The Clinton New Era, 1902-11-14, Page 4'November 14t11, 1902
Pi Great Showing of
e0.:ats..t0 Skirts.
lbe very newest dnd best tallor-made Coats and Skirts of the sea-
%tn. are represented in 'our stOck.,; The big increase of business in
this depaytment ha5 been brought about by attention being given
to every little detail Xou can always depend upon our Skirts
and Coats being correct in every way— in style, in rnpkel in fit.
Ake have just added to our stock several of the, very newest
thin, gs—which we invite you to see—the lowness of the plices
are such that it will pay you well to :see them before buying.
Misses' Showerproof Coats
Ladies' Coats at Si
Made of heavy all wool -frieze, in oxford .grey, with penai.
fitting book. seams all boonwith tape, very special s 00
value at each
Ladle's' Coats .at $6,15 to $8
Are made of all wool frieze, in dark Oxford. grey only, some
are lined, others unlined, velvet eollar. These coats
are 45 inches Jong and have serai fitting batik, all good „a „
value at $6.75 and
Ladles' Coats at $10,411, $12 to $15
At these prices wean give you an elegant range of watt+,
all a. e from 42 to.45 imam° Jong and come in black,
fawn and Oxford grey, some srd triromed with velvet, •
others Avith self oording. All are lined thrzughout with
eatery &Oh or satin, Every coat is made by expere
ienoed man tailors and are perfeot in fit and finish,. so
prices $1Q, $11, $12 to
Rain Coats at $3.751 $450 to 0-50
We oan give you a fine range of Rai q Coats at the above
prices in Oxford grey, fawn and black. They are all • •
made with the new box baok and &revery special values
at oar prime 68 75, 4 50 to ."
We /am Putt received a line line of rain-coate for girle,they
are naade heavy cloth and any think them warm
enough for winter, all come in dark Oxford, and arew
made with yoke beak, priees and* ai UV
a .
Children's and Misses' Coats
We are showing at very nic,e range of Misses' and Children's
• • Coate, in cetera of•red, fawn, navy, brown and black, AiL
prices are from, eaob ..,,. 2,25 to 0 UIP
Tailor made Skirts for Women
This department has becorae very popular with women who
want the neviest skirts without the trouble of getting them made.
We baye a very fine range from which you an choose an.d eau
promise complete satisfaction au to atile and fit.
Skirts at $2:95 .• •
Axe made of all wool homespun in Oxford grey, navy and
' black,all have silk stitehing at bottom and will be found 2.95
a very serviceable skirt,pruie 4
Skirts at $3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5
- .
At Una° priest; our ;range is very oomplete, all the newest
ideae are shown, in thelot will be found skirts with the
open and corded seams, some of the skirts are trimmed
with atin folds, also Moireeilk,-AlL_the_eltirtil_l_tr,
made of cloths that will give good wetar,homespitne,ser.
- ges and beaver cloth being used, pridee 3.50,4 00, 4.50-0.1W
International 1.41ve Stock
Chicago, Nov,, g9th to Dee, 6,0
Return rtleiceta tor Chicago will be sold
It, 2n4, and 3rd, 1902, good to
- return up to Dec, 7th, 1902,
$1275. ,
Provinieal Winter Fair,
Return tickets for Guelph will be sold
Dec. fith, to Dec. 12th, In, good
to return up to Dec. I0th, 1902,
!for 0220,
Buy your Wrote up Town and avoid
the rutin and delay at station.
*V, R. Hodgens, Town Agent.
Went Albtrtigilit6111
Look Pretty -N. B. f1enry
ea saved-modeene . ; ,,,
Coate and skirte-bleweombe
Tiekete-P.I • • Immo • • • • n
Cups and Saucers -Cooper Co............
Koine 8tud-Toronto lime College,..,
To investors -New Bra
Notice to farmers -Town & Case
For sale or to rent -Isaacs Barr.
Teacher wanted -T. • 6
Pigs for sate-,!.Beeiger.•••,•••••••• • •
Page 1
Tenclere J. It. stratton.. ... .... ......,.....
An opportunity -W. 14„Onincette....,... $ -
Great Fur 10xhibit-lneXinnon a Co.... 5
Some reasons -Rowe Holloway.—
clothing -Jackson Br 18,...,0..
Good values,,Hodgene .. ... - 8
Your new ekirt•--W. ix Fate no,,,„„„,
Sugar-$. W, Irwin .• * • .• ••••• ••••114.1l. • • egg.. 0
Postal Business,
••••• •••••••
Below are given sonie figures taken from
the.Postmaster Generales report for the .41
p. et year, (jot hood} the revenue figures
are for the year 1.601-2, up to 80da of Jona
but the salary figures in all the liguree be
low are baved on the reyenue returns el
theme 1000-1, which ;mounts for the
oeming dieparity an the salaries of ewe
of the °Moo. The Wary figure* here giar..
en have no relation whatever to the gross
revenue, so that any comparison, based
thereon,ici wrong and misleading. tertiaries
for all postmasters are based upon 40 per
cent of the tonal revenue of the office,
hence they fluatuate from year to year,
but in the case of the emaller ofiloea that
show a deoretteed revenue, the department
does not always lower the salary to the
actual 40 per cent. Fore number of years
Soforth held seona platy in volume of
business, but the following table, relating
to the Wei towns and vintages Of the
ceantYt showe that it is now fourth.
Witaglaam hae forged ahead and now holds
second place. In all the plum mentioned
in the following table, except Goderieh,
the postmaeter gets all the revenue trona
the rent of boxes, which does not figure in
the salary column and is. so nincli extra.
Goderiola poet office being e publio build.
ine, the post motor is allowed half the
box rents, in addition to his regular eatery,
the other half the general revenue.
• FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1902.
• ;Cabinet eiiauges.
• Opposition papers predicted a crisis
in tbe Cabinet when Mr 'lute went
oat, and no end of troable was appar-
ently in stere for Sit Wilfrid before he
could get the vacancy satiefactorilir
filled. Botb Sir WIlfri4 and the Goy.;
eminent seem to have got over it with-
out any difficulty. and excellent choice
. eeu maneritr-bothcasee.
Mr James Sutherland has been ap-
pointed Minister of Public Works, and
• Mr Prefontaine Minieter of Marine and
-Bargainsfor Fridayand Saturday's Selling
This group of specials should awaken interest in the mrinds of hundreds of people. rhe
values are such as should bring crowds to this store, no matter what kind of weather it is. It I
will pay to buy the thing,re you need, now. It wt11 pay you to buy them hove.
Mr Prefentaine is not very well
known in this 'province, but he is a
commanding figure in Quebec, espec-
' hilly in the district of Montreal, where,
it is safe to say, he exerts a greater in-
fluence than any other public 'man,
excepting Sir Wilfrid Laurier. His
appointment is tacitly .endorsed by Mr
Tarte, though they were personal ems -
aged': Mr Prefontaine has a brilliant
executive abilit•y and a
which promise success in his new po-
sition '
No •reforence to Mr Sutherland is
needed in this province His promo-
tion to the great spending department
of the Government is a signal tribute
from, his colleagues, and has been
earned by his splendid service in the
other departinents which have been
under his control. He has ,shown a
rare capacity for hard work and for
mastering practical details -.--very need-
ful qualities to. bring to his new details.
Commenting on .the latter's appoint-
ment, the LondoeNews (Independent)
bays: . "The Premier, in appointing
Mr Sutherland to the office, has again
given evidence of his forte of charac-
ter, and itlooks as though he relies
upon the record, of his Government to
:10c Flannette at le,
• 200 nixes of 80 inen, wide flannelette in aSsorted•orior-
• ed stripes, all heavy gualities that will give gOoci wear,
regular 103 values to go at, . . ... ..
12k Flannelette at 10e
*hush wide fl innelette in pink and white," extra heavy
quality, regular value 1.20, en sale as per yard
More $1 Blankets at 80e.
100 pairs n- ore of thoge 11,4 Fisnnelette 'Alarkete extra
• heavy quality, lofty finish, pink or blue fast colored
bordere, regular -trains $1, speoial at.. .....
3.50 Wool Blankets at 3 00
Best shetland Floss at 4 bunches for 25e
• „„ 300 launches of-tbe veryhast qmality.of -Shetland Floe -
cream and black, our regular Klee was 76, special for
Friday and Saturday only, 4 bunches for • 25e.
, •
75c Dress GOodS at 40e
10e 200 yards orZebelines in colors of ied, brown, navy, royal
etc, also heavy all wool checked tweeds, all new goods .
tine season; regular price 750. °Woe iat per yard.....
25e and 30e Veiling at 15e •-
goe 100:yards of Veilings in assorted designs, Genie eolore hut
mostly bleak regular 250 and 300 ealeprioe.. .. . .. 1.0e
Laces Embroideries at nearly hall -Nice
On Friday morning we will place on sale overat hundred
ends of Laces and embroiders in lengths of.2 to 6 yards
on each at about half price.
Xxtra heavy Blaaikets, niade of fine'quality of wool. with'
just enough cotton carded in to.lteep from ithrinking • -
• good large me blankets that are regular' $330 value,
•special at ....... .•
Church ehlinen.
ST Panes OritilKa.-,Last Sunday
being theAt.7.40 birthday tpecial
VICOB w0're ordered by the Bishop of
6eral dioceses, of Canada for a
jrny Of thanksgiving to Almighty . God
for the recovery and coronation of the
• King-, the restoration of peace, and the
return ofb the Canadian contingents.
The whole eervice was indication of
such -prayers, psalms, lessons and
sermons and iritunc,•ana was much en-
joyed by those in attendance The
morning discourse by the rector was
based on Col. 3: 15, lel ter pert, "Be
• Se thankful," and enumerated manY
telling incidents in -the history, . of our
another land,thakyre ehapld feel thank -
fuller hiendeinhotierin.fttioned tabOve.
In the evening, the causes for the
success of the Britian empire. was set
forth in the text, "Righteousness ex-
altyth a nation." He also pointed out
the beauty of living under an mon-
archial form of government from that
of a republic; showing that nothing
tint anarchy and blood shedding fol.
levied in the track of the latter, while
the greatest freedona was exercised
under the former, and all because we
recognized that our rulers had been set
'.apart in the coronation service as
ministers ot• God, and that we bowed
in humility to the fact that we possess-
ed an eat thly Ring, and which we
mightadd that it is the. only case were
subjection and freedom go hand la
hand, to our mut uel benefit. Mr OM.
Dowding, took the solo in the anthem
for the evening, and was much enjoy-
ed, he possessing a rich, baritane
voice....The second concert under the
auspices of the !ulnae will be held on
Monday evening the 24311, the pg1am
of which will appear next week.
OrrrArtan Sviimrr OEURCII.,- Last
Sunday in the absence of their pastor,
'who was in St. Thomas preaching
anniversary semen.% Rev. , Wm God-
win gave two appreciable sermons to
the satisfaction of th4 large--eorigrega.
trationt that were inattendance. The
evening dirleoursemrata based on Dear.
32 t 81 -"For their triek is not as Our
Bock, evemonr enemies -themselves be.
ink judgee,"and.he turned the story to
the Christian of today, whew nothing
disturbed him while restive on his Sam-
leur..even io death. But the thought of
misfortuuo t th k
him tremble, and. from Mar of such
• be ineks release from such thougths
in drink"oplates and even by the
hand of a suicide, forgetting Mtn who
ma for his sirni,shoulderedhis troubles
that he might be free. On Wednesday
evening a congregational meeting was
held to decide as to what nature their
coming anniversary services would
take, and on motion it Was decided to
ask for a ceileetion instead of giving a -
etniner....Nett Sunday Rey. Wm.
Medd, -Masan, will °Minn the .pulpit,
the pastor being away conducting an-
niversary servioes for Mr Medd.... An- •
niversely services will be held in • this
church on Dec. 7th; to be conducted by
Rey. W. McDonagh.
. WEst...acrattnott..-The Intermedi-
ate League•met-ti Monday, evening .a
usual, with -Mr Ed, Jenkins in the
chair. Mr Russell Manning gave a
veryinteresting synopsis of a lecture
on "The Bible," One point which he
made very dear by proof was that the
Bible came from religion, and not re-
ligicri brim the Bible. The solo "Gnide
us, guard ns" was well rendered by
Miss Lizzie Reid. . The Ladies Aid So-
ciety,. of Wesley Church, hold
a parlor entertainment era sale
of useful and fancy articles at the
home of Mrs -Hodgens, on Thursday
evening, Nov. 27th The entertain-
ment to be given by the Intermediate
League on the evening of Friday, Nov.
21s2., promisoto be a rare treat as the
program given below will show :-
. 1 -Address ..... M Manning
2,Solci ,. -Kra RChowen
3 -Recitation .,..Agnee Irwin
4 -Duet, .....1Vlisses Irene .Taekson, Dona Parlee
5 -Recitation ICcitie Manning'
6-7-neeQoloRation Mr Tannest
Millie I:Stevenson
B-Duet....311.1eaes Wale Reid, Beatrice Green
kildress . .... • A. T Cooper
10 -Duet Miceeti Olive and Francis Manning
11 -,Whistling solo Mies Dona Perim
• Dev.' De. Carman preached anniver-
sary services for the Wino -ham Metho-
dist chutch. last Sunday,
keep the people with him, rather than
upon degrading party "pap." Mr
Sutherland ie emmently fitted for the
portfolio, and Sir Wilfrid makes no
ones about recognizing his fitness and
ability, and placing him in r Mee in the.
Cabinet; Above all things,Sir Wit -
friers action stamps him as a broad-
mindetv Canadian, a, man Of inflexibile
will; and a man eminently fair. It is
a noticeable 'feat too, that -Anew,
. though in the posener of the port.toile for yeezer 7fiakort no • complaint,, '
044 Tira objection, but plods alon
like the rest of 1113-Canadiang pure an
simple, nothing else,and satisfied to
kno w that an Ontario' 'Man has been
awarded the plum";
10 .1
0 0-g
g 0O73 0.91
Blvthl.. -.41452 27-a 6884 614-5783 85 572 00
Brussel; ..„ 2288 78 17922 70 11409 87 980 CO
Clinton 4886 81 16550 61 21847 79 1580 00
•Exeter .2807_52 19284 20 14438 54 830 00
Goderich... 0566 70 28523 51 27425 43 2025 46
Kemal' 1802 01 9048 24 4814 21 992 00
Seatorth 4805 65 14700 25 19892 69 1624 00
Winghara 4507 75 20277 le 16312 85 1440 00
'Tfie following figured show the gross
revenue from the accounting offices -that
oisrdeorftinfes whioh issue and pay money
•Place Gra-s Revenue Salary,tko
$368 19 $194' 00
Beigraye..:‘,.... 555165 6892 228582 6090
Bent:0111er 108 71 GO 00
Blnevole. 318 87 165 00
Brucefield , 400 69 180 00
ntralit _ • R1.4 p 126 00
CraObiook 193 92 :00 00
Crediton . 048 02 270 00
Dashwood . 348 08 180 00
Dungannon 708 53 270 00
Ethel 448 27* 190 00
Forded* 620 48 330 00
. Gerrie • 913 35 •320 00
Kippen . 360 37 184 00
Londesboro .... 395 24 164 00
St Josephs ..........128 13 90 00
Varna ... . . 322 70 170 00
Walton 358.62 160 '00
Wroxeter 816 86 39800 •
'Zurich 696 33 320 00
.noTn higoonlIndtwinhiggqorffiectebse irnetutrhnes fcrooranntyth_e
County -
offices that are not Money.order aloes,
whose buaineee outside of letter de ivory is
only the este of stamps and.postal notes
Revenue Salary
Beeoliweod$' 52 00 $ 30 00
Ateberly . .119 04 *5700
Mike ' 102 80 50 00
Carlow 115.00 • 44 00
-Chreeihnrst 72 90 30 00 •
Constance ' 180 45 85 00
Drysdale 98 72 50 00
Dunlop 115 00 40 00
Egmondville 245 OQ 110 00
Pordycie 39 96 ,20 00'
Glenannan 71 00 ' 36 00
Glen Farrow..... 31 96 24 00
Hohnesville 160 78 16 00
Henfryn., . . ▪ .. 66 04 28 00
Ilillsgreen 91. 14 40 00
aerie* 37 70 24 00 ,
• Kingsbridge „ 110 00 48 00
Kintail 179 17 • 90 00
Laurier ...: 70 94 28 00
Lakelet 98 49 , 56,00
Lanes 60 '00 - • 3C 00
' • Leadburv 120 42 50 00
MI411 soYfrelcanloion.k.g: - 42 221402.1140000
' .14.2rAtief f • 45 87 24 00
Newbridge 119 00 • 80 00
Nile ... 101 76 •52 00
Porter's Hill., 79 37 40 00
20 00 12.00
Rt' redggrearyi et 3' 53 30 00
St Helens • 182 00 80 00
• Saltford 120 03 56 00.
Sheppardton65 00 20 00
St Augustine180 77 80 00
Summerhill 33 00 20 00
wS nenasihnienme 10 '40. • 12 00
• 208 OD 86 06
Winthrop 1.19 60 60 00
• Coining' and- Goina, The London Grephic says that. the
ptitish Board of Agriculturehas mucli
Ur and Ilfri 13. Cavite and die.*Crews
spent Sunday inGoderich. • • to accomplish 'before it. can claim to
AlexCooperGoderioh; epent .sunday rank with ;the Minietty of A.griculture
. ,
with his brother S. S. Conner, for Canada. This is complimentary.
Mrs Dr. Otill, Mitchell, ahaperoned. a , ,We havenot• noticed any. Mad; ranab'
vited to our firstassembly on Wednesday on the part of theGoderich Star or
evening. ...
Other Conservative organs to explain
party of live from that town, who we in -
We are 'lorry to learn that Frank Hovey away the revelat,on of five cases awe
has been forced to give up his studies at ruptiott in five minutes at the North
,Trinity for the present, owing to ill-heidth, Norfolk election trial.
and will take two weeks rest. .•
Ingersoll Methodiets have called' Rev
E. E. Marshall, of Woodstock, IterG
R Turk heti been inyited to ()Wen
Sound. .
Rev, Wna Lowe,Winighana,has been
a_ppointed drgartizer of Domestic and
roreign Misinort Societies in connection
vvIth the church". ot Ungla,nd in this
neighbor hood,' • •
Miss Lila Wattil.A., of Guelph, will
give an address in the lecture room of
• Willis ehureb,on the evening of Nov.
20, on the Leper Mission; a collection
ill aid of the mission will be taken tin.
. • •
Gerald Sifton was acquitted at Lin-
den of the charge of murder.
Every person landing in S4111111, firim
Port Huron is beam vaccinated. -
Mrs Manger, an old lady of 06 years,
lost her life in a, fire that destroyed the
house where eliteivas living, near Swea-
burg. •
fl yon Were a voter, or had a right'
.to vote, at the election on May . Nth,.
you have a right to cast.J1 ballot `at the
referendum vote on Dec. 4th, if you
} have continuously' resided ;An Ontario
since that • •
Among those who attended the'aesembly •North •Grey has beendeclared vacant
isses Wednesday evening frotn a distance were •
an agent having admitted hiring a liv-
MCull and Dunstaore and . Messrs, - •
Forrester and Harlend,Mitehell, and Misses et"?' ri!4'. The Liberal candidate 'got a
Mustard and Anderson and Dr. Jarrett, majority of five inthe general election.
1:0Y93. 4 - Thte reduces the Ross Government's
' majority to two, with four elections to
' Rasa and Referendum • be held. •
• liOrt. S. C. Biggs, in anaddress at
Sir Richard Cartwright is the firet
ICingston on behalf of the pi ohibition
cause. made the statement that Hon. colonial Minister, who has not held•the
G. W. Ross le In favor of his own ref-
erendum. esokne da said. mr o ce of Premier', to be made a membc r
Bigge, "I asked Premier Ross w et er 0 e ria o
1ago,h h f th 'Impe • 1 Priv' 0 uri "I The
he was•going to vote for the measure statue conferred is most important,
or not. He replied, 'Yes. I am; and the lmperia.1 Privy Councillors being
more than that, I shall shortly address
a circular to my friends and supporter
to the effect that if they have any
regaid tor my wishes, they also will
vote for the referendum 141." Mr
Biggs added, "There ie no doubt about
Mr Rees having made this ataterrient,
and if he does not keep his word he will
hear from Me later." . .
Sir Wilfrid Laurier will visit 'Hot
Springs, Virginia, for the benefit of
his health.
,The election of A. G. ac ay, Lib-
eral, in North Grey, has been declared
vein on a technicality. .
At t are. e or expansion revealed by
the trade refurne of the •four Months
Which ended on Oct filst, Canada's' lig-
gregate foreign commerre will show a
gain of not leas than $27,000,000 whew
the fiscal year closes eight months from
John Brown, ex M.P,P., Was nonain-
rated by the North Per th Liberals for
• the Legislative Aeberably, and Mr
Monteith was re -nominated, by the
outranked only by peers or themans of
These are the present viteancies in
the Local Rollo
N'orth Renfrew
North Norfolk
• North Perth
North Grey
It is it coincidence that all should be
"north" ridinge.
The Conservatives of North ?erth,
who realise that they cannot beat lehn
Brown, of Stratford, in a by-election,
are trying to persuade A.. F. McLaren,
M. P., to resign ana tuff for the Weal.
Alex McLaren is a latetty popular tel.
low, and a strong candidate all right,
but he's not quite foolish enough to do
a thing of that kina.
The Goddrich Star is eery much wor-
ried because the Ntw Bait has not pub,
Oonsarvatives. fished the evideriee in the SOuth Oxford
1.13. i`lint, M. LI. Inc Yarmouth, has election trial. The most noticeable fea.
been appointed Clerk of.the 1101100. a,e tore Of the -trial Was the fact, that a
successor to the late Sohn 13ourinot.
Mr Vlinethae gained coneiderable prom. defeated Conservative candidate was
!mode because of his strong advocacy - Wng to supply evidence of corrup-
of temperance, and his withdrawal
from the 'House will be a distinet loss, thioensuonixttolifen3a7r5b, ofwheishoirvne nfloitentidotet,iefeodr
as ho is a cleeree -debater.. But the gov. imiy. cdni3nre of this ih the oselido,vir.
'cerement has made an excellent and
d h ill fill th tuous Star.
position With ita.ked.abilif sr.
popular selection, an e W e
; 1
•••• •
Presentation tl vittf,217, Latorneli,
• •
formerly of AlOISOn'A Bank.
Mr W. U. Latornell, of the Molson's
Bank. Ridgetown, who was in town
last Sunday, was a Weleonle addition
to the strength of St Paul's choir dur-
ing the morning service, •and advant-
age was taken of his visit to town to
present him with a prayer book, which
had been ordered trona England over a
month age, and fortunately arrived
just ih tithe.
The presentation took place after
the evening service of Sunday, the
rector performing the ceremony in his
usual happy manner, in the presence of
the choir and many members of the
congregation. The .rector referred to
the long and faithful "eervices as choir-
master remarking that hewas special-
ly. entitled to ceedit for keeping the
choir together throl many changer,
and for inculcating such a good oprit
mom/ its members. He added .that
owing to Mr Latornellis sudden remov-
al in September that it had been im-
possible for the choir to make any
recognition of his services at the time,
and that they welcomed -this first op-
portunity of doing so,.
Mr Latornell was altogether taken
by surprise, but made a feeling reply,
saying that he valued the testimonial
much more, coming as the result of
much deliberation and thoughs on thp
part of his old friends in the choir.
The Prayer -book is the cathedral
edition,and probably tbe firet of its
kind Mathes eyer been seen in Clinton,
The proper Music for each pert of the
hturgy is printed'rift-the 081334 Page ne
ths text, and in addition there is an
appendix containing Tallis' litany and
other traditional music of the Uhurch
of England, together with full direc-
UM; lor Oh Mating and intoning, mak-
ing the book valuable as a word ot
reference, especially to a choirmaster.
The whole book le handsomely printed
and bound in German moroota. Ou
the fly -leaf the following inscription
witsengrossed and illuminated by. Mr
J. A. Fowler, of Godericb, the stile
used being that, of the fifteenth century:
Trim nook 18 PRBSBNTED TO
ti. LA.rO11litla.1
irse TIM Otroin. AND Mninsita OP
ST. -Muria Omen, 0rawrot4.
IN OnaTramr, RumgurntAns
1118 OBNIIIIODS nrrittotyri BBItV/OE8
AS 011011114tASTI13it.
156t 25c Cupse:Saucos
. At 8c fpr three days
On FRIDAY of this week you will find in our show
windows a !'splendid array of Cups and Saucers, worth
regularly from 15 to 25e each, but as a special line we
will sell them on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday (Nov.
15, 17, 18) for only 80 each, but notraore than 8 to one
The cups are China, nicely decorated, and a good size,
just the kind you use for ordinary every day service.
See them and be convinced that they are the hest value
you have eyer seen. Thivrice is for 8 days only
Fancy Baskets Fancy Goods
A lady never bee too many baskets- In making up needlework for Ohtietraris
that le why our artook ill Men aleired Yon will want considerable material,
out. The new eteek it now in, and we end WO WWII tO inform ion that all
call trend Attention to oar 25e1 one that Wiles' man be found in our assort-
timorte4 calorand are speol
ie lit Shetland Floes,„(best Ilinglih brand)-
They are trirom.4 with eittin and rih.,1 went, Art 511100, Stomped Linens,
bon of
seine. Waste paper, linen, end laundry, Berlin Wool, Saxony and Fingering •
baskets alweye in aloe*. ern, and all teateriale for homy work
A table of odd wall Piper, from 0 bit retie of a kind. worth ,in the regular
way from 10 to 20o a roll, will be °leered out pa make room for Kraut toys)
at 8o a roll, These will do nicely for emelt bedrooms, Attie% or kitehens,-
Trimmed free, •
Window Shades Curtain Poles
Far your new house you will need Win.
dow Shades. Bring your sizes to us,'
and We tell you what is suttable, • and
give you the lowest prices ter guaran,
teed cloth and rollers.
We sell hundreds of •poles complete,-
witli brackets, end pion and ringe, for
Dainty white poles, with* brass elide;
oan be had from 60o to $1 40
• . „
You do or
you don t
but do you know whether you do or you
-don't? It's not likely you de unless
• you have had vcrir eyes examined by an
°enlist or Optician, because they may
• have unenenectal defeote, WhY not
know for certain, when the 'knowledge
win cost you nothing and nasy slave you
unnecessary auffering.
ew Books
Kindly remember no when you maul
-tha Itatest book. • We will have in a few
deys Ralph Connor's new bobk, (Nei.
pry School Days, and of counts you'll
, want to reedit at onoe. „.
• See our window for eome of the latest
works by popular authors c
Special.terms to libraries
The time is CQ111112g when you will
will need to renew for . your, &invite
Daily; Weekly and Monthly periodical
and we avish to tell you that 320 0611 awe
yon money on any paper yonwigh to
cdez .
. Cali and get int pricer; and clubbing
offers. -No one can do better for yen -
We duplicate any offer made. ,
Ping Pong. •
• • • -
is the most pointer gains in America at the present time. It
is enit-
able for old sed youne, and can be ';played on any. good Ape dining
• 'table: The prices have very much lessened during the last few menthe ,
. Owing to the very large sate throughout Aro ioa
.These are threellites of special value
• No, 1.,S8f-Twei timed handle. wood bias,. two polished poets, green
185' " white binding, and 2 Halex balle-conaplete, itt 'oardbeard
boa, with rules. Per set ... . . . . ...
No; 2 Set -Two turned handle wird paper surface bats, green net ' •
WithwI*ite binding, two polished posts and four Halex balls, coin-
plete in cardboard box, with rules.. per at '
No..8 Eiet-Two Wood bitts with double sand paper eurface bladee, •
turned handlai, new style clamp poets with fehhOttenne, bound net
and four Haiex balls. Per set • ' '
. Bate extra With or without sand paper surface,' 10, 20, 35 and 50e •
' each. Best lialex balls extra' each 5o. . Best English Caddie, each 150
'Agents fog 0, P. R. Telegraph and Dortainion Express
Money. Ordere, also for Butteriak Patterns ••
qositas and Going • .eoming and Going
Mr e Tiddall went to Toronto on Monday.
1, Readreturned to Montreal on Mon-
day, • • '
Lawyer Have, of Seafortb, attended the
Toiroie, M. P,, for West true, we
in town laid week. .
Mimi Vita •SeyvioOd is • visiting With
Mende in Hillskreen.•.
Miss May Hannan, head nurse of 'Weed-
etgek Bonita]. is home on a short visit.
-Geo. L, Ziegler,. of Elmira, Ont., has
joined the staff of the Sovereign Brink here.
Dr, Shs:ve, of 11/(orris, epent
a few days with his brotner, John Shaw,
last week, •
1111rs W. H. MoIlroy and sonLeslie,
spent a -few days with the Mime Heywood,
Huron Street. •• '
Mrs Stewart Soy/tont returned Saturday
evening,after spending a week with her de-
ter at Toronto,
'Bert Dayment and Bert Been, of the
Herald staff, Stratfod, vent Sunday at
their homes here.,
Mr and Mre A. Sperling and children,
of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Ed
Walsh, London road.
Mrs John Loki° and Mrs John Cattier;
on, Bruesele, spent a day with their friend,
Mrs Sohn Shaw, thie week,
Mies Tierney, .11lyth, spentoa few days
with her grandmother; ,Mrs Thomprion,
Albert street, the pad week. '
Mrs McCaughey; ar..ancl two grandohild.
ren are visiting at the forrner's son John
McCaughey, Commercial Hotel,
It. Doan reterned home Saturday morn -
big from Itidgerown to attend the funeral
• of his friend, I. lietteribury, Ife returned
- to Sarnia Monday.
Bev Dr Gifford returned home Tuesday
morning from St Themes, where he had
been conductirtg annitersary eervices on.
Sunday and &ions:lay lam.,
Miati naith Itobson spent Sunday Val
her taunt, Mrs Ross. Seaforth. She return-
ed on Monday, secoMpanied by her moat,
who, will spend a few days hoe,
• Bev Coltman tett for his home in
Brat/Anton Tneeday. Be called oil
his many friends in town while here, who
were pleased to see him looking so welt.
•Thos. Tipling, Detroit, was one of those
from a distanee who attended the funeral
of the late I, Itottenbury. Ile Tooke
maarkably well, and was the guest of /so,
Flynn while here.
,funeral of Isase Rattenbnry on Saturday,
Mrs Arolly Coueins, or Ashiteld, visited
at the home of her Boum town over Sunday.
Brown Magpie (son of_ Mr John .Mar.,
qui,) of Nieman Falls, N. YOB here on a
short visit. •
Che. Shane returned to Detroit on Ron-
do', Atte spending a few days with relit.
tives in trim].
, Mrs Gegen left for Buffalo .on Tneoaay,
where ehe will spend the winter with her
son in that city. ',
Miss Cluff, of Toronto, after spending
tt uwroh we deeokue Ma t thdets yb me of J. Cluff, re.
Wm Rookie went to Courtright•on
Mon --
day, after spending a week at the home of
his son, B. P. Bookie. -
Jae Ford and Thee Mason went to Tor.
onto Monday to look after their cattle,. ,
whir& were shipped the owe day,
Mr and Mrs Jae Swallow, Woodham,
and daughter, Eva, are goats of the fot104'
mers bzothee: Geo. Swallow, of the
Latorne112 who spent Batiirday
and Sunday with frienda In town, returned:
to his post of duty at Eidgetoavn On Mon-
Mr and Mrs Wm Mahon, of London, or -
rived in townlionday evening. They put'.
pose upending the winter at the Clarendon
hotel with *their daughter, Mrs Perkins, ,
Wm Straohan, of Lot:titivate, Ken., who
harebeen visiting his late bon:lona wife and
homily at Goderioh, spent Wedneeday with
his nice)°, Mise Straohan, of Midget:le Bros.
Emporium, -
We are plowed to learn that Ms W. X.
Pearce,Seraforth.sieter ofiMrs 3,P. Theiale,
of town, is much improved in health,and is
at present visiting With her parents, Dr,
and Mrs Moore, strathrOY.
Oliver Johnson attended the fluent
his nephew, Hardy Melrose, at lieeto on
Saturday. Thelittie fellow hod o
ill a few days with quinsy,. death
claimed him on Wednesday, eek. Efe
leaves four brothers ond, four sister& to
MOM% hie lose. Both parents are dead,
and the rest of the bunny live Mother at
VG p 40036
theoho 1