The Clinton New Era, 1902-10-31, Page 10October a1st, 1902
lOver IN New. Mantles bought at hall the maker's prices. A purchase that
was only made possible by the double outlet we have with Our two stores.
Mantles that we are going to sell for less money than stores all over this coun-
try paid for the same garments this season. You ask, How can we .do it? The
story is short. The reason is simple:—Kcauple of weeks ago we cleared out
the entire stock of one of the leading Canadian makers of Ready-to-wear Jack -
di. These were their overtnakes and garments that had been made to order,
and for some reason or other were not shipped. They were offered to us for
half the -Prices that their whole season's output had been sold for. If we did
not have two stores we could not have entertained the offer for a moment, for
there are, more Mantles than any single store hereabouts could handle. :.
EVERY GARMENT IS NEW and was MADE FOR this Season's trade
They, must not interfere with our regular stock. We want to clear them out quickly, in fro'
must do it, and on Saturday, Nov. ist, commence a sale of Mantles thlt will be without
a parallel in the annals of mantle selling in Ruron county. This is not the end -of -a -season
sae of a few left -overs, but a sale of new garments every one of wh' was made for this
season's =de and not one of which has been in our ;tore two weeks Do not let this chance
pass to get a new jacket for about half price. Oae like it is not likely to comeslgain soon.
The earlier you come the better the choice.
Sale will start Saturday Morning November lst
For Easy selling we have divided them iato the following lots: Here is the way they ,wilteell
Jackets at $2.75
10 pnly Ladies' Short Cloth jacket% These are mediunt
weight garm'ents, suitable for wearing with separate
skim or for early spring •or fall. They ate made
.frora good broadolothe.and arnooth nnish materiale,
are lined with good mercerised esteem, out in new
coat styles, have pearl or (sloth buttons; R bought
in the reenter way could sold for less than 36. '
to for 8.0boSaturday,No.v,e,mb..e4 1: .yon. or take
y 2.75.
Jackets at $2.50
5 only Ladies' Military Coats, 30 and • 36 bathes long,
sample garments,no two alike,mide from good quid-
. ity beavers and friezes, lined throughout, made to
sell at $6 to 1/8, ohoice'of lot 2.50
Matttles at $5:00
Mantheifor eye dialler 'billthat the maker mid for
more money early in the :season. Robby rind Coin- ,
fortable garment, well made from girocimateraisls
• •
A Few Extra. Good Garments
that will give saiSfaotary weer. 'Thrie-crearter len-
gth, semi fitthig, velvet collate on aome, made from
beavers and friezes, blacks, •greys, fawne, every ofie
new this Beeson, worth regular $8, about 20 se sell ...a
ou Saturday at, eaoh • .. •
Mantles at $6.50
.Many gitirMents at thie Price, made from good quality.
' • beavers end covert' clothe, lajaoke, greys, fawns, all
27 moires or three quarterienthemat or high collars,
every garment lined and. made for *hie season's trade
If bought in the.revelar way.010 would be the price
of the oheapeet mantle in the lot,.00truzenoing •
nrday you pan take 'YOur :choice Of thera.for.... At- 011
• Mantles at $7.75:
7 only Ladieri!: .Ulstere, very stylish garments. They
are made from yood.beaeore• and frieze% wafsta are • •
• lined, Thee° uletere conld notle sold for lesethan •
$10 to $18 Oath if bought in the regular, way. if '
you want one of these very Comfortable garments• .:
.forlirtie money thie eheuld be your chance; for Bet-
..urday they go on sale at, eaeh.: ; - . .
A tew extra good garments that we have not enough of to luMp at one price, will b4i
put on sale at prices that will be froM $3 to $6 less than real value. These coats are near-
ly all fawns, some are satin lined, and are the cheapest lot of mantles that have ever been in
the store. We do not `Want these mantles to interfere with our regular stock. They must
be sold and sold quickly, and have been marked at prices that should see the most of them
find new owners before the week is over.
me More Specials
Less than a dozen limns telling of reliable merchandise selling at- prices that are low
enough to call bargains. Not one in the list but would be good value at more than the price
we ask for it. -
Blankets at $2,50 and $2.85 Vests at 25e and 50c °
Either line is worth Imre than the
marked p -rice. 'Rowever, we can afford to
sell them under value, so if you come h re
you.can save a little money on. your blanket
it $t.50.
Goad en dity vrhite wool Blanketsoroft,lofty finish,dot.ble
bed size and good weight, colored borders, special n
value, per pair . • • • . • • 44011,
.At $2.85.
Fine quality white wool Blankets.dorible bed size gdod
weight. ViOven from clean, pure yarns, soft 'finish,
colored border% will wear and wroth well, very speo-,41
idvalue, per pair...,....••••••••••••• ........ ••••6 iiii6011111
Harris Horaespuns, $1.00
. The genuine Etarris Romespuns at
per yard, $1.00 Not an ounce of shoddy
or a thread of a cotton from one end of the.
piece to the other. All clean pure wools
that keep their color and wear .well.
Genuine Barrie Homespun% 56 limbo wide, trio strong
cloths, soft cheviot niabr make handsome and ser,
Viteable quite and skirts, per yard, $1.00, populer y
. Not a stem in the land sells any bet-
. ter vests fir a quarter or halt a dollar. Some
,,. but not Many, may sell as good: They are '
not anywhere near here. An immense .pur-
chase of ladies' underwear bought direct
from the mill gives us the 'chance to sell
these garments at these monersaving prices.
At al -quarter .
Ladies' rili)ed Vesta, shaped,,full size, good weight, soh
° finish, open front% nook and fronts nicely trimmed,
extra Bimetal ',aide, at each • .... Qtrt.7.
At halt a dollar
Ladies' ribbed plush -lined- Vests winter weight% 'gimped,
open fronts, neck and fronts nicely trimmed, soft
••flniah Thig vest is away ahead of the ordinary ileece
iined ge.rment. ft 131601 itsgood points without be.
in clumsy or bulky, the moat comfortable garment w
fOr winter wear, eaeb . .. . .. . • . .. . ..uvC
Drawers to maid; either of the above,
Skirting Serge, 750.
Rear, Serge for Suits or skirts at 25o
a yard less than value. Enough saved on
the material to go quite a way •towards pay -
for the making. ' •
Heavy Serge, suitable for tuite or elsirts, all %OM, 66 foe
wide, hard worried finial; will not catch the duet, jism
easily worth 21.00 per yard, aPeelel et • • • • • • .. • • .• •
Two Big Underwear Bargains
.Tbargains in 'Underwear for Men that should bring a generous share of the
dervv,ertilrade our way. You'll not match :these values any place elee.
flee* 1 j5Iirts and Drawers, heavy weight
and goo q k ity; will Weer and wash well, cola
• regularly at $0e, te special purchase enables tor to
sell them for lege and you ere the gainer, eheiorroyin
while they loot . .. 41.0 6t16661166,14e...
•At 50o.
Aimee fieebe lined Shirts and Drawers, extra good •
quality, evenly woven, will iveigh well and glee
excellent wear, well made and "finiabed. Whey
would a11 lathe regular way af./Seend 85o each, wik
but if von oorne here you can buy them it, each oue
k .
Men°8 Pants for a dollar and a half that should eon for more money. They. should *ell
for more because they are worth more. The only reason we have for selling them for
$1.50, is that we eleared out a big quantity. away 'under value.
Men's all wool Tweed Pants, dark oolore, heavy weighte, for fall ma winter wear,
well made; strong poekets, a yery special bargain, at per pair., - , , „..,., “, „.,, *Log
100In1;004.74 NO'rES. 1/ The regular Seasion of the tOWn C0111301
traiDA.m. oorwiwit 014002. ell will meet on Monday; evening next..
go vo pi)
Monday to Toronto; theprice paid4 was
'moat, btorttxs, SO 50 A cvrt.
prlett Annie* wanted OARTIMON BROS. 011nton girth who can take a, prize
making good bread or buttermilletand
I better chaucee of ivearing Matrimomal
st.Npv EnA. oot pa smiles than the young lady who can
Cov:prere,frool:04tastata:::::0,10:e.e soon as 'Reliable, Welk 0,
Highest. marketertta. P. IsfalTtialay, Ogle sham. Ping pow border 00 a, pill vi
We ianderetand that Jno. Beaco ,
we are shit leading In sugar by Bernet
Recipath's Granulated nelow regular ..wee u
,. ii,,, L liadon township,has decided on taking
p his reeidence in town. in the hope
• sale price to make rime teroOr_r_k_e?i; ettNnus
that the change will bettet hie health.
W. .
• He is looking for a house in which to
. Win it
. bring hie family.
In low, damp pieces, or Where drain-
goers who will act for the taking of the (lsgh are almost
a total failure, but age isnot good.the pin tatoe hior well
it .ftrendum vote on Dec. 14th, are, for drained land% they baye eecaped al-
We*t Huron, J.N. Oatupbell,Westileldt .
moot entirely. Such are the reports
Best Huron,Sheriff Reynolds,Godericin
South Huron, My Lewis, Orediton. from our neighboring farrnere.1
1Porreeter brought to town last
SHIPPING SOME THOROBREDS. Tuesday eveninda, good earople of force
--Jas Snell has been busy the past fed spring chickens. Four of them
Week shipping his thorobred stork. that
weighed lei Ws while two. of them went
was sold at his sale last Wednesday ver ten. The'price realized for this
week, He did not dispose of his sheen, over
of dressed fowls is 12e,i. lb._.
but expects to leave in a few weeke for
About 100 appeals, equally divided
Wyoming territory, t) S., todeliver the between the
the % partiehave been entered
119 head that he aold for the association against' voters' list. The majortlY
while on Ails trip out West last spring. are.tbose that would naturally arise
WARNING. -If the party or parties k etween the time the list Was prepared
who entered the new home erected on , and its issue. They will be heard before,
week, and e
st mptied a can On another page will be found an in -
Huron street, belonging to W. Hill, I Judge Doyle, on Nov.17th. -•one day la
of oil on the floor besides taking the teresting descriptive letter of a trip
locks from the doors will return them through Italy and elsewhere, written
and pay for the , oil; proceedings will I expressly for the NEW ERA by a lady
be stayed against them, but if not of the county. wiles& literary qualifier'.
action will be taken, as the party is I lions should find more general use than
knovvn. I they do. The letter will well rtpay
. 1110SE HORSES. -R, Winslow, or perusal. .
the Huron road, Was the farmer who S. S. Cooper anticipates a visit to
lost the horses is week ago, on the rail,' old Ireland next year. It is nearly 20
way east of 'here. The animals had years since he left there, and he natur.
pushed over a defective gate and got ally looks forward to meeting the
on the track cluing the evening and Mende of his boyhood. He will be ac,
were caught bY • the latetrain. The. companied by his wife and probably
horses were killed outright, but the his brother Alex., who,ramor says,will
colt Wa3 still living when fund in the bring a wife back with him,
morning. . W. J. Sloman, who is acting Agent
LAW ABIDING COUNTY. -County for W. Cuchnore, -hay Packer and ina-
Crown Attorney Lewis, in his returns porter„shipped two cars or baled hay to
of criminal easea in the countyof Huron the old country the vast week. Mr
for the twelve months ending Sept. 30, Siouan says that as soon as the apple
1902, reportstwelve cases in the County crop is out of the wanthat cars of
Judge's Criminal Court, resulting in bated hay will be shipped out of Clinton
eight convictions and four acquittals. during the winter for export, , •
There was no sessions work. This is a Mies McBroom, of London,whit has
Pretty good record for a large and pop-
ulous county like. HurOn. •
been in town a couple of days the past
week, working upa class in violin ma -
OM" I3ROS. MINSTRELS. -As re- sic; has eo far received encouragement
Imlay as clock work' the . famous Guy to warrant her in commencing work
Bros. Minstrels that he,vg been on the hei e. She left for her home Monday
road for a nunaber of years are billed evening, but will return on Friday to
to appear here on Moodily evening. organize her class. Intending pupils
may leave. word at. the NEW ERA. aloe.
A traveller passing 'through town on
Monday happened fo nodes one of the
bills referring to the boys who ran'
away from Goderich recently. In the
description of the horse it brought to
his mind that he had seen two boys of
like description driving along the road
tne other gide of Loudon, and as he was
on his way to Godelich, goad he would
notify the parents of the fact.
Their band, Weir batoon manipulator,
their inimitable Arthur, with his con-
tinuous ebangeable. funny Osaka are
all too well known, .and will draw a
good house. It is up to date and no
back numbers. • ..,
Thursday verring a .nurnbcr of our
young business mon met and torinnlat-
ed cornro.ittries for the carrying on . of
the assemblies. that bee° been promin-
ent hi Clinton for several years past. There are four Boer delegates in this
M. D. McT •ggart was re-elected presid- country on a tour of inspection, with a
ing officer and John Forrester. treasur; view to introducing improved methods
r.f farming Into South Africa. They
are Messrs jooste, Moody, Reed and
&Milo. Two ,of them Sneak good Eng.
fish, but the others find it hard to matte
themselves understood. ' A New ERA
representative, had the pleasure of a
brief conversation with them on Setup.'
Thula'', and Mrs E. M. McLean. It "e day cn the traiu; Tbey are all delight,
expected that the opening dance will be ' .ed with Canada, and their very cordial
held on Eriday. Nov. 14 th. • reception here. ' • ;
er, on whom the more arduous duties,
fall, that of collecting the where -with -
all. The executive committee is com-
posed of 11. B. Combe. J. Crooks, N. B.
• Henry, P. Fair and L. Scott. The lady
patronerseeare Mrs J B. Hovey, Mre
W. Brydene, Mrs Geo. itIcTaggart, Mrs
We can give you great value in a Fancy Flower
Pot—just the thing you want when you fake
your flowers in .the bouse—Six inches high and
&gilt in diameter—Three colors.--Red,BIue, SU,
ver,with a delicate shading on top rim and fancy
gilt decoration on each side.
May be they wont(be considered fine enough for table
use but you will be surprised at their appearance
for the.price which is about the same as you
would pay for a common pot much smaller.
Weekly Globe from now until Jan 1,•1801, for SIAS
Weepy Mail from now until Jan. I, 1964, tor $1.60
The W. D. FAIR CO., wawa
Often the Cheapest—Always-the Best."
•••••••Arrr....• ,
aylor & Sons
Also sole agents in Clinton for the
Our Wok for the FALL TRADE is celebrated GRANO!' RUBISERS
now oomplete We 11190 ell the latot Whit% have stood the teat. They are
style% vrialoh we now offer at very the beet in the market, Try a pair and
close priors for eash, be convinced,
oell solicited. We sell everything
in litUDERN FOOTWEAR. Our stook
is equalled by few and excelled by none:
Weare sole agents in Clinton for We shall be pleased to show you our
the KANT ICRAO/C RUBBERS: stock and giYe you ' our pricer!. It
every pair guaranteed . might he money 10 your: placket. •
The Old Reliable,
Cash. and One Pries We will net ,he undersold Eggs taken as cash..
Wr.TaylOr. ep Son Clinton •
. .
• -
The _Attraction oi this Store is its Low Prices'
COnstan,tly increasing patronage, despite unfavorable conditions, is safest, sur -
.est, strongest .proof of's. popularity:: In the. faCeof bad weather it
indicates public appreciation of sterling worth and meritorious •merChandise.—
It's the. Unfailing sign of mercantile success., TO our career it means that the
purchasing publi.o...„noognigei thal here, and here alone, are the bestvalues
always to be &filo-Et:and invariably incomparable.
Tailoring •Depairtinen.t,
By bringing this advertisement with yOu we. '7
Will make to your measure, a long Itaglatette
OVERCOAT, 111 our new Grey San Toy Cloth
• winter , weight, beautifully tailored and well
" trimmed, worth it any Ordinary tailor shop $16
Our very special price
We IWO PIA imported a special MO of West
of England Tweeds, in a dark hair line stripe,
five different patterns .to choose from, and e.
ery one of them a bertuty., They will look
well, wear well, and for warmth' cannot be ex-
celled, Made to your measure, fit guaranteed,
. •
• A g"-geir ".`k, • . •
ReadytetouWear Clothing
SACQUE SUITS,' in the new Coronation
Tweed, 'dry swell and strictly up-to-datei--
well talored and trimmed throughout, worth, at
.the 'east $9. *Special this week at
° We have had made to our own order, a Men's
Single-breasted Sacque Suit, df pure All Wool
imported Irish serge, lined with imported Ital.
Ian cloth, and tailored to the height of fashion.
TiliS is the best selling suit we ever had at $/5
and at our special price this week it should
prove a big seller. •
'Extra apeoild for Werk1ngniell.-25 paire of Atole Petits, our own,
make, IleWn With linen thtead throughout, every eeen1 beith 19/10ei
great weave, for $1.00 4
4 ...