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heraammen isse.
The elinton New Era.
Additional Local News " A d
- The Label, Tells the Date•
cattRen,_...The November quarterly ENTERTAINMENT, -A, school concert Neves -Mist/ (Jerrie McCartney epent
neeetings were held. last SOuthrtr, 2nd will be given in the school houee,leo, 9. lest week dresernalthig Seaforth. wft.E0TeaUtiRtimNI, Nor-raWeer urnedeevrestoar stthana!
t th d as ideal nd the congre. Base line on Felda everting Nov uth Mise Ann'e Whidd t ki h
or the organ in the Presbyterien elm eh .ieY) who recently too up hie residence
Huron to live. He mitses the friend-
gations tvere yery large, The pastor of A good prograea is being preparecl,con-
. the church, Bev De Medd, preached sieting of instrumental and vocal selea. until Mists Armstrong is able to tike in Toronto, has decided to return to
both sermons. The thenee of the fore. tions.dialogues, recitation% chill% Pro. Ober again, We are glad to have f I
Times are changed, and me ohanging,the
.people no longer bay their glassee of ignor-
• Allt peddler% nor ¬e theniselves to -be
, 'mewed into purohaeing wonderful pentad
quacke; nor are they even oontent I o go to
etore and pick out a pair of cheap epee -
*ado with which they think they can see
best for a minute or two. Whoa their eves
ache or their sight blare, they seek an
educated optician in whom they .have eon -
admit*, and moat liim to be able to advise
them, end preach e g wee if tbey are '
lotind to be required. There no guess-
work in our method of eyeetesting. We are
'qualified to discover the nature and degree..
of any defeetAnd properly coned it. NO
ieliarge for consultation.
Expert Watoli Repairer Jeweler
atetreetioeist sad Diepensiug Optician,
Oman Town nut. •
, • Binerewomer's One Seam
Bentniller •
Crninciri.-The quarterly tore -ice on
,... ;Sabbath was held at the Beni:1411d ap-
oi tment, Rev M J Wilson, B. A., of
i e (a armee pastor)otllciating. The
Attendance ' was lenge and the service
enecessful. The board meeting on
Monday at 230 p, m. was fairly well
represented, the Pregame of work de.,
*taming the seine. The finances Were
moderate. The pastor,Rev E A Shaw; .
took the 'services at the Nile; the con-
gregations were large. Rev Mr Wilson
also preached to a very large congregee
tion at Bethel Sabbath evening. .
• • , Oarlock
MEETDIG.-A Prohibition meeting
, is to teld at Harlock, on Friday, at
7.30 p. m:, in the school house. The
'Ray MI Cozene and Mr W. H. Kerr,
of Brussels, are expected to give. ad -
.dresses. The Revs Mr Hamilton and
Kennedy will also be present and take
. ps,rt ; anoffering will be taken for
-campaign ,experiseet
' , Donnybrook,
onnnon SEnvicits, -- Commencing
thr iiretSunday in December, in the
Methoeist church. services will be held
, • in the morning, instead of evening, as
heretofore, and this arrangeneent.will
last for. the winter months...1.he
anniveraary services of Donnybrook
• • courch will he held on the 16th and 17th
; of NoV. - - •
. noon services was 'Gethsemane. or a grain to commence at 780. • Mr Donaldson back from the West. I. °II° and awe atIGes h eaelY daY°0
an Ands thlat life in Toronto its too.
%nay on the suffering of Christ. Some ,PRItRollAr.-Mies Syneington left this Mis° D. Parsons is visiting her brother . exclusive fo. him, He hat; not decided
of the more important. thoughte upon week for Spokane, Wash. we regret at Hillsgreen. Mrs Parsons and Mr where he willtlocatet but will be back
which he spoke were (1) the betrayal, her departut e very much mama loses and Mrs Vurrie spent Sunday at Hills, about the 20th of the month.
(2) the institution of the memerial sup, one of its most energetic youngladies . green. Miss Nellie Haines, Heinen&
re, (3) the mystery of the agony and onr agriculturai societies will e sorry' is visiting her eister Mrs Drehman. O. I. LITERARY PROGRA0L-The
'ear of Christ. lie was pure alld :in: to parcwith her as she was au earnest Mise Mie Perdue, who hoe been vie- tolioWing program was carried out at
lees. Sin and suffering are easily con- Collegiate Institute Literary
neeted, but the suffering of the untall- great honor. Her numerous friends has returneclhheormirt, Mr813°1341d"u,
. tSboeciety yesterday: -• InetruMental,
worker and always passed eft with 'ant? with
en is mysterious ; the ministry of but- wish her a safe and pleasant journey 011nitou.-A Ladies' Aid Society has Isabel Gunn ; Remarks, by the Pre- i
tering, too, in Christ is ,mysterions, siderit ; soloj Norman Murch; assail. ;
and that she will be spared many years been oiganited in St. Andrew'e church,
eat , also, o n a g to enloy her new home le the wish of the officers being Mee J. Fraser, Pres,* i ester .Aterristrong ; instrumental, I
mean something different from what Members of the Agricultural Society. Mrs J. k'raser, let vice. and Miss Rata MI" l'f_tahlI? FT.14.342! r' di3bete ; P'e.
Christ gave up the ghost does not lessen •
it ,meanKto us. The tact, too, that 1 ont_.. 10,R014 -The Quarterly
meeti" Treas. The to fY ii ' Pe Tier.
Stenbury 2nd yiee,Miss Chesney Secy.- eitat ee' MI" 'kelt Manning; "lee'
titer% elect Club,• rincieratt by W.
the mystery, but rather deepens it. services of the Methodist church at 1 , topic or the o ng o -
an es e on Sunday e a remain last Sunda eve= St
Perhaps the attitude of the world10- D Y
wards purity lent the keened pang to were well attended,and the presence of Ai ndreev's church was “Lereign Mis- THE PUBLIC L1BRAItY.-A spec.
the Lord was very marked in the con. 8 °he' Mrs (Dr.) Stanbury and a. ial Meeting of the Library Board was
His suffering, He stood as the cryotall-
ization and representation of virtue gregation. The pastor had a very busy Dal t i te ti dd e c 11 d Wednesdayevening for th
ge Y gave le res ng a Pees s. a e one
P, e death desired more than the death aeraments and then preaching in g.
. his pert * Speak to my brother that he The Doctor was highly pleased with
of purity, which he represented. The meeting was held in Donnybrook on
Monday afternoon, and it was decided divide the inheritance with me." , the bnilding and equipment. and com-
er,attiude of the mind of Christ in pray -
to rearrange the omelets% so that u plimented the Beard on the manage -
and His profound earnestness also .....tirraotter Cannon Norge -liar
prearhing will always be in the 'morn- field circuit was well repreeented at Poen* remarking that Clinton had the
commandthought, Some helpful lee -
i t D b ok end in the evening the quested y -meeting at Oole's an- fleest public Librery in the province
e.nd sit:dewiness. The world in seeking ay conducting two' Love -feasts, two
Re' my McNeil preached an interest- repose of conferring with, De S. Pi
bummed attitude towards.grievances.taking.for .Libraries and Mechanics Institutes.
of the Son of God it desired:the death Auburn in the evening. The •
in sermon last Sundayon Christ's - ay the provincial inspector of public.
Mona' Local News.
arrived to towo the past week a large
oil painting of the late Horatio, Hale,
when he was but twenty years of age.
ID was painted over sixty years ego in
Boston, just previous to his leaving on
the Oororciodore explOring eX•
pedition to the Pacific Ocean. It has.
been in Philadelphia ever since, but
will now adorn the home In Clinton.
RETORNED.-Ttie two boys.Agoew
and Cuilmore, who, Jumped t,...wn some
three weeks ego,lto, re at last turned up.
Atter wandering from place to place in
westeru Ontario, sleeping in barns,
stacks, boxes, etc., and beggiag their
daily wants, they arrived 10 town last
Sunday night,msich fatigued from their
foolish jaunt. Agnew is at his home
and Oadmore is at his uncle's in Tuck-
•'NOTES,- . .
Nirecidesday Was Gnu Powder Plot
Aay. .
sons on prayerfulnees and watc fulness og a onny ro
on the part of the believer were pie- at Althorn during the winter months, rombment on Sunday last, The ran. .
The reports we e all sat- Monday; a few of the officials were t aexecutive committee of the Litei
usual lovereast service was held and
sented. .•FollOwing this meeting the the change beginning the first Sunday erly official board. met at Beoyile d on ITS BXPONENT.-At meeting ot
in December.
• Mee McIntyre, mother of, Mine S. E.
McIntyre, dtesetnaker, died at Hensel),
at ThuradaY last. ' ' .
W..1)111114. (eldest son ot Rev, Mr Dun-
• lop ) Who bas bee t 11' ' El . .
• Hallett gives no hie position at: the edd oi
1 '
the yea
he Pnblic lebrary Boardr. . will meet
absent, owing to their being far behind airy Society of the Collegiate on Tues.
Ors Tuesday evening to discuss the night '
with their fall work. The circuit day afternoon, it was decided to con -
school question to be established in eon -
stewards were re-elected. Thee. Wall- duct a paper in connection with the Additional Local .News
mvotti re Appointed recording steward, society and the felloWilite ofdcers'were nection with that institution. ,
Special services Will be conducted at elected for the present term .:-Editor. R. Fitzsimons shipped a cat load of • . .
A collection will be taken t the above Muatard, Marion Coats Walter 'Stew- paid was $5 50 ; he 1 hi I
0 cars of lambs to Buifttle, tomorrow' Levis, event for Massey Harris, while
'Soo Rattenbury. hail on exhibition at
his bar two curious freaks in the verge -
able line. One a carrot and the other
a mangold which possesses a, human
istactory and the finances ahead of lad
was largely attended.• This service
wati.Agightfutly interesting and sot*. year at this time. . 4
•ual withal. Seven Were received into nem -A envious conflagration occur -
the chinch. The musical part of the ,ed here on Hallowe'en and took the
services, under the direction of ear W, small boy from his little caprices. . The.
,Steneneanolwas exceptionally fine. The evaporator, run by D. E. Munroe and
anthems were well rendered, and the A. Askwith,was completely destroyed.
solo parts well taken. • The evening It was an Old burying but well put , to -
service was intensely interesting,every g.ether ; the loss its partly co vered by
seat in the. church tieing taken. Dr _insurance. Clem* a dozen hands are
Medd took for. his theme "Miriam', a thrown out of employment. The stock
delineation of character, his text was and some ni the contents were !saved.
Ex. 15:24, In his introductory remarks The hose reel did not work quite soon
reference was made to the aid the enough as it had been idle so long that
Bible lendstoscience,hietory, sociology it was scarcely in workingorder ; pritc-
and economics. The biography of the tice more boye, to keep it and the men
Bible is proftinndly interesting. Speak- in good order. Mr Munroe and Mr
in or Mirian, among other things he Askwith•have the sympathy of the
said -- It modern civilization -be a 1 people in their loss; it will also .be a
temple,thee worcian is the cored stone ' loss to the village and to the public.
.. .
polished after the similitude of a palace. •Noves,-Begiening at the middle nf
A palace is a house first fashioned for the month Epmccipal service will he hex
. Rt ' royalty ' Et t every other morning instead of evening was one In which Dykes was charged
the cause or woman and the 'caul° of
pan stand or fell together. • This text
. sacithporoeiviiaosutsti v.; Rey. Small elated the with obtaining frotn Mrs Case. by fraud
oureda . The Rifle Aso- the &isobar e of a mortgage for $3,000
-on her hotelat Bayfield, given by . her
to her father and mother. Mr and Mrs
Fletcher, of Baydeld., Dykes' counsel
chime thet he was acting only as an
osee, e rat men in c u c
state. . Greatness is often brittres.spd in renewed acquaintances here one ' day (Agent for Mrs Case in the endeavor to i
. i
lest week. A.photo.grapher is et:di:turn. 1 eel' hr property.
• 11.1= =form."'
of. Patti
Haw about a Chamois
Vest or (lest 110-
tettor tor this,
• We have oat receiv.
• ed a complete assort.
•ment,. of Chamois
• Vests and Chest Pro.
teams all sizes and,
• prices. •
Call and iee them. ,
N. B.---wii.noo the Blood .
and Nerve Tano now or sale
here, leek day of Sale Nov. Mt •
R. P. Reekies
•' Preeeription•Drng Store ' j.
the Bethel church during next week. Kirk Houston ;assistant editors J. Ti
hogs to Hull,•Que., this. week; the price
a so s ps a coup e
of St. lames' church. Montreal. There be named. "The Tyro" and. the first
was a good turn out at the Epvvorth leopy. which appeared yesterday, was
editable number.
League meeting Sunday night; a col-
lection in aid of our missionary, Rev
Mr Stone, was hberally responcled to.
church next Sundmor ing* in aid art, Helen Doherty. The paper will
in London lastleaturdry,doing business
for that firm. lost an erivelope,contain- ,
ing between three and four hundred •
dollar's worth of notes. He had 0800
'n cash in the same envelope, and wag .
making' the rounds paying up. He , •
thinks it must have been left In one of
the places visited. Fortunately he Ind; .
paid out moot all the cash, or it would
have been a neavy loss to bim. He is
advertising in the London papers and '
we tenet he ratty be suecessfulin finding
• '
TELE I. 0. .0. F. 'CONCERT. -The
,Brantford Courier say: -Tho Coloniai
Moving Picture Co. proved a splendid •
attraction at the opera house. Large
DYIKE8 • IS • DiScsaituisp.---Oharlin
Mitchell Dykes, the young man charg-
ed with defrauding Mrs Case, of Bruce -
field, tvap brought before P. M. Love
at London Thursday afternoon and
diScharged, no evidence being offered
by the crown. An amicable ,arrarigei•
went was effected between the court -
eel for the differentparties. The case
18 ancient.Y elation -purpose on rulay nesrb shoot -
fore Homer taught to the eStoas of ing by, sides for a hot supper that even -
Greece; she belonged to it splendid .ing, Miss Bennet was a guest in the
family. her brothere Were. Aaron and •
village on :Sunday: • Alex. Robinson
We are glad to learn that the wife of
Mr John Brickenden,who hae been con-
fined to her room for several weeks by
severe illness, is noai improving arid
able to be around. -
Two men in town,lest three one dol.
lar billi last Monday evening. One of
them found his supposed eheeeinew the
other loser is . trying to .impreas the
• nder that the three bslongs to him;
We are informed that W, Man.
ng has declined the offer submitted to
im by the goderlah council. for a
20,000 bonus for the establishment of
OUSE, 0001) an organ. arid 0030 minufaSter3i' In
Those . who have attended the Guy that Wren, • . "
Bros. Ministrels for years nod could Owing to a scisteleYof suitable houses'
not help but • be impreseed with the in town, Jim Betteora,viho moved here
superiority of the performance put on from London towniihip,wit the inten-
tion to reside in our. midst, has been
forced to locate On the Btyiteld-
ancestral foothills. Family life is an ing temporarily at the lotel, Rey. • ,
important fae.tork.ever... •Good, blood
• Coupland and Small have announced a
will .tell its own story. Miriam was Varna
teMperance meetanw for organization
never Married. Forever. more single
o oriel; TownithiP • - h in the Temperance ell here this (Fri .A.NNIVARsdlaix SERVICES, -Anniver-
, m.
ur onorable,• Fullpft the imams day) evening al 7.80 o'clock- ; all who vary service will be held in the Pi esby-
dre interested are invited; to attend. terian church; on Sunday, Nov. 18cheat
) NcE .-The Secretary of S. . e• have difficulty ' m. finding • their just
,,, • ,.-.r..„_...-5,, Porter's Hill, is advertising for a worth at the marriage altar,and there -
teacher, •duties to commence . I. t Of fore they remain free._Marriage too is
• Jan., le0.3.._ Dr. teheomdelyth..:etrene-__.honorable, '161-ftecao:T. do not always .
----- -ed the silver•Wedillng of his unde,i P. better them condition' by marriage.
'Lindsey, last Friday evening. Miss astris,m's life ware made heroinic by
Mag,ize McLaughlin, Brusselsireturned trial; trial lends ternpar, to the life.
• home on Saturday, after being the Steel is more valuable than iron, be -
ti,, .'• . au set of Miss Ella Lindsay for a week ; cantos it has been more finely tentipered.-
• she was accompanied home by the and full ft the rocess of tenigernigns
•••• •
......, • ' •
. • •
latter. . ••' severe. Many ife is wellAnig useless
Siivran WEDDING. -0o Friday even- tor splendid service because it has not
ing•lest e number of friends assembled been finely tempered. When Mirian
at ''Hedge View" forna•the home of Mr was 12 years of age she was placed sere
and Mrs J. B. Lindsay, to celebrate tbe tinei over:her Many brother, Moses,
tvrentyififth anniversary of their' wed- Who was left in the ark of .pitched
• ding day. After'a most sninptuous rabhes." The King's edict wag cruel,
net the evening was spent in music, but heroinie bravery, often greater
gamess'arid social intercourse. Mr and than the edicts of Kings. • In her ap-
Mrs Lindesay were the recipients of 'preach to the Egyptian princess, and
witty beautiftil and Useful presents, in the `suggestions:offered to her; we
showing the highesteeniin which they have gli-mnseteof the elements that lent flour this Week to Toronto •
are held. We but voice the sentiments greatness in 'after years to her eftlendid •Rneovgninee-A short thne ago
of all their friends, when we express womanhood. I .have a great deal of Mr M. Braithwaite met with a . Very
.. the wish that both may be spared to admiration for the Egyptian princess. severe accident, while helping to put a
...celebrate theirellannind wedding ' In some resnectrishe•was as far superior separator up the gangway of the barn.
. . : to the modern society woman as noon He (dinned. into a bole, and gave his
•• is superior to the'gloaining.' Had the leg a very severe wrench, tearing the
• -society woman of to -day found a, babe tendrons and otherwise injering tlie
cnst enrif t• she would at most had it leg. He is now able to get around,
sent to a foundling ho6intal to be a
ward of the municipality. while she
_11 aoto--andan.-m.---Rev.-J-17 -Murray;
' M, A., D. D, Khocardine will • preach
Londestboro • • .
o ing and evening All are cordial-
RE'rnturei.-We understand that our morning
invited. On the following MPlulaT
townsman, W L Oairnette,- who • has evening au entertainment will begiven
successfully parried on a general store in the church when Mr Murray will de.
'business in our Midst since 1879; is • me liVerhits popular and instructive leeture
gotiating sateofhis stock and prop- on "The Yellowstone Park; the Won -
eat, and. will retire from husaneu derland, of America." The Seafeteeh
cleating Sale is now going on.• • e
abouttlie close Of the nreseut Yell'? A Presbyterian"choir will bepresentrad
render a choice program o music. '
NOTES, -Joseph Riley left here on • , •
'bridgemen, Hallowe'en
Monday Morning to -Join the o. T. R. liarne,-....111r William Foote, son of
passed 011 Mr John Foote_, who has been in the
quietly here this year; very few pranks gold fields; of the Klondike for newt'
fnet d h In 1 t
our years, urne o e asweek,
were committed; it is to be hoped that
there is an end to such work: Mr Lie- and speaking of•his experience ' of cold
ton Hill received a cork/ad of Red Cedar ewatriothoser,whheehrer theeeenTheenemdioffmereetnert erec:
shingles from. British • Columbia on
gister ed 85 below zieo; and also in
Tneeclay. Mr Webb shipped a car of
cutting -the Me for to get water, often
had to Mit through seven fed Of solid
lee to get it, and only for a slight cold,
contracted on his home trip, is looking
hale and hearty. Mrs Pickard, daugh-
ter and son, of Efolnaesyille,. Visited at
Mrs Charles Logan * lad' week.. Mr. ltobliski, dressed in apple green linen
Oliver Keyes, traveller for a Wholesale silk, andThos Megiisig, who ticked.as
house;in London, is spending a few groomstann took their places with the
days at the home othie father; He' is Minister in the parlor. and then the
a young Man ,of 'excellent business groom and beide marched in arm and
qualities and is fast working his way arm. After they had promised to take
to the front. Owing to the immense each other for better or for worse, and
.Itratitittes of apples 'coming' in to the heard the words "thou art man and
Verna eve,pcirator,. Mr Gent, the gen-' they adiourned to the .11panini Col: DruniSent .
l!kint Biers
pe.m. t..„„kot -Mitt
toner.* dleoemitt
et arta! blowear•
it, :. •
olpootittvel, c,tkod
lils AlattAttloos Wilkt
esevitieseAMIIIM OMNI
and Onticiaila
but•tinds locomotion very painful. and
difficult, • '
would exercise her maternal instincts Quatritavr SEBVICE.-The day be.
in fondling a pampered poodle dog. ing flee, a large neixtber atttnded the
God pity the woman whet:passes by the Quarterly meeting . in Londesborough
children of heavenlAwho by accident of Methodist Church last Sunday:. The
birth Must slaiver and beg on the high- Lord's Supper was administered at the
ways Of earth, and at night be huddled close •of the usual service at Ktn burn,
ith i Is 1 j d 1 k Th Offi i B d
while noodle -dogs are washed and fed met at ,Lotideshorough on Monday;
and caressed and petted on the bosom the Writ of harmony pervailed the
of vvonitinhood comfortable home* • Meeting. The following brethern were
Beano, Egyptian princess, your splen- appointed as Steward for _Londesbor7
did womanhood -rebukes- the-ltreakne58 Hiles, W. Moon, Mc -
and wickedness, oft found in woman. Vittie and M. Braithwaite ; for Kin.
hood of te-day 1 Think of it; A dog burn :-J. Sundereoele, J. Stanley and
- preferred to an angel of God I A dog, R. Jewett. M. Braithwaitewas react.
everywhere in the scripture spoken of ed Recording Steward,and J.Brunedote
with eontempt,to be taken to the hotne Envelop Steward, positions they have
and the 'child left in the street After filled with acceptance for some time.
• the finding of Roses Miriam drops out Y. xirunsdon, M. Braithwaite and J. •
of eight for 80 years. Then wheh Is- Stindercock were appointed as a cone-
rael stood on the other shore Of tho sea mittee to have parsonage stable !tn.
so miraculously .divided for them, she proved, • - -
comes forth the leader of the God in- •
spired song of deliverance. Significant St .114#1ens
it is indeed that woman ehould lead in 01011trat.- On Friday ,afrernoon at
the 'celebration of an event that was 2.80 Rev Mr Malcolm, of Teeewater.
world-wide in its meaning altd scope. will conduct preparatory services in
In conclusion t he speakftjeerred to Calvin church note. Sacrament of
Miriam's mistake in interfering with Holy Comenunion will be Observed at
Mosee and his God-appointeVduty. the close of, the Sunday morning ser -
Great interest was manifested in the vice, which commences at 10.80 a. m.t
sermon, and many were the favorable conducted by the pastor, Rev 111
remarks it'elicited. At the close of the Whaley. B. A'. Mr Malcolm will ad;
j service the sacrament of the Lord's dress an auxiliary meeting on Thurs.
• Supper was administered, a Very great day evening. Rev Chas, P. Owen,.
,! number participating. •'ihe business ,rectoe of the lepiecepal church here,
, meeting of the board Wee held Wednece will deliver a lecture on "Sarrielea," in
day afternoon, the church here thie Friday) Overlie&
colooletteing et 8 p. a: collection in
. briar 'Kilian •
• is what you Want. The
• 'Very thing. Hefty to sena ,out
frieedt , ,
of *rustic
-Photo Promo* Aiwnyn on nand,
. ittourea - -Photo All Studio
• ••
' aid ofthiorthweet miesitine will he taken
• 'West Wirozonosit, . .1
up; it is hoped that there Will be a
large turnout. .
COntreit,-Oouticil met according to
Netze.-Me Graint, ar.t bee been
laid ine With a severe Cold, but is fast
adjournment, mebabers - all present, gaining his strength f. We truet he will
reeve in chair, minutest of last tneeting soon fully reeoteee his wonted health.
approved, . The following checks were Mrs Jae Hyde and children visited
iesued :-Wm. Burkett, repair 2 tut. Hrucellfriends recently. O. Decker has
vette, coal. $51D, B, Murray, covering improved his otherwise neat residence
bridge. con 9„ $a ; Miller, gravelling by putting a drain to the cellar. The
north boundary. ela 20; H. Fi-Apatriek, veer nooks for the public libraty have
grave account, $11 ;• Airs oampbellt arrived and will eon be on the shelves
gravel account, $5.76; H.. Mias M. Ramage is dressinaking in
gravel account, f08,78 ; reeve, essleeting Locknove,tet present.
jurors; services- re Dungannon drain,
510; clerkselecting jorore, Dungannon
drain, school rettiena 1028 ; Wm,
Br an' a.:t o rain of t on •
g'rne t"" Ttertelleet-A flne-lookirt field
Webb 1 v 0 elfin 0°015
fe 11, kr a and e elitsWed they reaVed ehek the eYMnitt y of the whole gets a prize thatis Werthy Of a pronairr.
morrison, legal advice,....$6 LE; John- treat many and ofvtA'6 town ehy, , were he eht fftp6, SeagAr gaVO Corttitunity hee gone °obit; the endden eieb Place. The trophy le a handisottle
by them last Monday. It was entirely
new frond beginning to end,ancl though
the music of the morning was not par -
excellence. ye herneirlife evening's
fun ' commenced they ' demonetrated
that. they. possessed. better musicians.
than heretofore, and their orcheetew
would be hard. to neat. The tenor
solo, "My VVhipperaiill" by Fred
Aeikins .wror the choicest thing in the
singing line that the town has ever had
in it, .Arthur Gay in 'Ivrea to know!'
was very taking. and "The song the
anvil.eings," was a beautiful bass Juno
taken by Ben ' Moorhouse. Levette
Braditlibult ring exercises, the acro-
batic two, and the slack wire . per-
former were all state in their respective
lines, and the show justified the good
house that greeted them, • '
QUIET WEDDING. -The wedding
Owing nittol"theuthla-111)--.—eirneei-c-c-upied on
the coeening of 'Nev. '14th, the first
assembly will be given on Wednesday
evening next: The. London Harpers
will be present -and a good turn out is
locked for on this, the opening .dance.
Dr..Gunn was called to Dublin on the
early morning train on Monday, to at-
tend td a case of strangulated hernia.
We' are informed that the patient WAS
a Mr Mitchell, who has since died. He
ri:it;a.atsiotno.,...o weak and old to stand tIri ope-
- The mayor anti Councill•m- McKenzie,
chair-mm.1.°f street committee, invesa•
vated'the drain in dispute on king
street, on Tuesday last, and decided
ceremony of Mies Annie J. Finkel to that unless amicable settlement ern ti
Geo R. Tayler was performed by Rev. bearrivedat,anletigineer Wouldtbecalled
Dc'Stewart at the bride's home, In the in, and the parties to be benefitted by
presence of only the inimediatelnends the fixing of said drain, to be assessed
and relatives of the contrecting accordingly. . "lki
. .
parties, on Wednesday evening, at six
o'clock.' The bridesmaid Miss Mary C. L. Fisher was in Toronto on Friday
night -the risme evening that the again:16o
of the city raised a net arid were mobbed
by the police. Whether it was due to his;
resemblanee to a etudent, or his suspicions
actions at about I a. m., We know not, but
we hear that he had the honor of being
rounded iin by Thvee lusty poliOemen, who
finelly entiohnied ROJO i01140 him before
ial proprietor, had to put on four extra rieotle wi..!..... tile r.gUeste. tO Part,ob:' '''. 'Geo. Hinohly,WIntime nut returned izonl
usually follows
hands and another machine, and iri- the rood things that a three months' tour bf the Northwest pro-
tends drying 150 . bushels daily. • Mr such an event. The bruit., never lo9k-
Vilma, in the interests of the MeoPherson
r ;
and delighted audiencea filled • the
I theatre on each oceaeion. The mov-
ing pictures cOmPrised a brilliant eer-
lee, including:the coronation of King
Edward and the emotion of Mt. Pelee:
In addition to these there were num-
erotic.. other scenes of :an interesting,
instructive and humorous nature.
The afternoon performance lasted two: -
hours, but dunnv every moment of .
the time the attention Of the audience .
Jargely-trarrnbred-br Thildren, was
continuouay held,sointeresting were,
the scenes. At night the house was- •
packed. All present voted them the •
best pictures ever seen here and * re-
turn eingagement hits been . booked. „
The above company will appear in'thei
town hell next Thursday. evening, -
under. the Mistimes of the Oddfelwe.
Those who witnessed the few pictures •
given at tne shovi. the other evening.
have a faint idea Of the beauty 44 the '
performance tor next Thursday:
. • • • , • • . • . . . . •
. •
• The .
Bank -
'Canada. •.
-Capital paid -
•-.A14LOWD, .
ON Batingt Bank .
• • " • •
FR0).1 •.
1 gALF.YEAllth
Thos e itet ng ong t e new ed prettier than she dicl in her beauti.
Post Mee.. he is getting the plaster- ful gown of blue grey poplin silk, and ts Hovey Co., mannfacturere of the Mon. IN OA811
ing done this week. Mr R. Me0061, t wore la Wands roses. She was the
arch Threshers, report; a wonderful sensor
for the farmers of that •eou tr 11
$1,100,0(10.. •
.:Beeetre gindt, • •
aside: • .: • •
$3,500,0.00 .
Sigliest• .
• reit Rates .-
rateg on time •,
L. P. texeielk.
who has been in the mercantile bud. -recipient 00 wank beautiful preseritet a rich harvest for all men in brieineds, and ,
A 0000try. as we as . . . .
nest' doting the last .three. years,- at Which tvill'assist her in adorning her especially for !arra' implement 'agents.
ilrumbo, sold out, andis having a well, new home Among those. epresent
. George iff a good salesman, his genial man -
earned holiday, prier to his derarture from a distance wore: -Mr and Mrs A. ner winning his way hito the hearts of all
for,the West, where he ptirposes Iowa- Roberson, ot Auburn: Mr and Mrs
login the near future ; Mr McOool has
a level head and is. a thorough busi-
ness man and will, no doubt, do well
in the Pearl° Country. •
- • . nett .
Nerrite:.-4). Et, Smith, of Brantford,'
who has been -visiting jas Snell for
feWdayi, returned home WeclnesdaV
Will Cumming Met with a serious acci-
dent last. week t a heavy beam tell on
his font, Crushing it badly. •
ItEPORT.1- The following is the
standing of the pupils of S, S. No.
Hullett, for the month of October; the
Ames appear in order of merit :-
era Livermore. IL Roe% R
John Fluker, of Auburn. The happy
couple take up borisekeeping inomeda
ietely in the Heat cottage on Vinegar
Hill, •
• A LAME:4 2.18LE DEATH; -Prom
the Goderioh Signal we clip the follow-
ing particulars in reference to the fatal
accident,which happened to a lady of
that town, but who is well-known in
Oliriton:-"A terrible accident, with
fatAl reeulte, occurred on Thursday
evening last at the home of 'Edward
Sharman. While the family were at
the supper -table Mrs Sharman rose and
Went to the Adjoining room for wale
purpose, and in the dusk fell dovni the
cellar -way, receiving (Mob in rirles to
her head as to eause death within three
Crawford, D. Rorrereon, T. Moons' T. hours, She did not regain conscious-
Adams,.E.Scales;.Vorm II, Si.,...-11.9un- ness. Mre Sharman, although seventy.
dercock, L,Steveart, I.Oartge, L.Leitth, two y,eers of age.wite deong and active
M. Livermore, Mani*, 0. Noble and her death, co sudden and in so die -
Forte Jr. -N. itiatyeY, A. Roes, treesirig a Manner, le a severe blow to
Rogerson, W. Ycting, W. Sundercock, her husband and fetidly. Mrs Sharman
G. Carter, P. Moon, W. 13contleyo-4 Watt a native of England and came to
JEstitn L. MoLAtroierete, teacher., armada with her husband in 1851 and
had lived in Goderich ever since, earn-
, . myth her
the redeem of all who knew her by
• ner 010060 MO sincerity, She
HAIM ON POxerneete.N.- Thos. Mc* was a Methodist in religion. and gave
Oreight,a resident of our villagescharged her loyal support and active sympathy
Jrie.Barr with mm41118'113 him on Get•25. to its interests and its wake: Bub
The ceee feted before Magistrate above all she wae thoroughly devoted
Seeger in Godetich last Friday. Barr to her hente•and family..and in return
is the policeman of thevillage and get was greatly beloved by all the menebere
into tin altercation with McOreight ori of the hom circle. F
he &ewe itt 9.0400 Whh•
Mee Sam Pike, w1 has had been hover-
ing between life abd the portal we call
'death, tor the past week, rallied some
What Thursday motning. Which .
may tide her • over for a few days
longer: G. Pike. frocci..' Chicago,
was called honle on Monday.... D,
Dickinson, though eonflned to
his bed, from the tesult of . his recent
Accident. has. very tondo Inapriev,ed ;
the hemorrhage has been stopped, and
he is now gaining in strength.
Word was • eeceived at this of.
&elms Goderich, Wednesday, stat-
ing that two boys were in that toren
wanting work so as to 'earn enough
money to take them to thser home in
Oak. Their names are Lew. Taylor
and McKenzie, and are not known in
Oalt. They tally somewhat In deecrip-
tion to our two boys who have just rce
turned, and the pony with Whom they
were, employed thought they might be
the missing lade.
litallowe'ctn passed off quietly '
town, the boys behaving themselves'
'fairly well. The only thing we • beet,
betted of. that Was. of an unseemly
eharstetert was the pasting Oa Vulgar
Ohms, poster on the hottee Of Aire Hall;
it was at ungentlemanly .act.• and the
partyguilty of it should be punished,
Respectable . Women -and *Plows in
paiticular.-should not be atibject to
the street on • date mentioned, Mire tied her now bereaved tushand celefluoults of this nature. ,
started to take his Mae to the lockup. bladed the .fiftieth anniversary of their _ ' Dr. Agnew, . of town', ,offered aprize
and a'rbt1.0.abd•tUnlbie tight ensued Wedding day, Besides her hoeband to the Dungannon. shooting club, for
In whieh MeOreight get.the Weed of it, she loaves foueenne and five datightere# the best BOON abet by the meinbere ot
Evidence Was given that after Barr got (one daughter being married to W. that ctesoelation..attel COmnetitintefte
toMplainittit 011.hie back in the street he Pridnam, of_Goderlon, brother ...tafeMrtelt eifeellittishert. up 'last Satfirday, J.
strnek him. on Op 4eolvoltir 44 Sam,: .11k.0.4iffic#101tOlintbrill TO all the. be., Wolter WAS the eueceestul Man, Mid
don, balaned OW60 *irk tniderrave uChantin. veteratt 0 over 80 years. his decision on TucedeY.findhlgagehist tekipg away of one so dear to them. cup teeth) MA an ebony pedestal and
en*, 583,26 •yag. Etabintion, gravel He put in the three acres himaelf and the defendant, Who he held had used The funeral was held on Sunday after-
6.000t1litt $10; Mre. Robinson, Charity, heed them e,11, and is not te Wangs for ntineeestfarily VIOletit; Mettritt to effect noon." A number from Clinton were
gio, , Mona adiourned to meet on being preud of the result, tor they are the arrest. icor WO assessed Or COON present,atiloragst WhOM Were Bilee
tupported y two Wiest A silk um.
brelia, given by 3, E. Gantelon, for the
highest average, was also Wett by Me
#3iloVer., These gifts will in all probab.
illty be appreciated,
' Nov, 12th, at 10 o clock.
.• tine tt let ef rootatie can he found in of 1080.40, or in default thirty .days In nie lloltnea,Mrs Peter Straith Ana MIsa
- W. St MeOttOeTtht tinVe
Alualio Harland,
KILLED A LION. -Geo Havill
writing to his mother, Mrs Jas Hearn,
the sheep ranchina business, gives a
from New Mexico, where he is in
graphic .aeeouet 0 the shooting of 0,
lion, which measured 8 feet tram nese" '
to hp of tall: He had .been missing
some of his Sheep night after night but
could not tell what Was hiking them,
Until he ran upon one of these beasts .
of prey; with the aid of degs and ,
rifle he brought this Monster to bay,
and though nrize, yet he je a eoetly.
one, tor he has 25 sheep charged
against brim. .
.:±looji in
The •pockets
Of your suit or over.
I oat and if you find the
t above label you ein be
I sure' that you have the
I ing taade Canada, 'feu
I :els: a.dy.to-wear cloth -
rat: ittinefiletrro46t'r
won't find it In a poorly
"20th Gentney" teething le as
p,00d as made to order and COMO
j) lee* MelleV.