HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-21, Page 1• Or The New Era win be sent to new subscribers, fiom this date to ist of Jan, 19041 for $1.00 cash 1 a.**4104414414.4****.rpovoRtaa ' What Does 'Our Label Say *pouippm********** • - • . • - EBTABLIHED AODERT RoLVES Pub i P, OREWS0( he elinton New ra. t*trkorks**•**•*********mwriwrnw jibe Label TAN the Dale CLINTON, ONTARIO. NOVE1V1BER 1902.7-7- Auburn Goderich aoderich Township . uondesboro linnet( 5 41 e: rear in advent* -t 5.1.fin wleonottio peat . ansa" Teaerign lintan.-The truetees of Noees.-Je Mitchell and R. 11. Mc- SRI:Moue. -.The revival meetinge NOTRE:I-Mr IdaaC Berr has bought a Flom all ceases reported to the Division flm earns.- The nuber of death . Be house antilat e trite tie remo In to b Ith at- which have been oin on the tst five ;Expert Watob Repairer Jeweler forth, to teach in the junior room for tended the banquet tendered jas, P. weeks at Sharon. have elosed, Mr rYtini rs WI\ am tyon, TOL laas Registretr of tile townobip dueiog No. $ have engaged Miss. Slater, of Sea. Lean were among the nun; er tv g g P Illetnictioniet teed Depending optician. 1903. She comet well recommended. Whitney at London, last Friday even- Hussar. we know, has not labored la y siting nearDungannon. return- ft.1' T b Year, is twenty-two. being 10010 one - God: . vain tone..ev five eiving teettmony foe e home on teaday. Mrs am litn fourth less than last year. Omani Tom Hsu, ketnennar...-The large funeral ref the ing. and Uri: Ellesley left onWednesda,y or ' tune resident of this vianity, paused barber means to Goderich may be S'OPPER,-gr john Stewart gave an Rai' E. Medd, who is seriously ill with ttl" " the °°r°t0g election Alr R ihl• Clinton. to tete their brother.itelew, MUNicIPAL.-It hi carrently repotted Perris will be elected reeve be mat. BloolAcOares'e 9r4o arItle. late Jobn Mills,. of Wawanosh, an old HAnnofl FAOIDTIEEL-What a good . neW Aattliante010 through to BalPs cemetery onTuesday. gathered froru the fact that this year oyster romper last Friday night to a congestion of the lungs at the home of The family halm the eYmnathY of the the Grand Trunk Railroad haft hauled number of relatiyiss ana .s, few of the his brother, J. O. Medd, Mr W. Hiles illation ; that Mr Thus McMillan will b D d enter the council, and that A. Leitcb, • Farmers,' Inelitinte meetinge'..,.... ..... .Page community til their bereavement. or over 2,500,006 us e s o grain e t on a. businese trip to London, St, WAY 00 save mouw-Hodgens gros.., 1 have more et be. were indulged in the ri ci 1 art ConditionPowders-UP Beelrle . I NoTne,- Revs Small boa youpued pert. and expects to' y h. .n p e p of Thomas and Leamington oneMonday. Wanted -0 J King.. ••"110.01.•••/ ...... Dress Goods -Newcombe. 260Pietures-Vooper and Co Save your coal -W T O'Neil .. . 4 5 Boy wanted -Jackson Bros • 4 Boy wanted -Jackson Mfg , 4 Offlee to rent -Mrs Manning , ...... ..... .. 4 Rowe for sale Alex Ft as n• County Council -W tone -Outing..hata-,E(edgens Bros ...,,. 8 - Wh not decorate -W 0 Fair , 4,4* 8 Tut, eye wanted -1' Maitland ... a -Closing sult-W I. Onimette ...... .... .. 8 ore the *mason closes. Thus is a larger t evetungbeing spent in euchre. All The Returning Officers have heti the 1 are concluttine a series of prohibition 4 teeetings,and held one hereon Tuesday „amount than ever before hantlied m presentenjoyed theMselves immensely; 4 . ballet boxes and necessarr papers die - evening ; the latter places the subject one year at this point. The Big Mill, Sheer Wonnvisee- Edward Wise tributed to the deputies o the town - expecte to get in nearly halt a million and leo Cooper, extensive sheep Thee ship for the on Dec4, A. ildinber of the before us b6 means of dill and moving - which bushelti before navigation closer, ere,had an annoying encounter the oth. Blyth Rifle Club came here on Wed. pictures, Our local lodge is initiating members at every meeting now. Kt= will total a very large eeation's business er night, by dogs vvorrying their sheep. needay to shoot a match with the 4 0. Dunlop. of clone, bet we we do know that they We o not know what damage was home club, but the notice was too 4 church choir euPPlierl music fot the for the harbor, Dungannon +nipper of a week ago MARnra0B-Rev J turnedeh atfur fromttIe Manitoba. litast3Wlaerkt.in re W . Thursday. Mies Stsrung's entertain- Clinton, assisted by Rev W. D. McGee, gob track of two canines and will soon L Ouimette has had his stable reshingl, went at No e base line school was a officiated at the eh:ermine wedding end their savage meek: eel this week. •Mrs Melville and her splendid euccees. The :Sebbath after- festivities of Mite, Olara Vanstene, to Teeeneeece,-Therewill be *meeting tell son, Bruce, of Toronto, are here at the noon meetings are going ahead, organ- R. B. Obristilaw, at. the home of the Friday evenieg, Nov 21011, at 7.30 o'cleck at home of J D Melville. Mrs Warwick ization having been about con2pleted, bride's sister, Mrs S. A. McCall. ini the residence of W. Jervie con 14,to•organ- • and eon, of Seaforth, are at the home WEDDED IN TEE WEST. - A pretty Wednesday tnorning at 11 o'clocki tee polling subdivision, No. 6, for temper - They wereenade one under an arch o thee, All interested in the temperance of het brother, J D Melville. Esrn st Segue, blacksmith, has left the village wedding took place in the First Pres Thy are cordially,inyited, Rev. j. and gone neaeLondon to work t his byterian churcb, in the city' of SPO- white flowerseand the bride waedreeiz kane on Nov, 10th, at recisely 9 .m.• ed in a black silk skirt and white et Erusear, B. D., will be prompt and &areas trade. A number of our nirarisisalurve sem, eyelet. the only. attendant beteg _the the meeting, . „ •• was feeding some material to 'a saw. when Geo Willard., of poltane, • and unfortunately laid his arm acrose and Miss L. keymingten. of Aitburn , • • ' - rtazniss,-The family of Mr John ed several rabbits and. squirrels; they eits close proximity. In a twinkling e -tifineethfloily.-by-the- Rev _Ge..teene, . tile eepeofetheetsaw,-nat-thinkin of Canada, were united in the holy bonds- yv , - d Placard, of the out Line, are entitled have not d dressed in white from head to foot an '- who acted as ring bearer. She was bride's little niece Mildred Mccell. , to the sympathy of the entire cons+ kerlde of the West has decided to have • been out through the woods and eecur- esecure any foxes, 0ourt 12, h. saw cut through flesh and muscles to Gitiney,in the presence of a large num- 'ae e d--the-li lee A V basketf sixty_ o . . ,,,.. nrunity,nn accountottbp vnev serious a supp_e_r_sn the eveoing_ of Dec ey n I After the ---eF" ----- v 0 001°:et illness. Y. are experiencing. Mise The simply of hogs fast 'Monde white flowers. . the bone, badly tearing the latter as leer of witnesses. . The bride entered be seine weeks hefore Mr Aikenhead whp pitSented her to the groom, Mr they retired to the dining roqm with t ow h • 25 tpartakef the good gues s to 0 e d went on operation. har been quite Emma Pickard, who . reriently under- in g was rather small, as many farmers think theyouihe to secure their own y more - well. The arm will be saved, but it will the church on the arm of Mr C. Moore. can return to duty. He is a brother -in- Willard. The bride's costume consist. thine*, and when _ample justice a gooey kr some time, Mrs Pickard supply of meat when the price is /ow, law of ex -Mayor Rumba% London. . ed of an elegant pule de sole cream been done to them the hap couple P7 as been tying at. the point of death and sell when the price is high. lefe left for ttieir home at Blind River, watered silk dress en train with veil to fora week p.ast,, haying been given op "Mom an socasional co Ontaura.-Dr. McDonald, M. F., Wing' ' ' d to inert life together. Match, abd carrying in her ban it by the doctors ; her ailment is an ob- "been, apoke in the Preebyterien thumb on • Brocefield. Aocenenr,-A. Aikenhead. fOrmerlY of this place but now foreman of the Lenclon Bending Works, is laid up, the result of an accident which almost , cost hire bis right arm, kir Aikenhead rrespondent) Wednesday evening to very appreoiative white marble book. .rhe . bride's ate Fames BeennarleGoilx.--From the Bot- struction of the bowels. The family NOTES, --Mrs Henderson, of Oleye, is ' a aedience,„ Be epees in e yery forceful and tendants were 'false S. Moore. of Soo- Oman, N.D.,News, Ves clip the followingone of the most highly respected in the land,is the guest of her brotherein-lavv,' . orinvinoing rnanuer forth° great mines of kane, and Miss Wagner, Of Wayside, particulars in reference to the life and township, and we can only express the Mr Jeffrey. We are exceedingly sorryto announce the death of Mrs J D Mel - temperance, He explained the coming re- while little 011ie Moore acted is ring- death of Alex. IL Fraser. a former -resident sincere hone that both members, ville, which occurred on Friday last may ; ferendum Jaen its phases.. A hearty vote hearer, and little Miss Gray as Page of this town, and on ex -county councillor i be restored to health. . . • groom appeared in an de. e. ea Keith Fraser, of Souris, died on Tiles- RIME Snoor,-The Association she has suffered from dropsy for a year -ot thinks was given to the speaker. Ajoint Riel• *The past, and. her demise was not unex- :their of the Methodist and Preebyterion ffnut enstutO of morning while his at- day nom last, of blood poisoping, otter a ef our township held their annual shoot pected; she was a young woman highly . ,. teledalets Wore suite of the Bailie. The lingering glum of several months., While on Noy. I3th, and 14th, • • The events esteemed by all, a. member of the -Prete , veourcaes fueniehedthe muse,. • groom s attendants were Mr W.T Tol- not claimed among the. early settlers of the Noma -Woe Forrest is eery ill at. Pee. man, of Spokane, and Mr HarrY Good- Counters having were not alt hot oft but some 'good taken. up i% homestead Mi.- seines Were made in the 500 yttrd con- byteritin church, and the sympathy of , for hottle,but after wandering for some ridge of Clayton. Mich. --Mkt the meander west of Souris about.• Ai years. test, out otto_posfois.totas .orse. the this community goes out to her bus., band in his bereavemerit; she leaves no lAin3e ,fell,04 .theroselves, back at the sent. W. Reihatmeis renewing -tonneau- • tames in our. midst.' Dr, Rodgers' =Abet marriage ceremony was performed and ago, be was widely known and ranch role Members mentioned below- mean: the family. W L Oak:tette says that last starting point, Where thee had to pre - IA° °°°1° to oar l'illage't° "aide' • Congratulations over Rev G. Win Gib- peeled.. He was born in Aberdeen, Soot, 0 it I ‘0,1AOW an standing.:- • • weekthusiness wae a record breaker. • ' • 1 neLpresented the bride and groan with land, in Imo, and in 106'cent to Coals Blyth . . ,. . . , Cant G Laithwai °ma...5 5 5 5 5 4 4-133 cure it lantern, before malting another ba nese, we aret a t e outgo, attempt; neither of them intended to it andsome book, title "Wedding and took °barge of n nianufaoturing eetab- .Y.f Whitely • •••-••• • • - .55155 54 155 44:111 . As shewin the large.increase in buai- rcLaMparey.. , J Newcombe jr 4 2 4 2 6 5 5,-28 8 6 4 2 6 5 2-28 • informedee t it go coowhunting, and now the elder of ItontieD AT WINNIPEG. -.MISS Iota, Chirnes." As the bridal party retire shment in Goderich, where he remained d li ' . J Newcombe er , mile iit an thinks that the young 'chap :•yoting lady Of B/yth, Was . married to Glanboro Manitoba. Gazette, .ori Mon- ,took : the 111.•55 train for the coast to zie, uader whoae .governinent he. received . Reuben. Weet, a vepreeentative of the ium... after svhich the hanger. couple a straw supporter of thelate AleI. Math- , " the groom and his bride at the auditor,- member of Mira] county council, and was • elettigekt. . Y'Ari=i8e...................7142•241M88:1 e Zinntpro 8 4 4 a 8 6 2-28 • three months di ing tonnage atomthensgtigeir siwgzs2fortthe the two I; VtfitritahnePEZit StiCteldl: :kale. ' s purposely led him back to the point of Watson, a respected and estirnable from the church, a reception was giren for a number of yeare., He was -elected a • geour mail tiergice here; we r e., in Londe bort), attraction; it Was strange, anyway me --The Mullett council tnet I eday of las1 week: :The ceremony was spend their honeymoon. Mr Willerd's an appointment as Vein of a dredge In . - on Sattirdag. Nov 15;13, the, retiring reeve, J. Snell and J Brig - here will be candidates for county commissioner, • • A GOOD TUEN.-Some Marie ago Wm Hunter, who liees MI the 3rd con., had the misfortune to lose a horse, thereby entailing a serious lose to him, owing to the scarcity of horses and the fall work coming on, and no other animal to take its place. The neighbore, while attending the threshing a couple of weeksago, talked the metter over, and decided to help out their neighbor by giving' a day's plowing, if fine weather could be had to do so. On Wednesday week about, ten teams showed up and plowed about 12 acres for Mr Hunter. It is needless to say that this gentle- man appreciated his neighbors kindly assistance. When darkness bad arriv ed they were entertained tosupper and tor the rest of the evening a *social chat and a omoke was indulged in, NOTES. -14 Moore, of Parry Sound, while On it visit to Lie sloterrittrir-Mo- Donald, of Kincardine, who is seriously ill, Raid& flying visit to friends in this sectien. " On Wednesday of. this week the energetic.- building conamittee of Burg's church called a bee to level the floor of the new church .shed; this is the finishing touch to this structure,which• is one of the -finest of its kind in the country. Robt Caldwell has purchased a handsome pair of steers from A; El., liott, con 13, and a number trom otbet farmers in the vicinityalob is a hustler and that's 119 moonshine. The darkness these nights nsost appalling the other evening two men left a threshing . . Sla Calve a mail on the train going south . .......,„ -2 2 a 5 2 2 4-20 . members ll present: A yews was 'performed in the Young Met odist numerous friends extends hearty con- Kincardine harbor. e moved. o church, of Winnirieg. bY Rev 1P. M. ratulations to himself and bride.. or a Detroit, ems in 107 moved to Bonne. Bell- - • 204 48 4-21 in the moeningeendtend one out in the passed fill g places for holdingnomin. Condition Powders. We carry all the lea4liog' comittaort powdere alla Stock Foods Including. - • Pratts Regulator barleys Con. Powder •Maud S. " • Wodes " si Deck's " Our. Own " " Herbagetun etc. R. P. Reekie's Preseription Drug Stere . MINTON • . B. -Alec all the 'legates eileiiief .p:titeet y)ic own private receipt, etc, •IFFifflWeeietetF4-eee4-4,4444-4-44,4.; NieTES.-Mr's -- Varna.ss. Armstrong picked ' some sweet Peas in bloom on Nov, 181,110, R. DicUoot left on Thereday• for Cale; wiry. Win, Reid , and Geo. Foster , have returned from the west, haeing„.. ,spent nearly three months there. Aionvensani-jrhe anniversary ser -•-- vices in dOnheetion withthe Presbyter• -e tan church were held on Sunday when. Rev: Murray.Jeincardine, delivered: two eloquent and, instructive sermons to a large and appreciative audience, the church beiog filled to its Utmost obtotthhme ocronnienrgestaatneYenhiantthTehechladurice: -beautifully decorated with cut fleseere: and. plants vet y apprepi iate for the 0C -- cation. Monday evening Rey. Dr. Mur- ray figured high in lusentereeting lee- ture on Yellow stcine Park,the Wonder- land of Americe ; he spoke for an bou.e aid a quarter and every one wished be had 'spoken for double the length of time,se, clear did be picture the Magee- flcent scenery that Caine under his notice on his travels. &Worth choir though somewhat late, due te an awe; dent, did credit to themselves and the occasion, every selection het; Wootton,. where the groom had gone (leg, happy and prosperous life. While in the former piaoe he kad the mite . 0 perdee 2 2 2 2 58 20 sHernoon tram going south ; it would ation and eiecdon. The•D R officers NOTES,- Our genial tax collectoteLou will be: -For division No 1, John. FoW- be much mo:e cvievenient tor all if we to meet his bricle,who left her home on • fortune to have one of his legs oruehed smen4toenme horuntihognothhed gtrationnegohienrge oehoeththe at _Temperance hall, Milburn : No " Saturday week, accompanied by her Tnciteratnithbelow nee, e a 9, the k b the o r From tbie Anderson, .bas started on his mums tschool h N Hat, - •2 Jas watt, a house o father, as far as Toronto. Mr West at Novas. -Mr and Mrs O. Carter and he never seemed to recover, though he wet again. • Our worthy apple packers have late train in the evening. Rev Mr Rob- Wow; No 3, Patrick Qaigley, at schonl. one time was foreman of • the Blyth Me ape messealesof Clinton,dpent ,Sun- able to Move around until last 'winter, his ail retutned to their respective Memee, • Standard, and it was there he fleet paid day at H. Carters. • wheo he bit from the soaffoldIng on haying niggled their lengthy. job, an are, service.; in the Methodist church, inson; Clocierich. will conduct raission• house No 2; No 4,R Adams, at Forreet- (court to the young lady. who is now - Accamenee-Mrs ' F. We OeVIt's hoitee, aggerevatine ••the • sore, and blood .appear to be pleated at then return. tie s hall, Lonclesboro; No 6, W IY.CcOool, act -Ye brother was out to his farm one day poisoning eet in. He was buried: in Bot.a•Peter Dole was in Seriforth last wee.. • on the 80th; Mr Tithe LaWson has been at schotabouseNo 5; NO 6. M Breith- aPpointed agent. for the Federal. Life 'hie bride. 'Miss Watson was an i • *other in the Episcopal church, and recently and while looking around be tinean cemetery by Turtle Mountain Lo ge waitteat Temperance hall, Londesboro; • was presented with, a beautiful silver turned his back to the anin:ial by his:. eft. 1.0.0.F., of svhith eoceety 'he was a on business., We understand that Are tea set by the choir and congregation side in the yard, when suddenly it bor- member. Ele hewers to mourn him, a de: thur Opoper is again Confined to hie Insurance 0o. ' . . No 7, Sohn Fingland,'at; TEMPERANCE. :•--A -• school ho.tire meeting has been No '0.. The following accounts were .on the eve of her departure. She 18 9. ed its horn in his leg .behind his .knee, voted wife, several children and 4r.,;nd bed ; his'Inends arehis anxious te shealtheelzienMas- held in the Methodist church, on Tues. .examined and passed -Blyth corpora- l:deco of Robt Fitzsimons, of Clinton, inflicting a cut five inches deep. and thildrenewhoohave our einoere sympathy. soon restored to usual . dayevening, in the interest of temper- ' don,' foi, share of irent division coure - - - 'and--alse of D.B. Kennedre _Meta& tore:. ae.cleep gasti to his hip joint. Depsed was in bis 72n5 year. _ ter -Willis anthd Herb likGeegor have ar• West; tireclirnateseems ance. Notwithstanding the very: en: roomel.7.50;1Kullett and Goderich town rived from e - pleasant nature ..i the weather, there obits, ba/n y iine improve/neat, ST 7.87 ; '• life of happiness together be the Being a post rorteter • and rdnning a to bara•aetreeed. with them'. MissSophie was a, ,00d attend e 6 Rey ree Hem. - Matt Mains, rep Quigley bridge, $45.75; a c . outcome frorn this unioe iethe *isle 44. farm besides will handicap. Woe verY - Holm enville • , sterling, of Clinton, bag been holiday - the NEW Eha. . . much. Three 1)r's were, Reran:toned iltoti acepied the chair. and addreesee Berl Oh , urchin for grading. grayel and ht. M E I' G d p • . brnok, spreadinf gravel; 46 87 ; W West Huron.Farmers' iTrious, g . • ci the aster delivered it sermenia behalf Nichols analMr Howard,orglate7,SpeNnt were giverc br Rev Dr Daniels, Goder- hauling gravel. $165.64 ; John Sbob- d the wound is thou ht be uite TEM.E.ERANCE.-On Sunday emerge in with ar uaintances o rentheed•R 1..v. ' r.reer Sawyers and McNeil each gave short4 pointed anti appropriate addresses. Much credit At- tlee to Rev. Lavidsori and he is to be congratulated on the success of the eveningthe.collection amothating to nearly $60. ••• . INTEREST ALLOWED ON Sevilla Bank Institute Intended for last week. nf the vote to be held on Deceneber 4. Suntlay week with friends on the Bay- NOTES.—Miss .111cDouald has re- He ur§ed upon every fs lend of temper- field linea deep attraction is the reason .of the West •Huron TemPerance Ass°. Wheatley, haul ng 18 ea de gravel, elation ; ihos McMillan, Mullett, and $89,25; Iohn Barr. rep cul bdy and . DE POSI1bj 14. . in the. Town gall. ' their cousin, Mise td.• PePr belt most advanced piece. of legislation on • Leeburn • g ng gg v tIRA.ONEE turned to her home in Detroit, after ancet e necessity of caetint his ballot of their call. W.McGuirelsold it horse Holtnee, Clinton. A choir sang the W, $10; john Barr, one sheokilId an enjoiable one. If the: tneetin. is a ravel 5 35; W Rinn • haulin ra el Suplementary Meetings an extended yisit with friends here. in faVor of the act to be su mitted terj. tecliann'tnis week ata good • - WINGHAM, MONDAY; NOV 21 The 3119803 Pepper, of Herman; visited thee date ; he considers it to be the Price' campaign songs, and tne • by dogs $6.66 ; Jas teeming 18 cordtt , • evening was , Addrases.-' Common Diseases et Earm Stock , week. The threshing is near y wound tetnperance lines that Ontario or the ' Knox, Goderich, has been index o the intereat in this naghbnr. and work in pit. $1 75.eW P Patterson, diZr"rani,Y..e.gliall;lcOt."Clover and. Up in this neighborhood foe this year. DAD111101l has Turners the electorate. On" Nfonday evering a Dunlop ; Miss Cooper intends gonig I ever had subnaitted to engaged ite teacher for 43. S. NO* 91 hood then a good majority should be rep bridge, $7; John Finland,. for tile OF - 0EIIIRCEI.-The • trustees of o recerded in favor of the referendum, and draining, $0,15; A Glazier. sprea . the middle of Dec, wellorganized polling subdivision No 5; Craigie, Goderich. orient a. few days Y. ' ing duty owDeviation road con 5,$)1.25. DEPOSIT MissMaddock, Guelph ; Miss Green Car- end holding a tea rneetior P. Normal after Ohristmeto, Mrs sow, Pres. ot Women's Institute ; Mrs 0 sometime about - Council a,cliourtied until lliendley Evening session at 8 o'clock.-Addre b ublic meeting was held when Mr Col- Tomato Statile ' "e8 Y church int 13/4 • sT; excE,EN2, ii,dzsti.ky., Noir. glom Carterewhe gave . a very interesting -Lemma wee 'withdrawn on etoneey Portage la Prairie and j130. and. Jas. - AND Campbell Goderich Bee'y. Women's Nate next. The Epworth League WAS the meeting was enthusiastic.. . • ' with•friends here last week. sos. and • PA.nieut, Actanuer.-- Lest Mondo 15, when 'it expected that a.1 the , • , COMPOUNDED tute ; A, baton, Galt ; J. A, Idorton, Wing- dressed on Sunday evening iast by H. cuuReee. Alex McNevin have ret - -inc meeting of the • tweed from ternahic:iioyitp. paminful accident happened township atcounts fur 1002 will be. deb, - tin twori, ef Stanley,where- tled. . • . The Sovereign - Bank of Canada. Oapitee paid: $1,100,000 Beserre Paha, ' $210,000. • Assets. , $:1,0001.000 HighLi- One, =• • rent Rates allowed Ask for 041 paper. . • • of Dungannon on a be .iect. yen utc • BettIlliller evening,owing to the temerance rally. Me b h .1 th "ttl f lo' 1 ft • e oses e e•nger o is e Manus returned last week from hand rind this too of the third finrcer. ashneld • ' NrElliott, ou A'The Bacon Hot " W. Bailie, Next Sunday the e.nnua missionary ). . ' • As near as we cam learn he wits foeding eerefltruen OPErfIN0,--On Senday,Nov. e burn AS83v Where they had been OR PAID. An • rittet en teal RATS -YEARLY animas CLINTON Womerecaru3titute, the Bev- S. X Whaley ikdition to Vie delegation and 'le, lay, vv are pleased f statethat services in c" workin towill be conducted by Rev LB, Walwin, nectron with this circuit friends in Goderic tte wee , •h an • - - •hl t k d tnea to rave it, when his hand passed is to be opened to tee public. Services eAsH'7.4mem L.P. omen it straw cutter, and the straw sticking, 28 the new Hackett Methodist church • BRANCH end o. A. Tebbutt, a St Helens', willspeak Miss Nancy Fisher, who was semester B A f S f tea 0 M nda o ea er n o y even. Mrs EL Cook are at present at t ee or - g. Ob i it d • • in a, little too• far. coneing in contact will be conduckd at 10.20 am. and 7 p. PORT ALBERT WEDNESDAY, NOV, 2drit. ' indisposed for a few ay, , , • P ' • Foresters' tram _._ the -way to recovery. • an address will be delivered by Rey I. mg a publiceineeting will be beld.when IP ! aoet.hePploughing en the Atylor farm , lifr 3n3. Hetherington, of Nile, on "manures, Orronott.-The special services are B. evaiwin, B, .e...,. in tbe interests of .which they have purchased. Word of and the S" Evening and the the Value of salt." Mr lilliott, "Corn being continued the present week at ixdasions, after whit]] R. YsT,IViclienzie, the death of Mr Rafferty, Toronto,&he47- gates and otherswill address the ineeting. the Bethel appointment. The Saithatb. of 0 deride an ev . . , . d R rd s wits", 13 received nere o Friday d tb ath of the eonimunig oes °tit to d e is now on • AUBURN, TAUBMAN', NOV. 271n Temperance • . Mr Elliott on “The Cow We Want," and tobt Medd, of Auburn, on "The cheapest and • best method of feeding steers for the Old Country* Market." Evening Program -In ..". addition to the former evening speakers. Mr M. G. Cameron, of Goderieh, will speak, on "Canada." 'THE 'WOMEN'S INSTITUTE will 'Meet afternoon' in a generate tail 'The Preaident and Secretary voill address each raeetin *while, Miss Dfaddook wilt speak on •any of t following subleots SS the meeting .0 the bridge will be filled in shortly may decide ••••."Science ot Butter Ilakinf " eiraple DernonstratiOnsin Cooking,' "Dometairle &fence,"eta. • Senzons.-Orie day last week as our A Good Musical Program at et...3h evening _local 'blacksmith was cutting a bat of • meeting, steel a piece of it new up and struck • it. M. YOUNG, F. O. ELP,ORD, • him in the eye. Medical aid was secur- PANG,. ClarloW, Sec y., Hoimesville. ed„ and it was lolled that the white of the eye had a cut about three-eighthe • pt an inch long; It was feared that the Vitreous humour mfg. ht escape and thin destroy the eight, but this has been preyentell,. and at- last account there was every hope of preserving the eye in its entirety. CaeloW • *sr . Sehool of this place purposes baying a • A.,of Nile will deliver addreeses in the ll Y be our old friendeetreRa erty. Rev. Mr Ohrietmas treeand entertainment on . • the Tuesday eyening preceding Christ- f b 'f d ,• the, Lueknow onducted services nue is meet cordially invited; the excellent -14°--14°•Y OottrurreD -The abutments and choir of the church will furniah here on Smithy, MI Hamilton tahking dam in connection with the bridge at suitable music ; the meeting will his wotk in Luthnow. Tbe claim at Sun - the woollen factory have been COin- commence at .7.80 o'clock. The Sun. pkted, and the new bridge has been . day School in connection with this placed in position. The whole work church tote decided to hive a Christ. mas tree on Christroas eve; the- aim- prisente a. very neat and, substantial mittees have already been appointed appearance,-rellects--much -credit- --and-teerntri30-ebteterneet_something on these who superintended the con- that will be pleasing to all, struction of the eame. The approaches No'reee-eene Leave of Revision for this municipality was held in Wilson's hall Wit Saturday, judge Doyle pre- siding; seyeral changes were made on the lists, R. Holmes left laet week for his entrust trip to the West. The last vacant house in our village famil lady kno*n as the "Palace," has been rented by Mr Kerr. Mr and Mrs It McOartney visited at J Lowiey's on Sunday, Miss Minnie Harrison went to Goderich last week to. learn dress- making'. Mr and Mrs et Currie vis- ited at R Jerden's on Sunday last, Mr Mulholland's sawing bee passed off very favorably on Saturday leak G W Niteratee-A. very successful temper- Proctor and wife silent Sunday on eon ante meeting Waft held in the cleurch 16. Mr and Mrs Wm Mulholland gave bete On Friday evening by neva Coup. a party to their many Mends on Fri - bind and Sinall., Reit. Coupland °cm- day evening, and all had an enjoyable pied the pulpit here last Sunday', 'This time that they hope soon to be invited Auxiliary of the W. P. M. S. met on to another. - Mies Emily Proctor re. Wednesday at the home of Mrs Tyne turned home on Thiersday from &short dall. Mise Hattie Gallagher, Loeb:tow, yitilt with friends in aodarotned Eben - has been visiting at the home of joo. ezer, Fred Morgan le buying terkeys Gallagher. A number of the young for thirping, John Dempsey Was in peoele from here took in the tea Meet. Goderirh Monday. Alex ,Ostrorn Eng Dungannon last week, • • has employed Mr Ruffiof. Holmes - "Bread Maki318•" ".4. Talk on Digletion, w ih and the road again smelled for traffic. yille, to help with the hall work, We Constance are glad to report that Mr john Centel- eleatiful in the fields down the Se.uble NOTne-The pro hibi teen meeting held On la progressing towards receyery; WO line. Rev Metiers Yellend and McNeil , . in thetherch Friday evening was well hope nothing may now interfere with will exchange pulpits next Sutiday ,w • 4, attended I the epeecheadellyered were his progress, and that be may ennn be evening. Mr Eberhart made a visit to • eplendid,and it is to be hoped the meet. fully restored. Mr Lewis, V.S., Cred- . Seaforth last Sunday. A very enjoy- . -Ing will have had it good influence . to, iton, returning cfficer for 'the South able dance was given_ by the young wards bringing out voters for the right, riding of Huron.was entertained at the people of tosen lest Friday evening, ••••-•te....t. Miss Ada Drake has retnrned home parsonage last Friday night ' afkr visiting her autstatfro It, Hotharn, fitfinghinle • • , ------ ite' with the knives with the above result. 03 , by Rev Jae Hannon D. D., of Ex - He was hastily driven into+Olintoule ;stet, and Rev 8, M. 'Whaley, of St to the office of Dr. Graham. when Helens, will be the special preacher at - it Was found that the bones of the lit- the &o'clock service in the • afternoon. ge finger . had bean so shattered that The dedicatory ceremony will be 'held amputation at the hand was neceetiary. at the close of the morning service,and The flesh and bone of the next finger special Offerings are asked for on be. had to be cut away so as to allow the half of the building fund.' Monday, outside edges .to be drawn together. Noy 24the it hot_ fowl supper will bs . Mr Thompson le about 50 years of ege, served teem 6 to 8 p. me after whIc present is being vieteered and painted iniside,Which we ope Will add much to and ire it beether•irelaW of Qcor 13M,F13. the following -are expetted to dellyer its appearances. ainew. ' ACCIDENT - Another accidental egeteetingeaffair ecturred-at- Bayflekt on Saturday; whereby J. O. Gardiner, a brother of the postmaster of that 011. age, narrowly escaped death by means of a gun discharging . In some' unac- countable Way while being corried. He had been out duce. hunting on• the river, arid in getting over a log which proved to be,slippery, he pitched for- ward and in ac doing the gun went c41 giving Mr"Gaidiner the full charge In the left arm below the elbow, shatter - log the flesh and bone so much, that it is feared the arm will have to come off. At present the patient and arm is doing as well coil/a. be expected and nothing much can be said • about it for a few days. He is a divinity stud- ent and had just come home for it few holidays, ' Votes -Mee Anna Wiiddon has gone to London to take it course at the* tionservatory. 0. L. Irish% Mann, made a flying **it to our town on Monday. On Thursday evening it pro- hibition meeting was held in St. An drew's church; it number of short and terse addressee were given by the local Clergy and those of Varna. Our local thooters are baby on the river after wi id atlas, and wild geese are quite °fRSot:ents.1--.7"..ohrs Murdock ha's pniohased 37 I 11.4Cladgisae,e§81,--j-Y47taiellifitan"c141a011. 06.'HAttint.' heed eettle Which he 'Mends tO stall feed The Musieal part of the program wilt during the winfee Mies Aegie Beithert be tirnieheor by; the Nile Melhldist has gone to-Komokaltryisit ber-sister-foree -elerreb choir. A ,$unday School and- fe weeks, D. McKenzie bre retorned Item Egierorth League rally de7 "Pi be. held his trip to the met ; he le greatly cleaned nn the following Suuday....key E. W. with the country and will probably return Edwards, . B. A., R. D., a TIverts,nt in a fa* Ye. St nos • will deliver addresser!. The opening church was to have been coticalauTt°eda.-Tithalkstplivainlig' osefrvIcueb.ufro°1-' la6hylfet l°dtdhwr CYe at. new le°J;Va.P' s. Alton is secretary of the abieuttiatnhdane nbahentodtehlaoyroeudetho. loVving COMMUnion on Weduesday thereto beard,end F.J.Oeten,thairman. evening rasitielsrVuneadaYbidn ephraucrteihca;1 bi ei he per-*oa ing him to be epreacher of exceptional utes of previosii meeting read and pass- No°V°.u8111°I,Lm.-emttlerriscial 1°11 petrellenSta,turMdAinr: e May ; the people here were glad to ed. Cheques were issued for the follow - hear hini again. Rev a a Henderson, ine amount: -.James • cement of Hensall,who le so well and fayorably die, $9.40; W E Milligan. etavel,$20,50; known as one of the ablest, live plat- ;Jae Steele, rep eeraner, 31,00; P D Mc. form speakers, addressed the Woman's !Lenten, mats, 28c ; .1 R Webster,. gray., Missionary society here on Friday1 ellineon bOundary,$14 87;W Hamilton, evening last ; his subject Was • "Some ! inspector, $2 50: john Spindler, repair - elements of power in Christian service," 1 ing cul D L, $2.75; A Heim, tee eul con divided es follows-Isk.Delinite, clear 14, $2.50rP Hogan, gravel, 3520; john knowledge of Yeses Ohriet ; 2n6, the i Murdock, gravel, $0•00; Wm McQfloid, constiousness of it mission; 3rd, the leen bridge, 50e; W 11 Wilson, plank. spirit of prevailing prayer ; 4th, it fiery ; 812 50: Jas (lamellas, rep bridge, $5; Et, enthtleiastn foerighteoneness .L all the ' Bennett. rep cut D, $2 50; .1 Couoins, diyitsions were full of illustrationsfrons repVul. con 2, $2.50; John Shields,rep Bible times, as well as modern days. cul, Eon 2, 3250 ; A Boyd, gravelling and was indeed enjoyedtby elle oolitic- and grading, con 12, $16.15; J McRae dons ansounted to $40.50, Rev S M filling hole and ten cul onibenndary,$1; Whaley preached at Donnybrook Sun- eri Wallace, filling bole L it, 81; J 0 day eyening, it -being their anniversary Johnetoni ;gravelling at Port Albert: day. for it couple of weeke. Some of the liatillett an . Turkeys, 7 b 0 0 A . Vour Friends relatives and friends from around here _ _ tedrawn ists. Dried npilite to. Better 100. 111 ; we hope he will soon regain hie $44 00; w ,r Fellow, gravel, $0.76 : W_ ' ' Attended the funeral of the late Mre J, rtabants OE II/UM/I.-The Board of We imy for catibzcd! len ,., ._ , Melville+, Loadeabera, on Moilday feet. Health met on the kfternooe of Nov. ut wiegaion wonted heait'fie Mr J Gaunt is imnrctV' Steel, clear** ditch S R8 and 4. $1,rw they eee your Photegtanli thet We wee Ed, bismuth surnmerhin, who 15th, and received the Health Officer's Noees-The Outten; have organized for ipnivog 1611:riblYra. ryTahrreivneet, and were ohelv. /swinging, insp., in ee ; s Johnston, hooka for the MoNight, rep cul S R 0 stud 10, $2.50 1 .1 Will look pleeread on linter when . he'd insole or you has been visiting her frietnd, MSS /ea report, from whiqh it appeare it at the winter, with Mr.and Mu A E Gibson ed on Monde.y evening (Algot weekithe Wore, $1.25; J McBurney, inapecting, ' , - Matas, for the past Week, returned to there lieVe been it flaw scattered cask of as honorary Inetehers• :and Dr Meedoneld+ libraryhas now utters fine assortment, $1,25.0,Standieh.overcharge inatatute They will be 0040 loom**. her home lest Monday evening, W, scarlet fever, irseasiee, and a few sea lee Feed en • Otto a meet ne 0 a ere it to out v liege. James, *on Of labor, $2,25; It A Oaerick"; rep bridge L and well ilulaherl: 4403241,00, Brussegwylsited at big borne Of tYliheid, but none of it Bever* type. the BOIsrd of Stehle Wee celledleet week, 3'. Smith, ce the leth eon,, who was fn. it, $1,e0; John IiiiPatritk, rep eul and Neter Wild the weether. i het° for it fere Maya. last *reek, There has been also seeeeat easel; of owing to tee prevalent's a diphtheria. juted by it reek falling on him, le fast gravelling con 0, 310; P Sherwood, I Wehalre to. do eforsaidonshie erowaleg thts d yphtherhanotie °Mein petiving fatal, /Impostor Itebb paid his minute vleit to ' irriprOeing, Mr and,Mrs 1 Salkeld, of insp., $2, Next *outsell meeting ee- .tho 00/100. fiat weak.. Pc. 11„ 0 )", Termite i Goderieh. were the guesto of the form- cording to stetutie W. Sronterte, . • Helare$ •6' Photo Studio veek owing's% the eatta denoted on aur dr me 0 h ..t e!Wia0 the toWteehillis free frOneen- 1 1 thing,• In ehlleli andin geed tiallitaty COnditiOn, tnepeeted the pilblici I rent IASI Wedgy A $56; John Drennin. loop!, $3,50; M Atis- Noree.--,TWo beef rings Which Were tin, rep road, 31; T Richardeon, rep organized heraduring the pad ammeter bridge D L, $3.50; John Hutchisore have given such good satisfaction that too , 5; Alex Sohtoston, cov. cut S 11.6 lit the interested putted met again on iiiid.47. 8: P Walnut, co e cul S It 3 and Thursday evening of keit week,to wind 4, $1.50 ' C Rellby, rep cult L It 21: jos up businese Inc thie term, and consider Moran,. ep out, con 0, 31: Wm R Haw- wayo and *aim for next season. Mr king, drawing plank, $1 75; Edward Neil Smith,'Othe 10th Cote, has. been aohnetongravelling D L a rid S 8 mad 4, Metuaza Colborne SOTES. -A Christmas tree and enter- tainment will be held in the Evangeli- cal church, on Christmas Eve ; a, goee programis being arrenged,. Is not behind in.or-- . good roots aa IS erWra rile fact that A Williams among, his turnips 4 large °nee' we, hing 21, 22, 28 and 24 lbs. novice, • Lively ebeiteelois who. can. The house is ti .11C )o tifn:jeti inhnos:f theiryuelabaue.ine with houses 14°vWt completedu00 ;Ibfe e sne4ae si otd ia in the EtA6T:191:11Pe; Mies MMeabiltetillett:r 107:G. I. 6,1)11 jc°112edtwIlbay.niliTss'ellt- est son, aged 16 years, who has been it ' sufferer from eoalumptiont the .funeral took place on Wednesday. Only two weeks ego Mr Munnings lost his wife by the same ailment, leaving to hie care thews daughters and two sons. This double affliction to Mr Munninge is inteneely sad, and ehe deepett eyra- tiethy of all goes out to Ian in this hour of sore trial. I Why not I gave Money Buy your winter ;mit or (Were met rersey-to-wear and you will otefre money, as well se tints and bother, thali is, if you bay the rigid kind of ready -teenier teeth - leg. Buy it here and We Will give you as good material and act good it lit MI you oms get from any bit - Mr, and obarge you $3.00 to $5,00 less money,. d. Men's oyercoats $5.00 to Men'Vs5uf° ts$5 to $15 Boy's 'overcoats $3 to $6,00 Boy's suits $2.50 to $0 HODGENS BROS „ el.'s doter, lare 11. KMlUer,on Monday.