HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-31, Page 2etnter 31$4 1902%
.0111- BE CORE
NOTE. --The Slocum
Phtem a Treatment for the cure of
itetreasumptien, Pulenonary Troubles,
*lard), General Debility, and
learly all the ills of life,. is medicine
weflueed to an exact science by the
foremost specialist
3ity its timely use thousands of
ps„ppare a tly hopeless cases have been
impermanently cured,
7 'The Emulsion ot Cod IleiVer 00
.,35 *ceded by some, the Tonic by
others, the Expectorant by others,
the OXojell by others still, and all
tour, or any three, or tvvOf or any
one, may be used singly or in cone.
hination, according to the needs of
the case.
Full instructions with ea.ch set of
four free remedies illustrated here.
Chu' readers are urged to take
advantage of Or. Slocum's generous
FREE s'xript..
Dr. M4OCUll'S
d tiVerOd
REnik tElL.4 A
D'y roe:,
Vris C011intrOUPOOP
Charles TaYlor, of Wet Wawanosb,
bag sold his fine team of agricultural
horses to Meagre Currie Rintoul, Of
Wingham, for %Ole.
jalllea Irwin, for some yeare editor
of the Bruasele Herald, has purchased
a grocery business in Toronto, has
taken poesesaion of, his new Insinese
and will moye his family in the near
W, IL Thoinpson, of Essex, has been
eiagaged as science master of Goderieh
collegiate inatitute, at a salary of VW,
He was formerly an aeolstant master
at (3orlitrich.
D. Fraser is leaving Belgrave for the
Soo and on Friday of last Week offered
his house, land and furniture for sale,,
A very pretty but, quiet wedding' I
took place at the residence of John
Nivine, Meth, on October 8th, when
theeldest daughter. Lizzie, was unit-- t
ed in the holy bonds of matrimony to,
Mr W. Cunningham, a prosperoue
young farmer of Morris.
E. EL Murray, who was engineer at
"theelelertheflourrelfivfor-•the'peet- nine
Menthe has purchased the • Amer ican and ou a the doorto serious
Be a friend to
Yourself t
Take proper care of yourself.
Look after that most irneore
tent possession -your health,
neglect -or 'carelessness .,
hotel in •Brucefielcl and left yesterday
morning vvitti his family for els new
home. Mr and Mro Mortny Leave
many friends behind thew in 131yth,
. who all join in wishing them abund-
ance ,
of good luck in their rinto home.
Lightning struck the barn belonging
' to Thomas Turnbull, Seale line, on
Virednesday evening of last Week, and
the building together with contents
e• was burned. Alfred idelick's barn on
the Bronson was also streets, but the
damage there was light. •
The corner store of the new Holmes
block, Wingham, was laid on Friday
week." A lime sealed glass jar con-
taining the Winithani newspapers and
t•he leading pipers of Toronto and
Montreal, officialdocuments,coins, etr,,
'wait placed in the storm. .
Mies Eva Garbutt. .daughter of Rey
R J. Garbutt, died at her home • in
fit trie op Sunday evening. Deceived
Properties for Sitioor to Let
- -to Rent;
Lot 88, Maitland concession, Oodelien Town.
ship, Applr Ns OAS. KATT, Barrister,
00t 11-tf. Clinton
To Let.
oy Wanted.
weeded, smart boy to leer* printinse Nan
Sheep tor Sale.
For sale, feur tborcrbred Leicester PAM
Lamb*. Also one thercrbree ehearitee Ram.:
Terms reasonable
Vine. W, DIANN con, Staples',
That beautiful store in the Jackson Block,
• , I
Huron ntreet, lately occupten by 0,Witte.
Teather Wanted
Sept. 6-41
altos. aAagsorr,
Pin Uni011 s No 10 efuliett and Goderioli
Townabiti. Duties to cotainence lat ofjanuery
Applice.nte to state certificate held, aod if con-
venient, personal application would be pre-
ferred. Applications reoeived un to lqov. 12
Pd U. IL HILL Loncleaboro.
• .Farm For Sale,
ThiY•west half of lot 24, Bayfield Con. God.
erientownall1P,4011taining 100 sores c good
land, lo °tiered for sale on easy Who. Goon
barn,flog house, plenty of water PAO email
orchard. Farnaulare on eppliaation to
Itt- J, itifiDALL,011aton
For Sale or to Rent.
ILot 29, con, 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres
in good state of oultivation for sale or to rent
for term of years apply to JNO. NicGREGOR,
It. nrs.e.mpuisocreorrintltratn; DeebiliiroOtthRlipe. 00R. , 2 con,,H.
- Hebeirett.
- formerly of cauraront not e Cameron
"- -Porwale•-nevera,1-head of -Her 4
e war d.
0-epy of a eoase of north half of lot No. 5/
Baytteld con. Goderich Townshie, drevein favor
of Mr. A eantelon And signed by John tee
Elliott,bearlug_date of Feb, 1853,the same tieing
lost or inia laid, any information $b at will react
to the recovery of tame will be liberally
Oct. 73 -2 w. ARTHUR CANTELON 011nton.
arvwx_nmeirivontttvoerzurroi,:toie:e. eliteisroeue
MONEY leit 11,001.
ee-Lot::Tvoexr Meeks
Up stairs, Oppoolte Remelt nets G-
SIDO:94:.1/4 , wallIA.Le
.Real Estate and•Insuoykoe i
Barrister Solicitor Notary and Cozweesucer
Otlice-Oppoosot eieelliberne Motel
I• fteretoLd Stock M. as OAIVIERON
For. Sale .• thoro•bred and erade, reasonab e pr ce
illnese. , Oot. is FARNHAM, Constance. 011146-lianditen St opposite .Colborne
• Comfortable house and lot, on Albert St." illangolds tor Sale, ,
. taken regularly ;mill keep you in
good health. It clears the head,
gently regulates the bowels and
streog•thens the digestion. It
drives away constipatioo. Do
net take substitutes. heist gn
Sold by all druggises.
was a bright, arid eheerful youeg girl, clip from an exchange the. report of a
and was tri tlie 12th year of her ago. western merriage. It no doubt was
She was ill only a few days. appen- , truthfully. reported, but the truth was
dieitis being the cause; of death. Tbe published too Irte. It should have been
remains were. -conveyed . to London' on. done before ._the eyent took place :-
luesday afternoon where interment "Married -Mise • Sylvia Rose to . jas,..
took place. . Mr and Mrs • Garbutt will Stock lait 'Saturday afternoon. - The
have the sympathy' of Many friends in bride lean orditiary 'town gibe; who
thislocalityin their sere bereavement. • doesn't know any•Morietban a rabbit
about cooking, and Dever helped - ber
Dudley:toll:dee, barrietere formerly
poor. mother more than' three dive lir
of Godericleinov.ed his family to WieM-
nerlife. She is not a beauty • by any
ham and vvill•occupy part Of Mr A.
lersane, and has a gait like a fat duck.
Wehetere house, foe the winter. -
. . . The gritt's.03, le Weu knowio here anan Up -
Brussels people are considering the to date loafer, has been living ' on the.
efreedeetedee -- ••-••-•teee.„2„,e- Advisability • of • granting .Lochridge wa folke all hie life%and don't • amount
re ,---eeeeee, Mowed the woolen_ lone a lean of to anythinseniehoW. • They will a
E— • F R E . Sheriff:Reyo0140, eel, Godrrieb,. has
05,000, to be paid back . in annual in. . bard life while they live together, and
stale/rents of 11500 for tenyeare . , - • the 'News' hastens toeXtencl absolutely
e thatemy,geod.-can come from ell& r
no congratulatiank far vredoWt believe
• .• . • beenearmointee teturning °MOT AOT
. the' UniPn • : 1 . 0. • .. ,. , • !: • ..1 , , , . . •
The honor of thus effectively arteiting- lisliment of health in all th
, , e• epa en
.d rtst ti . .Bast Huron for the . taking of " TO•• . . , . , . .. • . .
llie progress of this fatal malady rests of the human body. . • ., ' - . • .: .. • , t• • ,• .. • . . , .. '. • . ' • , Whitt a splenetic type of tireless activity .
feren in . • . , .
ewith the wonderful system of treatment The four preparations embody ret the' , The "hie° *tee of lot* eon geeurn, le the Min as the.elsbniat desetibes it bate
evelence for . the cure of Consumptiont and =ant for Coriltionitioq--itp, Mire and pre. eeerl
-;ftin the 'Miro of Catarrh and other prevalent vention-as well as for Most of the chronic ' ' '
. berrees'ivas'aoldpie Wednesday at N. I et e it bridegroom
retwauetion sale to J. Casemorei .irainnaelf,ke!leimicivnefiryintmseoicaregibnit, to rise
'Which has been reduced to an exact necessary ' elements a complete treat,ranninhers -
le"' Or I, . • -• - • • ••• • in the
, ,,tonditions Which pave the Way •for Con- and wasting ills of tile.. Apparently hope- ' • • • & 4,..' miming refreshed by Wernher and Meowed
e.e.: teraiption-that successful method evolved less cases are ,cured by their nee, -Robe' Mason. 'East Wewaeosh, 801194.; byterie.eitger for the .itrtiggiti of the day.
ee:' *by,Ainerica's greatest scientific physician,, • These free remedies. comprise the great . his farm to T. Elliottiof the same Own- .
e Brie how rarely this Mao. •' Most people rum
Waugh his Free Trial Treatment, 'Sent ' neOt phesiciareDieStoeeM, they represent . •Ship for Kai)°, a od:pnrpneee eemoying
tsBlemeale, where he will Bee. retireu. .
%he deyftflabore, The ;Mese of•this is..defi- ,
still unrefresheeend dreeding the etrain of
;PA, T. A. Mecum, whose great liberality, curative.forcee discovered • by the etni- '
broadeastehroughout this broad land, has the acme of ' the pharmacists skill and ' ' ' john Dentio*.an oia.Anfrvielfinbw4 dolt Viblifil and, behind this lierredefleient
most to the: rout.of •the most with teem will be oiled explicit directions' resident of-Bruseels,paseed away Ins .eupplyotpure, tio ,elood, and an inade-
tent Agency in the destruction of Inunen for their use in any case. , :6.: '0 .. . . , long heene on Tuesday of last 'week, at quatteceitiehnient Of he body: . There is
You are invited •ter test what this system the old age of over '94 years. . Deceased nothing that willebet e MA Strength and
0 in this, hemisphere.; • .
. - Bis' Pica System of Treat:tient has You, if you are sick, by writing was born in Hobberton, *Devonebiee, energy, as will Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
will fee
:Arrested the hand of death. in the cases of for a FREE -TRIAL 'TREATMENrend England, and was Married to Mies Say- ..:Disoovery. ' It doeti teleby ituireasing the
•I/Unhands of consumptives and las pre- the POW' 'Free Prenaritioni will 'Be fere ah 43i.Daeismber 'survives hineat Jersey quantity and feminist of.the ' bleed supple.
; 'It/noted the disease in countless instances • warded you at once with eamplote'diree,..en1845,: They came to 'Canada 10 years This tentrishea the nervete• feeds the. brain, '
The•Sioeum Treatment O i t tr. or 134e.tii - ' :;. -'•••••••;•.' linter and lieedat (Jobe:Meg for ieyearein iinilds up enfeebled organs, and greed that
tions f . • •
c ps g s o out :Simply wri o the T A Slocum Ctie...' Goderich tovOnselp for Ileyearsen More sense of strength'ana power which makes
,,Aietinee remedies for the Cute Of •ColW• :Cal .compattY; Linnted, 179 King Street ris for six years and then to Brneonlilt the rttruggle a We tift#914.•••1•' -,e1F•Ott 'DAV.
'. entruption, Weak Lunge Bronchitis; West, Toroto, giving post 'office - The surviving children are Jiro. T., Pe- inge whiter follows tee use of 'Golden Medi,'
e ep and; •
•1;ntlliTh, and all pulmonary and wast" express address, and the :feee 'medicine leen,ManeWneerldReheMrs D. Jamie- cal piacovery fe not due te stiinulation- ' nit
jEg diaereses, and is based u onprifieipleg (the Sidonm Cure) will be,promptly. sent, .. senettre S. ()atter and Mrs K. William. it contains no alcohol, whisky or other in -
..e. ;tssential to the correction o function, the Persons in Canada seeing Slocem'e free .- :• eon, Brueseise The funeral was conduct. toxicant. Di oar no race ttp e body,
' . •mebuilding Of the tissuesethe-.overthrow'ef Offer in American papers will please ' Send. - ed by. Rev. T. Vt . Omens, ' .. • • • but billies it np hate 6,cendition of sound:
' '.. '''.4'. • • . ,The'resuIt of the Judge's Voters' Liat , .
health, '
'•eraeaserc animai orgenismeend the estabe for samples 10 Toronto. ., ' .
. . • . ••.. • . ":•. .
•Ooneein Bressele wastbat the •• •
. •
Reldente. front North Debater, •• edelece6 names and stuck off 16. W. M. • ' • • .0 Lesson From Lifei.. .
.•,•4 - Ilo It • Nov. • • - I .. . - . .. .... . . . ,
. . , . • • Sinelaile Atteeded both .• Brussels .and
I ' • •The.seecielcorreepteridenb.Orthe Tpe, Ethel Ciente, • .--, •:. :.••• •-• .. •
• _• . . ' LoridestieFeldereee ..i '
quite &number et out feeders -. . rad Daiiiefalotte Viho'haa been writing' Mint:Clare A, Meadows, daughter.. of I stood riPon the riveret brine aiLie time
:hs.03 overlooked the 'fact that • ntereiting.artieles on the great mom" Mrs .e. MeacloweBrusseiewire united in And gazed to. where • the . Heavene and
: they have nut .yet paid their . 1- noarleage to Vincent'SeJobieTelluridee . . • streamiet meet. ' . ••
vuescription for the currentyear„ gration • from. the Western States to Col. • The geteinotty,'wes performed' on I see it wend one widen in hi eWeep, • '
• • If thereis one raceith better than • Manitoba and the Cancidian*Northwest* Oct, 1- • '•.. • e ' ' ' '
• • • - - • .• Tilethe.yery boiddere totter ite My feat.
. . ,
t .anotleer te, pity an account that . • has had'setne opporlunities for observe. Mr bicir., of die late .:.firin . of Dick, '
• , • . • • •
e .roonthis•Ocesber. Which.naeanse - ' :ice the operation of the: prohibition Ridout dr Co., of Toronto,' was in Sea- -I turn and needle AlOng itewhite °sped path .
e that NOW is the time.. ' -. .. :. ... law in North Dakota. • XII lt recent in- forth this week, ' Mr Dick hits. been. .1Intil it tonoir the &rind meets' the sea ;
givtik some luahle evidence that pro- town, for some time, and .he has at ' - • •
And ponder these a' terrier" it seems to me .
That *hinge otimmenoe, .0h Heaven, and
end in Thee, • • . ••
. .
• it jute been a most bountiful . . encidentally refers to this matter, and Van Egniond woollen mill. in that • ..
tercetieg 'letter from Miele,. N. De he, negotiating for ' theepureheseeof- the :
Our couetry friends ' itia ' •
through with their harvest and -
ibittree makes.liquor :sellingadifficult, length arranged for , the purcharie of .
. . • . .Titt youth's eompanion• eniend
, . •
one, we should, not, therettife, . P
have to wait. -1 diger oft' you. and prohibition:2 effective. ' ere er. an the property; , providing tne town . . • ....ay Free . • ' •
, ... 1 •
• . , •
• • tiered from his letter : .. , • .
• 1 paper Will :shove the date to. •. to the efececy• of the •prohibition Mw
pin n necessanly vary greatly at 1 ,ei ti a -1
grant.6 tbe.trequIred: aid,.
. , • A look at the label.' Of '
your • - 4,0 • ••ie • e
„ which yourenhecription is pled. •- Th e • b ' te en;eaneers, tit the Exeter Advoe The publisheis of tbe Yfaiths.s.Oompan• ion
, .. • tree. At the ..seree., . time... thoseer • . ' otei and -Mr Rebel t Sanders,of Exeter,
1 had the leasure a few daYs "IR of parseietireithirgSr3ees tvoenryewlart jediabormieee to . t
e`u". . , ere seeros at ctou t that drinktee
eeereeermeeeeeeee,,,,,,ee,„.e.,,e, 1 is leseened greatly:Lid-The ....wail.,P
'e rep 1 cessicin of Blairshard,' Met' Mille cele- which forum the principal feature of the
it& licOtt113-::
.. • `know the 'i ewee:23; ' I ' shaking.5elrr 1114 Atli, trig!. tot:leer egligeottn eltir:16oxrgenvirothe eiboomt ederarn 8-
tt ittein OS 6, V• 1 r:1 ti 9 t Witholit difficuity' . The • round- . e•-,%:, brated her illtb, birthday. on Satiarday .calender is suit/dale lor framing. , The gale
e; 4 togb • -0 .'claim to be eble to get
• • Odd method necessarily to obtain it; bee. She was barn 'in eleounty ' Fee'. ender is 'sole to norielubecribers for fifty
FRIDAt OCTOBER 81.,• 1002," • and the igirominy.which .attaches t.
-9 menagb,, 'Ireland, on . October 10(k, cents, but to new subeenbere for 1908 it is
• 'bottlelieneeth their mettchas a testrict- • • * . . , • sent free,Witli all the banes of the'Comeme
those who car y ,.1 sr ' nee . • . . . . .
No Time tp LOse. . • ' ' • ion for lee temainingeweeks of .1902, . the
-.e. • bog influence on the tim,d ones. . • ' ' .While' cutting corn at Mr Johli Me-
, • .. . ' eln Grand Forks and Fargo pitied at Milian* Roxboro, , one day recently.' part theolbeng,stert for a full pate° Jen -
In eight week's the campaign will be about 10.000 each, there is not.a siren of ' Messrs McKee & Smith had a bad • e Y
-fleet; and the prohibition causein On- 'drinking to be Oen anywhere,: mail the .einash un, as a result of Which they.: ...
jerk% Will have passed a crisis. .' 't' ' ti fill d *th le. " - will require to get an almost neW cutter .144Berkeley street; ' . Boston,' Meas
- -- • --
- '
abiding totel abstainers, but cross the The knives caught= the 'heavy • sheet ,.' •
' f our people are true, as we trust Red River to Eget Grand Perks and • to .. iron lining. Of the ratiehine and in an . Host : It Man Oen he ills OWE
ne a 1 .: . almost let • . Grandinther• ' . - :
Moorhead; on the Minnesota side, and
the streets bristle with saloons enough ' wreck and nieces of the. Machine were, . • • *AA..
OUT tame rut be ba .e stroeger positibe "It is a matter local consideration
to setisfy a double poienation. . • flying ha all directions. one piece being. '
found about ten rods away. Remark. .ter. My father visited our bowie .fre-
/ Married a widow Vilma had daugh.
, then it has ever before Oeennied . whether thie centralizetion of the traf• able to eelate,that although, fir George queetly, fell iti love and married me
tic, clean as it leaves the streets Of -the McKee was feeding • the machine at step -daughter. Thee, my father became
Dakota cities, is an adeo,ntage. In the time, and a number of other men -•
Minto, this outpost of civilization, and . e
were dose at band; no person woe in- my son -in law and my steledmightee
my Motheebeeauseehewaterny father's
Centre of it great transient population,. )neee• The damages to the machine
•eheehlitel...pige". flourisiewithout much ' Will amount to about $40, which WM wife; My sitep•daugeter had also keen;
40 •W)10.-0:_c_tinrnecIBZI?Tot4err /Ina 10
interference, and &kinked Men are .be a heavy -lose • to the' Menefee and -
'Particularly just at the :seatron when the the same tinte my grand child for
he was the eon of my daughter. My
the Machure was most eeeded,, , wife Was my grandmother, because she
Was noy mother's mother. I Was my
Wifeet hueband and grendchild, at the
seine time, and as the hheband of a per-
son's grandmother is 'his • grand -father
I•was. my etvn grand -father.
ABrealdast Relish Prepar-
e. According to the ideas
of Great Medical Food
• •
•theY will be, to the responsibilities
:baptised upon them by this merger:me,
-• If We, untortimetely, should fail in
our duty, the result may be a setback
• for along time to come. There is to
t • time -to lose........lie_the_fe.w....coutitie
, 'which are not yet organized, Work
ought to be started without an hourer
delay. •
There is a great deal to be dobe hi
the way of holding meetings, oirculat-
' Iter literaeure, . canvassing vaters,' and
perfecting polltrig arrangements. The
-time left will be barely sufficient for
the accoinplishinent of this work. •
, TO Oar felendein these places in which
; II las not yet baen taken,we earn-
• gal appeal for' immediate adder], with
air fent activity and energy to com.
r e• ate for the.delay that hae already'
urred.-The Pioneer.
' Viten. W. Edwarett, 88 McMurray St„
Beenford, One, stiffered for five years with
rather conanion. Apparently the ques-
tion depends heree as in all other places,
-upon the strength of public gentinaerib
locally." • •
01.11, CHASE'S
. is sant direct to die diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
Paesegeit, stops eroppings In the
- throat and permanently aures
irol, All dealers, or Dr, A. W. Chase There is a story by Lucy Baker Jer.
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
Medicine Co,, Toronto and entree cime in, the November Lippincott Which
le most pertinent to the p ;availing dia.
100 Young Men Wanted Mansion as to the WOrld'ar attitude to -
Literary Notes
The impending destructitart of old
Nevegate Prisen inLondon givesepecial
point to the accounb eflackShenpatde
dramatic escape and 'execution,bV Chas
Morrie. in the •November Lippincott.
SubscriptiOns receieeci at this office. 4
40 youug men wanted" wade the Man who hal expiated hie
like an old worn turt tits*, of advertis•
801111d8 : crime in prison. Its title is "Nunibere
821" y rennet bubeeriptions received at thie
line but it expresses a' condition of awe
lit, "The pelt in Mhead woeld ingIs in Canada to day offiee help ;
mid- rte hot 'confined to (Muncie alone, • $7.e0 Gitten.to...y011„rreeVecal arid in.
, -
eritit me testy., I could 110i sleep higher Welare receivine call after tell for - strumentel music and beautiful pictur-
r. tti wow emikeee flew it itgonr until 1 male stenographer's that We eartnot , es the year I Either a Sheet, of Music
• file and positions at Ste and Ifiel per ' or Art: Study. With every„humber of The ideas and auggestione of iamb cele-
pasltittreatlfettilirelBectiZtrier. For the month are begging for eoungmen to - letetature, Art and`e, the Pop- btated rood experts as Dr Fothergill, Prof,
islerve Food and from a Mere iikeleton tele , e $ u ar y ag itlurt 6 hts a W M• enthrone and Sir Henry Thomson
. medicine has bttiltWe have now eleitera unfilled calls of copy, one dollar a year, Ve Mire to Obi. regardieg the use of Malt in commotion
tee tie in flesh ana this kind and the number keeps in- hen the inagszine from
*tight until. I am strong and well," It CW111,6144. tbe rieWe- with grain feode have been practically and
' *Meld seemly be postribIe to producer ' desire' or Rend ten tetite for sample successfully Carried out, by the menufeettar-
. stronger evidence of the wonderfulpower of Too few young met take up this line copy to Publitrher. Literature, art and eta of Malt Breakteet Food.
De.Oheiteee Never Food. of work and thie ia the -reason why, Music, 105 tlast 23rd Street,NeW York, /Isere of Malt Breakteat Fecie obtain all
year after year, the supply is ao far Thanksgiving number with Art Study, the vitiate of pure Malt in a form teat eon.
, Goderich now has a harm hosnital General and Special Agerite; Atten. antes to heath, strength and robustnese.
short of the dorms&
' Stith an attachment for dogs, That If you tell 'make thls known to your time 1 e1ft,t)C3 in prizes to be dietributi ' It &meld be rereseribered that one package
e Ooderieh eeeitli to he ell enterpriteng readers, you will be doing them a ed, besides big efaterilleitiOne 1 We of Melt titeekfate Pod contains more
pgretreato __ favor and perhanit help us to meet the want you in every state, town and notirisbroont than on be found bee dozen
demand* of the husineeepatdic in a aunty. Write for partiCulara, Any. hettleg nnifinid melt Intiteeln flooding "6'
The Med Strike la now and ehe Men Wire Satiefactory meaner:re D, Me. he een earn mor easily be hearts:to if more na0012', Ail geOteire sell Malt
Contains True Eloraonto of
Reath for Young and 01(1.
-n, or os e cheap,. lot aer,e Howie
suitable ter small fe.mity. einey at NEW ERA
. For Sale.
House, two lots and ',table, corner of North
and Mary Streets, The cottage contains StE
and s ,ft water, fruit -trees and a stable in
towns in good repair, wocdshed, Tith bard
first -ohne condition. Apply to
1* MRS MOFFA.TT on the preinises.
• For Sale.
. •
The North Half of Lot 17, Concession 7, ea,
borne, and two village lots in Manchester,
liven' bond, outfit, and limed will of the bust.
ness. For terms,appy to the undersigned,
loa* Bent 11 MErt WAI SYMINGTON Auburn
Stable for Sale:
, •
A. Rood iitableNtiith seven singh stalls, a box
stall, a harness. poem, grain bine, amoral' her
loft, etc.,vrill be sold at a very reasonable price.
April 11 -If. W. BRYDONE. Clinton.
House tor Sale. •
A good frame house on Union Street 1%
stories; contains 3 bedrooms, parlor, d ning
r001310 hall, closets, kitchen. vroodshed bard
and deft water, half aorelot, with bearing
ftwit trees. Apply to J. 1FSNYDER, '
June 27-4. • Huron Street
Subscriber °irons for sale hit lionee and jot
sore with a number of bearing • fruit • trees,
bard and Boft water inC goodhas aix 412%oetaultd
gine caner. rooms, Will be sold cheat,.
I offer foe sale first -elm liangolds. delivered'
in town, at Pryer ton. Order by mail or tele-
phone, D. A,. FORRESTER, Clinton, ()et
Clinton Court �t -Revision,
Notice Is hereby giventhata Court 'will be
hold, Pursuant to t e Voter's; List Aet, • by Rio
Heuer the Judge oft the County Court of the
Coubtv of Huron, in the Council Chamber,
Clinton, Friday, Nov. 17, 1902, at 10 a, to
hear and determine the several coinInennts
or errors and onntssione in the, Voter. List'
of tile Municpality of Clinton, for 1902. All
Dersons having business n* the Court are re-
quired to attend at the said time and tdace,
Dated the 9th :day of October vas.
aoDEalori. ONT
Olgee+Corner Hamilton St. and the Sonex; •
etederich, Ont..
H. L. JMokinson One& etranow.e.L.D.
Bertrusezes, seracarons, Istomeants :rxiBuo
EROOTORS In TUE mearneut COURT, ace
office: North se, next down) Sigma office.
Private Funds to lend At lowest rates
of interest.
W. rff,EUppoOT. • „ R.C. HAYS, .
W APCOATS, Clerk of the said, Illuniolpelity. Medical;
Real Estate tor Sale.
1 .-.
I Part of terra, lots Maud 83, on west aide of
Maitlaiadoon,,one raile north of HohnesviRe
containing 97 acres.
2 The north half of lot 25, con. 2,and west part
of lot 74, con, 8, one hall milefrom Clinton,
north, en gravel road, containing DO acres.
it'. 'Tbe brick dwelling including lots 18, 19' and
20 on corner of Joseph and Isaac streets, in
4 • nett -tune dwelling on west side of Victoria
• street and next north, of railway.
Liberal termj to. snit purchasers. Anl?lito
' . W• W. BARRAN or '
. a. o. RANCE, Clinton
Good Abuse tor Sale.
on Albert St. • north, The lot io one quarter
--FRED I.OFFT, Clinton, •
.• • . .
. • •
• Good Farm for Rent.• ,
The undeteigned•offers for rent lot 12, in the
Maitland con.•Colborne, situated 7 nines froin
Clinton and 0% from Goderieh, miles from,
church and % mile /rein school; this Wm
rannr tYlilvilirr0(51BZIge: Ines; el 15'39.1 lan
house, pig otable, also li acres of good •bearing
two star frame house, good bank lain, nem
orchar , .2 good wells and 3 neVer
spring% of water.
ti. --• 'A: E. ALLOT, Benmiller •
The First Step to the
bright young men ind women hes bee
the thorough Business and, Shorthand • edit-
s:tenon imearted at •
Business and Shorthand Colleo
Cor. Yono and College Ste., Toroeto.
. For qualifications of teaaners, complete
eqMornent and record of sucoesofut
instraetion results it ta unaurpass-
' ed. •
All worthy students aided to paying posi- '
Mons. Pall infer:nation sent free on re-
ROBT. D. NIM110, Prinolnal.
• Wanted !
Farnt •for . ••••
• • , •
•. .
• ,• •. , . •
Yonne mei and. weineneo prepare for
good eituatione Apply to
Lot SI, Concession 8, 11.11. S., 103 acres: •
VITT,1174, legiaesirlovnihtillkyteon and 8
miler from Seatorth; large frame house, good,
orobsrd, moistly winter truit, 2 good wells and
cistern, 2 barns, one 48x66, with shone stabling
underneath, the other 28x60 king...she& and
hen house. Apply to WI3 FIELD ORM,
ClInton P. 0.. August 1-tf.
Farm For Sale.
• . . .
. • The subscriber offers for auto that Ohtlie firm
• •••••Y.
on the Innen road, Tookeramith, lust east of,
Winton. at neesent,occupied by Mr insher. , It
.consists of 150 acresmore or testi, with good
frame holute,bank barn,silo,windmill ami small
Orchard. Plenty' of water. An excellent farm
in a splendid locality. For terms ep_ply to .
• , , • . • .ART.HOR COUCH,Olinton.
. . •
College Canada. Redneed tuition, retail,
Write nil regarding our courses Of study;
and prospects or securing situations for
graduates. Catalogue gent free. Mame
•J.B. McKRY,
• Deet "C" Confederation Life Bldg,
Taranto ant
474.4.,_44.+444444 44414+4
EntotNOWor stump time
For a terna' in ani department :
of our eplendid reboot. The .
ee 0.
Central Business College
Twelve Teriebere, orie hendred
..-n Typewriting Ildaohnne, Tetenty
Fore I Sets Telegraphs Inane
ments,--Prernises occupying
Teenly Six Rooms, -all indicate .
something of our stending as the
*largest, baste and most modern
Business TramingSohool in the
Dominion, Wefts for tem newe
Catteogrie, Addretia
WM- Shia*, Prineiptd
Farin. for Sale.
Lot 7, eon, 8, Colborne, containing 80' acres of
tend, in good cultivatien, 20 acres fall plowing,15
acres in grass, 5 acres fall wheat. On premises
is I% story frame house and two frame barns in
igrufrel, alfiiaariEnT4srpra rs- Yfferiiiitegendg.
Possession may be had Mar. 1st, 1902, For fur- t
ther particulars apply to •
Sept, 18-7 - - - Box_ 50, Goder oh
For sale.
„ .
Cottage; tautest nevi Situated on Dome Street
near ceutre Of town, containing Hall, Double
Parlor, D room, three bed. rooms, three
itinburar kg:lane., neante'lrg,t1211.d. anliffs3
soft water , good garden, 'aria inn smell fruits
in abundance. Moe lawn. Ail. in firstnes,ss
- condition. Ow er leering town. Also tome
good furniturelito be sold privately at the
loons°. Apply to ' •
1 m•• :Aug 20 • S, T. EMMEUTON Clinton,
• •
. Farm for Sale.
A. splendid 100 sore famn , consisting of tlie
East Ifelf of Lot 80, con 1, East Wawanosh,
good fre.me hottee with kitchen, barn 38x55,
end shed 80x40 in which there are good atabling.
hard water of never failing well.; 8 acres bush,
1 acre of orchard, sheeted 11 wilco from Am
Intro and 60 rods from wheel. For larther
part ieularo apply to II. GOVIER, •
Jane 6-4* Auburn P. O.
Pureness; eao have pesseesion thla fa&
Farm For. Sale.
Lot. 12, Bayfield COIL, 00d014611 tp.,118 nere
(85 cleared,balancehardwood,With a large quan-
tity of cedar on it), in good state of tintivatiox
about five acres fall wheat,and considerable fall
plowing done. Clomfortable brick hothe large
• barewfthstablingunderneathidrivizigihed and,
other Outbuildings; about 2 acre orchard,
mostly 'winter fruit ; welivratered-teverfail-
ing spring creek end two wells seven mites
from 17egtolciiknie thr8eoebfarailtsgeld. Posdes-
rugir anytime,ORA
• 1.01VA Ah.V.
Apply for
Davin st., Goderich, . • . •
• .
To Renter for Sale
Prams Matthew° andl octopi land On Mare
StreetiClinton, *wink cellar,WoOd shed ,hard
intobilent karden, with plum' ptar and Annie
Also tor Sale. •
Fool er lock,eto. fat the North End of Willie=
street Clinton, ivhich RI a Valuable reneerti
rorrgt=4:1131, Itirgtawealei ell aent: °'ibi.orne, la 1 4-
!sates s, Very eiteellent 'graces° ofe e'licl. *no Ma rDie 'cc ram
e _
gravel On the preiniseo 'which iii veryitolitable. .
Apply ton. STRAITELer to NV.B YnoNN,
. ,April 18- OlintOn •
so t water, new MAU,' awl driving shed,
• Wili.„GUAN, Dir.09
L, C. 1.48. Palinburgb,
Moe -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls-, •
at front door of °face or residence. Beaten,-
bury:Street. ,,
Licentiate of the Royal College ot Fliyolobin .
London, Ragland.'
Mee and Residence- '
JOHN iEtinleeltD'S Rare* St
DR.• sl. VV. SHAW.
Atioonsheur eto., °Sloe and residence On.
tario St.,cp,posite English annreb, formerly om
maned by Dr. APPloton, Winton Ont.
physician, Surgeon. Ate..
special attention Innen to dirk:saes of the
Eye.11ar, Throat and Nese. ,.
' (Mice and Residence -
Albert Street,* Illocke North of Rattenbury..
W. Manning Sinith, C. 31.
OFFICE -Hain Street, Byfield, .formerly
, • ,ocioupiedby De`Pallister:
D : t• G. EiFtimasT
• •• (Stioceetsor to Dr. T. O. Bruce
S• pe!lairtsattiagrflryitaltill:telta Mork r
S.gtorpospretcfPnassartintifla ttlior:01%, tue.ief extei :
Mittet="41114viecit preservation ld er?i..•
monde', • ,
Onlee aver W. Taylor & nouns shoe store.
pEgpsT, cIANT0N..
- ---Office-aqjoining Photo Studio, - • • -e•
Office Hours -9 to 6 •ayery 'day and
Saturday until 10 p. Branch offices *
in Manchester Dungannonelliyth and
Hayfield. • • • •
• DR. sr. FREEMAN,
lilember of the Veterinary Medical .A seesoia• •
Mons of London and Edinburgh,. and Grade, -
.ate of the Ontario Veterinery college; • '
Wilco open night and, day, °twos* St..
peers church, Ontarinetreet. Clinton, On.
• .
Veterinary' .1 Surgeon
Successor to 4. L • BLAVICALL.
'Diseases of al1. domesticated animals
treated on scientific principles,
Calls promptly attended to
01110 -Isaac Se, Clinton teresidence
Albert 8t. Phone 62.
tonne &SerrardSts, Toronto , cf. analidnasLuirtnen:essAugraeLte, Co,.
Fir& Marine; Accident' Plate. Alias
• Wiles J., Thdall's 'lc, Clinton.
MI etRIAGE LICENSE 4...,1..the us.
4•44-4+44-4-4. 444-44-4-40+
Business LAW, Writing,
Correspondence, Type.
writing, etc.,
• Thoroughly taught ey experi-
enced teachers at the
• Forest City Busi-
ness College4Y.X.C.At. Build -
ng, London, Ont.
We have no difficulty in pleoing competent
pupils in good positions. College re.opene
filept. 2. fiend tot Catalogue,
J. W. Westervelt,
At ani time up to- let Sent. acreespartot the OLIN•TOIcr
274ftl'e' After* 17000) P11081tOdine.
Sold and tecommoneed by ell
'the drat Roptiet Remedy.
druggiate in Confide. Only rein
able meeker* ersoovereor. els f
paokattat Puorgated to Mire ttu
to Sexual. _Weakness, cl, effecte Of ahem
Or exeetiti, Mental Worry, EXCeSS1VO tISO of To.
Woo, Opium or StiMulatits, Mailed on receipt
▪ one peokage $1, $5. Osit totilAr
*Meer*. PAntrotnett free te tiny etia
74.74 WOOtl- compittr, macaw,
la.rWied,.., 'tit Dolt, MilhAdine held in Clinton bY•
41:3 , 11, OVen,Jitivembe too, w j
rattkfest _ .
plash** At WOrk, Letehltett & 00.,Ciattaderitiblhetei0011ege,'. it our "%Refit, rr
tw•milariess *4, igeaszta=2-gOVV*44.1
The prirehaserof a T001111Ment
hbOtild hate complete confidence
in tee reliability of the firm, ben%
•Which be boys, fey tire materiel
end wotemanelep is sometiaieg
very few bentere ere far:oilier with.
If you donot know us, pleture ins
quire &beet Odt reltabilitr frOM,
those who know WI beet. We are
the only praetioelevien here inour
114 Hoover, Proprietor
Next to Commereial Hotel
god at his easiatinee &tree
a.altiES sem Ea
erEESIfitIngiVIMPRB9LtittifIll a
. witnetans required
6.. i4.)oiciiiikis(iN
. • ,
Fire, s Wei . erealeee Plate Gla •
-09/nOlr- . =IX laTO
Agent for the liAncleistartin Prell ASSURANCE
Co, of Manehestet, England, whose fund* are
eeourity are rated at $14,f,00,000. Ale° the Me-
Rrizoe tatrroatInsunation 00. All Glasse"' o
farm risks and town. property &ikon by
'Motets rates. Iltist-ehuie 1.0411. COmpanies
also represented. Money to be bed from 41 per
coitus), socarMnii to nettre of security.*
Daily mail to Hollowentille postal cord
feta', hire
Stritlicag CO.
task and laoINSUreiteri TREOWN PROPER,TV
B. Moteate President, Hippen_P. 0.1 nos.
Nriaser, viceerosidene Britoeneid P, O. • nes.
E. Hera, Seer-Trette., ShafOrth O.; y. 0,
/3roadinet,Inspeeter or Losses, tioeforth . O.
ereadfstre Sektoren; John 0 Grieve
Winthrop P0. George Dale. Seaforth; John,
Bentleratile, Intbitrit Jae, Evani,_„ Beachwood P.
0,1" John Watt. HarlOok P. 04 Th601044 Xrager
nruceie ;John le McLean, leitexei sitnnmo
Connell 1,Itton,
nobort Smith, Matlock; Bebe M4)11111411., Elea
teethe eterms chumming, Nemondvniet J, Wi
Too, Hohneeville ; GeOrge murdloandJebn 0.
Morrietin anditelt.
Inatieetdeeirousto effect Tn.nririouop trent'
cue other beefless will be promptly etternied to,
on ateplieatiOn to ant cif the above ciaitet
eer to therospoothe ontot44