HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-14, Page 6THER.E jtjmx7- 2/2 ipaAP:ERS. (). RoWe•Oti.lioillotvay . . . announce that they have boti6ht the Furniture. end tindertisking business ° :BROADPOOT & BOX,, and will continue the sem& in 'the old stand : '• . , • • • MR: J ts: ATKINSON • 0 . . , 1, who hat a thorough knowledge of e mimeos, ave arae 0 0 ;_ More, end Will do all hinds . of REPAIRING, '11PBOIATERING :and Y riczont FRAMING at moderate prices 'UNDERTAKING. in all it& branohes. Night. and Sunday answered 'at residence, Princess St., digeotty beck of Freibyterita Chereh. firetaelaes Hearse' kept, • 01 N. ROWE : J..D ATX111SON, • " Manager ..Funeral Director °I eemaeormsuesso. , Door, .itad 1Blind Factory. . , „ • • Noverabcr 14tb, 1902 Atter 'Ilifey Years T..** „ J.,veph Rochette Releneed rrolor RbetintatisM - • Suffered Mich Agonn, Hie Appetit& ea. and His Strougth Left Rime- lieee for Similar Sufferers. • • • • Only those Who have suffered from ti e pop o risenreetistn know how rattail agony lbesufferer has at times to *Were. Tba symptom c fog tare, but among th will be. foutil Amite penis in the inusele0 and j eats, tte latter sometimes *nth swollen, At gram the patient is unable , todreas himself, and the elighest jarring moped al/emirates the pain. Liniments and outward applications cannot possibly , Gore zbennActistn must be treted OuOugh the blood, and for due purpose thereis no medicine yet • dtecovered cau oral Willieme Pink Pills When levee aefeir trial. these pine never fail to cure ever the most stubborn °Bees of rbentnetiam. Mr Joe Roabette, a well known resident of at Jerome, Que.,, in an interview with s reporter of L'Avenir an Nord, *nem etropg proot of the value of Dr Waliikals' Pink Pills in caves of this kind. Mr Beal:tette says: -"For nearly three years 1 was e meat anteater from theurrieggem The reins seemed at timal tO affect every jlint, end the agony I en dared was terrible. Sometimes I could scarcely move about, and was unfitted for, work. The trouble affected my appetite, mete in, this way my weakness increased and my tiondition became more deplomble, Etried *number of remedies, but nothing helped me until I was advised to take Er Williams' Pink Pills. and.then relief came. Gredualln the Paine 'lett me, my appetite improved and I become greatly etrength- entd, Betore I had taken 6 dozen boxes' tn9 bealtb and. vigor was Bitch that I felt better than I did before the trouble began. Time not since had an aohe or' pain, and Efeel convinced that Dr Williams' Pink lens•ere the beet medicine in the world for ettennestiene." • Dr Williams* Pink...Pills are sole in every civilized land, and • their enormone male is due entirely to their great merit as a medioine, They.oure all sash troubles as rheumatism, emetics, locomotor ataxia, TrtiaIparslyeis, nervous headache, kid- ney ailinents, neuralgia and the weak- aessee that said eo . many eworeen. Do net let any dealer' neestuide you to try *mailing else which he may say IS "just ae good," Bee that the full name "Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is en the wrapper around every box. If in cdoubtatatiner Given to The Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., and the pIlle will be mailed post tiaid at 501 per box, or Six boxes .for 50; . . • • • Ultima Th alio? Font sti, ' The world goes on uphuilding with:fro • Tient shift and change ;• What was a verdant valley le now a ••• neountain range. • • And yet the mighty inonntauis by tree May in the distant !inure become. an. other vale. , •Vet here's where art and nature oan eee . no furttec chaise& . 'We've reached the farthest limit -the leinusold of pants. •• - •• of fitiod Mid gale. • • ':11' THE CLINTON NEW ERA 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 IlIlIlIll I I, I Clolielpsta Or he tlempani:e. Of very great *tenet ha the collapse Of the campanile of the attire)/ of St. /dark, the central paint of.Venice. Donn biezras, as it did, all the litirrounding .beilelingte in the famous Square of St. Marka the campanile, which wks dee. Moils/rad yesterday, le AF4 the moet core spicuous of ell the landuterke of Ven- ice. It roe 'beer above the higteet pranaelea of the famous chureh, and had 'stood there, visible fore a ooneiderable distante from the city, for a little over 41 thouttand years. In the early days of the r'epublie men stood on the tower to watch for home. coining vessels. and the news of many a victory was signalled to the en:clouts citi- rents in this Ivey. But the tower was also used for the urpose which Its name signifies. Accord ng to some autlion ties, four bells were rung for varioue purposes. One Bounded at dawn to tall the laborers, another opened the official bureaus, a third called the councils, and the fourth tolled out the requieln Of persons who were to ba executed. Gal- Ilewoeint.ade many obsetvatione from the tn' The campanile was begun( by the Doge Pietro Tribune, in the year 888. In 1329 it was restored; nearly a century later it Was provided with its stone top, and in 1517 the figure of the wage], Was Placed at the summit. At the foot of the eampanne was the loggetta, or loggia, built by the fam- ous sculptor and architect, JacopoSan- sovino,in 1540 -ai a meeting place for the nobles of Venice. It. was richly adorned ;with reliefs,. and had, bronze , statues of Minerva, Apollo, ittercuty and a God of Peace, all by Sansovino. The bronze doors of the vestibule were ree garded as masterpiece's. The toggle Was not long used for its original purpose. rt became. awaiting room for the Men - menders of the guards during the se - Mos of the Great' Council. Recently it had been used for auctions and lot- tery drawings: ' The campmate was built_ of brick:. It was 825 feet high and 42 feet square'en. tone base,ire decor ted nth slight pilasters. The upper part was an open lantern with a pyramidal root and on the apex was the fine colossal statue of an angel, formed of plates of gilt bronzeon a wooden core. , Of late years there have been emln- ous rumors as to tlse shfety of several Of the most' famous bindings in Venice. Three years ago it Was the Ducal Pal- ace which -caused moili appreheneione that the Government employed Signor Bait°, the Milan architect, to examine the structure. Though the mediaeval architects - of northern Italy were men of extraordinary ability, yet • on the ene gineering.idde of their profession's they were often experimentalists and did not , 'scruple to add great weight in the way of euperstructures to buildings which had been erected for centuriee, without • stremetheninzi the_ foundations, The • The fig leaf and the ragbag, the woven -Vero once the proper caper, but also had • to pasa Tbe toga of the mourn; the greatest' of brawl and meet • lb ere long ago rejented, and there was . •no appeal ; elnd-so we've climbee the ladder and frcirn • the top we glence, And proudly tell our hearers •"There'll be no change in pants." - . • In art as well as lettere there still is nut& to do • The chisel of the ecalptor .not yet 'has graven true; The history of mimic shoees that the songs miming Wiil be. the aweetest • ballads from inspira- tion wrung.• • eestaoy tie caper, in proper pride We • prance-- • At last one thing is finished -they can't • improve on pante 1 , • garb of apse. Bad Appetite, 4 Indigestion : • : _ Mr. las. IVIcMatle, et Inverness Strdet. • . Stratford, Ont. states :-"My digestive •organs were entirely. deranged, my appetite was poor, I was run down in health and had severe attacks of dizziness and ;ner- vous headaches. The use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food hal entirely cured vie, as my digestion is very muck improved. the headaches have left me and my aprtiteis real, goo& I can recommend Dr. base's Nerve Food most heartily, knowing it to be an exceptionally good medicine," Being- slightly. laxative Dr. Chase's • Nerve Food regulates the action of the • excretory organs and through its restora- tive influence on the nerve,' and muscles• ensures the healthful and vigorous action of the respiratory and digestive systems. If you are .weakened. by overwork, worry or disease, this great food cure is bound to be ef benefit to you. As a restorative it •' has never been approached. so cents a box at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co.. Toronto. ' SheeeWell, what or ity I have tut re, simian Brain Fes. Lack of itaWy.Atter these things, and in eourt to.day plead- . 1111331811E1e Opportunity. ••, • For getting a 'Beautiful Watch and Chain free. -No Money . Requirede-Every Man,Wo, man, Boy, or G-irl Has the ; same pporium y under our System. , _ • In order to have De Arnold's English _ . rotin plaCed in the hands Of all .pereone suffering from bad health We wake thefollowing Most liberol offer ' If you will send to us your. name and , • address and agree to oil for us twelve e boxes of 'Dr Arnold's English Toxin , Villa at 25c per box, we Will give you ICORd0411111111 OVID Weil "I feel it my duty to tell you what your inedicinee did. for ine," writes Mr, Blanche lelanthall, of Whiting, Jackson Coe Itansae, Box 139. "I Was severely afflicted with kidney trouble and female weakness. - -In late than three montha the trouble became so bad I could hardly) walk around the house. I suffered almost everything. Seeing your advertisement ite our paper eonclutled to write Dr. ' Pierce. Atler receiving your kind ad.4 vice 1 immediately began taking your medicine. After taking two bottles of I 'Favorite Prescription' alternately with two of 'Golden Medical Discovery.' and Using one hex of ' Lotion, Tablets.' ant • entirely cured. I eon do all my own Work without any trouble. • great "pleasure in 1 leeee"*"" reeommend- See big Doctor Pierce's need - Wines t 11 euffering women." - . •, .11 / )(F` .!'"1,4114' • tieti .4 Sorrow or Self -Pity. 1 A. man eeldont feels WA confident of hie ability to *ay the right thing neatly than when he site down to . compose a letter of condolence. One can scribble oil the usual friendly letter with- . out mtteli care or premeditation. A busi- ness letter Lear be medeled on fiat PIM .. . _.. . , - . Salt prk is a famous old- . fashioned remedy for con- . • and regyiree little brain energy. A let ter of congratulation - may trip Along Letter accepting or declining an invite-• • gaily, saying nothing in particular, A • sumption. "Eat plenty of tionntnse°vMere ttaxesunes etheercinisiensathveeryinvhe,evtiit, pork," was the advice to the b d A. love letter is usually written with consumptive so an 100 amorous spontaneity And, like other years no . When it is labored it rings Woe. A let- - Salt park is g.00d if a man. 1 kinds of WV, is easy to the true lover. • *tcr proposing marriage deniands Mole in the writing. But a letter of condo - thought and ceiling° in the sending than can stomach it. The idea lence must appeal at once to the mind behind it is that fat is the familiar heemnor yet too not be too formal. It must food the consumptive needs i and to totions. It must teaund sincere and yet it cannot be sin- most. . eere• for the arguments one makes in a . _s Emui_ sio nis th_e mod,- I letter of condolence are the trite 'rea- S cote soning which is always brought out in the time of bereavement and which t ern trietho.d of feeding fat to neither consoles nor comforts- those who . e• - . are genuinely mourning. Putting them ; the consumptive. Pork is too consolatory arguments on, athey are dictated paper,ratherby one is L rough for senSitive.stornachs. ware that 1 Scott's Emulsion is the most • custom than by, his own opinion, and ' that they will 'have as little effect on I,• the bereaved family AS they: would have . refined . of fats, especially on hint if lie were sorrowing .over the , • e• .. • dead body of one be loved, ) prepared for easy digestion. The hackneyed arguments of consola- tion ore levelled at the wrong point. Feeding him' fat in this Consumption 1 and hid the mourners mitigate grief vrith way/ w.hich, is A)ften the only They deal with the state of the dead one the. thought that the lamented one hats "way is half the battle, but ' gone to a world that is fairer than this, • end is in a condition of beatitude. DUI Scott's Emulsion does more the root of grief is not anxiety for the than that. ° There is. some -7 state of the dead. It is rather self-pity. Two. are shed because one whose coin- thing about the • combination _piny gave the mourner pleasure has de, di parted end will not come back, Religion and philosophy both hold that the state . , of cod liver 041 a:It:is hirnPouPpsioos; of the dead, iia most eases is better than pintes n o gity. They Ct-ve no sregeets at leaving that 'puts new life: into the h dead rest sweetly in oblivion and are as that of the living. The dead do not need • ' o -f• aa his wbrld. f death elide all, then the. . Weak parts and has a. special affected by care or sorrow as they d In the Chapel of the. Rosery of thlittle e woe ten. thousand years before they' aCt 1 e disease Ungs. • , „ In'every home in this insulet , t::.-014i$TON NEW' BRA supply you with the 1404 and most TACO • Bottle and Foreign News, and •TtiE WEEKLY SUN speelal :eatures are -Market Relents that are up. equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY. Regular contributions by "Bystander" on current *Vents. Reports of Convention:I, Associations and meetlegs of in- • tercet and value to all farmers, dairymen airi stockmen. Practical talks each week on Live Stock, raitirying, Farm • Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, and other subjects, SUBSCRIBE NOW for •• . 71415 Minton New Era aNLY $ 1. 75 t34 WEIBItiIile SUN • And we will send 'rho Sun free for the balance of le*, rassave arour order at office. •. ' DROP A POST CARO TO THE WEEKLY SUN, TORONTOR AND] L 4' THEY WILL SEND SAMPLE COPIES, FREE • t Buggies !Nig agonst Do you want a high grade Buggy or Wagon We have the finest stock to select from. All the iateet styles in the new., • estvolore. Our prices are as low as can be found for first•dass mpterial and workmanship. Before you buy call and. see us, _ • We ale0 handle the Oenedian Steel rield Fence, already woyen, any !armee 00 °reef from 80 to 80 rods per day, it is aches") strong fence. , 4 OP • *134 ,j . _ 0 NEXP DaOR TO M€SIT ESA. SO . • Church of 88. Giovanni and Paolo burn. were born. If there la heaven hereafter sentfree upon request. Ver iure of St. Peter Martyr , Of man, if he lived, honestly and well,' is bet- • ed one of Titian's chief 'masterpieces, the as all creeds held there is, then ,the dea• d • sample will be B . great pct all the famous Venetian% works this wae while it was the loss of the campanile, for refrrded as being rite the ef .aetian. , ter off than he Was here below, The therefore, 111 fear that the soul May have only logical ground of pity for the dead, . thacform of a labetis on the wrepleper of ebyery bottle el . 13 au er that this picture la . - • , • ' • ._ ronmALDEHY the most daring in• desigii , e. other Teepee s. owever, this dieariter. i ill dmit, th t his i f i b ed SCOTT & - ., an eX• saints mourn as touctly as those of siete • •BOWNE i • • , . . Farmer Should Use • equal eelse he Pro lieed la -One to hell; and what sorrowing sur - great as it was, was hardly ea grave vor w a a gr e s as " on that fear? Do not the friends of cellent dopy of the St, Peter 'Martyr bv, hers? • CHEMISTS, Cardi da Cigoli in existence,. and ban There ie. sham in 'acknowledging 'Toronto, Ontario. soc. and $1; all dniggists. been placed over the Altar of the Rose that the so.ealled sorrow for the dead ie. • sr y, where the original once etocel I only gity for the living. Love bereft of • ,kts o ject will Mourn, 'its loss and its Inflected English.•f will be commensurate with the , . The. best known renaedy for Smut on =Oats, Barley, Wheat or Corn. Wo can give you testimonial' s from altthe leading limas of this siction who used our Formaldehyde -1.4.t. year Full .rnstructions given with each bottle. • • Use Combe's "Standard Formaldehyde while hb Was being shown GM: mourner becomes used to the loss hie etrength of the attaclunent. When. the Necessary neuntremente. sago by the mayor of tilt Olt. Fief abates accordinit to the rule A despatch from Wilkesbarre says :•-• Chemist et Druggifit B COMBE French ambassader, bloesieure'Clunbon indly Nature. But w 0 is bOld enough -"arse Dora Sutton, ivho left her hue= . - ) Axpressed his thanks gays the New to make this.argument in a letter of cone band because she said he ill-treated her, • "But I am aorry so to cociceoaeh on . • Was in court one day this week, and • qeth," answered the mayor, ' "don't • .• • Vorit Times, an a e . Tour time." pert of the evidence giveti was a list •of twelve reqUirements ,she desired him t� ihink of that .But you don't mean :ockroach, Monsieur C'ainbon; it% en • sign before she would five with lihn. woech you mean." ' l' She drew them up and left a: space at is it/ _I see -a difference in gene the end of each. 'Sign here, yes or no; she had written. ' They were thesee----- • Ye:* ' ' calling you, •Seeondl-Peovide 'material I'iritt--tlet lip at 5. O'clock withent niy • remer -a 6' and imsortant expedi, for one. cake a eveek.'•Third-Provide tion is in. prgaration eattle. 'United material for pies each week. Fourth - States man acturere have combined ti TWenty-five cents' worth of beef Tues. send a steamehip, laden with samples o- 1. days and Saturdays. Fifth-Clothes'for , their prodyctions •to Ruseia, China Ja you- thet Wilt niake you look attractive pan, Australia and South Africa to ktONA foreign merchants what they 'have tc . sell and t� become acquainted with the -venth-You will go to °burgh and Ufl- sort of goods in demand. Mr. Frank G e day school at Wyoming and not Make Carpenter has advoeated this plan in hi: my life liurden to get you there in and Mean. . Sixth---Yott. Will, not use vulgar or profane language at all. See eXtensive correspondence for a Beaten ' time, 52 Eighth--Iternove racithet% ebentemporary, and it is to be carrie,1 sub The effect upon trade witt tldngs end her cow; I cannot tend here the count ho in 1 lei Ninth -Buy one quart of milk 11 daY* IUI tre, _immediate And far-reachbee A T re a ru earl . Tenth --Will you take a bath all ovet Tonic, once • i weak? Eleventh -Ruth must • visited 'by the expedition is expected te ee. e • • Nerve Food and Blood BarIcher. They build . not peddle, ' buy or carry things. He -What more can you ask, dear l up and renew all the*orts Out.sind waited' Twelfth -Wipe your feet: clean - when humbly 'apologized! ' • . • N r 6 • 'SI at es g yxevenorm,ewi: then house. :yrdie Sutton, uld not gre to any of Haven't I admitted I was Wreag and at toads avaii sir.g the etrodeeng,tsitn.daryliett pert • t h • von rig cep en 6.441•rrons re * ilorom..••• • ect for .a • Man who is that wealc1-4 Effect; of Pi Orilnat AnOnAlao eek and • .ed that he should not be made to sup. Dr Chases. • . • r York iLife, • . • • e. die 114 11 LI- -et 'Peg rt pert it wife Who left, lime. • The Judge • • • err oss nergy, o hese et • b Breath etc mean be cure y using itgreed with him and Sutton was dis- Nerve Food Things Better Left Unsaid. rieive"-and Nerve pais. • charged." • The first rule *mild be enough to Bridge of the egierary orYC • Mark'e were said to be similaily .threat• tined with -collapse. • ' Venice mats for the most part on a bed of clay, alternating with, sand, to a -depth of several hundred feet. Ths builders of the campanile dug down scene ten to sixteen feet to this stiff clay,Aind over the whole area of the footings of the tower drove in piles of white op.. Jar , from ten to, eleven inches in diam- eter, nearly touching one , another, On the top of these a level platforth was teemed by the laying crosswise of oak trees, each roughly squared, and on the wooden platform massive footings wefe. Jaid. consisting of • five courses of large blocks of treehyte and Other gl_Itnite Of perphyritio rooks, from tlie Euganesua Mlle. Above these there are six courses of shinier stone arranged. in eta like streets, forming the base or plinth the brick superstructure.. In 1886 these foundatione were roughly examined, and both' the oak and poplar beams, which at the time when they were laid Weill taken limn the adjacent shores, where these trees still grow in aleundanme were found to be perfectly There was no staircase in 'the tower;' the ascent being made by a Vrindlig dined plants Of thirty-eight bends,. en& Ing in a few stops. Tho entrain* * the tower was by a small door on the west side, ' Visitors tao Veniee neuallat ooe the euneet hour for ascending the ewer, retreat e te * Woe ere tul view of tini 44100I.and Re surrounding* • , • itbsolutely free a betinttful .watch and .gbairt In either ladlea' or gentleman's • 11W, YOW choice ot tvrenty other • preralutild anth as line sete of jeWialty, sings,Violine. mandolins. tea set& sateen • ik* tes'ete erne etc Remember we .; 'don't want any money Until after you sell the pills and you don't have to sell any more than /2 boxes to get the Vendome., This els a bona fide offer itOlca a reliable cdncern that has given' thousand* of dollars worth of prem. Pneets, to agents all over tce cnuntrY• , KetneMber oleo tat- Be Ateold'a Eng.: ..-Iish Vain Pills are 4 well known Tem- ,- ady for 411 dieettees of the kidney and bladder, ::Tiright's disease, diabetes, thedmatiena, nervous trouble'', and fenntle cciniplainte, told are for tale by all Heat claest.druggiste and dealers in medicines In all parte of the world. You have only to show them to 'sell theM.,-4Y-Ou are not offering something ^ *bat the people don't knotv. Our Watches are the regular standard eke for Ladies or Gentlemen in Nickel or Sun Metal•Oasea with handsome hotfooted dials and tellable time.keen. are, watehee such as no lady or gentle. lean need be ashamed to carry, and ahoy will be eefit &boldest' Wee tO all Who aell twelve hues: of those won.. a/fitful MAIO PIM. Write at once and be the fleet in your locelity to earn one al thOtie beautiful Watcht and chain. • As soon aa we receive your letter or *Let card we will send you post raid - itvelve boxes, together with our Ilia's. treated cetithegue and beeutifully colored tad with your nameand address on as tour authOriged agent, )34ar in suirid thatvott will not be tusked to sell any Metes than the 12 boxes and we dan't 'want any Money Until after yeu have sold them. We bear all the expense *Ha are only waking fhb liberal offer tee a method of advertising Dr .4„en okra linglish Tokin Pine. DOn't dear. Write at, once &Odeon heauttfal pre. Oen t for yourieurtor °memo. mareterAteold.11iedielue 00, Depta.44 SO Adelaide Se, Baits Torok). Ont. nessAttet. • • and to grumble if after a tardy escape from a conversational difgeulty • 14, New • to still further Calls he: finds response , was made by an Rest End curate, who • • • [Partaking 'of breakfast at fa hour much One clay a 'carpenter came to him and tal, Philadelphia, are mut gre. e aut mos t ,n te recorded attem ts toe • Under the caption "The Art of Put. Price 500, a box or 3 for $1.25. All dealer8 or k • . • ting Things "'an Eti lish author hat giv, Vie Mienuen coe Limners. Toronto. nt. 02a e any Anat. ba k. No man who has pi t 11 will • • any ri a a . forego rightt4 en some very amusmg examples Pi sar T be called at least twiee every morning inc thula a qtteer way. One of the t uri Or u a • ater than that which, with the sincer. cultivated the friendship of mechanics Surgeons at the Presbyterian Noel+ revious ht. • h tifi d est of intention', he had decided upiios said, "rhave brought my boy's likeness, over the smog; of the operation per. sis Ru said gou'd like to have it." Jointed on Alexander Biiminond, by .• •" ow goo of ou to relnelnberi" said which the latter was provided with a we ems give Pesitions to. persons of alt stales ot ability. Agents, bcioir-keepere, darks, farmer's sons, lawyers, reeChatics, phy- sicians. prraOhere, students, married and single Weldon and widows. Positions are worth from $400 to $2,000 per stunt% We have paid several canvassers 550. Weekly for years. Write fully an we will give ions position to suit 74116.1SIte-D..LEV-411:,,Alt. HUTSON Co, Ltd. Brantford, the curate. "W a- capital hicenessi aew ear. The man his just returned - Bow Is her to his home in Malvern, Penn., Well "Wily, -sir, don't you remember'," said satisfiedwith medern surgery. • the carpenter. "He's dead." - Hammond had his 'left ear frozen "Oh, yes of course I know that," re. about four. years ago. A eatiderOue plied the 'etirate. mean how's the growth developed, and three yeeeks ago man that took the photograph?'" • A story 15 told of a young laborer who, • ante, be w sent by his fondly ,physician, 1)r. on his wa'y to his day's work, called ae the registraes office to register his fah. The ea ;stamp er's death. When the official asked the, Dr ' to the Presbyterian IFlospital. :was amputated, leaving only a date of the event, the sae replied: . .araft thelurYeee'eraenrretetueft tebeeekb°01Pitthaeli i • "He ain't dead yet, but he'll be dead 1 if you would ut I ear stump and lifted up a flip of ,skiii. in the shape of it peninsula, with the _ before night, clo I thought it would save; t Indoewnaltatithwer.”Jaurne3: .3' . P b.„ connection lust at, the root of the ear. the reiistrar. c'Perhaps your father will diapis of an ear and sewed up Us plive& tear mailedon receipt of price and two • e The ilap was then moulded in to the 4, l'Oolt's Cotton Boot 0 Te successfully used Month/ owls our druggist for cotes Cattos mike no other, as all Mixterea.pillii One are dangerous. Prieb.110. 1,51 itix 1410 degrees tronsers 311 pet box. t 11.1 0,000 Ladles. Sate 0 esteem!, ea" • a 0 ea Ilive ti 1 toetorroW." The, pla.ce where the flarhael been was Th6 Cook Compariy Win411011; 1#114117liold and reoommendea don't know, sir; .the eloeter severed. by pulling 410 skin up over ' . ~,11111 tri Says aa vveulie won'tt and he knowis what he The operation Is °ailed in eutgleal par. has " lance a "plastic err ttion." given un.. No. I, and No. 2, are sold n Olinton "afa Orhnee," slid the rector to the. Me Mall Waa a le t° lea" the liesPi. it allIATOtitible Drug Stores. vestryman "we bad 'better take up the tat in a little overtly., week& The hospi* collection iefore the sernion.'"Indeedes tal surgeons serthat the operetion a; • "Yea. I'm going ft; prettels: on Economy.", rare one,„nna in thin ease resulted. Very4 successfully. . • -• " • •'74-7:4771.H.i.q cOtild be obtaine -----..4Indeeethe, • !!4,11 • tower was the only way o undiestaild the intrleate plan of the city, which' from the top M the campanile mall spread out like 4 map, with all its apitiot and ehtutehes and &teat fibulas, while beyond could, be keen the stieWy Alps. The tower was always open, but visitor's Were net 4110Wed to enter it alone. single traveller had to engage a byetaut er to enter with him. At the top, even in modern times, was AlWartatittiOlied a watelunan, but not for the mime put.. poets for which a sentinel Mood there In the days of Venice's greatneee. The Vtateinnalt of modern days carried it tele. scope, but it was not to Mail the hori. eon for vessels bringing news of victory, but to look for fires in the eity and to glee notice of then. It -may be iruppote4 that there will be • eestrelting inquiry into the ease of the tali of the tenver. Venice epende largo eliht WIMPS -11y on keeping her fame Otte Mortumeetil fit order, and,* number of officials have nothing to do bet to eV ain1114 the bistorie buildings of the city 52nd report' on their condition. Every trstee Of detay 1. suppoted to be observ. ed, end money is evellable for immed• IMe repeire if they are aseseeestry. Among Ib. *Mad* _employed ley Veniee Itinb some of the leading arehiteologists of t hits easeateee ;eassak aalarilke arid* cuR,Es e ; .!`-1 • Of - • , Dyspepsia, BOils, Pimple, • lleadaches, Constipation, • Loss Of Appetit,e Salt 'Miens% Erysipeias, Scrofula, andan troubles arising front the stomach, Liver, DOWels or Bleedo ' Mts. A. Igethangue, of Banydine Ont. writes: 'X believe x would have bon in irwave long ago d %net been tot urdoen Blood) Bite fere. I was run dovnt to eurn an extent rib I cotiM stone) MOM Obeid the 1Washilbjeot 4,011:16.,h1t14sin.t. isms ; my appetite was gone awl .4. Was 1011110Werk. ttlit tuitibta to 421 my sine trrt boat MI Of 1.5, round my faun re to a Dinner Invitations. • . al find with riser' it succeeds better to ° asic them personally to come to dinner," said a fashionable young matron tbe other day. "In the llrat place they are not to apt to refuse, and secondly, you I get an aneWer at once, whlch saves a lot of worry." "But it le so awkward for a person to be asked point blank; Web' obliged to *tempt whether he' vents to or not," returned her eompardo,e. "That 1. just what I *ant," laughed the y.onng matron; "it le the men 1 need, aud if they.eOMe, / do not- elixir if they feel it - obligatory or not?' Molitesties who do aot desire to be eonsidered bores, heat.. Mplain of the ,tiefi ig ever, should avoid giving invitations in person. Many men co the telephone le delivering meta,. done fib giving their" no time to make up Wholesale at4:ock of plates their mind*, or to col:toot a plausibleA. • License should, they not feel inelined, to - as very beet porsible tempt. Organs, the very entertamegble 4 iillilintinutlan, v", • v. • \N** abslat • 11111010 ! It is reported at Sydney that Mar. 1 gram, PPiloPei • tont hise raceiVed wireleas messages 00ES and a Ilattety ot music mud ootnevane • es, S. COOPER . • • PROPRIETOR, General Buiider and Contractor. This factory is the tersest In he oounty, and hes the very latest improved , ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive " and 'reliable stook andprepered plans, and give estiniatee for and Wild all glass es of hultdings on short notice and on the closest prices All Worn is enpervis- • ea in anc3benical way and eatisfacition gnarinteed. We sell All kinds of in. , terior and exterior'material. • Lumber Lath, Shingles, Xime, Sash, Doors, 'Blinds, -Ete igtt r. the Celebrated' onAtirmir.A. sonotn DESK rosantealdr • ) 4.4), oWitterloo. Call and get Ohio and Ostiniatee before pleom‘ g viser orders ' . • . .„ r res .11 .• • • ." : - FOr the Pairtra4p is now almost Complete: and comprises all, the new materials • • • . ViT4i.st materials in FrenelirlannOs . VinnOtlaines, tto, . •-, A special line of Fancy Striped Black • Silks for waists : at 6Qc yard. ,• 13),..• .:COAMO .4??‘oir • The American Newspaper Directory" tabus/ Semi.Annuelly.. • Eetablished 1869. • IAdvertisere. adverileing itAente, editors, and Canada. ,) tipoliticianse rrhe 1 olstpweottketi itiseat iitabhteieeet il 3,:inprs! tr• ehtt nt f eiUnited nn tftomttih. 461: gn6 :0:11: 1, .d6rete,:flittilt:goarlino°10,0:01:::;:lr. lagnn‘etugai tlal thetilig: iseedsue:Poiset°tIdbfort ealfiltlie!vie:0:11 liduelael I::: ttiCe*Y°: tab lobt*Pl:rtil il ke:40:1 e ji:eilio°1 innilni:: ernnsente rely upon ins Statements as the "."woneveiloe:/:loebneitihmerrie_...tireotnueViihenamPei irrihe fin; iht1.2 ; : recognized authority; MOre.Aftronrit000itiodureohnsigat:ytp.retm-visirdiAtza _zit:. „ollioniOtab:ViiistibtiropfiGaViieetioa:.fslitWooldbattlur;now afinietlIattP001,:ed,areaxist6iiirn:ieeldPvailsiiitl:tnabrtibel itwessto,,itopeenda:al:ntiPh;e130:1!linncad: ;Ili eptirahl a 6: B imno :wit ithi le:Al tree' r at ::::: f 0 n 0 f 4: inie • • fltillie:iitigolaoll nisillitrttn. al TitP gives the iiie4levell etrilxi okolaTilettielit astirel5Ppoliett edbIthaeralltesranateliiimegeno irengt name, It gives the Pubiumer 11 44re' ,„_ of the perms* knolls; whom infOrMatiOn it gives the size of the paper. . 11 gives sue seked, to le the oircalletion of a nawapaper tillIbilVglhlivilplettet tiePnlite°eti' lei:loll:Le; rieshic%701:itcswi :611 gtiailinisserottriliteitfoir:n.":"IihilalkieliehrtegritttaehieseIrmiltiposc‘notnatiottibirt:10:::'Ithat11414111c s sansfor i it evv disaaretarilleteeerviotftcylketasitarittierttlioelintititphrletuietebbra4likbn! ooisnitirtncirlintizoibitz szotbiurnotoottatilitibottirit puistlationt: !MUM , in the body of the book with a' otrouletion :rotiamterooboaxioti 4, w.hiclute twoluirs rust wait 3.,, :144621,10;:aigvell:vslattatbsyse°047,7100uirtiist tio.let6 oyes! at vsbutsiumhiiewspaperd_ stuvrautiotrorinauitti-satoxilocomth tiwi rottetm ill . , • - .., e ,, ti corner.stotie of Great lifeitiOrldi at cittl ittia Kingettan by Sir,Senti. e HOARE'S ford Olainiop, eMusic EmoorIum. Dr Charlton of Montreallaitos to have ditcoyarik a *rum , • , the germs of soarlet fever. • r:. r4.p •L