HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-14, Page 2• 11.0" been made into the question in 13-ennany, and as a result it is found that of 9,918 Weekly accidents and dis- ors'ers,such as are commonly attributed to Ind luck, 1.574 occurred on Monday, 1.5.51 on Tuesday,' 1,631 on Wednesday, •,,,O on Thursdays1.688 on Friday,1,638 on Saturday, and Mt on Sunday. llovenitor 14th 1902,„ Tho ttIrre of Ikstogee- • 14 1)4.1011." a ilappze ThOuSlat" 'Tont the worst worry 1 1 to the highest satisfa,c- .. i . , tion. One stepping stone. ;,.1 • The "llaPPY Thought" Range. t 1 11.-1rjr:4 f.'1) C'• ti•-• Ttirin -tict The Ventilated Illuminated tpien, ; Leave yo culinary troubles, worries and expense behind you; enjoy the economy, the convenience, the absolute • reliability of The 14RaPDY Thought." The best friend the careful housewife can have. i Just a touch to the patented dampers and ft is ready for any work.• Its efficiency will be a revela- tion to you if you are using the common kind. Th Ws not worth investiga- *Ion ? Send for booklet to ' THE WM. SUCn STOVE, CO., Litnitedoitat Brantford or call sand see the agents. BROS. tail* s *.ta • bout. Ine townehitua or25 per gout, I Of tbe nuinicipalitiett of the province, have abolished statute labor, brfavor of a ditret tax for improving thebigh. way. We are sorry to say that -Hur- on, which is Usually in the vantruard of refc too, has tootle no progrese in this direction, as the ton nships still.pureue the out•ofaNte ayetem of statute labor. For Ile first time in the history ,of Canada, the Fostoffice Department shows surplue of $5,C00. la six years flon. Wm. Mnlock has been able to convert a deficit of of i7tlI,162 into a surplus of $5,000. In addition he has cheapened the English rate of postage from 6 eente to 2 cents, and the donlese tic aod Veined States rate from .a,cente to 2 cents. His criticsaid it couldn't be done, and they'll never, forgive him for doing it. . • Fiona all aver the country comes the cry that labor to carry on. the :neat en- terprises of this era of unexampled pre sperity is scarce. In Northern On- tario Railway construction is delayed for lack'of hands. The Canada Copper Co, is searclaing for men. The Olerga ?concerns need more. Soon the big new factories of Hamilton will need thou- sands. The outlook is good fora busy time next year. • , . The London Globe expiesses a tear that Canada may some daY nsider the possibility of "setting up for her- self," So she May; and if she does de4 TriE C Crisp Coo!!! Clippings No lose than three revresentativee of bulge have visited Zurich recently With the intention of opening a branch in the Village. • W. Bowles, of Duugannon, has pur- chased ftorn Andrew* Mullin, of Luck - now, fifty acree on the southwest . corner of lot 12, concession 11, Weer, awanosh. Judge 130)le held 4 court in Sea* forth on Friday last for the revision -of the voterte list. The Oooservatives added 22 °emelt and the Liberals 30. Mr•Geo L. Walker, a former rebid - ant of East Wawanosh, now of Bessn sele.,has purchased a house and. two lots In.ddruseels. Harold, 11. tbe Imre° formerly owned bysT.stiwartz, of Winghani, Was de - lotted at Memphis, Tenn,, but Prince Alert, who non the race, was fOreed, tO cla ftzteit • . - MrJohn Smith, of 14taelph, former- ly of Glrey township, has purchased Mrs Owen Smith's 100 acre tarn' ata intends to return and take up farming twain in this old township. During a recent thunderstorm the residence of R. Penhole, 8 coia. Steph- en wast struck by ligetning.• The Raul tore away part of the ttonewalk stun- ning 6a.ranel Rieke who was in the eellar churning. The carpet in one rooni. was rent in shreds. o•tinfol accident happened to Tacon Meyer, of gulch, on Wednes- day, kte was harnessing one of his when in some wan he wrenched 11(i)::rtsonde 0 kin'r. n g_ an examin- ation the doctor found that the shoulder was out of joint. aide to set up for herself, the wise old Court of Revision for the voters, mater cotintry will not say "nay."' 14E' (Ulla nasch141 1 °f Tackorsm. There will be no repetition of the Am- last. 4hetibet!aulseetfcicedr1111 Itibinueesaand erican revolution. Just now the trend 1 . the Conservatives 5, Mr Cook. of of Canadian sentiment 195 troogly to- and Mr Henry Beattie, of Seaforth • for wards nationhood within the circle of the Liberals. , a or e onservattves TON NEW ERA lioware You? ID you suffer from con:diva- tion? Does your liver need re- gulating? Is your digestion troublesome? Doyoosuiterfrom headaelie? Ifso,youshoultitake it Properties fo Sale or to Let Iloy Wanted. lierelord Stott Wanted.areartheyto leen. Printing. Re% • Xlia Worms. s • rot Bele *Keret heed •ot loung lleiraword. Oct. thoro.bred and grc de, et reakenebio when ilangolds lor Sale L P411%41434, VC1161ancie• offer for Pale 111041080SO11801410•tielivereci To Let That beautlfid store in the teaser' Bloch, C111404 Court of Revision. Rum' two.% weir incePted bY Witts. Apt Ply to 1ni &tSfiper ton. Order Ity er tele - Them. A • POltRETI.„it, Mace, 00t THOS. .T.A.CICKPM, E•r., 9—ti • 44143‘)1 it!friarrhittrtelYtejiT'e4lotibigit4392.g, TeBbifff Farm For sage. sztgragragoil„04, etgrunell Chamber, Mellor the Judge ot the County Court of the • , at 111 a. In., to 17, hear and deteireine eeveral complaints The west halt 01 101 24, nayfteld Con God. or errors' and onlisloions in the 'Vetere' List °rich tOwnshit contelping 100 acres c good of the .141uniepality of Clinton, for 1902. All lend, ie effete for SitIO en ester terms. 0009 Persons having holdings a* the 0 Art are re- barn,ilog house, plenty of water end small noised to attend, at the said time and place. orchard. Perticule.re on application to Dated the Otri day ef cettober, 1002. tf- J. P, TISDALL,Olinton tagooNre, Olerli of mid Municipality. For Sale or to Rent Real Estate tor Sale. L4G29, 00n, ZiStanieY, containing 100 'tog 1 Pert of form, tote and 80, (merest 'dile of in good elate or oultivation for eel° or to rent Maitiendeon, one mile northot Holmesville, for term of years, aNvy to JNO. licORROOR, cortaining 07 :corm' .Feb, 7-tf. of lot 24, eon, 8, one Itaif mile tom Clinton, , on gravel road, containing 00 acres. no brick dwelling ineludin_g lobs 18, 19 and 20 on corner of jopeph and Uaatt streets, in canton, 4 Thefrapte dwelling on 'west side of Victoria street and next north of railway. Liberal terms tomtit perch:mere, Apply to W• W. PARRAN or 0. 0, RANCE, Clinton /larch 28-8m. The Fimst, Step to the on promiees or . MeGRECiOn, 2 coo„m, R. S.. Tuckersinith, Seeforth P. 0, 2 The north half of lot VC con. ginelwest Part" itrirervesceht • eyg= Office. Clinton, sale cheap, lot aore, Howie suitable small family. APO: et New Ens. Cornfor ble house' and Tot. 'on Albert St., ForSale For Sale, , every day, This bonniest; tonic • • and system.eleenser will regulate - every organ and will remove all • dieunpleasautfeaturesthatattend a sluggish liver...Your health and • spirits will be BO improved that your friends will scarcely know you. Pleasant to take -sanely bent. ficial, but In Owe that you get the • Petting Abbey's., 1 r .• =NOW Auburn 0 : . The ilWelling owned by S, Halstead, ••••••••••••• ...... , AU 'worthy students aided to l'a lug posi. the British Empire, That seeing our -.4(4) Stablefor Sale. fixed destiny, bus no man can predict DEAFNESS CANNOT DE CUBED atioon,BeT. :71. nlatinfoarzia;r1o:wiepeanht free on re- quest. JAMES HARRISON. what win happen a handled years Goderich. was discovered to be on fire, . . from now. • .- la,•t Tuesday haornang, and the owner, •By local applications es they cermet A good stable with -se -yen sivgle stele, a box With the assistance of his neighbors. reach the diseased portion of theear, There stall, a, barness room, grain bins, a roomy hay . House, two lots and stable, corner of brorth andmary Streets, The cotta e contains six rooms in good rena.r, vvoods ed, with hard lit es ortocci • - ... and e ift water, frultdrees and a swile in put.A.A.on a lo.314 oe .. lirrt•olass condition. Apply to I* ldRS )1102PATT on the premises. brigbt youngrinen and women has bee the thorough Business and Shorthandd u. • cationtimparted at ' For Sale. TiviR NIIVINIO &HARRISON • The North lialf of Lot 17, Concession 7, eel - borne, and two village lots in Manchester, Por gealineations of teaehere, complete livery barns, outfit, and goodwill Of the bush equiDm nese. For terrnAlhair 1 to the undersi nett, nt and reaord auccessful in- diviccua no uo on r tr ti esulte it is unsurpasslin' Sopt 11 - Business and Shorthand College Cor, Yonge and clollege Ste., TorOnt0. While some papers pretend to think mastered the flames without calling ie only one way to cane deafneee, Arid that -left, eto.,will be sold ata very essonable W oat the brigade. le by constitutional remedies Deafnette 11---tf. W. EillTD011/4, 'Olinton.P ce. art t e ! Mahler Bros. B us ar t. /sensed by ISIS inflented eenClition of the • that Canadian man,ufacturers cannot r .eels prosper without a higher tariff, the ting apples shipped in from Chatham. themselves are worrying They claim they call get them delivered manufacturers jest as cheap as busing from the far - about how to Hit Orden. ' over the conntry plants are bairn/ enlarged and all they want. A carload armed on roers and have no difficulty in . getting Monday and others are to follow. kWh are worlied to their fullest cape°. • • .11 Pionee rsiswith ' %h. over 80. years are at preeent living in ity. Even pie railways feel the pres-average age Ct • • • • sore. So busy at a all the great shops Tornberry. mostly on the eth and 7th (hat then waits in plaid cannot be sup. con., within 'one and a half, mile of plied. The C. F. R. has found it inepoe- each other. Thy ' have bea•11 neigh' bora fur 40 years, and an IriShman 's:Siible to get orders from locomotives among them, all English and • Scott's. filled, and has had to send to Scotland for twelve engines. The man who Speaks well for the Ornate, as there ate many of them still able to work. would seek to improve on such condi- tions by. higher taxes tri -a fit subject W. sk; Crich,who hits been a resident noneoue lining of the Eustachian tube. When this tube Os inflamed you have * tumbling sound or impede:it hearing, and when it la entirely closed deafneas la the result, and unless the inflammation cannot • be taken out and the tube restored kilts normal. conclittotehearins will bedestrovea forever; nine often out of ten are (mused by catirrh,whiola is nothing but inflamed con- dition tit the mucous eurfacete We will give One Hundred Dollara for any cam of deafness (calmed from catarrh) that can not be oared by Haire Catarrh Care, Seed for chatter free. , F, J; Guam it Co., Toledo, 9. sow by Druggists, 75o,, „ • lialre Family Pills are thelest., for anasYlum for he tinsane. of, Brussels for the last treats, Moved • to 11eafor h last week,where h Row good and eir,sy-go`tij is The - intebusiLess on his own account. He has purchased F, L. Willis' restuarant public ? asks the Cathelic Record , if and .A. N, Colbert's bakerz and ' *111 e Is go 1 ing there was pot. coal to burn during the. 0013tillile the two in the 'rat named stand, recent anthracite strike, there was _ Thomas Kidd,of Seaforth, met With • abundince of synartathy.. • A • It'd now a painful accident one day lett week the public vvill•pay the coot of the war which will lay him- tip for a while. in higher roes for fuel a mg apples from a tree when he made If meat. ,413 was standing on a,step ladder Pulls gage had been plared upon every a nus -step and, in falling, tractered honseholder in the ,United States and some of.the bot,esiii•41.1 leg% , • ,. . siessa Canada to'reinabilise the Coal h.nn i Some Perkin VilfullY Out two holes FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 141902, andmillet0; tOThe tuPt3 °f -111111d- Fex's drug st ire Inc Fridai hi Bruit - through the large plate glass windew at The “machine" that won the Provin sial elections fof tbe Liberals, was a •• alking machine," named, Geo. W R ;se, and it spoke well, didn't jt? -.S' Tbonias Journal. • Joshua Sanfards who achieved snob w despread fame on account a his' re. inarkable adventure n the well at Pan is, has gone to live la Tor onto, and has cpcurpci a position as salesman in the ts Hall store.at the south-west e - seater • t has of Y ung and Adelaide s roeE. e pr actically recovered from the PhYsleal effects of his terrible experience. • • Justice ought to be well administered the Magistrates' courts of Ontario, it • he nura'ser of J, P s is anycriterion, ,Aupointtnents are being made ftes iently,and at present there are no less ana,n 4,700 in Ontario: To become % jestree it is necessary to haye some property q ialification1 mid like that of judge, the appointment Is for tife on • goal condUct, the iLl-repute of Fridayas an utiluelry day is shown ny-sorne recent statistics to beeindeserved. A careful in-Vestiga. *ion, largely through official:channels, A Wantland Medicine. Nam s POR ALL Bilious and: • :NONOus.Disorderso Siiic'llesdacite, Constipation, Vint and Pains in Stomach, Impaired tigest!on, linottlered Liver and Female Ailment PitgrAggli OHL" Txtg riterRIETent, • Thema Beecham, Si. Betees, sem by 'Druggists in Canada and lie S. AinerIca. In boxes, 25 cents. "retie Of Millions of dollars the public 's about n Wight. The stones that slid the damage, were found next, morn- woUld have repudiated respousibility ngon the sidewalks The Metallic tele - But there is no remedy for the high 'phone sign that had been attached to a price of coal, It is said that we ha,ve post was alai, battered down, only to look for it and we shall find On Wednesday 'week (*e°, Robb ditt- oed in L h osed r•f his 10 acre park lot. north of everything. e us ope.th.at truesele to Wm Turnbull, GI 'f lihtefrpourublic ewtellasir of seek pro- 111375. .The new proprietor will take to f the. -strtIre. Its resession about New Years, It is a lesson is public ownership .and an ex- nice piece of ro pert and w II suit Mr tensiori et the 'public .tifilities, If „Turnbull well. fie' property gold. his. people .aagerally have nonce to a farm D. 01.Aninghaall Ceiterralzaiipa ti_l/gP thy- lug Wit..h: I On Thursday last, •wit h about sixty! In - • A. aid 'Oast; W "nantugi tkie rikilligne pounds of steam on, qnite a large hole 'd to • ' ' -nu h tne holler at the - of money that roust now be pal was blown b. g nut e entirely waste . . shut down for a time. Luckily no the coal barons and the miners will Exeter Salt Worke, thus causing a • one Was in tne engine room at • Ole , A ptmy child is always an snxititY to tbe • time the thieg obcor red, for if there parents There seems generally no reason had been the chances ere they would why the little one ehould be weak when 1111haTe begp. 4c834 te tei boo roach food the child Attires if tbe ale 8Dublin, was a . •19 Well fed, Iititathe fav is deesia't mat- , . • • . ' St P t church,th stomach cannot extraet the nonriercient scene of a quiet but pretty. wedding on __The friends of Samuel Madge of near 'Hallett!l were shoeked to learn •ort. Sat- urday last that be had suddenly pass•d away. While working at a threshing he contracted a cold which Settled on his lungs and deepitathe best media I aid he sank rapidly. The 'ergo funeral. ori Monday- attested the, reepect in which he was held. His wife who was a sister of Mto W. Moir of this place, diedover seven years ago, since which his youngest child; a little girl, has been lima with her aunt in Bengali, The argel ot death visited the home of T Abraham, of Winglaana,lashvire; k and removed therefcam his wila and partner in life, Enz..bsth Weldon, at the are of ea years, Mrs Abrahato has been an invalid, for. some years. Some four years ago she • a as taken down with a stroke of petalt els, einee wbi2n time she has been - en; itivadtd. She leaves behind to mourn her loss a,. husband and Or ea Children. The boUrt.for.the,revieion of *risen yoterst_ljetstgas held on Monday eft?: e HODOr Judge Doyle. US J. D. Cook, ba,rrister, of Heiman, repre- sented the Conservatives and G. from it. No benellroan be derived from Wednesday, Oct, 2.Lith, when Mr John just eating. That is the condition of many • Dillon! Ot Legan, and Miss Mary 0, siessy °him. The stomach and organs of Conlogue, • daughter of the late Mr digestion ankradriticio are not doing their. James Conlogue, of Exeter, The work, and the body le reallystarving. It is beautiful and impressive marriage little tale to give flab foode, like cod liver oil oeren10 13' of the Catholic church' 'wee performed by the rotator, Rey Father or emulaiens in snail a case, becatiee these 11,09 have te e togesta; they may lighten Fogarty,: Tier bride s pon?lat and e s o accent!) ;she young lady watt is highly th t h's labor but they dolt:. Meat* then it. Strength ls what the stomach ; • • • • • • needs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dia The License Commissioner's for East OoVere etrengthens the titer:each, natirishert • Huron met at tbe•Qaeens 13rin. se w, on ues ay a ternoon o as week. ' • the nerves and increases the action of the 1 T 'd f fl blood 'making 0°44' It "Peri" "nY Mt Fortune occupied the chair. The Other preparation for shims= a use, on ao- tic( uses were signed and Inspector count of its body building qualities,and also Miller will issue them Statements 8 because it is pleasant to the taste and con- and 4 for the 2nd dis6ibution for cut - tains DO aloohol,whisky or other intoxicant. • Dr. Pieroe'S Pleasant Pellets are a valuable . rent licenserar were alssa signed. 'Set- eral acconn s were theta passed and the aid when the bowels are irregular. They 'Commissioners adirturned to - meet 5 . MAillee., i Adaras,Winghani,who was working at The &glowing roay be of haterest to Geo. Henderson's &mon the Bluevale someof Our readers i -"I would beglad road on Monday week. He was hauling In have the naraes arid gcstoffice ad. turnit 0 ;'hen the horses ran away, The - not rt' ending schoohso that I may for- Adams to ' the ground between the afesinsalls PbRdrOttalsia°O.PWeadllY• again at call of the eoretary,Inspeotor Uneducated Deal ehildren pain ilneerden6 happeiaed to jots - dresses of the parents of eaf children front board gave way dropping Mr ward them particulars concerning tide horses and wagon. The wagon passed institution and inform them where and over his body, crushing theelbow int0 by what means their children eat) be. many pieces and breaking a number of instructed- ltd. furnished with an edu- his ribs. It is thought the arm will yet cat on.- . TEC S. up r n en en 1 It MA fin S eit d t, have to be amputated of Deaf and Dumb bitukr, iarge co' th t • tripany go ere a r . DE kJ) Larrhit•—wm this be the . end of „our by-law when.. passed t - "Clinton council are after fellows who spit on the sidewalk, not the ordinary saliva, but the mifeh eschewed tobacco juice. Herman council passed a similar by-law but so far as we Can see it inaino a dead -letter.".• -Henson Obeeryer • If Our town fathers could see their, w' ay clear to remodel the stage of our town hall, we are Crider the impression that. it would be A good investment, as many shows are kept out,osating to not being able to put up their Scenery, The following marriage has refer- ence to a former svell-known resident f y, thc event taking place at Dresden, N. D, "The first of a series of weddings which are antici- pitted here emitted on Wednesday, Oet 22or1, when Mr August Moritz, of this place, but, formerly of Zurich,Ont. • joined the army of benedicts by wed- ding' Miss Gertrude, daughter of Mr and Mrs James Jennings, of Harvey Township, N. I), The ceremony was performed at the bride's home in the presence of seventy-five invited guests. Win Lockhart, of Woodstook, one of the Ilerrandaidn October 291h, to witness the marriage of his daughtee, Marietta M., to Mr Sylvanes Pyke of Minto. The ceremony was perfortned - Rev F. Swann. After the cOngrattilstlOrisi a bounteous repast was enjoyed, told the evening spent in. games, conirersa• tion,and"trippitur the light fantastie:" he charming bride re ved many valuable presents.. DOR Whams of home.paanyfriends follow her to her new • Jet.'Ottinillitigs,Gray.itopeared betore magistrates Turnbull,Ross andRerr to answer to a charge cf assault &c., core- mitted on Peter S. Ross, also of Grey. The young people *ere having a social da.nee at Mr Ross'wherithimmingseame along and forcibly evicted the proerie. .torsusing violent means in so -doing, even striking birn. Not content with that he kept.Mr ROSS outin the eold til the gneets had departed at, 2,80 n. m„ using all kinds of threats. a. tttlin• b testimony ansi stSkoses the magistrates -deckled that; Cum. nungs fined $20 and costs and also bound him over to keep peace for one year and to give a bond 0)- that effect. , Thomas A. nail, of Lentlon, left a $70,000- estate, $10,000 of which Was be- alieathed Inc Ohildren's Rome, in 'that tanharry, barrister, of . Exeter, the Ltberala.. There were in aP. 52 appeals before the Court, 80 of were by C servatives. The) Liberals appealed to put 11 names % on; • and succeed, d With 9, The(sonservetives appealed to nut 21 on, and they got 11 on. The Liberals appealed to put' 10 off, and succeeded with (3: • The Conservatives appealed to put 9 off, and aucceded. with 7. There were a number of amble appeals. : • Among the actions, tried at Goder-. ich last month was one in which cer- tain of the heirs-at-law. of the bee John P. Penny disputed the right of Dire "S,N, 11, Trott, of Exeter, to certain money claimed by her as a gift from Mr Penny.. The -amount received by the defendant from Mr Penny was $6-169. The defendant had been thirsted by the deceased somewhat in the sense of an adopted daughter, and she attended him assiduously during his illness. Some time before his death he consulted the manager of the bank in which he had an account as to -.e proper manner of carrying out his intention of leaving the money in. the bank for the defendant, His Lordship' found that there was no undue in- fluence or action on the part or on behalf or the defendant affecting the free will of the deceased; and up to the time otthe making of. the transacting the deceased was in full possession of his mental faculties. Judgment was • agreed upon which Mrs Trott receives the whole of the money in qoestion ex- cept $1,070 • Out of this latter slim the costs Of all parties are to be paid. The Children Are Delighted • With. It. Malt Breakilst rood Builds Themrp in Flesh, Bone and Abode. • Malt Breakfast Food is the only cereal food that olaildren Will sit* to ancl relish froro day to day. It has a delicious fievor that eaptivatee the taste and maker( it et favorite, ... Oatmeal and other forme of grain °ode ere injurious to the idonitieh and d getinve organs of the little ones bo. ammo! the presentie of the insoluble etarah, Malt Breakfast Food is free from °iamb, therefore easily and 01010 digested by the youngerit 13realrfaet Food le *Wally recommended for the babiee of - ter weaning. It affotds ail the elements - for solid &Fib fooling Alia boa mad muse° building. Try Malt Breakfast Food, dear mothers, it will give you wonderful restate, GrOCOrEl GyeryWhere. , . Berlin's population is 10,160, find a'skeers. meta $4,040,200, - 14totait the 081401 ' end Work alt the eoid ' Laxative Brome•Quinine Tahletir Ore e sold in one day, No Ours, No Pay, Price 66 t de d 6 t • P ace 2 dell 0; • • • Ammo *oorr Borti.to, .sousitori 4110.c MANTON. * -Elliott Mock, Lune Street; RONEY NO LOAN. W. BRYDOKA 13,talltSTER, 1301,40ITOR, NOTUX ru40„ ETON ^ Oftice—fieaver Meek* Up Stehire, Oppoeite Henryve Miens (4 CLINTON " IFIIDOUT otti HALE Cloitirnimitonxis, Coindissionns • Real Estate and Ineurance Money to *tn. 0. B. ukta, . zoing ninooT, CHARLES SEAOE Barrister 001101tOr NeterY tine Conveyaneer; Offlee-Oppoeite Colborne Meta Dederick Mi Oil CAMERON formerly et Cameron; Bolt * Cameron BARRISTER Avo SOLICITOR, • Oillee-namiltort 01 opposite Colborne BIM CIODERIOIL. ONT - DickiNsak*I.iGARIROIN • BARR/ST=1S, SOLICITORS, ETC. 011144-Cornernlamilton, St, anginas aquae', falederleh, Oat.: 1., Dickinson Cote. SlatesOW. r.z.r) • PROUDFOC1T HAYS, aAkasTERs, sommolts, NoTARIEs :pITBAL Pnocerons or mg Bienntarn coultr, Ohne: North st., newt door to Signal OW Ptivete runds to lend at lewest ratee Of intereat. W. PRGliDFOOT. 11''rtrti).: Medicai WM. GIJ344, g. Edinburgh, Oince-OnteStivet, Clinton. Mita call at front door otiodiete or residenee. Rtten- bary Street:. • OR" WM.,GRAHAM triotottlate ef the Royal College of l'hysician Good Rouse tor Sale. Yoang nue and women;to prepare for I.40adon, England. Moe and Residenee- • goOd situations. Apply to Jo 'Subscriber offers for sale lila hones and lot on Albert St. north. The lot is one ceutrtek acre Neil. al number of bearing fruit trees, ils:ds a'r soft water and good stable. House ' ix ooms, closet, pantry, wash room and good cellar. Win be sold cheat'- . .. FRED DOPPT, Clietten. House and Lot iOr Sale, • • • The property of the late Jas. Turnbull, Sit- uated at the Corner of Victoria end Maria Ste. Clinton, is offered for Sa c. cheap. There is a two story frame dwelling house, containing 12 rooms comp.:sing a double parlor, two dining rooms an d bedrooms,there also a small barn, there are some bearing fruit trees on the in For particulars, uppiy to JAS scar% Berrister, Clinton. • ' • • - Farm for Sale. • - Lot 81, Concession a, xr.. n. S., 108 acmes; school house on premises; within five =Mutts walk of church; 5 miles from Clinton. and 6 miles from Seaforth; la.rge frame . house.' good orchard,mostly winter 'fruit 2 good Us and (deter'', 2 barns, one 48x56, with stone stabling rinderneeth, the other28x60, driving shed and hen how*. Apply to .WHITFIELD ORICEL _ ClintoriP, 0. • .6-eguet 1-tf. • Farm For Sale. The subscriber offers for icale that choice farm • on heron road, Tuekersmith, lust east of Clinton, at resent occupied by Mr Fisher, It consists of 1 acre., Inore Or ICS% with good frame house,bank barnsilo,windmill and small orchard. Plentyof water. An excellent farm" in a splendid locality. Por terms a I to • • ARTHUR COUP&Y,Clinton. • Write for particulars rind catalogue IlicLachlan Sa ' . di Lot 7, con. '6", Ordbor;,-eonteining 50 acres of . • , ' Chatham. 0 ti t. , 'a es a a IllniTrTsZultigel7 ;171%.3. di route: fel" lo ---in- 1 1131 TEDFoRioll Mouse, Se Dominion OR. SHAW. Business • PEIMOIAN. SURGEON Aseoucheer eto., aloe and residence On - 4 College tarlo Ste on,Posite Einglieh church, formerly oc. •Queried bv or. Appleton. Clinton Ont. The beat equipped Bueinees and .Shorthand College in Canada. Reduced tuition retest Write us regarding our comma of study, and prospects of Bemiring situations for graduates. °endear* gent free. Adams , MclellY, • - Dept "C" Confederation Life Bldg. icor4)01, 0,nt• 100 Young Men Wanted .to,nuality for positions as stenographers at The CaliacdaaaiTtimrsinnesiss. Col lege,, DR. TkoomPsoat Physician, Surgeon. Etc., special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Moe and Residence - Albert street,2 Blocks North of Rattenbary. G. W. Nanning Smith, E.P„ C.'. 4. PHYSICIAN & 11.3IIRGEON.. OFFI0E-Main Street, Bayfield, formerly occupied by Dr; Pallister; -bn, G. ERNEST HOLIVIES DENTIST (Successor to Dr. T. f). Bruce Specialist lit crow* and Bridge Work L. D. S. -Graduate Boyal College Dental Stir* • .g_eorcestfoOztas jarioonloTrorgroLtotia,ite ot pe‘n. tat Department of Toronto • University special attention Will to ,pr_eserVation, of ehildren's teeth. Will visit „ mayfield every. M da • y, Positions at 450 and oto per month Office over W. Taylor. 8; Son's shoe store. are to -day going begging fer, young men to thein. • We have now eleven- UnOiled. calla for male stenographers. alone,and the num- ber keeps inoreashig, It offers the beet a d we know of to -day forbright, capable yonng men.• • . • Farm for Sale. Is I -i story frame houseand twa frametarns in 4:4-4-.44+4 e 4 4 4 + 4 ,34-4-4-4-4-44 goon repair, luso a good weilena young bearing orchard, Farm well femme. and well iwatered. Possession may be had hlar. let. 1903, Por fur. ther partici:Liars apply to • Enter Nowo, at anytime* MRS R. BOWDEN' or R. JRWELLi . •. • . Sept. 18—tf • Box EQ, Goderich For a term in any department ' _ of our splendid.sobool. The • For :Sale. • Itentral Business C'ollege .CcAtitge, 'tiniest new situated on Tame Street 5 4 I ( DR. AGNEIIV LiENTIST. CLINTON. Office adjoining l'hoto Studio. Office Hours --0 to 6 every day and Saturday until 10 p. in. Blanch offices * in Manchester. Dungannon, Blyth and Bayfielcl.. Veterinary. • DR. J. FREEMAN t VETERINARY SUBGE011, .Nternber of the Veterinary Medical Amuck"- tzons of London and Edinburgh, and Grade. ate of the Ontario veteriiierr college, ' TREAT DISEASES OF ALL ANIMALS' Office open night and day, -opposite St:. Paul's church, Ontario Street. Clinton, Ont. NELSON BALL; • near cestre of town, containing Hall, Double Parlor, I, hang room, three. bed rooms, three Veterinary * Surgeon clothes cloaks titeoen, and. uantrr, also Twe'lYti Teachers, one hundred •. , . .. . summer kitchen. Good stoe cellar, hard and soft water, good garotte, large and small fruits Typewriting Machines, Twenty in , ahnuclance, nice lawn.. All in ershciass . Frye ' Sete Telegraphs Instrtl- ;retention.. Owner tearing town. Also 'mine meas. -Premises 00011PYIng , good tumid -fire to be sold privately at .the Thenty Six Rooms, -all indicate hOUSe. Apply to . • 1 MP Aug 29 X, T. EMMERTON Clinton. tioraetliing of our attending as the largest, best, and Most modern ' Farm. for Sale. Beeiness Training School in the Dominion. Write for Our now -- Catalogue, Address A Veranda° acre farm., consisting of the Emit alf of Lot 80, con 1, Eaet Wa.vranesh. vi, fl. Shaw, Principal good frame house with kitehen, barn 8845, and shed. 80x40 in which there are good stabling hard water of never failing well: 8 acres beat, It iirsonoe &Gerrard Ste, Toronto i sere of orchard, situstedal miles from Au +44-4-4-4 4 4 4 4 t burn and 60 rods trots. school. For further I particulate apply to R. GOVIER, • • June 8-4* ' Auburn P. 0. • "---------'• .------..rofiesr Purchase' ean have possession this fall. Farm For Sale, Lot. le, hayfield eon., dederich tp, 118 'ler =cif getrof.71'titir4,govIstiet4'.Aftl:Atil-• , igadearetrbalaneeliardw ed; ea.,,an considerable fall Plowing done. Comfortable brick house large bunt withstabling under neathtdriving shed mid ether outhttilding81 about 2 dere Orchard,' mostly winter fruit .; Well Watered--neverfail, Ing spring creek and two weibi Seven miles from tJlinton and three frome Baylleld. Posses- ' sion attany time, reas nabl term, A ply for - further particulars to CHAS. SIXONSP.. 72. §t, David et., Goderieh: • • • To Rent or for Sale ••••••i•••1, 'Frame reside/10e and Isere of land Mare Street, Clinton, *oonta, cellar, woodshed ,hod soft Witter, 'new stable and driving shed excellent .garden, 'With plum, pear -and apple,- - trineyste. • Also for Sale. At any time up to 1st Sept. acres,'part of the Pow er Blook,eto..at the North EMI of William Street, Clinton, wheel is 9, valuable proeerte for (reit grown' g, being Well Planted nut IR berry bushels, small fruits, apples, etc. There ie Mao a very excellent grade of sand and gravel on thetpremiees which is veryproll table, /tinily tor'. STRAITH,or to W.IIRYDOND, April" 18*. Clinton, MARRIAGE LICENSES • ISSIIIED tilt Romball, Ciinton. tobre. 44.ffer. Toon; P110100a111% Wm Great Zeglisa Remedy. Sold and recommended beau soruggiets in Canada. Only able medicitie discovered. B paeltagte guaranteed to euro .14 to s Sereal WeakeesS, all effects Of alma(' °roues% Rental Wotry, Exeeeelve Use of,To• bermes Opium or Stimultints. Mailed on receipt of Wee, one paekage $1, at x, Ons tontplonat, an tegieure,.. Taraphiete free wan? sairere.,. • Wile Wood Omnpany• Willdeers On% Weeds Phosphodloe is iold Clinton be 11. 1'. rookie, J udvd$,4 11.Conibe and w Druggiete. • • . klucteSsor to .1. Z. .111,ACKAEL.', Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on scientific principles. - Calls promptly'attended to Office--Isaric St., Clinton"; residence .• Albert St. Phone 82, • ' lYilsoellaneous. NIANNIN" - Insursne(./1 gent,_ Canada Life -Assurance CO Pire. Marine Accid nt . • e I'late • 4.1a ...ifearia, -.to Office J. Tisdall's elltsten. LICZNS,E issued by the un-: dersignecl at his Residence, Mary Arse Olhdton. • • a.A.MES ScOTT, an Shorthand' • NO witnesses required • ertligSlargErhflaDiriniiiNtilta • Bookkeeping Business Lev, Writing, Correspondence, Type - • Tboronghty taught by experl- .1.4 MACPHERSON DISlatANO.E, writing, etc., Fire, * Life, lecident Plate GU °need teachers at the OF/P10* Etterwr LtJazo zs Forest City Busi- ness College0Y.X.C.A. Build- • • • • ng, London, :Ont. • 'We have no difdbultyln Placing competent pupils in good poeitione. College re -opens Sept. 9. /lend for Catalogue. • . W. Westervelt • Principal . bmaz4 Irri,pzT • . .JOHN W. YE0 HOLMESVILLE, Agent for the Hancoresran Pint Aestlytatc"'" Co. of Maim:skeeter. England„. whine funds are seeurity are rated at 814,500,000_ . Also the Mc. Rrtnor Imarairice uo. All class*" o farm risks and town property taken be loWeet rate.. First -dui Loan Compahiee also repreeer ted. Medley to be had :font 4 ser cant UP, according to • neture of reoluitt.-. Daily mail to 110hineseille - pastel card wil fetch him MettILLOP ‘3111TUAL FIRE • . • . t•NSIIRANCE 0 r Granite trA.nm and tSOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ..viroxze The purotieser of * monument should have complete conficletoe in tbe reliability of the firm, team which he bars, for the materiel and workmanship is something very fevs buyers are familiar with. If you do not know us, please itt. • quire about our veliability trom those Who know ea best. Wo ere . the only practioal men hero intim, line, • D. Hoover. ProprietOr • isT ext to commeretai Hotel ONLY INSURE oretoezie B. Stamen, Pt/widens, &peen 0. t Thos., Fraser, vice-president, Brecolleld P. 0.; nos, Halos, Eleoy•Trecce., egaforth P. O.' W. 0. BrOadfoot, Inspector of Lessee, SettfOrelt P.O. DingerOntf W. G. oroadteot, Seatortnt John (4. arise. Winthrop 13, 0.1 George Dale. Seaforth: BenneWele,tlubbni Jas. Evans. Beeetnecod P. 0.; John Watt, Hatiook P. 0,1 Thomas Preset, rtrucons John McLean, Hipper" James en t AggNTit forthi_* Attlee manning, Eaniondvine, ,y, W. Itohert Smell Ilatleek; Robt. See Yeo, fielinestli ; Steered Altirdle and I/obit CL Mortises, Midi -tots, Parties deeitoile to Oiliest District' tie ite tren0 aet other business will be peoralstlyjittended tO. on elmlicarlon to any of the ahine Ofilee or to the eespeetiVe Ottleee. 3.