HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-14, Page 8Novemter 14th, 1902.
Every Day Good values
Here are more of the down right good values that
shoppers can find here every day, and that are bring-
ing -us more and more business -as themonthsgo, by,
The types tell of reliable merchandise selling at prices
that many stores would make a big fuss about and
call extra special, /What you get here is good, what
you get here you can rely. on, . a,ncl. we are always
ready to make right anything that goes wrong.
• 100 yard i F1annellette-2 to 3c a yard saved
Every little saleng counts. It may not be much on a yard or
two, but if you have much to buy, it means quite a tidy little
nun. These are rei0emnants, or we could not possibly sell
them this way. They would cost us more mmey. All good
pat erns and colors.
remnants at 4 Os per yard -regular selling price 51 ets"
Mill remnants at 5 OS per. yard -1%010r Selling price 'nets
Hill remnants at 6 ets per yard -regular sellindprice 8 ets
Hill remnants at 7 els per yard -regular selling price 10 cis,
English shakers lti cents. •
• Again we remind you of the English Flannelette we are sell-
ing at inc. Neat patterns, fast colors, good to wear, heavy
• weight and -very wide, per yard.. ' ; -
Wry Fine Underwear-Unshrinkable
This underwear is madein the best underwear iactor3r in Can-
ada, and the Maker guarantees it absolutely unshrinkable.-
Ladies who appreciate fine, soft, comfortable undergarments
find. these perfect in every, way. We never haft better
/Ad*/ fine woollen andervests, ribbed, fall size, long sleeves,high peck, neck w
and front nioelYtrimmed., Drawers tO match, eaoh • 4 OC.
Ladies very fine ribbed' woollen nedervesis, Very soft finish, parted fitting gar- ,
meats, by.iong odds the nieeetaenderWear we have ever bad, ma anywhere 61
near the price. Drawers to matoh, eagth **** • ' ' ** • ** " " • ` 41116
English Oilcloths 65 cents
• • •
We are selling 'good English.Oilcloth for .65. cents- a yard. It
is a heavy cloth, comes .good patterns, different from the or-
dinary common Iiinds; and is full two yards wide.. 65 cents'
.the running yard.
• Tut!:
1•11.1 ; ;
Our Great Sale.,
Of a -Rakers. surplus. stock ot gantles.
Net in either store have we. any record_ of :Bitch Mantle
selling; as we have had since we started. selling this :big
lot of Muntles ••• .
Every garment is new and was bought for this' season's
. t ado. You'eannot make a niist,alie if you do- your .Man-.
tie buying 'here., for styles, s•are absolutely correct*, and
there is xrioney to be saved as well. We are selling
Mantles at $i.L75.that it bought regular would haveto sell at $6 ,±
'Mantles at $5.00 that if bought regular *quid have to sell at $8 I
at $9. • • • • ,
• .
111slers for $7.75 that if bought regUlar we could not 'Sell for
less Wan $12.. to 1.0..40 . : : .; . • .
„ .
-3 I 31++ ill 4,441.4444;44 3.11 I •
Unto low *
104,16AY,NLYV131,BliR It 1002.
Dric4 Atinele* w'e4 OaNTEIDN BUDS
litesubeerrrleo41,10o Pozeo,W. Q. BEARX411
Car of roraroes want d as glom as possible
ggigilsreitiste:gcla,i&l.ata?441TWDI: Qgtt
• PERSON. -A couple 0 we •
:Ralian egrang,,,i,114,227, tcog, when the item was ublishecel r latieect
sale mice to make room for ottr,kex...1
eat= in the:e.ivere4egirialbkrielell ifi':'qr Xeulaie." el
F. W. Watts wrote to Mrs Snell for
,afturarleozart---Virsturanulated sugar made
tberNit14141=111,* frliall."7 gitritgokot:Ei lot; 2: sionawred a tember
which Mr Watts Fs tgebre?ag Cign)!
' *own orc� . a reply this week stating that a party
named Snell had been so killed, but it
The passing of two accounts and the twoaremeeerityanreYaLtboen SaineelliotavinerYroaw4h_O
receiving of the reports from the Prin.
anOther party of the 'Mine name.
cipals amd Inspectors Tilley and Rohl',
was the total business done at the Pal - EXTENDED AN "AT HOM.E-The
!L. Sohoot Board meeting held On Thurt- Goderictemo fel school, claw. on. Fria.„ y
V eVemng of last week. err:934m last,
'iextended an
‘ahome" ia
FIRE -Some time Saturday eight tie Tryprpice Hell there, in honor of
ufhter house the of Men; 7lIlitl'ab?:3Iii:charge oftdwahw,arad.nPrincipal i1, about 30,
building hes not been used for wnei.Cbae made reception
time, but had been recently rented by aneridtt. heien/etei
Jo°, iileruton, who is about to com-
mence business.There seeing to be no willeerneagvdteeeta:IliCettpramnt
possible doubt but that the tire WM 10.
instrumental duet by Misses Tyre and
Martin, GoderichissreesLilycitatlabusboybinMeolen11a
-w.alirthetWhraiother day, and fractured a
insrtoisehtuern,e to: slip
oe otticrhoen gang.road,
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -Wm. Rodaway, and m
.Gienn, Stanley, .pureliaeed one of the and LauraBrYdgey
s. Goderich ; a read- rib. It cantles him considerable pain. '
fild medal Nenest gowcoinbe Cabinet ing by Miss A. McEwan; vocal solos by but does not prevent his working,
Grand pianos of Q. Hoare, of the music J le F. Thomsen and,Mies Martin,Glod- howevet.. .
eropolunn, It is a. veryeuperior instru• erich,and selections by thegramophoue
, 3
merit in both ease, which is of finest sepermtended by Obas. Duty, Goder-
John Hill. of the B8line'who has
mahogany, and toile, the action eon. Jell. At "half-time" lunar was served not been enjoying the best of health
taming the very latest 1011aroVeraents.' and heartily enjoyed; At the conziu. Efeurrsoandon n
etiinitiheepraeogonf t
past dueaorpbsoceea,
Geo. Steep, °Ooderich township, has sion of the program Principal Lough m
also beught one frooethe same source, and Mr Sewers triode brief addresses, dix, is again laid UP at the hospital,
and Belgrave Methodist ohurch has and exPresped their gratification erio, undergoing treatn3ent.
Hugh Rorke •participates in the uni-
vereal Proepet ityenjoyed under ubetai
rule. We the first and a girl.
The non-furyaosizes for the county of •
Huron will opera on Tuesday,Nov 18th,
before Mr Justice McMahon at Goder,
We are eorrY to hear of the continu-
a Dines' of Mr Arthur McRee, who •
bas Amur been confined te..tins hente ter
sevefal weeks,
The License Board met here last.
Week but no business was done outside
of tilling in certificates of lienees, and
passing a few accounts.
Messrs Town & Case, of the Evapare
ator, have received so many applee,
thaethey give notice elsewhere that
they cannot accept any more,
• Can telon tiros have sent out recently
(mostly to small buyers) 600D pounds of
butter end 800 dozen of eggs, the toter
bang very scarce,and in good demand.
The Royal Templars .held a rally
rowing last night, Thursday, and a
good nrogtam wee given. Several can-
didates 4were initiated and refresh-
ments were served.
• The close of the present year will end
the tenure of office for our county corn-
miasiOnets, who Will need be re-elected
in January. It is hard to say at present
who will be in the field;
bought a. new Dohetty (algae from him the hospitalityextended to them, Prin.
- meal 'Limb and:Mr Irwin, a the God- Town &Case have shipped 140e fifty
also. • •
• mach school, responded, 1t was some Latieb White -goods front the
Your newSkirt
atid-Rovir to Make it -
Q You will find our P.APER PATTERN
PEPARTMENT, which shows the well
known Standard Patterns, very helpfunt
reaching -a decision. „
Consult it forlany garment that you, wit&
• to make. .*,?anl
• STANDARD *PATTERNS are cheap,-
they are seam -allowing, and they are re-
Often the Cheltpest--AlWays the• Best
a m larger quantity than other. . , Le_,Likr -,Catir-i•e
W BU.TCHER SHOP,For some time pastlnidnight4vhen the gathering e porator, so far this peason. This is 1111111111411.11111•641111168.41116.11.611.01.6411.0.06.00111169.414.110.
time past Jobu Scruton who' bee con, broke up and our etudents etarted on years, and have enough apples to geep
templated the, opening -of a butcher their way /vine. it being 80 late and .
opening today.6 He has rented the °thing like . Leather
shop in town, has at tat got things in dark that one of the drivers got badly them going foe some time yet.
coms0.140EmigT EximisEs ._ ligious exercises at the 'House of Re.
shape and announces, ills ' informal tangled -up on the road, Mr B. P. Sibley assisted in the re' ,
store between Ito bails' inaplement The program mentioned below that is fliige on Sunday, and the inmates
wareroonesnad Wm lifoore'e eetving t ereof appreciated his singing so
to be rendered at the ninth annual
machine agimay, on Huron street, .and much that they are in hopes he -will
emninencernent exerCises of our Lielleg-
will keep on nand a choice range of favor them often with his musical
meats at thelowest prices, ,in accord. !ate Institute this (Friday) evening.
Nov.14tb, speaks for itself, and should talents. .
&nee with niatket quotations He will irt.re,ct a goodly number of oureinzens. A. Hooper, agent for the accident
use Elliott's slaughter ht..use on the
As the purchase of a good musical rav•Apsurancec3moanY, in town. informs
Baylield road for killing purposes. atrUment CO which- the proceeds are to tib that Phil. Murray, the young man
SUGAR BEETS. -Very decided, difa be tried' is one of the perquisites wholnet with Such a melancholy deatli
ventages of , growing the sugar beet, duous task of study,we bespeak a burn. a policy for $1000 With .bior,last`spring,
Oue farmer wetalked with the other per e dhouse.wth arfaree aparhi ea° to of admission is anitInhoaudr.ocnQluynmenadreepoonret er:a awn: In. ;it;
services rend. worth Si 50' and $1.75, tb clear at 99c -they are cheap
• • Mise Katie Scott Y
nee ed for the brightening of tbe a,r- at Brucefleict East week. had taken out
-fel maces of opinion prevail as to the ad -
When it is well put together, We have Just the kind of Footwear you,
. .
need. Our Mannino" stook was never in better shape than now. We
• have all kind"' of seasonable goods at realigned* prices, bought'direct
from the manufaoturer. Big stook of all kinds of RUBBERS--_ we ae
• nos handle second quality goods-eeery pair we sell is guaranteedbv the
Special for FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Nov; 7-8 'Only
Foll6Yring.is the prograin':-L• .
40 pairs Ladies Dongala Kid Boots, sizes 2i" to only
day said he would not grow. them any
longer if be -could get out of it; be ad.
PART I : made ' appear as t ough J. E. Wheat,
mite that they yield well,but the labor - a Inetrunieatal-Arabeeque.-Ffeyer-Helinund ley was the recipient ot the pre) 'grant
' reqUired to look After and gather them 1 the town for extra •
Was more than could be secured. ; On- 2 Quartette)
t ‘ . Vi. ' .• ...M.Fi
rscohi; ered. itehouidhavereadlneintsoh nd ther arty Who s -rthoweiour*erthytewnelerk,whoeardueue
raisel them this year, out haPpineto olnsole-riiravatoreSirsl.
duties in eennection_, with ',our side, •
hays plenty of - labor at . his disposal, I .PIrreticidal•Dorielk.......E. .8..r„eaweoetro,itl-ffensatte.weitist. it
Past Yenr;,.. has 'fully merited
thinks that they are a *eatable erop ! ° -1-41 el
6 Selo -.There's /Luskin the sound of Horne
and that farmers.will have to go into h . owing to the burningof'raising them if • they want to make 7 Merehani of :tiCiii7eZteria,nin i - l'Trtilisurchit V°S.. eBrrzt);
Chidley. Wes 4.11473evei. ,ci. eh corgall.Factory,•has taken"
Money. It Is evident that! they can b '41f temporary°°situation in the Stratford
Plano ptiet-at Trovatore-Herie layaway... &
only beraised to advantage when labor ° :
is plentiful and Cheap. . . ' : : 'Preseniatlen of Prli•
• ev by Mrs 11 0 Brewer. wish to move to Stratferd, Mee Bezzo
.m. Hoover and ParkeAs he does not
. Furniture Factory.. '
, en a ion of certificates:Iv Principal x rime is stepping with her father, Lawrence
Ransford eh p 'ed one eae and C. Reid
SHIPMENTS IN STOCIe.-R. k .1. • . pkwr, TT, . ., .t°111". A Manningitown.,0MhirbBitiozntr, waenlidknbeornut
two Of fine export two yeas -olds On .
1, 1Ostriataeutettlifon-7/itaVerkatritesietisseuziaja.t.s. . itrgaanacrucittkeprr,
is devoting 4 little time
aiSitatrukrettyTafjos % Thee' London,ilratat p0stock
thata gI ahnads; 2s trzirlfitittinainatt-:.ationiittr Andatsit GG11111.1s1 • t° the came.; eh 81111".7. lest he !Imre
4 . Violin Solo-geletited,- . . .: Miss Mslircloal- ' ddre es at three,'" o nt
28 pairs Xisses Buttoned and La.c.ed Boots, sizes 11, 12,13
1 and 2. All we ask tor your choice, 990 for above dates
• Sod our Girl's Kid Laced and Buttoned Boots, sizes 8, 9
and 10. 30 pain of each, going at 75c.
It will pay yea well to see our kook and get our prime.
The'eld Reliable
• . .
. • Cash and OM Price We will not be undersold Begs taken as 011011.
. •
.been shipped from here in two Weeks: 5 Be1.1611.0 Speech -Milton • .0 mustard leninsisfiet circuit 'PoPf IthemeMtiterlanodtihset W Taylor. fiz. Son Clinton...
. , . .
• o;4 igivw iee gib*. . a 11 ch urch. -
deck of lembs to Buffalfl the same day- 00••••••••••••••••••••. •••••••••••••••••••00.
the price paid being$P,50.- D: Cantelon••
sent a doubl: deck of hogs to-Torretto
. on gonday paving therefor 85:50 a
evet,abd Katon&F'ord o cars of stock.
OoThursdayJ S nel lef 'Jot. Wyoming
territory with the 118.heact a Leicester
'Sheep, which were sold to parties in.
that country;•they were chipped in 38
ft. cars, the tar est that have ever left
(/11 n t on; and had feed troughs attached.
rt Ulerl chib iacc.;VinPoanigd.
it i .s o y in g
territory, and took with him a thoro•
bred 01vdesdaie al, in one of the cars,
R, Fitzsimons & Son shipped a double. * c et LadeGle 01 b
'Mantles at $6,50 that if bonght regular would have tosell at $10
'Astrachan Jackets $35.09.
This is the best titne to buy a fur jscket. Best because you
get more to select from, and the choice of the skins. The
best coat we now show for the motley is our special at $35.00.
We have never had as good a one. Every garment guaranteed
and can be depended upon absolutely
• fl •
Small Roy's Clothes.`
Clothes for the small boy get
ention thia week, •
Particular boy's' and particular
mothers can be easily suited from
this great stock of Bcy's readily -to- '
wear clothing.
Boys' two piece mitre made from
good qoality all WOOI tweed, Omni
box pleated batik and front, well
lined, pants lined all through, 2 AA
patchier with auk pair, each .... O.UU,
Boys' all woe' tweed mite, niee
rends' of brown; pinto lined ill,.
through, each - ** • '44011
neve fine tweed.saits, sharlea of
green, coats made with yolse,pleats
and helewell made and lined onto, „
lined, all through, a tubby sult
Boys' tweed and serge mite, three.' •
• pleoes,all made in the latest styles,
natty, nobby garmente that look
well and will give satiefranory
wear, many •liffirent ,„
styles to Wee* from, at.. 1.911 00
Underwear ,Selling
..'llitderwear selling has been brisk 'the last two weeks.. Soon
it will he too late to. buy either of two lines we are selling now
at .8.7ie and 506, the garment. "Stich values Inive not been'.
Clinton before, and stocks see getting near tho vanish;
mg point
Mona Nee.) Root sbitts Ana drawerq, heaVy /might and good qtiality re
'guilty Gee. speoiet for Notember at ...... • 04 2e
Mn' heavy fleets° lined underehirte and armtere, moat of it wool fleece,
4°. hues thaVeresold ell over et 750, and 81.00 per ilsrleento °holed of let for
NOVerelbcfr *dtwt ***** •Alitirfwer..466101/**!0•Atilatisillie* *iiiii,r***.**;0•41,
titans Br
RAILWAY, NOTE$l.-We are 'Jerry
to . learn , that Conditetor reggerald,
of the London Avon and Bruce line,
who has been eft duty for some weeks
through' illness;diedin pander] hospital
Wedoesdey evening, as the resb't
of an operation peefarmed on .hind.
....George Timone, who came hei e
the it, of Sepl-ernber, frc.m
to, act as baggagemaster, returns
to that place on the 20 h to resume
his former position. A young man
named Geo, Tanner, Hamilton, is here
'earning.. -The G. T. R. purpose
erecting immediately a watering tank
just north of King street on the
Kenzie property.....lonductor Pringle
hue been relieving Conductor Algie,
on the Goclerich branch, the latter
haying been off on the sad erennd of
burying a brother at Alton, who had
the misfortune to he killed in 1Viichio
gin,.by the collapse of a building.
attendiog the men 'dirt turetes, Bangoet
at Halifax, several months ago Mr
Ransford happened to notice e hand-
some four -bladed knife in the posses-
sing pi a gentleman from Sweden.
What Pp8Cia1ly took tug fancy was
that the knife Was much thinner than
the average pocket knife, being only
about one sixteenth of an inch .thictr.
Remarking to the Swedish gentleman
that he would like to buy a knife :of
that character if he knew. *here he
could get one, the other told Ur Rana,
ford he, would be happy to present
him with one. Expressing his appre-
ciation of•suCh an act, the matter was
forgotten, until one day last week,
when Mr Itansford received a prepaid
express parcel which, on opening, he
found to be a beautiful four -bladed
knife from Stockholm. Sweden. The
handle is made of inlaid • steel, very
prettily decorated, his name appearing
on one side, while•on the other is the
Royal Arms and Red Ensign.
° 'STICK TO ONE NAME, -There are
four places in this neighborhood that
are kbeyhl by dual names, and the
use of these nitrate eometinaerfcause
confildoltm by people mis-directing
Jet -
tees. The village of Kinbutn hail the
post office name of Constance. The
vilragenf Manchester has the post of -
flee nettle of Auburn..Leeburia. near
Goderich, has the pOeai name of Den -
lop, while Shah's -Hill is knowe, in the
Mall @Arvid° as Carlow, Now it so hap•
that there is a Kinburn post office • in
Lanark caonty it a Leeburn p6st office
In Algoma ; a Manchester poet office in
Ontario county, and a Smith% Mille
(Whitih is very touch like Sinith'e Hill
whet' Written) in Stanstead. People
sometimes dived, letters to "Milburn"
which they went to go to "Constance,"
or sornethries to "Maneheater," , Which
they•intend fot "Auburn," and an 0114
causing delay to thena selvee end annoy-
tO mali clerks. Thla Could, in a !tea.
sure, be OVertOine by the public stick.
Ing to one name -as for instance, tieing
Auburn instead of the more
"Manchester" -and 'the mane with the
other plsees, and In the eouree of time
they would be IMMO by the one name
m n o
. •
We strive at all tilne8 to offer not only an immense variety of the choicest and most desirable styles to pick from,
but we are very careful to see that the PRICES we quote are the log est an lioneat garment can be sold for.
- This plan of ours is oracularly noticeanle in our BOY'S SUITS (as they are all our own manufacture and we
are responsible for their sterling qualities) and they are the greatest -values-in Clinton, and are found right here at
JACKSON BROS. Willie that is true every day, we can sometimes do far better in special selling. Next week
by reason of warn" October weather, is an instance.
Money Saving Opportunities of the Most Magnetic Sort
Little Qent's.UeparftlL
Our Little Gent's special at Three -
Fifty is raade from an .AllWool tweed,
beautiful dark blue, gray shade,inlaid
plaid fancy double-breasted *est, just
like my Dad's Fancy Red Yoke. -
Coat single-breasted sacqUe;. Pants
double knees and double seats. Worth
$5;00 .1
Special price $3:60
Our Boy's Knickers at
50c,. 65c 76c and 85c
are so well and favorably known, that they need no fur-
ther description, only to bring them before your notice.
• Every pair Double Knees and - Double Seats.
This week we expect' a sl3ipment of the latest in „BOY'S
COATS,, made in Yoke Raglanette Style, Russian pleat
front, entirely new and only produced in New York a
few weeks ago.. They. will be all the rage next S040011t
but why not have one now at $5, and 40. •
100 Mn? UlOers
We have made a speciatpurchase
of Men's Vistas, all colors, in
• black, dark grey, claret and fawn
'These compose the balance of a
manufacturer's stock, who, pre-
paring for spring work, offered
these at a big discount, hence
the above. Our prices will be
found far, far below what we
would charge if they were bo't
at regular pricee.
• Call and se our ULSTERS,
• they are regular snaps at
•-$4.60 •
$8.60 $7,60
9 only Men's Scotch Tweed Suits; dark grey mix
tura, iniaid plaid, ail sizes, lined throughout with Ital-
ian .cloth, workmanship first-class. and .Worth $10,00.
'Special prtee 43/.50 ,•
We always lead in our line.
Jackson Bros OUTIiITTER