HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-11-07, Page 2ltovember 7th, 1002,
Crisp County Clipping
Five thowneude pressed brick will be
pia in the front ot the new
n0 liolenee
block Wiogharo.
on De liscew, or Winghatre, ePent 4 few
. 410 . - ' • .'t . I week* in the poet -graduate etospitais'
r at New Yolk and Philadelphia rt.
have commenced the se.
teratione in the comer attire tin the
. THEM QRAV*S A HASLII,T or mos . Metier, block Winghatn, for the Dineen.
len, Dank. A large vault 1$ being
built. Mr Wee Nicholson hag the COP* eure is
now within the reach of P1,11410 stanch, alone -the use of any -tract, '
eetvemt eufferer 1 other Medicine 45 40 45515tant 1$ notP barrro. le Aston Vy .. Wing.
at good, plain, ranirishing Te I) L as M 0 food, .get plenty of fresh air and out -door
• exercise, and use Piii-lelo 45 directed, that theiworkmen can reachthe
build a foot brithTown 0ouncii to
dge over the river, so
c tfiloseel
as directed will oiled; the progress II it 141-11a4ure will 4° the rest.
erofghl$ fatal •disease and restore the aftliet,. RA 149 is inexpensive, being sold by ElVaorire more conveniently, and will '
._, druggists at Ss.%) per large bottle or you Gave them creeping the railroad bridge.
end 10 perfeet health. Do not go to Florida • I - ' The atiatersary ;MIMI In 21011 nee. ACTS 00471.Y
lutle4r4, califonia, mexioo or tbe Rooky may procure aelample bottle for 25 vents. ti
Aftentains, Izemain at home with friends If your druggist has not got Pu1.810 in °a with the Blith Meth 41st church 014.0,tt
Sale or to Rent.
.403 bomo comforts around yeti. end use stook, a sample bettle will he delivered to isrIvulci uheet,M9T atintildnideathY ."Aley.140". 4ways,,' Lyn.
Bow"VLS For
roper( es for Sale or to Let
Hereford Stoth
ft -.72 ..r•••
For wile sever* l heed of young Iferarerd.
thoro-bred end grade, at reasonable prices
Oct. 17. 14 TA 001100 an ce
To Let.
That beautiful stere In the joic n Moak
Uuron Street, lately wanted, by itte, Ay- I
tile to
lie,pt. teetl elinten
li'arni For Sale.
gam,* 1
The west half of lot 24 Seyneld Con God,
erich township, tiOntairdng 100 sexes c dood
land, if offered for pale on einoT term*. (rod
, IT/Oaten
Ibarn,ilog house, pleuty wa or nnd
orchard. Rartioulartraimpaaelre,
which is the achievement of the ao7 0c.lcirees
eXeoluiy m Medical science, Pulono is an
.1 is geed elate oreeltivattou for sale or to rent
BrilW11, le, De of Mitchell, will be the eteeete wee eteteelese eeeteinine 100 acres
prea_her at the morning ant.1 evening SYsi' Et4 e
gtetheelate cure for Consumption Throat t rep of year*, tiny toJNO. Me01000014,
-,eopitier 'e assumptive symptoms, . • •.. th CLEAU4565, et-FgauALLY;
,0041/4•Lung Troubles, Coughs, CoiSs, aod on premises or MOSERGOR. eon,•11.
, The PitiqVio.Co., Toronto, tint. , A Court for the revision Of the • R Tuokinamith, Seefortli P. O.
Address all lettere to• v res. on un ay. . .
voters' list was held in Industry hall • LS
, xee teh e, other pe1!ow worry., llionday last. Plie Romer Judge 1.0$ • ti,„#445
Do it Now11.
WL Doyle presided. Four were changed 01$ 40 $. For Sale
speakingof conditions In the Veit from pat t tone to two ;Jaz. were struck .
. Quite a ntrkbit of our reader % ed Stetete non. Afr Diair said to the loft anti two aCide4 on.
vnscription for the eurrentyear. • = There seemed to be a great 9 , will be held on Friday evening, Dec-.
COmfortablehouseTind lot. on Alliert Elte
l. 1Clinton for Sale oho a, lot 11 acre Rouse
The annuel entertainment of St OVERCOMES Al at*. small fami Ann!), It Ens
thereis one month better than Interest in the Northwestern States in mbar 12th. • " itarruAL CO Saie.
have °Vet lo ed the fact that Globe ; ' pAtIoN ° ce'
they have not yet paid their • deal f Andrestos chureb Sunday school th
,another to pay ao account that the skIlleet of lierne sort of recipi ooal 1 The xflytif floor hopped 825 -PERMANENT1X
Month is October. Whichmeans trade relations wit "1"Ite bags on •Thureday last. Tie e is the
OtatNOW is the time. • a live niatter there, and ' some • of the
eould, what the feeling in Canada wOilld ITs ', 4c0'64> *.
public men that I met vrere quite full of largest datei chopping ever clone in
it. They introduced it almost have*
ably in. conversation, and tilt), were
very anxious to gathr from ineef they
be. I told them that I could not say
that there was a very keen interest in
the quelition.in Canada just now ; that Short -horn cattle. = •
our people 'have made a .good many
oVertnrea inthatdireeiiiin f40 the A.mer-
ican °Gwent:Gent, vehicle had not been
well r ()peeved, and I thought .. thee We
lild mot w ill Su I ttle success that the
0 fee diet) pecr4 were Inclined i 0 Make
up their nill#1$ to 1001t,. in other direc-
tions fovea* outlet:" • •
Mr Bleer le ' right. - Canadiane are
net paying numb attention to recipro4
. • . .
. , .
eitYa If the Vankeee want to lower
. .
their teriff, or to rase it, thieVe their
Canada,It i mine
souse, two We gime. stable, corner of North
that establ Shnleat• ' * ft water, fr___otrees sad a feeble n
gCTS ,, Ili e ' W 1
itehatt been a moot hounelful
we Rhankl not, therefore, day,lash week, rece veil by trek' a; 'MT' suit, t 4E:dettusitit .4,4,44irc, Isy
, fine 'ten months old d fit b 11 ,
have Via Wait longer im yoU. ' from Air Neat Dow, Of Tara. a Pro, , -.
minent I) reeder of 'high: grade • Scotch
• through with their barvest, and. Aft, peter McNay, of Aehtiem, one • groolassadmitoloviratetePolltbtoo 0004 *
()Ur country frienda are
andMary Streets, The cotter 'imitates Hilt
coms bp god revalr woods d' ith las d
your For Sale.
'A, look at the label of
paper will rbow the date to
a The North Bair of TAX Xi, Cougession 7. Col-.
hie arm at the wriet Friday last. 441:* ne"
winch your sitbsorintfoo is pV.d. • borne, aral"two -villa
fie witsreachifig=up for a board sir b.. n _
Mr Geo Peterson, of Seaforthe broke elOr: Ate 0 •
otre . liverr barns outfit gdegoot)td.84110-7 arheehetuaiter:
tin litig , an
..±1.....ttt ,Aa poiti 50atri so or tormeLapp,r to the undersiguedi
M4 11.0 ;sent 1.1•• an.8 WM SYMINGTON Auburn
' 'Mons. .g'tillTifformation sent free on re-
.110e13g . D latttli0", pr;41.s4ARRP'QN.
NUSeatleleit 7, 1002.e
Tiitle.Toronee: Word refers to "the
91-oortage of bank notes". Every t ditto.
ii oirperkeheli of -thie;
• • The acreage under ;Omit in th
Poince of Manage* le new gi,eater
than that -of the United -Kingdom' of
Eireat,Britain and ItTland• • =
.,41111e9eurnaje Mr Tarte is gradually :
e 'and Oteeto annoy no to ' ' '
etiming ',me mien .of a eunday techeol I - • , , - . r aesi9t,the pea.'
- ' Phi of another obuttet - . '
: ,retiefintentlent Agit .16 liful net ' been
:.,Aecided Wiiii.lit' to fill the place Of '..Bad A - lalc11-7--•-• '
Nan of the Ministry. . :' .. - -. The we ,:ieene80,1 e%PeZtille:isteebeteri.aes:eryh,°16vcreal,
". Furtii flret • ' - ' • ' ' • . ' , 11)It'''), awd. whenit is engratifie she 10 , de.
, e . re . time since the - original preyed or much of the haPpineso of Ile It
often happens thetohildiesenese.' is due ta
• *debase of equiriment the thmadian
pe.4flolenihree ,.,013_ah, . , . t -pine cense Wheel can be removed,and Often
. . gi•tv %.-• 11 7 is going e is removed by use °Mr Pierce' e Paver-.
Jmnort; 1ocometives , item, :itcrOO. tbe ite predoription. The vigor and vitality o
.' Which tbie remedy. ins -parte, to the delicate t
Atlantid. The ,manufacturere' •Of tne womanly .,;-
_,. 'organ?, phriteei:israti:1 bIzoitlitsitt '
?Mated:States and :Ca:nide,' are 'OVere of normal heelth,:,t
reowded with orders for next' year • and ()•ebsetereteetioe,to maternity, Beerei woman 0
inahilits, of the.00repany. to , kiecurEf SIIVILIIIII' road pr: Pierce't Common ,i3entle
p ;were.' when reqUire0 beig....eoinpelled , llt. elieta AdyiEler'' a- b66 °°6141414. 1008
i--,--u't4g6-6 it 7nit4 in 'Scalia: tii 1.,01, .aid.,790 illwormiaap. it ill MA en.
;twelve- ten -wheeled lecornotivee and tit! otri"OtvtaoelPt °I 66°301 to Pa, •ex ' e leaving, r c vor money 10 keep puttifig fine sand end
Alio Liberals are in power, 'too. . mailing and etuitoink. Bend $1, purchaied what has been. known 44 gravel on, theroade, and the seotier.the:
.• . . . ... . , . one cent ete,impe for the ' pat5er bound eel,
, un, :non; en?vrtroiceerehr for cloth *evoked, Address! ,twha4teliktiN:yeag;P•t,v°P.:!../irtYoir Tees- .itotwycho.tiailidthnOotribtleeetarebasidiz.5,,tthethaeaphdetwtears.
668 Main street - Beal% Thothas. The -property is a 'Most de- screened ohfr but what is"g61°8.61A• 'the
We think that Mr Tiede and the CI
T,. x•vittivee in theft advaCity tire higher N y • , ' •' ' •
=e „ . *able; one. 004.ie. said to haVe cost Streets at present hellis to In4lts- more
hteraliatul. Of_abOlition, of even the. tariff. :' - Mr -K41'65004. r , . .. . eaudi without accompliehipg,. any per-
eference to Eritain,.,rePreeetit'lliii in -- ' • Iht,‘ M19411 ItEntg`. M. E. Zutilfrigg, Of Winkhain, has tuanent good : whatever,. Itio . sheer
;TerePte and pocketsof One class of. our ; King Edward is Sovereign over a- con 13""b"ed17.1 VV -6131134 emlve011MtlY 'w,ate'°f 11//)nt.7
peopie,•the roanufitcturers,• and Of , the :Homo® peninsilleS;660 proniontoties, Centre street and obtains Posse 'DEAFNESS C.AgXOT i% otrrtgr)
' ' 1 4plicatiops iss they cannot
Hoy Wan ed.
Wanted. smart bey*, Isitrei printing. Niro
4 Orrick.
liangolds tor Sale
offer for fah; dretkel-eseMangolds. delivered
iri town, at 93per ton. Ord, r by mail. or tele -
Rhone. I) 4. WORIMsnrit,•0110toe, Oot2
Clinton Court of Revision.
held, pursuant to tee Voter% List Act, by Ris
Ratio ie hereby given that a Court will be I
limier the Judge of the County Court of the
Count, of ifuren, in the Connell Oliambtr,
(Minton, Fridar, Nov. 17, 1999, at 10 a. :tr. to.
or errore aud omissions in the Vetere tut
bear and d Womble the Roven4 tompitte
of the Muntopelity of Wilton; for 1902. All
tremens having business re the 0' 'art are re,
gulled to attend at the said time and eleee.
• Dated the 901 dity of October.
Vs 52.100ATS, Clerk of theeeld MuntolpgItty..
)ncit-Eillott Bloch, Isaac litraat,
in ISTER. bOX.101TOR, NOT/ St
41170140, ETC,
Olney- eaver Block/
lip *Alm Onpoisite Fenry's Pboto
.1,1111201ST HALE
• CONVRICOMEttS$ PoirgineroNaN
Real Estate And insaronee
MOW*. to 1.2au.
- 0. P. tfaLlt. J01311 BIDT62t
narrieter frollettor Notary and Couveyoneer
• smiee--Oppostie eelberne Hetet
eioderiels ,
ItOal Estate for Sale. •
-1 Part offarm, tote end$3, enweet eide ot
Containing 97 scree.
0, The north half of lot29.cork.2,aad wolp. pert
of lot 24, yen, fl, One bait rano from Menton,
north, oregravelyeed, eontiuume 90 acres. -
.11 The brielcdwelling includinglots18, 19 and
20 On corner Of 3001241Pa Image streete, in
4 Theirame dweffingon weef Ode of Victoria
rarest mid next north of railway-,
Liberal terms Weal*, ptiroliesere, Apply to
litr, W. PARRAN or
„ 0.11 RAMS, Clinton
The t'irst Step to the
Success .oul'uirede t
bright Mom men mid Wreneir hes
cbo thoroueliDusiriese onorthandd a-
catlon i pa t d t
. Business and Shorthand College
, 00r. Yonee end college Sto., Toronto.
Por quaint ti of teardie a complete
ipm and°r °nerd of lanc'eessfin, 14-
, divictuai instruntien results it is unsurpriss-
. ed.,
.113 rth todente aided to nailitg post,
he lose his balance.. To save himself
be • • One Streets. -
from falling on some machinety
terust out bie arm and fell on it, •
Stable for Sale;
The Henson Observer. says t --"The Au di 1 --- s rg eeda is, box
ung a name Boa, 'about 18 streets of Seaferth and Clinton ate in e. staie
plane of awe and liviog a few miles wretched Condition tbie fall with mud loft, e
formerly of thiMeren: Holt 4 Oarner04
Offlet-liallnitOn oppOsite Colborne Ron
picKirktsoN4 OARIFIOVV -
Oilleet-Cortter Ettentilton at, and the Sigar
Moderlebt 644:
14, DiekinOon Vase Wainiw.L.L.De
Baluoirrette, flowirronsi iVeytaurs,. ;Pliant/
PRoCTQRS nv TUE Naarrnot. 0012irr Lo
Office: Nortb in., next doer to Signal ontee
Private Funds to hind at lowest rates
, of interest;
W. PliGUTIPOOT; rrAys.
41-t114414, 141,10.,
IL 0. 1. 4$
Oftice-Ontaris Street, Clinton. Night calla,
at front door of office or residence:, Batten-.
tintwil1 be A014 ate veV, reasonable price:
e harness roeia, grain bine. arcionit hat
aleentiate of tile Naval (Miley, of
- 13R ,ilifitilltdone, .14a431:01,:0,144.
Good: House for Sale.
i 'won to
scriber Offen foriTale h ' ois
.g9°41.8:1111gtirbali,e04. lirfnaire fot
. • „ 941.3.1114.i'itee::egniacD”fot neUite. Heron et.
eastof Renee% Watt accidently shot and ruts, while those of leensall are in • Null , W.BRYI) N10, Clinton. Warted !
while out hunting, the latter part of eine condition,althouieh a large anlotbst.
lad week. The charge lodged -10 his of heavy 'teaming:is done on them." '
leg and he bled to death before as- is Tote tioe tire etieete of Wigton •
sietence could be procueed,
h A
bokontt, We have' enough 'to -do to' MA ltrai• eeteteeebelaterttht • i,)f are not in! the CfMaition
. , . .., . i •
thes ouldbes :e. Meet St. nOr . The tot le one quarter
eny ehanges it will be clone to bene -
2 , velpmerried on Wednesday to Mr. 3; thtat has ,Peeia anent . upon them, atul jtOSI
fit the general interest Of Clanadianie per ormed by Rev Mr Larkin and the th reason is net far . o see . n he .
t the large f heavy
Sio Ian
51.1 ou e and o
tri?emewbiillutea ry,
R 1.0FET.011uton,
109k lifter our tieeteand vvben We make Mr ee eet Careochene of . T c ers:ith, considering --------------------nncitehereeeg:IL4 of :Inoue; fruit trees,
.. , Business.
ter geed
.00Minion ow if.' VV.' SHAW.'
oe a . esiiege
. , RED The beet equipped Push:tem end fliMitband
S „th f Tor rit T ceremony was 4. • f t k • I t *131
Ye " place e amount0 ,
ming done on them cuts luta them
111 House and • Lot fpr Sale.
siderably, but this could all be rib -
ted if a,nriser system or repairing •
s•pureued.... '011 Tile Pr°%1,170,1e11:3 lan 2.rtirWir:
, ,„ 4.
ft that natl been done ea In SontiVoir o ered forlia e. cheap. There is a
streets for yeartehas been to grade. two story tome dwelling house, eentataing12
em up. On the Main. streete sand moinscorawising a dinible Tarter; two clIniaa.
4:gravel has been put on 'for yeer.s 006 bedrner55•theee 84150 samall barn:
• time are Same bearin f ult trees on the lot.
t as it comes from the pit. This is p
g r
College in Canada. Reduced tuition rates,
Write ne regarding.our courses of study,
J. B. lteKAY.
' Dept 40" Confederation Life Bldg.
• Toronto. 0 11 t.
earthly use in making a fir road. fret. Barrister, union,
d, where there is much teaming. -
aggone eimply cut through it, and, - Farm for Sale.
e firet heavy rain. that comes wash9e, 4 u
treete and. those leading to the station iterigThogigntilintitliesi.:1,"w1trIvr3 trr ;
Oet. of ,it off the road. Our main • . ,
od freight shed eheeee have cords of - walker church.. 5 miles from Olintonmaand
• r eti s pu _ • , 1, - g arne ouse, good IAA ag OW `
i an rs . 1-thie iff "done will tile rOarlS , be What liplagu, nniatit winter fruit, 2' good wens and Ain' vuu Bien Si anteu
Pierelierale. *mimetic* . _
Ascetic/mar etc.; office and . resilience On...,
teadoSt., oppoolte Englith chtirch, foriterly.0.3-
mated:by 01-.Appletori,, meson Dee, .
011..0. *.YHOMOSCiff: .
Physician; sergeon lac.
eyeeial attention given to ;Mame% of the •
Itye, Ear, Throat and Nome.
1 Alhert•Stre"et,92eMallickdtBNIderentiele:"TINtienbUrYil-
. . ,
a V. Nanning .Smith, M.D., C.101.,
, PfigldIc IAN* SIIItGEON.
OPPICE-4,10inAtrset, ijaYbeld, formerly .
'occupied .try Dr, palheter:
e •
1 1
• mutts*:
(neeoseer twin,: T. Brace
• Speciallit int'rewai and II -ridge W ork•
ere. 14. $.-Graduate Royal College Dental Bur,
• (mono of Ontario, Toronto,..
' s
D. D. ,--Firetrolassimior graduate,' of , •
Den -
MondayrtO .epend the. winter lir St ,they should, It. is an absolute waete of
Apply 30 wEitTrILD ciRI°E" • us.h;e14
'Clinton P. ‘.4, • August 1.•tf.
o teru,2 barna, on* 4846, with stone stabling ,„ sil/4*:" f a st h
mune Aefttlihen Iiow.o., the other28s60 driviag_ shed anit 0 Id Or pa one . ellOgrep
' • t ID
a epartm t of Toronto- UuiversitY•
attention,V, to preeervatien of.
situated'and Comfortable •reeiclence ,
iFarin•For Sale. fLooxxddraeyn.,8 *bark.: - • 'fait. Barfield every-
-. -
positions at5G ana 060 per mouth' Office over W..Tarlorlic sonqi 4168 fOrer
The Sii.bse"rilier Offers for sidethet choice farm are to -day going be54ing for Young Men to .
on the Ititron road -'1'neltersinitbkiit „tt. ,flIl 'theme . ' •
eleven unfilled Calle . = • DENTIST, 'CLINTON',•• •
Clinton. at' preseni occupiedby r
consists of'150.acres, more or . less,' 'vrith good • • . We have now
frame house,bankrirn,sile,windmilland amen for male .Statiographeri steno and the • • - .. • - • „,„„„_,,;„,. • •
orchard. Plenty o water .Au excelient farm I ber lieeete increasing. it afore the best
eleiste, which are greeting in etreeetb 106 lakes,,2,000 rivers and 10,060 islands next month- The consideiation wee yonrig men. '
Itx a EsPlendid 1°66,litinfriiriajlaPi.Vorlon, field we know of tii-clay for bright, capable
• By. -teca •• • re of theear, There, .
reach the dieeseiL "rtl° f • a 1
1' t
exams tbem ; vie think that Mr Sifton He Waves lila band and 900,000 warriors 4154:1°. • • • Write for pertieulare catalogoe
q P
,1e hest inter este and the k t ' f '
,in championing a19* tang., represents march to battle to eOli net. or to die. he Alex etvie' GreY ba8 PUP •
chased jriO Coates ,100ttcrefarm On the id byaimetitittiOnal remedieni,' Deafness _ '
P°c • 8. bends his head•.atid100,008 sailors per- lath zone paying • 23400, .The farm oanseiPehy..t!uf inflamed qapflftiop.` of the tete 'eon. 3,Colborn-e-coutaining eteiereie of 'Chatham. 40 nt
laud inignotl. ctiltivation. 20 acres fall growth -•
the thae$ of i.he people,theconsumerie eorneher bidding, and at his bidding bet te Mr Perrie'si on the South 'and Erosions lining pi .the .Euetaehilin tube
ItarM. for Salo-. D. IcLactilan it Co.'
We believe that a` high taritf ineeets
and at his signal 1;000 ships of war ob will be utilized b y the '
eynew• owner tor 'When th" t b
V. acres in gratis, 6 acres fall h t 0 nit15
w n 3.3re
is n e geta infiamed you hove a is 45 story frame house and two.frarno Arne in 4+44-4444-4 4 4, 4 4. ').+4 -4 -+:404 -4. -4 -
that every Canadian must pay higher bis commands on the ocean. lle•walks grsemiePurpotres largely. Mi. Coates rumbling mond or. imperfeot hearing, and garVbarreer.141.1Y-aralinsbwaegrdi feirceedil Bard gwbarerriedng.
ti Thth d SOO 000 000 h b and family wll remove to Bruseele ' When ft ea' erierely closed deafnese is the
e ear „ Prost ei
- • • - Possession maybe had ist.1903,' For nu.-
prierS for nearlY eeteretbing that he trigs feel the least pressure of bis .foor. Afr Win Urich oe Brussels has retina, tind the infieratnation °Bullet ther particulars ap I to - • . Enter
-.1014 hie faitoily wear or eat et eseibigla. The .4s_evrian_ empire was not tux poPu-' bought the .steck •and fixtures of ear
- - . bus. The remain empire was not'. F. Willistereetaneant SeeforthgHe
rer PriC"eii equally tor household „Poem 4owerfnl, The Carthatreniau empire has aiso.brought out Air A. N. Col -
and for the goods that he _uses in me eves noted much dreaded,' The-Spaniel:I ,..bertee beeleeileete .Ff4 Will eoutlnue
&Woes% and that the cramping effect emplee was Ugh $0 diffeeed.. the'tweibuelneeeee and cafty. thettkili
eleteill this le a blighb on the 'country. The empire•was Weak in eetnparisoll, in the f store lately -.occupied IV .Ntr
e balleVe that a high -tariff is a curse, and Greece was a metal!' village..; Me-erich is an old' SeRforth
• 2,1301teallitchtgrieultilt‘ e and kusidppthe•, • . ' leoY and 4 skilful baker. We wish him
'Ont .two greatest,industriee,eY DESPAIRED 0E BEING ()Vitae), every success in his new ventelee. • .
eogthe farraer,and that depends on
Faroe Changes have heen .quieeiefre,
eeitn, and by lessening our trade and: Mrs W.E :Jeffries; 44 Rieke ave.. Ring. uent prey townehh3 teoenth.;
haling our sea orte.Ottawa Journal, Ont., states -01f suffered agonywith •
Independent onservative. itohing Piled. 'Xiifeet, I don't balletic, that eet-',0,..3-9°_,eaeeeefaLro.e.q?,t tertnre,eeeforie..,t,
• , any peroonWho hats not had piles 'can real, 1-"Minti4"16
itiremen,a Itorata. _ iee Whata endured. The lint appliaation lute been sold to Wrie, ,Stevenson, of
of Dr Chase's -Qintineut brought rater and t!le 0111 line a X°rriP1 for 0'0 1.1111114 of
• Merles Lewis Shaw, in iho 'November it has since entirely cured me. -1 hope eS2;e7°°„...`... t413°1*, et Shiels' It" 13". al"
Conedienlilifgazint gives a bright &Barbi- that this tout:loomed will be lb, meows •ref ceo-nneee.4.4f0 riefanstii..04ra:a7artetrethalioot 31,
.0* of Cur 'horses used ; tire Aghting bringing to other Seffererteby mak- „
4ppusoodo. . • ' greatpower o le obit. oe the l.th'eeniceseion, for..$1,200,
"Horses," said. one of the fireman, throw-. ?tent
'ittgOpen adoor that had ' mYstieal epringi •
,endlnetheilisin attablied to it, "are as tiff,' Reltglotte Statlettes.'
lerinteat hitMen beinge,"and theintelligent .
„ •
itelreti of a rnagninbent 'none Jokes inquir,, • f
.cue leper o bee government census
nin Ugly at warm hie stall et the end ot the
ball, containing the engines ail,' beer of Canada, recently homed gives the
Oahe "Now that one tete{ only a fei7 folleteing religieus statietic' s -.The Ro
leimone learn the *hole blueness,. tethers • ' • '
• are tee iteryous *Alio job, aocitgosisa oente man Catholics 2.228,037 001=01111 -
lire MD stupid, Most of 'em when ; they (cants; the Methodiets 916,852 ; the
get right down to it seem to enjoy an Warm. Presbyteriene, 842,801 ; the Church of
;Bored varied the metiotonyisaine as With England 680,80 ; the Baptiste 816,C00,,
Yoh gee, the MeMent call is tete- and the Coneregationaliste" 28,288.:
palled in tipm . nog, 'through the way Thirty denominations report between.
,aitmeregot these wirer flite4 to the dearer them only 140.neerabers, Some bodies
MArrenk 12thrOws.bitt drier 00014 &Vet him' ,have pecifilat Oaniee, such as "the Res,
,sitonohwrtli the whipthie halter rope drope tittitioniste," "the St, Johniets," "the
. in hie- bound ferWard and, it doesn't Transtnigrationista" (*Eartiel's Band"
•• The Fawner Herald and Weekly Star
of Montreal have begun the diatribe,
time of their new pictures "Alone" and
"Purity," A few copies have been ret
ceived in this locality and:those who
have been fortunate 'hough to get
thetu -pronounce 'them the best thee,
beep) evereeen. The Family Herald
has also Much improved amine tilte
past year' and the combination of thrl
two values and, that beat of all family
papers) is certainly a big dollar'e Worth.
• Another of the respected pioneer.
residents ,of Thor' Davideon,
ere died on Tuesday of last week. HO
bud reaohed the good age of 87 years,.
• 1 -le did not seem tit suffee from any
particular disease; bob gradually gaVO
:take hinl Many ideschla to ktiON that he how and the t,Ohureh of the Virethorn." way under ender the weat41/4one C4ila °nee
Instep under the bambini at the reel , - • ! VerY• able "age& 6°n6titutl°11' 6' was
ge tio3o a 8018 rang the .THINNEE 11A.H.A. be.Arbtliatvialstge telirtrtatig of
tinehotutartritigtractolhanedbt°1ty1211eseto21: 8 akoned eveY a's Much mere' Jeciburgi 36'43°rothire, soottand.
be taken lout and the . tube • tektoted to its.. W.DEIT or R. JBWELL,
normal•conditionahearin4 will'bedestroyed tf. • • • Box mo,.Gederlot
fOreititTnine Oases out of ten are caused ,
oatarrir,which is nothing bat indarned. con-,
&anti: iff the inticemeSitriacek .
'We will ;give One Hundred Dollars for
any ease of •deitineed (canoed from osterrh)
that .isin not bemired, by Hall's Oataerh
()neat : 'Seed for; °Wider free,. •
co:, Toledo, 0:-
• Sold by 'Dreggiats, 750, . - •
. e'amilfr•ills are the best.
• - The Referendum.-
On Dec. 4th, the people will have an
OpportilnitY Of saying whether they
vast: Provinciatroltibition . or. not.
eielfthey have to d is to go out and
Mark. their ballot accordingly. . . •
. The lame is vastly more emportabt
than an average electioo, because ib has
to do' „.with the future Well being of ' the
community la the hirgest degree, ,and
because ofits importance eyerT one
should record their vote, -
.. The StlinilltiS of a political .canipaigie
has a tendency to "bring Ottt the vote"
•on both sides, and some peeple are
afraid that in, a campaign like.thatof
the Referendumerufilment interest Will
not be taken to poll a fairlyrepteeenta.
tive vote.
This certainly should not be the case.
The Referendurri is a matter of vital
personal into/wit, and eto Man should
absent himself from the polls -no mat-
ter what his views are.
it people are not sufficiently eoncerie,
ed about the welfare of their families,
to go out and vote, then ib will indicate
Sliding jIouuwg a deploretble etate of raffairs. .
Aaron the pole, a Miring. le tottoited,• the •yon retekerancl it tbe halance„ gees a little oemo to this country. with, 4218 lawny. flC It will be the opportunity of et life.
*mentos Wet on the horses baek, a Weep is further: well, You get tlimer. Not Wee to. 44 years ago, and afterereettding a few time, end may . never, Oecunagain, Peo-
opeung on the, comm.,. eed in the freetiee of .go that way any longer. Better nee Per. ' moothe 10 Galt arid Wooholto came' to aPtielstelcitulcabryeetleiblierdronissilvdeertt.etsr pit:bill:al
, von Will 44000 010r0 -a little ,oltin citillop, settling on - ,et; infante POW the time beeealarin Wes t10120net, - - ii but tb i 14 p , he tontinued,to resid.etubtietilahtie: death.. Votes, show that they are in eympathy
*Minded kt the hoe uptown the erteee has t.,e, lye,. wee ,,,,, lege n cepa growing. , _ . with the principle -of „prohibition., for
,14,0 vans, the, horses. sump on* hit° the .Notsquiso 3,0 min i" ..u.sop• right on, only It, was Tate a surprise' Oil Illataktf- ityluch very moon 040 00 ealut and very
doe ewe. errozone tee long or you will giving Day to learn thet Mrs James little ag0100t* ^
*keel. and the hoyallgusb ptatting Oti their - • - . . .....,eeeee.,.....e....--,-..,
.0errine tool, .That's all thews ti. at,,, be get totoetett liTketqoue bloo,ta !toll he elebti, Wilkineon, inof 13,111gkteyethat'.
passed . , . ., Literarrivotes.
' 4141, in it depreeatory- sort of way, ite it he Your "art l' tongt VIP wen V" e° out" i emelt' 0,b00b ... b e er OrentIon. . , ,
tore eorry to disenpobat nit in not having you won't get tired. seriniekly. Pat, blood, , , She nail berm, stricken With- paralyeie . •
.40inethingStartling to tell, gestou sob who ettengthiyOu litiVe them all With Porrokone, et'd Weeks previously, but 1,a impeete Manila Went to Sunday School and
eitith tileetrieity nowitdeye, that Dunn e* Boldby Combe, price 60e.• ed eo well that she was able to take caine back with a. ' vet • serious face,
.. tbe hex trete tbe whole thing eigoingeelid . short drives, and on the teeming of • What's the matter, Hamae P° airked
.4d0011 " eVerything, wept olssp the Ivreatt multijkleattonoiddition Table, with 0, little aselet
her decease vati nr and able to walk. mamma. "Dirl'n you haver a nide time
,collar and delve the tem*, el and (h. . ance itiound the 141?
, unday School P" Then itlarnie elt:
'bort get into the trick, kin O' flaitiffa the`f011oWing table was worked °all a' ,, 2,,, d d b 1 i
like, v own itit e ore One' that no. one could go to heaven 'keel
"The -Supsrintendent Baia
kitchene Aftee taking a little toter. Polittea 1
elarvere Waterer. it is iriteeeeting to look - -- ch -db -.1 ix ,. f 11 ' " they havea ptire clean heart arid IN%
I V A brea e er set. ear., a ore was . I a ., a t, la V • C
itt) but 000 '18 thankitri that lila not mogul. add to be the eetuo,,teepied with the gWailOWeti a Dutton a rock and apeaeg
if Coiour P easittoott the ittultipheatitm *Abler.
't titeee 0-pluk 2 eq al 11 , . t ,
' , effects „of thelitekt. Deeetioecr:ralrdtt otohe ifte-NOVember Lipplecotes Mag.
.. , /2 tithes'b plus 8 et1 al 111 • agate .
• NaCtie lly the wholegngliA 120 tinier 9 Ode 4 toted till" ?lace was 13rantharn, 'i''' orkshire, Eng- No lege than eignt illustrated articles
1284- times 0 plat 6- equal 1.1111 and. She was united lit ' marriage are to be found in the November Mag.
speaking population .41f the. 12845 OMNI 0 ping 6 equal 111111, , 40 years act°, at Clifford, England, to 6.7.111e home of The Outlook, which has
2 120466 times. 0 Ping 7 eque111111.11 her now bereft partner, by saes, Mr also several fulepage portraits of men
lArOr14 keep therpselve's ,Itt 128460 tirdes 9 -pins eilput111111111 Ilateliffit,_itild 15 montbp later they bf the day., The issue cOntalhe, in ad•
' * ' • 12345278 timed Opted 6 eqnsi 111111141
1 loci tid 1 totals 0 came. to Canada.
ei To tee" to 3" . olio ze seine articles, the usual full and care.
. , dition to what may be called its UAW
condition by ,using
• i es.. Chase% I:Minimal% Is a oortein folly prepared hiatory of the World for
- and absolute cure Mr a act a week, editorials, on *invent °topica of.
tted 4'veri 0:11111 of itehinit. groat importance ievieevevof books
:he rostintartnrerbal/Wantvlonrigulta,n1.4aPnttgetrdel&Peilocil illtb Plthlifthed, and touch other Matter,
)1raort lab; in Medan? prose and apk rant tietttft t le to be remembered thet The Out.
12 • •`1.';
/.0 la times A phis "ii.inals 087
0 1.284 times 8 -tense einiele 08/6
12846 timee 8 ples4 equal, 08785
— I . . 'S •
1 128456 times 8 plus e raprale087854
12845878 times 8 plus8 equals 98766482 Noe what they think oat, yen e,,,, welt and look apneare fifeyetwe thneft a year,
TC.t •Ger money back if not lofted. Rd a DOI, at d that th twelve 1
1284667 times ,8 plus 7 equals 98/50481 ,
ut dealers or temAttecs,Bars czoco.,,Teronta . all , 0 a‘ilte. tilnetrated
£r1chatkods ointment Megtenne umber* MO included in tbit
general au orlption. •
, its conto. ,128456189 timid 8 plus 0 equals 087864821
Fa bale. •
Cottage, almost new • sithated on Isaac Soot
near °Mitre of town, containing Mill, 1)trable
Parlor, G Piing room, three bed rooms, three
olothes closets, hitcher), and :pantry, also
summer kitohen. Gool stone cellar, hard and
sat water , good garden, large sod B1111111 fruits
in a bundancer nicelawn. All In first-clase
condition. Owner leaving town. Also some
good furnitnre to be sold privately at the
house. Apply to •
1 Inf"Aug 29 3, T. E MMERTON Clinton.
Firm for Sale.
'A riplendidICO Beretta/a, consisting of the.
East half of IA 80, eon' I, East We.wanosh
good frame house with kitehen, barn 38x65;
and shed 80x48 la whieli there are 00d:stabling
y tie.
,Por a terra in any department
of our splendid sobool. The
•• • -
4Central Business C�llege
()BONI 0
Twelve Teaobero, one hundred
Typeivriting 51 aohinea.- Twenty
Pave Sets Telegraphii Inetru-
mente,,--Prernisee • orsonpying'
• Ttienty Six ItooM001,4211 indicate
sorriething of our standing as the
largest, 'beet, and . most modern
Business Training School in the
Dominion. Writtfor . our. neve
Catalogue. Address- •
ehaw, Prinelpfil
a ng well. 8 sores bush, Yongi &Gerrard Sts''• itstbrante
burn and 60 rods Min school, For farther ,„„, .." • • .
particulare ?ply te GOVIER. • .,
1 acre of orchard,,situeted 11. les from An 4-4-1:4-44-4-4-4-44-44-4-4-4-44-44-4-+
aline 8-i ii.ablirn P. 0,
PurchaBer can bave possetsiou tliiis fait OP • 1" • • .
Farin For Sale.
Lot. 12, Mayfield con4Goderieh tp., 119 sere
ii35 cleared,balauce hardwood,with a lair rot.
lty of cedar on it), in roe state of eult va
agent Ave acres frulw eat and considerable fall
plowing done. Comfortalke Wok house largo
barn withatabling naderneath,driving died and
other outbuildings; about 2 acro oralitu.d,
mostly winter fruit ; woli watered-neverfall-
ing epring Creek and two wens seven miles
from Clinton and three from Mayfield. PosseS-
skin tlt any time, reasonable 'term. Apply for
further particulars to WAS. SIMONS, 72 St.
David st.,Cioderich.
To Rent or for Sale
Pranie retildettee aaa Aere Of land ort Marl
street, clinten,7emns, cellar, woodshed 'hard
emellent garden. evi plum, pear aople
soft water, nowtttabie and drivinds shed,
„ Also for Sale.
Afoot oink, tip to 1st Sept. acree,part, of tlie
Easier Mlook.etc.,at the North End of Willism
Street, Clinton, whir% is a Indelible DroPertr
for frui# erowirgrbein Well Planted °tit 40
hollthand •
:gutsiness, Law, Writing)
atorespUndenee, Type.
Writing, etc.; • •
Thorougblyteught by eepere,
• snood teaehere at the
offiee'lidiolenng Pilot° Studio.
Office 'Hours -9 to a (very day andk
Saturday until 10 14. m. Manch offices
in Manchester Dungannon, Myth and
hi:ember of the "VetarinilliMedlealAsseela.
tions of Loader. end Edinburgh, and Gracia.'
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College;
salaam visaakiss Or ALL ANXIS14.1.0
Office openeight and day, opposite '1St..
psors china, Ontario Street, Clinton, Ont.
Veterinary • surgeon
successor to .r. .E, 'intAtoKALL.
DISO4See Of 411 domesticated animals
treated on scientific priticiplee,
' Calls promptly attended to
• , ,
Office-194oz St, Clinton residence
Albert St. -Phone 62.
sur On ereA gent,
Canada •X‘ite Assuraned Co,
Fire, Aeettlent,. Plate
, •
fa Offillee P.Theinlifs"it, VUi*foa
.t.31 s en
11101,11!06044. 2114149tigi:dgli:i:IrstjYaror:bgr.
JAWaglittUiRtirihkrAto wittiPerBeqf r°04eillfrNSeanla
a . • 10441004 leiate
' Gm* bilitetAlf Breeet. Claimer;
.'' Forest City
ness College,NALC.A. )3ttild-
ng) London, Out, - . •
Walleye 110 dikettity in phieing competent
pupae in good poditione college re -opens
Sept, 2. Send feeleetalogot •
erry bushes, small fx. ts. epieetette. There, ‘eNite riff. Stet ••
la also"13 *cry excellent gran° of sand land
-graVel on thitoreiriltioe'whic)b.itiverypolitable. Principai
Appts, to P.i3TRAITR,or to W4BRYDONE,
April. 18* • • , Clinton.
t,X.IX14 rit01\T
ith er
mumM� 61 e a ranite
. es , The nechaeer Of a inOntuneut
ohne! la
*W. Airett Vilbolve phowhoutt .
-0,Ve cOrdrilete 0Onfidenbe
ofto untua i4onathr. in the reliability of the term, from
.01 and reeomMentled by all
uruggieteto cenede. 010,, stab Whieh he boo, for the toiteelal
Able-rdediatet4 die404teft4 a and woktnanfaiip In emoethlog
eireiert Stlinulatite. maned on ript
ttlagivelkoissirryi:e:acresist.ixkl:#6.00411freeyomityetotseautstbraom, ' very few buyers are fern:killer with,
p tree MeV et you do not know no, lease ins
mliheIs ;IL Wood Compasy8
flu re abOtit our tells ilik_from
Ahem wbo know tie beet. We are
the only practical men here input
otbmpl Bs 11(*vert
raelgilte, Next to Conine
aiddi it Ai fr• .J.,..
Wall Hotel
',out to the MatieuEstait kina AgotoBANoz
0o, of Manchester, England, 40)3.0218 rend. ere
eeemity are rated. at $14,608,000_ .1.410- the No.
MOValitt Go. Ali olasees'o
farm ?lake arid toren property taken /at
lowest; rates-. rivet -class Loan Coltman es
riled represertod. Morley to be had from 4 er
dent tipoterair::.hla` to matins) of seettrity.-
Daily mail to lidlinesville Vestal' Card w 11.
• _a...at
liteltILLOP MitiTtrAL ran
mrsriallon co,
ion 0101,Awnn TowN tnnmotrz.
ONLY INStiltlit
▪ 15.11tote08*.Preeldenk1?ippen P.0.1 Ttoe...
Nen* virielnetildent, Bruaeneld P. O.; 'Thai.,
ilitts, Soy'-Treas., Seaforth O. W. 44.
BrodfoOt,hisislotta, of LoiseeN teafertli?..
W. 0. Avow:1foot, geefortn; John 4, (Mere.
Vybithrtor 11 0.; George Dale, Eieefertn. Jelin
Attune/WC 10101114 Jac *rank, Beaehilend
O.; John Watt, Mario* wiieittat
Beueeils ;John R. McLean, Rinpeti
Gonnoll -
111885, ,
tOrthLJemds Clateming, Etnimody111.4 )..
Teo, Rolniesville ; George artirdicsed i it .
Abbott Siodtb, Itatiook; Robb. lieltillan PI
, .
act other umnalet will a* otnatttu, attan a te.,
a* soffillaation to goy of the *bore o s
Partied, ,f;Wrana to greet hatnes at tans
ort. tusresasetive wow