The Clinton New Era, 1902-10-31, Page 4Odder. 31st 1902.
I J.
Thursday, Oct. 30,
Friday.lpetober 319
, Saturday, Nov. 1.
• The last two days of this month and the first day of November
should see this store crowded. These Bargains will do it '
We want big business on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
andja.order to get this increased business we are going
to give you some bargains that will be worth while
coming for. Here they are. Read the Ilst through and
figure up how many dollars you can save.
Best Shetland Floss 4 bunthes tor 24c
1100hunehes of the very beet Sbatiand Floss in black and
cream, also pink and bine, all ate put -up in loz, pack. ne
agee, special for three day% at 4 for •m•
Best Seotrh Fingering Yarn Worth 74c,14c
Ji00 bunehes of the best Bleak Fingering Yarn, sold 41 over lee
at 75o a lo., on sale for three days only at per lb me
10e ,Flanneltttes at 7c
500yarde of Flannelettes, from 28 to -4 Man .vede, all
heavy quality, goods that will give good weer, regular
• value.10o, aale ppoe • 4 P PPP
Boy's 40eStockings at 2e
iioy's erCtre heavy ribbed wool hose, 41 made #..,..Eriglish
, xegu a v ue o, pec al M..
yarn come n 11 sleet I r al i 40 S i
Best Factory Yarn atper lb 40c • Vests worth 40c for 35c • before the appointment is announced,
' but it goes Without saying that Iti
' 75 Ws of the lett Factory Tarn, made of alt pure Wool,both *. matter of il
this nature Sir Wfrid's view
Bunter's Excursions
• • 1902 „ „
minter,0 Nxilerelee tickete will he trold to
' verioutt pouts benne
October 24th to Nos, Int.
Good to retura up to Deeember 18th, 1302,
Spired low forte for them Excur-
sion% Fear full pertioulare regarthog rates
and Points to !thigh tickets elima see
F. R. liodgenst Town Agent
Buy your Wow up Town and ovoid
the rush end delay at Minion.
90* Aantv2ItitottutA•
For Musa -le ti Henry reXe 1
opened vehiet-eiewcombe.... ,...,, 4
Wasted -P Maitland ,, . . ........ 5
Millis env -McKinnon de . Co.., ,,.. 6
Undorwear-W Xi Ouin etto...• • • .... IS
Business 0°11mo-A Melaaeblan...
movie Pleture co • 5
goalie for so 0 -Jae Scott ... .. ..• 6
'Wacker Wanted -4 W. loon 5
Men wanted -A 1314uttiewcrth. ..... 5 -
It aspberry Plantu-W 0Bear1o.t ... 8
Carload potatoes wanted -P Maitland' s
e ot.tie puroltaso-Roddens Brow- 8
Signiiloent sellins-Jacksou Bros . 8
FRID• AY, OCTOBER, 81, 1902.
'Who Will It 1Se?
The general impression ingoyern-
went circles at Ottawa ie that the new
Minister of Public Works will be the
Hon Jas Sutherland, and thee whoever
comes into the Cabinet will take the
Marine and Fisheries department. The
Puhlic Works portfolio has belonged
to Quebec, you might say, for genera -
Pone back. True, Atexander Macken-
zie administered it for his term, and
Wm Macdougall and Sir Charles Tule-
per had it between them for 41°0
spells under the Conservative tegiroe;
_ but, with these exceptions, it has been
oen in the hands of a French-Clattadian
since Confederationeand if we care to
• look up the record it will be found that
the same bolds good for twenty years
, back of the union of the Provinces,
be The Prime.Minister will- do his sol -
two or three ply yarn, w light and dark grey, blackeed 200 Ladies' Vests, heavy winter eteight,nicely trinitned and
finished, the reguier stelae in other stores would be 50e, will prevai
and white, regular 504 velue, at per lb l. .
... 40 epeeist at each 35e
Heavy Wool Hose at per pair 19c . Russell Sege has 47,000,000 loaned.
' We haven't quite that much out, but
• .
115e Table Linen at 50c
€00 .wide Table linen. very heavy quality, in eseorted
• .Boys extra heavy wool hose, sizes 81! 9 and 9toototne stores the amount of ',forced loane" sense of
, . ftA
"designs, regular value 65o, special at per eard........ .tete Go our unpaid, subscribers compel us to
• 250, our price is. meke hewn), binge .
- •
90e table Linen at, 60c °
wide full bleached Table Lieeneelegant designeatery
• - fine quality of linen, the regular value of thin is 90o, on As
stile at per yard ' • , ARP
$2 Satana, Waists at $1.50
Yv aims made of fine black temente in a very new
tyle with eilk stitching and sneering, regular $2 w A
nes at mob . • buy
Tailor Made Skirts at $2.p5
Tour choice of about two dozen Tailor Made Skirts of ell
wool homespun% in navy, grey and black,these are all
inad,e in very latest style, hemetitohine at bottnn3,2 90
• seems all overstitehed, regular $4 skirtsat •
.Staek Satana Skirts at $l
dozen black andereiiirte, made of heavy quality setana,
- all have extra wide frills, this dkirt,kyreel,vvorth $1 9, • ee
•- spited at .. " ..... ...... "--41
15e Dress (Rinds at 40c
200 garde of zebelite Dress Gee& in shades of brown, navy,
•• garnet, etc.. 40 mains wide, alt new goods thieefelereg- sa
mar value 750, special for three days at .... . .
Sic Prints at 5e
250 yards of American Prints, in light and dark colorer in
, the lot will be found shades of red, lilan, black with '
white mixed, all are warranteed perfectly feet colors, eke,
regular price is 8to, on sale eeper yard , • •Velt
•. •
0°Ribbons at 20c . • •
OO garde of plain ta#eta an satin Redly Ribbons ip afil.k
• • .
e the wanted shathe, regular 300 yeeneoutle price • 20
AdditionalLocal News
.W.P. 3L 4i. Meeting,
The samosa, thanli•ollen ng rneetin_g_of
the Willis church auxiliary of the WO-
menea oretgia Missionary Society was
held on Thuraday evening leet week.and
was largely attended, end those wee. I
ent felt Well repaid for eornlne'. The
inteiesting aldtbIggeal? RAW:et:ea-
tare Watt, of Guelph. She is one of
•Best 3.c .Riack$atana at 19e - North Perth he.e been declanid vacant
or three days only we will place:on stile 200 yards of the •for the Local, this result being reached
.. very beet 80e Sanwa, has a . very brilliant finitb and 19- be mutual consent of cou std. The Lib-
werranted fast blaokat • g arab think they can' redelit-whenthe
election is held:
French. Flannel Waists
. . . • • . .• '
Regular vaino $8,25, at $1 60 Sir Oliver Mowet's tirne e,sLieut-Gov:
e. h ir expires this month and It is un -
8 dozen Waists made of all wool French flannel in colors of
the ablest lady speakers that leas ever
visited Clinton.
Iler address was. on Missions, and de-
sheerli limy ea aorf ntehgei °Eno namu earini cda In ceoi gebroerui nc
churches at New Yolk iast year, She
was listened. to with rapt attentiotniind
is a pleasant speaker. Her heart is
without doubt in eynepathy with mis-
sionaries and their Work. Mrs Watt,
after hearing tbe Treasure; 'a report,
congratulated the Society on the work
done by them. She urged more to be-
come Member° of the auxiliary and
help with the work. For example, she
paid, look at the willingness of the fa-
eatelites tete lye, coming on their knees
begging Moses to accept their gift%
We should not give, as someone has
said, as little as we dare; those who
carry the good tidinge are a great host;
we get our eommission from a yery
high source. In. speaking of the annual
meeting held in London last May, she
said there were 500 delegates present,
and was thought to be a• good repre-
sentative meeting, but when you
of the number of auxiliaties there are
it is a comnaratively small number.
Malachi says "come with the flret and
best of OUP substance." lire Watt next
spoke on the Ecumenical conference,
which takes its origin from the nacdern
missionary•znovement. and since which
gathering there has been a growing
feeling on the par t of naissionary work-
ers the world over. That such a meet-
ing was needed to gather up the results
of their common experiences in mite
sionary work was realized, and which
led to a betterdistribution of the forces
in the field and made it metier for those
in the work to accomplish the greatest
good. There were 40 meetings held in
all during that 10 days conyeation in
thatlarge city. The coming together
for the first thneof three thousand ab'e,
intelligent and devoted men and wo-
men, all eeeply interested in the even.
gelization of the heathen world was in
itself an event of great moment, and a
meet inepi ring feature was the welcometo• the 480 women missionaries, who
were introduced by Mrs J, Gordon,
of Beaton, • She told some touching
and heroic tales of their personal sacri-
fice and success which crowned their
yam* of toil and teaching. Tlaousande
of people, from every country • under
the sun, were present. There were no
decorations, but the inotto,"The world
to be given to Christi"' was prominent
ID that large hall,- In this -generation_
there were 99 mieeionaries from India
alone, and some from Tibet, Persia,
Lases and other countries.. Every de-
nomination Was present. Never had
there been such 'a movement since
Pentecost. Let us not torgd that the
evangelization of the world is God's en-
, term ise with Jesus Christ as its leader,
and faith is the victory that overccines
red,blue and b mleallhavefenoy Mlored em all new likely that he will be appointed for a thseorarlwde.rn given by • tire Hoover,
Black Astrachan Capennes • Scottibutereitenow-sred-ten-tined ceinee
that his successor would be on. R.W.
much Credit mid
• 70aosierttr duete$
- • Regular prime $5, at 013,95 it on acceunt or his Wife's illness. His is duely congratulated on the work be-
• •
•wernild bea very weed appointment,if he Mg done by them in the Mission came..
You're not goiog to put haek that
otirpet and•furniture without paper..
ing the room, are yeti. it
rhi a house -atoning meanie wall
paper moon, to,
We have a stock of
15000ro1lsto seiect front
and can giye.yon any shade orpet-
tern you regutre,
041 or send for wimple% Good
paper can be had as low as 5o a roll,
but we excel in medium priced pe -
Fere for 0 *0 200 per roll.
All paper trimmed free
"Hang" our Window Shades;‘
or better still, let us hang them for you. This"we will be pleased to do if
your home is ID town -To our country eustomers we glye special inatruce
Pone when necessary. •
When you get Blinds, get the best, is it
always pays.
We buy direot from the best marmite:Aurora in Canada, and our Shadier
are first -oleos, The where also are fully guaranteed.
I !Wades may be had from 65 to 60e for tha Elan ones.
60c to $1.25 for lace and fringe
Speoial sizes poured on .short notice
W. Cooper .& Co Clinton
Agents for 0. P. B. Telegraph and Dominion Express
Money Order% &looter Buttertok Patterns.
arra . Mr
this semen, regular va)e% le 45.25. Sale days 'to go at Lvv. second term. It was generally whirh Houston dedicated the thank-offeeing.
and Misses Manning and Tones.
12 Caperines mule of lito astrachan fine glossy ourl, eoeld Meeept it. . .
ly lined and &lobed, on set% for three days at each. 3.90
Si Flannelette Blankets at 80e The Ron. jaw. Sutherland. nand. pos.
ems the. aVerage newspaper man's abil.
ofty-finish muter $1 ttlenlietteforeeeei
. • ,
100 lairs of Citra large Flannelette Blankets gee fine
• . . • .
2411 Wool Blankets
at '$2 49
Rain Coats.
Grey and &Wu Rain Coats made with the new bee
velvet collar, Wiped up cuff% • Special at mob
75e:coisets at 50c
Church Chime.:
An innovation was introduced on
80 _ity to adapt himself to any circume _
etance. When Mr Millock went to the Lora.. prayer ollowing the ret
. tralia, Mr Sutherland took charge of
the Poet office Department. Then' hemei- of each seryice. .The prac is
bad the care of the Public Works for a - —
ro'be reeulm Ivefolloyeed.
time. Subsequently he became Minis- • The half yeatly ixteeeing of the dean -
ter of Matins and Fisheries,and now he ery chapter,of Huron, was held at Hen-
iseMperintending both the Marine and Ball on Thursday of 1 1st week. The
Public Works Deieartments. He's a Chapter centinued in session lint Hefter
mighty good man in any department- '4 o'clock,and a 1 rge amount of buerness
except that of matrimony which he •affecting the churcb's work was discus -
has so far escaped. sed and disposed of. It was resolved to
held meetings at more freaneut 'Mee -
. • •'
. .
. . • . 17113 i I every parish for the evehipreent
. Collegial. Institute:Notes of missionary zeal and for prtnnotion
• . • .--.. . -- of more active Christian work The
Rural Deans Re L we' and T e k
The next regular meeting of the Literary
And Weigle 'Scott and r'ox were ap-
5.dozen Corsets, all tiaa out, steel filled, made of heavy • Society will be held in the Assembly Hall
jean, fa and wear is guaranteed, regular value is 70e,. of the Collegiate,Weekcin 'cThuredhe next meeting will be held at Myth.
ay afterhoon Tainted, as an assessment committee.
• • program has been prepared, end the vegeta W. Tb
T, NOTES -e W. C.T.
ibbons at 2e . days
• •
yards of ribtons / of an inch wide,in all shades of pink,
blue, gold, white. cream, eto„ meetly sold at 50, eale
.111.i No
Cashmerellose at 25e
/20'paire of lediere plain and ribbed
2 1, seamless bee matle of very fine
, • . • will be glad to have a good representation has accepted Mrs (Rey.) Greeleeeteeita.'
from the town at this, or any future meet. tion to use her home eatrit, place of
Cashmere Hoe% '141 . ing, se all the meth* are open to the meeting, reeletweiii are the efficers for
quality yetre, regular • rlio. The debate for this meeting will theteriiiiig year r--111:re (Rev). bunion.
• I value 85o, rale price
25c, on the fightofehe eleer.e.11%. jpereretaril..Pres. • MreiRey) Green, efts :(Rev lDr)
itnd should prove interesting, as there Stewert an Mre Cricb, time pram ; Mrs
. .
is keen riveAry amongst she embryo orators. .Calatelon, tretwee-411-re-Perrie, Cor Sec.;
The mueio and other items will be first. Mrs Seale, Ree See. The superinten-
. elms, and you will encouragethe students dentaof depertmente are Mrs Biddle.
by at email. g. canabe, lumbermen; Mrs D. Stevenson,
- The Mimi is to have a bulletin board in naxcoties ; Mrs Stewart. press come -
the hail, and a Cabinet for the reception of pendent; Mrs Sibley, relter; Mrs Luis,
the Hough Cup and the School Champion- bracket depositor ; Mrs (Rev DIA Ste -
ship Cup; it.will be placed in the library, wart hi the delegate sent from the Cline
and, with its contents, abould prove e ton W. C. To U. to attend the drinein-
centre ofettraotion, . ion convention held iq Toronto, this
The Collegiate reeentliXeceived, through week.
the kindness of Mr R. Holmes, lit, P., 1
ehurcft wiliness
Rev, Dr. Medd preached anniversary
sermons on the Morpet h circultand lee-
• *wed there on Monday and Tuesday
sii:elatta and at Rodney on Wednesday.
Oneeepteee -Slate= -.0annotr,The-
epecial services, which have been in
progress for a coitple ot weeks, have
been discontinued, although consider-
able Interest was awakened by them.
I wae foetal that people c .uld not well
netencl, owing to a multiplicite of duties
On Suilday next quarterly eer v ices
will be held; menamencitigeat 9,45 a. m,
1 d by the pastor, Rev. , Dr. Giffoid. •
ST JOSEPH'S Ontittote-Rey. Father
fdeltlenamin will hold eeeeire in Birth
on Saturday, which is the Feast of All -
Saints flay, and also on Sunday morn-
, ing....Service will be held .in Clinton
en Sunday even in g, as Maid, et i o'clock;
• special sermon for the occasion ... .Ser-
' *eke will be held here oh blonde", at
re -0.80 a. na,, which is the Feast of Alt.
t Soule' Day ; a *cid sermon Will be
given on the occasion,
WiTetes.-Itey Dr Itifford officiated
, .N11 Strawy morning, and preached a
! thouglatful and impressive sermon,
W. P. Spaulding gelded to the beauty
of the service by rendering a choice
*election. In the evening Dr Stewart
t , tOok hio own work" t.A1 the next
' Meetieg of the W, V. M, S., the sub.
jeet "Marriage Feast," will betaken up
, hy Iiiiett 0, A, Taylor. The prayer
i meeting tapir, of the Y. P, S. 0. E.
was taken by Wm. Lindeay. The
' itilbjede WM "The Best eirft," and
allowed oonsiderable thought by the
writer. A eollectiott le asked at beet
• &Mar gereleee in t °half of French
; enngenzation, ,
ST. PAtrfie OEMOH.-The rector of-
ficiated af Leith se:vices last Sunday..
.. A. meeting of the Ladies' Guild was
held Thursday evening to wind up the
month's business and receive reports
from the differeut cemmittees....Next
Sunday, being the first Sunday of the
rOOfitbl-a celebration of the -Holy- Com-
munion will take place after the morn,
ing service....Spedal music is being
prapared for Advent Sunday, vehicle
falls on Nov, 80th,
WESLEY Cenntext.-The usual quar-
terly love feast and sacrament will be
field on Sunday next, commencing t at
10 a, me the services to be conducted
by the pastor, Mr Manning....Last
Monday was a Literary even-
ing for the Christian Endeavor,
and ie was somewhat . above the
average it tellectually. The life of
that noted Engliele statesman • "Glad -
Wine" was taken up and divided into
three- epochs, Miss Sephemon, toOk
Els early life to the time cat his etttry
Jan parliament ; Mise Bllarde Rudd
hie career in the House,. and Miser
Evelyn Turner his personality. All
three paws ehowed much literary
tette on tbe part of the young ladies,
and is a• branch ot literary work that
should be more indulged ha then the
usual bile:Sous sensetional songs and
recitation. The solei "Lullaby" rendered
by Miss Olive Manning was beautiful,
and was evidence that the young. lady
nessesses rich Awed voice, Misses
Itudd and Mat -mime were appointed
delegates to the Goderich. Epworth
League convention, being held yeeter-
ilay and to -day, and Miss Rudd was
assigned the . reading of the palter
"Give and Prosper' prepared by Miss
Washington, who is debarred from at.
tending on account of a severe cold,
'complete set of metric: weigher and mese The reports of the work of students
. ,
' urea in ithandeome hardwood cage. the Of the Collegiate, for October; will be
tett oonteins all Pie weighteeliquid and dry, issued on Friday bf this week_ or early
Measure% and other pleasures of volume, next week ; these reports are intended
' n't7a mataura, eurvarm'a ahaini "'ling to infertn the parents of the progress .
pales, an explanatory ohitte and a ode mime by the students, an d should be
giving full explanationa and descriptions of eigned, end returned promptly.
the metric amen, of metteurement. There
measures were =tee, tested and stamped . RECALLS FORMER RESIDENTS.
• in Frence, and are therefore maturate andThe reCe ip t o I an announcement car d
Additional Local News.
Globe of Saturday. has thie to say con-
cerning the 808 ID law • of ' Mr. John
Jackson, who met' with a serious ace
cident nearly three weeks ago; Henry
W, Steep Of the Steep Emboseing teom-
-Tetley,- 10 Court street, atilt. nee einem;
semiconscious condition at the Emer-
gency :Hospital. It was two weeks
ago to -day that he was etnick • on the
'head by a street ear on College street
while leaning over the railing ot
other car. His condition is a peculiar
•one. At times he ..becomes ellahtly
conscious, but the greater part of the.
time he is unconscious. The , case is
most interesting to physicians. Sim-
ilar oceurencee are not uncommon,
but their outcome is always a Matter
of much' uncertahoty. The coodition
is the result usually of injury; to the
surface of the brain, which may not be
aecompanied by any exterior injury to
the skull or scalp. The • outcome may
be a complete recovery; if the injury
heals; but more generally such cases
develop into white is known . as jack -
soman epilepsy, v h fatal results.
..rhe duration of the condition is large-
ly eegulated. by • the length, ot the
senmeonscions spells. te hetilhese are
lengthy the indication is that ultimate
recovery is more probable, and that
the mental disturbatice will be Of
.longer duration. When complete un-
consciousness is the general condition
its duration is seldom So long as when
semi-conscious spells occur, Two
weeks, however, though a king period,
is by no means uncommon for a con-
dition of either senoneonecioneness to
continue, We understand his cecee Ints
considerable improved, and he
.. tates
quite fluently at times;
thtle:S oetvoenrte oignn.eaceee
MPt-Letta Stnith has accepted a Pot;
"Mon as stenographer an d typewriter in
the law offide of W, larydone.
E. Rowland receiVed a letter Thurs-
fropa his brother, who id in South
A jrcicatepeetsotwatnin. g that his. wife hadalied
The.friende of rage Masson through-
out the county,will regret to learn that
he still continues in very delicate health
with no prospect of recovery, '
y Miss Carter(daughter of Ed. Carter}
left tui &couple arose% in full . bloom;
which hid been picked in.the garden.
This is pretty good for Oct 80.
We are sorry to learn that the rinly
eon of Ur L P Snyder (manager Saver-
° gn Bank.) aged 7 years. is laid up at
8; Oethartnes with dipthena,. • ,
. e
IA meeting in the interest of the Re-
te rentiurn, kr oeganization purposes,
will be held in the Council Chamber,
this-(Fridav) evening, at 8 o'clock. All
in sympathy are invited to attend.
Mr Will Mennen -has just added a
handsome cabinet grand \ rano to _his
home, and Jas Miller, 2nd cone of Hun
lett; has done likewise. Both were our -
chased from Col Hoare, of Clinton Mu.
sic Emporium. . • .
E 10antelon was in Goderich rioter -
day morning,previous to leaving for the
north, and shot off the challenge issued
b.e• him to E It Watson. holder of the
Robin Hood Trophy. It is a 100 bird
event and 1 we • feel- confident that
"Shorty" will bring the trophy home
with him. .
• A GOOD PROGRAM. -A goodly
number greeted the opening one •on
Monday evening, of a series of enter-
taininente, to be given by the reedit%
Guild, during the winter. A piano
was put in for the convenience of the
mtencal performers and one of the best
local programa that -have been -given
ID tOWO, Was rendered. The rector
occupied the chair and in his jolly
good-natured way, introduced the
followinv :-Opening chorus- "GiVe
ear 0 Lord," by the choir, Miss Bent-
ley,.aecompanist; Piano duet, "Spanieh
dance," Magee Gunge and Bentley;
recitation, "There. Oxen," Mies Grant.
Mr 0. E. Dowding, sang his first solo
in town in a clear sweet barritone
voice. entitled "Marching, ' and was
much enjoyed; a cute thin Wilt; the
recitation •entitled "13arine cuddle
doon" by little Miss Irwin; and the
Mame Gladys and Marguerite ilete
Man meg a sweet childlike duet,
"The Dearest friends on earth," and
were accompanied by their sister,
Nellie; Mr Murch kindly Sang thee
"Bonny Bark," and for an eneoree gave
"A song for all Britaine," Miss lath -
well playing the accompaniments ;
t he double trio "Lift thine eyes" by
the ladies was well rendered, and Mite
Mounteastle favored them With time
eral reelationte to the enjoyinent of
all, The elienceet thing of the evening
was the Violin solo, "II Trovadoire" by
Miss Irene Jackson, her sister Mies
Lily accompanying her On the piano.
The meeting was brought to a close
by the singing of God Sere the" iritate
The collection amounted tn. $12. The
thenke of the ladies are due to all three
Who took part AS Well ati those who
attended, and made the evening eo
reliable, and are an inoentant acquisition
to the eqtlipment of the physical laboratory. stating that Dr. Vitna.A. Glatow,Mies.
onto, ontewas rnarried to a lee Maud
'Some time ego,. through the agency of fronsides at Camden, New jersey, on
Mr Holmes, the Collegiate received a own- Wednesday,ot last week, mallet a once
Me assortment of Canadian minerals,
winch have proved of greet value in teach- rnineut business man Of Clinton.
When thefoundry was darted here
log the physical geography of the Donate.: Malay veal% afro by, Glasgow & Mac -
Ruh e -•- • , .. ...... wit•„k.=., pbersonent ,F tagal, George, mooed the
80/126 of the moitittly repro . oe firet named partnenectune here to Woiet
hotted to -morrow, end the remainder early in the founder as a machinist. Ile Was
next week; they contain the marker of the shortie after married to a Miss Bing-
etudents for the recent examination% and ham, eltilieti., who was at that.titue a
will prove of filtered to the parents, es milliner of town. After his father's
, well as the etudente. • ' • death be quite the foendry and started
We would again oall the attention of the
°hint% to the commencemein exereises, m utatit's furnishing acre itt a frame
bu !ding between McTaggert's Bank
which are to be hell on Friday, Nov, 14, and Hodgens' DryeGoode store. Eleven
when all prizes and certificate% will be d theyd - t t ti LI '
awarded, and an Mdellent program ren- „eel,eare , e,,,1, m. D. ,,,,, ;, e
dared.. the Wine to which the receipts le n a"'"ng al '--vay son llitti” m' trt:/e'r•irs av.0
step be applied. shoed warrant a goodly Glaegow,•wate born in tea% and wen;
turnout, es it is worths; of the patronage of t schoolh , andi db
y a
the townspeople. •greet many of our younger Wetness
.• men, they having gone to school with
SHAICESPICRIAN' OMB, -- The ,. him, • We are plead to know of his
succees and wish him continued pros-
tWelve young ladiee who furnished tie perity. In reference to the above v00
that beautiful literary ettening last publish the following particulars ofthe
Winter by Rev.. Dr, Cleaver entitled . event, taken fi om the 43outier, of Cara-.
"Jean Vidgeate" have organized agaql den, N. J. "They were married at the
tor the coming Winter. Iniss Peale° residence of her nrother;be Dr. -J. W.
still Pinar% their worthy president,and Marshelea Methodist divine. The bride
two papers have already been viven on was beautifully attired • In crepe -do•
"Mow Lear," which is the character of cheoe, trimmed with embroidered ellif.
Shakespeaee's I they Will endeavor to fon and fatruotingsand married a shower
fathom,and try to t•urn the lessone got bouquet °rule. of the valley. nee
therefrom to their awn -mutual advance. nieceMarjorie Ironinde,acted as flower
ment. The first was elven by Mise
Doherty and Miss Challie McNaughton tirl, ' The bride VMS given away by her
rather. Dn. Allan S. reonside. Dr.
delivered the owed chapter lest evens Cronwelt Ironsideatbrother Of thebricle,
Ing at the home of Mrs a LI Combe. ,acted as beet man. Only relatives and
George Ile Mbetwell, M. P, for•Bure a few intimate friends Were preseht.
rev), B. 0„ is in a very critical ()tate, The happy couple left for Washington,
and hag been practically given up by Chicago and other cities, enroitte to
hie physicians., their home in Montana,
'telly's much talked of Lady Min-
strels eppeared in the town hall Wed-
nesday everting, and drew a good stag
audience, not a lady to be seen, and
only one presenting herself for admis-
sion. The performance was monoton-
one, but it must be said their drilla
were good, and the two gents in dis-
guise acted we . •
A levee delegation, representing
ethareholdere of the International
Cornpany,were in Ottawa and Hull
on Tueedeyeaelecting a site for the new
Cement works to be erected in Hull.
Among thoeepresetea from this section
were B. 3. Courtice, Olinton Aro T.
Pox, Seaforth, and J. Cobbledick,
Exeter. ,
T. leeksott, r., retort -tea from hie trip
Wert on. Seamiest evening. He went as
far as Victoria, B. 0.. Venting all the ime
portant towed and villages between Wind.
ptg and the Past,in the interest of the Lion
Breed .01othing. He travelledabout deVell
thottaand railetteend though he has alarm%
had a pod opinion of the probebilitiele of
the West, be oomee buds more than eVor
convinced of its grader -tem and resoUreed.
He Met antedats everywhere he went,
the majority of whom were eMisfled end
doing well. Ilis °ram for LOU Brand
Clothing far evened hie expectetione,
• Coming and
MieseeMiddleton vieited in Blyth for stew-
dee% the past week. .
• Mrs Jas Turnbulleif Toronto,is the.gnese
of Clinton friend% • , •
• Mr and Mee Albert MaBrien, of Bengali,
opens Salado in town, . •
• Jam Lnett'Steeeeeetesehere • Wire.%
spent her home. -•.
Mrs W. Brydone has been visiting ifli
'reroute for ihe peat ten days.
Mrs. P. B. Crewe and 'daughter went to
Goderich wedeeede,y afternoon..
Iffre Walter Ode and children lett yea. ;
• terday to spend a fewecteeks at Paris.
Mr% W. Lough returned from in ex-.
•tendedadeil to Vankleak Efill;onWednesdal
ThOmealiethitt, of Toronto, intorno on tie.
visit to his father, John Peokitt, Betaforth
E. Garrett, ra. ondesbnPo :It e d.
ing a, few dike% vrith her aunt, Mrs: E.
Chtedlrend. Pdre Stewart Seymour tenet Sun..
day as guests of Miss Tillie •Tehbutt,
Hohnesville. ,• • ,
Mrs. Fred Smith of LaGrange, sr -
rived in town thia. week to spend somit.
tiine — - - • -
Mrs Morrish,. sr.,' left for Pickering Sato
meetly, to spied the winter With her daugh-
ter, Mrs Puokerir g, •
Mrs Jas;Feir and little daughter went to
Wit rham,Setrirdayend. want Sunday with
Mr and firs H. 0.. Bell..
Miss' Miller,a sister.of Mrs Walkinshaw,.
who left here last July to visit in Manitoba,.
ketterned on Saturday last. ,
Miss Moopherson, St.. "Helene returned/
home laet Freer)? morning, after. visiting
Mrs T. at'.. Cuff for a few days.
• NUB .(Dr;)dtewart left Batuiday to attend. '
a maven ion o e . * is.
in session -Mr Igoislato this wattle
S. Taylor visited London and Toronto e
few days this week. He was in man& of• •
goo s. o en arge tee co with.
Miss Ilecdugan, Poplar Hill, returned '
home last week after visiting het sister,.
Mrs J. P. Doherty for some time. . •
Memel Mrs Robb MoIlymn, of Watford, •
sisiten frith& in town for a few days tho.
met week, .edr • ,eififfiveen was -reeve-of
Stanley some' ;team' ago.
R. Campbell, buyer. for 11 thitthart. at.
the elevator. .was . called to his home in
Cifilinsetaliteomt obnisWeeiseittieers-idnaisewh.roegh the serious.
Mrs G. Ernest Holmes haft Tuesday for
Pork Stanley to spend a few weeks with
Rey and Mrs J W Holmes,while.the dootor
I !may on et two weeks' deer hunt north.
Rise (foetidly, nurse at the. hospital in
• tovienwee the rerreeentatne flora St,Paul's •
branch at the Provincial convention of The
Daughters of the King, hela in Woodetook
Jeut week. w .
The followie: ere ticketed for tbe Haute -
nes Externem by F. R. Bodeen% Town
Agent G. T. R. Dr. 'E. Holmes. J. R,
Hoover, 0. J. Willis; for Garden River:
arid Jno. Johneton, Ogle Cooper, Walter
Oole for Porramasing. . •
Mr and Mrs Chillingworth, two daugh-
ters and a son, from Jersey Island, •f the
°benne grog), England, w are n
tour of Ontano, paid Mr and etre Sa es
Mrs Ceder is a sister, and ha not 'le
Carte: a visit for tbe pest w
her brother for nearly fifty team Th
left on Wednesday ta visit friends
S'6Drart,tojr.dit,.. Steep,•.,Winnipei-6on-ineaw
of Mr° Andrews) spent Sunday in town,.
hming been inettendenoe on his Another,
who met with such a serious, accident in
Toronto. He considers hie brotheee thencee
for recovery fair, but the singular part fet-
tle moident is that there isnot a eoratole or
mark upon his brother to ihdioate where hein hurt..
ooyer and IDX Hoiroete of town,and
Geo M. Baldwin, of Seaford', loft Werineti-
dey morning for a two woke' deer shoot
around Tbeseeloneeld Ed Crintelon,aecone
Penied by Masers tickle and Elhott, of
Seaforth, went te. Sudbury on the tame ert
rand. Another parby Is composed of
Moore W. Cole, Ogie Cooper arid J,
Johnstone who will go to the centre park of
Algoma in par& of mem,
Mr W Saekton, ex-Preeident of the Tiok.:
et Agents' Association "and. wife, ,returned
from the convention in Washington on
Saturday. Over 200 inembere attended
this year, it being the largeat gathering of
Canadian tioket agents Over held. During.
the week side tripe Were Made to Philadel-
phia, Atlantie Cityand Itiobrnond, Vete. •
and the delegates say they were most hot-
pitablv trotted on the other nide. Neat
year the agents ettill bele their Manuel
meeting at Sydney, O. 11„ going down by
the Interooloniat arta returning by the Can4
what:tractile. Dr and Mrs Shaw, who ac-
companied the AmMiation, reinthea at OW
SIMS time.