HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-07, Page 5An 111 -fitting Sho
Is urcomfortable whether the wearer
Walks, Sits or Stands.
Are not uncomfortable
bey Fit Well—LC*It Well—Wear Well
We carry in stock 25 different styles of this make of Shoes vaned 20-.tbe poet week,. buyers now for it ten times preylous to thie year ;
(larreetc d every TbUrtleay afternoon
• Thursday Noverabor 6, 1902. Robt. King, who went to Sesiforth The Epworth Leagues of the Goderjete .,
the pat week, Beef markete van signed by McLean and Stoddart, Si Methodist church. Goderieb, Thursdov, i CliallinOni at CO,
The raareete have been yery quiet leet Saturday morning with the tondo, Dietrrot met in convention in tbe Victoria
.weak, with lower tendenciee as usually brought back the Hough OM with him. Oat, 80th. Devotionel exercises were eon.!
is at the close of the grass period. The It ie a dandy and well worth fighting duoted by the.B0Y..j. W. itobinson. pastor 1
'not !wink 651.P. Epworth League Convention••• •••• .1,1•0
November 7th, 190$
10104041400100* 410000004040040000040 0
demand tor lentbe is better than leer for. It stand.) 18 inches high and le of the church, who oleo extended o most
the present Butter and egge are the man in the act tif kicking the foot -1)41i the opening exercises A. B. Al ip, the prosi. i . .
week. and pork remains at $5 00 for beautifully engraved, A malel of a hearty weloome to ell the dalefetee. After!
same but eggs are vetting mere warm ratite onthe lid. On the side le engraved
potatoee are won coming ina but what "presented by j, Stanley Bough, Win.
few are offered 35c to 100 being asked. mpeg, to the Galt Oolleglap Inetitute
Emit market practically at an end al. football club.and by them presented to
though few grapee and peaches can the Western Football Am a of On.
still be had. Another week will wind tario." Dated Nov. 1884. Since that
up the male trade, and are a drag at time a number of clubs have held it
Present; 1.513 a bag for local trade and (Etna wits successful 0 Mew, Berlin 11,
75c a barrel for export. Wheat has Aylmer 2, Woodstock 2, Seaforth 23.
taken. an upward coarse and has ad- and (ioderich 4, Clinton hue contested
. payiny 680, oats 290 to 30e, and No 1 1894....with Seaforth;score 2 to 1
. giving you a splendid variety to c oose rom. *
No Shoddy—No Paper Soles. 130'e
Oata4 11 • • ,,..t.. 00 :08 : 00 4305 4000808.........wwittt, sSeogootrthh:. tslioorr: 03 too 3.0
.... 0 35 a 0 86 1900.... with Seaforth, score 1 to 0
Patronize the• New Shoe Store and get New Shoes. Pesti 0 60 ,. it I) 60 100001.: ....wwlitthh graffoorrttbilt, ss0000rtee 31, too 10
.. ea o; t , score o
1902.. —with Seaforth,•score 1 to 2
- MG pow on exhibition in Jackson
Bros' window, and is worth looking at,
corn hard to get at any price. 1895.... with Seafortb, score 3 to 0
rail Wheat old... a 0 68 new 0 68 189o....with Seaforth, score to 0
The prices age froin $8,00 to $5.00, Bring 44 a.. 949999 0 -16 0 68 1897....with Seaforth, score 8 to 1
'Blear per owt 2 15 a 215.
1901 ,.with t h 2 t 0
VFOPfrft4IWPf**** WHOrMR196,010Att.WA41
• The, beat biscuit and always the best.
No Changes. No -uncertainties.,
Every Won't 'light; moist, delicious. •
If you wan t this oertilinty. on Baking Day, mid
ovey9 8 BakingPowder, 25c a 1
Our Baking Powder is an absolutely .pure Cream Tartae.
Fowder contains nothing inprious
E. HOVEY, Dispensing Chemisti. Clinton
nay ^ 8 00 a 9 Q0
sheepskins 0 25 a 0 50
No. 1 Green trim. hides 6 oo h 5 50
ood short 2 50 a 2 50
hiokens, per 14.. 0 98 a • 9 12 A complimentary supper was tender-.
Pork, live . • • • • • 'at • to 0 50 it 5 50 ed the members of the Collegiate Foot.
Pork, dreslied.. . 5 75 a 6 25 bail Club at McOlity's restaurant, on
0 14 a 0 15 Wednesday,in recognition of their sue -
0 14 a 0 15 cess. The chair was occupied by Robt
0 15 a 0 16 Holmes, and short congratulatory
Butter, loose ,
.. tub
.Egge Per dos
Potatoes, per bush.... 0 05 a 0 50 speeches were made by lielessrs.McLean,
Dried APPleit per lb,. 0 04 e 0 04 Stoddart. A. SH Porter, W Ja k jae
BRITICATTLE MARKET captain of the team.
c son.
" Scott; E Dowding and C. Mustard the
In London, Weddeaday, Canadian cattle ,
were 'Andy at 110 to 12io,estirciated drew ihe * Match at Sa
ed weight. Refigerator beef was 110 to
Ilio. forth. , •
dent of the district, took the Omura
Thp first address woe delivered by fps.
Boone inaleard, Roleneevelle, her subject
being, "Where are we ?" Mies Pickard gyve
beautiful address in 'tvlitoli she pieced
great stress upon the neeeasity of living near
to Ohrast, and of exercising greet modora
and judgment in our werbitiodthetwe put
lath every effort to improve theepiritual
inte-este of oar work.
Mies L. Achesou,Goderi^bgave a beaut-
iful paper on "Showing forte. (Aria in our
Among tbe good thhige she Elia :—
Why ebould we show forth Christ in our
Retie ? Because Obrist and the apostles
taught OS GO to do. The scriptures teach ue
this thonglit, und the leading writers, se
Drummond, Meyer and others, emphasize .
this thought Men and women look to us
to see Christ in our liven. The world has
the ability to look behind the face and see
the Ohrietian. °brie* requires us to let our
light shine, we are to be like Christ. Die-
omega:not (+Beata no because of the dia-
Ianoe betweeo doite irnperfeotiond john.
lie perfection, yet we are to strive,we are to
rise. No life is so beautiful as a life in which
Ohrist 11 es, moves and has His being. Are
we luminous Christians? Are we produc-
ing Christ in our lives? Daily communion
with Christ a e t time eaoh,dsy in whit)]
we elattilliwell in the emote �f his preaenoe
---,should be our practice.
Rev, B. Hobbs. WIngham, addressed the
convention on "The boy, the cigar, the oig..
&vette." Among many good things he said
the tobacco babitl is tbe "switch" that
awitohes boys off thitraok. Ricotine,or tbe
oil of tobacco, is acknowledged to be one of
the mot virulent poieons known, Medical
TORONTO CATTLE MARKET [The article below is from the pen of a Men and °herniate Ontothat prussic acid
Rot very many exporters were received in browny Scotch. bairn by the name ef Robt alone stands' ah ad of it Two or three wwwwwwww gwv`•"' •4111"..w.‘"IwWWWN.Y11111"Www
• the Toronto cattlernarket Wednesday. The King, who is attending the Model, and drops will kilt aces. There le enough poison
Now For. Bigger Business
, We have never had ouch a good fall trade as •
we are Laving this year, and we are all the more
pleased because every clay we are winning new
irien.cle who have not been accustomed to ouch. ex-,
cellent goods for the money we are asking 'this
month, nor have they had such satipfaction in buy- '
ing a4lithey experience here. But while business Iso
far has been unusually brisk, we feel that still great-
er possibilities are before us, that this store's useful-
ness can be greatly extended, that more people may,
profit by our unequalled buying and selling facilities;
Ladies' Unarmed Eta Groves, browna and tans, in all sizes, rapier
price 750, for -50o. •
Ladies' White Undressed Kid 'Flues, worth $1.Q0 for 75o. •
Ladies' Rain Coats, in tbe latest styles,. in colors of black, navy, fawn ond
grey, at 33,34 60, $6 and $8.
Ladies' Bleols Satan% Underskirts, in all the lateen designs, very epeeist
• at 90o, $1,,$1,50 and $2, •
White Horiey 0.1mb Quilts, large sizes, great value, $1.
White marsailes quilt; large sizes in new patterns, at I/1 50, $2 and $2.50.
flew Prints, fut new patterne, worth Bo, for 50.
Wide Flannelettea, in light and dark stripes, 'very spooled at 50.
We ere selling agents for the celebrated Red Rose Tea, which is con.
Mend the Best Tea on the market at the price. In black or mixed at 250,
80o, 40o and 50o.
McKinnon az Co Blyth
general run at those offered ranabont 34.50 it ie'worthy of the 0131We ft micuries. We in one cigar, if concentrated, to kill a man.
to $4.80, with $5 as the extreme limit in a ara only sorry that it could not have been Tobacco ruins more than liquor ; it is also
few oaraw. Good butchering cattle sold at publistied last week, when the news of the the forerunner of the liquor habit,it oreates
about 54 to 34,25,and the prioe ranged from sheeess of our football blab wee more fresh the appetite, The liquor habit is the Ron,
that down to 63 for the poorer stuff. Qom' M the minds of our citizens, but watruet vile and bloodthirstyAnd the tobiteco habit
feeding cattle sold at about $350 to $4.26, it will be read with hiterest.1 18 the bear, and I am after them botb,and
nk a don, I cue whioh,„I kill first, for to kill one
th feedin bulls at $2 75)0 88.25. Good
*ItagglitlitiMMlitgliar*****/ wi g 'Saturday last bein a. bonnie oltu o
• is to leave the other half dead. 300 000 000
stockers sold 15112,75 to $8.
. , . day, I thoght I wad gang for a walk, so a • f tb • ' '
. 0. e litonan family are declared to be ad.
MONTREAL CATTLE MARKET' ter my -mid-day I set oot, and oomin' dieted to the habit, and 6/,000,000,000 are
• .
ur the main pant o' the toon,Isees a wheen
I spekd 0, Bandy expended annually on it. Bat what is the
In Montrettl,WedneadaY,alew of tbe best brow isd4iee and isseles.
cattle Bold at about $4 25,but these were not Mae .4whar are they pun tae the day," finamilti 5°Pect in MisPariwil i° the boy!
There le not money enough in the would to .
extras. Fairly good animals sold at about and aoht mon sayanDs des ye no ken ther's
3326 to $4, and oemmon stook at $2 to 113. a great iit-hal game the day 1, Heafurth;" n..... ., ' *It also degenerates the mind; .
al elves brou lit 513 er lb. others Roil 41:218" aqiinP, imemiearrad Yol'alS'iandy how it might rilwo-yert el; hool and college wItig -folloti- the '
Lean cannereeold at 51.50 to $2. The best A 1 emir, to See a Wee
te d
We want as many term-
ers. as can make it conven-
ient to come in and take a
barrel ef Reclpath's Gran -
minted sugar, as we are
'crowded with it,and some_
of our friends complain,
if we store it on the street,
so sell it for SUM
per hundred lbs, by the
barrel, tO make room for
OUP heat car. -
01 course we will deliver
it any place in Own.
Hue daosingir •
T. - Neil
Our tele one number 30 48
• •
4 ;
Strayed on the premises of 'the tindersigned
on cr about Oetoner.1st, lot 30, con *..2 Stanley
two yearling heifers, red and ,white in color.
The owner is reenested toprove.property, ipaY
ex enses and take them away. •
Oct.? tf. yym. ,
Teacher Wanted.
• . ---- •
Teaeher wanted Male Or Vemole: te teach in
S. No. 0 Goderioh 'Tp. (Porter'm
Duties to comma nee bit January next, Apeik
balite to state salary *and gertincat• nem.
Would prefer personal applications. Am*.
catione recereeetet0 to Nov. 22nd.
- ' •
Teadter Wanted.
• .
Female +teacher wanted for the Junior divis-
ion of Anburn3Publio Pchool. ' Duties to emu-
menee the bit of +January 1908, apply' Aeons
lealary and testimonials, tt_personal applica-
tion perferret1), To JOHN FLS014_,Beer.,Fress
!Oat. !- • ...Auburn
, • •Teiteher Wanted.
For Union 15, S No. 10 Huliett• and Goderich
'Township. . Duties to commence 1st ofJannary
Applicants to state certificate held, aud if con-
venient,. ramie' application would be pre-
ferred. pplications received up to Nov.. 12
.pd .H. H. HILL Londetboro.
, kinds of .grain
wanted, and the 'highest
Prices paid.in cash for any
quantity. Call at the Ele-
vator and see us before
- selling.
pples Wanted
Paring And Cider ' •
Apples wanted .
at the
Minton Evaporator
on and after
September 15th; 1902,
TO W N eRsa
The Novelty Bakery
-and pistartrant
Oysters Oysters
We ale rrepared to serve the
best 'Vetere either cooked or raw.
We alto have canned MOM
Tom* Duch, Spring Oliicket.
Corned Beef, Boneless Tdrkey, al-
, sodbe beet salmon.
• INO handle tbe best eh000latee
lifieflernikke oheioe Mitriosibo also
ritiagOntioreima and burnt ta-
n:iota/A Fancy ben bents eiwaye
151 etookr
A'cloiao stock of oranges and
lemone, banal:tee and ell:Made
of fruit in season.
Panay biaaa afikee
on Ile Ido
Wedding Cakes a
4t litany, Clinton.
:590 Men Wanted. •
The Ontario Sugar bo.; Berlin,Ont.,
• .
ultra work, for over NO men (farmers DOSS
rieggni)s trtIteti:tiCagal b1itege°rItotell.13 EiUgar
iltlifteen Cents an hour will be paid to faithful.
Labor tickets can be purchased at all station
for tie per mile for parties of fire • or more.
Work will last from ,three to four weeks', at
the conclusion of which a epecial opportunity
will be given to all hands to see through the
,sugar factory, whioh will be in full operation.
who application immediately to _
• _ Agricultural Superietendent.
,by letter Or by balling at the Company's office
•in. Berlin.. • ,. •
able men.
ve 0 1 P
lam 8 id 3i0 to 0 Per one P 0 were tae gang richt toe e p ace p Harvard University has stood at the head
29 bringing the the top figure. • • ' ' :.-• In aboot a wee short while it began, and of his ohms. And when we toneh man's
as fr to 41o. Sheep sold at '220 i0 80,an
4 lb lok d I t be i we gae lake, and ssrisy bein' willies we
th I I few not, and for 50 years not a tobactibtbreein
habit canna complete with ose who da •
Great efillient
There was a m k • chiel bl • '
whistle, and the meenit he gave it a Maw
and °there. who are interested in the Port-
• It '• •
a a game as w 8, p y .
aoat lane aolnuerceepwtei bfilendto that .a game. Sic a orood war P the 'twara°0010"nasearP i�
apob,, we !maned a' the iaddies and lassies
f Clinton d a bonnie set • inavatrenftisoewoinnge.willinsoiniseeneoto,om. mit. tee
. was
appointed to nominate the officers for the
00Mine year : Mise BOSSie Pickard, Mise
Rudd, M. W. Howell, Rev. M. J.
B. A., and•Rev. Jas. Hussar, B. D., 'Ph '
The evening session was an inspiration to •
all who attended. A sone eervice wait.00n-
ducted by Rev. Dr. Daniel,.and led by the •
HIPPY THOUGHT itiNGES—Thi, Favorite:
excellent choir of the church.
g ve a most inspiring
ay. E.. mom, BaadAietBei. 011,14:rowlidi. BEATIER87-that will burn Soft Coal,' Hard. Coal or Wood.
4,The motto of the church, 'The world for • • • ' • • • ,
A large number of capitalists, experts 0 no ie swill a
land Cement industry, yisited the city of sib 4 Akan' and minim' for the be' They
Hull last week to vie'w the properties re,. fanabont. Jackie' the ba' wi' their heide and
oently purchased there by the Internation-
al Poitland Cement Co., Limited. Some
of the visitors are directors of the great
National Portland Cement Co., Durham,
Ont., and are also int.:40:04in large born
penies in•the United .States.
•• Much interest Wee taken in the proposit-
ion, as unlimited quantities of raw material
material showing it.to be of the very beet.
The ' transportation facilities are time-
parised, as the output • otin:be shipped out
by both water and rail. The eastern pro-
• fi d Oh Some 0' th 1" ddi h d
Pr an a e a es a
sic eine' sults and ma' breelte, eio sprat.
-tie. Our Sandy and our Roy- put • bet
damper on them, Seafurth urchins; Roy,
he luokit the ba' wi' his heed tee Charley
Mustaid, and this bairn straikt it tattle&
Whiddin, and Oheithl bow the lad did hog
shouther them Seefurthnrobine and fairly
win't thein tarry-breeke up, Jock, he
were -In evidenoe, expert analysis ot the
hiellit the bat wi' hie fit ower tee Bob Stod-
dart, anitber frien' o' ouni. Moe, boo he
duoht the ba' tar hie heed, and ramie' like
cowte. Bob, liebanded it ower tee a lang
vmoes require . an enormous quan °hen, jook Todd, I was tatild. I thoght.
cement, whioh has to be very largely it was the diet blamer the way he was
orted and this section alone will nee. wr aboot fifty *Worth gilpies
• • th
' batch o' them and blestit the ba between
CompanY . •
ore cement than can be supplied by ihis Afore _his baok, but Jook tvint ower e
- On the return trip the party weeileined twa stooks. They tauld me that Jock
, by a arge n p -floored ane rin for oor lade. ..tiow the
of Hull and Ottawa; and a visit was made lassies did tont. This a bean took took
to the works of the National Portland _ Piece in Iwo -three means. Then one lads
Ce_ment (Jo., Durhara• Ont.' The visiters rhint KWh' in* as if neared, but •spierd
were simply astonished. at the magnitude why and was tauld it was a richt e0 I Psi
of the enterprise, and the oompletenees of rho ewer. The nuiokle ohiel syne. blaw'd
• 4
.. ,Thio week we show some fine BED-
.131J/TE -61i .quarter -out po1.
t ea, -i bed oak, with eiiher White Enamel.
urn' ure-ratItI3.16 glen B ,AAVT70211 rag •
Prices low as the cituditY will permit. Headquarters for Window SHADES,.
Brines the size of your windows.—we do the rest. Pictures framed while U w.alt
„ . ,
.3. Ii. 401-1.r..]r_cir_: vv. , 13.1.41c gm.
towss• oves
a L
ftvement-for MisEiloria, n pert, be said : AlltifIGHT-HEATERS—for-vvood only ..$0. 50 to $4.50 each
is question whether • we ought io (support
Christ and Christ for the world.'
Suitable for Ranges and small Coal Uri -lets
mission. or not, but whether we oan retain.
ourChristian spiritand not hie a mieeiodery. • • . •
The hope of tbe ciluirob hi in orir young peo- SECECT IAJHP .11/11NtilLEWOOD:HAS$ILLON..•
ple, but they must, bs interested fires in
Christ Himself. The Master's loU oom- Suitable for Grates or any kind of- Cooking Stoves
mantis arti—lookprity, give, go. Two lines : .
. . .
—information, then consecration. Lift up - SENI-ANVIIRACITE,--a small q- itantity only '-,--.'suitabitv for.
elf -Feeders and Furnaces,. •
Lift op youreyes and look 11 ,Get intern:tit,
• leen. Oar eyes are too renal like Mammon, - '
one of She fallen angels in :Paradise Lost. lift at our store for large loads of wood from the.bulh, we are illlin.t
terested in the golden streets the') tbe glory, 0, RDERS -
18 001 eatiefaetory, 1%0180 no at our store, and we will take it away., Satisfaction
Hie eyes were always down. being more in- as promptly. se possible. If for anvreason when wOokis receivedl
around, Look:on 4101ne pod missionary or 1 our money Wok. • Orders:for half cords or mai on bedellyered from our
'literature • reed—pt information. Read yard. A few .cords of WOOD CHUNKS- 7 jest the thing for Furnaces or large
your eyes and and look on tbe . fields, and' s '
drive out melanoboly,inspire definite omen- • ' •
the hves ei our miesionary heroes, IC will. • Wood Reetere•-
the eyetem installed there. Upwards of his wheel; e. then ere was. r
$100,000 stook was subsoribed. by members and breastin!, sic on bizz. lookit
of the party•before returning home, at Sandy 113,aird lid Roy H
sel""titd"tibe'era oration. jesus eaid, "Pray ye ""giie ve " Our orders are in for Hard CORI and will have soon as we can
. j, Broadfoot and W. T. Box, 'Of Sea- 6' my frien oboe -themen was a Y 111g y
Prayabout m mons. 11 10 COM • •
t d were were baith baoke; then I speird tiboot Char.. . •• • .
Ih000 who ra that Jaime askant
Attend the itest It Pays
Recent graduates have excepted good
positions at $40, $45, 61§0 and 660 a
month and a few days ago an applies
was reoeiyed offering one of our grad-
uates of last term It eatery of 6800 a
year, This is the kind of evidence
you are looking for as to • the best
sohool to attend Catalogue tree
Enter thie month if poseible
W. J. ELLIOTT principal
Town Hall;* ()Hilton,
Thursday, .-Nov.: 13th,
'Matinee at 14 p., m.
forth, accompanied the par y, an am g P Y
highly plowed with . the prospects of tbe ley blusterd, Bob King and Jock Mali Won,
received, freely Rive. This meens per -
interests in this* weeterntieotion.- • • • forgit hoe our Cherley Mustard playt, he
minently " give the' Gospel " The •
. •
sale Register.
' Company. • • "you cote.," earl my ?due% they are the Els Workers. If We foil in our Leagne work,
• ' E. Courtioe, Clinton, was also one of back -hat' . Sic an moires', thinks I, is a it ' will be along the devotional line -
the party, and representifthe Companyli fit be mood; said to bee sio baoli. Ie'e 'We eines:return t° Freely Ye have
Farm kook, eto, of John Wigginton; lot
64, Bayfield road, Gederieh township, on
wag a tale clan in bonsai, and boo Jock pereeouted Christianswent forth preaching.
MoEvren end Bob King, twa brow Sootob everywhere; we shonld preach wherever we
laddiee,juilrit them Sesfurth cuif ,s 'and boo go. ' When the early church was soattered
Mindy and Roy ducht them, Then I epierd abroad, by peyaeoution, not the twelve
at tinsel() aboot them twa bairns ayont Jock • ' - '
nal Christian became a flaming evangel,
• 4
Hardware - HEMS
speedo. did tins merely, but every individ-
Whiddin'. She tank! me they were Thornty
Reduction in -Prices
Friday, Nov. 7. T..Brown, A-tiot. Mustard, a brither o Charlie e, (Mon, Wenay a great dealabout "Coming,"getting
Firm' stook. implements, eto., of 1 H. thoght I, wat fit -bo' lade them Mustards
the people to conic, to church and to Christ.
I2tb. Thee. Gundry, Aunt,
Elfold, Hohneeville, on Wednesday. Nov. are) and me° Altkeeheedt betth of the
—NO" ° an' en All did no them in. Th e is the chum e s am-
, , Ili fl td 1 Th i cra no wish to - . „ • i b , b .
Christ's method is "Go after them and
my ignorance tee ae, parson I spierd nese and also Of the individual Christian,
On Tuesday, Roy. 18, at I pan., on lot show it'
and in Shia great work we have the promise
12, concession Il, MoKillop, farm stock the twa efoakt,.
o' a mon aboot the muokle 'oallen between
of Christ, "Lo I am with you always even
and implements. A. Menzies and H. Gov "011," says he, "That of
executors., T. Brown, Aii t Charley Swore. he brands the, ba' 50 keep ,
unto the end of the World," .
— -° • , , it free gangin' through and °moan' it mu. Thie was followed by an address by Rev.
• " Hook 1 I was so doited diet I thoght they R.Ilobbe, Wingharn, his subject being "A
' Timm +Fere a lot o' (Bele oot for Mmes. end that ( Manly Man." This address was °hamster-
_---- ' ,_ Charley, the rouble oallan, was their get-. istio of the man who delivered it, and was
- JERV1S—In Sintaluts, N. W, T., Oot. man.
26th,to Mr and Mrs Edwin Jeryie,e daugh- . I began no to tak mair 00 the game,and greatly enjoyed by all, •
The paper"Give and Prosper written by
ter. (nee Miss Hamilton, Clinton.) lookit at the ba' o' the time until a Seefurth ., ..-.-,.
twee vv ashington, was brought up .for •gen-
HOGART-“on Sunday, Oot. 261h, to lad braing't and brak a bone in hiehariitaii
eral die:ussion. and some interesting thole
Mr and Mrs Andrew Bogart, oon, 18, Elul- They timid me it washis ainfaulkso I t og , were expreesed on this important subject..
lett, a eon. • diel -pia -care, it was a main, In a wee At 6,80 Friday morning a most helpful
whilie I heard the tout re the whuetle and • rayer service was conduoted by Rev, M. 1.
WALTERS—In Tuokereinith, on San- a" the tanpiee took a riot and alt lemone ,trilecit. The meeting was not very tersely
• day Noy. 2ad1to Mr and WS Ea Wien, without sneer Then they beann agin attended but those who attended were great-
ly inspired,
The regular session opened at 016. A
oplendid oddreqe od,"Temperance, its pre -
gent aspect," was delivered by Goo, Milne,
Londesboro, otter which the,follovring rage -
lotion was carried by a etanding vote;
Moved by M. W. Howell, tieeonded by Rev.
wileon, B. 11. eta resolved
• Moving -Picture co
_ a eon. hiltie-skiltie, throuther, end thumpit them,
MaADZEAN—In Iirduseels, Oot 28th,to eels cm eaohither hat oor lade were nn.
An oriental • Evening • Mr andllfs Win Mora seen, ii. daughter. olisith'd. Agin there wee tractile hollerin
. Under the auspices .of Ino ItGAr—in Lucknow, Oot 22nd to Mr and spa tauld me Seefurth got a ria, X herd
baeestam l'Ithe°guhrtiat:'tee gininglwne%i° ke
re XII Gay, a daughter.
Is 0 0 1* Lod e No 83 .MOWAT-In Wingliara, Clot 26111, to different in a wee hittie ;•howevfir, I winno
. I • g LU
na mt, J ti daughter. • fent ower inulikle, thinks L. I was richt,
Presentitig the most elaborate program !Mov-
ing Ptetuies evetseen in one Exhibitio
desire to ettiphatfize thisfact, and we trtt
watt that we have the largest and .
Mutton of this charseterin America.
edly you haVe seen none as geed.
'JOHNSTON-1n Lower Townt Oet 2211d, ' for in shoot fifteen mamas Bob King, the
MAnnaKta. for Minton, „Phis wee es the rine e the
Aced and got the jug,I think it wite,Sendy
and me good awe haine,
° r
autv Adtiltrtitienteittil
'yak Nogeo..,
()Mr and,31rAiMm..Jahoston,a daughter. Scotch toddle afore tank( shoot, made e rin
TAYLOR--At—At the residence game," bnd when we heard Clinton was
We present the only authentic ata cetriplete
ilfe like representation of the Coronation of of the bride's rots, Nov. 5th, cy Rev Dr
Stewart, Geo Tayler. to Miss Annie 3,,
King Edw. rd VII.
a 'daughter of Mr and Mie Fluker, 'of town,'
ether tvith the claztling stred nil,.pageWALKER—HALLIDAY—At the reel -
the King; Queen and Oeurt departing front denae sithe bricle'errents, Morris Oot 22,
Weetmineter Abbey, , by 'Rev S Hardie, °Wave, Theo 'Walker,
• . Roaring ItiVere Of Lava, Brtiesels to Hiss Chrietian,daughter of Mr
. • _
The Eruption of Mt, peke and Mrs A Iltgliday,
A brilliant production bf that imnotts fairy tale
DOM. •
Goderich, on Thursday,
Jack and the Beanstalk- Oot. 80113, Elizabeth, wife of Edward Sher.
The Thrilling English Stag Right) mani'alled years .
London Fireman Id warm and • SPENOPI— In Goderioh, on Sunday,
Pearling Resent, Nov, 2nd, Elizabeth Grant, relict of the
'Shooting that Whirpaal Rapids isle ilenrY SPenata
Andover 50 otherintenaelyinteresting sublet:4m STEWART—In Bromide, Oat 27th, Ors
We also introdilee leen, Wife of Jae Stewart, aged 88 years.
High -Class Vaudeville Acts BONTIMOt —In Toronto, Oot 25th,Ad.
die Gertrude Bonthron, formerly of Sea.
oontinomentto tied, as • recent* his aeoldont flra Vide ......11168 Elokard,
- (his Hate Only.
Tee underaigned.will bele his office in the
Town Halt, every evening from 7 to 9 o'clock,
for the convenience of noreaere.
to read. the ohildreni
Flank tor We.
A reeolutiort was utionimously adopted
That we urge the; eaoh League use its ut-
most endeavor to at °toe secure the largest
amount of money cseible, for helping the
Went Huron. Proin ition Alliance in the
'Referendum Camp*, and that the Bailie
be forwarded to Mr Vanatter, trcestirer of
Here is greacbanoe to secere'fa firetolasellibuggy at a; big :reduction No '
these prices:— k ' •
41140 Boggles for Mg 1.$73 Reggio for $65
$65 Buggies for $60 •
• .
Remember these are all our own make, which placer; us, in. a position t0 Nuarante
there, as we do not bay any material loot what is first oboe.
Repairing promptly attended 10 by experienced men,
KILIIBALL Huron Street, Clinton
Wanted.. •: .111ST IlsT
1&*A: car of POTATOES New RaiSinSI New Currants
. New Oranges, Lemons Pip ,ta
soon as possible, New Honey
Prime September CheeSe ,
Air-likkinds of good Poultry iffetareni Toni)orial CheesF
, /led Apples, for trade
- : Christie'S Fang. lisonits
Haddie and Cown in blocks
Rave you tried our Stratford Sausage? • They are Gelling fait en
are very line. All theme goods are beet qualities .and prices right
Snooessor to 'Ogle Cooper 00
She fund ; and that eaoh League endeavor
to promote the greatest interest possible ieve"00,0,00,11,,,wievetaiheoweigt.e.e. olamagio,A0. ,00,,0,04010011A00,10,04/4
and perfect the beet possible piano for a . _
stioceeeful vote,
The Round ableConterenoe On Minima
wee concluded in Smola helpful rammer by
the Rev, P. E. Malott.
Dr. Daniel disotweed the subjetit.
Converskin," in e, manner that ronsed the
membere preeent to put forth *Wier effort
• expressing appreoiatiOn of the excellent dd.
A ?MOO of Hardwood plank for sale obeaP• dress delivered by Rave, It. Hobbs and P.
Hu forbarit Or Stable fluertivoutverts etc Melott,
tf NoV 7 It. & J. RANSFOU Clinton. The following °DIGO; were Appointed for
Card �i Thanks.
She enduing year :
rrell • . ReV. Dr Daniel
Retiring from Busin6s
• Pro • ilise M. Washiniton, Clinton •
The Undersigned desires fit return his mos 1St •yloe ...A. E Al in Goderioh
sittcere thanks for the °Cant ettrikvAtig., L umwoutettch,
Aowest Fossibi6 Prices for f"thr agect" 786-ni Minile341"11 11V41/111
110ITATT—In Oot 18th, Agned
Itonatt,rellot of the late Joe,Barreitteged 82
D. DIOKIN8ON. 4th Rebel Bailey, Nile
.26atinee 100 20e,Svening 26$35e Poro. - • 5th vioe. . Moe Millenoloderiah
We make theseSpeolal Low Prices for this • OISTIElt—In Mantel's Oat 17th. a•bo
-Farm For Sale or To Rent,340/4 ............ D., Barnesville
Engagentent Only to intrednae the greatest O'Sheo,forrnerlyof heaforthAted 60 pen. Treria2.. ... •MiIB es E A. Blair, .A.uburn
Exilibition or its kind in existinico. weat bait of La, dirm 8, /weft tp, Conf. • :MN WallVitil Seeforth
aores in all, of whieli fifteen %Ores aro Membere of tbe Executive—
• HOGG—ln London Ploopital, Oot 27th. seeded, eight acre,' la boi wheat, about ton 11fos Mary Pentlend., .. ......aDungattnon,
advents -Sale Opens at • Frannie J A Hogg,Wingliem,aged yeare. or bush, pit...0%aq hard1,004 Minute itt
MitS t Meeting Olinttrii16
Fair's Book Ntore tbITt-ral Ai « rergr.son the es and ttill Wik drained.Xt w0
' Seat* To•Day, reliet of the late Thomas Motet ittnel "Ad P°14e9914! 4111% at PASIII—I"' gel? witton, E. A.,. ....Eno W. L.
ng r it on the Itett A.-11 Iler
01:1111E7r .Lotidesboro
her reelden., te in Heti. goo
Bo CeinfOrtahle. wells- undo never fail' to 1 g erne
socure nixtr oft%oein TharedaY. 00t 80, Sarah 'Walker, premises .2k. miles ftenx Clinton, on terkod CU° .•. ....a „
yea, arid i
We have (leaded to retire from ',pianos in tiMdesbor.ough, and expect
Our succeesor to take poeseeeion of the stook and premisee on or
about January let, 1903, In the meantime it it clearable that the
atook should be reduced by several thousand dollen, and we how give
the people' an epportonity of securing supplier; for the winter" at priceS
• that will mean the Booing of .many
di The gook- le large and„Well assOrtedrall „linen_ being in -
good fall trotter Make out a list of yew wants in Dry Goods, clothing
Bate, Oape, Pure, Boo* and Shoes, °rookery and Bordware, and 00111e
expeotittg much better yam then you ten get elsewhere, and we assure
you you will not be dieappointed. We want all custoners to be Nowell
• pleased with their purolifteee that they will tell their Wendt and
neighbore abotttlt—and they in turn will pay us visit
M1 goods will bo tom for teal or produce. We will pay thehigheet
' Merkel price for Uoll Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples end Ulm
mother of of Mi" 8' E. mernlYrot former', /Mt '116"1" TA old& tare mom, IL D. jig, "deoretary.
s •
of 011aton, Ili the aged 77 yew.