HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-24, Page 5•
•An Ill-fitting Shoo
Is lir comfortable'Whether the wearer
Walks, Sits or Stands.
at Shoes
amorlaposarlsesi00000.0Mit ,
V••••#•• ‘••••
October 24th, 1002
ecioni3 sad tinkle.
W. Huron County OLIbl TON 044,ilaitiTO •
Tburodoy Ootober,23, 1902. • 0100000000 000000000000.0000
Correctrd; eery Thursday afternoon
Ridont wee a Toronto yleitor the put
week, This Union held ite fifth annual coil. •
Tueeday. Dnugsr.00u, bloderieht of WS petit week have exhibited hOrtie" clCinnorit o,
OUR RARKEM.-The grain markets
Mr John Bansford went to Toronto. on. vention Wiugham on Oct. 010. The
Myth, Zurich,
what linnet tencienonand though 00130
olive uoyor opeat boususygi hoz Seaforth and Clinton Unioas were rep -
my° tanatevilaltvieCeLgeits'1:7:eilicigue`xt'VeealttbtiV°:r3i
borne here, ent last melt „rselsiens,toe, iiiryttonashotwheaci tfresTatco to
Mies: ElizabethGham op
of other cereals will go up. The meat ell
in Loadeeboro. be on the right side. The Ooresecy.
0, J. Weill': lett this week on s, business reported that there were setter) active rnatket rhovve A little uneasiness, Nth kV
trip to Algonifr. UniOnS in the county, two haying peen taklug another drop of 20e, buyere now 01
Kra Reachie,Gelt, ie visiting at the borne' Peldog $6 CO. Buyer; are paying ac tt„
ganivd durir the past year.
of ber tether, a, Oroll. Oise K. M. Ftener,County V;ce Pi es., 5442ereo
oe •Inntlivehervittlat:el rei,x4prconpt Neatoboutt
than air0 the annual addresa referral
Are not uncomfortabie H4.1E11. Brunel's, 'visited his on, J. W. to the death of doe late president, Mrs We per cwt. The mutton market. is
A on Thenliegiving .
Elroy]; anct to the
progress made;there , more depersottolst this week, top lambs
. bey Fit N‘ e—llk WlW
Looel—ear WelDay
l., ritfr4 Annie, Port Crdit
e, bb
ee een vieiting every reason to "thank God aud t demanding $5 lln to $6.40 at Buffalo
her mother, Mrs Washivgton, take courage.'
MAI ket. A. few loads of potatoes were
offered for sole this week, but not
assrgs. exurrsy spent the Thanes. Reroute OP pgrArentEDIT8,,b,:
We early in stock 25 different styles of this make of Shoes vouch. demand, buyers beitig.aerald of
giving boliclaye with, her parent's, Work among Sailors, by Mre Cainp- the where. nor, ireeptrag, to 35c per
giving jOli a splendid Variety to ettoose from, Uoderich I W�rin Sonday kindle] being P044. Apples of all vane
Miss IlleTeggart who bas beers •vielting
Schools, Mrs B Gunne, Seaforth; Pair ties for domestic use can be bought ai
here went to Toronte Oh Tueeday.
The pri-ces range from $8,00 to $5. 00 , th- work, Miss Fisher, (not so fully taken 750 per barrel, or 36e per bushel.
ral oyLucas, garkaale, father of Mro up as it ehould ne);'Reilroad t+1, orit.Mrs Peaches sell for 50e a basket, and
• No Shoddy—No Paper Soles. A, Hovey, waa visitor here lasts week. Oriole Clinton; Wolk among Lumber* Panes 80r- •
Mrs and Miss Smith, Berrie, were outsets Men, Mrs Biddleoorabe, Clinton. Bea- Fan whea.t.eid„ 0 65 nets 0 65
Patronize the New Shoe Store and get bTew Show. at Bev, Mr Manning'a over tbe holiday'', forth "sent 160 lbs..ot literature, also -spring 54 0 65 a 0 65
e . o war s no ionary a . ry. 0 27 a 0 29
• Miss (Huff, of Toronto, arrived Saturday Ju elite WOI .k was reported by an Rye
Oete •• •
0 40 a 0 45
rr • 3" ...,,,,cjEcac)isi,4 to visit ber coming; the Aliases Clutf,.towp.
excellent pnper sent soy Mrs Greene, of Barley ......,.. . 0 86 a 0 36
Elmer Brown has Accepted a position in Clinton, ' Nce. 'Bryan, Lucknow, gave pout 0 60 a • 0 60
• r e .
Toronto Med left for that city on Monday, a ccmprehensive paper on organization Flour per owt , 2 15 a 2 10
IMotoloatP004441-teauf-V*WPMF*4144-10M9t4 to, where be gpent a couple of clays on busi- •••••••10*
Miss Sproule, inieskalarT to lumber Sheepskins 0 25 a 0 60
. • nese. . ve addrsts. - - '' ' No. 1 Green trim, bidets ' 0 AO a 5 50
. The c • ------------------------------r,275 a 275
Wood 'Mort
•Cial\l'1101•1'. ' ,
(.W, McKee left on•Mondey for Teton. and methode.
Hay 800 a 9 00
BTSCU3ETifle°s:1,t;rit* Were in ii3Vin 4118 w'eek °r` tirlii411301:eurINI=n7; lorrYciffee4Pilillss 1.,lohriervs4 per pair . I, oa
The beat bisonit and always the hest,
'No change's. No *uncertainties.
''Every biecuit light, moist, delicious.
.If you wont this certainty on Baking Day, nee
Hovey's:Baking Powder, 2•00 a 111
Otir Bating Powder bi an absolutely Ore ()Mem Tartar
Lowder - °Catmints nothing inpirions
Steinbach, Zurich; Bac Secy, ire J B Pork' dresaed
and Mrs Kennedy and daughters to Bea- -' In the evening a public meeting Was 4. tub
flutter,loose 0 18, a 0 14
6 60 a 6 5u
TAO. Kennedy went to Toronto Monday, Kennedy, Wingham,
forth. , held in the town hall. but the attend- . Sgge per doz . 3 It 44 S 155
arik7 was not large. . . . Potatoes, per bush. ,.
isit7Err:y.p., Patterson, of Chefileh ElPeAt
Thanksgiving With her coosin, Mrs George 03.
Lir and lumber hirlber "raps in algott a, was
So ule,a noiesionary to I he ram- Dried Apples per Ib.. 0 05 a 0 05
0 25 a 0 30
the first speaker,
gueet at john Gibb g r4, on an
ft Mr Monteith, of Lever, 'Mich., was a
- ion Alliance, was the next -speaker. He
Dr. McKay, -Preeident of the Domirs- . R. Al .N
giving Day. • referred to the evils of the traffic in
Mr M-ilner, Brampton, was a guest at strong drink. Ten years ago the direct
the Wesley Methedistparsonage on Thanks, loss to Canada was $4.0,000000 and the
gtvg Day, . 000000 t
3. E. HOVEY, Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
1,14"4"sw0014404Plaissossiouswows**********40,44044,pwggssim, Eolinernf paPoettrioThil.ankegiving Day a,t her tagr7nuttect and protected byChrestian
millions. The shame la that this
membets of the churches. The expendi.
itlisallarld Andrews was a Thanksgiving . Ore for dii k was increasing, and last
indirectioas $140, , . e rs -had,
Miirfltraohan of Hodgens Bros Ern, . now inert wed to 47 millione,and second
In every home in tb4 district%
• Will supply you With thelUtegtanii'lgoatititereittintaiocal:
-.11Oute and , Vinci& Newricand •
Its special features are -Market Reports .that ate un-
- equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY. "
Regular contributions by "Bystander" on current events.
Reports of Conventions, Associations and meetings of in-
. tereit and value to all fanners, dairymen and stockmen.
• Practical talks each week on Live Stock, Dairying, Farm
Crap Culture; Feeding Lor Profit, tied other subjects. • -
THE elinton New Era :coNLy
itbd THE 11113131iLtIe SUN
,Audwe will send The Sunikee for the balance of 44.
E.,,eave our order at •"- .office. .
Clinton Furniture 1/4 Undertaking Company' 0
Rowe az \Holloway
annoinioe that they have bought the furniture and Undertaking business
of ;BROM/FOOT & BOX, and will oontinue the same in the old Stand'
who hits a ;thorough knowledge of the businese, will Wive charge of this
store, andwill ao all kinds of REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING and 0
PICTURE FRAMING at moderate prices, TINDERTA.KING in all its, ,
branches. ' Night and Sunday calla answered at residence, Princess St.,
direotly back of Presbyterian 'Church. firatielass 'Hearse kept. 0
A. J. HOLLOWAY Manager & 'Funeral Director
GUT es ---no
'rramr A114, AT THEIR BEST AND onEApEst.
Moore's Early Concords, Niagaras, 30c a basket
visitor at the home of My and Mrs J.
holland, Holmesville. $'ear $580,000 more was spent for this
purpose than in any previous year in
Mies Carol Newcombe returned to -het Canada. If the churches uvitedly
etudies at the London Conserystory of by their votes it should stop, stop it
Musk: on Wednesday morning. would. The speaker empbanzed the
statement that "to license wrong -doing
Raray W. MoHardy, Toronto, s• pent a
is wrong." Duty depends not on the
few days last Week with his niother .and
ease with which it is' performed.but on
eieter,Mrs MoBardy end Mre S.H. Smith. the rightness of the cause. The battle
. •
., -•••!•••••• ••••••,..0.1..• ••'•••••••
miss Jennie Fleming leavesin a few days Can be won on Dee 4,trut it not, victory
the winter with ber aunt, Mrs Bevon.
or Chicago, 111,, where she goes to spend
, do their duty
Mrs Heyd has returned to Brantford.
Will Come in time if texoPerance people
• . .
after spendiag it pleastuat timeseEN
with her ' .
aunt, Mri David Robertson, • Mill street. WILTSIE-•-,On the London ..Road, on
. -..
RHolmes,MProndfo, Ootaber 12th, to Mr and Mrs 'Chet: Wilteie,
I 17,77W. otE. O.
went to Ottawa yesterday, to a daughter. ., . •
etrel000futty,Ministers on matters relating to
intervie7. se.v" . a9tbn,:gotoUem:LrEt,ZGAir-s I.aneoOrgleintRo.no,uto4IdgeO:rt:,
?dies Alice Brigham roamed to Toronto MINES-Iu Morris, Oct 11.th, Mrs W B
this week, where she bee accepted an ex- Mint s, a son, .
cellent position in Oatto's dressmaking MoCaN et -ln Tjaborne, Oot 15tb, to Mr
este,blzWevit. map . *e,•,, • and Mrs J McCann, a son.
NEIL -in Exeter, Oct 6th, to Mr and
Mrs 13, S. Cooper returned liome last
week from Milverton, accompanied by her: M.; W Nell, a_daughter, . ..,_
2 ALL -M Kt Carmel, Oot lOtii, to Mr
Sister, Mies Lottie Hanna, who will Tien
With her for some time. an. Mrs Bd Hall, a daughter.
Mre Helen IC' st .rrived in town lestweek and mrs 0 A Nairn, a ten.
, NAIIIN-In Goclericb, Oot %bete Mr and
2th, to Mr
to speed a few days with, her Mrs 0Retenee....en orrispet
(Rev,) Greene, who bag been confinedsister, m
to her mrs A, cassiu, a am. , .
bed 1 or the past three weeks. ' MOCALL-In Morris, Oot. 12th, to Mr
Mrs John 11: Murray and little daughter sod Mrs J. MeiLiliuta son.
Jeanette, have returned to their borne in
New York after an extended visit with Mr
Niamey's mother on Huron street CRON1N-RO):. - In (Minton, Oot.
Mies Etta ktaii, who has been visaing 22p0, in St Joseph thatch, by Be'r: Father
ber 'nether and friend the -past month, MoMenernin, Mies Bareh Ordain third
daughter of Patrick Cronin,. Baylield
leaves this Friday 'nerving, to live with
road; to Alfred Roy, Detroit
her uncle, Rev 11, 11...Hall, Glanford. - •
shire B. Corbett, Detroit w g last week
visiting her old Clinton !Heade. Her mei. .eld, at the borne of the brides parents.
deuce in the American city has not incretne - vet 16th, by the Rev E. Beanie, .Lottie
daughter of, Peter McGregor, to B.. R.
ed her age an atom, as she look! unusually
Higgins, of Stanley. . • •
well. '
All kinds of grain
wanted, and the highest ;
prices paid in cash forany
quantity. Clall at. the De-
vator and see us. before•
selling. .
. - ' 1.). URQUHART.
+444444-4 c 4, 4. 4, 4, c 4 4 4 44+44
gIltaNOWor atanytirae I
For a term in any department
of our splendid wheel. The
• .
Central Business College
. . .,7011Q1470 :
. .
1 Twelve Teachers, one 'hundred Typewriting Machines, Twenty
Aye Sets Telegraphs Inoue
mente,-Premises occupying
Thenty Six Rootus,--toll indicate
• somethinget oar standing as the
largest, bdt, and- most Merle=
Business Training School in the
Dominion. Write for oiii neW "
Catalogue. Address
W. 0. Shale. Principal
Yonne &Gerrard Sts.'rforente
+4-444-4•44 4 4 1 4 4 :4 4 4 G 4 4
. Clris.Wanted:'
5 Girls wanted to take up Machine OttSretql5.
Apply to Miss TroWel at the.TICIKS0N
• •
. Hereford Stock-
• •.
For sale .several head or young Elere'ord,
thoro-bred and grade, at reasonable Prices
Oot .17. L FARNHAM, Coastanee,
The following striden4e epent thehclidays CA.MPl3 ELLBBOWN-In Comber,. ••• Wangolds lo.r.Sale .
on Oot. 8, by Rev Pr. Redd, of Bengali, . •
at bome:-A.• Hohnes,ettelent of,Pharmacy,
Toronto 'University ; Geo. Shipley, student I offer for sale ilnir:OTas Mongolia, dellyeri
uncle of the groom,. Mr Frank Campbell, of
Westfield. -to Miss Henrietta Brown, of el town, at $3 per ton. Order by Mail on t' le -
of Medicine ; Jas. Doherty, St. Andrewer
College. They returned on 'Wendel. s. • (3°Mber' • • 'phone, D- A. FORRICSTER, Clinton, 042
ADDISON-tADES-At the regidenoe • • 'ref _
ills Thee. Tipling, Detroit, is visiting I I •
her old Clinton friends, being the guest of ' of A W Webster, Oot 9th, ano Addison, St Wanteu
Mrs Jed Smith. These "Americana" do like Thomas, to Mise Annie Bade's; Wingham. .• •. • •
to get back among their former :tequila- OUNNINGHAM-NIVINS-At the reel Agood general fervant" in family, of two
tallow, who are alwaya glad to see then', dance of the bride's father, Oct' 8th, by Rev AppiyAo mgrs. 0. E. DOW'DING, care rdiss
• • • Doan, on Joseph St. '
Jno Holmes Blyth, W C Cunningherte
Mrs Field, Teeswater, and two sons have Morria,to Lizzie,daughter of .1p:bit,- lir 1"
been spending a week with the torment' slat ing, Blyth. ' ARRIA.G1E. 1.1ICENSES
ter, Mrs 3. MoMatb.. They are on their _
way to Mitchell wlaere Mrs Field has JOHNSONMOORE--At the Metho
bought out a store; end will reside there -in dist immense:, Blyth, by Be* 3 Efolmes,on . s
Oot•15th Wm .1 Union ta Miss M
the tature. . . - 0 . , •
Moore; both of (Ninon, •
'at 11:1 is Johnson,Goderiob,whoisaretoneher • • . _
in Jackson's Photograph gallery et Barrie, •EMI.
mode a short visit with a friend in town on HONBY.-In Stanley,' on TuesdeY. •
y . r . ' Strayed on•the eretnises of the undersigned
, resume her position, after spending the holt-. , . Itarri x n hex
m...... a ay a, on oot. .....to on Lr about Cle tober 1st, lot 30, eon ' 2. etaniee
J0, two yearling heifers. red arid white in color.
days at her hem° in Goderich, 1-2 m
et; , orlon Janet, seeond daughter of The owner 1 re t d t
-" -Monday. She:was returning to Barrie to Oot. 31st, Stephen Hone aged ,76 vett S.
Issuer) ay •
Rumba% Clinton.
following were visitors' of 'town on the late ;Dept Alex- llartinrof Oakville and exPeliStis abed tereetheem"=„property, Pe4
chows, - oronto. •
prom now on we have ill stock Fresh Sausage Snioked
• • Thankegiying Day nneth Wuagbem, Bert Bean; and Bert Eayment T
DEACM-In Ohmage, Oot 1004 Robb
e Stratford; Stewart alaopliereonatrentford ; Desoon, fornierly of East %%warmth, aged tor a, Stylish Ilair Cut '
. — -anessrl - the Misses MeDonelcl sea , AND A SCIENTIFIC_SHAVE We have in stock . BOY'S SCHOOL BOOTS,. in. calf
, . . . ,.., ...., Min MoKay, Goderioh, at Etch., Baker's. aged 4 months,
' loins, Pion, Chicken. Also. Poultry Noss MoXinnoto, ooderloh, at j, 'Elvin's 1 0 YpeiBitsstiStanbrt :ninegthManl'r a-endclt18:3612F1 rrbeililisi: wheee you get a clean towel need -graiiti , itS Vireil anheavy grains, :from. the best Makers 4.1'n Cana..
' iFult line of Breakfast Foods --
or VVEtEgtsi, PETTY./01D7s, WHEATIIIR, Av. and a full • W. Jackson left on Endes' to attend +be
FOucE, llIALTA, VITA, QUARER vATS, ultRAM . • , h w s it oin your farce ' antaddyeeerflt Iti)ng free . • da, and th
SNELL-1n Exeter,Oot 12t . In AO , ey are going at bargain prices •
dation of A.trierioa, which is bell held M. HAGGITH--In Stephen, Oot•li Rich robs cep io leo I ion, o
• • • Call and litty a pair of our -FINE. DONGOLA KID lac
oro Gov's
Pliisweek we have: received neveral cases of
New Seasonable Goods, which were bought below
regular prices for spot cash. They are opened out
and ready for inspection. Below- we quote a- few
prices to give you an idea of . the values we are
A speoiel line of Ladies' Waterproof Coate, in blaok Ana Polore,some bare
, .
yokes and velvet oollara, *tilers have stitched collar and no YOlte, length
64, 56, 68 and 60 inches, regular prima are $3.60 to $4, but you can take
your elooloe of the lot for $3.
Another lot of those Heavy Wool Fleeced Men's Shirt; and Drawers, houebt
- below regular prices and we are selling the 60o line for 450.
Ladies' Coperines, in eleotrio seal, high storm collar, Betio lined, long front,
6 tails, good value at $6, our special price 4.50.
Ladies' Oapermes, in electric seal and Russian Foible combination, long
front,high collar. 6 tittle, great value at 86.
Aleo a large assortment of Overflies, in different combinations, the very I
Ladies' Astraohen Jaokets, in all sizes and lengths, all guaranteed perfect,
Ladies' Fin. Rune, in all the new shapes and dIfferent kinds of fur, at 75c,
$1. $1.50, $2.26, $3, 3450, $0,18 and $10. _
latest styles, at $7,50, $8, $9, $10, $12, and $15.
V 44:114rCoate$2GiSi i$tgreat835 y
gflanrai °St 4 °L
110111t low prices. t
McKinnon & Co., Blyth
soil000000moo. sis0000twoosepoof
oaf and Wood
suitablsi, for Ranges
and- small CoalBurners
Select Lump:
Mingiewood. Maranon,
suitablfor Grates
and. Cooling Stoves'
A. limited amount of 8emiLAUtinacite,. Suit-
able for Self -Feeders .4Lid Furnaces. . Tho
best substitute now to be b,Ad for bari Coq
arlan. Bros:
tiling Out.
• ootS a
to be scad
Raving decided to disContinue the Boot and .4Shoe Business;
our entire stock is on the market, and Until a customer CAB be
found to purchase tat of it, we will continue tc sell o im-
mense stock of Boots aud Shoes at greatly reduced price
Since introducing thig sale our business has been in reas-
ing monthly, which is strong evidence that we are givin the
people genan5e bargains.
Bologna, Spiced-Roll,-Sreakrast ,Bacon, Tender -4 Mists Jessie Wiseman and Clara °Maley of 58 yeire, . • . • •
stock of CHOICE GROCERIEg, . • annual ineeting of the Ticket Agent g Asso- aged -61 years.
E • Munro, Tonsonial Parlor • ', .
:kr:\ P333W33:11Z, Association, and ite annual gathering': per-
' TrY our FAMOUS Se TEA,
"paer.T..% les the honor ot being Preeident of this
Vittehington,D. C., this week.. r Jackson
00,E---;;Crt thhoppital a?` ;Se , Ste
Haggith, aged 58 years. swans stock, enutosi
Boots, heavy extension sole; for men, Extra 1. l
.SueoeSsor to Ogle -Cooper Cotake of the nature of princely festivity iu y; Clinton Court of Revision. sale While they last at 8 250
value at $3oi
- from the outeet, the different railer:4g ei"
icetyreng with one (mother
to mais•tbe usbasiou-ouruettharayed-wir_____AL=rilitriith7oorloth,;_mra,..Eugh_mhearticarsuainutdigete_tile •Jaboteeyafigatryteata,4;t,litht
sure, Mrs Sacks= it000rcins,nied her has-
t4.9;r demrt---reno 'leaven taken ea Peck tot burial.
Bruce,aged 80,eon of D &tide, Peoleatio „,,
formerly of Goderieth townehm. „The
Notice; is hereby given that a ;Jona will be
We also keep all sizes in Men'a and 13oy's LEGcirgisfs
bend. F. R. Hodgens bleo member of
the west is ell he could 'epare time for,-
- Mr jaoluson has teen sleeted a Member of
this aesocaation, but his reoent trip through Bell, mother of jno Bell town aged 79 yrs, •Cieuttv ot Huron, n1he Ootirsoir-Ohantbee, •-•111-
hoarandtVre'4:11":mAiltint Also a tiaro stoe.k
e* error's and omissions in the Votbra
of RUZBBERS--fo——en
light •andleavygrain.leather:.........._• .•
the Executive for Shia year. Sheep tor • Sale.. glli,rillAillasigsTr:110Reser ;re t!,! m.
Me lio'velty
and, Restaurant
ysters Oysters
We are prepared 40 eery& h
beet.byeters either smoked or reW,'
We alao have Claimed Imeitt
Yoteag Duch, Spring Chioket. ,
Clotted Beef, Boneiest Tathey, al
00 the beet :Almon.
, Vie handle the best chocolates
111o0Ornicke choice Marloatho aloo
Prittergotiti attains end burnt al -
Monde. Valley bon hOrl0 • shear'
in stook.
A"oholot stook of Oratiglie and
lemons, bananas ana ellkinda
of fruit basemen, •
rallOY bread and cakes Away
on haul.
Spec a
Toms strictly sash.
*day, Clinton.
Atteud the Best It Pays
• . Se Omen,
oes and Children,
• united te attend at the Mid time and Place, ig
Per Oats tour thoro-bred Leicester Item WM",00ATS, Mork of the said aludapalite.
d 0 b
STRATPORD, Lambs. .Also one thombred Wrestling Ram. „
Terme reasonable. irourlife is insured for $100 from the mi you uyia
lisomit graduates have excel:Ad:good — 402ins . W. GLENN fith con.atanler. pair of the KING STUB PROOF RUBBERS Buy a pair
Sale LI:lister.
month and a few deye ago an appliest 05, West Ye awanoeh, farm etock and kola. • t! ; a lite d
• which costs nothing. , •
poeitione at $40, $46, $50 and 060 a Monday, Oot 27th, at 1 le. m , lot 41, Onn and get -A policy
Teacher IVanted. •
was recoiyecl offering one of our grad-..]: Monts, RAS. Makin, prop., Thos. Brown, .
vete* of lest term a celery of ' 9800 a -0., •
year, This the mod of evia6no, 003,tursay, elny,, 1,34 at rrhoot.41, ror union 8, S No,10 itunbtt and Ooderiok , ter
Township. Ditties to commence bit of./atsoary vy Twit chelli, C
. you arc loOkbig for as tO the best tteren road, Tuckeremith, edit:ening AppLesante toast° eertificate held, and If eon. e want as many Wm.
school to attend Catalogue free 2 ton. farm stook and implements:, Jno
veniesit, personal applitatiOn would_ be. Pre- Ord 'as eau make it convol.=
toned. appaeatione I -Decreed UP tO No*. 10
pd 11.11. EILLIondeebtore.' lent to COMO in and take.a
Revirard. barrel of Redpe,thfs Grail.-
- ulated Sugar, as We are
14! LI: tiagolatit'4Allf erOwded with itoind some
Enter thichrionth if partible kett prop., Thee, Brown, 'shot,
ttLIOICTI Principal eg
Iftname 29 . .
ton 2 bleXillo8 farni atm " and° in.
element'', Peter 'Sullivee, Ir.,. Prep.,
On Tueeday, Oot. 28th, et 1 t. re, lot
Whornes BrOwn, attot.
On Thursday, Oot. 80th,
Apples Wante Thomas Jewatts iarm allies west ef
33luevale, E:oundry line Turnbor
Paring and. Cider
Apples wanted
at the .
mitobeif, ferm Moak Ana implement&
' Jan Walsh, prop, Whonme Brown,
mullion. Evaporator end. •
••.4--•••- ., • -
farm stook and iragenientg. Themes
Zewett, prop, Thtititarl rdiorn, arid.
'On Tuesday, itb, di 1 p, M. at
the villege of Bornholre, 5 toilet noetg et
on and after
September 15th1 1902, '
ripwx &e.risE
oda:, A. &delft and nignsia draw lii .16.1•13,
Eastlooltrormettatneroitneleoert. 0,1898tio,tithtehisktivitibewaint 13- -
to the rem:vett of the Berne will be Ile:tally • if we st,ore it on, the street,
nand lbs, by he
00 sell it. for $4;00
Oet. dAlltELON Clinton.
CreamerY Notice, • el, to make ;own for
Teodere 'Wanted, • one next ear,
the Modem of therglirtesylite t,lutette and Of courso, we Will deliver
Rutter Co. will reedy° tenders for the pct.
The Supreme Corot st Ottawa reserved ' obese of the buttermilk, from the meke of it any Watt itt town.
judgement an the Oola lice Crock mining butter. from Nov. let, to tile end of 1002. The
Obit over a Mahn ',AIWA at half a million person tendering tli 04010 what he vain pay ....v.. At V% eli Aft ig1,111.40 .
tiary for cattle -stealing. Wm Connell W. is, ron$T140, W. trt Lttunwit$N01/,
Frank Mitchell was sentst,ted at•
menefeentrectin. Milk to Iteerentotred AO directed
London tee five years in the penitee.
i . for um butc rtotr:k front tteli ton Of butter RIR.; ,m, lp ISwJPAIE I '
rat0,01111 or before titeedey,oet, 2E1,1962,,
by butter maker. Teedere to be Sent re SO. T. 0 broil
.....wo. ,‘
0. .1thond:1101Airl# 4$
Oot, M. se . .
norliPred Butler gob two year* each.
inner Sets,
placed in stook ;this
wp oerItcreve.ThEenglitiaanity.halstoharrejogliinededino,inisiss....deesoermait
A little lot of DIbINER SETS, bought last May
-fop: rile I ix -J:1:
pleased to have you 004 ihom.
Ww. L., otrnicErre, Londesboro