HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-31, Page 9't* • • 1 ••••,.. THE CLINTori NEW ERA Th. Itingf oflkonifes istfcws itArinr Tuctuow r lE day has gone past when a wise woman Will put up with an infero g.r cookinapparatus. She has heard of The tiaPPY Thought" • Kanige, The corrucated Oven N2Le and her neighbors tell her what it will do. If by chance you do not know the merits of The " HaPPY ThOught," you owe it to yourself to investigate. • See the Range, look into the firebox and flues, weigh the covers, note the patented downers. the ventilated, illuminated oven , the corrugates:1 oven plates, and ail the different features that make this Range so different and 0o superior. You don't know taut household comfort If you don't know he Haver Thought Range. • ' Write the Manafacturers for Xtustrated Catalogue. 'zratige The WM. BUCK STOVE. CO HARLAND 13R08. etreeg iieter111111ateak Xtle &met rienua A :fed by rebuff, betook itself were ut despair, whop one loving heart, 11'11 i0F41 to Farm ',toilers* Walleye the Votes not discount , f, There ts always more interest in an to prayer, ttiervidpassionate implore. I tion at the very footstool of Goci, call. PAlliE'S CELERY election, than there le in a vote taken I illg upon Mre "io very truth" for help upon an abstract questim. or even on 1 and guidance for the one so wilfully ' COMPOUNL a proposal for an actual change in !yip, blind. After forty-eiglit borewhen the ebject or so much loving t,hought Tile Home Friend a the Far- i'lat1"; In the Yeal 181)8 the" "re Was again eecountered the latter cheer. 1.1•10 425,445 men really to go to the polls to fully vouchsafed •the as.onistung mer and Ms Family in vole for memluers of the I,4egis1ature. 1 formation that the idea had come to : bim of consulting voluntarily another the Autumn Season. friend, a wise and almost forgotten one. . and the advice then received had sway. warnings se long discarded, Must we timAef,teargeblita4brioengstiannadottO otireopl tetshuemoredeyr ed him to heed the remonstrances and .' not think that that passionate prayer Allt)3EGO, many of ger farmers, their wives, Unknown to ite subject, is entitled tos , odo4nuttitoar:ollaltealetehthefienandantillentagecealrveefaullnata., ectrae share in the etulden tetreat matte tention ifillnem is to be avoided. Many ex., , by uncompromising obstinacy and the perienee kidney trouble of sem° forret with unit:naked for recourse to the one earth- such the liver is torpid; there is bitiousnees, ly influence diet surprisingly could nose& and vornitlee, with loss of appetite sway hina 1 This is only one instance, and depression of spirits. Thousands who . mind. Every earnest observer can have been expotted to cold. damp winds and gotta because recent in the 'writer's count up numerous similar ones, and rains, now feel the twingee of terrible Were be able to read the bent expert- rheumatisni; others rundown by worry, ence of his neighbors instances would overwork and irregular dieting, are tor - add themselves to ins.ances of response mented with the imp of dyspepsia. to prayer, until the aceumulated ma. To hhalf dead men ane thousands of rundown, Moldy and i Toronto apple .. _ d women in farm homer crop throughout the Province is turning Compound, the only medicine that can the ones the worker's friend, Paine's Celery ere reouninend with all honesty and mad. out much better than. it promised equickly and f arlier buyers say that In the season. Not only is it larger, but the quality of the friut has iinprOv. Paine's Celery ully restore strength, to the weak body and vigor to the muselee. ed, the fungus noticeable in the earl soh; it removes poisonous a autumn his pretty genera 1 tv disa pp ear.Y Compound ton the dom. ed, and the apples have filled out 11 adds from the without serious blemish, we t neuralgio torteres; it purifies the blood and weak and &eased nerves. and banishes blood which cense rheumatism; it feeds the gives true vitality and life, The nee of Paine's Celery Oempound in autumn mo gium familyno 'A Bel, ell Morphia•meni. the establiehing of a perfect phyeical vigor ace, have applied to the Paris police for to withstood the rigors of a severe Winter. .The Boer visitors huiched with Lord ,;„.„,,,.,„ . . work, an ,, not having ...................--------.."............... a habit that they lost allintelei;attinonbutyo - ee • relief. They were so besotted by the Ifinto at Rideau Hall, on Wednesday •,-„, Han -this Anything To Do 'With the narcotic, were in great distress. ' ' 'The Building "of Our NW MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM i FIE HABIT ..... . .. • P . Po O. • .li; Wilkinson, Stratford, Ont, says' "ft "You are looking well," said the street affords me much plensure to my that I ex- OF RAYER tog to the goat. "Plenty of fodder for you now that the billboards are filled „, There is nothing that we know Of 'vote. -The Pioneer. perienced great relief from Muscular Rhen madam by using two boxes of Milburn's . With theatrical posters, eh 1" ' that will excitethe cerlositY so quickly Rheumatic Pille." Price 50o. a box. Int O. DE SOLA MENDES', "Yes," replied the oat, "but I have and hold the attention of people so lOng t the Christian Endeavor Convert- ' ti.here were only 209,782 who went to the polls to Vote in the prohibition plebiscite. The vote polled. in Ontario in the pro- hibition plebiscite of 1894 was much larger than the vote polled in the pro- hibition plebiscite in 1898. In the. f Irmer case the voting frok piece at t he eame time as the teuethipal elec- tion, a large number of persons wAtre at the polls tor the Purpose of voting for municipal councillors,' and being there marked their ballots for or against prohibition. Although the total vote on the pro- ibition in 1898 Mae smaller - than that of 1894, the vote of the liquor party was increased. No one imagines that there was any falling Off of tem- perance sentiment. What, then, is the explanation In 1898 the liquor party did more work than in 1.891, made a stronger ef- fort, and Oiled its full vote. Condidone of diseouragements led to a falling off in the vote of•the prohibitionists, This [inane that the liquor' party can be robed upon to pall its full vote un- der any circumstances. If the total 'vote available is 425,445,and the largest vote the liquor party can bring out is 115,000,then there must be at least SM. - 000 voters, who will vote fey prohibition if they vote at all. • There is no doubt that the over- whelming senthisent of the electors of Ontario is in favor of the prohibition of the liquor.traffic. We can only be defeated by failing to bring out our not hegun on them. I've been devoting • a d don in Ottawa, R. W. Dillon, of the St' -talayor Hendrie, Hamilton, has received Rabbi of the "Gates Of Prayer" my attention to the new cereal foods," as an eicayation, They get around an • $5,00,0 teem en unknown philanthropist for pity charities. • (West End Synagogue), New Marys Argus, spoke on he 013urch 'Those patent things ? Why, I see"the first load of dirt out in the t• 101 York. thought" . and the Newspaper," as follows :- Pine, 'They cure Conetipation,Dyspepsite. • • triment in them Is -Cincinnati Tribune morning and the last oneou a nig Sorne of theni get down in the hole and Churches and papers should recognize the limitations of.0110 another. Preach- • There ie nothing harsh about LaxteLiver "Not' the foods; the boxes'. More nu. Mak Headache and Bilious topelle without ' The Lord is near to those, who eau non • 8r1Ping, purging or siekening.' Price 25o. Oho, th those who colt upon Llim .in very; - -4-44-- • • stand in the way of the shovellers and ere should know that a newspaper is a tr th.-mis, ealy. . • Tess -He used to take me to the b • business propesition. Too many church The Scotch maohmists employed at the ThPeais is a word to the y01111. g, based theatre every -other evening or sobut •upe narroevIv escepe mug run oyer by the people expect the people to run their , ; • . . • Kingston locomotive works are bringing one evening when Ve were sitting in teams.3 Bosses drive them out acid notices of eocials free of cost. • Church theirtamilies out • . . • On- the discerning.experience of all who the parlor I foolishly allowed him teamsters swear a to ' t them. They ' 3 ck,- peopl hou ld have more respec ARM have attained middle age at least; greatkiss ma • t for - • SPRAINED thereeelves and not atik something for Mary Ovington,Jesper,Ont,writes "bay or Years but increase the range of .ele de the sidewalk and. are dritien aw:ay ,Tess -.-What has that to do with the a theatre"? • • nothing. They cOuld take a lesson of by the police, .but like the cat in the the advance agent of a circus in this re - h adage, ot the'song, they craneback and Peet. In the news aspect, you should Mother Md anadly sprained arm. ttothing servation and'contirm the resulte already Tese---Well, now he wants to sit in the , • we need did her any good, 'Then father got . - • • Hagyard'e Yellow Oil and it curia rootherte .urn" • , oar,lor all the .time..-:-Phitadelphie, Pres*, . trio expeet a paper to print. long retie arm in a few *lays Pei:m.25o, ' .As years add themselves to years a • ' - rubber. mous articles to the exclusion of news ., ' They seeni to believe that.a gold mine and market reports. any more than a - ,Graduates of Normal schools must various generalized. facts stand out - - ' ' ' . Indian "Christian man to spend his whole time . . now, take a course in domestic goience, prominently before him 'or her •• ' ' . • will he discovered or that an •". •All may not be . required to teach it • • • . in prayer -meeting. If 'impers were run ' ' Burning I c ng, ,, " • . t hi' . - ....• •.. as some people *ant them they would but the Minister Probably intends to.. - ' , . • . • . , . . .graveyard will be uncovered or, that , who. reviews . • the past ; • we • call .- make sure (-hat the future husbands of l• .. • . -. • . busiea treasures will De found, 'They • be nothing but milk and water sheets • and absolutely useless.' . the statement of them ;experience, ., . • eiehnol'teathers will be able to count 'on :,Thue, from the various acte el kindness . . . ' Stinging Piles' can't be driven away coaxed: away. and , • , . . . . • wifelyiliities with a confidence born of tin:trough, grounding in,the *ork.. Take eT•alii.°. !bout 'the' 'blessed ...eifect.s. , of.• ' . if - - A 1 ' - ' f the ordyinducement that ' will budge people could cog realize the virtue 0 the hint, girlie ..• .. • • . friendship in purifying our ambitions, . Dr; Cliaett's- Ointinent they would not suffer them. ',They want to know how deep. their wives being ableto. assume house received from relatives or friends we gen- . an Invitation to the nearest' bibulum is ;•-.7 , yeti are going, and how high you ere long with piles. • 1111'S GOT IT RIGHT IN THE HEAD, strengthening our best endeavors and • Whitehall.. a well • • ; 'That's where Catarrh always etioks, tue. making life not. eo.harsh a struggle as i and respected citizen, of Cobourg. Ont., going and where the dirt is being MOv- til it etrikee down mei the lungs, then its men's selfishness would make it. Coe Mates :-- Having used Dr. Chase's pint-. ed to. • . t yersely; froni repeated' eXhiliitiene by the , °lent for piles, t• can. testify to its great *tie tine to mire Catarrh. The weather. ,“ .,„ . , .. . , valueThe ufie "ng which I endured enOnitietigTatigii wthlrir .e.;.71 whouiiiliggt consiunption. Sueircier is comieg,. thot's.. • ' minerne., dry air are all favorable. Cat- • "reptiles of the hunaan race" of the ao...- froin*the burning: itching,' etingi_ eg:sedn. • ..b34 WO can Say that there is ni "burnt down" and .about the' old elm tree that stood- in the lot • back of Mit: will not cure itself. • The favorable .pravity and meanness to wee% tesi •eation of piles was something awful, and . 0 . ebtriitiong above mentioned enable Catarrh- sometimes surrender .: themselves' 'nothingin this world' •• orkee to do its work in One grinder of . the r ,.. to agaDr: Chase's Oi t t acure ' 4111914 u thin. It always ouree, but onme more ' form our general, opinion :of the den. . for this dreadful disease. now than et ' ony other . season of gem to be feared. from ' man reme the and pettier g M such Moral per. Y 113ntri:t1 EC eat ' tnh.ft; house" and aonpt h;Zshelf eller . near rt.:31131g; ot ore great the old Deacon Somebody Pastured hie -tit 'year.Your druggist or dootar will tell ' slight retie from any o them. But while ' e Di. Chase's Ointment brought quick relief Yerts As sometimes rub elbows ,with no co* there 'way along about '30 when. yoreehat a good thing Catarrhozone is. 25o their was a blacksmith shop on one side and $1. ' . 1 on the march of life or occupy a seat -it went further and made a 'thorough cure,. of it and a tavern on the other and not • • I cannot say too much in recommendation.. tt.l'Iti ffi eater than Toronto tlarl-Y4‘,Liyernoole WAS ,DMilid fiYer t 0 ' wortr_Siish_expcoeuees_auent...uur. :fel - - tifaenntinala elnziformationas cheerf ul• Geo. Virige,e. leader of the anti -Ritual ' adjoining ours on the scene of our daily . of this tit this great remedy. , kcal; tr'd peace for.six mouths.' • "- ••-f Tlite-ts-the-onty.-preparation-which •-la- it and. gratuitously given about build- . 1°19'1121n a" .4 hand 4191' 'tql •ef us, and • .• pesitively, guaranteed to core any form of log Y Peovide WhO tOTIld note phut-nTau-- , . , . their generalized lesethist; rn re or less P es• una_dbrella. They want to se t 0 p ane T. ;Jure a Cold in One Day: ' • • • . • 'g ' il Ask your neighbors almut it. 60o. plain .to all, ate. designated "common . an learn the cost. They condemn the • Taluixative Brain° Quinine Tab 1i at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates -AN drits rettind the money if it dell t dere. . W. Gfave's eighature .is on experlince." . " . . it Co. • Toronto. • architect and entis the. contrectcire and J. TINDALL. . 'aitininic. • : OLIN10N, ONT. Private funds to loan onrinortgagee at beet.ourretat rate, . temmse . A General Banking bosky:in trawl,* d Interest allowed on deposit. • • Sale. notes bought ' • • - • ' G. D. IVIcTaggart BANKER TOR -ALBERT-. ST+b---CLIN - A 'General .-13anking BeisIneSi . , transacted • , mechanics. • Dr Chase's. attraction to a great many people, • A hole in the g,,ouncl is an irresistible Notes issued Interest allowed on. NOTES DISCOUNTED ea& W., 50. ' ' . But there Is another range of ex. • 'deposit's. :-...'The Scheel •Dentiets' SocietY of Great . periencets-•-itrange to se; ' uall lain . , • Britain is endeavouring ,to arouse •the , . Yi,Pc1 . 3' P arid : patent- to , allHwhieli .are not. ,se •• 4 , . ' interest of teachers in the teeth of -the Ointment. aildr,n)ft . ,., „... - : • readily ; understood , or not - sii . frequent- . • .• . . . . U., Si Ifitports.trOin Canada. . ____. • . ... : 'lily littlevirl'iveuld tough so. at night that. as-thom touching our fellovi-men. eheY .'• . to a biilletiti issued by the Washington We note with intereatthat,accorditig . ,_ Mrs Fred: Leine, St George,Ontv. writes.: ly.. applied ,.(te our losesend .detrimently .. ber .th Wood's Norway Pine Byrupend am' .tti'!) . the repeated ;facts of life in eon.: Aerveltous restate men and '11/.inntin who. government, the United States.during . • •. neither she nor 'Leonid getiany rest, I gave . . . -thankful to say it,oured her cough quickly...". 'nection with the Great Spirit, the great ' ', will serve Itini.••• ., • : • : : .' . • . ' 1001, imported largely Of Canadian live ., Tnnbeidtee Wells TaWn Connell dicid-• 'end- all -wise God,, I.Vlio, :. has sent' uis. How delightful .t.,O,-. exert '''ont elmiceit , stock.- .Uncle . Sena imported from 'ell. ed net to applY .-tn Andrew. Carnegie liner for .e., 'brief stay . In: ttcordenee!. 'itiengtli. for. such a Master 1 .? How, hone. countries 140,022 head of battle, and •f of for helpz establishing a free .fibrery.with game wise. plan .perveding the Md.: .. itrable . is 'the ettPli?..yvhieh" makes ' De , theSe,50,666 head, Or. over 03 per pet. - ' . ..:- MilburerAterlitagiffeadacire Powderigive . iromee rti..,.. .xelief frem, membly.,paine verse. -. Thus, repeated examples occur rollaboraters. With ;inch • a friend! Yea, vahied. at 0843,4.132,carue fromthis Co - aha tear: ...R715"bact ofreeiffedavihetever. Be around us Of the. pernicious effeets. of We Unroll, the hand of Hinii: who moyes, it y. • ,v, ' . . , • - . . p , .: .. -. • 1 e .. a; ' 604 e S. the,. worlds! , We feel the othrobbings of ' while as an exporter .of cattle to the ' du and ' 'dee .' n national ' 1 ' a ' gdre yeti ge iltilenin'A. 'Price'10° and 25o, • , ' • 'Well as On. an individual one; , and yet • • the. heart . of the Infinite sin fullest sym... . •• ill 'deelera. • . • : At De..• •,tport ,Lieutenant-Geberal - . . 'United States Mexico eirtelassed Oen- I to the rot . of the Loyal North Lance- once" Iiir moderative ' or • preventive . mankind .and to save thia 'world. ' , 2 ada the.Deminien headed the. Het Ai a. . , . 4elir W. 'Ilitair distributed *at...reedits ' Men rarely drove upon their •"experi. pat hy with all. our efforte *to elityrtte_ _. i• onmasures when contemplating just riuch - Dosege„ brother, do not .stunible, furnisher of horses:for the Stateer.,0an- , . 413,N LIGHTNING • . error themselves. . That sum. of human.. Though thy path be dark as night, : ada emit the Republic C3 per centiof Re Aire Re,. ,..t•Lerit. .. • . . " . . • . , int ' °lied horses, The animals number- " • Illat'e Pt. •71's Cern Extractor. dives experience, that. AintightY Cod InveC ,iii'Lere's a. star to guide. the.humble,-4. • ed MS 'and. brought 0080,452. • .. , • .htaire. ...• • consequently get out as they powerful ban upon all 'disregard 'Of this.. • Trust in God and. de the right. , ,..i. . . Canada last year supplied the States torn,/ timaieugling in about twenty-four purity and. justice and.. has • set His alt- . valiant. beep up to the plan any longer...- is law, is- strangely, negleeted or for. , , . ,„...... ... , with practically all Of the 831,488 sheep. radium them Weary -it's Piitiam's Painless . getten of Dien' wheii present 'o.pportuni. ' ' . ' Deetruetron oi •Viree'dr!. ''...',.7"' . 7 imported from abroad, only 2000 com,.. ing from 'other countries. In .valtre Corn. Extettetbr that does thin.. ' Now 4014 I ,ty invites to SM. ,. •-, , , Thare are two classes- of weeds-4hos0 these sheep ran ap to $1,2C0,000, forget, .A11 druggieta. . . . • - ' ' .-convetsely, men are ' foolishly, and:. '---. thlyeein from • seeds and.'those Which:. ' While upon the Subject of 'United . • king Ottear'e award in regard to the ungratefully 'oblivious of the • general& a f . • . . ,:filtates imperts it may else he MentiOn- aettlemerit of' the Samoan claims has 'rations of experience with God on the _ • are prepegated principeity .13y means., ot edthat during the firet eight months not yet *been received by the British side of His mercy and. love. new their -roots. Weeds which -spring, up . of 1902 the Republic imported $10,025,*. IlovertitiSent,,, . ', . • . . countless the histaeces. when Divinity'from seeds co be destroyed by .sucieste 362 worth of gold,and thatfno less thanadaan. . - WA . Y WAIT, '" shaped - our .endo smooth that seemed ively bringing the seeds in the soil to $11,course, the X'tikon was the Thief 597,252, of this . came rom C,. If 'Mitering from pain but go at once to any 'Oo.reugh,- rent the 'clouds that threat.- the surface; where they germinate.. .Tht. contributor, British Columbia also for.. Of • dreg dere and buy ti bottle cif Serelline,the eked, dispelled. the , sten& •that terri- greet pain dire..Never faile 10 give Muted- • fied us l' , ' - Seeds, of some Weeds hay.e• great vitality warding its quota, . , . ' tate relief Navajo. is composed of the 'tut of all the experiences on • this and. remain in the soil for years. Some 4 Most powerful tsvin Subduing -substances side, those Most . strangely* and detri- . ere enclosed in clods arid are, retained . • . • known.- Xerviline is encorced by- medical , mentally neglected metre atoned that for. another season, but When -the clods ' The Modern Mother . factor of ,, human experience to which aro broken and the weed Seeds exposed . . , - --- then everywhere. Don't wait a single hour, , witheett trying Nervitine. The best reed& the Psalmist alludes' .the • triter 01 nine in the world to esin. __- - .........-, • _ --P - ---...:-..to -wameth-near.--the-sustaiette--they-are-HatelAtnYts-Ofearing-10P411110,--- .....-____. ..... ..... -prayer: 1116--..wibrewi-il*agr Were a . . . .. ,,. 'prayer people. n . Etter een urns .. • Grandinettieres -elnetgeney, oruggists evetyWhere. - lid. • 1 1 . t . put out of existence by the harrow as . The continued 'drought In South east Lan- they .had good reason to be, but cm- soon as they germinate, for -which reit- ' that elpt. Mishire hi causing no little •apprehension thrice . before Heiner ,had sung of siege .. son it is impossible to clear a piece of ' Never Knew emonget many will and foundry owner%• • ;dna strife, ' or ,Rornan Itomelee • had land from weeds in.& sea.: .4 ' Mre Fred- Leine, St. George,Ont„wiates founded 'his law -Making city, the .7eW.• ,on unless every • #410. little girl would cough go senightthat Isla berate in their inimitable Pialtee °led is pulverized, The Oft:repeated in. IlfsnY almodt raiored traditione of the liad sting of God's nearness to Man by. . quiryt ''Prom whence come the Weeds1,, nursery have ,been east iteideby the ula to... „ her De.:Weoate Noztvey Pine Syrup and . way Of the avenue 'of prayer, and sung may be analvereal "Prom the clods." cradle is now goldent found in the hones date mother. Even the once coriander ../leithet she 'nor I could get any rest, I gave . , qui(Ally.' . . . ; -:. ' .pring .from roots are blessed by baby's presence, ' The modern * • ant thanitful to Say A aired her. conga • in terms that make their book3.to•day The weeds that a ' i•' ' . •e he cries but the .prized prayer book of -civilization's tit h k d d t d from balm' ill not fod ova* tin • filis partition of Portugal's Beet Africitn. enyriads• c up, e ec e an proven e, possessions between Germany and England This "nearness of GeV , is a subject • ' growing by freqnent cultivatien, because time. The &Ater approves Of due aeta • ' ,. when the cloak annormeee the proper a .eaid to be the subfect of a treaty, bleu and women would do well to -ex. 644' 04nnOf exiet. 'for a great length -of baby is better forit, but despite regality . 6 ' 2/Meet WorM Lowden make the chili amine', ponder and apply in, their, own, Alma unless permitted to grow. . it Id hotirs for feeding, .nearly all the dieorders *Cu healthy: field by oil' dtriggiste. , .. lives, We have soeieties for psychic re- leaves are allowed on Mich plants the of irdante are banged by derangements of ', escarole collecting inetatmes of the in. ' , Y the stomach and helve's. Mothers' greeted The Duke Of Devonshire ' presided et fluence of spirit over matte and of ber Is r. iu BU "a mu' p i i f e if t"' heeante they problem is a treatment for thee° ills that intent* of enbeetibers to the Derbyehlte • . i • i • ''t thr h . reathe.. through the agency of the leav. will -bo gentle buteffedive, and . above ail WriinovartI War snlita,. . , N. cutlet Wird I. W. Bailey, Of Head Lake, epir t answer ng spin. on e man do. ' The advantages derived by the soil. . plane,' Is it 'beneath our dignity to . in the work of weed destruction reduce Ont., writea from the fellness of ever.; :Be .young 1 • It ia only necessary to take :. opilect illustrations of spirit lumen ftp- the . cost of warfare OD the weeds, for- once when she says: "I have used Baby's youthful. appearenee and vigor, Bold by all I, Own . Tablets for my ,Iiix months old baby Minerva Compound Ikon Ma to retain 'pealing to ispirit divine on do much every time the harrow or cultivator is ' higher a plane' and meeting response tilled the manure is more intimately mit, who was troubled With indigestion. The ,druggiats. : ' swift and certain t If We Setae Our- ed with the soil, more clods are broken, teethe Were beyond my - expeetations. In the Dittlieh Lenatithieg the menet( on selves to thhile about it We eart do e, a greater proportion of plant food is Worde bribed convey to those Who haye• the voting for the sale of the Daniell Weet little work Of psychical researeh in tnisoffered tothe roots, .the '.1ose of mois. not tried them the worth of these Tahlete. Indies were meet exalting. . field ourselves. Many of us know, all ' ture is lessened and the capacity of the I will "ter ^ein t1,864:40 °thet Psreg‘ra. !dents of the crop to secure More .foOd ` . don Virtue bevy, au J. ern Otreintleu mere , SenieUthers may lbo good, but without a •. 1d The coat of Ills destrtiction idllOthing. id 'good ity3aby's On Tabletris! bf us have heard, of Instances whe,re 'doubt Miller's Compound:Iron Pills toe the 'true Prayer, "Ogling oPoo God ill 'or,' f 4 ft Id t 13 b a t tit Theee l'ablete area gent o le/cativo and . bent. 861d by all druggists. . . • . , truth," ItaVe met with bless d e e neP nee; "(Mints of a ,sin le ea ' r (km' r ' • ° V" "u " e ''' "Ma a a fo ting medicine for infante and y r oidy, as tho ., %Waged VilMe Aha 1/1114014#' follow . the . _ , ... others. • Let trie quote an instance tugh work durini a Season may oblitr thildren, •They are 'pleasant tO take and end net for ourselves ,, alone, but for elk Of faillette Compound Iron Pills.. 11Pla gOtritt)g under trty knowledge, . A young are guaranted to contain .no Woe.. lf ate the weed's tuft rely or so reduee.tb sum er at t make he oa of their ar 6bletfifiend 28.0 le the Dr Nihuiroto h o t f c t d• t your druggist does not keep Baby's Own b ill dreggists, , - ' 'Mena loosed inexorably bent upon It lgru Hon during suedeedin h t Lard Iiebette will be entertained at a getiree fraught with certain and bittel iriii:,..41111 d T- d g Valli -tt- , Medicine 121,6_ so Brookville, Ont., or a Ws Rem . banquet -1v the Illator Aisoolatton In Len. inertifIcation, if net with danger. lio' : - -',. e ' - ' • - • Scherteotaay, N, Y., on& 0 full sized box 0100, pa Nig 2e11t. '' iiiienstrands, tifixinittg, request, loving will bo mfillodt pot Dula, to your Woo •.i Oreaty alco Oloterod uppu 14 hook , 4 .. „ , sW THE IIIOLS0IITS BANK Incorporated by ActIParliament 1855. • CAPITAL • $2,500.002 RESItFUND $2;150;000 ' ' HEAD OPtICE,1MCNTREAL Wtd, MOLIMN Presidezi • 3emettEinior4:Gen. Manager. . . . rioters discounted, collection° metde, a-afte iasned,,sterling and American exchange bought andsold. Interest allowed awaits Same Bars -Interest allowed on sums of $1 and op. Money advanced to immera on their own notes, with one or " more =deniers, No Mortgage required. H.O. Brewer, Mariam Clinton. October 3140,1902 1.1 OO --D BOARD OEN ve,s,e:151"11 41%. ta vita coticEslipATE -14 14AgED faop _..,.....‘'. lit'uluP._ Goon. ....z.i...4.....„ newotielay ..--- igGl.... ,., • 7" 4" 5.61°116!ir . , _ ..4'‘ -.."..*-4,:r4 ' - ..."'4**"...- - 4,;#1.‘„?%•44`1,•• 0,144* '44..,*•• • vo........0•41......4.4 _....,,. MIS AO 01417" ... .0%,._01....._ ,111•%, _,. OlikKely- - ....op.. . I.• .0.........7.01 .0.10.0!..4 '......,................,.. este. ...`erare... ON .0.,4...,,,,t .0A •cr -.mow. ....o..._•...o.,;"4.4%.- woo,- fig nall mom ...--....,..., k....... f00s goo , rt.... • *.114-4 . • altaMita ‘. 1 I . I . THE" SION OF THE PERPECT' FOOD TASTES. GOOD BECAUSO IT IS GOOD THE PERFECT FOOD " -, FOR 1?•Ii.AIN and MUSCLE Made froM'banadictn grosr3 Tr Ues 4 by. Canadian rrarbrnen, In the ear.' of Toronto, Canada. MALTA -VITA IS good board for all mankind. Relished by old and yming, sickor well. • ... • *0.•-• : 5' MALTA -VITA is the original and Only pettedly cooked, thoroughly malted, flaked, and to:titled Whale wheat food. • • MALTA -VITA is the iterfect food. perfect in taste* perfectly cooked and malted ; perfect because MALTA-VIT4 contains all of the elements, necessary to sustain life and invigorate mind and body. Perfect health,' sound, restful sleep, clear complexion, -bright eyes clean,. white teeth, sweet breath are the blessings that ollOw a regular diet of MALTA- VITA. A week's trial of MALTA VITA. as a diet for breakfast and supper will convince the most skeptical of the superior merlte of MALTA -VITA. Beware of imitations. Insist on getting MALTA VITA, "The Per- fect Fond." Requiresno cooking, always ready to eat. ' • tar sate by grocers. MALTA -VITA PURE FOOD CO. -r ero.nt,e, r1Qda' • 1111111111•11111111111111111MMIII1111111111111,11111. fANVA$SEIL:- .-:.WANTEIL to sell PHINTEWS Mic- a journal for advertisers, published weekly at fitas dollars a year. It teaches the science and practice of Advertising, and is highly esteemed by the mostsuc- cessful laviiFffifeis in This "tountry and Great Britain. Liberal commission al- lowed.Addrese PRINTEES INK, 10 Spruce St., New York. • • ilimamollimil011111.111011 3 ) • • Central • Meat Market. burfaintweignagor next eLtwhilibtattomlierpirn'e.g. pared to furnish the people of Oita. ton with all kinde of Ptah an Ottred Mesta, Sausage, bolognal lark butter and ego alwartkept on R Fitzsimons tt Son. Telphone 16. ' • dram delivered. -promptly porn, Of the teWri. • A1,0.04stsons hatiing hogs. for 'Shipment will confer 0. favor by leaving Word at the. ahoy. . • .t• wwwwwwia °riot's Big argain Even -A royal time for those who need or who will need clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's av,..rcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' PantL _ . Our Whole Clothing Stock Tvorlieififferell at a special discount of 20 per cent The object of this sale is to sell out this season's clothing before our new goods arrive. We never carry one reason's goods into the. nest season. All ogoods charged during this -sale will be 'charged. at regular prices. Positively no goods' charged at sale prices Our roods • sire -marked in plain figures - 'deduct, 20 per cent and that will be .the selling price for cash only during the sale. -Men's Suits... 'Men's MO suits now .. I 6 .4. • • i 0 • • • • too Men's 6 00 ' '‘`' " . "Men's 10.00. " " , . . ' • • • .6 i • a 80 * Men's 8 00 " " - ; • 6 10 M n's 12 00;" dg , f a ! I **•, • • • • • • • 8 (,0 • , • • • • • OOOOOO •• 960 d , . • toys' 1 50 'mita new. o 00 O 1 20. , • _ Boys". 200 • • • • •i. • i; • • • • 1 ..,60 • Boys' 250 ." • a d: • 1i 11.11..0 .0. 0 0 200 Boys' 300 .;"y .• 240 Boys' ,4 00,- OO • O .; :a 20 • • Boys' 5 00 " 44.. 'ilt•i•ii.••:4•••••• 4 00-.-. Boys' odd pants OOOOO O •14•0004.4 .40 . Men's .Overcoats' Men's 5 00. Overcoats OOO O Olio*4 00 Men's 6 00 . ' ' 4 80' • Men'sr8 00 " gt • 6 40 4 mmeto_ta.naLL__g_t 4418,40'-' -Men's 12 00 " " 960 BOYS' OVEROOA.. TS and Pea Jackets reduced in same proportion. All fur goods at absolute coo -Fur Caps, Coats, Collars, Gloves, Mitts and. Mail,. Underclothing. Thos. Jackson, Sr., Victoria Block, CLINTON lkiMMAMM J. noLLowAx 4 Who has moved his stock of TWEEDS to the Searle Block Is still giving' 25'4 discount of ail his Tweeds. Now is the time to get a 00a cheap taikrmacle • suit. . pet cetL1... Discount • brattaacuaan