HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-31, Page 1r
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Times are changed, and are ohangingehe
ueople no longer buy their shone of ignor-
•, etilt peddlers, nor allow themeelves to be
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•guaolt6; nor are they even content o go to
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best for a minute or two. When their eyes
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lidenoe, and expect him to be able to advise
Clem, and prescribe. glasses if they are
Sound to be required. There's no guess.
work in our method of eye.teeting. We are
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pef any defect and properly !masa it. No
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' Expert Watch Repairer deweler
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OPPO8Imi Towle Blue
111DDLipO1ie5te. OLD SAND.
will be sent to new eubsoribers
from now to the letJan, 1904
For $1 00 cash
The Hew En & Weekly Globe
• withepremium, to new sub.
• soribere, from now to •let ot
Jan. 1904, •
For. $1°65 cash,
:44 -f -4+++++++++++H -f++++•
letArgetecticeThere was performed
by the ttev Father McMenamin, at St.
'Michael's •therchs son Monday of lad
week, the wedding ceremony of Frank
Schuler, of Brussels, to Maggie, se-
cond daughter of Mr and Mrs Francis
MaktugneYe or Bleth. The bride was
assisted by Miss Harriet McCaughey;
of Clinten, and Thos Kelly, of Blyth,
performed a like Nucleon for the
groom, Mies Edne Hamilton played
tbe wedding 'Marche The bride look-
ed very pretty in a &esti of blue broad-
. cleth, trimmed with blue satin, white
applique and pearls. The bridesmaid's
dreee was green broadcloth : trimmed
with green applique. The bride wes the
recipient of many beautiful and dived 'e
eresebts. The happy couple will reside
in Brussels. where the groom is fore-
man of Philip 'Amentes planing mill.=
Tut ekersinith
„ VOTERS LIST. -L-A court for the
revision of the Voters list, will be held
at Brucefield. on the Oth Noy. Abeut
50 appealu are to be hear d. ••
Crnonoet.-The quarterly services. of
the Tuckeremith circuit will bb held '
Turner's church -next Sunday. at 2.30 '
P. m. A business.rneeting will be held -
a week later. ,
WEST END NOTES. -Mrs H. Carter,
who has been visiting her brothers and
sisters, in Toronto Woodbridge and
Beeton, has 'returned home . having
trent a very enjoyable tine; she also
attended Woodbridge fair, . near her
old home, It being 28 years °ince el e
was present at such and she noted note _
ed agood many changes in that time
. • •
. When
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ilo Por Xmas
St Helens
WEDDING.-, One of these pleasing
events in which all are more or tees in -
Wrested took place at the reselence of
Mr Thos Toddem Wednesday evening,
Oct 15th, when his second daughter,
Lizzie, was united in the bonds or ma-
trimony to Mr lierbert 3, Thompson,
of Sault Ste Merle. Rev Mr Whaley
Performed the ceremony. rhe ebride
looked charming dressed in white pop•
lin with Wk. trimmings, and was at-
tended by her sister, Mies Charlotte,
while her niece, Flora McDonald, ot
Wingham, made a sweet little flower
girl. The groom was supported by Mr
Foster Collins, of Kincardine. After
the ceremony coneratulations were in
order, after which dinner was served.
The house was well crowded as there
were some 130 guests preeent from Wu -
lough, Kincardine, Goderich, Crewe,
Milton and Wingham, and a large
number from around home. The bride
was the recipient of many beautiful
and useful presents, among others was
noticed a purse containing $100 trom
her father and mother. Mee Thome.
eon was of a bright ond cheerful dispo-
sition and will be much missed from
the home and by her many friends, all
°Leghorn, with many others,extend the
newly wedded pair heartiest congratu-
lations and best wishes for a long and
!teeny married life. Mr and Mrs
Thompson left last week for Sault Ste
M , where they.k bouse
keeping immediately. ,
NOTES. -Mr and Mrs D. Ferrier, of
Belgraveewere visiting at W. Sheriff's
for a few days this week. Misses Ford
and Landesboro, of Milton, were re-
cently the guests of Mr and Mrs Thos
Todd. Several from here spent a very
pleasant time visiting Mends In Goder-
ich last week, among others beim. Mrs
McDonald,- Misses McDonald and Mc-
Pherson and Mr 'McDonald.: We are
very sorry• to learn. that Mies Ethel
Roberton had the misfortune to injure
her ankle this week, but we trust that
it will not prove of a serious nature,
Mende in thie vicinity for some time
pest, left this week for her home near
Guelph. Mrs Chapman, of St Themes,
recently visited her father,Mr.A.squith, •
Mies Somerville, of Hamilton; who has
been visiting her father, T B Somer
ville, has gone to visit her sister at
Elora. Rev S M Whaley, B. A., was
one of the speakers, along with Prof
Nicholls at the conventienin Goderielt
on 'Friday last. Mrs el Durum and
daughter. Mary,have returned from an
extended visit with friends in Brant.
ford, Galt • end other points. ' Master
Charlie Miller has taken s situation in
London:. Charlie, had meny* friends
when clerking in hie store here,and all
will wish him ever success. Robt Mc-
Guire receivede. new traction . engine
on Saturday and used It t •Wm Mc-
Pherson'e on Monday'. • '
ExAmmervezes.-eThe following are
the reel:Its-of the half yearly promotion
and ievieev examinations for October,
1902, in the nubile school hem From
Jr; IX to Sr II-Le:narks attainable ,630,
to.pass 315, Ohrissie Miller :521, Lena
Clark 453, Jessie Weatherhead 363,Thos
Beownsconibe 318, Dayid Joynt 258.
Sr Il to Jr pinks attainable 680,
to pass 315, Jennie Webb 450. James
Barbour 203; Stuart Anderson ad, Rob.
bie Buchanan 411,Mamie Weatherhead
458. Jr III to& III -marki attainable
835; to pass 418. Johnnie Miller 512, Liz
ale Anderson529. Jean Clark 663, It ene
Weatherhead 560, Hobert Durnin 439,
Sr III to Jr IV -marks attainable 835,
to pass 418, George Weatherhead 637,
Sara DOI11111 480.7- O. 4. Tisnoorr,
teacher. • • . •
thetatei.- A Mr Galloway, Who has
been crippled for many reare,preathed
a line practical serneon in Calvin church
here on Sunday morning last. His
eubject was "Lite, and how to live it,"
based on the words in Gal. 2; 20,"; "The
life which I now live in the flesh, I live
by tbe faith of the Son of God, who lov:
ed Me and gave himself for me." In
the evening he actdiessed the young
people's Bible class on"Individealism,"
which should do good.
Loodesboro.. -
Nonni -The evaporator had to he
closed down a few days last week ow-
ing to a fuel famine, but has been at
Work strong this week. The creamery
apses this week for this year; the
seasenhas been a good one for it. .efr
Lorenzo Brigham has gone to Detroit
this week to attend school for. a time;
he expects to study medicine after • a
while. Messrs San:mien and Shaddick
the G, T. R. Section men were in Lon-
don on Tuesday and Wednesday
shovelling coal. Next Monday will be
the day for another shipment of hogs
front our station. Sunday next will be
the regular quarterly ' meeting in the
Methodist church. Messrs Btunsdon
expect to ship_ a carlpad Of scrap iron
aeon. On Wednesday morning the
ground had the firebwhite coat for the
season; it did not last long. Mies
Nellie Lyon left Thursday morning for
Comber; where she intends spending
the winter.. Mrs Allen and soneRupert.
left or Wyoming tal Tuesday morn-
ing, where they will make their future
, . •
DEATies-The 'friends of Mr 3. Mc'.
Arthur were pained to hear of the
death ot his wife, which ()Warred CM
Monday, after a prolonged illness. She
spent the summer in the West, in the
hope that it would better her health,
but instead 4if stedoing she got Worse
and had to be brought back home, She
leaves a loving husband and young
family to mourn a mother's care and
love, and Was a member of Carmel'
Presbyterian church, Deceatted was a
daughter of the late Stephen 'Ball, of
Goderich, and watea sister of Mrs (Rev)
3.H.Dyke. of Erin, both being married
at the Elaine tithe. about 15 years age.
- • • • ' • ' ' • ..--,
• •
A Phetto 'what you went, The •
very thing, Rosy bt) send your
mi illEtel and atytaa ot Mitotic
rhOtO Pret1100 always on nand,
Ifiury's Photo Studio
• Seatorthr
Pollen:MA Oxtbsein.•-*Mr. Dick, :Whe
has a woollen mill- in Cobourg, which
employs 200 hands, and is being °paint.
ed to its full caipacit le netrobating.for
len tnill Seaforth, with a promiee to
enlarge and improve the plant and to
employ at, least 50 hands front, the sten t.
the purchate o the an Egmond wool -
There is a great and growing market
n Canada 'for woollen roods, and the
pteferentlal tariff" doers pot appear to
We interfered erith It•
Goderleh Township
SALE. -Mr John Wigginton of the
&Add road, has rented hie 'tarot to
hie: son Thomas, owing to continued
111 health, and will have an ituction
sale of his farm stock on keidey Nov.
7ths lie will probably take up bis
readence in Clinton.
Taciamt. - We underetand Wm,
Jarroeflille Green,has been engaged to
teach in the Tipperary school,No. 9, for
the ensuine year; Mr Jarrot comes well
recommended and is spoken of as a
clever young man, and, no doubt will
give good satisfaction.
'A Ceneasion.-As thelleises Burn-
etts were returning from Town Mon-
day evening at dark, tereckless driver
collided with their vehicile, the equine
treang iteelf from the seats. -leaving
the occupants remaining 'reties buggy,
unhurt. the buggy is a little the worse,
but we are pleased to state that the
two young ladies fortunately escaped
without an. injury.
last week, a heifer belonging to Bd.
Wise, was killed by lightning. It was
not dtscovered fee eaveral days after it
happened, the animal being found dead
,pn the back of the farm,but the opinion
of the veterinary, who was -celled in,
was that the animal had undoubtedly
been killed by lightning. It was insur-
ed in the Hay Mutual. .
NpeEs.-The usual quarterly service
will, be held in Cole's church next Sab-
bath morning at 1030 o'clock,the after-
noon preaching being dispensed with,
John Denby disposed of one of his
working horses recently, Clarence
Oole, Laurel, Mich., was over joyed
when ,his young wife presentedhim
with a bouncing baby boy. One of the
heaviest electric storms of the season
passed over us on Wednesday last.
Miss Mamie Oluff attended the wedding
of Wee Halliday lielgrave on Wed-•
needriv, Oct. 22nd. Apples have taken
a drop in price anyone who has not
sold is only offered seventy-five cents a
barrel. Thoe. ook, we believe, is
wending his way back from Philadel-
phia ; probably he may come home.
J. Stewart isbn a tour up north,trying
to purchase cattle. - .•
NOTES. -MC johnatlien peck and
Mise Emma. tin aye at Mr Joe
(harry% Mr Etanley Oantelon, below
unable to grow his own roots for want
of help, bought a large load 'home
whiche purchasod froin his good
friend, Mr Jacob Marshall. Mr Chas
Layton and sister and his lady friend,
_ from town, spent Sunday at Mr Geo.
Barnette, as did also MrJack Elliott jr.
Mr Arthur Welsh spent a pleasant
evening at the home of Mr Joe Currys
recently. A numner from this locality
attended the celebration of a silver
wedding at Mr and Mrs John bterlings,.
Clinton. Service in Sharon Methodist
Church on Sunday evening, . the Nov.
2 commencing at 7 o'clock, to be con-
ducted by tbe ;Astor Rey Mr Rosser.
The regular monthly meeting of the
township council will meet on the first
Monday of November. . •
• .4 linnets
theation.e-The trusteei of 8. S. No. 7,'
Mullett, have engaged R. Wilfred Of
Blytheas teacher for 1903
NOTES. -Mrs J.Tamblyn and her two
sons visited friends in Ilensall last
week. Ed. Lear, ccre 13, has erected a
new windmill for pumping water into
the stables..
G...NE WEST. -P, Brigham . left lase
Friday for Orowstarid, Ass, where he
has secured a position of trust to which.
a lucrative salary isattached. Though
we are sorry to lose such a' popular
young man from' our ptidete yet we are
stun he will make his mark lathe "wild
and woolly west". Wowishlim every
.Diteersee-Worti was ' received the
other day of the death of Henry etifc•
Gregor. youngest son of the late Daniel
McGregor, book binder. • Deceased had
been a resident of Cleveland for about
25 years, andwas also a book binder.
, He leaves a wife and five children..
He was aged about 52 years. .
PROBABLY lists.-Jno. Lamont, con,
.13,is having tbe house,which he recent
ly moved onto his farm, enlarged and
very much improved generally. It will
be a commodious and very comforteble
dwelling, and will add erreatly to the
appearance and value of the property,
We hereby warn a certain young lady
to have the right answer. ready at any
ttme •
LEAVING. -We understand that Mr
:Dan McGregor, one of the old resid-
ents of this township, has rented his
farm to his son Charles and Elliott
Spooner, both of whom have been on.
the farm for some time. Mr McGregor
intends to move ' Into Seafoeth ; his
wife te a daughter of the late Charles
Rogue, a. prominent furniture dealer
of Toronto, and she recently came into
ernesession of several thousand dollars,
her share of 'her father'e estate; We
copgratuiate her ereo. oc.1: f.ortune.
Cm:mole-The Quarterly service at
Beni:011dr next Sunday will be conduct-
ed by M J Wilson, B A., of Nile. The
Quarterly Official Board will meet at
Benmiller on Monday at 2.80 p. m. The
special servicesare being continued this
week at Betbel with good results. '
Noires -The auction sale of A. 8 A lin
on Thersday lad was well attended and
everything was sold at a reasonable fig.
ure • he intends moving to Goderich
shortly.where he will reside; he Will be
much missed, as he is a prominent
worker in church circles. A few from
here Wended the meeting of the West
Huron Prohibition Allience in Goder-
ich last Friday ; they report themselves
all well pleitited with the proceedings.
Ashfleid - • ,.
001:MoiL.-The regular neeetinged the
-Ailifield edified Veld take -place nn Noy.
8th, for general besinese.
ToWnserle eterriate-The following
amounts are on the collectotee tell for
the township for the year 1902 :-For
dounty purpose's, 82353.37; township
purposes, $4208.23 ; putlic school pur-
poses, $3490,1: ; separate school Our.
poses, • 1771 51 epecial school purposes,
2289 00; eehool debenture purposee,
$60.,01 ; Dungannon drain. $43,49 ;
statute labor, 851.01; dealt aevierde,
$32.09 ; arrears of taees, 44.05 total
amount, $18,835 73,
ra. , 1 ..,.......,........
, lite Label ° Tells the Date,
• I 1111 1 I 1 1 • II 1 I I III 1 I I I 1 1111 I 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 • •
5 tl per year in advance ,
i ace when not so pald _
•••••!....* "CP
Ha field ••Holm essillo. 1
NOTES. -,-Rev Mr Davison, of Varna,
exchanged Pulpits with Rev Mr McNeil
on Sunday last. Thos Stephens bap.
pened with an accident in which two
of hie ribs .were broken. Miss Lena
Erwin has returned from Marine City,
Mich. where she has spent the last
email treating friends, Mies Lillie
Martin is home from Toronto. Wm
Elliott wears a broad fiddle; it is a girl.
Thos 8tineon wasin Goderich Tuesday.
Thoweltephens, jr., of Seaforth, epent
Sunday in town.
DEAgie.-Last Friday death visited
the home of Mrs Clowey.and took from
her her beloved aster. Sarah Oollody.
Miss Oollody was afflicted with the
grip about six years ago from 'which
she never recovered, She suffeted long
and oeverely but was always patient
and at last she found release. The in
terment took place in Bayfield cemet-
ery Monday afternoon. Mesere Herb
and George Coweyelof Ohicago, brother
of deceased. andMrs Adam Thompson,
aoderich, were present at the funeral.
M. Dykes, a prepossessing .in
who played quite. a part an Bayfield's
fair some months ago figured in a
court at London on. Wednesday with
a charre of fraud against him. Mrs
tease resides in Bayneld, and ran a
hotel there, when she -met with the
above person. Falling in love, she
transferred the deed of a farm over to
him on promise of marriage, but the
latter clause was never • carried out,
thus the eharge. The case .was laid
over till Saturday. -• __ •
'PAssme AWAY -WS 'Dan McLeod
had been poorly for about two weeks.'
Her husband was away at Port Frank
fishing when she took worse. So as to
attend to her conveniently she was
brought to Mrs Parson's Monday BOOM-
ing • She beldame unconscious after
riving.there. and never rallied again.
The son from Lenelon arrived home
Monday night, the"one from Rochester
not reaching home until Tuesday
evening, about two hours atter his
mother's death The husband has not
. yet been found.
RETURNED. -Mr Elent7 Falconer heti
returned home from his summer tour
onthe 8 S -Be field, goyernmant
vay boat, She bee been surveying the
north shore this year. • Harry exper-
ienced a yery exciting tirne on'the !-
turn trip. There was a' heavy wind
and he heard some noise in the engin-
eer's dining cabin, and on going to as-
certain the cause found the whole in-
terior of the cabin in a betze,one of the
lamps haying exploded. lie promptly
gave the alarm and after some forty
minutes•flerce 'fighting the crew finally
got the upperhand of the firee but not
before consideratile damage, was •done.
Iotidftbmoset,near,. lyt being the', trip ot tbe
SURPRISE. 1.(01t Fi iday meaning the
Methodist parsonage was taken by
aorta. A light-hearted companyof,
the congregation •united in returning'
their pastor's call- in a body. Besides!
returning the calls they brought
with them e 'load of oats and
potatoe8 as a present. It is need-
less to say- that Mr Yelland was eery
thankful for the kind remembrance,
and appreciates the, warm feeling
shown by hie people. The evening was
spent in °jiving, playing games and in
Conversation "and all Went merry as e
marriage bell." As the hour hand of
the clock pointed towards morning the
tables were spread with dainties quch
as the Methodist ladies of Bayfield are
noted for preparing. About 2 o'clock
the party departed withthe best wishes
of their pastor.
ACCIDENT. -What iniglit have been a
very serious accident happened some
few days ago, Mrs. Armetronee and
three of her daughters were driyieg
harm down•the Bronson line,when the
'trap of the rein became loose, and the
horse started on a run. It was, of
course, impossible to control the anim-
al's course, and the bliggy was upset
going around a corner., Mrs Armstrong
was badly shaken upend her face scrap-
ed, while Mist; Minnie sustained a
fracture of the elbow. The other two
daughters escaped withonly a feys.
bruises Dr Armettemet fortunate/
was at his mother's home and attended
to then). • Miss Armstrong's injury
_ prevents her from taking her place as
choir leader and organist in St An-
drew's church. Oise Annie Whiddon
is acting AS organiat during her absence.
DOMINION. GOVERNMENT STATION, --.F 0 Mord and his assistant, Will Teb-
butt, are kept busy buying up thickens
for fattening purposes at the Poultry
Station here, , Durkee the past week
several .hundredlowl have been bought
wupa,ikaentsd are being prepared for the
SALE.- On Wednesday, November
12, EL felfortl will offer for sale at his
farm in Holraesville all his stock and
implements. This will be an unreserv-
ed sale, as Mr Elford is giving up fame.
ing. He is also offering his farm of 160
acres, It is in a very desirable locality;
the buildings are good, the house and
lawn being one of the Ileateet in the
township. A good opportenity is of-
fered for anyone who wishes to get a
good farm in a convenient locality,
Solve Ietenovionterr. -Parties who
desired to ship trunks, freight or ex.
press at this point, at any time, have
hitherto experienced considerable diffl•
culty because there. was no • suitable
gateway, and it was not easy or plea.
sant to lift the articles over the fence.
On the strength of representations
made to the Grand Trunk by R. Holmes,
M. P., it has been decided to provide a
suitable gateway, so that shippers and
others will not have so much tt outdo
hereafter. .
Onunca.-- Quarterly rneetingservicee
will be held in the Methodist church
next Sunday morning commencing at
10 o'clock; the pastor, Rev J Hussar,
will take as his subject "The Waking
church," this is the third in a merles on
"The Church of God," and will be fol-
lowed by several more on the . same
line, - The Quarterly 001cial Board
will also meet here at 2 81,2 p Monday
afternoon. The League purposes hold -
'Mg an election of officers next Monday
loteht. Special services are being con-
tinued at Sharon, and good interest is
manifested. Service next. Sunday
evening as usual.
Feneouv.-The butter plant for the
Holmesville cheese and butter factory
has arrived and is being installed this
week. It is expected to be ready for
the making of butter ,next Tuesday.
Ever ohne the erection and opening of
the factory seven years ago cheese has
been manufactured during the summer
months, and this institution and the
managementhave been singularly for-
tunate in securing nest class men, so
that to -day Holmesvelle cheese enjoys
an enviable reputation and commands
the higheet price on the markets. It
hag now been decided to keep the fact-
ory open during the winter months as
well, and with that object In view the
butter plant is being installed, and we
predict the same good returns to follow
thjs venture as the other.
NoTics,-- The farmers are exceed-
ingly busy, .prepering for the winter
- season. MrsMulholland vent e. few
(lays at her home in Clinton this week.
, Mrs W. and Mies Sarah Tebbutt have
returned to the village atter a couple of
weeks' visit to Alf. TebbutVe on the
Huron road. John Oantelon,• who has
: been very ill for some these past, is
' slowly improving. ' Me DenoMy, who
has resided on the Maitland concession
; for the past year, left kit week for
elourtright e the farm thst hat; been
vacated has been taken possession of
by Mr Jardin, of Goderich. W. Crooke
returned last week, after spending a
. Week with frienda in Waterloo county.
Mrs F. Leonard has returned after a
short visit to friends in 'Bright and
other places..
lb/Ingham. . -
Why give away your fowl alive? See *kat
we aro P YDried 15e,• Ratter Ho. A see000.09
ap iffe
moat to choose from.
GEO. E. KING Wingluen .
DIED Fenn( Elm INJURIES. -Frank
Hodge, bf this place, who was injured
by a fall from an elevatorand was taken
to the Victoria Hospital, • London, for
treatment, died 'Monday Morning from
concussion of th Th • s
NOTES -The anniversary services
were well attended on Sabbath last;
Rev Mr Brown, tit &Weave,. gave three
able addressees. L O.L. No. 932 have
arranged a box social and at home for
the evening of Nov. 5. Mise Brigham,
of Londesboro, •Wite a geese at the par-
sonage. George Sturdy goes to Mute
ekoka this week. Wrii. Paterson, of
the_lfith; has returned from the west.
8. Echlin and S. Potter are again in
this vicinity, on cement business' bent.
Wm. Davidson's sale on Monday was
very successful. The trustees of S, S.
No, 5, Etullett and Wayeanosh, aread-
'teething foi a female teacher in the
jtiniot department, haying re.engaged
Mr Wetheral for the senior division at
an increase of Wary. Mrs 0, Beadle
and Mrs S. Lautenslager are very ill.
mom en ioeationel cerrespondent)
Qunisy ?-Two • wns p eth-
ers, who were enjoying themselves in
the Northwest, returned home last
week, Vie. ?dr . Dobie, Of East Wawa.
noab, scam, o u lett.
We wonder, did they gems any bat
for the ensuleg fishing Reason ? ,
°EURO/ -The annual Meeting . of
the Bible Society will be held in the
Methodist church here on Nov. 4; the
agent for the society, Rey 0.E, Boltoh,
Of St. Catherinee, will be .present to
addrees the meeting. Been. Couplets:id
and Small attended the 8, conven-
tion at St. Thomas last weeks
DEAext-On Oct. 26th, another of the
earlier eettlers ofeethie county tooklier
pa ure cross at ark stream
from which there' is no return, in the
person pf Mre Doyle, after le long per -
led of suffering, and Worn out with a
journey that had passed the four score
linalt. Interment took place in Se
Augustitieecereetery. She leaves two
epne, two daughters, and her aged
partner 11) life, to mourn her departure.
MUM Muriel Benson, of ide (Where
inee, was accidentally shot and killed
by her brother OarL
Additional Local NO414
DEPUTIES. -The Deputy lgeturning
Officers in town for the I eking of the
Referendum vote on Dec. 4, will be the
same es those who acted at the lap t
local election, viz:- Messrs N. Robson,
Fs ante Littlejohn Medd and T.Cottle.
HAD A SCARE, -A well at the -re-,
eidence of Mr Adam Felder caved in
last Wednesday morning. As the well
was situated near the house they be-
came alarmed for fear it would ailow
the foundation of the Pointe tp-wo with
it, but up to the present tine has not
affected it, but tt will be several days
before the curbing of the well on be
daughter ot Eo.fNAT..7WAeil elan°, Iwciaas Wonaheen;
way to the Collegiate. n Tuesday, she
met with a painful accident. She was
hurrying in the supposition that she
was litte, when the fell and cut her leg
so severely that she bed to be carried
to a doctor's office to have the wound
dressed. Ib was necessary to sew it up
and it will be a couple of Weeks before
she can go to school again.. re
The Cattle Guard Commission ap-
pointed by the Dominion Geverninent
bait fixed Stretford as the central
point for the. Counties of Waterloo.
Bruce, Huron, Perth and Oxford. to
hear farmers and stockmen give their
statements and state their . grievances
to the coMniiesion The date of the
conference hi to be agreed upon by.the
representatives of these counties.
day an ' Item appeared to the daily
papers, stating that at a threshing in
tbe northwest a boy cutting bands'
hsd accidentally cut the hand of the
man feeding the machine, who, ' in a
braegited,fisrraetbibetod tthhe boYlai ncil "brew him
whlcb of
course killed .the lad instantly. The
map fled, but was pursued by the en-
raged threshers, Who pitchforked him
to death. • A report is current here
that the story is true. and that the un.
fortunate lad was the eldest son of the
late Eewar&Snell, who resided on the
north gravel road, just. outside , of
town He. had only one eye, Which
Might account for his accident in band
cutting. • e
e fferin %hiltcomplaint-
°lintel), ving lost two youths from
that town last week aged respectively
11 and 13. The first is a eon of A. MS
Todd, and the other of 0. F. Carey. It
is not known where they are heading
for. they are nervy boys who will
wander twee, at this season of the
year, to take • What little inlet* tbe
world will heap upon them, in prefer-
ence to the home influences which they
are leaving. The anxious father* who.
have been in search. of them • for the
past few days, discovered them reciting'
apples on the farm of 3 T. Marsh,' at
O'Dell's corner/4,e near London, on
Wednesday afternoon. They Were. ap-
parently quite well Pleased, at being
diecoyered. Beth bort were fagged
out as the remit of thew foolish prank:
Mr Todd; who was seen at the station
with his boy on their war hompestated
that there Was no reason why the lads
ehould run away. They had always
heen.' shuttle' in their attendance at
school; and had not before canoed their
parente anxiety. The Todd boy is 11
years of ewe and Carey is a year older.
The h mob and rig were also discovered'
and Mr Carey and his boy are makinct
their way home with the same. The
two town boys were also heard of yes..
terday„ they having been seen on the
. road between Merriam and Palmer-
Dow about a Chamois
Vest or Chest PLo.
• tettor tor this
• We have just reedy,. •
a complete assort- •"
ment of Chamois
°Vests and Chest Pro. '
tec.tora all sizes and '
Flom -
(Jail and tee them.
N. B.--WA-HOO the Blood •
and Nerve Tenet now on sale
here, last day of Sale Nov. thli.
R. P. Reekle's
Presoription Deng Store
, •
• .
TAKES 2ND PLACE. -Harry D. a •
brown gelding, driven by Dan Me- -1
Ewed, and owned by T. Meson till •
last hill, but sold to P. Kirton, of
Centralia, and Dr Tennant, of Exeter,
who are the present- owners, took.
second place in a winning heat of 2.04.
at Memphis, Teunessee, on Oct =
There were eleven horses in the eace.
The above horse was raised in the .
neighborhood of Varna, and . was a,
colt when Mr Mason bought hime• but.
with good training has developed se
wonderful speed. "Tarrantum" its
sire, and was fpaled by 'a Rooker
Mare. .
Oleet APPLE SUPPLY. -Never hee
Able section of the country shipped out
DA many export apples as • the present .
one. Ever since, the season opene&
from. two to three thousand barrel*
have been shipped weekly, and ge
force of fifty men have been kept busily
engaged by • D. Contelon, • in packing
and shipping them. and could give em-
ployment to more hands if they cold&
be bad. His pay roll last week amount- .
ed to $400, besides his barrels and. what •
the ferment receive for their apple,. -
which means an expenditure of over
I/3000 weekly.. The apple businees• hale
got to be quite a factor in Canada's ex-
port trade. -
• . ' , .
•• 7 • he
Sovereign Ban
. .
Of Canada.
' • , .
Capital -Paid. • 81,100.000
Reserve Fund . . ....$ 210,000
Dspos, its $1,586,900
Assets .,•••••to • ••••• $3•500,00)
• Favings-Bank Department .
Interest at 8 per cent per. annntn allowed ma -
deposits of 81 and upwards.from date of deposit,
and compounded half -yearly. .
• * Drafts .bought and sold. Matey Ordenr-
cygerearywhieore In Canada Zoal(Yeetton excepted)
1 attendedti; vr. 1 one prompt- ,
. • . • •
' • -."'"`
ston. • •
OBITUAR ee-At the. age of 68 years . • .
Clinton Branch
. Joseph Livermore,an old and respected . • eee. „.
- residentof town, pissed over to the • , iNYDEB """P'eeeee
innumerable throng 011 Monday last. - • . ' . '
He had been ailing for some time,. bee -53. te. t 8. MEETING. -The G. O.
was able to keep on his feet to within
a ew aye of his death. lie Was orn I.Literary Society held its firsemeeting •
Thursda The President, 0 use
ment. Mr Hodge was a most exem- tard,occupiecrthe chair,and opened the
e twain. e remain .
Mus -
were brought to Wieghtun for lane at B.abram, Canobridgeshire, England,
plary man, and much sympathy is felt in the year 1834, and emigrated to this
country in 1e54. ' He was twice married marks. On the principle. of work be -
meeting by 'a few introductory re -
for his Wife and heryoting sop, Eted had four issues -3 boys and 1 girl-
NO1118.-Lack Kennedy, of Olinton, 00 ,I,. f h u fore pteasure, the general -business of '*•-
en13 and Mrs Cogent; Eitint Supday with "In ble geee Wife, who died in Eng -
was in own on the soda/ was thin) discussed. Tho .
Muskoka and enry n Hullett. .,...? oherty; recitation‘ les 6. ape nge ,
t Monday.Albert Cos- land a years ag9, eee ee o
*- programfor tesextinipitwams4-861.4nel Jere; •
friends in town. es arpegood all his seeona wife there was born four an ee ,
any nigbt will showour manufacturing girl h 'd son, an
weer on Words ortn.wati geyen
eil instrumental b Mi
so Se .
over Canada at present, and Wingham - boys and five gide, and are all living. mem m eleekeeeeeolo•by Miss I. ekes..-
." 7- '
is DO exception; a walk around town They are all married except two of the
etstablishmente humming aWay
s. 11 o reel e at no
Fred, James and Dinaenie The
Parke A rnasteily and argumentative •
nine o'clock, as merrily as in day time; - andTexasTextti in Dundalk. Mre erb (Jas-ja debate was fought oub on the question.... .
it is not the 2itestion ef obtaining or- eels is a daughter, also Mrs Rebt Shen- of the "Coal strike." KJenkine, terns- "
tard and Miss Jessie Bireart defending
. Miss Marion Code and WeStewart
dere, but of iling them, that worries
our manufacturers.
pard 'and Mrs Bezzo. The funeral took
glace teem the family residence, Matil-
the mine owners whi e K. Houston. .
BUILDINGT•A considerable amount a street,, on Wednesday at 2 P•In. 'The held • the miners. After noting the
of building is Under way, and More 'services were conducted by .Adj. Ore points brought out by the affirmatives
would be undertaken if naechanice chard, of Wingham, and the pall -bear-
could be found to take the contraets. bearers were: -Harry, Jas. and MSc saino.n ninegiaatviovt
re ot
fhteefhreinerienegave h
a. goawneries, deefmr-
New b.usintes Weeks are being erected sons of deceased, and P. Brown, J' Stoddart was the critic of the evening,
by Mayor Vanetone, Barrister Efolmee Sloman and R. Sheppard. There was and one thing which he particularly ,
and C. N. Griffins The following are quite alane turnout at the funeral the noticed Was the splendid order which
building, or have completed, new reel. Army Band .aking the lead Plieeeng had been maintained during the even- .
dences this season: Messrs Button, the "dead march" and sacred hymn, ing.The meeting then closed Ly angina'
Cummer, Dinalese Robinson, Jenkins, while they proceeded to the Olipton God Save the King. • . • .
Sperling, McDonald, Hoffman and Mc- cemetery, were tholast sad cited was
Kenele. The Mason block, bn the cor- said. We extend the . bereaved wife .e • 1
net. of John and Josephine streets; mid and family our. sincere sympathy. . .
which is to be pccupied by' the Dead&
ion Bank in the near future, is under-
going extensive alterations, at , the
halide of Wm. Nicholson's men:- •
West Wawnnosh•
S&L1r-Theauc1.lon saleofW D id
son t,00k place last Monday,Ohae Ham-
ilton, auctioneer. The pricey -realized
Were such ae to indicate thetlope was
hi h, that ity t k wae still 1.0 com-
mand a good figure for some time at
least, Mr Davidson sold his farm re-
cently to Mt Medd, and purchseed the
residence of Geo, Whitney, Mrs Whit-
ney and family intend removing to the
West in the spring, where Mr Whitney
has been for the last four or five yearn.
Mr Davidson, we predict, will spend hie
leisure moments: in endeavorIngex
se -
euro a par ner or e.
NoereseeDr, Armstrong and family
left on Wednesday for Fordwich.where
he Will now reside; the good wishes of
k host of friends folio* him, Mrs W,
Scat returned hoine hot week from
visiting relatives in Westminster; her
niece, .Mitie Jennie Beatty, accompan-
ied her, Mrs Fred Smith, of Chicago,
is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs D.
MacDonald. Mrs Hitler is visiting her
mother. Mrs A, Rose Who is ill. Mrs
J. 11. Simeon is elating her 8011. Oeeil
SiMpeott, of Stapler,
gillOIDED IN NEW imam -It
e, the suicide
was with sad' surprise that f people here 1 ' •
read in Tuesday'e &Meo•
Clothing ..'
• i
in B-okclyn N. r.. rif "Fred Webb,
of towns and that announcement was
the first intimation the friends had of
the End affair. • About three years ago
his Wife, who ,was from Bovemanvil e,
went insane and was gene to the
asylum; aa there seemed no prospect
of her recovery, three of ble children
found good homes with well-to-do
families, the other three being placed
in a Children's Home. For soixie time
Mr Webb has been despondent civet
his ifies continued illness and this So
weighed on hie mind, that he took a
dose of carbolle acid at about 9 o'clock
on Monday Morning. dying 20 minutes
later. lie was aged 85 years, • hang a
printer by trade, having learned the
bU61110S0 in the NEW ERA bee°. He
was a good workman, and had held
lesponablo_positiOne_ein.New York
city. The remains werci Intergedeeln
Brooklyn. tie was the ethond son and
third child of Mr and Mrs 1Ben Webb
sr., of town, and it is needless to Ray
that thet sympathy 01' the community
Is theirs in this bereavement. The
affair happened on the anniversary of
hie wedding days and the only partic-
ulars the family have eo fat been able
to receive were veneered by telephone
from the New VorkeOhlef of '
\ ' " '" Yr, . • '
Additional X�ta1 Nate on Peg's 8, ii and 8,
That Fi
. You take 110 chances of
• Wearing en ill fitting suit
or overcoat if you buy
20th Century Brand"
Get your proper size and
every garnannts fits as
, well ap any tailor in the
land could make it. Ma-
, t
• , •
• t rials and workmanshi
, i
are gond ton. Prices arc
$_8.00 to $5.00 less than -
the same quality made,:
1 to order.
,• Come and see it