HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-07, Page 8NoVetnter 7th, 1902. paeopipai .1 1, ea, 4 [ I . I. j 01.111,4111.1 I § lint** *NI Mrs j Tisdall entertained a neMber u iv um' h AALAA_ ( OUR SOOIA14 eittOr4B.•-•M'r Ana 1 I400,4341•101108 'The Greatof their friend, on ThOrsday freening "'" "" 11"1"4 into 100 FRIDAY.„p: i of last week and Tueeday ef thie. to' a rlaW b°U4e °/3 1""n Street' • SeVen"hend etiehre OTRAS; patty, Wee Edith , RasPherritge wereapieked in the open THE.. CLINTON lip, ERA , 1 . Hodgens and Blanche AIcE wee eAgo air on Monday by r VIT. Robb. NOt I m e : ant sale ZOO*1.• ,. .....,,,, Apple* wanted 0ANTE14)X Mi.)8 ler, Provineial Inepector of Model faun he recently bought from John en'ertained on Hellewe'en. bad. for the3 '4 of November, I N INSPECTOR'S REPOR1.-3, Til- Mr John Torrance moved to the I leasalterrr Piantsaeo flozerf,W.0.8RABLK Sohoole,renorta to the aohool board the Pickett, on the Huron road, east of ear atria tees wantnd as soon as ssible, as fonows t • result nr his istie visit to the model class town, on Monday last, Highest mar et paid. P. MAITLAN Osie At a recent meeting of the Tipper soi Our great sale of new mantles will continue•all this week, Never did we have such mantle selling as last Saturday, but a hundred or more garments are not sold in a day, a.nd there are still many hire for people who want to save some money on their mantle buying. We cleared out a maker's surplus stoc.k at practically our own prices, and are selling new Jackets` for less money than the makers sold the ,arne gar - merits for .early in the season. Not oat in the lat` but was made for this season's sale. Jackets at 12.75 10 only Ladies' Short Oloth jaokets. These are medium weight gar- ° • ments. suitable for wearing with separate skirt or for earlyspring or fall. They are made from good broadcloths and smooth finieh Water. isle, are hoed with good mercerised paktum out in new coot styles, have pearl or cloth buttone, It bought in the regalar way oould not be sold for less than$6 to $8. You oan take your choice for ...... Jackets tit $2.50 '5 only Ladiee',Dillitary Costa BO and 86 inches long, sample garrnents,no two alike, made trona pod quality heaven and friezes, lined through. 0 x0 out, made to sell at $6 toll% ohoioe of lot Coop O NOM Mantles at $5.90 • Mantleafor a five doluir bill that the maker sold for more money early in the season. Nobby and comfortable garments, well made from good materials that will Aim saisfaotory Veer. ';• Three-quarter.leagth, ir.mi fitting, velvet collars on some, made froin beavers and theses, bl ke grey s, fawns, every one new - this aeasc n, worth regular $8, about 20 to sell at,.eaoh ehlftr • eesod ard Oho . 0n gent clas of students in this schol • . Canada klible Society at Ripley, our They were much intereeted in their furnier citizen, ,l, T, Emmerton, was Weare still leading in meal' Iv' oall'w Work and passell a very satisfactorY elected vcretaryAreaeurer. John will gedsathli iiranulated oelow reluxtlaoraexamination. The training Was care- come to the feont. PrinsilAss aleausatkm• a writte"x- Glr;i ;13 arm, or; the 1;n:14c n. o n • WOW* 1$0010:10 amination, be grades the class, good ; lett, rented, heti even it up, and the in methods of teaching, excellent; la theREa ;El LeachereWGaEDo' f" -WU: spirit and attention claw, excellent, • lett (near the cemeterv) has been re.en- Ide has been in BE1F4OUS ACCIDENT, -A few days sows Bulk, hag been transferred to the 2 f?cliso 0111 , ulfr cubl .. Pwri. King. t he junior clerk of theliol- practical teaching of students, good; steitnrirtliteonr;Wurictihtabeeerhearket either tor a gaged for next year, " Bale Prt" t91"/") "°1"" °ur(Aram fully and thoroughly vontineted." In pa itilanson h ioUtd Mr A- thifseetioctif a numtuoyell:, and has certainly one excellentwor OPER ATI ON .-.A. sonof Mr Thelnas Potterileron road,Goderich township, has been in the hospital here for sever. al daye.ancl on Friday last underwent a successful operation for appendicitis). He is recovering as well as can be ex- pected. , BARS WiLL rm.or..asso. - spector Paisley has received official „notice from the License Department, • Toronto, sta.tinn that all bars must be cloged•on December 4th next, the date for the taking of the Referendum vote, and wax the law must be strictly Mantles at $6.50 Many garments at this price, made from gooa quality beavers and covert oloths,blaoks, greys, fawns,all 27 ioohee or three quarter lengths,:coat or high oollare, every garnient lined and made for thie season trade. If bought in the men* way $10 would be the price of the cheapest mantle in the lot,' you on sake your choice of them for 6.50 • . • °Mantles at $7.75 . • • • Ulsters, very stylish garments. • They are made Stow good. _Wirers and friezes, waste are Vied. These Waters mild not be sold for les than $15 to $18 each if bought in the regular way, if you want one of these very comfortable garments for little money this tof shonld.be your chance, for they go on sale at, each ... . .. . .. 4.40 • 4 • 1 . , Millinery business is so good that one would think it could itio without advertising% All we want to do to -day : is to tell you of late novelties insshapes and trimmings -- that make their first appearance here this week. Come 4 in and see them. If 'you are interested. in. vrhat is neweit The ititillivery •;•'•• for early winter wear, you'll be well repaid. ••••••••••••••*••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Wrapperettes at 12 c, Extra good Wrapperettes at a-pvelar-price, qualities that will give satisfactory wear. Colors that are fast, Patterns r • • • that are new Most Moist of them we cou;d easily ask 150 and Still . „give good value. No store in, town with as good au assortment . to choose from, - • .• , • • ••• 800 yards English and American Wraplierettes, assorted fahoy stripes and scroll designs; all new this seileos, good q lity and fast onion in special at per yard ' ... . ... , .. • . • .. • • et 61.••••••,:ilhge Grey Flanitel,at 25 ce Flannel at a quarter that ig every. Every store sells a flannel at this pric g.ve one as good as this. • d finei. pure wool. very few ill - Flee all wool ammo], soft plain or twilled, lig wash and wear well, extra good line at per yard.. ° Saye Your Carpets [ • dark gray, will 25c • By putting an oilcloth square under yotir stove, It 'will save its cost tviiite over during a season, All sizes and new - patterns now in stpck. Fur Jackets $3.5.000; , . The Astrachan Jacket we are selling this winter for $35 fa the best for the Money we have ever sold. It is perfect in every way -fur, workmanship and lining are finit class... If marked $5 higher it could not be called dear. Made by one of the best furriers in Canada.. We guarantee it to give- you satisfactory wear. tP ' Per the Small boy Natty suits for the little fel. lows, styles and sizes to fit any sized boys. Clothes that will stand the' rough and tumble wear the average boy giveahis clothes. A big stock to choose from. • &ye' two piece edits, made from good quality ell wool tweeds, coats box pleated back ftna front, well lined, pants libel all through, 2 patois% 'with mu% pair, each 0.1141 13oys' 111 wool tweed nice shades of brown, pants lined all,. pk‘i through, each .. . 7CuE111 tiotosf line tweeds mite, •ell'adest of green, Watt made with yoke pleete*' t • "':%•- endbelt,well made end lineaPants enforced. since A fre Rua, qaconcl son of Eph. branch at bondon. Arthur JohnStoue, But,, base line,tnet with a serious acct. who ie occupying the same position in dent. He is employed at Virinclor and that city, will comp here. wasstanding on the railroadtrack Whea me sawn' Madge, of miheene, who he was struck by a train and thrown a ly in front of the track. He had pre. died on Satuiday, Was interred On Monday, airs John Jackeon attending distance of 25 feet, falling *gain direct - Rance or mina wow) to roll off out Ku the funeral,. Deceased learned his way and thus escaped, what might been a horrible death. When picked have trade as tivernitn, with W. O. Searle, eomeyears ago. . up it was. found that hisorm was brog- The Clinton Knitting 00. is erecting en, and hig shoulder dielocated, besides a dye house 18 feet square, and will sustaining internal injuries. Hie moth- make quite an addition to their already er was Rent for and he has been trader snug factory. On Saturday the smoke. her care ever sinori. and we understand stack to their new boiler was erected is progressing favritbly. lip j. Miller. It is fifty feet high.. THE DOHEEtTY ORGAls1,- The C. Diehl, of Portage la Prairie, was the recipient of three barrels of choice winter apples from his father. They were shipped on Fridearlast. Apples in that country are like oranges to the People in this part of the world eonstantly increasing demend for this world.renowned organ is the beat evid- OLD TIMERS. -Mr Henry Carrick. par. ence of its excellence and popularity. of town, was one of the'int n who fight of The present hag been the huffiest seas itemicipateadeiwn atghtehFenenaiaran eRvaabtlr of soar. on ever experienced by the factory. For the past two. weeks 124 completed boro Infantry Conmany, and helped to &gene week has been the eutptit, repel the invaders,. he hal a vivid recol. which is at the rate of 500 a month,and the memorable occasion. Dr Graham lection of all the evenisbohnected with even with this very large number they find it difficult to meet their ordeee. *as also one of those at. titie front itt The staff is workiug overtime till 930 that tiage. every night. Plans have been Prettily- • REOOVERING.-Miss AgneW, ed.for a large addition to the factory,to be built parallel to the machinery hall town, who has been ill in Philadelphia Wingham, Wester of Dr , Agnew, GI -running east and west -and tbe pro - with typhoid fever is now in a fair bahilities are that it will be erected way for recovery, Miss Agnew's many earl* next summer. ' • Mande hereivill be pleased to learn. IT WA SN'T THE ...- CHILDREN that she is getting , better. She On An amusing Incident occurred at the trained the disease in the hospital Winne ef a well known resident of where she was taking a cauree. of a t mn, on Hallowe'en Some children nurse in -training. • ' were, spending -the evening with h „Ali:AWED FIIS MAJORITY, -21 d tughter, and had gone oatside, yis ears ago on the 1st of November, Mr eglidlike, were rappmg at- the door. Janges Scott, barristerlocated in town. Thinking to amuse them ' and to 'stir - During that time he has proved him; prise then). when again they. zapped, self a good citizen, and oftal the. coned- he waited patiently inside the door ; ence and respect of -ell. While, ab all Elton be hetrd rap thereon and suff- times willing to aid in every movement dehly throwing it apen, let a yell out relating to the public weal. his I thus or him num .0, wild India -and sue.. for the general good have been in the prleed and frightened, not the child, • educational. line, he having been ei rep, .but enginenfly respectable old 'member of the. Collegiate board for a 'gentleman who had come to escort his number of years, and also a member of • thfg Public Li biary. Board. • CANTELON TAKES TROE'llY,- The challenge matchfor the silver cup which stands 14 inches high, with it moutlx7i, inches across, and. tined with - .gold, and' presented to the Goderich' Shooting' Association by, • the 'Robin Hood Power. Co.,. was shot for hot Thursday morning as • announced • and ended in a wit .,for .0antelon as we predicted.. who th-ok the lead at the start •and rigtainnd it to the end. There were but laic, entries. 'Canteen , and Watson, though at least seven shoot ere had promised to enter, but the rain and the high wind making goodshoot- ing impostible. Rob scores were low 'Ottntelon•getting 53 While Watson got but 30 the. I.00.• The • non -shooters will enter tor the next shcot, for the cup has to be won three 'times to be- come -the property of the Winner, and the score novf le Cantelan 1, Watson 1. The cup is on exhibition' it klovera Drug Store. • ' SILVER WEDDING. ---About SeV-' enty.five people from far and near assembled- at the hoineof Mr and Mrs John • Sterling,. • Joseph- Street, • on Thursday evening last, to boner them. on their twenty.tifth, wedding anni- versary. • They were married in God? , erich tawneh p,. by the Rev Mr Phil. lips, on the 30th of •Octaber, 1977. Mrs Sterling was a:daughter,' of the 'late John Dempsey, and is .vridly.connected 'around here. 'Mr Sterling is an old Kincardine boy,' tn . which place he 'took big beide,. and • where he lived every since, IAEA March when he ' removed to Clinton with 'his. family.. Eight children bless their union, and are all alive and were • present at the gathering. A full course dinner was the opening event, after which a pro- gram was in older, Col. Hoare taking • a Valuable part with' his geamphone, also • playing an instrirnental duet, with - Mrs Hoare, besidei sInging a .solo. Ping Peng and dancing was in. chilged in, and betore breaking up, larve three story bride's cake was ser- .yed to all. Those from outside of town'. were :-Mr and Mrs , Geo Sterling, .Porters Hill ; Mr and Mrs G. A. Coop- er, Goderich township ; Miss Lottie Jenkins, Londesboro; 1VIr and Mrs W. Jenkins, Goderich township Mr and Mrs Perdue, Misseir Ida and Wit:m.1e, and Ed Miller, Mr and Mrs Ben Churchill, and daughter ,lennie. Mr and Mrs Jas Lindsay and the Misses Dempsey, all of Godericlf township. The presents were many and valuable, and will be it loving heritage for the children, to remembeethe silver wedd- ing anniversary of their father, and mother. We trust they May • be spared another twenty-five,. and think they have good chances for they are both'hale and hearty looking yet, VISITS THE' C ONBRANCH-- alr D. M. Stewart, General Manager' of the Soyereign Bank, visited Clinton last Friday to decide upon a site for permanent quartets for the Clinton Branch, IP neve „temporarily located in Smith's 'Mock On Albert, St, Forthal announcement of the site choeign will he made in the teihe of a week or eo. Mr Stewart expressed his satisfaction with the business -that hag already come th the Clinton Branch, and incidentally refereed to the suctess of the as a whole. Commencing •bireinees let May last. etre Months ago. ,with only three larariches and a• paid up Cargital of a,bout MOAK the Soverign Benk ham- now seventeen Branehee, itir paid up capital new 81,100,000; Reeerve fund 8210,000: deporate over $1,500.000, - and total • assets exceeding three and a' half Millien1 dollars, Public tonfidence in • any financial ligetitutian is guaged by he account Of ite deposits, and that Two familia,r faces well known to our cheeps are amongst the menghers of Guy Bros Miniiitrele. They are Thomas and Percy Brown. Tom plays the clarionet and Percy the cornet, and area goad additions to that splen- did organization. • • Nov, 9thae Kinv Edward 'VIPs birth- day, but will not be observed as a holi- day in Canada, owing the too close proximity of Thanksgiving Day. It is expected that, a proclamation will be issued making our late queen's birth- day mi perpetual holiday in conunemor- ation of both. • • • The W. C. T. U. will meet in session today at the reeldence of • Mrs Wash- ington, to receive the report of the delegate to the Provincial convention held in -Toronto last week. They will alsocompleteorgatizgtion for a strong fight in the coming referendum vote, besides eatablishing the fact that they can enforce the laws .re!ating to the sale of intoxicants and cigarettes?. D. Cantelon shipped a double decker i t 0 grand -daughter home. ' • • • of.•hogs to 1Strat ord Monday. The • . • • • English. market has gone to. PRAISES 111.71-tON.•-•-Dr Red, Of : Pieces, and shipteents for exnort freni Georgetown, was one of ' the horse here have been stopped; but Air Comte oinwdms tstf.th I Judgea sent out to Fall Pairs by the ton will put in 5,000 barrels' in cold Ontario Go verigngent.. In a letter to storage at Toronto in the hope of thew the Varmers' Sun•he expresses the fol. keeping till s ring when prices May lowing sentiments: -The weather was. be better. itzsiniens & on also tuhnifsafvallr,a byleet far we bhiga dc,r f - , y goo attendance.. Heavy ing . . e fairs shipped a car of hogs to 0' Ilingvveod. laces, j B Megailits been appointed Writ- , . places visited by me. This was par- Master for Toronto Pantie Schools.. hordes predominated in moat of the ticularly marked in Bruce and Huron • : He was •formerl y Principal of the Dam. ' inion Business College, lKingeton, and harms for the ordinarytfaigner. T I 1 wag also Superintendenkolowriting in a and I think thie ,ie the best class or , college iti ohic,,where heas awarded a water end Winirbean; .. I think we have - saw ', gold medal in a tompetition among corn. score very fine hesey : home in 'Teee. ,far too many foll fairs ;,too much val- mergial writere recently. He is an old i ' 4•48aggetalgoimung i ill the World by his own perseverance, Clinton boy. who has made bis way up ' noble time is lost attending. then], . . . : . • . . . JACKSON BROS., • EXULUSIVE - : .. ItEli'S OUTFIT)ERSJi he deposit& of the Soverign Break itee increased ab an average of $250,. 000 a Month, is a sure indication that he public generally have faith in the treetorate and General Manager of he Bank. The local management hag Iready established a reputation for ourteous and liberal treatment of alt Moos presented for consideration, ' lined all through, hobby stilt' f44.00 ,b , Boyd' tiotea and eerge imits, three • pieoeffoill outdo in the latest styles,' t •- • t witty, nobby gatmente that look Well ited will give eittiefeofory c • weer, many •diffarentA A pi Ora 44 tiho 114.$0101 styles to seleot from, at...• %.11911 016'08 b . , • ' and we ere assured that all Who Pate ron'ee the Soyereipa 1lank here May , :- 6' . " ., depend on getting the highest rates 0 . , . ao ,,,,i ' • ONE ''',W r rates for diseCitints, eltchange, Sec, for clepOsits, and the lowest current . r Another hand is being added to the . Olinton eta% rendered )16008110y Oil ' 1 . OLIISrMICON account of the growing clientele of . ' the Wench here, or 15a We can give you great value in a Fancy Flower Pot -just the thing you want when you take • your flowers in the house-Siz inches high and • •3;ght in diameter -Three colors-Red,Blue, SU- verovith a delicate shading on top rim and fancy gift decoration on each side. Mai be they wont be considered fine enough for table use but you will be surprised at their appearance 631.AI° price which is about the same as you would pay for a common pot much smaller. Weekly Globe from now until Jan I, 1904, for SIM • Weekly Mail front now uniii Jam 1p 19041 tor.$I,O0 Me W. D. FAIR do.. cunt.a • Often the Cheapest-Alm/Is the BefilV 15' 1. Nothing like Leather When it is well put together, We have int the kind of Footwear ton • need. . Our immense stook was never in better shape than now. We • have all kinds of seasonable goods at renewableprices, bought direct • from the manufaetnrer. Big etook of all kinds of RUBI3E1113-we do not handle eecond qualit/ goods -every pair welled is guaranteed bythe • maker,'0U. MAKE NO MISTAKE WREN .XOU BUT, YOUR ItUBBEES FROM US. . • . Special for FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Nov, 7-8 only 40 pairs Ladies Dongola Kd Boots, sizes 2i to 41 only worth $1.50 and $1.75, to clear at 99c -they are cheap. 28 pairs Misses Buttoned and Laced Boots, sizes 11, 12,13 1 and 2. All we ask tor your choice 99c for above dates See our Girl's Sid Laced and Buttoned Boots, sizes 8, 9 and 10. 30 pairs of each, going' at 75'. It Will pay you well to see our stook and get oar prioee. The Old Reliable, Cash and one Prioe We will not be undereold .11,ggs taken as melt. W 'Taylor & Son - Clinton ••••••••••••••••••••••• (.1 • • JACKSON. BROS., EXCLUSIVE • -NEWS OUTFITTERS are in. every insta,nce most Important price, in fact is. in ,iinduriement of: para- . . , , mount consideration-. . Our Clothing and Furnishings come from the foremost 'concerns in the country, and are here 111' -such diversity °a§. to make the e -vent . . s of commanding prominence: Our store will reveal some ideaL.of the scope of •. this sale, and -will likeWise reveautlii attractiveness.' ailorilig eit)artnieli,t; • W,re, having an exceptional bigbusiness on special nerring Bone Sao Toycloth, made nn in our Raglanette style, patent pockets,. new. Froch plait 'd back, vary stylish and only Waterproof Clothing • our 18. only: Men's heavy • 18 oz;.Anierican Duck, water new proofed, blanket lin.ed well made and a great wearer, otvn. worth .$3,50 each, this 1month we will sell them at . • $13.50 $198 • • • ammowamismosporowas.. • . 4 different cloths, all new, upvto-date patterns, :m:3e We have just received a line of new, up-to-date, to your own special liking and style; fit and workman" stylish OverOSata, waterproofed, self lined, all Wool, Rag. ship fully guaranteed This month our special price will lanette style and suitable for fall and winter wear; worth be . . regular $13,50, ctur special price tot this mouth will be - 150 men's heavy Linenette waterproof Coats, ,half We have just received 25 pieces Of new iterringbone' hoz. back, new paddock style, strictly up.to.date, worth stripe Panting, all new and up-to-date, real West of England, good and very, very special at ' regular $5, special this month • • $2 5 .0 .4 • • . . • • *3 50 , , 'Aiiiiiiiiir. - . , • I 1 . , I •,• .. . .. , . ' Wie are 'putting forth great stride to Make November the 'banner month in ' , . the history of this business:. . CiOme•and.see what vita* 'doing foto shrewd ' . buyers. . . Jackson ' ES. Mr OUTFITTER ' 1VIT TA:mon, „