HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-24, Page 6Ottater 2441/41902. • Xmrneuse OPPOrtUttitYe For getting a Beautiful Watch • iik4 Chain free.--1%To Money liequire4.--EverylKan,Wo. gmu, Boy, or Girl Has the same Opportunity under vur System. in order to have Dr -Arnold's English Toxin Pais placed in the hands of all pererans suffering from bad health we In'Ke the fallowing most liberal often - If yott v. ill send to us your name and, addrese and agree to sell for us twelve balms of Lir Arnold's English Toxin PAIR at 25c per box, we will give you absolutely free a beantiful watch and charn in either ladies.' or gentleman's :size, or your choice ot twenty other prenilutus such as line sett; of jewelry, rhigseviotipaniandolinktea sets, sateen skirts, cameras, etc. Remember we don'tavant any money until after you sell the pills end von don't have to sell any more taan*I2 beam: to net the premiums. Tbis is a bona fide offer • from a reliable concern that has given thousands of dollars worth of prom, , autos to agen te all over tae country. . Remember also that Dr Arnoldhi Eng, Mb Toxin Pills are a Welt known rem- edy for all diseases of the kidney and bladder, Bright's disease, diabetes. ✓ heumatism, nervous troubles, and female complainte, and are for sale by all fleet clam druggists and dealers in :medicines in all parte of the world. You have only to show them to sell them. You are not offering something that the people &net know, Our watches are the regular standard size for !Julies or Gentlemen in Nickel or /atm Metal Cases with handsome il- luminated dials and reliable thne-keeta ere, watches such as no lady or gentle. man need be ashamed to carry, and they will be sent absolutely Free to all who sell twelve boxes of those won- • derful Toxin Pals. Write at once and . be the first in your locality to earn one of those beautiful, watch: a and obain. As soon as we receive your letter or post card we will send you post paid - twelve braes, together with our Illus• trateci catatogue and beautifully colored card rafh your name and address on as our authorized agent. Bear in mild that you will not be asked to sell atly , more than the 12 boxes and we d want any money until after you have . sold them. We bear all the expense • and are only making this liberal offer as a method of advertising Dr Arn• old' s haaglish Tolle Pills. Don't delay. write at once and earn a beautiful pre- en; for yourself for Cheistmas. Address Arnold Medicine 0,, Dept.J.A. 50 Adelaide St. E ist, Torn to. Ont. Sept 5-3m. • 4•0, to Read Character. "Now I rather pride myself on r..1 Inieste•born 141vo leonirast, The &.t -bora of parents lieve el Minh Imager Average of life than their brothers mad lidera who eonae after them. This feet is demonstrated by star. Ostia gathered by life insurance OM, Palliti$, Lougevity 1., also said to be hereditary. Said an English insurance Male the other day:- , "Some prune hate hardier condi- tutiona than others, and they are apt to transmit them to their children. A man, both of whose parents- were long- lived, hes a promise of a good *Id ago himself. This, of course, is an old Altera, A much less familiar principle affecting the deration of life has been presented by Miss Mary Beaton of Cambridge and Professor Karl Pearson of London. * . "A compels= waa made 'between the lengths of the lives ea.two adult broth- ers or two adult sisters to ascertain if tbere wast. a perceptible difference be. tween the older and the younger mem. bear of the pair. The figures here given represent the average of over 01118 thousand cases, and hence Would seem to point to a general law. It may be added that the particular persons under investigation belonged to the Society of Friends. That organization placed its record at the disposal of lilies Reetos and Professor Pearson. - It thus appears that the average of the elder brother was 58.56 years, the younger brother 54.575, the elder sister 59.024, and the •younger sister, 55.667. There is a difference of over four years in favor of the Older brother or sister. This does not sig- nify that the older brother or sister will survive the younger. The mean in- terval between the birtlie of all the pairs under consideration was about six and a half years. • Bence the older brother or sister would ordinarily die first, though attaining a greater age. "The first inguirz here mentioned was limited to pairs, the younger members of which had attained the age of 21. .A second comparison was made that in - eluded minors with adults. It gave re sults eloeely resembling the other. Tlit raelin excess of life in 3,855 pairs wal 4.6 years. But the intervals between the birth appear to exert some influ- ence. Miss Beeton and Professor Pear. son furnish a -formula by which one's ex eetations can be computed, and add: "Thus a brother born ten years before another has probably seven years' great. er duration -of life. • A sister bon tea years before another has probably about six years greeter ,durationof life." * • Pro Bono Pubhco. 2, Discontented Artist --I wiali I had S fortune. I would never paint again. • Generous "Brother Brush." --By Jovei old Man, I Wish I Imd pixel I'd give it to aoul ability to read eh • --der," said the man who was given to buying detective tales " and yet, why shoule 1? It is really a very simple thing -requires notaing but close observation. For instance, it b easy to tell a man's occupation. Big • facial expression, his action.s, even his - ' dress, are stainped by his daily work.. You see that mansitting opposite us Well, I am just as lare as though he lied told me that he is a barbet." "You are mistaken," yenned Ads Wend. "That man is a butcher." "impossible !" exclaimed the amateur detective. "You never saw a butcher with slim, white hands like his.".. • "Perhaps not," admitted the other, 'but he is a butcher, just the same." . "How d� a you know he is?" "How do I know./ Why, the Monti& xel shaved me once." -Household Guest. • -.tem t Origin of a Nam�.' One wonders, on reading in The Onialet Bee the following item, how the Kansan gleKenrie came by the "Great Rebel's" name One of the most intelligent mien of the west is William Lyon MeKen. aie of Piper, Kan. He is in his 78th year and his career may _laq expressed in four words -soldier, farmer, eapitalist, philanthropist. He is President of the I3utte Creek Land, Live Stock and Lum- ber Company of Oregon,. controlling s; range of 30,000 acres. Mr. McKenzie ,has a luckory grove on his farm of 540 acres at Piper, ten miles out from Kam- an City, from which he supplies canes ,to the 'United States Presidents, and has done so for a number of years. Ile first voted for Franklin Pieree. •He ahas attended 26 county convet,.ettmar , X 'soldier from far-off Jamaica Itemarked to his friend: "What Yell Mica?" ,•1 And his friend winked his eye; I tt la he ventured reply :• el 'believe I will taloa Jamaica I" -Baltimore News. -444- Mrs. Gabble -Mrs. Kraft has been Married ten years. I'm sure. I wonder how old she was when she married. • Mr. Bizzy-I tried to find thatout ehe other day. • Mars. Gabble -What did She sayt Mrs. Bizzy-I asked her at what age_ the was monied-, and she said: "At thA parsonage." -Philadelphia ?gess, -- • • The Grocer* of thla • North American eoutineut Who Sell Various Brands of cereals POOtist, Use Malt Breakfast Food In Their liloated. •*bor.* " • • 'Seward H. 3ana:1,81m Free:Aloof Setae-. limy of the California Retell Grotierra and aferehants' Augooiition, Wrhee si follOwle about dead:nit and healthful Mali 'Break - had Rood : "The truest thing e in the advertisements ot Matt Breakfast tread le that othe Mahn- feettlrere Start the goods and linallty doe* the teat.' "Little children who tire Of. everythingin the cereal line will tekti tip this food and wing to it with no desire for tt01611/0,tritttlh 1021{ter than their will any other food. is 6 feet that rev owe yettnaster.Who 12111 /IMMO hs, everything I have been, Able in the teethet, After A few days hair phi the met ea Malt Ilreefeet Food to to the ettelat ot iteneting on krivitag It three thaso a they, and title eontlition has oythaect now for Mt *wits, during which time I Viestiot: if a day has gone by witheut his having it for breakfast, 1111012 and supper, orate tat old telke; 1 belfries *het Melt Brailtiast Rotel is the Molt eetliftestory oogOilibe Market .4ctaihy for Week or Wed titOtottObit edd'for thet jetted feeling Oeteseiteally li Miro athterildrest SOW" Shylock was the man who iwanted a pound of human flesh.. There' a r e man y 1 Shylocks now, the convales- cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the .pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can zet it—take Scott's Emulsion. .Scott's Emulsion •is fif,sh and blood, bone and muscle. It feed i the terve, pteengthens 1 the digestive organs and they I feed the. whole body: • For • nearly thtrty, years Scott's 'Emulsion has been the greif giver -of humaii.flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. . ' SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 'Corot -AO. Ontario. • . sec, and f1.00 druggists. • ' • ..• The book -keeper's. occupation renders hina specially liable to stomach trouble. The hasty breakfast, the "quick lunch," the long hours event in stooping over journal and ledger, .svith, lack of exercise, all tend to the derangement of the stomach. When the stomach is in a healthy con- dition the feeling after a meal is one of satisfaetion and comfort. Whenever there is discomfort after eating it is a sign of stoniachderangement or disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tures diseases of the stomach and other Organs ofdigestion and nutritiell perfectly • and permanently. The cures effected by this medicine are almost countless. st have taken on bottle of Dr. Pierce's Coldest Medical Discovery for indigestion and liver coin - plaint,” writes Mr. C. M. Wilson, of Yadkin College, Davidson Co., N. C. oRove had no bad spells since I commenced taking your medicine -In fact have not felt like the same men. Before I took>the 'Golden Medical Discovery' I could not est anything without awful distress, but now Scan eat anything I wish whilvelt hav- ing unpleasant feelings:I Don't be fooled into trading a sub - *mice for a shadow. Any substitute offered as just as .good " as eGoIden Medical Discovery" as a shadow of that medicine. There are cares behind every claim made fpr the 'Discovery," which no "just as good" medicine can show. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and regulate the liver. They •produce permanent benefit and do not react on the system. How a Girl May Look Tall. "Can a. • -woman by taking 'thought odd one cubit to her stature?" asks a.- correspondent Of an Eng. lish exchange, "As a matter of feat, Imagine that no woman would be likely to wish to add a cubit' to her stature, either by taking thoueld or by any other moreusual and faindiar method. But that there are plenty of women who are desirous of adding two or, three inches as their stature is abundantly proved be the ready sale which was commanded the so -palled 'elevators' when they were first introduced. Short, howeeer, of hex. ing recourse to these barbarous and in. , adequate methods of bringing a woman nearer Heaven, is -there no. means . y which a girl who was intended by Nar ture to be short can make herself tall - or at least taller/ The answer May be given unhesitatingly in the affirmative and the Mora to be 'adopted are princi. pally four.. • "First, there is the obvious expedient of wearing very highheeled, shoes, but this is only the starting -point, and is of very little use unless it is suprlemented by the other three devices. • • "Secondly, skirte ehould, .of course, he worn long, as nothing takes oft so much from the apparent height as the short 'ME CLINTON 1411,7 ERA I "The third thing, Which can, union tunately, only he •recommended to „girls with particularly .good figures, is to have their •skirts made very tight across the hips, and no one who has not seen this tried would believe how much epperenl height it *dad to a short figure. "The fourth point is, of course, wear hats as high as the rigorous code ' • of :fashion will permit, and the sante thing equally applies to the dressing of the hair. • . "It is, of course, unnecessary to Ad . that all' horizontal lines tend toward: diunpineas, while perpendicular liner make for willowy sIenderriese. . • 12 these Villa ere wahine olajeryed a. girl with a • inieroseopie supply of •jnohes indY deceive not merely •the unole servant bystander, hut the trained eyt of. a stage • Manager, into tainking that sho is of fair, medium height," . The girl Who was the . :abject-less:se from Weh. eke above remarkS liave beer studied, fully endorses the truth of them and lays special stress on having th skirt to fit tight 'across the hips. She eaye that when the dressmaker write/ down "rather tight she alwaas make: her scratch it out and. substitute "very ;`' .tight,",, and certainly, in her own case the 'result is remarkable; for anyone would credit her with at least & pimple of inches more than she really possessea • This should , be good news for all littlt • girls, for surely, to be short, and to loot: tall,' is almost an ideal state of things as it combines the grace and dignity oi : the • latter with the lovableness and , • daintineee of the Lome • :• Atlitilii Emotion* • • It fit told Of a certain Lord Holland, who was • very eccentric, that he used to give Ms horses weekly con. serte in a gallery epecially • erected for the purpose. ' Be maintained ' that it cheered their hearts, and improved their temper,and a witness' says that • they aseerned to :be delighted with the performance. Much has beei written of the effect of made UV:in animals. The "Ai:aerie/in Naturalist" gives genie of :the results of 'experiments made in Lincoln Park,- :Mileage, to determine the effeet af violin -playing on different =Male. Music whiele was SioW and sweet, like "Home, Sweet Heine," or "Annie Un- tie," piermea the panthers, a. jaguar and . a lioness and her 'cube.. The panthers be- :"`eanie 7 iiiniquic iiiit".tiVitelied -their - taller When a lively jig, "The Irish Washerwo- man," was played to thent, but relapsed into their fernierquiet when the music egain'beeame soothing. The Ague*. Wee no nervous during the. jig 'viable that he jumped from a shelf to the deee of hte age, and bank Again: When the player ceased and. walked *Way, the Jaguar Meeliedout his paw tet hint as far et he could, with clew' retreated, • , The Manua .and her =he Were litter. 'bated from thil gist, although when the i yioliniet . approached the cage tha mo - tiler gave him a hiss and the•`eubs kid hetind her. Al the playing of ajlively . jig the eubs stood up on their 'And legs *tta peeped over at the playet. When the rtiesiratut retreated from the cage the %Minato %Me to the Irma of it, and did not move beck when be grad*. elle drewso near as almost' to touch the great pewit that were thrust through the bars. 'Men the mosielan was play - Ilog "Mite, Sittet Bottle," the entire family were very attentive, and refrained Motionless tetcept that the culet turned •, their het& from Nide to hide. Then ittiolitat jig • was played, and the =be ailanced about. • • Ate toyetes, in a den, Squatted In a eereicirele and eat in isilehee while the amide continued. When it teased the ran tip and Armed At the payer through the here. Be Wen afresh, and they lofted In I Sneak derilielreld. eilerlittoit WAS Mittle ieVeral thole* at Para wit3a the to'. *ilk Erasing the Evidence. Deep in the bark of the old beech tree. that stood on the river bank the young taan carved the initials of her name. Then he called her attention to them. "But your initials just above mine," the said, "look ria if they ,had been edt there a year or More ago.' "They were, dear," he replied. "And mine," she continued, looking at them a little closer, "seem to have been Worked over from Others already there." - "Yea dear," -he replied with noble OM or. "I have to change them every year. Mutt is 0120 of the penalties of these sum" net 14104 Pgalen1414066$ : Rumor or the Hour,. Not It Satisfactory Answer. I .1 eoe SOine karned professor says "DettriesI didn't know Viet 1 .1.14.4$0110•that *erne parte of the eeeth esovedeeter _ wheat could. be earveeted ill the winter time, thal ethers."and yet I me in tide newspaper tome- "Guess he is right. I believe that thing about the price of January. wheat. South Mimic* MOVOS taeter than North When I was a girl on the farm the wheat America." Always ripened in July or August," end her face wore a troubled look es she laid"Why so r' . down the !per in which she lied "Are there not more revolutions ---1+4-- "Wheet 't en in january now I pened to I; ewe at the market reports down there 7"-PailadeIphia Record. while looking for the society gossip,.doeen• % any more than iript did When w„s e were clareze along little a Will you ?" id young, my love," replied her husband. the street car conducter. 'Tba terms you refer to do not mean that , "Don'tlau see lan right up agalust a the wheat ripened in January, but that, it ii, fat man 7.• , , it was sold. for delivery in that 'month. ' It was harvested in July, Just as it used along. That's wily I asked you to squeeze to be, stored, and kept for use at some Ile can be compressed nearly It future time. The surly thus rtecumu- Tribune toot more. • Squeeze along.' -Oldeage some of whom want it delivered in one month and others in other mantas, 1 Sales thus made are called 'futures,' and Females of All Ages __ j form the Wit; of much of the gambling that takes place on 'Change." _ "Haw interestingt Now tell me what 'squeezing the shorts' means. He mused a moment, and then realiz- ing the impossibility of properly explain- - ing the term in his limited time, said:. "You are much shorter than -I, you know. Well, when I pet my arms around you I 'squeeze a short:' seer "Oh, indeed! Well, if that's what you . ascii do on 'Change it accounts for your devotion to business." .And he realized that he had made a taistake. • latetl is then eold o verioua "buyere, OH, MY.HEADI l40W IT AC14/.4\1 l'0410.VOtta 131140trts - Slog - HEADACHES* PEIU0010.41. SPASMODIC • . • Healathe 15 not of Iteelfea.diseeM, but it generally Caused somedIsorder of too istold*,, soh, liver Or berreiS. Before Ion Cali he anted ,Ott 'MAW NSW* kb* odd& • Burdock. Blood Bitters wel de it hi reit Stegtil&tee the stoma:art:live mate*** • es the Wee end tones up the seism ay* a:4641144th mid viva • find these Pills simply invaluable, as a few doses wilt restore free and. regular conditions and effectually remove the causes ainuch suffer. •ing to the sex. • To knovr nuinkind is easy; but to sompeehend any one man or woman is aupossible. • Keep the Beat Gown. A, difference of rinly one quart et saiW day for ten menthe; between tiro .00W$ mounts to 000 quarts, which will be worth from $10 to 520, according to the price obtained per quart. • This fact thould convince all who sell milk from ;he farm that it does not pay to keep !LIZ but the best cows to be obtained. Apply This Test To Your Nerves Study these symptoms. They are for - your guidance. You may not have them all, but if you have any of them your ner- vous system is not up to the mark, and a little extra expenditure of nerve force may bring the dreadful dowufall. Intolerance of motion, noise and light; twitching of the =mks of the face and eyelids; fatiguing sleep, sudden starlings and jerkings of tbe limbs; dizziness and Sashes of light before the eyes; irritability and restlessness in every part of the body; headache, indigestion, feelings of weariness and depression, and loss of interest in the affairs of life. So long as the dank eePendituroof nerve force is greater than the daily income.' physical bankruptcy is certain to result 'Wooer or later. Nerve force mist be increesed, and this can best be accoria lished by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve ood, because it contahre In concentrated . form the very elements of nature which go directly to form nervous energy. eo cents a box, all dealers, or Bdeuinsoa, Estes & Co., Toronto. , Dr, Chase's Nerve Food The, Astute Sateen*. An astute salesman was enjoined or his employer to be strictly honest -but to sell goods. • • ' Next day. thesalesman displayed some nevi fabrics, saying to the lady shoppers: "ere is some calico that looks just like silk." But they .1 tOrned up their hoses Scornfully. • , • • The following day he said. to •tbe same shopper -sr Mere is some silk that is made.' 0. look: like calico." Ala thee bought era ere yard of it. • • a • ' This shows at: that We Shatikt Use dee judgment es to whirl raid .ef a try:this • first preSentede-e" judge." Last week a man entered the cafe of one of the old hotsis in Now York, called for a glass of brandy; drank it and Id ll dead. The verdict was death from heart disease; but -theakeident recalls - the story of poor Prank Brower, to whonea new barkeeper at the Metropola tan Rotel said, "Just pay for that bran- dy before you drink it!" "W.w-whattu stammered Brower; "is it so in-in-instan.. taneous in its effects?" " Stops the Etough •• -mad Works elf the deld Laxative Bronio-Quinihe Tablets ante a sold in one day. N0 Onre, No Pay, Prime 25 cents. • .• • _ecchot7 Sold Everywhere. In boxes, es gents. Dude/ One of Bishop Potter's pares °Wail visits there happened to be a num- ber of young deacons in the vestry room before service. One of them, who waS rather talkative remarked, "See, Bishop un the be ed" you," pointing to the words, "0, all ye Fiesta of the Lord, bless ye the- Lord," ete., ere is nothing said about us tams • I don't think it is quite fair • ,a "Oh, yes, there is," quietly replied Bishop. "Here it `Q, all ye green things upon the earth, bless yet the Lord 1" -New York Times. , "After all," sald Mrs, Gaileigh, "it Isn't so bed to have a husband who sleeps in church. Mine dreamed • all through the sermon last Sunday, and ? can't help feeling glad every time think about it." • • "Why, who ever heard of such a thing," her, friend exclaimed. "You see, our minister preached a hor- rid, impertinent sermon against women paying so touch for the clothes they wear. and I just know that if Jonathan and been awake he'd never get through quoting it to me.a.,-•Chieago Record• Tit Beinllor Gramophone . The Best Talking Machine The most wonderful instrument will tang every kind of song, Oonale, Sacred or Smith, • Mantel. Iteprodueee every instrament or a full Braes Bend or Oreheetre. It will alley: Waltz or Isetmers loud enough to deuce by. • Pam $16,00 to Made eld on easy psymenta if desired. . $1.00 oasb,.•and $2.00 per .month. Every Grana-oeplione is easslein Canada and is sold with a WRITTEN Gfahltae THE FOR 6 YEARS. Write or call for oiroalars h catalogue% 8old by C• 1-10ARE, Agent fOr Ormton, Menutaetured by E, Berliner. Mantra% . • 11, N ,111,11ittiq The Modern Method Of Sleeping Furilture oalla for.Iron beds. They are the latest style and are clean and comfort., able. Call and see our, assortment See our Saturday window for a handsome Bedroom Suite at ,$16 's This suit is well made and 1ta. large bevel ed glass and combint tion washstand and is worth $18 out we are mailing a cut on this suite and it goes for $16. 0. Stevenson, • On Albert Street, Opposite Town Hall. Residence -Opposite Commercial Hotel. Undertaker and Embahner, Clinton, Ont. o - Buggies aggons! • • Do you wanta high grade Buggy or wagon.? We have the'linest stock to select from. All the latest stylee in theme*. , est eolors, Our prices are as low as can be found for first•class meterlia and WOrknianship. Before you buy call and see us: • . We alas handle the Canadian Steel Field Renee, already worin, any farmer:hi erect from 60 to 80 rods per day, it ie a cheap strong fence. Eke .,0. LamleIsaac Street Olin. OA • •ti • x a • erald. NEXTDOOR 0 NEW Natl.; 0 IF MONTHLY riAGAziNg'.. A FAMIL.Y141131•11.4 The Best 13 Current. LitUruIle 12 co,v,pLcrt ytAbo MANY SHORT i*Tete I ET; f.E"ii • PAPERS ON tteelELY'TOPI4tq $2.60'v'tn Vion e'rs, NO CONTI NU.kr; St° Fl E te auger IW./ /3E Ft rote pi.s•rE. iri TS!, ,..<110.1.30414.1: •• • Every rat' flier Should use. .170R1VIALDEIIIETIE The best known remedylor Smut on 'Oats, Barley, Wheat or Corn. • . - • • • • We ea give you testimonials from all:the 'leading farmers of this section who used our Formaldehyde last year. , Fall instructions given with each bottle. Use Combe's "Standard Formaldehyde H. B. CONNIE Chesil/at Drugglst . r . • grades of abili A ents, kit Reduction. in• Prices- . • WeC.all glee Positions to • persons of aIj clerks, farmer's sons, lawyers. mechanics; phr ;Asians, or:etchers students, married and single women and widovni. Positions. are w.rtbfrolu we hay. paid several canvassers $50, weekly ^for • years. Write fully and "we will give y en a positron_ to suit. • BR BRADLRY-GAREtEl'SON co. Ltd. Aug. 22nd• •• , Brantford. • • . Clookis Cotton Soot ....o r ie sueedesfulli need Mentbtresealle 0.000Lathes.Rafe,effeetaal. Li . our druggist C.00k's Cottott Rod • • eke no other, aeon Mixtureer pill& Roos are aangerona. Price, No. 1,5f LBO. 2, 20 degrees stronger, $8 per box. A tie R. mailed on receipt of price and two The Cook Company Windsor, land sapid and recommended,/ emserugpsis In Canada,. • • • D. 1, Aria No. 2, are :sold a 'Oh:doff at all respormible Drug Stores. • • • • • . • *44. 7 ./ Make Weak Hearts Strong. Make Shaky Nerves Hint. s ?hey art a thee Sae* Istr, Islervousness,Sleepfessness, toss Of Energi, trait) Fag, After Ef- fects of •La Grippe, Palpitation of the Heart, Anemia, General De- bility and all troubles arising from a run down system; • ° They regulate the heart's action and invigorate the nerves. This is what they have done for others I They will do the same for you. • OSICAT RELIEF; I have taken Millittro's Vein and Nerve Pills for palpitation of the hook' and shattered nerve, and for both troubles. have feutelagemereliet -Mita W. Mk.* Ingersoll, Oat. MELO SPLENDID NOW. efora+sting Milburn's Heart and Nara Pills 1 was all run down oauldtnoi sleep at nightr and WAS korribilitrott lad with ray haat*. anted tatting L foal spleadid. 1 Stoop soli at night and sty host demob tranbi, me at 01..1111 iky La. dens nut *world oI 11,6044.40, umisvuti, Yaks. Big • Here is a peat chino to swum> firetrelemlibuggy at at: big :reduction, No these prima- . SSO Buggies for 160 I $75 Budgies for $65 Buggies for $60 . • Remember these see all our own make, which places us in a position to guarante them, as we do not buy any materiel but wbat is first ?lass. , •2 Repairing promptly attendedeo by experienced men. • • ittrilBALL Huron :Street,- -" Clinton , Clinton Saran Door and Blind Factory. S. S. COOPER; General Builder and • Contractor. This McAbee le the largest in he county, And him the very West improved ma. . ohinery, capable of doing, work mi the shortest notioe. We carry an axtensive and relleble iteok and prepared plans, and give esthnetes for said build all alma Sa of buildings en abort notice and on the closest prices All work is enpervire • ed in *mechanical way Isla satisfaction guaranteed. We tall all kinds of in. terior and exterior material. Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash; Doors, Rliuds, Etc • Agent for the Celebrated ' ISMAYBILL SCHOOL. DESK, atanufiettur Ed ea Waterloo. Call and get prices end estimates before platting vour maitre PROPAIETOlt, .VV holesale stock "of pianos, at very best possible prices. _ 0 rgans, the very entertamable - gramophone, sheat. IlitUdF1 baoks, and a vale ef musio at e. neszlitiws Emnorium, •...11...1.0tEr3C011711` fraying bottglit oet the Ilataliss brialuese of A. MottlalliN, is go- ing te eell Trtualts,VelisteraThasters Ittunaand everythingin aonneetion • With the taOa-Good and Obeap. • Light tifstrIteal a opestatty end deal and I wilt He you *au • . • autos St.,i dtx)rs west of Itswa Ottawa., .14 t' .:. kof dress goo Por the Fall Trade is now almost complete and eompriSes all the new materials Waist Inater4,1sIn ------Frenckrta*nels Finnetlaities, Etc. , •A special line of Palley Striped' Black Silks for waists at Oo yard. COTS & soN.- Wiewatolimitoodwer Rowe at .1EColloway 612001212043 that theyttve bought the Rthealtare and tinderiskins business • Of IillOADPOOT 4 BOX, and will imiatinub the, mime in the old stolid MR. .1 A.TXT14801t; . • who his a thorough knOWledge, Of the busitieee, will latarei olarete Of Ole • store, and ttill da all kinds OPREPAIRING add TIPHOLSTERING mOderAte prices ri &lithos's, oasts* in essasation n.N. ROWE 3 ATKINSON; 11.. 3. rcoptIowAY Manager