HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-14, Page 5••••,••••!,
1114ittingShoe Anniversary Services ot the taken up and it Was euggeeted be, Rev A GUARANTEED CURE
Stewart,- that ite the present facers
they be re-elected and nn 'notion it Orms of KieneyDis
Baptist Church.. hod not put• in a full year's Yew k that r All r
wee carried-Preeldent, Rev J. Greene;
sere • secretary, A,. &toper ; treasurer, j. 0. ease.
Flile weather was one gloriOne feat'f
.Is ur comfortable whether the wearer ure that greeted the anniversary
Vices of the Bastkit church last Sunday Stegention ; devoeitor, W D
Walks, Sits or Stands!
liagar Shoes
Fair ;
and Monday. 9 announced tee weed directors, Jas Walkinshaw, R A. Man- We,the unclersigneddreggists, are fully pre.
Coltmar, of Brampton , lseaker for (he ceeitel0T1 was Rev M D. a former re- ning, WitteW Rclob, W Q PhilliII ps, % end the resident roinleters ex- pared to
every eiteent bottle of
give the following guarantee with
Dr. Pettingiles Kiri-
' e
spected pastor of this church, havira • officio members of the Board. ney Wort Tablet, the only remedy in the
been etationed here seven years ago. The speaker of the evening Rev Bel. world that positively cures all troublesarie-
and wagewelconeed back, as was avid ton, 01 st (entwine. who le ete,a/rent1 leg from weak or deemed kidney 1-
enced by the good turnout at both ser of them ciety, gave an outline of the i "Money cheerfully returned ifthe sufferer
icesf I et Sunday, and his p.ddvesm i societies woi k in piecing before the 1 iti not relieved and improved efter use nt
people of all creeds and races, the Bible o ie bottle. Three to out bottles taw'. in their their own language. Each year 1 tonishing and permanent puree. If mot re
brings different ifichenees to get new lieved and cured, you waste no money." R.
labor in 1 he field, and other means of P. Reekie, Druggist, Mute:4 Ont.
getting in touch with the• out-cf-the.
way people are devised, and doting
Are not uncomfortable .r7rItin 311,P
They Fit Well—Look Well --Wear 1 Well
We carry in stock 26 different Otyles of this make of Shoes
giSing yaa a splendid variety to choose from,
The prices range from $3.00 to $4.00.
No Shoddy—No Paper Soles.
Patronize the New Shoe Store and get New Shoes,
on the evening 'pile wing,
The choir did their part nobly, ren-
dering some choice selectee -ifs, as well
as an anthem morning and evenIng,
and were ably assisted by As McRae
and Rebt, Downs. • ,
Mr Coltman's morning talk was on
the desire of Chriet to have us love
himetlid end for his text the last chap-
ter of St John and 10th verse: "1-10 saith
unto him again the second time. Simon,
son of Jona, I iyest thou me P He saitb
unto Him, Yea, -Lord, Thou knowest
that I love You, ele saith unto Hun,
Feed my sheep." •
In the evening the epeaker theorized
the object of King Saul in biding him, 'l
- somewhat as to the interpretation of
self, or as.1 Sane. 10: 22 seye-"And the
i • ,
Oial\TIII-• .
- Lord answered, Behold he hadhld hi
self. among the stuff." To the majority
of the theologians to -day the idea, as
' j• 'gleaned from Saules act, which brought
forth the abcve exclamation. Wa8 that
2P0***********VeleWee.• IPHoeeuPe4IPPPP~IPPSWPPI.APO
The best bisenit and always the best.
No change'', No uncertainties.
Every binuitlight, moiet, delicious. ,
If you. want this certainty on ,Baking Day, use
Hovey's BakingPowder,25o a .1
Our Baking Powder is an absolutely pure OremTartax
Powder, - contains nothing irnurious
J. E. moyEY, Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
wipiagiopmvipswimpimpsymsasturAmpap sawsv.v.wpww$444.4pit
Rowe ($z 11011away
Some Bootee why ye Ihnkl hey from filo Clinton F1111111111 CO
Becaus,6,-: their stook ie large and well assorted -The designs are •
'the newest and Most up-to-date- The oonociuotion
and•finish the best -Materials that Wear out the buyer's expeotatione, ,
and prices that are easy on our automate. . ,
All kinds of Repitifillg at moderate prices. UNDERTAKING.in all its
branches. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence Princess St..
direotly bsok of Presbyterian A.)herah. el firateelass Hearse kept.
L J. HOLLOWAY. Manager & Funeral Director .
the past year they have pieced in the
hands of the heethen nation, through
Dolporteurs, women • readers and neue
eionaries, 5,069 000 copies, ince the
foundation of the society which is the
oldeet in the world, t he speaker said A ntimtAr of anol PhniC0 pies six weeks old.
had distributed 175,000,000 Bibles, goviiilini10,---JACC,$-BEbreEa, elenton:
.printed ,in 867 different languages, and
requests were DOW before the Board to -- • •
To have it printed in 159 other dialects. • .
Many were the stories told of incidents rr Investors—For Sale.
net by tiolportei r :, in treneveising A business property at *2000 -that will yield
over unknown lauds, seekiug the at least ten p. neciremit per annum on money in.;
heathen in the but, the cayern, the vested. .
mountain too, and in every stage of Nov. 14 tt enOx le NEWER* OeFICE.
civilization, to pregisnt thern with a '
copy of the Bible in their own tongue •
if they were too poor to purchase such. Notice* to Farmers.
Xf Autto torments
Pigs for Sale.
through modesty or through humility He dwelt largely on the influence that --
ter be had been changed in heart. But
Mr Coltman took a different view of
the case and thought Sao' was a cow-
ard inethis act, and that he exemplified
a poor standard of Christian character,
and which a great many of out Chris -
went, trying to hide their' 0 rietian world by the reading of the bible in
lives instead of peaking them shining their own tongue. , For Sale. or To :Bent.
light's for 'those in darknege around •
The resident ministers were next --
them. He was listened to with eager called upon for a few words, and the Haat half lot 27, con. 12 Rolle% containing
been 'drawn closer to God by the sin, town's disgrace Wet the society had e
rBtijitZ.Rtd.cleteroeoact ane abotiV 7fItt•gr:qt,
attention, and all felt that they bad geneal feeling Was that it was to the
cerity of his expostulations. been allowed to collapse, and it was driving house , hog pen, lk acres be%ring °r-
eciter, hard and soft water, bank barn,
On Monday evening; the services thoughe that in° reason for it was itiotorieeltreal familtiwe.heCtirfetsPir= ri:)net:
per in the council chamber by the society confined with the B. di F, B. S. Nov 14-tt
Station and P. O. 1344 miles. APply
IdA.A.0 BARB, Londesboro.
were continued by the giving of a sup. that a great many had got the tract
ladies, and a choice pro ram rendered, and thought their work was the same, .
-beeidee au elegaut au -patreatio--ad-- esionacy_svirit„...prevAile, in the
dress by their special preacher, Rev M. chu hes they thought, but the fact
D. Coltman, on 'Canada for ilanadian bad been lost eight of, that without
youth " The eupper was well attended this societyehe work of placing the
he ha hid himself from the world, af. ; the Anglo Saxon race Vf419 exerciein As the Evaporator is filled up with apples,
it was that race that the world would • cannot buyer y more, and farmers will kind'y
thepropfletors desire to intimate t at eY
in the evangelization o'f the world, an
govern themselves accordingly. We appro.
The genius of that race was due to the to their patronage and trust that for the
balance of the season they vvM refrain from
have to look to for its enlightenment.
Bible's iofluence, and that same in- brisiging &IV more. TowN & °ASH.
Clinton, Nov, 14 tf
Silence was softening the natives of
Mahe to -day are in just such a gredica- the cru""t and hardest races of the
the ladies being kept busv.from 0 till 8, bible in foreign tonguesewould'be en.
1 fulfillinf the demands of the bur . tirely lost, and ehould receive the firet Fo'r TJ. S. Section No. 16 13.tat Wawanosh.
Teacher Wanted.
• •, •-•,•••••••
At 8 Dec ock.a large asseinbly tilled grythe attention Of all interested in mission- Duly to commence Jan ' 4th, 1908. Applicants
church, when an intereeting program SAT work, .e., to state Wavy, and. send applications on or be.
was given, composed of the following The meeting was then brought to a fore Bee.8,,* eoretary, Auburn.
to HOSthattvonAN.
numberee- -Doxology; prayer; mixed close by the singing of a hymn and the 14-41
chorus by the church choir, Mrs Howe- benidection. • • , Nov: e
er and Mise Robb and MVO'S McRae• • • /11.
and Downe,entitled "Crown Him Lord e • , . Leacuer Wanted.
son; • reading, "Sandy McDonald's
Philosonhie" Miss Wilson; duet, "God lites Trip to Goder
is love." Miss Irene and Thos Jackson ; ion of Auburn ?Olio eohool, Ontiefs to own.
Bolo, Norman Murch; reading, Mies
Grant;' quartette by the Jackson fam-
ily, entitled "The Tack," and a closing
:s anthem , by the choir. The lecture,
which was composed of information
of great importance to the Carnelian
youth, drew the earnest attention of
all, and a great deal was to be learned
andwhich, if acted upon. would
benefit the young man of teday, in
uplifting himself to nobler eitheree.
Among the many good things he said
of the standard of our Canadian sons,
was that the United States lied learned
to appreciateand welcomed the in-
fluence exercised by the presence of the
8,000,000 noble Canadian sons -now in -
tab -ding that country. They wereeiot
the scum, he said, that had gone to
them. not the law breakers, but those'
that could command and are enjoying
the choicest pesitions of that large
country in every pur,esit of life. But
this exodus the speaker werit on to 1ORIKE--112 Clinton, Nov, 9th, to Mr
of all; "The Holy City," Stewart Jack. • . •
lt Poetical Sketch of our Model- --
• • Female teacher wanteMor the huller divis-
/Iv .
a n te 41 : OorreourteeiddaeyveNryovTehmualaiyafit9e0r2uon •
... The Cone, of Toronto that triarket for
We want as many
Fs as can make it colliarmven:
lent to come in and take a
barrel ef Redpath s Gran-
ulated sugar, as •we are
_crowded with' it,and some
of our friends complain,
if we store it on the street,
so we will sell it for $4.00.
er hundred lbs, by the
el, to make mini _for_
i '
go: there as also better demand' for
, • stock
wae eikAaes upwardlir9ver tii li,a lambs
export beNevf, ere and ' butchers'
:cattle, with an advance; pork is firm at
$5.01. Wheat, oats and -barley show a
better price, 69a to•70e for wheat being
Paid, oats 29c to 30e, and barley 85c. to
37c. Potatoes are 35c to 40c, .buttei 15c
to 19c; and eggs scarce at lee to 17c..
• Fall Wheat old.........0 69 new 0 70 '
in " ' 0 a .
arts •!. .. 029 a a
ar ley ..... ........ . ill 55 16 0 87
Peas ....... 0 60 a 0 60
-. Flour per owe ........ 2 15 a 2 15
0 lltet ( 5 r, - , Hay ..... ..... ....... 800 ,a 900
' Sheepskine . . .. . ..... 025* a 050
01 course, We will deliVer No. 1 Gr en trim.hid 5. 00 5 50
eort es 2 50 e 5
it any place inlown. thteneoh, per ii:: . :: ; :. 0 08 : (3 4
Pork, live .. . .. . ....*. 5 50 a 5 50
ono GROCERY . Pork, dressed 8 75 a 6 25
B tter,loose 0 15 n 0 16
We T. O'Neil u
" tub ... 0-15 a -016
. Eggs per dee... .. , .. 0 16 a 0 17
One telehone nuniber is 48 . Dried Apples per eS :54 : g g .
Potatoes er bush...,
Attend the Best, It Pays
Recent gradiaates have excepted good
position° at $40, ,$45, $50 and 560 a
month and a few days ago an aPplios .
was received offering one of our grad-
uates of lest term a salary of 0800 a
year, Tbie is the kind of evidence
you are looking for as to the best
school to attend. Catalogue free
Enter this month if possible . •
J. ELLIOTT, Principal
6mAue 29 1,
Tlie Novelty Bakery
..and Restaurant
Oysters Oysters
We are ptepared to serve the
.beat oysters either cooked or raw,
We &leo have panned meat
l'oung Duch, Belting Chlokee
Corned Beef, Bonelese Tutkey;
so the best salmon. •
e handle the best chocolates
Mcselornicike choice Maticaibo &lee
Pettersorie oreanle end burnt al-
manac Pitney bon bone always
In Meek,
* Choice stook oferteeigets and
lernoneebane.ntie mid all kinds
of fruit itt
abOY bred and oaten &twee,
on hand,
wading Cakes a
• Terniii etrietly Web.
lifeClay, Clinton.
(By a Collegiate Muse.)
On Friday eye, of just lige week, •
Two loads paired off so nice and sleek.
As they came up the Huron way,
• The whip, on the hones, did freely 'play.
mance the 1st of January, ape/ s
salary and testimonials, (a personal appliGa-
tion perterred), To JOHN rems0e.seoyeTreas
Oct,,31-4. Auburn P, 0,
. Teacher Wanted.
For Union S. S No. /0 Hallett and Goderioh
Young terrine, the driver; was so gay, Ttownehip. Duties to oommeneelst ofJart nary . •
t h 1 ud if con. •
November 14th, 1902
••••04 ••••••••••••••••0
McKinnon at Co, I
Great Fur Exhibit
- The recent arrival cf $1000.00 worth of Ladies*
and Gents' Fine Furs in Men's Fur Coats, Ladies'
Fur Jackets, Fur Caperiues, Ruffs, Nuffo, Caps, Etc, :
is an event of more than ordinary importance. A '
few years ago some people thougit it wise to go
out of town for their .Furs, That time has gone by
and the' now look feTward for McKinnon:& Co's.
Great Fur Exhibit. '
We are now able to show yon the Aiwa stook tint hag yet wine within.'
our doors. Buy your Faro early. There ie no choice like drat °beim).
BE low we give you a few quotations which will give you tin Id:ie. of the
goode•we carry: .
Black Coney Cawrines, high Worm collar, long front, 6 tails, regular $4,
very giecial, $3.e0.
Caperinee, in eleetric seal ited astrachan combination, high collar, large
oape, very eresial, $3 50.
Fledge Seal (3ap:riees, high collar, long front, lintel with fiatin, 6 tails and
chain, 4.50.
American Sable and Astrabhen Couthination, long front; trimmed with tails
and chain, very stylish, $625. . .
• ..
Boke,ra and Eleatic Seal Combinstion Caperinee, high collar, 8 tails and
chain fastening, great value, $8 50.
Also a very large aseortment of tepposeurn, Electric Seal, Sable am; Pereian
Limb Combination tlaperines, very styliele goods, at $10, $12,50,
end $15.
Ladies' German Mine Ruffs, 4 tails, a soap at $1.
Ladies' Black Fur Buffs, 6 laile and chain, $2.
Bleck Opposeum Buffs, 2 heads and 8 tale, $5.
American Sable Buffo, 6 tails and chain; 464
Ladies' Astrachan aaterete, in aileizee, at e22 50, $25, $30 and $40.
McKinnon ar Co., Blyth
4144114)04100610041 9.4744;41MOZ Gar)
This week we Elbow some fine BELe
Fine ROOM SUITES in quarter -out pot:
. _need either White Emmet,
urnitu. re Iron or Oak Beds. Also a fine lot of
.P.rieee low ail the quality will perneit. Headquarters for Window SHADES.
Bring us the size of your windows -we -do the rest. Pictures framee while U wait
J. 11„ EICAIAJE: 'VV , 11.4t7k
toves. toves.
oai is
He said It was as warm as May ; Applicants to kat° colt ca e Ie1(1, a
venient, personal applicotion would be pre.
But Johnson Who without a coat, ferred. Applications received ut to NCOV. 12
Wished he'd kept Court in 1 lorada. pa
. ei, El. BILL betides ore.
• .
While Tied, for home was itantarze.
Ed, the Kerr was playing ball ;
' For King was a Rodaway in &beat; ,
' Porter's Hill P. 9.
Teacher Wanted. •
And Olerkes.H.art rose into hie throat,' e : '
Bennie, eV/vett& wag ready to go, • es to St 11 ^ --lie Iva
auntie to :minx.; Inadutaig
For in the hall he had- no show ; .. . Would orator, personal applications. • Appli.
But Porter wi„ Sealed right to a ohair, cations received. up to Nov. 22nd. . , •
. For all the time he was seen right there, a, 1 OR i• ANCB See.
8 ins Nov 7
I', 1,,
Tax Notlec.
Ray, had tallen place when Canada was and tare Hugh Berke, a daeghter. The undersigned will be in his office the
00 00
HAPPY THOUGHT ItANGES—The People's Favorite.
HEATERS—that will burn Soft Coal 'Hard Coat or Wood.
Allt–TIGHT–HEATERS—for wood only, $8 50 to $4 50 each
Suitable for Ranges and sn3all Coal Burners
Suitable for Grates or any kind of Cooking Stoves
SEMI-AAAIMACITEI—a small quantity only — suitable for
Self -Feeders and *Furnaceo.
it her infancy when the then residents JOHNS-- In Tuoiteremith, 'Nov. lLtc,Mr Town Hall, every evening from 7 to 9 o'clock, • . , .
of our lair Dominion were more eau- aM Ira for the convenlents e'of tax livers.
re not satisfactory, advise es at oar store, and we will take it away. Sativfaotion
of our money book. Orders for bait cords or cords can be delivexed from our
yard. A few cords of -WOOD OfITJNKEI -. just the thing for Furnaces or largo
•as a country, But now he inux had 26, to Mr and Mre Robt Garchuer, a son.
eervative in eir i "•• an ra Johns, a "re .10eRe WHEAPIX1r: ORDERS Ieft at our store for 'large loads of wood Irons the bush, we are tilling
but whop they kept a tighter string on MoVITTIE -In .Eaet • Wit Roma], Nov as promptly as possible. If for any reason when wood is received it
theiemoney than what they do now. 91h. to Mx and Mrs; H Male ie, a eon.
-It was when tleele. S. h-----—
purned us GARDINER.-In New 'York, on Oct.
Plank for Sale:.
chaeged and it was coming our •way,
McCONNELL-In incefield Noy 2nd A ratty of Hardwood plank for sale °heal) • Wood Heaters. '
The boom in cattle in the United Statesis
easing off, althongh prices there %radii', high
as compared with what is being paid here.
In Chicago' Wednesday p line stec rs wdre
quoted irethe telegraphic reports at $6.85 to
37.25,a drop of a dollareor the best AB corn.
eparewith lasteweeles-telegraphite-xeports
In Buffalo prime eteera w,ere 56.50 to 87;
ebippingesteers $5.25 to $6; heifers $3 25 to
$4 75 ; coves KU to $4 ; canners $1.60 to
32; bulls $2.50, to $4; feeders e8,75 to 54,60;
stockers $3 25 to $4 25; stock heifers $2.50
• 10 33. Top Teals were $8.25 to $8.75. Toe
tenths were $5.40 to 35.60; yearlings 04 to
64 25 ; and top sheep $3.60 to 3,75, •
The best sort of exporters were not on off-
er at Toronto Wednesday, but Wide...wee a
trifle better than it had been for some time
past, and prices were a little higher. The
genera run of the beetofferinge sold e.tabent
$5 but one or two ex:mpg:mat loads went as
high as $5•25, while some Bold as kive 58
$4.40 Butchering cattle ran about $3.50
to 4,25 for the best, with inferior down td
$8. Dry owe sold froci $8 tie $3.75, with
a few choice up as high as $4. Good 10 to
12 hundred pounds feeders fetched $4 to
$4.50,and lighter ones $8.80 to $4. Stook
ers went about $2.75 to $3,25.
In London, Wednesday, Canadian cattle
were from 12o to 180 per lb ; sheep llo to
120 per lb; and tombs 140 per lb, &Harwo-
od weightv-Refeigerater beef was 100 to
110 per lb,
lt, A I
All kinds of grain
wanted, and the highest
prices paid in cash for any
quantity. Call: at the Ele-
vator and see us before
for 1Datead of Canadians seeking the • • , Sti tab,e for barn or stable floorsboulvertseto.
. •
tf Nov '' R. Or J. RANSPOR Cilattn• • Our orders V re in for Hard.Coal, OS. will.li‘ve, soon .as we can •
. to. Mr and Mrs L, Mo onnel, a eon. .• • .
adYentages held UP. by. that • country .
they were DO exior.e. . sought for .there. ... •LEASE -In Loran. 00,26the tolle and -/ • .......--- • ...4.-..---e
diens _going to that land at all, • the ,• • itoilENR Ste -In itotteti,00t 28i1a,tice Me ' Fkrnit For Sale or TO Rent.
d M F M 'It d • ht • • • ' ' • • -- • • . . . .
-country; moreover, in place. 'of Cana- :,
• . an re o e 3f, a aug er.• • • . • .. . . • , • .
Americans with their e cepital.' were % e ....,...„,„..e ...• .... • .,. • ..... •• The West bolt of.Lob 17, o n 8; Hallett ip,
corning to us iuthoneanes. Atm epeake •' ei tee T—tn Rr oefield; trot 2etn,' to ear ' • fte acres in all,. of winch fteen scree' are
er referred to the theory advanced by andeare Chas t tit datiglater. .. . . seeded, eight acres in tall. heat, about ten •
Canadian soil by .A.mericans may mean *lane D. Davis, daughter. - - ewe wells end a never fa ing spring on the l
r0000ftbush, principally herdwo d, fences'in. good -
' tr, soil tho best and all •ell drained.. Two
Goldwin Smith, that this swarming of , DAVIS-In. eater, OW 23rd, to Mr and
POPE -In • 111i 13 9i Miles fro 'Clinton .011 •good
in the near future, when they •have put . • •
th ' awe iin everything that'they can
.&. GINNiOlinton P O.
to NEW Mist:Moe or
given .at onoe-for
. ..
but could be picked up in our own Mrs Auhust Lease, daughter. •
roxeter, Oce 27th, to Mr "ravel road. Possessio
tf. Nov 7"
• urther particulars appl
will they. Maine the pretectinn. of the . 53)a nrOh r 45 Pope. I a son
S. flag, and ask that country to step WIT WEfefe Zuricer,Oct8eth,to Mr and '
in and•claina this country as their own.. Urn F. Witwer, a son. ' '
, Mr Coltman said he would not like to NICHOLSON-In Hay, Nov, 4th, to Mr
say how much apparent truth there and Mrs Rich•Nicholson a son
wae,in this stalement,•but it behooved • I •
the.Canadian born to seize as many of WILLIAM8-4n lesberne,Nov 8th,to Mr
the opportunities .pi esented our land and We B. Willieme, a daughter.
so that the intended device of our • ,
American topeins Would be off -set to it MARRIED.
greater or less degree. . •
At the close Rev Mr Dunlop thanked BRECIKAW,ALLIN-At the residence of •
the speaker for the great assistance he the bride's parents, Colborne, Nov 5th, by
had rendered on this theirannivereary, Rev ee A Shaw, Chas Breckaw, to Lorena
e"--Tid-o-wod-ther iiutOesirof it to his being - daughter -of -Win Alike - - - -
present. Thanks were also tendered THOMPSON-MoCREA.TH-At the re.
those Who participated in the program. eidenoe of the bride's parents, Nov: 5th, by
The proceeds of. both 'services Rev r A. Anderson, B A, Annie May, eldest
amounted to SOL ' daughter of Wni efotereetbeo David A emu
. , of Robb Thompson, Goderioh.
Annual Meeting of the 'British DILLON-CONLOGUE.-At St Patricies
and Foreign Bible sodety. church, Dublin, Oot 28:11, by Rev Father
Fogarty, Joe. Dilion,Logeneo Mary,dangh.
As announced from the pulpits of the terof the late eite °cologne, elibbert,
several churches last Sunday, the PIKE. KARKAND- In Morrie,Oot 291h,
annual tneeting of the Rat -isle and, at the reeidenoe of the bride's wants, El
Foreign Bible Society. was • called for vita,. to ems efarietta, daughter of e. 51
Tuesday evening last in St Paul s
school house. • The weather was any/
thing but favorable that evening and
in consequence but a baker's dozen at-
The cause is worthy of ,a larger at-
tendance, and greater interest display. etlesSELL QUANCE.ae the reeidenee
ed, however. even Under unfavorable of tbe bride's parents, Nov 12th, by Rev W
auspices, The very society to which M Martin, B D., David Resole to Miss
we owe so much ourselves, for the Annie, daughter of Hirsh Quande, Exeter,
benefits dadved troth it, by our fore-
fathers, in furniehing lie with the
freedom of religion we have to -day,
can be tau at the feet of this gocietY,
andif ever the dley conies when the
religious Bede shall be drawn together
in one fold, 'It will ultimately be,
brought about by this Berne missionary
All the resident ministers of the
town, except Revs Dunlop and Wriitht,
were present, and took part in the
evening's discussion,.
ReV Greene took Marge of the first
part of thb program. After the sing.
mg bf the Doxology -and the opening
prayer was made by Dr Gifford, Ito/
.Manning read the Ifith Psalm, The
choir than sang"Before Jehovah's Aw-
ful Throne," after which the chairman
called on the president -Rev Greene
to take charge Of the meeting. He
Webb over the local branches work for,
the past year, and felt discouraged
that more had not been done, but hop-
ed that greater 'mimics wolild be forth.
coming the present year. All there
was to the society's credit for last, year
was 09, which Well very small for the
work that is being aecarapnened by
The eleetiou of onion was next 'dtirigatatlerr"°144 NOV 8114
the B. 13e 1.0, S,
raatind. •
DAVIS-Tealeeli-At the residence of
Rev H Mackenele,London,Oot 22ticl,by Rev
ti Mackenzie, Miss Regina Davis,Exetereo
no Taylor, London.
RATTEN1ll1Itle-00 Thuredel, Nov. 6,
Tease Rattenbury, aged( 58 yearie
' RAEDER-In Hayibeit 281h,Jno Itseeer
aged 20)egre. '
MITCHELL -In Exeter, OM 29th, in-
fant daughter of Ur and DIts Win Mitchell,
hod 8 weeks,
HAYHURST-In Watford, Nov 8rd,Itev
Wm Hayhtmet,aged 71 years.
DOAR-In Goderich, Nov 5th, Henry
Doak, aged 79 yearb,
WiLSON-Th Morrie,ALtlat, *Athol'
dierighter of Jag WilsOrlieged Tyetre,
moo:an—to winghwitlov 211d,virm D
Moore, agea 80 years,
AT3RARAM-in Whighatn,tiov 41howite
O f 'Phos. Abraham, aged '65 yearo,
. GRAY -In Wingliani,Nor Bth,-4)larence
B., :len of Win Grayetged 8 years,
CROWE-In Claire:se, NoV 41h, Gee,
Crowe, aged 6 years.
NORDOOR-In Lueknow, Nov 6th,
Missies wife of 30 Murdoeh, aged 40 years, '
Hardware - House
eduction. fn.Prices
• Hoe hi a great chance to swum a firateolassebaggy at a big reduction, :No
tionteStudy t
applied to ane, cif our ten 'spec-
. .
ial courses given by ' Mail, will
produce goad results for tbe
ambitious young men or wOtil•
an who wiehes to prepare for a
better position in life.
The cost is but nominal. Our
...leteve_OAtategi tre "Marching to
Success" contains arIT parr cu..
tars. Witte for it. Ad.dress,-
Central. Business College
A strong wheel, with twelye
• regular teachereopiendid equip
ment, and well patronized .by
students from every province
of the Domjniote.
W , 0. 41'aw. Prineliiel
Yonne &Gerrard Sts, Toronto'
, , •, . •
Tenders Pk Supplies, 1908
these pricieee--
. " $$0 Buggies for ifeeet 1.$75 Buggies for $65 •
$65 Buggies for $6O'-4 '
Remember theee are itH„oui own make, which places us in a position to:guaranis)
them, as we do not buy any beaterial but what is first Mame
' RePairing pleomptly attendedeo by experienced men.
RU.dBALL 416 .111ellEtTIL . Huron Street, - Clinton
Tho Undersigned will receive tenders up to
noon on 1110N1)A.Y, 24T13, INST., for supplies
of heti:there meat, creamery butt?r, flour, oat
mearepotatoes, cordwood, etc., etc, for the
following in eti Entities during the year,1908, viz:-
et the Asylume for the Insane hi Toronto'
Lendon,Ringaton,.1fitinitten, Mintito,
vIUo Cobonrg and Orillia, the Central Prison
and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto; the Reform-
atory for Boys, Petietanguishene; the Iristita-
time for Doaf .
and Dumb, Belleville, and the
B ndo Dap% iBorrititt foOoradO. r 0
are net required for te •
• .
eupply of bleat to the lisylume in Toronto. Lon.
don, li.tngeton, Hamilton. and Brookville, nor
for the Central Prison and liforeer Reformatory
A marked cheque for five per dent. of the
estinutted summit Of the contract, payable to
the order of tho Htnerable the'. PrOvitoial Sec..
total', meet be furnished by each tenderer as it
gue.ratateo of his bale -fides, Two sufficient
iglic‘intD,riellb(PonVgar,°41171.111 any tender
bore Verhl„totliahrathw: btoofoodreertehre r000tri troctroirertowharod000t
iteesirity, the amottnt of the dePoett Will bo fur-
SeelneatiOns and forms of tender may be
gtrsigglttsi4:artiigieAt1::h of• Ilan
Of the resperedvointitltin.
Tho lowest or any tender not Ineeseerni,
WiahOantler lte from the Department' win
NoVitterre. !beetling ibis edvertieenient
not be paid tor
J. 11. STete.TION,
Provincial soorotarv.
looeVir LOtMttit"lnb 24"r" rETTLoldesboro
Wanted;. JUST. IN
146°. A car of POTATOES, Nee; 3RoraaltignessA, re:0CnnslyigtZ81'
14°°n 85 1possible.' Perreille °SileenY.
tem'ber heese
Mos; aelas11:iinds .of good 1E'.Icia
and Dried Apples; for _trade Christie's 'Fancy- Biscuits
McLaren's Imperial Cheese
ddie and Codfish in blocks
Have you tried our Stratford Sausage? They are selling fast an
are very fine, All these pada are best qualities and prices right
• PM:ITHIIRJ 1V1.-“rribA.N.13
• • Snweorestd Ogle Coopee treCo .
sokeeteesWereltAeliWiskitiVeeeNeieset tiereeresAebeaseieeeeeeWsWIWAAA
n oritinilv
The sale of a heavy stoek of Dry Goods, 'Hats, Ca,ps and Puts
Boots Ld Shoes, Crockery and Hardware, at Wholesale prices,
. presents
A Opportunity of Saving Money.
Shrewd buyers wilt be quick to profit by it. Stock is right up
to date, and fully assorted, 'Salo is now going on. Will. you,
take a share of the invfits that usuablly go.to the merchant -t
You are invited to do do.