HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-24, Page 39 • M ANXIOUS TINE FOR NEURALGIC SUFFERERS Ceiery •Conapotind 'The Onty Nedicine That Suc- . eessfully Cures This Ter- lible Nerve Disease. "Experiencee plaveicieue know well that •the varietal° weather of thie autumn month decided the fate of thousencle in ill heelth. At the preoent time, WA and women are falling around us like tome before the chilling north wind. Arneng the dieeasea prevelent at this time terrible neuralgia with its sharpelasiersting and derting•paine as doing' ite mtolereble work. The cold winds, damp air and tied- -den changes in temperature, favor this enduracking diamse. The beet physioiane -of all mimes edmit thet Paine's Celery -Compound la the only known epeolflo tor )the cure of neuralgia. • n you are experieno. ing the torment of thie most terrible of nerve diastases, we commit you to give Pine' i Celery Compound an immediate trial. It has permanently cured others ; it will, without fail, meet your case. Mes T. lilordaater, Toronto Ont., samt eeee "Ten yore Iwo I was attaoked with nor- 4118lee 111•14 though treated by six dootorsehe "•dieentee ere* worse and nearly mode me hi- , -sane. Day atter day X enffered the mostine team agony,and I became utterly disheart- ened. One day my deliverance oanie. A lady who had eutfered ag r had, told me that Paineni Celery Compound had cured ther. I used the compound, end it simply made Anew woman of we. The pain van - Mud, I grew well, and i never felt happier in my life: All this la due to Paineei • -Celery Compound." . • Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto coal dealers will interview the Government - in regard to the free shipment of coai-. over the Intercolonial granted to more , e. • 93 gieki 9 Ai 9 ` Dr Ross, of Selagarhas fuliy i;17cov- ered from his recent illness and is again able to attend to his professionalduties -as usual. • - BEWARE OF WORMS " Don'e let worms guawat theivitale of your children. Give them Dr Lowe's Pleaeant Worm Syrup and they'll soon berid of these parasites. Price 25o. • Mr Robert Stelck has been re.engag. ed as principal of Zurich public school at an increase in seeery of $40. MA sale • ary is now $440. • • ' The elevator shippeO fourcars of oats' to the Old. Country Wednesday. Grain • is coming. in quite plentifui, which .necessitateithem elevating qlute often. ABSOLUT SECU mmri•01 Gen uirtell Carter's Little Liver Pins. *lust Bear Sionature ot See FeceSimite Wrapper item. _ Very mean and ae ester to take es engine• ' et • A arrref. FOR HEADACHE., • LA111E110 'FOR DIZZINESS. irriE FOR 1311.10OSSESS.r if FOR CONSTIPATION., FOLTORP111 LIVER. . ER FOR SALLOW SKIN. • -t , FOR THE COMPLEXION 2111,,:itb• „ wurne:2=oeruA__,....4 CURE SICK HEADACHB The 100 acre farm, lot 5, con 5, Grey, belonging to Jas Smith, Galt, has been sold to Wm Stevenson, 5th line,Morris, tor the sum of $2700. Geo Shiels, jr., has also disposed also disposed of his 100 acre farm, lot 31, con 17, Grey, to 3e• Liolclough, of the 18t11 con., Grey, tor $1200 .&N OBSTINATE CASE OF ECZEMA • Mr W D Johnson,Tilsonburg,Ontelviiies that his father was entirely cured of a long standing and obstinate case of eozema by the use of Dr. Chem's' Ointment, His leg and foot were mese of sores that re- -lama to heel and heeuffered-terribly -from the itching and stinging. Though he used a great teeny medicines end was treated by trateilaes dootore no permanent relief was obtained until. lid need Dr Chaee's Oint- ment. • Mr Frank Camubell,of Westfield.was married last Wednesday to an estim- able young lady from -Essex, and the young people svererat hottre"to a num. ber of 'young people from Westfield and vicinity on Thursday evening. . Milburn's Sterlingtleadache PowderagiVe women erompt relief from monthly. pains ----and-leaveanoliadiftereffectawhatevereBe mire you get Milburn's. Price 10o and 26o, " dealer% •• Wm Praetor, of Dashwood, met with serious accident, while sodding at a threshing neer that place On Monday week. He in $0140 manlier gott hie leg^ . oreehed so badly that amputation may be neceeseny to save his life. • Sorne tithe ago Jos Hudson, of Hill's den,enOlOSed'a note in barrel of ap. pie() and le.st week he received word that the oniples were primo condi. tion. A Liverpool man was the buyer, THEttifiNIVN NEW ERA rilliailitar''ire I SUMMER LIE IRO Tit JUAS 041.VARB4 Moralityfa Fiction. AND naortoatrts. %wati of newelm-07; aiming "Wiz nn d ottnililbiebtionientreenruverlftiltiretirdoPon"trten14% ono tlri: the obenge of corrupting the public and endeneining morality end religion are nob °amnion ooeurrences. Flaubert we time arraigned and tried by A jury for his; "Madame Bovary," and that trial (which ended in an acquittal) is one of the most. Interesting events in the history of lit. nary eeneetioni. The critics now re. gard,"Madame )3ovary" as a highly mor- al book, while as literature it has be. some a clainie. Some year ago Belgium 'had a liter. 11,7 "affair" which attracted attention in all artistic circles, even beyond the bor- der. Two leading novelists, Camille Le. moulder and Georges Eland, were In. dieted and tried. at Bruges, a quiet sone ciente conservative, and even puritanical town, for writing inunoral, liceatimue and pernicious fiction. The novels whichi. had turnisked the basis of the preemie.) tion were 011Homme en Amour" an't Legs so Swelled Ile Coal in't Welk renoe of Golds wh oh winter suites, is %lb civil OW James Trenetnerie tbe great boon to victims of Catarrh, Bronchi- well-known butcher 44536 Adelaide Street, tis and Soy Femr. eorbity these bleedings London, Ont., is another proof that Dr, by the wonderful, certain and prompt ()at. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are effective in errhozone nankeen, It cured siwaya, but the most severe and coMplicated alums quietest in Bummer. Dootors approve of it, of the kidneys, - Druggiete recommend it, People who have Mr. Treneman states :-.-"Two year. used it go wild crime it, You try (Jetarrh. ago I WAS laid up with kidney disease and 067rie, then wonder where your Catarrh has urinary troubles. Besides the pain and gene to, it cures. Do you know any other inconvenience caused by these troubles. I remedy that does? All dealers, 20o and became dropsical, and my legs would swell up so that 1 could scarcely go around at all. Hearing of Dr. Chase's Kidney-niver Pills, I procured e box and continued the use of this valuable medicine until now I can say for a certainty that am entirety cured. I never took any Well people do not worry, Take Miller's medicine that did me so much good, and Compound Iton Pille and be well. 50 dome am Onnly convinced that if it had not for a quarter. Sold by ell; druggists, town, been for this medicine I would not be $1•00. The Toronto Exhibition of thie year shows a surplus of almose$12,000, after paving all liabilities, including Mat ear's deficit. 0 R Bird, a traveller for carpet-Man- ufacturem of Halifan Bog, fell from sin "Escabrgoe," Leinonniez made an ele. ewer window of.the 'Regain Hommel:0- guent said extraordinary speech to the router and NOS killed. jury,. and he was ably defended. Both himself. Most of Lemonnier's personal of deaths) daily is between 30 and 40. authors Were eicquitted. l4nlit ew e MU° or a quarter, r ° ome w' NoLemonnier has told the whole Pound IronbY all druggists, store; in diaguised and changed fowl tow. natuxally, in a "novel with purpose,' Cholera is raging in Palestine, and a work whom hero represents the authot in one. city alone the aver age number trouble. and eIPerielle°5 elmnet'64WIth Miller'e 'Kidney and Bladder nine Cure his Bferary tendency and artistio areed headache, indigestion, rhetimatism, and all are *Ade to befall the hero, a man ot ailments maned by affected kidneye and lettere named Wildman, but certain do- bladder., motile details- and the final cataetrephe, Of the novel, whith is entitled "Les Dent The rtrike of the French Coal miners Consciences* (The Two Consciences), are is settled. invented: , Mental and physical aotivity are produce The novel is a plea. and an apo1og7-a ed by Miller's Compound Iron Pine.. Sold plea for freedom lie art, for toleration, by all dragoons, town. *or een4h1 criticism of the existing so- THERElke A. STORY IN MORNING dal creeds (religious, modal; and anis.' TIREDNESS. ' t €ri.ntynpnt nf n tur au *polo of lite The jI mourn Wil or the wuthor's.own, phitosophe • A story' of poor blood, weakened which ie a sort of neo-paganiene, nerves, of a, starved brain. Plenty of et• of the novel may be briefly food, mind • you, but perhaps Poorly 'zed as fellows . prepared and too poorly digested to an a novelist residingi Pert. maintain a vigorous body. Berrozone monde, an unprogressive. Belgian cityquickly ineetes blood, gives strength to has excited the boetility of his town: the Lbe nerves, cures the tagged feeling men by the ideas and methods -that prevents vigorous thought a. of his lit- erary work. He 1. a neo.Pfellenist; he. action. 'Hee FerrozOneeit makes blood g shares the ancient Greek conception of good and ood blood feeds the nerves. harmonious development of body and Strong and vigorous nerves are. just mind; he believes in the purity of nature, another name for good health. If you seek health, and a relief from the tired and the essential chastity of passion', flesh is at - morning feeling use Ferrozone. Sold He does not believe:that the wen with the spirit and needs mortificae only by Opmbe, price 500. tion and resistance. He holds this doe- A map named Doris,jumped from a trine of the sinfulness of the body to be first story window of O'Connor's Hotel, unnatural, bliesphemeus and superinn Winnipeg, and threw himself into the tions, and he delights in the -simple, nar tural, rude, but healthy, life of the plain , e„. ACHING „„ , people, attached to the soil and uncon- . AOK etiously realising their oneness with uni. ' Is the first indioation of kidney disarm, versa life. and shored he taken as a signal of danger - 'Wildman is engaged in writinii no- •a warniiag to me Dr Chaseei Kidney -Liver vel describing the gradual evoiu on of! .Pille while yet there is iime to' avoid the human iilealte the decline of the present ,dreadful pains -and bertain fatality of this fellow -passengers that they would not coriception'df duty and • morality, and, terrible disease,. Tfiere is no gams • work, have washed at Elishe's bidding in Jer- dan itself... "Of all animals -in creation," the return, in a modified form,. to the no experimenting when you riee this pre. religion ot•naturo.• He pictures the pass- soription. • It brings relief in a remarkably . . he says, epeaking from the depths thie poignant ' experience, "Man, when he is mg of Mankind into terra libra where short time and because of ito combi ed - working to -day." • These pills act directly on the kidney* and liver, regulate the bowels and ensure the perfect action of the digestive and Al- tering systems. One pill a dose; 25 cents a box. At all dealers, or Edmanson, Lutes & Co.. Toronto. . Dr. Chase's ItitinesMiuer The Floating' Hens 'of the •Atlantic.. If the sensational charges made in a •book recently published In London ("At the Closed Door," by Robert H. Sherrard) have any foundation, there are indescribable. hellish scenes enacted'in the strange:cabins of many of • the Atlantic liners.? The book is re- viewed and some extracts given in "aeruth."' In order to ,spn out the naked - ems of the land, Mr: Sherrard took steerage Tiassage in a French liner to find the ship. a. floating hall to those who were too poor to bribe the stewards: "One of the moist cruel' weapons used by the steerage stewards tb bring to rein son persons who were. unreasonable as to paying the fee they were ordered not to pay, was the privation. of drinking. water. The women and! little children suffered dreadfully for want, of it during the throes- of se,a-seckness: Yet water there was in plenty. On tiee night of the 14th a body of women, with • children in their arms, went aft, surrounded the padlocked • cistern, and clamored for wa- ter. They were driven *ff. with abuse • and. violence." . Hence water for washing. • was, of course, unobtainable -if it was wanted; but such was the indescribable, incore • ceivable filth, of many' of MreSherrardil n ao dirty, is the 'very dirtiese." But the un - the will to live and the joy of life exe tion of liver and kidney, cures Complicated the ruling principlesof )conduot, and easesethieh cermet be owed by any !Min- washen Jews -found their wayto the front settebnegation has ceased to be a virtue. try treatment., e •of this crowd and crush With their Multi • - • Wildman's open aesetilt on the) Clearia •• sintione and pushing perseverance: • • e .' . tian religion and ita MOTS,' code Orb re- It is repetted that MgrZteleski,Reme, "The timid and diffidentwent to the Baited by his fellow -citizens, and he finds, *ill be appointed Apostolic.Delegate to Wan; the ethers, and amongst these the himself isolated, eoclally esereeteee, Eite .(3aneda, to succeed Mgr Faiconio, Jews, 'were noticeably. prominent, en. He life, at first tborotldy- happy . , •crouched, and Widely extended their s °headed and, linally, intoleriable: Pritileges. There Were three .hideous lit- -. is a devout Roman Catholic:, r •tle Jewish boys, whom I saw dining the whole :of the voyage, laden with delien• cies from firsnelass kitchens.. 1 often • noticed them .walking.nhout.oe the drat.' :class deck." ' • • . . • The sufferings of this "matte passage," however,- were as nothing to the suffer-. ings which-according:to Mr. Sherrard - the pennilessemigrants- had; to endure . on Ellis Island, where they are detained ' by 'the New York authorities for •weelcs and even' months togetheie.before being ' packed baek, as destitutein. to Europe, '‘.Froor Havre onwerde • we- hadbeen treated' muchas sheep, or, perhaps, as n . - pigs; but olanding we ma t coneider ourselvei dangerous and ma dleent ani- mals." In truth, men, women and chin dred were bludgeoned -their jailers were • all ernied :with :bludgeons -on little or no provocation... Hera is.: One specimen. scene: "At five O'clock we, were Ordered hp- stans'. for supper. •Ae man With filthy hands filled our • hats. an hanOkerchiefs with mouldy prunes. -Another thrust two lumps Of breed inti.our bends.. Sue pervising the distribution was a foul mouthed Bowen,. rough in his shirt- sleeves, who danced upon one of the tin -lees and poured fotth upon us torrents of _obscene and blasphemous. abuse. Nor did; he content-timself with thia-demone • stration of the contempt in which he held us, for I saw him drag one old .man, a long -marded Polish. Jew in a. gaberdine, past the bairel.ol .Prunes by the hair Of the face, and L sew him' kick another emigrant, a German,. on the head with dom beci • Hite and molt wholk out of synleathy with his nationa Her affeetion for him. 'slowly Weswas& and she grows to re- gard him is a test and capmved men. They have a child, a boy, and the moth- er succeeds in completely eetringing him Irons the father. The boy is sent to a cenvent school, and is never left. alas With Wildbian, who is ardently devoted to his family" and :suffers- keenly from this separation. • • • At this eines, a novel of his call* "Terre Libre" is published; and the hos- tility of the conservative town becomes se acute that the authorities bring crim- inal proceedings against hire as a cor- rupter of youth and advocate of vice and : license. He is wounded to the quick by this charge, for he protests that not a lite or Word of his book is open to the charge of immorality. He becomes de- spondent and discouraged, though the authors of Belgium. and France send him Messages of sympathy and appreciation. He determines to defend himself before ' the jury • of his townsmen, not for his ownleake, but for the sake of his ideas and of the teeth which is dear to him. A preliminary investigation takes place and Wildman finds the examining magistrate stern strenuous, resolute, though intelligent --enough 7tce compre- hend that 'he is dealing, not with a Wan- ton or mercenary offender, but with a sincere representative of another philoso- phy, another conseiencee The prosecu- tion iervigormui, prompted by a sense of Outer, but the jury nevertheless acquits r The Depth 44 Sleep. • Some curious experiments htreo heiS Mid° by a phystehm in Remo lately for •.---e----„,--theisurpoosnoldettrrel018.theeteeelgled "depth" of et person's sleep. Ire ittei' ispeeially designed Instrument, which prods the sleeper et different stages of ' sleep, /Ma te. eOra kept of the • ease or the diffieulty of reusing him. Curved %tee show the relative depth of -the sleep in different eubfeett, arid in the gaga. *UAW( et different times. The .)Xperisnerits ehoW that there are certain periode wlen tint sleeper it more easily wakened, and it ie suggested 0110 a praotied ihattion of this itetult may bi wide in adjusting time, to natural ' paled ot idahnant As ilopth the es,p6 .9,49996199/19 •99.199.914. • litere ate '.rtti, more important or. gann.of the body than . the bowels . • IPiliey.are irregular, health must •Ctrnstipattibtt is the common ail- • ment of: the age. NothisigAs worse for the bowels tliajthefrequentuse of cathartics. •They.. din not cure Constipation---. they aggravate it ee A laxative does cure. IRON --OX TAIILETS. are, a. Gentle LaxialWer arid •• a Tonic combined • The Ideal Rernedit tor Corlett patiata • • SO Tablet, 23. Cents. One *walleye deem% make Poynter, Nor ane lone house a town, But a Word of cheer may make it eles,* , 'When the clouds have settled down. One fountain doesn't make a eiven Nor do three and one make oix, Dut a girl may. shake her muds and make • A. dozen, luneties, -4Chicage Record -Herald. "Well, you say the defendant turned mul whistled to the dog. Mat follow. ed 1" ' "The dog." --Judge. • I 4...1 "You have built' One residences in var. bus parts of the country," said the austere friend; "you have caused spark'. kig fountains to play., and beautiful gar. dens to bloom. But can you honestly say that the world is any better fet your having liyed in it 1"' "Well," answered the millionaire, hunt- bly, "I don't know that it actually is any better; but I think I can claim it looks a little better." -Washington Star.. A little boy was drawing a: picture of • locoraotive on ids slate. His lathery, becoming interested, asked what the ob- ject was. The boy -replied that it was a locomotive. Then the father said: "Why don't you draw the oars, too e The boy hesitated and slowly replied t• • "Papa, the loemlitive -draws thee carer .--Philedelphia Times. e DB WOOD'S NORWAY PINE • SYRUP. Another Drop in Prices , . Oeifker 24tha IOW sow guarantee my lAstert Method Treatment to be * Pummel= Positive tiltrotor Varieocele and Strioture, without cutting, al Ing or lose of lime, In Varicocele it absorbs the begging, or wow% condition, squeezes emulation, stops paine in the groins, a drains!, thereby giving the prom their proper nutrition, vlteliuss the parts and resteres toot power.; in Stricture it abeorbs ta titrieture tissue, etops smarting eensation, nervousness, wealttse basket**, ole., while la all preatatlo trAtablas Itis the - Tmit par emiedienee. eso !psalm am that my Lamas reatment will our* you that you. can PAY WHEN CURED Ton need par nothing until you ore convinced that a thorough ' complete cure hag been established. It makes no =cream wits hca galled to curer you, call or write rue. .,7• • Each time you call you see me Personally, er mei time you write it receives my personal attentlon. The atwitter of years r aro istsifs allishthode finorDenitooretita,peoendianstthe gonfrteitheleaCCounorryP.Utbed ftfter !Omen SP by Other doctors, has placid asa The Latest Method Treatment Guaranteed to Cure Varicocele and Striatum without cutting, eretchine or Ion of time ; also Blood redems. Ohmic, Private. Nervous, Impotency. Kidney, Ltver, Bladder, Storasch_, Female and Troubles. CONSULTATION WREN. Call; if you: cannot oat write for blank for home - meat, Perfect syetem of home treatment for those who cannot call. BOOK KRIM All Mines for Canadian patients shipped from Windsor. All duty and 'apron charges DR„ G01..DBERG 291 Witwilidll.:01.1 Lif.licelt Quality the Best a Prices she Lowes At J. W. IRWIN'S Redpath and St. Lawrence best granulated and coffee sugar: aty less • than wholeeale prices. $3.85 per cwt by tbe barrel. Canned goods cheap and Kent Can Corn 6c a can, Canned chicken 10c, Roast Beef 1 lb tins 15c each. Tease -.Black Japan and Young Hyson from 10c up, our leader Is 26c per ° pound. '• • Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Dried Peaches, Apricots and Cooking 'Figs cheap. , • Crockery -I have just clamed out 3 crates of Dinner,Tea and Toilet seta • and faucv china, new patterns direct from the factories in England, selling from 10 to 20% lees than regular price. Call) and examine • quality and prices. Wanted good butter and eggs. .• Phone 45; J. W. IRWM Clinton A pleitsast, !tempt suit Perfect Ctire for • COUGHS, COLDS, • HOARSENESS,. , • SORE; THROAT. , ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, . • • • CROUP, • and WI :Thgoatagund Lund. Troubles. • ObstinateCougha yield to ibs grateful, soothing action, and in the racking, per• - eiptent cough often presept in consump- • tive cases itegivemprozapt , and sure .re- • MIS S. Boyd, Pittston, Ont., Writes : "1 had a severetteld in my throat), and 'head and was greatly- troubled wide • hoarseness. Two .bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Symp completely cured. Price 25 aorta' pag4ottloa 4UTITHIIIHER Must Use it to heSuceessful: In the anturan and -winter. seasons 'the • • and moss successful buttermakere in Canada nee Wella, Richardoon & Co's /m- oved Bdtter Color fn infer to gore the butter that lovely and delicate June tint •that ie so much admired by lovers of flee table butter. : Welts, Richardson &Co's Improved But- ter Coloz is today, almost the only kind •used 111 the Creameries and Dairye of Can- ada There are other colors sold and some- times substituted for Improved Batter Color, but wise and experienoed butter-, maker avoid them. kiaowing they are not reliable, When you are buying -butter oolor, Moist noon getting the been the strongest and the economical, Your neighbors •and friends will tell yen that Wells. itichaidson & Co's Iniciroved Butter Beater Color is the best,. All druggists rind dealers..• , The undersigned is offering his $80 Buggies for $65. They. are hie own make,. and are made from choice material and by first class' mechanics. All the latest improvements used an( are up -to date in every respect. They cannot be surpass% and. we guarantee them. JOHN LESLIE„Huron Street Olintcn. EW:AND VP' To Din very five- line of DRESS GOODS- •ia Our GRAlh7 BAGS at *50 and $8 aro what oar customerssay, • seller° • • Such beautiful WRAPPERETTES at 10 See our handsome BUGGY Bugs,. also and,f2f oente. HORf3E BLA.h7KETS and ROBES • • Circular WOOL SHAWLS & NUARRO: .0narlwMaytaLLtaIkNeEtRi 2cT eyes FotAvNigiCitYoreGOtoOrhill PRINTS that please • . • EmPorium. . . . Then tee •our $3 WATERPROOF COAT& A. trial will prove that you eon ao well here Lonciesboro Emporium, , • R•ADAMS . . • Sept. 23rd, 1902. . • for men« . as wecarry a large variety of goodie and • . • • , _ • are prepared to sell at elose prices fan Great value RKADY MADE sutra,• cash or produce, such as butter, eggit alio Otttomecie PANTS and SMOCKS. . large, tallow, 8zo • argains on Furniture A large assortment offa,11 gOods,just arrived con. listing of l3edronnt Sets, Sideboards, Eitension Tables, Fancy Rockers and Couches prices all markell•down,to the lowest point. If 'dissatisfied we return' your money. Bring in your pictures and get them neatly framed. OITr W BI opinions orLeadIngrbyslclaas. Price SLAV. For sale by drugeista, • of ty mail on ramie of price. I'have been using S rcine's Pliekone for several menthe with reruns UM warrant me in recommending it to my patients his heavy hoot." with every confidenee in its olahns. ' R. But while the jwy is deliberating The Simplon Tunnel. . Perhaps it may be said that these pen. Ferguson, M. D . Coroner, London, Ont. The Simplon Tunnel, which is to give niless people had no business to give the - . , Wildman learns- t1M his Wife has re- . W. T. faTEONG, Manufacturing Chem. solved to educate their son for the new railway connecticm between Italy, States Government the trouble of re- st, London, Onterie. priesthood. He commits suicide in a III and Switzerland, when completed, will be • shipping them to their homes. But; in of despair, no longer caring about the the first place, many of the telegrams outcome .0e the trim, . about twe lV0 •miles, or, to be exa t 19 . .• c ' ' enerusted•to, the jailers for forwarding to "The old society has just committed 720, metres, in length. It was begun M well-to-do relatives in New York were•' another crime," says Wildman's attorney 1898, and it is anticipated that one ot buriced, anciethe money -often a .grose to the court and jury when the verdiet . the two tunnels will be , open for traffie Overcharge -pocketed; and, in the sce- nt not guilty is broug)et in. • "The man,ond placeetliese hapless wretches on this whom you have acquiffsd of wrong -do- n 1904. The hydraulic drills have Devil's Islen0 were lined to New York miles into the solid by an unscrupulouseemigrationagent: - - ing has been driven by persecution and -.norrcuteneltrlY Jive bigotry to suicide." . rock from the Swiss end at Brigue, and ' "In bhe many conversations I had that ' The novel, "realistic* in aafternoon with various people et various Peculiar ' between three and four miles from the sense and even autobiographical and con- troversial, is declined by critics in the ties have been greater -the large quart- Italian end at Iselle, where the diffieul. nationalities, in abreast every instance I :heard thelilaree• for all suffering laid on French press to be artistic andk original, ththe agent wire had sold the steamshipy of water encountered , last year ticket without troubling to explain the besides claiming attention as an impale. alone delaying the chilling for several sloned appeal for "freedom of' teaching* Months, Throughout the five miles al- Amerieitre. emigrottion claws," In fiction and for a wider view of literati.Surely it would save the llnited States ll ty than the conventional ef/. ready cut iet Brigue the tunnel is in Government much .expense, and such various stages of completion. The fleet - wretches) unintaginable misery,. if the . •work is done by t e, sp en •y rau o consuls. rut'El4 pean ports were nistructe drills, whieh ate cutting their way ed. to, advertise the immigration lonrit he through the solid rock at .an average ab rate of from 15 feet to 24 feet a day, the *viol nagemn ineeewego and iam 01-u,..,..-*.u...•,-,.......e-.411•Ina , -......4-...- r...........n. LISr0104/10/114intcabddidlling:14-1hel&ht.'. ..-........ ....t:" In every town and village may be hack' the A Comfort mid Car& ef the rock entountered. The drill, s I ' Baby Yeti Win Appreciate• the cuttilig point Of til:e• drill. n ViVernint •vbio. 'discharged along the suds- of tbe toot right up to the cuttinif) edge, the tem- ..--. • '• three inches in diameter. slowly rotates Your IS Blessed. the b with a peeneeYte the&milks ee Migr of leo ngt 1 '50 0 perature of the steel eing thus kept A baby Is a pritelem comfort,, but le cool, and the debris washed out of the In its utter helnleestions Is a great care. hole. Thies drills are kept working, • Anything that will relieve the tired and four holei, one above the Other, are mother ant* add to baby's health and tut by each drill before the dynamite happiness is both X help and a friend. eartridgee are inserted. The tunnel as Thie is what makes that *Paten:tent. of cut • by thee° hydraulle drills is com. Mre Thos. Little Xing 11, Onte eo in paratively aMS11. tile eniergement te the intereeting to Ali Mothers. She seri required OM being entirely completed by, "When my baby Was eighteen menthe band hammers, iron pins and dynahilte4 old he Was troubled with our do. The hydraulic drilled tunnel being tram - mach and was badly condi ed. These ed in with • pine upright and cross. tioubles made him crone and restleate times, thimneys are cut Imwarclit at in. Tito Orighte.ter ot d 4 9 Arm, and / had to be ug with bint a number ervals and ith upper tunnel cut above -Of timeadttrieg t tileallymet Aydin rockleftbek--- Do KIDNEtpus AN'S' box Of I;labyhr Oten Tablets, and after tvreeti the two is in Ito; turn cut away, . , I giving them to• him for a feat days his and then the first frame. Finally the came tweet ened and he slept well. I with piles and laths, preparatory to ite Vge°01 egg! celK SnacDtggiltli bowels became regular,hitt etomach bre whole tunnel is reframed and supported • thers need for, their little ones," Baby's blocks. Not one Minute, dity or nighte' P 321.: iheotrt and eatilitusoirrtrlirnreottibuisetas think these Tablets are just what, mo. being faced with iron girders and cement venient form for adMinistering medi- good. Soo yoit got the geoids° Own Tablete are the best and most con. Is lost, and only on one day in the year is work etopped-the Miners' Saint's eine fe the yeti Young. They are safe Day. The illustration showing hydra* , 130AN'S and hartnlei3s and free from cmiatee. ga dim* at wet* ta tao tuna' to boo Sent poet,imid on teeettAnf PrIce+ 2ge The London Deily Graphio, eine Oetenelen Brae ville, Ont,, or - - They curt when an others fail. or bee, by the Dr. illiarne 1111edi, • ' Schenectady, N. Y. A book on the - care of infants and children tent free' on request. Write for it, Set i.Cure AiL but Parody a iKlitn ay Pull Sikeeier box, or 3 for $1.26. All deelete or ION DOAN Ylintnir Pith 00, Toronto, Oak twoorlat on och • Mita• Axle' Greast that makes your • horses glad. ,•••••%.9. • I 4,51;1'1? idirilrOYOVV14; • ),o4 44' • r V' I • 1 tilt doctored for a year and ahalf for what ree doctors told me was gall stones, I had ad so much- about the relief Ripans, Tab- les gave other people I thought I would_ have used eight of 5 -cent boxes and have not had a spell since. . . • • AT DitlYGGIE,TS 1tattenbury St, 'Works • euzgrom •Th. e Ave -cent packet is e4ough for - Dire"nit3lielL Wi)"112.12116 • nArkstal 11- The family bOttlikiihtlir slid *Medal guaranteed. „„„,„.„,,,, - v ar JAS. G. SEALE, cents, owitains a supply fora year.