willis church held their Frank Hovey returned to Toronto on Perla and Hamilton on Wednesday. 1 Mrs a. jervinaStenley, has been spending • Rev E A Wicher, M A, 130, Claude, ' (vrho supplied in Willis church for, some time), has arineunced to his cots- gregation his intention of resigning • nts charge, in order • to accept a call to - one pastorate of the Union Protestant •'church of Kobe, in Japan. . , '15NTA.Rro -Stamm "elltIECTIT-41600- Dr - fand Will tits uss the rohibiti regnlar monthly meeting in the base. The London Advertiser says :-'The merit of the church. 1.he papers factory of the defunct Canadian Veneer delivered at the meeting were read. by and Lumber Coecorner of Elm mull -line Miss Leslie In the absence of illiss'Tay- streets (south of.the G. T. ft main line lor, and Mrs W. O'Neil. The former and east of Egerton street) has been taking the' subject "Marriage Feast" purchased by Messr N * • Monday th resume lois . studies after a a week with her sister, adris a, Miser Jennie Holtuee left for Ante Craig with Rey. -11. 151, Minting last week. . Bev. Geo. N. Rutledge spent a few dap , Snyder. weeks rest. • Saturday, to spend the winter with Rev. Mesdames Bill and johnsoreaunaesboro, and Mrs Diehl. • opent Thorsday with Mot Waiter King. an the latter lady . .1 / sr "altssrons at Col. Clinton,. atid F. j. Sherlock.euft1,11,II,ont Rev Mr Wright was callea to Owen Mrs Dunsraore Toronto, visiting her lively discussione indulged in. Synop- faetory there. The building will be en - an organ_133Ound ona PrIttel, to -attend the funeral ef , ; _ °moo; rhere was -at goed tatabout and Wan, whp wilrat once st.art sisters, Miss Johns and Wire n . siatifthearrapertrwill ber-pritolishednext-larged-ttr double 'ts- • • • its the most Popular •game insAmerice it the preeett timer, suits able for old and young, and can be •played nn any. good size dining table. Tbe,prices bath very ranch lespened during the last few months owing to the yera large sale throughout America. • These are.three lines of Special .valtte No.4 Set -Two . turned aUildie wood bate, twe polished petite, green net with' white- hinding, and 2 "latex halls--poronkte, in cardboard a‘aao • hamaavith rules, Per set ... . . .. . aa, .. 0.0.1IIPOS emu . , . ana 2 Set -Two turned needle send paper surface bats, :green net . with whiteloinaing;twe polielied.poete and four Elitlex balls, dein. • piste in oardboara box, with rules Per set „ , „ Sal No. 8 Set -Two wood bate with double sand paper edam blades, turned handlas, new style olamp poste with felt bottoms,' borind net * ,„,„ and [Our Halea, balls, Per set • '• • • 1.011 , • Bats extra with or withoot sena papist sorfrieet10, 20, 35 and 50o ' each; Best lialex bellaeatra; each 60; Beet English Caddie, each' 7.c • Agents for C. P, R. Telegraph and Domition Express Money Orders, &leo for Butterick Patterns, • cA coo AlustrtistlittatO is is -gran rno aNice to Rent. Mr anci"Mre Wm Patriots, of Merton, Howard returnedirloilbjerarvettsi Over Taylor a" Son's store suitable for spent a few davs with their datightet, Mrs fi ids of the Northwest on Tuesaayeyening, anY PurPow. APPIY to .• lle spot most. of the time at "Edeely N 21 tf. Mrs. A. H. MANNING Clinton, -- -Walitkd.---:.---- ' A good, comfortable, well heated, fur- nished room near centre of town; with or without breakfast. ' Apply to Nov. 21, tf, Now Ens. Omen. IlleCting of County Council. The Council of the Corporation of the CiOunty of *liven will meet in the Council Med Irk, formerly of town, but tete of Noy. 1701, to Mr and Mre J A Meokenzie aCtlisar:blner.in .the Town :orjidsliGoEd,erciolehr,k.bn needay morning, to atelpt a position there. IdeReneie, of town. , ,Tneeday, the 2nd, day of December next, Dungannon, left for lat.:Thanes on wea. •a daughter, (mr masermele la 0 0011 es Al friende. Good House tor Sale, ITEIXT-MeL,SsUGHLIN--At St lilioh. • Per sale aflame bouso on Victoria S ieet, question on Sunday evening next., . Ray Wm Medd who officiated at both /services last Stuadity treated the Um- sregation to a good goripel ciermon in ; the morning basing lois, remarks on the ' 'ath Verse of the 8rd chapter. of Hear. know thy works 'behold I have set before thee an open door and no mato can shut it; for thou hest a little • 'strength, and hest kept my word, agd • beet not derived my name." To the 'Obviation who realized what Christ W;19 to than, his worde were indeed •itoraforting. In the evening he tackled the labor question, which IS a very sensitive issue to many of us, and trom his remarks we would taer that he was ; InOt favorably impressed: with union- ; text. was "For we are labor - via together with God." WESLEY CIIVECE-ThisPridayevon- ing the Intertneaiate League hold a literary and musical entertainment in the echool room. The chair es to be taken: by Rey. Manning at, 8 o'clock, when on , , interesting progtara will be tehdered, Refreshments will oleo ser -el et the • ge, .At the evening service on Sun. ' slay, Miss Olive Manning gape a solo, ' . ;glad won her Way into the hearts of the • atomic toying people of that congrega. tint loysher rendition of that beautiful eitio, "Face to Fitce,"....On Monday ' entenitig the Epworth League held an t sut._Kittais, anovvnin Boson in of splendid boeiness ability and judg. sinjoyttens missionary evening Miss Ntaashington occupied the chair and three traperabf much interest on Tut - key Were read, Miss Heywood degree). ing the Turk in her paper, giEM Petite hits life and characteristics,and Ed.jen. king described the territory of that neuntry, Misses Cutoninghain and •Miller !sang duet. There was oleo a nelo and chords gang by four little -sairle. Nexesatooday eVehitin is Tem. • atheance night, and all are Invited to attend, , .The Ladies Aid Society, of - "'Wesley elourcht will hold a parlor en- sga aetteaninerit and sale of useful and Orley testicles at, the honre ot Mrs Hod - genu, no ahursdaY everting, Nov'. 27th. letidid progtano will be rendered' , week. ... Miss Watts, of Guelpht res most modern plant will be installed. It presentative of the 'Leper iniastons. of is expected that the factory,whigh will Canada, will address a public gather. employ large number of hands,will be ink in the basemett of the church, on in full operation by Feb 1. Mr Manning Wedneeday evening 'next, commetc- has been for fourteen years Manager. of ing at 8 o'clock. a..Rev. Robt. Stewart, thelaoheity OegatiCompartyatClintont Motherville, brother of Rees Dr. See- and his experience should go fat to - wart, will officiate at both seraices wards making the now venture a sue. next Sunday. cess." • ST. rAUL'S CIIIIRCEI.Las Sunday 'We understand that the gentlenren evening the congregation was given g mentioned. buy a partially furnished rare trentin the musical liteet extette, factory; and expect to be turning out composed of Mesdames tigneford,Rance organs by the end of the year. Mr and Hovey and Mimes McNenghton,„ Manning's removal to London is not Billings and Chuitrendering thaaloeaut. altogether unexpected, because it has iful chorus "Lift Thine eyes". -Next been known that negotiations have Monday evening the ladies will hold been going on for some tiroe, but he is another 9nehtl evening in the school one of the kind, of men that no teven cat room. The program will be varied and efford to lose, rind it will be universally interesting. " Among those taking part regretted. Doring,a residenee of 15 Mr H. O. Brewer Who has yearebere, he has shown himself an kind fa donsented to erchibit some new enterprising end efficient 'young busi- iatiternalideesincluding at collection be. nem man, with a thorough knowledge longing to Mr 0 la Dowding ; a swingOf detail's arid f g P I. song by the ladles of St Paul's chair, His characterreabsolutelyirreproacia_ reading hy Miss Ma), Rance, piano sclo able, ond he pee/lessee many stirling by Mies Juno, song by Miss McCorvie, good qualities, that be has made one of and Mr Dowding will render "The the best citizehs poseible, As an official Powder Monkey" With a ()horns ac. member of Wesley Methodist Church, CoillPititrwena. A etlYer 001/eaten will Superintendent of the Satineth School h them. Explanation, be hard to tlia and his many 'file: John Itensford left for Toronto pater- vie PAL E - n won o . e 0 . *' h TOWnfillip on Nov, IS, At the residence article in the meat. line that su ere , he taken at the door, the Iniblic School Mord, his place will ........-............ ; a, atte,and a member t here will lookfor the success in hie new file the Baiter of the New Bra : venturetthat Mould follow the exercise John Beacom,The neat week, • . Igloo • sarag, p, Rookie end daughter left for Bey. Er. Stewart left for Motherville on her home in St. Thomas on Wednesday. She will be gone for some time. • Wednesday to visit with his broth, Rev. R. Stewert. They will exohange papas on Mrs Richard Greerteidee, of London. has atthass„. • returned after spending six weeks with rel- Floretta Stevenson re kr rn ed home after an atives and fricrods in Clinton. • • &Use Cora Bewden left for Efornewood absence cif six months with ber aunt, at Soipka, where ste hart been learning the Sanitcarionn Guelph, Wednesclay morning, aaegamahhig. to atter as a nurse.131.trainidg. • Mrs J. Robertson', of Buffalo, wire was BOA% 'visiting her mother, Mrs Smith, Goderith, MANNING. --In Clinton, on Nov. 15, to called on friends in town last week, and Mr and Mrs Walter Manning, a eon. wasthe nest of Mrs Biggert, MACICENZIE-In Aberdeen, S. D., on Wanted. good smart young man can .aet good potation learning cutting and taming. Nov 21, ta The Jackeon BI'Vg Co. Clinton. By using the following ootared meats:- • ISOA8'I. BEEF, EIPEREDIIERRING • CEIIPPED BEEP, • SHRIMPS, CORNED Malan', ,laaRDIIIESs* Served with our Catsup, Pickles Relishee after spendbog a few rays in town with • buitituen • • Prepared Breakfast roods tie .itoottlomrspRan, P. mReieoksietteaenkdi8,actoluglistteTr,biaatsie, ameleehnuarmabi nd3mi y trbro ,0113:e/iyv, 110,f blit tont Ave %Of; Lo tralti27/. , e5t ohraye co.iatiortahratleft-, sou ietab 1 cf. ft o sr , ordinary'. itl,, 1‘01 Eisio-13-iiii410U1113, GRA.PE. NUT - v.tii a vfm A PORCE. as far as Exeter, on Monday where they a r lot with stable. SHREDDED WHEAT, BISCUITS, ' brother, home aftet speraing ten asp' with her S Mies Maggie'MoLaugh3liifin)00/ ttlytb.. witty. , .. Sunday, toPeratavX1PEASERaill4a Oraig,or J.A.S.SCuTI. • hard anidusbooftawoiadtoorn,tbeeliasrolgbfiroutiertilemeosi•.ptolfrir On Also, you will be thoroughly warmed epent the dray, Miss Reekie is on her way Mrs So 0 Pattison and two sous whd ' Noy. 10, ov, 21-4m. Mery A. Stoneham, wire oE N. Guire, of Shakespeare, for .ct few ("aye te. were visnarig with Mr and Mre 1,'„ Me. It Stoneham, sgea 51 years and 7 monthe, Corrected overe Thursday attereoou , While in our steree MUNNINGS-In Colborne, Nov, 17tha a ThuredaY November 20' 1902' W ir ovNeii CLINTON MARKETS turned Monday, lYir Pattreon also [spent Sunday at. the game place eta returned 16 Yo'sql!, Erneet, eldest sot of Jen Mannino, aged , There were it few •elignt ehanges and ° brir teIenone number le 48 wit em. oi. rt 0 th4 31 Rand, 0 de pastfibuctuatiowneoefkrartrjratiettbqsuoutearteiontteditorniniff 1 4 ell IV d • 4 • ' b.) (rhUrtidaY) tO attee a ba q a e ere game sof Mt, W. Prootor, his fathealialaw, Dr. taking a drop of 75c no the Buffeittmar. by the Manufacturets' Assn at vsbioh j. W. Palnoer, of Detroit, aged 42 yearea: tkoettfisin2;t5k.Vitirabtsishawreinwaotr7tohotitbotiitttx9t $4 3t • Itteod the...best it r 1ft "ays tiagrovattiable paper to rnake the fellowing • °sent' • We ave been Mr Sherlock is too Well, known in aexopfiltittrinatt.tiboyn teloptehoempittribeltiict, business. num of London -to regnire any, commendation at our honcho Hie loogassoolation with thie town, of nor ohangitg ottr aavettitte. the organ business justailee the opinion ment frequently enough. We ehottica that, the new industry avill be a flue. to inform him that the reason for this ate Oftretit neglect- le not leek of ability, but ce,,,8'41deanne.• Jack of time. Owing to the themes° ot bur 'tar° Manning Will Wen be greatly bnainese we bare found it nedemata to en. minsed Church and ancinf citric°, but does not expeot to move to London for largo our store and secure Mere assietetuni I coneeleeogy the rush atte marie ,00 over. eornetime yet. Both will carry away look gale treakenaoue error. Dot, ma tare very best" wishes of it wide and ' Oritio, a laicism in the ranke busineta -Warn) nire„ie friend, • filOn, kindly look ter page 4 of this edition, Rey Dr 1?arker ot 1,aonden Efigland, and recta the ealeertieetetint cif fentotie Oongregatienitlist diviirie is dyi11 ng, • , on hie uuole, th W., 0, Elinith. • NOv, 17, 1002, IN, 'V, O'N'Ext, Iktr Plokard, cif the Ct. T. re, Stant° ,11 MP Ft' , i Albert Rolled, of „London. Eng., end other importantapublid ram will be present. . Sale IlLgiate r. )47 CENTRAL spending the pest three weeks., in the an, iii 0OrrislothEla afyil,rii3N 0. v tveljtoni nail 40 . itt _..4on tg891/Beal (T,:a:g,r1ser,0:14100 tin: dc, 8. .e.0. b trot toeor 15:. oto7106° positione at $40., $46, $50 and 060 a - north, for the dead:tatting, arrived home cii t 00 t eii- teen Ata bellow D A"llgert(lat 4°.1!'“..". ° 69t)n4W ,i°,1 87:1 Brava Holmee, who hes been from Port Strailey on aTuesday evetiug, aalreeente'r, rar6°I), ,,eahoe. wean, aoot. . 0 40 a 0 45 STAATPQAD, ONT. lionsebeld fanittire of Bich. storiehmil,, BEI-tresiti::::***'":".4s. .. .. :: ''. 00 826 atil 0 417 niitgoote: agur atotta tact: s dbaay: uegx00:: eR pci :ft: Where Mrs Ilolmee and baby have been gene° of the doctor. Mrs Bolmee id ex- Clintoh, inolndiria Radisot TsZiwoosaelttootva: ;sr . ,, sto :00 aa 00 0660 Jawing rocioldre, am, Wilhain etreet, Clin, 1,1iir'..a:o.er::ayw.e4:,,,.: 4: 44, 4:".: .: i 2 16 a 2 la W•40 reeeiyed effering one of our grad - of boom' treday, atitie.Godwins of tlt Thomas, 'daughter . itteuee't," W.edeeedeY'Mell* "lb' natter of lest term it salary of 11800 e pit of OntatiO Street ()hutch Sunday week, I The Damininn House lost two-nrietn. PC)iihtilta, °lire' P.c.!, l. b. : : a: : : : 2 28 a4 .-5° 00 / :aura, are eTloholi looking the r ktti;dooftehveidebneeste alley Wtti Gedwiri, who tcoupied the pnI. — ispont lad btteday with her friend alias , 'ben by deattha his weolt, and Pirgolatly Pock, dreelled.******* 5 'hi 4 6 25 to take pert in Our entertainment to be Maxwell, M,P., Liberal, Who resided bad on Mot.4tty evening in that town. I there, died on roesday, and Aogus ira ie. Vemeetiver' . 111)V (** IL n'14tter'ilubr :::::::::: (0) 1.10: 8 lg titlig9.1.4ennetfulfgpacattr° free Grant, while on her way north to ItiroleY• I both d IShe is it young lady Who is fast winning . McLeod,. M.P. for North Ontatio, (Con- , gegridatPoireospdlizrot.b*n7h41.**:: '0° 915° 6'6 6° 417) ' hot way to the front 48 an elooutiotdot. 1 a r Wive) alai died there Wednesdayl per Ib.. 0 04 it 0 04 W. J. ELLIOTT. Vrinciiii4 •