HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-21, Page 3Miss (human, Sec'y Detroit Amateur Art Association, tells young .women what to do to avoid pot and ,Suffering caused byiemale troubles, , can consciehtibusly recontifiend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegelptde Compound te those of my sisters ;suffering ..with ;.fethale. weakness and the troublee Which so often befall women. I suffered for months With emeriti _weakness and felt sot We at I ,had hard:work to keep up. .• , had Omitting pains and was utterly miserable. In my distress I was ad- vised to use Lydia E. Pinichanfs Vegetable Compound, and it was a red tette; day to me when I took the ftrst dose, for at that time my restora- tion began. In six weeks 1 was a changedworium, perfectly well in everyraped. I felt so elated and. happy ;that I want all women who suffer to get well as I did." -Mise Guru. Garatott, '359 Jones St., Detroit, Corresponding See'y Mich. Amateur Art ssociation.-$500ferfolt If original of . above letter preying ganalakneaa caanot be producad. It is • clearly shown Iry this young lady's letter that Lydia E. Finch -hones Vegetable Compound, will surely cure the sufferings of women; and when One considers thatMissGannon'g lettcr 15 only one of hundreds which we have the great, 'virtue of Mrs. Pinkham's mpdi- cine must be admitted by &IL For partneri To Think ill,babItt. Animportantletter from 11.G, Witde, of the Dominion Shorthorn- Breeders. Amiciatior,. appears in the Family Herald'and Weekly Star bf •Montreal this „week. It reads as follow& ss "It has been my privilege to smut for a number of years from time to thrie.the farming papers not only of Our own countrYligt ef the, United States and Great Britain, and 1 beg to say that the agricultural newe . in the Family • Herald and WeeklY:Stnr ntelbne worth many times the subscription price. Your kgricultural Iditoi is ft.geed one and he appeare. to be thoroughly versed in all agricultural matters," !signed -G. Wade, Office Registrar of 'stye Stock. Toronto, Mr Wade accoprpan- led',13is letter with a year's subscription, one dollar. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is recognized as the agri- cultural paper in America andas a Dun. ily paper it excels hi every department. • . * Rev fia. R. Ricks 1903 Almanac To say that 'tiii7i-spiencifil..`wiitit hf science and art is finer and better then wirer, is Stating it noildiy. The &inland for it is far beyond all previous Years. 'To say that such 'rout% 'reaching thirty years, are not based Linen sound sense and usefulness, is an insult to the intelligence of the millions. Ptof. ,Ricks, through this great aline,nec, and his femme farailv and scientific Jour- nal: Word and-Worksis doing ie work -for the whole people not approached by any other Man or publication. A fair test will •prove * this to any reasonable person. Added to the most luminous course in astronomy for 1903, forecasts of atorms and weather are given, as never before. for every day in the year, all charmingly illustrated with nearly= 200 engravings. The price of single al- manac. including postage, is 30 cents. Word and V4 orks with -the Almanac is s .$1 a year. Write to Word and Works Publishlog Co., 2201 Locust Street; St. Louis Mo., and prove to yourself their great value. , L.J.41,:o.4i,> i :. I TRUST IN; GOD AND DO THE RIGHT, ANDREW IIAGIEMAN, Pas - hr the Collegiate Church, Fifth . avenuen4West Forty-eighth I street, New York City.. ., s..........,.... , ,.......e.esseee....s. Yerinr, verily'. I may unto you, ale that 4lie- ,- ° o ais ,_ 04 greater Ivorthe wozkiel than these 211 be -do ge unto m . y -Father - John ate:, 12. • It is the glory of the Christian thet he Is enabled to, serve in the redemption world for which Christ died. Every lerVant of Christ is a on of God. Each iubject' of the Xing is a prince, aide to treveil w1th. God anti men. Notice the positiveness of Christ's words of cheer. "Verily, verily1". truly, truly, as though it could not be cow tradicted. This double verily is, culler to Jon's ' Crospel. ' It makes cm phatic the utterances which follew. They ' Immot be changed by the P..pOe of year& ' Doubly„ "..certified,' they Stant/ firadY es- tabliehed. "Verily, verily, I my unto you, he that hetieveth on me, the verb' that I do shall he do also.” • Here is the Christiade canditton of s moos In service. for 111811de:sten Christ, ris., "faith In Him," "All things ere pos.. • illiht to him that be,fieVeth." Yeti shut 'if the current of yours power the mo- - 'bent you doubt Him in the least, Your thought, your opinion, your faith in Him • dreumscribes your power in aecomplish- big the world's benefactions. , • Bnt with these conditions of faith in Him fulfilled, what .are the resifts f Werke 'equal, to any which Christ ever Werke greater than those which Fie ;accomplished. This is very strong untextrerne languages but, comieg from _ -Glirist't -orn-lipss-Wessitentsbelieve-stte : old .has not hi tory abuntlently. verified His cvorde t Let ue 'look for a mo- • : • "The. werlte that I. do shall ye do • Christ suffered for mankind ; *jive , P="...1•11•11,.." 1 VIE CLINTOIT NEW rgA, isiovembor ifig1104 , 131101111 roans Doobiolitionastotth. mow h. 1114'' Amitung — Not lon§ aline there was a great MI nonuced that Ash was food for the brain. 1 Of course the fallacy of the fad Was soon exploded. Normally the forid we tee • on the fis markets bemuse it wile an. nourialiest brain, nerves, muscle, houes, etc„ each part of the body assimilating phosphorous salts, I im e, t a need. When the ' brein begies to 8110W .weakness ar the nerves be- come sensitive it is. a eign that there is a Joss of the nut riti on contained in the food eaten, and this loss is in general due to disease of th stopach, and ita alired org:ans. Dr.; Pie r.c Goldee Medical Discovery euree diseases, eif the stranach and, other organ* .of digestlon end, nutrition. It enables *the perfect digestion% aod asiimilation of food, -which is the source of the strength of both hrain and hetly. two_ ttoulhee with eery freqinnt lieedaciles? Writes miss Beta summerton, of gab Diego, lineal:ON, Texas., a often accompanied by severe vomiting; 'bowels were irregular and nlY stem, 0111 iiiirco"ireNeUligsrencailung,11Yautsouilautriiiigi absemittuyunothinga , for twenty -maim hours at it time.. '17. wits entirely unfit for work, and my whirvera sick spell an aystern ieemed warn:Iowa thamtuIcifxeardei: couraged. was advised to rr7Dr, kierce,11 Golden lVfeclical Discovery and di so with such satisfactory results *hat before Anishningrilhe glitritibareitiditinugircfesectgortift.lu u Cie " s Dr. 'Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent free, on receipt of az .,one -cent :damns to psir pense of Customs and mailing on4y, Ads dre0 Dr. R. V. pierce. Buffalo. X. Y. s saki' Chriet did and drawing mel - Auks to service I • " • Manifestly Christ, has in Vie* the -skeedrolles-daVelopment,L,of-Chrietimity • Ihrougheui the coming' years' and ce" n- . buries. • In this He Intends to Work -note and more through Christians. Not, therefore,. separated from. Him; but, an active agents,' are they to !do, these ireiter *Oka. • The' wdrk of salvation is to'proceed npon an ever -enlarging line . Serike.'..'lledeeined men and 'wonien -arc to beholdtheir work.,expandirig- and y wise yes •developing into greater �lclancy :nit as: the ,-daily tolier In ,the,aPplieation of inventive -genius dote ereeteractiral work than; the. inventor thieedi (but only sleseaose: his .geribui • otkee it poesibia4;10.0hriat .in the ten 10110Ion Ulla Wald plant trees, with •t:eseesess• ; • " • 7-7 • ; ' • himself for them." - • I Did you and I ever benefit humanitlk Although the medicine -.TinshieSS Should; above all, be Misled osi wththe" utmost conscientiousness and sense of - responsibility, the unfortunate fact he that in, no other_ is there so much hums bugand deceptio12 The anxieties ofthe sick and their relatives are traded nteex - in the most shameful' Manner- , bl . p , many prepares tions are abet) lutety worthless, and some • are Positively dangerous to to health. , As a consequence, • all proprietary rewedies are regarded with suspicion -by many people, and the.good .suffer • for the bed-. . ' • • - 'roi these reasons we announce that ' houorialoortrOfigetsrs !ire.. the principal nhar.e. 11.11411.WALKER & SONS ....LIMITED • _ • ' se' hiCh will, • we are sure, be an envies • guarantee of the truth of every repre-. hentatiou 'Made conceralng. • Ft, The London Daily Mell gives the fol. turns to China whitherhe hame"bee: a write two books on America when he re- vARICOCELE AtIO STRIO called to take diarge ot eiretoli of Mr. • ot f he work of re. lo`Win Pleg m ing and codifying the laws of Ids I federation that he hi the Messiah has country. Rio experiences in the United I •been responeible for recent turbulent States lucre been many, and mine of 1 leesonellsot bLicl)tuddoonort-telidethweasseoatt alnessietitmo se gilerml ficillueWei•Oenboothnetocimeeatiskiewl adhderetTel I before a umiversity audience, Schurz It the excesses of crewe when merry. • had spoken. to the students before, and tasking in suet dens of wickedness as Ban Premise° and other ports provide. Ile became a Church of England curate, tp:TdiloBOW One 'irorked"111 London but the forin of religion did not Mit his strenueus nature, and, he joined Ore Salvation Array„ This religious body tie deserted suddenly while be Was "on iiity" in Yorkshire. Finally, he joined v- die Beet We Irmo* as the Agapemonites. Re is a man of (inlet demeanor. but with * fierce fireburning in his dark eyes. hie would have been a crusader or a martyr In earlier days, for he is absolutely fetir, less and sincere in his strange beliefs, j Over his congregations he has always possessed great power. There is a, cud- ous charm of manner about the man which ia irresistible to those easily led, end On this point an -example may be Wen. When the Church of the Agspems one was building at Clapton, he was rep, often on the scaffolding. Moving quickly .and pray,' With the skill of a when they saw hiss on the platform ! they called out, "Schurz!" "Schurz!" The Chinese Minister, conscious that his , silken bleuens worn .outside his trausere, might have awakened what he knew to " be the easily provoked irreverence s of under raduates, mistook the salutation ?or "s irts." Whereupon he rose, bowed and smilingly adjueted his robes, display - Ing the evident comfort he enjoyed in , ' wearing them. Nov the students took up the cry in earnest, and "Sellers" readily became "shirts." The uproar of their merriment tang lustily throughout the auditorium. Even tne bland and philosophic Minister Wu begot to dis. play embarrassment. "Don't pay any attention to them," whispered Mr. Schurz; "they, mean me." ',Ole is that aill" exclaimed the Chinese Minister, and lank back into liis chair, vatity relieved. Dr. Ni,voop,!s .„ eailor. The :Men employed were a re- spectable lot, but here and there were black sheep who mere foulenouthed, and there was one why, in his cops, wasvery violent. Mr. Piggot's power over them was remarkable. When he was about the worst of them put on their best mamma Indeed, the foremen used te say that they never had directed so well-behaved a. lot of werionfin.• His religion and that of his followers has been a simple one: They held that the Day of 'Grape was past and the Day of judgment was at hand, together vitth the Second oomingt of the Messiah. It was therefore & time for praise and not for prayer, for the Book of Judgment was shut, and the merits of men and women already weiglieles Their bran. book, which they termed the "Voice of the Bride," shoWs • this' belief, some of the hymns are' adnairtibly -written, and Th. , experiments Made on the. made bear. Saint Germain and 'Versales with sprinkling crude petroleum' to prevent lust are highly successful, emi, will be largely extended to other routes near earn; Lyons, Nice and lidarSeillte. According to "La, Vie' Illuetree," the iket eurvlving witiiess of the Battle of Waterloo is Mm. Marie Therese idnintis• now • living at Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont, near Charleroi. The old woman recently celebrated her *one hundredth birthday. She lives with her two sons. The ages of the three of them total two hundred and forty.ilve years. Mme. Dupuis was daushtcro it small termer. named NORWAY PINE SYRUP • Stops the irritating cough, loos-. ens the phlegm; soothes the in- flamed tissues of tholungs and bronchial tubes, and produces a qui& and permanent cure in all eases of Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Hoarseness. Sore , Throat .and the Brat stages of for the -di ythat-is-ae-hand.---His-fellow Mrs-Norma-Swanston-Gargillr-Onts-, all 'meal; la a note of pram* and glory Consumption. itiaddal.ree c'leksiasestil?rintaleadlaingdnraewitaherl.r•tahme rich mending Dr. Wood's Norwa,yPineSyrup. trrites : "I take great pickier° mrecom, nor the very poor, •They dress as if in had vety bad mid, could not sleep oh ttaniaer.arglie're'bdast'Uwolmtharariaagdei2latmlaoentgi*teheaincal; my chest mid: lungs. I only used half a night for the coughing and bid pains in nor is there a baptismal font in° the bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup church. With the coming of the Messiah and was perfectly well main." . . so nigh, they had no time for such vani, Pelee so ciente a bottle. title air courtship ' and reareirtga. Tslhoie alrit ' • , A .310gg!'s, ----e-e---ser•-••••,--- ---- --.---4--"•-----7`7-if ' . * A Paris • jOurnal relates Met Prince - Metternich once asked Jules janin for his Anecdotal. . • InattiVe . Liver . otejallovinertoOrs esi sheat rel ',, '• ' ' • 'Good for a hundred bottles of ohannis- folieioe:fttllio. 040yisoo;en:4rorigid4vfeolbsiy.eiyffebniptta chi, . 2... ps;,,,,Lnge;:ttnee:hit:eihele:maens.d,:4i0;,.inxin.yiyee.slpla.erac.ig: Eng - blood, blood,t thus- producing biliousnesa,ned a! ' 'fah perfectly( but' lie ' can jest in our Ian - 8014 irepairment of the digestienlystein ruage. - When he gave a - special audi- The tongue is Corded, the head mho,. bilge to Mr T Plerpont Morgan he Mired digestion is imperfect; there 11. aching of one of the ladies of 'the pattY .what she theelhailbe an beck, *Begs of fullness, thought of-, the Oerman 'Ocean. She Ile' uw,7e1,.riglittrectesyoereb:else;psmeevaery,tehleiosiwto4nepiaaun.als 04 Folio, plied Oust the voyage Oil it. had, hem "I :AM serry,"•said the Kaki - diced. and the :complexion muddy; the er, gianon• _ g at . Mr: Morgan; 'but the rider, i t d highlydoted, and the bowels irrefiliar, consrtimiloil and innne, .. !text time you visit us I shall,peur on an the, watersseStandard oil 1" • ' ness alternating.Th s littl f ' ; : Thomas A. Edison: has a keen se se of li ' n ' ' treating.the liver separately, as it can never. • be set right until the kidneys and bowels ' 'teener, and never fails touse it When • : pi occasion presents itself. For instance, teefrom the body. It is for this very roe - ;wit before he •wont on a recent trip to arereade active in removing the waste mat - son that ,Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills FlOrida, lie Called his manager to hie beve always' proved so wonderfully suc- . room end salt's; "1 always notices that cessful in curing the most .chronic cases of you look Val well when you work hard," herr complaint, biliousness and cornplica. The manager looked up, wondering what tedailinentsoithe kidneysliver and bowels, - . Mr. Edison, would say next. ' "Now, I am One pill a doses ss cents a box. All • going away to Ieb,rt War,' I hope you dealers, 'er ' Ecimanson. , Bates 4 • Co., will enjoy gooa health'While I am gone." Toronto. ; .. •• . D ' Ch . .. , . • A 'popular captain't wife was more ,° . . - than, usually anxious over the safety of . r . her husband, and aceordingly handed 5 , pariell clerk a, slip one Sunday morning it i d ROY" Liver Pills bearing the words: "Captain Wilson, hat'. • s John Marks, of Dumbarton, went to Bownianville to locate a stolen • horse. While riding up front the station on ' top of the bus he spotted the horse ,on the street and had the ;driver arrested. . . 'TABLETS Thellron-on Remedy Co..Ltd. Roland, • The Swim have been stirred to hither wrath by the rapidity With which'inotor- cars career along their roads. Forth:al. instructions ha•ve. been o given to the po- lice that whensi motorist denot slow down and submit to arrest, the next Wetherell po, • • • he Ont. • . e etetioo along his ;route, shall be warned by telephone, and "obstacles shall he placed in the road to arrest ' t4ry much without a self-deniai; With. hrogress.)) put 'a giving of soinewliat ofourselves. In their 'behalf Christ was crucified for sletters. ' Paul says: "I ant crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live." The new Christ • iife 18 the Christ healed the sick. His follower e do the same. , In fact, the Goepel uproots the cense Of so limey evils( and errors. Its 'precepts, • • • • . .."-MiSs ' Virginie Gdisdille7 a ' Seventh bbeyed, purify all life; regulate the ex: Day Adventist, has been committed penditureof strength, ' retrain mif. foe' trial at Montreal, oaths charge of Inflieted injuriesdetermOw ine * , licit, being responsible for the death of „Mr _ • Hall, who died at her sanitarium from 1 'etws of wealth' ` '.. •,,a...,.;,- st' starvation. ' Christ east out devild. 44",.!0.0 'bTire carrying of woo. bushels of ! ?What elm la done when the ern Wheat from Fort William to Montreal spirits of string drink, profanity, hat by the barge Hamilton establishes a new reSord for the inland waterways, red, envy and jealousy' are uprooted by 50000 bushels having been- the Most In applied. . Chtistiatdty, and in -their. ":!::"....,—, . places .are cultivated the fruite• of the: ye,44,44444•414414* 4 --44•4444.- 4.4.4444...4444 . r naudenrict.Brnests.Stewarts.thestW30- smirit--loves-joy;•-peaces-langseeffering; Hamilton lade who were out in a email rentleness kindnesi t ' 0 ' boats on the bay all Mond% ynight w is h ' • . Andrew Marcy, who died from expos. Christ oonvinced men of sin and their 8/604W: ure and fright, are recoveritik _from seed of a Saviour. He talked •with the their, tertiele experience. The Marcy • boy Waii ouly &tient eighVyears old. Woman of SeMaria until she saw herself • t sinner and also saw Ilim her Saviour. "1""""Ile reasoned with NioOderane un.til im- possible things became_ clear and ‘ , teas I • Unple. asan - Humors, Eczema, Salt Salt Rheum. Weaver's Syrup cures them permanently ' by putifying the cenuin arte tenable. . •• You and I do it sintilar 'berries when .Ire deepen. the conviction of On and -- :reveal the Christ ready to save and • Christ ooriverted, turned the hearte teat • . and lives of men unto God. This le o'er sleazing life work, its.); sis Chrietians-to turn men round aridnause im • , &him to live so differently, afterward. D • Eton •a little dild‘ on thue lead the strong mansout of the very thicket of .• Tv..1.1- tin. A trembling, dependent wife mai, Little Liver rills ,i,,...w her whole Welly Into lotting tub. • • leetion to Goat A few faithed believers Must Bear SigIlnitUre of hi Own. or city will change the whole • Itiorsil tone of, the place. Christ drew multitudes unto Him •. ..4=02Z° ., there itte a magnetism about Ilia pure tnd unselfish life which drew Men • ,, • 'Ina gone to seas his wife desires .t.he , • prayers Of •this congregation •on his be- - .; belt" Unfortunately, by the misplace- ment' Of the. comma after the, "sea," the congregation ' were told that "Captain ..eady .znairieu live as orcitner WM Slito ` Wilson having 'gone .to :see his wife, 'de.' ter.: Mr.: Pigget's Om Wife -7a, quiet . sires the nprey.ers Of this congregation On. lady of: great goodness and shiceritte his: b., ebaifii, : • % ', - . . ... . • husband. • Their : church is.- ii beautiful ....... • ' ' ' .--: Redtictich, in Prices 'has aiWays absolutely believed 'in er , e.. • • e .... " little structure on ivhieh much money ' ss„ : . ....„. .. 's ' ' oesfi im. l'oeco_. • .• •., . ,.:: ,•-• . ' , . ', . • . ' his been spent. On the buttresses ols IV hell. Your Joints: ' • Here is i great °benefit° eemire ta". fl, rat:iolaisChtiggy at ',a; big' rifttitron",-41cti the porch,' arid again mettle lout •cornera • 1„s .,..,1„„i„,„ . , . • f inersetse mr Latest Method Treatment to be 4: Crowe Venue otoes snorting sensation, neer " .1.1.-.1.ri;',.."'-'7 i -new- s *eche etts, while In ell ereetetleirettblesi 1 4' • i ir'i.gite*.ils..i, .. eositivecare for 'Varimeele and Stricture, Wi mint:ill= oticfustilimume. laroVuerilit000wno.loetottoebeoporzibethein F:',*11.”` - drains, thereby giving the organs their prop...rpm the. eartm,ana restores lose powers; in Stricture rotpsontollionlietw4010•0110.197004 tune 41a07,000.01674eat L Mali Mr PAY WHEN CVO • You need pay nothing until you ors convinced t comelete cure has neeirestablIshed. It maker= has railed to oure you, call or write m., Each time you call you see me Persona1tpY. er mall time yen write it receive' my personal atteption. The number of Ir84. lifitiq, lished in Detroit, and the cares/ accomplished titter Oren up hi- other doctors, nee e as tete foremost seeciellet of the eounta.. es,1 The Latest Method Trentment Guaranteed ;IP' ;lig Hemel, and Stricture without °whine, stretching or lois of time • inwf s .. onto. Priest. Nervous:Inip_otency, Kidney, Liver, inedder. Stomsohia ;... • }VI. s 1.. meat, Perfect system of home treatment for those who cannot call, BOO Tr utiles. CONSULTATION num. eau; if you moinotettltwrite Or b tk .1:7 ,,. ieinee for Onlie4lan Patients shipped from Win2dsoors. wAollawduaterdenAdvee.arerdeo , IN • 4' h• ' DR GOI-DESERG . , . ogrRolT, ED • Ure Quality the Best 1?ri0e.the,Vokaiiits At J. W. IRWIN'S Redpath and St. Lawrence best granulated and coffee sintaPire hmr` . thane wholesale prices. Canned goods cheap -Delai and Kent Oen Corn tic a ca21, etikringrul4 • chicken 10c. Roast Beef 1 lb tins 15c each • • Teas -Black Japan and Young 'Tyson from 100 up, our lend pound. Raisins, Currants; Prunes, Dried Peaches, Aprico cheap. Crockery -I have just . Toned out 3 crates of and fancy china, new patterne direct fros. selling from 10 to 20% less than regula quality and prices. • Wanted good butter and. eggs. -J. W Niacin er,Tea • e factories in rice. Claz.lhlonaen:10.3e 45. ntwin -oirriato Another Drop in PriCiMs The undersigned is offering his $80 Buggies id (00 are his own make, and are. made from cl4ce mate.** _firstelass-meohamcs.--411-the-latesk-improvemente I are up-to-datein every respect: They .eannot be and we guarantee them. JOHN LESLIE. Huron Street. (1i ; • A very line line of DRESS GOODS is • what onr costomere say. Such:beautiful WRAPPERETTES ail() and 12i • Circular WOOL SHAWLS tit SQUARES PRINTS that please EW INVID UP ie. • Our GR/SIN BAGS at 1121.00 StZ •'genera See our handsome BUGEtrig • HOES 4 I3LANKETS Our MILLINERY and hi v always take the eyea et visitors' to Emporiem. • • .:. ' • • Then•see our 413 wA.TguP ROOF COAT'S , A trial will.provithet .ean wel 14t.' az for men." ; ei. we carry a large variety q Great ealue READY MADE. SUITS laroehoorerperrlit.selli, itliketteirere , /oleo Cattonerie PANTS ited SMOCKS I large, *tallow Sro' ..aa, 'a a Lond•esboro Emporium, : . Sept. 23rd, 19024 • HOL Who has moyed his stock of TWEEDS to the Searle Block, Is still giving' 25% discount off all his Twittirale do - Now is the time to get a good cheap tailor- nade suit. . _ per cent. of the tower, are winged figures' repre- Are Stiff • senting a man, a bull, an eagles and a and...Musa* sore from cold or rheu- lion : trampling men underfoot, !fledges you slip and sprain g Agapemonites hold them to show the at.w Itss, joint,etrgin your side or bruise your. tributes of the Almighty in knowledge, patience, sight, and stOrigth. '1.For the . self, PerriDavia' Painkiller will take execution of the work that well-known out the soreness and Alt you right in seelpter, Mr. A. G. Walker, *at corn. ways been, worthy of great -praise. The uasiffit3s•iroAellw:YsVhSaie4"Tith'YQ.ICand misoioned, Nis work was, as it lam al - figure of the winged man bent in devo- tion is Magnificent. The west window . • 11 has , its centre the rising sun of C4111 II els righteousness, with the people grouped in adoration before it, As the fala in its betties pours through this window the Beetsic _ strangeValeautiful,:-$eneath the window id a table of onyx, and from It broad steps lead down to the body Df the church. In this atmosphere of mysticism Mr. Piggot has lived for See. oral' years. It has gown into his life. beeline witvaiotinargifactte athi4te roatte.cteAdnAd Advent hu sibotepvhehmasescoolitrahe: to believe tbat he Davie 4 Lawrence co., Ltd., MoNtnisax..• Proprietors, New Yesit. The report of the ,simerintendent of farMere' institute, just issued, shows that during the mum of 1901-02, 780 Meetings were held,at which there was an attendance of 131,054 person% and 3,262 papers vvete read and 'addresses delivered, Within the past two years 44 women s inetitutes haye•been omen- ' ized, hewing a membership of 2,816, to enable farmers' wives to share in the acquisition of scientific knowledge for their hoiani-work. The 011aga Kangag treraid Soya te- Of all the patent medicine houses .we have dealt with during the quarter of a century vve have been in the news- paper business, Willa have been more pleaeant or satisfactory to deal with than the C/hamberlain Medicine Co., of Des Moines, Iowa. And for two very good and sufficient l'eagiMai They are liberal in their dealings and prompt in their payments. Besides, their re- medies.are so entirely good, so reliable and prompt in their dreamt) absolute- ly true 10 their ,.adeertleed merits that We fee! and .11BOW WO are not helping to advertise take remedies in publishing the matter sent us, by that usedtat9riYgtieremedies fr haild, We Would AS soon . think of keeping house without stoves or tuel as to be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy itt the winter and Chamberlain's Diar- rhoea, Remedy in the summer; not that we are subject to the ailments these remthdeleps get? Peuthvtitil: Paxgegritet;i3 rult-liermayPneetl it some day mighty ad, , . See pito.stniili Wrapper mow, . : resistibly to Him. Today you and I I .14.4.-..• .0emu ae t000r • `'''' ' !say do similar servile. For the world : '-,-10-niketta anger) 1 i idinirea Saab a little more than all others CARTE, , , FOR t)iniNgst,, , id it sweetheart in the companionship of 118""“"ml.' ii au.. upright, consistent Christian. There • VIE0, R aluoussost, is aged sithit which cannot be Lound , II TORPID LIVER. , ..-, ... thiewhere-for Gator. hirs_no -happy old , at ,OS CONSTIPATION. I. Olen, ° There is it esorodnese in the . FOR SALLOW SKIN. , -,1,1auch of that lite •whiolt hen walked all FOR uncomPitioni. f, Its .vm.y with Gatti hien hive it and are MIMI ItAV!..,4pOIV4,12,* c i th.s„."0. ...,,, "4 ltiVirea with greater courage therotront fittisix.m"4 '''"'"`"4:`;''''''..rt4.4 it lit, &orotore, no. vain. thing to '' itty . OULU WOK HEADACHi.', that bialitialus at...44 tit* ItOrkft kft• J.. Magagitle Thirty Years Old ;.-The Christmas (Dm:somber) Number of The • Delineator is 'also the Thirtieth Mini- vereary NUmbet. To do justice. to thie number, which Make Weak Hearts Strong. for beauty and *lay touches the high. Make Shaky Nerves Finn. est mark,it would be necessary.to print ii the entire net of contents. It is •suffi• They ais• • Serf Miro firs ' dent to state that in it the beta modern " Ner1101/StlesOleepiessuess, Loss of Energy, Brain Fag, After Ef- fects of La Grippe, Palpitation. of the Heart, A.nwmia, General De- bility and all troubles arising from ft run down system, . , g They regulate the heart's action and 111*$:rate the nerves. : This is what they have done for others! They 'will do the same for you. . i , GREAT meow: _i hive token Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for palpitation of the loart sadahatteredrierVedi, and for both trouble* biave found greet:relict...Dim W. Ackert, Ingersoll, Onie nano SPLENDID SOW. _Bator* taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills X was all rundown, could net MOP et night and was terribly troubled with my hoar* Sit1011 taking theta X feel itpleedid. I Sleep welts* night and my heart dote nob tronbia rd* MI ail. They ve 4 no mo 4 world of good. -1/M. D. HetistiVillte PAI. , $80 Buggies for 181 $75 Buggies for tos '6;iitiCat Walla WC - Remember themare all our own make, which places Us in a position to Anarithw - them, as we do not buy any materialbut what is first class. . . 'Repairing promptly attended.to by experienced Men, 4413'. 1111.11BILL MelLITHE Huron -*Street,' it• CI My skin was sallow, 1 had a bad .t my mouth in -the morning and . myr, was offensive times and -' occasion haft a bad headache, By the use o , Tabules 1 am now in. a Condition to isb to my daily duties, my appetite is eNa. • and My digestion is much improved. writers and Latish; are generously re- presented. The book contains over 230 pages, With 24 fullpage illuatrationitof of which 20 are in two or more Mere) The magnitude of-thie December Hum- ber, for which 629 tone of paper and 6 tons of ink have been used, may be un- derstood from the fact that 9/ presses running 14 hours a day) have been re. (piked to print it; the binding alone of the editionof 915,000 °toles representing over 20,000,000 sections which had to be gathered individually by human bands, Dollar To End ot 1908 Send your liable and addreaa and one dollar to the NEW Ittta. This will se- cure for you one of the best weeklY pap- ers in this citatrict from now to the end of 1003, The NEW Dna la constantly, being improved and you cannot invest a dollar more profitably than byarrang. ing for its regular visits to your home as above indleated. No other paper in this district has a larger Stan of corres- pondents or publishes more looe,1 and dietrict newe than does the ilitw EEA, DRUGGISTS The liveseent packet is enough 40 ordinary occasion., The family bottlet"eity cents* oontains a supply for a year.