HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-21, Page 2Woveinter 21.st 1902.
II ILLIIU EXPER ENO Dahota_ , recently. We wish them
Repert Raja' that Robt Oliver and
Mist) Ellaa ISIcQoarrie. both of Bruseele
were Married at Langdon, North
Many happy yeare.
Of Motorman Walden, In this foriplOy of
ARM Turnbull has dieposed of his
TORONTO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. house and lot, in Bruesels, to Chas
Ritchie, who recently *old Ine farm in
• 00101111151T WANT TO 011fig VIP WORK OUT WAS FORQED TO PO 1110 -TELLS HOW FOR Morris townehip, for the sum of $700.
' 'Areatirreere MONTHS HE HOVIEIRIED RIETVVISIEN LIFO AND DEATH, Ittnievirn BYThe purchaser will make his home in
Will SW PHYSICIANS IN TORONTO AND HIB CASE pieiTheiempegg, go Brussels,
The vote of property owners
THE row mrtimm 11.118,mArivELLous !mow. _ iBsttraeseltea will be taken on Min
onday, Dec.'
whether the town ehould or
should uot loan Umkridge Bi oil 1)5,000
for 10 years, without interest, repay-
able in sums of $500 per year.
Last Monday while F. Iladdatz, of
Oranbrook, was driving he team in the
bush, the wheel of the wagon struck a
stump and the teamster was yiolently .
thrown to the ground. He struck his
head and received quite a shake-up.
He is able to get about and we hope
Wilreuffer 114 ad effects from his fall.
Room t Ballentyne, of Lumley, was
brought home a corpse from Exeter
on Saturday week. --He broke, his leg
coming from the North West and died
before he reached home, lidnolo regret
is felt as .Robert is a young man of 28
years. The interment took place
While driving in Howicklast Friday)
Thursday at Roy's burying ground.
• - S, SeOtt's horse broke through the
"Tr -Alfred Walden, 7 Cornwall St., Toronto, who After using this valuable treatment for BOMe little fi0oritig of a bridge and damaged both
Omelet= in the employ of the Street Ra way Cons time, the cough stopped, pain in left lung ceased: front and hind legs. The beast is now
spanyfor a number of years as motorman, informs us ap tae im roved and night sweatn were checked . being cared for by a veterinary and as
Mr Scott puts a good value on hie driv-
er he will Most likely as Howick
Council to make gocd the damage, as
as this is his busiest season of the year
and he is compelled to hire a horse to
attend to hie work. '
Trirft.o r'm
lie a an attack of In grippe, followed by an in aboutthree months he was able to go back t�
14,Tplidid fever, and after many weeks of suffering at work, feeling as well as ever.
- Ineatilted in acomplication of throat and lung troubles. • When interviewed, Mr. Walden seemed to be in
• Waring this illness he was under the care of one of the best of spirits and expressed himself in the most
.reir,hrst physicians in this city, who pronounced it a grateful terms, as he considers hirnself completely
accry sienous case and advised kijm to stop work, cured and in the enjoyment of good health.
-..-siduch he was finally compelled to do. What the Dr. Slocum Remedies have done for
MI:Waldo heard about the Dr. Slocum Remedies Mr. Walden has also been accomplished in thousands
„lesa COatmenced their use and after using there but of other hopeless cages, which testimonials we have
,00%.1‘ gror Weeks he noticed a great ,improvenient, On file.
A charivari in the towiiship of:
•• carrick last week resulted rather ser..
New -DiScovery that Cures' Consumption.
Ihe Dr. Slocum System Presents a Positive Cure for Humanity's Greatest Foe.
Ofrooillir Marvellous Free Memento, for all sufferers reading this paper. New Cure
•iefierldsbereuleeds. Consumption, Weali Lunge, Catarrh, find runclOwn system. •
Vo you cough? . Is your appetite Dad!:
ANL yoqr lungs pain you? Are your lungs delicate? the fence safely, but the Witt was kw
Ilit your throat sore and inflamed? • Are you losing flesh? tortunate. The irate old lady brought
Do you spit up phlegm ? Are you' pale and thin? the weapon down on the young Man%
• Does your head ache? • Do you lack stamina? : hand which still grasped the top rail ot
•the' fence, anti severed the thumb fro'',
-These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of' the 'most the hand.
--„eglarigerous inalady that has ever devastated the earth -consumption. • .. .
' •You are ihvited to test what this system will do for you,. if you are sick, by When children are pale,peevish and rat-
tan at night they require a dose or two fa
• OvErtrog for a
Millees Worm Powder. Sold by all dreg,
gists, Olinion.
iously frit one of the young mea who
participated in the "rattle The
mother of the beide objected to the,
jacket, and gave the boys chase. She
seized a, heavy club and took ,after
three young tellovvs. and pursued them
„.ta,theefenee.___TIvo of them got over
• •
opal the Four Free Preparations will be forwarded you at once, .with.com.plete direttions use.
• 'The Slocum System Is a positive cure for Consumption, that most insidious disease and for all Lung
. .**5reeeblcs and Disorders, complicated by Loss of Flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Astluria, Bronchitis and
...Wean Troubles.
•6Wwnply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Company, Limited, 2.79 King Street West, Toronto, giving..
:roost:1Mo and express address, and the free medicine (the Si9curb Cure) will he promptly sent.
'Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's free Offer Aniencan' papers "pleade Odd let -damples to
Mention this paper.
, ' ,••• - '':!..e..:r..!...:_:_....1.4......, , .
...e..eereeeseeesesre.....creb:ee.g.ehes. :=Iiregtetenee among the coloniai;
• •ge ii. leter • in • procuring differential
• Do •It Now: 'treatment for Celonial productsin the.
...--Bel tislimarket. Inregard to Imperial ,
Quite a number of our readers ' defence Mr Borden cannot attack the
have oveilooked the factthat
they have riot yet paid their
eubscription for t he cutrentyear.
If t here ie one month better than
another to pay an account that
motit h is Octet ei.. Which meana
that NOW is the time..
Ihrojagh wail their harvest, and of the fast Atlanta steamership service. floioAnf
gar entintry friends a.r „ mit something definite in the matters After itif.relinteraiggoirliwner
i Ertl& frritr
• jt hag :11 fin- WO , Chitliif0 4 Patted away at her home laste•I;Wriueks:
one, we should not, therefore, i si TM 1.4-.T970It
118.P OF WOMEN.. . will be remellaborecl that h
.1.,ave 0 Wait Finger on jron, . . • : band,,; p4110.11 McGregor .died 'rather .1 r Mecteety is•women'e witchwOrd, Whit" ' suddeng .liet White*, • A:t. that tithe
paper will k how the date to ty, trightene her. For thletemen Many'
a I was'very doubtful and ate' has .11Firer.
.,„...."„„,,..%,.a.„,‘,.,,„..,..a.„,,,,,,,,,,,;.,0„,b„,„,,,,.,,., womanly ?organs to bedome aggravated . be-
cause she cannot bring herself to aubmit to . •
she Was &resident Of this section. She
hot in.0 Breton58 •ago
• lititten it* 44,49? fensive examinations and obnoxima leioal
. and came here with her parents when
4+ ,z -e& the ordeal of unpieasant questienings, of.
but a child. ' She lea.yes two datightere
, treatments, whigh some :physicians end
FRT DAY. NOV I' M.BER 21, ,1902. neceisary. Doubtless thoueanda of the 'surviving her, Mrs Samuel Smith. jra
of McKillop, • and Mies McGregor at
women who have taken advantage of nt _ home. : - •
The Approataing Sessions. PieMe's offer Of free consultation by letter, ' - ` • . • • •
• have been led to do so by the escape thus "A.Iittleeold, you 'know" Will becorio6 a
great danger if it be allowed. to reaoh down
. The D moi o ion Parliament will be oc- offeked from e treatment gepugnant to med.
ty, Anyeick.woman may write to ••Dr.• .1roin the throat to the lunge. blip the peril
Pierce. Buffalo, Di Y, in perfect oonfidenee;
impied with important meashres: at the : in the bed with Alien's Lung Balsam..1
•ejteuhig sessions, and railway legli-la- all. lettere behettreated as striolly .private stire•:remedy containing no imitim. •
ilon will overshadow other fonsitiesie t and sioisdly ociofidentied, and all answers On Wednesday afternoon A. Ii.
being •Bent in plein :envelopes with me ad, Carr, of Wingham,ieneived it teiegrain ,
,111. Blair's bill for the appoietment of a '
. • v.:toeing or other printing upon them. Dr announcing the death of his sister;
avialtvay commission will be thoroughly Pierce's Fitvoilid. Presorintion. has been Mild Hutton,' it Picton, P. E. Land 00-
,' bilt.will not be changed in ! long hailedasa ,itlodsiend to wenien.'! theearne.afterneon he received .atioth
...Makes wee . women' etrong and euik women er telegram .an nouncing the death of
itil Inai El lines. It is by no means a l•well.. Bayern° Preaoriptioe nontaine • ritl• Grant,Murray, of A6)111614, ifieSister,
. t . .
"tarty isstie, as tf e principle is stippoi t'' , al001101, lleiiber. Vieth, Maio° or other Mrs Hutton, was also a sister of F. J.
; narcoti .
Ad. I.?..y many imembers 'of the Opposi- ' ':" • - ' Carr, .Mre Flood and ;Ire Oc.cly, resin-
, . i , _. . •
entiyof Wingham.: It will be remern•
berecl thatllirs Hutton'whirebanddied
some months ago... Mrs (Jody ikpd Xrs
• Flood left on Wednesday' arternbon
• OKI . no doubt SOMething wiii be clone 1 hichard liOtham's valuable driving •for Pieton.: Mr Oarr's nephews Grant
. 'toward hastening or faciliia' ink rail- ' mare rantiway one day last • week, in Murray, Was a son of John Murray, a
. Seaforth, emashing the rig, and falling prominent resident of :Aelifield: town'
Toad construction. The project of a ,
, on.the .geanolithic sidewalk; breaking -ship... .
xhayarnment road acroes the Oti(loent ;.o. bone m the ehonider, • •
Array be a long way from refil:Istion, John Cate, of the BeiiiiiWicklHouse,
I • . „ . _ •Th , ..„.„ ..
but the extension Of the Iotereolonial•
Win ham was in Fordwich Tuesday YOU are offered Dr Chasers Nerve Foca
to the Georgian Bay, by the' Purchase of last week, nil Said that a deal is as the most perfect reatoratimblood creel-
, .
Latibutconsummat ed betWeeh him and or and eystem.builder that Was ever .pre•
of the Canada Atlant'c w Id- tr-th
hest preparatory step, A large Milli. I Alex Orr, of FOrdwichoof their -betels., -pared. The•nameof the discoverer Dr A
her of applications for railWay charters i _Mary A. O'Connell, Middle Stewiacke, Vil Cherie, is enough to alienate° this, and
roe y be expected, but the Government N. S., says: oI have used • Lama -Inver bedides yon have the testimony of scores
will do well to.exact equiyelents for all ,, Pine ter miens liv.er complaint and ••they, and hundre4 of cared ones in every part of
subsidies granted. =I MA 1' have done me a World of geed, makieg me Oanacia and the ,linited 'States. • You can,
- •- It is. not known- whether -Mr •M•ulock-Lii, mart and: healthy,--- - - -- -; .--- nee it knowing that, it irehound to de you
hilt press his bill for the compulsory I ''' ' .... . ;.----.- -.050a; - 7,--:-.7----- . —,-.:.--,-.— —,--,--ti •-,
The fienoel at Wingham hae been . .. • • ' •
I d lo h IA d II h • Conductor George Marr had. a not-
• A number of the citizens of Blyth
attended. the funeird on Tuesday last,
of the late John Mills, of West %Vim.;
amosh. •Deceased had been suffering
from cancer for about a year; hegrad-
uallygrew worse and passed quietlY,
CI45 Fo•
r Sale cif lot 24. eon, 8, one half mile frora Clinton,
2 The north half of lot 25, con.2,and. weld part
Properties for Sale or to Let 'llangolds tor Sale
Hereford Stock •
thor sale oro-bredanderrAide at Belt "a'
Oct. • 0 - Pr.c s
To Let.
That beautiful store in the Jackson Block,
iltmen Street, lately occupied by ()Mitts. Ap-
P — 0THOS. Z.A.ORSON. 086, ton
Sept. -tf
Firm For Sale.
• The west half of lot 24, Barfield Con God -
°rich township, containing 100 acres c good.
laud, is offered or sale on eatiy terms. Good
bon ;log hobse plenty f w.er and
orchard, Pardeulars on applicationto
tf-• P, =WALL, Clinton
For Sale or to Rent.
loot 29, 00n. %Stanley, containing 100 acres
In good state et cultivation for sale, or to rent
• far Orin of yore any to JNO. McGREGOR,
nn g.PCMOR. 2 °°11"R'
offer for sale finite els so Mangolds, delivered
In town, at *3 per ton. Order bY matt or telo
phone. lo A. PonnESTICS,Cituton, Oet
Farm For Sale or To Rent.
The Wept half of Lot iv, enn $. Hallett tp.
fifty acres in all, of which fifteen sores are
iteeded, eight stereo in fall wheat, about ten
of bob, prineipally hardwood, fence* In geed
repair, soil the bot and all well drained. Two ,
good evello and a never failing spring- on the ,
premises sa mites from Clinton ea good..1
gravel road. Poesesdou given at once -for
farther particulars apply to 1•IiiaV ERA Oface or •
tf. NOV 7 A. ZtN,O1lntonPO.
• For Sale or To Rent, .
Banister, .tioiloitig,
ariarker-Elliottillook, Isaio Streete
...,.11SO7iET re Laken
0.810O-8tifeyer liffiCka
Vp stare, Oppogite Henry's Photo 0
50 scree, 43 cleared and in od
East halt lot 27. eon. 12 liullett, containing CIONVEYAN479:10:, to0010713sioerER
Real Estate and Insurance - ,
cultivation. Good frame bowie. 7 room*, ,B. molt
stone collar bard and oft water, bank barn.
driving belie°. hog Pea, aoreo *bearing ore
ohard, 3 suttee tail wheat, tau plowing done,
Station ond 1', O. 11,d, Tittles. amtly
Soho .1 of a mile Churches, Mills, R. It.
' Nor 14-tf AAO BARR, ondesboro.
Real Estate for Sale.
EFFECTUALLY; lb. i -o? "am ' 1 Part of farm. Iota 38 and 83, on west side of
• Mattlamicon.aine mile of Hohnesville,
•containing 97 acrenorths.
Cernfortable house and lot, nh. An.,...
• ITS BEtior etreffeTs
•StiV Tpit defoi.mr. -mAteroey
ett$:44 If•P*gs.e. 4Cirfi •
PR Shtt Y1U PICt 50e.PtR BOUM,
.., •
The retne.rkaltie Medoeurjr-thet one ef
the ancient Roman statuettes in the
museum at Vienna .k found to be indis-
putably made Aran the 'worn-out mouth,.
'Plscfidaleiglr-hlderwilleind a hoerthroghalttecabinets
(With a emfl e) In Europe. • It is now.
asserted that the majority of the antique
worice of art of this description are elte
work of contemporary Greeks, who rip
pear to have made this unsavong Indus%
try. theirs. • •
„ '
aWay on Saturday last. He leaves a
wife and grown-up . tainily of six
daughters and one son. Deceased was
one- Of these large -hearted Irishmen
whom one ie always pleased to meet:
In busineere his Word' was as good as
his bond. He was an Orangeman for
Gloves nment's attitude without retiud-. a)a,arda oe 40 ears
. hating his Quebec lieutenant, AirMonk,
who has been denouncing Sir Wilfrid Pleme bear in Wind tiara what le called
• Laurier as a tool of Mr Chamberlain,. akin chrome may be but a syrctitom oiled
, prepared to let Canada be dragged at. blood. In that case, Weaver's Cerate, ex-
; Acre heelslov, not! e Europeaninaie me aady troy sub.ienoiZitTettgrirfliy;lullro. liebret.glig!emented
..Over fifty yeaie a household remedy .
for Berne, Sprains, Wounds, Bruises
'Coughs, Colde end all accitiOhtil ba
.ble to occur in OVOTy home. •
' ' CAUTION -There Is only
• one, Pond's Extract, Be
sure you get the genuine,
sold only In Sealed bottles
In buff wrappers. •
.4 look at t he lulu 1 rf you' • ever threatens her delicate itenee•of rtotidea-- Mrs M regor *as so ill her recovery PIO for' Sale.
$ which your subscription is wid. $ ' woman permits diseases • of the delicate,
been well since. For nearly fifty yeare A number of good choice phis. Dix weeks old.
Nov 14 2 las* JACOB BROKER, Clinton.
- „
To Investors—For.Saltf:t
A business Property at $2000 -that will yield
at least.ten per cent per asitittn1 oe money inveated :
tetrlY BOX 10 New ERA Ornei. .•
Tax Notice
'lien' he necessity for "Oen' Crisp County Clippings
pi) in the West c tor attention -I . „ •
arbitration of labor disputes on railroad -
systems. Ihe measore is favored by
„Mr Ralph Smith, M. P., president of count of the amount of diptheria cases able passenger on the Michigan Central
the Domininn Trades and Labor Con- town. U.lo to date we have heard cif expres0 oh Tuesday morning. She was
loess, by Mr Puttee, M, P., for Winni- u., our houses which are placarded. Mrs Elizabeth Singer,e,nd was en route
to Bradley, South Dakota, where she
peg, and other leaders; but some labor At the first sign of a oramp or other pain will yisit her daughter. • Her age was
organizations have declared themselves in the bowele take Perry Davis' paipkiller 87 year0,• and her claim to distiection is
against it, and it may be taken for in hot water, eweetened, and you have that"that was the first time she had
wanted that the railroad companies do mastered the difficulty; Thus is but one. &Men on a railroad train. •
mot favor it. The bill deprives railroad Painkiller, Perry Davis'. 25e and 60o.' .;
employees ofThe right to strike, mid Something new and nieto•date I Thiele
:-""r langp McQuarrie, of Myth, was all very well,but what shoat the old things
'railroad companies of the right to look' seriously Injured about the head and last have stood the test of time ? Now
out their men, but it is assumed that
be shoulders one day last week, Ile was there is the D de L Emnleion,: everybody
the public haye a larger right to
.protected against the consequences of riding in a wagon when thaseat broke knows you oannot finds better preparation
and he was throWn out to the ground. for all lung troubles. . . ..
labor troubles on. a railway system, ,
A box of Ddilbtun a Rimming° Pills will Hon Sydney Life and property may be endangered
-by the employment , inexperienced Fiehet has neen reqoest-
sent free to any one who sclera from Ilhen.' ed to attend a banquet tendered ty the
men to replace strikers, and the public. matism, Soiatica, Lumbago or Neuralgia if cheese men of Cornwall,
tonvenience inay.be set at naught. The they have never. tried these pills before. . •
hill provides that the two bargee to Send 26 stamp for postage 0 the T. Milburn 'Miller's Compound Iron Pale, only 26
qmts for 60
the .dispute shell submit their differ- Co., Lim., Toronto, Ont. • . doses. Sold by All druggists,
Incas to an impartial ttibutial.' . • The following gentlemen were elect- Lamson. •
The tariff question is subordinate to ed es.ttostees c f the Methodist church . s' rber of Ferest has been
the railway question. The impression , Wingharn, fel, the ensuing terno on Rev Jame 13a ,
, ie that there will be a very moderate Wednesdey evening of last week • called to St Andrew's,. cb MTh,' Arthur.
Salary $950 and manse.
nvision. A great deal of noise has Mess's; Clark, Zurbrigg, McCool,' mimes Drink Cure is $1 per box. For
. been made in the country, hut there Terrill', Bennett, „Button, andjalal- tittle by all druggists, Clinton.
'arecOmparatively few Mithufacturers' pemny. , 11—M _
in the duties . ....;9Aging' taiiIiiiiirio;sfers
Two hotels, alld the Herald • office two general stores, a
'who are actively demanding Arlin tretise 1iletti'sbutcher shop
The proceedities of therimperial on- contain neither .morphine or opium. They were burglarized at Thatneaville,
proIP' oure Sick Headache, Nettralgia Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by all
letebee WIll be a fruitful theme for dia. madadhe d Gr, ITeadache of delicate'
sin ininerial preferential trade and itu. ladies Find Headatelimfrom an hat'aruggistN town.
Congdon. The Government's position
,position cannot without stultifying it- As an evidenee .Of theY ceaxneteet: teaefinlga5ir iptitioraurtiediresVeolearettEnteasilil6Dbatwhsisbenataes
• • pedal defence ie impregnable. The Op- il,Or. Price) 10o and 25c. ,
•self,•implee the.course a the govern. which•Pute_h set contLeris are grown in
The O. P. Rs authorities have sent
113°14 in P'!°111°11D-g-LI 56"1" g°11CY ti• gkIlligilltlIVPM8t17)8(1115101Vh1::relte; v"f3t ""en C6mretent bralt°132"11 to
For Siiii-fiendaches
, which at 4 miff? a .pound will firing
try these famous Pills, . n imp i he Alft
theproWete $2,800, Thie doete net in- It is said at Ottawa that Hon '3 IL
assist in the handl ng of triune.
Vhey ieniove the cause and '— --- ----Pmelots of E. nallniei J. Ross, if elected in the Ynkon, will fill a
W, Ortwein and others which Would naw portfolio, Minister Of Mines.
, bting the quantity elose to 50 tons.
A isaott nue fire WAS natroWly averDunnaget- Rat Portage Baptist church is $7,400
. act quickly. .You will feel
ed at the home of Mr • A, . ill debt. Already $3,400 has been col.
like a new person after tak- d leeted in Ontario toWards its' eduction..
-'ing .
.• ....rn
Wingha, on Saturday evenince last, . •
Hie 6011 entered the parlor ttncl lit a * Ie At bind, °f°ornliwNit:En
aohing cone, 6
, f match to find an article, and it is 0 t ode and painless remedy is /tended.
thought that the blaze must have tphig.ft, just whet Pnionnt's rainleilti CIPrn
touched the Window curtain! After , and wart Detraotor is.-- prompt, Poiclem
he had left the room the family, who
were at supper, heard the roar of the 6nr,d PI% tni alsneilis ie. AmielydorrtiagltPyi8t0Att8h6dilld10%0 in
flames, and it was with mine littie ....,'.. "V ; x,3„'et "
.• difficulty it wit§ eventually smothered w.osuswiva. .
, .Seld Ererywhera hi boxes; 'ZS Otte, .....„...-s.n. a. oasia,..,..i.•-saistas asives.ae, /
The tuniersigned will be in his office in the'
Town Hall, every evening from 7, to. 9 o'clocit,
for the:convenience Of tax payers. •
' Plank for Sate.. •
A etiantity of Ilardw-oo7plank for sale *Cheap
Standup for bern or stable Saone culverts eto.
• tf Nov 7 • R.& RANSFORD Clinton.
.• , For hale:
'fearlier Wantet
I Peril, 8. Section NC-- 16 East Wawanesh.
Duly to continence Jati . 41h, 1903. Applicants
to state salary; and send applications on or be-
fore to
Nov. 14.41* • Secretary; Auburn.
Teacher Wanted.
•ilieniale teacher wanted for the hinter divis-
ion of Alibura Pithilo School. Duties to com-
mence the 181 of January, 1908. apply stating
-salary and testimonials, (a pertional applica-
tion !oedema), To JOHN WiLS0a,Seey.,Treas
Oot. 31-4,• Aubarri P. 0.
Teacher Wanted.
For 'Union 8, S No.10 Mullett and Goderich
Township. Duties to commence lst Wee uary
Applicants to state certificate held, slid if con-
Venient, personal applieation would bepre-
toned. Applicatione received up to Nev..12
pd • 11. E. HILL Londestioro.
Teacher Wanted.
Teacher wanted Male or Female: to teaehln
S S. No 5 Goderieh TO, (Porter's Hill).
Duties to commence let Jatitiary next, Appli-
cants* to state salary and ortifieate held.
Would prefer personal nppllealloniu. Appli•
cations received Unto Nov. 22n4.
8 ins Nov 7 J. Orte AWE See.
Perter'e Hill P. 0,
Tenders For Supplies).1903.
The tuidersigned will receive tenders un to
noon on MONDAY, 24T11,INST for supplies
of butchers meat, creamery butt r, flour, oat.
meal, potatoes, cordwood, oto., etc, , for the
following inetitatiohs dutiter the year 1900, VIM('
At the Aoyittras for the Insane in Toronto,
London, Kingeten, Etartiltote Mimic°, Brook.
,Ville,_Cobottrg ._the Central Prieon
'arid mercer Reformatory, Toronto; the Reform.
atory for Heys, Penetanguiehone; the Institui
tient, her Deaf and Dumb, Etelleville, and tho
2oets aro
not required for ths
sepply of meat to the asylums in Toronto', Lon-
don, Kingeton,' ilitibilton arid Ilrockville, not
' Tfoorrtohotoe,ott_tol Prieon an! moreer Reformatory
marked. cheque for litre per omit. of use
estimated amount 01 1)10 Contract, payable to
the Order Of the Honorable the Proeitusial See-
relarY, must he furnished by earls tenderer an rt
guarantee ol.his bona fides. Two seilleient
surot100 will to required for the clue futtIll.
ment of haeh 6011traeti arid should any tender
be withdrawn before the cantract is awarded.
or 'It mid the tenderer fail to furnish such
security, the aniOtiritcf the deposit, Will be for -
garret the respective Institut one.
I'ovinolal Secretary, Toronte, or to the litte,
had, it application to the departinent of the
feciepolt:eao.tille. ations and forme of tender leer be
The lovaelit or any tondor not necessarily
Nessspeprae itzeorting thi
is ader'ilsement
without aiitliO ity from the Department will
not be paid for
it. .r. It. STRATTON. •
Provinelal rieerstary.
Pat lament 'Buildings, Toronto, November 10,
•Clinton , for sale cheap, lot amp, House
suitable for small family. APP1I at NEW ERA
• office.
For Sale,
rooms in good repair, woodsned, with bard
and sf water, fruietren and. a elable in
• flrrt-olase condition. Apply to .
1*• MRS MOFFATT on the premises. me First Step to the
north, on gravel road. containing 90 'area
0 The brick dwelling includin_glots 18, 19nd
20 on corner of Joseph and Isaac street:, in
4 Theframe dwelling on 'West side of Votoria
street and next north of railway.
• Liberal terms test* purchasers, •Apply to
0.0.• • ton
Makb 4:4*4.431".,
For Sale.
-- •
The North Half of Lot 17, Concession 7, Col-
borne and two village lots in M oh te ,
livery barns, outfit, and geed will of the busi-
nen. For terms apc'e. tithe undersigned, •
' Sept 11 1.1118 M SYMINGTON Achim
For qualifications of teaohere corn 1 te
Succesir edreds of
bright young raen'andwomen has bee
the there ugh Business and Shorthand u.
cation iinitrtid at
Bigness and ShorthandCollege
Cor. Yong° and College Fits Toroate
A wood stable with seven single stalls, a box
Mall, a harness room, grain bins, a roomy hay
loft, ete.,will be sold ate very reasonable price.
April 11-tf.=:W. BRYDONIC. Clinton.
• •
Good House for Sale.
Subscriber offers for eale%hia house and, lot
on Albert St. north. The lot ie one quarter
acro with al number of b,earing fruit. trees,
hard and soft water and good stab. le. House
has six rooms, closet, pantry, walla Rolm and
good cellar. Will be geld °heath •
nu. , rem LOM, Clinton.
House Lot for Sale.
The properti of the late Jas. faimbuliThit-,
listed at the Corner of Victoria and Maria Sts.
Olinkin, is offered tor e. oheap. There is a
two atory frame dwelling house, containing 12
rooms comprising a double parlor, two dining
rooms and 6 lfedrooms,there is also &small barn,
there are some bearing fruit.trees on the lot
For particulars,' army to JAS SCOTT
Oct. 81. Barrister, Clinton.
Farm for Sale.
• • •
Lot 31, Concosion. 8, H. R, S. 103 "acres; • •
school house on premiees; within five Minutia
walk of church; 5 miles from Clinton and 6 `kw O. ERNEST 'HOLMES;
miles from Setitorth; large frame house, good • • DENTIST' •
orchard, moistly' winter truit; 2 good wells and • (Successor to Dr. T. O. Bruce
cistern, 2 barns one 48x561 with stone stablina•
zgruni.itti.mittrn-guivielroweg az
psi P
All worthy students aided to irbiiig.posti
• Mous. Full information sent free on re-
ROBT. D. MUM!), Prineinal. .
' Lieentiate of the how Colliige of PhIeloiali
• • I 0 Office and Resideugg..
• JOHN TEDFORD'S !goalies Shires. St: .
• London, England.
• i• • . • •'
Pore for DR.,, J. W.. SHAW.
Barrister Solleiter Neter?. and Cenveraneeir
Office -Opposite Colborne Hotel
formerlY of Cameeek Halt * Pamela,.
Ofium-nameton 54 ceersite Colborne nolo
Oillee-Corner Hamilton St, andtke linear
• (oderich, .
H. L. Dickinson Ogee. Minnow. 11.L.D
hamirmans, Sone:aro_ _NS, NOTANXita ;PBNLI
ritee°(": NeRsteltetINTpal4, siex'alAaSaarralaa r 3•81litaaiC°ritT t 04kfag.
. Private Funds to lend at loweet rates
of Woes&
W. PRGUDP007.• • 12.0, RAYS.
• W.M. GUNN;
' v. P. a le. Edinburgh, ,
Ofttee--Onearie Street, Olinton. •• Night call
.-inefront-door-of-officir-orresidencer-linti, -
bury Street.
go o d re? tang t ill: r iee anAdppwlyclint0e4' :t° Pre •PHYSICIAN, SURGEON
• •Aeeoucheer etc., office and residence 0/
Dominionlark. St., opposite 79ngligh church, formerly c
-• Ts-Hiagoezirt,"0„
envied bv Dr. Appleton. Clinton Ont.
College . re.
Rye Ear Throat and Nose.
College in Canada. Reduced tuition ratee,
• The best equipped Business and .13.horthand
Write us regarding our courses of study, •. Mice and Residence --
and • prospects of Bemiring situatione for 41
bert Strect,2 Elcicks North of IftEttensbury
entiOn given to diseasee of the
• j. 11. clic 1r' .61. W:11131(YanSIUOILIXng 8:81tIIIIRGXE013/;.; C.31'
Dept "9''' Confealre:rii4onntil6if:.°13Indtg". O. F.FICE-Main Street, Bayfield, fornierly
• •occupied by Dr. Pallister; "
underneath, the other9.8x60_ rdriving shed an
hen houge. Apply to WHI'FFIELD ORICH,
OlintertiP. 0, , •,• August 1-tf..
Farm For Sale.
• al•MI•••••• •
The subscriber offers for sale that choice farm
on the Raton road, Tuekersmith, just east of
Clinton. at present occupied by, Mr Fisher. It
consists of NW acres, more or less, with good
frame house,bank barnisilomindinill and iimall
orchard. .Plenty of water. An excellent farm
n a splendid locality.. For term Ura"61.0fin
.1.21THIJII 00 , ton•
Farm for Sale:
. .
• Lot 7, con.t ColborTS,-;--containing 50 acres of
land in good cultivatio , 20 acres fall plowin9,15
acres in grain, 5 acres fah wheat. On premises
In IM story frame house and two frame barns in
go repair. also a good wetland young bearing
orchard. Farm well fenced and well watered.
PthooTessporiounoumioarrobaephil Mtoar. 1s1. 19081_, For Mr -
Sept. 18-•tf Box 5O eri
Cottage, almost sew situated on lose Street
near outre of town, containing Hall, Double
Parlor, Dining room,. three bed roomo, three
clothes' closets, eitolien;and pantry, 'also
summer kitchen. Good stoo cellar,liarcl and.
soft water, good gamin, large and small truito
In abundance; nice lawn. All in • first:class
condition. Ownerleaving town. Also some
good furnitnre to be sold privately at the
*house. Apply to
1 m*Aug 29 J, T. FMMERTON Clinton.
Farm for Sale. •
• A splendid 100 acre farm, consisting of the
Eagle& of Lot 30, con 1, East Wawanosh.
good frame house with Ititehen, barn 36x55,
and shed 30x40 in which there are good stabling
hard water of never failing well; 8 acres bush,
1 acre of orchard, situp ted miles from Au
burn and 60 rods from school. For lother
particulars apply to 11.. GOVIER,
-June 6 -4* --
Purchaser can have possession this fail,
Farm For Sale.
Specialist in Crown and enrage Woirk ' .
• L. D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur -
100 IrOung Nen Wanted
. . tal Department of Toronto • lffaiversitY
D. D. S.--First-olass Honor graduate of Denl
g000g 01 o, Toronto • .
toot.qicthaelity • for ,pegitiOng as ste,nogr_. sphere 012SPHOOdrillonl.,sattteenothti.on_pwilieidvistoit pBreasitiervorettioonvirost
The Canada Business College,
m°0111ndabeY over W. Tarter & Son's shoe store:
, ,•
Po To t60 d$80 th •
me today going begging for young men to
fill Ln
have now eleven unfilled mill!
Sat urdaK until m. Br anch offices -
Office Hours ---9 to 6 every day and .
fboerinkaelee, Bs teinnoogrreampshinegr.s a lotrioetf. ae:ords thenmnbeu ms; m t D
young men.
Write for particulars and catalogue :
• Office adjoining Photo Studio.
field We know of to -day for bright, capable Waylita es 91' ungennon, Blyth an
D. McLachlan az C
ehathelm.bn t.
• --
Lot. 12, Hayfield con., Goderich tp., /18 adze
(85 eleared,balanee hardweod,with a large quan-
tity of cedar on it), la good state of saltivatior
about five Rotes fall wheat,and considerable fall
_mowing done. Comfortable brick house large
cern withstabling underneatli,driving shed and
other outbuildings; about 2 acre orehard,
mostly winter fruit „ well watered.-noverfail-
ing spring creek and two wellSeven nines
from Clluton and three from Hayfield. Posses-
sion at any time, reasonable term. Apply for
further partieubirs to CHAS. SIMONS. 72 St. •
David et., Goderich.
To Rent.Lib for Sale
.. Frame residerice andi acre at land on Mart .
Street, Clinton, 7ecome, cellar, woodshed ,hard
. soft water, new stable and driving shed;
trexecoell.loettiot„ garden, with plum, pear and apple
• Also tor Sale.
At any time up to Int Seek acres,part of the
Foster Block,ato.,at the North Red of William
Street, plinten, which is a 'rideable property
for fruit Ortrati14, being Well planted Out
berry bushes, arnall fruits, uprise, etc There
is also A very excellent grade . of sited and
gravel on the pluming vrIlicit is very prefitable;
Apply ,
A.pril 18.-. • Clinton.
13, Rumba'', Uinta.
b 43V64 tropa's Pkoaplioalneg
The Great Xneish leeway.
Sold and recommended by all
Amanita in Canada. Only tele
able medicine diee,Oveted.
pokaga guaranteed to cure ell
forme o Sexual WealinesS, ail effeeteest abuse
or mosso Mental Worry, Excessive weld Tee
bflete. Opium or StireUlante. Mailed on reetipt
ot Price, one package 21, six, $5. One trGIA080.
194 Wig cure. -Pamphlet* tree tO ittir addreeti.
Tito Weati company, Wirldgerg 011110
I;heirlaidl. fe Sold In Clinton by
11.,1,1%E. __eovey,,T.,111Cembe end, W
n ."1'14°0414 MIK
tionie Study
applied toany'of our ten spec-
ial courses given by mail, will
produce good results for the
ambitious young men or worn-
. an who wishes to prepare for a
better. position in -life. •
The cost is butnOminal. pur
New Catalogue “Marching to
• Suceese" contains eIl particu7
• lam • Write for it. Addrese,-...
Central BUSiness College
A strong school, with twelve
regulae teachersoplendid Naip
• ment, and well patronized by
students from every province
of' the Dominion.
• it.'
•Yonge stderrard sus, Toronto
• roft.* • Ty.
. .
Business Law, Writing,
Correspondence, Type
writing, etc.,
Thoroughly taught by experi-
' ended teachers at the
'Forest City Busi-
ness C011ege,Y,11.0.A.
mg, London, Ont.
We have no difficulty hi plaoing coinpeteut
pupils in good positions, •College re.opens •
Sept, 2, Send for Catalogue,
JW. Westervelt,
OLIVA gra:1\T
Marble & Granite
The pnrohaser of a monument
should have „complete confidence •
• in the reliability of the firm, born •
which he bays, for the material
and workmanship 'is something
very few burns aro femiliar with,.
If you do not know no, please in.
• vire abont our reliability from"
t ose who know us best. We aro
the only praetical men here inour
line. .
J. IL Hoover, Proprietor
Nod to COIIIIIIertiall. Hotel
Member of the VeterinaryMedioal A Imola-
tions of London and Edinburgh, and Grade -
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College.
' TREAT Diszeincs or ALL Arnmerjr—
Moe open night and day, opposite 'Ht.. •
Paul's church. Ontario Street. Clinton, Ont. •
• .
Veterinary a surgeon
Successor to 41. E. ELICEALL.
Diseases of all domesticated animals.
treated on scientific principles, _
Calls promptly attended to
Office -Isaac St.,. Clinton ; residence
Albert St. Phone 62,
liatur& ft et A geLt'
Canada Lite AssuranteCe.„
Fire, Marine, Aceident. Plate •Ola
Ill Office I .1. Tisdall's '14 Clinton.
141 itIgUAR,j'itgENRsellattorgiVItAt.
NO witnesses resnired . •
Firer /Lifer • Le,cident Plate Cla
ItAcetAir Biota, GLINT° N
tr iiftlitIoarnaTelitilrilrignitl, Ftvtiract.A2Ve'rg•IT
georirity_are rild at 614100,000. , Also the lio-
Klet.OP NtIVII INSVOANCE CO. All eltiageli 0 '
farm risks nnd Own proportY • taken by
do represertod. Moner tte be had from 4 per •
lowest 'Tates, First-olase _Login Compiles.
41150tient rip, acce.•aing to nature of scour! I...-
Daily mail to Holenisville ..- postal Card ye il
fetch hitn
II. Merman, President, Riprett P. 0.. Thos.
Fraser, vice-president, 13rueefield P. 0, Thole
33 liais, tRorareail., Beaforth P, 0.1 W.0.
Droadfoot, Inspector or Lessee, fleatorth P,O.
W. G. ertnate0t. Seafortn3ohn0. eiris
WhIlbrOP thlacorge Dale. &atone: Joh •
BeitneWeis, Dubber; Jas. Evans, _Iteechweed P.
0,„ John Watt, Ilarlock P. 0.; Thomas Fraser
Brunette JohnRippen Atnes
Connell Luton.
potion Smith. Matlock; Relit, eer.
forth,..." James Cumming, rainonrveinei
Yeo, nolinestine Georg. Mtirdieaud John C.
Morrison, euditore.
Parties desirousao effect LigUranee or See
atit other beininant be promptly ettended
on epplication to any of the above ore
ot to the respective offices. ,